#anyway cool mutuals that i miss shoutout
love-everlasting · 25 days
I love my mutuals but Mickey got us feeling nostalgic and I’m really missing my old mutuals
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i just got in the car to go home. let me yap.
Okay so, the thing at the beginning with saltarian was super cool. was kinda a jumpscare to see his face on the big big screen but it helped me stop disassociating and realize “holy shit im seeing the ghost movie”. Btw!! shoutout to my brother for taking me to go see it since my super religious parents would never take me. anyways uhm it was fucking awesome!! seeing all the ghouls in high detail kinda sparked my ghost hyperfixation again (it never left, just got very, VERY, weak.) i got to see my silly phantom and aurora and all the silly ghouls again and i was stimming very much. the theater was almost empty!! it was shocking how little people there was. I went with my brother and a mutual friend and we were the only ones in our row with small groups spread around us. Since this is my rant and i dont have any rules im gonna rip the bandaid off. i am so glad copia didnt and will HOPEFULLY keep being a reoccurring character as lead of the clergy. im a little upset about the cliffhanger of the new papa but i get it. ALSO,,, COSMO TALKED?? “Arent we gonna do a encore?” EXCUSE ME?? i was so so shocked. The misleading of death and new beginnings was also amazingly portrayed. i am going to miss the character of sister imperator but she had a good run. The show of Her, Papa copia (Father imperator🙏🙏), and Papa nihil being a family and all of then talking warmed my heart. totally didnt cry at that. WHAT DID MAKE ME CRY WAS IF YOU HAVE GHOST!! god the way they did that song and that whole scene tbh was just amazing. i cried a bit and was so touched by that song. The ghoulettes were amazing and i hope this isnt the last we see of them, but i get it if this is it. The singing ghoulete was amazing, she had a truely beautiful voice and make me get the chills a few times. The ones behind the instruments were just as good if not better. they all did great but i applaud the ones playing for being able to focus and play the entire time. The new song(god talk about quick changes) Was AMAZING!! i was up when it dropped and it has already been added to all my playlists. The credits with the song and the meaning of the song touch my heart in a way few songs are able to. I saw people on twitter complaining (as people on twitter do..) about certain ghouls not having much screentime, and i will admit that some had more than others, but i dont think its enough to be upset about. at the end of the day it relies on tobias, the camera team, and the ghouls boundaries. The dancers for Dance macabre and twenties was super cool!! kinda spooked me and make me uncomfy in the beginning but i think they did great. what did make me a little uncomfy was the video for year zero.. I am not a very religious person and do not have a label on what i consider myself, but the video was a bit of a jumpscare and was a little scary for me,. although im sure other liked it. I cannot wait for the album to be out and i will be putting on ghost more since the tism go brrr. expect ghost themed media to be posted by me more!! i think thats all but if theres anything else ill make a part 2 when im able to think again.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk!!
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KiriDeku Relationship HC’s
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Pairing: Midoriya x reader x Kirishima
Warnings: Jus some poly fluff for you here
Author’s Note:
I keep telling myself that I’m going to take a break and go on hiatus, but then I proceed to just keep writing like I’m running out of time.
Anyway, shoutout to @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku​​ for shipping me with these boys earlier! They really are my favorites :) And thanks to anon Neo for sending me this request! Again, it’s taking me an atrociously long time to get through them, but I hope that will change these next few months. I’m really going to work at getting them done and clearing my inbox, I can’t stand leaving my requests closed for so long :(
Enjoy this rarepair! I love the concept so much and I’d like to write a full fic or drabble sometime in the future ♡ ♡ ♡
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● I'd say that y'all were a throuple pretty quick
● Izuku definitely had a crush on the both of you
● Kirishima was so cool to him, and he loved your personality just as much
● And it's likely you had a crush on both of them as well
● Maybe you and Midoriya ended up dating first, but felt like something might have been missing
● You realized that you'd both taken interest in a certain redhead, and it wasn't long until you invited him into the relationship
● And bam;
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● I think of Kiri as being the slightly more dominant one
● He's a little more openly protective of the two of you
● He's definitely the most open about your relationship, and he always wants each of you on one of his arms when you're out and about
● Eijirou and Izuku have a lot of mutual respect for one another
● They both admire the other's manliness and strong wills, and they're pretty good at working and training together
● They like training together, and if you're a hero, they'll train with you too
● Now, of course in the relationship, they treat you like the freaking royal you are 👑
● Respectful kings, we stan
● They're both great listeners and generally give pretty great advice if you need it
● Kirishima likes to tell you how manly you are and Midoriya is literally the sweetest most precious being
● They like pampering and spending time with you
● Eijirou always goes out of his way to shower you with his affection and love. Making you and Izuku smile or laugh is literally his new favorite thing
● He's a pretty big flirt when he wants to be and making the two of you flustered is now a primary goal in his life
● If you're also a flirt, you best believe you and Kiri are going to gang up on Midoriya to see who can get him to blush the most. All in good fun, of course
● Neither of them is the jealous type, so everything's pretty chill
● You're just always there for each other, no matter what
● When it comes to dates, these boys will go all-out in their own way
● Big on picnic dates in the park, or just hanging out at the beach for hours together
● They really like being out and spending time with you
● Y'all have banger movie nights at Midoriya's apartment
● His mom is literally the best and loves both you and Kiri to pieces
● Cooks for the three of you spontaneously, and basically takes you in as her own children
● All of you have fanboy/girl/person tendencies, which lead to long discussions and ramblings about both yours and their current obsessions
● DORKS, the three of you, istg
● You could stay up for hours just chatting, and it doesn't even matter what topics you pick, it's just fun
And now it's time for Sugar to lose her mind over physical affection
● Ok literally snkdnfkabnckjdbs this is super obvious by this point if you've been paying attention, but you've got literally one of the softest, sweetest, fluffiest relationships you could ask for here hajsbbaslksdnfh
● Think about it: Sunshine boi + sunshine boi + you
● Yasss
● I'd say that most of the time, during cuddle sessions, you're going to end up sandwiched between the two boys, in their arms
● They both just want to hold you so freaking much, and who are you to deny them?
● I headcanon that Kirishima is literally one of the warmest people ever (aside from like, Todoroki's left side or somth pfft) and he and Midoriya combined give the best hugs2
● Top tier, can't stress this enough
● Y’all love getting wrapped up in a huge blanket and just having some quality snuggles for an hour or two 👌
● Great time for deep convos
● Or even just taking a quick nap! Lord knows the three of you need it
● Midoriya's not big on PDA, but Kirishima's fine with it
● He will full on give you a good smooch in public if you already said you were okay with that
● And even if you're not, he'll respect that and wait until he can get you and Izuku in private
● Both of them like hand-holding though, no matter where
● Two hands? Two partners? Oh, it's all coming together
● If you try to get out of participating in hand-holding, they'll pout and give you puppy dog eyes
● Cold is the heart of whoever can say no to even one of their faces, let alone if both of them are doing it to you at once
● But don't forget that they'll never force you to do something you really don't want to
● Everyone has their insecurities, but it's hard to get too down on yourself with these two lovely boyfriends at your side!
● They always seem to know what to say, and they're never any less supportive of you
● And you've got their backs just as much. If someone has an icky day, the other two are there with blankets and snacks and kisses for the rest of the evening
● Midoriya tends to be more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to kisses since he tends to get flustered. But even so, his kisses are so soft and sweet
● Loves having his cheeks kissed. Kiss his freckles, play with his hair—do that and he'll love you forever (not like he already doesn't)
● You can fight me when I say that Kirishima loves being super romantic
● Gives some of the best kisses out there
● He's always so passionate and every time he kisses you, it's like he can't stop smiling
● He can't get enough when it comes to make-out sessions
● All in all, I think we need to see more of this
● They just love and cherish you so much and you're the best thing that ever happened to them >:(
● Overall 11/10 relationship, can and will daydream about constantly
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @fourteenow @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​
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mxrisacoulter · 3 years
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Hey, y’all. So, as it’s Valentine’s Day I thought I’d do a little mutual appreciation post. I don’t really talk to many people on here, but I love seeing y’all on my dash and you’re all really great. I only really started making gifs and things again last summer, so it’s been so nice that so many people have been liking/reblogging them. A special shoutout to the hdm fandom, cause I kind of crashed into that one out of nowhere and y’all are so cool and nice. I did my best to include everyone, but if I follow your sideblog or something I might’ve missed you.
Anyway… first I want to give a shoutout to @iressails, for listening to me complain about things and being my good tumblr pal. Also, @lmillers and @lordbelacqua for literally being my favourite creators on this gosh darn hellsite. You’re both amazing and if you like my blog you should 100% go check them out.
(pls don’t let this flop lmao)
*content creators in bold
@ahsunflower @aleatoryw @amarimeta @amysantiaghoe @arthurpendragonns @atenexo @bitchinlyras @bubblegumharley @buckleyrobin @bucky-is-my-precious @buckysalone @chelsvsworld @clarkesgryffindor @daemonsworlds-blog @dalsyjohnson @danasccllys @djarin @elliotpages @emmas @eowyyyn @excalibells @fallingforthecaptain @graveyard-for-stars @helaodindottir @hellsredqueen @holy-crowley-plants @isabellakyle @jamieclaytn @jasisnotbeingeatenbyweasels @kananjarrus-jediknight @kings-a-clown @ladycoulters @leyiaorgana @lordeasriel @lostberryqueen @luke-patterson @lyraasskywalker @lyramarisa @magscherer @malecmarshmallow @mednay @milfdredratched @monicarmbeau @morroha @msweasley @novabees @oh-my-bucky-barnes @onceandfuturehimbo @panbaric @parslow @phasmama @prismaticheretic @punkmuggle @puppyjaskier @rhaized @richardganseyiiii @screenwritr @sebastian-stna @sithakin @snubnosedpantalaimon @sokovia @spaceofunknown @stagpotter @startreklesbian @star-war @starwvars @takingtheuniverse @teammalek @thecaptainbrie @thelonecritic @thelyingholmes @ughmerlin @vanzeedreams @wonderrbat
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lloveyouinsecret · 4 years
I wanted to do this after christmas so it was less of a holiday specific post and more just a general y’all are amazing and I love you post.
I haven’t done one of these in like 6 years when my blog was still pretty new, in credibly cringey, and I wasn’t as cool or popular as I thought I was. Most of that is still true but what I have now that I didn’t really have then is amazing mutuals who I love talking to and/or keeping up with their lives through their blog. Some of y’all I’ve been following for a while and others I’ve just gotten to know in these last 9 months of quarantine, and although there are a good number I don’t interact with very much I do still love seeing you on my dash, in my notifs, and reading what’s going on with your lives (and shoutout to the handful of people who followed my writing/fanfic storage blog bc I have done almost nothing with it, I appreciate your premptive support). I’m shit at keeping up convos with new/potential friends so please don’t hold that against me because I honestly love talking to y’all and would love to get to know y’all better. In any case, I just wanted to say that you guys are great and happy holidays and spending way too much time on here bc of quarantine has been much more enjoyable bc of y’all. (See, I still think I’m hot shit when I’m not. But now I know I’m not.)
@ahsokafano @jshackles @princess-of-paper-and-ink @gaygentkatz @leftwing-hades @obirain @mcu-padawan @anakinswhore @anakin-danvers @haydens-moles @logan-deloss @princessxkenobi @profkenobi @llovelykenobi @peterdavidson @flora-and-fae @sunflowervolume6 @books-music-fangirl @ionlyspeakswift @ohhellokenobi @lightasthesun @a-cosmicmess @morganas-pendragons @filthybookworm
Knowing me and my pea brain I very well may have missed some people and if I did it's completely on accident and I love you! There's a good chance that I haven't connected a side blog to your main one because, like I said, pea brain in my head. If you don't have one then it's still my pea brain not remembering names but I remember your blog/aesthetic/stuff you posted. Either way I'll fix it as soon as I can!
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johnnycranes · 3 years
[reupload cuz i decided to post this chapter here as well since i met a lot of new people in the fc5 fandom recently <3]
next chapter of Some Kind of Second Chance is up. special shoutout to all my mutuals who tagged me in WIPs and to the amazing @desertvvitch who motivated me to post this thing!!
Whole thing is up on AO3
Word count: 3,364
Chapter 6: Revelations and Rifles
When Sydney came to, part of her hoped the hit she took to the head also knocked her memory back. But nope, still didn’t know who the voices in her head were.
She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a wall decorated with different pictures of the Seed family and of Eden’s Gate. Next thing she noticed was that she was sitting on the floor and her wrists were bound in front of her to a metal pipe, kept in place with a ziplock tie.
She looked down at herself and saw she was still dressed in the shorts and tank top she was in when she left her cabin, the only thing missing was her jacket.
Looking around a bit more, it didn’t appear to be like any of the cabins in the compound. More like the inside of a trailer house. Something glinted on the floor and Sydney realized there were shards of glass littered around the room of what looked like a small trailer. If she could just reach out for a sharp enough piece, she could find a way to cut open the ziplock tie.
Whoever took her clearly didn’t think this all the way through, practically handing her a means to escape.
Oh shit, or was this some kind of creepy Saw thing? Either way she wasn’t going to stick around to find out.
She stretched her leg and started pushing a few shards towards her with her foot. Thankfully her captors were also kind enough to leave her sneakers on.
Sydney was able to drag some shards close to her when she heard a door open. She hid the shards under her legs quickly as the footsteps of whoever arrived got louder.
Two men wearing Eden’s Gate clothes walked into the room, sneering at her as soon as they spotted her. They didn’t look like anyone she knew.
“Good morning, sunshine.” The one with long unruly hair said.
“So sorry if we kept ‘ya waitin.” The bald one said.
Sydney shook her head. “Oh not at all. Just woke up actually. Comfy floor here.”
“The fuck?” Long-hair asked.
“You have any idea why you’re here, girlie?” bald one asked, and Sydney assumed he was trying to sound intimidating.
“Why bother? You’re gonna explain it to me anyway ri-”
The bald one slammed the butt of his rifle onto her knee. She groaned in pain, but made sure not to lift her leg so much as to make sure the glass was still hidden.
Hopefully they leave her alone again so she could escape.
It was safe to assume these two were part of the group of soldiers who didn’t like her. So Sydney’s only other option of getting out was someone in the compound noticing she was missing, unless of course the two idiots who captured her were actually smart enough to cover their tracks.
How long was she out? All she could tell from the light coming in from the window was that it was daytime.
“You have the guts to speak to us like that? After all you did, sinner.” Long-hair snarled the last word at her.
Sydney rolled her eyes. “Like I said, still waiting for you to fucking explain.” As far as she was concerned, they could even be Resistance agents in disguise who waited for the perfect chance to strike.
But then again, why target her and not the Seed family?
“You think yer so clever, fooling even the Father with yer fake amnesia bullshit.” Bald guy said.
Sydney huffed out a dry laugh. “Trust me, I wish it was fake. Maybe then I’ll know why you two assholes are pulling stupid shit like this.”
