#anyway at least it's a good song 😌 no one can listen to that and be like ew what is her music taste bc little league is top fucking tier
kuiinncedes · 2 years
prof asked for music again for our end of meeting team chat blast 🤩😂😌
#10 healed 4 revived or something idk how that meme works lmao#EXCEPT OFC WHEN SHE ASKS I IMMEDIATELY FORGET EVERY SONG EVER#she asked for like a song to play to like be excited about school kinda not rly about school lol but like that kinda vibe since we're going#back soon and i couldn't rly think of anything and for some reason i landed on little league by conan lolll#which is honestly more like .... bruh it's literally saying why did i ever have to leave little leage dsjghdf everyone else is like excited#for classes and i'm like haha get me out of here XD not rly but i think i'm more nervous and uncertain than excited 🤪#but if anyone listens to that (i'm not listening to the other songs bc .. i dont like listening to new music XD) they're gonna be like#back to school ...... ok lol#should've said disaster lol THIS COULD BE A DISASTER basically how i feel about myself kinda winging college rn 😭🤪#also she did not give me enough time i was like gonna see if i could look at spotfiy rq and she was like i'm gonna give u 30 seconds and i#was like WAIT lmao#the only other thing i could think of at the moment was overdrive bc that's the song i Wish i answered last time she asked for a song lol#maybe i could've said greek god lol now i'm looking at spotify XD#sue me to get into like a badass mindset lmao idk#or looking at me lol#omg SURFACE PRESSURE lol it's a bop to get you like an upbeat song and also a whole school mood :P#anyway at least it's a good song 😌 no one can listen to that and be like ew what is her music taste bc little league is top fucking tier#/hj#but probably no one's rly gonna listen to them lol the prof says she will so 👀 i just want her to ask about music more lmao#or like have us create a whole research team playlist and let me flex my music taste rq XD#jk idk if my music taste is actually good but it's good af to me 😤 which is what matters 😤 lol anyway#jeanne talks
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what kind of hobbies and/or special interests do the various characters have?
Ooh, some I’ve touched on in other asks, but I’ll reiterate them again here in one post 😁
Clearly, for Ash, it’s trying to learn various different kinds of martial arts that can help them get the edge in battle, like Sambo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, etc.
Recently, they’ve been a bit interested in tinkering with their motorcycles too (although, they will never tinker with their mom’s bike). Just trying to learn more about these machines that they love. They’re not a mechanic yet, but they are learning.
But outside of combat and motorcycle related stuff, they love listening to music and they listen to a wide genre of songs, depending on their mood. They’ve tried learning guitar when they were younger, but just stopped after getting frustrated, deciding to fully dedicate themself to their training instead 😆
Maybe if they live in a more mundane life, they would be a pretty good guitarist and they would be a band kid or something 🤣
Their mom is a classically trained musician and she taught them a bit on how to read musical notes and playing piano. But eventually, they just got too busy with their studies and their increasing responsibilities that they just stopped. They’re far from good in playing piano, but they’re at least decent.
Also, it was their mother who often played classical music for them, especially whenever they had a headache after using their ability too much. To this day, they still love to listen to classical music and listen to it whenever they need to chill.
But their secret special interest is actually in cooking 😌 Whenever they can, they will try to cook their own meal, but most of the time, they can’t, so they go eat outside. They also can do a bit of baking, mostly simple stuff. Maybe one day, they’ll take a more advanced baking class (private, of course, except if MC or Ash wants to join too).
Honestly, they don’t really know. They’ve always been really busy with their job, or trying to get enough sleep. They do enjoy cooking simple but hearty home-cooked meals occasionally, mostly recipes from their mom. But they’re not as passionate in cooking compared to Rin.
Their hobby is reading novels, even if they don’t really have much time to do that ever since they started their career. They mostly read whatever that intrigues them, but mostly, those end up being fantasy or sci-fi or historical fiction.
You’d think they love to read mystery or thriller, but honestly, they are already dealing with unsolved cases almost everyday—a lot of them leaving them lie awake at night. They don’t really need to read more fictional cases.
Their special interests are in arts stuff, especially drawing/sketching and poetry and a bit of amateur photography.
They’re pretty good in drawing and sketching, and decent in photography (mostly done on their phone for Facegram anyway), but the poetry… It’s a work in progress, alright 😂
They have a little journal book they usually bring around to do lil sketches, or write ideas, or try to write poetry. They hide it in a secure and secret place somewhere 🤭
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campbyler · 10 months
HELLOOO firstly CHAPTER 4 WAS SO GOOD HELP IT HAD ME BUSHING MORE THAN ANY IRL PERSON COULD EVER BE CAPABLE OF. There was a lil sentence that was like ‘for some reason it had a lightswitch at each bunk, Mike supposes its practical.’ AND I WAS LIKE 🤭i think i know where this is going🤭 BUT IT WASNT THEM KISSING?! IT WAS NOT THEM FULLY HAVING A MAKE-OUT SESH WHILE SWOON BY BEACH WEATHER PLAYS. I didnt enjoy it any less tho 🤭 i was texting my friend like 👹GO READ IT. GO READ IT ITS SO GOOD.👹
When will someone prey on MY neurodivergence and propensity for liking kissing and being kissed and partaking in the all-around act of kissing 😭 (im aroace so i dont even like kissing or being kissed OR partaking in the all-around act of kissing BUT IM STAYING DELULU 🫡)
Also figure you out by djo being in the playlist was such a pleasant surprise cause its one of my favorite songs AND ALSO i listened to it recently, said to myself ‘hey this is kinda acswy byler coded 😌’ AND THEN FORGOT ABOUT IT?? 🤦‍♀️ so thanks for reminding me about the acswy byler coding of it, it’ll be (even more) on repeat now 🙏 LIVE LAUGH LOVE DJO ✊
Anyways I luv this fic so so much (if you hadnt noticed yet lol) its consuming my every waking thought (im so normal.) I HOPE U GUYS ARE DOING WELL!! 🫶🫶
LOL i think when i wrote that in (because the kiss scene was the first part written of ch04/acswy in general) andi commented on it like HEHEHEHE as well! we'd been vocal about the parent trap references before so i think it was a nice easter egg to put in there! there were definitely some people who knew the kiss was coming but maybe not a full blown make out while swoon by beach weather plays in the background 💘
i will remain silent on all of the intricacies of mike and will's 13 year old kissing and the fearless lore BUT i can at least reiterate what ch04 confirmed: they have kissed before! they were 13! it was mike's first kiss! at this time, i cannot confirm or deny that it was will's first kiss as well!
loving the way this neurodivergent line is probably the standout of ch04 because when i initially wrote it, it was definitely somewhat of a joke -- and then suni and andi said NO LEAVE THAT IN and it's everyone's favorite HAHA
ok thank you SO much for saying that about figure you out because it was the one song on the playlist i wasn't sure about! i think that it fits so well lyrically, but sonically i wasn't super sure, and then suni yelled at me so it stayed on and i'm glad because i also love it! glad you pegged it as an acswy song before it even got put on the official playlist!!
thank you again for your comment!! we are obsessed with you!!!!!!
