#anyone is welcome to steal any of these ideas by the way i've probably just harvested them over the years from watching others tbh
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celestialtrolls-moved · 1 year ago
I still never solidified my Halloween headcanons for my fantrolls
I feel like Alternian Halloween has got some kind of relevance to the undead and ghosts of Alternia
But I don't know what? Is it a common day for mass hoards of zombies to encroach on living cities? Is the day especially long and the undead are more powerful? Are ghosts able to cross over back to the living realm? Are people more likely to become undead if their corpse is still around that night? Or did one dude exist in the past, Mr. Hallowse Evennynn who was just a necromancer that targeted people, especially during this time of year? I don't know.
I feel like for the living of Alternia there's like...
Parties are common, originally stemming from a 'safety in numbers' standpoint where people would barricade themselves from the undead on this particular day, but now it's just about the fun of having parties or still staying safe from people doing 'tricks',
Dressing up like the undead to 'fool them' so you don't get eaten, or as a mockery of the past or to trick people into thinking they're going to get eaten by zombies (this does sound like something that highblood wrigglers would be encouraged to do, potentially with high levels of actual violence, a trick or treat but the treat is that you survive...)
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dragongirltongue · 1 year ago
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year ago
Chinchin's WiYS Stream Official Post
This is the official post announcing my Write in Your Style writing stream.
Hello, everyone! Welcome and thank you for your interest in my Write in Your style writing stream.
Stream Description:
To start off, let me describe to you what I envision this stream to look like. Twice a month (every 1st and 3rd Tuesday), I will be getting on my writing streams. Probably somewhere around noon Pacific Standard Time. I will be starting the streams with that stream's strip of writing, then I will read the last stream's submissions.
Of course, I've got to start somewhere, so the first stream will be announcing the start of the streams as well as giving the first prompt. I will be doing livestreaming on twitch, which will then be downloaded and posted on youtube and tik tok. You are welcome to join me on my livestreams. I will open the stream up to questions at the end. It can be questions about the prompt or the concept or whatever else pertaining to the streams.
How to submit writing:
I will likely be making a new blog for it, though I already have a lot of blogs. This blog will be mostly for asking questions about the streams and gaining more interest in them. You may also submit here if you don't wish to e-mail yours to me, which will be the other way. Any submissions left via comments will not be used simply because I don't want to make it easier for others to steal your writing or risk anything like that.
Stream Start Date:
The streams will officially start beginning of December, so the 5th will be the first stream (unless something happens to prevent it starting on time).
Days of the week that the streams occur may change due to my life circumstances being kind of up in the air right now. I'm looking for new work, so my days off may change.
How writing works:
I've had some questions about how exactly the writing part will work and how long you all will have to write. As the streams are bi-weekly, you will have nearly 2 weeks to submit your writing. They will be short pieces of writing, so it shouldn't take terribly long to finish them.
For now, it will only be my original writing that will be used, but as time goes on, I may open up the streams to other writers who wish to also submit their own writing for the original writing for others to rewrite in their own styles.
You may write them however you wish to. It just has to be the same story as the original put in your own way (don't turn a romance about a valkyrie and a demigoddess into a horror about the two characters). You're just recreating the writing, just like draw in your style.
Who can write:
Absolutely anyone is more than welcome to write. I will be reading your submissions for now, but as I figure out the features of streaming, I may open up the floor to writers reading their own writing if they wish. I will also be giving credit in any form you wish (if you just want your name or your tumblr blog or your Wattpad/AO3 accounts linked).
Stream Account Links:
Gotta link you guys to the accounts that will be posting the streams!
Ending Statements
WiYS streams are really a way to showcase and remind writers that we all have our own style of writing, even if it seems like you don't. You are capable of taking a story that was already written and make it your own (not that I'm encouraging copying, but you know what I mean... hopefully). Being a writer can be really disheartening sometimes, especially when you feel like your ideas aren't original, but sometimes the most unoriginal ideas can be home to the most incredible stories. Cliches are/were popular for a reason. Tropes become tropes for a reason. People love what they love and if they love the thing that you are making that is so "unoriginal," they will love your writing.
Don't forget that originality is not synonymous to good. Or creative. You can write something "trite" and make it incredible. I hope that this new stream will remind writers of that. :)
Thank you for your time and if you have questions, please feel free to send them to @queerlilchinchin.
WiYS "tag me to everything" taglist: @nerd-in-distress, @jvten, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs (fyi, tumblr won't let me tag your other blog or I would have), @aether-wasteland-s, @mjrino, @cheezyratz, @accountusername, @perasperaadastrawriting, @mrblazeflappybird, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @mangofen, @bigwipscholar, @pluttskutt, @doublegoblin, @crazytechpersonzreal, @sitiart, @ashesinthewritten, @achildweanedonpoison6, @quotidian-oblivion, @world-of-my-imagination, @marmeegle, @alesseia
WiYS "tag me to important stuff" taglist: @distortedwhite, @lyssentome, @ah0yh0y, @grollow, @perlen-gold, @saltysupercomputer, @vshushmshu, @lordkingsmith, @gummybugg, @quisyop, @enne-uni, @cometkov, @shado48, @cryscal, @mary-is-writing, @elizababie, @squintclover, @schmem14, @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego, @wakkoroni
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skettchyartendevours · 8 months ago
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Hello, welcome to my blog! This is a space I've dedicated to sharing my drawings, photography, plushies, and any other fun creative things I'd like people to see!
Before you begin perusing, here are a few things you ought to know:
Art Only Since I've dedicated this space to my art, I probably won't be reblogging much here unless I feel like I can creatively add on to the other post. Additionally, since the world tends to be a bit of a rubbish place, I'm going to try to keep things positive around here for the sake of anyone who just wants a happy little distraction.
Fandom I do tend to post a lot of fanart relating to established fandoms and existing franchises, but I'm not strictly sticking to any in particular. I'm pretty much just doing whatever I want and dragging you along for the ride.
Let's Keep it PG I've decided to keep suggestive and NSFW subject matter out of this space, and I kindly ask that you do the same. I do however occasionally post art depicting gore, body horror and other potentially unsettling themes, but I'll be tagging those posts with the appropriate content warnings.
I'm Open to Suggestions! If you've got an idea for a little sketch or a question you'd like me to answer, feel free to send it my way! I won't promise that I'll draw every single idea sent in (I may just not have enough motivation for certain ideas) so please don't take it personally if I don't end up drawing something you wanted to see. I'll try to get to as many as I can though! (I should also mention that bigger suggestions, like for a plush project, are very much out of the question. I've put enough projects on my plate already!)
[Edit due to recent incident: Anyone caught stealing artwork or designs without giving the proper credit will be blocked.]
Frequently Asked Question For anyone wondering, no I do not do commissions. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I just don't feel like I'm in a place where commissioning is a viable option for me right now.
If you're still here, thank you for taking the time to read through this! And as always,
You're all at the mercy of my hyperfixations :]
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agent-felix · 1 year ago
Welcome to my little corner of the universe!! Happy to have ya!!
My name is Felix! Short for Felixian, long for Ian. You can call me any of the three, but I'm most used to Felix. I'm a trans guy who uses he/they/it pronouns!!
My persona (and IEYTD fan character) is Agent Felix! He's an agent-in-training with no handler, and is mostly working at solving stuff without using technology. He used to work for Dr Zoraxis in that field, not really caring if he got paid or not since he was doing what he loved. Eventually, he turned to be a reformed villain after hearing about Agent Pheonix's work. He's pretty gullible, and could switch back to the evil side if persuaded enough, but since he constantly wears an agency t-shirt he'll stick with the agency for a long time. (The agency knew they could manipulate him into staying for that reason.) He doesn't have a handler- in fact, he's been mostly self-training since everyone's kinda scared of him. (He has REALLY sharp teeth and can't bite anyone because of that. He has bit people in the past out of reflexes. He's working on it :D ) He's startled really easily and can barely remember simple things- he jumps at any loud noise, forgets where he puts his shoes, etc., yet somehow he remembers where people leave their stuff and forget. He's really helpful like that. He's always loved helping people, good or bad. He doesn't have telekinesis... yet. He's trying to replicate the kinesium device implant so it can be used for new agency members like him. He's also trying to figure out a safer, less terrifying way for it to be implanted.
By the way, if Felix hugs you then you are special to him in some way!! He loves hugs but is generally touch-repulsed UNLESS he really wants to hug the person. So it's really rare for him to hug anyone. Congrats to anyone he's hugged already!
Agent Felix is basically just me as a goober agent!! So please be nice!! If you're mean, we'll probably take it as a joke or something-
Oh, and feel free to be weird around me! ...Not like. Sexual weird or anything- I'd like to keep this PG/PG-13 :'D (Horror stuff is accepted!! I love that stuff)
Fanart is also highly appreciated and encouraged!! You have no idea how much my day gets brightened up when I see that stuff. (It's like anti-depressants for me haha)
Asks are accepted!! You can ask about anything as long as it follows the rules!!
-Nothing sexual (Flirting is ok but there's a good chance it'll fly right over my head)
-Nothing that is like. Super weird (simping is- well- I'm not sure?? I've never had it happen before so...)
-Be nice!! No bullying!!
-Don't be LGBT-phobic because I'm trans and bi + ace and so is Agent Felix!!
-Don't like.. ask for art because I'm very tentative about it and only doodle what I really want to doodle unless I get something in return (Art trades are okay sometimes!! Just ask!!)
Felix reference!!!
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Please don't steal like actually I will start sobbing
If you need to contact me more efficiently my username on Discord is telekinesium !!
random Agent Felix facts under the cut hehe
-He's a teenager, but the agency has no idea. He was known by Zoraxis and his operatives as the Teen Prodigy. Sometimes used as a compliment, the rest of the time used as a spite name.
-Self-taught in everything he believes he needs to know- science, math, art, English and Spanish. Science includes all forms of science but mostly geology, technology and psychology. He loves researching mental disorders, for some reason. (Some of the things listed were taught by Zor himself.)
-He also loves playing piano! He overheard someone playing it when he was about six years old and managed to convince them into giving him lessons.
-He's very sensitive to sound so it's likely that if an alarm goes off he'll just be stuck there covering his ears.
-He loves singing, too! His voice is high-pitched and gives him disphoria pretty massively, so he sings to relieve it. (He loves his singing voice!)
-The Death Engine actually traumatized him. He refuses to talk about it :')
-He's very weather-sensitive. As soon as it gets colder than usual he'll be wearing clothes for winter while it's only fall. He'll keep that outfit for a few months then switch to something less heavy. Same for summer- as soon as it gets hot he'll be in short sleeves and shorts, maybe flip flops if it's 5⁰ above normal. Then he'll ease back into regular clothes.
-He's the reason why Dr Zor is evil
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nekoannie-chan · 2 years ago
Affectionate gesture
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Title: Affectionate gesture.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt (Love).
Word count: 636 words.
Rating: Teen.
Square: B2 “Weird Affectionate Gesture”.
Summary: Brock wants to show Sinthea how much he loves her.
Warnings/Tags: Weird present, guns, Brock tries to being romantic.
A/N: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo​  @marvelrarepairs​ MarvelRarePair Bingo Round 2 2023. Annie MRP-066.
