#anyway happy Qixi Festival!!!!!
mimosapd · 1 year
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hey~!!!!!! it's Qixi Festival!!!!! i wasn't in aware so i didn't prepare for it, so it's a rather simple celebration art!
time for girls pray for the sleight of hand in the needlework. buuuuut, i think the sleight of hand pudica would pray is sleight of playing video games!!! and i personally hope everyperson can get the bless of sleight no matter who they are!!!!
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iz-star · 1 month
Some thoughts about Zayne in "Adventure above clouds" event:
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Like I've explained here, I've been having a bad feeling about Zayne's fate in the next main story updates, and after finishing Zayne's route in "Adventure above clouds" my feelings of uncertainty are just increasing.
So, I'm going to write down some thoughts I had while playing his route, especially about him wearing Dawnbreaker's variant outfit "Shadowfall dawn", which might be a bit interesting for some.
Disclaimer: I would like to pride myself as a Zayne connossieur but that's actually quite far away from reality. I'm a Zayne main and I devour every piece of info that there is about him, however my interpretations and opinions are my own and can be wrong. I'm someone that sometimes tends to overanalyze so, it's up to you if you agree or no with my takes! I'm also always open to be corrected ❤️
Let's get strated with by saying that in this event, Zayne was undoubtedly and utterly perfect. He's honestly all what he's always been: Sweet, patient, cute, smart, funny, gentle, caring and a lot of other things, the only difference here is that he's more prone to show his affections openly and straightforward which only showcases his development as character. It's like he finally feels at ease by expressing himself, especially around MC. When I say he was perfect, I'm not talking at how lovely he was (he's always been lovely anyway) but more like, he's natural, he feels less stiff, totally happy with MC and himself, smiling most part of the time and showing his love even through words, to the point MC says this:
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Since Snowy Serenity he's been more direct at expressing his intimate thoughts towards MC. For example, in previous cards he would always refer to her as "someone" and even refer to him in third person: "Someone thinks it's special treatment" [Drunken Intimacy] "He can't ignore you even if he wants to" [Tranquil Heart] "Recently, a certain someone ocupies my mind. Whether I'm walking, eating or sleeping, I keep picturing myself with her" [Heartstring healer] to mention a few.
It's in Snowy Serenity that we have a clear change in his way of expressing his feelings. He starts with "I don't want the person I like to get hurt", in here he's still using the third person but the message is really straightforward "the person I like" and as the conversation goes by and it becomes more meaningful, deep and intimate, he leaves all his chains behind and says "I need you, I have never denied that". This card is all about communication, even he admits that he's always been bad at saying what others want to hear and still, he's trying.
In Hidden Motive, this behaviour keeps going. When MC says that the lights behind him are beautiful, he looks at her and replies "Indeed, very beautiful". Because his eyes are fixating in her, she clarifies that she's talking about the lights but without hesitation Zayne replies: "I know. I was talking about you"
And I'd like you to recall Drunken Intimacy because this is like a paralel with Hidden Motive, since both cards were made for lovers' day festivities; Drunken intimacy for Valentine's Day and Hidden Motive for Qixi festival which is lovers' day in China. Not only they are like cards that go hand in hand but also showcase Zayne's and MC's character develompment and how their relationship has changed:
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See the difference?
In Snowy Serenity and Hidden Motive, there's a focus on improving communication, being honest about their needs and feelings (Zayne saying "I'll survive" at MC's concern and her telling him that he'd better stop talking in Snowy Serenity and MC talking about her "last wishes" before dying and entrusting them to Zayne and he replying that he didn't come all the way here to listen to her talk about that nonsense) and finally, getting both physically and emotionally closer.
In this last event, "Adventure above clouds" it feels like the result of this devlopment is finally paying off all their effort: they're both happy working together to solve the escape room, showing open affection, talking about the future and the past ("Us in 50 years" "Our childhood memories" or how was Zayne's university years without MC and the big difference now that he has someone to watch the falling snow with). They talk about how they're each other's sun, how they keep each other warm. When Zayne says that the snow will show them the way and they both "pray" it kind of reminded me of Master of Fate. They getting at the top of the Ice Palace reminded me of Foreseer.
(It's like we've reached peak, literally lol. Ok, bad joke, that's why I love Zayne).
And once all of this has happened, once they've gone through all this develpment, they've come this far together, even bits of the story reminded me of Zayne's myths, and they've talked about the past and the future, what's next?
Zayne mentions eternity.
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Zayne has mentioned eternity a couple of times, like in one of the PV's where he's wearing End of Depths outfit ("As the cosmos dances to the tune of eternity, life will reach the fathomless depths of deepspace") and in some of the texts that show up when you level up your affinity with him ("I want to turn every moment into eternity).
In here, he doesn't mention eternity directly, but it's implied when he says "Every snowflake will rememember your name. As well as our story". Eternity is just another way to refer to death for immortal people. It's like Zayne is saying "Your name and our story will endure in the snow even when we're no longer here". We often talk about the memories we leave behind in this world once we part from it, who will remember us? What are the proofs that we existed and lived in this world once we're gone? Will our story fade away? In here is like Zayne is just promising her that their love won't be forgotten.
Let's remind that one focal point in the story is immortality. We know that MC it's immortal and even in the main story, when Zayne it's explaining things about the protocore in MC's heart, he mentions that he doesn't know too much about it, however he knows that her protocore creates a shield around her when she's attacked and that she will live long enough to discover its misteries (kind of reminds of the Creatio Protocore that Foreseer gave MC but that's another talk for another day).
