#anyway good morning look at my cute plants again
bleaksqueak · 5 months
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Made a new yard pot since the ivy outside was blooming. Will probably grab the coffin planter thats currently under this one and do something new with it. I was keeping pennywort in it but one of the bad babies ate it all (animals are generally forbidden from my work desk, but they sneak on sometimes… that’s why all the toxic plants are high display only)… so it’s just sitting there empty.
Yard pots are fun tho, and look quite nice.
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chuluoyi · 4 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 07:02 A.M 」
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based on an ask but i can't find the post :') and i'm working on remarried empress au i promise :'D so please make do with this first. anyways, more domestic dad!gojo and reader ahead~
a part of gojo's love entries
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“mph, so cold...”
satoru was awoken by the chill biting at his whole body as he realized he was naked from the waist up, and saw that you, vast asleep, were hogging the whole blanket to cocoon yourself.
this is why i’m freezing! but eh...
and then he really saw you. curling up with messy hair, lips adorably pursed even in your sleep, and overall, you looked so soft and vulnerable in his eyes.
mine, all mine... satoru didn’t need to blink to see you better but he did anyway, and the sight brought a fond smile to his face. you were rightly exhausted after last night and he quietly snickered to himself, thinking of your mewls. out of cuteness aggression, he hugged you along with your blanket and planted kisses on your face.
“mm, ahh...” you groaned, and he dived in to suck your neck.
your smooth skin and soft pants... gods, he just wanted to gobble you all over again—
“go... awaay...” but then you flipped your body away from him, mumbling and hiding your head under the blanket altogether.
satoru was left reeling at the refusal, heartbrokenly pouting, but then he heard the pitter patter of tiny steps and immediately looked at the door to find his cute son curiously opening the door and peeking his head inside.
ah, another one of his great blessings.
“hey you.” satoru grinned immediately as his toddler’s round blue eyes widened in slight surprise. “why are you awake so early? come here.”
“yaaay!” the munchkin cheered at the invitation and was really about to jump into the bed when he sat up to stop him. “shh, don't be too loud!”
“—?” his boy looked at him with a sad frown as he picked him up and placed him on the bed next to him.
“oh no, don’t be sad. just let mama sleep longer, yeah? she’s tired.”
“mm, why?”
“why? well, she didn’t get enough sleep, that’s why.”
“but you sleep together...?”
“hmm~ we played a game a bit before sleeping and it ate all her energy.”
satoru mentally did a victory pose as his minion no longer questioned him, but then his clear eyes were transfixed on his bare body. “papa, you nakey...?”
your curious son was adorable in every way. he inherited your natural cuteness and satoru wanted nothing more than indulging him but...
he suddenly engulfed him in a bear hug and squeezed him tightly, making him almost squeal.
“yes! and now i’m cold so you’re my new heater!”
“waaaaa nooo!”
it was a morning just like any other day, with his baby and his wife, and yet satoru knew that surely today was going to be a good day.
“minion, you do know i love you and your mama veeeery much, don’t you?~”
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it happened during breakfast. you were sitting your son in his high chair and about to prepare simple omelet for the three of you to share when you heard it—
“mamaaa, what game did you and papa play? wanna play too!” your innocent boy asked with gummy smile, and you cocked your head in confusion.
“papa said you played a game together... at night!”
you honestly couldn’t connect the dots together, so you turned to your husband for help... but satoru merely awkwardly chuckled to himself.
“papa said... the game makes you tired and ate your energy!”
tired? ate energy? the gears in your head were turning and you came to a conclusion so quick as you shot a glare at satoru.
“well, it is a game your papa really enjoys,” you scathingly replied, not looking away from him as he inwardly gulped. but oho, you were in no forgiving mood this morning and so you wickedly smirked.
“let’s try to ask him about it. so, papa, what did we play again, hmm?”
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months
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[12:11 pm]
(cw: f!reader, a child)
Dad!Jaehyun was moody which was odd. It had been an unusually easy morning. There was good breakfast, nice morning with cartoons that hadn’t been as annoying as usual. The little, sister dogs had actually even been kind of cute. You were curled up at his side on the couch playing with his hair and being very loving- which he loved.
His daughter was calm, ate all her breakfast, and had been extra cuddly and adorable. She had gone down for her first nap with no fussing and didn’t whine when you got her ready. This was also odd for the almost one year old, it was like hitting the jackpot with her this morning. She was in a cute little dress Jaehyun had proudly picked out himself and little sandals that he loved because her tiny toes scrunched up every time she wore them.
But, all the pleasantness of the morning wasn’t why he was moody. Obviously not, it had been a beyond ideal morning. He was moody because you, his wife, had been teasingly poking fun at your daughter about Uncle Johnny.
Stupid Johnny. Johnny who made his daughter get shy and hide and lean toward the obnoxiously tall man. Seriously, who even needed to be that tall? She planted her cute, wet kisses on Johnny’s cheek instead of her own dad, made her cling to Johnny instead of him. He hated it.
You parked outside Johnny's house, unbuckling your daughter from her car seat. You tickled her side, cooing, "are we going to go see your favorite? Are you excited to see Uncle Johnny, princess?"
Jaehyun's face fell into a grimace, following behind his girls with the diaper bag on his shoulder. Suddenly he was wondering why he accepted the invitation for this impromptu barbecue. Maybe he should lie and say he had a stomachache so you all had to go back home, or say that he just saw his daughter have a diaper blow out and there was no extra clothes. Then it was too late, you'd already rung the doorbell.
The door opened to reveal the smiling giant, "Is that my favorite girl?!"
Your daughter hid her face in your neck, smiling shyly but also not objecting to Johnny taking her from your hold. Johnny held her like a total pro, he was the favorite uncle after all, and greeted you and Jaehyun with hugs while ushering you in.
"Look at you, princess! Are you so happy to see Uncle Johnny?" You smiled brightly at your daughter while snapping a quick picture.
Your daughter simple babbled and cuddled closer to Johnny, making her dad's face fall into a deeper frown. You turned to Jaehyun with a knowing, teasing glint in your eye, "she loves him so much."
He grumbled, "she loves me more though."
You wiggled your fingers at your daughter while Johnny toted her around, "I don't know... she's obsessed with Johnny."
Jaehyun glared at you, "it's like you're trying to hurt my feelings right now. A baby can't be obsessed with anyone anyway."
"She's obsessed with me," you shrug.
"You're her mom, duh."
You snort out a laugh, "Try it out then. Try to get her to leave Johnny."
Jaehyun smugly walks over and tries to coax his daughter to him. She furrows her little eyebrows at him and turns back to Johnny, patting his cheek with a look of wonder. Jaehyun scowls, trying again, even going as far as shaking her favorite toy in her eye sight. But nothing, his daughter lays her head on Johnny's shoulder and whines.
"Dude, you're bothering her," Johnny pouts, rubbing his free hand up and down the baby girl's back comfortingly.
Jaehyun pouts and trudges over to you and embraces you while burying his head in your neck, very reminiscent of what his daughter had just done to Johnny, "she hates me."
"Maybe the next one will love you more than Johnny."
His head snaps up, "next one?"
You smile nervously, "surprise?"
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How You Turn My World; Chapter 1
Your day started with chaos, and my dear, it looks like it will continue to be chaos. But only time will tell. The Underground holds many surprises in store for you.
Characters; Grim, Lilia Vanrouge, Deuce Spade, Ace Trappola
Content; Gender-neutral reader, cat shenanigans, building the plot
Content Warnings; Swearing, illusion to marijuana but there is none
Word Count; 4.6 K
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Don't put my work into AI; I'll make sure you go to the Underground and don't return. Mwah mwah, kisses~
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Ah, the joys of cat parenthood. Days spent cuddling your little bundle of furry joy. That’s what your friends preached. That having a feline roommate was easy and rewarding. That you would benefit by having a cute and fuzzy companion that didn’t demand much of anything. That you would love your little kitty friend like a child. Well, either your friends were liars with questionable senses of humour, or you drew the short stick when it came to choosing a furry companion. And there’s always the possibility of it being both, what with having Ace as a friend and all, but you just hoped it was just your shit luck and not that you had shit friends.
Seriously, though, what higher power did you manage to piss off to deserve the royal hobgoblin of a cat you have? He has shit and pissed in your plants on several occasions. Demolished every single curtain he laid eyes on like he had a personal vendetta against them. Stole your breakfast off your plate right as you were about to take a bite. Puked on your last pair of good white shoes, which still had stains on them because they wouldn’t come out. The cherry on top of it all though was that he insists on yowling and crying in the middle of the damn night for no good reason. Rudely awaking you from the dead of sleep because he demanded attention. With how loud he was, you were surprised that you hadn’t gotten a noise complaint from any of your neighbours… yet. But then again, you could hear the upstairs neighbours’ children screaming bloody murder every so often — what were their names, the Clovers? They were probably so used to it that they threw you a bone, or they didn’t want extra grey hairs from filing a complaint to the landlord. So maybe Grim wasn’t all that bad, but he was still a gremlin child. 
“MROWWWWWW!!!!!” Ah, so tonight was no different then. Grim had decided that you needed to be woken up before even the birds started to sing, needed to be yanked out of the land of dreams. That whatever had caught the attention of his singular brain cell was more important than you recharging so you don’t accidentally say the wrong thing to your boss. Since last time you had slipped up and called him dad, even though no one in their right mind would leave him alone with a rutabaga unattended, and he went on a two-hour long monologue about how much of a kind and generous person he was for you to see him as a father figure. And your salary wasn’t high enough, nor would it ever be, to deal with his eccentric and maddening behaviour.
Maybe, just maybe, if you ignored him and stared at the ceiling long enough he would stop his caterwauling and go to sleep. “MROWWWW!!!!!” Apparently not.
Just one night, ONE NIGHT, of peace and quiet. PLEASE. But you knew that if you didn’t get up soon, he would get up on the bed and put his fluffy butt in your face… like he did last night and the night before that. Sighing, you begrudgingly got out of your cocoon of warm, fluffy, blankets, and hoped you would soon be back in them after dealing with Grim. Hopefully, he was just complaining about his food bowl not being as full as he would like it.
What was the time anyways? Three-thirty in the morning? Ugh, Grim! What did Ace say about it, ah, yes, “Primetime witching hour. Demons and all sorts of creepies” yada yada yada. But you didn’t pay any mind to him, as his annoying smug look would taunt you in your mind even though he was probably sound asleep, blissfully asleep. Something that you wanted to be doing, but woefully you were not.
Stepping out into the main living space, you shot the grey fuzzball the stink eye. “What the hell do you want? You absolute gremlin!” You hissed through gritted teeth, very much annoyed with your brat of a fur child and wanting nothing more than to crawl back to bed, hell, even the loveseat would suffice.  
The offending feline just trilled at you in response, and his tail vibrated, happy that you had come out to see him. How is he so cute but so annoying? He rubbed against your legs before trotting off to one of his hidey holes, which also served as his nest of your stolen socks. He has a weird obsession with socks. But he popped back out, holding something in his mouth. Something small and fuzzy that didn’t look like any of his toys.
“Prowwww,” he dropped it at your feet as if saying that catching whatever it was, was the equivalent to paying his share of rent. Which, it was very much not.
You closed your eyes and pinched your brow. Please be one of his toys. PLEASE be one of his toys. You chanted to yourself in your mind and then opened your eyes. Unfortunately, it was not one of his toys. The small, fuzzy thing in question seemed to be a mouse or some other kind of rodent. It was too late (too early?) for this, and quite frankly you didn’t have the brain power to confirm whatever the hell it was. All you knew was that it looked like a mouse, therefore it was a mouse.
“Is this what you’ve been screaming about this whole time? A mouse,” you sighed. Shaking your head, you went to the bathroom, grabbing some paper towel so you could at least put it outside for something else to eat, or go back to nature in some other way. It was better than just being left to decompose in the communal garbage bin. When you came back out though, it was nowhere to be seen. Now, either Grim decided to eat it like a good kitty cat, or, with your luck, it was still alive and was now running amuck in your apartment.
Grim’s chattering was coming from the kitchen now, and he was up on top of the fridge. It was running amuck in your apartment, how lovely.
“Why, why, are you like this?! Get down from there!” You really didn’t have the energy for this.
Grim just blinked at you before his eyes dilated. He leapt down from his perch on the fridge and was pawing at a corner by the window. Looking down and you couldn’t make out anything on the floor. But you had the oh-so-brilliant idea to look up toward the ceiling. The ‘mouse’ was very much alive, and wasn’t a mouse at all, since it was flying around and banging itself against the corner.
He had indeed caught a fucking bat. And bats were normally fine, when they were outside. Not when they’re flying around your apartment at three o’clock in the morning and your cat is losing his goddamn mind trying to catch it. So no, this was very much not fine. 
The bat was about as pleased as you were with this whole situation and kept on flinging itself against the glass of the window, desperately trying to get back outside. How the hell did it get inside in the first place? That could be pondered on upon at a later time, as the first priority was getting it back outside.
“Don’t fly towards my head, bat. I’m just trying to get you back outside. You’re a nice bat, right? Nice bat, nice bat,” you whispered in a non-threatening tone. Could the flying mammal understand what you were saying? Mostly likely not. Hopefully it understood that you, unlike your cat, were trying to help and did not want some fresh bat as your late night snack tonight.
After what felt like forever fuddling with the window to open with a broom in hand, just in case the bat decided to dive bomb your head, you finally got the cursed thing open. 
Grabbing Grim, who was still trying to catch the bat for a second time tonight, you got back to your bedroom and locked the door shut. You hoped that the bat would take the hint that it now had a path to freedom, but only time, and a bit of sleep, would tell. Slumping against the door frame, you sighed and looked over at Grim. He was playing with the door stop, the boing, boingg, boinggg sounds filling in the quiet. Whether it was to amuse himself, or to annoy you was a fifty-fifty bet.
Just as you were about to crawl back under the covers a string of anxiety connected in your head. Shit, did Grim get bit? DAMMIT GRIM! After leaving a somewhat desperate and tired call to your vet’s voicemail, alongside an apology for the late call (early call?), you peeked outside to see if the bat was still flying around. According to Google, the bat should be tested for rabies. You did not trust your no brain cell having fluff ball to know better than to get bit by a possibly rabid bat. But it was gone, so yet again, you were out of luck.
You had enough with today, even though it had just really begun. Pulling up the covers, you sighed in the dark warmth of your blanket cocoon. Grim was busying himself by trying to pounce on your feet, but you ignored him, falling back to sleep and hoping that the rest of your day wouldn’t bring any more shenanigans, migraines, or small flying mammals.
By some miracle, you managed to get Grim to the vet the very same day. Your boss agreed to let you work from home because he is ever so kind and generous… It did help that one of the other higher-ups nearly nagged off his ear upon hearing about the condition of your cat. Even through the phone you could hear it, and could only imagine the spectacle it must have been. Oh well, you had the day off and that is what mattered… but you would be lying if you said that you didn’t cough out a laugh just imagining the scene on the other side of the phone.
You were relieved, Grim on the other hand was not having it. To be fair, you did trick him into his crate with some tuna. He made his disdain known to all though by crying the entire way there. You almost felt bad for him, almost being the key word. 
“You have no one to blame for this but yourself, ya know.” You huffed at him, feeling your shit sleep all too well. “Crying about it won’t help you any.”
Grim let out a pathetic little mew. His little, bright, blue eyes being the only visible part of him, which peered out miserably from the crate. Caving to the kitty manipulation, you poked your finger in as a peace offering. Grim booped his nose to your finger and then proceeded to nibble on it; such a vicious beast.
The vet visit went as well as you could hope it could, as Grim only tried to maim the vet a few times. Hey, it was an improvement from last time, as he had actually peed on them. So yes, trying to maim was vastly better than seeing your figurative child pee on the doctor. You’re pretty sure your vet didn’t go through years of schooling and thousands of dollars into debt just to get peed on by your unruly cat. But Grim was won over by the offering of that cat gogurt, his nose and stomach betraying him. Note to self, stock up on some of that stuff.
The rest of the visit went on without a hitch; he had some blood drawn, got his booster shot for rabies, and even managed to squeeze in a bonus nail trim. There was no evidence of any bite or puncture marks, so Grim by some miracle, did indeed have enough brain cells not to get bit.
“Grim will have to be watched for about forty-five days,” the vet hummed, checking Grim’s chart. “Since you don’t have any other animals it shouldn’t be too difficult to keep him in quarantine. If you see any symptoms be sure to bring him back, just in case.” They gave you a tired smile, and then turned that smile towards their cantankerous patient. “And thank you for deciding not to pee on me this time, Grim. I’m not so bad, see?”
Grim swatted at them, which was his answer to the vet’s question. In Grim’s book, the vet was that bad.