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
I watched Zootopia like 6 months ago on a whim, and now the fixation is still hyper...ing.
Anyways, Judy and Nick are the best and deserve everything (I genuinely couldn't remember anyone else's names the first time I saw it) aaaaand yeah it's sad that the Fandom is basically nonexistent.
Actually, it's still going strong(?) on AO3 (i've made a few one-shots (shameless self promotion I'm Not_Quite_A_Moron there)) but still, kinda sucks.
Anyways, random headcanon time:
Nick has two moms (he doesn't have specific names for both of them, he just yells "MOM!" anytime he needs help)
Judy actually really likes eating meat, Nick just has to convince her to try it
Nick became really closed off and touch starved after the Junior Ranger Scouts incident, so now, he's a chronic cuddler (especially with Judy (which she loves))
Judy's on the autistic spectrum (she often stims by tapping her foot, and she likes to display affection via playful punches to the arm)
Judy was born on the same day that Nick got muzzled, as if the universe itself felt bad and said "here, have a rabbit" (definitely didn't steal this one from Tumblr nope certainly not)
Nick doesn't really like Gazelle's music, he's more of a rock kind of guy, but he'll stomach any song for Judy’s sake
Judy's asexual (Take one look at the nudist club scene and tell me she isn't at least demi)
Bestie I’d just like to say AAAAAAAAAA
Sorry, but I just got SO excited when I saw someone submitting headcanons! It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to have a good ol’ Zootopia discussion. Oh and I’ll certainly check out your fics! My user is Pixarpnflover so be on the look out for some kudos!✨
Anyway, I love the idea of Nick being raised by two moms! There was supposed to be a plotline about his dad—John Wilde, I believe was his name—but got scrapped along with a lot of other content. So until it’s actually mentioned in canon I’m choosing to believe his mom in the flashback was in fact a raging lesbian lmao🤷‍♀️ also would that make him a double mama’s boy?🤔
Ooo an herbivore converting to a meat diet? How intriguing! I like to think now that she lives in the city that Judy would be open to trying new foods, which would include poultry and fish. I can see her favoring sushi or even turkey.
Nick being openly affectionate after meeting Judy, and reserving most of that said affection for her? Hell yeah. He’s very unapologetic about it too. He’s waited far too long to share that amount of vulnerability and comfort with someone. No way he’s ever going to hold back🫂
Autistic Judy my beloved🙌🏻 You cannot convince me she’s even a little bit neurotypical, I will not believe you lol. I love that her natural rabbit behavior could actually be interpreted as stimming!
Dude, I have believed this headcanon for so long!! The second I found out their age difference, I just knew there had to be some kind of coincidence going on there. I mean, Nick could’ve just said “when I was a kid” when beginning the story, but instead he specified his age (or an estimate, at least) and I think that a choice on the writers’ part. Anyway, I’m a big believer in fate/soulmates, so even just the idea of Judy being born, destined to cross paths with Nick someday to heal his childhood trauma and make his life better, just melts my heart❤️😭
Haha yeah, you can tell the concert at the credits that Nick was only there for Judy😆 Not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself, he just wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as everyone else. But ya know, the things ya do for your girlfriend!😋 I can also imagine Judy listening to music she doesn’t necessarily enjoy either. A certain loud rock song starts playing on the radio and before she can even think about changing the station, Nick goes “oh I like this one!” And so she smiles and suffers through it. She may even end up liking it anyway!😌
As for this last one, I kinda have to disagree. Not to say she isn’t ace or demi, and no hate to anyone who shares this opinion! But idk, to me I don’t think someone not wanting to see a bunch of people walking around ass-naked makes them ace or a prude (which I’ve seen some fanfics try to claim her to be?) I mean, I’m horny asf and I’d be just as uncomfortable walking around a nudist club😆😅
…I never thought I’d type a sentence like that lol
Anyway, thanks for sharing these! I sure hope the fandom comes back someday, but in the meantime I’ll be here waiting and open to exchanging more headcanons! :3
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witchwhaat · 6 months
hello, here to share my opinions on troye's new album (sorry if it gets too long) 😌 as i said im absolutely OBSESSED with this album. like i always enjoyed his music, but to show this level of iconography????? CMON????? there is one problem i have with the album tho: every time i try to listen to it from start to finish, i get delayed by the fucking masterpiece that is "one of your girls" :/ every time this song comes on, i have to listen to it at least 5 times. wtf troye???? i would say it's my fave on the album, but that's an understatement. that's the best song of the whole year for me. god. isnt this giving daft punk like hello????? THE MV ALSO?????? 🤯 okay moving on to the other songs sjsjdhdhf u know that i loved all the singles, and they sound even better in the context of the album!! there is not a song i dont enjoy in this album, i couldnt even make a ranking because they are all so good. overall, THE BEATS in this album got me floating in space and shaking my ass at the same time. THE LYRICS???? i reallllly love the lyrics too i feel like they elevate the experience a lot which is so cool. the songs i find myself replaying the most (other than the obviously stated one above jsjdhf): in my room, honey, got me started (this one is a grower tbh). also i really feel like the songs are really cohesive and work so well together. i feel like every song will have their turn of being my fave in the upcoming months, because i intent to keep this on rotation ABSOLUTELY. this will be a contemporary pop classic and now troye is one of the main pop girls, sorry i dont make the rules... anyway, what are your thoughts? 😌
hello my beloved, finally answering to this ask!😭 sorry for keeping you waiting for so long aaaaaah
okay, first of all, i love your thoughts and i couldn't agree more about everything you said! <3 i keep coming back to this album, idk what troye put in it but it's SO addicting aaah! oh i absolutely understand the obsession with "one of your girls" bc GOD, it's amazing. chef's kiss on every level, the lyrics are perfect, the production is 10/10, the mv!!! (and yeeees, the daft punk vibes!!) are you kidding me?!! imo, the mv perfectly shows the transition between this album and troye's previous albums, he's confident, he's serving and he knows what he wants! and that's actually something i love about the whole album, it's very touching to see him being even more mature with his music and SO confident and it feels so freeing! genuinely, i'm so happy and grateful that i grew up with his music, it was veery important to me in my teenage years and it makes me so happy to see him grow as an artist (and person) waaah🥹 and i think that's also why i love this album so much, bc it's another step! ANYWAY yeeees, that's something i love so much about troye's music - how lyrics elevate the sound and vice versa. and oh yeah, the sounds and beats got me ascending aslkfkdsjfkjsah like come oooon!! and yeees the album is cohesive but i also like that every song has it's own story bc that's another thing i really like about troye's music haha which is narration! and with this album, i really like that there are themes that connect everything together, but that it's also all pretty "loose" and bc of that the songs are both good on their own but also work very well together! what can i say, troye gets it and he's The pop girl! fr, i was so excited about this album and had high expectations and he did not dissapoint! i love every single, although yeah, i also wasn't convinced about "got me started" at the beginning but it's a really good sample and i enjoy it A Lot now. it's soo hard to choose a fave, but i love rush (i could write a whole essay on rush AND i'm OBSESSED with the mv), still got it, can't go back and what's the time where you are? (perfect "me and this song against the world and life horrors aka going to work/uni" song) the most i think. troye saved this year with that album and he saved me during winter semester lol i'm so devastated that he's not coming to poland on his tour WHY troye WHYYY😭 (like what do you mean you won't come to poland but there's 5! FIVE germany dates come oooon)
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thetwstwildcard · 4 months
📻 for any!