Whether if Dr Zayne knows about MC's immortality or he doesn't, that's something we don't know yet (altho something tells me that he knows, but I won't be explaning this here, if you're curious about it just ask), however we know two things:
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1._ Zayne it's against using protocores in human hearts to reach "immortality". To him, death is still essential to life.
2._ Even knowing this, he also knew in his heart that he would do everything in his power to prevent MC's death and he seems to know that something bad is about to happen.
Master of Fate and Foreseer already proved these points. Master of Fate had to kill MC for the greater good but decided to say "fuck it" and instead chose to seal her powers. Foreseer also broke the rules for her sake and gave her the Creatio Protocore, going against Astra's will in order to cure her illness and extend her life (probably one of the things that caused her immortality?). She's always been the exception to every rule in Zayne's book. Something tells me that things with Dr Zayne won't be the exception.
And now... we have to recall something about Zayne's first PV.
Ever since the beginning, Zayne's route was presented as something with angst. It's interesting to hear these unknown voices saying "Won't you regret it" "She will not come back" "You've paid the price"
This whole PV makes it look like Zayne puts MC to sleep in order to protect her (like with MoF) so she wouldn't "come back" ( revive with the help of her aether core) and then... he loses control of his evol and freezes the whole hospital? Dies in the process? These are just speculations and can be wrong, however we simply know that something bad is happening there and, if we recall them talking in "Adventure above the clouds" and "Us in fifty years"... this PV kinda shatters the hopes for them to have a life as long as that. However, 5* memories and events are not exactly connected to the main story but I think they kind of... interconnect somehow? I'm still wondering how the devs are going to relate each ML route with the Main Story. The announced that they are going to release more "Main Story Branches" from September to December, and I don't know if by saying "Branches" they meant routes? Or simply referencing to the way they've released the main story until now, with each chapter dedicated to each LI? Either way, those are questions for another day.
Now, let's remember this:
"When you and the world wake up, I hope we do not meet again"
A quote that kind of leads us to Zayne's next lifetime: Dawnbreaker.
I've mentioned above that there are bits of Zayne's route in Adventure above clouds that reminded me of MoF and Foreseer, but now it's also time to mention the most obvious thing, the Dawnbreaker reference in this event, of course: "Shadowfall dawn":
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There are two things about Zayne's look here:
1._ He's wearing the variant version of Dawnbreaker's outfit.
2._ He also has a halo above his head.
And these two things together create an interesting concept considering that Dawnbreaker Zayne, the serial killer is considered the Grim Reaper, his whole aesthetic is dark, it's even clarified in his anecdotes that his wardrobe was full of black clothes. To see him with a brown variant of his outfit wouldn't make sense at some point... So, of course, Doctor Zayne being his opposite, the one who instead of ending lifes, saves them to the point of exahustion, wears the clear variant outfit, looking like an angel.
Were have we read this before?
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Of course, Doctor Zayne is in the opposite role of Dawnbreaker Zayne and even tho Doctor Zayne is always wearing black clothes outside of his lab coat, it's actually wearing his profession's clothes what completes the aesthetic with Dawnbreaker: The Guardian Angel (white) and The Grim Reaper (black).
However in Adventure above clouds, Zayne is not wearing his lab coat cause he is not in his Doctor role. He's just being Zayne, he's being himself, what he is. He's being free, like I commented at the beginning of this post. Still, the fact he's wearing Dawnbreaker's variant with a halo seems a bit supicious considering what I've already pointed out, right? It could also be that I'm simply looking too much into it, but I also believe in the power of foreshadowing, especially considering that we all know that Zayne's birthday is coming next and it kind of connects with Dawnbreaker.
In the story of Adventure above clouds, of course there is a reason as to why everyone is wearing an accessory, in Zayne's case, it's because his role is being "Winter's emissary" just as MC, so she is also wearing one, however we all know that "Winter's emissary" it's more likely to be a fitting title for Zayne than for her. Recalling what it's been previously mentioned here, he says "With Winter's Emissary by your side, every snowflake will remember your name, as well as our story".
Zayne is saying that he'll be by her side in the snow, he is promising her eternity in the snow and with the halo above his head, it is clear that he kinda looks like MC's Guardian Angel, the one who is always going against his duty to ensure her safety, the one who pursued a medical career in order to take care of her heart disease, the one who is always on the lookout for her health and tho stric, still indulges her a lot. Aren't angels emissaries as well?
But you know, in order to become an angel, you first have to die? Doctor Zayne didn't have to die in order to fullfil his role as a doctor, however this one is simply Zayne. Emissaries never stay, they always have to return to the ppl who sent them. Will Zayne return to snow?
What was Zayne's reply to MC's post again?
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At the end, all of this are nothing more than supositions that of course, it'd be very happy to get wrong. I wouldn't mind ending up looking like a clown if these theories are wrong and we get to spend a lot of time and precious memories with Zayne. I genuinely just want to see him being happy after all these years of respressed emotions.
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kairukitsuneo · 1 year
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I have a (silly) idea for QiXi festival but I'm never gonna finish it in my timezone lmao Anyway 七夕节快乐 (Happy Chinese Valentine's day)
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Kyon, quit being a stick in the mud.
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It's a tree, Kyon. You can't steal nature.
I mean, legally, you can. But that's stupid. The world belongs to everyone.
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She is so happy about this opportunity to participate in Tanabata. Which, yiiiiiii holiday special.