Ignoring his attitude, as you would whenever you came across a screaming toddler and exhausted parent while doing your grocery run, you turned back to your vet. “Thank you, and sorry for Grim. If it makes you feel any better, he’s just as much as a gremlin child at home as well.” At least today went better than last time.
The vet chuckled goodheartedly, “Don’t worry about it, I have more unruly patients than little Grim here.”
Damn, they have seen some shit, haven’t they? … Maybe I should, I don’t know, bring them a gift basket next time I’m in? Or maybe a gift card for a spa day or something??? You should really get them something for the amount of dry cleaning they probably needed to do.
With the visit over, and Grim having a clear bill of health, you shoved him back into his carrier with zero decorum, closing the door as fast as possible before he could escape and try to hide behind the counter like he did last time. I know your tricks, cat. Speaking of bills, the one that was waiting for you at the front desk was enough for you to point an icy glare at your unruly ward.
“You’re lucky that I love you, asshole.” And much like the vet you too got a swat as your thank you. Wonder if this is what the Clovers feel about their children? At least their kids didn’t wake them up in the middle of the night with a bat they caught… You shook your head, moving past those thoughts, and hauled your wailing cat back home.
By the time you got back to your place, it was just a little past noon. The rest of your day was wide open, and you didn’t really have anything else to do, since taking Grim to the vet was the most urgent of your tasks. Your place could benefit from some tidying, since your boss had recently been demanding more as of late and has been even less useful than he usually was… which was saying something. Seriously, how does he have his position? It was baffling. You swore you could hear his monologue playing on loop in your head whenever you thought of the man, which you tried to keep to a minimum for your own sanity… whatever little of it still remained that is.
Shaking your head to rid the annoying voice, you put on your favourite playlist and got to work. You took your time, putting away the dishes, vacuumed the main room, and even got rid of the dust on the high shelves. But your place was small, so it didn’t take very long for you to tidy up, and deep cleaning could wait for another day when you had enough energy to mentally and physically deal with that undertaking.
You knew that your email probably had a few messages, but it could wait. You weren’t on the clock and therefore didn’t have to check it. Only do the stuff you’re required to do when you get paid, it makes your downtime way more enjoyable.
But, you were bored. The cleaning helped with it, but with the majority of it done and the more intense stuff waiting for another day, you had nothing else to do. And while doom scrolling through social media may fill in the time, it too, was boring, predictable.
… There were two people though who were the exact opposite of boring and predictable. And yes, they did give you your fair share of migraines and questioning your life decisions more than you usually do, they were your best friends. And you were in need of having a movie night with them.
Opening up the group chat, you typed in a message.
| The Responsible One | You guys down for a movie night at my place tonight?
And almost immediately, Ace replied.
| Ginger, derogatory | depends  | ya got fiid?
Deuce responded shortly after.
| Mama’s Boi | Yeah, I’m down | What time? | . . . | And what’s fiid?
|The Responsible One | How does 6 sound?
| Ginger, derogatory | IT WAS A TYOP | *TYPO | I MEANT FOOD | F O O D
| Mama’s Boi | 6 works for me
| The Responsible One | I took a screenshot of that btw love you Ace | Thanks Deuce for actually giving me an answer. | What FIID do you guys want?
| Ginger, derogatory | FUCK YOU | … but yeah 6 works 4 me | any is cool with me
| The Responsible One | Yes yes, fuck you too Ace | Bring your own snacks it is then | See you guys at 6!
That gave you about ninety minutes to hide your good snacks, since the last time, Ace had made himself too comfortable and ate all your fancy treats that you paid way too much for. But like they say, you deserve to ‘treat yoself’ … Ace still owed you for those snacks though. They were fucking expensive, prick.
Ninety minutes didn’t take very long, but you managed to hide some of the mess that you hadn’t tackled in your bedroom; it could stand to wait. And the first of your dork friends arrived right on time, count on Deuce trying to be punctual… even if he was panting like he had run a marathon to make it.
“You know,” you sighed, “you didn’t have to sprint here.” You grabbed a glass, filled it with some ice water, and handed it over to your flushed and heaving friend. Please don’t pass out on me. “It’s not a race.”
Deuce took the glass and downed it, still catching his breath. He lifted up the tote bag he was carrying, “Mom made brownies.” A series of coughs escaped him, but he gave you a bashful smile and showed off the multiple Tupperware containers filled to the brim with still warm chocolatey divineness. “Didn’t want them to get cold! Oh! She also made extra for you too!”
He is such a sweetheart… but he’s also pretty dense at times, still a sweetie though. You could have just warmed them back up in the microwave — yes, they weren’t the same as fresh from the oven, but still — you didn’t have the heart to tell Deuce that though. He looked so proud that he made it on time and that the brownies were still warm. What did you do to deserve Deuce as a friend? 
“Also,” he fished around the tote bag, “I brought extra popcorn, since we ate all of yours last time.” And he pulled out an unopened bag of popcorn, the bashful smile turning bright.
Deuce took a step forward, but stopped and backpedalled, taking off his shoes. After he set them neatly by the door, he made his way to the kitchen, and set all of his assorted belongings on the meagre counter space. Once he unloaded the tasty cargo, he made his way over to your loveseat, which had seen better days, and sat down, getting comfortable.
He was looking at you, and there was a little crease in between his eyebrows. Deuce only wore that look when he was worried. “Are you feeling okay? You seem a bit… off.” 
You gave him a tired smile, “Meh. Tired, stressed, not enough money. You know, the usual.” You noticed that his frown was only deepening, so you took a seat next to him and patted his shoulder. “Seriously, Deuce, I’m okay. Plus you got enough on your own plate without worrying about me. I’m going to be fine.”
Deuce pursed his lips, but let out a long sigh, accepting your answer without much fuss. You were capable of dealing with whatever it was, he knew that. You were one of the most capable, and stubborn, people that he knew. You would be fine in the end. “Whose turn is it to pick the movie this time?” He asked, stretching out, trying not to bump into you.
“Hmm, your turn actually,” you hummed. “But–”
Bzz! Bzzz! BZZZ! Someone was buzzing your door, repeatedly pushing at the button. Only one person you know did that. BZZZZZZZZ! And he wouldn’t let up until you answered the door.
Groaning, you got out of your spot and peaked through the peephole. On the other side was none other than Ace, who’s leg was bouncing and he kept on pushing your damn buzzer.
You only opened the door when he decided to lean on it, making him almost fall… almost. Maybe next time would be the day where you would see him eat dirt. “Happy you could join us on this lovely evening,” you drawl, doing a little bow.
Ace rolled his eyes at you, “Seriously? Feeling petty tonight I see.” He too took off his shoes, since the last time he wore them in and tracked in mud from outside, you made him clean it up. He learned his lesson that day, and really didn’t feel like cleaning your floor again.
You smiled at him, “Yeah, yeah I am~” You dropped the smile and went back to your comfy spot beside Deuce. “Also,” you turned around right as Ace was about to plunder your fridge. You glared at him, and he backed off, giving you a sheepish look. “Don’t even think about stealing my food, there’s popcorn and you have food at your home. Unless you want to start paying for my groceries, stick to what’s on the counter.”
Closing the fridge, Ace busied himself by making himself some popcorn, and sneaking a brownie or two in his mouth as he waited for the microwave to finish making his treat. While he was busy in the kitchen, you and Deuce were slowly going through the seemingly endless catalogue of movies. 
“What are we even watching tonight? There’s no special occasion,” Ace mused, sitting on the counter, swinging his legs back and forth. “Action? Horror? Sci-fi? Perhaps,” he paused and made a kissy face, “romance?~”
You stared at him, until he dropped the kissy face. “Never do that again,” you deadpanned, turning back to the screen. “Found something?”
Deuce was hovering over a title, Labyrinth. “Can we watch this? Mom said it was one of her favourites when she was a kid.”
Ace plopped into the armchair, and started chowing down on his fresh popcorn. “Dude, your mom probs just had the hots for, uhhh, Jared? Or whatever his name is.”
You threw a pillow at him, but missed unfortunately, and Ace flipped you off. “First off, Ace, his name is Jareth not Jared. And yeah, we can watch it,” you said, stretching back and getting into prime comfortable blob position. Oh yeah, you weren’t getting back up. 
Once Deuce got up and brought some snacks back in, you started the movie. And damn, these brownies are divine. You really needed to ask Ms. Spade for her recipe. The popcorn was decent, overall meh, but the brownies! THE BROWNIES!!!
You all settled down after being rationed your snacks, and you pressed play. Ace and Deuce both nearly choked on popcorn when Jareth appeared.
“WHY ARE HIS PANTS SO TIGHT?!” They both choked in unison. 
You just rolled your eyes and ignored them, trying to focus on the movie. Other than you nearly having to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on the both of them, the movie continued without incident, until a certain gremlin decided to start crying right as Magic Dance began playing. Seriously Grim, must you choose the most inopportune time to act like Toby does in the movie? But that’s life with a cat.
You paused the movie and looked at Deuce. You were in prime comfortable blob mode, you weren’t getting up. Deuce patted you on the shoulder and went to go see what on Earth Grim was screaming about. Ace just continued to scarf back brownies, thank goodness you hid some away before he got here, or else you wouldn’t have any come tomorrow.
But Deuce came running back out of your room, since that was where Grim was. And you were about to question why he looked like he’d just seen a ghost when something blurred right past him; something small, fuzzy, and flying.
The damn bat is back?! Yeah, you definitely felt like you were cursed.
Now, you could either get up and deal with the bat, since Deuce was just trying to shoo it outside the window with a mop and Ace was screaming much like Grim was, or you could stay warm and comfy and hide under the blanket, pretending that this wasn’t your waking reality…
Option B was really tempting right now, to be honest. Sighing, you got up, massaged your temples to collect yourself, before arming yourself with a broom yet again. Grim has his rabies vaccine, you don’t, so you weren’t taking any chances.
“WHY IS THERE A BAT IN YOUR APARTMENT?!” Ace hissed, ducking as the bat swooped near him.
You opened the window right open, almost threatening to take it off its bearings, “Because the universe hates me, that’s why!” Was it dramatic? Yes. Did it contain a seed of truth? Yes. So that’s what you went with. Was it really an exaggeration though? In the past twenty-four hours it really felt like the universe was sending you a personal ‘Fuck You ♡ ' letter with a kiss mark on the envelope.
You and Deuce tried to work together as a team to coax the bat outside. Come on, the window is wide open. Come on bat, get your fuzzy ass out of my place. 
All that was happening though, was some scene that belonged in a Three Stooges act. With Ace and Grim screeching — yes they counted as one collective unit — Deuce trying his best, but not getting anywhere, and you feeling like you were about to explode from the stress and noise. Even on an impromptu day off, you didn’t get a break, not really.
Getting whisked away by the Goblin King is looking real appealing right now. The bat swooped down close to you, and your instincts kicked in and you swung at it, making it crash land into your coffee table, right into the popcorn. And alongside the popcorn getting spilled everywhere, there was also a poof of green sparkles.
When the green sparkles subsided, there was a strange person with long black hair and red streaks, wearing something that looked straight out of a Ren Faire, and he was standing on your table. The strange man looked straight at you, and you looked back, blinking fast. Did Ms. Spade give us a different kind of brownie? Or is this actually happening?
He snapped his fingers, and you watched as he slowly disappeared into another poof of green sparkles. You were backing up, since hey there was a stranger in your place out of nowhere, but thanks to your shit luck, you tripped over your own feet, tumbling into them. And as the green poof subsided, both you, and the stranger, were nowhere to be seen. Leaving a very confused Ace, Deuce, and Grim to wonder what the hell happened to you.
And honestly? You were thinking the same. Where the FUCK am I?!
Tags; @busycloudy, @eynnwwyjth, @identity-theft-101, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @ryker-writes, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
Author's Note; And I'm finally showing this to the world, after months of collecting dust in my Google Docs. I have no idea how long this fic will go on for, and the length may be dictated by how much feedback and interaction this gets, so yeah. General rating for this is Teen but might change in the future; I won't tag people if that happens though, cuz, yeah.
If you enjoyed this story, and want to read more of my stuff while I slowly work on more installments to this fic, check out my masterlist! Please ignore any spelling mistakes, I write and die with no beta.
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educatedsimps · 3 months
— bonus headcanons, iwaizumi hajime
≪ back to fics masterlist
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iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader
a/n: idea dump based on this iwa request (main fic) so this is basically just everything i wanted to put into the fic but i kinda lost the energy and the bandwidth to write everything up to the standard i wanted so now this exists HAHA hope u like this and tysm for reading! :)
headcanons under the cut!
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You remember asking him once, "Hajime, why do you do that?"
And he replied "Do what?" with deadass the most confused look on his face.
"Kiss my wrists and palms all the time," You clarified.
"Oh," He stopped. "Yeah, why do I do that-"
ok so basically, Iwa finds the wrists a very delicate part of the body, and given his experience as a volleyball player, and the nature of his job, he takes extra special care of them.
he remembers his coaches always reminding him and his teammates not to injure their wrists during training, which translates to "YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD FORM WHILE SPIKING, SERVING AND SETTING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
anyway, i think he started noticing wrists when he was in high school, especially since he was seijoh's ace and had to use his wrists a lot to spike. he probably injured his wrist(s) once and has always listened to his coaches ever since.
now that he's a professional volleyball trainer he makes sure that his athletes don't injure their wrists either.
so i think all of this adds to why he pays extra attention to your wrists especially.
bonus if your job requires you to use or rely on your wrists a lot, eg. musician (like me), athletes, surgeon, author, artist, etc... idk.
YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT HE DOESN'T GIVE THE BEST 👏 FKING 👏 MASSAGES 👏 ON EARTH 👏 and at the end of the massage he'll always kiss your hands and wrists and idk why but it just feels so chivalrous. like ofc it feels intimate when you hold his face in your hands and he plants kisses on your wrists/palms and but sometimes it just feels so chivalrous and gentlemanly ykwim?
OMG WHEN HE PROPOSES TO YOU like after he slides the ring onto your finger AND THEN KISSES YOUR WRIST/HAND AND IT FEELS LIKE YOUR HEART COULD EXPLODE 'cause i know mine would actually explode if he did that.
anyway some instances i thought of adding to the fic (but couldn't cuz i don't have the ability or capacity to write them out well) include:
waking up in the morning together or when you hold his face and kiss his forehead (these two are in the main fic linked above!)
when you're cuddling on the couch after a long day and just watching a show together or napping. if you're laying on him and touch his face he'll 100% kiss your wrists/palms
when he hugs you from behind and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair (like when you're cooking dinner together or something) and he'll pull your hand down to kiss your wrist
when you hug him with your arms around his neck and he catches your wrist before you pull away
when you shower together (SFW, DON'T WORRY) and you're facing each other and he's tilting his head / bending down while you wash his hair or massage his scalp and when you're done washing it he'll give your wrists a gentle kiss before returning the favour
BONUS: when he holds your face in his hands and you decide to give him a taste of his (very sweet) medicine. you’d twist your head to kiss his wrist and then his palm and he'd be BLUSHING because he's usually the one who does that AND HE'S SO CUTE he's like, "hey... you can't do that. i'm supposed to be the one doing that for you." while blushing and smiling and getting a lil shy and everything and HE'S JUST TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART 😭😭💕
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a/n: ok that's all for the iwa brainrot ... i'm kidding, the iwa brainrot will never end. THANKS FOR READING THOUGH and thank you anon for sparking my two week long obsession with iwa once again
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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yxngbxkkie · 1 year
simp for me (s.c)
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seeing 3racha has given me writing inspiration, and i thank them 😌 i'm super glad i finally got a good idea for changbin! i've been trying to write for him more 💓 anyway, i hope you all like this!
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
"What time is your soundcheck in the morning?" You ask Changbin, your boyfriend of three years.
He glances at you through the mirror in the hotel room. "It's at ten," Changbin mentions while turning to face you.
The two of you smile at each other, your heart swelling in your chest. "You're so handsome, Changbinnie," you boast, sitting up from the king-sized bed.
"And you're so pretty, baby," he smiles shyly, walking over to where you're sitting. You spread your legs so he can stand between them.
"Just pretty?" You joke with him, laying your hands against his outer thighs. Changbin rolls his eyes at you beforehand, setting his hands on your cheeks.
"Beyond pretty, baby. Ethereal," he mentions and kisses your lips quickly. Your cheeks flush at his compliment, smiling up at him. "Thank you for coming with me."
"Of course, honey," you giggle, leaning forward to rest your head against his stomach. "I knew you were gonna ask anyway."
Changbin combs his fingers through your hair, a giggle escaping his lips. "Oh, yeah? And, how'd you know?" He asks you, and you shift your head so you can look at him.
"Because you're a simp for me," you giggle, moving your hands to grab a hold of his.