“Enough!” Long-hair yelled. “How dare you. How dare you think we can just accept you into our family, attend sermons with us, all because you supposedly forgot.”
“I did.” Sydney emphasized. “You can ask the doctor, he-”
“You just don’t forget the people you killed!”
Sydney froze.
She what?
The silence was deafening and that’s when the voices attacked. Screams, cries, incoherent shouts, gunshots, explosions, fires. They all invaded her mind.
Her blood ran cold, her hands started shaking and her head was throbbing.
She couldn’t freak out, not now. She tried to keep her breathing under control, long enough to ask, “What?” but it came out so pathetic and soft that she wasn’t surprised when they cackled at her.
Long-hair walked in circles around the room as he narrowed his eyes at her. “Killed. Put a bullet in their heads, threw dynamite at them, hell even cracked open their skulls with a fucking shovel!” He stopped in front of her and tightened his fists. “They were my friends! They gave their lives to protect the Father from you. And now he claims you’ll protect us?”
His fist collided with her cheek. He hit hard but it was better than him using the butt of his rifle.
Or actually shooting her with said rifle.
Sydney slowly turned her head back to face them, ignoring the throbbing in her cheek. She could thank him, actually. At least it distracted her enough to calm down a bit.
There were still so many questions she wanted to ask, but asking her captors may not be the greatest idea.
Their friends? So she killed people from the Project?
She instantly thought of Elena, Trevor and Benjamin.
Who did she kill? Why did she kill? And if she did kill people from Eden’s Gate, why was Joseph okay with her staying on?
Then she remembered the Father’s words the day she arrived at the compound.
So now you shall atone.
Oh fuck. Is that what she was atoning for?
He struck her again. “You are a sinner unworthy of joining us at Eden’s Gate! We will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters, we wi-”
“That’s enough, Kevin.” the bald one said as Kevin punched her once more, on the same cheek and Sydney had to spit blood out.
Kevin backed away from her to face his companion. “She deserves a lot more punishment for everyone she’s killed, Norm. You know that.”
Norm sighed. “We got lucky capturing her when we did. But people will wonder where she is soon so we gotta kill her now.”
Even though her face stung and she had to blink a few times for her vision to steady, she was conscious enough to hear what they said. Sydney knew she was running out of time. If she wanted to escape, she had to do it quickly.
With both her captors distracted and turned away from her, she shifted her legs, feeling the cool glass underneath as she inched them closer to her wrists. She dragged her hands down the pipe and closer to the floor, slowly so as to not get their attention.
Some of the shards cut the inside of her leg but it didn’t matter. She could bandage them up when she was free. She couldn’t bandage a bullet hole to the brain.
Sydney finally got one shard close enough to her hands. She stretched her fingers to grab it and fiddled with it as quickly and as subtly as possible.
Thankfully Kevin and Norm were still busy arguing.
“It’s not enough to just kill her and get it over with!” Kevin yelled. “She showed no remorse, so why should we?”
“Because if they catch us we-”
“Rook! Rook, you here?” All three of them froze when they heard a voice from outside the trailer.
Sydney didn’t know whether to feel relieved or frightened when she recognized it as Benjamin’s voice. She couldn’t just scream for help. What if he didn’t have a weapon with him? What if they shot him first? Or shoot her then him?
She hid the broken glass in her hand, closing it in a fist.
“Shit. I told you we shoulda killed her right away, Kev!” Norm hissed.
“Shut the fuck up and let me think!”
Benjamin yelled again. “C’mon, Rook. You better not have left the island.” His voice sounded closer that time.
Kevin took two shallow breaths and gripped his rifle tightly. “All right new plan. We kill ‘im both.”
Fuck this wasn’t good.
Sydney chanced using the shard again. She needed to get rid of them before they hurt her and Benjamin.
“What?” Norm whispered nervously.
“He’s gonna come in regardless.” Kevin said. “I’ll shoot ‘im soon as he opens the door. Then we shoot her. Ain’t that what you wanted?”
Norm shook his head. “We don’t kill our own, brother.”
“I’m the one doin’ the work. I’ll be the one to accept atonement for this. Now stay here, keep your gun on ‘er.”
Kevin left the room quietly… on his way to kill her friend.
Something inside Sydney snapped.
She saw visions of herself breaking necks and cracking bones. She couldn’t see the faces of those she killed, but there were so many. She could easily kill Norm now, free herself with the broken glass then slice his neck open or stab him in the vocal cords.
She knew she could do it. Then she could shoot Kevin easily right before he got to Benjamin.
She could.
But she wouldn’t.
If she was a killer before- and by the sudden wave of images that invaded her head, she really was - she wasn’t one now.
Norm wasn’t focused on her, instead staring out the room probably at Kevin, looking like a nervous wreck. And to think he took a cheap shot to her knee just a while ago.
Sydney took that chance to finally cut through the ziptie. She didn’t waste any time and went straight for a still fidgeting and panicking Norm.
No killing.
So she stabbed his hand with the broken shard before he could react and fight back. He screamed as he dropped his rifle and Sydney grabbed it.
She heard Kevin yell ‘What the hell!’ from out in the corridor but she ignored it. Too busy getting her revenge on Norm by slamming his head with the butt of his own rifle, effectively knocking him out.
She took cover by the wall beside the open doorframe and yelled “Benjamin you better have your damn gun with you!” at the top of her lungs.
“Rook?!” Benjamin called from outside.
Then she instinctively ducked her head when bullets whizzed by her. “You fucking bitch!” Kevin screamed over the gunshots.
She checked the ammo of her own gun and thanked Norm for having it fully loaded.
If Kevin was still inside the trailer, that meant Benjamin was safe. And she had to make sure that didn’t change.
“Stay where you are, Ben!” Sydney screamed over another hail of bullets.
“What the hell’s happening?” was his reply.
Kevin cackled, his footsteps getting closer. “Like you care what happens to my brothers and sisters. I’ll make sure you don’t hurt anyone else!”
Sydney gripped the rifle tight, and after taking a deep breath, she moved out of cover and saw Kevin with his gun aimed right at her.
Jacob’s voice rang in her head.
‘You’ve been a damn good shot since you got to Hope County.’
She shot Kevin once, in the hand close to his rifle’s trigger. Kevin dropped his gun, yelping in pain.
Sydney slammed her rifle onto one of his legs, causing him to fall over.
She stood above him, keeping her rifle aimed. She kicked Kevin’s own weapon away as he groaned in pain on the floor.
“Finish me off then. Release that Wrath within you.” He pointed at the tattoo on her chest weakly.
“Shut up.” she hissed.
“You can’t run from your past, sinner. You ca-”
She put the rifle away to bend over and punch him hard in the face, knocking him out. There, now she paid them both back for what they did to her.
Sydney stepped back until she felt a wall behind her and slumped down, taking deep breaths.
Her adrenaline rush was slowly fading and she could feel the stinging pain on her face again and how her wrists were sore from being tied up for God knows how long.
She heard a door slam open followed by hurried footsteps. She looked up and saw Benjamin, his pistol out.
“Rook?” he asked softly.
If Kevin and Norm were telling the truth and she did kill people from the Project, maybe everyone else probably knew. And the scene in front of Benjamin probably looked suspicious, what with her being the only one conscious among the three people inside.
“They kidnapped me. They were gonna shoot you so I escaped, knocked them out and-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, easy Rook.” Benjamin placed his gun back in his holster and raised his arms up peacefully. “I know you didn’t have anythin’ to do with this.”
Sydney could only nod stiffly, grateful to her friend. “How’d you know to look for me?”
Benjamin placed his hands back down, and knelt beside her. “Elena got worried when you didn’t show up for breakfast this morning. She went to your cabin to check in on ya but you weren’t there. She asked me to help look for ya.”
He turned to Kevin then back at her, smirking. “Though it looks like you didn’t need my help.”
“What time is it?”
“A little past nine in the mornin’.”
She rubbed her sore wrists. Ok so she wasn’t out for long. Bless Elena’s kind heart for worrying over her. Sydney made a mental note to hug the old woman the next time she saw her.
“Let’s get you outta here, Rook.” Benjamin said, standing from his seat. “Need to get some ice for yer face.”
She frowned and looked over at Kevin. “What about him? And his friend in the room over there?”
“Pfft, assholes’re outcold. I’ll send somebody to get ‘im when we get back.”
Which reminded her, “Where are we exactly?”
“Still on the Father’s island. We’re in a little trailer not too far from the compound.”
Sydney laughed dryly. “How the fuck did those two even sneak me out of there?”
“Bah, prolly while everyone was attending the early sermon. Jacob’s right, we got great guards but anyone could pass through if they knew what our church schedules are, dammit.”
Sydney lifted her head up hearing the redhead’s name. “Does Jacob know? That I was gone?”
Benjamin sighed. “No, not yet. The plan was to tell him if I didn’t find you around the island. Luckily these two idiots were too afraid to stray far.”
Part of her was relieved that Jacob didn’t know. It meant she had time to process this new information by herself first. If he were the one who found her, she might’ve exploded and demanded answers from him. What were he and Joseph hiding from her? Why were they hiding it from her?
Sydney took one more deep breath before carefully standing up, mindful of the small cuts she still had on her legs from the glass. She strapped the rifle to her shoulder and brushed her hair away from her face.
She nodded at Benjamin and placed a hand on his shoulder as he helped her stand. “Thanks, Benjamin. For not accusing me of attacking them. Wasn’t sure what you’d think when you walked in and saw two bodies on the floor.”
Benjamin chuckled. “Aww hell, Rook! I got your back, I know you ain’t gonna hurt any of our own, unlike the two fools you knocked out.”
She smiled tiredly at him before heading out of the trailer, Benjamin following behind her.
Outside, there were two Eden’s Gate trucks. She found her jacket in what was probably Kevin and Norm’s vehicle.
Benjamin guided her to the passenger seat of the other truck before getting into the driver’s seat himself.
He started the engine before turning to her and softly saying, “Hey, I don’t know what those two said to you but, you’re a good person, Rook. We know you’re atoning.”
Sydney let out a short sob, willing herself not to cry. She nodded, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her.
And because she didn’t trust her voice not to crack, she simply said, “Thank you.”
It was a short drive back to the compound. Benjamin insisted she visit the infirmary first while he went to find Elena.
The doctor informed her nothing was broken. He gave her an ice pack for the swelling on her face to go down and disinfected the cuts on her legs. Thankfully the punches she took weren’t that strong, she only had a few bruises that should be gone in a day.
Elena practically busted the infirmary doors open, her eyes frantic until she spotted Sydney. The old woman looked like she was about to cry, hugging Sydney tightly. Sydney couldn’t help but hug her back, thanking her for being one of the reasons she was able to escape.
When the doctor was done assessing her, Sydney was free to go.
“You need me to stay with you, hun? Just ‘til you fall asleep?” Elena offered as they walked back to Sydney’s cabin.
Sydney shook her head. “That’s very kind of you to offer but I’ll be fine, thank you. You’ve done more than enough for me, already.”
“Oh hush girl! Like I said, we’re family. Then I’ll be back later to drop off your lunch. You just lie down and get your rest.”
“Thank you, that’d be great.”
They went their separate ways and Sydney saw her cabin in front of her.
She would’ve been relieved if not for Jacob leaning on the door.
She felt her heart sink. As much as she wanted to talk to him about what happened, she needed time to go over her thoughts first, untangle the memories that had begun to resurface.
Sydney stopped right in front of Jacob, who stared down at her intensely.
“You look like shit.” he simply said.
“It looks worse than it feels.”
He brought his hand up to move the hair away from her face, surprising her. He whistled as he looked over the swelling. “Damn, that’s still gotta sting though.”
Her chest tightened as Jacob casually and gently touched her, staring at her with those piercing blue eyes of his that sparkled when he genuinely laughed.
Funny how just a few hours ago, she did see them sparkle and she heard that wonderful laugh of his that made her smile when she and Jacob were talking over glasses of milk.
Then she got kidnapped, found out she was a killer and they didn’t tell her.
She turned her head slightly and Jacob paused before putting his hand back down. “The doc said I should be fine by tomorrow.”
He was still blocking her way and Sydney was about to politely ask him to step aside when he suddenly said, “The guys that took you, they-”
“I didn’t kill them.” she hissed.
“Hey, relax. I know. Your friend Benjamin told me.”
“Then can I go? I wanna get out of these dirty clothes already.”
“Look, Sydney I just-”
“Not now just… not now.” Sydney said softly, hoping he wouldn’t push her further. She didn’t feel like exploding in front of Jacob and the whole compound.
She needed to be alone with her thoughts, settle the crazy mess in her head first.
Jacob sighed heavily before finally moving out of her way. “At least get somethin’ to eat.”
His arm brushed hers as he passed her. She didn’t look back at him as she entered her cabin and closed the door behind her. Ironic how the last time they parted ways, it was a completely different mood.
Sydney took a quick shower to wash all the dirt and blood off of her before putting on some clean underwear and dressing in an oversized white shirt with the Project’s logo on it.
Her cheeks and jaw began to throb painfully and she patted them with the ice pack she was given. She stared up at the ceiling and allowed herself to process what she learned earlier, hoping the voices in her head would cooperate.
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Hey y’all so I recently hit 500 which!! Wild!!! Anyways here’s a shoutout to some friends and mutuals who make AMAZING FUCKING CONTENT OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH
@daystens: Tania is an ICON! Their takes!! Their writing!! Theyre so funny and nice and I love talking to them, also also, they make such good edits omfg. Is there anything they can’t do? Seriously, go follow them they’re fucking iconic
@cranewive: Loane!! Monarch!! I love them so much, their writing is so fucking good???? Also the RANGE!!! They’re so fucking funny and theyre ranked #1 on our starboard and honestly? As they should be! ALSO THEIR EDITS??? I LOVE THEM??? Oh did I mention they’re amazing? They are.
@keremy: Mars I literally love your art so much. Like. Your kevin makes me cry tears of joy, I love heee! Also your url? King shit ✨✨
@deadadam: HELLO??? KING??? THEIR EDITS ISTG WHAT EVEN— Also theyre really nice n smart I love ‘em a lot!
@fxcrt: Jake’s writing,, I don’t even know where to start. His characterization is so good???? Like hello king you’re an icon. His fics are just. I love them all so fucking much oh my god. He’s also really funny so like y’all should definitely check him out!
@orionsboots: OSKAR’S ART. HE’S AN ICON OH MY GOD LIKE IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT YOU ARE MISSING OUT. Also he’s a participant in Catboy Sunday,, Iconic
@candied-cream: JULIUS, AKA THE CO-CREATOR OF CATBOY MOTHERFUCKIN SUNDAY!!! If y’all like mcyt content he’s the guy for you!! Also also his art style is so fucking cute like w h a t
@yandriels: Chai’s art is so fucking cute guys seriously go check her out she’s amazing! And really sweet!! Chai ily
@invidiosas: DAWN HAS SUCH GOOD ART LIKE ITS JUST. HHHHNNNNNGGGGDDHFJDD. She did nightvale Kevin also if y’all saw that soft andreil post where they were dancing recently? That was her! Icon! Queen! I love her!