One of my favorite things about media is getting to experience the customs and traditions of foreign cultures I'll never be able to travel to in person. I actually know this one; it's the Chinese Qixi Festival, celebrating a mythical pair of the most star-crossed lovers ever to exist. Separated by the entire goddamn Milky Way and only allowed to meet once per year, on this particular date.
Japan shares holidays with a lot of cultures so they celebrate the Qixi Festival too. But they call it Tanabata.
(Hmm. I wonder why the famously misanthropic Haruhi would suddenly be interested in Chinese Valentine's Day? HMMM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.)
Anyways. Haruhi has an awesome new thing she wants to do and all-a y'all killjoys better play along.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
As if all the content from ZZ and Web from today is not enough, here comes LRLG @ Rumor House to feed us. 🌙🥮
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I did not provide full translations because i’m not allowed to but these are excerpts from the interesting ones + commentary. people were hoping they would post on 9/5, but there were disasters ( earthquake ) going on at the time so we all understood that they were not gonna share. out of respect for what was going on. anyway, let’s look at this fanfic.
“It will be fine after the rain”
"Is it raining tomorrow, look?"
"Send it, don't send it to me"
"Brother X will watch it, I will watch it myself"
"Then look at it now"
"I don't see the weather interface, it seems that there are still meteors"
"It's partly cloudy and there are stars, maybe it's cloudy, I don't know.
"Come back soon, I have to go to work in a few minutes"
"No need to wear your own clothes"
It starts with a full block of little green ( yibo ) talking on the phone. Random sentences that are out of context and overheard. HAHAHAHA! I love how they talk about the weather ~ and no need to wear your own clothes? Ah sure. because these two can totally share 🤍 A BXG said there was a meteor shower the night of Qixi Festival so it might be what Bobo was talking about.
"You're not working tonight, I should get off early"
"I'm a little tired, I'll finish watching the documentary tonight.”
Another block of text by WYB. I wonder what documentary they are both watching! They are so cute!
There is also a part where one Web’s staff tells him “Mr. Xiao doesn’t think you’re rude..” pertaining to when Web tells people what they did wrong. I love this. Because Web is often mistaken to be arrogant/rude when he’s really just straightforward. ZZ understands this. 🤍
After that is like paragraphs of WYB talking to a co-worker or someone and saying goodbye. Telling them to not drink. Also him sharing that he didn’t sleep well. Another proof that whoever this is, should be someone in close contact with Bobo. Most of the past contributions, had lots of interactions that involve Yibo and other people. back in the day, even people from DDU.
👧 : someone picked up today
🔴"Run errands, deliver to your door with 0 errand fees"
🟢"You said you delivered today"
🔴"This is not for you (...) “
🟢"Why don't you sit down?"
🔴"I'm not going to give you”
🟢"Oh it was really hard work"
I LOVE THIS! to have Xiao Zhan do errands for you and deliver stuff? Wow. Only Wang Yibo! And look at ZZ acting all “mad” and Yibo coaxing 😂😂😂 I see there was no change from their 2018 love language of bickering. ✌🏼
After that, WYB is talking to someone and asking them to take GG to eat. That person said they made an appointment already and that made WYB happy. He really spoils GG when it comes to food. I love the idea of him doing these things for GG even if they are not together.
🔴 "Why do you have to change your clothes to eat?"
🟢 “No. I'm wearing the same clothes as you"
👧: Be sure to eat together before your next mission.
I can’t figure this part out, if they were together or eating while doing a video call. There seems to be a mission of them going out — because GG said “going on a mission”. And them wearing the same clothes when in public together! That’s some ninja moves right there! Even fans get confused with them so wearing the same thing is a good cover. so maybe there were physically together. These rumors can get confusing 🙃
There is also a line here where WYB said it's been a long time since the two of them have eaten together. Like it means it's been a long time since it was just two people in the morning. 🥺
See the moon? Full moon, full of love.
This is the last line and it’s so cheesy! HAHAHAHA! I can imagine Yibo saying it tho and GG being charmed af. 🤣
That’s all folks! I will update and link the full english translation once it’s available.
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( adding this art from mugui-laoshi’s recent bobi-zhanbi comic! )
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blxckbutterfli · 3 years
Xiao: A Hundred Flowers
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—Character. Xiao
—Contains. Little fluff, mostly angst, death, metaphor of being stabbed
—Note. A special gift just for you on valentine's day :>
Xiao sat down on the grass, playing with a singular qingxin flower in his hand. Its delicate life soon to wither as all other flowers would. But still, he kept admiring the petals, a sad smile on his face.
Febuary 14th.
It was the so-called Valentine’s Day that Mondstadt would celebrate. A day in which you decided to celebrate with him all those years ago, strangely enough.
“I’m single, you’re lonely, we might as well keep each other company.” You told him as you continued to drag his hand to whatever place you wanted to show him. You had a basket in hand, which he assumed to have picnic materials inside, he only hoped you at least had almond tofu in there.
He grumbled about there already being a Qixi Festival that was specially from Liyue, but you hushed him.
“Yeees, but that’s 6 months away from now, and I can’t wait until then.” Wait for what? He didn’t ask, Xiao had a feeling he’d find out sooner or later anyway.
And indeed he did, when your hands started getting clammier as the night went on, fidgeting with the fabric of your clothes. He watched you look in every direction except his eyes, and he watched as you took one… two deep breaths then finally:
“I’m in love with you.”