"I hate you so much," he laughs, shaking his head. A sigh leaves his lips shortly after before making eye contact with you again. "But, you're so right."
"I love you too," you laugh as you intertwine your fingers with his.
Changbin squeezes your hand in his, leaning forward to kiss the crown of your head. "Do you wanna go get dinner?" He asks you, glancing towards the clock. "It's almost seven, and neither of us has eaten yet."
"Yeah, I'm down for dinner," you nod your head. Your boyfriend steps away from you, dropping your hands to grab his shoes. "Do you want me to invite Ji and Channie?"
He sits down beside you on the bed before putting his shoes on. "Can it just be us? I'm feeling a little selfish today," Changbin mentions with pink cheeks, his eyes darting between you and his shoes.
Your heart skips a beat in your chest, and you nod without hesitation. "I'm so in love with you, Changbin," you sigh, shaking your head at how cute he is. "Of course, it can just be us. Just a normal couple in a big city."
He smiles at you, taking your hand in his. He brings it to his lips and gently places a few kisses on the back of your hand. "So, that means I can hold your hand?" Changing asks with a large grin, feeling him squeeze your conjoined hands.
"Yes, baby," you giggle, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "But, can I have my hand so I can get my shoes??"
"No," he teases, tugging your hand towards him, bringing you closer to him again.
You let your body collide with his, causing the two of you to fall back on the bed. Giggles escape both of your lips as you place your free hand on his buff chest.
"How are we going to get dinner like this, hm?" You ask him with a smile, drumming your fingertips against his clothed chest.
"Can I have a kiss?" Changbin asks you with a pout.
You scoff in disbelief and lean forward to capture his lips. The kiss doesn't last very long. You pull away before he has the chance to deepen it. A small whine comes from him after you break apart.
"Don't you want to eat, bunny?" The nickname slips from your lips, and Changbin's eyes soften.
"Bunny?" He questions, squeezing your hand.
You avert your gaze, feeling embarrassed a little. "You're just so cute… like a bunny," you whisper to him, moving away from his body.
Changbin releases your hand before wrapping an arm around your waist. He keeps you close to him as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. "I like it when you call me bunny," he mumbles against your skin.
He hums, planting a couple of kisses on your neck. You comb your fingers through his hair, feeling yourself getting warmer. "I like how flustered it makes you too," he giggles, pulling his head back.
You playfully roll your eyes, grinning. "Of course you do," you giggle, cupping his cheek.
"Go get your shoes. I'm gonna treat you tonight," Changbin mentions while patting your hip.
"Such a romantic," you beam and move your hand to cup his chin, pressing a quick kiss on his lips before getting off of the bed.
tagging: @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky
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dira333 · 8 months
When I felt like I was an old cardigan - Kenma x Reader
thanks @missalienqueen for the character choice
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Your head’s pounding, the sliver of sunlight peaking through the blinds too bright for your eyes. You press them closed again, sink further into the bed. 
What happened last night? What day is today? Where are you anyway?
You’ve always been a deep sleeper. The kind that forgets everything the minute your eyes close. 
So you’re not that surprised to find yourselves out of your depth at first.
But you quickly realize that this isn’t your bed. Your bedding is not that expensive and your mattress is not that soft.
Did you spend the night at a hotel? 
You curl further into the pillows, your memories still a little foggy but at least past you has shown some taste in finding a place to sleep.
“Good morning.” The voice is soft and gentle and you need a second to realize that it’s not in your head.
You turn your head. There’s a door not far from you, a man leaning against the frame.
You swallow thickly. Hotel rooms normally don’t come with handsome strangers.
Wait, you were on a tinder date last night. Could it be-?
“I usually don’t sleep with someone on the first date.” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
“I know.” He says, dark hair falling into his eyes. Even from this distance you can tell that they are big and bright, cat-like and captivating. “You told me that last night, over and over.”
“And we still did-?” You can’t bring yourself to say it.
His eyes widen at your question. “No, no, nothing like that. Don’t you remember? You didn’t seem that drunk.”
You groan and rub your temples. “I have early morning dementia. I’ll need a cup of coffee to get my memories back.”
He chuckles softly, the sound rich and warm. It sends shivers down your spine.
“Follow me then.”
You follow him, the floor cool beneath your bare feet. You’re wearing an oversized shirt that’s definitely not yours over what appears to be your underwear. You wonder where the rest of your clothes ended up and whose shirt it might be. It can’t be his, he’s not that much taller or broader than you but the shirt hangs off you like a dress, generously covering your bare legs.
“What’s your name again?” You ask when he leads you into the kitchen. You’re normally pretty good with names and faces, but he’s not in any of your college classes, as far as you’re aware. And he’s got recognizable features, pretty eyes, and an interesting hair color, his long dark hair bleached at the ends, held up in the back in a messy bun that looks effortlessly pretty. You never get your hair to look like that.
“Kenma. Kenma Kozume. I know you from College.”
You blink. Could you have really missed him? With looks like that?
“I’m not in any of your classes.” He points out, his voice now quieter, his eyes moving across the kitchen as if looking for something to hold on to. “I just noticed you on campus, that’s all.”
“Oh.” You blink again. “That’s…” Your voice drowns in the noise of the coffee maker. Kenma seems uncomfortable with it too, flinching when the whirring gets a little too loud. 
Soon the distinct aroma of fresh coffee fills the room, waking your brain up a little more. Kenma puts the first cup in front of you, smiles apologetically, and restarts the machine.
You take tiny sips and close your eyes as your brain boots up like an outdated computer. 
You remember getting ready for your date, phone set up to film you as you twirl in your new red dress. 
“What do you think?” You ask and your best friend gives you a double thumbs up.
“You look so cute! He’s going to be head over heels for you!”
“I hope so. It’s my first time dating over an app, I have no idea how this works!”
“I hate that I can’t be there to stalk you. I’d sit behind a plant and spy on you and make sure he treats you well.”
“I know, I hate it too. But I can’t wait for you to come back from Paris to start dating. Are you still on with that Tendou Guy for tomorrow night?”
“He hasn’t ghosted me yet, so I’m hopeful. He sent a few memes over and he’s either had help or he’s the best kind of funny.”
“Aww, I hope it’s the last. Well, I have to go in a few minutes, so I’ll log off. I’ll send you updates through the night, okay?”
“Okay, have fun!”
“Have you decided yet?” The waitress is not much older than you. You wonder if you’d feel better or worse if she were older. She’s giving you a sympathetic smile and you know what she’s thinking. After all, you’ve been sitting at this table for two for over thirty minutes, clearly waiting on a date that’s not going to come.
“I… I’ll have a glass of wine.” You start, your voice a little shaky. “What entree would you suggest?”
There’s a business meeting on a table to your right and an older couple having dinner to your left. You’ve never felt so alone like you’re doing right now and even though you know it’s not your fault and that alcohol isn’t a solution for a problem like this, you can’t deny that the first glass makes you feel a little better.
The second glass makes you feel a little warmer too, something you welcome after wearing a dress that looks incredible on you but is nowhere near warm enough for a rainy night in early spring.
By the time the waitress hands you the dessert card you’re ready to order your third glass of wine. But just as you open your mouth, the chair that had been vacant ever since you came in, is pulled back.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” The man is pretty, tailored suit and bright, cat-like eyes, dark hair pulled back into a bun. “My meeting ran late.”
“I-what?” You eye him warily. He’s gorgeous, there’s no denying it, a 10 out of 10 whereas your date had been a solid six or maybe seven, at least that’s what you could tell from his pictures alone.
“You can leave the menu with me.” He turns to the waitress with a smile, taking the menu from her before taking a seat.
“I’m sorry.” He leans forward, whispering over the little candle burning in the middle of the table. “I noticed that you were eating alone and you seemed a little lost. I hope I’m not intruding, this isn’t… I normally don’t do stuff like this, but I’ve seen you around College before, so I thought… I’m Kenma, by the way. Kenma Kozume.”
“Oh…” Your voice comes out a little too loud and he blushes, lowers his head in a way that tells you more about him than his previous words had.
“What were you doing here? At the restaurant, I mean, when you saw me?”
“I was part of that business meeting. It went on for way too long but I couldn’t just get up and leave, I’m sorry.”
“Ah, sure. I mean, your boss would probably fire you, if you did. But he picked a nice restaurant for a meeting. The food here is good.”
“It is.” He smiles, just a slight quirk of his lips, but your heart responds as if he’d just confesse his love for you. He really is unfairly pretty.”
The coffee machine falls quiet again and you blink, refocus on the moment again.
“That was really nice of you.” You say, “To keep me company like that.”
“It was reckless, more likely. You were nice enough not to chase me away.”
“No, I had a good feeling about you.” You smile up at him, still standing next to the coffee machine. He seems so much easier to fluster now, at daybreak, than he was last night. Or maybe you’re just noticing it now that you have a steady gaze and a clear mind. 
“Who knows how much more wine I would have had without you.”
“You don’t handle your liquor well.” He points out, blushing as if realizing belatedly that that was rude.
Shame burns through you as you remember stumbling out of the restaurant as if your body had only registered all the alcohol the moment you’d stood up - late and all at once.
You must have looked a mess, and truthfully, you’d been one. 
You hadn’t even been able to remember your address, hanging off Kenma like a dead weight on the way to his car.
“I still owe you,” you remember, guilt coiling in your stomach. He’d paid for everything.
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“I can pay for my food. I mean, you let me sleep here too and the clothes-” You pick at the collar, a sudden realization flashing through you. “Your boyfriend will be horrified I slept in his clothes.”
“My boyfr-” Kenma stares at you, wide eyed, face paler than before. “What are you talking about?”
It’s a miracle he understands what you’re trying to say from the way you’re rambling now. You’ve lost sight of the point you were trying to make a while ago.
“I…” He’s glaring at the coffee machine now as if it had murdered his family or caused some other tragedy. “I’m not gay. I don’t have a boyfriend. Truth is I’ve noticed you. At College, like I said. I’m not that good at making friends but you seemed kind and interesting and… well, I didn't know how to approach you until I saw you at the restaurant. I couldn’t leave you there looking all pathetic.”
You snort. His eyes fly over, the sight of them - on you - making you breathless again. He really is unfairly pretty. 
“I don’t mind you making an ass of yourself. I’m as socially awkward as they come. I just…”
“Do you wanna get coffee together?” You ask. You know you’re getting ahead of yourself, but he’s cute and if you’re hangover brain isn’t reading everything wrong, he’s not against being friends with you.
Kenma blinks, holds up the coffee he made himself. It’s a question and an answer in itself.
You laugh.
“I mean a planned thing. Where I can dress up before and make sure I look presentable instead of looking like I’m trying to cosplay a Scarecrow.”
“You mean a date?” He asks, a faint blush on his cheeks.
Warmth bubbles in your chest. You lean your head to the side. “If you want it to be a date, it can be a date.”
He smiles, the motion lighting up his face. 
Your stomach flips a little at the sight and you wonder, really, just how you managed to turn a night around like that.
“Would it be terribly forward of me to ask you out right now?” Kenma asks. “I kinda like the Scarecrow Cosplay. Just don’t tell my best friend, I stole that shirt from him.”
Somewhere in Tokyo Kuroo sneezes loudly.
“Better take some Zinc,” he mutters to himself. “Don’t want to get sick.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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taesanluv3r · 3 months
chronicles of an overly in-love woonhak.
kim woonhak x reader
entirely in woonhak's pov (he's just yapping to himself the whole time), this is so dumb n stupid but i think it's silly cute idk 😓 cuss words!! lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors <3 enjoy :3
wc: 1,401
"relax woonhak, it's not that hard"
all i needed to do was make a move. seriously, how hard could it be? i mean it was easy to help riwoo make a move on the girl he liked, so why would it be hard for me to make a move on someone myself?
but of course, the difference was that riwoo was hitting on someone random from his dance class while i, little pathetic old kim woonhak, just had to have a crush on the ever-so untouchable, and insanely stunning…
yn fucking ln.
i mean she's like- way way way out of my league, right? the other day i confided in taesan, i always talk to him when i feel lost...well only when i'm lost in the thoughts of her. that's only cause she's rather close to him, they're like siblings who aren't related at all- i think it's pretty sweet. otherwise, i wouldn't ever confide in that menace.
but he knows her very well, and he knows me very well, it's the perfect combination. anyways, i told him about my feelings for her, how she absolutely drove me insane. i mean who wouldn't go insane? she's just so effortlessly...her, in a good way, of course. god nothing bad about her would ever come out of my mouth...she's just perfect.
okay maybe I'm lying, she can be a little stubborn and bitchy sometimes...but that's just another thing I can go on and on and on talking about. i'm always talking about her.
taesan laughed at me, he told me i was oblivious and delusional if i couldn't see that she felt the exact same way. i mean can you believe that? she feels the same?! about me?! about kim woonhak?!
i don't believe it for a second...okay, i lied again. the statement did fuel my stomach up with butterflies and make my head spin and cheeks flush and all that…jazz.
and then he said one thing, the one thing that's making me think about everything all over again.
"if you love her so much, make a move!"
and so now here i am, sitting in bed at one o' clock in the morning. only eight hours until i have to go to school. which means that i only have eight hours to construct the most perfect plan to finally make my move. i mean how hard could it be? it's just like chess! not that i'm good at chess, i actually kinda suck at it…
"ugh cut it out woonhak, you're wasting your time!"
she probably doesn't even like me back. maybe she's just as nice as she is to me with everyone else. and surely that drawing she made me was just a friendly gift! and of course the poems she sent me were probably drafts for someone else…though she did send one with my name in it once…
wait a fucking minute.
OKAY, okay calm down woonhak. no need to get your hopes up too unecessarily high…
this does give me confidence though, just keep thinking positively and make your move at school FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!
"i got this!"
maybe i lied a little to my reflection in the mirror whilst getting ready for school this morning. cause she was right there when i arrived, alone and ready for me to go tell her I love her, but fear got the best of me…as per usual.
so now i'm here, in fucking science class having to listen to professor lee rant about whatever problem he had with lamarck's theory as opposed to darwin's. interesting one though, i know yn has a real interest in the theory of evolution and just about everything else biology related- maybe not plant biology, she didn't look too happy when we were told we're gonna study plant science next week.
just as i started thinking about her all over again, a piece of paper struck my head from behind. it landed in between my back and my chair, not very comfortable. i turned to reach for it, checking out whoever threw it at me as i did so.
yn ln shoots her unique smile at me, her lips tilting crookedly. she never smiled with her teeth because she doesn't quite like how it looks. i strongly disagree, i think it's adorable when her uneven fangs show, it's just another peculiar thing i get to love about her.
i stare too long, too long that she has to raise her eyebrows to remind me of the paper i was supposed to retrieve from behind me and read. my cheeks were probably redder than the ripest of strawberries- ironically, her favourite fruit.
the page was off-white, a cute rilakkuma print bordering the lined-sheet…classic yn ln and her cutesy stationary. i couldn't help but smile as i opened it to find her neat, yet absurdly tiny handwriting.
i admired it for a second, not quite reading the actual note just yet, but once i did…
the ink was pink, one of the gel-pens she usually used to write her overly pretty notes for literature. and the words she scribbled on the page were simple. well, as simple as such a complex and interesting girl like her could ever get.
"hi woonhak, i like you. like a lot. see you under the bleachers at lunch. :) <3 ★"
not even a question. if it weren't for the doodles of hearts, smiley faces, and stars all over the note i would've deemed it a threat.
another lie. i should stop lying. she could tell me to throw myself off a cliff or threaten me with a knife and i'd still be flustered and in love.
the lunch bell came a lot sooner than i calculated. perhaps my brain had been overstimulated by the test i had just finished, or maybe time is just that unpredictable when you're anxious.
i desperately needed to piss- another lie that i told myself to postpone the possible embarrassment i might encounter with my crush under the bleachers today. fuck. why am i so nervous?
i decided it's best to just YOLO and speed over to her usual spot under the bleachers. what's the worst that could happen? you know...besides her revealing it was all a prank and then totally making fun of me!!!!!!! ha ha...ha...
i'm cooked.
she was already there, a slight worry on her face as if she had been waiting and wondering where i had been. i was about to mutter an apology for being late, saying i needed to go to the bathroom and such but she didn't let me talk.
"i know you like me, woonhak"
at this point i was shitting sweat.
i was interrupted.
"you took too long to say anything and frankly, i got impatient. cause i like you too- like- a lot. lol"
lol, she ended every serious sentence with that abbreviation to lighten the mood- cute.
all i could do was chuckle in relief.
