#anyway I did not actually mention what the girls plans were or why Amber was being arrested in this but there is a reason fleshed out lol
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What if (in the AU where Richie and Amber succeed) Sam survives and after spending weeks in a coma, she hunts Amber and Tara down (while the police is looking for Sam as well, bc they believed the story of the two remaining survivors - two weak girls who went through hell - that Sam is Ghostface). Tara kept her promise and left with Amber who more or less kidnapped her.
So, Sam finally finds them and tries to convince Tara that they should run away together.
Showdown: Amber is so manipulative and intelligent that she basically convinces Tara that she herself would go on another killing spree if Tara leaves bc she is the only thing (literally a possession) who keeps her sane. Sam starts arguing and Tara screams back at her that she wouldn’t be able to live with the knowledge that she is responsible for more death and pain.
Amber stares at her with a confused and shocked expression. “Who are you talking to?” She asked. “There is no one there, baby.”
Tara thinks she lost it and that she is hallucinating. She breaks down and Sam runs up to Amber to prove that she is very much alive but this little shit is fast and knocks her out before Tara can realize what is happening.
Amber grabs her pet and drags her to their car without a second thought about the immense pain Tara must be in right now.
Sam wakes up and the first the she sees is Tara’s inhaler. She needs to be fast and drives after them with a stolen car (she never forgot about the times she was forced to sleep in a foreigner’s car in order to not die while being homeless).
Showdown II: She finds them and this time Tara realizes that her sister is still alive. Amber is furious and threatens to kill Tara. The police shows up and wants to arrest Sam but after taking in the situation and Tara finally telling the truth about her crazy ex with a gun pressed against her temple, they change their minds.
But we’re talking about Amber fucking Freeman, a teenager who has nothing left to lose after failing her community of movie obsessed freaks. She pulls the trigger.
Sam’s screaming and running to her sister. Everything seems to happen in slow motion: the police tackling Amber down and putting her in hand cuffs while the girl is laughing like the manic she is and basically confessing to everything; the blood painting the dirty ground red; her sister’s desperate attempt to get air in her lungs.
But, it turns out that Amber couldn’t kill Tara and the bullet only brushed her temple.
After recovering, Tara wants to confront Amber. She wants to know if she really loved her at some point or if she was just a pawn in her game. Amber refuses to talk to her but demands a meeting with Sam in secret.
Sam visits her and Amber tells her why she couldn’t kill Tara: This naive girl with abandonment, mommy, daddy issues and no self-respect made her feel something for the first time in her life. She’s unable to be empathetic but when it comes to Tara she feels the need to protect her. She was always so jealous of Sam and that was the main reason behind the killings -no stupid movie, what a pathetic idea-. Amber couldn’t understand why Tara was still so attached to Sam and it made her angry. Sam was the only person who (as long as she is alive) would always be a threat to their twisted relationship; to Tara being entirely hers.
Previous. BaileyRhapsody would like you to know they're sending you kisses. And me also, for seeing me kill Sam and deciding that I'm wrong actually and Sam should be alive, 'cause you're so right. I love where you took this, I have a few suggestions. Also, props to Bailey who was my soundboard, so their influence is here too (it always is).
Sam spends weeks in a coma from the blood loss. But she wakes up, and when she does, she's handcuffed to a bed in a prison hospital. Nobody will listen to her when she says she didn't do it, when she tells the truth. Then one day she gets a visitor. He introduces himself as Mark Kincaid and says "they say you're the one who killed my wife."
She doesn't bother trying to convince him otherwise, she just begs him for information on her sister.
Miraculously, he tells her what he knows, he tells her anything she asks. He tells her she'll see him again. On the day she's officially sentenced, she thinks. On the day she's released from the hospital, it turns out.
He believes her. He believes her.
She's shuffled away into the back of an FBI van and reintroduced to Kirby Reed. Together the three of them make a plan.
At first, Tara finds herself unable to talk. The words simply won't escape her mouth, and then she finds she doesn't want to. What's the point. Sam's gone. Sam's gone and it was her and there's nothing anybody can do about it.
She's stuck in the hospital, her mother unreachable. She spends all her time in that room, stuck in her head. With no one to visit her - they're all dead she keeps remembering - except Amber.
Amber likes to visit, to stroke her hair and whisper to her softly and kiss her, and act as if nothing ever happened, as if she didn't do this, didn't do it all.
Amber's story is the one that gets told, the one that gets believed. Tara's too traumatised for them to even try to listen to her. Just the poor little victim, brutalised by her own sister. She watches the news, listens to every filthy lie they say about her sister. It makes her blood boil.
After weeks, she's released... into Amber's care. Her mother still hasn't come home and she doesn't understand why she has to go with Amber. Tara's an adult, she doesn't need- this shouldn't... this shouldn't be happening. But it is. And Amber whispers in her ear, reminds her to behave, that she won't be able to control herself if Tara makes her angry. She's seen what she's capable of.
Tara agrees to go with her.
The night before she's set to be released, she gets a visitor from a ghost. And it is a ghost, no matter how real the hand against her cheek or the lips on her forehead feel. It whispers that things are going to be ok, that they're going to fix things, that she just has to keep quiet and wait.
Tara's been doing a lot of that recently.
Ghostface attacks start again. It makes Amber agitated. She looks at Tara accusingly sometimes. Tara just stays quiet, sits at her desk and doodles. Amber doesn't let her use the internet anymore, so she entertains herself the old-fashioned way, with paper and a pen. Mostly she draws her sister, lines shaky and weak, pen barely gripped in her still bandaged hand.
It's one of the rare times Amber's out when she turns at a noise and finds Ghostface standing in the doorway. She should be scared, she thinks. Instead, she just feels relief as they walk up to her.
But instead of a knife in the gut, it's a hand on her cheek and gloved fingers stroking behind her ear the way her sister used to do when she was young.
Ghostface whispers about plans.
"I have plans too," Tara chokes out, voice hoarse with disuse.
Tara starts to talk to Sam a lot once she's alone, regardless of whether the apparition is there or not.
One day, Amber catches her, demands to know who she's talking to. She only gets angry when Tara responds Sam. She rips the drawing from her hands, tears it into pieces and throws the remains in Tara's upset face. She screams that Sam is dead, that Tara killed her and that she's never coming back. That she has to get over it.
Amber never expects to hear the modulated voice from behind her.
"I think you're the one that has trouble letting go, aren't you Amber."
Amber lashes out, pushing Ghostface back. She grabs Tara's arm and yanks her from the room. They make it down the stairs, but the door is locked. It won't open. Why won't it open?
"I think the time for games is over, don't you agree?"
Amber can't believe this is happening; who the fuck is this, what do they want? She tries the back door. Locked. Tara stands right where she left her, unconcerned. She has something to do with this, doesn't she? Of course she couldn't trust her. She should have just killed her in the first place. She would always be Amber's forever, then.
Amber retrieves one of the guns she keeps hidden in the house as Ghostface descends the stairs. Amber pulls Tara behind her.
"It's over, Amber. Did you really think you would get away with it?"
"Fuck you asshole, you don't know who you're messing with," she screams. She doesn't miss the sound of the doors unlocking, the sight of two figures with their guns raised entering from each exit.
She looks between the two of them, outraged. "What the fuck is this?" Nothing is going according to plan, this is all going wrong. She wasn't prepared for this.
Ghostface removes their mask.
She wasn't prepared for this.
Sam fucking Carpenter stands before her, still alive.
"It's over, Amber," she repeats.
"Like fuck it is," she responds, enraged. She grabs Tara's shoulder, pushing her forward and digging the gun into the side of her head. She ignores the detectives as they speak to her, her eyes never leave Sam's furious ones. This is between them. It's always been between them.
"There's no way for you to win this," Sam quietly declares. "Maybe not," Amber answers, "but I can make sure you don't win either."
She spins Tara around, Amber wants to be the last thing she sees. Not Sam. Amber.
She doesn't recognise the eyes staring back at her. They're empty, no emotion. Tara used to adore her. Where is that now?
Amber clenches her jaw and pulls the trigger.
She feels bullets tear into her body, no bulletproof vest this time to protect her. The last thing she sees before she closes her eyes is Sam's distraught face, crying.
"Was it worth it?" Sam asks her from the other side of the window. "Is this the future you dreamed of?"
Amber scoffs. Sam knows her answer. She's only here to torment her.
"I don't recall inviting you."
"Yeah, well, who else was gonna come? Tara? You know that's never gonna happen."
"What are you doing here, Sam?"
"I want to know why. Why Tara? Why not someone else, anyone else."
Amber laughs into the com. "Because it was easy," she declares. "She was so pathetic. Begging for attention, for someone to love her." She delights in the way Sam's fists clench, how her jaw twitches. "She was mine."
"Then why would you hurt her?"
"What are you, my therapist? I didn't want to share her, it's as simple as that."
"Now you don't have her at all."
Amber glares back at her, but she doesn't respond. Sam wants a response, she won't give it to her.
"I do have a message from her though," Sam says, standing up and preparing to leave. Amber watches her cautiously, she can't let her know how desperate she is to hear what she has to say.
"She says get over it."
Sam walks away. She doesn't need to see Amber to know her reaction. She can hear the banging on the window, the way she screams her name. It's satisfying, she wishes she could stay longer, to rip apart every notion that girl has about her sister, but Tara's due to be released today, and Sam can't keep her waiting.
#/mp#ask box#Scream#Sam Carpenter#Tara Carpenter#Amber Freeman#scream canon divergence#the one bit I regret I can't include in mine that you had in yours - which was GENIUS - was Amber gaslighting Tara about Sam's presence#this took me 5 days to write. YIKES.#anyway I did not actually mention what the girls plans were or why Amber was being arrested in this but there is a reason fleshed out lol
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Healing Touch
Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Summary: Medical school abroad was the last line on your to-do list before starting the rest of your life. Everything was going according to plan. Everything, that is, until tragedy strikes your campus. In the wake of a professor’s untimely death, you’re partnered with the cute boy with a breathtaking smile in the newly combined labs. You find yourself unable to resist the dimples and shy glances, but his life is here with no plans of leaving. Will you continue on as planned or will you accept the hand that Fate had dealt you?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Final
The smell had not changed in all the years that you used to call this place home. Pinecone potpourri mixed with traditional cooking spices and a hint of citrus from the constant dusting. Your aunt had always been a bit eccentric, a bit off beat. It had made being raised by her both adventurous and anxiety-inducing.
In the privacy of your home, her random dance parties and unfiltered way of speaking made you laugh. But when you were in public and she was pretending to be a mannequin in a window display, you ran away to the food court to hide behind a cup of boba. The explanation was always the same no matter what antics she was pulling: she wanted to break you out of your shell. It seemed like a lost cause. You were comfortable in your shell. It protected you and kept you warm.
“I don’t see how you expect to go trialing off to a place you’ve never been before,” your aunt had complained when you first told her about applying to the far away college.
“They’re two entirely different situations,” you had argued. “I can go to class and go back home without any issues.” These days there was your phone if you ever got lost or in need of food but didn’t want to leave the comfort of your apartment. Modern conveniences only enabled your shut-in ways.
“But what about, you know, friends?” She looked at you over her stylish, cat-eye glasses that she had no use for with her perfect vision.
“I have those,” you insisted. So, you might not have had a best friend, but you had people that you occasionally hung out with and collaborated on. Then there was Victoria and Amber from high school. You still spoke to them regularly, despite them going to different colleges out of the area. Your aunt didn’t realize that not everyone needed multiple circles of friends to bounce between.
Pushing her glasses back up her nose, your aunt pouted. “I just worry about you, that’s all. You still don’t like getting into cars, especially by yourself, and if you happen to be studying late….”
“I don’t mind taking the bus.” A bit of a stretch. You did mind but would still take it if the situation were dire enough. Walking was good exercise. And better for the environment. Someone had to look out for the little bunnies.
“Alright,” your aunt huffed as she sipped on her now lukewarm tea. “It is your life. I’m just a spectator of it.”
“At least you have premium seating,” you teased.
That had made your aunt laugh. She was back to her more carefree self.
“Is that my favorite niece?”
“No, it’s your least favorite nephew.”
Your aunt poked her head out of the hallway, the edge of her pink fuzzy robe telling you that she was getting ready to go out.
That was the exchange the two of you always had when you came to visit. The first time around, you had rolled your eyes and given the sarcastic answer for the cliché greeting. As your mother and aunt were the only siblings in their family and your father was the single offspring from his parents, there were no other nieces or nephews to put above or below you.
Without prompt, your aunt passed through the living room and onto the kitchen. When she came back, she had two wine glasses filled with bubble pink liquid. After handing you the lesser filled glass, she sat down on the couch while you opted for the loveseat, letting your purse drop to the hardwood floor by your feet. Your aunt leaned back on the arm rest with one elbow as she sipped on the wine. “It’s watermelon,” she informed you when you hadn’t taken a drink. “Try it.”
Shaking your head, you did as she asked. Oh, no. It was delicious. That was dangerous. You took another, larger swig before putting the glass down on the coffee table.
Growing up, you’d felt bad for your aunt. Sometimes you still did, though not as much after her many lectures as to why you shouldn’t.
She’d always been the carefree one. As a marketing consultant, she was constantly flying all over the globe, having adventures in between work meetings and bringing those experiences back to you in the form of expensive souvenirs. When your parents volunteered to go help a poorer nation with their health crisis, your aunt was quick to lend her babysitting services. It was only supposed to be temporary, after all. Then tragedy struck
Your parents never came back and suddenly your aunt was now your permanent guardian. The carefree spirit took it in stride. She shifted her strategy to more web-based conferences until you were in high school and able to be on your own for longer periods of time. She never turned into your mother; she never wanted to. For that, you were even more thankful. She was still the spontaneous, forever young aunt that you had always known. That stability in her personality was exactly what you needed. Too much had changed in your world on a dime, the less that was altered the better.
“What prompted this little visit?” she asked, a curious half smile on her lips.
You shrugged. “I hadn’t seen you in a while, so I thought I’d stop by and say hi. It looks like you’re getting ready to go out, though.”
Your aunt waved her hand limply. “Not for a few hours. Besides, anything can wait for you.”
Shifting in your seat, you smiled at the affection she had for you. “I finally heard from the university,” you told her.
Her eyebrows shot up. “You did? They finally decided to stop dangling the carrot and just give it to you, did they?”
“Not exactly,” you cringed. “They said they wanted to see how this semester went and then they would let me know.”
Your aunts face fell into a scowl as if something awful smelling had made its way into her nose. “What sense does that make?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. But at least it’s not an outright no.”
Clicking her tongue, your aunt leaned forward so she was now balancing her elbows on her knees. “You know, there are still other options. Closer options.”
“I know,” you said with a monotone voice. “But Plan A is my focus. I’ll look to other options if that falls through.”
That knowing look you were all too familiar with formed on her face. A long, reminiscing sigh blew out from her lungs. “You are so much like your mother. It’s scary sometimes.”
You never knew how to respond when she said things like that. Should you be happy at the comparison? Sad because your mother wasn’t here to tell you herself? You were a child when your parents passed away. You remembered vague moments, birthday parties and movie nights. But when you’re that young, you don’t get a good idea of your parents’ personalities. You don’t learn what they like or don’t like, how they act in crowds versus a small group of people. You have to rely on the memories of those left behind.
You stayed at your aunt’s house for another hour or so, talking to her about her latest clients and nights out with the girls. You told her how your days were going and how you were adjusting to the new routine with the combined class. The news of Yixing sat on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t bring yourself to mention him. Her reaction would have been too predictable. She’d ask when the two of you were going to go out and when you explained that it wasn’t like that, she would ask why not. For that, you didn’t have an answer.
While you wanted to say that the two of you were just friends, it didn’t feel like the truth.
You saw more of Yixing than of anyone else, including Ran. He would walk you to class multiple times a day and the two of you would talk. Not about anything too deep. You weren’t at that level yet. He was funny and charming, never speaking a word that wasn’t kind. You learned that he lived in farmhouse in the woods with eight other people, all men. He swore it was never too crowded and that he actually enjoyed the company. He got lonely easily.
He also told you about how he took a few years off of college to figure out what he wanted to do. You’d asked him how he came to the path of becoming a doctor. He said he simply wanted to do something that would help people. He thought about opening a low-income clinic once he had his degree. Suddenly your heart was pumping under your sternum. When he asked why you went pre-med, you gave a shrug and said your parents and left it at that. These conversations were usually nice and lighthearted, you didn’t want to be the downer.
Yes, spending time with Yixing was nice, the highlight of your day, sometimes. But he also felt like a secret. One that you should keep to yourself for now. Good things didn’t always last. You wanted to see if this was a long-term investment for him before you invited anyone else in.
The next day, you needed some fresh air, so you decided to take a walk in the nature center on the edge of town. Although the woods would be a no-go area since they still hadn’t caught the animal terrorizing the area, the center would be full of people and should be quite safe. It couldn’t really be considered part of the woods given the infrastructure and the observation building, could it? Deciding to go anyway, you packed your bag with a few notes, snacks, and a water bottle. As your hand landed on the doorknob to leave, your eyes fell on the jacket lying on the back of the couch.
You hadn’t worn the comforting fabric since that day. The weather had been nice and putting it on would have seemed a bit obnoxious in your eyes. But this morning the weatherman had mentioned a chilly breeze. It wouldn’t hurt.
Arms through their designated holes, you left the apartment and started the walk to the outskirts of town. It wasn’t too far of a walk, maybe thirty, forty minutes at the most. You thanked yourself for wearing the jacket. A “chilly breeze” was an understatement. A few families and couples were dotted among the trails of the nature center that wound near and over the small creek. You passed by them all until you came to a spot that was deserted. Resting your legs, you sat on a bench with your back to the trees. The sun was shining up above. The only noise seemed to come from the rustling leaves and trickling creek. It was peaceful, just what you needed.
With your bag beside you, you took out a piece of paper with yesterday’s notes and started to review them. Some of the words were smudged and the edges were already crinkling, but you could make most of it out. The paper flopped in the wind. You thought you had a good enough grip on it, but a gust of air proved you wrong.
The paper went flying over your head and straight for the trees. Panic made you jump up, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you ran after it. The wind – now relentless – was enough to keep the paper continuously out of your reach.
It finally came to a stop when it caught on a tree root sticking out in the ground. You snatched the paper up and stuffed it into the bag to keep it from running away again. Straightening up again, your eyes settled on the horizon.
Then you screamed.
Yixing’s eyes snapped open.
He was no longer a wolf. He was human again. Sitting up, he brushed off the leaves from his arms. What time was it? Was it even the same day? He’d blacked out again. At this point, it was almost routine. His only consolation prize being the fact that he was alone. He still needed to figure out what was happening to him. He wasn’t ready to take this to his brothers. There was enough to worry about at the moment.
Getting on his feet, Yixing headed in the direction of where his things were stored. In order to avoid the others wanting to run with him, he’d entered the forest from a different area, storing his things in a bush to get back to later. He flicked his jeans to get the dirt off before pulling them on and then stuffing his feet in his shoes.
A piercing cry for cut through the air.
The hair on the back of Yixing’s neck stood up.
“Help! Somebody help!”
It was your voice.
He gasped. Then he took off. If anything happened to you-
Yixing skidded to a stop when he saw you kneeling in the grass. A body was laying in front of you, the clothes ripped and stained dark. It was lying face down, but Yixing could tell that it was a man and that he’d been attacked.
“(Y/n), what happened?”
You stared at him with wide, confused eyes. “Yixing? What are you doing here?”
He ignored your question, more worried about your own wellbeing. “What happened?” he repeated.
You shook your head as you dropped your eyes to the man lying on the ground. “I don’t know. I just found him like this. He’s still breathing but I’m not strong enough to move him.”
Yixing analyzed the situation. His car was only on the other side of the trees. The man was still alive. From Yixing’s point of view, he could make it, but they needed to act fast. Slipping his arms under the man while careful not to move him too much, he picked the man up and motioned with his head for you to follow.
He said nothing and you asked no questions as the tree line broke. Yixing scanned the parking lot of the nature center until he found his car. He rushed to the vehicle with a few glances over his shoulder to make sure you were keeping up with him.
“Yeah?” You were huffing. Had he been running? He’d tried to go at a pace that you could keep up with.
“In my front right pocket are my keys. Can you fish them out and unlock the doors?”
You nodded. Yixing could feel your fingers trembling as they slipped into the denim opening. The shaking was even more obvious once the keys were free, the house and car keys clinking together as you searched for the fob to unlock the doors. Without prompt, you opened the back door to allow Yixing to slip the man into the bench seat. He told you to get in the front. You tossed him the keys and the two of you rushed to the hospital.
A pair of doctors rushed out of the automatic doors as soon as the car pulled into the emergency entrance.
“We found him in the woods,” Yixing explained. The doctors quickly examined the man as two more nurses came out with a stretcher.
“I think that animal attacked him,” you added.
Yixing’s eyes flickered over to you with worry. The doctors nodded in acknowledgement then helped the nurses move the man to the stretcher. The two of you followed closely but were forced to stay behind in the waiting room. Yixing sat next to you in the uncomfortable plastic chairs that were connected to the wall.
“You never answered the question.”
Yixing frowned. “What question?”
You turned to look at him with your eyebrows furrowed, making him want to reach out and smooth the creases they created. “What you were doing out in the woods.”
Yixing stiffened. He pressed his foot into the tile floor to keep it from bouncing. “I was… hiking.”
“Without a shirt?”
He looked down. Crap. He hadn’t even realized that he wasn’t finished getting dressed before he took off. “I get warm easily.”
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. Yixing fought to keep his face neutral. It was a pathetic excuse, he knew it. But you didn’t call him out on it. Instead, you leaned forward, unzipping the polyester bomber that was easily recognizable as his own, taking it off, and holding it out to him.
“I’m fine,” Yixing said, ignoring the jacket.
“You really should put it on. I heard the front desk call the cops. They’ll be here soon, and it’ll look suspicious. What would you tell them the reason was for you not having a shirt?”
A cheeky answer came to mind. Yixing bit down to hold it back, even if it would have caused your face to heat up in an adorable fashion. The instinct of making sure his mate was okay was almost too great to ignore. You were the one who needed to stay warm, stay protected. But you had a valid point. And you were inside, out of the wind. So, he accepted the jacket and ran the zipper almost up to his neck to hide the lack of shirt underneath.
The police arrived about twenty minutes later. They separated you, making him anxious. Over the next hour or so, Yixing gave his side of the story to the officer. They took him at his word that he was strolling through the woods. The doctors had already informed the officers that the wounds were clearly animal made. While severe, they weren’t life threatening. That gave Yixing a small amount of relief.