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​  @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight​ @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum @caplanbuckybarnes​  @sapphire-rogers @nana1000night​ @talia-rumlow​ @writingshae​ @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga​ @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare​ @endlesstwanted​  @chemtrails-club​ @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​ @here4thefanfics​ @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989
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Brock was thoughtful; in fact, he had not stopped thinking about the same thing the last few days. He had heard that Sinthea complained that he was not affectionate or romantic enough with her.
However, he had already tried several "common" things like giving her jewelry, flowers, chocolates, and stuffed animals, among other things, and nothing seemed to please her.
He had to think of something. A romantic dinner?
"A romantic dinner," Brock said aloud, not realizing he was not alone.
"I'm not interested," Steve replied, raising an eyebrow.
"No, you idiot, I'm not inviting you; it's for Sin," Brock explained, crossing his arms.
"She probably won't like it."
"I have an idea; of course, she's going to love it." Brock signaled for Steve not to continue; he felt his brain was working too fast. He needed to start working on the surprise right then and there, and maybe it would be ready by the end of the week.
"Maybe a necklace; he really likes her," Steve commented, not that he really wanted to help him, but he needed to talk to him, and probably then Brock could finish his rant and pay attention to him.
"Yeah, also, but my idea is fantastic," Brock said.
"Hey... " Steve was supposed to say something to him, but Brock ignored him and walked out of the office. He took off.
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Brock headed to his car. He was to go visit the place first, then make some calls, and then take care of getting the gift personally.
Jack's expression changed when he started to listen to what Brock was saying; it sounded too strange and different, and although it wasn't the first time he said something like that, it was always uncomfortable when Brock asked him for help when it was about love.
"Are you sure he's going to like it?" Jack asked skeptically, arching his eyebrows.
"Sure, you must admit that for the first time, I've come up with something that will be successful." Brock's voice sounded animated.
"But it's all too red."
"It has touches of black, just the way she likes it, so take care of the decorations; I have to go get the main gift. I trust you. " Brock hurried to his car.
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It had taken him a lot of work to get that gift, and as soon as he arrived at the meeting point, he began to move his foot with desperation, although when he saw his watch, he stopped. He had arrived a few minutes earlier.
"She's going to love it," Brock commented when he saw it, and then put it away again.
Now the hard part would be to convince Sin to go to the place where everything was ready. So he basically had to cover her eyes and tie her to the seat so he could take her.
"Brock, just tell me where we're going." Sin demanded, grumpily.
Just a few more minutes, and we’ll arrive," Brock said, trying to contain his excitement.
Sinthea grimaced; she didn't look happy, so Brock felt he should hurry before it turned into a fight.
After he walked her around a bit, he was pleased with her reaction to seeing the place.
After chatting and eating a bit, Brock offered her the box with the gift.
"Really, Brock? It's the best token of affection you've been able to give me in all this time." Sin began to weigh the weapon in her hands. "It’s beautiful; it seemed like a dream come true. I already want it to be the next mission."
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"Did you really give her a gun?" Bucky asked incredulously.
"Sinthea has never been like the rest of the girls," Steve pointed out.
"All I care about is that she's happy now and I've had a good week," Brock commented.
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awisetoad · 6 months ago
warning: 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ muy caliente, 5 million scoville post, be warned all ye who enter here 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️
this thread, tho. second one I've seen recently about moodboards, (even if it is old). and holy bazooka batman—
this is one of the strangest threads I've ever seen. truly wild. like, I said it before after I saw the first one of these posts, but where did y'all learn what moodboards are? it's like, tell me you haven't worked in a (visual) creative professional capacity without telling me. honestly.
tho i admit it's really interesting how fan spaces have effectively minted popularity/clout in lieu of any kind of currency with literal monetary value.
(DISCLAIMER: idgaf if I'm not changing anyone's mind, I'm not genuinely trying to join this discussion, I'm just noting my thoughts about this whole topic bc it honestly seems like the strangest take IMO; please feel welcome to ignore or disagree, I really do not care)
like the entire thing protecting fan spaces from litigation at all is the fact that it can't really be for profit (like real, big profit).
(isn't that the point of OTW? to protect poeple's right to make fanworks but that hinges on fan works not making real money at all, yeah?)
when fan artists make $$ of their work, they can absolutely still be taken to court by the owner of the original IP if they so choose (whether or not fan artists have a chance of winning that lawsuit using "transformative" and "fair use" arguments is another story, and not the point I'm making).
so truly, the fan spaces only exist by the grace of two groups:
groups protecting the rights of fan artists who create for 0 compensation and
IP owners who know even if a fan artist makes some money, the monetary damages aren't worth suing over, and who understand that one of the reasons it isn't worth suing over is because it's all basically free marketing for them & their brand, and the monetary value of this free marketing and brand loyalty far outweighs what they would recoup in damages.
(tl;dr, it's good business not to sue fan creators, usually, because what they gain is far more valuable)
so this post is just an interesting case study of how, in fan spaces, given the lack of actual monetary damages to sue over (and where there is no "good business" argument to make), we choose to perceive the value of social currency as if it equates to monetary value.
that is, social clout for its own sake holds enough "actual" value within our circles that we should be "afraid" of the social backlash that comes from creating unwelcome derivatives, or derivative-of-derivative fan works (or, in this specific case: curating inspiration for fan works?)
unless we create in a "legit" way— as in, a way that's acceptable by way of a collection of made-up, undocumented group-norms that we ourselves determine— we risk becoming a social pariah and excommunicated from fan spaces. (isn't that wild?)
if we take the moodboard in its regular definition— as a visual artifact created from various sources for inspirational/creative distillation purposes in service of creating something else— then almost literally everyone in a professional creative role (especially jobs like art director) is "stealing" or has "stolen" at some point in their career jsyk
not a single one of them has asked permission. really.
I can't literally guarantee it but I'd say probably in like 98.9% of cases, creative professionals do not ask permission to use anothers' work as inspiration/on their moodboard. (the idea of that is so unhinged it's laughable)
the only difference is they're not usually being public about their inspiration/moodboards or where their inspiration comes from, and in agency/commercial/professional settings it's not surprising to see "INTERNAL USE ONLY" stamped on those kinds of strategy docs. the exception is during the press tour when artists are asked in an interview about what inspired them and they can usually point to several specific works or name several artists directly— aka offering credit, which per above is "not enough".
but here, in fan spaces, the "rules" of the conventional professional creative process often don't apply. fan audiences are often encouraging, collaboratively making, and offering real-time feedback to fan creators; and, we're doing so on public platforms in public online spaces with (usually) 0 expectation of monetary compensation in any way. We're often deeply engaged with each others' process in a way that the commerical-to-consumer audience process is usually not. so, in these cases, should "INTERNAL USE ONLY" still apply?
(example: head canons spread to become so ubiquitous they've been absorbed into popular "fan lore" about an IP, such as the braiding/beads thing with dwarves in the hobbit. to the point where there's so many takes on this that giving credit isn't even wholly necessary. explain to me how that's different than a moodboard in its use as creative inspiration. I'll wait.)
what incentive is there to keep that stuff "private" when so much of fan spaces is public, collaborative excitement? and why on earth are we holding ourselves to a stricter standard than those who do the same to make real, actual profit?
(it really reminds me of the smooth-brain argument about using reference image to draw lol and how that's not "real art". not exactly the same, but these issues are definitely cousins a few times removed. like, these two issues could get married and they'd be accused of consanguinity, lmfao)
y'all might think I'm missing the point of "aesthetic moodboard" posts because they're "different" somehow, but I promise I'm not. two big reasons: 1) it does not equate to the same kind of influencer account as you might find on instagram or TikTok 2) IMO, what are aesthetic moodboard posts other than shared and effectively outsourced curated inspiration? (again, see widespread head canons and also fic prompts and imagines as non visual examples, but it's the same fucking thing)
The reasons it's different than what you see with influencers on TikTok is because usually here on Tumblr we're not actually aiming for landing sponsor deals which bring us income. On influencer-centered platforms, the size of the following and other stats about reach & impressions are grounds to negotiate better compensation for sponsored posts, and all posts associated with an account are created with the goal of usually growth or sales, and both ultimately directly impact compensation (in the form of cash or gifts). what I'm arguing is that none of that really applies here in ao3/tumblr's fan spaces bc in theory nothing is sponsored at all, even if posts are made to expand reach, the other half of the equation ($$$) isn't there.
and truly, I'm not arguing that these kinds of posts should be devoid of credits. obviously, including credit/sources is the courteous and right thing to do, but I have never once assumed that the poster of the moodboard made the images used in it, even if there are no credits, is the point.
bc mood boards are generally not made with your own images, lol. like, inherently. purely by nature of the thing (see above: a visual artifact created for inspirational purposes, etc etc). so, I don't think outright "theft" is exactly right; they may have curated the images, but they didn't create the images and I don't think anyone is confused by that.
(which is literally one of the arguments in copyright/trademark: public confusion about shit)
I think it's a bit ridiculous to think that you should only be finding and curating inspiration from the public domain. that's not how inspiration works, first of all. (and y'all aren't ready for how inspiration DOES work bc if this topic gets you hot you will boil about the AI part of that ted talk) and I think aesthetic accounts do a lot in service of other fan creators, by distilling creative direction to serve as a jumping off point. for the third time, non visual examples of this are literally imagines and widespread head canons, but I think the outrage about those is far less than with moodboards. and I'll even go a step further and make the controversial statement that moodboards could be considered derivative-of-derivative fan content, even when cropped and/or lightly edited.
(and I'll really go here and broach the philosophical topic: why should someone ask permission to make transformative works based off your edit/cosplay of sam & dean, when y'all didn't ask kripke, et al? is that not technically a double standard? again, not arguing that you SHOULDN'T ask permission, or arguing that you SHOULDN'T give credit. but, I'm posing the question of what is the difference, especially in spaces with no monetary gains? and I'll follow up by asking: should we be more cautious because social currency is all there is to gain, or should we be more lenient because we're all just supposed to be having harmless fun here?)
It's not really like the cake analogy. If anything, it's more like snapping a pic of the cake in the bakery shop window and using it, along with several other pictures of cakes you pulled off the internet, to maybe attempt to DIY a similar cake for yourself, or to send to your baker to explain what you want, or even to send to your friends' group chat or frame and hang on your wall bc you simply like the vibes.
(y'all be acting like these folks are claiming they are the dp of outlander or some shit, the way you believe they are "taking credit" for that fucking still of Jamie & Claire on the damn horse. and that's just laughable)
at the end of the day, you need to understand: you no longer have complete control over anything that gets posted publicly. online or offline. regardless of whether you actually see how it gets spread and used or not. once it's out in the world, it's free of your control.
(just like how artists can't control how others' interpret their works, ultimately. people will hold their own opinions regardless & often aggressively in spite of artistic intent.)
and then you need to ask yourself: is the inclusion of this work/fanwork in this not-for-profit inspirational moodboard actually causing harm to the artist/fanartist, and if they are, in what way? is it damaging to their brand? is it causing the artist to miss out on sales or opportunities? can they legally win statutory damages, and is going after all that going to be monetarily viable? is it worth it? and if it's not, should you care? especially if the moodboard isn't making money, maybe it's better and healthier to just… chill, maybe?
