#anyone who complains about Katara talking about her mom can stick their hands in a blender
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redbayly · 5 months ago
Zutara headcanon #35594
When he realized that Katara didn't have any sort of image of her mother (as the Water Tribe isn't really known for its paintings), Zuko hired the most talented portrait painter in the Fire Nation and then consulted with Hakoda and Gran-Gran for as many details as possible in order to commission a life-size painting of Kya to give to Katara.
The painting was so beautiful and so true to life that Katara almost thought her mother was about to step out of the canvas. It became one of her most cherished possessions.
Many decades later, after Katara passed away, the painting was considered a masterpiece and placed in the Southern Water Tribe cultural heritage center and museum. It is the most beloved work in the gallery and remains a symbol for many Water Tribe and Fire Nation people of love, courage, and kindness.
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atleasttheresthis · 4 years ago
Good Ideas and Night Befores-ATLA WLW week day one (Katara x Song)
First day of ATLA WLW week! Woo!
Day one: fluff or canon world (could be both though)
this takes place after the war, in my head Song and her mother moved to the Fire Nation after the war because Song’s mother is a trader and she guessed (correctly) that the Fire Nation would have a lot of business after they lost the resources after giving back the colonies
tagging @atla-wlw-week
content warning: alcohol
Mai and Song find their respective husband and girlfriend on the roof of the Fire Lord's palace, of all places. Fire Lord Zuko and Lady Katara, Ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe, easily the two most important people in the Fire Nation's government, potentially the whole world, are stone drunk. Gigglingly, stupidly, stone drunk, Song observes with fondness. The two are sprawled out under the darkening sky, and Song can count two empty bottles of rice wine from her position by the trapdoor she's just climbed out of.
She and Mai smile knowingly at each other, then Mai whistles. "Oi!" Song shouts. "Loserlord and Ambassador! What do you think you're doing here?"
"Mai!" Zuko garbles, staggering to his feet so unsteadily Song is worried he's going to fall clean off the roof. Katara, still lying down, grabs him, hand wrapping around his calf. "'M fine, Katara, I'm fine--Mai--" he runs over to his wife, gathers her up in his arms. "Hi."
"Hi, Zuko," she says, long-suffering over his shoulder. "I missed you," he mumbles into her neck. 
"You saw me this morning," Mai says, but Song barely catches it, she leaves the Fire Lord and Lady where they are and walks over to Katara. Nudging her head playfully with her foot, Song asks "Why don't you miss me like that?"
"Stop, hey Song, stop, you're getting dirt in my hair!" Katara complains, then reaches up for Song's hand and tugs her down next to her.
"Hi Katara, I've missed you so much," Song says, pouting at Katara.
"Hi, sweetheart," Katara says, rolling her eyes and leaning over to give Song a kiss. Song catches Katara's lips and deepens the kiss, licking sweet into her mouth. Katara responds enthusiastically, and when they finally come up for air, Song wrinkles her nose. Katara's breath tastes awful. "I think you've had enough to drink," she says sitting up and spying another empty bottle of rice wine.
"We've been made," Katara calls to Zuko. Turning around, Mai spots the three empty bottles in Song's hands. Walking over, she picks up two more that are unopened and unceremoniously yanks a half-empty one from Katara's grip.
"You guys have the second day of the trade conference tomorrow," she reminds them.
"Can't you let us make one bad decision?" Zuko whines, trailing after Mai. "We've been so, so good," Katara adds, sticking out a foot to trip Zuko. He avoids her foot but trips over his own robe anyway. With a light push, Mai sends him gently to the ground, settling herself down next to him.
"Uh-uh," Song shakes her head. Mai takes a swig from the open bottle before passing it to Song. "No fair!" Katara says, accusatory.
"We don't have a trade meeting in the morning," Mai says, and Song wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Besides, we're not the ones who are already drunk."
"Why aren't you at this meeting?" Zuko asks, turning to Song. "You would be so helpful." 
Song shrugs. "My mom's the only one who does the trade business, I just work in the hospital."
"You should still come," Katara says, but Song shakes her head. "There's a new shipment from the front at the hospital," she explains quietly. "I can't leave my shift tomorrow."
The four of them sit quietly for a while, contemplating the aftermath of the war, and the work it's left them. Well, maybe Song and Mai are the only ones contemplating it. Katara has sat herself upright to start braiding Zuko's hair. "How was the first day of the meeting?" Song asks eventually.
As one, Katara and Zuko roll their eyes. "Ugh," Katara starts vehemently. "There's this guy from the Earth Kingdom,"
"Prince Asswipe," Zuko says seriously, and Mai chokes on the wine.