“Would you two like to see him?” one of the nurses asked another hour later. You nodded eagerly. Yixing stayed a bit behind as the nurse led you through the halls to a large room that held several beds separated by plastic curtains.
The man was awake. Black stitches covered his arms. Three claw marks ran down the left cheek. From what Yixing knew of the other victims, this guy was lucky. He was talking to a nurse when he looked to see who his visitors were. As soon as his eyes landed on Yixing, the heart monitor spiked and his breathing quickened.
“Hey, it’s okay, these are the people who found you,” the nurse said to try and calm him down.
“Oh.” The man’s heart rate started to slow again. Each breath was deeper until they were back to normal. “I’m sorry.”
“How are you feeling?” you asked, taking a step forward. Yixing fought the urge to put himself between you and the man you’d rescued. He was probably harmless, but he had also been through a traumatic situation.
The man nodded. “I’m… alive, at least. Thank you.”
You gave a small smile. “I’m glad I came along when I did. Did you,” you bit your bottom lip nervously, “happen to see what attacked you?”
Yixing held his breath.
“It was a large gray wolf,” the man answered. “Huge. Like a mutated one you would see in the movies. He came from nowhere, knocked me down. I thought I was going to end up like the others as he clawed at me. Then he was gone.”
Yixing’s fist tightened at his side, his throat constricting. He forced down a swallow. He couldn’t panic. Not here.
You frowned. “I wonder what scared him off.”
“Maybe you did?” Yixing said with a slight tease. It was more to keep his own mental state calm than for the benefit of everyone else.
“I’m not that frightening.”
“Whatever it was,” the man shook his head, “I’m thankful.”
“He should really rest now,” the nurse said sternly. Yixing nodded in agreement and, after the goodbyes were given, led you away.
Once outside of the hospital, Yixing stopped you. “I can take you home.”
“That’s okay,” you countered, “I can walk.”
He didn’t like that one bit. Besides, he really needed you by his side right now. “Where do you live?”
“In an apartment near campus.”
No way. “That’s nearly halfway across the city. I can take you. It’s not a big deal.”
You shifted form foot to foot, refusing to meet his eye. “I don’t… really like cars.”
“You made it here alright.”
“That’s because I was too worried about him to think about it. The adrenaline blocked everything out.”
“I’m a safe driver, I promise.”
“I believe you. I just-” You blew air out between your lips, which ended in a growl. It was actually kind of cute. Yixing pushed back a grin. It wasn’t appropriate right now. “My parents were killed in a car crash, so they kind of freak me out.” You sucked in your lips as if you hadn’t meant to reveal that vital information.
Oh. That explained… a lot actually. At least, in terms of what you had been holding back from him. He never wanted to push, but he felt better knowing more about you.
“I understand,” he said sympathetically. “Can I walk you home then? I can come back for my car later.”
You shook your head. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Maybe so. But I need to make sure that you get home safe.”
You weighed his alternative for a minute or so. Yixing kept his patience. He refused to push you farther than you were willing to go. He just needed to see you walk safely into your building and then he would be okay until he saw you again.
“Okay,” you sighed. “You can drive me home.” He could have leapt with joy.
Yixing waited for you to get in the car before sliding behind the wheel himself. The death grip you had on the side handle didn’t escape his notice. He made sure to slow down easily and to take each turn with care. The only words you spoke were to give him directions. It wasn’t until the car was in park outside of your building did you finally relax.
“Thank you,” you told him in a strained voice.
“Any time.”
“I’m sorry if I was a little dramatic. I—” the growl of your empty stomach interrupted your speech. You groaned from embarrassment. Yixing couldn’t help his laugh.
Knock, knock, knock.
Leaning over and looking through the passenger window of his car was a strange girl Yixing had never seen before. He rolled down the window barely enough to be able hear what she was saying.
“How the hell did you get (y/n) into a car?” the girl gasped. You visibly cringed in the seat, sinking down a few inches.
Yixing blinked, unsure of how to respond. “Um, I—”
“Yixing, this is my roommate, Ran,” you interrupted, saving him. “Ran, this is Yixing. We have class together.”
“Oh!” The inclination behind her exclamation was more than obvious. And Yixing didn’t object to it. “I just ordered pizza and I know (y/n) usually gets hungry around this time. Do you want to join us?”
You flashed your roommate a panicked look, but Yixing couldn’t resist the opportunity. “That sounds great.” He caught you flinching, so he added, “As long as (y/n)’s okay with it.”
“Yeah,” you relented. “It’s the least I could do. For the ride.” You flashed an annoyed glare at Ran before getting out of the vehicle.
Yixing shouldn’t be this elated as he nearly sprung from the driver’s seat. He walked around the car slowly and let you and Ran lead the way, in case you changed your mind. You didn’t, thankfully, and Yixing walked up to your door with anticipation so great that he almost was able to forget what the man had said back at the hospital.
#exo#exo wolf au#exo wolf!au#yixing x reader#zhang yixing#lay#lay x reader#exo x fem!reader#exo werewolf au#exo werewolf!au#exo fanfic#exo fanfiction#exo supernatural au#exo series#exo college au#exo college!au#The Untamed Universe#Healing Touch
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This is on you || JJ Maybank
summary: y/n and jj had been best friends for many years and had always been there for each other. but what happens when jj gets a new girlfriend and y/n finally comes to realise what has been happening between her and jj all these years. based on the song ‘this is on you’ by maisie peters because i am an absolute slut for her
Warnings: swearing, bad writing
word count: 3.2k
Your sleep was currently being disturbed by an incessant tapping at your bedroom window. At first, you had only thought it to be a tree branch raking against the window from the wind – you honestly didn’t think much of it. Living in North Carolina, you were used to the strong winds making things bash into the side of your house (or in this case; your bedroom window). With that thought in mind; you gripped the duvet cover, rolled over, and went back to sleep almost instantly.
The tapping quickly became much more constant, almost never-ending, which lead you to assume that this in fact was not a tree branch in the wind but was something else. You let out a frustrated groan as you threw the covers away from your body and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You felt a scowl set upon your features as you marched over towards your bedroom window, feeling goose bumps rise on your skin as you walked across the cold wooden floor.
You couldn’t really think who would be knocking at your bedroom window at 3 o’clock in the morning – 3 in the morning?! Everyone you knew would either be asleep right now or at their own homes, there was no real reason for anyone to be at your bedroom window. You huffed lightly as you gripped the chord for the shade and yanked it; revealing who was outside your window.
Your eyes widened slightly, and your lips parted as you watched JJ, who you now realised was responsible for the tapping, wave at you through the glass and send you a dopey smile. You remained stunned, your hand hadn’t even let go of the shade chord, as you simply stared down at JJ.
You couldn’t believe it, quite honestly. You simply could not believe that he was stood outside of your window right now – at 3am, did I mention?
You hadn’t actually seen JJ for just over a month. At first, it had felt like your entire world was falling apart. What were you supposed to do without him? He was one of the most important people in your life; if not the most important person. Everything you had ever done; JJ had always been by your side – and you had thought that that would never change. Not in a million years did you expect him to be missing from your life. But it happened. He was in your life one day and gone the next.
It had all started when he had met this random touron at a kegger. Her name was Amber. She was pretty with her blonde hair and blue eyes. When you had first noticed her, you could have sworn that she was a real-life Barbie doll. She looked perfect (you could understand why JJ had started speaking to her).
But honestly, you didn’t even bat an eyelash at the pair. Why would you? This was typical JJ behaviour. Find an attractive girl, woo her with his good looks and dazzling charm, have sex with her, and then move on to the next poor unfortunate soul. It was practically like clockwork.
So, you could imagine how surprised you were to see the blonde girl sitting on John B’s couch (with a beer in her hand, laughing at something JJ had said) when you had arrived that afternoon. You had shot questioning glances at your fellow Pogues and received just as confused expressions from them back. You were all entirely perplexed and couldn’t help but wonder; what had this girl done to JJ?
Anyway, it quickly became apparent that Amber was not going anywhere anytime soon (much to your disdain) because for the next week and-a-half; everywhere JJ went so did Amber. It was as if they couldn’t live without each other. They had practically become joined at the hip. Every single boat trip, dinner at The Wreck, kegger, or whatever the group had planned to do for that day; Amber was always there. It quickly became impossible to separate the two.
And of course, you didn’t like it. You absolutely fucking hated it. You had basically lost your best friend overnight without so much as a warning. A quick ‘Hey, can I borrow JJ and. . . never give him back?’ would have been much appreciated on your end. But you hadn’t lost him entirely.
No, you still got to see him. . . and Amber. And, you still got to talk to him. . . and Amber. So, could you really complain?
(I mean, yes. Yes, you could complain. And you would complain. But only to the Pogues, and only when JJ wasn’t around (which was becoming more and more of a regular thing)).
Yet, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You felt guilty for the fact that your best friend, who barely got a chance at happiness in his shitty life, had finally found someone that made him feel happy. You felt guilty that you couldn’t just be happy for him too. You felt guilty that you couldn’t push your own selfish opinions and emotions to the side, at the benefit of your best friend. You felt guilty for not being a good friend.
So that’s what you did. You pushed those thoughts and feelings to the side and replaced them with only the happiness you felt for JJ. And it worked. You no longer felt irritation and anger when you looked over at the pair, wishing that Amber would somehow just disappear and never return. Instead, you could only smile softly at the couple now, loving how JJ’s eyes seemed to be filled with pure joy and his smile never seemed to drop.
Only that didn’t last long. It was maybe two days later when JJ was knocking at your front door. You remember your smile widening as you noticed he was alone (for the first time in forever), wondering if maybe your JJ had finally returned, and if Amber had gone back to whatever hovel she had come from. But your smile quickly faltered as you noticed his nervous demeanour. He was constantly nibbling at the corner of his lip, fingers fiddling with his rings, and his eyes couldn’t seem to meet yours.
You had quickly questioned what was wrong with him. Your own nerves were beginning to get the better of you, your grip on your front door tightening as you waited for his response. Your heartbeat began to quicken, and you could feel your palms becoming clammy as he awkwardly stuttered out what he had to say. You remembered tears welling in the corners of your eyes and your throat becoming impossibly tight as you couldn’t believe what he was telling you.
He didn’t want to see you anymore.
He didn’t want to be your friend anymore.
He didn’t want you anymore.
You had thought he was lying. You nervously laughed it off (holding back the tears) and shook your head, claiming that he must have been joking. Your lip quivered as you watched him shake his head and repeat his words, stating how he didn’t want to see you again and that you shouldn’t try to call him or talk to him from now on. He awkwardly turned on his foot, sending you one last pitiful glance, and walked back towards where you noticed John B’s van was parked.
And guess who was sat in the front seat?
Your sadness and despair at the loss of your best friend quickly transformed into anger and hatred towards him. How could he just dump you like that? Like you didn’t mean anything? How could he act as if your friendship meant nothing to him? As if 10 years of friendship equivalated to fucking zilch?! How could he choose her over you? How could he choose some blonde touron that he didn’t even know last month over his closest friend and ally?!
You were utterly destroyed by the whole thing. Honestly you were. You had never quite felt a pain like it before. It was as if someone had plunged their hand into your chest and physically ripped your heart straight out from within your body, squeezing it in their palm until all of the life had drained from it. This left you feeling empty and hollow. This left you feeling as though you had lost your sense of identity within the world. Who were you without JJ?
The next couple of weeks were quite possibly some of the worst weeks you had ever experienced in your life. The Pogues would visit almost every day; which made the passing time a little bit easier. All of them were completely enraged by what JJ had done. He hadn’t decided to cut them out of his life as of yet, but that didn’t mean that they wanted to be a part of it. They would always cuss JJ out for what he did, cursing him under their breath.
But you all knew who the sole culprit for JJ’s actions was – and this is what angered you the most.
Because you had given her a chance. You had started to put your own feelings aside and respect the relationship that JJ was developing. . . but, she obviously couldn’t do the same for you.
With all of this newfound time on your hands, you couldn’t help but think. What else was there to do? So, you thought. You thought back to all of the times you had spent with JJ; talking over your feelings together, helping and comforting each other through tough times in your lives, making each other laugh when all either of you had wanted to do was cry.
But, as you continued to think over all of those times, you suddenly came upon a thought. It was like some sort of fucking epiphany. You felt like someone had literally just smacked you right across the face and had woken you up from a sort of mad-daze because, when you actually thought back to all of those times you had spent with JJ, consoling and empathizing, he had never actually done the same for you.
Not once.
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh (the first sign of positivity you had shown in a few days). Your hands reached up to cup your cheeks as more and more dumfounded chuckles and giggles seemed to leave your lips, laughing at your own blindness and stupidity. You fell backwards onto your bed and stared up at the ceiling above you, finally feeling a sense of clarity. You finally felt like the fog that had inhabited your mind for so long had finally been cleared away.
Because you quickly came to realise that you did not need JJ. JJ needed you.
“Uh, hey Y/N.”
You couldn’t deny that your heart ached slightly at the sight before you. His eyes were puffy, his nose running slightly, and his cheeks seemed flushed whilst the rest of his face seemed to blanch in comparison. You couldn’t help but internally curse yourself for pitying him upon one single glance. You had been pitying the boy for so long that it was practically second nature at this point.
“JJ.” You greeted, but it came out as more of statement. As if you were confirming to yourself that JJ was actually outside of your bedroom right now.
He bit his lip as his eyes looked past you and into your bedroom, “Can I come in? I just. . . I just really need to talk to you right now.” His eyes travelled back towards you and captured your own in a pleading gaze.
You looked away from his stare, boring holes into the windowsill below you. You knew what he was trying to do – it was obvious for anyone to see. He was trying to pick up from where he had left off with you. Where he would show up at your house, teary-eyed and a blubbering mess, expect you to listen to his struggles and calm him down with your warm embrace. Because that was what you had always done.
People had always told you that you were caring, that you had the kind of loving touch that would make even the most hysterical and rowdiest of people settled with a single glance. And you had always thought that it was a good thing. You had always had a sense of pride when it came to your empathy because you liked helping people, and you wanted to help people. But you had come to learn that people could (and would) take advantage of your kindness and use it to their own advantage, and you didn’t want that anymore.
You looked up from your windowsill and stared straight into JJ’s widened and shocked eyes. You could instantly tell that he hadn’t been expecting that from you (neither had you in all honesty).
His mouth bobbed open and closed whilst his eyebrows furrowed, eyes flickering all over your face as if he were trying to find an ounce deceit. “N-No? What-What do you mean, no? Like. . . like, no?”
You gripped at your windowsill, your heart hammering in your chest. You had never been one for confrontation or telling people exactly how you felt. You had always been too wary and scared of hurting anyone’s feelings; you were a proper softy at heart. Your worst nightmare had always been the thought of hurting someone, or worse; hurting those closest to you.
But, honestly, enough was enough.
“Yes, ‘No’ JJ. No, you can’t come in. I’m sorry.” You voice came out with a slight waver to it; you were not feeling confident in that moment at all and all you wanted to do was shut your bedroom window and hide under the blankets on your bed.
JJ, still utterly perplexed, stepped forward until he was directly beneath your window. He stretched up onto the tips of his toes and held onto the window edge for some form of support. “But I really need you right now, Y/N. Amber, she-um. . . she, uh, she broke up with me. And I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go because I always come to you in situations like these, you know?”
You nodded your head. Of course, you knew.
You wet your lips as you pushed a hand through your hair, trying to think of the words to say. You knew that you didn’t want to hurt JJ, after all he had just broken up with Amber. But you also knew that you couldn’t keep doing this to yourself, you had already been drained of so much.
“Listen, JJ, I am really sorry that Amber broke up with you. I really am because I knew how much you liked her. But, I can’t help you right now and. . . I don’t think I ever will.”
That really made him start to panic. You could see it all over his face; his eyes had widened, his face paled even more, and you could see him start to become much more jittery.
“Wha-What? Ever..huh, um, ever? Y/N, you’re not making any sense right now? What do you mean ever? Do you. . . do you now want to help me, or something?” His words were leaving his mouth in a rush and it all just seemed to scream fear and dread. He knew that he was losing you, and he couldn’t have that.
What was he supposed to do without his shoulder to cry on?
You sighed lightly, kneeling down on your floor so that you were much closer to JJ now. “I do want to help you JJ. I have always wanted to help you and be there for you when you needed me most.” You could see a spark of hope glisten in the corner of his bright blue eyes, most likely thinking you were reconsidering his invitation into your bedroom. “But I’ve been doing that for the past ten years, and honestly? I can’t do it anymore.”
You watched as JJ slowly reclined back onto the balls of his feet, snatching his hands away from the sill; obviously not wanting to be anywhere near you.
You couldn’t deny that that had hurt.
“This is such bullshit, Y/N! You’re supposed to be my best friend, and best friends are meant to be there for each other! We’re supposed to help each other through these types of things!” JJ’s voice had raised a couple of notches, making you reel back slightly from the harsh tone.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of anger at his words. Was he being serious right now? His accusations were entirely hypocritical. He was straight up accusing you of not being a good friend, of not supporting him through the toughest of times, when all this time he had been doing exactly that.
Frankly, it was all a major piss-take in your opinion.
You scoffed, your eyes narrowing into slits as you felt the built-up anger and frustration finally break through to the surface. “And I have! I have helped you through everything, for so fucking long, JJ. I have always been there for you. When the Kooks would rile you up, I was the one who would calm you down. When your father would beat the living shit out of you, I was the one who would patch up your wounds. And when the anniversary of your mom came around, I would always be the one who’s shoulder you would cry on. You cannot call me a bad friend, JJ. I will not let you call me a bad friend, no fucking way, because the only person who has been a bad friend this entire time; is you.”
Your chest heaved as you took a deep inhale of breath. You couldn’t help but feel like weight was being lifted from your shoulders. It was as if this is what you had been waiting to say all these years but had never truly been able to grasp at the idea. These words had been buried deep inside of you for so long and your break from JJ had finally allowed for them to come to the surface.
“You dumped me JJ. You left me, your supposed best friend of ten years, for some random touron girl who you had barely even known for two weeks! Who fucking does that, JJ?!”
You leant forward, your head slightly protruding out of your window. You wanted JJ to hear every word that you had to say. You wanted him to understand what you had gone through. You wanted him to understand what he had put you through.
“So, when you need someone to cry to and you can’t think of anyone because you fucked up what you had with me; just know that this is all on you, JJ. All of this, everything that has happened, is on your shoulders.”
You noticed how JJ’s jaw seemed to clench as your words left your lips. You could tell that he was trying to hold himself together. He was trying not to fall apart right there in front of you because for the first time ever, he knew you would not pick up the pieces.
“This is your bed JJ, you made it,” You leant back from the sill, standing up and grasping onto the window as you readied yourself to finally close it and put an end to everything between you and JJ – this was it. “Now, lie in it.”
tagged: @5am-cigarette thank you for giving me the idea 💖
#jj maybank#jj maybank fanfiction#jj maybank fic#jj maybank imagines#jj maybank one shot#jj maybank x fem!reader#jj maybank x reader#jj maybank x y/n#jj x fem!reader#outer banks#jj maybank x platonic reader
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𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐭
pairing: cartel!shota aizawa x fem!reader
words: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, this will be a cartel!au, so mentions of c*ke and distribution...yeah lol, suggestive content towards the end of the chapter (vague description of a bj), angst, cheating, aizawa just ain’t shit in this story LMFAOOO
a/n: this is the third fucking time i’ve tried to post this so if it doesn’t work i’m gonna cry. but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE and i can’t wait for you all to see what i’ve got planned. so uh...strap yourselves in it’s about to get crazy. sorry ms joke </3

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐚’ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬
The salty, warm breeze from the ocean whipped its way through Shota’s onyx locks, tossing them around with a gentle force. Miami was gorgeous from the water, skyscrapers alight with the buzzing energy of the city, streets crawling with good food and even better looking women. Gorgeous full lips wrapped around martini glasses, criminally short dresses clinging to any skin it was given. He didn’t care much for the nightlife, opting to observe the partygoers from a distance.
He wasn’t here to socialize.
He was here to work.
His wrists draped over the edge of the rail that separated him and the water, a small portion of his weight against the cool metal. When Hizashi suggested that he get a yacht he nearly spat out his whiskey, face contorted in an expression of annoyance and disdain. Shota didn’t understand why someone would need such a flashy boat, it was merely a watercraft meant for travel and or fishing. This wasn’t the 1400’s where one’s worth was tied to the size of a man’s ship. Just another glorified pissing contest for rich people with too much money, and not enough couple’s therapy in the world that could keep them home for days at a time.
It’s not as if he was in any position to judge though, his pinky coming to rest just below the silver band that rarely inhabited his ring finger these days. He doesn’t entirely know what possessed him to wear it, whether it be the ever-crushing guilt from lying to his wife, or the text he’d received from Emi this morning that read:
“Make sure to bring me back a mojito! Don’t work yourself too hard, and remember how much I love you!💕”
If only she knew that these tri-monthly “Inter-Departmental Hero Conferences” were just fronts for selling a literal boat-load of cocaine.
Turns out, yachts were really good for that.
In the span of just five years, superhuman society was nearing it’s peak. Upon the graduation of all the students in the 1-A Hero Course, and Izuku Midoriya’s induction as the new Symbol of Peace; the world began to see an astronomical shift. Crime rates were the lowest they’d ever been, with Japan and the States sitting at 2 and 4.5 percent, respectively. Newly minted Pro Heroes roamed the streets, bringing security to those who needed it and striking fear into the hearts of those who were on the wrong side of the law.
But this utopia came at a price. With the sudden influx of fresh and talented pros, crime decreased exponentially, leaving little villain-based work for Heroes to get paid for. Hostage situations and evacuation efforts took backseat to helping older women across the street and assisting young children with their schoolwork. Soon enough, peace became a burden for those whose careers surrounded chaos.
Aizawa was no exception to this dilemma. Once Midoriya and his classmates graduated and obtained their Hero Licenses, he’d ended his tenure as an instructor at UA. He felt that he’d done his civic duty as a teacher and a Pro, and produced some of the finest Heroes the world would come to see. So he began to settle down. Surprisingly, he’d begun to tolerate Joke’s incessant laughter and boisterous personality, and soon fell in love with the eccentric woman. Between patrols and giving advice to aspiring Heroes at the community center, he and Emi explored all the the world had to offer; swapping out steel-toed combat boots for soft plush flip flops against hot sand. After three years he’d proposed, much to Emi’s delight (and Ashido’s upon hearing that Mr. Aizawa could actually tolerate another human being). The ceremony was small, and intimate. Shinsou serving as the ring bearer, and Eri as the flower girl. Mic even shed a few tears during the toast, though he’ll deny it if Kayama ever brings it up.
