#anything in my vp pairing tag is good but there are so many
khunspikesficrecs · 3 months
Hello Khun Spikes!!! Could you give me recommendations of your favorite vegaspete fics??? can be AU or post canon or whatever your want i’m a humble bitch 😭 just give me ‘em pls
Oh this is so hard! I love VegasPete so much, how could I possibly ever choose?
That said, here is me choosing.
In No Particular Order
even the clearest water - the truth serum fic. Mature.
fool's gold landed on my shoulder - the time loop fic. Mature
starving, faithful - hospital-era fic. Mature
take a bottle, shake it up - pete drugs vegas for science. Explicit
let's pretend the fog has lifted - they go on the run. Explicit.
Blood Upon The Snow - The definitive NannyBodyguard!Pete fic. Explicit.
An Interlude in the Space Between Light and Shadow - Pete stops Vegas from getting away at the diamond auction. Mature.
cleans up nice - Safehouse era bath time. Teen and Up
Fault Lines - postcanon VegasPete +Macau dynamics. Mature
hush - postcanon. what is love anyway? Mature.
Anyway there's 10 recs.
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panlyv · 2 years
Things don't have to have substance, bunch of straight shit has no substance and is still entertaining at the very least. BL should be allowed have masterpieces and... the direct opposite. Not everything has to be a work of art and it's fine for it to not be.
Not sure what the context for you hating KP is (I don't follow you and this showed up in the KP tag), but the actors can actually act and have great onscreen chemistry and that's why I personally enjoyed the show despite the flaws it has in addition to the Meta the fandom produced and the engagement the creative team allowed for the audience to have.
Can't say most of BL shows produced and their team + fandom can come up with the things the KP fandom has or had put in the effort/complexity the KP creative team has.
Most BLs have the most mediocre actors paired with the most lackluster scripts so, at least for me, it was a gem. Also, I'd been waiting for it for 2 years before it came out. *shrugs* It was different, it was mature, it stepped out of the university setting I was so mind numbingly tired of.
Sorry fandom ruined it for you. It was, for me, one of the most engaging fandoms since ITSAY and Not Me and for that, I personally liked it despite its various shortcomings.
hi anon! first of all! my main problem isn't that kp doesn't have substance per se. i agree wholeheartedly that bls should have amazing, complex, mind blowing shows but also allow room for more silly and turn-your-brain-off kinda series and everything in between. we as queer people deserve the same range of shows and reps as cishets get in their own television, but my issue with kp is that people keep acting like it was a revolutionary show. it was not! it could've been, for sure. i expected it to be, and i'll be honest and say i was completely let down by the end result because i, too, waited over 2 years for it to come out, i was really excited because i adore apo and the premise of the story seemed fantastic, but alas, amidst all the troubles this production went through, the final product did not survive and we ended up with a show much different from that very first 9 minute "teaser" that made us all enthralled in what apo and mile could offer.
to me, kp had so much potential to be a great, thought-provoking, mature show that completely deviated from everything we've been used to in thai bls, but what came of it was a contradictory plot with many many plotholes and characters that didn't make sense or added anything to the story. apo is a good actor, and so is mile, but none were phenomenal or oscar worthy as some of you try to make them out to be, and the rest of the cast was mediocre. the production crew had many issues too and the vp actors are two shitbags im not gonna waste my time on.
like. fine!!!! you can enjoy kp i don't mind!!!! just please stop putting it on this pedestal as if it was the best thing in the world. be realistic pls. it *is* exciting that it offered something totally new to the thai bl scene, yes, but that by itself doesn't grant it a gold star. the show *was* lackluster and we all know it could've been so much better had they followed that original teaser. or, hell, focused more on the actual story than on those saturated sex scenes.
as for the fandom. well. i have a lot of bones to pick with like 90% of the people who engage with kp content, but i do admit some beautiful fan work came out of it that deserves praise. but overall, a very much braindead fandom by the stuff i've come across. again, it's not like there was a lot to work with considering the changes they made to the plot (like the house porsche and his brother live in, which does not add up to the situation they are living in, when in the original teaser they lived in a very small apartment.) and most of the show was just a display of hot men that i was personally not interest in, but the lack of critical thinking and the will to overlook serious problems and situations for the sake of finding actors attractive was honestly baffling. when kinn >sexually assaulted< a drugged porsche, people thought it was cute. when vegas drugged porsche and attempted rape, he was a little meow meow. when vegas, again, kept being completely awful and disgusting with porsche and then proceeded to torture pete, it was a love story. when accusations came out that pete's actor had done terrible things, no one gave a shit because y'all are much more interested in seeing men fuck than in the wellbeing of those who he hurt. like wake the fuck up, what's wrong with you all? shows are allowed to be complex and problematic, my complaint is not that. i don't care that vegas is vile and that kinn is flawed, but i do care about how you people willingly excused their behaviours for vanity. i swear petev3gas girlies are the most repulsive people i've ever seen and i hate each and every one of them with a burning passion. it's fucking hilarious actually how many maaaaany of them are all very anti-th4rntype and m3w and "sexual violence is terrible!!!!" but were so very quick to turn the blindest of eyes to the countless awful things vegas did and have the fucking gall to root for petev3gas.
anyways. like kp if you want, but i'm sick and fucking tired of y'all holding the show to this high standard when many others are far better and more cohesive, with a much better message, characters and storylines. please develop some critical thinking skills that tiktok and twitter probably sucked out of your brains and learn to accept that not everything you like is a masterpiece and that's okay.
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seihun · 4 years
can i be your boyfriend? — a bbh social media au
ϟ prev ◂ part 15B ▸ next
ϟ pairings: byun baekhyun + oc:reader
ϟ word count: not too long, hopefully, because this is supposed to be a social media au (2.6k)
ϟ notes: hello! look at me, writing things out on this fake text blog, and updating before midnight. i don’t usually do this, but somethings are better said in incoherent paragraphs than in screenshots, plus it’s hard to convey the in-between steps of a relationship through just texts, so i hope you enjoy this insight into their budding relationship 🤗 more notes at the end!!
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“How exactly is it that you started working at Buzzfeed?” you question, reaching over a pillow to dip your bread in olive oil.
Baekhyun watches with amusement as you whine audibly when some runny oil drips from the bread onto your jeans. The indoor picnic he’d set up is pretty damn great if he does say so himself—blankets, pillows, and enough Italian food to feed a small army; and you, of course.
It’s another one of his many, many dates with you—or at least, he’s pretty certain they’ve been dates. Hearing you confirm that you like him was definitely a confidence booster, and reassuring, to say the least, but if Baekhyun’s being completely honest, he’s not sure where to go from here.
He likes you, he knows that much. He likes you a lot; a lot, a lot—(“You’re halfway in love with her, call it what it is,” Minseok said, before getting his ear pinched by Maize)—and he definitely loves spending time with you, and if you asked him, he’d say you’re dating casually, but would you agree?
It’s not like he would know, this is his first serious sort-of-relationship, after all. Baekhyun was never exactly the most suave kid back in high school; more clumsy and awkward than anything with anyone who wasn’t Kyungsoo. He’s not a complete novice; he’s been on dates, gone out, even had a few one night stands in his freshman year, but nothing close to this—whatever it is he has with you—so sue him for basically winging everything for these past two months.
“Honestly,” he recounts, “I did what you did. I complained publicly about one of their posts, and someone DMed, and eventually offered me a job, and here I am.”
“Wait, that’s not fair!” you whine, “Nobody wanted to pay me for my complaint tweets!”
“Well you should have tagged the VP of the company, not me.”
Baekhyun laughs while you pout, toothy smile diminishes into a closed lip one, as his eyes glaze over and flutter between your eyes and your lips. He finds himself leaning in after you, a nervous kind of excitement taking over him as you grow closer. And it’s just barely after his lips have grazed yours that you’re both interrupted by the buzzing and ringing of a cellphone.
