#anyway catch me watching the tholian webb balance of terror the immunity syndrome etc for. research. hee hee
diesoonandsuffer · 2 years
GUYS GUYS GUYS so where i work we can digitize photos, film negatives etc. and today someone came in with like. a bunch of positives from the original series?? he’s unclear as to the exact process but they’re shots of the movie film converted into positive slides. they’re copyrighted and everything. he’s getting them scanned and printed. i even have to color correct some of them for aging, which is a job i was born to do. (i also have a very funny image in my head of me watching an episode at work and my boss being like “what are you doing?” and i say “oh this is for a customer.”)
for customer confidentiality reasons i’m not going to show you any of them but here’s like. a corner.
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