‘A horrible mistake, really,’ he thought to himself at that time. How? How could you love someone like him? Aloof, rough around the edges, and dangerous? Did you realize how many people he’s killed? Did you realize how he could break you right here and now and nobody would ever know? It was a love destined to fail.
And yet, despite knowing how bad it could get, he couldn’t find it in himself to reject you.
“Oh thank god, I don’t know what I would’ve done with this if you said no.” You laughed off your nervousness and reached into your basket then placed upon his head, a delicate crown made of qingxin flowers. “Tadaa~”
Xiao grunted and looked away from you, hiding from you his oncoming blush. You giggled.
It was endearing. It was loving. It was fun. He was… He was happy.
“One was wondering where you have been, Conqueror of Demons.” Xiao heard the flapping sound of a crane’s wings behind him. He sighed. “It has been hours since you disappeared from our meeting, one was getting worried.”
“I… I see,” he spoke, “I thank you for your concern, Cloud Retainer, but there is no need… You go on ahead first, I’ll follow shortly behind.”
“Very well then.” Cloud Retainer began to leave, only to turn around one last time to say, “No need to rush, take your time to say goodbye, I know how you loved each other. One was only checking to see if you were alright.” And away the bird went, flying off into the sky.
Take your time…
Something that Xiao could take as much as he needed—wanted; Something that you never had.
It was a love destined to fail.
But still, he indulged himself in those brief years of love and happiness with you. A decision that he still doesn’t know if he should regret or not.
Xiao scoffed, how pathetic was he? To be broken by such human emotions. Unable to move his body from this place as if he had just been stabbed with a hundred swords yet there were none.
A small part of him never wanted to leave, a small part of him couldn’t leave. But he had already indulged into his desires far too much, he doesn’t know if he can handle being stabbed by another sword.
And so, with a sluggish body and glassy eyes, he left.
Leaving behind him a singular qingxin flower.
Its delicate life soon to wither as all other flowers would.
As all 100 flowers from each year before would.
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥
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faintblueivy · 5 years
"Those cherry blossoms show your real beauty." and "Cherry blossoms line is so overrated, please say something more original or pick another flower." BoruSara request if you willing to accept it, you can pick any setting you want. BTW I don't see the reason why I should make herself anon, so here I am! Your clumsy fan Kirumi ;)
Hi everyone! I’m finally done with this sequel of Starting Again and can’t wait to share it with you all! Thanks to @karinrumi for this amazing prompt and also to @mirachaann for beta reading it! My submission for Borusaraweek 2019! Day 3!
Prompt: Flowers
Word Count: 4k
Genre: Fluff
It’s Your Flower
“I’m late! Damn!”
Boruto hisses under his breath as his feet pound against the floor loudly. As he races through the stairs and then the corridors, he sees that barely a few people pass by him, noting how the school was almost empty now. As soon as the plank of 2 A comes into sight, his speed slows down and he pushes the door open immediately. There she was, sitting on her seat calmly in an empty classroom. The curtain of her dark hair was blocking her face from his gaze.
“Sarada!” He calls out and she immediately whirls around to look at him.
“Oh, you’re here,” she says nonchalantly.
“It’s late! You shouldn’t have waited for me!”
He crosses the distance between them, plopping on the seat in front of her, still slightly out of breath.
“You asked me to, didn’t you?” She laughs.
“Err…I didn’t think I’d be this late. You should have gone home.” He insists again, peeking over the notes sprawled on her desk.
“Hmm, but you still came to check.” She gives him a knowing smile, “And you did run!”
Boruto immediately averts his gaze, “I didn’t! I just did exercise!”
“Sure. Exercise.” she says with a smug smirk.
They immediately lock down on a glaring contest which - Boruto notes – was becoming quite a norm nowadays. And to be honest, he didn’t mind…peering into her eyes – which were so beautifully expressive, capable of projecting her delicate feelings. He is the one to blink away first, unable to handle the heat creeping up his neck.
“Come on. Let’s not stay here.”
He doesn’t even give her the time to respond as he slings her bag over his shoulder and proceeds to exit the classroom. He chuckles at her protests as she scrambles up, gathering her notes and running after him.
“Give me my bag!” She pouts, still trying to balance the notebooks and sheets in her arms.
“Nah. You carry that troublesome package.” His hand waves at the mess she’s carrying. “And leave this to me.” He points to her bag hanging on his shoulder. She narrows her eyes but doesn’t argue anymore.
They trudge down the same stairs that he had raced up a few minutes ago when Sarada asks, “Where are we going exactly?”
“Our secret base, of course,” he exclaims gleefully and Sarada suppresses the incessant urge to roll her eyes. Despite it all, a tiny smile curls upon her lips helplessly.
The ‘secret base’ he was referring to was their bench. Yes, that particular bench where she had treated his injuries and well, the place where they became friends, so it was theirs.
It was some distance away from their school, in a deserted park and barely any people passed by. It was a place where they could sit and relax together, without a worry in the world and know a lot more about each other. A safe haven, and a place to go to for them. 
As they walk through the school premises, Boruto waves to those who greet them and Sarada gives them all nods of acknowledgement and polite smiles.
Only eight minutes later, they are at the park. Boruto deposits both of their bags on the side and plops down. Sarada immediately follows after, placing the notes in between them. She rummages through some of them before pulling out a few sheets of paper stapled together and shoves them to him. At his questioning brow, she commands simply. “Read.”