You seem to know that it’s your phone, if the crinkling of your eyebrows and embarrassed exhale are anything to go by. Baekhyun simply chuckles, gently presses his index finger to the tip of your nose, and pulls away with a smile.
He watches you fetch your phone, and reluctantly answer the call—which, appears to be a FaceTime judging by the noise and the distance with which you hold your phone from your face.
“Chanyeol, if you’re trying to let Sehun win best friend of the year, you’re succeeding,” are your first words, and Baekhyun can’t help the audible laughter that leaves his mouth.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by you, or Chanyeol. “Who’s laughing, are you—is it the Buzzfeed boy? Oh, is this is a date? Baekhyun are you listening! Hello! My name’s Chanyeol, and I’m—”
“I’m going to hang up on you, what do you want!” you hiss.
Baekhyun finds himself smiling throughout the rest of your conversation. He likes that you’re comfortable enough to answer Chanyeol in front of him; he thinks that if Maize or Kyungsoo or Minseok called him, he’d pick it up in front of too. He’s not too sure about Junmyeon, though, he’s more likely to embarrass him.
Baekhyun hopes he can stick around long enough to meet the rest of your friends—from what you’ve told him about them, they sound like just the kind of people he likes having around. And after hearing how long you’ve been friends with them, namely Sehun, he finds himself even more understanding of your dynamics.
Not many people get just how deep a friendship can run, so when he tells people he’s known Kyungsoo for as long as Kyungsoo’s been alive, their reactions are surface level at best. But you get it, because Sehun is your Kyungsoo; or, rather, you’re Sehun’s Kyungsoo. Baekhyun shakes his head at the thought—the point is, you’re both similar in that respect, and he likes it. He likes you.
“Anyway,” he tunes back into to hear Chanyeol sighing, “I just wanted to let you know I burned the bear, so our apartment smells like smoke, which makes Sehun and I homeless for the evening, so we’re at your place, please bring dinner.”
“What do you mean you burned it! Chan—”
“You know, as in we lit it on fire. Sehun also wanted to throw it off the roof, but Chungha stopped him, so we just did it our living room, and now she’s being a meanie and saying she can’t help refuge us because she has a ‘group project’ meeting at her place in an hour, which I think is a lie. Baekhyun, if you’re still listening, I want you to know that I’m not a pyromaniac—”
“I’m not. Anyways, bring food when you’re done flirting, Sehun and I are hungry, and Chungs is leaving us foodless, as per usual.”
“Then buy food.”
“Do I look rich to you?”
“Yes, actually—”
“Hyung—oh, hey, is that _____?” Sehun’s voice asks, “Hey, Chanyeol finished the gummy worms, can you—”
“I’m hanging up!”
Baekhyun watches with light in his eyes as you hurriedly end the call, then sheepishly turn back to him. “I am… so sorry they’re like this,” you apologize, putting your phone back face down on the blanket and composing yourself.
Baekhyun shakes his head, “Don’t worry, my friends are much worse.”
“Your friends are smart,” you reason, “And quiet, and don’t break into my apartment at their earliest convenience.”
“Actually, Junmyeon has done that last one,” Baekhyun hums, scooting a bit closer to you, “Except, it wasn’t my apartment, he broke into Minseok’s. Let’s just say it didn’t end well for him.”
Baekhyun thinks the embarrassing anectode was worthwhile to hear you laugh, even if it was at Junmyeon’s expense. It’s fine, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
“So, does Chanyeol normally light things on fire or was this a one time thing?”
“You’d be surprised by the amount of things he’s accidentally set on fire since I’ve known him, actually,” you laugh, “But no—well, you know the bear I told you about? The one, um, Jongin gave to me when I saw him on Sunday?”
Baekhyun nods. Of course.
“Well, I also told my idiot friends about it, and that’s what Chanyeol burned,” you tell him. Baekhyun bites his bottom lip, trying not to laugh, but the temptation is written all over his face—or, evidently, so, as you chime in with, “It’s okay, you can laugh.”
Thank god, because Baekhyun wasn’t sure he could keep a straight face (or hide his blatant happiness). He decides right there that he likes Chanyeol. You have good friends.
Admittedly, after hearing you tell him about your history with Jongin as both a friend and a boyfriend, Baekhyun can’t say that he’s exactly fond of the guy. Junmyeon tells him to never judge a book by its cover, but seeing as you gave him the summary, he thinks he can fairly conclude that Jongin isn’t… the best person in the world. And the way he treated you and your friends is enough to make Baekhyun weary about him as a person.
Still, Baekhyun doesn’t judge you for talking to him. He’s not exactly jealous; he’s confident in your feelings for him and his for you, and above all, he trusts that you’re being honest with him. Quite frankly, Baekhyun doesn’t consider your ex boyfriend to be a threat.
Baekhyun knows you clearly just want to be a good friend, or at the very least, a good person to Jongin; and after knowing him for almost a decade—even if things got a bit bumpy—Baekhyun thinks you’re more than justified in that. You clearly see something in Jongin that you think can be helped, and Baekhyun trusts your judgement; you did pick him, too, after all.
Does he like that Jongin gives you gifts, and is very clearly still into you even tho you can’t see it, and don’t want any part in it? No, not exactly. But, on the bright side, Baekhyun’s the one that has your attention, and that counts for more than something.
(Not to mention you have a couple of guys who are both rooting for him and willing to beat up your ex at moments notice, so, he’d say he’s in a pretty good boat).
The only thing Jongin has ever had that Baekhyun wants is the opportunity to call you his. But he thinks he’s getting there. Hopefully. Is it weird to ask the ex of the girl you’re interested in how he got her to be his girlfriend in the first place? Do you even want to be his girlfriend? He hopes so.
He doesn’t know if sharing cheese and crackers and pasta and bread is any indication that you want to be his girlfriend, but he’d like to think it is. Because that’s what the next half hour consists of—you and Baekhyun, sharing food over smiles and stories and endless laughter.
Baekhyun finds himself laughing so hard at a story you tell him about Chanyeol and Chungha pranking Sehun, that he might as well be laughing over you. His hand ends up on your shoulder in his fit of giggles, and yours just barely above his knee. Neither of you comment on it, but you don’t pull away, either.
He’s about to chip in with a story about his childhood self, when he’s interrupted by notification noises again. Baekhyun grins at your exasperated exhale and tightly closed eyes. “It’s fine, they’ll be fine,” you tell him, silencing the ringer, and turning back to him in an attempt to continue your conversation.
Baekhyun’s about to tell you that it’s okay, that you should check your phone in case it’s an emergency or something, but he doesn’t have to; because it starts buzzing again and again and again and eventually is back to ringing.
“Answer it,” Baekhyun smiles, “Seriously, I wouldn’t want you to have to face Sehun’s wrath for ignoring him.”
It’s silent for a minute, while you scroll through your messages, and thumb a response. Baekhyun watches as your expression changes from annoyed, to vaguely amused, to concerned, to borderline unhappy. It makes his own eyebrows draw together when he sees the frown start to form on your lips.
“Everything okay?”
“Uh… I don’t think so,” you sigh, locking the screen and looking up at him, “I think I gotta head home, Sehun might have broken smoke detector and Chanyeol got… something stuck to the ceiling trying to fix it.”
Baekhyun can’t help the laugh that escapes him. You have really good friends.
“Fuck, Baek, I’m so sorry, this is—you did all of this, and my idiot friends—”
Baekhyun takes one of your flailing hands into his, effectively calming your stature and forcing to you make eye contact with him. “Hey, it’s fine, I promise,” he reassures you, “Really, it’s okay. If I got stuck to the ceiling I would hope Kyungsoo would come rescue me, too.”
“You don’t have to say that just because—”
“I’m not just saying anything,” he laughs through his words because the look on your face is nothing short of adorable, “I mean it. I had fun on our—I, I had fun, today. It’s fine, really, I promise.”
And so, you smile, demeanor significantly calmer, “I… should call a car,” you tell him, his eyes traveling down your enveloped hands, which he releases slowly, embarrassed; but then you grin again, tapping away at your phone, “I had fun on our date, too, Baekhyun.”
