#anyway I love the idea of the basketball team being in the known. Let em bring hell on Vecna man
twpsyn-who · 1 year
Ok but the idea of Steve and Chrissy dating since season 1 is so agdudbd. Like, what if Patrick dies during that party (you know, instead of Barb) and is literally the same drama all over again, because Patrick was a very close friend of hers.
And in that context there's no damn need to let Nancy in the known, right? Is not! But she stills helps Jonathan after Steve breaks his camera and she somehow gets involved because yk journalist instincts and all that. AND JASON gets involved too, because Patrick was his best friend bitch and he heard around that Jonathan have shit about that on his camera and wants to learn the truth and somehow these three become a trio and investigate idk I haven't watched Stranger Things the idea is that a lot of people somehow get involved only because Steve is dating another girl in season 1. (And thank God Jason went straight to Jonathan before he started a manhunt on Harrington for killing his bestie agehjdjs)
Anyway, I want to believe half of the basketball team finds out about the Upside Down by the time season 4 comes; Lucas being on the team doesn't help AT ALL, he and Jason are shit at keeping a secret Andy called bullshit on them so many times.
And yk we can either have Robin who still told Steve she's a lesbian and they are besties now OR HAVE ROBIN GOING TO EDDIE TO BUY DRUGS AND GETS KILLED BY VECNA- actually no fuck off she still gets involved in season 3 and is Steve's bestie but yk putting the idea out there.
Is there going to be nearly no damn plot in season 4 because 1) Jason knows about the Upside Down, 2) Eddie doesn't get involved because Chrissy does have a good boyfriend and doesn't feel like drugs is the only way and 3) There's a big ass group ready to kick Vecna's ass? Yeah man, probably, but Chrissy is alive and Eddie's alive and everybody is alive!
Except Barb cuz someone needs to die in Patrick's place we can't save everyone now sorry no sorry.
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frightgothcar · 5 years
HEY! Hey, you, reading this!!! I fuckin love writing but what I need to be able to write is a little thing called approval!! If you like this please comment and/or reblog!!!!!!!!!!
Area 51 au thingy. Danny/Wes. Songfic? Not really but the whole idea came from this song. V is based off of @its-towarzysz (main)/ @we-all-horny-here (sanders sides sideblog)/ @cockworktower (dp side blog) you should check them out, they make hella good content. Thanks to all my friends who helped me with motivation/proofreading. Tw for Death, Blood, Guns, and Violence. (Tell me if I forgot anything). I love this pairing and the lack of content sparks deep anger in my soul!! :)) Thanks for reading, enjoy!!
EDIT: Posting this on ao3 also @/godcannotdefeatfanfic 
September 20th, 10:30 am
Area 51
Wes Weston had nothing to live for. Ever since his Mom had gone out for cigarettes on his 6th birthday and never come back his life had been a constant downward spiral. Maybe that was why he was in the middle of the Nevada desert, preparing to attempt to rush a highly armed government facility with a million other suicidal Millenials.  
He fanned his face with his hand. It was over 86 degrees and he was practically melting in his Casper High spirit T-Shirt and blue jeans. He contemplated getting into his pickup truck and blasting the a/c but considering he only had a quarter tank of gas left, and it was a good 20 miles to the nearest gas station, he decided against it. Instead, he got onto his phone and texted his friends for the third time that morning. 
Basketball-Boi: where r yall? its hot.
Phurry: we’re just driving in!! Do u see us?
Basketball-Boi: uhhh whats ur car look like
Phurry: the silver one
Basketball: V there are like a million silver ones what kind of car
Phurry: uhh Val says its called a subaru we’re right by a black car
Red_Huntress: They’re standing on the roof and waving. Can you see us now?
Wes looked up from his phone to see a person, about his age, standing on the roof of a silver Subaru, wearing a black band t-shirt and neon green booty shorts. Their long blond ponytail swished around their face as they jumped up and down excitedly. A girl stepped out of the car and began scolding her friend. She was wearing a matching red pair of shorts, there was black lettering on her backside that he couldn’t quite make out. He began waving back, which only excited the blond more. They lept over the brown-skinned girl and bolted towards Wes.