We're gonna go with good ol' skeleton mom herself for this one 😌
Tumblr media
This fits both Catrina and Soledad Maravilla but the focus will be on Catrina since she got out of the abusive relationship while her mother is still with Arturo...
"Who tends the orchards? Who fixes up the gables? Emotional torture from the head of your high table. Who fetches the water from the rocky mountain spring? And walk back down again to feel your words and their sharp sting"
Catrina was the one who wrote all the songs that made Emiliano popular. He never credited her. She was the "pretty accessory" on his arm at all his parties and he used her magic as a parlor trick to show his "great choice in a wife". While Emiliano was out and about with friends and associates Catrina had to deal with Emiliano fangirls (who didn't know he was abusive) hurl threats at her. She had to deal with the media world tearing into her but "Emilano could do no wrong". She had to tend to her wounds, scars and alcohol addiction (because of him) all alone. To sit in "emotional torture" because the maids could take the physical proof of the wounds he gave her away while she was left alone to deal with the trauma.
"If our love died, would that be the worst thing? For somebody I thought was my saviour you sure make me do a whole lot of labour"
Catrina fell out of love with Emilano while they were still married because of the abuse, affairs and abandonment. Catrina met Emiliano shortly after Dante's death where her family blamed her for his death. In the beginning Emiliano showed her the love she never had before turning around and making her call herself "Dante's murderer" (he died of an overblot where Catrina had to put him out of his misery. He would of died anyway but it was less painful for Catrina to help him)
"If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her. The emotional torture, from the head of your high table. She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate. So now I've gotta run, so I can undo this mistake at least I've gotta try"
Catrina knew Emiliano would use Araceli (Celi) like he was already using Aristóteles (Ari) but feared it would take a route similar to Emiliano's childhood and abuse at the hands of celebrities. Catrina also knew what it was like with her mother. Its a cycle of abuse, of daughters who grew up with loveless parents (where the mother was stuck with father) that lead the daughter to find a man who will only end up treating her the same way her father treated her mother. Soledad was abused by Arturo but couldn't escape or "protect" her children from their father. This lead to Catrina's childhood rebellion and eventual marriage to Emiliano only to end up the battered wife because she didn't know what a healthy relationship was. Catrina knows Celi would end up the same (and feared if she stayed Ari would end up like his father) so while she couldn't save them from the fact of being Emiliano's children she can still flee his side and try to make a better life for them all.
"All day, every day, therapist, mother, maid. Nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant. Just an appendage, live to attend him so that he never lifts a finger. 24-7 baby machine. So he can live out his picket fence dreams. It's not an act of love if you make her. You make me do too much labour"
Even after all the abuse Emiliano did to Catrina he would often "cry" and guilt her into comforting him. No matter how beaten and disgusted at what he forced her to do, she still had to hold and comfort him while he "cried" into her chest on their bed. He hated that she explored her sexuality when she was younger yet insisted she showed skin and allowed other male celebrities to touch her and "go along with it" in public. She had to listen to exactly what he told her to do or he'd punish her. Emiliano wanted the public to think he was a great dad so he'd play up being a great father to the camera and force Catrina to take care of Ari and Celi alone. Catrina didn't want children (thought she was too "damaged"/"didn't want to become her mother" without knowing she already was), but Emiliano wanted children, so they had children. Emiliano forced Catrina to do so much to show her "love and loyalty" to him while he would constantly cheat on her.
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animelover20 · 5 months
🎶when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your followers (positivity is cool)🎶
Ooooh this is cool,I like this one.
Anyway these are in no particular order. (And all are from my doffy playlist but shush it's good.)
1. Take me back to Eden by sleep token
What can I say it's good and I find myself listening to it quite often.. being 8 minutes long has its pros and cons tho. Also my first song I listened to by sleep token.
2. In My Room by insane clown posse
..yeah I'm a lil weird. Anyway this one's just cool to vibe to. And the imagination it fuels god damn. I love songs like this. Like very fucked up undertones,helps the imagination.
3. Saga of a new era(or shinjidai no saga)
Doffy sings this and it's fucking so good. Literally got my nose running because it makes me excited. Love this shit so much (doffy also laughs in it which😩)
4. Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In.
Ah my good neurodivergent friend will wood and the tapeworms😌 yeah if you haven't already noticed I like really loud songs but they gotta have good lyrics. Ya know. That's definitely the tism but.. yeah.
Anyway I'm adding another paragraph to this because I didn't describe it(oops) loud and vibey as fuck. Love will wood for that.
5. And last but not least. Concrete jungle
Bad omens is such a good band and them and sleep token have similar vibes. Anyway I personally like concrete jungle because it was the first song I heard from them(ty moth) imagination also runs wild with this one.
So yeah there ya go. There are my 5 songs and while they may be weird. Fuckin who cares really? Anyway sorry if this is a bit shit I've only just woken up.
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Side note that the art you posted is just absolutely STUNNING and I love that song and now I will think of it always whenever I listen ✨✨✨ Aight some asks for LGM now <33
📫 Have you changed a significant plot or character choice solely due to your reader's reactions to previous chapters? Are you happy with the result?
⏳ Would you honestly prefer for your story to have a satisfying, completed end, or would you prefer to continue to forever tell pieces of their story until the end of time? 
🤯 Is there a plotline that you feel is too complex or overwhelming for any reason and you know you'll likely never write it but you think about it longingly from time to time?
🎬 What was the very first scene or image that popped into your head before you ever wrote a word for your OC? — For Lev, Martin, and Graham
Thank you, that's really lovely! I love the song too 😆 such good vibes.
📫 Have you changed a significant plot or character choice solely due to your reader's reactions to previous chapters? Are you happy with the result?
Yes actually - Lev's brand was entirely the idea of a dear mutual at the time, and I loved it so much that I incorporated it. I was so excited to have them write using Lev and Martin that year, and really loved their OCs as well. And the brand has been such a core element of Martin's perceived ownership over Lev ever since.