"can we kiss now?"
she asks, her words coming out a little stale and hasty, but sweet. in a way that made my heart break and melt into bits and pieces. who am i kidding though, she does anything and i'll melt into bits and pieces.
her lips halted my chatter. she tastes like an odd mixture of banana milk and…honey garlic fried chicken- but it tasted kind of good...?
remind me to ask her where she got her lunch from cause...damn.
the kiss lasted longer than i would've earlier expected, her hands were in my hair and mine held her waist. i had to bend down a little, she's not that short but she's definitely not tall. not as tall as me, that is.
alas we seperated. she giggled softly and i can see a faint pink tint brushed against her cheeks as she caught her breath. then she looked up at me, with the most precious set of eyes. it didn't last long as her complexion changed completely in a matter of seconds before these words left her mouth:
"ask me out, loser"
and that's just the push i needed.
"yn ln, be my girlfriend and take me to whatever place you got the fried chicken your lips tasted like!"
she giggled again- i swear a braincell of mine disappears every time she so much as smiled- stepping forward to hug me, which i happily accepted by the way…she smells good. she smells like a...fresh...teddy bear? yeah.
"i can't believe you actually like me back" i blurted out, watching as she stuck a chicken wing into her mouth. the sauce got on her face and i helped her wipe it off like the gentleman that i am.
"and i can't believe you confided in taesan, of all people!" her words were muffled as she chewed.
"whatever babe, now why don't you eat first and talk later"
she almost chokes as she stares at me with this bewildered look on her face. how could a person be so adorable? like? this???? this cutie??? SHES my girlfriend???!!!???
she speaks with half a drumstick in her mouth and her eyes were opened wide.
the end.
LMAOOO idek wht i was going for in this one 😭 i pulled this straight out of my drafts tbh </3 reblogs n feedbacks r vv appreciated!! love u tysm for reading. love, kona.
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littlestarconch · 8 months
Lazy morning
💌 Pairing || Xavier x Reader
→ Established Relationship ; Sleepy, Clingy! Xavier ; Mentions of Injuries ( not fatal don't worry )
🪄 :: Have fun reading Xavier fans lol
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Birds chirping, the sun greets both you and your beloved's figure on the bed.
Upon feeling the brightness of the sun, you shifted slightly, trying to hide from the sunlight. The moment you turn, you're greeted with a shirtless Xavier. Sleeping so soundly, you look down a bit to see some bandages you wrapped for him.
Your hand, brushing against his cheek. Making him shift in his sleep, you noticed the way his brows creased slightly. Not long after you're greeted with his beautiful blue eyes. Staring back into yours, his hand placed on top of yours that's on his cheek.
He planted a kiss on your palm, groggily, he greeted you, "..Good morning" He whispered, smiling at you. "Did you sleep well?" You nod your head as you gently grazing your thumb along the lines of his cheek, "How about you? How's your injuries?"
His attention is now moved to his injuries, only for a moment before he looked back up at you again. "It's fine, I slept well.. You did a good job with the treatment so I didn't really feel much pain when I sleep" He replied, and silence occur between the two of you.
Not long after that, he scooted closer, and pulled your figure towards him, and then the last thing you're expecting is the ticklish sensation you've felt on your chest and under your chin. It's his bed hair brushing against your exposed skin, he hummed contently as he hid his face on your chest.
"Xavier?" "Hm?" "It's already 11 am—" He didn't say anything for a good minute before holding you tighter, as if you'll escape from his grasp if he loosen his grip around you. ".... Still sleepy" He said made you speechless but you're also expecting this already.
This is also a rare occasion too, for him to cling onto you. It's cute.
"Okay fine.. it's our day off anyway, but after this we're going out for a date, okay? I'm not taking a no—"
"Mm, okay..
.... Love you, my star "
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🪄 :: first fic ! I hope it, didn't upset you ueueu, I'll try to upload more ! You can also drop ideas in my ask box <3 , Don't drop requests tho </3
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yurislotusgarden · 10 months
Hiii lotuss!!<3 i love ur works they are so cute it makes my empty heart fill up w joy 💔💔
Can i request prompt 6 w chu, dazai and sigma w fem reader? If thats okay ofc!<3
Btw remember to take breaks and eat, drink and sleep well! :D
-💞 anon
ʚїɞ Separately! Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya and Sigma x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ The event
ʚїɞ word count: 1k
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
ʚїɞ Hi 💞 anon! Thank you for the words, nice to know someone enjoys my works like that <3
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Sun rays fell into the warm room, a comfortable silence and atmosphere, a feeling it would be a good day the moment you woke up.
You would call it a perfect Saturday for a day out, and getting up early to start to start your day while the sun has been up for not too long, and you would do so if it wasn't for a specific brown-haired koala clinging to your waist from behind. Really, was it too much to wish for him to be asleep when you wake up? Getting out of his grip is certainly easier when he's asleep than when he's fully conscious.
"Where do you think you're going, Bella?" But truth be told, his morning voice may make up for the inconvenience if you were to not lie to yourself. "It's too early!~" 
And here comes the quiet whining from the other adult.
"We both have work, Samu. We need to be at the agency in less than an hour so-"
"So it's plenty of time to stay in bed and cuddle with me!"
"I would rather be on time so that Kunikida doesn’t scold us for being late."
"He will scold us for something anyway. What's the difference?"
You didn't have an answer to that one. To be fair, that's not exactly a lie, that Man can find any reason to scold a person.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“Who am I asking? Of course, you don't have an answer when all I'm saying is the truth!~”
You love seeing Dazai happy, don't get it wrong, but this was one of the times when you just wanted to punch that grin off his face-
“Hmm?” He really thought he won if his face was anything to go by.
“*I love you but we need to get up*”
A displeased groan came from the man and you had thought you won when-
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean no, you wanna hear it in French? ✨Non✨”
You're so done with this man, and you still had to deal with Kunikida’s scolding later.
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4 hours.
4 hours is the amount of extra time spent in bed by you, wanting to just stay in bed with your boyfriend as he had a whole day off for once. While it was lovely to have more time with Chuuya than usual, it was already 2 p.m. by that point, way past the time when you should’ve gotten up.
The question was asked in a quiet voice, in case he fell asleep again since the last time the both of you uttered a word.
A hum was a response enough for you to know he’s at least conscious enough to have some sort of a conversation with him. Gently running your nails through his hair, you quietly asked “Don’t you think it’s time to get up?”
A quiet groan came from the man. 
“Nooo…” His voice showed just how close to sleeping he was before you spoke up.
“We need to get up-”
“I refuse the offer, now go back to sleep.” But now he seems fully awake? Motherfucker.
“It wasn’t an offer- and it’s 2 p.m.”
Is it even worth trying to argue?
“Do I look like I care about the hour, love?”
“Not changing my mind.”
No, absolutely not.
“I will change your damn mind when I-”
Soft lips were planted on yours for a few seconds to shut you up before pulling away. The ginger head raised his head to kiss you just to shut you up.
“Shush and don’t try to get up, we both know you won’t manage that if I don’t let you.”
But you will always try to argue anyway.
“Fuck you.”
He will never get bored of that blossom hue appearing on your cheeks. Never.
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Sleeping in the middle of a million blankets may have not been the best idea.
Sigma has been overworking for the past 2 weeks as per usual and you decided that he needs a good rest, resulting in wrapping you both up in any blanket you found lying around. It was comfortable as hell, yeah, but the bi-colored-haired man had been asked to come down to the Casino for something and yet still didn't get up. Is it really your boyfriend or is it some imposter because you thought you would never see him ignoring anything related to his Casino.
You decided to speak as yet another message went unanswered. “Cotton?”
A sleepy murmur of “Yeah?” made it clear he was listening.
“You need to get up.”
“But I don’t wanna.”
A sigh came from you, and another buzz from his phone could be heard. You were pretty sure that by now around 60 different messages could be seen on the screen unanswered. Of course, that was the number of messages that came after he read the first one asking for him in the first place.
One word, and yet his head shot up from the pillow right away. You don’t use his name often, especially in that tone. “Did I do something?”
“What?” He was genuinely confused, was he that tired that he didn’t even realize what that message earlier really said?
“Cotton-” You were hoping to calm him down by not using his name anymore. “Listen, I love you, but we, especially you, need to get up.”
“Look at your phone.”
Let’s just say that the moment his brain processed the 80 messages on his phone, he got out of bed with, what you would say was his record speed, literally speedrunned getting ready you had to help him with his hair and tie because this man would go out in bed hair and very badly tied tie and you managed to get him to take a snack with him since he didn’t eat anything yet.
Some of his workers found out it was you who got him out of bed and thanked you.
You did not answer Sigma’s question when he asked where you got all the sweets from later that night.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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number1mingyustan · 2 years
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streetracer!yeonjun x fem!reader
Genre: smut, established relationship,
Warnings: choking, unprotected sex (riding), grinding, kissing, cursing, creampie
Summary: Who doesn't love a late night drive?
Word Count: 2.3k
The night air is cold, so you’re quick to make your way to the car. It’s beautiful, a nicely polished white car with red and black detailing. You almost regret wearing a skirt, but as soon as you climb into the passenger seat you feel the heat inside of the car.
Yeonjun looks over at you with one hand resting on the steering wheel. “Hey baby.”
He leans over, planting a kiss on your lips. “Hi,” you smile.
You weren’ t supposed to be here. It was a little after 1 am and your parents think you’re in bed sleeping right now. Granted, they’re asleep too and you’ve gotten damn good at sneaking out since you and Yeonjun started dating.
You know they’d absolutely freak if they ever found out you and were dating, and Yeonjun at that. He definitely wasn’t the type of person to bring home, especially not to your parents.
He wasn’t necessarily a bad guy. He’s gotten into some trouble along the way, but nothing too extreme. However you know your parents would immediately disapprove if you brought home the 6’1 boy with all his tats piercings and all.
Granted, you had a secret tattoo of your own thanks to him, not that they’d find out any time soon anyway.
It’s been a bit hard to hide stuff from them lately because Yeonjun loves spoiling you so much. Random gifts often catch your parent’s attention nowadays, forcing you to lie to them more than you already do.
Your story was nothing out of the ordinary. The straight A good girl falls in love with the troublemaker hot guy. The extremely played out romeo and juliet trope, but nonetheless a goodie.
“You look cute,” he smirks, shamelessly eyeing you up and down.
He loved the way you dressed. You were always dressed so bright and bubbly. Your style consisted of plenty of pink and baby blue, headbands, skirts, fuzz, sweaters, leg warmers, and thigh highs. He absolutely fucking loved the thigh highs.
It contrasted him too perfectly, as he was currently dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans and a black graphic tee. There were silver rings decorating his fingers, like always.
“Thank you,” you respond. “You look cute too.”
Yeonjun chuckles. “Do I?”
You nod your head enthusiastically.
“Thank you baby,” he starts up the car. “Are you ready?”
You nod again. It’s all he needs before he speeds off into town. You’ve scolded him many times about driving so recklessly when he’s close to your house, but he never listens.
This has become a bit of a routine for you. Every Friday night at around this time, Yeonjun picks you up and you drive to the abandoned racetrack on the edge of town where Yeonjun races. At first, you hated it.
He was risking his life and committing a crime on a weekly basis, but it paid well when he won. And Yeonjun always won. The first time he brought you, you were terrified. You watch him zoom through the track with the other cars, going at least 90mph recklessly.
Slowly, you grew more comfortable. You’ve even been in the car with him a couple times during his races. It’s not really your scene, but you can see why Yeonjun enjoys it.
It’s not long before he pulls up to the familiar track. A crowd has already formed and cars have begun lining up at the starting line.
“You ridin’ with me?” he asks.
You think to yourself for a second before shaking your head. “Nah, I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line.”
He pouts. “You sure baby?”
You rode with him in a race, one time and one time only. Truthfully, you did have a lot of fun. But you’re not one to put your life in danger for a bit of thrill. Once was more than enough for you.
“Yes I’m sure,” you open the passenger side door. “I have to tutor tomorrow morning, I’m not risking my life.”
“You know I always take care of you,” he leans over.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you win,” you tell him.
He frowns before placing a kiss on your lips. “Be good my good luck charm,” he tells you.
You back away from the car, continuing to wave at him as you start walking toward the stands. He drives away toward the starting line and you push through the crowd.
You push your way to the front in order to watch the race from the best view possible. The engines are revving as the countdown begins.
The race starts and your boyfriend immediately takes the lead. People are cheering from the stands, yourself included as the cars circle the track.
No one really competes with Yeonjun’s speed, falling behind him and staying there for the duration of the race.
The cars circle the track 3 times trailing behind your boyfriend. The crowd is roaring with excitement throughout the race, and they only go wild when he jets through the finish line. The other cars soon follow after him, and he parks the car near the edge of the track. He climbs out of the car, flipping his head back and running his hand through his hair before scanning the audience for you. You stand up on the railing and wave at him excitedly. He blows you a kiss and shoots you a wink.
You watch as he pulls out his phone and types something before your phone buzzes. You look down at his text.
‘meet me in the lot’
By the time you look up, he’s already in his car revving up the engine and driving off the track and out of sight. You know which lot he’s talking about, it’s the area the cars go before and after races,but it’s about a 10 minute walk away considering most people drive around here.
You spot him, leaning against his vehicle while talking to Kai, his best friend at the tracks. There’s music playing from inside Kai’s car parked next to him. The two boys are talking, but his attention immediately turns to you when he sees your approaching him. He holds up his middle and ring finger, creating a ‘come here’ motion.“Did I make you proud?”
You walk up to the car sheepishly. “Yes,” you breathe out. “I knew you were gonna win.”
He smirks again. “Yeah, told you you’re my good luck charm.” He wraps an arm around you, pulling your body close to his.
He continues his conversation with Kai, but you find yourself quickly growing bored. Silently, to take his arm off your shoulder and walk to the passenger side of the car to wait for him. You sit inside of the vehicle on your phone for a few minutes before he knocks on the window.
You lower in, looking up at him. “You ready to go?” he asks.
You nod.
He plants a quick kiss on your lips. “Okay baby, give me a few minutes and we’ll go.”
The boys continue talking, but they’re soon interrupted by the sound of sirens and blue and red light flashing.
Oh yeah, what Yeonjun does is extremely illegal. The race track is an abandoned property no one is supposed to go on and there’s so much better that goes on about the dangerous sport.
“Shit,” Kai says.
The boys exchange a quick look before scrambling. Moments later Yeonjun is in the driver’s seat, starting up the car. The engine revs loudly and he speeds off. You hold on for your dear life, he can’t get caught, not with you in the car. If it was just him, it would be less than ideal but he could easily get away. But if he got arrested with you and your parents found out? He’d be a goner.
He races off, driving into the city. The cops trail behind him for a bit, but you know Yeonjun. He car twists and turns sharply as he drives through different side streets to outrun the police. Your heart is beating so fast.
“Yeonjun?” you ask.
“Hmm?” he hums.
“Where are we going?”
“You trust me right?” he asks.
“Of course, but I—“
“Just trust me.”
You stay silent, simply observing your surroundings. Once he loses sight of the cops, he pulls into the parking lot of a park. The area is secluded and dark, perfect. He parks the car
He pulls you in onto his lap from the passenger side. He doesn’t bother to say anything , simply running his hands up your thighs as he begins kissing your neck. "Wanna show me how proud you are? Hmm?”
“No way you’re actually horny from running away from the cops,” you breathe out.
It was a combination of the high he felt from racing and your outfit that did it for him, you looked so cute. A fitted cloth baby pink and white dress with leg warmers and moon boots. He loves that you’re so dressed up for him in the middle of the night. Your dress rides up at be adjusts you on his lap.
Besides, the adrenaline is pumping through his body and you look so fucking good. He knows you guys are safe from the cops and a release seems perfect right about now.
Your lips find one another’s desperately. He hands are on your thighs, pulling your dress up further and further until your your little pink panties are exposed.
His hands guide your hips, causing you to grind against him. Your panties are thin, allowing you to feel everything right where you need him. He’s growing harder in his jeans, cock poking right onto your clit as your grind down on him.
You’re soaking through your panties from the friction. You moan against his lips as you grow more desperate for contact with him.
You pull away hurriedly and reach for his jeans. Your hands fiddle with his his belt. He watches you, panting with a pink tint flushing across his face. His lips are swollen from kissing you, plump and puckered.
You finally undo his pants, pulling out his cock and stroking it. He leans back in the seat, smirking as he watches you jerk him off. The more you touch him, the more he leaks. The clear fluid spurts from his cock, coating the palm of your hand and lubricating his length.
“Shit,” he breathes out.
He quickly grows impatient, lifting you up and pulling your panties to the side. You’re so wet for him and he hasn’t even properly touched you. He slides the tip of his cock along your entrance, causing shivers to spread through your body.
He guides you down onto his cock, filling you up inch by inch slowly. You moan out as he stretches you open. It feels so good to have him inside of you again, to be full of him.