I honestly suspect that screeching and heated and generally overly-strict vehemence about these kinds of topics is alienating to people who may not pick up on social cues well (for example, some neurodivergent folks) as it ultimately ends up making the space feel unwelcome and unfriendly out of fear & anxiety of making a social faux-pas, so it's better to not engage at all for fear of social ostracization which is absolutely the nightmare timeline for a lot of people who may not socialize well in general, and may turn to these spaces as one of their few sources of community/inclusion.
I personally would rather have a relaxed, welcoming fun space to enjoy than another one I have to worry about getting yelled at in, lol
tl;dr: offering credit is plenty good enough and way more than what creative professionals actually do daily, what the fuck are y'all talking about
…fascinating subject and I also kind of hate it a little :)
(DISCLAIMER AGAIN: feel free to disagree, I MIGHT respond to a real discussion/counterpoint but don't bother trying to pull me into some kind of fight because you will not succeed. it's literally not worth my time & I guarantee you have not met someone who gives less fucks than I)
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Part 1 of BTS MV outfits
I've been rewatching the BTS music videos and got hyperfixated on their fits so I'm going to judge them. (army please don't come for me this is all in good fun and I'm mostly positive. Sometimes kpop stars do get done dirty with their outfits but it is honestly quite rare with BTS)
Alright here we go
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Detailed (ish) thoughts below
First off, No More Dream, We Are Bulletproof pt. 2, and N.O. Picture quality increased a lot throughout the years, so for these early ones I could fit 3 on my canvas. It looks bad, I know, welcome back to low effort photoshop.
For No More Dream we have 2 different fits, and I do really love all of these. Hence the "S" above so many of them. It stands for steal, cause I would wanna wear (part of) these outfits. In the top left, Jungkook's is my favourite, mostly because of the hand jewellery tbh. Jimin's was my least favourite cause it looks like he was here for basketball while the rest planned for skating & graffiti. Again, minor note, considering I really like this style. Just below the top left, I think Taehyung's fit is the best, and Yoongi's shorts-situation looks kinda awkward on him, hence ":/". Also, considering their hair colours, this picture might be from the N.O. era, or even later, but whatever, the outfits fit No More Dream too.
I only found one outfit for We Are Bulletproof, so these pictures are just for a bit of a zoomed in/ zoomed out idea. Gotta say, I don't like these at all. I'm just personally not a fan of gold, and these fits really only belong in 2013. Jin's is my favourite, as it has the least gold. Yoongi's is my least favourite, again because of the awkward shorts-situation. Also yes that says 'rawr xd' for Jungkook's shirt. I mean look at it (though I would wear that shirt ironically).
Hope this was fun for anyone else too! Feel free to completely disagree with me, again, it's just my personal taste. I tried to be decently objective about the outfits, because of course BTS can make anything work, but I would struggle pulling off most of this, especially 10+ years after all these came out.
Last (for now) but definitely not least, because we have quite a few options! N.O.! Starting from the top left, which are my least favourite outfits, but also not really for the MV anyway. I just don't really like the grey jackets, and Tae's fit is just the most generic out of the 4, hence my least favourite. I would absolutely wear Yoongi's or Jimin's fits though, with Jimin being my favourite because I like the shoes more. Besides the outfits being meh this picture is an eyeliner blessing though! Look at those edgy boys :3
Alright, moving down. I think these were for live performances, also not from the MV. They're simple but they look very comfortable. Jin's is my least favourite, though only because it's the most basic, not because I actually don't like it. Besides the necklace I would wear most of those outfits, and I don't care if short sleeves over long sleeves is back in style or not (because I'm questioning it, probably not). Hoseok's is my favourite obviously because of the hands, I am a sucker for fingerless gloves.
Bottom left in this section is also a concept photo, I think? My least favourite is Namjoon, only because everyone else blends in together and he stands out. I get that that's probably the point, but I don't like the fit enough to agree with that being the one to stand out. His hair is cool though. Anyway I don't wear a lot of white, but if I would, these are some fun ones. Yoongi's is quite unique in a more fun way, and I like the bandana, so that's my favourite.
Finally the actual outfits from the MV, the ones on the right. I got 2 pictures because the scene is so white that you can't really tell what's happening with the outfits. Jin's is my least favourite, because the colour of the jacket feels a little off. I wouldn't really steal any of these fits because that's too much white for me, I'm clumsy. But Hoseok's is my favourite, probably again because of the glove thing, and the jacket. Honestly I should examine my obsession with fingerless gloves, I'll find something extremely neurodivergent I'm sure.
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iamzlaw · 5 months ago
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There is loneliness in running away. Or maybe it's just when you sincerely wish you didn't have to, when you're not running either from something or to something else, but you're just being told to go, without any particular reason that you can see, and if it were up to you, you would be content staying where you are without any change in circumstances.
I have lost count of how many places I've been chased out of. I don't even remember where I'm from originally, and of course, there isn't anyone to remind me. As cruel as that sounds, I've come to envy displaced populations, because at last they have each other. They can hang on to the idea that home is more the people than it is the place. I happen to think it's probably a little bit of both, so losing one is just as bad as losing the other, but do I even have a frame of reference to make such a claim?
Before you ask, no, I do not know why nobody has ever wanted me anywhere near them. As far as I can tell, I'm blatantly average. Average height, average build, average looks, no distinctive markings of any kind, no peculiar practices. I have seen other people everywhere, and I have seen my reflection, and I genuinely am incapable of telling what could possibly disgust them this much. I am truly the kind of person you should not even notice is there. I mind my own business, do not ask anything of anyone. I'm self-sufficient in every way: I hunt and gather my own food, sew my own clothes, build my own shelters, and I do all that with great respect for the land I'm on. I don't steal from anyone, and my environmental impact is null, so what is the big deal?
I used to ask. I used to plea. At one point, I even tried demanding an explanation from the people sending me away, but I was never able to get a straight answer. It was always gibberish. As it turns out, a united front without any valid argument to support its opinion seems to always have more weight than a single person with the truth on their side. And the worst part is, I've witnessed how they behave toward each other, and the kind of strangers they do welcome with open arms. How could I possible be worse than any of the criminals born and raised among them? How can they let hordes of invaders in without flinching, actually actively encouraging them to come in some extreme cases, and then send a lone harmless visitor packing without further ado?
I have stopped asking. These days, I even manage to anticipate the order, and I move before anyone asks me to. It's still exhausting, but at least there isn't the added insult of listening to nonsense and explicit rejection. I keep looking for a place without anyone there to chase me away, but does that even exist? I'll probably die as I've always lived: nomadic.
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staygolddindjarin · 3 years ago
Chapter two: Rebellion
Din Djarin x Reader x Cassian Andor
Series Summary: Raised on Mandalore, born into a bloodline of warriors, no one ever expected for the daughter of a Clan leader to go rogue. Leaving the life of security and making the journey to fight in the war against the empire meant many things... giving up the way of the Mandalore, and giving up a solid future. A future that involves an arranged marriage to a foundling from another clan.
Chapter warnings: some brief angst, this ones pretty mellow ngl
Words: 3.3k
A/n: i was not expecting such a good response from the first chapter but bruh you guys are amazing- anyway here's part two of my brain's misery
Part 2/?
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The trip from Mandalore to the planet of Dantooine was long, and still ongoing. We all took turns, watching to see if we were any closer. After each jump from hyperspace, the transport would stop at a space refueling tank, before slowly going onward toward the destination. We must have been traveling several systems across the galaxy. We had a few laughs, mainly while watching Gander try and steal Shyloh's food from his knapsack while he was sleeping. Most of the other time we all just sat in silence, up until this point.
"What do you think we're all going to do once we get to the rebel base?" Merc raised his voice slightly, barely capturing our attentions as we had all been dozing off, and Shyloh was taking watch at the view point.
"What do you mean?" I had asked, not quite sure of what he was getting at. I sat up straighter against the wall, showing my interest in the newfound conversation.
"What branch do you think you'll end up in?" He was in a daze as he spoke, almost unsure of his intentions of bringing it up. His dark eyes were nearly emotionless under his furrowed brow.
"I hadn't really thought about it. I would say maybe something like mechanics," I said, thinking of the best possible use of my talents. I'm sure there's plenty of mechanical help already assisting the rebels, but with the galactic empire growing it's forces by the day, they needed all the help they could get.
"What about flying?" Shyloh perked up from his seat at the window.
"What about it?" I asked, curious as to why he suddenly thought of the new topic.
"You could do it of you wanted to. Be a pilot, I mean. You have the skills," He told me, but I scoffed. He wasn't in any way shape or form was making an ounce of sense at all.
"Speeder control races are a bit different from piloting fighters against the imperial troops don't you think?" I laughed at the idea, but he rolled his eyes, persistent with his opinion.
"It's less different than you think it is. Also mind you, I never saw you lose a race," He objected, but I wasn't having any of it.
"That's because when I raced, my own credits were on the line," I joked, seeing what he would try and come up with next, only to be met with a cold hard stare, before an answer that would shake me to my core.
"Well, now the freedom of the galaxy is on the line."
My smile dropped from my face and I turned to face the other two, who were looking back at me. They didn't expect that answer either. Shyloh was well known to be a boy of few words, and only really spoke to his friends and family. He was a founding just like the rest of them, but he had been with ths clan longer, due to having been saved from a war infested home as a baby.
He could sometimes be very wise, even if he didn't think he was being so. We weren't sure what it was, but he had this sort of presense that was so powerful. We knew when he would walk in a room, or walk out of it. It's like the air would change. Much like it changed now, with his words rendering us all speechless.
The silence was uncomfortable, and I was the one who left it unresloved, so I spoke up in favor of my crewmates to not keep quiet any longer.
"Perhaps I shall see where I am needed first."
"Perhaps you shouldn't be so afraid to explore an option you would excel in," He again rendered me speechless, and I did not have anything else to say this time. I was young, but my mind was not. I could comprehend thoughts the same way that an adult could. I could handle things just as well and if not better than some, too. He was right. I was simply afraid.
"I think we're finally here," Shyloh said, turning back to look out of the view port again.
"Its about time," Gander stood up, slinging his knapsack over his shoulder and standing at the transport door waiting for it to slide up.
We all followed suit, but Shyloh stopped us and held up a warning finger to stay still.
"There's manding droids, we gotta sneak off carefully. They don't look like bulk but they could be armed," He suggested. We were not yet at the rebel base, meaning these were probably droids of the land, and belonged to whoever oversees the exports on this planet.
When the panel opened, we were all careful to first peek out of the transport. This planet was nothing at all like Mandalore, which was dry and hot. This planet was lush with plants. And the air was slightly humid. It was a very welcome contrast from where I spent most of my life.
We all sneakily bolted out of the transport, ducking down behind one of the cargo units placed outside. We saw an opening in what looked like some sort of forrest patch.
There was a chill in the air on this planet, even in the middle of the day. Mandalore only ever got colder at night, when the sun was down and the moons were shining.
"That was close." Merc mumbled as we began to turn around and head into the grasslands, trying to find the rebel base.
We made sure no one was behind us, and were careful to check if any droids had caught sight of us.
We all went to turn around, but as soon as I did, I collided with someone's chest, rather hard might I add, sending me to the ground on my bottom. I didn't even collide that hard with the person, it was just the shock that sent me backwards.
"Need a hand?" I looked up to see a man, a sly smirk on his face as he held his hand out towards me. I took it without question, heaving myself up from the grassy, and somewhat muddy ground beneath me.
"You must be our contact," Merc smiled, and the man nodded, turning and begining to lead us to a speader that was hovering nearby behind a large set of trees.