⏳ Would you honestly prefer for your story to have a satisfying, completed end, or would you prefer to continue to forever tell pieces of their story until the end of time?
I feel like there will always be pieces to tell - however I think I've moved on from it, at least in a motivation to write it sense anyway. (Ever since my boyfriend made a book of it, it's felt very complete - I will forever adore him for that.) Can definitely see the appeal in spin-offs that explore some separate aspect of each of the characters though. I would have loved to wrangle Cut Open, Pulled Loose into some semblance of finished, but I'm starting to feel like this may be as good as it gets…
🤯 Is there a plotline that you feel is too complex or overwhelming for any reason and you know you'll likely never write it but you think about it longingly from time to time?
This is how I feel about future writing projects actually… LGM I was (relatively) set on keeping things grounded in realism, but as soon as it gets to a sci fi project its "ahhhh I need a degree in astrophysics and mechanical engineering to make this sound feasible" so I give up 😌
🎬 What was the very first scene or image that popped into your head before you ever wrote a word for your OC? — For Lev, Martin, and Graham
Ooh - I've answered for Lev and Graham below, hope that's okay. But for Martin, when he started being an actual guy and not just some nebulous antagonist in my head was… hm.
So there's this game called Payday 2… and… you're bank robbers… and one of the player characters has quite a lovely American accent… and you all wear these blue surgical gloves - because bank robbers… and you get to order around hostages…
Yeahh anyway. It got me thinking about… let's just say, having a similar type of guy in my thing.
In my defence. I've never claimed to not be like this…
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jimimn · 1 year
Oh I'm sorry you had to go through that :( And I'm happy you were able to find something (or in this case someone) to be there for you ❤️❤️
OH I need to do that too!! Immediately googling how to add songs to Spotify 🧐
LMAOO yes I had the same thoughts cause set me free also had cursing and I was like ight how they gonna broadcast it on music shows but they are doing it, so? 😂 Maybe they bleeped the words, there aren't many after all 🤷‍♀️ Or they were also like Park Jimin can curse on a music show as a treat 😂
Oh oh oh and can we talk about the like crazy dance because????? I'm obsessed. His dancers were so BEAUTIFUL both the hybe and the late night show dancers. AND the way I saw people trying to say the woman in the mv wasn't representing him and fighting tooth and nail to prove that just for Jimin to have this dance LMAO he really said sike. Love that for him. I'm so in love with his dance between the male and female dancers and how he switches between them and how they pull and push him and and and IT'S JUST SO GOOD. My favorite is when the girls pull him towards them and then circle him and the first girl just kind of grips his chin (not really but the hand motion is similar to that) and turns it?? Idk why but I'm obsessed with that move. She really said bitch look at me, embrace yourself.
Also am I the only one who's kind of side eyeing everyone on twitter right now? Because everyone is saying "karmy we're exaggerating the dance wasn't even that sensual" and I'm like?? They didn't exaggerate though 😭 at least the translations I saw weren't like that.. Karmy did say the dancers touch him (chin, bicep, thigh etc) which they did, and that Jimin kind of warned them it would happen, but I don't think they exaggerated? Like they just told us what will happen. Or maybe I just didn't see those tweets lmao 😭 Idek why I'm bothered by this 😭 -🦋
thank you! 🥺 oh and the Spotify thing is really easy btw you just have to go to settings and switch on the local files option. then download the song and under your library on spotify, a playlist named "local files" will show up and you'll be able to see the song there. and then just normally like we do with songs, add the downloaded song on your normal playlists!!! it's a life saver 😭 i couldn't imagine going to YouTube every time i wanted to listen to letter 😭
LMFAO I think maybe jimin just won't sing the "fuck" during smf like hobi didn't on mama during arson. BUT!!! they should be allowed idc 😌
YESSSSSS please I'm obsessed with the like crazy choreo lord knows how many times I've watched both the Fallon performance and the dance practice video lmfao 😭😭😭 they did such a good job!!! whoever choreographed like crazy pls take a bow. BTS choreographies literally never disappoint they're just so good. And please, I've seen too many people invalidate the queer themes associated with like crazy. Like pls stop jimin just embarrassed you with the choreography. whoever denies it is just dumb atp like the woman is CLEARLY his reflection lmao 😭 I also saw homophobic armys attacking queer armys for saying that they related to the song like bffr art is subjective everyone has different stories and how they relate to the art they consume is none of your business 💀 AND OH YES THAT PART YOU MENTIONED PLS MY JAW DROPPED 😭😭😭 the entire choreo is just art i love it so much i can't fckin wait to watch more performances.
hmm about that i think it was a little bit of an overreaction though 😭 from what i saw. and i think it wasn't just because of karmys though it collectively blew up bc of engagement from both sides. I'm majorly side eyeing the people who are overcompensating saying things like "forget him i want her" just trying to prove a point which does not need to be proved like I'm sorry but you're coming off as equally obsessive as the people who are saying they are jealous lmao. like can we please be normal about this ffs 😭 but anyway. yeah. jimin keeps slaying that's what i care about 💅
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alittlefrenchtree · 7 months
(Spotify part 2)
Oh cool, thank you! I really like the context notes each time. It adds some narrative behind your songs; it makes it personal, I think. Not that songs can't be personal in themselves, but I don't know. It's just nice to see how these musics and you met.
Well, I might share it yep. It would only be fair, after all. Probably not anonymously 'cause, at this point, I'm not sure that it changes anything (and even if it did, it wouldn't really matters I guess).
Ophelia: Of course you have. I love this song too (which appears in my 2023 playlist as well, by the way). It's very catchy. I can listen to it many times without getting bored.
Katoum: Well, I already know the guy, so it's hard to judge your explanation. But it seems clear to me, for what it's worth. In fact, I'm glad that you mentioned him. You reminded me that I didn't listen to his album enough; and that's a shame, 'cause it's actually good? I mean, of course, he is technically not a singer (some could say that he is since he literally made an album but, yeah, it's not his first job), but I like most of his songs.
(And we can't even compare him to Trivia, who is already well-known for her singing ability. She showed it several times, including at two - if I'm not wrong - concerts. Of course, it was also for the Z-Event, but she is just so talented. Oh and her work with PV Nova? Amazing.
Blinding Lights and Toxic are obviously in my 2023 recap. I will put the links - in case some people were lost here, in the French side of Tumblr, and wanted to discover a really good singer. I may not be utterly objective 'cause, well, I love her. But honestly, you could make an unexpected discovery).
Mh yes, that's understandable. He makes it hard not to like him, I guess. By the way, it's ok for him to be handsome and charismatic, I can live with it. But he shouldn't be allowed to have that voice as well.
I still listen to the 2021 Z-Event karaoke sometimes (my favourite one, I think). It makes me feel nostalgic - obviously - but that's also very pleasant to hear (and also funny at some specific moments).