He takes his time splitting you open initially, but as soon as you adjust to his length he’s merciless. He quickly picks up the pace in his movements, pushing his hips up to fuck you. You bounce every time he thrusts into you, feeling his cock poke deep inside of you.
“You love it when I fuck you like this huh? Treat you like the dirty girl you are hmm? He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“S-Shut up!” you moan.
“Fuck,” he grunts. “You’re lucky this pussy is so good. I should cum in your mouth next time,” he yanks on your hair, tipping your head back forcefully. “That way you can’t talk back to me.”
You let out a strangled moan at his words. His hand is now wrapped around your throat, applying just the right amount of pressure to make you see stars. He’s absolutely fucking you dumb right now and you love it. You love the way he’s rough with you, pounding into you at a harsh pace.
His cock stretches you open with each thrust, pushing deeper and deeper up your lower abdomen.
The windows are foggy and the car jerks with each thrust of his cock. You’re holding onto him for dear life as you feel the pleasure building in your lower region as he wrecks you.
You’re crying out his name like a chant, moaning pathetically. “ ‘M gonna cum baby, can I? Please let me, ‘m so close- fuck—so close.”
You feel him smirk into your skin at your begging. “Go ahead,” he permits.
He stills his hips, allowing you to ride out your orgasm while using him. He watches as you enter a state of bliss above him, grinding your hips into him desperately as you get off on him.
He thinks you’ve never looked sexier, in your pretty pink bouncing on his cock whole you cry out his name and use him for your own pleasure. It’s a sight to see.
You’re tightening around him, squeezing his cock perfectly as your orgasm pulses through your body. Fuck, he thought he was gonna last longer than this. But you’re squeezing him too good, too tight.
He curses, hips growing erratic as his orgasm courses through his body. He pumps his load inside of you as he thrusts messily. His head is tilted back, plump lips parted as he fills you up.
You both come down from your highs, panting heavily. There’s. a sticky mess you’ve created on his lap that causes you to cringe.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he looks down. “I gotta get you home.”
You frown. It’s nearly 3 am and you know he’s right. Besides, you’re created quite the mess and you need to clean up. He lifts you up, causing you to cringe again as he pulls out of you. You sit back down on the passenger seat and fix your clothes. He redoes his pants, cringing at the very visible wet spot on the front.
He leans over and plants a kiss on your lips. “You’re so pretty baby.”
He licks his lips and smiles at you. You smile back at him. “I love you.”
He starts up the car again. “I love you too, now let’s get you home yeah?”
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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kylobith · 5 months
Little Town Tails
Chapter 6: Something Fishy
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Summary: A curious visitor comes to Emerald Grove.
Ship/Pairing: Halsin x Fem!Tav
Trope: Modern AU, Meet-cute, Little countryside town, Cosy
Word count: 4,831
Read it on Ao3 here
Listen to the dedicated playlist on Spotify here
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‘Ah, Halsin, there you are!’
‘Good morning, Jaheira,’ he greets the florist back with a bright grin. He wipes his muddy shoes on the rubber mat outside until they are presentable enough to go in. Behind him, Scratch sits at the door, unleashed, waiting for Halsin to be done with his visit before heading home.
Jaheira grins at the white dog and whistles, calling him inside. The dog eyes his owner hesitantly, but when the latter gives him an approving nod, Scratch trots up behind the counter to be petted by his host. She grabs the banana she was snacking on and takes off a piece she offers him.
Halsin approaches the counter and smiles at the sight, always happy to see that his dog is accepted somewhere. While petting Scratch behind the ears, Jaheira looks at his visitor and smirks.
‘Walked around the forest this morning again?’
‘Indeed. The weather was perfect, but last night’s rain made the ground a bit soft, as you could tell from my boots.’
‘It’s always like that. At least they say that this spring will bring more sunny days than usual,’ she adds, chuckling as the dog lies down at her feet. ‘Anyway, did you happen to see Minsc at all? I’ve been trying to call him for two days because he ordered a fresh bouquet, but now the flowers are waning.’
He leans on his elbows and fidgets with one of her business cards on the counter.
‘I did, he was patrolling the area by the other bridge. Had I known, I would have reminded him.’
‘Oh, don’t bother. It’s always like that with him. He tends to forget what he orders on a whim. He’s always ready to support my shop since I opened but he never picks up his orders. He did, once, but that was a flower for Boo’s birthday and he ordered flax seeds. That was it.’
They share a laugh. Minsc certainly is quite the character, anyone meeting him can tell. Quite eccentric compared to the rest of Heawick, but he adds to the charm of the community. Whenever somebody needs help, whether when the flower shop was merely an idea sprouting into Jaheira’s mind or with Beaky’s incident with the bear trap, he never hesitates to lend a hand, even though it tends to distract him from his daily tasks and chores. Yet, there is no better forest warden.
Jaheira flips through the pages of her logbook and finds Halsin’s recent order.
‘So, the spider plant, was it?’ she says absent-mindedly. ‘Found a gorgeous one for you. Fluffy, in good health. Perfect for your counter.’
‘Eager to see it!’
She chuckles and heads to the back to fetch the plant. She returns with precisely what she promised him, setting it down on her counter for him to examine. He touches the long leaves between his fingers, sensing the freshness of their greenish white stripes and admiring the way that they curve elegantly around the gold-painted bucket serving as its display pot.
‘What a beauty!’ he coos, his eyes sparkling in awe. ‘How much do I owe you?’
‘Eighteen gold coins.’
‘Perfect, thank you.’
He takes out and begins to rummage through his coin purse, which takes Jaheira by surprise and causes her to smile. Shaped like the head of a teddy bear, its fur is made from light brown fleece, and the eyes and nose are embroidered in black and pink thread. He bought it at a flea market a few years ago on one of the rare holidays he allowed himself to take. Many raised an eyebrow to see a grown man buy it for himself, but even though he is far from materialistic, it is one of the few objects that he has grown particularly fond of.
He places the eighteen gold coins in the palm of Jaheira’s hand and slips two more into her tip jar.
‘Thank you,’ she says with a brief bow of her head. ‘Don’t forget to repot it from time to time, the roots tend to grow fast. And water it once to twice a week. It’s usually alright if you skip a week, as long as you don’t do it for a month straight.’
The veterinarian laughs and watches the florist remove the plant from the yellow pot. He purses his lips and tilts his head.
‘How much for that pot? It suits the plant quite well.’
Jaheira stops and eyes the bucket.
‘Oh, this? Ah, just take it. On the house.’
‘Certainly not,’ Halsin protests, unzipping his coin purse again and counting the coins in it. ‘Name your price.’
‘I insist, take it. I bought it years ago but it doesn’t suit my home, I use it for visualisation most of the time… Or as a pencil pot.’
She nudges it towards him with a wink. With a sigh and a heavy blush, Halsin slips ten gold coins into the tip jar and winks back. Once the plant is back in the bucket, he calls out for Scratch, who seeks one last pet from Jaheira, then rushes to his owner’s feet. The veterinarian and the florist exchange cheerful goodbyes, and the former exits the shop with his dog in tow and the spider plant tucked in the crook of his elbow.
Halsin whistles a tune as he crosses Heawick with his free hand buried in his pocket. He nods politely at everybody he sees with a smile and continues his walk back to Emerald Grove. The town is still awaking from its slumber and some of the shops are only just opening. Sometimes it still surprises him that Jaheira decides to open hers this early, but as she once said to him, she prefers to tackle her daily routine in the early hours, then close one or two hours before most shops so she can enjoy the town herself and have a longer evening to relax or meet up with her friends at the old pub on Westway Street.
Come to think of it, it is not such a bad idea. Shop owners and employees seldom have the opportunity to shop for themselves, unless they work half shifts or rely on partners who have the time to buy everything they need. More often, their only occasion to do so is on Saturdays, but the busy aisles deter quite a few. Since Heawick has a wider variety of establishments of all the nearing towns — not counting the city, of course —, its streets bustle with visitors on that particular day.
As he turns onto his street, he switches hands to hold the plant and fumbles through his pocket to find his keys. When he pulls them out and looks up to make sure that he does not walk too far, he notices the figure of a man peering through the windows of the practice. Dressed in black from head to toe, matching with his silky and spiky raven hair, the man does not seem to have come with a pet and does not seem particularly eager to enter.
‘Good morning,’ Halsin greets him with an eyebrow raised. ‘May I help you? Do you have or need an appointment?’
The man is startled despite the veterinarian’s soft tone. He straightens up and looks over at Halsin, seemingly analysing him in detail. The stranger rubs his index and thumb together and scowls at Scratch, who does not dare approach him at all. His demeanour already betrays the fact that he comes from the richer quarters of the city and is not used to visiting the area at all. There is a haughty air to him in the way that he carries himself, as if the word ‘peasant’ is about to slip off his tongue at any moment to describe Halsin and his shockingly unleashed pet.
‘No,’ he replies in a honeyed tone still tinted with firmness. ‘But I will come back later.’
Without uttering another word, the man spins around on his heel and walks away, leaving Halsin utterly confused with his key in hand. What a strange character.
The veterinarian shrugs it off and enters the dark practice, ushering Scratch inside before closing the door again behind him. He walks over to Karlach’s counter and finds a suitable spot for the plant, making sure to stand on both sides of the desk to ensure that the view is not obstructed for neither his assistant or a patient’s owner. But in the end, he finds that it does not quite fit there with the cards and flyers and tip jar, so he carries it over to the small coffee table in the centre of the waiting room. At least, if the anxious pets munch on the leaves, they will not be sick from it.
After a brief shower and a change into scrubs, he lets Scratch rest upstairs and heads back to the practice to follow the daily opening routine. As he takes a minute to make himself a cup of fruity tea — a bold decision considering how often he drinks his signature mint and honey infusion —, his mobile phone pings. Karlach’s name appears on the screen.
‘Morning doc, sorry but I’ll be late today, Vixen just won’t start! I’ll be there ASAP, promise promise!’
Halsin grins and immediately types back as he flicks the light switches on and shuffles towards the front door without paying much attention to his surroundings.
‘It should be quiet for the first hour, hopefully you will have found a way by then. Good luck finding an alternative! Perhaps you can ask Gale? Halsin. PS: I hope that Vixen will be alright. Too bad that she is not the type of vixen that I would treat at the practice :-).’
His wrist flicks to unlock the door while he re-reads the message to correct any typos he might have made. Eager to let some fresh air in, he opens the door wide.
‘Morning, doctor!’
Halsin nearly drops his phone when he jolts in surprise, not having expected that somebody might have already arrived. After all, he does not have any appointment planned before an hour. Outside, wiping her feet on the mat, Tav smiles at him with twinkling eyes and a light flush from noticing that her sudden greeting startled him.
His heart instantly leaps inside his chest and his lips mirror her grin.
‘Oh, good morning Miss Ashguard! I apologise for my reaction, I did not expect such an early visit. Is everything alright?’
Tav quickly combs her fingers through her freshly-cut curtain fringe. It suits her incredibly well, he catches himself thinking. The way that it sweeps across her eyebrows, its colour only highlighting the deep blue of her irises… It nearly steals the breath from his lungs.
‘Yes, yes, everything’s fine!’
He steps aside and invites her inside. As she passes him by with a light step, he closes his eyes for a second, savouring the aroma of her flowery perfume. As he realises what he is doing, he clears his throat and follows her to the reception.
‘Do you need anything more for the case against Mr Bongle? Perhaps I have forgotten to include some information in the report?’
She leans her elbows on the counter and does not seem able to eff the smile across her rosy cheeks. The sight, however sweet and pleasant, does stir something within him and he curses himself internally for reacting the way that he does.
‘No, not at all. The lawyer said it was quite complete, actually. She’s revising the case and I just have to wait now,’ she chimes with a shrug. ‘I’ve come here because there’s a stray cat in my street that’s been going around for a while but lately he’s been looking quite thinner. The old lady who used to feed it everyday died a few weeks ago, and I’m not sure anyone feeds him anymore.’
Her gaze wanders over to the rows of kibble bags on the display shelves.
‘I’d like to buy some food for him just to be on the safe side, and since I don’t want to risk giving him the wrong stuff, I thought I’d buy it here.’
‘I see,’ he responds with a nod. His eyes brighten up at the thought that she cares for an animal that is not hers. Most people he has seen refuse to approach stray animals out of fear that they might catch diseases or fleas, and while some caution is always advised, too many of them end up suffering all sorts of infections that go untreated and only cause them agony. Knowing that there is someone like Tav out there caring enough to notice the change in the cat’s weight gives him hope.
Halsin steps back to peruse the selection he has got, heading straight to the cat section.
‘Do you know how old the cat is, approximately?’ he asks.
‘Mmh, he doesn’t look too old. Hears and sees properly from what I know, his fur isn’t too patchy. Some neighbour said the old lady fed him for about three years.’
‘Then let us take one for adult cats to be on the safe side. I suppose that you do not happen to know what type of kibble she gave him?’
‘Not at all. Sorry.’
He nods and asks her a few more questions about what behaviours she has noticed from the cat in general. Once he is able to define a clearer profile of the animal, he picks a bag and sets it down on the counter, pointing at the information written on it with his pen.
‘This is food that is perfect for a cat used to the outdoors, aged five years or more. If it turns out that he is slightly younger, that should not cause any trouble. Since you said that he is on the lighter side, I would recommend thirty grammes of kibble per day. See how much he manages to eat and add a little more if he starts gaining a bit of weight again. But do not give him more than forty-five grammes, since it is likely that he hunts mice or birds on the side.’
Reaching into a cabinet behind the reception, he takes out a measuring cup and places it next to the bag.
‘This should help you measure the food without a kitchen scale.’
‘Practical. Alright, let’s take it!’
Halsin smiles and circles the recommended doses on the bag so she does not forget the amount he has told her to give the stray cat. He signs in to his software and enters the right reference to log the sale.
‘Would you like me to add it to your patient account in case you need to buy some new kibble later on?’
‘Gladly,’ she responds cheerfully, leaning her cheek into the palm of her hand while watching him typing on the keyboard.
‘Done! That will be twenty-two gold coins, please. The measuring cup is free.’
Tav takes out her credit card and pays for the bag. Once her wallet is stored away into her small cross-body bag, she carries the dry food under her arm and holds the measuring cup between her fingers.
‘Thank you very much, doctor.’
‘You are most welcome. If anything, I should thank you for caring for the cat.’
She returns his smile and tucks her hair behind her pointy ear, whose tip is reddening. Before he starts staring at it, Halsin drums his fingers on the counter.
‘Oh, before I forget, I beg you not to leave out milk for the cat, because—’
‘— because cats are naturally lactose intolerant,’ she completes his sentence with a smug expression that can be likened to this of a pupil who is proud to show that they have learnt their lessons by heart.
‘Indeed,’ he chuckles. ‘Well, it seems that the cat is in most capable hands, I can sleep soundly at night.’
Tav laughs and readjusts her grip on the bag.
‘When I’m released into society, I’m the type to always bring up that fact and everyone gets annoyed,’ she laughs.
‘At least you are spreading the good word out there. I did not know that you were doing public service on top of jingle compositions.’
‘I’m full of surprises, doctor.’
They share a playful grin, which lingers perhaps a bit longer than it should. His heart stirs when he notices the twinkle in her eye and the subtle reddening of her cheekbones. When her fingers unconsciously loosen around the measuring cup and it slips out of her grasp, he skilfully catches it before it bounces on the floor and hands it back to her.
‘Oh, thanks,’ she mumbles bashfully, tucking it under her free arm. ‘If anything goes wrong with the cat, can I try and bring him here?’
‘Of course. I will be happy to help.’
‘You’re the best! Thanks again. Have a lovely day, doctor.’
‘You too, Miss Ashguard. If you have any doubts, you can always contact me.’
‘I will!’
She waves at him and walks out of the practice. His eyes follow her as he sighs dreamily. However, his distraction is quickly cut short when he finds himself face to face with Astarion stepping inside with a cup of blood from the butcher.
‘Ah, good morning, my friend! Could I ask you a favour?’
The vampire grunts and slides his sunglasses up, letting them rest on top of his head. His ruby irises scowl at the veterinarian. Favours are never good in the younger man’s book. Or rarely.
‘I suppose I don’t have a choice,’ he mumbles. ‘What do you want?’
Halsin crosses his arms. No matter how much he tries to connect with him, even if just on a superficial level, Astarion always keeps his guard up and his distance. Honeyed words sometimes ornate his speech, but they never feel genuine, merely a façade that shelters him from others. He does not need to befriend him, of course, but he wishes that they could get along as well as he and Karlach do. But again, everything is easier with her. Sometimes, she might be too social and kind in a world that does not always value such qualities.
‘Karlach’s motorcycle broke down this morning, so she will be late. Do you mind working the reception until she arrives?’