@cinnamonfoxjosten: Mya is so funny omgg,,,An icon. If you want funny shitposts? Check her out!!
@toomanykings: Ok we don’t really talk much but,, their art oh my god,, it’s so cute i justthdjfnefvjfjf
@Everyone else, I love y’all, you guys are epic!! Even if we don’t interact a whole lot, just know I appreciate y’all!! Anyways, hope vibes are vibin wherever you guys are, and thank you again!! 🧡✨
P.S.) Quick reminder!! I track the tag #userkkat, so if y’all want me to see something feel free to tag me!
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unelectedofficial · 4 years
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     wow  !!  i  honestly  am  surprised  to  still  be  here  ,  if  that  doesn’t  sound  too  pessimistic  .  when  i  made  this  blog  ,  i  expected  it  to  be  something  i  did  over  the  summer  until  school  started  again  to  keep  me  busy  and  distract  me  from  things  happening  in  real  life  ;  i  never  thought  that  it  would  turn  into  one  of  my  most  fun  and  fulfilling  hobbies  .  this  blog  has  gotten  me  through  a  lot  of  tough  things  ,  helped  me  to  grow  as  a  person  and  writer  ,  and  has  connected  me  to  so  many  amazing  people  .  i’m  glad  you  all  still  follow  me  and  that  i’ve  (  hopefully  )  made  at  least  a  few  people  like  nessa  more  than  they  did  before  .  it’s  been  a  fun  year  --  let’s  do  another  ??      now  ,  a  few  special  shoutouts  under  the  cut  because  some  people  deserve  awards  for  putting  up  with  me  /  having  to  engage  with  me  for  as  long  as  they  have  .  if  i  left  anyone  out  ,  i  promise  it  wasn’t  intentional  and  i  went  through  my  blog  /  followers  like  ten  times  when  writing  this  .  
     @cadyhcrons  --  bro  ,  even  though  you  don’t  have  an  rp  blog  (  smh  rip  kara  danvers  am  i  right  ?  )  you  seriously  mean  so  much  to  me  !!  i’m  sure  that  no  one  cares  ,  but  everything  you  see  on  here  actually  has  to  be  seen  by  sophia  first  and  she  validates  most  of  my  choices  --  unless  i  make  them  at  3am  ,  of  course  ,  which  happens  a  lot  .  bro  ,  you’ve  let  me  yell  at  you  about  miss  nessarose  every  single  day  for  like  a  year  and  a  half  and  honestly  ?  i  don’t  know  how  /  why  you  haven’t  told  me  to  just  shut  up  by  now  because  i  even  annoy  myself  after  a  while  .  you  give  me  confidence  and  make  me  feel  special  a  lot  ;  you’re  an  irreplaceable  friend  (  and  as  soon  as  i  can  ,  i  have  to  mail  you  that  gum  that  i  bought  you  )  .  it’s  gonna  be  hard  to  pretend  like  i  haven’t  written  this  for  you  for  an  entire  week  ,  but  i  hope  you’re  surprised  at  least  a  little  bit  :)       @wldbirds  --  nic  ,  like  i  said  the  other  day  :  i  don’t  remember  when  you  followed  me  .  but  ,  what  you  don’t  know  is  how  this  is  actually  a  good  thing  .  to  me  ,  it  feels  like  we’ve  been  writing  for  ages  and  you  never  fail  to  impress  me  .  i  really  feel  like  our  writing  clicks  and  we’re  very  much  on  the  same  page  with  headcanons  .  i  cannot  express  how  much  i  think  your  blog  is  like  ,  cool  and  i  applaud  you  for  putting  up  with  me  .  there’s  much  more  to  say  ,  but  i  just  want  to  really  thank  you  for  writing  with  me  /  helping  me  grow  as  a  writer  !!      @shallowprince  --  charlie  ,  we’ve  actually  been  mutuals  for  a  lot  longer  than  i  remember  (  oops  ,  my  bad  )  and  i  think  you  saw  my  blog  when  it  was  ugly  .  so  ,  thanks  for  sticking  around  !!  on  a  more  serious  note  ,  of  course  ,  i  want  to  thank  you  for  all  you’ve  done  for  me  .  i  don’t  know  if  you  know  ,  but  that  one  night  when  you  bombarded  me  with  messages  just  ,  like  ,  praising  me  beyond  belief  i  literally  wanted  to  cry  because  you  were  flattering  me  so  much  .  and  still  ,  you’re  one  of  the  nicest  and  friendliest  people  that  i’ve  ever  met  .  your  fiyero  is  spectacular  and  #sidecharactersforever  !!      @orchestrahearts  --  linny  ,  you  probably  knew  this  was  coming  because  i  mention  it  so  much  buuuut  .  .  .  you’ve  literally  been  following  me  for  so  long  ??  we’ve  been  mutuals  for  as  long  as  i’ve  had  this  blog  i  believe  and  i  just  really  appreciate  that  you  stuck  around  because  there  were  certainly  some  unappealing  phases  to  this  blog  (  i  was  learning  !!  )  .  you’re  a  great  person  to  talk  to  and  i  will  never  fail  to  be  impressed  by  the  work  you  put  into  your  blog  .      @songbird-not-found  --  ali  ,  you’re  amazing  !!  you  were  the  first  eurydice  that  i  followed  /  that  followed  me  (  i  can’t  remember  who  followed  first  ,  but  it  was  probably  me  let’s  be  honest  )  and  i  didn’t  even  know  anything  about  hadestown  .  i  asked  my  friend  about  things  for  like  a  solid  month  before  you  inadvertently  persuaded  me  to  listen  to  it  .  why  i  hadn’t  ,  i  still  don’t  really  know  but  .  anyway  ,  your  eurydice  (  and  all  of  your  other  muses  !!  )  is  written  extremely  well  and  it’s  been  so  nice  to  have  you  on  my  dash  .  i  know  that  we  don’t  talk  too  much  ooc  ,  but  i  really  appreciate  that  you  always  like  my  dumb  posts  and  support  me  !!      @madgirltm  --  max  ,  you  probably  also  knew  this  was  coming  because  of  how  much  i  openly  (  and  anonymously  ,  surprise  )  stan  you  but  !!  thank  you  so  much  for  following  me  for  this  long  ??  i  literally  can’t  remember  how  long  it’s  been  exactly  ,  but  i  know  it’s  been  a  while  .  i  hype  you  up  a  lot  ,  but  honestly  i  just  want  to  really  let  you  know  how  much  i  respect  you  .  the  confidence  and  dedication  that  you  have  for  your  blogs  and  muses  is  something  that  i  aspire  to  have  and  be  like  one  day  .  it  means  a  lot  to  me  that  we’re  mutuals  !!      @russicnrat  --  lyra  ,  i  know  it’s  my  turn  for  positivity  wars  (  even  though  it’s  been  months  )  and  i  swear  one  day  you’ll  check  your  phone  or  tablet  or  computer  or  idk  samsung  fridge  and  be  like  oh  carly  did  it  huh  .  maybe  now  isn’t  the  best  time  to  tell  you  (  and  i  probably  have  told  you  and  just  forgotten  )  but  i  once  had  a  cat  called  lyra  !!  anyway  ,  you  impress  me  .  end  section  .  no  ,  like  your  blog  is  gorgeous  .  your  writing  ?  beautiful  .  you  have  dmitry  down  like  crazy  .  i  saw  anastasia  on  tour  and  was  like  oh  when  i  could  like  ??  see  your  writing  in  the  acting  (  if  that  makes  any  sense  )  .  not  to  mention  ,  i  love  all  of  the  edits  you  post  and  think  that  you’re  just  neat  :)      @suverennaya​  --  czarina  ,  we’ve  only  really  written  together  a  little  bit  but  i  admire  you  so  much  from  afar  (  even  though  it  isn’t  really  afar  ,  but  you  know  what  i  mean  )  .  all  of  your  blogs  are  so  pretty  and  your  writing  is  stunning  .  you’re  super  knowledgeable  and  it  really  shows  throughout  your  blog  .  as  members  of  the  broadway  rpc  ,  we  gotta  stick  together  and  thank  you  for  sticking  with  me  .      @gclddustheart​  --  kasee  ,  i  know  you  hate  my  angst  .  but  maybe  .  .  .  you  don’t  hate  me  since  you’ve  been  following  me  for  a  while  ??  jk  ,  maybe  .  anyway  ,  you’re  amazing  and  i  hope  you  know  that  i  appreciate  our  interactions  .  whenever  you  send  an  ask  i  do  the  keysmash  thing  because  i  get  so  excited  .  your  blog  and  writing  are  something  really  special  ,  and  i  want  to  thank  you  for  sharing  it  with  me  for  so  long  .      @soulofsea​  --  lissa  ,  your  writing  is  beautiful  .  whenever  i  see  that  you’ve  replied  ,  i  quite  literally  have  to  stop  what  i’m  doing  (  if  i  can  )  and  like  ,  curl  up  in  bed  to  read  it  .  you  have  such  a  gorgeous  ,  metaphorical  way  of  writing  that  i  could  only  ever  dream  of  having  .  not  to  mention  that  the  aesthetic  on  your  blog  is  genuinely  so  impressive  !!  thank  you  so  much  for  writing  with  me  and  not  getting  angry  with  nessa  for  being  mean  and  awful  to  annie  all  the  time  .  and  know  --  i  love  annie  with  all  my  heart  !!      @wantlonger​  --  ashley  ,  i  had  to  include  you  (  of  COURSE  )  because  even  if  we  don’t  write  much  and  our  threads  take  place  in  some  strange  ,  unknown  place  ,  we’ve  been  mutuals  for  way  longer  than  i  thought  ??  i  just  suppose  the  time  flies  when  you’re  writing  with  someone  as  amazing  as  you  .  all  of  your  characters  are  so  well  written  and  i  love  the  aesthetic  /  vibe  of  all  your  blogs  so  much  .  i’m  so  happy  that  we  write  together  and  hopefully  we’ll  continue  to  do  so  for  a  while  xoxo  gossip  girl
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
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[ MOE ]: A very big shoutout to a lot of people under the cut ❤
As I said in this post, I want to encourage people to start sharing kindness with people, and I’d like to start with saying something about some of the nicest people I’ve met on this website so far.
If you are not on this list, I have not forgotten you. I know that there are many mutuals I have that I haven’t spoken to much or at all and I want to change that so that next time around I have even more good things to say. You’re all incredible writers and people and I want all of you to know that no matter what happens tomorrow, we all have each other today. Thank you all for being you and letting me be a part of your lives in even this small way through a shared love of writing.
First and foremost, I want to thank @rob0badge, @ruthlessnessisyourdesire, and @denicdlife. One of you I’ve known for three years, and the others for just three months (WOW it doesn’t feel that long) and I could never ask for better friends. You welcomed me into this community with open arms and I’ve shared more good times with you than I could’ve ever expected. Although you’ve all seen some difficult times and faced harsh people, you care deeply about your friends and that is something that shines through brighter than any fire. Thank you for being my best friends, (And thank you Astral for putting up with my gremlin activities, lol)
@carbonandiron, while you may have been away recently, there hasn’t been a single day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about you and how glad I am to be your friend. You’re always so kind and it always brings me a smile when we talk. I love you, and I want you to know that no matter what I’m always here for you.
@triptocained, although you’ve had some rough roads you’re still someone I cherish very much. You’re an incredible writer and a great friend, and you’re so much fun to spend time with. I miss watching movies with you, we should really pick that up again sometime soon. 
@invictarex and @evcnthorizon, (i know you’re not in this fandom but I’m FORCING MY LOVE ON YOU ANYWAY) you two have been with me for over three and six years now, and I can’t even tell you how happy I am to have known you. You both are like family to me and I never want that to go away. I’m so happy we’ve been talking more again, and I wish you both nothing but health and happiness. 
@fearlessandchaotic, @creatorofclay, @stayhuman-genevieve, @villainxism, @filledgxld, @coffee-and-guns​ and the rest of the Corvus Cult, haha. Some of you I don’t talk to as much as I would like to, but you’ve still brought some of the best times for me when shit hit the fan in May. I’m so happy to have such a great group of friends to talk to and spend time with. Many of you are phenomenal writers and I wish to see more of you. I want you all to know that you’re incredible, talented, and kind and I can’t even express how grateful I am to have met you all.
@soulstied​, although we haven’t spoken much until recently, you put your best foot forward and you’re a really cool person. I always like seeing you on my dash and following along with your threads, and I look forward to writing with you more. I want you to know that even while things are stressful and grim right now, you can always come to me if you need to talk about anything. 
@glaiveofruin​, I miss seeing you around and writing with you, and I want you to know that you’re still one of the coolest people I’ve met in this rpc. You’re incredible and funny and I thank you for being such an awesome person. 
@failedmission​, listen, your Connor is the sweetest (but also badass) cupcake and I absolutely love writing with you, Gwen. You are a fantastic writer and a really awesome person, and I know you’ll kick those final assignments’ asses!! Just keep swimming, you’re a beautiful friend and you are worth it.
@theveryfirst​, you are one of the sweetest people I’ve met on this site, and I can’t wait to get to know you more. Your chloe is precious, and you are precious, and I hear nothing but good things about you from everyone I know. You’re absolutely amazing.
@rebellionmatriarch​ you as well are incredibly sweet. It really brought a smile to my face when you sent me that good morning message yesterday, and I want you to know how excited I am to write with you and get to know you more. North is a badass and you’ve given her the same amount of brightness that you have. 
@xpendble​, can I just say how much fun you are to talk to? I’ve only just met you and you’re someone I’m so happy to have stumbled upon on this website. I’m also so happy that I found someone who loves Alien Isolation and the Alien franchise like I do, haha. You’re awesome and I look forward to becoming friends. 
@wasscared​, another newbie to the fandom like me, but a long-time amazing writer and positive person. Although we’ve only talked a little, I’m so stoked for our au and I’m so happy I have had the opportunity to get to know you. You’re a big ray of light in this fandom right now, with so many good things to say about people (and especially about Connor, lol). Thank you for being you. 
@jericholeader​, Becca when I first came into this fandom I kinda just appreciated from afar, but I’m really glad we’re mutuals and I get to see the amount of time, effort and love you put into Markus first-hand. You’re another positive person who I love to see on my dash and I’m very excited to get to know you better. 
@zeitlosleben​, although we don’t talk ooc very often, I want you to know that El is an AMAZING oc, and your writing for her is spectacular. You’re incredibly funny, it’s always a joy to see what you have to say on the dash and honestly you deserve so much love.
Once again, I want every single one of my followers to know that you are valued, you are loved, and you are important. I encourage all of you to express your care to those you love and appreciate, and continue to find positivity where you can in these difficult times. I love you all. 
