#anyone i forgot is also welcome to play!!!! tag me. i forget everyone all the time. i miss you all i love you all take care
himehikoshrine · 8 months
Sissia of the Central Nation Stage Script (EN) -- Shirota Route
Here's the Univeil Performance Stage Script from the menu for Mitsuki's route. As before, no ad libs are in these. Apologies if there are any typos or minor punctuation changes, I did my best.
Also as before, I have kept in all the things that don't change across routes, so you can read any of them in full without having to cross reference. There's some good lore in this version, and the dynamic between Sissia and Carlo is fun.
Note that the EN stage script did not take a fine tooth comb over the stage directions for changes unique to this one, so I have preserved what it says with a little [sic] in some places, so you know it isn't that I forgot to do this.
Other stage scripts can be found clicking on the tag or here:
Sissia of the Central Nation [route selection post] Oh Rama Havenna [x] Mary Jane [x]
I'm gonna put in a minor route spoiler at the top under the cut, in case anyone is reading these without having played them and also wants to avoid it. It's about the casting.
Without further ado, here it is. (I hope you're ready for a surprise linguistics lesson)
Reminder (and spoilers) - in this version, Kisa's Sissia is the Jack Ace. The stage directions they forgot to switch still use she/her sometimes, but Sissia is a guy in this one.
Sissia of the Central Nation (Shirota Route)
By Neji Kokuto
(1) The Central Nation of Kielce
◆Along the Border
???:   Over there! Don’t let them get away!
???:   Hahh, Hahh…Ugh!
A shadow crosses over the border.  The sound of hurried footsteps chasing after them.
Border Patrol A:   Damn it! A rat from the servant country crossed the border into the Arbine Nation!
Border Patrol B:   If word of this gets to the commander and the king of Arbine…
Border Patrol A:   We need to find them, fast!
◆National Standing Theater
Restless murmurs
Fan Carlo:   …
Fan Carlo:   I’ll sing again today… for the Central Nation of Kielce.
◆National Standing Theater
(The scene goes from dark to lighter. As if lights have turned on.)
The dazzling show by Kielce begins.
Isaac:   Welcome, one and all to the theater of the Central Nation of Kielce! I am the goat-headed Isaac!
Isaac:   …What’s that? Why do i have such a head, you ask?
Isaac:   It’s a bit of a long story, but when my father visited a farm one day, he fell in love with a female goat, and…
Laughter from the crowd.
Isaac:   Ah! The local officers told me not to tell this story! They asked that I not disrupt the moral standards of Arbine.
Isaac:   Well, let’s put aside the idle chatter, all the kings and nobles, the living and the dead, the passing mugwort sellers…
Sound of fireworks.
Smoke comes pouring in and acrobats enter the scene with style.
Fan Carlo:   Let the Central Nation of Kielce’s show begin!!!
Chance:   Hah!
Audience A:   Ah, It’s Chance! His somersaults are the best! You wouldn’t expect any less of Kielce’s star!
Audience B:   What are you talking about? Everyone in Kielce is a star!
Adra:   You couldn’t be more right!
Adra appears on the stage, dancing brilliantly.
Audience A:   Adra! Oh, I can’t believe how beautifully he dances! He’s certainly Arbine’s treasure. 
Audience B:   He certainly is from a family of officials! The flower of Kielce!
Crowley catches Adra dancing across the stage.
Crowley:   Now, then. Allow me to lend you a hand, Adra!
Audience A:   Crowley just caught Adra! He’s the genius who creates these performances, and even joins them himself! 
Crowley:   Now’s the time to forget the time! Next, let’s all sway to a beautiful tune!
Someone singing can be heard, and Carlo appears.
Fan Carlo:   …!
Audience A:   Oh, how beautiful…!
Audience:   She really lives up to her reputation as the most beautiful voice in all the nation…!
Levi appears at the center of the stage.
Levi:   We are the Central Nation of Kielce! Is everyone ready for some twisted fun?!
The crowd cheers in response.
Sissia watches Kielce’s performance from the audience.
Sissia:   …
Sissia:   The Central Nation of Kielce… I’ve dreamed of them for so long!
Sissia:   Ah, I can’t believe this! I can’t believe I’m able to see them perform again!
◆Kielce Base
Fan Carlo:   Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves today.
Chance:   What did you think?! How were my somersaults?!
Fan Carlo:   They were full of energy. You’re like a monkey.
Chance:   Thanks… Hey wait, Carlo!
Isaac:   A monkey, huh? That’s not too bad. Want to switch places with my goat, then?
Chance:   I can’t give long monologues like you can, so I’ll pass…
Isaac:   That’s unfortunate. I’ll take my leave for now, then. 
Chance:   Hey, you going already, Isaac?!
Adra:   He’s always so calm after getting off stage, that Isaac.
Crowley:   Haha, that’s just fine for a comedian. Isn’t it, Levi?
Levi:   Yeah.
Crowley:   You’re not part of the comedy act, so you can stand to give it a little more energy!
Levi:   … There was something I noticed about the performance today.
Chance:   Something you noticed?
Adra:   …Ah, I see.
Crowley:   You’re right.
Chance:   Hey! Stop just agreeing with each other and tell me what you’re talking about!
Fan Carlo:   They’re talking about a problem the Central Nation of Kielce has in general.
Chance:   I’m telling you, be more specific! I wanna know, too!
Isaac appears among everyone chattering.
Isaac:   All right now, sorry to interrupt your conversation. As always, we have some prospectives hoping to join our troupe.
Chance:   Oh! Some future Kielcesters have come, eh? 
Chance:   Let’s see what they’ve got, then!
Fan Carlo:   I’m tired, so I’ll pass.
Crowley:   Don’t be like that, Carlo. They’ve come all this way to see us.
Adra:   There may be some among them with talents like Chance and Isaac.
Isaac:   That’s right. If Levi hadn’t found me back then, I might still be working at a factory. Wearing a goat head.
Chance:   …I kinda want to see that, too.
Levi:   Carlo, you seem to understand the problem with the Central Nation of Kielce we were talking about just a minute ago, so I’ll ask you to join. 
Chance:   Oh yeah! I forgot! So what IS our problem?
Isaac:   I’d like to know, too.
Crowley:   It’s that… we lack a ‘gear’.
Isaac:   A ‘gear’…
Isaac:   …Is what we lack?
Fan Carlo:   It means we aren’t well harmonized.
Adra:   You know how the Central Nation of Kielce’s performance style is just a showcase of our separate talents?
Crowley:   It’s been that way for a very long time, but it’s even more pronounced now that Carlo and Chance have joined. 
Crowley:   As we are now, we can’t put on the best performance ever!
Levi:   We definitely need it. A gear that unites our individual parts to move together as one whole.
Isaac:   I see…
Chance:   All the more reason to hold auditions, then! Come on, Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   Hahh, fine. I couldn’t handle it if someone as tone-deaf as you joined.
Chance:   Exactly! It’d be a disaster if TWO of us were tone-deaf and couldn’t harmonize or… Carlo!
Isaac:   I think you’ve gotten much better, though.
Chance:   Are you trying to cheer me up, Isaac? Gee, thanks a lot.
Crowley:   So how many are we going to let in through the audition, Levi? 
Levi:   Your eyes tell me one person.
Crowley:   That’s our ringleader for you! I do hope that one person shows up.
Adra:   All right, let’s go then. Can’t keep our future star waiting, can we?
Everyone:   Yeah!
Carlo says “Right”.
◆In front of the Kielce Base
Prospective members are gathered in a line.
The members of Kielce test their talents.
Candidate:   Listen to my song, Leviii!
Levi:   Next.
Candidate:   Only one person will pass, right?! I’m confident in my acting! Oh, God! Give me the kiss of death!
Crowley:   Neeext.
Candidate:   I’ve danced for 18 years with the national dance troupe!
Adra:   Who’s next?
Fan Carlo:   Hahh… Levi, I’m sure we’ll all die of boredom if we try and test everyone here. 
Crowley:   Wow, I think I’d be able to write a song with that as the theme!
Adra:   Carlo’s right. We’re making our prospectives wait, too… 
Mean Candidate:   Hey! Is it my turn yet or what?!
Mean Candidate:   I’ve run out of patience! Only one of us is going to pass anyway! Skills are all that matter in this world!
The prospective starts singing and dancing.
Chance:   Ah, he just started singing and dancing!
Isaac:   He’s like Chance.
Chance:   Hey!
Candidate A:   Hey what gives?!
Candidate B:   Wait your turn!
Mean Candidate:   Shut up! If you’re confident that you’re better than me, then why don’t you try singing?!
Candidate C:   I’ll show you what talent looks like!
People start singing in protest.
Crowley:   Now things are getting interesting!
Fan Carlo:   …Can I leave?
Sissia watches the commotion.
Sissia:   …
Candidate:   My singing is the best! Aaah…
Candidate:   Watch my dancing!
Mean Candidate:   Out of the way! I’m gonna be the one who joins the Central Nation of Kielce!
Adra:   What do we do, Levi? Want to cancel this for now?
Levi:   Yeah. It’s getting late. We can do this another day…
Sissia:   …!
Sissia:   Excuse me! I…
Mean Candidate:   Who are you? Get back!
Sissia:   …Urk!
Sissia:   Please… Please let me sing. 
Sissia comes out to the front.
Sissia begins a beautiful dance while singing in a clear and free voice.
★Song  “Departure”
Candidate:   …
Mean Candidate:   …Whoa.
Fan Carlo:   He looks like a delicate sort of man. He’s got an eastern accent, too.
Fan Carlo:   But…
Fan Carlo:   His voice is so clear and soothing.
Chance:   That one’s super good!
Isaac:   You’re right about that… I can just imagine the scene they’re creating.
Fan Carlo:   …
Crowley:   Now that’s unusual, for even Carlo to sit silently and listen!
Adra:   What do we do, ringleader?
Levi:   …
Levi:   An applicant has been chosen. Anyone have any objections?
Sissia:   Huh? Who is it…?!
Candidate:   …
Mean Candidate:   …No! You all saw that too, right? Talent is everything in this world!
Mean Candidate:   Even if I can’t join the Central Nation of Kielce, I’ll keep singing and dancing! Do your best, got it?
Sissia:   Oh, r-right!
Candidate:   …It’s frustrating, but he’s right. I’m rooting for you!
Candidate:   I’ll come watch your show!
The prospective members start leaving.
Sounds of departing footsteps.
Sissia:   U-um…
Fan Carlo:   What’s your name?
Sissia:   My name is Sissia!
Levi:   Sissia, huh? Congratulations on passing the auditions.
Sissia:   Really…?! Thank you so much…!
Crowley:   You’re going to be an apprentice for a while!
Adra:   If you are deemed worthy of being a member of Kielce, it’ll be official.
Sissia:   I’ll do my best!
Chance:   Congratulations, Sissia! Let’s get along together!
Fan Carlo:   I’m glad we didn’t get another tone-deaf member.
Isaac:   …Welcome.
Sissia:   Thank you all for the support!
Adra:   …Levi, Crowley, we've found what we needed, don't you think?
Crowley:   The little 'gear' we were looking for to make the best performance ever!
Levi:   ..Yeah.
Levi:   Sissia, come with me. I'll show you around Kielce.
Sissia:   Right!
As everyone leads the way, Sissia stops a short distance away from them.
Sissia:   …
Sissia:   I can't believe I've really joined the Central Nation of Kielce...!
Sissia:   The dream I've had for so long has come true! My next dream is...
Sissia:   To stand on the stage!
(2) Path to the Stars
◆National Throne Room
Subordinates arrive in front of Major Azur
Aide:   Major, there’s something I think you should know…
Major Azur:   …What is your report
Aide:   Well…
Major Azur:   A fugitive?
Major Azur:   What’s border patrol even doing…? How insufferable!
Major Azur:   We’ll take care of this before the commander and king of the Arbine Nation finds out about this. 
Aide:   Yes, sir…!
Major Azur:   Don’t think you can return alive…horse of the slave country.
◆Kielce Base
Adra:   What’s the matter?! You tired already, newbie?! We can’t put on the best show with you like that!
Sissia:   …No, I can keep going!
Isaac:   …Adra’s more fired up than usual.
Fan Carlo:   That’s just how much Adra is hoping to get out of Sissia.
Chance:   But I’m catching the flack and forced to join their rigorous training, too!
Training ends
Adra:   All right, let’s take a break!
Sissia:   Hahh! Thank you so much, Mr. Adra!
Adra:   You don’t need to call me ‘Mister’. No need to be so polite with me.
Adra:   It’s about time you become a full member, too…
Sissia:   Huh?
Adra:   No, it’s nothing. Anyway, just address me casually.
Sissia:   …Okay, Adra.
Chance:   Great work Sissia! Wow, I can’t believe you can keep up with Adra!
Sissia:   Oh no, not at all… Oh, that’s right!
Chance:   Yeah, What’s up?
Sissia:   Chance, when you have some time, I’d like you to teach me how to do your somersaults.
Chance:   Hey, you’re not trying to steal all my acts, are you?
Isaac:   Well, I’m sure they’ll cut our singing parts. What do you think, Carlo?
Fan Carlo:   With Sissia with us, I’m sure they would. 
Chance:   Whoa! Crap! At this rate, Sissia’s going to take up all my acrobatics time out there…!
Sissia:   Ahaha, your time won’t get cut. no one can fly as high as you.
Levi arrives and everyone gathers around him.
Levi:   …Is everyone here?
Adra:   Oh, what’s up, ringleader?
Levi:   Crowley has something to discuss. Crowley?
Crowley:   Yes, all right! This is about our next performance!
Crowley:   We will have Sissia join our next production.
Sissia:   …!
Chance:   That means…!
Isaac:   We’re going to bring Sissia in as an official member of Kielce, right?!
Crowley:   Exactly!
Levi:   It’s your first performance. Make sure to polish up your act and give it your all.
Adra:   I’m looking forward to it. Let’s show everyone the fruits of your labor.
Sissia:   …Right!
◆Kielce Base
Sissia chases after Carlo.
Sissia:   Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   Hm? Oh, Sissia. Good for you, getting chosen to be a proper member of Kielce.
Sissia:   Yeah! So…
Fan Carlo:   Let me just say something here, you need to stop with that accent when you sing onstage. Chance will catch it and start speaking the same way, too.
Sissia:   That’s just it!
Fan Carlo:   …Huh?
Sissia:   I noticed my accent’s really strong compared to all the other members’. So…
Fan Carlo:   You want me to help you with pronunciation?
Sissia:   …Is that all right?
Fan Carlo:   Hahh… It’ll be a pain, but whatever keeps Chance singing correctly… Get ready.
Sissia: Thank you, Carlo!
Sissia:   Cheh, tseh.
Fan Carlo:   Don’t drag the syllables on. And use your tongue properly. 
Sissia:   Cheh, chueh.
Fan Carlo:   No. Are you sure you can even pronounce ‘The Central Nation of Kielce’ properly?
Sissia:   I know how to say ‘Kielce’! Even though it is an unusual word.
Sissia:   What does it mean?
Fan Carlo:   Oh, it means ‘something that spins’, apparently. Maybe because we’re always running around the stage.
Sissia: I see… Kielche.
Fan Carlo:   Kielce.
Sissia:   Ah!
Fan Carlo:   Your accent sounds like it’s from the east. The pronunciation you use is missing a certain roundness.
Fan Carlo:   The more east you head, the more simple the pronunciation gets when speaking Arbine.
Fan Carlo:   Come to think of it… Kielce is called different things depending on the region.
Sissia:   Really?
Fan Carlo:   Kielkas, Shircas, and…
Fan Carlo:   Circus.
Sissia:   ‘Circus’! I know that one! So ‘Kielce’ can refer to a circus, too.
Fan Carlo:   …You come from pretty far east, don’t you?
Sissia:   Huh?
Fan Carlo:   ‘Circus’ is a word used in the ‘nameless country’. You know… the one that lost the war and their name to Arbine in the 77-year-long ‘War of Joy’.
Fan Carlo:   I guess it’s been 20 years since the war ended. Its original name was… the Quatra Republic.
Fan Carlo:   The people in that country are used for labor, even now. Marked by the symbol of their subjugation, the Quatral tattoo of a horse.
Fan Carlo:   A wall was built around them, and their culture destroyed.
Fan Carlo:   Unless you’re a historian, it’s uncommon to know the word ‘circus’ in Arbine.
Sissia:   Really? I lived near the border and that’s what people called it.
Fan Carlo:   I see, so you were raised near the border. That explains the accent.
Fan Carlo:   In any case, you should stop using that eastern accent in Arbine.
Fan Carlo:   If you’re caught using any words from another country, you might be seen as an enemy.
Fan Carlo:   People already suspect Kielce of treasonous behavior as it is.
Sissia:   Why is that?
Fan Carlo:   Because of the Border Performance.
Sissia:   The Border Performance…
Fan Carlo:   Kielce performed atop the wall that divides Arbine and the nameless country.
Fan Carlo:   After that, the country officials have kept their eyes on us.
Fan Carlo:   They’re saying we must have put on the performance for the people of the servant country.
Fan Carlo:   Well, that may be true… But I wish they’d keep me out of their troublemaking…
Sissia:   But it was such an amazing performance!
Fan Carlo:   Huh?
Sissia:   The reason why I wanted to join Kielce was because I saw the Border Performance.
Sissia:   The performers in the Central Nation of Kielce leaping so gracefully on the stage atop the border were just mesmerizing…!
Fan Carlo:   …Hmm, I see.
Fan Carlo:   Setting aside the talk about traitors, I can understand admiring the Border Performance.
Fan Carlo:   At the time, I was still new and only watching from one side of the wall, but it was a really good performance… It really was.
Sissia:   I had never experienced such a dream before. Everyone on the other side of the wall was so happy.
Sissia:   Even across borders, singing and dancing can move people…
Sissia:   That’s what made me want to move people with my body and voice, too.
Sissia:   If it’s possible, I want to put on another Border Performance. I want to be in it!
Fan Carlo:   …That’s one crazy idea you have.
Fan Carlo:   I thought you had guts to start singing in the midst of all the commotion during the auditions… But I feel like I understand why now.
Fan Carlo:   People can be moved by song and dance, even across borders… I think that’s a great sentiment.
Fan Carlo:   Why don’t we do the Border Performance, then? It would be nice if you could sing and dance on the wall… Oh, but…
Fan Carlo:   …No singing with that eastern accent.
Sissia:   …!!!
Fan Carlo:   Let’s continue practicing. We’ll be reviewing everything, so be ready.
Sissia: Right!
Finishing rehearsals, Sissia takes a break in a private room.
Sissia washes her [sic] bare legs.
Pitch black. 
Sissia:   Hahh…
Sissia:   I need to soak my feet…
Sissia:   …
As Sissia washes a leg even further, makeup comes off, revealing a tattoo in the shape of a horse on Sissia’s left shin, the sign that this person is a Quatra, a servant citizen. 
Sissia:   My leg… This tattoo I hide with makeup… 
Sissia:   The Quatra… must bear the mark of servitude, the Quatral.
Sissia:   I want to appear in the Border Performance. For that…
(3) The Quatral of the Servant Nation
◆National Standing Theater
Fan Carlo:   The curtain rises again tonight for the Central Nation of Kielce.
A performance is held on a dazzling stage by the members of the Central Nation of Kielce. The audience is at full Capacity. 
Sissia is one of the members performing as well.
★Dance “Kielce the Nation at the Center”
Audience:   Wowww!
Audience:   Sissia! Sissiaaa!!! That was amazing!
Sissia:   Thank you…!
Levi:   Heh…
Levi:   Good day to you all!
◆Break Room
Adra:   Sissia, you’ve gotten pretty used to being onstage now. My spot as the star of Kielce might be in danger.
Sissia:   Oh, no! I’m still trying hard to catch up with everyone!
Crowley:   No, no you really ARE something!
Chance:   You’re completely in sync with me and my jumps!
Fan Carlo:   The songs… have much more depth to it now that you’re here, so that’s a big help.
Isaac:   It seems like you’re fitting in well with all the different moving parts. Really…
Levi:   Looks like the Central Nation of Kielce has finally found its ‘gear’.
Sissia:   Its… ‘gear’?
Adra:   Kielce is a bit fragmented.
Crowley:   Even if you have solid parts, a machine won’t run if you just place them next to each other, right?
Crowley:   You may be the very one who can connect those parts together!
Sissia:   Oh, no…That’s much too kind of you, but…
Sissia:   I’m so happy to hear it!
Chance:   Heh heh. Well, we’ve found our ‘gear’ now! How about we all celebrate with a meal? What do you say, Isaac?!
Isaac:   I’d like some steak from an Aibee cow.
Adra:   Do goats eat beef? In any case, I’m getting pretty hungry myself.
Fan Carlo:   I guess… it can be nice on occasion. 
Crowley:   I mean, we had a big audience today, right? How about it, ringleader?
Levi:   …Stomachs of the Central Nation of Kielce. Are you ready for dinner?
Everyone:   Yeah!!!
◆Market Street
The members are satisfied after their meal.
Chance:   I ate so much!!!
Sissia:   That was good… That was the first time I had meat like that!
Crowley:   It was such a generous portion broiled to perfection!
Fan Carlo:   Phew… I think I’d prefer not to see any animals with horns for a while.
Isaac:   Huh? Are you talking about me?
Adra:   We’ll bring everyone back here sometime. Okay?
Levi:   Yeah.
Chance:   All right! I wonder what I should get next time!
A loud bang is heard.
An old man is being beaten with batons in the middle of the street.
Other citizens crowd around and watch, murmuring to themselves.
Sissia:   …?!
Old Man:   A-Aaah…! Spare me…
Patrol Officer:   You, horse! Do you even know what you’ve done?!
The Quatral is the tattoo of a horse, with ‘horse’ used as slander to refer to a member of the servant country.
Sissia:   …!
Isaac:   That’s…
Chance:   Hey, what do you think you’re doing! Hey, you!
Adra:   Chance!
Patrol Officer:   What’s your problem!
Old Man:   Y-you’re…!