And, well, from what I remember, I was quite surprised by ZeratoR back there. I didn't know that he sang, or at least never heard him (I don't have the chronology and so don't remember when the album goal came; but anyway, as he said himself, it's almost common for a famous video maker to do some songs now, mostly for fun, so it's hard to know at what point it is serious). His Graver dans la roche cover was definitely something.
So, yeah, I don't really follow ZeratoR (I guess that - for once - everything is perfectly healthy. 😌 ) I watch Twitch sporadically, following my current random interest (streamer or even video game), so nothing surprising here. But I'm still interested in some of his projects - and this one is definitely one of them.
Now, which are my favourite songs from him? I'm trying to drop some titles, but that's not that easy. I would mention Anonyme, Katoum, Ralentis and The Void (don't get me started on Antoine Daniel's voice 'cause fuck, it doesn't help).
Oh and the two last ones - I Say and Décennies - are not bad either. And let's not forget Lyrics, which I'm listening to right now (and probably a good one to discover his album as a non-French speaker, so I will put the link too; I seriously doubt that any lost soul will ever read it but, just in case, a link doesn't hurt).
Belobezvodnoe & Moskva: Ooh it's interesting again! Not for the same reason I guess, 'cause I know nothing about Thylacine (not even his name). I also missed Arrête avec tes mensonges (like pretty much all the films this year). My last time at the movie theater was in September (if I don't forget anything), and it wasn't even for a discovery; so my true last time was in July with the last Pixar, Elemental (a very good surprise, by the way, I don't know if you saw it), which was a long time ago now that I'm thinking about it.
(Time flies again).
(I should take a cinema subscription. Well, it's not that easy of course; it's expensive. But at this point, it appears to be that or nothing. At least, with a subscription, you're quite "forced" to go (if not, it feels like a dumb waste; it's partially irrational, but it's here and it's a good motivation in itself) and - more important - you can go like that, just to give it a try. You can't waste anything else but time - which seems freeing. It's just about you and your envy. Nothing more, nothing less).
I don't even know what Arrête avec tes mensonges is about, but the soundtrack seems to have some potential. It's relaxing, but not only. The two songs that you mentioned are quite different, so I don't imagine the same things for both of them. I'm curious to know if I get them like we're supposed to - like they're used in the movie.
Anyway, thank you again. It influenced my Spotify recommendations in a nice way. It was like: "Wait, you like instrumental songs? Like really, you couldn't say it earlier?", and then Spotify suggested other instrumental stuffs.
Scar Tissue: It happens sometimes. Spotify Wrapped shouldn't be surprising (at least for our most listened to songs) but somehow it is. I don't know much about Red Hot Chili Peppers. I know well the few songs I downloaded like... a decade ago (omg 🫠). But this one wasn't in my playlist, so it feels like my first time. It's a nice one.
Weed For Speed: Ah, a song from You Suck At Parking (perhaps a bit of ZeratoR influence again). I see what it is (Z-Lan oblige, even if I didn't follow the whole thing), but nothing more.
(No context but it reminds me Etoiles and his nightmare (also known as the puzzle). I'm not gonna lie, it was quite funny to watch. But it was way less after on Trackmania. He was just a bit disappointed by himself, if I'm remembering well).
But to talk about the song itself, it seems quite unknown. Less than 1k plays on Spotify? That's not much (it doesn't even appear when you search the title only). Anyway, I like the vibe. It seems to be a good focus music (well, it's a video game song after all).
Your whole playlist: Mh, I literally have nothing to say since the link doesn't work. 🥲 It's not the first time I see that. It may be linked to your confidentiality settings on Spotify? The playlist may have to be publicly shared on your profile to work? I don't know.
But think is : when I just click on the link, it opens my Spotify application and shows me my own playlist. So then, I tried to open without being connected and had a message like "your link is broken", or something very similar.
So, to me, the easiest solution is to create a new public playlist with all the songs on your Spotify Wrapped. I don't have a better solution, at this point. But, well, you'll see what you want to do again.
And that was probably too long again (with a very approximate English, which wasn't even necessary). But, well, here it is I guess. I liked to listen to these few songs and see a bit of your pov. :)
omg please never do that again 😂 and by "that" i mean totally break my brain the first time i read this on a week day at 5am. For the first part I was like who the fuck i'm talking to and then it became pretty obvious - or at least 99.9% obvious (no offense but only you could right this 😘) but I had no idea you were following here? (or i feel like i didn't know, but maybe i should have?) Give me a quick second while i second think each of the 11,845 posts i ever shared on this website? 💀💀💀 bit of self-consciousness going on there but we're going to be fine. i think.
I'm not going to answer to everything but DM me your secret identity when you have a minute? it will be easier to talk, even if my brain doesn't fully grab the concept of writing in French on tumblr dot com 😅
Just a few things that could be interesting for general audience:
I've tried something else for the whole playlist, maybe it'll work better here? Otherwise I have no idea.
Also, as not-so-anon said, listen to Trivia (aka LittleBigWhale) :
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jayflrt · 2 years
haha im going to my friend's prom! she went to mine and im going to hers. ngl her's was kinda more fun bc of venue 😭 IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN MINE it rly gave that royalty au vibes i got so many pictures 😁 and also finally met her friends so it was fun!
my last week of school was nice and chill i was mostly scrambling to finish my chem final and just getting people to sign my yearbook! i got this set of colourful pens i got on my birthday that i never got to use and i finally used them so my yearbook is very colourful which i like bc there's so many msgs and having the different colours rly helps with reading them 😭
i unfortunately got covid so i had to miss my graduation 😭 i completely recovered now but i was rly bummed out for a couple of days, esp on the day of. i retraced my days and figured out by timelines that i contracted it on my last day of school and thats so 💀 one of my friends said the school left me a parting gift 👹 apparently some people with covid went to grad anyways but i didnt want to be one of those people even though i rly rly wanted to go anyways
my clubbed performed a dance! i also had a short solo towards the end and it was jusy rly fun so at least there's that good memory left from my school ig ansjdffkv hehe thank you for the virtual flowers 💓
and i did listen to bts' comeback! i was an army for a while previously so seeing them always flickers an old flame in me even though i dnt "stan" them anymore. all the new songs are great! i love the vibes of run bts but searching it on google is a hassle bc theres their show and also their song from hyyh era 😭
also this 😭😭 not the livetweeting while getting eaten by a titan. also imagining that era having technology would be so. funny. and weird 💀 imagine the subtweeting between the outside and the inside of the walls 😭 absolute chaos.
anyways i hope you've been well! i can rest properlt now bc im covid free now and my symptoms werent horrible but it was still so annoying going through it 💀😭 stay safe and healthy !
