#anyway Kouji finally gets a power except 'lousy nightvision'
windfighter · 1 year
Hold the light
Prompt: ”I’m right here.”
Sun set. The world turned from dim to dark and Kouji stopped. Clenched his hands. He should have started heading home earlier. Should have taken a road where the street lights weren’t dead. Steps echoed next to him.
”Yeah, I’m right here.”
Kouichi grabbed Kouji’s hand. Kouji flinched, then closed his own hand around Kouichi’s. He swallowed.
”This is the worst.”
”At least it’s not a stair this time”, Kouichi said with a laugh. ”Come on, just follow me.”
He tugged at Kouji’s hand, started walking. Pressed himself against Kouji’s side. Kouji noticed that Kouichi was trying to keep him away from the curb. It was good, Kouji really didn’t feel like breaking something again. He squeezed Kouichi’s hand and took a few careful steps. Terryfying. Walking in absolute darkness was the literal worst.
”I wish I could just”, Kouji lifted his free hand, ”snap my fingers and make light happen.”
”If only”, Kouichi laughed.
Kouji laughed as well. Snapped his fingers. Light flooded the street, Kouichi pulled away, eyes clenched, arms up to block the light. Kouji stared at the white sphere hovering above his hand like a miniature sun.
”Turn it off!” Kouichi yelled.
”I don’t know how to turn it off, you’re the one who controls darkness!”
”I don’t control darkness, I can just see in it!”
Kouichi pressed his hands against his face. Kouji stared in awe at the area closest to them. It was so clear. Not even daylight made colors that vibrant. Kouichi hissed.
”It burns.”
Kouji laughed.
”What are you, a vampire?”
He grabbed one of Kouichi’s hands, tugged at it.
”Come on, I’m right here, let me lead. Until we figure out how to turn this off.”
Kouichi held his other hand over his eyes, his face scrunched up in pain.
”Mama and dad are gonna be so freaked out by it”, he said.
”Yeah, we’ll cross that bridge when we get home”, Kouji said.
He tugged at Kouichi again, put himself between Kouichi and the curb and started leading the way home. Slow, steady steps to make sure Kouichi didn’t fall over his own feet. They reach another street, where the lights worked. Kouji’s fingers cramped and he clenched his hand.
There was a sizzle and darkness laid thick over them again. He let out a sigh.
”Well… at least we figured out how to turn it off.”
Kouichi opened his eyes, blinked a few times. He looked more at home with the sun gone, more comfortable. The streetlights provided just enough light for Kouji to see where he put his feet. He scratched the back of his head.
”Guess I need to update my powerset in the group chat.”
He laughed. Kouichi rolled his eyes and started walking. Kouji hurried after him and grabbed his hand.
”Don’t worry, ’niisan. I’m sure you’ll get a cool move someday too!”
”Yeah, probably”, Kouichi agreed. ”At least we don’t need to worry about you getting lost in the woods any longer.”
Kouji snorted. Being able to summon light would make a lot of things easier for him. And if he could use it to prank the others (and most importantly Kouichi) that was even better!
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