Chance:   I’m Chance Orlando of the Central Nation of Kielce! Why are you hurting this old man…?
Patrol Officer:   The Central Nation of Kielce? Hmph, that makes sense.
Patrol Officer:   I’ll show you the reason why he’s being beaten! …Look at this!
A tattoo of a horse drawn on the man’s left shin is shown.
Fan Carlo:   A tattoo of a horse on the shin of his left leg…
Crowley:   A Quatral… So he’s…
Levi:   …
Patrol Officer:   He’s a citizen who escaped from the nameless country into the Arbine Nation!
Patrol Officer:   Fleeing your country is a serious crime! We’ll deport you and sentence you to heavy labor, perhaps even death!
Sissia:   …
Chance:   Well, there’s no need to do THIS, is there?!
Crowley:   Right! What’ll happen if you kill him?
Crowley:   Isn’t it also a serious crime to kill anyone, regardless of where they’re from?
Patrol Officer:   …Urk! Shut it! I can arrest you for treason, you know?!
Crowley:   What did you say?! We have the son of one of your superiors here, you know?!
Crowley:   The son of the trusted confidant of the commander and king. The aristocrat, Major Azur Hybird!!
Adra:   …Crowley. Stop using my father’s name to get us out of trouble.
Adra:   …But, oh well. Would you mind treating him carefully?
Adra:   I’ll be sure to tell my father, Major Azur Hybird, that you were real nice to me.
Patrol Officer:   …
Fan Carlo:   It could be an opportunity to get promoted, underling.
Patrol Officer:   Urgh…!
Patrol Officer:   How merciful of the Central Nation of Kielce to pity him, after being the very ones who encouraged is crime in the first place!
Levi:   …What do you mean?
Patrol Officer:   He fled the servant country in order to see your performances!
Levi:   …!
Patrol Officer:   And the reason he did that was apparently because he saw your ridiculous Border Performance!
Crowley:   Our Border Performance…
Patrol Officer:   That’s right! Other members of the audience found them sneaking in to watch the play, and did their civic duty in reporting it to us! 
Patrol Officer:   How’s that?! How’s it feel to be an accomplice to his crime?!
Patrol Officer:   This ‘Border Performance’ of yours is pathetic! Singing and dancing on top of the wall is nothing short of rebellion!
Patrol Officer:   You all should have held your performances on a proper stage! Your little shows are nothing but boorish spectacles.
Fan Carlo:   Just shut up.
Sissia:   Huh?! Ah, wait! Carlo…!!!
Patrol Officer:   Aagh!
Sound of the patrol officer being hit.
Sound of the patrol officer hitting the ground.
Patrol Officer:   …?!
Patrol Officer:   Woman… Did you just hit ME…?!
Sissia:   Carlo just hit that patrol officer…?!
Fan Carlo:   …You were being so terribly unpleasant.
Fan Carlo:   Please just disappear already.
Patrol Officer:   Why, you…!!!
Sissia:   …Stop!!! Don’t you touch her!!!
Patrol Officer:   Aagck!
Sissia:   Oh, I hit him, too…! Sorry!
Fan Carlo:   …You look so scrawny, but I guess you have some strength in you.
Patrol Officer:   Wh-Why, you…! I’ll arrest all of you!!
Citizen:   That’s enough from you!
Sound of rocks being thrown.
Patrol Officer:   Ow…! Rocks?!
Sissia:   The people around us started throwing rocks…?!
Sound of rocks being thrown one after another.
Patrol Officer:   Wh-What do you think you’re doing?!
Citizen:   Shut up already! Listening to those guys from Kielce is way better than listening to you!
The citizens in the area come to protect Kielce and jeer at the patrol officer. 
Patrol Officer:   You little… Agh, stop throwing those rocks! Damn it!
The patrol officer runs away. 
Sound of footsteps running away.
Citizen:   Haha, that patrol officer ran away!
Citizen:   Take that!
Citizen:   He was always so arrogant. I never liked that guy!
Chance:   Everyone…!
Levi:   Heh, I didn’t expect them to come to our rescue. 
Sissia:   …Are you all right, sir?
Old Man:   Ah… Thank you so much.
Old Man:   I came from Quatra since I wanted to watch you all just one more time…!
Crowley:   Did you enjoy our performance, good sir?
Old Man:   Yes, absolutely…! It was a wonderful performance. Now I can pass on without any regret…
Adra:   Don’t say that, old man. You got a lot to live for…
Major Azur:   …So this is it. The place where some traitors have gathered to protect a fugitive. 
Cutting through the people, Major Azur Hybird approaches.
The father of Adra and a military aristocrat. 
Adra:   …!
Citizen:   It… It’s Major Azur…!
Citizen:   The closest confidant of the commander and king, the strategist of Arbine…
Adra:   Father…
Patrol Officer:   It’s those guys, Major…!
Major Azur:   Traitors who protected a fugitive… Did everyone here participate? 
Citizen:   …!
The citizens flee the scene in all directions.
Adra:   … 
Major Azur:   …To think I’d see you here, Adra.
Major Azur:   And the other clowns of Kielce.
Levi:   …
Crowley:   Oh, good day to you, Major!
Major Azur:   Levi, Crowley. Every time I see you, I’m reminded of the Border Performance.
Major Azur:   And of all the commotion you all caused atop the border wall between Arbine and the nameless country.
Major Azur:   Ever since that day, the commander and king has pushed to imprison everyone in the Central Nation of Kielce. 
Crowley:   Oh my… We must thank the commander and king of Arbine for such kind sentiments. 
Major Azur:   …Hmph. You too, Adra. Even my own flesh and blood won’t be spared in charges of treason.
Major Azur:   Soldiers. Take away the horse that escaped. 
Guard:   Yes, sir! Come on, you.
Old Man:   Augh.
The old man gets taken away.
Sissia:   Sir…!
Guard:   Get out of the way!
Sound of Sissia getting knocked back.
Sissia:   …Urk!
Fan Carlo:   Sissia!
Sissia:   Ah…! I-I’m fine. I’m okay, Carlo…
Chance:   …Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!
Fan Carlo:   Chance! Not now… Not now… 
Chance:   …Urk!
Old Man:   All of you from Kielce…
Old Man:   I promise I will never forget the brilliance of your performance today, or your kindness…
Isaac:   Old man…
Guard:   Move, horse!
Old Man:   …
Old Man:   …Weee, aaare, the Central Nation of Kielce!
Guard:   …?!
Fan Carlo:   …
Chance [the script says Chance, it may be meant to be Fan Carlo]:   Is everyone ready for some twisted fun?!
Sissia:   Carlo…
Old Man:   Hahaha…
Guard:   M-Move!
Sissia:   Old man…!
Major Azur:   …
Azur senses something from Sissia.
Though the tattoo on Sissia’s left shin is covered with makeup, he knows of cases in the past where Quatra have hidden their tattoos in the same way.
However, all he has now is a feeling.
Patrol Officer:   Heh… You’d better not disrespect the military anymore!
Chance:   Why, that little…
Major Azur:   Soldiers, arrest that patrol officer as well.
Patrol Officer:   …?!
Chance:   Huh…?
Major Azur:   Of course he’ll be arrested. He committed the serious crime of fleeing the scene with a fugitive in front of him. A serious punishment awaits.
Patrol Officer:   N-No…
Major Azur:   We’re heading back.
The troops leave.
Sounds of footsteps leaving.
Chance:   Damn it! They have no respect for the people…
Isaac:   Chance… it pains me to say it, but in this country, that’s the right way for an Arbine to be.
Chance:   But that’s just…!
Fan Carlo:   …Let’s do it.
Chance:   Huh?
Fan Carlo:   I want to do another Border Performance.
Sissia:   …!!!
Adra:   The Border Performance…
Crowley:   Another one?!
Crowley:   Carlo… That’s quite the brash suggestion, coming from you! Whatever is the matter?!
Adra:   Heh heh. Never expected Carlo, of all people, would get Crowley all flustered.
Levi:   …Carlo, you understand what it means to put on another Border Performance, don’t you?
Fan Carlo:   I do. Our lives as they are now could crumble, and we could lose a lot.
Fan Carlo:   But…
Fan Carlo:   …I thought that these conflicts between nations weren’t related to me.
Fan Carlo:   I didn’t want to have to deal with anything that would be trouble. All i cared about was singing.
Fan Carlo:   And we have our talented newbie who’s just joined us with his ridiculously thick eastern accent… saying he wants to do the Border Performance. 
Sissia:   Carlo…!
Fan Carlo:   He’s had no thought of being seen as a traitor. He just admired it so much that he came here all the way from the countryside.
Fan Carlo:   I honestly thought he was ridiculous.
Fan Carlo:   But more than that, I thought that his mindset was admirable.
Fan Carlo:   The Border Performance back then changed him. And now he’s changed me.
Fan Carlo:   There is power in theater.
Fan Carlo:   I believe something will change if the Central Nation of Kielce puts on the Border Performance.
Fan Carlo:   So… Please, let me stand on that stage… Please!
Sissia:   Carlo… I’d like to request the same!
Sissia:   The performances of the Central Nation of Kielce have power! Performances that can bring joy to anyone… that transcend borders!
Sissia:   I want to repeat that wonderful performance with Carlo and everyone else…!!!
Crowley:   …What should we do, ringleader? 
Levi:   …It’s obvious.
Levi:   The Central Nation of Kielce will stand once again on the border wall!
Sissia:   Carlo…!
Fan Carlo:   …Yeah.
Fan Carlo:  That settles it.
Fan Carlo:   The next performance of the Central Nation of Kielce will be…
Fan Carlo:   The Border Performance!
Everyone:   Yeaah!
(4) The Military Nation
◆Training Room
The Kielce members are all focused on working towards the Border Performance.
Crowley:   All right, and here’s the big fight! We need more dynamic movement!
Adra:   Don’t forget the details! Feel the movements all the way to your fingertips!
Sissia:   Our seniors really are amazing…!
Chance:   I can practically feel their enthusiasm radiating! 
Isaac:   It’s painfully clear how much they’re betting on this performance…
Fan Carlo:   We can’t let those efforts be in vain. I’ll be training you all hard for the singing, too.
Chance:   Aaugh, looks like I’m not getting any sleep tonight, either!
Levi arrives at the training grounds.
Levi:   Everyone, gather around.
Crowley:   A quick break! Are we talking about what I think we are, Levi?
Levi:   Yeah. I’d like there to be two lead roles for the Border Performance.
Crowley:   It’s a story about a fugitive, seeking asylum elsewhere! Here, the script!
Crowley:   A tragedy between a man who escapes a country with closed borders, and a woman he meets along the way.
Levi:   The two of them fall in love, but the man continues to be pursued by the country’s officials.
Adra:   The man falls into the hands of the officials, and the woman puts her life at risk to get him back. But…
Fan Carlo:   The woman suffers a grave wound and loses her life…
Fan Carlo:   That’s an upsetting story…
Isaac:   But it’s as if this is…
Chance:   The story is based on Arbine and Quatra.
Crowley:   Heh heh, that’s right! That’s the idea behind the Border Performance!
Crowley:   On top of all that, there’s a giant bomb hidden in this performance. I’m sure you’ll all understand once we get into the singing rehearsals.
Chance:   A bomb?! I wonder what it is… Aagh, I’m so excited!
Sissia:   …Um, who will be playing the leads?
Fan Carlo:  …
Sissia:   …I see Carlo will be doing it.
Sissia:   …Please, let me stand next to Carlo!
Sissia:   I want to sing next to Carlo!
Levi:   The leads have already been chosen.
Sissia:   Huh? But…!
Levi:   Sissia. You’re one of them.
Sissia:   …!
Adra:   Carlo said she wanted to sing with you, too.
Crowley:   The script’s already written with you two as leads!
Chance:   That’s a pretty big promotion, huh Sissia?!
Isaac:   You get to be a lead in the Border Performance… I’m happy.
Fan Carlo:   I’m warning you now. I’ll be several dozen times stricter during singing practice.
Sissia:   Got it!
Sissia smiles in approval.
◆National Standing Theater
Sissia is practicing with Carlo.
Sissia:   Heh heh…
Fan Carlo:   Are you going to keep smiling?
Sissia:   Ah, sorry! I’m just so happy.
Fan Carlo:   I guess you did say being in the Border Performance was your dream.
Sissia:   But I never thought I’d be a lead…
Sissia:   Reality turned out even more amazing than my dreams.
Fan Carlo:   Hahh, you’re so carefree. I’m so worried about messing up that I won’t be able to sleep.
Sissia:   So even you can feel that way, Carlo…
Fan Carlo:   Why in the world wouldn’t I? …It’s not like I joined Kielce wanting to be a lead.
Fan Carlo:   I’ve kept myself out of trouble by avoiding the spotlight.
Fan Carlo:   I stayed alone in my corner, telling myself sweet words to soothe my ego.
Fan Carlo:   …Just hoping that my value wouldn’t disappear.
Fan Carlo:   So that’s why… I’m a bit afraid.
Fan Carlo:   That’s why I want you to stand beside me, Sissia.
Fan Carlo:   I’m just so ridiculous…
Sissia:   No, that’s not true.
Sissia:   I do think people who stand alone onstage are amazing, too.
Sissia:   …But I think I prefer those like you, who reach out to others.
Fan Carlo:   …You know, you really shouldn’t be so careless with words like that.
Sissia:   Huh?
Fan Carlo:   …No, nothing!
Fan Carlo:   We’re practicing! You’ve gotten much better, but there’s still one thing that you need to work on!
Sissia:   O-Okay…!
Carlo is referring to the “Car” sound in “Carlo”.
She wants Sissia to be able to pronounce her name properly. 
◆National Standing Theater
A sudden change in mood as an ominous aura envelopes Kielce.
Sounds of murmuring.
Levi:   …What is it?
Isaac:   …It’s the officials.
Major Azur:   …Levi, Crowley.
Crowley:   Well, we sure have been seeing a lot of each other lately.
Levi:   Did you need something?
Major Azur:   Don’t be so defensive. We’re only here for a simple questioning.
Adra:   …About what?
Major Azur:   I want to know the contents of your next performance.
Adra:   …!
Crowley:   Oh? Have you been bitten by the theater bug?
Major Azur:   No. I have not the least bit of interest, but it seems it’s drawn the attention of the citizens of the Arbine Nation.
Major Azur:   As a servant of our commander and king, I wish to know what sort of performance is being planned. 
Isaac:   We’ll be doing a really fun play.
Chance:   R-Right! Like with…puppets. That sort of thing!
Fan Carlo:   …Even a ‘puppet show’ is out of the question now.
Major Azur:   …
Major Azur:   Confiscate everything on the premises!
Fan Carlo:   …!
Crowley:   How tragic! We won’t be able to hold our performance like this!
Crowley:   I trust you’ll be issuing refunds for all the tickets we already sold, Major?
Major Azur:   Not to worry. We have but one purpose.
Sissia:   What do you…?
Guard:   Major Azur! It’s here, the script!
Sissia:   …!!!
Major Azur:   …Hmph. Pretty provocative for a puppet show, don’t you think?
Major Azur:   I think we need to investigate further. We’ll be taking all the scripts here.
Chance:   Without our scripts, we can’t practice for the performance…! I haven’t even memorized all my lines yet!
Isaac:   Chance, I think it’s a bit late for that…
Levi:   …Crowley, what about the original?
Crowley:   No use. They swiped it right away. Should’ve expected as much from Adra’s father.
Adra:   Yeah, really unfair…!
Major Azur:   Really, I have no idea why our citizens wish to see such a clown show.
Sissia:   …
Sissia:   … I’d like to ask you something, Major!
Fan Carlo:   …!!!
Major Azur:   …What is it?
Sissia:   …Have you ever seen a performance by our troupe?!
Major Azur:   I have not.
Sissia:   Then…
Sissia:   We’ll show you one!
Sissia:   Watch! This is a special Kielce dance!
Sissia starts singing and dancing. Major Azur stands confused.
Major Azur:   …Hey, stop twirling around me!
Sissia:   La-la…
Major Azur:   Stop! Don’t sing! What are you doing?!
Sissia:   You just said you’ve never seen a performance before, so I wanted to give you a glimpse of how fun they are!
Sissia:   Right, everyone?!
Levi:   …Heh.
Levi:   Are you ready for some twisted fun, Major?!
Major Azur:   …?!
Chance:   H-Huh?!
Crowley:   Ah, that’s the way!
Isaac:   Sing, dance!
Adra:   …So that’s the idea.
Fan Carlo:   Are you serious…? I’m not responsible for whatever happens next!
Everyone bursts into song and dance.
Guard A:   W-Wha-! The members of Kielce started a show around us…!
Guard B:   B-But it’s amazing…
Sissia:   …Now’s my chance!
Fan Carlo:   Then let me sing a song here!
Major Azur:   …Enough! Stop this at once!
Major Azur:   That’s an order! Or you’re all under arrest!
Crowley:   All right, stop!
Chance:   Sir!
Isaac:   We were just getting started, too. 
Fan Carlo:   I had finally gotten warmed up.
Adra:   You done yet, Father?
Levi:   I hope you enjoyed yourselves. 
Within the confusion, one of the scripts was taken back by Kielce.
Major Azur:   Hardly! How ridiculous!
Major Azur:   We’ve confiscated all the scripts, right? Let’s go!
Sissia:   …
Sissia sighs with relief.
Major Azur:   Come to think of it…
Sissia:   Huh?
Major Azur:   You have an eastern accent.
Major Azur:   Where are you from?
Sissia:   I…
Major Azur:   Show me your leg.
Sissia:   …!
Fan Carlo:   …You’re disgusting.
Major Azur:   …Don’t misunderstand. This is an inspection. Show me your left shin.
Sissia:   …
Sissia shows her [sic] leg as directed. Her [sic] skin shows no sign of a tattoo.
Chance:   There’s nothing there!
Major Azur:   …
Major Azur:   Let’s go.
Chance:   H-hey!
Levi:   …They’re gone.
Adra:   Jeez, they sure made a mess of things…
Chance:   …Ah wait, the scripts!
Sissia:   Here you go.
Isaac:   A script…!
Sissia pulls out a script from underneath her[sic] clothes.
Sissia:   …I only got one, though.
Adra:   You took advantage of the chaos and got it back.
Crowley:   My, that was some quick thinking. How very fun.
Levi:   As long as we have this, we can still hold the Border Performance.
Chance:   Man, I didn’t have any of the program memorized! I’m so glad the script is back!
Fan Carlo:   …The fact that you said that is even scarier. 
Chance:   And what was that last bit about? Having Sissia show him a leg!
Chance:   It’s like Sissia’s…
Sissia:   …
Levi:   …
Adra:   Right.
Fan Carlo:   …
Isaac:   But there’s no Quatral there.
Chance:   Y-Yeah. It’s no problem if you don’t have that ‘koala-troll’.
Sissia:   …!
Sissia:   I…!
Levi:   You are the Central Nation of Sissia. That’s all there is to it.
Sissia:   …!
Adra:   …Even if you come from a country far, far away, all that means is you’re a new flavor, right?
Fan Carlo:   …An accent just makes you interesting.
Crowley:   Yeah, it’s fine! We’ve all seen how much you’ve worked! 
Chance:   You don’t have to say anything!
Isaac:   All you need to do is get up on the stage. Right?
Sissia:   Everyone…
Sissia:   …Thank you.
◆Town at Night
Aide:   …Major. About that Kielce member named Sissia…
Major Azur:   That was oil make up made out of dried fat of an Aibee cow. One would have to soak their leg in hot water to melt the cow fat or it won’t come off.
Major Azur:   At a glance, you won’t notice at all, but there’s a slight thickness to it. My eyes cannot be fooled. 
Major Azur:   That one is a fugitive. 
Aide:   Then, shouldn’t we have just arrested the fugitive on the spot?
Major Azur:   You’ve seen them in town, too. Year after year there are more servant citizens fleeing their country.
Major Azur:   Simple patrols are far too ineffective to take care of them. We’ll need to make an example of the Central Nation of Kielce and that fugitive.
Aide:   …What do you mean?
Major Azur:   What do you think of using a fugitive’s corpse to adorn the very wall the servant citizens climb over?
Major Azur:   We can certainly open fire on them once any of the members of Kielce climb the wall.
Aide:   Major, you’re so…
Aide:   If we do that, I’m sure this would alleviate another worry from our commander and king.
Major Azur:   That is our duty and purpose in being here.
Major Azur:   The wall will be the grandest tombstone for any servant citizens who cross the border.
Major Azur:   Hahahahaha…!
(5) The Central Nation of Sissia
◆Border Proximity (Arbine Side)
Arbine Citizen:   Hey, what’s that?! Some people are climbing the wall!
Arbine Citizen:   It’s Kielce! It’s the Central Nation of Kielce!
Arbine Citizen:   You don’t know? They’re about to do their Border Performance!
◆Border Proximity (Quatra Side)
Quatran Child:    What’s the Border Performance?
Quatran Mother:   Your mother saw it long ago as a young girl… It was like being in a dream!
Quatran Elder:   I never thought we’d have such entertainment in these days of forced labor…
◆On top of the Border Wall (About 50m high)
The members have just finished climbing.
Kielce Member:   Wow…
Kielce Member:   We’re finally here…
Adra:   … This sight sure takes me back.
Levi:   Yeah.
Crowley:   Hahaha! How have you been, little wall?! It’s like you’re a part of our origins!
Chance:   Whoa… It’s taller than I thought!
Isaac:   We’re really going to do it… here!
Sissia:   …Urk.
Sissia:   …This is the top of the border wall. 
Sissia:   The wall that separates Arbine and Quatra.
Sissia:   You can see both countries from end to end.
Sissia:   The town I grew up in…
Sissia:   Is that the Central Nation of Kielce’s standing theater?
Sissia:   …The wind feels nice.
Sissia:   And even further is… an ocean?
Sissia:   The mountains are over there…!
Sissia:   The sky is still so far…
Sissia:   I’m so… small.
Fan Carlo:   We all are. But I feel strangely warm. I never knew Arbine had such a view…
Sissia:   Carlo…
◆Observation Tower Some Distance Away
Aide:   Major, they look like they’re about to start.