“Ready to fuck some aliens, Basketball-Boi?” They pulled him into a tight embrace.
“I was born ready!” He laughed, “How are you, V?”
“Pretty gay, thanks for asking.”
Wes opened his mouth to speak but V cut him off with an excited shout.
“Oh! That reminds me!” They slipped their arms out of their backpack straps and dug through the mint green bag for a minute before pulling a pair of hot pink shorts, “I wanted us all to match! Made ‘em myself!”
They flipped the shorts around to reveal ‘100% Nasty’ embroidered onto the ass in black. They then turned around to show off their own message, that read ‘Trash Man’.
“I made one for Val too, c’mon, we have to wear them!!”
Wes grabbed the shorts and held them to his hips. “Is this what you needed my measurements for?”
They nodded enthusiastically, “I was gonna make us team jackets, but that’s so cliche.”
“Huh, I mean, don’t get me wrong, these are… great, but are you sure pink is my color?”
V rolled their eyes, “Of course I’m sure, Wes! Just put them on, you’ll see.”
Wes sighed and walked behind his red truck for some privacy, not that there was much of that, the field was crowded with cars. He pulled down his blue jeans, thankful for the breeze on his legs, and pulled on the shorts. They were a perfect fit, clinging to his waist, and resting on his barely existent hips. The feeling of showing so much skin was odd to him, he’d never worn anything that short in public, but the look on V’s face made it all worth it to him. They didn’t laugh like he’d been expecting them to, instead clapping their hands and going on about how relieved they were that the shorts actually fit. He did a quick turn for them, and they nodded in satisfaction.
“I think it’s about time we caught up to Val, did y’all remember to bring soda?”
“Only the finest Mountain Dew the 7/11 could provide, M’lady,” V grinned. 
“Than shall we be going, M’lord?” Wes held out his arm.
“Indubitably.” V linked their arm through his and they wandered through the crowd, searching for Valerie’s silver Subaru. 
“Wes! V! Over here!” Val called, waving the hand that wasn’t holding a Mountain Dew at her friends. The two of them waved back and jogged toward her. 
“Hey Val, long time no see,” Wes grinned as he pulled her into a hug.
“I missed ya, Weston,” Val reached up to ruffle his hair, but Wes dodged, pulling her into a headlock instead. 
“Missed ya too, Grey,” He gave her a noogie and released her, leaving her free to jump onto him and boost herself high enough to get revenge.
“Aww, adorable! Old lovebirds rekindling an old flame?” V fluttered their eyelashes at their friends, who immediately recoiled.
“Ew, no! Wes? If I had to pick a guy, maybe. And that’s a hard maybe. I’m too gay for this.” Valerie picked up her can from the hood of her car and took a swig.
“Yeah! She’s like my little sister!”
“Hey, I’m older than you!”
“By like two weeks!”
V broke into laughter, “Cool it lovebirds, I’m only joking.”
Val and Wes rolled their eyes at V, who was now on the ground, rolling with laughter. 
“Permission to pour some soda out onto our hilarious friend’s head?” Val asked teasingly.
“Permission granted! Fire at will!” Wes saluted. Val tipped her can enough to sprinkle V with the sticky green drink. They got to their feet, still laughing, and lunged for Val’s can. They knocked it backward, spilling soda all over Val’s shirt.
“EEK,” She squealed, “You’ll pay for this, Trash Man, If it’s the last thing I do!” 
She tried to push the can towards V, but they still had a grip on her arm. They tugged the can back and forth for a few seconds before it crumpled under the pressure.
“Shit!” Val swore, letting go of the can and cradling her palm. “I think I cut myself.”
V dropped the can, game of tag forgotten, and crowded next to their friend. Wes joined their huddle. 
“I think I have a first aid kit in my truck. How bad is it?” He asked.
Val opened her hand to reveal a small, but deep wound on the side of her palm.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault, if I hadn’t-” V began.