(So these were dates! Nice, cool, cool, keep it cool. He doesn’t; he grins like a blushing fool).
Baekhyun helps you gather your things, and moves the food around so that neither of you step on it; walks you to the door when your car says it’s arriving shortly. He waits with you on the doorstep, pretending to look out for a white sonata, when he’s really stealing glances at you through your small talk.
“Would you, uh… I mean, you’re probably already going, so,” you cut yourself off with slow exhale, turning your body towards his, “There’s this showcase, presentation type thing, for some students to, uh, present about their research coming up soon. You might already know about it, since Kyungsoo is giving one about his summer internship, I think—and it might be a little boring, and that you’re not a science guy, so it’s okay if you don’t want to—”
Baekhyun cuts you off by calling your name, a wide smile playing on his lips. “I’d love to go,” he tells you, earnestly, “I was going to go, to see Soo anyway, but I wanna support my new favorite biochem student, too.”
“Really?” You reach out and grab his hand, an action that almost seems lost on your in your flurry of excitement or flattery—or both—but, not on Baekhyun, whose palm suddenly feels warm. You must have been able to tell you flustered him, because your eyes widen, looking down at your hands, then promptly pulling them away.
“You, I mean, I want you to come, but only if you want—”
Baekhyun doesn’t know what moves him to take a leap, step a little more into your space, and take both of your hands in his with unwavering intention, but he’s glad for it; because you don’t pull away, and the look you give him kind of makes him never want to look away.
“I want to go,” he says slowly, dipping his head down the slightest, close enough to see the rings of your irises, even in the dim lighting of his porch, “I want to be there for you.”
There’s an almost inaudible “okay,” that leaves your lips, the letters rolling off your tongue with a shy smile that Baekhyun finds himself mimicking. His eyes flutter away, just for a moment, to your hands, then back to your face, before he slowly lets them go, only to rest them against your jaw again.
Baekhyun might be using the “taking things slow” mantra as an excuse for his complete lack of experience on how to navigate a real relationship, but this, right here, he’s sure of. That he likes you, that he wants you, that he—
“Can… can I kiss you?” he asks, just above a whisper.
His eyes are frantic, looking for an answer in yours, but instead he gets them from your lips; a soft, “Yes,” accompanied by a softer nod that Baekhyun would have missed if not for having your head in his hands.
When he leans forward, you meet him halfway, lips pursed together—and Baekhyun thinks that, yeah, if being in a relationship with you meant he got to do this, all day, then he would have to figure out how to be your boyfriend sooner, rather than later.
One kiss turns into two, then three, then four with smiles, and giggles in-between, and the only thing that seems to pull you away from each other is the honking of a car horn. Flustered, Baekhyun lowers his hand, bites on his bottom lip as you fumble to check the license plates on the car to those on your phone.
“I think that’s my car,” you tell him, and maybe it’s wishful thinking, but he swears there’s slightest twinge of disappointment in your voice, too, “I—I had fun, Baek, really. So, thank you, again.”
“Me too,” he says, words on autopilot, brain still stuck in the moment before.
He smiles, daystruck as he walks you to the curb, before you cross the street. He’s about to wish you well again, before you turn to him, and give him the smallest, barely there peck on the lips.  
“Goodnight, Baekhyun.”
He doesn’t even know if he responds audibly, he’s processing you in fragments, watching your silhouette as you cross the street, and head into the backseat of the car. He swears he catches the smallest wave from you through the window, but for all he knows that could have been his imagination.
Your goodnight kiss lingers on his lips, on his mind, and it’s only when he’s back inside that he lets himself break out into the foolish grin he’s been hiding all night. He’s going to have to figure out how to do that boyfriend-girlfriend thing. As soon as possible.
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ϟ tag list: @artfulbarnes @bat-shark-repellant @baek-byunies @baeklooming-day @bbh-kji @cosmins​ @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @etsjusoa @exuwu @elyxion1485 @fifiaaaaaa @haechanspudu @honeyboocal @httpschoisan​ @junkfoodwriting @just-a-sad-writer​ @j-pping @kkpoptrashhh @littleflowercrown13 @loeytingz @marina-del-rey98 @mangobaek @miraculyfe @mochahyuck @oasissehun @ohwosehun @p-polaroid @peachesyeol @peacherparker​ @penguinsoo-l @rikachusworld @sakura-uji @shesdreaminginoverdose @sekshi-namjas @smolpeyy​ @strawberrychannie​ @takoyakkun​  @to-all-the-stories-i-love @vaiva @writingindaisies @xiutingmyself @yourexotextplus
ϟ more notes: more smoochies!! they have kissed a few times (maybe once or twice) since their first kiss a few parts ago, but i had no way of showing that to you guys so here you go!! they’re in a weird stage where they kiss each other goodbye and go on dates and like each other but it’s not exactly... dating? 
i hope this gives some insight into baekhyun’s thoughts, as well. some things are harder to get across through just texts, but i wanted to show his feelings beyond his overexcited, adorable messages 🥺 he’s still a whole babie, but he has complex thoughts!! 
i’ll finish rambling now, but there is an intended part 15C (which I know, sounds like it should just be part 16 at this point, but in a perfect world, I’d have been able to fit everything into one post but i digress). maybe it’ll be part 16 anyway, but it’ll likely include some writing because the xiuchen drama is back!! 🤗
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purvishraick · 3 years
Fanfiction : Bloodbound (Choices)
Pairing : Adrian Raines x Amy Richard Parker (MC)
Warning : none
Rating: Teen
TAG LIST : @otherworldlypresents ​  , @evelynistic ​   , @silma-words ​ , @fireycookie , @lauren-raines-x , @nala-raines
If anyone wanna be tagged in future do let me know….
read previous chapter here ….. Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6
So here i promised this last night but sorry it got delayed ...got stuck in some important work .... now here i am .... i hope u like it
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Amy had to forcefully cut the call, in order to shut her brother and she new that this will make him angry. But she didn’t need a pep talk for not getting wasted in the club before her interview. She could handle her brother afterwards and the interview was important. She wandered here and there and settled on the bench. She felt like she is being watched from behind but didn’t find someone. Just then a stunning woman with an icy demeanor came towards her.
“Amy?” stern woman said .
“ yes that’s me “ she replied .
“I am Nicole Anderson, VP of operations at Raines Corp. I will interview you . “ she said .
Amy was surprised to see that she was going to be interviewed by someone so high at post but her queries were eased when she reminded her that they take their hiring process very seriously and she followed her in the conference room keeping her confident look .
“ now then. The Raines Corporation is a global leader in technology and innovation . Why exactly are you interested in being the executive assistant to our CEO ? “
“well…” Amy took a deep breath and continued , “ I’d love to help make the world a better place . what I admire most about the Raines Corporation is your dedication to global innovation and improvement. The clean – water initiative …the vaccine for the cerella virus …the green energy project… you guys aren’t just getting rich. You’re trying to help people, to make technology that’ll save the planet. I can’t think of anything better than being a part of that.”
“hmm……a good answer. A bit cloying , perhaps, but Adrian might actually like that “ Nicole said with an appreciative look.
Just as she was going to speak the next thing , the door at the back of the room swings open , and a handsome man in a perfectly – tailored suit strolls in.
Intelligence sparks through his eyes . He was extremely charming , with his black obsidian eyes assessing her , her already killer nervousness now peaked a whole new level.
“ Adrian I wasn’t expecting you…” Nicole asked unable to hide the surprise in her voice .
Adrian as in Adrian Raines …well all escalated very quickly for her .
“ I had a free minute. Is this the candidate ?” he asked taking the authority in his hands as he decided.
Professionalism and seriousness reflected in his voice .
“ yes …but I’ve just started the interview and—“ Nicole asked stammering .
“ I’ll take over from here “ he cut her off not wanting to take any excuses .
“……of course sir , go right ahead “ she surrendered .