Major Azur:   The sniper will need some more time to prepare. Let them start.
◆On top of the Border Wall
Crowley:   Now then… Are we all ready?!
Kielce Member:   Yeaaah!
Kielce Member:   Ready anytime!
Levi:   …Let’s begin, everyone.
Crowley:   Goat-headed Isaac! The prologue, if you will!
Isaac:   …
Isaac:   …Right!
The crowd stirs.
The crowd cheers at the appearance of Isaac wearing his goat head.
Isaac:   Welcome, one and all, to the theater of the Central Nation of Kielce! I am the goat-headed Isaac!
Isaac:   …What’s that? ‘Where is the theater?’ you ask? We are THE Central Nation of Kielce, you know!
Isaac:   Wherever we sing and dance, be it a shoddy castle, a lounge, or a chapel haunted by ghosts!
Isaac:   Even a place like Pontartia is our stage! Oh rama Kielce!
Laughs from the citizens.
Isaac:   Now, let’s start the show before the officials arrive! We will now present to you a tragedy between two nations!
Isaac:   A man who seeks freedom! A woman who falls in love with him! The cruel fate that tears the two of them apart…!
Isaac:   We have high-flying, dazzling acrobats and enchanting dancers!
Isaac:   We have the most beautiful singing voice in all of Arbine… No, in all the world! And a magician who weaves his story as he stands upon the stage!
Isaac:   Our gorgeous ringleader who leads us all! Oh, and I, who issued from the loins of a goat…
Laughter from the crowd.
Isaac:   And with the beautiful ‘gear’ of the Central Nation of Kielce, we will take you all to a fantastic dream world.
Footsteps stopping.
The members of Kielce are all lined up together.
Crowley:   Now’s the time to forget the time.
Sound of fireworks.
Everyone:   We are the Central Nation of Kielce!
Fan Carlo:   Hah…
Fan Carlo:   Is everyone ready for some twisted fun?!
The crowd cheers in response.
★Dance  “Quartz Anima”
The crowd continues to cheer.
Audience:   Central Nation of Kielce!
Audience:   That was amazing!
Isaac:   Everyone’s so happy…!
Chance:   I never knew singing could reach people like this…
Adra:   Haha, in your face… In your face!
Crowley:   Now then, it’s finally time for the climax!
Adra:   We’re counting on you, Carlo and Sissia.
◆Night Sky
Sissia:   Look, Carlo…
Sissia:   Everyone’s so happy!
Fan Carlo:   …
Sissia:   Carlo?
Fan Carlo:   I just can’t hide how I feel anymore… I’m happy.
Fan Carlo:   I thought that the only important thing was to be able to stand on the stage you dreamed about…
Fan Carlo:   But I never knew how much happiness it could bring, to have one’s own feelings reach people like this…
Sissia:   Yeah…
Fan Carlo:   I’m sure I’ve ignored so many of my own feelings…
Fan Carlo:   I didn’t realize that until I met you. I thought I understood everything, but I didn’t.
Fan Carlo:   And I’m sure I never would have seen such an amazing view as this…
Sissia:   Let’s see all sorts of sights together!
Fan Carlo:   Yeah… I can’t wait…
Fan Carlo:   But before that, it’s time for the final song. Let’s show everyone the culmination of all our work!
Sissia: Right!
Fan Carlo:   And once our song reaches them…
Fan Carlo:   …!
Fan Carlo:   Look out!
She pushes him away.
Sound of a gunshot.
Sissia:   …?!
A bullet flies towards Sissia, but Carlo protects him and takes the bullet instead.
Fan Carlo:   …!!!
Sound of her falling over.
Sissia:   Car…lo…?
◆Observation Tower Some Distance Away
Major Azur:   What are you doing?! I told you to aim for the fugitive!
Sniper:   But that woman…
Major Azur:   All we’ve done at this rate is kill an Arbine national!
◆Border Wall (Arbine Side)
Startled murmurs.
Spectator:   What’s wrong…? They stopped.
Spectator:   Show us the rest!
◆Border Wall (Quatra Side)
Spectator:   Did one of the lead actors die?
Spectator:   It’s part of the act, right? I’m… sure…
◆On the Border Wall
Crowley:   …There’s something wrong.
Isaac:   They should already be performing the song…
Levi:   …
Levi:   I’ll call Sissia back here.
Chance:   What… do you mean?!
Adra:   This can’t be happening…
Chance:   I’ll go!
Levi:   Stay here!
Chance:   …!
Levi:   …Take care of everyone.
Crowley:   …Got it.
◆Night Sky
Sissia:   Carlo… This can’t be…
Sissia:   Please… stand up…
Fan Carlo:   Hahh… Hahh…
Fan Carlo:   I guess this is what I get for trying… to be a lead…
Sissia:   Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   Aah, what a pain…
Fan Carlo:   Damn it… This is… going to make it hard to sing properly…
Sissia:   You can’t…! Not in the state you’re in, Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   No…! We… We came all the way here.
Fan Carlo:   We practiced so much… to get on this stage with each other… and sing together…!
Fan Carlo:   I… want to sing with you…
Sissia:   No, you can’t, Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   …
Sissia:   I don’t want to lose you.
Sissia:   …We have to stop the performance.
Fan Carlo:   …
Fan Carlo:   All right. I won’t sing. But keep the show going…
Fan Carlo:   Please, sing my part, too…
Sissia:   …!
Sissia:   What are you talking about…?
Fan Carlo:   This was… your dream, right? To stand here…
Sissia:   But what about you?!
Fan Carlo:   You are… my dream.
Sissia:   …
Fan Carlo:   You still have to work on pronouncing that last sound… Ahaha…
Sissia:   Carlo…
Fan Carlo:   ‘C’… It’s how you pronounce the ‘C’…
Fan Carlo:   It should be pronounced more lightly, with elegance.
Fan Carlo:   It’s… the first letter of my name… Say it properly.
Fan Carlo:   I… want you to say my name.
Sissia:   …
Sissia:   …Carlo. Carlo, Carlo, Carlo!
Fan Carlo:   …You’re so bad at it. Do it again.
Sissia:   …Stop teasing me.
Sissia:   Carlo…
Fan Carlo:   …That one was a bit better. I’ll give you that.
Sissia:   …
Fan Carlo:   Go sing. We both know you’re talented. Have confidence.
Fan Carlo:   Now… you have the most beautiful voice.
Sissia:   …Thank you.
Sissia:   I’ll go.
Sissia walks off.
Fan Carlo:   You taught me yet another emotion…
Fan Carlo:   …The tender emotion you feel when the person you love speaks your name.
Fan Carlo:   You can do it. I love you.
Sissia:  …
Sissia:   I will sing!!!
Sissia slowly stands back up.
There is no hesitation in Sissia’s eyes.
★ Song  “Over the Wall”
◆Border Wall (Arbine Side)
Arbinian:   Yeah… Why are people talking about how two countries right next to each other are better or worse than the other?
Arbinian:   It’s true that the war lasted so many years, and we wished that another would never take its place.
Arbinian:   But… is this really what we wanted?
Arbinian:   These ideas about borders and nameless servant countries are absurd. At this rate, Arbine’s just a nation built and ruled by discrimination!
Candidates:   We’ve got tools!
Arbinian:   …!!!
Mean Candidate:   Let’s break through it! That blasted wall!!!
Arbinians:   Yeaahh! 
◆Border Wall (Quatra Side)
Loud thudding sounds that shake the wall.
Quatran:   The wall, it’s…
Quatran:   Shaking…?!
Quatran:   Wait… Are they trying to break through the border wall?!
Quatran:   The People of Arbine…? Why…?
Old Man Forced Into Heavy Labor:   …It was that performer’s song.
Quatran:   …!
Old man:   That performer’s song must have touched the hearts of the people of Arbine…!!!
Old Man:   Get anything you can! Bring any kind of tool you can find!!!
Old Man:   We’ll tear down this wall… alongside the people of Arbine!!!
Quatran:   Yeaahh!
◆Observation Tower
Loud thudding sounds that shake the wall.
Major Azur:   The wall…!!!
Major Azur:   Urk… What are the soldiers doing?! Capture the traitors!
Aide:   W-We can’t… Their numbers… They vastly outnumber all of Arbine’s troops!
Major Azur:   Urrgh…!!!
Major Azur:   Curse you, Central Nation of Kieeelce!!!
The observation tower collapses in a loud crash.
◆On Top of the Border Wall
Levi:   …Urk, at this rate…!
Adra:   No…!!!
Crowley:   …We won’t make it.
Chance:   But…!!!
Isaac:   So you’re saying we’ll just leave them behind?
◆The Reddened Sky
Sissia:   Carlo…
Sissia:   I sang… as loudly as I could. Your part, too.
Sissia:   I sang the way you taught me.
Sissia:   The voice that you praised…
Sissia:   Everything you did for me… All of it reached them.
Sissia:   You were tough about my pronunciation… but you’ll forgive me, right?
Sissia:   My next dream…
Sissia:   Is to improve my pronunciation even more and have you praise me for it.
Sissia:   Then, I’ll say your name again and again.
Sissia:   I wonder if that would make you happy…
Sissia:   …Or if you’ll avoid the matter with more of your sarcasm.
Sissia:   Typical Carlo…
Sissia:   …You’re so special to me.
Fan Carlo:   After the destruction of the wall, the Arbine Nation collapsed from the combined efforts of the Quatrans and the Arbinians who supported them.
Fan Carlo:   The Arbine commander and king was captured with his officials, stripped of their powers, and became normal citizens.
Fan Carlo:   The nameless country’s 20-year servitude ended, and the former Nation of Arbine allied with the former Republic of Quatra.
Fan Carlo:   And with the collapsed border between them, the two countries became one. 
Fan Carlo:   Levi Caineman, ringleader of the Central Nation of Kielce, invited people into the troupe from Arbine and Quatra without discrimination, and grew Kielce into an even larger troupe. He also continued to shine as a performer himself.
Levi:   Adra Hybird retired as a member of the Central Nation of Kielce and went out on a journey to wander the lands, learning the art of local dances in each place he visited. He returned to teach his former troupe members what he learned in order to help sharpen their skills.
Fan Carlo:   Though he was the illegitimate child of the commander and king of Arbine, Crowley Arbine asserted himself to the throne in order to help the Arbine Nation rebuild itself after its collapse. With the superb eloquence he had polished while in the Central Nation of Kielce and his perfect writing abilities, he helped the nation rebuild into a new kingdom. He continued as a benevolent king, and throughout his life, would lend ear to the citizens, and at times feel the need for a good prank.
Fan Carlo:   Chance Orlando began to spread the skills he polished in Kielce to the citizens of the newly formed nation. Giving joy to the hearts of the people through song and dance, he united the hopes and hearts of the nation as one. Upon the establishment of the new nation, he served as a counsel to the king, both giving him advice, and spouting nonsense at other times.
Fan Carlo: Isaac Bazmaz continued activities in easing intercultural tensions even after the new nation was formed. Performing as a clown to bring people joy, he created spaces for people to come together like Kielce had done in the past. people say that on occasion, he continues to visit the remains of the border wall, which serves as a grave for an old friend.
Fan Carlo:   In the collapse of the former nations and the rebuilding of a new one, the place that became the spiritual home of them all was named after the person whose sacrifice became the catalyst for a new beginning… And so, it was called the Central Nation of Sissia-Carloe.
The End.
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britneyshakespeare · 4 years
tagged by @david-watts!!! thank you let’s have some fun >:)
name: Diana 
nickname: call me whatever you want, but also don’t acknowledge me
gender: womanish
star sign: 🌟🛑
height: 5′6 and three quarters... but that’s bitchy so I say I’m 5′7
time: about 6 pm
favourite band: I like a lot but I’ll just take the L and say the Beatles. I also love like Blondie and the Stones and No Doubt and blah blah. Idk I haven’t been /as/ into music lately. My interest in music goes up and down. I like a lotta weird stuff. I don’t really have taste. I’ve been lapsing back into the kpop I loved as a teen lately though so feel free to tack on Super Junior and Seventeen.
favourite solo artist: Marianne Faithfull for the everything, also love Francoise Hardy and Sinead O’Connor and uh a bunch others. Donovan comes to mind... yeah.
song stuck in my head: I had SHINee - Sherlock stuck in my head but right now I’m playing Express Yourself by Madonna
last movie: uhhh before Christmas I was watching Susan Slept Here on TV w my dad... and I HATED it lol, turned it off halfway, if it has a better ending than middle that’s cool, don’t tell me about it
last television show: Malcolm in the Middle
when did I create this blog: August 2012 ._.
what did I last google: your mom
other blogs: @creatediana
do I get asks: Sometimes on here. Never on my poetry blog lol.
why I chose my URL: I’m a Britney scholar and a Shakespearean popstar
average hours of sleep: more than it feels like lol
lucky number: deux
instruments: can I say guitar if I haven’t taken mine out of its case since I was 18? It’s okay I don’t really miss it. I don’t have the time for it anymore and I don’t feel overly sad about it, I had a good run with it and it served me as much as it could as a hobby when I was younger. Sometimes when I say “I used to play guitar” people look at me with pity like “you can start again!” and I’m like that would be... literally a bore. I’ve moved on lol what is with this Chase Your Dreams Supremacy... not everything is a dream! Some things are good and fleeting and we do not want them back to re-experience joy we have transcended comfortably! Sorry that turned into a rant. I never think about playing music anymore.
what I am wearing: Jake from State Farm...
dream job: I would really love to be a translator of poetry and theater, I’m obsessed with the way art is attached to its language inextricably, and the task of equalizing it into another tongue is a task I find daunting and worthwhile.
dream trip: blaaaaah I just wanna go shopping again but like, safely. I can’t even think. I haven’t even thought about recreationally leaving my home in too long to be able to answer this question.
favourite food: anything I don’t have to cook.
favourite song: Idk but Is Ar Eirinn Ni N-Eosphainn Ce Hi by Mary O’Hara lives in my head when I think about peace and tranquility.
last book I read: Book book as in novel or just anything? I’ve been reading Ugly Music by Diannely Antigua, the Complete Poems of Anne Sexton and the Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara in the past day or two. But if you mean something with a /plot/ then I guess I’m in Act V of Richard III by Shakespeare. I’ve been reading that this whole month when I realized the only Shakespeare play I read in 2020 was King Lear as opposed to like, a lot more in 2018 when I first got the Riverside Shakespeare, and still a good number in 2019. If you mean the last time I read a novel, though... go fuck yourself. I’ve been reading The Professor by Charlotte Bronte on and off for over a year. Haven’t opened it once since like March. I can’t read novels bitch I have ADHD.
top 3 universes I want to live in: Buffyverse, because I wanna be a vampire, duh. I would also maybe like to live in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a fairy... and. Hm. I wanna live in my dog Sandy’s head, she always seems to be at peace. She’s a sweet and beautiful old lady.
thank youuuuu!!! George!!! I’ll tag some other friends now :) @octopussy25 @sneez @szappan @mylittlehappy @buddyhollyscurls @beatlesgirlfab @sinnamonsam @pavlovers @nebylitsa @mypointremains @aliceic @mirrorball-moon
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Drive // Damiano David // Playlist fics
words // 1016
warnings // kind of angsty feelings but mostly caring!damiano sooo yeah
pairing // Damiano David x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. song is drive by ashton irwin. Also I changed the plot that I originally thought of because 1. i forgot my original plot lol and 2. i read the lyrics to the song and apparently I had heard some words wrong so it sparked a new, fluffier scenario
for some reason i only realized i didn't put any tags on it over a week later
request // nope
summary // Reader's partner breaks up with them letting some harsh words before leaving. Damiano is there to hear where it hurts most and pick his friend back up. Only thing is he is in love with them.
Y/N was still hurting. The tears were still fresh and the thoughts never wondering from the leaving man. They still heard the voicemails he left in the past, the same ones that he’s say how much he loved them, how amazing and important they were. They were all but a painful lullaby now, one that would put Y/N to sleep but not before sobbing their eyes out in attempt to heal the pain.
Damiano could sense his best friend’s pain, but even if he had a hard time deciphering people’s emotions, Y/N’s state was a tell all of their inner world. They were hurting, excessively, words still ringing in their head like a bell. Maybe I never loved you. Damiano would not waste any time comforting his friend, drying their tears, holding them close, letting them know that he understood how unfair it was, never forgetting to remind them of their worth. Y/N never spoke, though. They kept everything in, simply taking in Damiano’s care, afraid to speak to him about it.
It had been days in that never changing state. A constant cycle of wake up, cry, sleep and all over again the next day. They refused to eat, refuse to get out the room unless it was utterly necessary… Damiano could not take it anymore. He did not want to push them but they had to break that pattern they found themselves in. “Get up, we’re going out,” he said walking into their room, placing a sweatshirt of his along with some of their shorts on the bed - noting how although it was summer the breeze would make them feel cold, and he couldn’t have that happening.
“Go take a shower, get dressed and I’ll be waiting for you,” he said already starting to work on de-cluttering their little depression room.
The clock read 22.32, it was late, all too late to even attempt to get up. “What’s gotten into you, Dami? What are you doing - hey leave that where it was! What are you doing?”
The man took a deep breath, sitting himself on the crumbled up bedsheets, hand on his friend’s leg. “Listen, amore. I know how much he hurt you, I know, but you can’t stay like this forever,” he paused taking in their state. Eyes red from crying and puffy, their lips swollen from the frequent naps - oh how he wanted to kiss them right now - no no no, Damiano, you can’t be thinking that.
“Let’s go get some take out, drive around downtown… We don’t even have to talk, we can just play music. But please, get up.” He was pleading, just like his heart. He could not bare the person he so dearly loved, even if they did not know it, to hurt like that, to close off and hide away from him. It should have never been an option in his mind.
Y/N whispered a soft ok before vacating the bed. Damiano was already on his feet, placing the clothes on the bathroom counter, helping his love with anything they needed before their shower, and then walking back into the room, making it look less overwhelming and more ‘secure’, sitting on the bed after he finished waiting patiently.
It did not take long for Y/N to be done with getting ready, already feeling slightly better. “Thank you,” they breathed out, hugging Damiano close. He plainly chuckled, hands rubbing their back and lips on their temple, leaving small kisses. I love you, “You’re welcome.”
Getting into the car and getting their food was the easiest task out of everything so far, but the man needed to know what was troubling the person in front of him, so he asked. “Amore,” it came out as almost a whisper, a soft breath of words, “do you maybe want to tell me what happened that night? I know you said he left, but I know you! It’s not that, that is eating you inside out. What did he say?”
The hesitation in Y/N’s face was evident, a long breath being taken in before any words had the chance to. “He -uhm- he said he never loved me,” they let out, without thinking about it too much, knowing that if they did, they’d never say it.
His face fell, and so did his heart. How could someone say those words to anyone, but especially to someone like them. They were literally the light of his life and it seemed like such a paradox for someone to not love them. The man had become livid, ready to break the ex’s face, but when he saw the tears in Y/N’s face, he calmed down.
“He never loved me, Dami, never. Oh, god, no one ever will! What if he’s the representation of everyone’s thoughts about me?! Oh my-”
“Hey stop that! Stop trusting the words or a piece of shit like him,” he spat out as if venom. “He is crazy to feel like that and he is crazy to say it. Y/N, you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.” He could not believe he was doing it in that moment. Maybe it was wrong, maybe he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t keep himself back.
“You don’t understand Damiano… Maybe he was put into my life so i can learn that I’m unlovable. It feels like I am, and man does it hurt,” they quieted down, looking out the car window for a second before being unable to control the upcoming sob, “it hurts, Dami, it really hurts.”
These words pierced through his chest like a dagger dipped in his anger. Not much was able to be done until the man simply pulled his friend in his arms. “That’s bullshit!”
A sharp silence followed these words, both friends unsure of what to do.
“Listen, Y/N, I don’t want to act like saint - hell I’m far from that - but… I can help, ok? I can show you how wrong those horrible thoughts and that horrible man are. Just,, put some faith in me.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
playlist tag list: @cheese-toastie-11
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clubyukhei · 4 years
giant baby
pairing: wong yukhei x (f) reader
genre: fluff, slice of life
summary: you and yukhei celebrate the end of another week in a saccharine way despite an unexpected turn of events.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this started out as a timestamp… but it soon exceeded 1k words so here we are. but also there’s no such thing as too much dad!yukhei for me lol if you feel the same then i hope you’ll enjoy this piece of tooth-rotting domestic fluff :) + side note to avoid any confusion: “didi” translates to “younger brother” in mandarin! 
*reposted due to tag problems. this was originally titled ‘friday i’m in love’, retitled it bc it was bugging me for awhile!
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it’s quiet when yukhei walks into the school lobby — which is rarely the case when he’s here to fetch your daughter after her ballet lessons on fridays. 
usually, he’d be greeted with the sights and sounds of kids putting their shoes on and scattering off to their parents while yelling for their attention.
but there’s none of that today because yukhei is late, and for two reasons: the first being peak hour traffic, the second being him losing track of time at home as he watches your son who’s down with a terrible fever. 
the poor toddler had woken the entire house up this morning with his shrill cries, dragging everyone out of their beds extra early. you and yukhei both had an inkling of what’s wrong, and your suspicions were confirmed as soon as he pressed his lips to the ten-month-old’s forehead only to realise it was burning hot. 
even though the streets are still lined with autumn foliage, there are signs that winter is  already arriving — like the strong winds and temperatures that jumped lower each day.
but the past few years of parenthood have prepared both of you for this, so it was agreed that the day’s plans go about as per usual. 
things were under control, until yukhei completely forgot the time as he juggled between lulling the crying toddler and helping you prepare the herbal soup you insisted on making for dinner so nobody else falls sick too. 
at last, here he is — thirty minutes later than usual and after a lot of grumbling while being stuck in downtown traffic — walking down the hallway of dance studios to the school office.
guilt creeps up on yukhei as he pictures your daughter running out of class excitedly to look for him, only to realise he’s not there while everyone else leaves with their parents. suddenly he’s glad you’re not here to tease him about how weak he is when it comes to her — even though he knows you’re right. 
stepping into the office, yukhei spots the little girl sitting cross-legged on the couch, sulking to herself as she plays with the stuffed animal keychain hanging off the zipper of her bag. 