For a while, things were good. Life was good. Emi was glowing with the energy of a new life blossoming inside her, and Shota fantasized about meeting his little girl, counting all of her dainty fingers and toes, and doting on her for all to see.
Or at least it was, before agencies began to close. Paychecks got smaller and smaller. Heroes were struggling to find work and their pockets began to struggle along with them. With Emi on maternity leave, and Hero society coming to a standstill, things were looking grim. He needed to provide for his family, his wife, his children.
He needed a plan, and fast.
Luckily, Hizashi always did have good standing with everyone’s favorite Bird Boy. So he called in a few favors.
“Just for a couple months man! We stir up a little bit of noise, make a couple ripples and bam! Crime rate’s back up, and we get back to makin’ money. It’s temporary. Nobody will ever know, I’ll make sure of it. I got you.” Hizashi pleaded, an arm slung across Aizawa’s shoulders as he pensively gazed into his glass of amber liquid. He’d done some vigilante work here and there in his twenties but this....this was outright criminal. But what choice did he have?
Just a few months, he’d said. If only it’d worked out that way.
“I was getting worried you wouldn’t show, Eraser!” Zhu thundered, hands clapping joyously at the other man’s timeliness. “That’s some boat you got there, let me guess...the wife’s idea?” He queried, eyebrows waggling emphatically as Aizawa descended from the metal ladder and onto the wooden pier; eyes rolling into the back of his head at Zhu’s...excitable personality. The two had known each other for about two years or so, having gotten acquainted over the course of Shota’s many trips between Japan and the States, and sometimes South America. Zhu Kanaka was a man of the lower ranks, opting to use his easygoing disposition to negotiate deals for Takami “Lord of The Skies” Keigo, better known as Hawks. Standing at a solid 6 foot 4, with thick black locks that spiked into a point reminiscent of an onion, thick bushy brows and a set jaw, you’d think he wouldn’t hesitate to punt anyone like a football.
At least until he opened his mouth.
“As it turns out, Emi hates the damn thing. Makes her seasick. Hizashi talked me into getting the fuckin’ eyesore.” He intoned. His left hand palmed his slacks for the emergency pack of cigarettes he kept in his back pocket for when he was stressed during a deal, although he never really needed them anymore after Eri said she wanted him to quit. He still held on to them though, just in case. “The hell you waiting for? You know the deal man. Let’s see it.” He muttered, silently willing for Zhu to get on with it so he could get in a bed. Three and a half hours on a goddamned boat (that you didn’t even want to begin with) will do that to you.
“Someone looks like he needs a nap. Alright, I got ya. Count it, make sure it’s all there. I had Thing 1 and Thing 2 back there pack it, so you might wanna double check.” Zhu quipped, jerking a thumb towards the two young men currently engaged in a heated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors; the pair of them flushing upon receiving one of Aizawa’s infamous stares. Two thick black duffles were handed to his two bodyguards, the men immediately unzipping and checking the stacks, a mental tally steadily climbing higher and higher as they sifted through the cash.
“He’s good. Four hundred thousand in each bag. It’s all there, Eraser.” Sato affirmed, Toru nodding alongside the man. “Good. Go ahead and call Jamie, tell him to bring the car around. Zhu, I’ll send Sato and Toru to help your men unload our shipment. It’s a hefty one, so you’ll need the assistance.” Shota offered, shoulders visibly relaxing at the thought of getting some alone time in an empty hotel room.
“Yeah that’d be great, thanks! How long you in town for?”
“Until about 3pm tomorrow. I’ll be on my flight back to Kyushu then.” He states, right arm extending to clasp the other man’s hand in a firm grip. “You’re goin to that meeting the Big Man’s holding in a few days right?” Zhu queries. “Unfortunately, yes. Gonna miss my little girl’s first doctor’s appointment for this shit.”
“No way! She had the baby?!?!? Congratulations man! How’s it feel?” Zhu exclaims, eyes alight with joy for his friend’s new addition to the family. “Feels good. She had a smooth pregnancy, everything worked out fine. Hana’s beautiful, and healthy. I couldn’t be more proud.” Shota brags slightly, heart swelling at the thought of his little girl and how proud he was to know he’d helped in making someone so...ethereal. “Wow. Raising another kid, you flying out all the damn time, along with whatever else you got goin on?? No wonder you look like shit.”
Red eyes and floating hair caused Zhu to immediately retract his former statement.
“Aw I’m just joshin’ Eraser! But I hear ya. It’s a lotta’ sacrifices that go into this, but they’re who we do it for. All of it. Ya know?” Zhu amends, eyes shimmering with the reflection of the city lights off of the water.
Did he even know who... or what he was doing this for anymore?
Shota found himself asking that question more and more often as of late.
“Anyway, you’re probably spent, so I’ll leave you to it. It was good seeing you man, send Emi my love!” Zhu shouted as he slowly walked towards the men unloading his boat. “Likewise. Tell Macie and the kids I said hello.” Aizawa responded dryly, body screaming for some kind of relief from this exhaustion.
“Will do! Oh, by the way! You might wanna bring some cooler clothes and sunscreen with your pale ass, I hear Guadalajara’s pretty sunny around this time of year! See you in a few days man!” The male laughed, throwing him a wave as he slowly disappeared into the darkness of the port. Massaging the bridge of his nose in irritation, Aizawa nodded in acknowledgement as Jamie pulled up alongside him; his hand reaching for the handle and dragging his siphoned body into the backseat.
Jamie could sense his employer’s weary expression, and didn’t make any attempts at conversation, merely opting to start making his way to the hotel while smooth jazz floated through the car. Forehead against the door of the towncar, Shota typed out a quick message to his wife:
“Alcohol is the last thing you need sweetheart, and I love you too. Got another meeting in a few days, mandatory. I’ll in be in Mexico, so I’ll miss Hana’s appointment. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to the two of you.”
The message sat for a few seconds before Emi read and typed out a response:
“Aw, bummer! </3 Dont worry, work is much more important right now. I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures!”
“You don’t have to make it up to us, you caring is enough. Get some sleep old man, me and the girls love you. xoxo, Wifey 😘 ”
He didn’t deserve her.
He didn’t deserve any of them.
This he knew. And yet, it didn’t stop him from responding to the unknown number that texted his phone every time he happened to be in town.
“Same time and place? Desperately in the mood to play....My toys just aren’t as good as yours, Eraser. ;)”
His heart sank. A beat passes. Then two.
Calloused thumbs move fluidly across the screen. He’s done this far too many times.
“Be there in 10. You know the routine.”
And in retrospect...he would’ve been way better off just blowing off Guadalajara and going to Hana’s appointment.
Because while he wrapped her slick ponytail around his hand, as a head that wasn’t his wife’s dipped between his legs, he didn’t think this would be his last moment of peace. Shoved down the throat of a woman who’s name he had long forgotten, settling for calling her whatever pet name he felt like adorning her with, her hands clawing at the soft and sleek cotton of his trousers.
Aizawa never anticipated that this would be the last time he would be in a room without immediate reinforcements, and be content.
The last time someone he didn’t trust with his life knew his location, and he wasn’t terrified.
The last moments of peace in his world before it all went to hell.

Temecula, California;
The office floor was barren. Dark, coffee stained carpet congealed with the bacteria of old and new; giving it a sad beige color from the creamy foam-like white it was when the building was built. Cubicles cluttered with miscellaneous paperwork from separate departments, all of it raining down from desk to desk like a fresh layer of snow on the first day of winter. Tired, weary hands typed at a computer with precision and accuracy, the warm glow from the screen illuminating the buttons on her blouse as she plowed through each document. Her body raged for a moment of rest, but she couldn’t give in. Not when so much was at stake, not when so much needed to be done in so little time.
After a few minutes, and approximately twelve sips of bittersweet lukewarm coffee, the fingers came to a halt. A sigh of relief was freed from her body as she pushed the enter button on the dusty, tan keyboard and began to pack up for the night. Since the computers were set on an activity timer, there was no need for her to physically shut it down. After 30 seconds of no visible movement, the screen flashed a message declaring that the activity would be suspended within the next 2 minutes if no motion was detected. Content with her work, she slung her work bag over her shoulder, and trudged towards the elevator, mentally clocking out for the night.
As the elevator slowly carried its passenger down, the computer continued its countdown before discontinuing its power, leaving the following words for nobody but its future recipient to read:
Drug Enforcement Agency Operative Travel Request:
Agent: L/N, F/N
Current Operation: Potential formation of a rising cartel under the leadership and or affiliation of Pro Heroes Hawks, Endeavor, and Eraserhead. Agent has been undercover for eight months and twenty-seven days.
Investigation Status: Active
Location of Travel: Guadalajara, Mexico
Reason for Request: Possible gathering of multiple Hero-Run plazas to discuss further movement. Will gather more intel and gain trust of suspects involved/acquire more resources for investigation.
Travel Request Status: Accepted.
#shouta aizawa x reader#aizawa x female reader#aizawa x you#mha x reader#aizawa x reader#nyafterhours
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mind games [part eight]
masterlist | part seven | part nine
zuko x fem!reader fluff, angst smau (it has the social media elements, but not as much as the last series)
avatar: the last airbender
summary - being zuko’s best friend is the easiest thing in the world. until he gets a girlfriend and you realize you’re in love with him
warnings / includes (this counts for any/all chapters) - fighting a lot between zuko and mai, lightly suggestive, language, crying, alcohol, physical fighting, cheating, talk about injuries. you are sokka and katara’s older sister. you, mai, and zuko are seniors in college, sokka and suki are juniors, katara, aang, and toph are sophomores.
a week later and things weren’t any better. they actually were worse, which seemed impossible to you. but here you were with no best friend. no person to go to when you needed to cry or jump for joy. no zuko. don’t get yourself wrong, you love everyone else. but there was no denying you and zuko had the tightest bond out of everyone. you two were friends before meeting everyone else after all.
zuko had come back the night of your fight to get his stuff. you tried to avoid eye contact with him, downing the beer you had and trying to pay attention to painting toph’s nails, but it was so hard. zuko was looking at you, anyways. practically begging for your attention. you gave in for 5 seconds. looking up to him and seeing the pained and regretful look in his eyes. you wanted to forgive him, and you knew you would eventually, but you weren’t ready. this was more than an argument. zuko had basically called you worthless and told mai, and you inadvertently, that he didn’t care about you. the only person he cared about was mai. which was what hurt you the most, even though you hated to admit it.
your friends understood your pain. they, too, had lost a friend in some way. you knew things were awkward with aang and sokka. they were still hanging out with zuko, and while you didn’t mind, you had troubles refraining yourself from asking them how zuko was. if he wanted to see you, if he missed you. you always had to walk out of the room when zuko was mentioned otherwise you would end up a sobbing mess.
jet, on the other hand, had issues understanding. he didn’t realise the bond you and zuko had was so strong. it made him a little jealous that you were crying over another guy, but in the end, jet was the one who was able to hug you and care for you and comfort you, and that was all that mattered. plus, jet also managed to cheer you up most times, which made him feel good.
seeing you in pain hurt jet and your friends. so, with a lot of convincing for jet, they all decided to intervene again and try to get you and zuko right back on track. so, without your knowledge, they invited zuko back for dinner. they told zuko you’d be out for the night with jet, but when you and zuko came into the house, you were unpleasantly surprised to see zuko there.
“what’re you doing here?” you snapped.
“i… i don’t know. aang and sokka said we’re hanging out here. they said you’ll be at jet’s,” zuko explained.
“jet’s out with his friends tonight. i had plans to hang out with the girls here. i… oh, my god,” you muttered.
“what?” zuko asked. “this is a set up. they set us up! they want us to be friends again, ugh!” you groaned.
“oh, well, that’s not a bad thing… right?” zuko said, looking at you shyly.
you clenched your jaw and balled your fists. “it is a bad thing! i don’t want to be in the same room with you, i don’t want to see you, i don’t even want to hear your stupid voice! i’m going to jet’s. i have a key and i’ll just wait for him to come home.” you spun on your heels and went to the front door. zuko walked to you, reaching out to grab your wrist.
“let go of me zuko!” you exclaimed.
“no!” zuko shouted. “why? you don’t even want me as a friend anymore. you have mai, remember?” you scoffed.
zuko shook his head. “no, th-that’s not true. please, i know i said some things, but i didn’t mean them. not the words about you, anyways. let me explain, please, y/n,” he begged.
you turned your head, looking into his sad, amber eyes. you knew he wouldn’t let you go, so you sighed and decided to comply.
“fine. i’ll let you explain, but then you leave, okay?” you said.
zuko nodded, a small, grateful smile resting on his lips. you went in the kitchen, grabbing the dumplings and soda your friends had bought you and went over to the couch. zuko sat next to you awkwardly. you two ate in silence for 10 minutes before you broke the silence.
“so? what is it you wanted to say?” you asked, not looking at him.
“oh, right. well, uh i want- i need- to say i’m sorry. it was wrong of me to say those things about you. i was drunk, angry at mai, and just a total dick all around. you don’t mean nothing to me, and you aren’t worthless. and i definitely do care about you, more you will ever know. i knew that if i admitted that i cared about you, mai would kill me. she’s the jealous type, if you can’t tell. i hate lying to her, but you’re my best friend. i’d rather lose her than you,” zuko admitted sheepishly.
you looked at him long and hard, trying to stay angry at him, but it not working. you decided to give in, knowing he meant what he said. you missed him and couldn’t stand this fight between you two. so, you set your bowl down on the coffee table and moved to hug him.
you wrapped your arms around him tightly, putting your head on his shoulder and burying your face in his neck. you closed your eyes and breathed in his scent, letting the feeling of home wash over you.
zuko set his plate on the table next to the couch, wrapping his arms around you. he pulled you in close, setting his cheek on your head, breathing in your perfume. his own feeling of home and comfort washing over him.
“i’m really sorry, y/n. truly,” zuko muttered.
you smiled into his skin, “i know. i forgive you.” you then pulled away, coming face-to-face with him.
“i’ve missed you,” zuko said. “i’ve missed you, too,” you smiled.
“hey, i… need your help,” zuko said. “what’s up?” you asked, leaning back against the couch.
“i know you know that mai and i fight a lot. she's so jealous and manipulative and horrible. the only way we make up is sex. this whole week has just been worse since i moved in with her. i feel like i’m suffocating. i don’t know what to do, honestly. i don’t want to hurt her, but i can’t keep being with her. i love her, but not enough to have fights everyday, especially if it’s about the same thing,” zuko sighed.
“hm, well, what do you two fight about?” you asked.
“you,” zuko answered. “me? what did i do?” you asked.
“that’s the thing: nothing. she’s just jealous and it’s ridiculous. she thinks i love you,” zuko chuckled. he looked to you, “not that i don’t. i do love you, y/n, as a friend, of course. but she thinks i’m in love with you. it’s so stupid. i mean, we’re close, but not like… close.”
“yeah, jet thinks that, too. i don’t know why. i mean, if i was in love with you, then i would be with you, not him. i try to understand where he’s coming from, i do, but i just don’t get it. i reassure him constantly, and not just with words, but i show him all the time who i love. it should be obvious,” you shrugged.
“well, i think it intimidates him. but if you need anything from me, just let me know,” zuko said.
you smiled and put a hand on his thigh. “thank you, but i think he just needs more time to understand, and i just need to keep being a good, loyal girlfriend. which of course, is very easy.”
zuko couldn’t help but stare at your hand. your touch made his heart palpitate. he looked up to your eyes, scanning your lips. you noticed this and took your hand off his thigh, putting it back in your lap. zuko looked away from you awkwardly.
“well, that’s good. being loyal is easy. especially to the people you love,” zuko said.
you smiled and leaned into him, your knees touching. “true. well, hey, since you told me you love me, i guess it’s only fair if i say it, too. i love you, zuko. as a best friend, of course.”
zuko grinned from ear-to-ear, leaning in to you. “well, i’m glad to hear that. it’s good to know the love is not one sided.”
you laughed, nodding in response. you looked into his eyes, going in to some sort of daze. your eyes traveled from his and down to his lips. his perfect pink lips. they looked so soft. so alluring, thin, but also so kissable.
before you knew it, you were leaning in. your hand found its place on zuko’s thigh again. zuko’s breath hitched as he realised what was happening. he knew he should stop, pull away, scold you for almost kissing him. but honestly, he didn’t want to. even though he said he wasn’t in love with you, he was. he just denied it all the time because he knew you two could never be. he would rather suffer as your best friend then lose you forever if you two broke up.
your forehead went against his, your eyes flicking down up to his eyes and down to his lips. you stopped breathing momentarily once you felt zuko’s hand on your waist. you stared into his dark, golden eyes for a few moments. you knew this was wrong, but it felt so right. you and zuko kissing sounded so right. the thought you and zuko dating sounded so right. but as you thought about dating, you remembered you were dating someone.
“jet,” you mumbled in realisation. “what?” zuko asked, his eyes going up to yours.
“jet i… i’m dating jet and you’re dating mai. we… we can’t do this. i’m sorry, zuko,” you said, your hand finding his and squeezing it.
zuko sighed, pulling away and nodding. “yeah, i know. i’m sorry, i knew it was wrong.”
“no, it’s my fault. i was the first to lean in. that was so wrong of me,” you sighed. you got up from the couch, shaking the thoughts of you and zuko from your head.
“i don’t know why i did that but um… let’s never speak about it again, alright?” you asked.
zuko nodded. you looked at him, seeing the hurt in his eyes.
“i’m so happy we are friends again. i’m going to go to jet’s, so, i’ll text you later, okay?” you asked.
“yeah, sound good,” zuko muttered.
“alright,” you smiled briefly before going to put on your shoes and jacket. you left the house, leaving zuko with his own thoughts. he pulled out his phone, calling mai.
“zuko?” mai’s voice sounded over the phone. “yeah, it’s me. i’m coming home do you uh… wanna have some fun once i get there?” zuko asked.
“of course, i do. i’ll be waiting, baby boy,” mai smirked over the phone.
zuko chuckled and hung up. he ran his fingers through his hair, hoping that by going home to mai, he would forget the feelings he was feeling for you.
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note - close call, am i right?
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taglist is open, just lmk if you wanna be on it for this series by messaging me, commenting, and/or send me a message!
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#zuko x reader#zuko imagine#zuko x reader smau#zuko#atla zuko#atla zuko x reader#zuko imagine smau#zuko smau#atla smau#avatar the last airbender#jet#jet x reader#atla jet x reader
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Blood of the covenant
Someone requested a mob boss! Raph reader after my Leo one so this is for them
Mob boss Raphael x fem!reader
Warnings: drugs and substances mention and usage, cheating, rough sex NSFW, violence, murder mention, angst like a lot of angst.
Summery: You and Raph have been together for a while and one night he comes home and something is different. He’s always done bad things being one of the heads of a crime family but this time he did something bad….To you. It’s time to get your own back on him and his reaction will not be pretty but you’re just as dysfunctional as him so bring it on.
((A/N Be gently with me, I don’t really know much about crime families I just like the idea of them. I’m really just some dyslexic dummy with a dream to write some Raph smut))
“Hmm” you hum to yourself as Lestat jumps down out of nowhere into Daniel’s car, looking dishevelled as all hell and bites him on the neck. You mouth his next words to yourself “Louis, Louis, Louis. Always whining, Louis”. Interview with a vampire was one of your guilty pleasures and one that Raph would never indulge to watch with you. It didn’t matter, you were happy to sit alone in candlelight in the living room of your boyfriend and his brother’s shared mansion and watch your vampire movies alone.
Speaking of Raph you thought to yourself. It was 01:34 in the morning and he still wasn’t home, none of them were. It worried you sometimes, they had dangerous lives and gods know he would never let you go out by yourself, especially after dark, in fear of what rival gangs could do to you and it wouldn’t be the first time the boys had lost someone they loved to their “business”, as they called it. In a few days it would be the 5 year anniversary of Splinter’s death. You had known Raph back then, you weren’t an item at the time (that would come 2 years later), but you saw the affect the death of his father had on him, on all of them, and knew he had a lot more to get over than he was letting on.
You sighed and switched off the TV. Wrapping yourself closer in your silk nightgown you make your way out of the living room and into the large foyer that held the entrance to this vast house. Standing there, taking off his shoes, was Leonardo.
“Good night?” you ask
“Same as always” he replies not even turning to look at you
“Where’s Raph?” he normally came to look for you after he’s been out for a while. Always wanting to make sure you were still home and safe, why was tonight different?
“Umm, upstairs is my best guess” Leo gestures to the massive staircase to his side.
You begin your ascent in search of your boyfriend who had a much explaining to do.
When you get to your room Raph seems to be in a hurry, jerking off his shoes and tossing them in the corner and roughly pulling his expertly tailored shirt over his head. The light from the doorway illuminated his amber eyes in a way that made them look like warm whisky and the shadows only added definition to his defined, toned chest. He looked like perfection. You walk through the door and into the huge bedroom you share. Raph stands in front of the bed still trying to undress when you enter. You’re vanity table is to the wall opposite you in the right hand corner, next to the bed, and your perfumes and makeup brush holders are making a rattling sound as they shake from the weight of Raph stumbling around trying to pull off his undershirt.
“Hey, baby. Good night?” you ask as you turn on the light to your bedroom
He looks shocked to see you but relaxes as you approach him to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him gently.
“Nothing out of the ordinary. I just need to shower” he looks over to your en-suite bathroom, still not making eye contact with you.
“Well, how about I let you relax a little before then” your hands trail down his body to his pants and you begin to undo his belt. He interrupts you and begins to turn for the bathroom.
“Really, baby, it’s ok. Not tonight” he out right rejects you.
It’s not like Raph to turn down sex at any time. The man was a beast, taking it any time and any place he could but, you were persuasive and didn’t feel like taking no for an answer. Grabbing his arm you pull him back to you and place your hands on his shoulders to gently push him to sit on your shared bed.
“Let me do this for you” you insist.
He protests some more but you’re already on your knees with your hands around his cock and you’re about to work your magic when you catch scent of it.
“Raph” you sound his name out slowly, as if the longer it takes you to finish your sentence, the less true the statement will be but, of course that’s not how it works. “Why does your cock smell like another woman’s pussy?”
You look up at him, guilt flooding his eyes and he’s speechless.