Adrian sat across Amy , eyes burning right through her . He has never seen such a beautiful person in his entire existence , god knows how would she be as a person .
Amy’s nervousness grew even more when his eyes bore through her but she remembered once more , she is Amy Richard Parker and nothing in this world ever scares her , she remembered her brothers’ advices on professionality and confidence and recalled her dad’s proud thought about her and her mother’s loving smile . Now that was enough to calm her down , so she put on the brave and fearless smile again on her face and straightened her back.
“ Amy , is it ? “ Adrian looked at her and saw her hazel brown eyes which her so hypnotizing , with all his strength he prevented himself from being lost in them .
“ that’s right “ she said interrupting his thoughts .
“ tell me Amy , what do you desire ? “ he asked her and she was surprised at the question .
Amy was already so mesmerized from him that this question surprised her.
“ You mean ……why do I want this job ? Because I – “ but was interrupted by Adrian .
“ I didn’t ask why you want this job. I asked what do you desire . “ he asked seriously and professionally.
“ I desire ……PASSION “ she answered after thinking fir a while .
“ oh , really ? “ he asked , his brows raising , he was in true sense intrigued by her answer .
“Sorry , if that is too personal but I am just being honest . I want to feel deeply. I want to experience life , live every moment like my last. We never know when is our last moment , it is better to live our life to the fullest than to regret it afterwards . That’s what I desire “ she answered honestly and it was the true answer she saw what happened to her family everything was good and happy then suddenly they lost everything , she do not want to regret anything .
“ I can relate“ Adrian was impressed internally but didn’t expressed it. He supressed a smile to reach his face. He was truly impressed by her desire to live and feel and experience. He now looked at her resume .
“ lets see here … graduated college 3 years ago …masters in communication …interned at Mannon financial…volunteered in San Torbida and France abroad for a year “ he read out and again was impressed from her but wondered why it took her an extra year to sign up for this interview or for that matter any other one .
“ yep that’s right “ she said .
“ well , how was that tell me in three words “ he asked .
“ difficult. Enlighting. Rewarding. “ she replied easily .
“ good , this job can be challenging and unpredictable , are you comfortable running unusual errands ?”
“Absolutely “
I have been doing them since a long time now , she thought to herself , smiling .
“ Handling confidential information ? “
“ I can keep a secret “
You wont even realise how many I am keeping right now too , she thought again and smirked .
“ Working nights ? “
“ Always been a night owl “
Okay , I atleast told him one thing fully without strings attached , she smiled while thinking .
“ Good , Anything else I should know about you ? “
“ Hmmmm …… I have got WORLD CLASS people skills “ , she said with a proud smile .
“ Oh , really ? “ he asked with questioning eyes .
“ I was voted ‘ most likable ‘ in my high school class . Also ‘ most popular ‘ and ‘ best smile ‘ . Technichally you are not supposed to win in multiple categories , but I was able to persuade them . And also the cherry on the top I was the PROM QUEEN “ , she stated out all of her achievements proudly and remembered how happy and proud her father was to see her that day . She and her brothers has always been the brightest in the whole family , anyways. Suddenly feeling nostalgic and tears building in her eyes she averted her gaze on the floor.
“ Thus proving your point “ said a grinning and impressed Adrian , but he saw a glint of sadness in her eyes and he doubted that he saw tears too , and was unable to understand why counting her proud moments made her sad .
“ exactly” Amy said after controlling her emotions and forcing a smile.
“ one more question “ Adrian leaned forward hands folded on the table and with an intense expression , told her the story of a man who got a genie lamp and destroyed everything , and then finally asked her about what should his final wish should be .
“I think his final wish should be to undo his first two wishes “ she said after thinking for a while .
“because ?” Adrian asked curious to know her theory .
“ because he already had everything he could ask for a family and many friends …what could he ask for more it was more than enough …all he wanted or ever needed was right there in front of him …this is a story of temptation and greed …he should have never played this game …all now he can do is making things as they were before “
Her answer was something totally honest … Adrian glanced at her and then noticed how true each and every word was . she was not only beautiful but also quite intelligent …in true sense beauty with brains.
She was quite interesting too …Adrian personally never saw such a person in his entire life … and he needed to know her …he knew that it is a huge risk and a mistake but he already did that when he decided to interview her himself …now he couldn’t resist her … so then he does the only thing he could do …he knew that Nicole will be a big trouble after this but guess he was okay with that if it was what would keep this girl around .
Then he grins brightly at Amy and says
“ You’re hired “
“wait what ? …seriously “ Amy asked with wide eyes , she was surprised , how in world is it possible that someone gets hired so fast …this was weird to her … but of course she was happy .
Adrian left an inside giggle watching her surprised reaction …she looked adorable with those wide eyes …his smile grew even wider … and he extends his hand …which obviously she took .
‘ oh my god …his skin is impossibly smooth…and hold so firm …wow he is really handso-……no no no …stop brain stop thinking …no eyes …don’t look in his eyes for too long … fuck …, I am a disaster …stop cheeks don’t turn red …god please ‘ she thought .
Good god if god wanted to kill her please kill her in this exact moment …someone save her from this embarrassment …she was a disaster with wide eyes blushing cheeks …FUCK.
Adrian saw her flustered reaction which was by far the cutest thing he saw in his life … his vampire senses made her blushing cheeks clearly visible …the dark pink tint on her cheek made her impossibly adorable.
“welcome to Raines Corporation “ , he said with a bright smile
They made eye contact for just moment but everything stood still for that particular moment …it was mesmerising .
In that moment Adrian didn’t knew about Amy but he knew that they were going to go a long way .
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Star of Fate [Vampire!VIXX]
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Plot: The longer you stare into darkness, the more you realize that something could be staring back. Even more so when that darkness doesn’t want to be brought into the light and will do anything to stay that way.
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Vampire!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: OT6 VIXX x OC(s)
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Office Microaggressions | Bullying | Toxic Work Environment
Previous Chapters: Prologue
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || Admin L’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,682
AO3 | WP
Tag List: If you would like to be added to this list, just drop us an ask!
AN: So…I know we said this was coming soon and I’m very sorry that this got started so late! I hope to have this out every two weeks, maybe more depending on the future. So please give this a lot of love and we hope you enjoy the ride!
Chapter 2- The Ghost Woman and the Hunter
Calling on your sins you're here in my dreams a desert place I'm not alone Do you really want to be me?
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Her eyes popped open, the realistic feeling of falling completely disorienting her as she shot up from her bed. It had felt so real to her that her body jerked itself awake. Light danced its way in through the blinds, chasing away all signs of shadow. Never had she been so glad that she hadn’t purchased black out curtains than in that moment. She needed to see the sun and all of its glory to help the dream fade away into existence. Well, at least certain parts of it. There was a wistful part of her that still wished that she could be on that dance floor again with the handsome and darker skinned man. 
“Oh my….FUCK!”
Lucky yelled as she looked over to her alarm clock, realizing that it was the source of the chimes that she heard in her dream. Throwing off her covers, she scrambled to get half-way put together so that way she wouldn’t be late to her job. She even called a cab to get her there faster which was unlike her normal routine. Unless there was inclement weather, of course. 
During the ride, she kept an eye on her phone--it lighting up every few seconds as she checked the time. She made it to her desk just in time to receive the stack of papers from some of the other people there. Normally she wasn’t such a space case, even showing up early to get whatever else she missed the previous day. Lucky was a hard worker, nobody could deny that but it was that fact others exploited hence the reason why the stack seemed to get larger and larger by the week. The world of office politics seemed to be much like high school but it paid well enough for her to put up with the majority of it. 
She straightened out her hair as best as she could with it being so long and settled down to start on her work. Most of it had been reports that she had to pencil push and correct, which was easy enough for her because all the information had been just sitting there inside of her head. However, the more difficult stuff came along when the Vice-President stuck his fingers into everything. She couldn’t help but groan when she looked at some of them, saving the majority of them for last so that way she could take extra time on them. 