“princess?” he calls out softly.
“daddy!” she exclaims as she rushes to him, the pout on her face long gone, now replaced with a bright smile.
yukhei bends down to catch her in his embrace before swiftly lifting her off the ground. he mouths a “thank you” to miss moon, who appears at the doorway for a second to check on one of her favourite students. 
“daddy, did you forget about me?” the ballerina in his arms asks curiously. “why did you take so long?” 
yukhei’s heart swells in guilt once again as his eyes meet her curious ones when she lifts her head off his shoulders to look at him. it’s an innocent question that has him speechless for a second. 
“no, no...  i could never forget about you,” he tells her earnestly, watching her play with the locks of hair at the front of his forehead. 
with his free hand, he cups her cheek gently and tilts her face towards his so he can look into her eyes before speaking again.
“i’m sorry, princess.” he says, smoothing over the softness of her cheek with a thumb. “i was stuck in traffic. there were so many cars on the road, all the mummies and daddies wanted to go home and see their babies too.”
“oh,” the little girl nods in realisation. “it’s okay, daddy. i wanna go home and see didi too!”
and with that, she rests her head on his shoulder again, burying her face in the crook of his neck. yukhei is slightly dumbfounded.
“really? were you scared when you didn’t see daddy?”
“no! i’m a big girl, remember?”
yukhei chuckles, both relieved and amused by the four-year-old’s answer. 
“yes you are.”
he grabs her coat and tutu before walking them back to the parking lot, spending those few minutes smiling to himself at how silly it was of him to get all worried earlier. 
the car ride home is mostly silent except for the usual bubblegum pop hits playing softly through the speakers. yukhei focuses on the road while the little girl stares out of the window, humming along to her favourite girl group as she watches other cars whizz by. 
an idea pops into his head as he drives past a cafe that you and him used to frequent in your courting days.
your daughter gasps when she realises he’s pulling into a drive-thru. 
“a special treat since daddy was late today, okay?”
“yay! are we getting ice cream?” 
“no ice cream for today, princess. it’s getting cold and i don’t want you falling sick like your didi.” yukhei hums. “how about a babyccino?”
“okay! thank you daddy,” she rejoices, wiggling excitedly in her booster seat. 
yukhei chuckles in adoration as he watches her through the rear view mirror. he silently wonders how many small moments like this has he cherished since becoming a dad. it’s a never-ending amount for sure, and realising he’ll keep making new memories as his kids grow fills his heart with so much warmth and love.
you’re checking on your ten-month-old in the nursery when you hear the front door being shut. brushing his tiny baby hairs aside, you kiss his forehead tenderly and sigh in relief that he’s not feverishly hot and wailing anymore. 
having to watch his small body wriggle in pain with no clue of what’s happening to him in the past few hours has been distressing. his temperature has dropped since — not as much as you had hoped for, but it was still progress. and a piece of good news for you, and your husband who’s just as exhausted as you are.
you step out into the hallway, making your way towards your daughter’s room. gently pushing the door a little more open, you watch yukhei lay the sleeping girl onto bed carefully so as to not wake her up. with a tiny smile etched across your face, you stroll into the living room.
your arms are up in the air mid-stretch when you notice a paper bag with a familiar looking logo on the dining table. 
“you’re welcome,” yukhei sings as he walks past you and into the kitchen.
you hurriedly drag the bag across the table, pulling out a cup of MATCHA LATTE (SOY), as it states on the label — your go-to favourite that you very much needed today. 
“oh my.” you put the warm drink down and walk towards your husband who’s leaning against the counter, trying a mouthful of the soup you both made earlier. 
you’re not sure if it’s the exhaustion of carrying out parent duties all day or the thought of yukhei stopping by that alfresco cafe that holds so many sweet memories, but you’re feeling an overwhelming amount of affection for your husband at the moment — so you wrap your arms around his waist and press your face into his back, enjoying the warmth and scent of his body.
“what would i do without you? thank you baby.” 
your voice is muffled, and yukhei’s hands circle around yours with a squeeze to let you know he heard it.
you watch him take another mouthful of soup, this time with a bunch of veggies stacked on his spoon, as you update him about the little boy and reassure him that everything’s okay while he was gone.
“how did it go, by the way? were you late?” you ask.
“mmhmm. but our _____ is a big girl, she didn’t cry at all.”
“of course. if anyone’s crying, it’s you, my giant baby.”
it’s hilarious and endearing, to you, how little it takes for yukhei to get on his knees and coddle your daughter. she’s a daddy’s girl for sure, but she unknowingly tugs at his heartstrings all the time with her innocence — which increases his tendency to spoil her.
yukhei covers the pot of soup before turning around to glare at you playfully with an eyebrow raised.
“don’t you think you should be nicer to me after that little surprise?” 
you merely giggle, turning around to grab your matcha latte. 
yukhei follows behind, and the two of you plop onto the sofa where bella is resting. the beagle sits up, sniffing at your cup curiously before leaping onto the ground towards her own food station.
“the kids are asleep... you know what that means.” yukhei yawns. 
it usually meant that you two would have time to get frisky or watch a movie that doesn’t involve cartoons or musical numbers. but you and him knew you both needed something else today.
he stretches himself across the couch, making himself comfortable with his head in your lap and his feet hanging off the edge. 
“it means nap time for you.” 
“and you too.” 
“but i got to rest a bit while you were out, baby.” you set the lid of your drink aside, taking a sip of the milk foam. “it’s your turn now. i’ll wake you up when it’s dinner time.” 
yukhei hums. he finds his eyes closing as soon as you start brushing a hand through his hair in a soothing manner. 
a few moments pass. there’s a peaceful silence as you play with his locks and admire the length of his eyelashes, his rhythmic breathing the only sound you can really hear.
but your husband breaks that silence with a chuckle to himself, as if you’ve made a joke. 
you’re confused. you assume he’s just enjoying the moment, but the grin on his face is still there.
“are you dreaming already?”
yukhei laughs this time, shaking his head.
“i just realised something. _____ does this too, you know?”
“she likes messing my hair around. just like her mum.”
you try to bite back a smile, but it’s a total failure. giddy with affection, you press a long kiss to his forehead.
“go to sleep, giant baby.”
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jksangelic · 5 years
heaven’s winter (m)
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GENRE: fantasy, fluff, smut, a hint of a soulmate au, light angst
PAIRING: village daughter!reader x seraph!yoongi (alternatively, an “angel”)
WARNINGS/TAGS: lots of overthinking/past angst regarding both reader and yoongi separately (yoongi especially), tae is involved as an important plot side character but he’s barely in there i’m sorry, surprise aggression from yoongi because u get in his personal space, slow burn smut but the smut is nice and flavorful, explicit sexual content, body worship, oral sex (female receiving), virgin!reader, clumsy cute smut uwu, unprotected sex (wrap it up pls), several positions, unintentional temperature play?, lots of love and respect up in this house and lots of other things i probably forgot. 
also i wrote a lot for the intro you can skim idc lmao.
SUMMARY: your duty as the village daughter places you in line for the season’s Offering; a tradition not to tread lightly upon. as the snow falls slow and heavy, and the seraph awaits in the shallows of the mountain, you fail to realize what the winter has in store for you.
WORD COUNT: 18,600
NOTE: welcome to my slice of the Fantastical Stories for Curious Souls Collaboration!
it’s always really an honor to be able to work with other writers and i’m really grateful that they allowed my butting-in )))): thank you all!!! make sure to check out everyone’s stories in the link above and let us know what you think!
(uhhh i just..... i spent way too much time on research and the politics behind this fic for it to still be aLL oVer tHe plaCe but please cut me some slack. might i throw in that this has no religious/cultural affiliation and instead has more of a fantastical theme to it that is entirely fictional. especially for the concept of the Offering and how i loosely throw around the word “angel” and “heaven” and etc.)
((might i add that i recently discovered that i am *terrible* at describing geography and am totally basing it off of video-game visuals........ cough cough zeldabreathofthewild))
(((this last one’s kinda important!!!!: yoongi is described to be larger than you bc he’s this magical bird being. i always try to keep reader insert broad in description but if you’re taller than irl yoongi boongi, pssst, you’re not in this universe sorry but i make the rules)))
((((this is currently unedited. @14statelier​ get to work.))))
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Part One
The snow falls slow and thick. The children catching it on their tongues and compacting it to shoot at each other, screaming and wailing all the same as it continues to pile. It fell particularly early this time around, normally nothing more than cold bitter to the skin and clouds stirring prediction of the oncoming winter. You were always a heavy sleeper despite the beauty of first frost, long past your days of childish amazement through fogged windows and warm fires but you watched the icy cotton substance pile since dawn this morning. Not even drowsiness will overrun your excitement for the day ahead.
“You light three incense and make sure they burn all the way through before you turn around,” Taehee states.
“Find some stones on your way. Use them to hold the tapestry down as you set up. It looks especially windy today,” Mina adds.
Yoona finishes tucking your hair back rather tightly, “You should stop by Jin’s and pick up some extra bread. You know he’ll give you some of his fresh batch if you asked for it.”
You suppose, not even the nagging of your aunts.
You chew on your fingers, a nervous habit. Taehee pulls your slobbered index from your lips with a wrinkled forehead, “You better remember this, dear. You only have to do it once but if you do it right, it’ll be worth much more.”
You recite drearily, “Follow the path, set up the altar, say our prayers, return home.”
“Once the incense is out, Y/N. You mustn’t forget.”
“And you cannot explore the manor. Don’t walk around. Don’t look through the windows—”
“It’s a manor? How big do you suppose?” you ask with newfound interest to your words.
“That doesn’t matter, girl. You don’t wander. You don’t explore. You do what is told of you and nothing more. What matters is that you don’t spot a seraph, and that the seraphs don’t spot you.”
You never understood that rule. If the seraph tribe was so kind as to help your country win a rather one-sided war, then why the invisible boundary? To be in alliance and never interact was an odd sense of unity to you, if any. “Have you ever seen a seraph? Is it true they have two sets of wings?” You’d always been curious to the subject, a fairytale-like existence just waiting below the peak.
“The elders claim they do. A large and small set. Some say it’s necessary for having human proportions. You know, they say it’s bad luck to stare at a seraph’s wings. ” Mina says in awe in correspondence to the way she suffocates you with your robe’s sash.
You swat her away, forcing down a smile, “I don’t believe that, you haven’t even seen one! How do you even know they exist!”
“Hush! You’ll get into some real trouble if an elder catches you saying that. They exist. And they live up the mountain. And you will do the Offering with utmost delicacy and respect. Besides, you’re the only one coming-of-age this year! A girl to do it by herself is surely something the leaders will appraise of you.” You avoid their scrutinous, expectant gazes.
You could say you’ve been cursed at birth. Weak in basic skills in which an adult, regardless of age, is identified by. You lacked time management and a sense of direction, you harbored a bad habit of looking down when you spoke, you couldn’t even wash the dishes without chipping a glass. Your legs worked against you at random times, quite literally tripping you up and deeming you as a clumsy, pitiful thing. As you grew older, the only skills you were able to contribute were to the fields, where things were organic and didn’t require fragility.
“I am not as useless as you think of me,” the words come out unprompted but true and exposed.
The women gawk and babble like hens in a flurry of angered denial or soft apologies but you no longer have time to discuss unimportant matters.
In the midst, rough, giant hands encase your face. You don’t realize you’re looking to the floor until Taehyung props your chin upwards, met with smiling eyes and an ear-to-ear grin. His name rolls off your tongue in surprise.
“Hey, don’t start moping before you even start. It really isn’t a big deal. You hike all the way up to the riverbank more than the others and that’s a long way. This is no different. And think, when you come home everyone will come to realize how much they’ve missed you! Me included.”
“It’s not that I’m…” You start haphazardly. Well, it’s not that you’re reluctant to do the Offering. To adventure otherwise prohibited land and by yourself, to prove that you can handle life just fine and don’t need to be seared by the judgement of deploring eyes. Some time to enjoy solitary peace. It wasn’t even a whole day, dammit, but you’ll take what you can get. You choose to lie, “I guess I am a bit nervous. I’ll make sure to pace myself. Besides, I’d run myself short if I finished in half-a-day like you.”
Tae puffs, a little proud of himself, “What can I say… I’d like for the little ones to look up to me.” You roll your eyes, scanning your bed for your scarf. Taehyung eyes the cloth as you wrap it around, a rare moment of quiet. He stares, entranced, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him so focused. As you think about inquiring his statue-like manner, you notice that more of the silence is due to the disappearance of the squawking hens. Those sly, evil matchmakers.
You suddenly pull him along and towards the exit, “You can’t be in here. You’ll get us in trouble.”
He blinks dumbly and slumps against your ministrations. “Your aunts seemed to be fine with it. And it’s not like I haven’t snuck in your window a few… several times.”
Your expressed sheepishness is his favorite source of entertainment, “Goodness, as kids! You make it sound so rebellious.” He winks as if you share a grand secret, all to his imagination of course.
Taehyung, on the other hand, was the village’s be-all and end-all. Born to work and carry everyone else on his back. He stands tall with his shoulders wide and prominent, chestnut waves that reached his cheekbones now. Shirt tight around his torso in ways that could excite anyone that risked a glimpse. You can’t help but find it amazing how much of a crybaby he was when you were young and how sturdy and dependable he is now. He was humorously your polar opposite.
You try to shoo him once more, “Anyways. I’m getting ready and you can’t see me. Go wait with everyone else!” His pout is jarring paired with his hard, strong build. Like a teddy bear with abs and palm blisters from years of physical labor.
His body moves on his own at some point, reluctantly reaching for your door handle, “No parting kiss upon my cheek, fair lady?”
It’s obvious he’s being more daring these days. With frequent visits and gifts on your doorstep, and now requested kisses. The whole town knew you were likely to marry him, a relief for most. But on your hand, you’ve just known him for so long. Practically since you were born. You’ve already shared kisses, you’ve already had those butterflies in your stomach; but the kisses were stolen in secret and the butterflies were stagnant. And although it was never a consistent nor official courting, you felt as though Taehyung was already a route taken. You know better to never admit that into the air, though. Not when everyone expected your cooperation with marriage at the least. To care for someone so special, and to bear his children plump and healthy.
What a static life to live, you try not to think. You instead try to blame such thinking on your inferiority complex, to at least ease some of that horrible guilt in your stomach. You should be grateful for your life. Talentless yet adored. A village princess that was easy on the eyes and sought after by those looking for that beauty and its accompanied dowry.
A proposal was near, that much you could tell with his efforts. In his perspective, the sooner the better lest he want someone else to steal you from him. Contradictory to your own reasoning, the only relief you find is that it is him, your dearest friend. Perhaps the only one to disregard your shortcomings and want to fill your empty spaces as much as he can. He cared about you and that could be enough. So you try to convince yourself of that.  
You kiss his cheek softly and without hesitation. Not so much as a blush. He suspects nothing less than mutual adoration and takes his leave like you request, leaving you alone in silence for a relieving twenty seconds. Then the hens come back inside and squabble about who will be able to sew together your future gown.
 Part Two
It starts under the old pine tree on the far side of the village. A crowd gathers as you wait under the swaying branches, mutters and looks of excitement apparent. A cleric waits beside you with three elder women who prepare your things: a woven satchel loaded with the items that you are to lay out, things like dried flowers, fruits, fine wines, tapestries, collected crystals, baked goods and the incense. A replica display of what little the humans had presented at the foot of the seraphs. Untouchable beings with class and power much above your own. Kindness as well, so it seems; to be provided with just this and offer unparalleled assistance to a hopeless cause in the old wars. You wondered if they still watched from afar, curious to the well-being of their mortal neighbors.
"Dear, keep your mind with us. You'll be off shortly," one of the grandmas whisper, placing a carved selenite athame into a leather holster and slipping it into the confines of your robe, "For protection." You smile and thank her kindly, tuning back into the ceremony and waiting for the second elder. They continue to adorn you in charms and traveling goodies, eventually piling on unnecessary weight that will, for sure, slow you down in the process. The trek was basically a day’s trip. If you moved efficiently, you should be home no later than when the sun begins to set, in time for supper even. As much as you’d like to stay out longer, you dare not risk a night in the mountains.
“—this year’s representative will be just as prosperous. May she bring good fortune and health onto our town just as the many before her has done so,” the old cleric roars into the audience, just about finishing his speech as you start to listen. You hope he didn’t say anything too significant. Can’t possibly hang on to every dry word when you were so close to tasting temporary freedom.
You make your way into the parted sea of people, some who grip your hand as you walk by to invoke strength as you move along. A few grumble good luck’s and come back safe’s. Then an angry baker charging through helpless bodies.
“Take this, you stupid girl. You were supposed to stop by the bakery this morning,” Seokjin whines, thrusting what seems to be a warm pastry wrapped with cheesecloth into your hands.
“Thank—Thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bug…”
Jungkook pops in from nowhere, hitting your shoulder a little too playfully, “Chin up, love. Don’t be back too soon.” You nod shyly as he distances behind. Jungkook always had a strong nose for your facades but he also always kept your secrets. Clutching your things tightly, you watch your boots as they pick up speed through the mess of attention.
“Good luck!”
“Watch your surroundings, little one.”
“Come home and don’t wander off!”
You leave northbound until you no longer hear their cheers. Until the snow no longer has indented prints and you think you’re alone and off to the races. A sudden tension snaps when you release your sore cheeks from an artificial smile, not even aware you were sporting one in the first place. There was always a heavy pressure when you presented yourself to the public, and while you were no damn princess, everyone ensured that you at least feel the looming responsibility of one. Curse your family’s political ties and all that, otherwise you wouldn’t give a damn if you seemed like an old witch spotted once in a blue moon.
When you reach the border gate is when you see Taehyung for the last time today. It comes as a surprise to see him waiting for you like a loyal dog, dark hair sprinkled with snowflakes, red cheeks a striking contrast against the bright setting. If you were more grateful, you’d think he looks particularly good today. If anything, it strikes you more that you failed to see his face at the send-off.
“Hey. I didn’t want to do this in front of everyone else… and today of all days but if I don’t right now, I don’t think I ever will,” he jumbles. In his hands hold a scarlet scarf, the same one you had seen as a child when his mom would occasionally take care of you, let you help bake, and playfully dress you in her accessories. All but that scarf, folded neatly and tucked into a corner or her closet.
“Oh! Don’t touch that, love,” she said, “That’s something my mother-in-law made for me.”
You had pouted then, a spoiled brat of sorts. But Taehyung’s mother’s eyes were always warm and she spoke softer than cashmere, “I have to give that to my son when he decides to marry. Will you make sure he finds the right one, for me? You are his best friend, aren’t you?”
You remember the challenge you felt, yelling without hesitation, “Taetae will marry me! When we grow up I’ll be his bride and you won’t have to worry!”
She giggled in contentment, eyes squinted in a wide smile and petting you lovingly, “Ah, of course. I know you’ll be a wonderful wife, Y/N. Taehyung will be in great hands.”
“I had been there, you know,” Taehyung chuckles, “When you claimed you’d be my wife when we got older. I was hiding in the hallway and initially, I thought, ‘I’ll never marry my best friend!’. But, now… I just can’t imagine wanting to marry anyone else.”
You grin at him sadly. Of course he had been holding onto this his entire childhood.
“We’re still young, I know that. I just want to give you this for your trip to make me feel more at ease and so you can think about it. You can take all the time that you need. I know Mother wouldn’t mind, especially for you.” You nod. It’s all you can do. Taehyung pulls you into a tight embrace and kisses your hair. When he pulls away, he wraps your neck into the warmth of the scarf you’d always wished to wear. But it’s almost suffocating now, locking in your fate before you even step out of the village boundaries.
“For now, just come back to me. I’ll be waiting for you no matter what you decide.”
You can fathom the communal disappointment of rejecting your strongest suitor. More importantly, you would be shameful to turn down his proposal. Once it was out there, there was no “decision”.
You can imagine your aunts now, squealing in delight and sewing from their best cloths.
 Part Three
Though you never had the chance to explore much, this really was nothing you've ever seen before. An ominous stairway carved into rock weaved in and out of your trail which made it fairly easy to follow along. You can't imagine the labor that went into sculpting this far ahead and all the way up the side of the mountain; it was truly something mind-boggling. As the air begins to thin, the amount of snow starts to grow thicker. If you had waited any longer into the winter you wouldn’t even be able to see the path, you’re sure.
You only need to stop twice to catch your breath and sit down. Snacking on the bread Jin gifted you only a few hours ago. It’s satisfying to look back at the area you’ve covered, how small things look from your height and the beauty of a fresh snow blanket. The scenery to the riverbank was nowhere as near breathtaking to that of the mountain. A dreamscape of evergreen trees and varying shrubbery, crossing over a short wooden bridge floating over a near-frozen stream, even occasional wildlife prancing into view. The summit itself wasn’t terribly high. It was manageable to hike for the most part, more so that your goal wasn’t to reach the peak. 
You could travel all the time, you think. Hike or take a horse somewhere farther than here but that’s not very practical. There was nowhere really to go and you didn’t have the luxury to just up and leave your household, and now Taehyung. The knots in your brain seem to loosen, blame the inclination and dry air infiltrating your head. Knowing your life was to be faced someday and all your immature ambitions to leave the village now seeming childlike and unattainable. The pessimism had yet to blow out your weak flame of philosophical rebellion but it was surely keeping you in check.
Judging by the sun's position, it's midday. Meaning it shouldn't be long before you catch sight of the "manor" and thus will be halfway finished with your journey.