- 🌻
omg i’m so glad you had fun !! 🥰💖 also royal vibes??? i’m so jealous omg 🤩🤩 i’ve been seeing these tiktok’s of recreations of the queen’s ball from bridgerton and it looks like an absolute dream 🤧
AHHH THE COLORFUL PENS 😌 NO SHAME I BOUGHT A WHOLE SET FOR MY YEARBOOK TOO but everyone only used purple or blue >:(( but yesyes it’s so much easier to read that way !!! when everything in the same blue/black ballpoint pen it gets confusing and you just have to distinguish by handwriting :’)
OMG NOOOOOO IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭😭 I HOPE THEY MADE UP FOR IT AT LEAST <//3 if it makes you feel any better i heard a lot of schools have been fucking up graduation this year (ig bc it’s the first year of being back in person??) but i met with my friend and she was telling me our high school’s graduation ceremony was super messy this year and they were unorganized and didn’t account for students in the heat bc ppl were passing out :( i’m rlly glad you’ve recovered tho !! 💖 a happy graduation from me tho !! congrats on making it so far and here’s to the rest of your future <33 not your parting gift being covid 💀💀 at least it’s a memory to remember !! 🥳
WAIT THATS SO COOL IM SURE U SLAYED 🥰🥰 what club is it ?? :o if you don’t mind sharing HAHAH but that’s so awesome that you got a solo :o i’m glad you got to do it before covid tho ! and you said it was your first in person event right?
omg same here :’))) i don’t stan as much as i used to but i still feel nostalgic looking at content ,, plus i’m getting back into them (even tho they’re on a break LOLL) but jeon jungkook and jung hoseok…… 🧎‍♀️ HAHAH YEAH OMG but they better use that for their next run bts season openings
TBH IDK WHY THAT IDEA EVEN CAME TO MIND LOLLL i wasn’t even rewatching aot or anything 😭😭 ig i was just thinking of how much more convenient phones would be instead of eren screaming ab killing the titans and everyone running after him 🧍‍♂️
i feel u omg :(( my symptoms were rlly annoying too even tho i’ve had colds worse than it 🤧 i’m glad you’re better now tho and i hope you’ve been staying well and healthy !! do you have any plans for your break now? :oo
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tonaken · 2 years
Plaything | Eren Yeager
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FIA'S NOTE → Eren is inspired by Damiano from Måneskin (especially that buttplug part hehe) (go listen to their music now, I have to obsess over them with someone 😭). I have a love-hate relationship with Eren, and I wanted to let it out. I wanna fuck him, but slap him at the same time, you know? Anyways, happy reading!
Content → Eren thinks the world lays in his hand. He can do everything he wants. Say whatever he thinks. Move however he feels like. He finds it freeing. You find it childish.
Warnings → MDNI, Eren Yeager x fem!reader, super slight angst (not the best family dynamics, again), bisexual!Eren because I said so, switchy!Eren, bratty!Eren, voyeuristic tendencies, semi public sex??? y'all do it in the tour bus, protected sex be like y/n kids 😌, handjob, ruined orgasm, impact play (slapping and spanking), light degradation he calls you a bitch, breath play, Eren being a man child, a sex symbol, and a fucking bastard I told you I hated him
W/c → 1.6k words
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Eren Yeager, the rockstar. The slightly deranged musician. The one whose name is constantly mentioned, never for good though.
A drama magnet. He fights any haters on the internet, tweeting at them, profile pic screenshotted and added. He lewdly licks off his mic in the middle of a charity concert, saying that it was just to have people ‘pay attention because the message of the song was important’. He wears buttplug shaped earrings to some music award show to ‘normalize the topic of sex’, or at least that’s what he tells the interviewer.
In reality he thrives on pissing off the more conservative, older generations, the one his parents are part of. The ones that saw him as an outcast since his younger days.
It’s like revenge for him. They treated him like the black sheep of the family and now it was his turn to cause ruckus. It’s fair in his mind.
He doesn’t care anymore, the world is his playground.
He firmly believes that ‘all press is good press’. His management team strongly disagrees. His hot takes always have the band risking annulled interviews and sponsorships. Marlowe has definitely ended up at the emergency room from overwork and Hitch has spent endless nights writing apology emails.
He redeems himself in the public eye with his stunning looks. Green eyes, luscious brown hair, and a tanned, toned body to match. Truly able to sway even the most determined hater.
He dribbles and drabbles in the world of modeling from time to time, accepting only and exclusively if it includes him showing more skin than normal. ‘It boosts sales’, he explains. But truly, it’s just to piss off Grisha, who happens to have a huge billboard in front of his office. He can now take a good look at those tattoos he hates so much.
He doesn’t care anymore, the world is his runway.
But Eren makes a name for himself especially on stage. That is his place, his realm, where he truly belongs. Whether he’s belting impossibile notes or executing complex riffs, he shines.
Do not be fooled, his bravados obviously continue under the hot, glaring lights, in the presence of a full arena . The relentless stage diving, the languid singing to fans in the crowd, the shameless stealing of the panties that fly in his direction during a song. That clip was definitely going to go viral on Tik Tok.
He doesn’t care anymore. The world is his stage.
He likes this lifestyle. It’s fast, exciting, maybe decadent, but his moral compass is a bit skewed, he’s aware of that.
So when his bodyguard admits to having gifted his sister tickets for his next concert, he’s smiling in amusement. If common sense still counted in Eren’s phantasmagorical version of reality, if the man before him was that hot, his sister was supposed to be as attractive, right?
And, boy, were his calculations correct.
You were such a pretty thing. Smiling wildly at him from the front row, hands thrown in the air in careless enjoyment. He found himself hypnotised by the way your glossy lips curled around every single one of his lyrics, eyes closed in bliss. You were such a dedicated fan. He smirks. Bedding you was going to be a piece of cake.
He’s such a flirt with you. He sings the dirtiest of lyrics looking at you dead in the eye. He grabs your hand when he passes by your section. He uses your phone to film himself from stage, handing it back to you with a wink.
And when he whisks you away through the backstage he checks his surroundings before taking you to the tour bus. His eyes set on your brother, busy keeping squealing fans from jumping on Floch. He was his main target, but by the look of your ass in those jeans, calling you a second choice wouldn't have been fair.
Yeah, he wants both the brother and his sister, so what?
He doesn’t care anymore. The world is his harem.
You seem so innocent, so pure with your nose upturned to the sky, taking in all of the luxury embedded in every surface. Everything seems to sparkle and you are so engrossed in the LED lights on the ceiling that you don't notice how he's constantly peeping through the velvet curtains. He wants no interruptions, but a curious eye wouldn't be exactly hated.
He thinks he's got everything under control when he offers you a drink. He doesn't check in with your age; you didn't expect someone like Eren to care anyways. But when you lean over and press your lips against his, his knees feel weak. He misjudged the signs.
You're the one that tears his clothes off. You're the one who slips your hand in his boxers. You're the one who pushes him on the plush leather couch.