“Job finally getting to you, Leonora?”
Lucky didn’t realize how long she had been working on them until the voice pulled her out of the zone she had settled into. Turning around, she saw another coworker standing right behind her with a slight smile on her face. No matter how many times she tried to be friendly to some of them, they insisted on resisting any attempts at professionalism and decorum. Well, unless someone higher up was around. Not to mention the fact that they also insisted on calling her by her government name instead of the nickname that she preferred. She gave the sweetest smile she could muster and stood up, green eyes twinkling. 
“Oh, there you are Nancy! I got so caught up in fixing your mistakes that I forgot to give you this folder back! Everything in there should be up to date now and I even took the liberty of sending off the final draft for you. It was the least I could do since I was the last one that had hands on it. You’re welcome.”
She gaped at Lucky for a moment and flipped open the folder to read what she had fixed. Nancy’s ears started to go red and her thin lips flattened as she pressed them together in anger. Lucky raised an eyebrow at her reaction, knowing that she saw what had been edited by her. It had only been a few mistakes but they were some that would have made their department look bad. Plus Lucky also added her name to the document as one of the contributing factors, more so because she went through the trouble of fixing everything. 
“I hope this teaches you to quit pushing your work off on me, Nancy. Have a good day.”
Lucky turned away from her and sat back down at her cubicle, leaving the sputtering woman there to be embarrassed. Even though she had her own computer there, they all had shared files that they could all access and she lived up to her nickname that she had the time to quickly edit everything before emailing it out. It had been one of the rare times that she was able to stick it to them and it honestly made her feel a sliver of satisfaction at the situation. 
Because she was just a little bit petty. 
The sudden ringing of her phone took her away from the moment, the voice of her boss calling for her. Lucky was a bit confused as she looked at the time as she wondered why he had reached out so early. It normally was after lunch that she would meet up with him to go over various things pertaining to her new position. Lucky had been promoted to be the Personal Assistant for the Vice President. Naturally, he had more than one that would work together with him being at such a high level but most of them had quit because of various rumors of his misogyny and unrealistic ideals. Hell, she was even friends with one of them when she found out that she no longer worked there. Rumors circulated with her leaving and even more when she was appointed in her stead. 
Now, Lucky was one of the very few left so that meant that she had been picking up a lot more work than normal. Not that she went out much anyways with the amount of work she had. 
She walked the halls to his office, only to be greeted by the desk clerk. The tiny lady handed her a folder and suggested she find something appropriate to wear. Confused, Lucky looked through the folder and saw that there were some instructions as well as some papers with details on the new VIP’s that they had recently joined with. 
“What the actual hell? Does he expect me to drop everything that I’m doing to go to this event with him? After hours, no less?”
The lady just shrugged and went back to her work. Lucky could feel her indignation rising but left before causing a scene. It was one thing if it was an actual work trip that she had to attend but that had been some sort of event to flaunt and rub elbows. There wasn’t a real reason why she needed to be there so why all the preparation? She returned to her desk and went through the folder in detail. The only promise that she would receive was an extra amount in pay if she went, something that actually interested her. She grumbled as she leafed through it but decided that it was just for one night and that if it happened again, she would put a stop to it. The bright side to it had been that she could take off early to prepare for the event. That was always something she could look forward to especially that day since she moved like hell to get there on time. 
The one person that she could freely talk to in the office came up to her with a grin on her face. She had originally been offered the position but declined it because of family reasons but she was nice to talk to regardless. 
“So Lucky.. I heard from a little bird that you’re going to the VIP event tonight with Mr. Randall.” She wiggled her eyebrows and elbow at her while Lucky just scoffed. 
“Yeah, I guess. I wonder how in the hell does crap go around here so fast? It’s like the freaking flu!” 
“You don’t sound so enthusiastic about it.”
“Ashleigh, I really don’t want to go but they’re promising extra pay this time if I do. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and now I gotta go to this… grandstandin’ event. I wish someone else could go.”
Her coworker leaned thoughtfully on the cubicle wall before leaning down to whisper. It was only times like that when they would get a bit of privacy. 
“You could always quit and get some more sleep? I heard that the other assistant quit as well. I thought, at first, that you had too when you didn’t arrive when you usually do. They’re saying that the abuse from the VP is to blame.”
“Yeah well, tell the handsome man in my dreams to quit bothering me so I can go by to my normal schedule and ignore some of these chickens.” Lucky’s hand motioned like a beak as they both had a laugh over that before returning back to work. However, Ashleigh’s words stuck with her. The VP hadn’t been shy about voicing his displeasure to her about various things, even requesting that she cut her hair but she respectfully declined his request. All she stated was that it was within the guidelines of the company and left it at that. Something that didn’t win her any favors. 
And if the other girl quit too, then the sinking feeling in her gut proved to be more of an ominous feeling. Either way, she would have to go and see how it played out. 
When time came for her to leave early, Lucky instead went shopping for appropriate attire for that night’s event. Even neatly braided her hair to keep it out of her face. Simple, neat and just a tad bit sexy in the red dress. Once satisfied with her result, she waited outside for the driver to come around and pick her up. Upon seeing the expensive car, Lucky suppressed a shudder when the door was opened to reveal Mr. Randall. It wasn’t necessarily seeing her boss after hours but more of a combination of the car and him. Small vehicles caused her a bit of stress since she was involved in an accident many years ago. Since then, normally she would either take the bus or bike when the weather was nice. 
Thankfully, her boss wasn’t too interested in making small talk with her once they got on the road. The city was left behind soon and various gas stations and trees zoomed by them. She didn’t put too much thought into it until the driver turned onto a long, paved road after a set of gates. The mansion that appeared made Lucky’s eyebrows shoot up, something picking at her brain. She couldn’t quite figure it out but it was as if she had seen that place before. She had to shake those thoughts from her head as she concentrated on remembering the information that was given to her earlier that day. 
Knowledge was power and she needed it to navigate that world if she didn’t want to embarrass or otherwise offend anyone. 
Upon exiting the car and entering the elaborate place, Lucky felt all the eyes in the world stare at them. Putting on a gracious face, she walked slightly behind her boss as they were greeted by some of the others there. A few moments chatting with some of them, she soon found herself alone in the area while the others mingled. She wasn’t anyone of importance and therefore not worthy of anyone’s time, for the moment. She would let her boss do all the talking. 
Lucky gravitated towards the hors d'oeuvres while everyone talked among themselves. Plucking a few to put on a plate, she watched the room for any sign that she would be needed. Several of the clients that were in the folder she received were there and they were laughing alongside everyone else. A couple even approached her, asking questions about the company and trying to get a little information from her about how to deal with her boss. She couldn’t honestly say anything to help in that situation because she usually just listened to him bark his orders before correcting anything she needed to. 
She was left alone for another time, only appearing at her boss’ side when needed as the night went on. Soon she felt herself grow tired of all the people and the politics of said beings. Lucky had several drinks before that point and was in the process of acquiring another when a voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. 
“They’re almost like vultures, are they not?”
She looked around and up at him as he was much taller than her, even in heels. The man knew he was handsome, smiling prettily at her as he held up his own glass of red wine in a toast. Lips full and round eyes, Lucky had to appreciate his looks before replying. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say that in particular.”
He gave a wide smile, eyes almost disappearing as they snickered at the rest of them. Lucky found herself talking more and more to the man who seemed just as bored as she was with the party. The more that she looked at him, the more that he seemed familiar to her and it dawned on her that he was one of the men from the folder. He had a nice voice, a bit higher than most of the men there but he didn’t hide it one bit. 
Lucky also noticed that the attention had been drawn to them just from them standing and talking to one another. He introduced himself as Jaehwan and they talked for another 15 minutes, slipping into easy conversation to keep themselves entertained. His jokes nearly had her spilling her drink, the folder not at all correct with the man before her. He was one of three men with his business, including one brother that rotated about in their company. 