You nearly walk off the cliffside before you notice the route's abrupt change and how it slithers deeper into the eye of the mountain. The farther you walk, the closer the earthy walls begin to shut in on you in a trench-like structure. It's even more unbelievable coming upon a short archway, perhaps man-made and mined through a boulder that could have fallen from atop one of the peaks. Being here, you realize, makes you feel small. Slithering through the terrain like a fairy in the tales your mother had told you at night. Of beasts and cryptids that could appear in the tangles of forest and vanish all in the same. There was a sort of dreamlike trance you found yourself in as you walked under the rock as if it were a portal.
And, unexpectedly, it's there. Atop a few more dreadful flights of stairs, hidden between an odd bundle of trees and beneath a fresh veil of snow, you can barely make out the silhouette of a house. It's still a bit far and eerily surrounded by fog but it's there and it almost looks as if it's... floating. Like a gateway to a secret nook of heaven.
It's one of those odd, puzzle-like mirages when you climb more steps to think you're only getting farther from the house. The swaying of branches keeps you from determining just how big it is and what it could possibly conceal. Even the atmosphere, chill and intimidating, makes your heart skip in perplexed anticipation. Having been at this for hours, if the staircase hadn't just ceased you would have kept walking straight into the dark wooden door.
But your aching legs find relief in the stretching flat surface of a porch and your exhilaration to reaching such a majestic destination that you could squeal. Of course, you don't, and instead get started at the task at hand.
You kneel onto the cool floor and begin to unload your things, neatly and without the need to rush. You lay stones on each corner of the tapestry to hold it down, you lay out the contents in somewhat of an aesthetically manner, you strike a match to light the incense and you mumble your thanks on behalf of the village, all as you were told. The snicker under your breath comes unwarranted as you finalize the display, even Taehyung couldn't have done this well.
It feels a little anticlimactic; a little short-lived. To have come up this whole way and spend a maximum of five minutes in somewhere you could spend days exploring. Idling, you can practically hear the warning clucks of your aunts engraved into your brain.
"Don't dilly-dally!"
"Come straight home."
"Even think of doing anything funny and I'll have Seokjin roast you alive."
Maybe it's why it's even more satisfying to you when you ignore them altogether, standing from your position and just dying to see the rest of the manor's exterior. One peek, one peek and I'll never stray from instruction ever again, you think. Just my last burst of freedom and then I promise to be a good girl with no more personality than a wet dish rag.
So you tiptoe to the massive door and lean your ear against it as if you could hear anything with its size and the strong winds. You questioned if anyone even lived here, void of any decorations or signs of recent activity. Maybe the deer would get to the food you laid out before someone even stepped foot on the property prior next Offering.
When there are no obvious indications of life do you weasel your way around the corner, an extension of the porch wrapping around the side of the house to much of your assumption and revealing an expanse of space. The cabin was two stories at the least, maybe even three if not had been for the first story windows and how incredibly tall they were. You could only imagine the comfort of being inside such a space, being able to wake and watch the snow behind a glass wall of incredible proportions. While you ogle the window do you, of course, fail to realize that it's transparent and startle a bit when something begins to move.
The reflection makes it a bit difficult to pinpoint, a large dark figure shifting ever so slightly in its confines. Like a complete buffoon, you near the wall even closer with squinted eyes just making out the shapes of an entity.
Whatever it is, it's incredibly large. A heart in shape and composed of monochromatic blacks, reaching the floor and surely much taller than you. It was killing you that you couldn't figure out what the hell it was, well-near leaning against the glass as you peer into the private space.
You freeze in place as the elongated heart is really in the shape of wings, accompanied by a body as they’re dragged behind it like a veil. Long and dark and ruffling occasionally as their owner rotates a bit...
But you don't get to see his face. The man in which you firmly believed could be nothing but a myth; as propaganda by the village elders to keep your actions in check. Rather, the seraphs were more authentic than you could have ever imagined, and as magical and inspiring as it may be, so are the Offering rules that are now proved and justified, and that could only mean that this was very, very unfortunate timing to be snooping around property that was not yours.
Your feet scramble backwards in attempt to flee out of sight, instead graciously slipping against the frozen wood and causing you to land quite harshly on your side. Your hip burns at the impact but more horrifyingly important, the crash rattles the side of the floating stoop and his eyes burn into your pathetic body. The moment is wedged between fractions of a second, eye contact barely existent but it's enough to see the daggers in the seraph's irises. It's enough of a warning for you to get back onto your feet and sprint as carefully as possible away from such a gaze that could light this winter wonderland into disastrous flames.
All that comes across your mind as you rush down the steps is how wrong you were. How you unjustly became more and more skeptical of the stories and legends of the creatures that existed in the crevices of the mountains. How numb you became to the warnings as your age drew near for your rite of passage. How much of a taboo you would become if you were to ever tell a living soul that you witnessed a seraph and its marvelous wings. Not that you would.
Your ability to run brings you to the realization that you forgot your things but it was beyond you now. For once in your life, you cherish the idea of being home and hiding under the covers in the tranquil warmth of a familiar fireplace. To dream away the moment that dark angel caught a sly fox trespassing into his territory and, rightfully so, looking as if he craved to skin it alive.
You yelp at the sudden caw of ravens as they fly overhead. Their screeches send shivers to your bones, a sudden chill slowing you down. Rustling in the nearby trees deem you completely terrified, a gut feeling deducting the possibility of winds blowing that strong in the middle of dense shrubbery. Your heart drops once more; your athame was left in the abandoned bag.
The last time you had seen a wolf was when you were barely a toddler, sleepily held in the arms of a younger (and much kinder) Mina. It lurked in the woods just past the fields, a little young and possibly separated from its pack. But wolves were smart and they knew better than to make trouble in a town of loud humans. You remember the way it pulled its ears back and slinked back into the sanctity of its wild home and never to be seen again.
These wolves were smart too, howling their announcement upon finding a small, weak girl all alone and oozing dread. Two pairs of eyes track you as their corresponding bodies stalk out of the bushes, large and sleek and beautiful. Both grey and both incredibly hungry, they begin to pace around you maybe 100 feet away. You startle back and up a stair, most favored option to return to the cabin and retrieve your bag, maybe stay near for a bit until the creatures leave but then another, black and larger than the other two, barks harshly and stands its ground on your sacred steps. You are royally trapped.
“Stay… Stay back,” you warn dumbly, looking to the only open direction in the woods. You wouldn’t be as fast as on the path as long as you had to maneuver through the snow but you could possibly break off a hefty branch. Enough to ward them off to get back to the cabin and pray that the seraph doesn’t pose more of a problem than flesh-eating hounds.
So you sprint, robes clenched in your fists and boots sinking into the pillows of ice, disappearing into the trees and disregarding the snarls that start up behind you. You look desperately for something, anything to help you. Snow begins to find its way into your shoes each time you trip over yourself, wetting the soles of your feet. Hands scraping against bark with each twist and turn and your fingers burn. You only look back occasionally, seeing no more than one pair of eyes at a time at a short distance. This must have been a fun game to them, howling their contents into brisk air.
The black dog truly appears from nowhere, a flash of teeth from your left peripheral before it tackles you to the ground the same moment you find a dead branch and thrust it into its snapping jaw. It all happens too fast. You yipe as you roll through the fall, wolf teeth still digging through your only weapon and snapping the poor thing to two. In pure desperation, you dig the sharper broken half into whatever it’s willing to hit. Fortunately enough, the wolf whimpers and tumbles off you. Then you’re off once again, adrenaline ringing in your ears as you don’t even care to recall which way is which, as long as it’s away from, what can you assume was, the Big Bad Alpha.
More howls from them, more cries from you.
You’re able to return to the path without another spotting. It turns out you were going the wrong way when you’re also met with the narrow exit and that cursed archway. A gateway to inevitable death.  
Halfway through the gap in manic rush and you’re face to face with a beast so pale that it camouflaged with the flurry encasing you both. Eyes clear as water and almost… comforting. Even with the low rumble in its throat and one paw in front of the other in a slow, tantalizing chase. The others growl behind you, an enraged black-furred monster bleeding from its right eye socket turned quite smug now knowing that you were completely, utterly trapped.
It’s when the white wolf soundlessly drags a deep wound into your thigh while the three merely watch is when you ascertain that it is, undoubtedly, the pack leader. You fall back as the beautiful thing toys with you, snatching the front of your thick robe and shredding it with a sickening rip. You scream for the first time this entire chase, grabbing at Taehyung’s scarf in fear that it got caught along with it, caring for it more than your own life at this point.
The scream must have been piercing enough to discombobulate your attacker, it’s large ears flitting around as it jumps away from you. It’s even more of a shock when they all flee out of the divide, leaving you bleeding and too traumatized to move an inch. Whatever alarmed them devastates you even more.
The ravens caw loud and the ground vibrates. Watching the birds circle in the sky, you notice the way pebbles begin to crumble from each peak, how snow begins to over pile on such weak grounds and the way it begins to slide inward.
It’s an odd sound; snow sliding against other layers of snow and having so much weight that it pulls a few small trees with it. And this trench-like area only had so much space and you were positive the amount of white that begins to hurl towards you would fill it like a water cup; bury you with absolutely no chance of being able to dig your way out. Despite your fear, you cower at its charge and wait for the weight to hit.
 And then your head lolls back against something wonderfully warm and dry. You were completely soaked but too exhausted to shiver. In your last moments of consciousness, with your neck craned uncomfortably, you see the ground as the sky and the sky as the ground and feathers as feathers. You think of home. Think of warm summers where you would dip your feet in the riverbed. Think of bonfires with Jungkook and Jin and Hoseok and even Taehyung. But everything is still snow and you think you’re beginning to loathe each damned flake. The only comfort you find is the homeliness of the carmine red material that blows softly against your face. With that and the fleeting thought that you might be righteously transported to heaven do you finally pass out.
 Part Four
Yoongi wasn’t particularly fond of humans. Unlike his brothers and sisters that sympathized with such weak creatures enough to put their own lives at risk, it was just something he would never come around to understand. Species were organized and separated for reasons and intermingling was a curiosity that died ages ago for him.
Which is all a hypocritical contradiction when he sees you sleep soundly on his common room couch, changed into dry clothes and buried beneath a heap of duvets. Whatever had possessed him to go after you was pure impulse after the stunt you pulled on him. Prowling around on private property and, more importantly, breaking the village’s strict ritual rules. Catching him going about on what would be another unmomentous day in his schedule, creating enough of a ruckus to capture his attention, and then fleeing as a feeble mouse.
It’d be a lie if he had said he didn’t watch you scramble away down the steps from the comfort of his front door and a fresh coffee in hand, watching you stumble over nothing on your way. It was more when you had left your things like a pure imbecile, food and tools and all, and left without even waiting for the incense to finish burning. It was then that he came to the conclusion that you were incredibly clumsy and that served as entertainment to him.
The howls were his test of will. Knowing the dogs were way farther up the mountain than they normally were and supposing they had followed your poor, unfortunate soul during your trek, waiting for the perfect time to strike. And you were practically handed to them on a silver platter, considering you’d left your only knife on the cold wood of his porch.
Maybe he had come down, grumpily disturbed from his peaceful Saturday, more to save himself from cleaning the remnants of someone eaten in his vicinity more than the compassion to save you. But that was a tad bit too cruel, even for him. He thinks it was more of that uniquely curious glint in your eyes as you practically skipped into his sight. Daring enough to ignore those rather ridiculous warnings and try your luck. Delicate as a deer in hunter’s perspective. As often as he’d go out to restock supplies in neighboring towns would he never come across a visitor in his own domain. Call him quaint, but it was a mediocre surprise.
He prods the fire, making it crackle and reflame with more vigor. It had barely been a few hours since he’s saved you by the skin of his teeth, almost caught in the landslide himself.
He checks the wound on your leg once more, cleaning it again before securing it in bandages. If only he had gotten there faster, Yoongi tsks, but you’d strayed from the path and he could only follow the prints so quickly before they were covered by the flurry. By the time he found you again, you were knelt in front of the pack and submitting to your death. Had he not been on a hill, had he not been able to utilize his useless wings to glide down before the snow had claimed you first…
You groan softly, unable to roll around without a searing poker sinking into your thigh with each attempt. Contrast to the icicle state the rest of your body sported. You felt like hell. Like hell in hell guarded by those hounds. Hell in your thigh and hell in your head and hell in—
“Don’t move too fast. You have a fever and I just replaced your bandages,” a disembodied voice orders. Your eyes snap open to tall, wooden ceiling. Sitting up is your first horrible mistake, dropping back down immediately with a pained wheeze.
“I just said not to move too fast. If you can sit up normally, you should drink some water. I have some here,” it speaks again. You try again cautiously, blurry spots ruining your vision the farther up you scoot. A silhouette is kneeling beside you, maybe a cup in his hand but you’re too jumbled to confirm.
Yoongi tries his best to fold in on himself, lowering the obvious limbs stuck to his back and appear as human as possible. You wouldn’t be able to run again in your state but he tries his best to be courteous to your skittishness anyway.
“Where… Where am I?” You dazingly question. You don’t really… recall too much. Last memory somewhat muddled between your send-off and contact with those treacherous wolves, very few in between and serving no importance if you couldn’t remember how it ended.
“You’re safe in my house. In the mountains still. You passed out pretty good out there, been out for a bit. Now drink.”
It’s easy to do as your told with you’re running off little brainpower, downing the water hastily.
The voice scolds, “Hey, slow.”
At some point, you can see again. The blankets that cover you and the large room you inhabit. Of course, the seraph from earlier that awaits by your seat. His seat. But you feel no urgency to scurry into safety. You were discombobulated, sure, but you knew enough that this man was kind enough to bring you into his home and care for you. So you fold back the material slowly and watch his face contort into confusion as you try to stand.
“I’ll be on my way. I’m sorry to have bothered you. Thank you for treating me.”
“Woah now. You’re in no condition to be standing. Besides, the path is blocked. Snow was too heavy and caused a slide. I doubt it’ll clear until the spring,” he informs, looking out the window as if to drag your own attention to it. The snow stopped but it’s fallen a few feet, at least. The path, you remember, chased by wolves and led into an ice trap. The few split moments in which the man must have scooped you up before your demise, remnants of being carried back towards his estate.
His place, in which is even more amazing inside than it was outside, a luxurious wooden mansion of sorts, tall and spacious and filled with those incredible windows that displayed better than you could have ever dreamed. The man himself that sits beside you draws full attention. Despite his position, he was large and still intimidating as the moment you crossed sights for the first time. Hair matching his wings in dark palette, soft and delicate looking. His face anything but, sharp eyes and thick brows, lips that curved into a simper. Above all, he looked more human. Even as radiant and prepossessing as he was, if the cape of wings didn’t follow him where he went he would look just as human as the rest of the population.
“Are you a seraph?” You ask dumbly. Dumb, because he laughs and because he obviously is.
“Are you a human, pretty thing?” He retorts. There’s no condescending lilt to his words but it makes him seem otherworldly to you. With such a provoking question and your lightheadedness, he seemed a blessing to be inhabiting such an earth.
You melt into the cushions once more, leg throbbing and eyes heavy. You watch his wings as they bob with his breath, “They say it’s bad luck to lay eyes on the wings of an angel…”
“Why would that be?,” he scrunches his nose, maybe a little appalled by the idea, “Such a misleading myth. Besides, I’m no angel.”
You don’t know why he stands to leave the room after that, unnoticing how you fall back into sedation a minute later.
 Part Five
You wake with clarity. Check your thigh to find it almost completely healed over except a now lingering scar. All’s left is a dull soreness but god it felt so much better. Enough to stand and stretch in the empty room. Enough to coherently realize that you only wear your underwear while the rest of your garments hang torn and sadly on the fireplace screen. It’s not as unbecoming if it had to be done for the sake of your health and wellbeing, right?
Getting dressed is easy when you don’t even bother with your robe, the gash decreeing it useless and instead tying Taehyung’s scarf around your shoulders as a shawl over your tank. You’re lucky it didn’t get torn.
There’s a fleeting moment where you really think you miss Tae, feeling a little regretful to being so afraid of his proposal in light of the recent accident. You’re sure he must be worried sick; must think you’ve perished under the debris and snow if he’s come to look for you. As his best friend, you solemnly wish he was here to hug you close and promise that it would all be okay. To fend off your shame and welcome you back into the village with teary eyes and a warm smile.
“Ah, human. You’re awake.”
You whip around to discover fox eyes in the door frame, poorly lit now that it’s nighttime. The moonlight pairs well with how it sits on his milky skin, almost something out of a painting.
“It’s Y/N. Not ‘human’.” You answer a little sharper than you mean. He notices too, quick to wave it off since he really had popped up out of nowhere. He tries your name once on his own tongue, a satisfying thing to say.
“Pleased to meet you. I’m Min Yoongi, in case you don’t want to call me seraph all the time.”
You suddenly grab your thigh, rubbing it over your pants in questionable disbelief, “How long have I been asleep? My leg is almost fully healed…”
He rubs at his eye, a little nonchalant about the scene at hand, “Only overnight and throughout the day today. It’s probably quarter to nine about now. I had medicine to help your cuts heal over nicely. Call it, uh, advanced seraph technology.”
The gashes hadn’t been incredibly deep to begin with, thankfully not going any further than the first layer of skin and just really causing some bleeding, but it was still amazing. The feeling is short lived. Even if only a day, you’ve overstayed your welcome.
“Thank you, um, Mr. Min. For saving my life and everything after that. I’d like to repay you sometime. But for now I’m afraid I should be heading back, I’ve stayed for too long. I’m sure I can find some way over the path.”
It dawns on you that Yoongi is a little facetious, especially when he purrs a, “Well you can do whatever your little heart desires, but I’m here to remind you that there is no path. Here, look out the window.”
You do, tiny bit distracted when he stands by you to point out the ridges of the mountains that surround you. “See those? How they curve in towards the top and how it sort of resembles a bowl? This area was made only for seraphs to get in and out of generations ago; flight only. Trying to climb it would be suicide on both sides. The path that goes through was strictly for human use, and if that’s blocked, there’s no way out, little one.” You weren’t the shortest in your village but Yoongi truly was massive, both lanky and filled-out somehow. Like there’s underlying strength to his lean build. You’re sure if you were to stand directly in front of him, the top of your head would barely surpass his sharp shoulders.
You disregard his name for you, a bit annoyed at this point, “Could you not fly me over the pass?”
Yoongi repeats in disbelief of such a daring request, “Fly… You over the pass… No. I’m sorry. I won’t do that. If you truly want to figure it out, you should do so soon. It's storm season."
Gritting your teeth, you express your discontent for once. What did he save you for, then? For points? You didn't know members of the almighty seraph clan were so keen to half-completed deeds. "And why not? Wouldn't you rather I be on my way? What am I supposed to do if I can't leave?"
"You forget yourself, Y/N. Did I not save your life? Chase after you and save you from being crushed? Buried alive?" He takes a second to straighten himself out, aware of how you look to your feet in frustration.
"Hey," he starts again, "I know you'd like to go home. I only tell you the truth of your situation in its entirety. If I could fly you over the pass I would but unfortunately, I'm out of commission."
You feel heat in your face, embarrassed of the way you address a complete stranger even after all the things he's done for you. But this was frankly a sticky situation to find yourself in, trapped and unable to get Yoongi to help you any further. Though you do wonder what he means by his last statement...
"I'm... I'm sorry. I don't mean to make demands. I'm just scared and in a place I'm not used to and I'm not quite sure what I'm to do from here. Is there no one else who can help me over?"
Yoongi averts his gaze before he shakes his head, "I'm the last one in this country."
That's even more odd to hear but you don't prod for information that isn't yours to learn.
In silence, you contemplate the work that even went into carrying another human body by use of wings that were structurally built for the owner's own weight and possibly nothing else. Now was not the time to be ignorant.
“What am I supposed to do?” You mumble weakly. Yoongi watches your gears turn warily, stress surely beating down on you.
He rubs his neck, ruffles his left wing, “Listen. I promise I’ll help you back come spring. You won’t be able to make a dent in the landslide as long as it continues to build with snow every night.” He tends to forget that humans are pack animals, often lost without one another and feeble in the hands of species not of their own.
Your doe eyes, beginning to well with tears, convince him over tenfold, “I’ll help you in any way possible to pay you back for all the things you’ve done. I know I’ve caused nothing but trouble but if you have the room, is it possible I stay here?”
And Yoongi had enough vacant rooms to house a whole herd of deer now that he’s been alone for these sum of years. It really was no trouble… and he could make use of you as long as you stayed. His brow shoots up, “You can stay.”
Your grin is enough to light the whole room encased in night’s darkness, looking back down to the ground now knowing you had some hope to hold onto in such an eventful day. A whisper of a thank you Mr. Min is thrown in and Yoongi can feel his fists tighten.
He clears his throat, standing a little taller than he already is and acting strict, “But there are some rules. And you can just call me by my first name.”
 Part Six
 It's always a little weird trying to adjust to new scenery. Though your past experiences have been anticlimactically different than this; not exactly the first time visiting a friend's house or dropping off delivered goods from Seokjin's shop and awkwardly facing an elder who forces you to stay for tea.
Yoongi had shown you around the areas you needed to know. Offered you the closest room to the main part of the house with a king bed, fresh sheets and your own majestic window to stare out of. The living room which you had rested in before and the kitchen, grand and spacious just like everything else. He showed you a greenhouse out back that was utterly ginormous. Stone walkways and a hot compost keeping it from freezing, rows of plants you both have and haven't witnessed before. And again, he showed you what you needed to know.
That goes onto the chores he assigned you as long as you stay, to help him clean come Sundays and manage the plants throughout the week which served as no problem. At least with horticulture you proved some use, struggling throughout the weekend to do anything else but cause Yoongi a bit of a headache.
Tuesday rolls around and Yoongi stops by your room with stationary. Tells you he has a messenger bird to deliver any letters you desire to send home and you hop on the opportunity quicker than the landslide had tried to eat you up.
Of course, it was an exceptionally long letter. Longer than the papers Yoongi had given to you and he had to fetch more when you looked absolutely devastated sitting at your desk. You began with the simple phrase, "I'm okay." Filling it with a volley of explanations and apologies, how you were nearly killed, how the seraph had scooped you up to safety and how you inhabit his home now until further notice. You write how you talk, sure the recipients are sure to read in hushed mumbles and run-on sentences. You explain that there's no use to try to get home now while the clouds continue to precipitate and gate your only exit from the bowl-like wonderland. You end with how you miss them already, a request to send back an update or two every once in awhile, and a final wish to have a happy winter without you (though you're sure they won't appreciate that joke).