PLM  ♥
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vreenak · 4 years
Anticipation (Rafael Barba x reader)
This is a repost of a oneshot that was originally requested by anon in 2018:
“Idk if you’re still doing requests but after reading the fic about Barba masturbating, I needed more. Anything from him masturbating to being caught by a fem reader. Maybe a shower session or mutual masturbation but no sex?”
The fic anon mentioned (”Sounds, Smell, Sight - and a Surprise”) can be found here. I wrote “Anticipation” with the same female!detective!reader in mind, but the plots aren’t connected.
Shoutout to the lovely person who sent me an ask today and reminded me of this. It’s probably the filthiest thing I’ve ever written. Explicit m/f smut! Lots of fingering. (Yes, giving and receiving.) And a little surprise at the end. 😙 
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Friday, 5pm. As Rafael opened the door to your shared apartment, he tried to think of the last time he'd gotten off work that early. Must've been sometime last year, but definitely before you had started dating two months ago. (After you left that red panty on his desk chair … After he’d gotten himself off in the men’s room like a horny seventeen year old.)
The last few weeks had been hell for you, you'd been studying for the sergeant's exam every night after coming home from your job as an NYPD detective.
Rafael had tried his best to support you, and he understood that you needed space, both physical and mental, in order concentrate on your exam prep. And being a competitive workaholic himself, he felt proud to be with a woman as ambitious as you. But still. He was only human after all and missed the intimacy and, well, the fun.
In the living room he flipped off his shoes, loosened his tie and sauntered into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Leaning against the sink, his gaze fell upon the fridge door and the piece of paper that was pinned to it.
The list. 3 bullet points.
A big grin appeared on Rafael's face.
The last time you'd had sex was a week ago. Desperate and touch-starved you had dragged him out of his home office and into the bedroom for a quickie before you had to start your night shift, and before he had to go back to filling out the 117th piece of paperwork.
Looking back now, he blamed it on his post-orgasmic bliss that he'd promised you not to let you out of bed coming weekend.  
“Oh really?”
Rafael loved that face you made when you teased him, an enticing mix of pouting, skepticism and amusement.
“The whole weekend? Think you can handle it?”
Your hand wandered down to cup his balls – making the implication of your words all too clear.
“Hey,” Rafael flinched a little, before letting out a sigh and giving in to your gentle caresses.
“I'm older than you, but I'm not that old, thank you very much. And by the way, I thought we'd make this more about you anyway.”
Your face broke into an unashamed grin.
“Actually … I thought we'd make this more about YOU. I already have a few ideas ...”
And then you had told him, in fascinating detail, just what you had in mind. It had been enough to make him blush when you whispered it into his ear, but having the list on the fridge out in the open like that … it had sent a tingle through his body every time he'd walked by it this past week.
Rafael finished his water in one thirsty gulp and walked into the bedroom. It would be at least one and a half hours till you came home. Plenty of time for a nap. It had been a short day, but he still felt the weight of weeks of overtime still clinging to him.
He undressed down to his shirt and underwear and lay down on top of the blanket, enjoying the cool breeze of the AC.
But he couldn't relax. His mind kept racing, next week's schedule, the upcoming trial, your exam … dozens of images flipped through his mind and, tired as he was, it seemed unlikely that he would fall asleep. Rafael would never admit it openly, but he knew he should cut down on coffee. Or, he mused, it would help if you were here with him. Spooning him from behind, your warm arms against his chest, your heartbeat against his back, the comforting scent of your perfume …
Now that he was laying in complete silence, he realized that he'd been low-key aroused all day. All week, in a way. And he wanted to save it for you. But on the other hand, he would last longer later if he just got that first orgasm out of his system now.
Rafael's hands made the decision before his mind came to the conclusion that it was okay, that there was no reason for a bad conscience. His fingers slid under the band of his pants and pulled them down. The brush of the cool air across his skin stirred his budding arousal even more.
A groan escaped him as he took himself in hand and felt the flesh firming in his fist. Yes.
He brought his hand up again and spat into his palm in order to make the next movements go more fluently, but after just a minute of stroking, the juice leaking from the from the tip of his cock gave him more to work with. At the end of each stroke, Rafael rubbed his thumb over the glans, each touch sending a bolt of tingling excitement through his body. He closed his eyes and grinded his hips against his palm, imagining the hands was yours, imagining how you spurned him on, telling you that--
You stood in the doorway of the bedroom, half-smiling, eyebrows raised.
Rafael's heart was pumping hard against his chest and he sat up in shock. His hand was still wrapped around his cock. “Couldn't wait, huh.” You walked over to him and sat down on the bed. “So horny that you couldn't wait one more hour.” He loved the tone of your voice, teasing, with just a hint of dominance. “Busted.” You began to run your hand over his muscular legs, starting at his ankles, pausing to massage his calf, and then further up …
“Would be kind of a shame to just stop, don't you think?”
Rafael's cock was throbbing, almost uncomfortably so, but the rest of his body relaxed under your hand. Nodding and smiling, he let himself fall back against the pillows, exposing himself fully to you.
“Come on,” Rafael whispered, patting your side of the bed. Your bright smile revealed your own neediness, but you wouldn't make it too easy for him. You took your time unbuttoning your pants, sliding your panties down, wiggling your ass while doing so. Rafael shook his head and chuckled at your flirtatiousness. “Stop laughing or I'll make you pay.” Rafael obeyed, but he was still smirking at your naked figure, happily anticipating what was going to happen next. You climbed on top of Rafael, bringing your legs on either side of him in a kneeling position. Rafael waited for you to sink down on his hard cock and for a second it seemed as though you would … but all you did was dip down enough to brush your labiae against his crotch in a teasing circular movement of your hips.
He was pretty far along now and so tempted to reach out for your ass and make you sit, but you had already pulled away to nestle yourself between his spread legs.
He knew how much you loved his cock, not just how it made you feel when it was buried inside of you, but you could get yourself off just by looking at him when he was as hard as he was now. Pink and slick. Thick and veiny. A feast. You grabbed him firmly, giving it a few slow strokes until Rafael began to moan in rhythm with your movements, only loosening your grip when he began to buck his hips against your hand. "No!" Not yet. Your free hand reached out to palm his balls, smiling at the thought how he was completely under your control now. you cupped and massaged them lightly for a few seconds. But you had other plans before sliding your index finger under his sack to rub against his perineum.
Rafael opened his eyelids and looked at you with a distant stare, returning from that place in his mind were everything was lust and love He managed a nod and tilted his hips to give you better access. He could see your right hand disappear under his balls and gasped when he felt your fingertips stroking his rim. 
“Lube, darling,” you whispered and Rafael reached for the bottle on the bedside table, his hands were shaking so hard that he almost dropped it.
You squirted a generous amount of the liquid into your hand and reached down again, feeling yourself getting wetter at the sight of Rafael's erection pressing against his stomach. Alone the thought of what you were about to do – and what you were going to do later – made it hard for both of you to stay composed.
You wrapped your hand gently around his cock as your other hand reaches down again to circle and tease his hole with your slick fingertips. You slide your index finger in slowly – this is only the third time you've been doing this together
“That's it, baby, that's where you want me.”
“Yes,” he gasped, eyes still closed, brows furrowed as though it's already enough, like he's trying very hard not to reach down and touch himself to end this right now.
“You're doing so well, Rafi, I know you can hold it back for a little longer, hm?”
You inserted your middle finger and Rafael let out a moan that sounds like it's been kept bottled up for far too long.
Your fingers were inside him to the hilt and Rafi cried out again when they found the right spot and began to massage it and rub circles on it. Your other hand kept on pumping his cock and you could tell that he was getting close.
“Tell me, Rafi, what did you think about when I walked in on you?”
The smallest would push him over the edge now. You leaned in and took his cock into your mouth, just the tip, and worked your tongue under it with a few hard licks.
Rafael was shaking and his toes were curling and then you pulled back, your fingers replacing your mouth as spurts of hot cum spilled over his stomach.
His holewas still clasping around your fingers as you gathered his cum with your mouth, tracing a path from his loins to his panting chest, finally pulling away with a wet sound. Rafael's breathing had calmed down and he propped himself up on his elbows, smiling. You hadn't swallowed yet.
You leaned down to kiss him, your tongues tangling as you enjoy this treat together.
Rafael swallowed and broke the kiss.
“Your turn, kitten. You must be dripping by now.”
“Hmm. Yes … I want to ride you, papi, please!”
Rafael grabbed your hips and pulled you on his thigh, holding you tight. Sitting chest to chest now, his hair was teasing your nipples and you shuddered.
You tried to lean forward a little more to get some friction where it felt just right. Your clit was pulsing already, and when you had positioned yourself, you started to grind yourself against him, bopping up and down, leaving trails of your juices on his thigh.
Your breathing was getting hitched and the tight feeling somewhere between your navel and your clit was beginning to turn from tautness to pleasure when his hands steadied your pace again. He could always tell by the look in your eyes when you were getting close, and he wouldn't let you have it just now.
You let out a moan of frustration.
“First you gotta tell papi what you're looking forward to the most this weekend.”
Rafael's right hand had made its way between you and his thigh, and you felt two fingers sliding inside you all too easily.  
You immediately clenched around them, trying to force him to stay inside of you, no more teasing, no more waiting.
“Say it.”
You grinded down and rode him desperately, trying to form words, trying to decide if you could tell him the truth. You'd always been unashamed to share any thoughts and fantasies with each other, but this time it was different..
“I … I ...”
“I can tell if you're lying, be a good girl and spit it out.”
Until now his thumb had been resting against your pussy, but now moved it through your folds up to the hood of your swollen clit, alternately rubbing and circling it ...
“Sunday! Ahhh, Sunday, ok? Now let me come, please!”
You opened your eyes and searched his face for a trace of jealousy or irritation but instead he smiled at you with a sincerity that made you feel loved.
“Should've thought so.”
His smirking lips crashed against yours and you leaned forward, desperate to taste him again. The slightly changed position allowed his busy fingers to slide deeper inside of you and your moans turned into a whimper.
Rafael broke away from your mouth and grabbed a fistful of your hair, tilting your head until you looked him straight in the eyes. “Come for me now, baby girl.”
Your walls were already beginning to clench around him before he could finish his sentence and you let out a silent scream, your core erratically rocking against him until you were spent.
With shaking legs and a zoned-out smile you climbed off him and fell back on your side of the bed.
Rafael turned around and leaned his head on his elbow, looking at you bemusedly and more than a little proud.
“You're amazing,” he whispered. He reached over to you with his right hand, his fingers still coated with your juices. “And beautiful.”  His index finger painted lazy, glistening lines from your navel up to your breastbone as he pressed soft kisses all over your face.
“Can you bring me a water, Rafi?” You yawned and ran a hand through your hair. You hadn't felt so relaxed in weeks and the anxiety about your exam had finally been pushed to the back of your head. All thanks to your amazing boyfriend.
Rafael walked into the kitchen and opened to fridge to get you your water.
“Better bring one for you too,” your voice came from the bedroom.  
Rafael felt a shiver run down his spine and he smiled in anticipation. He closed the fridge door and looked at the list one last time before he returned to your bedroom.
It read:
Friday:  Rafi gets rimmed and pegged
Saturday: Rafi gets bound and gagged
Sunday: Sonny comes over to play
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Gorgeous (Branjie) -MissChimKi
Summary: Brooke and Vanjie meet on a night out. Vanjie thinks Brooke is the most gorgeous person she’s ever met and the feeling is mutual. The problem? Vanjie has a boyfriend and the attraction can only lead to trouble.
Finally jumped onto the Branjie train. This was originally supposed to be open ended but then the smut happened so enjoy! Shoutout to Alexandria and Ace for betaing this! It takes a village y'all so thank you!
“You should come, it’ll be a lot of fun,” Nina encouraged her for like the fourth time that week.
Vanjie was sure it would be fun. It was a night out with Nina and a few other friends, but she still felt a little like she was crashing. It was Brooke Lynn’s birthday, and while Vanjie was friends with Nina and some of the others going, she had never actually met Brooke.
It was strange, seeing as they had so many mutual friends and everyone had said that they would get along, but schedules had never aligned for them to be out on the same outings.
Vanjie sighed, “You’re not gonna stop pestering me on this are you?”
Nina shook her head, “Of course not, so you should really just cave and agree to come.”
“I guess,” she finally gave in, “I’ll check with John if he wants to come too.”
Nina had a look on her face but she didn’t say anything. Vanjie of course called her out on it, “Girl what’s the stank face over there for.”
“Well you already know that he’s not gonna want to come,” Nina told her truthfully, “You hardly ever see him at this point and whenever you bring him up you’re complaining about how boring he is or you’re just forgetting about him entirely.”
Vanjie knew that Nina had a point, but she didn’t know the full story so it wasn’t really her place to decide what was right for her, “I know you have my best interests in mind and all, but you have to trust that I know what I’m doing.” She didn’t of course, but she had to come across like she did in order for Nina to drop it.
“Whatever you say.” The look on Nina’s face told her that she wasn’t buying it, but she changed the subject anyway, “I’m glad you’re going to come! It’ll be so fun having everyone together for once.”
Vanjie nodded in agreement, “Yeah it’ll be nice to see everyone. I don’t have to bring a gift or anything do I because I have no idea what I would even bring.”
Nina shook her head, “A few of us are getting together beforehand and that will be the gift exchange time, so if you just buy her a drink at the club it’ll be more than enough.”
Vanjie smiled, “Okay cool. I guess I’ll see you tonight then,” she picked up their trash and walked to throw it away. They had been working at the same company for years and had taken to eating lunch together and talking shit about the other people they worked with. Working with Nina was always a blast. She brightened up the room and was great to talk to, but she still got the job done.
They headed back to the office, taking their time before parting ways to go to their desks to finish their work for the day. Nina was leaving early that day to get everything ready for the night, but for Vanjie it was business as usual. She chatted with Akeria and Rajah as she worked. Both of them would be going out that night too, so she would have them to talk to as well.
It’s not like Vanjie had any trouble with being around new people. She had always been extremely extroverted and outgoing and was typically the loudest in the room. That had gotten her into some trouble at times, but usually it worked out in her favor. She knew she would have fun that night, but she didn’t want to take any of the spotlight from Brooke Lynn seeing as it was her party, so she vowed to be on her best behavior and not drink too much.
Work slowly came to an end and she packed up for the day and walked out to her car to head home. She dialed John to see if he wanted to do something for dinner and then possibly go out with her that night. She put the phone on speaker before driving off.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” he greeted after a few rings.
“Nothing much,” she replied, “just getting off work and wanted to see what you were up to.”
“Just making some dinner. I’ll probably head out to the bar to watch the game tonight. You’re welcome to join,” he offered.
That was the thing. He only offered for her to come to outings he knew she had absolutely no interest in, “Actually Nina invited me out for her friends birthday. I was gonna see if you wanted to come to that with me.”
“As fun as that sounds, I’m going to have to pass,” he told her, “Have fun on your little girls night though.”
She sighed, “Yeah I will.”
“Drive safe,” he encouraged, “Bye.”