Panic fills Astarion’s eyes right away. He furrows his brow and tries to act nonchalant, but his hesitation clearly stands out.
‘Wh— I don’t even know how any of this works!’
‘Do not worry, I am not saying that you must do all her tasks. If you could keep an eye on the appointments list and welcome the patients, that will help tremendously already. If the phone rings, answer it and write down the names and numbers, I will call them back between consultations. If it is urgent, do not hang up; call for me instead.’
‘Mh. That sounds doable. Alright.’
Astarion walks to the kitchen to drop his jacket and sunglasses, then comes back to the reception. He sits behind the desk and Halsin shows him everything he needs to know. Then, the veterinarian walks into his office and logs in to the general inbox and answers some emails himself.
Soon enough, the first appointment of the day arrives and Astarion directs them to the waiting room, where Halsin eventually comes to call them in. The consultation goes smoothly despite the very reticent puppy howling dramatically at the prospect of receiving one of her first shots. When he is done, Halsin guides the owner and the pet to the reception and registers the payment himself, before offering a treat to the brave puppy.
When they walk out, Halsin’s phone pings again.
‘Found a way, Dammon is bringing me. Be there in ten. Btw, doc, did you just make a joke?? And use a smiley??! Who are you and what did you do to Doc Halsin???’
Halsin laughs and updates Astarion on Karlach’s estimated time of arrival. Before the second consultation, a grumpy customer enters and asks for an anti-flea treatment suitable for a corgi. Once he has explained how to apply the solution efficiently, the veterinarian slithers back behind the desk and Astarion rolls a few inches away with his chair to give him enough space to deal with it all. 
‘Do you already have an account?’ Halsin asks the amber-eyed tiefling, whose tail is whipping around behind him in annoyance.
‘This little shit is not my dog, thank the Gods!’ the customer answers with a scoff and a roll of his eyes. ‘He’s my sister’s.’
‘I see. Does she have an account?’
‘Listen, can I just buy the treatment and go? I feel like I’m being devoured by fleas myself as we speak!’
‘Of course.’
Without protesting, he processes the sale and gives the little pipettes to the young man, who turns around with another scoff and leaves as fast as he can, scratching his head harder than he probably should.
Eyeing the man with concern, Halsin leans towards Astarion.
‘Do you think the dog is at risk with him?’
Much to his surprise, the vampire laughs while filing his nails and admiring the result.
‘Most likely. I know him. Well, know is perhaps a strong word, but I’ve spoken to him a few times. As you can clearly tell, he’s from the city. He’s one of the most arrogant pricks I’ve talked to, and it takes one to know one. He owns a bookshop specialised in academic publications of all sorts, and my husband happens to love the place.’
Could it be? Is he actually opening up by accepting to gossip with him? Not that Halsin particularly likes hearsay and talking negatively about people in their backs, but this exchange already brightens up his day.
The vampire carefully taps his glass nail file on the edge of the bin under the desk to rid it of dust, then tucks it away in its little sleeve.
‘But don’t worry, Rolan’s all bark and no bite, he won’t hurt that pup,’ he continues while shoving the file inside his shirt pocket. ‘You know, he’s clever and all, but Gale took him down a notch a couple of times. You know what? I think my husband’s at his hottest when he gives arrogant people a reality check.’
‘That is good to know, I suppose.’
‘Trust me, doc, I think your next appointment’s here.’
Indeed, the next patient comes in and Halsin welcomes him warmly. Halfway through the consultation, he hears the faint sounds of the sewing machine upstairs, and he concludes that Karlach must have arrived in the meantime and relieved Astarion of his temporary duty.
Halsin does not see her until he finishes the next examination and logs everything into the computer. His assistant pokes her head in when the patient leaves and speaks in a hushed voice.
‘Morning, doc! Uh… There’s an odd chum lurking around in the lobby, doesn’t have a pet or anything and he keeps ignoring me when I ask him if I can help him.’
The veterinarian turns around with an eyebrow raised and instantly rises from his high stool.
‘Go back to the reception, I will talk to him.’
Karlach nods and does as he instructed her, sitting back on her chair and anxiously browsing playlists for something that will calm her nerves while being acceptable to play from the practice’s speakers. Situations like this one is among those she has been dreading most about working at Emerald Grove. Owners losing their pets and leaving without their furry or feathery friends remains the worst of all, but weird and creepy people are close.
In previous jobs, she had her fair share of lurking visitors and customers who made her feel uncomfortable, but the employee handbooks always stated that she could not shoo them away outright. Either a manager or security had to do it. Sadly, it often left her feeling incapable of fending for herself and infantilised.
Soon enough and much to her relief, help is on the way and Halsin arrives, clicking a pen. Without making himself look menacing either, he puffs up his chest slightly. If anybody seeks trouble, he is hoping that his size and his brawn will dissuade whoever stands before him. But as he catches a glimpse of the man in question, his stomach tightens. Intent on not showing his discomfort to Karlach, he smiles and speaks as naturally as possible.
‘Good afternoon, sir. I believe we have met this morning, you were looking inside the practice before opening time?’
The man turns around with a smug smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes so dark that one cannot quite pinpoint their colour. Now that Halsin is closer, he can discern the man’s outfit more clearly. Tucked into high-waisted trousers, his tailored black silk shirt with the top five buttons left undone allows his black chest hair to peek out. His overcoat adorned with golden embroideries has its collar upturned, completely covering the back of his neck. If anything, it gives him a menacing look, as though he is the villain of a fairytale come to life, but dressed as a model.
‘You are the veterinarian who owns the practice, aren’t you?’ the man answers at last with a brief squint of his eyes.
‘Indeed, I am. May I be of any help?’
‘Oh, I am merely looking around.’
As he says so, the stranger buries his hands into his pockets and paces around, inspecting the walls and the layout of the reception and the waiting room. Karlach sneaks a glance towards her boss, wondering how he is going to handle this most peculiar situation. Without blinking, Halsin steps forward, tucking his pen into the breast pocket of his scrubs.
‘May I know what you are looking for, sir?’
‘This is a beautiful working space you’ve got here. Most impressive.’
Before he can press him on, the stranger faces Halsin with a smirk, rubbing his fingers together in the same unsettling way that he did earlier this morning.
‘Tell me, have you ever considered selling this practice?’
Halsin crosses his arms. This time, he has no intention to behave in the same friendly manner. While he knows that escalating such a ridiculous situation would be useless, he knows now that he does not want this man lurking around anymore.
‘No, sir. We have only just opened, thank you very much. Now, if you do not wish to make an appointment or buy anything for a pet, I kindly ask you to leave. I must soon tend to another patient.’
‘Oh, that’s a bloody shame. Well. I’ll see what I can do.’
The man reaches into his inside pocket and takes out a business card, which he hands the veterinarian by tucking it between two well-groomed fingers.
‘In case you change your mind, I would be very happy to discuss it with you. Here’s my contact information. The name’s Enver Gortash.’
Without as much as a goodbye, Gortash walks out of the practice, leaving a dumbfounded pair at the reception. Karlach stands up from her chair, her gaze shifting between the door and Halsin.
‘What in the hells just happened, doc? What the fuck was that about?’
Her boss examines the business card he is holding with a deep frown.
‘I have no clue, Karlach. I am quite at a loss, to be honest with you.’
‘What did he say his name was?’
Halsin hands her the business card. Before she even gives it a look, she sits back on her chair and drags her keyboard towards herself, instantly typing the name in her browser. His curiosity piqued by the results, he joins her behind the desk and leans in to read what comes up on the screen. Karlach clicks on a biographical article from a business-centred media website and begins to skim it.
‘Fuck me, Gortash’s quite the big guy,’ she mumbles pensively. ‘Owns a big company that owns lots of brands itself. Apparently, he’s known for gentrifying the shit out of many neighbourhoods in several cities already. He’s kicked out independent shops to establish a coffee chain and turning flats into offices.’
His eyes scan the same words and the more they read, the tighter the lump in his throat feels. Karlach hands him the mouse so he can peruse the article himself and open others. He checks several sources, and much to his dismay, the information they read in the first article seem to be confirmed through others.
‘I do not like how that sounds,’ he whispers.
‘Me neither, doc. But now that you told him off, he’ll lose interest, right?’
‘Mh. I doubt it. But now I wonder if he has shown interest in other places in Heawick. There is only one way to know.’
The assistant looks up quizzically as he sighs heavily and crosses his arms.
‘If anybody in Heawick knows anything, it is Melly.’
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Taglist: @emmanuellececchi @reignydeys @cakenpiewhyohmy @beardedladyqueen
38 notes · View notes
wandafiction · 3 months
Clingy - Just Us Chapter 60
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3268
Series List | Chapter 59 | Chapter 61
I once again wake up to the feeling of kiss all over my face, the weight of Wanda's body pressing against my own like my own weighted blanket. Her hands are gently resting on my bare chest, her fingers drawing insignificant patterns on my skin. Without opening my eyes, I move my hands to her back and start to gently drag them up and down with a feather light touch. I feel her sigh in content against my face, before she buries it against my neck leaving a few small wet kisses along it. Wanda's legs are tangled with mine and with every stroke of my hands I feel her relax more against me.
"Good morning princess." I feel her smile against my neck, before she removes it and hovers over me.
"Good morning dorogoy." Wanda leans down to leave a sweet peck on my lips before sitting up onto my abdomen, the white sheets pooling around her waist. I bite my lip at the sight of her partially naked body as she has sleep shorts on, which means she must have got up last night to put them on. Weird. I stare at Wanda in complete awe at how perfect she is. My hands drop to her thighs, stroking at them gently, not for anything other than the skin on skin contact. Wanda flips her hair over one shoulder as it cascades down her front right side, I also now have a very clear view of the trail of marks on her body and a proud smirk grows on my lips.
"I like seeing my marks on you." Wanda's face flushes  right red and she bows her head in an attempt to get her hair to hide the fact. I simply use my finger and thumb to lift her chin, using my other hand to move her hair back behind her ear. "I love seeing you blush at my words." 
"I hate how easy it is for you to fluster me sometimes." She huffs out a laugh as she leans back down resting her torso against mine, her head finding home in the crook of my neck while her legs continue to straddle my body.
"Well it's very cute seeing you blush." I run my hand through her hair as she cuddles up closer to me. "I love you cuddle bug."
"I love you to baby."
"Well I have a busy day of looking after the boys today, while you and Karen have 'words' with Vision. So why don't I make a start on breakfast while you get yourself ready?"
"What about if we make breakfast together?" She plants a kiss on the underside of my jaw when I hum in agreement. 
"Of course bug. Do you want to wear one of my shirts?"
"Of course, what a silly question." She playfully nips at my jaw with her teeth as I giggle at her behaviour. 
"Silly me. Come on then up you get." I pat her butt a couple of times and smile when she laughs against my neck before rolling off of me. My smile grows even wider when Wanda opens up my draw in the dresser. That's right people I now have draw space, Wanda said if I am getting a key this week I might as well get draw and wardrobe space. So…
Wanda searches through my draw pulling out a hoodie, and doesn't waste a minute pulling it on herself. The sight makes me laugh as the sleeves go way past her hands at the end of the hoodie comes down to her knees. Wanda slides back over to my draw and pulls out a plain white shirt and some women's boxers and chucks them over to me. I sit up in the bed pulling the shirt over my head slowly, and as I'm in the darkness of the shirt I feel the bed dip next to me. Two hands connect with the skin of my torso, as they grab onto the bottom of my shirt and start pulling it down goosebumps grow on my skin as Wanda's fingertips make contact with my skin. When my head pops through the hole, I don't get a chance to think before Wanda starts peppering my face with kisses causing me to fall back against the bed laughing. After a few seconds my hands grab onto Wanda's face and I pull it down so our lips connect in a small loving kiss, breaking it apart as we both smile at one another. Her green eyes dance in the morning light making its way through the curtains, she slowly takes her bottom lip between her teeth and I lose my breath at how much love I see on her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Wanda's lip slips out from her teeth as a toothy grin adornes her face.
"Like what?" I bring my hand up to cup Wanda's left cheek, my thumb running over her cheek bone.
"I don't know. Just like I'm some precious jemstone or the most important thing of all the multiverses." Wanda brings her face down to mine to give me an eskimo kiss, then rests her forehead against mine. 
"Well you are the most important thing to me in all the universes." I tilt my head up to peck her lips.
"Apart from the boys."
"Mmm, you take a very close second place." 
"Well I will wear my silver medal with pride. Now come on princess, it's 8 we said we would get to Vision's for 10." 
Wanda grumbles slightly as she sits up on my lap, her hands resting gently on my stomach. She lifts my shirt up slightly and leans down to kiss my bare stomach a few times before blowing a raspberry against it. She giggles as I wiggle under her in reaction to the surprise raspberry, before she slowly climbs off of me. I swing my legs to the side of the bed, now taking my chance to pull my underwear on because Wanda decided to cuddle up before I could get completely dressed. 
I stand up and stretch my arms and legs out, enjoying the few popping sounds of my joints as I yawn. I sit back down to pull some socks on my feet, so they don't freeze on the tiled floor of the kitchen. Wanda takes this opportunity to wrap her arms around my neck, her hands resting on my chest and her legs wrapped around my waist. I go to stand up and her grip around my neck tightens and I bring my hands to hold onto her thighs.
"Is this your way of saying can I have a piggy back ride?" Wanda moves her head to rest her chin on my shoulder.
"Please baby." She kisses my cheek and I giggle as her legs sway in the air a little.
"Of course cuddle bug." Wanda's chin settles back down on my shoulder as I start to make my way to the kitchen. 
I try to place Wanda onto the kitchen counter but she just tightens her grip on me, so when I move away her body is glued against mine. She crosses her feet resting them on my abdomen so I can let go of her thighs to start cooking.
"You okay bug? Not that I mind the cuddling and closeness but just want to check in."
"I'm okay, I just want to be close with you for a minute. Not really sure why, but I can get off if you want."
"No cuddle bug, it's okay. I love you cuddling with me."
"I love you."
"I love you too Princess." 
It doesn't take me long to make the coffee and pancakes, even with Wanda on my back, and she is currently sitting on the kitchen counter while I stand between her legs. Her legs are still wrapped around my body to keep me close as we eat our pancakes in the comfortable silence that fills the kitchen. I wait until Wanda has finished her pancakes to turn around, I smile when her hands are back around my neck and I lift her off the counter as I walk us to the sink. 
That's how the rest of the morning went, Wanda hardly leaving my side and clinging onto me as much as possible. Even now with getting changed she had her arms wrapped around my waist, her head resting against my back. I pull my shirt off, after finally managing to squeeze into my skinny jeans, and I feel Wanda's lips make contact with my skin. I smile at the feeling of her hands on my bare stomach, her kisses being scattered around my back. I put my bra on and her arms move to do it up for me making sure the straps aren't all twisted before they make their way back to my stomach. She laughs against my skin when I pull my shirt down, making sure to pull it over her head and allowing it to fall down the rest of our bodies. 
Her body shakes against mine as she ends up in a fit of laughing, I manoeuvre myself to turn around making sure my shirt doesn't get caught on Wanda's head. Once I've stopped moving and Wanda has calmed herself down slightly she nuzzles her face against my stomach, her hot breath fanning over my bare skin. After a few minutes Wanda pulls her head out of my shirt, after giving my abdomen a few sloppy kisses, and beams up at me. She moves to stand on her tiptoes, her hands moving to the back of my neck to play with the baby hairs while her lips connect softly with mine. 
One of her hands moves from my neck to hold onto one of mine as she disconnects our lips and drags me over to her chest of draws. She continues to hold my hand as she fishes through her clothes, picking out some black mom jeans and of course one of my white button up shirts. She places my hand that is in hers on her back, pushing it under her shirt before letting it go. I don't move my hand out from her shirt, but start to draw shapes and patterns on the small of her back as she starts to remove her shirt. When she goes to put her bra on, I do the same for her as she did for me and clip it up for her. Wanda looks over her shoulder puckering her lips, my hands resting just under her bra strap on the side of her body, and I lean forward to leave a peck on her lips. 
She turns her head back around to look at the shirt in her hand, as mine stay on her sides rubbing up and down her skin gently. Wanda pulls her shirt over her head, slotting her arms through the arm holes and the shirt falls down stopping where my hands hold Wanda. I remove my hands from Wanda's skin, pouting when I hear a small whine leaves her lips at the loss of touch. I move them up to pull her hair out of the shirt, placing it over her shoulders and then move my hands back under her shirt and rest them on her waist. I feel her relax with my touch, and she starts to put her socks and jeans on while I keep a firm hold on her to keep her balanced. Once she is completely changed she turns her whole body so she is facing me, my hands never leaving her waist. I pout when I see her pout and her glassy eyes.