You think, if they really receive the letter, how terribly furious they'll be with you. Taehyung and Jungkook will probably come hiking up the mountain to try to put a dent in the debris and fail miserably. Your aunts and how they must feel even the tiniest bit of guilt for thinking you so small and helpless. Mina and her jealous wonder that you've done it now, how you've seen a seraph before her and you're positive she'll have a flurry of questions when you return. When you return.
You come out onto the balcony to pay your respects to your so-called "messenger", pretty white thing large and wide-eyed. Humorous is the familiar to another winged being, bird of a feather, you chuckle to yourself. Yoongi pays no attention when he murmurs directions to the bird and sends it off, straight in the direction you were hoping.
Thursday and you think you finally have your routine down. No longer unsure in the hallways and able to sit when your work is done without feeling completely out of place. It's only when you're around the other member of the cabin do you feel a little subdued, reminding you that you burden him and quickly finding something to do out of that guilt.
Today you feel a bit sluggish. You drag yourself down the corridor, opting for the bath until you see a dark head in an open room. Yoongi sits in his study, presumably reading with his back facing you. You can't say you've seen this room before, ceilings just as tall and walls just lined with books, journals, art pieces and things of the like.
"You can come in," he snickers suddenly, maybe feeling the heat from your eyes boring into the back of his head and warming the space entirely.
"This is amazing... Your collection, I mean." You force yourself down in a chair, hands trapped underneath your thighs in case they feel like touching anything.
"Thank you. It took quite a bit of time to build it up. Not by myself, of course."
It makes you ponder. If he's mentioned his state of loneliness twice, then your questions were expected.
"There were more, right? Family of yours? Why are you the only one left?"
"One question at a time, yeah?" He swivels around and takes off a pair of reading glasses that you would have liked to inspect on his face a bit more, "I can't leave because I can't fly, remember? They left because they held no other duty tied to this land. That's all."
You quiet. He returns to reading whatever it is on his flat desk. "Why can't you fly?"
"Because I was hurt."
"How were you hurt?"
"Next question."
"What are you reading?"
"A story of a girl with a terrible habit of too many inquiries."
"You know, I loved to read when I was a kid. All kinds of things. Novels, studies, maps even. Now I never have the time for such pleasantries." A wistful sigh leaves your lips.
Yoongi eyes you beneath his lashes, watches as you survey the room with giddiness and hands taut underneath your bum. "Why's that?"
You frown, "Too many things to do. Jobs and cleaning and family and stress. If I have time to read, I have time to be doing something more important."
His lips curl, amused at this little play-thing in his room. Like a child scolded all her life, whining and pouting in front of a stranger. Yoongi stands tall and shrugs his sweater tighter around him, "Well then, you'd better hop to it."
"Hm?" You squeak, chewing on your lip when you meet his eyes. So innocent.
"You only have the winter to read these. I'd get started soon. After work is done and you want to poke around in here, feel free to do so. Take them to your room if you'd like, just please return them."
And he swears he sees damn stars in your eyes before he turns and leaves the room. He hears your immediate footing once he's halfway to his room, little yelps of excitement enough as his thanks. Yoongi can't help but smirk, eventually floating away and speaking way out of earshot for you to hear.
"Nothing is more important than the things you want."
 Part Seven
 After a month, you find it a little boring. After receiving a teary letter of how your family misses you, not one ounce of scold or chastisement more than it was just wholesome relief to see familiar handwriting, their only wish was for you to stay obedient and not write so often as to waste poor Yoongi's paper. It was typical, somewhat stress-relieving. And that was that.
It was often you spent your quiet interest reading of botany and romance (in what little you found of it) preferably in his study on days he's holed up in his room. At this point, he still remains somewhat of a mysterious entity, conversing when he must and accidentally showing his face once or twice like a ghost. The only times you really see him are for Sundays with idle chit chat.
One particular evening you find an old, ratty recipe book. Handwritten and falling at the seams and that's how you know that there are some golden tips in there for you to test out.
You choose pumpkin bread. Something to warm the palette while ice continues to build outside. And working in Yoongi's kitchen by yourself was oddly fulfilling, no one to correct you or send you off to another job if you fail to do the first. It's probably why your bread turns out perfect, slicing the loaf and placing a piece on a small plate for a friend.
Rather, someone you'd like to establish as a friend.
You haven't seen him once today; not odd but a little lonely. Pacing on the carpets and looking for an open door with any sign of a sly angelic being. Even after a month, it's the first time you've freely made something with intents of sharing with him. Was that rude of you?
Coming upon a jarred entrance, you speak softly, "Yoongi? Are you in there?"
No reply.
You clear your throat and toe the door open just enough to stand in its frame, "Yoongi? I made some pumpkin bread for us—"
Thank your soft voice does it not wake him, still a snoring log in a bed even larger than yours. His limbs sprawled widely, laying on his stomach and breath soft and slow. Sleeping in the middle of the day while his guest slaves over the stove must be quite nice, huffing subtly and placing his plate on his night desk. Sure to be spoiled even more when he wakes to a treat.
As you turn, your eyes can't help but dawdle over the expanse of his wings. One covering a naked back and one hanging off the side of the bed, a marbling effect of muddled sepias and ink blacks, occasional golden ochre pigments seeping through the deepest layers of feathers. It was utterly breathtaking. This has to be one of the first opportunities you've had to inspect them so, equating staring at his monstrously large wings the same as blatantly staring at his junk.
You draw close like a moth to a damn flame, checking to assure he's still sound asleep. Reaching delicate fingers, you dare to lay a palm on the mass. It's surprisingly strong, an odd firmness as you slide your hand down silky plains and watch as the feathers ripple by your touch.
Then, as if you weren't dumb enough to foretell the upcoming events, he wakes.
A whirl of darkness encases you, whips you around so fast that you see stars in the middle of day, completely flipped and pinned to the bed beneath you. The intense heaviness makes you recoil, unable to budge your wrists and legs with Yoongi's strength.
And his face of unadulterated fury is one that would be ingrained into your memories forever. Pupils dilated and nose scrunched like prey warding off predator. Yoongi was surprised to say the least, a scared frenzy of confusion as he growls down at you.
"What were you doing, human?"
Your weeping gains no mercy, "Ow, you're, you're hurting me!"
"What the fuck were you doing?" He spits.
Incoherence is not what he asks for but that's all you can give, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I won't touch them again I was just—"
His wings which were so beautiful to you before, makes you feel nothing but fear now, flapping angrily as he keeps his balance and shrouding you in shallow lack of light. When he lets up on his grip, you gasp like he also held your breath. Immediate relief streams through your blood, though he continues to trap you between his thighs. He asks you again and you sob.
"You know what happened the last time I let one of your kind close? Nearly fucking killed me for no reason. You know why I can't take you down the mountain? Why I'm stuck here by myself? Because a goddamn human stole my ability to fly. I can't fly anymore, do you understand me? That's all that I was and they took it!"
Yoongi sees the pity etching onto your face like some sort of charity case. With your pathetic excuse for tears that claim to sympathize with him and it makes the bile in his throat grow. As for you, you could have never imagined such a travesty. Those words that seem to bounce around in your skull, to be wholesomely one thing and to be rid of it by someone else's doing, you could never relate to that.
You itch to relieve his pain in some way as if he never lashed out on you to begin with. Like you were the one truly at fault here even though you know it's a two-way situation. Your hands struggle to not touch his face, to attempt to alleviate those dark, regretful feelings. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I would never—I would have never known--I'm from one of the villages where we look up to the—"
"Yeah, well I don’t trust people," He cracks, lungs filled with muddled sorrow.
Both of your breathing is ragged. He takes his leave off your body and sits on the edge of the bed, wings lamely drooped.
"Leave." So you do.
 Part Eight
 You find the most beautifully carved wooden bow the next morning. Sun barely risen and adventuring around in nooks you haven't looked through before. You find it, accompanied by plenty of arrows, leaning against the wall right outside the backdoor. Though it's been months since you've last hunted, you ache to make use of yourself. Wearing bundled layers of the clothes Yoongi let you borrow from what was left and bounding through the condensed areas of the woods behind the cabin.
Food isn't scarce to hunt for, you've come to realize. Rabbits abundant and easy to kill once you got the hang of it once more. Two are struck and red seeps through white. You always sink your knees into the ground after each kill, whispering your thanks before you move back to the house.
Taehyung's father had taught you the basics of hunting and fishing and everything that came after that. Skinning and cooking and preserving the flesh something everyone in the village should learn to do, he had said. Even after your mistakes, even after your hesitation for your first kill, he'd always pat you on the back and reward you with the first bite of fresh food.
You miss them all, especially now. It wouldn't be long until you saw them again with maybe a bit of heightened skills. You hope they'll be proud of you.
Yoongi wakes a little after you're finished cooking the first rabbit. He stumbles in quiet and groggy, as if having no recollection of the previous altercation. But he doesn't speak, doesn't so much as look your direction before he plops at the head of the dining room table and begins to sulk in an odd inner-turmoil state.
You wait a minute or two by garnishing the meat unnecessarily; perhaps he was waiting to say something. To apologize. To ask questions. To kick you out once and for all. Well, you'll beat him to it then.
You set his plate down in front of him, the jarring sound breaking his trance enough where he can finally meet your face.
"I hope you don't mind I used your bow. I cleaned the arrows afterward and put it back where I found it," you hesitate. "I appreciate your kindness thus far; to take me in like this. I was a complete stranger and you gave me shelter anyway, so I thank you. I've packed and cleaned and I—I think it's time I leave now. I'll find a way to get over, I don't care. And I'm, I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused, Yoongi. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable but I overstepped my boundary way too far yesterday and I apologize profusely."
You find that you dig your nails into your palms as you talk, head craned parallel to the floor and you wonder if Yoongi could even hear you when you were so rudely speaking to the rugs.
"Stop, you don't... You don't have to leave. There's still no way you can get over the snow." He massages the back of his neck, tense in his own skin.
"I'm so sorry," you repeat. "I let my stupid curiosity get the best of me and I can very clearly see how that made you feel alarmed and uneasy and—"
He cuts you off, "You know the myth, right? How it's bad luck to see a seraph's wings?"
Confused, you nod.
"It's not literal. It's a metaphor that it's bad luck to see our vulnerabilities. Our faults. Years and years and years ago, when the war was still active, I got mixed up with a human. Within enemy boundaries. I was naive and trusting and they made use of that. They sought out my weaknesses, ate 'em up and covered my suspicions with false adoration and love," he says the word like it's an illness, "But then. But then one night, they put something in my water. Drugged me. Something was wrong and I didn't fully go under. I suppose their original plan was to take me, probably torture me as a prisoner. But I caught on and still had a bit of composure and when they realized the drugs didn't work, they sought to kill me instead. Used a dagger and plunged it into my back as hard as they could. Right," he reaches an arm behind and massages a spot, "Right in the cross-section of where all four wings meet. I should have been paralyzed but we're tough. I can still move them but I haven't been able to fly since. Thank heavens I wasn't killed but..."
You can tell by the way that there’s no emotion in his statement, how true it rings, "That day, I might as well have been."
You wipe the pools of tears with your scarf, heartbroken for the shattered man that sat in front of you. Having to bear the sight of his wings every day and full-knowing he would never be able to use them again.
His voice croaks, "In their eyes, my own family's eyes, I commit a sin just by making such a fool of myself. The war ended and I was punished. They left me here and claimed loneliness is what I deserve."
Yoongi then realizes he sounds as if he's trying to justify yesterday's actions and literally sinks to the ground, "This isn't supposed to be a pity party. I just thought you might want to know why I am the way I am and how I had no right to snap like I did. I know you're from the north most village. And that you would never try to do what they did and I was wrongfully paranoid."
Then, out of all things unexpected, he grabs a bare ankle and lifts it out of the length of your dress. When you hobble, he grabs your gentle hand with his other to balance you. He can see the marks he left, not too dark but enough to tell and he can't help but despise himself. In pure remorse, he presses his lips softly to each bruise, not lingering for more than a second, before cowering to the ground with his head low.
"My sincerest apologies, Y/N. You don't have to leave if you don't want to. I prefer if you wouldn't. I'd like to get to know you and redeem myself, as selfish as that may seem. Maybe, until spring, I can make up for the things I've said and done—"
You sputter, voice too high and full of embarrassment as you struggle to pull him up, "Please! P-Please get up! I am at fault here! Don't kneel, please! You have nothing to make up for!"
Mouth agape and eyes wide, he watches you yell your affirmations and weakly tug on his arm. It was like watching a little kid throw a fit and that makes him chuckle aloud, how could he have ever suspected you as harmful? When your large eyes shed tears like no other and you impulsively make decisions for others before yourself. You were kind and he could see that. He laughs hard and you stop your squawking.
In disbelief you fall to your knees right beside him, looking plain stupid while you're at it. It occurs to you that you've never heard him laugh like this, smile so wide that his eyes crescent endearingly and it just lights up the room. After watching his handsome face radiate forgiving happiness, you join in too.
You eat rabbit together. The conversations from there on out easier to come up with, more emotional and found in the midst of tranquil understanding. Like you now shared a bit more of each other than before.
Occasionally, you think of all the sadness he must have accumulated until now. Of the things that happened to him that shouldn't have, and those years of isolation and abandonment that he suffered. But now you realize, too, how he's able to laugh and continue on despite those melancholy winters in a desolate place that he once called home. How it's all he can do as his only sign that he's still alive.
 Part Nine
The weeks after that seem to breeze past you; time racing when you have more things to do and someone to do it with. Yoongi really meant it when he said he would try to make up for his past harshness; never daring to miss a meal, spending more time in the livelier rooms if it meant that it was to accompany you, going as far as helping you out with your own chores if he hadn’t taken them over entirely. It was a polar opposite of who you knew before.
The first time he joined you to hunt again, in favor of how you had cooked his meat the last time, he layered himself in clothing that made his appearance softer than you’d ever imagined. Leaning towards darker garments that contrasted against his opalescent skin.
In some haughty attempt to show off your archery skills do you aim for a squirrel in a less-than-mediocre angle, letting the arrow fly without a second thought and piercing good ol’ trunk. Yoongi had a fabulous time laughing at your mishap, yanking the wasted arrow from the bark and handing it back to you.
“That was a horrible shot,” he said.
The temperature of your cheeks could have melted the snow, taking the thing with shaky, embarrassed hands, “I was being hasty.”
“You got two rabbits. I know you’re good. Let me just show you some things.”
You walked behind, letting him tread through the snow first so it was easier for you to fall into his prints.
“There. Squirrel,” he whispered. Probably the same one, mindlessly crawling up and down trees like target practice.
“Let me see your form again.” You aimed, self-conscious and probably showed it. You shivered when he swiped a hand under your grip arm, pushing it back.
“Keep it aligned with how the arrow is facing. Completely centered. You can widen your feet a little too,” his voice soft. “Don’t completely lock your elbow but tighten your back muscles before you hold. Does that make sense?”
“Mm. It won’t stop moving though, the squirrel.”
“Watch this.”
Then Yoongi had dug through the snow for a small stone with enough weight to throw. Aiming for a far tree to the right, he tossed just hard enough to cause a knock to echo in its vicinity. The squirrel halts, presumably looking for what caused the noise in its unknowing last thoughts.
And it landed perfectly.
He watched you silently each time you had knelt next to the victim and mutter your thanks, both sorrowful and appreciative. It was the first time he ever witnessed someone, frankly, talking to dead animals and at some point he asked you why you did so. You responded with a giggle, briefly claiming how all living creatures deserve the same respect, to be mourned, to not be wasted. Yoongi finds interest in the concept of valuing each as their own and of the same importance in the Grand Circle of Life, probably something his family would never have stopped to think about. The seraphs had always placed themselves above others in a deserving, self-righteous kind of way. It made him think.
A particularly windy night and you caught him in the seat of his study's window, drawn to the mirage of colliding trees and listening to the croaks of the house on its plot. A muddled bottle sat on his desk, its glass counterpart being twirled in his hand.
"Do you like storms?" You asked.
"I didn't used to," he answered, unfazed by your sudden entrance, "Caused problems a lot of times. But I think they're pretty fun nowadays. And you?"
"I like when there's thunder and lightning."
Yoongi faced you at that, your twiddling fingers and the way you scanned the dim room.
"Would you like to join me for a drink?" Although it was a question he poured you one anyway, barely anything more than a few sips worth. Obliging, you took the liquid. Pride a little stung in all honesty, pretty aware of your high tolerance.
He tittered, "Don't pout. You can pour as much as you'd like. But this stuff is ancient, concocted from poison and the desire of Death itself. Watch yourself."
It was always a trait of yours to take on a challenge, though, ignoring his warning and foolishly gulping it down. The burn was subtle despite its awful, awful taste, yet you poured another and let Yoongi watch you spiral down the rabbit hole.
Two stories and one half-glass later and you draped yourself very unladylike on his desk, too warm and too moist and too loud.
"Min... Min. Mr. Yoongi."
"That's wrong but that's me."
"Yoongi you have to keep a secret. That I'm going to tell you! From Yoo—from Yoongi!"
"Wait, that you're trying to keep a secret from me or—"
You must had forgotten, instead focused on bunching your skirt and tying it higher up your thighs, "Soooo hot. Too warm. I'm going to leave it like this, ‘kay?"
"You don't have to pass it by me. They're your clothes," he said, biting back laughter. His accidental peak of pretty, bare legs could have made him think different though. Reverting his gaze back out the window, he wouldn't have been surprised to see lightning that night.
Taking his eyes off you wasn't his best idea. Hobbled out of his chair and sneaking to his place with hands buried in feathers before he could shy away. Yet the wonder stained your eyes with childlike amusement and he wouldn't dare change that face. So he idled in a flustered mess, relaxed in the way you unknowingly massaged his muscles.
"Pretty wings, Mr. Yoongi... Can I touch them?" You asked stupidly. Yoongi grumbled.
When you finished evaluating, you swiveled awkwardly and tripped over his knee, a yelp escaping your lips as if he wouldn't catch you in one swift motion and onto the safety of his lap. Yoongi could smell the bite of alcohol that stained your breath; could see how swollen and red and beautiful it had made your gentle face. The proximity was deadly and your innocent, apologetic features could have slain him right then and there. You didn't even make another peep, eyes drooped in what he assumed was embarrassment for your clumsiness.
In which he thought wrong, your hands slapping each side of his face and squishing it together horrifically. "Pretty face, Mr. Yoongi."
"Alright, time for bed."
You fought all the way until he tucked you in, out with soft breaths and sprawled arms. Even after he had laid you down to rest and calmed back in his lair, there was no slowing the fondness that grew in his ribs.
You don’t know when you’ve started looking forward to Sundays, springing out of bed in the morning with a green thumb and a will to dig, or so you imagine. You knew Yoongi would be waiting for you in the greenhouse and spent a little extra time rinsing your face, doing your hair, and double-checking nothing was in your teeth.
Yoongi was already checking the pots when you had gotten there, wrapped in black per usual and winking as you walked by. The familiarity by now was tangible. There was always a nice flow to your conversations and Yoongi doesn’t back away when you naturally find yourself in his space like he used to. It was both a prideful accomplishment and an endearing new relationship that sparked joy every time you were able to do something together. To step back and see the difference over your time spent here, the things you’ve done, and the way Yoongi warms up slowly.
He watches you mindlessly hum as you harvest what you can, voice soothing when most times it would have been dead quiet. That’s what it felt like being around you: like a void suddenly filled, his whole being gravitating to your aura. You were addicting, if he had to admit.
The scarf, somehow pristine despite how often you wear it, is shuffled up your neck as you do one thing or another. Like a constant reminder that it’s there, you always feel the need to touch it.
Yoongi points to it, “Did you make that yourself?”
“Hm?” You follow his line of sight and crumple the red thing in your hands, “Ah! No. It… It was a gift.”
“Ooh, from a suitor?” He doesn’t mean any harm when he jests but it prompts the things you’ve left at home. No matter how much you’ve tried to suppress it down and not nitpick on the responsibilities you’ll have to return to. Awful as it seems, it makes you take notice to the sun and how it begins to peak out more with every day. You push the thought down once more.
Instead you laugh nervously. Yoongi knows immediately when you say nothing but, “Mmm…”
His gut twists from a melting of surprise and disappointment. How could he be so dim? To not even hypothesize the mere possibility of someone else being in your life. Though the feeling weighs heavy on his head, he speaks lightly and with a smirk.
“You must miss him then.”
“Yes. Of course. We’ve known each other since birth and have been best friends for as long as I can remember!” You chuckle, “He gave this to me right before I left and claimed we could get married once I returned. I was so shocked that I made myself sick thinking about going back. Just nervous, I suppose.” Taehyung, as expected, never said anything in the occasional letter updates to you. He meant it when he said he would only wait to talk about it for when you came home but you ponder how he feels now; what he’s been doing. If he’s changed his mind once he’s realized how incapable you are that you couldn’t even do the Offering correctly, but you know that isn’t true. Maybe just wishful thinking.
You throw dead leaves in the compost and Yoongi eyes you.
“’Shocked’? It’s not something you’ve been looking forward to?”
You look down, “It’s not that I—I don’t know! I just have seen him as family for so long and then there’s this sudden proposal without even talking about it beforehand… And everyone expects it. For me to just be married and have a family and all of that but I just, I just don’t see that for me so soon.” Your words begin to jumble and Yoongi hasn’t seen you so stressed within the span of twenty seconds before.
“Forgive me and my input but isn’t the most important thing what you want? You could just turn down his proposal,” He suggests like it’s the easy answer, hoping you don’t suspect a hopeful tone in there.
“Does it really matter what I want?” You stop to think about the people who matter to you and what would ease their minds most when it comes to your future. Marrying Taehyung seemed like the only option. “I can’t turn him down simply because I don’t want to. That’s selfish.”