You almost don’t want to believe it yourself but it’s undeniable at this point. Raphael, the man who swore to love you for as long as he lived, to never hurt you, who you wanted to marry one day had just fucking cheated on you.
You see red and before you can understand what you’re doing you’re back on your feet with your hand out ready to slap him.
“What the fuck did you do?” you scream at him. You know for sure his brothers can hear you from their respective rooms and you don’t care, this is one fight he’s not going to win by getting you to quiet down.
“It meant nothing, it was just some girl, it was nothing really it just kind of happened, We had to kill her afterwards anyway” he spluttered out while tucking himself back into his trousers.
You begin to pace up and down your large bedroom, hands massaging your temple as you try to think, but, all you can picture is him with another woman. Was she prettier than you? Skinnier? Why was she the one he chose over you in a moment of weakness?
“It’s a good thing she’s already dead or I’d have to kill her myself!” you bellow at him “What the fuck do you mean ‘it just happened’, you had to get your cock out, get her pussy out, get hard and then actually fuck the bitch. That doesn’t ‘just happen’ it’s a whole ass process!” your throat is becoming tight from how hard you’re yelling at him but you don’t care. Raph remains silent assuming it’s better to say nothing that to say the wrong thing to you right now. You simply turn on your heals and storm out. Fuck him you thought as you slammed the door behind you.
You almost trip down the stairs you’re walking with such anger but manage to catch the banister in time. You stop for a moment and try to steady yourself both physically and emotionally. You wanted to get him back, for him to see how badly this hurt you. You look down the stairs and notice a light on in the living room when you thought you’d blown all the candles out. You go to investigate. Sitting in the dark, faintly illuminated by his laptop screen, sat Donnie hard at work. Donnie controlled everything digitally, from finances to client lists he kept everything encrypted on that laptop.
You enter the room loudly enough to make your presence known but as to not disturb him. You pull up a seat next to him and he doesn’t turn to look at you, he just continues typing away and smoking a joint.
“You know if you keep staring at that screen your eyes will go square” you joke
“Old wives tale” he replies bluntly.
This is difficult as you’re still shaking with anger, but Donnie is the only one around and he does look awfully handsome in his waistcoat and suit with a little purple handkerchief in the breast pocket.
You place one foot up on his thigh and readjust your silk robe to show the lacy negligee you wore underneath. It did a lot of favours for your breasts and Donnie knew this from the few times he had wondered into your room in search of Raph and seen you lounging around wearing it. He turns to look at you.
“What’s your game plan here, y/n?”
“No game, no plan. I just thought you and I haven’t spent that much time together recently”
If there was one thing Donnie hated more than anything, it was a liar but, he knew what you were doing and, although he never wanted to admit it to himself, he liked it. He reached out and grabbed you by the throat, knocking your foot off his leg and to the ground. You gasp in shock but still have the upper hand here, even if it doesn’t appear so. Slowly, you get up and approach him, lifting a leg over his to sit down and straddle his lap. His hand doesn’t move from your neck the entire time. You look lovingly into his eyes and caress his cheek with the back of your hand as you remove the joint from his mouth and take a hit. You blow a couple of smoke rings before just breathing the rest out as normal. The room fills with a thick mist form the hit you just took and you notice how the black rings in his golden eyes look like the rings around planets. They’re beautiful.
“Always so quick to violence” your words are slightly strained from the pressure he’s causing around your vocal chords “why don’t you put your hands to better use somewhere else?” you take his other hand in your and run it down the centre of your body, lifting up the end of your nightgown so that it sits on the rim of your panties. Donnie’s breath quickens, he loves the idea of taking you but you’re forbidden fruit to him. That analogy only makes you seem tastier.
“And what about Raph?”
Fuck Raph you thought
“You’re brothers, you share everything. Don’t you?” you say with the sweetest smile you can muster.
His grip on your throat lessens and you lean down to kiss him, gently at first but his hand tangles in your hair, pressing you closer to him. He needs this and he needs it now. Still straddling his lap, he picks you up and you wrap your legs around his hips. He’s already rocking a semi erection, you can feel it straining against his pants and love that he’s given into you this quickly. You had always noticed him around the house giving you those lingering looks, undressing you with his eyes whenever you wore anything short. This was a perfect opportunity for you.
He carefully places you down on the sofa, his own body covering you but shifting his weight to his arms which are behind your head as to not crush you. He’s still between your legs and you can feel him against your thigh growing harder by the minute. His tongue darts into your mouth as the kiss becomes more passionate and he’s about you help you out of your negligee when you both hear a heavy figure enter the room.
Raphael says nothing as he stands in the doorway but the look on his face tells you everything you need to know. Donnie quickly gets up from on top of you and, side stepping Raph, goes back to his place at his laptop.
You’re about to open your mouth and say something but, before you have time Raph closes the distance between you both and grabs you by the hair, pulling you to your feet. He drags you out of the room, turning back quickly to look at Donnie who had engulfed himself in his work once more.
Your feet barely hit the ground as he takes you up the stairs and, once inside your bedroom, throws you to the floor.
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at, y/n?” the rage in his voice is like something you’ve never heard before and his face is going a deeper shade of green.
“What? So you can fuck other bitches but the second I try it’s not allowed? What’s that called again? Oh yeah, being a massive fucking hypocrite!” you scream back just as hard.
He takes a step back and pinches the bridge of his nose between two fingers.
“Not with my fucking brother”
“Then why aren’t you angry at Donnie? I was just following your lead and having meaningless sex with whoever I wanted without any concern for my partner, Donnie’s your goddamn brother!”
“I told you she meant nothing, not a thing! And blood is so much fucking thicker than water, that’s why I’m not as angry at him”
You stare up at him from the floor, he’s standing with his feet shoulder width apart and his hands are balled up into fists, you think he might hit you but you’re not too sure. You know if you keep pushing this is going to go somewhere bad. What the fuck am I saying? you think he fucked another woman, he can go to hell.
“So that’s what our relationship is then? Water? Clearly I picked the wrong brother, you know, Donnie feels bigger than you anyway”
This is when Raph truly erupted, he could take sassy, hurt fuelled comments but a jab to his manhood and pride was too far. He clears the small distance between you and throws a hard punch across your jaw before picking you up by your neck, which causes you to wheeze, and throws you face down on the bed.
“That’s it” he grunts as he lifts up the end of your dress and rips the panties you were wearing off. Luckily the joint you took form Donnie made you a little spaced out so the hit didn’t hurt as much as it should of, it still bloody hurt though. You were sure to have a giant bruise in the morning that Raph would be sorry for.
Raph climbs on the bed behind you and lifts your hips up so that they’re in the air but your face is still down on the mattress and you hear him unzip his pants. You hate that you want this. He positions himself at the entrance to your ass hole and goes inside without warning or lubrication, you cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. It’s disgusting that you still need him inside you after everything he’s done to you, but it’s him and he feels so familiar that you can’t say no to him, you don’t want to say no. In a weird way, you both need each other as badly and you probably need to stay away from each other.
For a moment, with your face touching the soft sheets of the bed you shared, you let yourself forget the events of earlier and simply give in to the rhythm at which he’s pounding into you. He always uses such force and tonight is no different, his hands creating small divots in the skin on your hips from how tightly he’s holding them but, that’s when you remember; he’s still got the remnants of her on his cock.
You push yourself up, seething once again, you turn around and sock him in the eye as hard as you can. He backs off, almost falling off the bed. You’re a little proud of yourself for how badly you managed to hurt him. He clutches his eye with his hand and his expression turns dark.
“Not a good idea, little girl”
You can’t hold it back anymore, tears spring hot and fast to your eyes, overflowing and then run down your cheeks.
“Just tell me why you did it?” you plead.
He heads towards you once more, pushing you back on the bed and climbing on top of you. He holds your arms above your head by your wrists and he only needs one hand to do this. Suddenly he’s inside you again and between thrusts he begins to explain.
“Because she was there” he pushes deeper inside of you
“Because it was her dying wish” you begin to moan as his pace quickens
“And because I could” more tears spring from your eyes but you’re getting close to your climax, you try and free one of your hands to play with yourself but his grip is unyielding. You want him so badly it almost hurts. That’s when you feel the tightness in your stomach begin to release as you cum hard and fast around his cock. Two more thrusts and he finds his own release deep inside of you, his cum lining your walls.
There’s a brief moment of silence as you both simply bask in the afterglow of what just happened. This moment is short lived.
“Because you could?” you repeat after him. He did it because the opportunity arose and he didn’t think about you for a second. How could he?
He looks down at you, shame evident in his eyes but he’s too proud to admit he didn’t mean what he said, you don’t know this, though. All you know is that you’re still so angry you could kill him. He pulls out leaving you feeling empty and slightly used, not the first time he’s left you feeling that way.
Raph walks across the room towards the door, looking back at you only once.
“That’s what I said, wasn’t it?”
“How are we going to get through this?” you wipe a tear from your eye.
“I don’t know that we are” he states bluntly before walking out.
You turn over and shove your face into the pillow, sobbing, you begin to scream as hard as you can. Screaming simply turns into hoarse crying and then sleep finally takes you.
You drift off thinking: Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow has to be better. Anything is better than this…
#the blood of the covenant#my fic#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#raph x reader#raphael x reader#tmnt raph x reader#mob au#mob! au#blood of the covenant
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Digital Get Down, Chapter 5
AUTHORS: cindersandroses ( losille2000 and cinderella1181)
PAIRING: Actor!Henry Cavill/ Plus-Size OFC
GENRE: Romance/Fluff/HUMOR
FIC SUMMARY: When SuperHank met OrcPrincessPeach on the World of Warcraft message boards, it was love at first raid. Now, almost a year later, they’re ready to take the next step and meet in person. Half a world away from each other, both decide to meet in Atlanta for DragonCon, since she was already going to be there for her work as a game designer at Blizzard… never mind that she is a devout nerd. They both have to face the fact that reality is very different from a digital world.
RATING: Mature
WARNING: Mentions of assault.
AUTHORS NOTES: Love you all!
Also on AO3!
Chapter 5
Opal turned to the side as she looked at herself in the full length mirror on the back of the closet door. She smoothed the front of her dress over her rounded belly and picked at the slight ruching that was meant to help hide her imperfections along with the black color of the dress, but it did neither. There’d be no hiding anything. This was about as bodycon as one could get, and indeed she bought it a long time ago because she thought she looked hot in the form fitting silk. As soon as she got it home, though, and really looked at herself wearing it in the harsh light of day, she put it away, in the back of her closet with the other beautiful clothes she’d bought but never found the courage to wear.
That was changing. Now. Today. Okay, not today. But as soon as she walked back into her house. She planned to go straight to her closet and pull them all out and wear each of them as soon as she had the right opportunity or occasion. Considering that most of them were on the fancier side of things, meant for dates, she figured she’d have more chances to wear them now, anyway.
Even though she and Henry would literally be halfway across the globe from each other after this weekend. She couldn’t dwell on that fact, though. If she did, then the sadness set in. She refused to let that particular emotion claw its way back. They’d make it work if it was going to work. It wasn’t like she couldn’t just take her computer places and work there.
If she could convince her boss to allow frequent trips.
And it wasn’t like he didn’t also spend part of his time in Los Angeles.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Henry walked by behind her, drawing her attention away from those troubling thoughts. He fumbled with the cufflink on his left shirt cuff. She was going to make a quip about it, but the words died on her lips when she noticed he looked at her like a fat kid looked at cake. He licked his lips, smiled, and walked into the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but blush. She never would’ve believed he was truly stealing glances at her, but that notion had been squashed earlier at the spa. In fact, now she was hyper aware of his long, molten stares.
And it was all because of the wonderful esthetician who completed her facial after their massage. What had started out as a traumatic experience ended up making her feel the most confident she’d ever felt in her own skin, thanks in part to Jessa the esthetician’s enlightening conversation.
“He’s looking at you like you are the purest water and he’s just had some hot sauce.”
Opal giggled, and blushed, looking at the woman. “I just keep thinking he’s going to be like, ‘Ugh, not my type’ and leave, Jessa.”
“Girl, please. You got one of those peach bottoms that men love to get a handful of. You already got him eating out of your hand, he’s not stopped glancing over here this whole time,” Jessa said, putting her hand on her hip. “And if he does do that, I got a handful of fine brothers who would eat that peach bottom up. So you just let Jessa know and I’ll hook you up.”
The comment made Opal laugh loudly, disturbing the serenity of the spa and resulted in a few perturbed glares from other clients. Henry had glanced up, one eyebrow raised in interest. She smiled at him sweetly and he went back to his shave. Opal smiled. “Thank you, Jessa. I’ll keep you updated.”
Opal had made sure to slip Jessa an extra tip, even though she was sure Henry had tipped everyone well. Stingy wasn’t really a word she would use to describe this man, not materially or emotionally.
Or physically.
Definitely not physically. He liked touching. Being affectionate.
She did not; or, more aptly, she was not used to it in the romantic sense. But she wasn’t even that affectionate with her family. There were a few hugs here and there as a child, but they weren’t overly huggy. And then there was the other thing he didn’t know about, because she never talked about it, that prevented her from initially enjoying his touches.
It was getting easier, though, the more he touched her. She found, with some relief, that she actually quite liked being close to him in that way. Perhaps there was hope for her, after all.
Opal moved away from the mirror and followed his trail to the bathroom. She rested a hip on the door jamb and watched him finish his grooming. He saw her in the mirror and smiled.
“Like what you see?” he asked, that insidious brow raised.
“Nah,” she said with a grin. “I was just thinking about how you use twice the product I do.”
Henry rubbed his hands on a hand towel to remove the remnants of whatever moisturizer he’d used on his freshly shaved jaw. “That’s because it takes a lot to make me look this good. You’re already bloody gorgeous, so you don’t need it.”
Her cheeks heated and she shifted her weight awkwardly on her bare feet. Why were compliments so difficult to take?
“And as an answer to your question, I do like what I see,” she replied. “I appreciate your efforts. But I also love getting to just observe each other. That’s what we were missing over the last year.”
Henry stopped and smiled at her. “I watched you getting ready, and that’s why I’m so behind. I couldn’t stop watching you. You are enchanting,” he whispered.
The air caught in her lungs upon hearing the deep gravelliness of his sentiment. He closed the distance between them. The hunger, the lust, the pain, the joy, the need, all passed across his face. He leaned down and brushed his lips across her temple. “We’re going to make a hell of a couple tonight, Princess.”
“Yes, we are,” she replied breathlessly.
“Let me finish getting ready. You are distracting.”
Opal giggled. “Pot, kettle.”
She moved away from the door and went back to the bed to struggle into the sky high heels she had thought would be great to wear, but now she regretted the decision to pack them. Her feet were going to ache by the end of the night. But--the minx inside her reminded--that could possibly lead to another massage. This time, just with Henry.
As she finished up the last buckle on the strappy things and stretched her legs out to check how they looked, she noticed Henry watching from across the room with a glazed look in his eyes. She laughed at him, because it was the exact same look she’d had as he secured the waistcoat around his trim torso. “This… me putting on shoes shut you down?”
Henry reanimated with a shrug. “I have a thing for really high strappy, almost slutty, heels. Nothing like…” He stopped and blushed slightly. “Uh, never mind.”
Opal stood up and went over to him, just barely shorter than him now, and grinned. “I will have to remember that for later,” she replied.
“Oh, god, please do. Bonus points for silk stockings and the whole belt contraption,” he murmured.
She giggled. “You know, men and women are so different. You want the littlest piece of clothing on me, but I’d rather see you in a three piece suit.”
“I can fuck in a three piece suit just as well as I can without,” he teased.
His comment, and the harsh word, caught her off guard. Taking the opportunity, he went over to grab his cell phone. He beckoned her with a crooked finger. “Come here.”
She didn’t ask for clarification or even think about it; her feet in their dangerous footwear moved of their volition. When she reached him, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head, all while snapping a quick picture. He looked at it, smiled, and turned it around for her to view.
Her cheeks were high with color. Her skin glowed; her eyes sparkled. Her smile showed almost every one of her teeth. Everything about it made her seem so vital, so alive, so… beautiful. She had never seen herself so happy. Simply being near him made her want to beam from ear to ear.
He smiled softly. “Now you see what I see when I look at you.”
“I don’t always look like this,” she protested.
“You do,” he replied. “Let me send this to you so you can send it to Amber.”
Opal shifted uncomfortably. She’d completely forgotten about sending Amber a picture. What kind of friend was she, anyway?
“We can’t bring our phones tonight,” he explained. “Something about making sure nothing unflattering gets out.”
Opal looked up at him and nodded. “Okay. Let me just send Amber a text telling her I’m going out for the night.”
She saved the picture to her phone and opened up the text stream with her friend. She took the picture, sent it, and wrote, “I don’t think I ever expected my Hank to be this real. Going out for the night. Talk to you in the morning.”
She plugged her phone in, stood up, and took Henry’s hand. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Opal stood in the atrium of the Georgia Aquarium and sighed. She was enchanted. She’d been here a ton of times before at previous cons, but never on a night specifically designed to be an intimate cocktail party with all of the con’s celebrity guests.
What actually was her life right now?
Henry talked to Dany and Dwayne, and she couldn’t get over the fact that she was standing next to The Rock. How many times had she sat next to her brothers while they watched this giant man wrestle? If someone had told her this was going to be her life when she left Los Angeles the night before, she’d have told them they were lying. It was all a little surreal.
Dany smiled at her, obviously picking up on the fact that she had zoned out and had literal stars in her eyes. “So, Opal, what do you do?”
Opal hummed and blinked at her. “Yeah, sorry. I’m a designer and programmer for Blizzard. I have been there, oh gosh, almost ten years now. Best job I have ever had.”
“And you live with?” Dany inquired.
Opal understood Dany’s reticence to accept her into the group. Dany didn’t want anything to harm the business, and even though she seemed tough, she clearly cared deeply for both men as friends. Still, though, Opal didn’t think she gave off a crazy fan vibe.
“My best friend, from like middle school,” Opal said, moving to stand closer to Dany. She leaned in to speak quietly. “I know you’re worried about me using him, I get that, trust me. If I was in your position I would, too. But honestly, Dany, I didn’t even know he was him… until this morning when I arrived. I just thought he was a dorky British guy named Hank. That was it. In the months leading up to this I just got to know his heart and who he is, not Henry Cavill, God’s gift to women. I knew SuperHank, the cleric who runs around healing people, because he is that guy. I got to know the Hank who was shy and loved to cook and gets excited about Warhammer and new fantasy novels. Who tells me constantly that I am worthy and beautiful.”
Dany beamed at her. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.”
“And frankly, you scare me a little bit, so I won’t do anything untoward,” Opal said.
Dany laughed and flexed a bicep. “Don’t you forget it.”
“I won’t.”
“But seriously, Opal,” she said and grabbed Opal’s hand. “He needs someone he can love with his whole being, and I’ve never seen him happier than when he has spoken to me about you.” She squeezed her hand. “It’s not going to be easy, but I promise to make sure you’re okay and safe, and that you can be with him.”
Opal grinned. “He is pretty special.” She looked beside her, expecting to find him there. “And... gone, apparently.”
Lauren smiled at her. “He and Dwayne went to get some drinks.”
Opal felt her stomach clench. She tried to smile, but before she could muster one, Henry was back by her side. He handed her a flute of champagne. “Here, Princess.”
Opal took the glass from him and didn’t say a word. Her jaw clenched and it took everything in her to stop her hand from shaking.
Henry frowned. “Is that okay? Do you want something else?”
“Huh? Oh, no, it’s fine,” she replied and tried to smile again. Even though she couldn’t see it, she knew it came off as more of a grimace because of the expression Henry returned. He knew something was wrong, but the words to explain it to him failed to form on her tongue.
Not that she really had the chance to say anything, anyway. A loud, booming voice rang out across the atrium, “LITTLE BRUDDA!!!”
Opal spun around and watched in abject horror as two grown men raced towards each other and chest bumped each other like drunken frat boys.
Dwayne shook his head. “Seriously, you two? We’re in public.”
Henry came back and smiled. “Jason, my man, this… is Opal.”
Jason looked at her, his eyebrow raised. “Well, hello there, beautiful. I’m Jason…” He took her free hand and kissed the back of it. “If he gives you any trouble, let me know.”
Opal blushed. “Thank you. I will.”
Dazzled once more by the Man Also Known As Khal Drogo, Henry startled her with a hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him, still holding the flute from which she had not yet had a drop of champagne.
Henry leaned down into her ear. “Do you want me to get something else for you?”
She shook her head. “No, I just, uh… I’m going to get my own drink.”
She excused herself and headed over to the bar, trying to convince herself that she wasn’t running away from him and running away from the conversation she should have already had with him, even before they both decided to meet here in Atlanta.
She wasn’t in line long when she felt his presence behind her.
“Are you okay?” he asked again, concern written all over his face.
“I am, honestly. I just… well… it’s stupid. I don’t drink anything that I don’t see poured myself, and I very rarely drink alcohol in public. I should have told you. It’s just my hang up and, gah... I’m sorry I freaked out a little bit.”
Henry’s eyebrows knit together. He nodded, but he clearly wanted more.
“Let me get my drink and we’ll take a walk and talk, okay?” she asked, hoping to smooth things over.
He nodded and stood quietly with her. Even though he was clearly confused and maybe a little angry, his presence was still one that calmed her and she found herself resting against his sturdy bulk as they waited. Opal ordered her cranberry juice in a martini glass. To anyone other than herself and Henry, it looked like a Cosmo. It was her fallback when she wanted to hang out with the cool kids but didn’t want to do what the cool kids were doing. Because that one time she did what the cool kids were doing? She lived to regret it.
She took his hand and started to walk through the first exhibit. Opal paused at a tube enclosure in the middle of the room full of jellies. A black light shone down into the water, illuminating the sea creatures as they performed a graceful, haunting dance around their tank. She stood quietly, Henry standing next to her, silent, thinking.
Finally, she cleared her throat from the heavy emotion making it difficult to breathe. “I was drugged.”
Henry’s fingers curled into her back. Though he tried to mask the sharp intake of air, his gasp was still audible. “Opal, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because,” she said, just barely above a whisper. “It wasn’t just that. Amber and I were freshmen in college and I wanted to fit in. We went to a frat party. A guy we had art history with invited us.”
His anger was palpable; it wasn’t anger directed at her, though. Somehow, she knew that, as she stared at the gelatinous orbs bobbing through the water. She took a sip of the cranberry juice before moving on.
“I woke up the next morning, head fuzzy, in a room I had never seen before, and my panties around my ankles.” She braved a look up at Henry, to gauge his reaction. The sharp line of his jaw was set, his rage evident.