"We must be careful not to use names outside of the base. I would be more than happy to formally introduce myself once we reach our final destination," He chuckled. It was only now that I realized he had an accent, a thick one. Probably left over from his native tongue that spilled out his mouth when he spoke galactic basic.
I know that sometimes my accent slips in when i speak. I never had to worry about using Mando'a around my fellow crewmates. They were foundlings, and hadn't been raised to speak it. Shyloh was, but he prefered to use galactic basic anyways because he had forgotten so much of it.
We all boarded the speader, Gander and I sitting on the back, our legs hanging off as we held onto the side bars.
"This might be a bumpy ride for you two," The man said, looking at both of us before giving me a wink. I scrunched my face up, not sure how else to react to it. The man was definitely on the younger side, but I wasn't sure how he could possibly see an interest in me.
Maybe he did and I just didn't want him to. Maybe I was still hinged to the idea that I would go back to Mandalore someday and marry my betrothed. I was so young, and hadn't the slightest idea of what feelings I could possibly be harboring, if any at all.
I couldn't deny I found him appealing. Anyone would, at least any human with eyes that is.
His hair was dark, and so were his eyes. He had a bit of stubble along his jaw and above his lip. He was somewhat scruffy looking, but in a good way.
As the speeder went through the forresty stretch of pathway, I kept turning around to catch a glimpse of him. Each time I did I had to look away fast because Gander would give me weird stares.
I would play it off like I was simply taking in the view of the green planet around me, and he wouldn't seem to notice.
After a while, with quite a few twists and turns, and Gander and I nearly falling off the speeder twice, we arrived to our destination.
We all hopped out of the transport, following the man into a giant cargo port. As soon as I looked to my left I could see an X-wing fighter in all it's glory. I had never seen a real one before, just heard stories and viewed holograms.
"Alright. We have about twelve other recruits arriving on this base today, so you will all be attending orientation this evening. As for right now, you look beat, and should rest. PX-74 will assign you to your bunks," He said, gesturing to the droid before beginning to walk away with a nod, but I stopped him before he could take a step.
"Wait a minute... I believe I recall something about a formal introduction," I crossed my arms over my chest and shifted my weight, trying to give off the look of having as much confidence as I could muster. I was putting on a facade, possibly to make me seem more mature. I didn't know the real reason.
He smirked, raising an eyebrow as he scanned me up and down with his dark eyes.
"Cassian Andor," He smiled, then looking right back at me with questioning eyes. "And how about you... you got a name?"
"Y/n from clan Maldrix," I said, my confidence wavering a little when he looked at me the way that he did.
"She's a Mandalorian," Shyloh perked up, and I sent him a warning glare.
"Yeah, sixth generation," Merc added, his cocky smile pasted on his face for all to see and be annoyed by.
"A mandalorian? I've heard the stories but I haven't ever met one. Are you-?"
"I'm not," I cut him off before this got twisted into one big lie. "My mother and father are."
"Doesn't that make you one too?" Cassian furrowed his brow but his tone was somewhat joking and humorous.
"No, it does not," I wasn't harsh with the way my voice came out, but I was firm. Though I wasn't one of them, the mandalorians and all they stood for were very important to me.
"Mandalorian is not a race, it's a creed. Some of the best Mandalorians I ever had the pleasure of knowing didn't even have a bloodline from Mandalore. They were foundlings, like these three," I explained, laying out the facts so that there was no longer any confusion lingering, but now there was a tension that was thicker than the trees on this planet.
"Even still, she can fight just as good as any soldier taken the creed," Merc jumped in, trying to clear the air, and thankfully, it seemed to be working.
"She flies even better," Shyloh mentioned, and I swore I could kill him. He was just so pushy sometimes, even with his massive sense of wisdom.
"You fly?" This peaked Andor's interest, and immediately he seemed more engaged towards me.
"I'm not as good as they say I am," I admitted, but he shook his head.
"No, really... if you can fly we could really use you. We're putting together a team for an air raid that's set to happen about one month's time from now," He came up closer to me and stared me in the eye.
"I'm just a kid, I might really let you down," I joked, trying not to get too caught up in his eye contact. His eyes were much darker when you could see them closely.
"I tell you what, I can arrange for you to have time in the flight simulator after orientation. If we feel you would be an asset, we can add you to the strike team," He said, nodding along to his words. I understood that they might need backup, and if push came to shove, I could maneuver faster than any pilot back on Mandalore. I never lost a race, nor did I ever lose a bet.
I could tell I was blushing from the extra attention I was receiving. I wasn't so sure what about me was so enticing that I deserved it.
"I have to go now to pick up the other recruits from a drop station. I leave you in the capable hands of PX-74," He said, returning to his speeder and letting us be lead off into the base.
"There are only so many open bunks left. Two of you will share one, and the other two will be placed with bunk mates." The metalized voice of the PX unit was strong in our ears, and we all followed after him as we ventured into the long hallway at the end of the cargo port.
The droid stopped at a door about midway through the hall and opened it using the side panel on the wall, revealing a young man that seemed almost younger than me even.
"One of you will be staying here. Which will it be?" The droid asked, turning towards our small group.
"I'll take this one," Shyloh said, stepping forward into the bunk to meet his new roomate.
The boy looked a bit frightened at first, but because of Shyloh's powerful yet calming energy, he seemed to relax almost immediately.
He turned and smiled back at us, waving before the IG unit closed the door and kept us going.
He walked us down passed several more doors, maybe more than twenty, before he stopped at another one and opened it up.
Inside sat a young woman, her legs crossed as she sharpened a knife with a smirk on her face. She looked up and made eye contact with me first.
"I wondered how long it would be before they got someone else in here." Her voice was somewhat low and raspy, but it was kind of soothing in a way.
"One of you-" the IG unit began again, but I stopped him, stepping into the bunk with the girl inside.
"I'll take this one." I smiled at the two boys left before the door closed on my new bunk.
I moved to set my knapsack down on the bottom bunk, but my roomate stopped me.
"Bottom one's mine." She said, looking up from her sharpened knife again to inform me of the sleeping arrangements.
I instead threw my knapsack on the top bunk, trying to climb up into it, but failing miserably.
"You need a hand?" She chuckled, watching my lame attempts to swing my leg up high enough. The fact that there was no ladder should have tipped me off.
"I'll be okay, thanks," I laughed, keeping my attitude loose and positive, though this bunk bed was already causing unnecessary problems for me.
"If you say so," She chuckled again, seeing as I finally managed to haul myself up and onto the bed.
"First try," I joked, and she laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I think that we would be getting along, because no one ever laughed at my lame sense of humor.
I laid back, resting my arms behind my head and staring blankly at the ceiling.
"So, where are you from?" She piped up, not taking her eyes away from her previous knife. That thing must mean a lot to her.
"Mandalore," I let out, trying to get comfortable on this lumpy pad that was under my head.
"Actually?" She seemed surprised. Everyone had heard of the planet that the mandalorian tribes had resided upon, and usually they understood what kind of people the place would breed.
"Yeah. Left just in time. Tomorrow's my birthday," I shut my eyes continuing our converastion with one less sense. It didn't matter, though. I was still fully awake.
"What would you have had to do?" She pondered curiously, finally looking up towards the bunk in interest.
"Well, to put it short... tomorrow I would have had to swear my freedom away. No living being would ever be able to see my face again till the day I died," I laid it out plain and simple, and she seemed to understand.
"How old are you?" She asked, her trail of questions getting longer and longer.
"Sixteen tomorrow," I answered, feeling a bit more tired now that my eyes had been closed, and the lights in the bunk rooms were dim.
"You're just a baby," She scoffed. "How could they possibly expect you to make that choice so young?"
"It's just the way it's always been there. This is the way," I remembered. Those words used to be said to me nearly ten times a day, and now they only rung in my mind as a memory.
"That's insane. The people on your planet must be crazy to take an oath like that," She muttered.
"You would think so... the strangest part about it is that there are kids brought back as foundlings that take the creed without hesitation. They don't even belong to a bloodline, they just feel as though they have right to the creed as much as anyone else," I silently remembered Din for a moment. He was the bravest, strongest, most loyal Mandalorian I'd ever known. A foundling.
I began to get bitter at the thought of leaving him. He could have made things better for me if I had just given him a chance. I had to let my head get in the way. I needed to think about something else.
"What about you, huh? Where you from?" I asked, changing the subject as quickly and painlessly as possible.
"Alderaan. Born and raised," She said, getting up from the floor and dropping herself on the bottom bunk.
"You been a lot of places since then?" I asked, but she first let out a heavy sigh before speaking.
"Only too many to count," She said, settling herself on the bunk like I had done.
"Must be nice..." I muttered. Finally able to relax on this pathetic excuse for a bed pad. Of course I couldn't complain. I'm the one who chose the life of the rebellion, including their miserable bedding. "I've never been anywhere outside my home planet until now. I haven't even seen the entirety of my own planet."
"Most new comers are the same. They haven't been anywhere else, then they come here and its like we're moving non stop. Base to base, on just about every planet in this galaxy," She reassured. At least now I didn't feel so out of place.
"How long have you been stationed here?" I asked, unsure of how long I would get to adjust to things.
"A few months. It's likely we'll have to leave soon. There's rumors of the imperials knowing our location," She answered, rolling her eyes, thought I couldn't see from the top bunk.
"You're kidding," I scoffed. After just getting here, I might have to up and leave again. I'll have to learn to accept this new life, it's what I wanted.
"I wish I was, kid," She added.
"I have a name," I retorted back, not a fan of the nickname 'kid'. I waited for her to ask me what it was, but when she stayed silent I sighed. "It's Y/n."
"I'll call you what you are... now get some rest, they'll come pounding on that door in a few hours for orientation," She said, as though she somehow had grown to a habit of mothering me only five minutes after we met. I dropped the conversation and drifted off to sleep, my eyes were too heavy to keep open anymore anyway.
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A/n: okay so like i wrote this a while before everything with gina carano happened and i do not in any way condone her whatsoever so let's pretend she's been recast already...
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slashbitch2 · 4 years ago
Extra Complications PT3
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Previous Chapter
"Don't bother coming back into work tomorrow."
Her words had been replaying in your mind since the final encounter, bouncing round like a taunting echo. It'd only been a week since you'd stopped working at Alchemex, yet had felt like a lifetime of boredom and fatigue. With no job or persistent villain to chase after, if you could even call Liv a villain anymore, there was no reason to get out of bed in the morning, nothing to stop you from moping around your apartment. The days blended into what felt like one long sick day, disregarding the occasional break to rescue a cat stuck in a tree.
Although, your only sickness was of the mind. Whenever you attempted to get some rest, your thoughts would inevitably drift to Liv; the cold, distanced tone to her voice, the look of betrayal in her eyes, how empty the week had felt without her. By the third night plagued with insomnia, you were starting to accept that your feelings towards her may be more than a simple crush. On the eighth night, you decided you ought to do something about it and began to formulate a plan.
Entering the building like you were still an employee would be almost impossible since anyone who left their job was rarely welcomed back with open arms. It'd also be better to avoid the security and CCTV cameras, which you'd learnt used face recognition technology. And finally, locating a security card would pose a potential problem, as walking round the facility until you happened to stumble across a janitor to steal from was unfortunately no longer a possibility. So, what was the solution to all your problems? Vents.
