#anyway I bet their sex goes crazy in 3-5 years when ms finally unrepresses
foulbearobservation · 2 years
completely losing it at mother superion unwilling sugar baby (wow what a string of words) especially bc. well. u've gotta be really good at being a nun to be in charge of that many nuns right? and what do nuns have? vow of poverty. i know that they also have the chastity and blah blah blah not important to this ask but i truly would lose it if one of the main points of contention for them were jillian: let me spoil u pls <3 ms: no bc GOD, jillian jillian: oh do u mean like. the one that kidnapped and then drastically aged my child? or That Guy? anyway do u like this one (not signing this one but u can probably guess out of ur frequent anons lmao)
I wanna say I'm sorry for the big brain thought of unwilling sugar baby mother superion but the truth of the matter is that I'm NOT.
Listen the thing is that even if ms stopped being a nun, you don't just like immediately switch ur brain out of poverty mode like she probabaly just is a regular person living within her means BUT to Jillian that seems absolutley absurd. Jillian is like WILDY rich u guys. She's "it's a banana, how much could it cost? Ten dollars?" level rich like she's stupid rich. So she keeps trying to like, do nice things for ms or buy her things and ms is like. what the fuck are you doing? this isn't necessary
and Jillian is just like. Tearing out her hair again because just let me treat you to something nice for once PLEASE, god says it's chill now.
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