But it's when you pull out a condom from your purse that he knows he got himself into something very different than what he expected. His lips curve into a sly smile; he doesn't mind the challenge.
You refuse to suck him off, but his complaints cease when your hand wraps around him. Your wrist flicks expertly to work him whole, thick veins bulging along his shaft. The head of his slicked up cock wastes no time in turning red, and the amount of precum oozing from his slit is impressive. He was liking this more than you thought.
You smirk at his head thrown back, long neck craned beautifully on the backrest. His breath starts getting labored and he chokes on a moan when your other hand cups his balls.
This wasn't him.
His eyes shoot open, instantly flitting in your direction. You know what he wants, but you're not willing to concede. He can tell.
He doesn’t care anymore. The world is his battlefield.
You wanted to take control, huh? You wanted to act all big and bossy? You wanted to order him around? To slut him out? That was his plan first, not yours.
But when you straddle him, tits all in his face, he doesn't know if he wants to go through with whatever was going on in his head. He holds on, though. Long enough to take you down with him, at least.
So when he asks you to slap him in between groans and grunts, it's unexpected. But then his mouth opens again, calling you a bitch for not finding ‘the guts to do it’.
The sting on his cheek is euphoric, and deciding whether he prefers the pain or your angered expression would be an accomplishment. The devious grin that spreads across his face is telling: he wasn't going to give you peace on this given night.
It's a back and forth conversation. Slaps and smacks fill the air of the vehicle. You slap him under his cheeky incitement and he smacks your ass to show you how he wants to be hit. ‘You can't slap for shit’ he says.
It's a win-win for both of you. You can have him shut up for some time while you ride him; he gets you annoyed and irritated while he’s inside you. Plus, every time his hand lands heavily against your ass cheek you start grinding on him harder. He could never hate that. You don't seem to notice his slight advantage, but Eren’s never called himself a fair man.
He doesn’t care anymore. The world is his chessboard.
When he nears his orgasm, he's visibly fighting it off. His teeth gnash is exertion. His forehead glistens in self restraint. His brows furrow in concentration. He can't lose to you, not like this.
You look down at him in playful scorn; he's so childish. From the boastful, exuberant, arrogant way he conducts himself, to his stupidly useless competitiveness. To not speak about the books he tucked under the sofa earlier. Did he really read Erwin Smith?
Eren was a big baby who loved acting tough. You didn't particularly hate it. You actually wanted to indulge in that side of him.
He seems lost when your hand wraps around his neck. But he catches himself, flashing you the most playful of smiles. Exactly what you expected.
It's fascinating how his expression crumbles when you squeeze around him on purpose. You even catch his eyes cross briefly before his eyelids conceal everything. He was actively hiding his enjoyment from you.
His whole body is trembling and the maddening pressure that forms in his head has him babbling nonsense, wheezing in between words. He's so close.
The look on his face now is priceless. Glossy eyes, pouting lips, flushed cheeks. He looks betrayed. You got off him right when he was about to fall off the edge, he had every right to feel that way. You're puzzled, though, when you find him adorable.
When the hands on your hips don't make you budge, he gives up. His reaction is unexpected. Now he's sporting a drunken smile, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest.
He was going to stand up to you in his own way. You expected him to lose his shit when you denied him release? Fine, he was going to calmly accept it. You seemed fun after all.
You sense what sparkles in those emerald eyes when you take him in again. He shudders as you slowly swivel on top of him. You were going to do anything to ruin him. Because if he was childish, you were tenfold.
He knows, he likes it.
He doesn't care anymore. He’s your plaything.
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ellienchanted · 2 years
Hii blorbo meme for cql!
Thanks for the ask, Madhu!! Going straight for the media I'm the most normal about, I see 😌
You know, I thought this would be easy??? But I had to put some thought into this! Okay here we go
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - okay so this one changes about bimonthly, but it's a pretty steady rotation of Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen. These are all slightly different flavors of blorbo: Wei Wuxian has done nothing wrong in his life, ever; Jiang Cheng is a human disaster of epic scale who has done everything wrong, ever, and I love him through it all; Lan Wangji is a perfect man and I can't look at him for too long or else I start to get weird feelings about gender; and Lan Xichen is just... fave. beautiful good man whose life (within the narrative scope of CQL/MDZS) is a slow-burn of a tragedy, a cautionary tale against trust, and yet I have to believe he'll come out the other side okay eventually, or else what hope do the rest of us have, you know?
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - hmm. Lan Sizhui Best Boy. And Jin Ling gets a special mention for taking me from strong distaste in ep 2 to pinching his cheeks by ep 50
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - see, some of these are tough because there's a corner of the Untamed fandom writing sonnets and character analyses for every tiny character to make an appearance onscreen. So who counts as underrated?
I'm gonna go with Song Lan. I see him and I lose my absolute shit. I feel like out of the Yi City tragic trio, he gets the least fandom love, which is a travesty!! He's so tall, and handsome as hell, he's so bad but... wait this is just a taylor swift lyric. Anyway. Song Lan tragic figure of my heart. I loved you and your gay husband from the moment you stepped onscreen 🖤
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - uhhh Qin Su? Mianmian? Ouyang Zizhen? Wen Zhuliu?
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - since just about every significant Untamed character is a war criminal, I feel like this fandom's standards for poor little meow meow are slightly skewed. By any other standard, Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Jin Guangyao are peak meow meow, but within the fandom they're just some dudes, you know? Since it's hard to find an actually controversial character, I'm gonna go with my good lady wife Wen Qing, because first of all she too, not to be outdone, is a war criminal; and also because by dint of being a woman in a male-centric story and fandom, she's by nature less popular than most characters. Wen Qing bby give me a call, I'm free thursday, friday, whenever you want 😘
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - this feels very mean to say since the narrative torments him so much already, but I think Jin Zixuan?? Listen, the amount of character growth he manages to fit in is frankly impressive considering his limited on-screen time, but he spends much of that time being a baby garbage man and being just so mean to my perfect angel Jiang Yanli!! I think one of my hottest Untamed takes of all time is that Jin Zixuan/Jiang Yanli is basically Pride and Prejudice if Mr. Darcy ended up with Jane, and lord knows I would have a hell of a good time tormenting Mr. Darcy, so. Yeah
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) -
Jin Guangshan and Xue Yang can fuck off and die 😌
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nottsangel · 2 years
don’t feel ashamed for the late reply! your inbox must be flooded with other messages + you have other things going on with your life.
even if you don’t like the attention you receive on your birthday, you at least should know how loved and treasured you are by everyone. i hope the feedback i’ve given you didn’t discourage you in anyway - i studied creative writing and i don’t do well with criticism as well - and you totally deserve to take a break from writing to focus on your studies! speaking of, here are some hcs for you!