“Tanabata is celebrated to commemorate the romantic story of two lovers represented by the stars Vega and Altair who are only allowed to meet each other once a year as long as the skies are clear.
It is celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, which is July 7th in the modern calendar. Some places in Japan celebrate Tanabata on August 7th in accordance with the older Chinese calendar, which is where the legend originated.
The most famous of all the Tanabata festivals is celebrated in Sendai on August 7th, but most of Japan recognizes July 7th.”
Boruto stops, taking a breath before reading further everything on her notes with wide eyes.
“Tanabata originated from a Chinese legend called Qixi and was brought to Japan in the 8th century. This is the story of two lovers. Princess Orihime, the seamstress, wove beautiful clothes by the heavenly river, represented by the Milky Way. Because Orihime worked so hard weaving beautiful clothes, she became sad and despaired of ever finding love. Her father, who was God of the heavens, loved her dearly and arranged for her to meet Hikoboshi, the cow herder who lived on the other side of the Milky Way. The two fell in love instantly and married. Their love and devotion was so deep that Orihime stopped weaving and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to wander the heavens.
Orihime’s father became angry and forbade the lovers to be together, but Orihime pleaded with him to allow them to stay. He loved his daughter, so he decreed that the two star-crossed lovers could meet once a year–on the 7th day of the 7th month if Orihime returned to her weaving. On the first day they were to be reunited, they found the river (Milky Way) to be too difficult to cross. Orihime became so despondent that a flock of magpies came and made a bridge for her. It is said that if it rains on Tanabata-”
Boruto halts reading out-loud, his eyes sweeping over the page. All it said was more about the story and rituals related to the festival.
“…Sarada?” He questions, vaguely gesturing toward the sheaf of papers in his hand, “We’re supposed to write a play here…not an essay.”
“I know that!” Sarada glares, half hissing and half yelling. “Read the next page idiot!”
He nods and turns the page over, eyes skimming through the material and then widening with each next page.
“You wrote the entire play all by yourself?!” He asks, feeling both in-credulousness and – if he were to be honest - quite impressed.  
“Most of it,” she says nonchalantly. “A few girls helped me through.” She admits, and Boruto has an inkling as to how much the girls might have ‘helped’ her. He shakes his head at her fondly and then pays attention to the rest of the reading left to be done. And he has to admit, every new line is nothing short of excellence.
“This is going to be a blast!” He exclaims excitedly. “We just need to execute it properly.”
Sarada nods in agreement, but when he questions, “Who’s going to be Hikoboshi?,” she can’t help but raise up her brows, a smirk dancing upon her lips.
“Class decided,” she shrugs. “You’ll be.”
“Oh– wait? What?! Why me?!” He wails, angry that he was chosen again.
“Everyone said that they wanted their hero to be the Hero of the drama.” Sarada snickers.
“But I don’t have enough time!” He yells, frantic.
“Everyone said that they were willing to wait after classes,” she says quietly, as if prepared for any excuses he had. 
“Arghhh! Now I can’t even have fun! I am overburdened. Thanks to a certain someone’s decisive vote to make me class representative for the festival.” He glares at her.
“Now, now, Boruto! Be a man!” She taps him on the shoulder patronizingly. “It will suit you, I’m sure.”
“Why-” he leans closer to her, blue eyes narrowing, “-do I feel like there was definitely some meddling done by a certain someone?”
“Oh? Are you trying to accuse me of this now?” She smirks, a playful look overcoming her features.
“I never said it was you,” he says as a matter-of-fact. “You admitted yourself!” He finishes, waving his arm with flair of triumph.
“You insinuated it.” She stood up from her seat, slightly turning her head to look at him. “But what if I do admit that it was me?”
The question hangs in the air for several moments before Boruto yells, “I trusted you! But…you! You betrayed me! Why Sarada? How can you do something like that to me?”
“Well, I just figured… the more busy you got the less trouble you’d cause? Hehe!” She laughs a little, feeling a bit proud of herself for the small game she had played.
“Hehe.” He mimics her and she knows that she has to instantly run or it’ll be trouble for her.
“You! Come back here, now!” He shouts, hot on her tail as he chases her through the entire park. Their notes, books, and bags left behind on the bench, the empty park filled with their yelling and the shrieks of laughter. The vibrant orange sunset and their happiness together beautifully meld into a fond memory that deserves to be cherished forever.
“I was thinking…” He appears beside her out of nowhere on her walk to school the next morning.
“A very dangerous pastime,” she comments, hiding a smirk. He glares at her but she ignores it like a pro who has mastered the said art.
“About the script,” he continues, successfully catching her attention.
“What about it?” Her head tilts towards him in curiousity. 
“Maybe we should change it? Slightly? The scene where Hikoboshi first meets Orihime,” he suggests.
“Hmm? What do you want to change about it?”
“I was thinking about the cherry blossoms scene,” he says. “As well as that one line where he compares her beauty to the cherry blossoms around them.”
Sarada hums in understanding as they reach the classroom. She slides into her seat and retrieves the bundle of papers from her bag. Flipping through the pages she finally finds the part he was talking about.
“'Those cherry blossoms show your real beauty.’ this one?”
Boruto peeks over her shoulder and nods immediately.
“Yup! Cherry blossoms line is so overrated. Please say something more original or pick another flower.” He remarks.
Anyway, before she could say anything, the school bell chimes, echoing through the classroom.
“Hey, come on! The assembly won’t begin without us! Boruto grins, helping her stuff the papers into her bag again and then proceeding to grab her arm to drag her out of the class. 