For some reason, it was cathartic to share this secret with another human. Amber knew, of course. Amber had nursed her back from the brink after they got home from the hospital.
“It’s the reason I pull away sometimes when you touch me, and the reason I am so unsure of myself. I’m sorry I never told you before, but you have a right to know.”
Henry didn’t speak; he looked at a point beyond her, staring in stony silence for the longest time. He finally tore his focus away from that point and gazed down at her. His face spoke volumes, even before his words did. He rested his chin on her head and wrapped her in his arms. “You know I would never, ever do that.”
“Oh, no, I do! I just… I want so badly for you to touch me, to be yours, I just need… time,” she said. “I don’t even know if I’m actually a virgin or not. I don’t know what they did to me. The next morning, Amber took me to the ER and a rape kit was done, but it was inconclusive. I’m sorry if this changes the way you feel about being with me.”
Henry pulled away from her and put his drink on the floor. He took her face gently in his hands. “I never, ever would feel any different about you. I just… I understand now.” He kissed her forehead, but didn’t move his lips from the spot they’d touched. His next words were muffled, but the meaning behind them was everything. “My promise to you is that I will not hurt you, and it’s all going to be at your pace.”
She smiled and pushed his hands away from her face. With her free hand, she reached up and let her hand rest on the nape of his neck. “Well, then, we can do this, cause I’m very ready for it.”
With little strength, she pulled him down to her and kissed him. It wasn’t passionate or chaste; it was somewhere in the middle. A reassurance. A promise. Her promise to be as open with him as possible. His cue that she was okay with him pushing her boundaries. And she loved him for it.
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[CN] Shaw’s Summer Night Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
This date makes references to Shaw’s Birthday Event, so be sure to read that first!

The date begins with a phone call.
MC: Hello–
Shaw: [deep sigh] What do you want? It’s early in the morning. You aren’t sleeping?
MC: It’s already 11am. What do you mean by “early in the morning”? Did you forget that we’re meeting today? Get out of bed!
Shaw: Huh… we planned to meet? I guess that’s fine. I have something to do today though. Look for me in school later.
MC: School? You have classes today?
Shaw: Of course not - it’s summer. There are no classes.
MC: …
Shaw: We’ll meet in the library.
MC: The library?
Shaw: 2pm in the afternoon. That’s all. I’m hanging up.
MC: Huh?
Without waiting for me to continue, I hear the dull tone of the ended call.
MC wonders why Shaw is heading to the library – is it because he plans to steal some professor’s book, or is there some secret treasure that no one knows about?
More importantly, she’s worried that her birthday surprise for him would be ruined
The fridge in the antique store looks like it’s on the verge of being spoilt. Would the cake I left there yesterday last till tonight?
MC: …I knew that celebrating Shaw’s birthday would be a very troublesome thing!
She heads to the library and does some work while waiting for Shaw
I am completely focused on my work, and am caught off guard by a sudden coldness on my face. I lift my head quickly.
Shaw is standing in front of me, one hand holding a can of Coke, and a playful glint in his eyes.
MC: You’re late again!
I straighten my back and look at him in an accusatory manner, but he just leisurely takes off his bag and sits down.
Shaw: I got it, I got it. It won’t happen again.
MC: That’s what you said the last time, and the previous time before that-
Before I finish speaking, Shaw leans towards me, and I can smell his fresh shampoo as he closes the distance between us.
Shaw: Shh. This is the library. Please refrain from making noise.
…he tells me to refrain from making noise, but he himself is saying this in a loud volume.
Students who were focused on their work lift their heads to look at us. One bespectacled boy even shakes his head after looking at us before continuing his work.
I push Shaw away, feeling embarrassed.
MC: ...move further away a little.
Shaw arches an eyebrow, his eyes smiling as they sweep over my face, before tossing a glance towards the people in the surroundings.
Seeing them lower their heads, he slowly takes out a stack of reference books and exercise books.
MC: You’re really here to study?
I curiously sneak a peek – These textbooks are completely new, and there isn’t a single crease or marking on the covers. Clearly, they haven’t been used before.
Shaw grabs one of the books, flips to the first page, and takes out a black pen from his pocket.
I stare at him silently for a long time, barely believing the sight before me – Shaw studying? It’s something you only see once in a century.
MC: Why do you suddenly have the passion for studying?
Without much hesitation, Shaw gives me an answer that is both surprising and yet not unexpected.
Shaw: Final exams.
MC: …huh? Mm… I empathise.
He’s a student after all, and has to put his studies first.
I put aside my initial shock and flip through my work proposal, deciding not to disturb this scholarship contender as he studies.
In order to celebrate his birthday without any issues today, I had already prepared everything since last Friday.
MC: …
After two hours, I finally cave in and look at Shaw, taking in his studious look.
He leans against the back of the chair lazily, his sleeves rolled up in habit, revealing a slender arm.
He can’t seem to internalize the contents of the textbook, causing him to exude an extremely serious aura. Yet, the speed at which he flips the pages leads one to click their tongue.
In just half an hour, he has flipped through a book that has several hundred pages.
One hand holds the book steady on his legs, while the other hand is in mid-air, toying with the pen in his hand. It’s as though the pen is being held by an invisible thread, moving from his palm to the back of his hand, and then interweaving between his fingers before twirling around his thumb.
…this skill is actually pretty cool!
I watch his pen twirling techniques closely and secretly take my own pen to copy his movements.
Lower the thumb, and then lightly push using the middle finger, like this…
I try to copy Shaw’s movements, but with a gentle push of my fingers, the pen slips out of my hands and in front of Shaw. The ‘thud’ of the pen meeting the table is loud!
Countless eyes look in my direction! I immediately lie on the table, burying my face in both arms, hoping to make myself disappear.
Shaw: …
As the tip of my ears and my cheeks redden, I can clearly hear Shaw’s teasing and playful light laughter.
I don’t look up but reach out in front of Shaw, trying to feel for my pen.
Before recovering from my embarrassment, Shaw has already leaned towards me, speaking in a joking manner, the warmth of his breath on my already burning ear.
Shaw: I already told you - this is a library, please be quiet.
I take the pen into my hand and use the tip of it to jab his elbow, silently telling him to continue with his studies and not be bothered by me.
Shaw: You don’t have anything to do?
I lift my head a little, but before I can answer, I see a girl walking over. She timidly puts a beautifully packaged cake box in front of Shaw and runs off without a word.
MC: …is that your friend?
Shaw: I don’t know her.
There is a yellow post-it note on the cake box, and on it is a drawing of a cake with a few candles, and below the cake is a cutely written “Happy Birthday”.
Looks like Shaw is quite popular among the girls in school.
I hold up my chin and shoot him a meaningful look.
Shaw lifts an eyelid, takes his bag and stuffs a few books into it. He stands up and proceeds to stuff my items into it as well.
Shaw: Revision is over. Let’s go.
I see him all prepared to leave, and point at the cake box on the table.
MC: The birthday cake… You’re not taking it?
Without turning around, he slings his bag over his shoulder, walking out the exit. I hurry to catch up with him.
MC: W-wait, where are you going?
Shaw: You know that today’s my birthday, so of course we’re going to celebrate. Let’s go to Live House then.
MC: No we can’t… Follow me!
The corner of Shaw’s lips curl upwards, his eyes squinting in a smile. He shifts backwards, letting me take the lead. His interest is clearly piqued, and his expression looks as though he awaits to see what I have planned.
Shaw: Lead the way.
MC leads him to the antique store
As they stand outside, Shaw speaks up:
Shaw: Tell me, how did you know that today is my birthday?
MC: You haven’t even entered, but you already know I’m going to celebrate your birthday?
Shaw looks at me with a smile that says, “Of course”.
I open the doors of the antique store. I walk to the middle of the store, and outstretch my arms to reveal the end-product of the day I spent decorating.
MC: Happy birthday!
Shaw was probably stunned by the exaggeratedly decorated store. He steps through the doorway with a hesitant look in his eyes, but after a few seconds, he can’t help but laugh aloud.
Shaw: If the old man sees the store like this, he’d be so angry that he’d comes back to life. I like it though. A birthday celebration should be this lively.
Looking at the smile hanging on his face, I no longer feel uneasy. I confess how I found out about his birthday.
MC: When you lent me your jacket the other time, I found your student card in the pocket… I’m not surprised that you’re a Gemini.
After a slight pause, I think back to his earlier words.
MC: Live House is too noisy, so I picked this location… Would your mentor be upset that I kind of tormented his store?
Shaw: Not really, I didn’t mean what I said. Anyway, he has given me the shop. This is my shop now, and as long as I’m happy, it’s fine.
As he says this, he reaches out to the balloons and ribbons hanging on the ceiling.
Shaw: If I’m happy, he wouldn’t mentor.
This is the third time he’s brought up his mentor.
The first time, he mentioned it in passing. The second time was when I borrowed an antique from the store. He rarely brings up his mentor, as though his mentor meant something special to him, different from other people.
MC: What kind of a person was your mentor?
Shaw: He…
Shaw is silent for a while, digging through his memories. He thinks for a while, and then laughs.
Shaw: He was a normal old man. Loved money, loved nagging, and he often let me talk to customers. Spent his whole life taking care of this palm-sized shop, he’s nothing special. But he treated me well, and even celebrated my birthday. Also, his cooking skills were not bad. But his business was too dull, so he didn’t have much to do. A pot of meat could stew for an entire day.
When saying all this, his voice contains his transparent emotions. He has tossed away his usual teasing tone. It’s as though he has finally taken off his prankster mask, revealing the teenager that he should be at his age, and the purity he originally had.
MC: I’m envious that you had such a mentor.
The sun has set and faint twilight streams in from the window, casting this person in a layer of quiet atmosphere.
The sparkling light is reflected in his eyes, giving his amber eyes a bright hue.
Shaw: Come with me.
Before I can react, my wrist has already been taken ahold of, and I can only follow him.
They end up sitting on the rooftop of the store. The sky is already completely dark.
MC: Happy birthday. Although… I thought this was a good idea when I was planning it. But it feels like spending your birthday like this is a little too quiet. I can’t help but feel that something livelier is more up your alley. If I had known earlier, I’d have bought fireworks for us to put off.
Shaw laughs.
Shaw: I don’t like lively things that much. This is good.
The evening wind rolls up the corners of his shirt, revealing a tight waistline. His eyes stop wandering, and he turns towards me, his eyes smiling.
Shaw: It’s easy to see fireworks.
He suddenly balls his hand into a fist in front of me. Seeing my confused expression, the corner of his mouth lifts up.
After that, he opens his enclosed hand slowly – light blue electricity appears before my eyes.

In his palm is a lightning-created firework, and every inch of electricity crackles and sparkles. It is incredibly eye-catching.
I am completely flabbergasted. You can use your Evol like this?
Shaw: Looks good?
MC: Yes! This is the first time I’m seeing such fireworks.
I can’t help but exclaim, and even reach out to feel it, but Shaw presses down on my hand.
Shaw: Is your brain working? This is electricity.
While saying this, he extinguishes the firework. With the bright light gone in a flash, the surroundings become even darker than before.
I hesitate for a moment before touching his palm with my fingertips, feeling the traces left behind by the lightning.
MC: …does it hurt when I touch it?
Shaw: Of course not.
Shaw lets out a chuckle, as though mystified that I’d ask such a silly question.
He brings his hand closer to me.
Shaw: Aren’t you celebrating my birthday? Where’s my gift?
MC: How could you ask for your own gift!
Shaw: Why not?
MC: There wouldn’t be a surprise then!
Shaw: The surprise isn’t important. The gift is more important.
MC: …fine, I’ll let you win this time.
I take out my phone from my pocket.
Shaw: Are you really going to send me a red packet? That’s so unoriginal, what kind of a surprise is that.
I ignore him, stuffing one side of the earpiece into his left ear while I put the other earpiece into my right ear. I press a button and music plays.
Right after Shaw is done speaking, he pauses for a second, his expression turning from one of dumbfoundedness to surprise. After a while, he clicks his tongue softly.
Shaw: Tch, you truly lack creativity.
As the melody continues playing in our earpieces, I bend my head towards him and laugh.
I found this song in the bin of his work laptop. Or rather, when I found it, it wasn’t a song yet.
The ‘song’ only had a few melodies here and there, but the style was perfect.
Playing with the band is just a hobby, so Shaw rarely creates something from scratch. He must have hidden things he wanted to say in his music, but never brought it up with anyone.
I spent a few nights writing the melody with the little skill I have, reading into the blank spaces the thoughts in Shaw’s head.
And then I sang it as a song, to be given to him.
This is what I felt was the only present that could show that I am willing to understand him, and that I genuinely care about him.
MC: Does it sound good?
Shaw laughs.
Shaw: It’s average. The singing is a bit much though.
I glare at him fiercely, suppressing the urge to punch him – The fact that I can sing like that is already very good!
MC: No matter what you say, this is my present to you. You should happily say that it’s quite good, thank you!
Shaw laughs again.
Shaw: Fine. Thank you.
Once he opens his mouth, I already feel like retorting, but suddenly stop myself.
MC: …hmm?
Shaw lifts his hand to push the earpiece into his ear, and starts humming along with the melody.
Shaw: [humming]
A voice flooded with youthful spirit fills the night wind and is blown towards the crowded street.
I plug out the earpieces from my phone and place them in his hand.
MC: This is also for you. It’s a double assurance, just in case you don’t like my song.
Shaw instantly plugs the earpieces into his own MP4, wraps it around several times, and puts them in his pocket.
Shaw: Not bad. I like it.
I dangle my feet over the roof and casually question him.
MC: Didn’t you say it’d rain whenever you’re happy?
I stretch out both hands, pretending to be waiting for the rain. I look towards him and shrug.
MC: It isn’t raining.
Shaw lowers his eyebrows, his lips suppressing a smile, his expression reflecting his amusement. After a pause, he suddenly stretches out his arm-
My first reaction is to hurriedly cover my head with my hands to defend myself, thinking he is going to flick my forehead.
MC: What are you doing…
His arm goes over me, hooking around the back of my head. With a gentle pull, he brings my entire self towards him. Caught off guard, my forehead is suddenly pressed against his.
Our foreheads are warm, our breaths are warm. The place where my arm meets his is warm. My skirt is damp from sweat, and where it sticks to my skin is warm.
The teenager’s amber eyes are warm too.
I avoid his eyes and lower my head. I see trickles of sweat covering his collarbone. Following the rise and fall of his chest with his breathing, the sweat drops trickle downwards.
Shaw: Do you have a little crush on me?
The purposefully low voice carries with it a smile and calm confidence, as if no matter how I answer, he would only accept the answer he has already decided in his heart.
Shaw: Where’s my birthday cake?
I mutter softly.
MC: …in the fridge.
Shaw: I’ll leave my birthday wish to you. You can try to make a wish, and maybe I’ll have a crush on you in the future too.
MC: I don’t need such a wish!
I’m about to push him away, but he loosens his hold on me first and hops down from the roof.
Shaw: Come down, let’s go have cake!
MC: …
Shaw: Come down, I’ll catch you!
MC: You better!
Shaw laughs and stretches out his arms, ready to catch me. Under the light, his eyes are full of light and heat. I can’t look away.
I take in a breath, let go of the roof, and fall.
Shaw’s post on Weibo (21 June 2020):

Shaw: It’s a suitable day to be up on the roof.
Phone call: here
Video call: here
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The Helmeted Hunter: Chapter 32
Boba Fett x Reader | A repeat of Chapter 14 from Boba’s perspective
Chapter Warnings: N/A
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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“Bonus” Chapter 32: The De-Helmeted Hunter
It was a warm, bustling evening in the little village on Jedha, and Boba Fett was not happy about it.
He couldn't remember the last time his stress levels had been this high. Every corner that was turned, every person that walked by, every sound and small reflection of sunlight made him grip the gun beneath his cloak just a little tighter. Everything was a possible threat for the girl that walked beside him. He felt more like a bodyguard than a bounty hunter. He sure missed the days when these jobs were simpler. What he wouldn't give for a nice bail jumper right now....
The girl wandered down one street and up the next, and he tried to be patient as he followed along. If he'd had his way, they would've stayed inside that crummy hotel all day, where he had set up booby traps and other counter measures to prevent anyone from getting near. But the girl reminded him of a kitten exploring the world for the first time, full of curiosity and unwarranted confidence. He hadn't been able to leave her in that cage for too long back when she was his prisoner, and he certainly wasn't going to try reigning her in now that he'd more or less freed her.
He wasn't sure why he'd agreed to let her out and work with him. Just like he wasn't sure why his heart rate went up every time Hondo commented on her prettiness, or why he had spent ten minutes the night before trying to pick out clothes for her. Were all girls like this? He didn't interact with many in this line of work, just a few that were more like psychopaths than women.
Adding to his stress was also the fact he had to walk around without his trusty armor. He was ashamed to admit he'd grown too accustomed to it, to the point where he felt naked without it. He hadn't always worn armor, hadn't always been this closed off and paranoid. There were still a few of his old bounty hunting mates who had survived and could very well be scavenging for work in these parts. What if he was the one who got recognized? What if the girl ended up in danger because of him?
How he'd been able to sleep so heavily last night with such troubling thoughts, he wasn't sure. God, he wasn't sure about so many things. And all because of this girl.
Eventually the sun set and a chill rang through the air, creating the perfect excuse to finally go back to the hotel. Boba's pace unintentionally picked up in anticipation. The sooner they got back, the sooner they could sleep through the night, and the sooner they'd then be off to the shipyard. He had sent a message to Maz to meet them there as part of plan he'd worked out a few days ago. It was the only reason he'd agreed to come here with Hondo. He was actually rather proud of himself for coming up with it; it worked out on so many levels. He could settle his debt to Maz, stay on Hondo's good side in case he ever needed the slimy pirate's help again, and ensure the girl was protected while he looked for this elusive client.
But then they came across a small plaza that was set up for dancing. Creatures moved about with each other under a canopy of twinkling lanterns. A band played in the corner, just switching their tune to something slow and sweet.
Boba looked down to see the girl swaying beside him. An overwhelming feeling came over him to sway with her. Without really thinking, he held out a hand and cleared his throat for her attention. He could see her eyes crinkling between the folds of the shawl over her face and it took every ounce of strength for him to keep his composure. How easy it was to make her happy.
How easily her happiness effected his own.
It was awkward at first. He hadn't really ever danced before, but he did enjoy music. It felt natural to move along with it. It was just the part about the girl standing to face him, settling her hands on the top of his shoulders, looking up at him as if no one else was around... that part he didn't know how to handle.
So he looked away, falling into his comforting habit of tracking the people around him. He still didn't notice anyone he recognized or who seemed like they were up to no good. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was an odd sight to take in, this little desert town reveling in simple pleasures amidst a galaxy devastated by Imperial occupation. It always surprised him to find such little pockets of liveliness.
"Can I ask you something?" the girl spoke unexpectedly. "I mean, if I asked you a question, would you give me an honest answer?"
He turned to look at her with raised eyebrows, trying not to panic at what she could possibly want him to tell her.
"Depends on the question," he said slowly.
Did she want to know why he'd agreed to Hondo's stupid plan? Was she curious about the Jedi and the Holy City? Would she ask more about his father?
Oh dear God, he thought with a twist of his stomach, don't let it be about my father...
Her voice was quiet but earnest. "Why did you wait? You said on Jakku that you saw me come through the portal. So why did you let me run around for three days before capturing me?"
Well he certainly hadn't expected that. Had those thoughts really been on her mind this whole time? He hadn't realized he'd even mentioned it. The whole situation on Jakku had been a real shit-show; he knew he'd argued with her but couldn't recall exactly what he said. Why did it matter to her anyway?
"I wasn't expecting you." He figured he might as well give her the honest answer she was wanting, though he did feel a little embarrassed as the words actually started coming out. "In this business, the higher the price, the more unpleasant the bounty. Sure, I was given your description. But seeing you was something else. You were just normal. I wanted to watch you, just to be sure I wasn't missing something. You weren't bad, fending for yourself like that. But I couldn't wait forever and it was clear you weren't special, so then I moved in."
Oops. That hadn't sounded right.
"I meant," he stuttered out quickly, "not that you aren't special... just, you know... not..."
He wasn't sure what he was trying to say. Why was he nervous all of a sudden?
"Unpleasant?" she said with a knowing and playful look in her eyes. Her eyes were the only thing he could see, framed by a dark shawl and dancing with the amber glow of lanterns. And he was suddenly conscious of the fact that she was looking at him. The real him, not the helmeted hunter the rest of the galaxy knew. What did she see, he wondered?
"You have your moments," he finally said. "But generally, no, you're not unpleasant."
She was so much more than that. She was normal, but the kind that put him at ease. The kind that made all the craziness of the galaxy seem insignificant. Like an anchor in a storm, grounding him to a world that didn't need to be as complicated as he sometimes made it.
She was good and kind and brave and easygoing and fun and beautiful.
She was special.
He gulped. Had he stepped closer, or had she? Were they even technically dancing anymore? He should probably do another scan of the area to make sure no one had snuck up in the last few minutes. But it was like he was frozen, entranced. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind, but at the same time, it was like he couldn't think at all.
But then her eyes were no longer locked with his, blinking off into some middle distance where he couldn't follow. He blinked himself, trying to focus in the dimness of the lights and clear his mind.
He had gotten much too carried away. It must have been all that extra sleep he got, messing with his head. A guy like him didn't have room in his life for special. He didn't need her....
"Are you okay?" he asked, needing her to say something, to help him get out of his own head.
She shook her head and stopped moving. "I'm just tired."
She drew her hands down from around his neck and stepped back. She was troubled about something, he was able to read that much from her. But he didn't press; he never did. He knew what it was like to lose family and home and purpose. Except, when he'd been in that dark place, the galaxy had wanted nothing to do with him. He'd had to make his own path, his own name.
Not this girl. She had nothing to prove. And as she turned to face away, he realized with a sinking feeling in his stomach that maybe she didn't need him, either.
That was fine, he told himself. It would be that much easier when he finally collected the bounty on her head and walked away. He just had to ignore the part of himself that still hoped she saw him differently after all. The part that didn't want to walk away.
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okay, so thanks to @doc-pickles and @iamtrebleclefstories i’ve been obsessed with with soulmate fanfics in this fandom and the stranger things fandom, so all idea credit goes to those two!
its also been posted on my wattpad as part of my one shots book- to build a home. i’m not very good with links haha.