“Bye,” she returned the sentiment before hanging up. She really didn’t know why she was still hanging on to him. The problem was that she didn’t have a real reason to break up with him. He was fine, but she was bored of it. She typically tried to get out of spending time with him and his annoying friends, so she couldn’t be surprised when he did the same.
He was safe though, and easy, and Vanjie had always had problems with getting bored in relationships and leaving without a trace. She didn’t want to continue doing that and she figured she could stick it out with him for a little bit longer. At least until she found something better.
The night wore on. She made dinner, watched some Netflix and eventually dragged herself off the couch to get ready. She really just had to touch up her makeup from the day and curl her hair. Nina had been updating her to let her know when they were going to go to the club. They were apparently on their way, but Vanjie liked to be fashionably late. She took her time curling her hair and applying a deep red lipstick.
Once she decided she was ready, she called an uber and waited for it to arrive. The ride to the club was pleasant. The driver was a little chatty, but not rude or creepy, so she took it as a win. There was a small line that had already formed outside the club, so she knew it would be poppin when she got in.
She waited in line and exchanged compliments with the group of young girls in front of her. 26 wasn’t old by any means, but sometimes she longed for those younger years when she had absolutely no control or limits and just lived her life freely. Eventually, she made her way into the club and went straight to the bar to get a drink before scouting out the other girls. She knew they would already be a little tipsy so she needed to catch up. She ordered her usual vodka cranberry and maneuvered her way through the crowds of people to the corner table that she had spotted her friends at.
Nina’s face lit up when she saw her, and she immediately got up to wrap her in a hug. “Hey I’m so glad you came,” she greeted excitedly.
Vanessa greeted all of her other friends and let herself be introduced to all the new faces. She doubted she would remember all of them by the end of the night, but she smiled and greeted them nonetheless. She got to Brooke Lynn at the end of the line who was giving her a genuine smile.
Vanjie knew she had a flair for dramatics, but it was no exaggeration to say that Brooke was one of the most gorgeous people she’d ever met. Vanjie could not get over how good she looked and had to calm herself when Brooke pulled her in for an unexpected hug. She returned the hug only slightly awkwardly.
“It’s great to finally meet you! I’ve heard so much about you,” Brooke gushed.
Vanjie could tell that Brooke was clearly the most drunk out of the group, as she should be. She knew that Brooke was from Canada, but she hadn’t realized how much her accent wold come out when she was drunk.
“I’ve heard a lot aboot you too,” Vanjie couldn’t help herself. Maybe it was just the intimidation from being around Brooke, but she couldn’t help but mock the blonde’s accent.
Brooke rolled her eyes but kept a poised smile on her lips, “Wow I’ve never heard that one before,” she joked.
Vanjie gave her a tight smile before heading down to the other end of the table to be near Akeria and Rajah. She wanted to kick herself for mocking Brooke Lynn right off the bat. What a terrible way to make a first impression. She hoped Brooke was drunk enough to forget about it, or at least would’t hold it against her later.
A girl who looked like a real life bratz doll brought shots for the whole table, cheering excitedly when everyone took theirs. Vanjie took hers quickly, then joined in as everyone began chanting for Brooke to take hers. She watched intently as the blonde threw back the shot. Vanjie watched as she scrunched her nose at the taste but still kept her poise. She was baffled by how perfect this girl seemed to be and she just couldn’t tear her eyes away.  
An Ariana Grande song came on, and the girl with a high pony similar to the singer in question squealed and pulled Brooke up to the dance floor. A few of the others got up to join them, but Vanjie stayed to chat with Akeria, who hadn’t made a move to join in on the dancing.
Akeria was talking about something to do with work, which Vanjie had absolutely no interest in. Not that she would usually have an interest in talking about work, but especially not when she couldn’t take her eyes off the way Brooke Lynn was dancing.  Somewhere in the back of her mind she had known Brooke was a dancer, but seeing it in action was a whole different story.
Even drunk and just goofing off with her friends, she was mesmerizing. Vanjie felt her mouth go dry, watching the way Brooke grinded on her friend was making Vanjie feel some type of way, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
She heard Akeria clear her throat and turned her attention back to her, “See something you like?” Akeria asked with a pointed tone.
Vanjie looked away, trying not to appear too obvious, “Sorry, I was just zoned out for a second there,” she hoped Akeria would buy it, but from the look on her face, she didn’t seem to.
“I see you looking over there at Miss Brooke, and you’ve got those ‘fuck me’ eyes, so I don’t know what you think you’re trying to hide,” Akeria pressed more.
Vanjie rolled her eyes and shook her head, “There’s nothing to hide, I have a boyfriend and I don’t even know Brooke. I just got distracted for a moment,” she told her firmly, hoping to convey truthfulness even though she didn’t quite buy what she was saying.
It was true though, she had a boyfriend. She most definitely shouldn’t be viewing Brooke Lynn that way, especially after only exchanging a few words with her. She had to shake those thoughts from her mind before they got the better of her.
“Whatever you say girl,” Akeria finished off her drink and announced she was going to get another. She asked if Vanjie wanted to join her, but she shook her head.
“Nah, I’ll just hang here,” she settled down into her seat and watched Akeria disappear towards the bar.
Brooke was still dancing in a way that should be illegal, and Vanjie had to do something to distract herself from watching, so she ended up talking with one of Brooke’s friends Honey. Honey was sweet and seemed genuine. Vanjie hadn’t realized how much she’d been missing out on all of these group outings. She only knew a handful of the girls there but it seemed like they all knew each other.
Honey filled her in a little on how they knew each other. Vanjie already knew that Nina and Brooke met in college, but apparently that’s how some of the other girls met her too. The others worked with her. They were all connected in a way that Vanjie wasn’t, and she wished there was someone else there that was in the same boat as she was. Or at least that one of the people she actually knew would keep her company.
Honey excused herself to use the restroom, leaving Vanjie completely alone. It was strange for her, but she didn’t have much time to dwell on it as Brooke Lynn seemed to be taking a break from dancing and heading straight towards her.
Vanjie looked away quickly and was lucky her gaze landed on Nina, who was chatting with Rajah. She quickly made her way over to them, feeling like her only way to deal with the whole Brooke situation was to just avoid her as much as she could. It didn’t hurt to look of course, but she didn’t want to push it too far. She missed Brooke’s confused and a little hurt look as she walked over to Nina.
Nina smiled her greeting as Vanjie made her way towards them. “Miss Vanjie, I’m surprised you’re not out there showing all the drunk girls how to dance,” Nina commented.
Vanjie shrugged, “I gotta get on their level before I can really show off.”
“And you’re gonna do that by sipping the same drink all night?” Rajah flicked her glass knowingly.
“Don’t pressure her Rajah, let her do what she wants,” Nina scolded with no real malice to her words.
Rajah rolled her eyes, “Whatever, I’m going to get another drink, and I’m bringing something strong back for Vanjie too.”
“You know I love free drinks girl,” Vanjie encouraged her as she walked off to the bar.
“So how are you getting on with everyone,” Nina gently nudged her side.
“The people I’ve talked to seem chill. I don’t know these girls names for shit but I’m sure they’re fine,” Vanjie joked.
“Yeah I don’t know most of them too well. A lot of them are Brooke’s friends. Have you had the chance to talk to her at all? I think you two will really hit it off. We all talk about you so much I know she’s been eager to meet you,” Nina explained to her.
Vanjie had definitely felt the same way. Brooke Lynn had come up frequently in conversations and it always left Vanjie wanting to meet the mysterious girl but now that she had there was a part of her that wished Brooke had just remained Nina’s anonymous friend.
Brooke was exactly the kind of girl she would go for, and she had a hunch that Nina knew that. Tall, blonde, gorgeous body and a dancer. She was definitely a goddess and if it weren’t for John, she would surely go for it, but talking to Brooke even casually was treading dangerous waters. She’d never been so attracted to someone on first glance, but Brooke had caught her eye and was threatening to hold that gaze forever if Vanjie didn’t have the willpower to look away.
“I haven’t had the chance to talk to her yet. She’s probably enjoying her birthday with all of her friends. I don’t want to intrude too much,” Vanjie tried to play it off. Nina absolutely did not need to know that she had any interest in Brooke. She would never let Vanjie hear the end of it.
“Did someone summon me,” Brooke popped up behind them and gave Vanjie’s shoulder a light squeeze before cuddling into Nina and resting her head basically on Nina’ boob.
“Is that a comfy pillow?” Vanjie teased. Why was it so hard to talk to Brooke without mocking her a little bit? She needed to bite her tongue and tone it down a lot.
Brooke snuggled in more, “You know it,” she smiled, “Thanks for coming girl. I know you don’t really know me, but hopefully that’ll change soon,” she told Vanjie.
Vanjie gave her a smile, “Of course,” she agreed half-heartedly. It’s not that she didn’t want to be friends with Brooke, but also it was kind of that. She didn’t just want to just be friends and couldn’t imagine spending a lot of time together without making a move.
Brooke was about to say something before a loud voice came and interrupted their conversation, “Big Silk in the house,” the loud woman busted into their conversation. “Happy birthday Miss Brooke,” she greeted Brooke Lynn with a huge hug, then pulled Nina in for one as well.
“Vanjie this is Silky, Silky this is Vanjie, we work together,” Nina introduced them.
“What kinda name is Vanjie?” she asked laughing.
“It’s a nickname, my actual name is Vanessa, but everyone always called me Banjie and my mom couldn’t say it, so Vanjie became a thing,” she explained.
Silky had already moved on to the next thing, which was Rajah finally coming back with drinks. She passed one off to Vanjie before greeting Silky, “Oh shit Silky’s here. Now it’s about to get messy,” Rajah joked earning a smack from Silky.
“No, it just means the party is about to start,” Silky announced, “And I love this song, so we’re gonna go dance,” She grabbed Nina and Brooke’s hands before dragging them to the dance floor. Rajah shrugged and followed them leaving Vanjie alone once again.
On one hand she could go dance with the rest of them, or she could sip her drink by herself and not watch Brooke dance. Though neither seemed too likely, but she didn’t want to be alone, so she made her way to the dance floor, intentionally keeping distance from Brooke and focusing on dancing with Nina.
Silky seemed to be having the time of her life. Twerking on everyone and even lifting Brooke up at one point. Vanjie had never met someone so loud and boisterous, but it was kind of contagious and she let Silky grind on her and have a good time. She had some moves of her own and had the rest of the girls cheering her on. It was a lot of fun actually. As long as she stayed away from Brooke Lynn and didn’t get caught up in watching her dance, she wouldn’t have any problems.
After a few songs, she and a few other girls made their way to the bar to grab more drinks and take a breather. She was reaching a good level where she was still in control but generally more pleasant and happy, and she wanted to keep herself there.
She took a seat with two girls she didn’t know the names of. They were pretty wrapped up in their own conversation and she didn’t bother trying to understand. She just sipped her drink and people-watched. Nina and Silky were still dancing, but she didn’t spot anyone else. Namely Brooke, who she knew she shouldn’t be seeking out but was anyways.
Just as she was about to give up on looking, the woman in question popped up next to her. It was like she had some kind of sixth sense for when Vanjie was thinking about her, which to be fair, was this whole night.
“Hey girl, want some company?” she took a seat beside Vanjie without waiting for a response.
“Shouldn’t you be out there dancing?” Vanjie hoped to urge her back onto the dancefloor.
Brooke Lynn shrugged, “I wanted a break, and I haven’t gotten the chance to chat with you at all tonight, so here I am.” She was leaning in close in order for Vanjie to hear her. With the club buzzing around them, it was certainly hard to have a conversation and she hoped that could be used to her advantage.
“So how’s your party going so far? You having a good time?” she asked.
Brooke shrugged, looking a little bored, maybe that was just her resting bitch face though, “It’s fine. I could be having more fun but maybe later,” her gaze held a little too long with Vanjie’s as her punctuation, “how about you? You seem distant,” she seemed to choose the word carefully.
“Yeah, I guess I don’t know many people here,” she explained.
Brooke leaned in closer, as if she couldn’t hear Vanjie. Maybe she couldn’t but Vanjie doubted it, she was a loud bitch. “We should change that, let me give you the inside scoop on everyone.”
Vanjie nodded, “Alright girl, give me the tea.”
Brooke giggled before pointing to Nina and Silky on the dance floor, “They got dared to kiss at a party last year, and since then there’s been an awkward tension between them. We all thought it was hilarious. Nina wanted to wash her mouth out with soap, but it seems like they’re getting over it, so that’s good.”
“Oh god, I would have loved to see that,” Vanjie laughed.
“It was a fun party,” Brooke seemed to be reminiscing on the memories before getting back on track, “Scarlet and Yvie over there have been on this little friends with benefits thing for a few months though. Scarlet still claims to be straight, or maybe just bi curious now, and Yvie says it’s just because it’s an easy and good lay. Both are waiting for the other to actually do anything, but they’re both way too stubborn to be the one who does anything.”
Vanjie’s eyes went to the two girls whispering and laughing in the dark corner. The chemistry between them was pretty undeniable. She had assumed they were dating at first glance, “Seems like they need a push in the right direction.”
“Oh no, they would hate anyone meddling, it would make things a lot worse,” Brooke shook her head.
“They don’t know me though, or know that I know anything,” Vanjie winked.
Brooke rolled her eyes and playfully hit Vanjie’s shoulder, “You’re wild girl Let them deal with their shit on their own, it’s not worth it.”
Vanjie raised a brow, “What, you hate true love?” she teased.
“Yes I despise it,” Brooke Lynn agreed in a slightly serious tone. Vanjie shouldn’t explore it more, but she couldn’t help herself.
“It’s too bad, it can be pretty fun,” she gave Brooke a gentle smile.
“There’s more fun things, I’m sure,” Brooke gave her a coy smile and Vanjie really felt like she’d entered the danger zone.
Brooke was definitely coming on to her and Vanjie wanted more than anything to return the sentiment. She had always been a flirt, but there was a line and she knew She shouldn’t cross it, no matter how tempting it was.
So she cleared her throat and pulled back a little, “That’s what my boyfriend thinks anyways.” At least that was out in the open so maybe she could feel a little less guilty about whatever was going on between her and Brooke.
Brooke appeared to be caught off guard, she took a moment to compose herself before returning to the conversation, “And where is this mysterious boyfriend?” Brooke challenged.
“I don’t know. Probably off at some bar doing whatever guys do. Watching the game maybe? He told me he wanted me to have a fun girl’s night, so here I am,” Vanjie explained, hating how it sounded as it came out of her mouth.
Brooke didn’t seem to be impressed either, “You should do that then. I’m going to get another drink and then get back to dancing. Join if you want.” And with that Brooke was gone again. Vanjie didn’t even try not to look at the deliberate swing of Brooke’s hips as she walked to the bar. She didn’t really know what Brooke expected to get out of this, or even her own expectations, but finding out was extremely tempting.
She needed to regroup for a moment though and not indulge in her fantasies. She finished her drink slowly and went to the bar to get a water. She needed to be level headed for the rest of the night.