The entire day passes by and Sarada still does not understand why Boruto doesn’t want cherry blossoms in the play. They were beautiful and delicate flowers, symbolizing spring and beauty, as well as fleetingness of happiness for Orihime and Hikoboshi. And she cannot think of anything better to express their tragic love story.
Cherry blossoms also meant renewal which felt like a gracious nod to the promise of meeting each other again every year for the star-crossed lovers. Cherry blossoms were perfect for the play, no doubt. But he probably had his reasons for not wanting them.
When school was over, she waits for him in the class like she normally does. He is by her side in a few minutes and both of them climb down the stairs. He is whistling nonchalantly but Sarada has her mind shooting questions.
“Why don’t you want the cherry blossoms?” She whispers, and then looks up at him, trying to observe any minute detail that might show his discomfort, “Is there a reason you don’t like them?”
He blinks twice before muttering, “It's… not that I don’t like them. It’s just that… they are not your flowers.” He explains as if she was supposed to know that.
“Oh,” she frowns a little before realization hits her “Wait. Wait, Boruto? Are you…under the impression that I’m the one playing Orihime?”
“You’re… not?” He questions, brows pinched in confusion.  
“No, I’m not. I forgot to mention, didn’t I? Sorry about that.” She shakes her head.
“It’s alright,” he says, flustered. “But who is Orihime then?”
“Ehhhh??? The class rep? Why?”
“Um, we thought she fits the image of a beautiful, delicate and sad princess better than anyone. And traditionally, the Princess had long hair and Sumire-san definitely is the one with the longest hair among all of us. And well… a bunch of other factors as well.”
“I-it makes sense now… I guess. But I-I really thought that you were playing Orihime.” He nods enthusiastically, eyes never staying in one place, his cheeks still a little pink, and his arm comes up to rub the back of his neck.
“Anyway, I do not have that princess beauty to be honest.” She confesses, startling him for a second before he hums gently.
“Yeah, now that I think about it…you don’t.” Boruto agrees, and for some reason, Sarada feels a sting of pain shooting through her heart. But then he gives her a look, blue eyes softening.
“Your beauty is more like that of a warrior.”
That faint admiration in his eyes makes a blush bloom on her cheeks.
“Well, if it’s class rep then cherry blossoms are fine,” he says with utter nonchalance before giving her a curt nod.
She nods in agreement before what he said finally registers in her mind. She halts in her steps. 
“What do you mean by that? Oy, Boruto, where are you going? Why are cherry blossoms fine for class rep but not for me?“ She yells at him but he’s already running down the corridor, shouting rambunctiously and roughhousing people like he ordinarily does.
The next morning when they meet, she voices out her questions.
“Why… why did you think cherry blossoms suit class rep and not me?” She does not want to admit it, but it felt unnerving for some reason.
“Wait… did I offend you or something?” He exclaims, slightly panicking, bending down to look at her.
“No! No! It’s nothing like that!” Sarada waves her arms defensively. “It’s just…I thought cherry blossoms are beautiful. I think…I was surprised?”
He straightens back, looking thoughtful, as if taking time to arrange his words carefully.
“It’s not that I don’t find them beautiful…well, it’s more like, the delicate beauty of cherry blossoms, when I see it, it doesn’t remind me of you. You need something bolder, more vibrant. I don’t know why I think like this, but I do.”
“So, you mean, flowers remind you of certain people?” She questions, her head tilted to a side.
“Definitely! Like, when I see lavender, it reminds me of my Mom.” He says gently before bursting out loudly,“And then, the sunflowers! They are so bright and colorful that they scream Himawari to me!” He grins like a happy kid and Sarada is unable to hold back a smile.
“So, you suppose that there must be a flower for me too? Something that reminds you solely of…me?” she asks, with slight hesitation and slight hope.
“I don’t know…which it is yet.” He admits. “The flower that reminds me of you…but I promise I’ll find it! Your flower!”
Sarada watches from the sidelines, speaking up her part when needed otherwise. Boruto was playing his part stunningly. She hadn’t imagined that he would be such a stellar actor. But then again, he’s always been unpredictable. 
And Sumire was no less. Her gentle demeanor and gracefulness fit well with Orihime’s soft and woefully tragic longing. The two of them together were absolutely captivating! The audience seemed to think that as well, with their wide eyes and jaws hanging.
There was a stirring caused up in audience when the Emperor of the heavens - Orihime’s father unleashed his anger towards the young couple separating them, and Sarada had to admit that Inojin played the role perfectly. He looked beautiful in his elegant clothes, and wrathful in his disposition.
The scene of separation was a painful one, but Orihime’s pining for her loved one was even worse. Sarada grabs the mike again and speaks her part.
“Months passed, but the princess could not return back to her weaving. The designs she made looked soulless now, her eyes dull with sadness. She would not speak, nor smile. So was her longing and love for Hikoboshi. Her father, the Emperor, could not bear seeing his precious child like that anymore. All his attempts to entice her with exquisite jewels, fine silks and lavish gardens failed. So, he finally made a decision~”
The next parts of the play went smoothly and all of the hard work they’ve put together in the making of this play seemed to work. The spectators clapped like crazy in the final scene where the two lovers were finally able to reunite.
As all the cast collects on the stage to present their gratitude to the viewers for their patience and cooperation, Boruto darts down the stage, grabbing Sarada’s wrist and drags her back to the main stage, a big wide grin on his face. When a lot of spectators immediately recognize her as the narrator of the play, she feels her heart thrum into her ears in resonance with the lovely cacophony.
