#anyway I guess thanks for coming to my spontaneous TEDTalk about Riverdale lmao
nsfwitchy2 · 3 months
I got this video recommended to me that’s about like, “adult” and “edgy” reboots of things and why they keep failing and it has riverdale in the icon and like
I just think it’s so funny that riverdale is considered the poster child for “failed edgy reboot” because tbh I wouldn’t even consider it to fall under like. Any of those categories at all.
Is riverdale an edgy reboot of the Archie comics? Yeah in theory I GUESS
But like,,,, lbr. Riverdale isn’t like, Velma. Or Netflix’s avatar.
First of all it has a cult following so like, I’m not sure I’d call that a failure. Second - Riverdale is, if we’re being honest, a parody of an edgy reboot. Riverdale is camp, it has always been camp - and from what little I’ve seen and heard I don’t think it’s ever tried to be anything other than camp. Yeah it’s edgy but it’s campy first and foremost.
Like it’s just so funny to me that Riverdale is the poster child of “gritty adult reboot that failed” because if anything Riverdale is someone’s camp passion project that developed a cult following worth renewing the show for 7 entire seasons for.
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