A soulmate AU where on your 16th birthday, you receive three photos of your soulmate
His sixteenth birthday was honestly not something he was looking forward to. He knew his mom wouldn't be stable enough to cook him a cake like she had when he was younger, before her condition worsened to the point where nearly all her days were bad ones, unlike how it had been the previous year. He knew she wouldn't cup his face in her hands and softly speak, "Alex, my sweetest boy. My truest love." as she stroked his cheeks ever so tenderly. His dad wasn't around anymore, which he knew was a positive thing, well, he supposed it was.
But it was still the first birthday without his dad in it, and that thought made him sad. Not a lot, but a little. Just because all of his birthdays for the past nine years had been his dad telling him that he was a waste of space and a 'fucking idiot' didn't mean he didn't miss him in the smallest way shape or form. He was still his dad after all. The guy who brought him to the fair when he was younger. The guy who briefly taught him how to play guitar. And on the rare occasion when he was sober for about a week or so, would bring Alex out to fix up a pick up truck his dad planned to give him on his sixteenth birthday, but ultimately started using not long before his fifteenth.
He knew Aaron and Amber would maybe do something, but he knew there wasn't much they could do. They were only four and ten. They shouldn't do anything for their brother because he was feeling crappy about a day that didn't even mean that much to him.
Ugh. Birthdays. He thought they were really stupid. Why make a big deal out of the day you were born? Especially if nobody really seemed to care much about your existence.
That's why when he awoke on his sixteenth birthday he was surprised. He'd completely forgotten about what happened on the day everyone had told him about since, well... since he could remember. Some of the things people said to him when he was still was a small boy were nice and comforting, something that made him look forward to this special day, like "Oh, what a lucky women that boy's soulmate will be," was something he got often when he was younger, before his mom's schizophrenia and before his dad's substance abuse. He used to be a really sweet kid. He gave his lollipops to others who looked like they wanted it more, he shared his toys with people in the park. He talked and interacted with everyone from a young age. He was a cute kid too, he remembered. That's what people always said. They would pinch his chubby cheeks and ruffle his dark brown hair, which would lead to Alex giving them his signature crooked smile, which warmed the hearts of many. "What a sweet soulmate he will be.", "The special girl won't know what hit her!" , "He will treat her like a queen i'm sure." thats what daycare teachers and random moms at the park used to say to his parents, complimenting him on how well little Alex treated their daughters. While most boys his age we certain that girls had cooties, Alex just simply talked to him and played with them like they were just a normal person. Not to mention, what a little charmer he was. He was a flirt from the moment he was born. He told some girls he thought they were 'weally pwetty' and said he liked the bows in their hair or the outfit they were wearing. He had mad game. Even from the young age of four he had somehow even managed to completely charm his preschool teacher Ms. Ryan, who he thought was the most beautiful women to ever walk the face of the earth at the time (other than his mom). Ms. Ryan definitely favored Alex, always giving him extra treats at snack, or letting him out first to go to recess. Turns out, being thirty three and a four year old boy telling you on an almost daily basis that 'your dwess is supa pwetty Ms. Ryan' or 'i wike your hair vwery much' was a major confidence booster.
It all changed when he was five though, when his mom's condition was getting worse and his dad started using more and more and more. The situation just decreased as the years went on. Out were the compliments and looks of adoration and in rolled the dirty glares and not-so secret whispers. "What a poor girl to have him as her soulmate.", "I would hate for my daughter to be tied to him forever.", "Let's just hope his soulmate can put up with him." were the ones he heard instead. It used to hurt, but now he didn't mind. He didn't have any friends, any girlfriends, just some mere acquaintances. All he could really say he had were about half of the school's females tucked under his belt. Something he didn't actually care about. Sex was a defense mechanism. Sex made him feel wanted. If some girl was throwing herself at him, he took the opportunity. He felt like he was wanted, even if it was just for twenty minutes in some random parking lot.
He didn't really care for birthdays.
So, imagine his surprise when he woke up that morning to find an orange envelope on his dresser table. It was then he remembered. He remembered that the day of your sixteenth birthday you found out who your soulmate was.
He grabbed the folder so quickly it was like a flash of light. This envelope gave him hope. Hope that one day, someone would care about him. Because, that was the point of soulmates, right? A soulmate was someone who was made for you. Someone who would be okay with all the crap life had thrown at him. Some who would love you. Because, his soulmate would right? Right. She had to. He needed somebody. He really, really needed somebody. And his soulmate was his somebody. Hopefully.
With that thought he takes a deep breath and nearly rips the envelope open. He pulls out the three photos in it delicately, not wanting to even risk a crease or fold forming on the photos. He flips them over one by one.
The three photos.
The three photos he'd been hearing about since he was a little boy.
The first one, as he had learned, is what your soulmate looked like on the day of their sixteen birthday, whether it be in the future or the past.
He feels stupid, really stupid. He was smiling like a god damn idiot.
She was hot, his soulmate. Really hot.
Her long brown hair was in gentle curls, natural he could tell. He knew what real curls were versus curling iron ones. She had bright golden eyes. He swore, they were like actual gold. They had specks of green, yellow, and honey. A little beauty mark sat by her right lip. And those lips? They were plump, full, and a bright pink. In the photo she was smiling. He really liked her smile. It was joyous, it made him feel happy, in a way he'd never felt before. He assumed she was laughing, based on the fact that her head was slightly tilted back. From what he could tell, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a flannel. He liked that about her, the fact that she wasn't wearing whatever uncomfortable shit he'd seen some girls at his school wear. She looked like she was dressed how she wanted to and wasn't gonna let society or school cliques tell her otherwise.
He let out a small sigh as he placed down the photo delicately, as if he dropped it any harsher it would break like glass. He picks up the second photo, another smile gracing his lips as he studies it.
The second photo was always of your soulmate the day you met. Well, more specifically, the first time you meet. In his, the girl looked even more beautiful. Except now, she wasn't a girl, she was a woman, and that was obvious. Her face was a bit fuller, and instead of having her hair down this time, two strands of her dark locks were framing her face. He could tell she was in the middle of saying something, but her face wasn't frozen in some awkward position. It looked natural, like a well shot candid.
Alex placed down the second photo just as delicately as the first, setting them side by side. The third and final photo he wasn't quite ready for.
The last photo was a picture of them at their worst. When they had hit absolute rock bottom, before thirty though. Again with the age. Alex didn't get it. Why should they put an age limit on knowing your soulmate? Wasn't there a saying in wedding vows, "for better or worse"? and that was for married people for god's sake. So, why shouldn't he be able to see his soulmate at her worst? It made sense right?
Alex flipped over the photograph hesitantly, his breath getting caught in his throat.
He slams the photo down on the bed as quickly as he could, not being able to look at it any longer.
He understood now.
His soulmate was beaten and bruised, almost all her marks, scars, and bruises visible due to the nightgown she wore. In the photo she was crying, silent tears, he could tell.
He understood now, why they only let you see towards a certain age. Because what if it was worse? What if something worse had happened while his soulmate was older?
A horrible thought came to his mind, shaking it off immediately.
No, he did not do that.
He knew he didn't. He wouldn't. He'd seen his dad beat his mom again and again. He would never be like his dad. He swore on it.
But still, that lingering thought in his mind.
Instead of thinking further, he picked up the first photo of her, the one wheres she is sixteen too. He studies it, knowing that by tomorrow the photo would be gone. Just like the others. That was how it worked anyways. The photos only lasted a day. The next morning, the pictures would be gone. All he knew about her would be her face, which he was going to imprint into his memory as best as he could. The universe seemed to enjoy playing games with people, so again after the one day, your memory of the photo was foggy. Very foggy. It wasn't until you actually met your soulmate when you would remember the photos you saw when you were sixteen. So, her studied her. Even laugh line, every beauty mark, every freckle (she had them sprinkled in every so lightly on her nose). He would remember it all, he told himself that. So that way when he saw her, he would know. But of course, forgetting was inevitable.
He smiles at the photo, biting his lip in a failed attempt to stop his smile from growing. It all seemed surreal to him. A soulmate. He had one? He, Alexander Michael Karev, a boy who had to grow up much younger than most, had a soulmate? Someone who would be okay with his crap?
The man was far from a romantic. He gagged at chick flicks and still felt uncomfortable when he saw any form of PDA, whether it be him or anyone else, but he swore, he thinks this girl would make him okay with everything. For this girl, he could see himself do anything. He would jump in front of a bear for her. No doubt. It didn't matter that he had never even met her. He just knew.
He shrugs the sappy thoughts away, scoffing at himself, in an attempt to not lose his 'tough guy behavior'.
Get a hold of yourself Karev. She's just a girl.
But even those thoughts couldn't erase the smile from his face.
On the night before her sixteenth birthday, she was anxious. Really anxious. And scared. She could barely sleep that night, tossing and turning without being able to stop in the backseat of her car. But she knew the envelope wouldn't come unless she slept, since it only showed up after you fell asleep. So, she squeezed her eyes as tight as she could like a little girl wishing to see fairies and let the exhaustion of the days events take over her.
As she awoke the next morning, she temporarily forgot everything. For her, it was jut another day, trying to pry her exhausted eyes open, her mind having a battle with her body. She makes tiny noises as she drifts towards consciousness, her brain foggy with jumbled words and half made thoughts.
When she does manage to open her eyes, she sees an orange envelope tucked into the car's window from the inside. She doesn't think much of it at first, her brain still not on the cognitive thinking side of things, until she wakes up a bit more, remembering the day it was.
She sits up with a start, grabbing the envelope and opening it carefully, but still so quickly that the photos were tumbling out.
She picks up the first from the deck. A photo of her soulmate on his sixteenth birthday. And damn, she was a lucky woman.
He had a sharp jawline, no scratch that, a really freakin sharp jawline. Like you could run your finger across and you would end up with a cut. His messy-yet-styled hair was a dark brown. He had a broad build, biceps pulsing out form the white t-shirt he wore, and a really freakin sexy half smirk. His eyes were a dark brown like his hair, but his eyes, they held something familiar. They held, loneliness. Longing. Exhaustion. That was a big one. At first glance, you couldn't tell, but she could see, behind the eyes of dark brown and bits of green, he was exhausted. Exhausted of what? She didn't know. But she could tell, since she was sure she had the same in her orbs too. Loneliness. She felt that one too. But him? Lonely? He didn't look like the lonely type. He looked like the guys she saw at her school, the ones were girls falling at their feet and at least five different men to meet him every morning by the lockers to do a 'bro hug'. But she knew to not make assumptions. Longing. What was he longing for? A better life? Better parents? Better friends, better grades? She had no idea, but the look was clear in his eyes. But there was one more thing that shone in his seas of brown. Hope. The day of the photo was of the day of his sixteenth birthday. Could the glimmer of hope be for her? Could she be the cause of someone to believe. Probably not, but still, it never hurt to dream.
The second photo was of him the day they meet. And once again, she was a lucky lady. She couldn't quite see what he was wearing, but it looked to be some type of flimsy dark blue materiel. He had a half snarl on his face, but it didn't really look awkward, like she assumed it would on others. It looked natural, like he'd done it so many times before, it just came with ease.
He had the slightest bit of a stubble on his face, looking like he'd just shaved that morning or the night before, a bit more hair visible in the mustache area. His hair was a bit shorter than the previous photo, but not by much. It was better styled, but still looked like he had run his hands through it too many times to count. She sets the photo down next the the other one, taking a deep breath before flipping over the third and final photograph.
She intakes a sharp breath upon seeing the picture, tears pooling in her eyes at the sight in her hand. It was her soumate, lyig in a pool of his own blood, the red liquid coming from his chest.
He was shot.
In the chest, she assumed. That's where the most of the blood was at. She bites her bottom lip, trying to keep it from trembling. He was what seemed to be a metal box. An elevator? That seemed most likely. His blood stained clothes were previously a light blue, his hair shorter than the previous two photos.
The clothing, it liked familiar. Where had she seen them before? She racks her brain, trying to identify what her soulmate was wearing, purposefully ignoring the large sum of red surrounding the man.
A small smile graces her lips. Scrubs. She'd seen them on a few people when she went into town. So that meant he was doctor. Right? Or a nurse, but he didn't really look like he would be a nurse. And his scrubs were a different color than the ones in the precios picture. She assumed the clothing were scrubs in the second photo as well.
She swallowed thickly. It hurt. She felt the pain. The pain of her soulmate getting shot. It hurt like hell, and she wasn't even experiencing it first hand. But it still hurt. It felt like someone was grabbing her heart and squeezing it. It wasn't the same type of pain, but it was still pain nonetheless.
With that she sets the photo down. The fear starts to kick in then.
How would he soulmate feel about her past? He looked normal. Despite the loneliness and longing in his eyes, her looked normal.
What if she screwed it up? What if he couldn't deal with her crazy? She was Brooke. Hobo, car living, foster home, no parents Brooke.
She shoved the thoughts aside. He was her soulmate. The handsome stranger with the dark eyes that were somehow calming was her soulmate. Who knows, maybe he was just as screwed up as her.
Alex Karev had always been impatient. Ever since he was a little boy really.
So imagine how impatient he was when he was twenty nine years old and had still yet to meet his soulmate.
Her loved Izzie, and she had lost Denny, her soulmate. They made each other happy. They loved each other, she was probably going to die. He loved her, so they got married. He got married to someone who wasn't his soulmate. He had given up at that point. I mean, come on. Twenty nine years he'd been on this planet and he still had yet to meet his soulmate. God, he really wished he could just remember her face. He couldn't remember a single thing. Everything else from the day was clear, but the photos that held his soulmates face were a complete blur, nearly nonexistent. All he could remember were his feelings. He remembers thinking she was really hot. And he remembers feeling really happy. Too happy. He pushed the feelings aside. He loved Izzie.
And it hurt like hell when she left. They had their arguments, sure. But he loved her. He waited to kiss her because he wanted it to be special. He gave her a cupcake on her birthday because he wanted her to know she was loved. He wanted to let her know that she wasn't just another notch under his belt. He was a jerk, he knew that. He could be grumpy and he pushed people away. He guessed he pushed Izzie away.
He didn't know if he was ever going to meet his soulmate. He tried dating by and only had a list of failed relationships. And then the plane crash happened. He should've been on that plane, but Robbins boarded it instead. Maybe he would've been the one to lose a leg. Then Robbins would still be happy and making Alex gag at how in love her and Callie were. They were soulmates. It seemed like everyone had already gout their soulmate. Meredith had Derek. Callie had Arizona. Owen had Cristina, even though they had more than many disagreements. Bailey had Ben. Everybody had somebody.
Except him.
And that freakin sucked. So, he slept with the interns. Lots of them. Stacy, Tina, Irene, Brooks, Murphy. He'd pretty much given up on meeting his soulmate. At thirty-two he had still yet to meet the girl from the photographs.
So, sleeping with the interns and having non serious , inappropriate relationships with them it is.
She had always been impatient. When she was six she once punched a boy because one; he was being a complete ass, and two; he was taking too long to give her the crayon. he deserves it. he was making fun of her and purposefully trying to flatten the green crayon just to annoy her. he deserved the punch.
So when she met a man who treated her like a queen, who didn't beat her down for not having parents and living in her car she felt amazing. He called her beautiful and showered her with gifts and expensive foods. she didn't really care about that though, she enjoyed when he would delicately hold her like she was a porcelain doll. When he would greet her with a deep kiss after he came home from work.
She loved him so much that she agreed to marry him after only being together for eleven months. She knew Paul wasn't her soulmate, but a man who treated her so nicely, a man who was ever do handsome, wanted her? Who treated her with such love and tenderness, so what if he wasn't her soulmate. She was twenty three years old and hadn't met him yet. And if this amazing guy wanted her and loved her as much as she loved him, than it was okay, not being with her soulmate.
She held onto that love. She held onto that love for three years. Three years of beatings, begging that the man who showed her so much love and kindness would come back and stay.
Because Paul wasn't always bad. Some days he would come home and give her that breathtaking kiss as he walked through the door. Some days he still held her like she was a little porcelain doll.
Some days he did still show her that love like he used to that first year. But those days were few and far between.
She wished she had just waited. Gotten over her impatience for something real and waited. Maybe then everything would be okay.
Maybe one day she'll meet him.
She was no longer Brooke. No more with Brooke Stadler or the various names she took from all the different foster homes.
Now she was Jo. Josephine. Josephine Alice Wilson. It's who she felt like.
Jo. It was a bit old-timey, sure. But she liked it, the fact that she could probably confuse people who had only seen her name and think she was a boy. She didn't want to be a man, but maybe people would be surprised to see that all this well done work was actually done by a woman.
Jo was strong. Jo was powerful. Jo was the person she had always wanted to be.
She left behind Brooke. Brooke was... she was someone else. Brooke was a survivor. But Brooke was scared. Scared of everything. But Jo?
Jo knew Paul could find her. It would be hard, very hard. And he probably wouldn't, but now she wasn't scared. Brooke would've been scared. Brooke wouldn't been scared shitless. But Jo? No, Jo was far from scared. She was excited. She was eager. Because she had a new start. She got to be whoever the hell she wanted. She could go out and drink with her friends. She could go out and drink until she probably couldn't walk. She could do whatever the hell she wanted. She could wear whatever the hell she wanted. She could talk however the hell she wanted.
Because she was Jo.
But Jo did still want the one thing Brooke wanted. To find her soulmate. Sure, by now she knew that he probably didn't exist and the whole ordeal was just plain poppycock, but she wanted to find him. She really, truly, desperately wanted to find him.
She was twenty-seven years old and had a nonexistent love life. a few random hook ups from a bar were not included.
Maybe here. Maybe in Seattle she would meet her soulmate.
She was on Peds today, with Alex Karev. She hadn't ever met the man before, but she had heard more about him than she cared to. Mainly from Leah Murphy with the occasional input from Heather Brooks. From what she gathered, the easiest way to label him was a man whore. So she wasn't really the most excited to be on his service for the week.
She'd been in Seattle for a month now, starting her internship as Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. She was in love. Sure, doing scut all day and running labs wasn't much, but when she gets to observe from inside the OR? She felt like she won the freakin lottery.
The girl grabbed a trauma gown form behind her attending. "Do you mind" he snarls not even meeting her gaze as he turns around and heads to the ambulance bay.
She says she was sorry, but she doesn't think he hears her.
"Why are you following me?" she doesn't know why, but for some reason his voice gives her butterflies. She hadn't gotten a look at his face yet, but she assumed it was turned into a grimace.
"I'm your intern for the day." her voice sends tingles through him, shooting down his spine. He hadn't seen her yet, but her voice was strangely comforting.
"Hello intern you got a-" he starts, stopping as soon as he looks at her.
He feels breath get caught in his throat. no, surely he was imagining things. Right?
She feels like she can't breathe. That face. It was the same one as the one she saw on her sixteenth birthday. She remembers him. His sharp jawline and tiny bit of stubble.
And those eyes. she remember those eyes.
They held the same things as before. Loneliness, longing, exhaustion. But now, the tiny glimmer of hope she once saw was bright, not like the barely there she saw once before.
He felt everything in that moment. She was just like he remembered. Her long brown hair was swept up into a low updo, two dark strands framing her face. She had that little beauty mark by lip. And her eyes, they were truly everything. They showed him what she was feeling, surprise, disbelief, a bit of fear, hope. he knew his eyes were telling her the same thing.
They're not sure how long they're standing there in the middle of the ambulance bay, oblivious to the two other people next to them.
She wasn't sure how long it was until he broke the silence, a large crooked smile making its way onto his lips.
he whispers so delicately, like if he were to speak any louder the world around then would shatter.
She feels he smile widen, but now grinning from ear to ear.
#jo wilson#alex karev#jolex fanfic#jolex#jolex fic#au#jolexau#greys anatomy#greys#soulmates#screw 16 x 16#camilla luddington#justin chambers#jo karev#jolex is endgame
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Small Bump.
The Walking Dead One Shot
Summary: Negan and Y/n are a couple, and she finds out she’s pregnant.
Pairing: Negan x Reader
Tags: mentions of intercourse, violence
A/N: Revived from my old writing blog!!
OUT OF ALL OF NEGAN’S WIVES, Y/N was his favourite, the only one of them that had true loyalty and real love towards a man with such a brutal side of him, but also a man with sweet talk and affection. One that really cared and saw some humanity in him.
They grew close, the more they did, the less attention he gave to his other wives. It was like they never existed. It was like he didn't care if they left.
Y/N looked at her lover bent with the tasks of whatever community he was gonna visit next and saw him through the entrance of the factory. She could hear him telling how he sent his second-in-command, Simon, out to a community called Alexandria only to find that the man they were having a search party for, Daryl, wasn't there after all.
Instead, Negan balled his hand into a fist, before sticking Lucille inches away from his face and closes his eyes shut. Too shut. Y/N carefully makes her way down the rusty stairs and sprints toward him.
"Careful with Lucille, you might hit her with something, or someone."
"Y/N, baby, it's like going to a potluck looking for the rolls when actually no rolls are rolled up at the table. Daryl's missing." Negan's eyes softened when Y/N pursed her lips.
He sighs. "Screw it. Like hell he'll turn up alive. If he is, I want him back. God forbid I go easy on that stupid prick."
Y/N had suffered when the some of the Saviours, one by one, got killed by the people Daryl was with. She didn't want to lose Negan too, over her dead body. And she knew why.
Y/N loved Negan to the moon and back. The rest of his wives were just there, and one girl named Amber got into so much shit for seeing a man named Mark behind Negan's back.
She would never do that to him.
Negan tucks a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. "It's late. Bedtime, darling?"
Before Y/N could even tuck herself into bed, Negan wraps his arms around her and throws her down onto the mattress. She laughs as he nuzzles his face into her neck.
While this is going on, Y/N notices a slight change in her body. She began to feel nauseous, but she ate a good meal the entire day, and everyone double checks to see if the food hasn't been contaminated. Maybe she was feeling anxious ... but for what, though?
She brushes it off.
Negan kept going on. "And what would ever happen if I never brought you in? Told you I ever loved you? Let you hold Lucille ..." He whispers into her hair. "There's only you, my sweet baby, that I give a shit about a hundred and nineteen percent."
She had promised him, "I wouldn't trade this for anything else. Not even for my old life back." Negan would laugh and kiss her many times, he liked to hear her say it and only her.
SHE SITS UP FROM THE BED, quickly but quiet enough not to wake up the sleeping, shirtless Negan with his back facing her. She crept out of bed slowly to stretch her arms and legs- not long before feeling the same uneasy feeling in her stomach, the same feeling she brushed off from last night.
Oh shit.