And when Sumire, who was standing on the other side of Boruto gives her an encouraging smile which Sarada immediately returns and together, holding hands, they bow down to the audience and receive another heavy round of applause making Sarada feel as if all her efforts had received justice.
She walks through the decorated hallways of the school. The play was in for an immense success and every person they encountered seemed to praise their work. Sarada is elated. After working for continuous hours, at the end, they felt relieved now to finally be able to enjoy the cultural festival. Getting Sumire out of her elegant Kimono was a strenuous task but they had finally managed it without any serious mishaps.
Different classes had different scheduled stuff and Sarada could not wait to take a look around. The bag on her shoulders was heavy since it was loaded with hamburgers that class 1 C’s stall was selling. As she arrives near the classroom that had been given as the boys’ dress-room, almost all of them exit at once whining about how hungry they were. Her eyes flick around to catch a glimpse of a mop of golden hair but to no avail. Instead, she is noticed by someone else.
“Sarada?” Shikadai calls her out, gaining the attention of every boy in the group. She slides the bag off her shoulder and tosses it to him.
“Burgers.” It’s the only word she utters out before they attack the bag like rabid dogs, and she’s glad for a second that she’s not the one holding it anymore.
And in less than a minute, the bag is emptied.
“You guys didn’t save any for Boruto!” She complains to Shikadai and he smirks knowingly, jerking his chin to the small paper bag she had in her right hand.
“I would have saved him one if I hadn’t known that you’d already kept some for him away.”
Caught red-handed, Sarada flushes instantly and Shikadai laughs before gesturing to the room, tossing her bag back to her.
“He’s inside,” he says and leaves, waving a hand back at her.
When Sarada slides the door open, Boruto is in the middle of changing. His pants ride low on his hips and his back is turned towards her as he pulls his shirt up. Sarada feels color bloom upon her cheeks, biting her lower lip to ignore how his well defined muscles contour and move with his actions.
That’s when he notices her.
“Sa-Sarada?!” He squeaks and she yelps, jumping out of the room and slamming the door back into the place.
In merely thirty seconds, the sound of the door opening reaches her ears and Boruto comes to stand beside her. She is averting her gaze in shame from him.
“You know,” he taunts, “girls peeping on boys is as shameful as boys peeping on girls.”
“I wasn’t peeping,” she snaps, eyes flicking over his face and feels a weird happy rush in her stomach seeing how red his cheeks were.
“Sure you weren’t.” Even while blushing, his sass wasn’t going anywhere.
She pushes him inside the classroom in fake anger and shuts the door behind them.
They’re sitting together comfortably, him on the desk and Sarada on the bench, both of them having a burger in their hands as they calmly chew, eyes appreciating the beauty of the sun that was about to set.
“Thanks!” He raises his burger and talks with his mouth full, but Sarada does not have the energy to chide him.
“You did well, in the play,” she compliments, smiling gently. “Never messed up a single line and conducted your part very smoothly. I am impressed.”
He smirks and bows, “I aim for nothing else but to please, Ma’am.”
The silence stretches between them, devoid of any specific conversations but she feels content. Being with him was… like living with a box of surprises. Sometimes he’d be a whirlwind of activity and other times he’d be a quiet thinker. Whimsical, she’d say.
It is him who breaks the silence. “Hey, the other day, I visited Inojin’s mom’s flower shop,” he says, softly, as if not wanting to ruin the peace between them.
“Hmm?” She was not sure where he was going with this.
“I found it. Your flower, I mean.”
She whips her head around fast, eyes wide, and he just grins before jumping off the desk he was sitting on. He crosses the distance of a few seats to reach his own desk and starts rummaging through his backpack.
She watches him with curious eyes, feeling her heart beating rapidly. She wondered what kind of flower made him think of her. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t realise when he came to stand beside her, his arm wound around his back to hide whatever he was hiding.
She peers up at him through her lashes, excitement barely hidden in her eyes. And then he finally extends his arm in her direction. There, sitting on the top of his palm was…
A red camellia.
She feels her breath hitch in her throat, overwhelmed for a few moments before looking up at him again.
“Camellia is a spring flower, isn’t it? And the red color shows how spirited and passionate you are about your goals and also your bonds! The moment I saw this,” he smiled nostalgically, “I thought of you.”
Sarada feels a deep red blush painting her cheeks, her mind running mile a minute. She was no stranger to camellias. They were gorgeous flowers that always somehow soothed her heart. Especially, the red camellias… she knew what they meant. These red flowers had meaning - an amalgam of passion, desire and… Oh!
Did he know?
“Y-you know,” she stutters, her onyx eyes fixing themselves on the beautiful red flower in her cupped palms “Red camellias…mean one more thing.”
It takes him only a fraction of second to curl his arm around her waist to pull her in. Sarada yelps loudly and he blurts out a ‘sorry’ before smashing their lips together. It takes her a moment to register what had happened but he’s already pulling away.
He never averts his gaze away from her, even as he is embarrassed like hell. His blue eyes, shimmering with warmth and affection make her lean into him even more. And the flower is still clutched in her hand.
“I know the meaning,” he tells her, still peering down at her. “Do you?”
Sarada does not hesitate to fist his shirt and drag him down to meet her lips again. This time, they are both prepared. Their lips move in perfect synchronization, tasting each other and melting into each other’s embrace. But the lack of oxygen makes them pull away soon after.