Still, even with the jokes and the amicable banter between the both of them--her boss found that he had only missed the presence of Mr. Lee before her. 
“Ah. Leonora, I didn’t realize you had monopolized Mr. Lee’s time here tonight.” Her shorter framed boss then looked to Jaehwan with an apologetic look on his face, “Otherwise I would have saved you sooner!” Mr. Randall gave a laugh, expecting Jaehwan to laugh with him but didn’t. It surprised Lucky that her new friend didn’t go along with him on that but only sighed, looking to her in apology before speaking. 
“Leonora? And you said you were Lucky…” He grinned at her, ignoring her boss. She could see Randall’s face that he was growing annoyed, a face that showed up when things didn’t go his way. 
“Oh that’s just my assistant’s nickname that she tells everyone to call her even though we should be more professional. I’m her boss, Nicolas Randall. Vice-President of Nexus Assurance.” He held out his hand to shake but Jaehwan kept grinning at Lucky. His eyes suddenly were hyper focused on her, the doe eyed look that he did have--dissolved away. Almost like he had found something he really wanted.
“Uh well, I’ve been known to be lucky--hence the nickname.” She nervously laughed, highly aware that the tension was rising. Her eyes darted between Jaehwan as he continued to ignore her boss and the latter as he was getting more upset that the scene was even happening. That strange and ominous feeling was back, churning about the contents of her stomach. Jaehwan slowly turned from the friendly and open persona that he had while it was just the two of them, to something a bit more aggravated the longer her boss was there. There was a glint in his eyes that suggested something unfriendly was fighting its way out. 
Suddenly Jaehwan blinked rapidly before excusing himself but not before taking her hand and kissing it. Bewildered, Lucky watched him weave expertly through the crowd before taking a peek at her boss. 
And he was not pleased. 
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
At plain sight - P.1
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Book: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Amy)
Summary: Amy invites Adrian to a Halloween party and things turn out in a fun and hot night.
Warning: This first part it more relaxed, so none, mostly fluff
Words: 2.042
Note: like I said this is more a introduction of the second part, coming out 10/31! Hope you like it and, as always, English it's not my first language, so don't doubt to tell me if is something wrong o wired here!
Tag list: @blackcatkita @darley1101 @adrianrainesworld @alesana45 @choicesfannatalie @itscassandraleigh @desiree-0816 @mattrodriguezmylife @marycarrillo21
"Come on Adrian! Please?" Amy pouted at him while kneeling in bed beside him. She looked adorable and sexy at the same time with her big brown eyes, her hair falling in her shoulders and chest, wearing only her panties and his shirt, with just only a few buttons on. "It's going to be fun, I promise!"
He loved Amy like he haven't love anything in decades. But going to a Halloween party with her ex classmates of college, was a new whole level of love sacrifice.
"I'm not going to wear a costume"
"You are no fun sometimes" She looked at him reproachfully, thinking for a few moments. "How about as a modern Dracula? It's not far for the reality" she grinned at him.
"You want me to dress like Vlad?" He said trying to maintain his voice even "You like him? His style, I mean"
"Well… I wasn't thinking about him but… Yeah! Maybe we can use him as inspiration! How do you feel about wearing the Eye? And a silk tight shirt? Your chest would look amazing on it!" She said at him, smiling, observing his expression. He frowned and his mouth was a thin line. How could she asked that to him? He not only hated Vlad because his treason working with the Orden but also cause he tried so blatantly to seduce Amy in front of him, he even had the courage to took her to his bedroom, she said nothing happens there and he trusted her, but his blood always boiled at the mention of Vlad. Before he could say something, she started to laugh. "I'm kidding Adrian! I can't believe your reaction! You are so jealous! I love it" She kissed his cheek, still giggling, stand up and started to walk to the bathroom stretching her back a little. "I was thinking something more like your black suit with a few gothic accessories and a black cape. You can use your own red eyes" She winked at him before enter and turn on the shower.
They were waking up in the guest penthouse of Raine's Corporate, after a very long day and even longer night that left them without energy to go anywhere else, when she received the invitation for this party. A Halloween party in some exclusive club in Manhattan… With costume. Since he was turned he found out that Halloween's was exactly the opposite of what it used to be for him, it was hilarious. Mortals have so many wrong concepts about supernatural, they expected vampires wear clothes like 1600, ridiculous hair, sleep in sarcophagus and, the ones he found more amused about, vampire could turn into bats or sparkle at sunlight. Only god knows at this point how much damage had made Twilight to their image. 'And before you ask… No, I don't sparkle'. He chuckled softly at that memory.
He stand up, picked his phone and started to check his mail to found out that the meeting with an important NGO with base in London was delayed again. However, his thoughts returned to Amy and the party, he started to think every occasion she was beside him and decide that one night with her friends wouldn't be so bad. She went out of the bathroom, in her underwear, putting some product to her hair and looking for something.
"Fine. I'll go, but you take care of the costumes" He said, looking at her. Amy didn't say anything, jump into his arms and kiss him.
"Really?" She asked with a wide smile.
"Yes, really." He couldn't content his own smile, holding her raised and near. She always made him happier."And no silk tight shirts"
"Thank you!" She said kissing differents spots of his face. She smelled like jasmine, probably her shampoo or soap, and he loved it. "I promise, no silk tight shirts… for you at least" she said with a playful smile
"I just don't understand why you want to go with me instead go with Lily, surely you would have more fun with her"
"Maybe but you are my boyfriend and I love doing things with you, Adrian. Also, I just want we have a normal date where I can show you off to my friends without anything trying to kills us or turn us in ferals" Still holding her up, he kissed her in the lips slowly. He loved having her like that, on top of him, with her legs in his waist. Vampire super strength definitely worth it just to hold her this close all the time he wanted.
"We have to change, I have the first meeting in 40 minutes." Adrian said with his lips almost touching hers.
"Fair." She said pressing their mouths together. "Any news from London?" Her lips returning to his, continuing the kiss like there was no interruption. Kissing him was one of her favorites things and she always took advantage of it.
"They delayed it"
"What?!" She separated her lips from his. "They delayed it? Again?" He nod "God! It's unbelievable, we are trying to make this meeting since a month ago! I'm going give Marissa a piece of my mind!.. Perhaps, you need to travel and have it personally" She stood there, in silence and serious with an angry expression on her face, tapping her fingers in his shoulder absently, obviously thinking what way take.
"Amy?" He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Mmh?" She said completely spaced out, looking at him and noticing that she was still on top of him. "Oh! Sorry Adrian! But there's a tiny little problem"
"Which is?"
"I don't want to let you go yet" She said starting to kiss his neck. He chuckled carrying her to the bed, making her laugh when he dropped her softly in the middle of the mattress. His mouth went to her belly and his hands in her hips, playing with the waist of her underwear.
"You are such a teaser" She said caressing his hair.
"And you love it" He said climbing on top of her, kissing her deeply. Amy's phone started to rang in the nightstand. "Ignore it". They keep kissing more harder with her legs snaking around his waist once more. His phone started to rang this time and he sigh softly in her shoulder. With one last kiss he stand up and took it while Amy went to get changed.
Since things had calmed, she was more involved in the company and Adrian started to wondering if maybe she would be a good VP. After Nicole's er... departure and all the employees he losted, Amy seems the best fitting. She was not only capable in business but also knew in detail his another agenda with the Council and the vampire world, or what was left of it. He haven't take the decision or told her yet his plans but every day he was more convinced that it would be a good choice for the company and himself.
She dress up in a very professional and provocative dark red dress tight enough to show all her curves, it was long until her knees with a close neckline but with a long cut in the back that ended half way in her thighs, her make up was simple as always and she finished her look with a high heels.
"What do you think? I don't know if I like it but it was the only one I have here… I didn't want to use the same outfit as yesterday, I know we are officially dating and everybody knows but..." She said looking herself in the mirror, frowning.
"You look so beautiful that I'm wondering how important this first meeting is" Adrian response, kissing her hard.