Which is how you found yourself scouring over blueprints like a cliched protagonist from a bygone age movie, but at least the irony hadn't escaped you, and thankfully laboratories generally required a great deal of ventilation, so you had multiple routes memorised by the time the bus had arrived at Alchemex. You'd spent the entire journey on edge, fearful that any fellow passenger might accost you for looking so suspicious. But apparently an agitated figure buried beneath a pile of blueprints wearing a spider-suit underneath a jumper was normal enough to be ignored.
Nonetheless, stepping onto the concrete ground of the car park was a relief which inspired a tad more optimism. Moreover, leaving the burdening stacks of blueprints behind further alleviated some of your anxiety. It felt like a final confirmation that this was your one and only chance, and you weren't about to mess it up. Even as the building loomed over you casting a shadow of uncertainty, nothing could discourage your determination.
There was the remarkable sense that you didn't belong here, though it was a familiar sensation. One that persuaded you to tug the mask over your head before darting toward the edge of the car park. It was your belief that as long as you stuck to the outskirts of the facility, few would pay you any attention while you were out in the open. Therefore allowing you to manoeuvre into position and take the quickest passage straight to Liv's office. Which is exactly what you did.
The first stretch of the vent system was a straight drop, a narrow plunge that went on for longer than anticipated. Like a slide with no angle of inclination and a lot less fun. You hit the metal base with an ungraceful clang, certain that your legs would've buckled upon impact had it not been for the lack of space to do so. Overall an uncomfortable start. The remainder of the journey was a lot of crawling and muscle cramps, your only incentive being the occasional grate to peer down which reassured you that your destination was drawing nearer. Everything was going to plan.
Until you heard her.
Olivia's voice rung clear as if from a dream. It stood out from the general ruckus, initially leading you to believe you were hallucinating, that it was some kind of audible mirage. Yet you refocused your senses and it didn't go away. She was almost directly below you, separated simply by a thin layer of metal. With renewed ambition, you crawled toward the nearest grate as quickly and quietly as possible, frantically lowering your head to find the perfect angle, all just to catch a glimpse of her.
"What do you mean the program hasn't worked?" Liv pinched the bridge of her nose, her words laced with an an uncharacteristic anger. You'd never known her to be an irritable person, she loved her job and every challenge that came with it. Was she uptight? Sure. Passionate? Undeniably. But never angry.
"I've tried rerunning and rewriting parts of the code. And it just doesn't work!" Some poor employee (Mark, if you remembered correctly) was fighting for his dignity below. You could see he was flushing, wildly flailing his hands around as he tried to justify his mistake.
"You've rewritten part of it?!" She repeated, volume rising in frustration.
"I- I thought I knew how to fix it."
"I told you not to mess with my work." She growled, stepping closer.
"With all due respect," He didn't back down, clearly caught off guard and unsure how to deal with an irritated Liv. "it's actually Y/N's work."
Upon hearing your name, you ducked out of view as if you'd been seen. Although, it was evident that this was not the case, so slowly you edged forward to peer down at them once more.
Liv's face had dropped at the mention of your name. But by the time you'd settled back in place, anger was already seeping into her expression, then was suddenly smoothed into disturbingly sweet smile. "Well, Y/N isn't here anymore. So I suggest you keep your incompetent hands off of things you don't understand."
Judging by her vague wording, you guessed she hadn't told anyone the real reason you'd been fired. A fond appreciation flooded your mind. Despite everything that had happened, she still respected your secret enough to keep it. You begun to consider that maybe Liv cared about you as much as you did her. Why else would she lie on your behalf?
Mark muttered an ashamed. "Ok." Then left to try and atone for his mistake.
Liv stayed where she was for another minute before taking a deep breath, shaking off her annoyance, and setting a determined path. You assumed she was heading for her office and were about to follow, but then paused. Was this really the best time for a reunion? She obviously wasn't in the best mood, and if you had to guess, it was likely due to your betrayal. Was it too soon to reappear in her life? You'd arrived here with the intention to apologise and make amends, however, you had no idea how Liv would react or what would happen after. If there would even be an after. She could attack you on first sight for all you knew.
No. You'd come too far to turn around now. You continued along the vent before you could overthink the decision. It would be foolish to turn around now: the end was in sight, and rapidly growing closer.
Reaching the final grate, you were greeted with the familiar yet new aerial view of Liv's office. It'd remained mainly the same since your departure. She hadn't even bothered to remove your lab coat, which was still carelessly thrown over the chair you'd frequented everyday. And Liv herself hadn't changed much either, disregarding the seemingly permanent anger lines upon her face. She was sitting at her desk, head in hand, mindlessly flipping through a folder. It occurred to you at that moment that she didn't look irritated, rather sad. Another unexpected emotion for her to display.
After a minute, she sighed, tossing the papers to one side and bringing her other hand up to crash forward into. She looked defeated, seeing her this way felt wrong. You honestly preferred the anger because it showed she'd maintained at least some of her usual intensity.
You sighed. It was time to fix this. With unsteady hands you delicately unscrewed the bolts holding the grate in place, careful to make as little noise as possible. It was as you were removing the final screw that you realised something: you had no idea what to say to her. No planned speech or prepared apology, you'd resigned to hoping for a spontaneous burst of thoughtfulness in the moment. You sat there for a minute, fidgeting with one of the screws while attempting to come up with what you would say. Should you start by apologising for breaking in, or for lying to her, or for applying to the job in the first place? You had a lot of things to apologise for.
And unfortunately, the chance to think it through any further was taken from you as the screw slipped out of your hand. You gasped watching it fall, hitting the ground with an faint thud. Although quiet enough for most people to ignore, you knew Liv was too thorough to not investigate. And as expected, following your sharp intake of breath was the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, then footsteps gradually approaching.
Liv appeared below you, bending down to inspect the screw before glancing up. Her eyes locked with yours through the mask and widened in shock.
"Hey." The casual tone to your voice sounded forced and you grimaced. But rather than dwelling on it, you dropped from the exposed hiding place and pulled off your mask. You smiled awkwardly, eyes scanning and overanalysing her reaction.
Liv stepped back to lean on the desk for support. Her mouth was agape, but otherwise her face was worryingly blank.
"If this is a bad time I can come back later."
Still no response. The room was drowning in a tense silence.
"Well, actually I probably can't come back." With no social cues to interact with, you began to ramble aimlessly. "I'm guessing you'll find a way to patch that particular security breach." You gestured up to the gap in the ceiling and laughed lightly. "Sorry about that. I didn't know how else to-"
You're cut off as Liv moves impossibly fast, grabbing your shoulders and shoving you backwards against the wall. A thousand different thoughts run through your mind at once, all wondering what she's about to do. The majority are focused on the possibility that she's going to hurt you in some way, although, even if she did have the intention to cause harm, you wouldn't fight back. You were tired of conflict, especially when it involved Liv.
She was standing close, breathing heavily and saying nothing. You couldn't help but let your eyes flicker down to her lips, the temptation to kiss her becoming increasingly vehement. So instead you forced your attention up to her eyes, which held an air of confusion.
"What are you doing here?" Her voice was deep, full of unvoiced emotions.
You licked your lips, glancing at her mouth one last time. "I came here to apologise. I didn't mean for any of this to go so far."
"You're lying." She backed away slightly and you immediately missed the proximity.
"I'm not! I just-" You stuttered, then admitted in a quieter voice. "I never meant to hurt you."
She inhaled shakily and swallowed, your eyes tracing the movement of her throat. "And?"
"And because I care about you too much to let you think I did any of this on purpose." You lowered your head, her invasive glare becoming overwhelming.
Soft fingers firmly gripped your chin, compelling you to look up. Her eyes displayed distrust, confusion which you suddenly feel the need to wipe away. You wanted to make your affection for her clear, but found yourself annoyingly speechless. All the recurring thoughts and confined confessions that had been plaguing you for a week suddenly gone from your mind. You were infuriatingly at a loss for words. Although, the warmth of her fingers against your skin reminded you that actions speak louder than words.
You leant in slowly, giving her sufficient time to stop you. She didn't move so you kissed her lightly at first, searingly next. Your arm shifted to wrap around her back tentatively and she moaned faintly in response. Although, it wasn't until you allowed her to take control that any remaining anger dissipated. At that point the kiss became bruising, her hold on you tightening as a wave of shared desperation rolled over the both of you. Before the desperation could reach its peak, however, you separated from her.
Liv was almost panting, her cheeks tinged pink and hair a mess. She promptly attempted to kiss you again, though you dodged the advance and she whined. Her mouth latched onto your neck, sucking at the skin there.
Your head fell back against the wall, dizzy from lust. "Does this mean I can have my job back?" You quipped, running a hand through your hair.
"Depends." She murmured in between kisses. "Do you have anymore secrets?"
"None that I can think of." You smiled, the prospect of returning to what you'd come to consider as normality was an appealing one. Of course there were things you would need to work through with Liv, and many, many extra complications alongside having a relationship with your boss. But nothing easy was ever worthwhile, and Liv was living proof of that.
"Alright. You're hired."
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 3 years ago
I grew up on the slightly more traditional side, I think (only ever been to that one synagogue plus two reform shuls prior to chabad), in that all the services were in hebrew, and the way chabad/other orthodox organizations talk about Judaism lines up really closely with how I grew up, but the major differences that are throwing me are the mechitza and the fact that women can’t be called up to the torah. Growing up, getting an alliah was always so fun and exciting, and because my dad is a Levi I almost always was guaranteed an alliah if he wasn’t there. Also, I just generally don’t know how Jewish women are expected to behave in orthodox settings, especially since I’m engaged but not yet married (we’re planning on marrying in a couple years), which puts me in a very different social stage than any other woman there who are all either single or married. Sorry for the wall of text, I just haven’t had anyone to talk to about this without feeling like I’m being silly.
Regarding the mechitzah, what helped me adjust to the idea was thinking about what happened when I was a teenager in a Reform shul and my crush showed up at services (which wasn't that often because I was like the only person under 50 who attended regularly, but anyway). Namely...that the moment I saw him walk into the sanctuary, the fact that he was there was about 90% of what I was thinking about for the rest of the time. Stealing glances, wondering if he was looking at me too, noticing what he was wearing, whatever, whatever. There was zero kavana there.
Even if you have an established partner, there's a time and place for spending time together and it doesn't have to be shul. Shul is for focusing on your relationship with Hashem, and the separation of the mechitza provides a boundary that makes it easier to focus on that.
This explanation may or may not do it for you, but that's how I personally feel.
The other thing is that not all mechitzos are created equal, and you may find you feel differently depending on the setup (front/back, side by side, balcony, material and structure of the mechitza itself, etc). If it's the type where the women really can't see anything, then that can be really frustrating because it feels like you're totally cut off from what's going on and I don't have any suggestions other than to encourage the shul to go a different route if they're ever redoing things. If that's what you're dealing with, I'm sorry.
Regarding aliyos I unfortunately don't have much advice because I don't relate. I've never enjoyed getting up in front of a crowd and having to say words properly, so that's not something I particularly miss (and also wasn’t something I experienced very frequently, because the vast majority of the time that I went to services when I was Reform it was Friday night and there was no Torah reading).