Sarada giggles, huffing for air.
“Do I?”
A moment of stunning quietness follows before they both burst out laughing, unable to hold it together. Sarada is deliriously happy, because how can she not be. This idiot was hers now.
He surprises her though, grabbing her slender wrist which held the flower and bringing it up to him. His lips gently brush her soft fingers, eyes still intently on her and she feels a tingling sensation rush all through her bones.
He smiles.
“It’s your flower.”
“Yes.” She smiles too.
It is mine.
Well? I’m super excited to know about your thoughts for this fic. I wrote this in parts with a lot going on in my real life and honestly, I felt as if I had lost touch in. writing BoruSara. I hope this story was enjoyable enough to you all!
Btw, everything I mentioned about Camellias was true! Red camellias do symbolise passion or desire and of course, romantic love as well. They are even coupled with pink camellias to present romantic love.
And all the stuff about Tanabata? I got it from here!
This story was fun for me to write, I hope it was for fun for you all to read as well! A cookie for for thoughts!!!
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monohart · 6 years
ft. huang renjun, qixi festivities, and an unforgettable love.
my first non-bullet fic! how exciting... am i successfully coherent for once? :)
anyway please enjoy, this was legit inspired an hour ago by a picture of renjun’s hand.
festivals really weren’t your thing, but when renjun wanted to meet you there, you caved in. it wasn’t like you never got to spend time with him – people complain you spend too much time with him, but to you, it was always in the context of school. or work. or projects. assignments. repeat.
romance really wasn’t your thing either, but renjun put in one hell of an effort to make it work. you didn’t want to upset him. in fact, you were happy with him. very, very happy. he really liked holding hands with you. his hands, soft and very often cool to touch, fitted around yours like a jigsaw. he liked running his thumb against the back of your hand. he knew it would always make you smile.
“renjun, where the hell are we going, the festival is in the other direction??”
with a secret smile on his lips, he continued guiding you against the current, through the crowd of people. the qixi festival was well underway. people crowded into the square to see the bedazzling light shows, music performers, dancers, food stalls, craft stalls... there was so much to see, yet renjun had other plans.
he knew you hated crowds. he knew how much you wanted to go home to catch up on another episode of your favourite show while cuddling under the blankets. but there was a side to you he knew, a side you yourself, haven’t yet come to realise.
he led you past the carpark, down the main street and toward the motorway. as soon as you broke free from the crowd at the festival, renjun tightened his hold on your hand and broke into a run. he ran and ran, with you sprinting to keep up.
“honey, this is wild. why are we? doing this?”
he laughed as he watched you bend over to catch your breath. he brought you to the pedestrian bridge that looked over the motorway. cars sped to and from where you were standing. it was somewhere you passed by so many times, but never would’ve thought of coming to.
streetlights and street signs and street life. you didn’t even know how much you needed to come here. you feel a familiar pair of arms hug you from behind.
“who are you... where did my pure boy go?”
his laugh was soft but you heard it over the roar of the motorway.
“do you like it?”
“running? no.”
“dummy, i meant this.”
did you like it? seeing the world from a different perspective?
“yeah. yeah i think i do.”
if this was a movie, renjun would be grabbing your hand and asking you to run away with him. if this was a movie, you’d be running away. you’d be stealing a car to drive into the night. you’d be turning up to an all time low album on the stereo. you’d be, and only ever be, with huang renjun, the love of your life.
“do you know how to knit?”
“knit? knitting? y’know, the weaving thing grannies like to do.”
“okay first of all, if it’s a weaving thing grannies like to do, why would i know how to do it?”
you turned your head slightly to glance at him, who bit his lip to stifle a grin he tried to shrug off nonchalantly.
“i was just thinking... uh, cheesy things.”
“do share.”
“you’d hit me though.”
“i don’t care, tell me, boyfriend.”
he tells, in stammered sentences, how you were the first and only person he’s ever loved. he tells you how much he cherish every second spent with you. he tells you how sometimes, when you weren’t spending every second of the day together, he feels like he’s the lonely cowherd, and you, the weaver girl, in the qixi love story.
you break free from his arms to hit his shoulder and he winces, squeezing his eyes shut.
“i knew it.”
“that’s what you get for being so cheesy, wow, renjun, your mind.”
“i love you, though.”
he opens his eyes only to meet yours. you mirror the wide grin that spread across his face, and suddenly, there was nobody else that existed in the world except for you, and him. the sounds from the motorway diminished in the background and the only thing audible to you was your heartbeat that got loud and louder, the longer renjun stared at you.
“if you don’t kiss me now i might go crazy.”
and that was all it took.
his soft, tender hands cupped your cold cheeks like they were made of glass, and then he kissed you, like nothing else mattered in the world. when you pulled away for a break, he moved his hands to your waist and held you as close to him as he could.
“so... i’m your weaver girl, huh?”
“and i’m your c...cow...”
you laughed into his face as he rolled his eyes.
“you’re my cheesy little pure cow and i love you.”
his eyes curved into mini crescents and rested his forehead against yours, studying every detail about you, for the nth time. when he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from your lips, you knew he wanted to kiss you again.
and so you let him.
he wasn’t your first love, and you weren’t sure if he was going to be your last. you hoped he would be, but you could never know for sure. what you did know was that even if you did grow old and move on, you would never forget him. you would never forget the happiness and joy that tumbled into your life like he did. you would never forget his love.
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