“Naw, it was as much my fault as yours. Anyway, we were having fun, and it’s really just a scratch. Keep focused on those Aliens, Private!” Val reassured them.
“Aye aye, Captain!”
Wes walked back to his truck, ignoring the stares of passerby. He grabbed his first aid kid (thank god for boy scouts) and walked back to Val’s car.
“So,” Wes ripped open a disinfecting wipe with his teeth and got to work cleaning her hand of blood. “How’s your dad?”
“He’s doing-” She drew in a sharp breath as he dabbed along the wound with a clean wipe. “Fine. The new job’s working out great, he’s happier than I’ve seen him in a while.”
Wes nodded and began wrapping her hand in gauze, “I’m glad. He wasn’t himself when you left.”
“It really all did work out for the better, didn’t it,” V smiled and handed Wes a length of medical tape. “Oh! I forgot! Val, show Wes what your ass says!”
She groaned, “Do I have to?”
V scowled, “Of course you have to, it was your idea!”
“I was just joking!”
“Tsk tsk, I think you’ve known me long enough to know that when it comes to cursed content, there are no jokes.”
“C’mon Val, it can’t be worse than ‘100% Nasty’,” Wes smirked.
V gasped dramatically and feigned offense, “You’ve wounded me! I work so hard, and for what, ungrateful friends?”
“Fine, if it’ll make you happy I’ll show him my ass. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She winked at him before turning to show her backside. Black embroidery spelled out ‘Booty Hunter’.
Wes burst out laughing, which quickly turned to hysteric noises only vaguely resembling laughter, squeals, and snorts with shrieking giggles between them. V and Val couldn’t help but join in. The second one of them stopped laughing someone would whisper Booty Hunter and it’d start all over again. 
“Okay, okay,” Wes gulped in air, “We- hic -should calm down now.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Val wiped a tear from her eye, “I am the Queen of Calm.”
V got to their feet and dusted themself off. “Totally calm. Calmer than a… something calm.”
“When does the raid start?” Wes pulled out his phone and checked the time. 12:00.
“Around, 12:30ish, we have time.” V waved their hand.
“I dunno, it’s already 12, maybe we should start getting ready.”
“What do you mean it’s already-” V snatched the phone from his hand, “Huh. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.”
“Wait, get ready for what exactly? I mean, we’re here, we’ve got our shorts on, there’s enough Mountain Dew in my car to drown an elephant, what else is there to get ready?” Val questioned.
“Uhhh, I dunno, stretch?” Wes shrugged, “It just feels like we’re forgetting something. What exactly is the plan for this whole thing anyway? Are there gonna be waves? Do we all go at once? This is a pretty poorly organized event.”
Val shrugged, clearly unphased by the lack of organization, “We’ll just go when everyone else starts running. I’m sure the start of gunfire will tell us when.”
“Look, if it’s making you so worried, we can stretch before. I’m sure everything will be fine. Plus, we all get alien Girlfriends, so it’s a win-win!” V put their hand on his arm. Wes smiled thankfully down at them.
“Yeah, that’s probably it. Yall must think I’m being a nitpick-”
“Not at all! You’re probably right, after all, it must be at least a mile to the base from here, and we can’t let cramps keep us from sweet sweet alien romance.” Val propped her leg up on the hood of her car and pressed her head to her knee, “Plus that’ll give us an advantage over the Kyles.”
V nodded and fell into a lunge, “We’ve been training since July for this, can’t let it get away now because we forgot to stretch.”
Wes bent over and touched his toes, “Thanks y’all, you’re really the best friends I could ask for.” 
The screech of a megaphone rang out through the valley. A voice came through the static, “Raiders! Get into position, we’re storming the gates in exactly fifteen minutes!” 
A cheer broke through the crowd as people began chugging what was left of their sodas and migrating towards the front lines. 
“Well, this is it I guess. If I don’t make it out of the raid, put this on my tombstone.” Wes gestured downward, where he was holding his hand in a circle. 
“Dammit!” Valerie chuckled as Wes gave her a playful punch in the arm. 