As far as behavior, if this is a Chabad house setting, I don’t think you probably need to worry about this. Chabad houses are used to welcoming people with a wide spectrum of backgrounds and observance levels and they are not going to have the expectation that all attendees must act, dress, etc. as though they were born and raised Orthodox in every nuance. You probably have enough common sense not to, I don’t know, have a heavy makeout session with your fiancé at the kiddush or something.
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lilallama · 4 years ago
Valentines Day
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TW: Obsessive behaviour, mentioning of stealing and slight homophobia, proceed with caution!
"Taehyung sweetie, wake up.~"
I groan and turn in my sheets, slowly regaining consciousness. "I've prepared you breakfast. Get dressed and come downstairs." The clacking of my mother's heels echoed through the hall as she went away. Groggily I sit up and stretch. I push my bangs out of my eyes I stare towards the window to my left. The sun shines through the thin curtains casting an orange light on my bedroom wall. I yawn and stand up, pulling the curtains aside and flooding the room with light. I take a moment to look outside, admiring our beautiful garden before remembering what day it is. Today is Valentines day! My God/Goddess asked me to meet up with them. Oh, spending Valentines with my saviour is the best thing to have ever happened to me!
I rush to pick out a white dress shirt, a khaki sweater vest with a black pair of slacks. After also brushing through my hair to untangle any knots I opened my secret Y/n shrine. The picture of their smiling face makes my heart pound so fast. They are otherworldly, absolutely ethereal! I take out a shirt of theirs which I borrowed a while ago. If I close my eyes it still smells like them, it's addictive.
Just to make sure that no items were robbed from their place I go through all items once again. Five chewed on pencils, a small box of empty wrappers, my 20 most favourite photos of them, the candle they accidentally bit into because they thought it was edible, the borrowed shirt, a pair of their underwear, a bunch of pins and hair ties they touched, the bundle of 36 hair strands I managed to collect (I only collect the hairs that have fallen out, I would never dare to cut or rip out my God's/Goddess' hair) and my water bottle which they drank out of (I had to buy a new one to keep this in my shrine but it was so worth it). All my items were there.
Suddenly I hear clacking and a small thud. I turn around in confusion, what just happened? But then I hear Yeontan's bark from the other side of the door. He ran against the door again. I can't help but laugh as I go to open the door for him. He jumps up a bit so I kneel down to pet him. "I'm meeting up with Y/n today, isn't that exciting!" Yeontan immediately started yapping, he loved my God/Goddess almost as much as I do. It's really incredible what an effect Y/n has on everyone, they all seem to love them. Well, then again that is expected to be the case considering Y/n is such a godly being.
"Taehyung!" "I'm coming!" My mother called me again. "Come on, boy." I hurry downstairs with Yeontan following me. "Good morning, Ma. Good morning, Pa." My father nodded at me while my mother beckoned me to sit down and eat. While I finish my breakfast my mother was talking about a lot of stuff. "Have you heard, they're trying to make gay marriage legal here. That is complete nonsense! God created a man and a woman for a reason." I have no clue what my mother was raging about. I concluded that she's probably just misinformed, Y/n said that being part of the lgbtq community is completely natural and alright. I know they know better than anyone else. "What's so bad about it, Ma?" My mother looked at me with horror. "They can't help who they're attracted to. It's all natural, isn't it?" My mother shook her head. "No!" She exclaimed, "Being gay or trans or something is inherently selfish! Gays are selfish! Men and women were created by God to conceive a child and stop the human kind from getting extinct. Trans are selfish! God gave you a body and you chose to change it in it's entirety! Such behaviour is unacceptable." "But I thought God loves everyo-" "Where have you even gotten that idea? Maybe you should go back to homeschooling. Clearly these other kids are having a bad influence on you." I look over to my father who just continues reading the newspaper. I respect my mother but she clearly isn't ready yet for the wisdom Y/n has bestowed upon me. Not everyone is as lucky as I am. "Look at the time we'll have to go now." Right, it was Sunday which means we're going to church. I always like going there, the windows astound me everytime. And the pastor is always so welcoming and friendly. I vividly remember asking him about the lgbtq community after Y/n had told me about them. He said that God loves everyone regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. He truly is a wise man.
As soon as we returned my father got a call from a business partner. They said they'd have to go now and want me to take Yeontan with me to my meet up. While I was a bit saddened that I couldn't be alone with my God/Goddess I decided it wouldn't be a problem.
Yeontan excitedly trots besides me as I make my way to the place where my saviour and I would meet up. I debated getting them a bouquet of red roses for Valentines day, but figured that the 20 letters, 12 stuffed animals and 18 bouquets I gave them during the past week would be enough, for now. As I make my way there I couldn't conceal the excitement I felt. Getting the chance to spend time with my Master/Mistress was something I believed I'd only ever dream about. The euphoria I feel from the mere thought of getting to see them today is dizzying.
Suddenly Yeontan starts barking and storms off. He never leaves my side, that's why he's not kept on a leash. To see him run away from me like that was surprising at best. But then I notice the reason for his behaviour. The puppy ran towards Y/n who was waiting for me a few metres away. How could I have just ignored my saviour like that! What I did was unacceptable. I would punish myself, but it would likely ruin Y/n's day, I can't let that happen. So I run after Yeontan, towards my God/Goddess.
"Good morning, Y/n! I'm sorry about him." I look down at Yeontan who's still getting pet by Y/n. He better cherish that they're even looking at him. It's bad enough that he practically demanded pats from them. So disrespectful. "No worries. He's so adorable!" At least Y/n seemed to enjoy his behaviour. I doubt it would work if I behaved that way towards them, but that's for another day to find out. "I dearly hope you didn't have to wait too long." They smile up at me. Oh, their smile is to die for. So incredibly perfect! I feel my knees getting weak. "Don't worry about it. I just arrived too." Yeontan started barking again and was noe excitedly jumping around, making Y/n laugh. "Awe! Yeontan is so adorable. I didn't know you'd take him with you." "It was unexpected for me as well." They stand up and take my hand. My heart is beating so fast, I feel as if I'm about to explode. It's getting harder to breathe. "Let's go now!" We start walking along the path with Yeontan rushing after us.
We sat outside a small café and each ordered our desired dessert. "Have you ever been on a date?" That question caught me off guard. "Oh, no. I haven't." I believe that much was quite obvious, but perhaps I was mistaken. They look surprised, shocked almost. "Really? How come? Aren't you getting asked out left and right?" "I suppose I just never had interest in anyone. I barely know those who ask me out. They're all so shallow to confess without knowing anything about me." Just then the waiter returned with our desserts. We thank him before we start eating.
Both of us watch as Yeontan is running around and playing in the snow. I look over to see Y/n smile at him, leading me to also smile. I adore their smile. Everything about them is so perfect. I could stare at them for hours and never get bored. Each detail is something new, something beautiful to discover. Unable to take y eyes off them I-
"Excuse me." Who dares interrupt my special time with my God/Goddess?! Two girls stood next our table. One almost cowering behind the other and mumbling something along the lines of, "Oh my god, no. Jess, don't." But I really couldn't care less. "My friend thinks you're really cute and was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with her." So annoying. I eye them down and make one thing clear. "I'm not interested." The girl cowering behind the other looked disappointed, perhaps ashamed. Good. She should be. After they interrupted my date with the Y/n they can go burn for all I care. "Have a good day." After the girls back away with the other girl exclaiming, "What a jerk!" I turn my attention back to Y/n. "Uhm, wasn't that a bit harsh?" They looked unsure. "Was it? I thought it was reasonable. Better to tell the truth than lead them on, am I correct?" They took another bite of their dessert. "I guess you're right."
We had a grand time strolling through the park, even having a snowball fight. They won. Obviously I could not compete with my God/Goddess, no one could ever. Yeontan was also very entertained as he kept trying to catch the snowballs as they flew over his head. Soon the sun began setting. It was incredible how fast the time flew by. Both our clothes were slightly damp due to the snow. I didn't think much about it untill Y/n began shivering. No no no no! My saviour could get sick, or die! I couldn't let that happen. I take off my jacket and gently place it over their shoulders. "But, won't you be cold?" I give them a reassured smile. "Don't worry about me, my God/Goddess. If I may, I'd love to accompany on your way home." They let out a bashful chuckle, making me melt. I feel my entire body heating up from that gorgeous chuckle. Their power over me is simply astounding.
All the way home I keep my arm atound them in hopes of providing some form of warmth for them. I cannot bear knowing that they're freezing. Never would I be able to forgive myself if they'd catch a cold. Yeontan was also slowly getting tired, which was by bo means a surprise considering how he played and jumped around all day. "Thank you for bring me home, Taehyung." Hearing them say my name makes my entire body tingle and flutter. "You do not have to thank me, Y/n. It was an honour!" Whatever I expected, it was not feeling their lips against mine. My mind went blank and I could barely stand. I felt dizzy, yet so so good! They gave me my jacket back after the short peck and laughed. "Goodnight!" Then they went inside and closed the door. I stood there for a moment, shocked at what had happened yet freling absolute bliss. After a minute or so I manage to finally pull myself together. I put on my jacket, it smells like them! And then I picked Yeontan up and walked home.
Oh, this day was the best I've ever had!
If you liked my work please reblog! 💌
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ressyfaerie · 4 years ago
Last suggestion! (I've only saw the dub & not read the manga so pls forgive if I'm wrong with this and they all know) Random headcanon that somehow Kai is the last to know about Tyson's mom passing. Idk but I feel like Kai makes a tasteless comment and the team are like dude we know this? And he's just generally ??? what? He misunderstands and thinks it's recent and speaks to Tyson but he tells him it's been years and years and he's at peace with it. Bonus if awkward hug/attempt at one from Kai 😂 (I also headcanon he's never had a hug so has no idea how to)
AWWW this sounds so cute im doin it. Oh alcohol mentions! It wrote itself but its v cute im proud of this one for sure!!!
Just teenagers being teenagers.
A night in the dojo without adult supervision and nothing to do meant stealing alcohol from the liquor cabinet and singing karaoke.
Ray and Max’s harmonies shattered eardrums.
Tyson laughed, “how can they be high and low pitched at the same time?”
Acting silly and opening up was what tonight was all about.
Even Kai got talkative after a few drinks, you could even say he was acting—
“Irresponsible! Kai get down from there!” Tyson held his sides laughing so hard he thought his lungs would collapse.
Kai hung off the edge of the couch, lounging like a rich prince.
Max hopped up beside him, “what are you doing buddy?”
“I’m a cat.”
The room fell into an uproar of laughs and giggles. Kai fell to the cushions laughing as well.
Tyson took every opportunity to jab questions into Kai.
“Favourite animal?”
“Favourite food?”
“That ramen you made for us that one time.”
“Favourite dance?”
“Never done it, but I’m a fan of swing.”
“Favourite childhood toy?”
Now he got hung up on that one.
They both laid on the floor, everyone slowly joined. Music from karaoke turned on low escaped the TV surrounding the room in a comforting atmosphere.
“I never really had one.”
“Everyone had one!”
“My parents gave me a stuffed tiger.” Ray grinned while holding a pillow close to his chest, “I lost it though. Man, I loved that thing.”
Max started to talk, then stopped giggling, “I had a piece of silk.”
They laughed, Tyson was the first to respond, “a piece of silk?”
“I called it silky. I was from one of my mom’s old skirts. I would sleep with it every night when she was gone.” He chuckled, “I actually still have it.”
“Where is it?” Ray asked.