"Flattered" She said giggling. "Looking sharp, Mr. Raines". Amy said after look at him, with a little mischievous smile. He took her hand, intertwining their fingers and head to the elevator before his determination to assist to that meeting were off.
When they arrive, Amy went to her desk and Adrian continued to his office. After a while Adrian heard her through the door.
"No! You listen to me, Marissa! Mr. Raines was more the patient with this! I don't care what bureaucratic bullshit you handle, this is unexceptable. If we don't make this meeting for the end of the week, you'll have to explain to him why, personally!"
He could hear how angry she was while talking to Marissa and smile to himself. It was nice hear her mad for a simple meeting and no for some more dark reason.
Sha came to his office, with her cheeks still red after the call. "Lunch with me? I need fresh air".
"Okay, but first…" he closed the door and hugged her softly, kissing her forehead and caressing her back. He could feel how her palpitations down to a more normal pace and she sighed in his neck, hugging him by the shoulders. "Better?"
"A lot" she smiled at him. "Thank you" she planted a kiss in his lips.
During lunch, they agreed to go to the guest penthouse at six to get ready for the party, she said he would love the costumes she buy online. He really was hoping it wasn't nothing too much.
His day was long, having lots of meetings with PR and HR about the new candidates, a phone call with the CEO of a huge company of Sydney, some legal stuff, a visit of Kamilah about what way take with the council (he chuckled when Amy said to her 'Trick or treat?' and 'I hate Halloween' was Kamilah's answer) and way too much mails for answer. When he noticed what time was, he was 20 minutes late.
He took the elevator, Amy desk was already empty, and went to the penthouse.
"Amy?... You here?" He walked to the bedroom and saw a note on top of a bag.
'I didn't wanted to disturb you so I already change. Hope you like it, see you in the lobby. Love, A.'
He puts the note in his pocket, smiling, and opened the bag. Of course she would pick up a vampire costume, he thought with a chuckle and shaking his head, his first Halloween party in decades and he was going dressed as vampire. But to be honest, it wasn't bad. She had chosen a black pair of pants, with a leather detail in the sides, a vest and shirt also black with some chains in the front and a pair of silver twins shaped as skulls. She also added a surprisingly good velvet black cape and some plastic teeth. Sweet irony. He took a quick shower, changed and hurried to the lobby.
She was sitting on one stool, checking her phone, with her legs crossed and looking hotter than ever before. She was wearing a black tight leather skirt, short, a simple tight black shirt with enough detached buttons to create a deep neckline, in her neck she had two "holes" like a vampire bite with a little bit of fake blood, her hair in a high ponytail and deep red matte lips. Those beautiful lips. To this point, he never have saw her using red lipstick but he was completely bewitched by them, he would do anything she wants and he was desiring kiss her rough enough to make a mess with it.
He walked through her and a smile appears in her face when she saw him.
"Oh wow! Look at you! So handsome! I love how looks on you! What do you think?" She said standing up and kissing his cheek.
"Honestly, looks pretty great. But Amy, you are… you look... amazing! Incredible!"
"That good, huh?" She said spinning for him while his eyes roam her body with a hungry look that he didn't need to hide since they were alone. "You really like it?"
"I love it." He pushed her against a table behind her and kissed hard with his hands in her hips almost touching her butt. " Although, I like more the real ones" Adrian said nodding to the fake teeths in the table.
She smiled and her fangs descended on her bloody lips while her eyes turned red.
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cocobaek · 6 years
Crossfire | 13
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader | Seokjin x reader Genre: Fluff | Angst?  Warnings: None this time  Word Count:  2.6K
Previous: 12                                                                   Next: 14
The day after it was made public Jin and I were getting married. According to my father, we had been high school sweethearts, and thanks to a few stray photos of us with Taehyung, this was believable. Namjoon and I had spent the whole day as we promised – pretending it had never happened. We had turned our phones off and were spending the day in ignorant bliss. It felt almost unreal honestly, as if we were a real couple. I sat on the couch, as I had hoped I would with a future boyfriend of mine, wearing one of his large white shirts. Namjoon had disappeared off to the shower, taking his sweet time. This was basically like a day off to him, with me not going anywhere, he didn’t need to protect me from anything. I was lying on my back, holding a book above my head, enjoying the sunlight that streamed through the window of my apartment. My attention was taken from my book when I heard a low whistle from the bathroom. “Now that’s a sight I can get used to,” Namjoon hummed, wasting no time in coming over to me and straddling my hips. He was wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants. “You’re not looking to bad yourself,” I said, dog tagging the page and putting my book down. He grinned and shook his head, “I cannot believe we wasted this much time,” he said, kissing me softly. “Excuse me, no, I cannot believe you wasted so much time. I was all for this,” I said with a grin. He hung his head as he laughed, “ok, yeah I’ll accept that.” We weren’t even able to enjoy this moment any more before there was a knock at the door. The knock soon turned into an insistent banging. I sighed, patting Namjoon’s side, causing him to roll off of me. He shrugged on a discarded t-shirt while I went and opened the door. There stood a very unimpressed Jungkook. “You’re not allowed to not text back!” He said, obviously having been worried. “You and Namjoon! Not co-“ he finally took in my attire. “Oh my god seriously? I was in my room thinking you two were in a basement somewhere but you were just too busy banging?” He rolled his eyes. “Sorry Kook,” I said, scratching the back of my head as he walked past me into the house. “I’m surprised you two are so relaxed, especially after everything,” he said, sitting down on the couch. “Yeah well, it’s a way of coping.. Ignorance is bliss,” I laughed. “I understand that, now, I’ve been wondering if that’s been the case with this whole Seokjin situation.” Hearing his name I instantly got anxious, as did Namjoon. “I’ve talked to Jin about it. He doesn’t want to step on my toes and I don’t want to step on his, we agreed the other person can do whatever, we live as we have been until wedding day... Then we’ll uh,” I glanced to Namjoon, “we’ll work it out.” Jungkook nodded, before his signature grin appeared, “God, if this had happened back when we were 15 [y/n] would be ecstatic.” I shot him a warning look, whereas Namjoon simply raised an eyebrow, “Oh?” He said, “Is that right.” I sighed, “I may or may not have had a dumb crush on him when we were little. “Oh that’s an understatement, she was obsessed, wouldn’t shut up about him,” Jungkook said, earning a smack on the arm from me. “Well, I’m not 15, so I’m less thrilled,” I said, crossing my arms, “but it’s easier not to think about it.” Jungkook nodded, “that’s fine, wouldn’t want to ruin… whatever you two are?” He said. I looked to my feet with an embarrassed smile. “No, that wouldn’t be good,” I smiled as I felt his fingers graze mine, a small gesture, but a sweet one nonetheless. “Ugh, I’ve been single too long, even that makes me sick,” Jungkook laughed, looking quickly to his phone. “Well, now that I know you’re alive, I can let Jimin know he can stop panicking.” I went and grabbed my phone, holding the On button. “It’s ok, I’ll text him, I should get back into the real world anyway,” I said as everything started up. The moment it turned on I wish it hadn’t. I had missed calls from my dad, and too many messages to count. “Cool, just great,” I said, as a call came through. I answered, and he spoke the moment I did. “[y/n]? Are you ok?” He said, surprising me. I didn’t think he’d actually be worried. “Yeah Dad, all fine, sorry, I just... Needed time alone for a bit,” I said, lying easily through my teeth. He sighed, “that’s ok... Just… Just let me know next time ok?”  He sounded like he wanted to be annoyed, but decided against it. “Anyway, I’m glad I got hold of you, you and Seokjin have your first interview!” I was shocked. “What, already? It’s barely been a day.” “Well, the people want what they want… They will be going to your home in a few hours, if you could get there before they do that would be perfect.” I sighed, “yeah… yeah ok I’ll head there now,” I said, not having the energy to argue with him. “Thank you dear... Good luck.” With that he hung up, ending the short conversation. Namjoon looked at me hesitantly, already knowing what it would’ve been about. “Jin and I have an interview apparently, why people are so interested in politician’s children I don’t know.” “It’s not just that [y/n], it’s the president’s son and the VP’s daughter… It’s like a fairy tale, people love that shit,” Jungkook said, putting his phone in his pocket, “I guess I should head off then... You need to let me know when you have free time ok.” I nodded, walking over and hugging him tightly, “Definitely, thanks for coming and checking in on me Kookie.” He chuckled, “it’s nothing, don’t scare me like that again,” he rubbed my back before stepping away, giving Namjoon a wave, “see you later man.” Namjoon nodded, his good mood from this morning gone already, “yeah, see you around.” Jungkook gave us both one more smile before leaving almost as quickly as he arrived. “So, back to the same old act huh,” Namjoon said, changing into his suit pants. “Yeah... Back to it,” I repeated, letting out a sigh. Namjoon followed me into my room and began searching through his things, before he looked back up to me and let out a laugh. “Ah, [y/n]?” He said, sounding slightly amused. “Hm?” I answered, sitting myself down at my desk to start straightening my hair. He pointed at me, and I looked down. I let out a mixture between a sigh and a laugh, of course he wanted to wear the one shirt I was wearing. He walked over to me, coming behind me to make eye contact with me through the mirror I had set up as a makeshift vanity. “As much as I do enjoy seeing you in that, going back to it means I have to be in uniform,” he hummed, his hands falling to my shoulders. We stayed like this for a moment. It was unreal how in such a short time of us accepting these feelings how attached to them I had gotten. How natural this felt. “This is going to be hard… I don’t know how I’m going to do it,” I said quietly, causing him to bend down, placing a kiss on my head. “I know, I know. And I’m not sure if it will help or make everything worse, but I’ll be right there the whole time, I’m still your bodyguard remember.” I nodded and he flashed me a smile, squeezing my shoulders before stepping back, “I’ll let you get changed, don’t be too long with my shirt.” “Sure thing boss,” I said, trying to ignore the sudden anxious feeling I had.