“You’ll never take me alive!” V shouted and sprinted forwards as Wes moved towards them.
“On your marks!”
“Wanna bet on that?” Wes shouted back, weaving through the crowd to catch up with them.
“Get set!”
V pushed forward, using their small frame to their advantage, easily losing the taller one in the crowd.
The mob roared, then began thundering forward, but the deafening sounds of the people were nothing compared to what followed. Thousands of guns began firing at once, hitting everyone and everything in the vicinity. Wes watched with horror as the first wave of people were mowed down right before his eyes. A flash of neon green caught his eye through the carnage. He ran towards his friend, who was standing, paralyzed, next to a few other survivors. He shouted their name, and just as they turned their head another hailstorm of bullets rained down. The first one embedded itself right into V’s chest, right above their heart. Wes sprinted to catch his injured companion, but by the time he got there the life was already draining from their eyes.
“V! V, can you hear me? Don’t go into the light, hold on, ok? You’ve got this, V, answer me!”
He pressed his head to their chest, a weak heartbeat answered him. “It’s gonna be okay. Shhh, you’re okay.” 
Something wet dripped down his face, and he realized he was crying.
“...Wes,” V rasped out, then began violently coughing up blood. Little flecks of red peppered Wes’ face like freckles. “Fuck an alien for me, okay? Can you promise me that?”
Their body went limp in his arms. 
“V? V! V, wake up, please, that can’t be it, please V, you’re only 17, please!” He shook their corpse, but to no avail. V was gone. He closed his eyes and let out a shuttering breath before standing up, still clutching their body in his arms. 
“Second wave! On your marks!” The megaphone blared to life.
The crowd let out another, less confident cheer. After seeing all the carnage most of the raiders were less enthusiastic to ‘see them aliens’. But this time Wes had made up his mind. He was going to make it into that Government facility, and he was gonna burn that motherfucker to the ground.
“Get set!”
He laid his friend on the ground and pressed a kiss to their forehead. If it wasn’t for the massive amount of blood they could’ve been sleeping.
Wes screamed with all the anger he had in him and charged forward. Bullets rained down near him, but this time there were less of them. This time he had a chance. He saw the gate coming closer. He was only 50 feet away, he could make it! He hopped over the fence, ignoring the blaring of sirens, and kept running. He pushed his way into the building, where, surprisingly, there was no security. It looked like they had invested all their soldiers into protecting the outside of the base. His adrenaline rush began to slow down. He dragged his feet down the linoleum hallway, looking at his bloodsoaked hands. 
“What the fuck just happened?” He whispered to himself, still shellshocked. A flicker of light caught his eye. Grateful for a distraction, he turned his attention to what looked like a futuristic control panel. The buttons were labeled in some sort of code, their luminescent surfaces grinning up at him.
“Looking for me, Short-Shorts?” A calm voice echoed through the hall. Wes whipped around, ready for a fight.
“Why so on edge, Ginger? Surely I’m not that intimidating.” It purred.
“Who are you?!” Wes shouted. He winced at the echo. Did he really sound that unhinged?
“On your left.” 
He turned and found himself face to face with the most beautiful boy he’d ever seen. He looked about his age, maybe 17. His skin was tan, but had a slight blueish tint, as if he’d been without oxygen for a while. Poking from his tuft of pearly white hair was a pair of blur antenna. He had a small build, maybe 5 feet tall at best, but was floating at eye level with Wes. Speaking of his eyes, they were quite possibly the most gorgeous thing about him. He had eyes greener and glowyer (is that even a word? Either way it was true.) than toxic waste, his pupils were like a cat’s, slit down the middle. He was clothed in a baggy black prison jumpsuit. He looked almost alien. Wes realized with a start that he must be an alien. 
“Are you done staring?” The boy asked, snapping Wes out of his trance. “It won’t be long before the guards realize you’re in here, and I’d rather get out without a bullet hole.”
“I- I don’t- what are you?” Wes stammered.
“I’m Project Phantom, or Danny if you prefer. What’s your name?”
“I’m… Wes?”
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