“At my dads. I keep it on my nightstand.”
Hilary was sleeping on the couch with her head on Kenny’s lap, Kenny joined the conversation with a hushed voice. ��Was it hard? Having a mom that was only half there all the time?”
“Yeah. I always told myself… At least I have a mom. There’s lots of people who aren’t as lucky as me.”
“Yeah…” Kenny trailed off, knowing he had two parents that loved him, and he probably wasn’t welcome in the conversation about to ensue.
“Your Dad’s nice though.” Ray pointed out.
“I love my Dad. My Mom can be a handful…”
“Other way around for me.” Tyson had his arms folded behind his head, “at least you don’t have any crazy siblings.”
“Dude, fuck Hiro.” Kai hiccuped.
“Guess we learned Kai has a low alcohol tolerance.” Max threw a pillow at Kai to catch him off guard.
He caught it in midair.
“Ooohhhh!!” Tyson cooed in awe.
Kai grumbled,” I’m fine. I just hate that guy.”
“Well I never knew my parents thanks for asking.” Ray changed the subject delicately, Kai had a habit of getting aggressive when he talked about Hiro, he didn’t want the conversation to turn sour.
“Why not?” Tyson asked with a drunken lack of compassion.
Ray shrugged, “ it takes a village to raise a child, I guess that’s what happened.”
“Makes sense.” Tyson sat up lazily, “wanna know what my favourite toy was?”
“Hell yeah!” Max somehow had another pillow and was throwing it in the air and catching it over and over again.
“Other than Dragoon, it was this old kendo sword my mom gave me. It was an heirloom. I still have it, but I played with it so much I wore it out, I’m afraid to use it again.”
Surprisingly, it was Kai who responded.
“Wow, your Mom must have put a lot of trust in her kid to give them something like that. She must have loved you a lot.”
The room grew quiet and cold.
Kai turned to look at Tyson, who was just staring back with a blank expression.
“I’m going to go get some water.” Tyson sat up making his way to the kitchen.
As soon as they heard the door slide shut, Max shoved a fist into Kai’s chest.
“Ow! What the hell was that for?!”
“Idiot! Tyson’s Mom died when he was just born! He never even met her! He never talks about it because it's a bit of a touchy subject!”
Max frowned and glared at Kai.
“Sorry.” Kai started, “I never really clued in. I thought she died when he was older.”
Ray slapped a hand to his forehead, “dude, we know this.”
Kai sighed, “I’ll go apologize.”
“Yeah you better!” Max threw the pillow at him, this time Kai let it hit him, accepting his punishment weakly.
The kitchen was dimly lit, Tyson was making something at the counter.
“You want some tea Kai?”
“What kind?”
“Just green tea. Nothing special.”
Kai watched him pour the water, unsure how to start, he could still feel the effects of alcohol bouncing around his brain. He waited a moment, hoping to articulate his thoughts appropriately.
“I’m sorry—”
“It’s okay, Kai. It’s been a long time, almost two decades, I mean—you’d think I’d be over it?”
Kai saw his eyes, slightly damp with tears.
“This is a tough subject for you. I’m sorry.”
Tyson rubbed his eyes with his sleeve, letting out a sniffle.
“I’ve always been okay with it. I guess… I’ve never known anything different. I do wish my father and brother were more present though.”
Tyson stared out the window into the darkness of night. He couldn’t see anything, but he still looked, for a long while.
Kai licked his lips before continuing, “I never knew my parents well either. They abandoned me, I have some memories of them, but not much.”
Tyson gave him his attention, and tried to change the subject, “so you would have had a favourite toy then?”
Kai suppressed a laugh, knowing what he was trying to do,” like I said, my memories of that time are fuzzy. I actually remember more of the abbey—surprisingly enough.”
“Oh.” Now Tyson was worried he had overstepped.
“Do you remember what your Mom looked like?” Kai wasn’t sure why he was pressing the subject, he normally wouldn’t.
Tyson blinked a few times, surprised by Kai’s sudden curiosity. “Um, apparently I have her hair, and her eyes. Her face was soft too, so I guess I got all my Mom’s features.”
Tyson rubbed the back of his head grinning.
Kai agreed, “thank god.”
Tyson let out a fast laugh, “ha! Did you just call my Dad ugly?”
Kai squinted his eyes, “I guess I did?”
They fell into probably the hundredth laugh attack of that night, Tyson placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder stabilizing himself.
Their laughs drifted away, Kai glanced at Tyson’s hand, then at his best friend.
“I’m sorry you never knew your mother.”
Tyson was caught off guard at Kai’s soft voice.
“I’m sorry you never really knew yours…” Tyson returned the sympathy.
Kai grinned, and bit his lip, “I’m sorry your Dad’s so ugly.”
The uncontrollable giggles had Tyson holding his side, and Kai hunched over. They were so close to each other now. Tyson’s hand had drifted to Kai’s neck, he could feel his warm skin and heartbeat. Kai had gone completely against his character, and was holding Tyson’s stomach trying to prevent him from keeling over.
Then Tyson fell forward, letting his chin prop on Kai’s shoulder.
Kai was halfway to hugging him.
When he realized this, he stopped giggling, and Tyson’s irregular breathing was the only remnant of laughter left in the room.
Kai’s voice barely reached Tyson’s ear, “I’ve never hugged anyone before.”
“First.” Tyson wrapped his arms around Kai’s shoulders.
Kai held his arms out loosely, “what are you, a youtube comment?”
Short laughs, Kai felt Tyson’s chest rumble with each chuckle, he let his hands fall into Tyson’s body.
He had his arms wrapped around Tyson’ abdomen, then curled them along his back, completely unsure if what he was doing was right.
Tyson’s voice reverberated through Kai’s ears, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
“What does it sound like?”
They didn’t say anything.
Kai felt Tyson’s long hair against his cheek, he had never felt such soft hair, let alone so close… He breathed in.
“You smell like cedarwood and cherry blossom.”
“It’s my shampoo.”
Neither one of them had the confidence to break apart, or maybe... they didn’t want to.
Kai found his hand gliding up Tyson's spine, he felt Tyson shiver slightly at the touch. He gently played with the ends of Tyson’s blue hair, feeling it twirl through his fingers like silk.
“Are you… are you playing with my hair?” Tyson’s voice rang in disbelief.
Kai’s eyes grew wide when he noticed what he was doing. He pushed himself away, keeping one hand on Tyson’s side, he didn’t want to let go completely, out of fear he could never go back.
Tyson was in a mirror position with one hand on his shoulder.
“I won’t tell anyone.” Tyson smirked.
“You better not.”
“You can play with my hair whenever you want.”
“Can I!?” Kai took a step back after he realized how excited his voice was.
“Learn how to tie a braid and then we can talk.” Tyson pushed the envelope with his teasing.
“I’ll google it right now.”
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years ago
Hi so I've read 2 my chem sports AUs recently (All We Need Is Daylight by Helena_Hathaway and Getting the Gold by frankiesin) and I loved them surprisingly a lot because My Chemical Romance and various sports are not something you'd expect go together. I'm wondering if you know of any other sports AUs?
Hi Nonny!
There's a few Sports AUs I know and if you don't mind High School Sports AUs, there's quite a few of those as well!
Sports AUs
All We Need is Daylight by Helena_Hathaway, Frank/Gerard, 240k [WIP], Explicit. Frank is thrust all too suddenly into a new life, one where he's not warmly welcomed. He's the best goddamn hockey player he knows, though, and he's not going to let anyone take that away from him. Or at least, not until his world comes tumbling down.
Getting the Gold by frankiesin, Mikey/Pete, 9k, General Audiences. It's Mikey's first time as an Olympic coach, and he's navigating the new role pretty well until he meets the men's swim coach. Pete's gorgeous, funny, and entertaining as hell, but Mikey's pretty sure he's already got a boyfriend. Also featuring Mikey and Lindsey being Super Bros, and way too many baby athletes in need of supervision.
you wanna get it for free by akamine_chan, Ray/Mikey, 2k, Explicit. Ray's a wrestler, you see...
Pages In Your Passport by inlovewithnight, Mikey/Pete, 15k, Explicit. Pete pursued soccer instead of music. He has a good long run in the game. Then in 2010, he meets this guy in a band.
The Circuit by stoplightglow, Frank/Gerard, 24k, Teen And Up Audiences. In the world of competitive motorcycle racing, nothing is more prestigious than the Grand Circuit Tour. Americans everywhere gather to watch as the twelve best racers in the nation compete for the title of Circuit Champion and $100,000. Gerard Way is no stranger to the race. When he was a teenager, his name was practically legend - but after disappearing without explanation six years ago, he's become little more than a relic of the past. Now, at age twenty-six, Gerard is back on the Circuit with something to prove. It's Frank Iero's first year on the tour, but he's more than ready. No one has seen a kid blast through the ranks so fast since Gerard Way first appeared on the scene a decade ago. With a cocky attitude and the whole country swooning over him, nothing can slow him down. The stakes have never been so high. Welcome to the Fourteenth Annual Grand Circuit Tour.
Down And Dirty by dear_monday, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Explicit. Gerard's own beloved cherry-red Harley has pedigree in fucking spades, sure, but she's seen better days, and she just doesn't have the power to outrun Iero and that revolting custom paint job. The matching helmet painted to look like a jack-o-lantern is just too much. An AU wherein the boys are dirty bikers, inspired by the recently-released photos from the Japanese Rolling Stone shoot.
shut up and drive by Trojie, uglowian, Patrick/Mikey/Pete, 139k, Teen And Up Audiences. Pete Wentz is the grid girl, Andy Hurley loves him (not like that), and Jared Leto is the bad guy. A.K.A.: the bandom The Fast and the Furious AU that literally no one asked for.
Another Cog In The Murder Machine by ace_writez, Ray/Mikey, 3k [WIP], General Audiences. Mikey's life is set. He's going to get a basketball scholarship for university and then play in the big leagues. All he has to do is get team captain his last year of high school. But he runs into some competition when another good player also tries out. Suddenly he's not so sure he's going to make it. Ray is also trying for a scholarship. As the star quarterback of Belleville High for three years, he's gunning for a fourth. When a situation at home suddenly drags him down, and a certain boy at school catches his eye, he finds himself at a crossroads. Two boys. Two sports. One school, and one story.
Day Seven: Half Dressed - Frerard by LeatherlipsIero, Frank/Gerard, 3k, Mature. Frank reached out his hand for the stranger to shake, "I'm Frank, let me buy you a drink as an apology?" He smiled again when the stranger grabbed his strong and callused hand with his own soft one. "Thank you, but it's my fault, honestly." The strange and pretty man tried to explain but Frank didn't care. "I insist." He said and sent the beautiful stranger a half smirk with half-lidded bedroom eyes, which had the poor boy blushing in seconds. Score.
Olympians by krissykane, Frank/Gerard, 3k, General Audiences. Frank is a shooter who has (somehow) made it to his second Olympic games. There he joins the crowd at a fencing event and sees a certain Team USA fencer for the first time.