She rushes to the nearest bathroom, one room was unoccupied and thank the Lord the locks weren't broken. She drops on her knees and belches out whatever content was once inside her system and out into the bowl.
She pulls her own hair back with one hand and uses her other arm to wipe her mouth.
Negan had built the Sanctuary with the help of other men, which included the Doctor's office. It had the named Carson written on a block on the desk and Y/N stares at it patiently waiting for Dr. Carson to finish filling up a glass of water.
After he hands it to her, he sighs. "Are you fairly certain that you're-"
"Wanna keep the volume to a minimum? People have ears," Y/N snaps.
Doctor Carson shrugs and shuts the door. He continues. "How long have you been with Negan?"
"A while. Maybe a few months but not long, I guess?" She buries her face into her hands. "I've slept with him before, but he does that with his other wives.”
"Last time you two had intercourse, was it with a condom?"
Now that Y/N thought about it, she didn't remember Negan bringing one. She didn't know if he was intoxicated that night or if he planned on bringing a mini Negan to a world that has crumbled to pieces.
"Explains it, then. Sherry's been trying with Dwight for a while."
"And how's that working out?" Y/N knew who Sherry and Dwight were. She believes they're not together as much considering Sherry is one of Negan's wives, but she'd rather run a blade through her hand than kiss Negan's lips every so often.
Doctor Carson doesn't say anything, only a stare.
Y/N nods. "Right well, they should of thought it over before that mullet-haired scientist bit Dwight's dick off like it was a twinkie."
The doctor doesn't laugh. "Y/N, I'll give you a pregnancy test but if it's positive, are you gonna tell Negan?"
"Do I have a choice? If my small bump grows within what- nine months? You think I'm just gonna brush it off and tell Negan that I've just been eating a lot?"
"You can't handle a baby, Y/N. Especially if it's Negan's. He has a lot on his plate right now. Word got around that a war is coming, and one of our workers, Daryl, is still missing. Bringing a baby into this world is a mission. What if you can't find formula or anything a baby needs?"
"That's where the Saviours come in and tell other communities to bring half their shit. That helps!"
"What if Negan doesn't want it? What if he ignores you or tells you he doesn't want you or the baby?"
That, that really hurt. But what if it did happen? Y/N was still so close to puking again, but it was due to the situation that sickened her. Negan's something else, and he's not very good with people that aren't on the same page as him.
She sighs softly and allows a tear to flow down her cheek. "Just give me the box. I'll test it out as soon as I'm alone."
SHE WAITED for what seemed like an eternity and finally looks down to read the stick. Positive.
Y/N began to hear voices near the bathroom. She adjusts her dress and stuffs everything in a bag before opening the door. The coast was clear, just a few guys on their lunch break.
Could she believe what just happened? What did she expect? She's in a relationship with the Saviours' leader. She can't avoid him, and he hates people who avoid him.
Doctor Carson was right anyway. Raising a baby in a world full of walking corpses is just as bad as anything else.
Throughout the day Doctor Carson's words troubled her through her mind. She would sit alone in her room with the door locked shut and the blinds closed so no light would shine in. Negan would be back any-
Y/N jumps when she is greeted by a loud bang on the door. She draws a long breath while opening it, revealing Simon.
"Screw you! You almost gave me a heart attack," she sighs in relief.
"Negan wants to see you," he says without even saying a proper hello. "He said he hasn't seen you all day, and you didn't come to eat brunch."
She shrugs and brushes passed him, making a few turns toward the factory.
By the time she arrived, Negan drew a punch on a Saviour, taking pleasure at the mark he left on the man's nose. He laughs before barking out, "Ah, you gotta learn to say please and thank you to whoever serves you food. Have you not been taught any manners by your mother? We worked our asses off and shit! We got food and everything! And yet a prick like you can't even say the magic words. Am I clear?”
The Saviour nods before apologizing. Negan motions a woman to give the man a cloth for his nosebleed.
When people moved onto business, Y/N picks up the courage to step down the stairs and drop a call out to him, catching Negan's attention.
"Darling," he greets her with a kiss on the forehead. "Where have you been all day?"
"I wasn't feeling good this morning. I stayed in our room," she explains. It wasn't a lie, and she wouldn't want to lie to Negan ever.
She gulps. "I need to tell you something."
Negan raises his eyebrows, but Y/N couldn't find a way to say it. Not even muttering a syllable.
He was already impatient, but he concealed it with a smile. "Well, I don't got all day, baby. What is it?"
The same words echoed her mind.
... You can't handle a baby, Y/N. Especially if it's Negan's ...
"Negan, I'm pregnant."
#negan imagine#negan one shot#negan x reader#reader insert#the walking dead#the walking dead one shot#the walking dead imagine#the walking dead negan#twd one shot#twd negan
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LiS True Colors Chapter 2 Thoughts:
-So they’re already trying to find someone to blame this on huh? but is there someone to blame?... well yeah actually... multiple people... the first obvious answer would be ethan... because if he didn’t try to go into the mine none of this would have happened... then there’s alex... who told them about ethans plans to go to the mine, leading to them following him... also gabe himself is to blame for just standing there when the rocks began to fall instead of running for cover... and lastly ryan... kinda... i mean he did cut the rope but i’m pretty sure at that point gabe was already dead after that watermelon-sized rock hit him square in the face...
okay all kidding aside this does look like an accident to me... for now...
-aaw steph came to check in on alex... and to the surprise of absolutely nobody i’m already in love with her
-Holy fuck the first two rounds of foosball were really easy and then steph just annihilates me in about 20 seconds in the third game what the hell
-also steph has like no chill... asking if i’m into girls and as soon as i say yes she immediately starts flirting
-washing the dishes has consequences? well yeah, no shit. the consequences being that i will have clean dishes tomorrow... that’s why you wash them...
-jed is just great
-Alright steph i’ll help you with your LARP... but just to be clear i’m doing this for you not for ethan
-So eleanor has alzheimer? well that sucks...
-is it embarassing that i needed to try every possible option before i tried the open-sign in the flower shop? I just thought that would be the last thing you do... you know after you prepared everything... My mom is a florist for fucks sake i know you don’t just come in, open the shop, and then start preparing everything while customers are already there you do that before you open the shop
-oh shit! she doesn’t remember gabe died?!?
-i would lie and say that it was suspicious that she wasn’t at the wake but to be honest... her role in chapter 1 was so small that i forgot she existed...
-“If i could just push him over the edge...” Very poor choice of words there alex i actually thought you wanted to push him off the bridge for a second...
-okay mac is definitely an asshole sure... and he thinks everyone and everthing is watching him at all times for some reason... but he is not responsible for gabes death...
-just for the record: now that i can actually see the ravine in daylight (at least i assume that is where the meeting with ryan takes place) i probably would have crossed that log and i would definitely not have used that rope because this thing doesn’t really look that deep. like maybe 10-15 meters. and there’s water at the bottom... sure it would hurt like crazy but it’s definitely survivable... if you’re not crushed by boulders of course
-is this seriously supposed to be the first time someone felt joy around alex?
-okay using blue and purple for sadness and fear respectively is super confusing they look so similar and i’m honestly not sure what diane felt during that ending
Final Thoughts: A nice chapter but there are some things i’m not entirely convinced by yet. first of all: You can’t just put paw-prints somewhere, let us interact with them, making the character mention that she wants to pet the dog and then... not actually have a dog for us to pet! Oh and also It looks like they’re setting up to have typhon as the antagonist. which would be fine but after LiS1′s Jefferson, Nathan and Victoria, BtS’s Damon, Eliot, and James Amber. and LiS2′s... well i’m sure there was someone there and i would know if i had played it, but i haven’t so... yeah... it doesn’t feel right to have some faceless company as the villain. I did however like that mac has been given the chance to somewhat redeem himself. Nathan and Victoria had to wait until basically the end of the game for that.
Anyway now onto chapter 3...
0 notes
Plenty Special
Happy birthday to my darling AJ, who managed to squeeze both bff time and boyfriend time into one fic, which is frankly impressive. :D
Abigail had never been one to make a fuss about her birthday.
Her mother usually sent her a gift--aside from the few years, by some miracle, she was able to actually visit--and Tina would leave something little yet fun and thoughtful on her desk, but that was more than enough for her. The day was spent almost-normal, then ending in curled up with a good book. She’d never felt the need to make a big deal out of it.
Felix, apparently, felt differently, if the dozen odd balloons(and the streamers) decorating the Warehouse living room were any indication.
“I hear it’s your birthday,” he grinned in answer to Abigail’s clearly gobsmacked expression when the sight registered.
“You hear correctly,” she said slowly. Her gaze traveled around the room, taking in the decorations. “But when... how... I thought we were just hangin’ out.”
“We can, if that’s what you want,” Felix said. He sprawled across a couch. “You’re the birthday girl, AJ. How come you didn’t mention that when we were setting this up?”
She shrugged. “It’s just never been particularly... different day for me. I’m too much a fan of quiet, an’ especially with Mum away so much for work; we never celebrated with big parties.”
“Fair enough,” Felix laughed.
“This year I have th’ day off an’ get to spend it as I please, that’s plenty for me.”
“And you chose to spend it with me?” He grinned. “I’m honoured.”
“You’re fun company, yeah?” Abigail said, dropping onto the couch next to him. “An’ it’s been too long since we got to spend time together.”
“Gotta admit, I’m a little surprised you aren’t spendin’ it with Natey,” Felix said. He waggled his eyebrows as he nudged her in the ribs.
Wish I could. She swallowed back the knee-jerk thought and played with a lock of hair. “He an’ Adam were needed for a mission, an’ I’d made plans with you. B’fore I knew he was gonna be busy,” she added hastily, realizing that almost made it sound like Felix was her second choice
But Felix appeared to have not even noticed. “Oh, that’s why he was so grumpy this morning. Y’know, by Nate-standards,” he amended with a grin when Abigail cocked a disbelieving brow. “He usually loves all the diplomatic stuff, and seemed kind of... meh about this one.” His grin widened. “He’s moping ‘cause he won’t get to see you, that’s adorable.”
“We might see each other,” Abigail protested. “Way I understand it, whatever they’re doin’ shouldn’t take even a whole day. ‘Less something goes wrong they should be back by evenin’ at latest. B’sides,” she shrugged, “Nate an’ I spent th’ day together for his birthday not two weeks ago, and it would just be more of th’ same.”
“You say that like it’s something neither of you would enjoy,” Felix said with a smirk.
Abigail opened her mouth, shut it, and then replied, “Readin’s always grand, yeah? But a few minutes with him’ll be fine for today. I want to spend it with you. Even if Nate wasn’t busy.”
“AJ.” Felix rested his chin in his palm and grinned at her like a darned Cheshire cat. “I can tell you’re lying. Not about hanging out with me--I mean, cmon, who wouldn’t wanna do that?--but you’re really hoping they get back in time for you to have a decent visit with Nate.”
“That would be nice,” Abigail conceded, since he could tell anyway. “But really, any time I get t’ see him will be plenty special. An’ so will the time I’m spendin’ with you.” She tapped the string of one colorful balloon. “This was sweet of ya, by the way. Didja have anything in mind for us hangin’ out?”
“There’s a couple movies I wanted to watch no one’s else is really interested in.” He pulled off his hat and tossed it in the air. “Nate’ll watch ‘em with me if I nag, but I’d rather do it with someone who’ll have fun. But if it’s not something you wanna do....”
“What movies?” Abigail asked, gathering her hair back in a bun.
Felix yanked his hat back on, eyes bright with hope, and jumped up to retrieve the movies in question.
“Oh, I love that one,” she grinned, recognizing one case before he’d made it back across the room. “Never watched the other one m’self, but I’ve heard good things.”
He grinned back, bouncing a little. “Sooo? I mean, it’s your birthday, if you’d rather do something else we can.”
Abigail gave a soft laugh. “Nah, we can watch these. It’ll be fun.”
“Great!” Felix whooped, and plunked back down on the couch with enough enthusiasm it made her bounce a little. “Which one first? I’m guessing you want the on you know you love?”
She shook her head. “Let’s start with the new one, yeah? Save the best for last?”
“Whatever you say, birthday girl,” he winked and popped open the movie’s case. “You’re patienter than I’d be.”
“Makin’ up words again, are ya?” Abigail teased as she leaned over to start unlacing her boots.
“When I need to,” Felix grinned, rolling with the gentle needling. “And you know what a movie needs?” He flashed across the room to get the first one started, reached behind a nearby chair before darting back over. “Popcorn!”
More specifically, chocolate-drizzled popcorn, Abigail noted with a smile as she took the bowl he handed her. Better’n birthday cake. “Well, you certainly know how to make a birthday special.”
Felix arched a brow even as he scrambled for the remote. “That’s all it takes?”
She shrugged. “Toldja I don’t usually do much.”
“That’s why you need a friend like me,” he said brightly, settling back next to her with his own bowl of popcorn in one hand and the remote in the other.
“Are you gonna be able t’ sit still if ya eat that?” Abigail laughed as she eyed the lavish ribbons of chocolate dripping over his popcorn.
“No, but c’mon, AJ.” Felix bumped his shoulder to hers and grinned. “I don’t sit still anyway.”
She laughed again, almost choking on a mouthful of popcorn. “True. Do ya talk durin’ movies, too?”
“Yeah.” He wrinkled his nose but didn’t sound terribly sheepish as he hit play. He kicked off his shoes and braced rainbow-stripe clad feet against the coffee table, flashing her a grin. “Good luck getting me to stop.”
“Felix, I’d never try t’ make you stop talkin’.” She giggled. “For one thing, I know it’s impossible, yeah? For another...” she bit her lip. “I do it, too. Sometimes.”
“Commentate movies?” His grin widened when she nodded. “I knew there was a reason I liked you, buddy.”
Abigail grinned back and bumped her shoulder to his before they settled in to watch the movie.
By the end of their mini-marathon, she was already prepared to label this one of the better birthdays she’d had. It was so much more fun to do movie commentary with someone, and the popcorn was delicious, and Felix was delightful company. She was having so much fun she almost forgot to eat lunch. And it was impressive Felix managed to sit mostly-still through most of her favorite parts in the second movie.
“That was fun,” he announced as he clicked off the scrolling movie credits.
“Yeah, it was,” she said, slouching even more comfortably in her sideways perch against the couch arm. “A very good birthday. Thank you, Felix.”
“Unless you gotta leave, it’s not done yet,” he pointed out. “We can hang out more.”
“I don’t, not yet.” Abigail shook her head and stretched. “Tina asked if I wanted to go for drinks after her shift’s done, but the time for that’s up in the air. If we do it at all. I can stay longer.”
Which also increased her odds of at least crossing paths with Nate today, a fact Felix’s grin said he knew.
“I’m completely unoffended and ready to be your excuse for hanging around all day if you need it,” he winked.
Abigail blushed and reached to twirl her hair.but couldn’t find any loose bits and tugged at her ear instead. “No, I wanna hang out with you, I’m not just-”
“AJ, I’m teasing,” he cut her off with a laugh.
“Oh.” Her face warmed even more, heat spreading to her ears. “Good. I-I know I’m a bit....”
“Besotted? Smitten?” Felix filled in for her, grinning. “It’s okay, he is, too.”
Abigail bit her lip in a futile effort to hold back her smile.
“Oh! I almost forgot, i got you a present!” Felix twisted around to dig down between the cushion and arm of the couch.
“You didn’t have to-”
“AJ.” He tugged free a small orange and yellow wrapped gift. “It’s what friends do. You gave me something.”
She didn’t argue the point any further, mostly because he seemed so excited about giving her something, just took the present with laugh and started working the tape loose until she could unwrap it. Another, louder laugh bubble up when she saw the contents. “Felix, I love them!”
The socks were a soft, minty green and patterned with ladybugs. There was a second pair underneath, light purple with honeybees. Both were adorable and looked very comfortable.
“Hey, I’m just glad to have a friend I can give this sort of thing and they actually appreciate it instead of, y’know, threatening violence,” Felix joked, but the glint in his amber eyes showed how proud he was of himself.
“Oh, yeah, they’re grand,” Abigail smiled. She immediately swapped out the plain blue socks she was wearing for the ladybugs, then tucked the honeybees and discarded pair in her jacket pocket so she wouldn’t forget them when she left. “Thanks a bunch.”
“Welcome.” He turned back to his original position and rested his feet on the coffee table again.
“You know you’re in for it if Nate catches you doin’ that, yeah?” she laughed.
“The operative part of that being Nate catching me,” Felix grinned, wiggling his toes.
“Oh, is it now?” a very familiar--mildly exasperated--voice asked from behind them.
Felix twisted around and flashed a cheesy grin. “Hey, Nate. AJ was hoping you’d be back soon.”
And with that, he vaulted the back of the couch and zipped from the room. Nate, for all his exasperation, didn’t try to stop him.
He did shake his head even as he smiled at her. “He is...”
“Incorrigible?” Abigail supplied as she pushed to her feet and skirted around the couch.
Nate laughed, running a hand through his hair. “That is an excellent word for it, yes.”
“He’s also right; I was really hopin’ you’d be back b’fore I had t’ leave.”
“Well, here I am,” he smiled, and she didn’t try to quell the butterflies in her chest as he stepped into the room to meet her for a hug. “Happy birthday, Abigail,” he murmured into her hair, before kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for more of it.”
“S’alright, Felix made it plenty special so far,” Abigail said, hugging a little tighter before she loosened her grip to look up at him. “How’d it go?”
“Oh, fine.” Nate traced his thumb along her jaw. “Nothing extraordinary, and no complications.”
She huffed a laugh against his shirt. “There bein’ no complications is a little extraordinary for us, isn’t it?”
“Perhaps just a little,” he chuckled. “But I’m grateful for it.”
“Oh, yeah, won’t hear me complainin’,” Abigail said with a smile, pushing up on her toes in an unspoken request for a kiss.
One Nate was all too willing to grant. “Me, neither.”
They held the kiss until Abigail’s legs started to ache and she dropped back flat-footed. She’d never realized how much difference the extra inch her boots gave her made. It was still a good kiss, made even better by the way Nate followed for a moment when gravity forced her to pull away, clearly reluctant as she was for it to end.
Abigail let out a soft, happy hum as she tucked herself close beneath his chin. ”An absolutely grand birthday to me...”
Nate chuckled and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “Content as you seem with how things stand, I do actually have a gift for you.”
“Gettin’ time with you is present enough.” She blushed at how cheesy it sounded and buried her face against his chest the second the words left her mouth, but that didn’t make them untrue
Nate .laughed. “A sentiment I appreciate more than you know.” His fingers brushed the back of her neck and a pleasant shiver rippled down her spine. “But this is something I very much want to give you.”
“Well, if you’re gonna insist..” Abigail teased. “Though I’ll warn ya, Felix gave me ladybug socks, so the bar is set pretty high, yeah?”
He kissed her forehead. “Consider me warned. It’s back in my room, I’ll go-”
“Oh, I’ll come with ya,” she said, slipping from their hug to lace her fingers with his. “I want all the time I can get.”
Nate nodded and squeezed her hand. “Fine with me. So what have you been doing today?”
She told him as they walked, and he smiled at her obvious enthusiasm for how she and Felix had passed the time. His smile widened slightly when she hesitated upon reaching the door to his room.
“You can come in, AJ. I’m not going to make you open your gift in the hall.” He tugged her hand gently so she’d follow. Which she did, even as the back of her neck and ears warmed. She’d not been in Nate’s room since the aftermath of the Trapper fight.
Once they were in the room, the door nudged half-closed behind them, Nate released her hand to cross to one of the closer bookshelves. Abigail moved to sit on the edge of the bed as he retrieved what he sought before joining her.
The box was not a large one, wrapped in plain(yet beautiful) dark blue paper and tied with a narrow brown ribbon. Real ribbon, not gift-wrapping ribbon. Abigail paused after freeing it and tied it around her bun before setting to work on the tape. The paper soon came away to reveal a sturdy, flat box. Inside that, a layer of soft tissue paper concealed and protected the actual gift. She set aside the lid and the wrapping paper, glanced up at Nate.
The faint smile curving his lips shone magnitudes brighter in his eyes and that intrigued her even more than all the layers she was working through. She bit her lip, looked back down, and gingerly moved the paper aside.
It registered first and immediately that it was books. Two small leather-bound volumes; one deep red, one rich brown. They were nice books. Probably old books, and that was enough to make her heart skip a beat. Another moment’s examination made it skip and stutter through several, and pulled a sharp, quiet gasp from her. The titles were in German, and she could only read the first word of each, but that was plenty for her to give a good guess.
She looked at Nate again, the words escaping quiet, breathless. “Are these...?”
“First editions,” he confirmed with a nod, the smile he’d been holding back breaking through in full force.
Abigail exhaled an unsteady breath, trembling fingers hovering over the books as if afraid to touch them, tracing the gold gilt letters of the word she knew in the air above the covers.
“This is...” Her voice broke, the lump in her throat too much to speak around.
“Your favorite. I know.” Nate leaned over and kissed her temple. “Happy birthday.”
Abigail let out a quiet(borderline hysterical) scoffing laugh, still staring at the books. “Nate...” She wasn’t even sure what to say. They were nearly pristine despite their age; thank you was woefully inadequate, I can’t would be ungrateful.
As if sensing the direction of her thoughts, Nate touched her arm so she’d look at him. “They were given to me... a very long time ago” --when they were new, she read in his eyes, even if he didn’t specify-- “and have sat on a shelf ever since. Knowing how much you love this story, I’d much rather you have them.”
“I... they must be worth a lot.” The words escaped in a whispered rush and she winced and bit her lip. “Sorry. You’re not s’pposed’ta know that about presents.”
Nate just smiled. “They are. But far less to me than doing something that makes you happy.”
That was when it was too much, her heart was too full, and Abigail (gently) pushed aside the books to whirl around and hug him, which quickly--and unsurprisingly--turned into a kiss.
She was fast enough to catch him off-guard, and Nate started to topple backwards at her fervor, but he caught himself on one elbow. The other hand curved against her jaw, fingers just catching her hair, as he returned the kiss. He was smiling into it, and Abigail wondered if her own was even bigger. Probably.
She pressed further into the kiss, her fingers curling in the hair at the nape of his neck, until her lungs ached and heart pounded, then pulled back just far enough to gasp a breath. “Thank you,” she murmured fervently, less than an inch between their lips.
Nate’s fingers dug deeper into her hair, threatening the integrity of her bun. “You’re welcome,” he managed, breathing ragged as her own, before tugging her in for another kiss.