"I'm sorry for being clingy." Instead of saying anything I slide my hands down from her waist to her thighs and silently bend down so I can lift her up.
Her legs instinctively wrap around my waist, her arms snaking around my neck as she buries her head into my neck. I pull her up against me more, resting my left arm under her bum to keep her up while my other one moves to rub up and down her back. I pout more when I feel my neck becoming wet and I know she is crying.
"Princess what's wrong?" 
"I don't know" She shrugs her shoulders.
"Baby talk to me." She huffs against my neck, shrugging once more but I stay quiet waiting to see if she says anything.
"I get clingy when I am on my period." She squeezes me more and I squeeze back as she takes a breath to try and gain some control over her emotions. "And I woke up in the night to it."
"Okay, well it's natural nothing to be embarrassed about or any of that. You get them, everyone gets them Wanda. And if you get clingy then so be it, I will hold you for as long as you need and want."
"But we are going out today and I just want cuddles." She whines against my neck and it smiles.
"Well we have been cuddling all morning and then when we get back here tonight we can cuddle all night. How does a movie night with the boys sound?"
"Like the perfect night." 
"Okay well, let's get going to the car so I can get the boys." I don't let go of her, not that she wants to let go of me either, and walk around the apartment getting my keys and wallet and mine and Wanda's coats.
"What are your plans for today?"
"Well I was thinking of taking them to my house, if that's okay with you, as I have few things to sort out there, like the garden. But I have plenty of entertainment for them and you said they are in band right?"
"Mhmm, yeah Tommy plays the drums and Billy plays the guitar."
"Well I have a whole ass music studio in the house so they can use that if they want." 
"Sounds perfect. Thank you for taking them today, I know it's a lot to ask of you." 
"It is no problem at all Wanda, I love those boys already and will do anything to make them happy." Wanda beams up at me, as I make my way out of the apartment, and kisses my jaw as she buries her head back into my neck. "Do you want me to carry you to the car or are you going to walk?"
"Carry me?" Wanda asks in her baby voice with big puppy dog eyes.
"Of course cuddle bug. My little koala." Wanda giggles against my neck as I lock the apartment and start making my way down to the car.
I manage not to fall down the stairs while holding Wanda, every now and again I would catch myself on the bannister and Wanda would squeal against me making me laugh out loud. I am now fiddling with the car keys trying to get it open, at this point Wanda unwraps her legs and slowly puts them on the floor. Once her feet are safely on the ground she unwraps her arms and takes my keys to unlock the car for me.
"You could have asked me to get off you baby." Wanda throws me the keys back as I start walking around to the driver's side as she opens up the passenger door.
"I had it, I swear. I wasn't going to ask you to stop cuddling up to me when it brings you comfort and I was happy just holding you." Wanda smiles over at me as she climbs into the car and I'm quick to join her.
Once we are on the road I grab Wanda's hand lacing our fingers together and bring our hands into my lap. I then lift them to kiss the back of her hand a couple of times, and I see her lean her head against the headrest as she looks at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers. 
"What are you staring at me for now?"
"Just in awe of you. And I just can't thank you enough for being you, and loving me. I'm so lucky to have found you, I've never experienced love like this where it's so understanding and tender."
"Well I love you Wanda, so I do my best to understand you and anything you need and want from me and this relationship." I see her bite her lip and nod in silence, and I can feel her mind overthinking from here. "What's on your mind?"
"Nothing, just I never got any of this before. It's all new and scary and I don't want to ever lose it."
"I don't want to lose it either Wanda, I will do my best to fight for you every day."
"I love you so much baby."
"I love you so much too Princess." 
It takes about 30 minutes to get from Wanda's apartment to Vision's House and the whole drive we sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's presence as the view of the city passed us by. As I pull into the driveway I see Tommy poke his head past the curtain and shout behind him before disappearing quickly, only to reappear at the front door as he pulls it open. 
I leave the car running as I climb out and make my way over to the passenger door opening it up for Wanda. As she climbs out I grab a hold of her hand and pull her closer to me, knowing she wants the physical contact but probably doesn't want to be seen being my cuddle bug when around Vision and Karen. We make our way to the front door where the four of the occupants now stand, 3 of the 4 smiling at us while Vision keeps his face stoic.
"Wanda having one of her clingy days?" I roll my eyes as Vision's voice grates on me at the way he said it. I feel Wanda bury herself more against me as Karen hits Vision's arm telling him to shut up.
"Not that it's any of your business but she is just tired, because of what happened last night. Which by the way is much as your fault as it is mine. Now I am going to take the boys so that you and the two ladies can talk with you...about everything." Vision rolls his eyes before disappearing into the house grumbling to himself. "You okay princess?" 
"I'm okay. Thank you." She turns to the boys and Karen. "Right so Y/n is going to take you to her house as she has a few things to do, you should be able to entertain yourself. Just please be good."
"We will mom." Both boys stay in unison, guess I'm going to have to get used to the creepy twin talk thing they have going on there. 
"Right you ready for this Karen." Karen nods and ushers Wanda inside. "I love you baby see you tonight."
"See you tonight Wanda. Good luck Karen."
"I'm not the one who needs luck, Vision is on our bad side."
"Yeah I'm not wishing him luck." Both women laugh and I turn to Wanda to give her a goodbye kiss and hug and I whisper to her. "Message me if you need anything."
"I will. Love you baby."
"Love you too Princess." Wanda and Karen disappear inside leaving me and the boys by ourselves. "So you ready boys?"
"Let's go!"
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xoxoxoz · 11 months
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Lee Youngseo x F!reader
⚠️: jealousy, comedy, swearing
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“SHIT!” You screamed with wide eyes after realising you were already 15 minutes late to practice.
It was one of those days where no cameras were around and no groups of staff to chase after you, so everyone would do their own practice in the studio, but even so, you didn’t want to deal with mother Jiwoo’s scolding.
You could already hear her going on about your lack of punctuality.
You did a quick face wash and brushed your teeth, throwing on your personalised shirt and simple black sweatpants before snatching your belongings and bolting out the door.
You managed to make it by slamming the doors open, letting it hit into the wall which caused a mini earthquake in the room. A few of the girls screamed from the noise and then sighing with relief when they saw your disheveled figure.
“Good morning Y/n” Chanelle snickered.
“Yeah…very good morning indeed” you grumbled and threw your bag to the back before falling to your knees in front of the eldest contestant.
Jiwoo had her arms crossed in a stern manner, already eyeing you down. “Kim Y/n..”
“Mother Son Jiwoo forgive me for I have arrived late to practice but I am willing to pay that debt by buying you rose tteokbeokki!” You rapped the words while obnoxiously bowing and slapping your palms to the ground.
You kept your forehead glued to the ground, shivering at the sound of Jiwoo sighing. “Why do I even bother? Did you at least eat breakfast?”
You shook your head, still face planted.
“Ugh get up, you loser” Jiwoo giggled and pulled you up on your feet.
“Sorry again, Ji. I forgot to put my alarm on”
“I’m surprised your girlfriend didn’t wake you up”
“I’m surprised too. Where is she speaking of?”
Jiwoo pointed to the corner of the room. “There with Roha”
You thanked Jiwoo and jogged to Youngseo and Iroha, seeing that they had finished filming a TikTok. “Youngie”
“Baby, hi! Did you sleep well?” Youngseo smiled and quickly kissed your cheek.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? You usually do”
“Sorry, you looked peaceful and Roha wanted to grab breakfast together”
You noticed how your girlfriend wrapped her arm around the younger girl, pinching her cheek in the process. It stirred an ugly feeling in your stomach but you smiled it away. “Ok. Well did you want to practice a dance together?”
“Mmm can’t babe, Iroha wants to be my partner today”
“Yeah!” Iroha beamed and gave a cute thumbs up.
The ugly feeling grew and your smile faltered. “Oh, I see”
Unfortunately you didn’t catch the playful wink Youngseo and Iroha shared, both seeing that their little prank worked.
“Well how about later in the afternoon?” You asked with hopeful eyes but Youngseo shook her head.
“Got plans with Roha already, babe”
You sighed. “Rightio, have fun” You waved and walked away.
“Totally worked” Iroha whispered, giving Youngseo a high five. “But aren’t you worried she’ll be mad at you the entire day?”
“It’s a couple thing, Roha. You’ll understand once you get older”
While you sulked, a bright Bang Jeemin greeted you.
“Hi Y/n! I heard you didn’t have breakfast but luckily I have a croissant and some choco milk in my bag” she smiled and waved the snacks in your face.
“And may I ask why you have those in your bag?” You giggled and accepted it anyways
“It’s my emergency food. With all this practicing, I forget to eat”
Jeemin sat down with you at the back and fixed your messy hair. “Eat up Y/n-ie”
You happily munched onto the croissant while Jeemin stabbed the straw into the milk carton for you, leaning it towards your lips. “Take a sip”
In the corner of your eye you saw Youngseo waiting for Iroha to set up the camera for their TikTok.
An idea came to mind so you took a bite out of the delicious croissant again, purposely leaving crumbs on your lips. Jeemin saw the little mess and giggled. “Such a messy eater” She commented and used her fingers to wipe the crumbs away.
“Thanks Jeemin. What will i ever do without you?”
“I always got your back”
You motioned for her to come closer, making Jeemin’s eyes go wide. “Y/n, you have a girlfriend..”
“What? I’m not trying to kiss you, I need to tell you something!”
“Oh right” Jeemin jumped and leaned her ear towards you.
“I need you to play along with the things I’m gonna do”
The taller already knew where this one was going so she rolled her eyes. “Seriously Y/n? You get jealous so easily”
“Am not! Are you gonna help a friend out or what?”
You applauded and sat closer to Jeemin, laying your head on her shoulder while she put an arm around you.
To your dismay, Youngseo hasn’t even turned around to see the sweet gesture.
“She’s not looking” Jeemin whispered.
“Heyyyyy, I was going to mind my own business but I saw what was happening and could not resist in joining” Yunah appeared, a mischievous smile plastered on her lips.
“Yeah same. It’s a bit childish but I’m living for it” Jihyun said with Funa and Moa standing behind her.
“I’ll start it off” Moa whispered and cleared her throat aloud. “Awwwww my JeemY/n heart is going so crazy right now”
“Wahhh are you the new couple of R U Next?” Funa added, laughing at her own words after.
Soon, the rest of the trainees (besides Youngseo and Iroha) were joining in, wanting to be part of the teasing.
“Oh my godddd so cute!” Iris jumped excitedly, shaking poor Ena too.
“Are you gonna be my parents?” Wonhee joked.
“Let me take your couple photos!” Yuisa said and took out her phone, starting to take a few pictures.
“Make a heart!!” Jeongeun yelled from the back.
Jiwoo set the mood by playing slow dancing music, making Jeemin place your food down and standing up. She offered her hand out for you to hold.
“May I have this dance m’lady?” She bowed.
“Of course madam”
The group started to cheer as you swayed to the music with the taller girl.
“Get married already!” Haseul, of course dramatic as ever, had screamed.
“Unnie you’re not focusing” Iroha pouted as she saw Youngseo’s eyes elsewhere.
Your girlfriend was staring at the scene, feeling her stomach drop and steam come out her ears. She should be the one dancing with you and making you smile.
Not Jeemin.
“Cutest ship ever!!” Minju hollered, waving her flashlight around.
“JeemY/n is the new ship! I volunteer to be captain” Chanelle saluted, everyone giving their approval by more loud cheers.
Jeemin spun you around and then holding you close, but once she caught a glimpse of Youngseo’s cold stare, she started to sweat.
“Your girlfriend is scaring me. Should we stop?” She whispered close to your ear but to Youngseo, it looked like the taller girl was saying sweet nothings.
It pissed her off even more.
“I think it’s time to claim your girl” Iroha suggested, lightly pushing Youngseo’s shoulder to make a move.
“You’re right” she growled and broke through the crowd to snatch you out of Jeemin’s embrace. “Shows over everyone! Kim Y/n is MY girlfriend okay? Got that Bang Jeemin?”
Jeemin put her hands up in defence. “Hey, we were joking around”
“I still love JeemY/n!!” Chanelle yelled.
Moka lightly slapped her arm. “Stop it”
“She’s mine!” Youngseo exclaimed before turning to face you. “What are you doing?”
“Giving you a taste of your own medicine”
Youngseo blinked out of confusion “What?”
“It’s not funny now is it? Making me jealous by using Iroha”
Youngseo hung her head low like a sad cat. “I’m sorry”
You sighed and hugged her by the neck. “Ugh I can’t stay mad at you, cutie”
“Yuck. Back to practicing everyone!” Jiwoo clapped her hands which made the rest of the contestants sulk.
Youngseo giggled before kissing your lips, making sure her possessive hold on your waist was clear enough for people, mostly Jeemin even though she had no intentions, to back off.
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Four - Part of the Team
Posted: 15/03/23 Edited: 20/07/23
As the alarms rang out you stirred awake as Rachel rolled over and tried to snooze them. She doesn’t need to be up so early but you need to make yourself look good for meeting the team again. Kissing her shoulder you rolled out of bed and into the en-suite, secretly using her toothbrush to brush your teeth. You found her make up and applied enough to make you look decent but not overly done up then brushed your hair and planted it in a messy bun on top of your head then browsed through Rachel’s wardrobe looking for something cute but casual to wear. Your denim shorts had dried from yesterday, you just needed a top, nothing caught your attention so you decided to stick with the Nike Home one as you thought you looked cute. You did take one of her cardigans though and pulled that on while digging out your socks from the end of the bed then tiptoed downstairs to make the teas. Flicking through your phone while the kettle boiled and browsing your friends messages, you’ll have to make time to see them to give them the low down. You carried the teas upstairs and woke Rach up with lots of kisses, “I used your toothbrush by the way” you smiled baring your teeth “and helped yourself to my closet yeah?” she mumbled while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “What else am I supposed to do, go in the nude?” you joked “absolutely not, that’s just for me!” pulling you closer, “you have half hour to get ready so drink up”. Rachel was wondering how on earth she had scored a gorgeous woman she’s known for less than 24 hours that can also keep her on schedule, and bring her tea in the morning?! She could get used to this.
Rach strutted off to the toilet as you asked if there was anything else she needed in her bags, she listed off a few things that you packed for her. She came out the bathroom looking tired, a little bit scruffy but a whole lot of sexy made you grab her from walking any further and pull her in for a kiss. “You look hot” tugging on her shirt “what, even like this?” she asked screwing her face up in confusion. “Especially like this - all sleepy and cute, I wanna cuddle you all day” you said wrapping your arms around her so she couldn’t move. “I like this cardi on you” she said wiggling out of your grasp to get ready to leave.
You were half hour early but Rach wanted to stop at Starbucks to grab a coffee and she bought you a smoothie. Riding in the car to St James Park singing along to 90s classics like Mmm Bop and Spice World you both arrived in a cheery and happy mood. Rachel walked you out to the pitch as you were early and no one was out yet then sat in the stands with you chatting about the game next week when your mum called wondering where you were. “I’m at England’s training session mum, sorry I didn’t let you know I wasn’t coming home, I’ve met someone” your cheeks turned a little blushed as you prepared for a barrage of questions. “Oh right, boy or a girl?” she started “a woman mum” “where did you meet them?” “at the game yesterday” “oh I hope they fancy the same players you do so there’s no arguments” you laughed and glanced at Rachel who was also laughing. “Funny story actually, she is one of the players” pulling Rach into the frame “this is Rachel, Rach this is my mum” “hiii, nice to meet you, your daughter is amazing” she gushed “is that Lioness Rachel Daly?!” Mum’s voiced raised. “Yeah, we spent the night together” you don’t hide much from your mum, she always sees right through you if you do anyway. “Oh my god, my daughter is a WAG!” she screeched which made you both burst out laughing. “Mum, we met less than 24 hours ago, we’re just having fun at the moment okay, I’ll let you know when I’m coming home, love you”. You apologised to Rachel who explained that that is exactly how her mum would react if she wasn’t already a famous footballer. “I better go get changed” she kissed you then went back through the tunnel.
This gave you a chance to call your friends who immediately answered without the phone even ringing screaming “TELL US EVERYTHING”. Where do you even start? We had sex in the Wembley showers which we both agree was more like making love than sex, basically inseparable and both falling head over heels for each other and now I’m watching the Lionesses train for the Brazil friendly next week. Anyone that wasn’t involved in your story would not believe what you was saying. “You can’t tell anyone okay, this is between us” seeking assurance from your friends “of course! Besties don’t go spreading each other’s business! Just get us tickets for the game yeah!” they replied cheekily “I’ll try huns, love you”.