Take One For The Team (Excuse Me If I'm Rude) by frenchpirate (Whiskey_n_speed), Mikey/Pete, 25k, Explicit. “So, your coach,” Gabe started, change of subject, thank god. “Yeah, what about him?” Mikey asked and glanced over at Pete who was heading towards the coach locker rooms, dragging a net of footballs after him. “You never told me he was hot. I’m pretty sure that’s withholding indispensable information. I should’ve signed up for the soccer team.” He said halfway jokingly, and William scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What, he’s not-“ “He so is. He’s like totally – small and handy,” He made a smooth explanatory hand-motion. “I want to fit him in my pocket.” * (Or; twenty eight scenes about skipping school, douchebag friends, post-college parties and way too much soccer)
Boxer!Fic by iamdali, Frank/Gerard, 47k, Explicit, General Audiences. After med school, Gerard had this idea of what life would be like. The idea now probably seems more than ridiculous, but still it’s what he clung to in order to drag himself through those gruelling morning hours after an all nighter of studying or writing some preposterously long paper on some disease or medical break through or why whatever part of the human body does whatever it does, and what happens when it doesn’t.
It's Not A Side Effect Of The Triple Axel (I'm Thinking It Must Be Love) by mizubyte (b_dsaint), Mikey/Pete, 10k, Teen And Up Audiences. If not for Alicia, Mikey never would have stepped on to the ice, let alone become a figure skater. Now, over 15 years later, Vancouver is Mikey's last chance for Olympic Gold. If he doesn't get distracted by snowboarder Pete Wentz, that is.
If The Skates Don't Fit by halfeatenmoon, Lindsey/Gerard, 12k, Teen And Up Audiences. Lyn-Z thought her rollerderby team might have a chance of winning some games this year, until she discovered that the new girl she'd recruited to the team was actually a man named Gerard. With a week to go until the first match against their long-time rivals, the Cobras, Lyn-Z and her teammates instead steal one of the Cobras' players - Maja, who has been feeling underappreciated since her side was joined by a new star. Maja's a great player, but it's a challange to learn to skate with a new teammate with only a week to go, especially when she still has some unresolved issues with her old captain.
Split lips hurt by toxic_fox, Frank/Gerard, 769 words, Teen And Up Audiences. Every Thursday, at six o’ clock sharp, frank goes boxing. He loves the adrenaline, the rush he gets from fighting, the blood, the pain. He kind of likes the kind medic as well.
Uppercut by mcrhomo, Frank/Gerard, 3k [WIP], Teen And Up Audiences. Frank is dealing with a lot in his life, including body dysmorphia. When he signs up for a boxing class to lose weight, he meets Gerard, and his whole life is turned several different ways (for better and for worse).
I Believe You're The Enemy (Game On) by imanemostan, Frank/Gerard, 2k, Mature. Constant affairs kept secret by frank and gerard, on different laser tag teams playing against each other. weirdly enough, both their schools have an official laser tag team. How will they ever be able to keep this a secret?
I Just Want You by Bridgetti, Frank/Gerard, 2k, General Audiences. Frank teaches Gerard to skate.
It's All In the Game by happilysurviving (orphan_account), Frank/Gerard, 46k [WIP], Mature. Even jocks have issues. Especially the closeted ones who have friends they have to kick off their football teams. And it gets even worse when they have to kick them off because of a homophobic coach. But of course that's only the beginning as this is Dan Howell and he always has to have larger problems on top of the ones everyone else would believe to be impossible to handle. Having Frank as his best friend certainly doesn't help or the head gossip guru in town as his mother but it could be worse, right? I mean he could be in love with an opposing team's quarterback... Oh wait.
Frerard Football Team AU For Which I Could Not Think of a Title by franks_hands, Frank/Gerard, 5k, Teen And Up Audiences. In the locker room and at practices, Frank was noisy, bordering on obnoxious. He seemed to bounce off the walls sometimes. He didn’t know about personal space.
of cute boys and rollerskates by etselec, Mikey/Pete, 1k, General Audiences. “I’m teaching you how to skate,” Mikey nearly fell as he removed Pete’s arms away from him. He squeezed his hand instead, “so our next date it won’t be as awkward.” “Date?” Pete asked. “Well, we’re holding hands already, aren’t we?” Mikey smiled at him.
Hand in Mine, Into Your Icy Blues by sundrowned, Frank/Gerard, 28k, General Audiences. Gerard is the captain of the hockey team and his overbearing father is the coach. When a new boy named Frank joins the team, Gerard has to decide weather to follow his father's orders to stay away from the boy or choose his own path.
Skating In A Ttutu by runaway_killjoy, Frank/Gerard, 51k, Teens And Up Audiences, Explicit. Frank has to move towns with his mom. He's disheartened to realize that teenagers are judgemental and manipulative no matter where you go. And no one gets judged quite as bad as the ballerina/skater boy who isn't even 5ft. Skater boy AU prompt, Frerard
Powderpuff by Gorgeous Nerd (gorgeousnerd), Frank/Gerard, 2k, Explicit. It isn't like Frank's opposed to powderpuff football. The timing's just kind of bad.
Get Up And Go by inlovewithnight, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. Mikey Way: Ultramarathon Runner.
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feelin-woozy · 6 years ago
Ok so I've never rlly done an ask before so sksk idk if this would be an odd request. Can I get some hc for the main 6 w an mc struggling w addictions (drugs, alcohol) and how they'd handle them?
TW: Substance abuse! I always have so much to say for these asks and it gets a bit messy and long so I apologize for that!!
When he first finds out, it’s hard for him. Maybe he’s had his suspicions but didn’t wanna call you out on it just in case he was wrong. Because that could get ugly.  
I don’t know how long he could stay with you if you weren’t willing to get better. Just watching you slowly kill yourself after he worked so hard to bring you back. It would break his heart to see you like that.
Encourages you to let him get you help but doesn’t force it upon you. He wants you to get better for yourself, not for anyone else. Though he’s obviously going to strongly push for you to get better.
Even when you fall of the wagon, you can see he’s disappointed but he never verbalizes it or makes it shameful. He always assures you that it’s okay and it doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
He just holds your hand through the ups and the downs.
I’d imagine he’d take you on some trip for some time. Maybe you guys go to Nopal for awhile to get you through the first bit away from any temptations.
When she first finds out, she’s upset and shocked. Maybe a bit that you didn’t tell her but she also understands why you wouldn’t. If she just catches you high/consistently hammered, that’s one thing but if she caught you stealing from her to afford your habit that’s another. That would spark a whole new fight.
Would naturally be upset by this, doesn’t judge you in any sort of way but it’s hard to see your loved ones in such a state. It’s the stealing that she has issues with, just seeing what addictions could drive you to hurts a lot.
If you didn’t want to get better, ho, that’s a tough one. On one hand maybe she’d kick you out of the palace because she doesn’t want to enable you. On the other hand, she doesn’t want to put you on the streets. So I think she’d just have someone baby sit you and try and limit her contact with you.
Not that she doesn’t want to see you but it hurts so much to see you like that and every time she sees you and you refuse to get better, it just salts the wounds.
Encourages you to let her get you help, will find you the best of care and be with you every step of the way. Watching you withdraw would 
Tbh out of all of them I think she’d be the most likely to be ill-equip to deal with this. Yes she can get you splendid help but I don’t think she’s really been around addicts save for like Valerius but he’s a functioning addict. (So if you’re like Val, she might not realize it’s a problem.)
Wants to educate herself and understand your struggles and tbh coming out of this, I could so see her opening up some sort of treatment center in Vesuvia because she’s seen what addiction has done to you. She wants to be able to help others as well.
Mm is it bad if I say that he’d be kind of an enabler? Not intentionally of course but I have headcanons that he himself struggles with alcohol addiction.
Maybe seeing you struggle so much with whatever substance you’re using is what makes him realize how bad of shape he’s in too. His logic is how can he help you when he can hardly help himself.
So he proposes the idea of getting better together.
If you didn’t want to get better, he might fall into that and spiral with you till Portia and or Mazelinka are like whoa, hold your horses and attempt to drag you out of the pit you two dug.
If he decides to get better and you don’t, he’s really upset. He knows you’re bad for him and he’s caught between needing to leave you for his own recovery and wanting to stay with you because you have his heart.
Oh fuck, imagine if you were stealing medical shit from Julian and got addicted to that.
That would piss him off, I think that’s one of the few times you’d truly piss any of the LIs off with an addiction. Sure they’d get frustrated but when it comes to theft, that’s smth else.
He would not only be angry//disappointed with you but with himself for not catching it sooner, not looking up his stuff. 
Would be adamant on you getting clean because he sure as hell isn’t going to be supplying you with junk to get high.
Just so fucking worried about you, especially if you’ve resorted to stealing his medicinal stuff.
It depends what your addicted to. 
She’s less likely to notice if you drink a lot bc she grew up around Mazelinka and Julian and they live the pirate life style of drinking all the time. So unless you’re constantly falling over drunk, she won’t really notice much.
Of course if she realizes you have a problem, she’s going to encourage you to get help. It’d be hard for her but she’d offer to kick drinking more or less with you. Or at the very least she wouldn’t drink around you. 
If it’s something else, she’s gunna be a bit more adamant on you getting clean. Not in a pushy way just concerned. Like if she catches you strung out, she’s gunna be very worried.
If you didn’t want to get clean, I don’t know how long she would put up with that. She’s a busy woman and doesn’t have the time to baby sit you as you spend your time getting drunk//high. She’ll make the time to get you help but if you just spit in her face when it comes to getting clean, she wants to save herself some heartache.
Might be like ‘Go see Asra, I’m sorry. I can’t do this.’ If she did this though, she’s going to be talking to him regularly because she still cares so deeply for you and your well being.
Tbh I think he would be the best for you out of everyone.
In the sense that he would get you away from your life, you aren’t going to be ending up at the bar or scoring when you’re in a hut in the forest. And generally, when getting clean they suggest you cut out all those old factors and go somewhere fresh so I think Muriel would be super beneficial in getting clean.
He would take good care of you too. Living on the streets, he’s probably seen this kinda shit. I imagine him trying to shelter Asra from it too, like just imagine they’re walking and pass by someone slumped over strung out and Asra’s asking questions and Muriel’s just like ‘he’s just sleeping.’ or whatever and bc Asra is so young he just kinda accepts it.
If you didn’t want to get clean, well that’s another story. I don’t think you’d be really welcome around his hut and i don’t think you’d go there often either. That’s not anywhere near where you could get high/drunk so you’d have to need to.
It would break Muriel’s heart as you slowly stopped coming by. He would check up with Asra often to make sure you’re okay and I think Asra and him would try and sit you down for an intervention.
Hm this one is tricky. Because I see him as a bit of a party animal, he throws these extravagant parties where he just goes ham right? So I’d imagine that he’d engage in some rec drug use every now and again. So he wouldn’t wanna seem like this kill joy for calling you on your problem.
But he’d be actually so worried for you because ‘Hey, I like to have fun too but this is a little excessive.’
He’s the most pushy in your seeking help. Refuses to support your habit and that might start some fights between you but he refuses to let you use him like that.
That said, he doesn’t judge you at all for your addictions. Everything he’s doing is out of worry and fear of losing you. He might not go about it delicately but he just wants.
Even when you relapse or smth and you expect him to pick a fight over it. That doesn’t happen, he just picks you up and helps you get back on your way again.
If you didn’t want to get clean, I think he’d actually kick you out. I don’t think this is the right thing to do at all but he was raised with tough love so he might revert back to that? He’s a softie though he’d be worried about you every second and would likely go back on kicking you out.and pull a Nadia where he just has someone watching over you.
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