Abigail sat back more completely when this one broke, glancing between Nate and the books with a huge grin on her face. Safe to say he outdid the ladybug socks, she thought, and couldn’t hold in a giggle.
“What?” Nate gave an amused smile and reached over to brush back hair tumbling free from her somewhat loosened bun.
“Just... not sure how today can get much better, yeah?” She caught his hand when he started to pull back and pressed a brief kiss to the base of his thumb before letting go.
He ran his fingers over the spot as he withdrew his hand. “We could go read for a while, if you’ve the time.”
“Always, for you,” Abigail said as she turned to carefully close the box and collect his gift. (She missed the surge of emotion laid bare across his face at her words.) “So, I stand corrected.”
“Well, then.” Nate pushed off the bed, straightening the duvet slightly before offering her his arm. “Shall we?”
She bit her lip, not trusting her voice, and nodded as she linked her arm through his. The other hugged his present close. “Y’know,” she began with exaggerated innocence as they walked, “this is a wonderful present, the best anyone’s ever given me, but...” A pause, lips quirking mischievously. “I don’t know German.”
Nate chuckled, catching the teasing note under the words. “I do,” he said, with a smile one could almost call smug.
“Well, you’ll just hafta help me with that, then, wontcha?” Abigail laughed.
Nate looked at her warmly, brown eyes dancing with mirth and affection in equal measure. “Abigail, it would be my pleasure.”
She grinned and leaned her head against his arm for the rest of the walk to the library. Today was definitely shaping up to be her best birthday ever. It wasn’t flashy or ostentatious or even what most would consider exciting, but it was plenty special for her.
(AJ very deliberately does NOT look up what those books are worth, but I know from checking to get the cover colors right--between $1500-4000 each. Don’t tell her, she’ll faint)
#queens fic#the wayhaven chronicles#abigail jenings#nate sewell#felix hauville#aj/nate#otp: smiling always#aj & felix#twc
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[Tales from the Pack] Mingyu: Renegades (Part One)

Characters: Mingyu x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, a little bit of angst
Word count: 1,753
Summary: You’d always been accustomed to the werewolf lifestyle, seeing as your brother was one. You think nothing can surprise you anymore, especially after being imprinted on by one of his pack mates, but you should know by now to never underestimate fate.
a/n: a good portion of these parts are going to be ones I already made for the og tftp so if there are any mistakes that don’t match up w what’s happened so far, that’s my bad for missing them while editing
Next | Renegades Masterlist
You walked into your home with Mingyu at your side, his warm hand placed at the center of your back. You were immediately greeted with yelling coming from the living room.
“Jesus Christ,” the tall wolf groaned, moving passed you to march into the living room, “we leave them alone for one day...”
You laughed softly, knowing he would’ve definitely been involved had he been home, and followed behind him to see what the commotion was about. You didn’t have any clues as to who was arguing or why, though.
“_____!” the youngest of the pack whined, running up to you and throwing his arms around your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder. “Wonwoo and Jooyeon are fighting.”
You were surprised that your brother was involved in this fight, but you were more surprised he was fighting with Seungcheol’s mate. You knew that meant you were the one who had to take care of it, though. So you walked closer, Chan staying firmly pressed against your side.
Now you could see Junhui trying to hold your brother back from the lean girl, who was standing at the other side of the room, back pressed against her mate’s chest and her arms folded over her chest.
“You take it back!” Wonwoo was yelling, a vein popping out of his neck.
“It was a simple statement. It wasn’t like it mean anything,” Jooyeon said flatly, her expression unchanging despite your brother’s clear rage.
“Wonwoo!” you barked, causing the room of werewolves to look at you. Even Chan let go of you and took a step away. “What's happening?”
“I simply said that it may be possible for you to one day end up with a werewolf,” Jooyeon explained calmly, both hands up in surrender. “He was going on and on about how you’d end up with a nice boy in town or something, and I wanted him to understand that he can’t plan out your future.”
“Oh god…” you mumbled, softly biting your lower lip.
You were happy that Jooyeon felt the need to stand up to you, but you didn’t like where the conversation had gone. The last thing you wanted was Wonwoo getting suspicious of anything, and while you knew her intentions were good, her execution was...questionable. What, was she trying to drop obvious hints?
‘Oh god, was she?’
You’d lived with Wonwoo ever since you were of age. Wonwoo allowed you to move in with him and the pack – you’d been begging him ever since you became of age because you hated your parents who had shunned him as a teenager – life had been less than normal. You used to always sneak off to see your brother but you had never met or seen his pack until you moved in, and then it was like you adopted twelve kids, even though a handful of them were older than you. You were the mom who had to work them through their spats and arguments, and it wasn’t that you hated it, it was just you had to get used to it.
The only thing that kept you from going crazy half the time was Mingyu. You knew the signs of imprinting because Wonwoo had explained to you before you even moved in. However, you didn’t expect one of his pack mates to imprint on you of all people. You weren’t upset about it; in fact, you shared the same feelings for Mingyu – even if it was partly because of the natural attraction from both parties that came with imprinting. However, you were both too afraid to tell your brother about it, so it became a secret between you two.
“Look,” you began with a sigh, carding your fingers through your hair as you looked between your brother and your pack sister, “it doesn’t mean anything. Wonwoo, I appreciate you looking out for me, but Jooyeon’s right. You can’t plan out my life. But Jooyeon probably could’ve used better wording...”
“I’m just surprised Seungcheol was so calm about Wonwoo getting pissed off at his mate,” Soonyoung noted with a small amused chuckle.
"Now say you’re sorry to each other,” you instructed.
“Sorry,” Jooyeon huffed.
“Sorry, Jooyeon,” Wonwoo muttered.
“Hug?” you suggested.
“Pushing it,” Jooyeon told you before she left the room, towing Seungcheol behind her.
Once they were gone, though, Wonwoo turned to you and gave you a hug, resting his chin on your head, “How was the market?”
You shrugged as best as you could in your brother’s tight hold. “We got the herbs and spices we needed. I wanted this one puppy that was a stray but Mingyu reminded me I already have thirteen.”
He laughed, kissing the top of your head, “Guess it’s a good thing he was there to keep your mind on track, huh?”
You couldn’t help but glance over at your mate and smile softly. He always looked at you like you were the entire universe – you were to him, anyway – and it made your heart skip a beat.
Of course, with Wonwoo’s senses, he was able to notice the change of your heartbeat and pulled back to look at you, “_____, are you feeling okay?”
You looked up at him and nodded quickly, trying to think calm thoughts to keep yourself from blushing, “Of course. I think…it’s just the fatigue from being out all day. I should probably get some sleep.”
“Aw, but _____, you just got home!” Seungkwan whined, pouting at you from where he sat on the couch.
All of the boys had gotten attached to you since meeting you. You weren’t sure if it was because you were the only girl and they hardly met girls, or if it was because they saw you as some sort of mother or sister figure for them. Either way, it warmed your heart and it made you genuinely happy to have so many brothers who cared about you.
And a mate.
“What did you plan on doing then, Kwannie?” you asked him, going over to fit yourself between him and Hansol.
“Anything!” Seungkwan grinned. “We could play poker and watch Soonyoung lose again!”
Soonyoung frowned from where he sat on the floor. “Listen, that only happened twice.”
“Five times.” the room of wolves corrected, making the alpha frown and grumble to himself.
“C’mon, let _____ go to sleep.” Wonwoo told them, gesturing toward the hallway with a wave of his hand.
“I need a shower,” Mingyu commented, scratching the back of his head. “It was way too hot out today.”
You stood up with a soft grunt, your legs and feet hurting from walking and standing all day, “Goodnight, guys!”
The living room chorused in a bunch of goodnights before you went upstairs, Mingyu following behind you. When he was sure nobody could see, he gently hit your backside with his palm, a low, satisfied growl rumbling in his chest. You rolled your eyes but smiled.
“Go take your shower, idiot,” you told him playfully as you walked down the hall to your room.
However, Mingyu followed you and pressed his palm against the door when you went to absentmindedly kick it shut, not realizing he had followed. You spun around to ask what he was doing, but he quickly caught your lips in a soft kiss before you could say anything.
“I’m sorry, did you call me an idiot?” he pulled away ever so slightly to ask. You could hear the smirk in his voice, your eyes opening slowly to see his ember ones looking at you with a playful glare. “You’ll have to make up for that eventually, _____.”
You pulled him into your room before anyone saw or heard you, Mingyu shutting the door quietly but swiftly. Then his hands were at your waist, pulling you in for another kiss. Your hands went up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer greedily. It had been way too long since you got to kiss your mate like this, especially since you were too shy for PDA like this.
The moment was short lived, as the sound of your door being thrown open had you pulling apart in a second. However, it wasn’t fast enough, because you turned to see not only Soonyoung, Chan, and Junhui, but a very angry-looking Wonwoo in front of them. His amber eyes quickly melted into blood red as they narrowed to glare at his pack mate.
“Mingyu…” he growled your mate’s name with a fierceness you’d never heard, and it actually scared you. You’d never been afraid of your brother before. “What did you do…?”
As you watched Soonyoung reach out to grab onto Wonwoo to keep him in place, you stepped protectively in front of Mingyu, knowing Wonwoo wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you. “Wonwoo, listen--”
“_____, he needs to know.” Mingyu interrupted, putting both of his hands on your shoulders.
The gesture made Wonwoo bare his teeth, his fangs growing over his bottom lip, “Don’t touch her.”
“It’s not just a sexual thing, Wonwoo,” you tried to explain to your brother, “it’s…it’s more than that.”
That only seemed to worsen the situation, which was exactly what you were afraid of. Wonwoo was visibly tense now, and even Junhui was grabbing onto Wonwoo’s shoulders in case he tried anything. Chan simply backed away to go find someone else to help.
“Wonwoo, calm down,” Soonyoung ordered, using what you called his ‘alpha voice’.
You knew they were just as surprised since you didn’t tell anyone about this. However, this affected your older brother more since you were his baby sister and he wanted to protect you from everything, including a life where you’d be tied down to his pack. It also really didn’t help that this was the exact situation Jooyeon had mentioned could happen.
“Mingyu, that’s my sister!” Wonwoo growled, his body shaking with anger.
Mingyu held his hands up defensively. “I can’t control it!”
Wonwoo was completely overtaken by rage, so he wasn’t thinking clearly. He lunged toward Mingyu, breaking free of the grip the two older boys had on him. Suddenly, you were pushed onto the floor, Chan laying on top of you as you landed with a thud. You were thankful the speedy wolf got you out of harm's way, but that only left Mingyu still in it.
You heard clothes tearing, a loud yell of pain, and then you heard that weird, familiar sound before something thudded against the ground.
Wonwoo and Mingyu had shifted.
#seventeen#mingyu#seventeen au#mingyu au#seventeen imagine#mingyu imagine#seventeen scenario#mingyu scenario#seventeen oneshot#mingyu oneshot#seventeen fanfic#mingyu fanfic#werewolf au#werewolf!seventeen#werewolf!mingyu#werewolf seventeen#werewolf mingyu#seventeen x reader#mingyu x reader#seventeen aus#seventeen imagines#seventeen scenarios#seventeen oneshots#seventeen fanfics#mingyu aus#mingyu imagines#mingyu scenarios#mingyu oneshots#mingyu fanfics
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Could you pretty pretty please write a part 3 to that Drabble with Robbe and his friends when they come over with sander
Your continuation was amazing. Are you planning fin continuing and doing that scene where the boys come over and they talk it out?
Omg that part 2 was so good, can you pls pls pls do a part 3 where the boys come over
Robbe rubbed his hands together nervously as he sat on the edge of his bed. The boys were planning on going to a party tonight and so, on Sanders suggestion from last night, he decided to invite them to his for pre’s. He was nervous, so fucking nervous. And as much as Sander ensured him that the boys wouldn’t even mention last night, he was still embarrassed that he acted that way. He was even more embarrassed that he felt that way. Rationally in his head, he loved Sander, they were boyfriends, they had sex. And he didn’t think anyone thought differently. But when asked about it he still felt that niggling little bit of shame which was ridiculous. God why didn’t his brain just work properly.
He startled as a warm body sat close to his on his bed, automatically gripping his hand as Sander brought his fingers to his lips for a kiss on the knuckles.
“It’s just a normal Saturday night, I’m here, we have beers, it’s gonna be fun Robbe.” Sander emphasised this by brushing their noses together. He knew Sander was trying to pull him out of this apparent ridiculous spiral he’s been in for the last 18 hours. He couldn’t help coming up with all these scenarios in his head. The boys showing up, calling him a sissy, a baby, the f-word, for falling apart like that yesterday. Or worse, bringing up the subject again, teasing Robbe about being the girl in the relationship, being weak. These thoughts had been spiralling ever since Sander sent out the invite to the boys to come over tonight.
The doorbell rang and Sander gave him a quick peck before getting up, giving Robbe a meaningful look then going to let his friends in. From inside his room, Robbe heard the greetings of the rest of the Broerrrs, Moyo exclaiming ‘former jack frost,’ which made Robbe roll his eyes. He took a couple of deep breathes and prepared himself for the worst. He had Sander. Sander would never leave him. He could do this.
As he made his way out into the living room, he scanned the room, finding Aaron and Moyo flopped carelessly onto the two recliners, as Sander and Jens shared the couch. Sander seemed to be rolling what looked like a joint as Jens shuffled through his phone trying to find some music.
“Eyyy Robbe!” Moyo exclaimed, “You have to check out these drink Aaron brought, it’s hilarious, they’re some girly pink shit that Amber gave him.”
Aaron scoffed in response, “Hey! They taste nice,” he said defensively. “And they are made with fruit which is good for you…well that’s what Amber said.”
Robbe couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at this. Just this conversation had made him relax more than he had been for the entire day. It was so…normal. Of course, it was. Robbe was overreacting, his friends were great and ridiculous, and he couldn’t help but smile as he sat down in between Jens and Sander. As he grabbed just a regular beer, not an amber pink drink, Jens started talking.
“You should’ve been there last night man; it was so funny! Luca got up and sang karaoke at Senne’s which sparked like a massive game of karaoke and everyone was so drunk the singing was horrible!” they all laughed and started yelling about who was the worst singer of the night. Robbe relaxed into Sander as the older boy slung an arm around his shoulder and whispered “Told ya so,” winking as Robbe tried to elbow him in the ribs.
Eventually the talk died down and Moyo cleared his throat.
“So, I’m sorry about yesterday Robbe.” At those words Robbe seemed to tense once again.
“It’s fine,” he said quickly, gulping his beer as if he could avoid this conversation all together.
“No, it’s not.” Moyo said solemnly, “I didn’t know you were so uncomfortable talking about that shit and I went too far. I honestly wasn’t trying to tease you at all! I just thought we were having such a great time joking around and.. I didn’t read the room. And I’m sorry.”
Robbe didn’t know what to say. He was so grateful the Moyo was saying this and that he wasn’t trying to make Robbe feel weird, but at the same time he wished it wasn’t an issue. Deep down he knew Moyo wasn’t trying to embarrass him, he was simply joking around. He needed to let his friends know that he wasn’t mad at them. He was mad at himself.
“I know, Moyo.” He said quietly, then cleared his throat and continued a little louder. “I wish I could explain all the stupid shit that goes on in my head when I think about sharing that stuff but it’s so confusing even for me but I’m trying to work it out. I know you guys never tried to humiliate me or embarrass me but my mind did that by itself. I’ve come a long way but I’m still working on being comfortable in myself.” Sander gave him a squeeze and Jens smiled at him, not sadly but not exactly happy.
“Anyway, I love that you guys include me and joke around with me about that stuff, and as much as my reaction yesterday didn’t seem like it, I just love being one of the Broerrrs again. I convinced myself you’d act a certain way and that was wrong of me to underestimate you.” Jens then launched himself across the couch to give Robbe a bear hug. The other faked wiping their faces for tears.
“Enough of this sappy shit!” Sander declared, “I wanna hear more about this karaoke last night.”
The conversation fell back into a hilarious mixture of Aaron trying to defend his version of “My Heart Will Go On” which he serenaded Amber with about 6 beers deep, and the others commenting how Luca was actually an amazing singer. When the conversation turned sexual Robbe didn’t even blink, laughing along with his friends.
“I swear,” Moyo said, “Our connection was actually deep.”
“Yeah Robbe and I’s connection is also, deep.” Sander joked. And instead of blushing or anything of the type, Robbe simply rolled his eyes and laughed as his friends wolf whistled and then continued to rib Moyo on his apparent new love.
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rambling pt 9(?) - a lot of stuff xddd
sooo i’ve been coming up with a few hcs that i wanna share, and i really hope you guys don’t mind. i haven’t rambled in a while anyways sooo yeah
gonna put this under the “read more” since i might put a lot, but here’s what i’ll be rambling abt:
fnaf 3 updated hcs! fnaf sb (just a lil since the game hasn’t come out yet) william and herny’s springlock incident (warning for most of the hc being very deailed in how the incident went and being set in a hospital setting!!!)
updated fnaf 3
sooo this honestly only has a few changes to it, but i’m gonna explain it in detail bc why not.
char still gets the job at fazbear’s fright and hope is still the phone dude/gal of this universe (she just checks up on them every night before their shift to make sure they made it there alive). so char’s first night goes pretty well, they slept half the shift and just decided they’d leave an hour early just bc nothing was really going on. next night though, they see something on one of the far cameras that had recently been installed: a giant, rotting bunny suit. char decided that it was a good idea to see the fucker up close, so that’s what they did.
and then william, now springtrap, awakens with no memory of his life. the only things he remembers are the name “henry” and the memory of seeing yellow eyes. everything else is hazy to him. char thinks that someone had maybe died in the suit a long time ago, and they decided that he was now their friend (and they called him fluff butt just because his tail was still fluffy unlike the rest of him xddd).
weeks pass, and springtrap gains a few of his memories, growing close to char as they are his only friend. he thinks that char is henry for a while since he saw char’s amber eyes, and henry has yellow eyes. char’s boyfriend (his name is franky say hello uwu) eventually ended up visiting one night bc char invited him over, and he got to meet the big guy himself. char was being a bit of a butt to springtrap though since they hadn’t gotten much sleep, and franky didn’t blame them. they really didn’t like him calling them henry, and out of pity franky told spring that he could call franky henry. that’s when springtrap also remembered the name “ryan”, the other bitch he slept with when henry wasn’t around. (they did later figure out that springtrap was william bc of this fact but no one wanted to tell him yet bc char thought he could maybe change since he lost literally all of his memories).
another few weeks pass and springtrap remembers a lot of his life now, if not all of the memories he had before he died (somehow. not even he knows how he gained his memories). springtrap is now exhibiting behaviors the old william did, cocky, master of manipulation and guilt tripping, the god complex shit, etc. one day, char told him everything about him, not knowing that he had regained most of his memories. he then decided that maybe he could try and get some remnant by betraying char and killing them, but they quickly caught onto what he was doing and was chased around the building. henry and mk (not michael this time surprise surprise :D) rush in, char’s arm gets broken, mk gets char out while henry beats springtrap with an axe, lights the place on fire, and everyone rushes char to the hospital.
oh, and charlie just.. watched the whole thing happen bc she didn’t want anyone knowing she was still around, so char and charlie don’t become friends anymore. sorry guys :’(
fnaf sb
short section thank goodness. sooo all i really have planned out for sb is that annabeth (tape girl) gets a job at the new pizzaplex, gregory is some random kid who got lost one night and he got home safely when he found annabeth. cult hears abt this and decides they’ll take the kid’s remnant, but thing is char, hope and their two other friends, jake and sammy found them about to kill him. sammy decides he’ll bolt into the group and snatch the kid and.. it actually works? gregory eventually ends up safe but sammy gets kidnapped by the cult. char tried saving him but alex the bastard shot them >:(
i do wanna say something else but i’m gonna save that for later lol (it’s spoilers for the end of my au qwq)
the springlock incedent
aiiight this one i’ve actually been thinking recently, so sorry if things get out of place quickly
another warning just in case: this hc has a somewhat detailed explanation of ho the event went, and it mentions a lot of blood, suffocation, and the hc is set in a hospital for a while. please look away of you are sensitive to this type of content.
henry and william were practicing for a performance one day, and things were going great. their wives just took care of the kids outside since it was a weekend. plus the kids wanted to come and watch the performance. henry and will first practiced in a lone room so the kids couldn’t see yet. thing is... something reeaallly bad happened.
something set off the springlocks in fredbear, but henry didn’t make a sound. he trained himself to shut up when he experienced pain, so he just stood there and took it. william noticed and then realized something went wrong, so he then panicked as he tried getting henry out of the suit and instead made springbonnie’s springlocks set off as well. through the pain, suffocation, and lots of blood loss, william managed to get both of them out of the suits. he had no energy left in him, and henry had already passed out from blood loss, so all william could do was sleep..
carol came in to check on them and thought they had died. she and kathryn immediately called for medical service, and henry and will were rushed to the hospital. the kids wanted to come to see if they were alright, and carol and kathryn had no choice but to let them come along. they were not allowed to see them in person yet since the image of seeing them extremely bloody would leave the children scarred, and they didn’t want that.
william wakes up the next day, quickly adjusting to his surroundings. he tried sitting up, and while it was very painful he managed to sit up. he saw that kathryn had stayed with them for the night, and she was asleep on the couch. he also saw henry in the same room as him, sleeping peacefully. a doctor comes in and lets him know what had happened.
kathryn eventually wakes up and got to talk to william for a bit. she tells him that the kids are okay, but she was informed that henry actually had less of a chance to live since he was punctured by the springlocks much earlier than william, so they had dealt more damage to him.
they stayed in the hospital for a couple of days, william soon beginning to be able to walk around a little bit since he seemed to be healing faster than one normally would (ahemremnantahem). henry still made little to no progress in healing. it was getting to the point where he might even pass away...
henry’s heart monitor suddenly started going flat, and william was the only one in the room. he did whatever he could to save henry, messing with whatever he could in case something worked, but nothing did. he called for doctors and after a very quick and tense 20 seconds, henry was breathing and his heart was pumping, slowly returning back to normal. two hours passed and henry was finally awake.
it did take a while for henry to recover since he was asleep for a while. william did help him a lot, and they got released the next week.
#fnaf#fnaf immortals#long post#fnaf 3#springtrap#char emily#fnaf sb#disciples of william afton#annabeth tape girl#gregory fnaf#william afton#henry emily#hospitals trigger#blood trigger#//blood#//suffocation#ask to tag#au hcs#ik this was a lot i'm sorry qwq#this took a long time for me to write too since i was distracted half the time#uuhh i hope you guys like this though!!
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