record vinyl shopping - our mini talk of music got me thinking of how we’d browse the music/record shop to go look through the range and listen to new bands/singers. steve knows most of the modern hits playing on the stereo so he’d wonder why we’re all here, but eddie is doing his very best to convert him to the ‘dark side’. lowkey, steve’s ulterior motive is try find what kind of vibe you have so he can make a mixtape for you (probably an idea he got from Dustin AHAHAHA)
driving late nights / star gazing - another funny thing i like to thing is we’d have a collective mixtape of our songs and put in the stereo of Steve’s car to just jam to as he drives around. the chaotic banter between him and eddie about switching songs, eddie making snide comments about his driving and steve threatening to kick him out in the middle of now where. we’d find a nice area far from hawkins to sit outside (eddie is defs sitting on the roof of steve’s car) just looking up at the stars. steve will put his jacket around you for sure and keep you close to him. he is definitely bringing you back here - just you two - for a midnight picnic under the stars
jewellery - steve has a small possessive trait in my head, so he would absolutely buy you a bracelet or necklace that serves as a reminder that he is yours, just as you are his. he won’t admit that he took hours and days to find the perfect one for you, as he gently placed it on you and mentions how it looks more beautiful on you than he expected. maybe in a few more years, he’ll be looking for the perfect ring.
oop i hope these are enough to satisfy you! i bid you good luck with your exams, and i know you’ll do well! - mama 🌙
yes but you are one of the important things going on in my life 🙄✋🏻 so should reply sooner !!
omg you studied creative writing? okay now i value your feedback even more omg feel free to give me it whenever you want! you’re one of the few people who are allowed to give me real feedback now since you at least know what you’re talking about 😌🫶🏻
oh my god your hcs are literally the reason i get out of my bed in the morning. i can not express how good they are and JDJDJDDJ they are always so cute 😭 i always read your hcs so many times during the day im OBSESSED.
thank you 💞 my first one is tomorrow and i’m so nervous ): but you are really good at motivating me so tysm 🫶🏻
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katsuriin · 4 years
hi I really like your writing and I wanted to send in a request 👉👈 can I please request headcanons of Shinsou, Kaminari, and Bakugou going to a karaoke place with the rest of the 1A class and their crush/ s/o goes up and they have incredible passion in singing and stage presence, but then a ~spicy~ song comes up and they go along 👀 thank you for writing!
❥Shinsou, Kaminari and Bakugou and karaoke night
wc: 0.8k
a/n: I listen to 80% kpop and 20% other stuff so I'm sorry for not including a specific song if it helps I thought of side to side by ari as a ~spicy~ song sjdjfjf but this prompt was so cute omg love my 1A boys 😌😌 also pleASE can you tell how much I love writing for bakugou his is longer than the others i’m sorry (;-;)
anyway thanks baby this req was so cute, hope you like it~ <3
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this guy really doesn't enjoy socialising but you insisted and he's whipped soo,,
to set the scene!! because it's physically impossible for me not to you were friends with more or less everyoNE so you always got invited to their outings, on this occasion it was half of class 1A and some of 1B at a karaoke place and shinsou was just tired
he'd probably sit to the side with the other quiet ones who were dragged along hdsdhd just tokoyami, todoroki, and shinsou sitting awkwardly omg babies
he sticks to quietly observing you from afar as you sing along happily with uraraka, the slightest hint of a smile on his face because even though he loves being alone and napping he loves seeing you happy and smiling even more
when the song changes he watches, amused, as you flush bright red after mina whispers something in your ear mina is everyones wingwoman and one of my favourite characters ever omG
anyway so you're just vibing as the others sing their parts in this suggestive as fuck song and when it finally gets to your part you deadass look shinsou in the eye whilst singing the whole time oh my god you're the best
it's fucking comical how shinsous face goes a little red and he sits rigid in his seat whilst tokoyami and todoroki look at him in concern dsjdks
his head is frozen for a second because he's thinking like,, this means they're at least a bit interested in me toO?? °-°
the seconD that song's over he's dragging out of that room fr with a red face and eyes trained on the ground
leads to a kind of heated kiss and then an actual confession in that order because he does not !! mess around !!
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I feel like he'd be the leaST subtle when he has a crush omg a baby
so when you're singing this soft ballad-like song jokingly with Hagakure but you're actually singing it really well and he's just enAMOURED
baby takes it upon himself to be your personal hypeman for the night !!! 
omg no because when the song changes to something a bit more,,, provocative ohmygod I'm so bad at this skjdks and you do a full 180, he gets whiplash 
when you're able to switch effortlessly between the singing and the rapping points he's literally turned to stone
kirishima is just poking him like trying to snap him out of it and bakugou is just yelling at him telling him he's being too obvious omg
 he realises mineta is getting a little too into it so he literally sits on him because smh?? you're his crush?? everyone knows that
I feel like this would definitely lead to an accidental confession from him though, he's just too taken aback from how good you are at everything 
"You sounded really good today!! waahh you're so good at singing [y/n]! see this is why I like you-you do everything to the best of your ability even if it's just for fun--"
"you like me too?!"
"I DIDNT SAY THAT!1 !! !1! 1!!1"
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damn you were iNTO this song, I'm talking about you, Uraraka and Deku fully belting out all the lyrics 
Deku looks like a good singer pls
you weren't bad at singing, quite the opposite to be honest, blasty boy isn't surprised in the least 
he won't ever admit it but he loves hearing you sing and will fake nap in your room sometimes just to hear it xhjddj
anyway, he's just watching you smiling smugly like 'hah yeah that's my crush hah no one elses' calm down Bakubabe y'all aren't even together yet kdjksd
when the song ends, you're slightly out of breath so he opens a bottle of water for you 
definitely blushes a bit, if you brush your hand against his whilst getting it off him
anyway you're basically chugging this bottle of water and that song comes on
your eyes light up immediaTELY and bakugou just sighs, taking the bottle of you
"how many songs are you gonna do, your voice will be gone by tomorrow...." "but that'd be a fucking blessing"
you just stick your tongue out at him mature, already walking to the mics where mina is yelling for you to join her because this is your guys' soNG
broo,, you kill this song like,,, my man katsuki suFFERS
his head literally goes into overdrive as you get more into the song, dancing with mina whilst mastering every!! note!! he only looks away when he catches the shit-eating grins kaminari and kirishima are giving him nkdksdk
tries to keep up his intimidating lol ok baby and unbothered facade but he likes you so much and you look and sound so goOD, his cheeks are so red omg
when you finally finish the song and announce you're done for the night he's slightly disappointed but also relieved, I don't think he would've survived another song
you basically collapse next to him, breathless and giggly 
cue bakugou's stuttering compliments disguised as insults
"w-what the fuck? w-why did you go all out anyway if you get this tired" he stutters out, whilst handing you water again.
"because it's fun!! and just admit it katsukiiiii you love my singing~~" he tries to look away but you pinch his cheeks fondly
"h-hAH saYS WHO"
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