Brooke had gone back to the dance floor and was dancing with ponytail girl again. Still too scandalous and tempting, but now she seemed like she had an aim. The song playing and the swing of Brooke’s hips didn’t help Vanjie at all. Even sipping on the water, her throat was dry.
‘Break up with your girlfriend, cuz I’m bored.’
Brook Lynn’s lips moved to the song as she locked eyes with Vanjie. Her body slowly grinding to the beat against her friend. Vanjie wanted to laugh at the irony of the song, but she was too entranced to think of anything other than Brooke’s body pressed against her own.
Brooke kept her gaze as the song went on. It felt like a dare, and Vanjie couldn’t resist. Eventually she gave in to the pull and her feet found their way to the dance floor. Brooke was playing it coy and kept dancing with her friend barely acknowledging that Vanjie had joined their little circle.
Luckily, the ponytail girl pulled her in and she took advantage of the moment, pressing up against her and moving in time to the new song that was playing. She kept her moves deliberate and a little saucy. She could feel Brooke’s eyes on her and it only motivated her.
Eventually she looked up to see Brooke watching intently. She smirked as if to say ‘two can play that game.’ Brooke apparently had had enough though and moved in, placing her hands on Vanjie’s hips and matching her rhythm.
Vanjie ate up the attention, turning around and rubbing her ass against Brooke in a way that was definitely more than playful. Brooke was not holding back on her part either. Her hands claiming space on Vanjie’s body and swaying perfectly in time. Vanjie had to admit that they fit well together. It was definitely wrong, but it left her feeling electrified and she wanted more, even if it wasn’t wise.
She turned around to face Brooke again, which was a bad idea. Her pupils were dark, and she was watching Vanjie intently, not wanting to miss a single movement. Even after dancing all night, her hair was still perfect and her makeup was not smudged at all. Vanjie wondered what it would be like to watch her come undone. To let go of this perfect face she put on for the world and to come apart just for Vanjie. She was about to throw caution to the wind before a familiar figure danced in between them. It was Nina and she did not look thrilled with Vanjie.
She didn’t look happy with Brooke either and Vanjie took her moment to try to escape Nina’s wrath. She would try to let Brooke deal with it first, and hopefully she would get the toned down version of it, even though she was the one who was the main problem.
As expected, Nina followed her to the table looking fully pressed. Vanjie tried her best to play innocent even though she knew Nina would see right through it.
“So what was that?” Nina jumped right to the point.
“What do you mean, I was just dancing,” Vanjie fluttered her lashes.
Nina put her hands on her hips, “Don’t even try to fool me I saw that. It was definitely going somewhere. Did you forget you’re in a public club? Oh, and also that you have a boyfriend?”
Vanjie sighed, they were doing this now then, “I know. I know your gonna lecture me about how bad of a person I am, but can you just hear me out for a minute?”
Nina looked like she had very little patience, but she still gestured for Vanjie to continue. “John is just so boring. Like every time I’m with him it’s agonizing because I’d always rather be anywhere else. There’s just no connection. I haven’t had an orgasm in months, and the only reason he got me off in the beginning was because it had been so long. I’ve been dancing around it for too long, I know, but it was just easier that way.”
Nina sighed, “I’ve been telling you to break up with him for a long time now, you know? He’s never made you happy and I get that, but that doesn’t excuse cheating. While you’re sleeping with someone else, he’s at home waiting for you.”
“Okay he’s definitely not waiting for me. He’s probably still at the sports bar or whatever. We hardly see each other, so it’s not like I’m leaving here to go be with him,” she tried to justify it.
“Break up with him then. I really don’t care what you do, or who you do for that matter, but cheating is not something I’ll ever condone.” Vanjie wasn’t surprised. Nina had always been the mom friend, looking out for everyone else. Even if it was a little invasive at times, she always had everyone’s best interest in mind.
“I wasn’t going to do anything, I was just having a little fun,” Vanjie caved.
“But you are attracted to Brooke?” Nina challenged.
Vanjie rolled her eyes, “Obviously. Have you seen her? The bitch is perfect.”
Nina smiled slightly, “I knew you would get on with her. That’s another reason why I was trying so hard to get you to end it with John.”
Vanjie smirked, “Ah, so she had ulterior motives.”
Nina shoved her lightly, “I just want to see my friends happy and making good decisions. Is that so wrong?”
“You’re all on me, but it takes two to tango. Brooke knows I have a boyfriend, so what makes you think she’s gonna even go for me.”
Nina gave her a ‘really’ look, “She didn’t just want to meet you because we all talk about you a lot. She’s had a little bit of a thing for you for a while now. You’re exactly her type apparently,” she explained.
Vanjie’s smile grew wide, “So she’s definitely interested then?”
Nina shook her head, “That’s not the point. Did you forget about everything we just talked about? Just chill tonight and break up with your boring boyfriend, then take her out or whatever.”
“I mean I’m going to break up with him no matter what so it seems like a moot point,” Vanjie argued.
Nina threw her hands up in the air with a dramatic huff, “You know what, dig your own grave if you want but I’m not going to give you the shovel.” She gave Vanjie another meaningful look before walking away. It was up to Vanjie now and decisions had never been her strong suit.
Luckily, Brooke was nowhere in sight. Maybe it was for the best if she just left. Part of her still wanted to say goodbye though. Maybe just let it be Brooke’s decision. She sighed and headed to the restroom to clear her head. There were a few drunk giggling girls walking out as she walked in and she had to shove her way around them a little bit.
She eyed herself in the mirror, surprised by how intact she still looked. She pulled out her lipstick to touch it up when a familiar face stumbled into the restroom. Of course Brooke would turn up exactly where Vanjie didn’t need her to be.
“Hey,” Vanjie greeted softly.
“Hey,” Brooke returned, light smile on her lips, “I love that shade on you, it’s really pretty.”
Vanjie smiled, “Thanks, it’s my favorite.”
“Mmm,” Brooke agreed, “Red is definitely your color.”
Brooke seemed slightly tipsy still but more tired than anything. It was probably best that they both called it a night. “Yeah, I’m not sure why I’m even touching it up, it’s getting late and I think I’m gonna head out,” she announced.
Brooke nodded in agreement, “That sounds really nice actually. I’m pretty worn out. I just want to go home and snuggle up with my cats.”
Vanjie smiled, of course she had cats. “That sounds nice.”
“It does,” Brooke locked eyes with her again, this time even more intense than on the dance floor, “You can come along with me if you want.”
And there was the offer. Vanjie knew that the smart and safe option was to say no, but she had never liked playing it safe. So she nodded, “yeah okay,” she agreed.
Brooke seemed a little shocked but she snapped out of it quickly and grabbed Vanjie’s hand, leading her out of the bathroom and through the club. Vanjie knew there would be consequences, but she didn’t care anymore. Not when Brooke’s hand was in hers and the promise of a good night was in store. She ignored the disapproving looks from Nina as they said goodbye to the rest of the group and just let herself be pulled along for the ride.
Brooke called an uber once they were outside the club. Vanjie still had time to change her mind, but she didn’t think she wanted to. There was an awkward silence as they waited and a heavy tension in the air. The uber came eventually and they both got in the back seat.
The ride to Brooke’s was quiet. Vanjie made sure to keep her eyes and hands off Brooke until they got there. She didn’t know what she would do if their eyes met. She could feel Brooke’s stare on her as they ride in silence. She felt a hand intertwine with hers and in the darkness of the car, she let it happen, doing her best to ignore Brooke’s smile out of the corner of her eye.
Finally, they got to Brooke’s apartment, and they thanked the driver as they headed to the door. Vanjie’s head was foggy, but not from the drinks. She was pretty much sober at this point and her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. Was she really going to do this? Brooke didn’t fumble with the key as she unlocked the door, which was another good sign. Two clear heads still making bad decisions, but it was better than the alternative.
Brooke Lynn turned to her, “So welcome to my apartment. Do you want a beer or something to drink?” she asked politely like they both didn’t know what they were there for.
“Not really, thanks though,” she responded awkwardly, wondering again why she was there.
“Good, I didn’t want them to go to waste anyways,” Brooke smiled and pressed in closer, backing Vanjie into the wall. She paused for a second like Vanjie was going to tell her to stop. They were definitely at the point of no return now, and Vanjie leaned up to meet Brooke halfway.
Their lips fit together easily, and all thoughts of wrongdoing vanished from her mind, well most at least. She had no problem letting Brooke take control of the kiss since that seemed to be what she wanted. She let herself be backed against the wall. Brooke was pressed tight against her, crowding her space and cupping her face with her hands.
There was a certain urgency to the kiss. A now or never mentality that was looming over both of them. Vanjie let go of her inhibitions and pressed back with the same intensity and urgency that Brooke was giving her, surprising Brooke a little in the process.
Vanjie’s hands travelled down Brooke’s back to cup her ass gently and give it a slight squeeze, earning a little squeak from the taller girl. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a kiss this good. It certainly hadn’t been like that with John. She couldn’t think about him anymore though. If she was going to go through with it, she had to keep him from her mind.
She’d also forgotten how much she loved being with girls. There was a smoothness and sensuality that came with being with them that had never come to her as easily with boys,and  Brooke was a whole different thing entirely from other girls she’d been with. Most people had a height advantage on her so that was nothing new, but Brooke Lynn had a passion she’d never experienced before. She loved the rush it gave her and she wanted more.
Brooke pulled away slightly and Vanjie tried to chase her lips with her own, causing Brooke to giggle a little before moving her lips down to Vanjie’s neck and sucking lightly. Vanjie let out a whimper at the sensation as her hands reached up to tangle in Brooke’s hair, partially hoping to dishevel it slightly.
Brooke seemed to like the tug so Vanjie kept with it, pulling harder as Brooke nipped at her neck. Vanjie pulled Brooke up and their lips crashed together again, hungry and greedy. Vanjie wanted more still. Wanted to touch every inch of Brooke, leave her mark and be remembered.
After kissing against the wall for a while, Vanjie decided she’d much rather have a change of scenery. She pulled away to speak, “Do you have a bedroom, or are you just gonna fuck me against the wall.”
“Classy,” Brooke chirped back, twirling a strand of Vanjie’s hair around her finger. Her lips were smudged red from Vanjie’s lipstick and she kinda loved it, though it meant her own was probably badly smudged too.
“Nothing about this is classy,” Vanjie pointed out.
“True,” Brooke said, seeming hesitant about it all the sudden. She didn’t pull away though, instead she pulled Vanjie in again for a quick kiss. “My room’s this way,” she pulled Vanjie down a still dark hallway.
There was a strangled meow and a curse from Brooke as she tripped over a cat laying in the hallway. Vanjie’s laugh bounced off the walls as Brooke tried to apologize to the cat, only making Vanjie cackle even louder. They finally reached Brooke’s room at the end of the hallway and she flicked the light on, shooing her other cat out of the room before shutting the door.
“Crazy cat lady? A little bit of a mood killer, “Vanjie joked.
Brooke rolled her eyes and grabbed her waist to pull her in closer, locking eyes and raising a brow, “Is it really?”
Vanjie shook her head and bit her lip, “It’s actually kinda endearing.”
“Let’s not talk about my cats,” Brooke suggested, bending down to pepper her neck with kisses once more.
“Right because you’re only interested in one type of-,” Brooke’s lips caught hers again before she could finish her sentence, kissing her for a moment before pulling back, “-pussy,” Vanjie finished with a smirk.
Brooke gave her a look, “I might not be after that.”
“Well you already brought me all the way here and you’re still looking at me like you want it,” Vanjie countered.
“What happened to the quiet and shy Vanjie from the bar?” Brooke wondered playfully.
Vanjie smiled, “She realized she could get some either way and didn’t have to pretend.”
“You’re infuriating,” Brooke told her, but still pulled her in for another kiss.
“You love it,” Vanjie replied between kisses which were getting more intense with each passing second. Vanjie let her dominant side take some control as she pushed Brooke towards the bed. Brooke went easily, sitting down while Vanjie climbed on top of her. One hand cupped her face while the other reached for Vanjie’s zipper, sliding it down slowly. Vanjie kept the kiss going as she pulled her arms from the sleeves, letting it fall around her waist and leaving her in her bra.
Brooke’s hands ran down her sides, grabbing her waist and sending chills down her spine. Brooke broke the kiss and went down to her neck again. Vanjie tilted her head back to give her easier access. Her lips dipped lower, kissing around her cleavage and Vanjie reached her hands back to unclasp her bra, giving Brooke full access.
Brooke smiled as she pressed another kiss to Vanjie’s chest, “You’re beautiful,” she said honestly, cupping her breasts in her hands.
Vanjie bit her lip and took in a sharp breath as Brooke took one nipple in her mouth, working the other gently between her fingers. She didn’t waste any time, her tongue swirling around the delicate tip. Vanjie couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped her lips. Her hands went to Brooke’s hair. Weaving her fingers through the short wavy locks. Tugging slightly at every good sensation.
Brooke’s hand moved between to Vanjie’s inner thigh. Heat was radiating off both their bodies and Vanjie’s head was spinning with the anticipation of what was about to come. Brooke’s finger’s lightly scraped across her panties, teasing her slightly. Vanjie decided she’d had enough of it and pushed Brooke down onto the bed.
“Let me give you your birthday present,” she purred, crawling on top of the blonde to give her a sweet kiss.
Brooke Lynn nodded eagerly, wrapping her legs around Vanjie’s hips to keep her close, and pulled her in for a longer kiss. This time Vanjie pulled back to kiss her neck, nipping slightly and testing the waters. Brooke had a hand tangled in her hair and one on the small of her back. Her breathing had gotten heavier as Vanjie sucked her neck gently.
She moved down Brooke’s body, pressing kisses to the fabric of the dress before reaching the hem and pulling it up. Brooke’s red lacey panties told her everything she needed to know about what Brooke had wanted out of this night, and she wanted to make sure to give her exactly that.
She pressed a kiss to Brooke’s inner thigh and heard her breath hitch. Moving closer to her pussy and peppering kisses along the way, but she stopped just short of what the blonde wanted, keeping her a little on edge.
“Please, Vanjie. Fuck, I just need you now,” Brooke pleaded, pupils dark and lips swollen. Vanjie couldn’t deny her any longer. She pulled Brooke’s panties down her long legs before tossing them on the floor.
“You’re so gorgeous like this Brooke. So needy and demanding, and I’m the only one who can give you what you need,” Vanjie teased more.
“Vanjie I swear to god if you don’t do something soon, I’m gonna.” Vanjie cut her off by licking a long strip up her pussy, earning a gasp from Brooke, “Fuck,” she let out a long hiss, head rolling back.
Vanjie gave a few more experimental licks before flicking her tongue around Brooke’s clit and sucking slightly. She looked up to Brooke’s half closed eyes. Her hair was out of place, lipstick mixed with Vanjie’s, and smokey eye smudged. Vanjie wished she could take a picture of her like this. Completely undone, but she would have to settle for committing it to mental memory for later.