“That doesn’t make very much sense to me.”
“Well,” you sigh, “in the village it’s courtesy to accept a marriage proposal regardless of how you feel. It’s the receiver’s obligation to be grateful towards—”
“Is that how humans treat their women?” Yoongi spits, agitated just by the thought. He leans against a table next to you, arms crossed like he’s simply not having it, “To ignore your own say and force you to think you should just be appreciative? That’s some bullshit.”
“It’s not as serious as I’m making it seem it’s just…” You think of your aunts and the elders and Taehyung’s mom. How you’ve grown into a nuisance, lacking here or there. The time where you were supposed to return to the village after a successful Offering and marry and finally be someone to be proud of. “In my case, especially, it’s probably better off I’m just someone’s wife. I’ve never been much to begin with.”
And that’s truly heartbreaking for Yoongi to hear, so much that he becomes enraged with whatever twisted society you grew up in, “Y/N. What have you been doing these last few months?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean, what have you been doing? Just sitting around? Watching me sweep circles around you? Serve your meals on a silver platter and draw your baths? No, because you’ve been doing that yourself. For yourself. By yourself.” The look of confusion on your face causes him to huff before he continues. “Sure, you were a little rough around the edges with some things but who isn’t? You hunt, you cook, you read like no other, you do a lot of great things and it’s not because you’re trying to do it right. You do it right when you like what you’re doing.”
“Yoongi, I understand. Thank you but you don’t have to—”
He walks toward you, lecturing on. “I know it’s by unwanted circumstances. But has your time here been horrible? Have you despised being here and doing these things?”
Your answer is immediate, “No. Not at all.”
“Has it not been nice to have your own space and do things simply because you want to? Because you were thinking of yourself?”
“I-It has been… I don’t know where you’re getting at.”
Your legs hit the corner of another table and you notice he’s backed you up into it.
“So, you go back and you do what you want like you have here. Don’t worry about what they think. Wait until you’re ready. Marry for absolute, unwavering love. Be a little selfish,” Yoongi hooks your chin with his index and props it up. You didn’t even realize you were looking to the ground. “Look up.”
Your heart stammers, “But Taehyung…”
So Taehyung is his name, Yoongi thinks. He frankly does not care.
“Do you love him?”
“Perhaps I was mistaken. Do you want to marry Taehyung because you truly love him?”
You see his lips before you hear his words, parted and nearing you bit by bit. So close that you feel his warmth, aching to close the distance. “I…”
A shovel clatters onto the stone and Yoongi removes his arm that’s found its way around your back, shuffles backwards and lets your hand fall from his face. It was natural to touch him, you realize, unaware that you feel distant and cold when he’s away.
Yoongi picks the damn thing up and curses. It wasn’t like him to be so forward, close to doing the unimaginable to you. You, who was involved with someone else. Heading towards the door, he ruffles his wings like he’s restarting.
“Forget I said that,” he requests, “I’m going to wash up.”
You nod, frozen in your spot with legs too unstable to dare walk. Without even knowing you had reached for him, so close to doing something you’ve only been secretly daydreaming about of recent and how incredibly wrong it was for you to think this way. But in another sense, you would feel worse lying to yourself by saying you weren’t attracted to the seraph. It was a twisted contradiction of emotions and you could scream.
Needless to say, you don’t see Yoongi until the next day, and even then nothing is mentioned of the almost.
Part Ten
On Tuesday, the bird returns with a letter from your family and Taehyung. It’s brief, with evident relief that the snow is melting and how happy they’ll be to see your face. Your heart sinks at how much you miss them yet how angry you are to receive the letter. To what extent would they be happy to have you home? Until you dare humiliate Taehyung when you turn him down? To dishonor your name and his parents and gain the glances of people who care more about your failures?
You calm and shoo such immature feelings away. Yoongi is confused when you don’t send a letter back and you return to your room early that night.
You haven’t had a full night’s rest that entire week. You’re sure Yoongi notices the tension and that makes you feel horrible, but the lingering necessity to run to him and never go back to the village is too prominent to just face head on.
He’s been checking the trail every day, making dents on the softer parts of the snow when he can and updating you when he returns. You know he doesn’t want you to leave and you know he thinks you feel the same. Maybe it would have been better if you hadn’t said anything about the proposal that day.
Flipped onto your back, you stare at the ray of moonlight that floats atop your bed. You would miss it here, so much that it hurts your throat. You would miss the windows, the kitchen, the greenhouse, the library that Yoongi was happy to share. It goes without saying that you would miss him the most.
Unprompted imaging of a possible future with him interrupt your thoughts, something so uncertain and fortuitous in comparison to the stone-set fate you have now. What the stoic seraph would think if you just asked him to stay a little longer, until you know you would never leave. The landslide and how much you had hated that unfortunate event seems so insignificant now, replaced with a dimmed appreciation for this life detour, no matter how short lived it will end up.
You’re probably on the verge of sleeping now, thinking of the incident and it’s wild connection to your present out of pure lunacy. You could bet your entire existence on the fact that you were meant to meet him; your entrapment by the snow no mere coincidence. Neither was Yoongi’s endless solitude atop this mountain. It had to be fate that you two were to meet at this moment and your heart feels it so strongly.
Even for you this could be too far-fetched, or maybe you were just trying to cover up the way your heart is undoubtingly falling for Min Yoongi.
 Final Part
 You prod the logs, provoking them to catch more of the fire. In your last night do you decide to pour a glass of wine, kneel on a pile of blankets and snack on the charcuterie board you made for yourself. In the past, you used to be so hesitant about helping yourself to the manor’s amenities, having no problem doing it now.
The lame, weak fire is your only source of light in the large living room, clouds blocking the moon from shining through. You feel, immaturely, just as cloudy. Set in your intentions to leave your feelings locked away as to not cause more trouble, confusion, and inevitable heartbreak.
“You look quite comfortable,” Yoongi surprises you and he can tell when you jolt. Speaking of the devil. He looks great in the dark too, leaning against a wooden pillar with folded arms.
“Well, it feels like I’ve lived here for quite a bit. Just,” you break to sigh with exaggeration, “soaking it in before I leave. Too beautiful to not.”
If not for the crackling between the wood, it’d be dead quiet.
“Would you like to join me?”
He titters, rolling his eyes before he walks your way. Laying on his side, you offer him your glass. “I hope you don’t mind that I used the wine from the ritual contents. With the stuff you normally drink, this must be nothing.”
“Like water to me but I’ll enjoy it nonetheless.”
You cheers to nothing with one glass to share. Occasionally picking off meat and fruit from the board and enjoying how the fire builds up.
“Your family will be so happy to see you.”
You hum. You suppose they would. Avoiding the bitterness you still associate with the thought.
“And I’m sure Taehyung will be too.” He says a little clipped. Not in a way to be facetious or sarcastic but because he feels the need to address it.
Yoongi is caught on the carmine scarf again, downing the rest of your poor wine.
Forcing a smile, you speak faintly, “Let’s not talk about that.”
At this point you both know. He nods to keep you happy, but there is no hiding or pretending. In front of the flames, your lies and justifications seem to melt away unspoken. Changing the subject, you shove him lightly, “You’ll miss me when I’m gone. I don’t think you’ll ever learn to bake as well as I do.”
He tuts, which is refreshing. “I’m great at cooking and baking, I’ll have you know. It was just nice having someone else do it for once.” You feign betrayal and scoff aloud. He mumbles low, “But I’ll miss you for more reasons than that.”
And he breaks an unmade promise not to bring it up again. Feeling the need to throw it out in the open and even with the simplicity of admitting that he’ll miss you, you really know what he means. The seraph feels for you. He feels deeply. Yoongi doesn’t expect a response, just pops more food in his mouth and rests his eyes.
You contemplate, following suit with a bite to a grape and thinking hard. What to do. What to say. How to say it if you did. You weren’t supposed to feel this way and it goes way beyond the rule of even coming in contact with a seraph, let alone unconsciously falling in love with one. 
But that’s just it: how you live by assumptions and rules based off the words of the ignorant villagers and the elders, how they all believe the seraphs are all still here, how they think there’s a direct relation to the Offering and a year’s good harvest, how it’s bad luck to see a seraph’s wings when it’s brought you anything but. If you learned anything from this winter, it was that you found you own way of living, thank the curiosity your home curses you for. Making your own path instead of aimlessly walking one that was already paved. You learned to trust yourself a little more while Yoongi propelled you forward and believed you deserved it all. You learned you did deserve more. You learned what love really felt like when it was new and fresh and exciting and real. And Yoongi. Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi was the wine to your previously empty glass, and this winter with this man, it was heaven.
You decide the realization is enough for you. Have been gifted with so many things and blessings that you’re grateful for the chance to have met someone like him.
“I’ll miss you, Yoongi.”
Yoongi tastes bitter in his mouth. He felt that if all these years left alone in a manor of silence and rejection was to eventually meet you he would do it a million times, but if all you could reciprocate was this then it just wasn’t meant to be for him. It felt unfair but it also wasn’t his decision. He takes the sourness with him and stands. “I suppose I should head to bed.”
Your sad stare breaks his heart, even more so when you give up and nod. The fire catches your attention as it pops and you leave it at that. He tries to walk away, footsteps haunting, until he stops altogether.
It comes unexpectedly when he wraps his arms around you tightly, pressing his knees into your back. A weird sight it is to see his wings unfurl and curl around your rigid body. “Are you satisfied? Is this enough for you?” His voice is soft, like he could take either answer as long as he heard it from you directly.
“Why don’t you ask for more.”
“You’ve already done too much for me, how could I possibly ask you for more?”
He hisses liar into your ear. “Is it your family?”
“Is it him? Taehyung?”
Here you are again, faced with a question that tore you apart in the garden while you ached to be with Yoongi anyway. But there were no distractions here; nothing to interrupt your thoughts. Just you, Yoongi and your truth. He loosens his grip so you can face each other, knees between knees. Instinctively, you reach out for his feathers and indulge yourself with their softness. He pushes his wing into your hand as if to bribe you like a child.
He grows impatient, “Do you love him?”
You don’t waver, “No.”
A quick glint in his eye, a sort of relief, and then he finishes what he’s started and kisses you. It’s wrong how right it feels, lonely lips moving in tandem to find comfort in one another. Yoongi leans into it, absolutely devastated by your simple touch. The strength of the wine remains on your lips and he can’t help but lick into the flavor, drunkenly entranced by such luxuries. Yoongi’s hands can’t stay, snaking up your back, caressing your face, dragging his knuckles across your jaw and finally grabbing at the scarf. Carefully, he unwraps it from your neck, slow enough to feel it tickle your shoulder blades, before he folds it respectfully and places it elsewhere.
You sigh, more weight taken off your shoulders than there should be.
“Is this okay?” His voice raspy, speaking into the corner of your mouth. You’re stiff, nodding shyly and lacking the fire you brought up until this point.
He rewords, “Do you want me?” Yoongi feels the need to confirm, waiting for this moment for so long that it seems superficial. Like if he’s not careful, you’ll disappear into another one of his many short-lived dreams.
“Of course I want you, Yoongi. I want you more than anything…” But your eyes flicker to the ground, your lip tucked between your teeth.
“Then what’s wrong, lovely? You don’t have to.”
“No! I want to, I just… I’ve never done this before. I want you so bad but I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing—”
His laughs are light, his hand on the small of your back as he dips you onto the floor. Holding himself above, he plants a soft kiss on your cheek. “You don’t have to do anything. I’ll take care of you. I want you and we’ll go slow and if you decide you don’t want to anymore, we won’t.”
The way he makes you feel, how gentle he is, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect way for this to happen. It eases you slightly, letting your arms snake around him in an attempt to let your guard down. He’s patient and wonderful and you mumble about it. “Mhm, okay.”
The night robe he’s gifted you now poses a problem, his slender fingers looping through the bow that keeps it wrapped, “Can I?” You nod again, and he unties you like his own present. The feeling of being bare in front of him becomes apparent when he sucks in and the heat from the fire dances against your skin. Other than that, you look to the window to avoid his face.
“My love, look at me.”
His commands are easy to follow but you cover your breasts to hang onto your last bit of pride, granting eye contact at the least.
Face flushed, you can tell he, too, is trying his best. “You’re incredible. More prepossessing than I could have ever imagined. You shouldn’t be embarrassed in front of me.”
“Well,” you retaliate, “it’s hard not to be when I’m the only one naked.”
He grins at the challenge, sitting up to shed his layers, never noticing his garments having to wrap around in a way to accommodate to his wings. You just thought it was just a more ornamental way of dressing that the seraphs took to. He’s left down to tight underwear that hugs him incredibly, beautiful milky skin exposed and tinted with golden light. “Satisfied?” He lilts.
“You look like an angel,” you trace indents of faint abs. Wide shoulders that taper into a tiny waist, a slim build that you could study forever.
He kisses your words away, pushing you into plush comforters and pillows. A makeshift nest unintentionally built for the two of you. A groan rewards him when he licks your bottom lip teasingly, taking your wrists swiftly to pin them above you. “Pretty thing, I don’t have a halo.”
He starts from the top, kissing each inside of wrist before moving down your arm, slithering onto your shoulder, then into the crook of your neck with gentle suckles. Teeth grazes before puncturing, eliciting a yelp from you that satisfies him. He does this over and over, decorating the canvas of your neck.
“I want to burn you into my memory. I don’t ever want to forget this,” he moans with a wake left down until he meets cleavage. His muscles were relentless, impatient and eager, wanting to worship ever square inch of your body as you rightfully deserved. Your squeaks serve his purpose, his muse as he continues his ministrations down.
Out of nowhere, “I don’t want you to leave me, Y/N.” The profession makes you giddy, happy you’re not the only one who feels so. A hidden insecurity acknowledged and lifted.
“I don’t have to if you don’t want me to.”
“Let’s talk about it after?”
He reaches your stomach and doesn’t hesitate to nibble there too, flinching when your hand flies to his head and buries itself in his hair. He ditches his current plan to grab your hand and plant a kiss to your palm in a second, making you giggle.
He admits, “I like when you touch me.”
“I want to. I feel so useless letting you do this alone.”
“You’ll get a chance if you’d like later. But right now, it’s all about you.” Husking it out. Of course, the idea sounds blissful, but the scene of having you cum by his actions sound better. “Need to cherish what’s in front of me properly.”
So he dips dangerously, laving at the skin above the hem of your panties and hooking his fingers under the sides, “Please,” he breathes.
“You… can do whatever you’d like to me. I want it all.”
He tugs his lip between his teeth, pulling it down. An unexpected wetness strings between your skin and the cloth and you both see it; him amazed, you horribly mortified. You stutter trying to explain yourself, oblivious that you could even feel as aroused as you do now. But his forehead falls onto the jut of your hipbone and you can hear subtle teasing in his tone. “I-I’m just as nervous and that was so incredibly sexy. I don’t think I can go on, shit.”
You laugh stupidly. “Quiet! Not another word! Just hurry up and—”
That terrible habit of looking away becomes your biggest fault, unprepared for Yoongi to filthily bury his tongue into your heat. He flattens his tongue and tantalizingly drags up until he can just barely flick your clit with the tip. Growling in the process.
“You are so sweet. The sweetest I could ever have. You will be the end of me.” Rushed in panted breaths as he does it again. And again. And again. So much that the growing sound of wet against wet echoes in the empty room and renders you paralyzed.
The feeling of it makes you squeamish, like you want to move, buck your hips, pull his hair. Despite the lewdness of having his rough tongue against you and lapping you clean, you could never ask him to stop.
“You just… keep getting… wetter…” He says between turns. “You really wanted me this much?”
“Yoongi—ah! Please, I can’t. It feels weird.”
“You don’t want me to continue, my love?” He asks lightly, blowing cold air onto damp skin and really forcing you to buck.
“No! I just… I have never felt like this. I want you to but I can’t sit still.”
“Oh? Let me help you then. But you have to let me finish.” So you shyly nod and loosen your legs. He uses the prompt to scoop them underneath his arms and attach the back of your knees atop his shoulders, your hips curving up and towards him in a new, tight position.
“No matter how you feel, just let it happen.”
Sultry wails are music to his ears when he brutally sucks on your clit, licking your folds here and there and using all his strength to keep you in place. He spells out his love with his tongue, digs it into you sweetly. His power, though, anything but kind.
“Uncover your eyes,” he orders deeply.
You whimper, begging for mercy.
“Look. At. Me.”
Unveiling your view, his stare immediately burns into your veins. Looking at you under dangerously slanted lids and that sinful mouth. Holding you in place with strength that could leave prints into your soft legs. With one roll of your clit under his teeth, you feel in ways you never knew how, as if all the pressure that built up in your abdomen suddenly overflowed with a tight burst. Choked sobs and hand gripping his hair enough to make him moan into you, vibrating wonderfully as he works you through it. 
He lets you go, remnants of syrupy arousal trickling down his chin; watches your legs fall open widely and your chest heave for air. Your features bring him joy, loving the way your hair sticks to your face with sweat, eyes closed, and brows knit together in concentration. He loved seeing you painted in warm hues and although he was never an artist, he could replicate this scene exactly how it’s displayed in front of him.
“How do you feel, lovely?”
You respond with a weak smile. “You’re so cruel… Min Yoongi.” You felt flimsy; weightless. A feeling you could come to love too much if you aren’t careful.
“I just wanted to make you feel good,” slithering back up to rest his head in your neck, giving you more kisses like you haven’t had enough. You’re happy he’s back, massaging your hands over his torso, up his neck, down his spine. And then you hit it and he tenses.
Thick and raised, an area between his wings that softly juts out. It was fairly large and the texture varied from the rest of his beautiful planes of skin. It was a scar. Wide as a dagger.
“I wish it wasn’t there. I know it’s—”
“Yoongi, baby.” You nudge him to lift his head and he does unwillingly, face turned away. “My Yoongi, it’s nothing. What happened was horrible but it’s over. And I will do everything in my power to make it up to you by giving all of me.”
His lips stop you tenderly, a whisper of affection that pours out love, “You didn’t do anything. In fact, you’ve made me better. I wasn’t able to feel anything for a long time until you. So. Thank you.”
Any remaining embarrassment vanishes. Not when Yoongi’s done his part and you would do anything to take care of him.
Sweat molds your bodies together, heat emanating from a fire that’s ablaze now. There’s a private summer in this room while winter continues outside and it feels special to you. It’s hot here, hot when Yoongi scrapes his teeth against yours, hot where his pelvis lays. You take notice to the hard thing twitching against your thigh, making you flinch.
“Ah, I’m sorry. And we’re in A Mood and all.” Yoongi snickers.
“Don’t be,” you purr, feeling a bit lustful and reaching down to grab it through the cloth.
He hisses, “Fuck! Fuck, please, I’m so sensitive at the moment.”
Ignoring him, you unskillfully maneuver your fingers around him. Just touching to be familiarized with it. He surges forward accidentally, sighing in your ear as he shamelessly humps the space between your groin. You use his distracted state to pull his shorts down, the sudden reality of his skin touching yours bringing about sensual noises from the both of you. A sudden spurt of precum makes it easier for him to drag his heavy cock against your hip.
“I’m sorry. It just feels so good.”
“Stop apologizing. I’ll help you.” You stare down as you flick your wrist, encircling him with fingers shaped in an o and pumping him slow.
“Squeeze,” he pleads and you oblige.
“Is it… supposed to be this large?” It’s a stupid question to ask, especially when you’re not entirely clueless. You know his size exceeds average proportions.
“Don’t spoil me. Seraphs have always been larger than humans. Height wise, I was the smallest of my brothers though.” Which seemed unimaginable to you, not when he towers over you and could easily devour you in a hug. Cock hanging low and barely able to keep in your single hand. He must be acting coy.
“Now you’re just bragging!”
“I’m just being honest. I’m automatically pleasing to the likes of you,” he chuckles.
The dampness overflows, smears over your skin in incredible amounts and how you wish you could taste out of pure curiosity, but he has other plans for you.
“I don’t think I can hold myself any longer. Please.”
“That’s… fine. Um, should we? Like this?”
“It’s so hot, could you flip on your side?” You roll and he figures he’s made a mistake. Entranced by the way your weight, breasts and soft curves, naturally gravitate down in a seductive pose.
“Like this?” You ask, unaware that he could simply die right now.
He lifts your leg to rest on his shoulder again, easy to stretch. “Perfect, my love. I’m going to go slow. If it’s too much we can try again another time, okay? No rush.”
Challenged by his kindness, you shake your head, “I’m fine. I’m ready.”
Whatever’s left of the arousal between you both is more than enough to let him enter easily. Head of his member no problem to push past that initial tension.
But it’s his shaft that makes you keen, entire length seeming endless as he fills you and overloads your maximum space. You cry, nerves making you writhe, “It’s not going to fit all the way—hah…wait.”
Yoongi struggles to hold himself back, perspiration dripping down his nose, “Are you okay? Does it hurt? It doesn’t need to, I’m pretty close to being all the way in anyway.”
“I’m fine,” you pant, head lolled to the side as he stretches you out in an odd, numbing way. “You can… you can move.”
His hips test it, pulling out so little to only be sucked back in with a leveled grunt. “Baby, you’re barely allowing me to.”
“It feels so tight,” you sigh, worried that if you move it’ll really begin to hurt.
“Ah, really? Let’s do this then.” He quick to please, wanting your pleasure before his own and getting you to flip, propped onto your elbows and filled from behind. Smooth chest meets your arched back, him hiding a kiss below your ear while he’s there. A moan aches in your throat as his dick unintentionally digs deeper inside, easier to move and to the hilt.
“Is this better, Y/N?”
“Hah… Yes. Yes, so much better. So good. Please move.”
His hips roll, just enough to grind into you which feels nothing but euphoric in itself. You mimic each other’s lusty whimpers with every movement. Caving into each other’s kisses and licks and pants that you feel synchronized.