Unfortunately the feeling didn’t go away, it simply got worse as we made our way to ‘my new house’. I was rather shocked when we pulled up. It was a beautiful little thing. It was small, quaint. Perfect for a pair of newlyweds. I chewed on my lip as I saw the front door open, and Jin stepped out. Unlike the other day, he was in his casual clothes, just a loose shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans. He looked good, I will admit that. I hoped out of the car and he smiled at me, “[y/n], hey,” he said, “ready to get this over and done with?” I nodded, mustering the best smile I could, “as ready as I’ll ever be.” Jin placed a hand on the small of my back casually, “come, let me show you the place.” The house was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. I had to give my father credit, he had put some thought into this, perhaps even had my preferences in mind from the beginning. “The reporter said she wants to arrive a little earlier, have a chat before the official business starts.” He led us into the lounge area, where he sat down on the arm of the chair, while Namjoon went and lent against the wall by the door. Jin smiled at me empathetically, “hey, it’s ok, they aren’t going to second guess anything. We’ll be fine.” I was touched that he could see I was worried, and it was somewhat reassuring how confident he was. I nodded, going and sitting at the armchair opposite him. “So I was thinking,” I started, “We can just basically tell the truth,” both men looked at me in confusion before I finished my sentence, “well, the whole how we met thing. You met my brother when our parents started working together, you two became best buddies, and you fell madly in love with me when I hit puberty.” Jin let out a loud laugh at my last comment. The laugh so, so familiar. “I did, did I?” he said, “and are we mentioning the face the crush you had on me?” He smirked at my reaction, “Taehyung told me.” I groaned, “Of course he did,” I muttered. If I didn’t have bigger things to worry about I would be so mad at Taehyung. “We mention what we need too, the important thing is that we hammer down the point that we kept everything so quiet for a reason,” I said, “That my mother didn’t want me to be in the spotlight so we were respecting her wishes.” Jin’s face fell, “[y/n], we don’t need to mention her if-“ “No, its fine,” I said, smiling at him sadly, “its fine.” He took a moment, then finally nodded along, “alright, sounds like a plan.” And a plan it was. As predicted, the reporter ate it up, and Jin played his part perfectly, and for anyone who didn’t know better, it would’ve seemed like we were in love. It all looked convincing, apart from my constant glancing over at Namjoon. I couldn’t help it, every question that I needed to answer, every time she brought up love, he came to my mind. And I could see he felt the same. I wanted nothing more than to drag him over, placing him right where Jin was sitting and telling everyone that he was the one I fell for. But I couldn’t. Eventually, everyone had left our home, leaving Jin, Namjoon and I once again. “Well, uh, thanks,” I said, for some reason feeling more awkward than when I had arrived after all that. Jin however, seemingly remained unphased, “no worries, you did great,” he smiled and followed after us as we began heading towards the car. Before I could step out, he called out, “[y/n], sorry, I know you’re tired, but uh, can I have a word?” He glanced up to Namjoon briefly. Namjoon nodded, “I’ll wait in the car, take your time,” he said. “I won’t be long,” I smiled to him, before following Jin back inside. “What’s up?” I asked. Jin ran a hand through his hair, “I didn’t properly get a chance to apologise the other day.” I furrowed my brows, “apologise? Why?” “Just... for all of this…” I shook my head, “Jin, it’s not your fault, you don’t need to apologise at all.” “I mean, yeah, it’s not my fault, but I’m still the person standing in between a relationship.” My eyes widened slightly at his comment. “Sorry,” he apologised again, “I just,” he chuckled, “he wouldn’t take his eyes off you, it’s not hard to pick when a man in jealous.” I was shocked, and rather impressed at how Jin had figured it out so quickly. I must’ve looked worried though before he quickly back tracked. “[y/n], [y/n], it’s fine,” he said, placing his hands on my shoulders, “I’m not going to nark or anything, I just want you to know it’s fine by me,” I smiled back at him, prompting him to continue, “and, you know, if you ever change your mind and do want to move in, then he’s welcome too, I’m not going to be an overprotective dude, as far as I’m concerned, we are two friends who need to help each other out.” I was blown away. I knew Jin was kind, and I knew he was going to be good about this situation, but offering Namjoon a room? I never thought that would happen. “You’re the best Jin,” I laughed, “and hey, that offer goes both ways, you bring over anyone you want to.” He chuckled, placing a hand on my head. “We have to look out for each other… It’s looking less and less likely that we are going to get out of this,” He said almost sadly, “so let’s just try not make each other’s lives miserable.” “I like that idea very much,” I replied with a smile. We stared at each other for a moment before Jin finally brought back the hand I forgot was on my head. “So, how long has that been a thing? You and Namjoon. Does Tae know?” he began grilling me as an older brother would. “No, no Tae doesn’t know and he doesn’t need to!” I said with a large grin, jokingly giving Jin a warning in the meantime. “It’s relatively new.” Jin seemed surprised. “Whoa really?” he said, “Man, I’ve lost my touch… I assumed you’d been together for ages.” I raised an eyebrow, “why’s that?” “You should’ve seen the way he was looking at you. More importantly, the way he was looking at me. That’s jealousy [y/n].” I couldn’t help but grin at the thought. Namjoon was jealous? Of Jin? Jin saw my expression, “don’t enjoy his pain too much,” he joked, nudging me softly before opening the door for me, letting us see Namjoon, leaning against the car patiently. “Ready to go?” he asked, standing up straight. I nodded, going to join him, but Jin grabbed my wrist and quickly dragged me back into his tight embrace. I was about to question him when he whispered in my ear, signing involuntary chills down my spine. “There’s a man with a camera across the road.” I sighed, placing my head on his chest. “Thank you.” He pulled back, placing his hands on my cheeks. I felt my heart rate increase. Was he going to kiss me? “I’ll see you later sweetheart,” he said, before planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Stay safe,” I replied, playing along the whole way to the car, where Namjoon opened the door for me, waiting for me to get in before hopping in after me, more than ready to head home.
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