She pressed a sudden finger into Brooke’s warmth earning a gasp. Her tongue kept working Brooke’s clit as her finger pumped slowly but with intent in and out of her pussy. Vanjie had always loved eating girls out, it felt like a reward to watch their reactions. Seeing Brooke so satisfied had her turned on immensely.
She added another finger, working them faster as Brooke moaned and writhed beneath her. Her hands clenched the sheets and motivated Vanjie to keep going. She wanted to watch Brooke finish, wanted to see her melt at her own will.
“Fuck, Vanjie, I’m so close,” Brooke breathed out. Vanjie quickened her pace as she felt Brooke clench around her fingers. Her back arched off the bed and her fingers stretched out as she came, loud moans escaping her lips. Vanjie worked her through her orgasm, sucking her clit gently as she came down from her high. Brooke’s breathing was heavy and Vanjie slowly pulled her fingers out, locking eyes with Brooke’s as she sucked on them.
Brooke took a moment to recover before she beckoned for Vanjie to come up again so she could pull her in for a lingering kiss. The passion from it felt like a thank you, and Vanjie tried to return the ‘you’re welcome’ before rolling over and lying next to Brooke
“Shit, it’s hot,” Brooke pulled her dress over her head finally, leaving her in just her lace bra that matched her panties earlier, but that was quickly removed to.
“I want you to sit on my face but I need a minute,” Brooke told her bluntly.
Vanjie chuckled, “So she’s not a pillow princess after all.”
Brooke winked, “Usually the opposite, but it’s my birthday, so a little pampering is welcome.”
Vanjie moved to kiss her again, cupping her breasts. They were a lot fuller than her own and soft beneath her grip. Brooke smirked into the kiss as Vanjie’s hands roamed her body, finally getting a chance to take in the perfect curves that she had been eying all night.
“Let me return the favor,” Brooke pulled away. Vanjie nodded eagerly, sliding her panties off as Brooke laid back down. Vanjie swung a leg over her head to straddle her face, hovering over her as to not crush her. Brooke didn’t seem too worried as she grabbed Vanjie’s ass and pulled her down. Her tongue was slick against Vanjie’s cunt. Vanjie sunk into her easily, letting out a hiss of pleasure as Brooke’s tongue worked her clit.
She was already close from getting Brooke off and she knew she wouldn’t last long, but she tried to focus in on the ripples of pleasure Brooke was sending through her body as she rocked slowly against Brooke’s tongue.
Brooke’s pace was slow and deliberate, but Vanjie needed more. She rolled her hips quicker, and Brooke took the hint and gained momentum. Vanjie’s head was back and her eyes were closed, her hips stuttered forward and she could feel her orgasm building.
“Fuck, Brooke, please,” she cried out as her eyes squeezed shut. Pleasure shot in waves through her body as she climaxed, still rocking on Brooke’s face, but shakier now. Brooke worked her through her orgasm, lapping at her clit gently as she came down from her high. Still sensitive, she climbed off slowly and fell back into the bed.
“Holy shit,” she remarked, still breathing heavily.
“Yeah,” Brooke agreed. There was a long stretch of silence while they caught their breath before Brooke finally got up and walked to her dresser, pulling on an old t- shirt and some shorts quickly.
“I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette, do you want me to call you an uber?” she offered.
Vanjie was a little surprised. Brooke seemed like the pillow talk and cuddle type, but apparently not, “Um no that’s okay, I’ll do it,” she stood up trying to locate her bra and putting it on before pulling her dress back up.
“Cool,” Brooke nodded before heading back down the hall and to a balcony that Vanjie hadn’t even noticed she had.
Vanjie found her phone in her discarded purse by the front door. She pulled it out and opened up the uber app. By now all the clubs had closed and people had gone home for the night. It didn’t help that Brooke lived in the suburbs, and there didn’t seem to be any cars out at this hour. She sighed and put her phone back before awkwardly heading out to the balcony with Brooke.
“So there’s apparently no ubers out this late,” she informed her as she stepped out into the slightly cool air or the evening.
“Hmm, it is late. I didn’t even think of it. You can stay then I guess,” she offered hastily. It was a complete 180 from her attitude moments ago and Vanjie was confused.
They stood in silence while Brooke finished her cigarette before she led them back inside. “Do you want a makeup wipe?” she asked while grabbing one for herself.
“Please,” Vanjie grabbed it from her and began to wipe off the makeup and sweat that had accumulated throughout the night.
Brooke’s bare face was just as gorgeous as when it was all made up. Her blue eyes were just as piercing and intimidating. Vanjie couldn’t help but stare.
They walked back to the bedroom and Brooke went to her drawer and tossed Vanjie a shirt, “This will be more comfortable to sleep in.”
“Thanks,” Vanjie slipped her dress off before pulling the shirt on, more self-conscious now that Brooke was acting weird. They slid into the bed again, this time with a lot more space between them.
Vanjie wondered what had changed. Did Brooke really regret everything that much? She was starting to think she’d completely made the wrong decision. “I’m sorry,” she told Brooke. She didn’t really know what she was sorry for, but she still wanted to clear the air around the situation.
She heard Brooke sigh beside her, “No I am. I’m so stupid. I honestly should’ve known better.”
Vanjie felt her heart break a little. She really shouldn’t have dragged Brooke into this mess. The gravity of the situation was fully setting in and it loomed in the air around them.
“I mean what’s happened happened. I feel bad that you got caught up in this mess, honestly it’s not your fault at all. You can play dumb if you want to. I need to own up to it though,” Vanjie admitted.
“Are you gonna tell him?” Brooke rolled over to face her, “Do you think he’s gonna forgive you?” she asked.
Vanjie shook her head, “It doesn’t matter. It’s over with him regardless. I feel bad for cheating, but either way I can’t pretend it’s going anywhere with him anymore.”
Brooke looked slightly relieved, “That makes sense.” Another silence hung in the air before Brooke cleared her throat, “I guess I have a habit of sleeping with people that are tied down. Well maybe not a habit, but this isn’t the first time it’s happened. I was hooking up with a ‘straight’ girl for almost a year. She had a boyfriend that she ended up getting engaged to. I kept on waiting for her to admit that she didn’t like boys or that she would chose me, but it never happened. I told myself I wouldn’t fall for that shit again, but here we are.”
Vanjie frowned, “Here we are,” she agreed, “I was never straight though and I don’t think I can be with John anymore. I already wasn’t feeling, it but you just showed me what I’ve been missing out on.”
Brooke blushed slightly, “Well we’ll see. I’m getting way too tired so goodnight,” she cut the conversation off abruptly, rolling over again so her back was turned to Vanjie and turning off the light beside her.
She seemed to fall asleep easily, soft snores coming from her side of the bed. Vanjie on the other hand couldn’t get comfortable enough at all. Her thoughts were far too loud to let her have the peace and quiet she needed to sleep. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her feeds, checking uber periodically to see if there were any nearby.
Finally dawn came and cars were close enough to pick her up. She set one up and went to change and gather her things. Brooke stirred from the sleep she was in.
“Are you leaving?” she blinked clearly still partially asleep.
“Yeah, “Vanjie nodded, “Sorry I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s fine, I’ll walk you out,” she offered.
Vanjie put her shoes on as Brooke grabbed a post it and a pen from her nightstand and scribbled something down.
“Here,” she stood up and slipped the note into Vanjie’s hand, “Call me when you break up with your boyfriend.”
Vanjie gave her a small smile, “Sure,” she agreed. Her phone buzzed signaling that the uber had arrived and Brooke walked her to the door. She waved goodbye and Vanjie could hear the door lock behind her as she made her way down to the waiting car.
She would have to deliver the news to John soon, and hopefully collect her thoughts before that, but in that moment she just wanted to be. Her problems would catch up with her eventually, and she would deal with them when they did, but until that time came she let herself sit back and relax and try to enjoy the ride back to her apartment.
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stranger-awakening · 4 years
I was tagged by the icon that is @bakuraryxu to do this cool fic perference thing: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences.
Slow burn or love at first sight (the older I get the more I hate love at first sight lmao)
Fake dating or secret dating
Enemies to lovers or Best friends to lovers (I will die on this hill you can take this trope from my cold, dead hands)
Oh no there’s only one bed or Long distance correspondence (shoutout to those who read all is fair in love lmao)
Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
Fantasy AU or Modern AU
Mutual pining or Domestic bliss (But also Both, you feel me?)
Smut or Fluff (this one goes without saying)
Canon-compliant/Missing scenes or Fix-it (depends on the media because fix its are cool sometimes)
Alternate Universe or Future fic
One shot or Multichapter (I mean this depends on my mood/how good the chaptered fic is)
Kid fic or Road trip fic (An Underrated Trope!!)
Reincarnation or Character death
Arranged marriage or Accidental marriage
High school romance or Middle aged romance (college romance tbh but yeah)
Time travel or Isolated together (tbh I don’t think I’ve really read either??)
Neighbours or Roommates (honestly don’t really have too much of a preference for this one. There’s potential in both)
Sci fi AU or Magic AU
Body swap or genderbend (Absolutely Neither)
Angst or Crack (tbh angst should have a good level of humor/crack anyway so)
Apocalyptic or Mundane
Gonna tag some cool people: @daisybees @wonderrbat  @superconsumedmoon @cosmochasm and anyone else who wants to do it!! (especially mutuals I love y’all)
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Okay I’m gonna do the thing and just get my complaints with the show out, if you’re not interested in reading criticisms (half of which are just being attached to the way things were in the book) please ignore this, I’m going to say all sorts of nice things in a minute. Also please don’t rb this one. If we’ve talked before feel free to comment or disagree, if we haven’t please don’t just this once—I’m usually happy to have people jump off things, but I just got back and I’m not in the mood to start any Discussions just now. Cool thanks!
1. I’m not saying that the show going in for more angst and making some of the central characters more insecure and making Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship more tenuous and uncertain was *objectively* the wrong choice. I mean I could argue that it was but ultimately it’s probably more just different than right or wrong. But it did make me realize how much I had appreciated having a fandom that was built around material that for all its angst potential (which I also enjoyed) was so fundamentally cozy.
2. Yes I am of course going to take issue with Anathema and Newt. For the record I found Newt notably more likable in the show than the book, even if watching Anathema have sex with a guy she had shown no interest in just because a book told her to was even more uncomfortable than reading it. And there was more of a sense of mutuality in the show—partly because of Adria Arjona playing Anathema as genuinely liking and being charmed by Newt at times, and partly because Newt actually does offer her emotional support and contributes to decision-making at several points instead of only with the “do you want to be a descendent for the rest of your life” line at the end. And that’s nice—mutuality in a relationship is important! The lack of it is one of my biggest issues with their relationship in the book! What really gets to me here is that they got to that mutuality not through strengthening Newt’s character but by weakening Anathema’s—by making her more uncertain and insecure so that Newt could sweep in to support her. And look—obviously there’s nothing wrong with female characters having insecurities and needing support, like everyone does. But we’ve got an awful shortage of weird-looking female characters who swagger around with breadknives and bucketloads of well-earned confidence and decide to try and stop the apocalypse without being told because it’s worth a shot, and the fact that they seem to have undercut her confidence and independence specifically so that she would have to lean on the sub-par dude she’s saddled with as a love-interest reeeally rubs me the wrong way. (Shoutout to my brother for pinpointing this before I was able figure out exactly what was bothering me).
3. Okay and while I’m on the topic of Anathema, the way they played up the whole ‘professional descendent’ thing? Hmmmm, not a fan. I think I kinda get why they did it, (it makes her fit more neatly into the ‘people breaking out of their prescribed roles’ theme), but they make it into a sort of ‘chosen one’ storyline where she was ‘fated’ to help stop the end of the world, which is fine, I guess? But to me one of the central appeals of the book is a motley crew motivated not by duty or predestination but instead by love of the earth and plain old selfish, stubborn attachment to the lives they had built there going ‘okay realistically there is no way we, of all people, can keep the world from ending, but I guess we’re just gonna try anyway!!!’ Making Anathema some sort of prophesied savior sort of removed her from that narrative, and reduced the strength of that narrative thread overall.
4. Oh and I think I’m in the minority here but I also did not enjoy the kids getting stabby with the horsepeople. There were some great elements to the scene for sure, but that just didn’t feel good to me. The children felt a little more ... protected from enacting that kind of violence in the book, and while there could be legitimate reason for changing it, on a thematic level it also took attention away from the whole ‘power of human belief’ thing, so it felt unnecessary and weaker as well as harsher.
5. I’m not ... actually particularly bothered by any of the changes to Aziraphale? I mean don’t get me wrong I do miss him being a much more overt bastard who is comfortable in his own skin, who collects blasphemous Bibles and is rude to  customers and still walks around with his sanctimonious Holier Than Thou convictions because he is THE WORST. But tv Aziraphale is still a proper bastard, even if you’ve got to pay attention a bit more to see it, and I do rather like the way his softness is in itself framed as a rebellion against Heaven. So yeah, I think the changes they made worked and were compelling, and I don’t really have comprehensive complaints about his character. HOWEVER I did not like him indirectly killing the executioner. Having a scene where he indirectly but intentionally causes a death was a good idea in concept, but to my mind it was the wrong circumstances, wrong target, and wrong tone for the scene. Still, it doesn’t bother me that much because it just felt SO off that it feels kinda laughable and my mind just cheerily decided that the filmmakers were misinformed and that did not actually happen.
6. Crowley’s changes I’m having a bit of a harder time reconciling myself to, although I’m having a bit of a hard time pinpointing why? Some of the changes are of the ‘I don’t prefer the change but that’s more personal preference and attachment to my initial vision of the character than critique’ variety, like the ways in which his fear manifests less as anxiety and more as anger in the show. But if I had one central complaint (and this might sound weird at first) I think it would be the way that his world is reduced to Aziraphale. And okay, let me explain—I’m not complaining that their relationship was more emphasized in the show, which I actually loved, and also this is probably a bit hypocritical coming from me when 80% of my posts are about their relationship. The thing is, I find romances more interesting and compelling and moving when both parties have defined personalities and interests and attachments and character arcs outside of one another. And Aziraphale did have that—arguably he has a more defined and complete arc than in the book, in fact. And Crowley definitely has a defined personality. But besides the Bently, what does he love? What are his interests? How does he feel about humanity and the earth? Why does he prefer the earth to hell beyond ‘hell sucks’? How does he feel about his fellow demons? Why does he want to save the earth? Does he care about saving the earth, or is it really only about saving and being with Aziraphale? Idk, I’m exaggerating a bit here, and certain answers to these questions can definitely  be inferred. But I miss the Crowley who loves humanity in all its mess, who finds in it an alternative to the restrictive roles demanded by heaven and hell alike, and who has his own arc of going from knowing that he is harming humanity but not doing anything about it, to facing Satan with a tire iron because Aziraphale convinces him to face up to the harm he has caused and do something about it, even if the odds are impossible.