"Prince Asswipe, yeah," Katara continues, "And he's just, like, sitting on all this grain that you guys need,"
"That we need," Zuko echoes.
"Yes, thank you, Zuko," Katara says crossly. "That you guys need, and he just, won't give it to you guys? Cause he sucks."
"Because of Ozai?" Song says, amused.
"Because he sucks," Zuko and Katara say as one.
Song starts to speak, but Mai interrupts her. "Did you guys name him Prince Asswipe or is he called that all by himself?"
"No, he's really a prince," Zuko explains with a sigh. "A minor ruler from the continent, actually not too far from where I ran into you," he says, nodding at Song.
"Wait, what's his real name?" Song asks, intrigued. "Liang Xin," Katara answers. "We need to find some way to get him to help out the Fire Nation."
"Hm," Song hums, thinking to herself. "I had a friend who lived in his province, it was really only a town over, not too far away," she muses. "I think they were talking about industrializing… right before my mother and I left, they had discovered a huge source of iron ore in the mountains, but it's so remote that not enough Earthbenders are there, so they want to use mines. Except they don't know how," she finishes, looking meaningfully at Zuko.
He stares back uncomprehendingly. "What?" 
"Yeah, what?" Katara says, looking at Song in confusion. Mai rolls her eyes.
"They don't know how to use mines," Song emphasizes again. "You know how to use mines."
Katara gasps. "Zuko, she's right!" she slaps him on the arm. "You do know how to use mines!"
"Oh," Zuko says, shaking himself. "Yeah, okay, we can show them how to use mines." He nods to himself. "Great idea, Song, thank you."
"I'll be sure to write that down for him," Mai says, getting to her feet and pulling her husband up alongside her. "Come on, bedtime."
"Okay," Zuko says easily, letting her haul him to his feet. "Goodnight, Katara, Song," he says, starting to follow Mai off the roof before stopping in his tracks and turning back around. "Hold on, I wanted to tell you something," he says, grimacing.
"They already know you love them!" Mai calls from behind him.
"Not that," Zuko says, waving a hand. "Something actually important. Oh!" His gaze sharpens on Katara. "Did you tell anyone about the oil Sokka discovered in the Southern Water Tribe?"
Katara shakes her head. "Good, don't," Zuko instructs. "Why shouldn't I?" Katara wonders aloud.
"There are too many people from the old regime I haven't managed to edge out yet, and they wouldn't say no to plundering the South again for the oil to run their factories. Plus, it's too good a bargaining chip."
"Save it for when we really need it," Katara agrees. "Yeah, okay, I'll keep quiet."
"Thank you," Zuko says, clearly relieved, before turning around again. "Goodnight, guys."
"Goodnight Zuko," Katara and Song say together, and Song waves at Mai before the two disappear down the trapdoor.
Song gives Katara a shake. "Come on, you should be in bed, too."
"In a few minutes," Katara says, lying down and rolling onto her side. "The moon is going to rise soon, I can feel it, let's just wait until then."
"Okay," Song acquiesces, never able to tell Katara no. She lies down beside her, keeps her eyes on the sky above them. She can feel Katara looking at her, though, and after a moment she asks "What?"
Katara reaches over and takes her hand. "You're just really beautiful, that's all," and it's said in such earnest that Song can't help herself; she leans over and kisses Katara again, wine soaked breath and all.
They're still kissing as the moon rises, and it must be full because Katara jolts against Song's lips. "Ah!" she hums, hand clenching Song's tight for a moment before relaxing again. Song kisses Katara one last time before pulling back to admire her by moonlight. Katara's got her eyes closed, pulling in short breaths as she grows accustomed to the power the moon gives her. When Song lets out a breath of her own, Katara cracks an eye open.
"You're just really beautiful," Song mimics, and Katara rolls her eyes before giving Song a quick kiss. She then bends the remaining wine out of the bottle, shaping it in a series of intricate ribbons and loops that freeze and thaw at her will. Then she splits the liquid in two, sends one bubble floating lazily toward Song who opens her mouth to swallow it whole, licking her lips afterwards. Katara grins, finishes the rest of wine, then stands up. 
Song flicks her on the knee. "I thought we cut you off."
"I earned it. Come on, let's go to bed," she says, eyes twinkling.
Song gets to her feet, laces her fingers through Katara's. The world is mending itself, coming together again, and she feels good. "Let's go to bed," she agrees, and walks with Katara off the roof.
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