With that, Rachel came jogging out on to the pitch in her kit and the butterflies had been replaced by fanny flutters, she looked so damn hot! And she knew it too, giving you a twirl so you wolf whistled her, then you heard other players coming “hey you better do that for all of us!” Beth appeared. After everyone was out you wolf whistled for all of them. “Nice shirt!” Lucy Bronze shouted up at you “oh this ole thing, just something I had lying around!” chuckling as you walked down the steps to greet everyone. “Still here then, it must be serious” Leah said before getting jabbed in the ribs by Millie - “don’t listen to her she’s jealous, and you got her here on time, that is a massive achievement!” Leah rolled her eyes and jogged away. “I’m just here to see my fave team and I wore this to remind you who you are!” Mary piped up with “what team!?” You knew she was a High School Musical kid from her TikToks so shouted “Wildcats!” back at her which won you a high 5. Millie spotted your messy bun and demanded to know how you got the mess so perfect, grabbing your shoulders to inspect the up do “this is the perfect header bun! You have to show me how to do it!” you said that you’ll show her when she shows you how to do hers. Why is blending into this team so easy? They all make you feel so calm and relaxed which is the complete opposite to your usual anxious self. Mary interrupted to ask your Insta handle and immediately followed you then Sarina came out and they all jogged over to her, grabbing Rachel’s arm before she could disappear “you look so fucking hot right now” you said under your breath so no one else could hear but her, she smirked while running her tongue along her teeth then jogged away, you went back to your seat.
Watching the team warm up and start the exercises laid out for them for the day, you kept catching Rachel’s eye every once in a while which made you happy. You decided to take some photos of the team on your new phone, testing out the camera and different settings - they turned out pretty good! You sent one to your friends who replied immediately, “have you seen your Insta?!” Curious, you opened the app to see Mary had tagged you in the dance from last night and your followers had gone through the roof, they included a lot of the England girls too. Scrolled through the comments and noticing there were hundreds of “who is this girl?” ‘That’s me, the mysterious team member now’, you thought. You replied to your friends like wow, a lot has happened overnight! They asked if you’d still remember them when you become famous.
Y - “Of course! I need you guys to keep me grounded 😂 It’s literally not even been 24 hours, she could still get the ick”
T - “I doubt it, the girls have all followed you, I don’t think they’d do that for a one night stand”
Y - “true, maybe she’s told them 🤷🏻‍♀️”
T - “well she did introduce you to all of them while you were wearing her shirt, that seems pretty territorial to me! 😂”
Y - “😂😂😂”
You left it at that and went back to focussing on their training, noticing Millie and Rachel were stood around chatting, you wondered if they were talking about last night. They were smiling and hugging before going back to passing the ball around. You forgot to ask how long the training sesh was, were you expected to stay throughout? You were unsure and decided to head off to find a toilet, spending some time looking in the mirror adjusting your bun before using the loo. Rachel must have seen you leave as when you came out of the cubicle she was propped up by the sinks.
“Hey you” she smiled, you grinned back at her while washing your hands. “So I was telling Millie about you and she suggested a double date tonight?” You were taken back by the offer of a second date in two days, she must feel strongly about you. “That sounds nice, I should probably pop home and grab some clothes and stuff, where are you thinking?” you asked. “We have a rest day tomorrow so we were thinking about Soho?” she shrugged. “That sounds cool, how dressed up are you two going? I don’t wanna look too over or under dressed, is it a bar or a club?” you don’t wanna stand out “a bar, we can’t drink too much until the game is over” she said jumping down from the side. “Okay sounds cool, I’ll run back and get some clothes-” “why don’t we all go shopping after training? We can pick each other’s outfits?” she interrupted your train of thought. “You really can’t spend a moment without me can you” smirking at her as Rachel stared at you deeply smiling and shaking her head. “It sounds fun! When do you think you’ll get off?” “Another hour or two I reckon, Sarina doesn’t like to push us too hard after game day. It’ll be longer and more rigorous on Saturday before the game on Sunday, do you have tickets?” You explained how you’re the organiser of the group and had been a little preoccupied lately as she played with a lose strand of your hair. “Okay leave it with me, I’ve gotta have you there cheering us on” she said defiantly “okay, I’ll go find a drink and come back to the stands. I hope you’ve got a kit at home” you said flirtingly as you pulled on her waistband before walking away in search of the cafe.
You were directed upstairs to the cafe which was in a box that overlooked the pitch. You ordered a tea and sat down in front of the window to watch the girls take shots at Mary. This team is phenomenal, they’re going to go all the way - you knew it. Still in disbelief that this whole scenario was real life, you gazed out the window for a little while before reaching for your book. You completely zoned out and for the first time, you weren’t thinking about Rachel. You read chapter after chapter completely lost in the world of your book until you felt a hand softly squeeze your shoulder, you knew who’s it was and nuzzled your cheek on it before planting a kiss on her finger.
“Do you want a coffee?” you asked as she took the seat opposite you, “I’ll get it” as she went to get up, “no you paid for dinner last night, at least let me pay for coffee, how do you like it?” Rachel asked for her order and then Millie appeared “do you want a coffee Mill?” you called out to her, “omg yes please! Rach knows my order!” as she plopped down at the table you’d stationed as your own, “then you can show me how to do this bun!” You laughed to yourself as you carried the drinks over and asked what the plan was. They explained that they were thinking of going to Oxford Street and picking out two outfits, one for each other person and we have to buy the one we like the best. You saw this as unfair as they didn’t know your style, whereas you could guess theirs from photos. “That’s the fun of it” Millie said. “Is your boyfriend not getting dragged into this too?” you asked her, alas he was at work and getting out of the torture. You hate shopping at the best of times, you didn’t know if these two were slow dilly dalliers or in-out people like you. For some reason you were feeling a bit nervous, Millie has to like you otherwise you and Rach would never work out.
At the shop you chose a banging outfit for Rach - smart caj and sexy which she loved and felt confident in. Rachel chose a cute dress for Millie and after some guidance about your likes and dislikes they both managed to put an outfit together for you. A long black dress with slits up the legs with a oversized plaid shirt over the top. You felt like it needed a hat and boots though so you browsed those aisles until you found what you wanted, then chose your jewellery and accessories together before getting out of there.
Picking up McDonalds on the way home, they both chose salads as they’re on a strict diet. You however are not and devoured two cheeseburgers and large fries in front of them. To say they were jealous was an understatement! “Perks of not being a footballer!” you said with a cheeky grin. You took a few slurps of your Pepsi then popped the top off and pulled a bottle of JD out of your bag as you glugged it into the cup before noticing both girls were staring judgingly at you. “I’m nervous!” you blushed, “this is just a pre drink to give me confidence!” you insisted. “You don’t need to be nervous” Millie put her arm round you, “Rach has told me how much she likes you, which means we will get along as well.” You were wondering exactly what your girl had told her bestie as you took some sips from your cup. “Right, we better get showered, come on” Rachel held her hand out to you and lead you upstairs “keep it down yeah” laughed Millie who was munching into her salad.
Part Five - Not my Decision to Make
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souryoong · 2 years
say it like that | myg (18+)
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Pairing: rapper!/producer!yoongi x model!reader
Genre: slow burn / romance / smut
Spotify playlist linked here.
Want to be added to my tag list(s)? click here.
"I believe you when you say it like that."
Synopsis: After yet another one of your relationships ends badly, you have given up on looking for love again. You never expect to find everything that you've been looking for in a desirable & sweet rapper/producer. And as for min yoongi, he's prepared to give you everything and more.
Chapter 2 warnings: some mentions of anxiety/nerves, kissing!!, yoongi is a sweet boy (not a warning but he’s cute)
Word count: 1,979
Masterlist/Last chapter/Next chapter
Chapter 2
“So, he asked you to come to his studio?” Hoseok spoke into the phone.
You called him the morning after you went over to his apartment while Yoongi was there. You were in the middle of your morning skin care routine, and it was all you could think about. You had to tell Hoseok as soon as possible.
“Yes, but what’s odd is that he didn’t tell me where it’s at or what time to go.” You applied toner onto your face with a cotton pad. “Like do I just show up?”
Hoseok laughed. “Well, he has two studios. One in his house and one at the company building.”
“Oh. I assume he meant at the company building.” You slightly laughed. “I highly doubt he was inviting me to his house.”
“Hey, never assume, (Y/N).” Hoseok spoke.
“Stop, you’re making me nervous.” Your tone changed, and you heard Hoseok laugh. “Over literally nothing.”
Hoseok’s laugh made you start laughing.
“So, what time should I go there?” You asked Hoseok. “Since I’m kind of just showing up.”
“Yoongi can easily spend all day in his studio.” Hoseok responded. “Not even necessarily working on music. Sometimes he just likes to hang out there. I’d probably go in the evening.”
“Okay. Can you send me the address and stuff? I have no idea where I’m going.”
Hoseok chuckled. “Yeah, of course. I’ll text you the address. It’s at our company building which I’m sure you already know but I’ll send it to you anyways, along with where to go.”
“Thank you, Hobi. What would I do without you?” You spoke into the phone, smiling.
“I think you would get lost.” He laughed.  “Look (Y/N) I have to get going. Let me know how everything goes, okay?”
You let out a nervous sigh. “Okay, bye Hobi.”
Hoseok said his goodbyes and hung up the phone.
`Later that evening, you were getting ready to leave your apartment, feeling like you were running back and forth trying not to forget anything.
You grabbed your keys after slipping on your shoes and headed out the door.
Getting in the elevator, you looked at yourself in the mirrored walls, double checking that your hair looked good, and your makeup was okay. You let out a sigh. You were nervous, but for some reason you kept denying it to yourself. It wasn’t making you feel better.
The elevator doors opened to the lobby, and you walked outside to your car parked in front of the building.
After checking your phone and seeing that Hoseok texted you the address along with instructions as to what floor it was on and who to talk to.
Hoseok: I texted Yoongi and he said he let the front desk staff know you’re coming.
Oh great. But at least that makes things easier.
You texted him back a quick thank you and started your car, making the drive to Yoongi’s studio.
It wasn’t a long drive; about 20 minutes. You ended up finding a parking spot across the street from the building. You felt nervous up until the moment you opened the large doors, revealing a very scenic lobby. Lots of greenery with potted plants, contrasting with white tile floors and high ceilings that were home to large windows that let the perfect amount of sunlight in.
You took your sunglasses off, approaching the woman at the desk in the middle of the lobby.
“Hi!” She greeted you politely. “Are you here to see somebody?”
You cleared your throat. “Yes. My name is (Y/N), I’m here to see Yoongi.”
“Oh! Yes.” She nodded. “Yoongi told us you were coming. Go to the elevator on the far left and one of the security guards will take you up.”
You nodded towards her and said thank you, then made your way to the elevator where a male security guard met you. He didn’t say much to you, just verified that you were there to see Yoongi, and he took you up to the floor.
His studio was right down the hall from the elevator, with a sign marked “Genius Lab.” You felt all your nerves came back the moment that you knocked on the door.
You were looking around at the other doors down the hallway when abruptly Yoongi opened the door, greeting you with a smile.
“You made it!” He stepped back, allowing you to walk in. “How are you?”
“I’m good.” You answered, letting Yoongi close the door behind you.
“It wasn’t hard to find, was it?” Yoongi asked you, running his fingers through his blonde hair.
“No.” You laughed. “Although I was not expecting the security escort.”
“Oh, I forgot that they’d do that.” Yoongi chuckled. “I should have told them not to.”
“Yeah, it was interesting.” You motioned to the couch that was close to the both of you, holding your purse. “Can I set this here?”
Yoongi nodded. “Sorry about some of the boxes. I recently got some new stuff.”
“That’s okay.” You looked around, noticing his keyboards, and beside them was a set of electronic drums. “Oh, you know how to play the drums?”
“Well, those aren’t technically real drums.” Yoongi laughed. “They’re just the electronic ones. I got them because I wanted to learn. I’m getting better but I wouldn’t say I’m a pro quite yet.”
You walked closer to them. “Hey that’s more than I can say. I can’t play either kind.” You kind of laughed to yourself.
“Hey, its never too late to learn.” He smiled at you.
You smiled. “Yeah, if I had the time. You play the piano, don’t you?”
“Yeah. That I can say I’m good at.” He laughed to himself. “I’ve been playing for as long as I can remember.”
“You’ll have to play me something.”
“Next time.” Yoongi smirked at you, making your face feel hot.
Next time?
“I’m not sure what I’m looking at here.” You approached his extravagant set up, looking at the two large screens in front of you.
Yoongi chuckled. “I wouldn’t expect you to. You can sit down and check it out.”
You sat down in his chair, then felt a presence behind you. Yoongi was leaning over behind you.
He grabbed the computer mouse, clicking out of whatever he had opened on the screen.
“I know you said you didn’t know what you were looking at, but I still don’t think I’m allowed to show you that.” He laughed.
Now that he was closer to you, you couldn’t help but admire him. You felt like you could never get sick of seeing him smile. He smelled like the perfect combination of lavender and spice. And his hands, oh god his hands. He probably had the prettiest hands that you’ve ever seen on a man. The way his dusty blonde hair fell into his face almost perfectly. Yoongi was very attractive, and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to notice it.
You realized that you were probably staring at him for a little too long. He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your trance.
“Did you say something?” You asked, hoping he didn’t notice.
“Yes.” Yoongi responded, laughing. “But you looked like you were in your own little world.”
“Sorry.” You laughed at yourself, your face feeling flushed from the slight embarrassment. “I was looking at your picture over here. I didn’t know you had a dog.” You were looking at a small polaroid picture of a brown poodle.
“Oh him?” Yoongi smiled. “That’s Holly. For how small he looks he sure does take up a lot of space on my bed.”
You laughed. “He’s cute.”
Yoongi put his hand on the table, and you were once again aware of the fact that he was so close to you. Damn your nerves.
You looked up at him, smiling. “What?”
“I’m admiring you.” Yoongi was so close to you.
You swallowed, eager to see where this was going. “Yeah?”
He looked like he thought for a second, then he leaned down into you. You knew where this was going, and you were going to let it happen. Yoongi kissed you.
His lips were soft, almost feeling like they were made for kissing you, and you only. The kiss was gentle, your hand instinctively moved into his hair, desperately wanting to pull him closer.
He pulled away first, his face was still close to yours. Your mind was still processing what had just happened.
“Can I tell you something?” Yoongi asked you, his voice low.
“Yeah.” You were practically holding your breath.
He brushed a strand of hair away from his face. “I um –” Yoongi paused, laughing at himself getting shy for a moment. “I was thinking about what it would be like to kiss you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Yes, you always had thought Yoongi was kind of cute when Hoseok would bring him around, but you never thought he would ever feel the same way. You both never really had the chance to talk to each other alone.   
The moment was interrupted by a knock on the door, somewhat startling you.
“Oh. I forgot.” Yoongi spoke, walking to the door. “Do you like coffee? I ordered us some. I didn’t know what you would like so I got you an iced coffee with milk.”
He opened the door, grabbing the bag that held the drink carrier with the coffees.
“Yoongi, you didn’t have to.” You turned around, watching him walk back over to you with the bag.
He set the bag down on the table in front of you, smiling. “Hey, I know I have to have my coffee, so I thought I would be nice and get you one too.”
He took the drinks out of the bag, an iced coffee with milk for you, and an iced americano for himself.
Yoongi took a sip of his coffee, then was suddenly rummaging through drawers like he was looking for something.
You swirled your coffee in your hand to stir it, then took a sip. “You know, if you have to work, I can get out of your way.”
“No, it’s fine.” Yoongi shook his head, still searching for whatever he was looking for. “I’ve got plenty of work done. I’ve been here almost all day.”
He found what he was looking for, it was a blank cd in a case labeled “demo.”
“Here.” He handed you the cd. “I assume you like music, because well, who doesn’t. If I’m not producing someone else’s songs, I do produce my own. I recorded that the other day and I’d like to know what you think of it.”
“I appreciate you asking for my opinion, but I’m not sure I’ll be any help.” You laughed slightly.
“It doesn’t matter.” Yoongi spoke. “Any kind of feedback works for me.”
It felt like you had spent hours with Yoongi in his studio, he showed you practically every piece of equipment, and how it worked. Somehow, he accidentally turned on the microphone to record in the booth, and then finding out it recorded your laughter.
When you decided that it was getting late, you both left together. Yoongi walked you to your car that was parked across the street outside. You got inside your car, but before you could shut the door, Yoongi was talking to you.
“Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, I hope it wasn’t boring.” He joked.
You smiled. “No, thanks for inviting me. I had I great time, I mean that.”
“I’ll let you go home; I know you probably have a shoot or something tomorrow morning.” Yoongi added. “But can I ask you one thing?”
“Yeah, anything.”
“Can I call you sometime?” He asked you in the sweetest tone you ever heard, and you swore right then and there that your heart melted.
@dearlyjoonie @thepurpleghost @wobblewobble822
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