7. I cannot BELIEVE they took out Tim.
8. And I’m running out of steam here so I’m not fully going into it, but it did feel like the show lost a bit of its sense of the earth in all its disastrous glory. I mean, there are plenty of stories that compare Heaven and Hell, but part of what set Good Omens apart for me was the particular way it triangulates Heaven vs Hell vs earth. I haven’t read enough similar fiction to know if it does this in an especially complex or unique way, but what comes of it is this gloriously defiant optimism. The show goes further into Heaven vs Hell (which I enjoyed) but it felt to me as if the earth was a little (although certainly not entirely) lost in the mix.
9. Also definitely not a fan on how hard Crowley pushes for child murder as long as he’s not the one doing it, but so far as I’ve seen the fandom has chosen to collectively forget those lines in favor of ‘you can’t kill kids,’ ‘I’m not personally up for killing kids,’ and THE LULLABY, so I’m the end those lines aren’t anything like the disaster they could have been. Good going, folks.
10. There are of course big-picture things like racism and sexism and homophobia that are. there in varying degrees. Not necessarily more than average, though that’s an even more depressing sentence. But for some of those things I’m not the best person to dissect them, and for the rest I’m tired and I don’t wanna.
11. In conclusion I have a pithy line that encapsulates what I’m having a hard time adjusting to in the show, but I’m pretty sure the first clause would annoy one half of the fandom, and the second clause would annoy the other half, so I’m gonna to cut my losses and shut up now.
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Found this in my drafts, wondered why I hadn’t posted it, and then realized that the formatting had all gotten messed up (instead of bolding words, it said “<b>” for everything, and there were no actual line breaks).  So I fixed that, and finally bring you a post I was tagged in over a year ago.  And why not, threw in some current answers as well.
Current answers added [like this]
Thanks for tagging me, @gorgeous-freak-of-nature! 
A -age: 19 [20] 
B - biggest fear: by biggest reaction, hypodermic needles, but emotionally, of having done something wrong and hurting someone, or being hated by people I love. [still about right]
C - current time: 4:32 [6:45]
D - drink you last had: water [same]
E - easiest person to talk to: Depends on the subject, I talk to my mom about life, but the person I've shared my deepest worries and struggles with is my best (guy) friend. [this is about the same, I think. except I’ve got a therapist now. She’s good to talk to about this stuff too]
F - favorite song: it changes every so often, the song I've listened to the most consistently for the last bit has been "Lonely Lullaby" by Owl City, although I've also been listening to "Arms" by Christina Perri lately. [Lonely Lullaby is by far the song I’ve listened to the most frequently and the most total number of plays, lately I’ve also been loving “Sailboats” by Owl City.]
G - grossest memory: I don't tend to be grossed out by stuff, although my brain has a weird reaction to certain topics, one time my science teacher was telling a funny/gross story about how he got a cyst or something removed from his shoulder, and I was enjoying the story but my brain freaked out or something and I got lightheaded and had to leave the room and get a drink and take some time to recover. Which was annoying. [I’d forgotten about this until reading it.  I’m not going to try topping it.]
H - horror (yes/no): I have an intrigue into most things, but I don't go out of my way for a scare or anything. [basically I like Night Vale and The Twilight Zone and Ray Bradbury.] 
 I - in love with: My best friend, who I get to see tomorrow (and then not again for two years... :/ ) [wow has time passed.  He comes home in only 8 months!]
J - jealous of: people who actually know what they're doing with their life [this is still relatively true.  I don’t really feel jealousy though.]
K - killed anyone: no humans, but a fair share of ants, flies, and spiders (although I usually take the spiders outside instead)  [add a couple of bugs to the list but yeah, not really different.]
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: um, I haven't experienced this before, especially since I judge more on personality/character than physical appearance. [no change there]
M - middle name:  debating whether to put it on here.
N - number of siblings: 6 [do in-laws count as siblings?  if so, I now have 8 siblings. otherwise, it’s still 6]
O - one wish: for things to work out the way I want them to  [who doesn’t have this wish, now that I think on it?]
 P - person you last called: my mom [my boss]
Q - questions you’ve always asked: Why? (That is, most questions I wonder about are "why this, why that") also How comes up a lot. A question I've wondered about for a while, the longest time I recall wondering something, has to do with my aforementioned reaction to certain topics. I'm interested in how the body works, etc, but it's like my brain thinks too hard and weirds itself out and says "okay, you know what, if you don't leave the conversation now then you're going to need to lie down for a while". So "why does this always happen? And why is it more often triggered by audio than visual?" [still wondering the answer to that question, but I’m less obsessed with it now. ]
R - reasons to smile: I get to see my best friend tomorrow, things are good at home, life feels alright, I have family I'm friends with. [I have a good job, I get to see family often, I’m doing well in school, I have a cute haircut]
 S - song you last sang: Don't think I've sung anything today (although I've listened to plenty), but last night I sang "put your shoulder to the wheel" (LDS hymn) [hmm, maybe something on the radio? otherwise either a hymn or a song from Moana.]
T - time you woke up: around 6:30 but then I fell asleep again until close to 10:00 [7:30]
U - underwear color: [why?]
V - vacation destination: somewhere peaceful. Or possibly a library, I'm not much of an adventurer except in my mind. [heh, still me.]
W - worst habit: procrastination probably [yeah, still procrastination]
X - x-rays you’ve had: my right arm I think, and also the ones they do for your teeth at the dentist [and that’s all I can think of now, too.]
Y - your favorite food: Pizza, tacos, potatoes, pasta... Just depends on what I'm craving. [I guess I’ll add Orange Chicken to this list, since it wasn’t already there...]
Z - zodiac sign: Virgo [And we’re done here!]
[thanks for reading, sorry it’s taken so long to get this out there!] 
Now I know my ABC’s, next time won’t you post with me…. @icebats-universe @im-a-silhou-ette @vanillafrostedraindrops [what! where did you go?I took so long to post that you’ve deactivated? what did I miss? where did you go? man I need to post these sooner...] @musicanddancingthroughlife
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jangyeevns · 5 years
eight for the happy meme
modified rp meme — ( accepting )
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eight characters i have played.
i’m just gonna put this under a read more because i wanna gush about my soon-to-be revived kids and the ones i miss sdfglkgf
also, don’t drag me for the gifs being different sizes and psds. some of these fcs get Fuck All in terms of resources compared to the others sO —
sage ( herrera - ) buckley
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so sage WAS a nina dobrev fc, but with a little tweaking to her ethnicity i’ll use her with a kelsey merritt fc ! she’s a medical student with a desire to work in the lab, unlike her past version who already WAS a working lab tech of sorts, and is a very sweet, playful lady. back in her old rp, sage was super adventurous, loved to travel and try new things so these distractions from the ugliness of the world didn’t really affect her positive, live in the moment outlook ! honestly, she was one of my fave muses before i left the community for a minute to focus on post secondary, and i’m glad that i’m able to build upon her old characterization now that i’m older and more realistic. also shoutout to my old pals gorgeous and dakota bc i wouldn’t have refurbished my sad ass variation of sage if they hadn’t opened southportrpg :/ miss them and their messy muses
odessa fulton/lorelei dorsey
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while she’s going by lorelei on my indie, she went by both at one point when i used her in two or three different rps. she’s my lax but passionate photojournalist baby who was a means to become a better researcher with muse backgrounds and helped me to better understand aspects of ptsd. she had been sent to different parts of the world for her job, but was caught up in the crisis in syria i believe — i’m 90% sure it was before the time when we began sounding off about plots and backgrounds based on Real, Scary Events that could be really problematic, otherwise younger!me would’ve changed that to be respectful — and had to deal with the traumas associated with the bombings and unrest once she returned to take on more National or Regional stories; i never went too deep into it as it was a triggering topic and i didn’t wanna use events as severe as that in a tone-deaf or heartless manner, but i did want to explore beyond the safety blanket i had in place for my muses and considering my interest in journalism abroad and a certain movie at the time, odessa/leia came to be
estelle claxton
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i didn’t get to do much with her, but este was a part of a futuristic apocalyse rp centred around an artificial intelligence uprising, her being a tech whiz just like her dad; he died during the uprising and her and her family had to either seek refuge elsewhere or become part of a resistance group, and she wound up doing the latter with her older sister. rather than follow that plot, she’s just gonna be your usual grad student with her shit together — which is fucking rare SLDGFJDFKS so you’ll really get to see her fun, witty side without some sense of doom looming overhead !
laure zehner / brigitte sondag
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js but i hate how sarah’s resources are primarily with this type of psd and are mostly from her period work. basically, give me her letterkenny and interview clips Thanks !! sgflfjsd
my sweet little french spy.. so born laure zehner, she was used in an rp that was essentially reviving people who died prior to said rp’s present day or decade in some magical, unexplained way. she was the daughter of a wwi veteran in the alsace region and would go on to wish to be onstage, doing so upon moving to paris to become a cabaret performer and adopting the stage name brigitte sondag. forget how i explained it in my mia intro for the muse, but she soon became a spy for the allies after the germans occupied france during wwii and, after years of killing and hiding the bodies of officers, she was arrested and killed by a firing squad in secret. came back to life a good seventy years later and had a Massive modernity shock.. idr what followed but she was truly a badass, i wish i did more with her :/
louisa kent
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my little oddball artist :( she was a creative girl who had a bit of a wild child lifestyle, and in the rp that she was created for, she was something of a telepath ?? basically, she wished she could find an easier way to communicate with her best friend, who was serving abroad in the military or something, and suddenly ? she could talk to him in her head ?? it never got fleshed out and tbh i probably wouldn’t fuck with something like that again bc of my perpetual fear of being godmoddy, but she was fun to play — albeit cringey bc past!me was equally cringey with All of my muses — and the rp itself had some cool people :/ i just miss anyone i got along with in the Slightest in the past, okay ? LJGSDFKL
kang miran
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the first form hyeran took.. but one i revamped a Good bit when she became the music producer ari and i know and love JFGSKLG miran was a little college dropout with a sugar daddy and a dream to run her own fashion label/boutique, a fucking sweetheart who was ever the hopeless romantic ! honestly, she was either the basis for kerry or vice versa, idr which rp i joined first. but unlike kerry, miran could hold her own a Little better, she had people around her who didn’t coddle her or weren’t always sweet in return after all — but i chalk that up to ker being part of a small mumu of college pals for the Great majority of her ( still ongoing ) run while miran was just used in that rp. anyways i miss many of gangnamhq’s lovely muns almost two years later and it’s where i first met a good few of my mutuals even if we didn’t get to interact ic, so i still think about it fondly fslkdgd
maxime seong
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look, he’s up on my indie to be used, but bc he’s only had a proper run in One rp, he counts SLKGDS he’s one of the only males i’ve ever used in a group and for good reason. Bc I Fucking Suck At Characterizing My Own Male Muses. DSFLKSD i’m just insecure and uncertain as hell with them, that’s all. but max was just a scummy hetero fuckboy from france, the male version of the Iconic han yeseul but a little more headassed, and for the latter reason Alone is he Okay in my book. otherwise i’d fucking disown him sdjgfkdsfl he wasn’t used for very long, the rp lost heat and i kinda lost muse for him, but he’s certainly a memorable endeavour of mine
kang saerom
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i Loved playing her. so much SGLJSGFD i never really played a Genuinely dark muse until her, as far as i remember anyways, and romy took Some inspo from yeseul as well ( plus they share an fc ) ! she was a girl who had almost done it all in seoul’s criminal underbelly, somehow being corrupted at a young age to Push Her Limits and going from a simple teenage pickpocket to a con artist, to a coke dealer or some shit for some quick cash, to an assassin. with some psychopathic tendencies, she had a substantial amount of self-control when it came to chasing her dangerous highs or when confronted, not prone to genuinely snapping for little or even good reason.... though it would go down the drain if you took the last boston cream doughnut. Watch Your Fucking Back SDFGJKSDF 
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caatws · 6 years
omggggg i was like double tagged ty @gamorazenwhoberis & @bevioletskies !!!!
name: madison
sun sign: sagittarius (this...just means......normal zodiac sign right??? bold of u to assume i know how tf a birth chart works)
height: 5′0″ (why do all my mutuals make fun of my height :( friendship ended with mutuals, solitude is my only friend now)
middle name: noelle (i was born a week before christmas so i think this counts as a pun on my parents’ part???)
are you in a relationship: what’s that never heard of her....lookin for a gal who’ll duet “if we were a movie” from hannah montana w me right tf now
do you believe in aliens: honestly yes....like as in there are other life forms on other planets!!!!!! i refuse to believe the universe is all about Humanity bc humanity is fuckin dumb and aliens are cooler by default
ever crashed in a vehicle: yes.....and the resulting point on my driving record was finally cleared up this year (3 years later) so now i can’t be automatically Judged as a ““““bad driver”““““ by the system anymore!!!!!! i’m driving everyone everywhere now
last book you read: oh gosh probably the miseducation of cameron post by emily m. danforth, per serena’s recommendation ;)
last movie you saw: TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE!!!! friendship with white cishet rom coms ended, only friends with asian/asian american rom coms now
any current obsessions: like caitlin said i am also going through a weird revival of my dance moms obsession from like 2011 atm so....yeah....(caitlin u NEED to watch s7b it is BATSHIT). also i’ve been listening to a lot more hannah montana again lately??? anyway i Stan and i will utilize the @emohannahmontana url one of these days
who is your celebrity crush: probably stephanie beatriz atm....she’s just so wholesome and cool and fun???? also we both have pets named after cheese (she has gouda the dog, i have queso the cat) so i feel like that means we’d vibe if we ever met. but honestly also shoutout to gloria calderon kellet, the showrunner for one day at a time, bc she is currently my Hero and Inspiration and I Want To Be Her When I Grow Up
what’s a sound you hate + a sound you love: HMMMM well driving in la the past couple months has made me just absolutely recoil at the sound of someone honking rip...as for what i love, i miss hearing queso meow/purr/live his life :’‘‘( i haven’t seen the cheese boi in over 2 months now!!!!!
ever had a song or poem written about you: wtf this is a thing that happens to normal ppl?????? nooooo
last time you played air guitar: this is ALSO a thing that happens normally???? (caitlin what were you doing an hour prior to posting this sldnbklnbdf)
do you like the smell of gasoline: it’s....not the worst smell in the world.....it could be Improved upon
do you tend to hold grudges to people that have done you wrong: BIG YES ALL MY FRIENDS AND/OR ANYONE WHO JUST TALKS TO ME FOR MORE THAN LIKE 5 MINS IS V WELL AWARE OF THIS omg lowkey wanna shoutout some ppl here that i still have grudges on from a While ago ;)))))
put your spotify on shuffle and write the first four songs that played:
“american soul” by u2
“i like that” by janelle monae
“victim of love” by charles bradley
“superstar” from jesus christ superstar (LKNDLKNDBFS)
i tag: @typosandteabags, @frankcastle, @chelseperetti, @peraltiagoisland, @gamoravandyne, @amatws, & whoever else wants to do this cuz it’s 1 am and a bitch is tired!!!!!!!
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