Yoongi grows impatient with himself, exaggerating how he pulls out and slams himself back inside. The mere force that he fucks into you sends you forward, opting to lay on your chest and bite the blankets beneath you to keep from screaming. “You feel so good. So, so good. I’m sorry it hasn’t been long, but I feel like…”
His wings fall at his sides and cover you in shadow. It’s weird to see them like this, in a way you could imagine the perspective of having them yourself. But it covers you in unnecessary warmth and makes you grunt.
“It’s hot,” you admit with a quick breath, “Let me on top. I’ll finish.”
The way his member slides out; the way it leaves you tensing over nothing is a sad, needy feeling. You don’t slow at the chance to lay him down and take control, straddling him and watching his face contort in loving awe.
Sitting on him is an entirely different feeling and Yoongi keeps himself from cumming inside you right away, a choke in his throat. “Fuck, fuckfuckfcuk. Y/N, I won’t last like this for long please—”
“I’ll make it quick.” You lean over him, palms to the ground as you start moving, grinding and using him to your advantage. The nerves start again and you shake with pleasure.
“Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi!”
Slender fingers dig into your velvety hips as he forces himself into you with harsh, quick jabs. “Baby, I have to cum.” He smooths his knuckles over your cheek, pulling you down into a tongue heavy-kiss in an impossibly fiery caress.
The ramming he enforces take incoherent sobs from your lips. You feel a ghost of a smile, sure Yoongi is enjoying your shameless display of indulgence; coming undone before his very eyes.
You arch into him, clenching tighter and falling onto his chest. With impeccable timing he pulls out, strings of hot white flooding between your stomachs.
“A lot,” you complain.
“Mmm. Because I’ve been waiting so long to have you.”
Without the pressure of moving, you lay on him despite the humidity. Petting the underside of his wings as they drape so gracefully against the blankets and the rug.
“I need to go home tomorrow.”
His heart sinks, “Oh?”
“To see my family. To come home and let them know I’m okay.”
“Yes, of course.” He’s afraid that you won’t come back, though.
“And… to turn down Taehyung’s proposal in person.”
Yoongi looks down and can’t see your face but he’s imagined it’s worried. “Y-Yeah?”
“Yeah. And Yoongi?”
He waits. You speak again, “Do you really want to be with me? For me to stay?”
“More than anything.”
He feels the tug of your cheeks on his chest; a wide smile.
“Then I’ll need to get my stuff.” And that makes him want to cry. After traumatic betrayal and years of loathing his punishment of isolation, he’s finally being let out of his cage. Free to be with someone that cares for him as much as he cares for you.
Your last thoughts remain on the fire and how it’s the only other entity to to swallow your talks, plans and confessions. Of his feathers like his arms as they fold in comfortably next to you, feeling like they’re meant to be there. Like you really were fated to be skin-to-skin with this man in his manor. Entwined by trust and love and an unprecedented future that would be everything as long as he’s in it. An irony of a useless girl and flightless wings.
Yoongi watches you fall under, wiping his thumb over your lips, trailing it down your chin and covering your naked body with his wing. Slumber finds him soon after, mind stuck on his self-epiphany that he had to lose his wings to gain you, and how incredibly lucky he is to have it that way.
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a/n: ahAhaA, i’m sorry. please feel free to let me know what you think.
❋ masterlist ❋
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missorgana · 4 years
hate me (but don’t)
pairing: bucky barnes/sam wilson, background pairings
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: teen and up
word count: 4521
warning: swearing, smoking, alcohol
summary: Steve's planned a game of secret santa for the team, but Bucky's got other things on his mind. Like his crush on perfect, ridiculously hot Sam. And how he hates his guts. (university au, secret santa)
(my second 12 days of fanfiction fic!! which is totally not two days late... really hope this isn’t too messy. thank you @brandtwilliam for the prompt, i really hope you enjoy this ❤️ and don’t forget, you can still send me prompts if you haven’t already!)
read on ao3
Bucky is going to die.
Is that too dramatic? Maybe so.
But if your stupid secret santa turns out to be your stupid, ridiculously hot, too kind for this cruel world crush, Sam Wilson, who’s given you every perfect gift you could ask for, you’d feel like that too.
The only detail missing? He hates your guts, most likely.
Of course, the brilliant idea of a game of secret santa belonged to his best friend.
Steve’s always been social like that, which he guesses can be seen as a good thing, if Bucky was the same kind of extrovert and wasn’t dragged to everything by his friend.
Well, that he was being dragged to events might be a little harsh. Steve didn’t mean to force him, really. If the blonde just didn’t look so disappointed when he said no, Bucky might not give in every time.
And now, as the football team captain, Steve’s suggested a game for the holidays. It gets mixed reviews.
Generally positive, at least Thor and Scott’s in on it, Nat laughs sarcastically but doesn’t intervene, and Clint simply nods.
Rhodey shakes his head, and Bucky feels the same, but why not, he finally says.
T’Challa’s just as tired as he is of Steve’s games, surely. Alas, despite not everyone cheering, it’s settled. Hell, even Carol’s in on it, and she hates Christmas as a known fact.
And then there’s Sam.
Beautiful Sam, who transferred to Steve and his dorm, who his best friend met at a history nerd convention, of all things.
It’s not surprising that he got in on the team this semester. Because holy fucking shit.
Bucky likes to think he’s pretty fit, he can keep up with Steve, at least. Sam, however, just feels like he’s mocking him. 
Because he’s too damn attractive for his own good, that is.
And seriously, he’s tried not to stare, still tries, during practice, but does he have to make it so difficult?
His arms, hands, calves, everything.
Like even just his jawline is perfect, come on!
And it’s been long since Bucky’s last relationship, he’d gotten over her, and a ridiculously hot friend of his best friend might be good for him.
Only problem, said hot friend hates him, first thing when they meet. No, he’s not exaggerating.
It was even before he got on the team, when he moved in the dorm, and Steve suggested the three of them have a game night. Bucky still has no idea what he did to Sam, but that evening, let’s say he got the cold shoulder.
And this guy only talks to him when he has to. Seriously.
“Hey, I, uh, I’m Bucky.”
“I know. And I’m Sam, by the way.”
Shit. All that’s spoken between them the first day, and this guy who may or may not look like a Greek god avoids him at every game.
Steve’s certain he’s imagining things, but it’s obvious, really.
Way to go, Bucky, crushing on the one person you’ll never have a shot with. But he’s learned to live with that loss.
It’s not like he got a realistic chance with him, anyway.
First week of December, and Steve seems to think ice skating is a good idea.
It’s supposed to be a whole team friendship thing once again, but a slight malfunction in the planning of it all, ends up having only Nat and Sam along with them.
Nat’s surprisingly sociable once you become friends with her. Believe it or not, Bucky thought she hated him too, in the beginning, but that’s the vibe she puts up around everyone.
Sam, on the other hand, seems like he’s pointed Bucky out as his mortal enemy.
When he’s watching this boy, which is probably distracting him too much during games, and class, and everything else, he’s never seen someone smile as much as Sam.
It gives Bucky this funny feeling in his stomach.
He sort of wishes he could make him smile like that. Or at all, really.
Sam’s always helped out Steve extensively with the last few parties he set up, because he might be an angel. He’s pointed this out to the blonde, who insists Bucky’s helped a lot too. Which, lie, but his friend won’t admit that.
And yes, he has confided this crush to his very friend. Bucky knows Steve wouldn’t tell a soul, he trusts him with his life, but the blonde’s also getting pretty impatient with him.
“If you’d get over yourself and ask him out.” is something his best friend’s told him too many times, believe it or not, Bucky has a hard time keeping quiet about just how ridiculously beautiful Sam is.
“Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen.”
“Why not?”
“He literally avoids me, I told you this!”
“No, he doesn’t!”
“Have you ever even seen him look at me?!”
Nat’s always there when he zones out, too many people and Bucky needs some peace of mind. He appreciates that more than she knows. Like he’s ever gonna tell her that.
This constellation they’ve made on the rink makes sense.
Steve and Sam’s testing their abilities on the skates, cus they’re annoying like that, and the redhead’s joined him by the sidelines.
The boys’ begged her to join them, because it’s somehow destiny that Sam should like everyone but him, and maybe, Bucky felt a little smug when she favored him and declined the offer. He’s not gonna tell that, either.
Twenty minutes pass by before she elbows him, “If I ask you why you own a handbook about butterflies, will I get a sensible answer?” Okay, that does sound weird. He’s allowed to have interests though, right?
Like Steve’s obsession with the British royal family is any better.
And this is a fairly new interest, to be fair, despite that he’s always had a liking for biology. But honestly, bugs are fucking badass. Steve didn’t judge him, at least.
“Well…” he starts, just pausing long enough to witness his best friend nearly falling on his ass, glorious, “It’s from my secret santa.”
She laughs.
“One of those dummies gave you a book about bugs?”
“I like bugs.”
“Fair enough, still funny.”
He even tries to give her a mean eye, but she pats his head like a child. Bucky supposes that honesty’s part of her charm, at least he’s always felt that way. 
Steve pretends to be offended, despite being used to it, and Clint just snarks right back at her. He’s never met two best friends so similar, to be honest.
“Tell me,” Nat speaks up again, even though she’s definitely going to ask Steve when they’re done here so they can eat, which Bucky will wholeheartedly tag along with, “What’s up with you and Wilson?”
If Bucky was drinking something, he’d choke. Maybe he chokes on oxygen for a second.
“I don’t know you’re talking about.” is the answer, he even tries a laugh but it comes out anything but casual.
Damn her, she can always look through him so easily.
She lifts a sharp brow, “For how much you both hang around each other, you spend an awful lot of time avoiding him.”
Oh, if only she knew.
The second week of December, the Christmas cheer just increases. In the dormitory, anyway, since Steve and Thor’s in charge of decorating.
Makes sense, given his friend’s eagerness in social gatherings, and Thor being the tallest university student ever, probably.
And in extension, the dorm’s having a Christmas dinner. Once again, Steve’s idea.
This is nice though, Bucky has to admit, when everyone’s bringing food and there’s not the pressure of a dance floor or ice breaker games.
And since Steve’s idea of Christmas cheer is “the more, the merrier”, plus ones are more than welcome.
Rhodey’s brought Tony, who’s a bit of an asshole, but his girlfriend Pepper’s nice, and he’d probably say Bucky can be an asshole too, so it’s whatever.
Carol would probably be alone with her girlfriend Val (who’s also a bit of an asshole, but like, less than Tony) than be here, but seems like she’s taking a liking to Thor’s new boyfriend.
Bruce, he’s from the science department. Doesn’t seem like the party type, and Bucky for once doesn’t feel totally alone.
But all his pessimism aside, this is not totally awful. Might even call it enjoyable.
He doesn’t feel pressured to make conversation, which is nice, and one Christmas beer doesn’t hurt.
Except he may or not become sulky, when, surprise, he spends his night trying not to stare at Sam, collect the courage to talk to him and then fail to do so.
The boy actually catches Bucky looking at him. Midst eating. He just might have hid under the table.
It’s not like anything dramatic happened, really, but he probably looked creepy. He just can’t help staring when he’s so pretty, can he?
And, weirdly enough, Sam raises a brow at him questioningly. The most interaction they’ve ever done, probably.
Well done, Bucky, as if he didn’t dislike you enough.
What boggles his mind is when he, after the dinner, finds a bag placed neatly on his desk. Secret santa, he almost forgot, it’s the end of the week.
Inside said brown paper bag is a bracelet.
Awfully similar to the one he broke last week, he thinks, and the obvious suspicion falls on Steve. He hasn’t told anyone about that besides his best friend, so who else could it be?
It’s sweet of him. And a bit stupid, given that these things have to remain a secret.
But Bucky will play along. Besides, this wasn’t exactly cheap, isn’t this breaking the rules? Maybe the blonde just used this opportunity for an actual Christmas present, all games aside.
He shakes his head with a smile.
Steve’s an idiot, but he means well. And Bucky makes sure to hide the wrapping just before someone, who he assumes to be his friend, walks in.
Only it’s a different blonde.
“Bucky! I was wondering-” Thor sounds excited, however, he stops in his tracks and stares. Right where the evidence of the gift is hidden. Not so hidden.
“Oh, your secret santa!” the giant exclaims, twice as excited, and Bucky nods. “What’d they get you?”
He fumbles with the bracelet, now around his wrist, “Uh, this.”
Thor squints, like this task takes all his concentration, and giggles. Bucky doesn’t really understand that, but the blonde boy takes a seat beside him on the bed before he can question it.
“Seems like someone on the team’s trying to impress you. Anyway, look what I got Bruce!”
It’s the third week of December, and because Steve is just the right amount of stupid, he’s broken his ankle. Ice skating, of course.
So, today’s going to be a weird day.
It was already weird from the get go, because Bucky was still thinking about last week’s secret santa gift, but after lunch, the signal for his best friend goes over his phone.
Immediately he’s greeted with, “Bucky?”
The voice is just an octave deeper than Steve’s, and he doesn’t fully register the situation before his “Steve?” is answered with, “No, man, he’s in the hospital.”
Long story short, Sam called him.
It makes sense, because the blonde’s got Bucky listed in his emergency contacts, parents being out of the country and everything, and he’s got Steve in his, but something about actually talking to a certain, ridiculously hot friend makes his brain malfunction.
And it’s not like he has much time to respond before the boy in the other end hangs up, opting to text him the hospital room number.
And now here he is.
He made sure to leave a chair between the two when he sat down, because Sam finding another reason to hate him would only add to the anxiety he’s already feeling.
Steve’s fine, he assures himself, but Bucky has a hard time looking away from the boy beside him. Well, more than usual.
“People ever tell you that you stare a lot?” Sam’s voice pipes up, and he jumps just a bit in his seat.
God, he’s really not subtle at all, huh. Not surprising, given how many times Steve’s told him.
“I, uh- no.”
That’s all you have to say? Come on, Bucky, you absolute idiot.
“Sorry, I’m just worried.” he shakes his head at himself. And somehow, because the world is being weird in general lately, the other boy looks back at him.
Okay, it wouldn’t be that weird, if he didn’t sigh, “You’re fine. He’s fine. I promise.”
Holy shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Bucky can’t let himself get too excited, most of all due to them currently being in a hospital, but the fact that he couldn’t find a hint of malice in Sam’s voice feels like a surreal dream. Not to mention this is by far the longest conversation they’ve had, ever.
Maybe this is one of those things his stupid best friend would consider a Christmas miracle. Your crush maybe doesn’t absolutely despise you, that’s something, right? 
Less than ideal, but oh well. Bucky’s allowed to dream.
This makes it considerably harder not to stare at the boy, with the added bonus of Sam now being aware of it. Just his luck.
But noticing the other boy’s hands tightly clasped in his lap, this odd blinking that’s a little more rapid than usual, suggests that Sam’s just as nervous.
Strangely, that gives Bucky some peace of mind. Usually, this ridiculously hot guy is a picture perfect example of being calm, collected and patient. Except with himself, of course.
Steve told him they do yoga together, so it makes sense, but it’s like he’s got everything under control, you know?
Bucky wishes he had that sense sometimes, God knows how behind he is on studying, and maybe he’d actually have the courage to flirt with anyone (sitting next to him, preferably) if his nerves weren't such a mess.
He wants to reach out and touch the other boy’s arm. 
Maybe that would ruin the moment, though. Definitely will ruin the moment. Who said they were having a moment, anyway?
“Thanks.” Bucky finds himself saying.
And now, Sam looks surprised.
“What for?”
“You know, uh… for calling.”
Sam is officially a ridiculously hot pain in the ass.
Because they’re having eye contact. For several minutes. Like humans do, you idiot, is what he thinks to himself, maybe he should really just get laid already like Tony told him once.
The other boy looks at him like he’s got something on his mind, mouth slightly open, but looks away before Bucky can think too much about his lips and how soft they may be.
He bites his cheek.
And it’s like the world started spinning around them again when the doctor lets them in Steve’s room, but not before Sam hands him a bag.
“Steve was gonna give you this after skating, man. Your secret santa- it’s so stupid, but they told us to get it. Don’t look at me like that.”
It takes Bucky a minute. Staring at the bag of plums handed to him. Watching the back of the other boy’s head as he leaves.
Too goddamn weird.
The fourth week of December comes too fast for Bucky’s liking.
In fact, it’s Thursday night, and Steve’s rambling from the other side of the room, convinced Natasha is his secret santa, when Bucky just wants to  fucking sleep .
He loves the guy, but seriously.
Of course, he hasn’t told his best friend his suspicion that he’s his secret santa, because duh, but also, he’s not all that sure since last week.
Sam told him whoever it is gave it to them. And it kind of makes Bucky feel insane.
Of course, Sam could’ve lied to cover up for his friend, because he knows he’d do that. Damnit, his crush is possibly the sweetest, truest person he’s met in his relatively short life, and he just so happens to hate his guts?
Typical. But Bucky also feels like something’s changed in their dynamic.
He hopes he’s not imagining things. At least, Sam’s started greeting him at practice, and that alone is a major change, believe it or not.
They don’t even uncomfortably look away from each other while playing games with Steve, and God knows they’re doing a lot more now that the blonde needs to rest.
Last night, he had another genuine conversation, and their friend has never looked more confused in his life. He did also tease Bucky for a solid hour about it after Sam left, so there’s that.
Ultimately, near 2am, he gets out of bed and tells Steve he’s going for a walk.
Bucky hates the fact that this secret santa thing’s getting on his nerves, which isn’t his friend’s fault at all, he just needs a break.
Going for a walk usually means going to the roof for a smoke. Yeah, Bucky’s not proud of it, but it is what it is.
It’s helped him de-stress during exams, mostly, and it’s been two months since his last, but he knows Steve’s right when telling him to quit for good.
Sometimes Nat and Clint join him, which is nice, cause they’re not that big on late night conversations, either. He’s mostly looking to be alone right now, though.
Bucky’s putting the cigarette to his lips when he hears the door opening behind him, and who he’s expecting to be Nat and Clint or a shocked Steve turns out to be the very guy that’s been on his mind for too damn long.
He might know his voice immediately. Shut up.
Sam gives him a nod as a silent greeting, which he replies to of course, and standing next to him, with considerable distance, of course, asks him for a lighter.
Seriously, his crush lighting a smoke shouldn’t be so fucking hot.
Bucky feels kind of pathetic, but oh well. This is nice. It makes him nervous as fuck, but after ten minutes, it’s like the knot in his chest unwinds and nothing can be heard in the silence apart from the night traffic.
Until, suddenly, “You and Steve dated, right?”
He might have a small coughing fit after that comment. “I-I, well, uhm, yeah, but like, when we were fifteen!”
It comes out more defensive than he wanted, and Bucky might’ve just gone to the nearest wall and banged his head.
Sam chuckles, but he’s got this sincere look in his eyes.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, man. Sorry.”
And because Bucky’s too tired to think rationally, he lets his guard down and smiles. He’s learnt to control his love struck smiles, as Nat once called them, very,  very  well around Sam, but fuck it.
It’s dark anyway, let’s just pretend they won’t remember this in the morning.
“No, it’s fine, really.” he scratches his neck, “I love him, really do, but he’s my best friend. Now I can’t imagine thinking of him like that.”
The shorter guy nods.
“Y’know, my ex, Riley,” Sam starts, because, suddenly, the air between them is changing, and it’s becoming a little more personal, “Think that’s same as you two. He’s like my brother now, honestly.”
They share a laugh on that, and Bucky tries to stop the butterflies forming in his stomach, he really does.
It’s on that the silence settles again, until Sam’s finished his smoke, too fast for Bucky’s liking and squashes it with his boot.
He did want to be alone, of course, so it’s whatever.
Just felt nice connecting, or something. He’s not sure that is what this is. December’s really changed his relationship with his crush, and albeit Sam doesn’t seem to hate him anymore, he’s a bit disappointed in this Christmas miracle.
The shorter boy turns before he leaves, however, “I mean, I’m more into long hair on guys, anyway.”
Well, he can’t just say that and not expect Bucky to look like one big question mark. What the fuck?
And as he makes his way back to this room, shaking his head, surely Sam didn’t mean anything by that off-hand comment, he finds not only his best friend soundly sleeping, but also a box of peppermint candies, his favorite, on the dresser.
And as by a whirlwind, here Bucky is, the last week of December, and Steve decided on an extravagant finale party, where the team would reveal their secret santa identities.
He hasn’t talked to Sam since that night on the roof.
Unwillingly, because the shorter boy’s started avoiding him again. Seriously, Bucky’s desperate.
His own foolery, thinking things had changed and they maybe could be friends, only his crush seems destined to hate him for eternity.
Bucky doesn’t even complain to Steve, he just accepts the fact.
In fact, he’s been nursing the same beer for the last two hours, still not being able to take his eyes from the ridiculously hot, and  annoying, guy on the other side of the common room.
He doesn’t even care about the thought of getting laid with anyone.
Bucky’s too lost in this to think about getting over Sam, god forbid.
Besides that fact, he guesses the evening’s going alright. Natasha reveals herself as Steve’s gift giver, as suspected, his friend exclaimed in glee, Carol had Sam, Rhodey to Carol, Scott to Thor, T’Challa to Scott, Thor to Clint, Steve to T’Challa and Clint to Rhodey.
And see, that’s what ultimately leaves Bucky in the weirdest, stupidest, most ridiculous situation. He was, still, fully convinced Steve was his own secret santa.
At least he’d never figured Sam to reveal himself as the one.
Bucky wants to die.
How does the stupid hot, real life angel even expect him to react? He must know Bucky’s crushing on him. That’s probably what made him hate him again.
Fuck, this guy volunteers at homeless shelters, helps out every single one of his friends, he’s  perfect , of course he’d give Bucky perfect gifts.
Well done, honestly, despite the apparent dislike.
They gloss over the revelation, anyway, Bucky himself too anxious to react besides the thank you’s, of course, and Sam looks at him the same way he did in the hospital that night. He’s officially going crazy.
That relation’s in the grave, more or less, given how quiet the other boy is. When he realises this, finally grabbing a second beer, Bucky just feels like crying a little bit.
Until the party’s well over, Steve’s puking his guts out in the bathroom, and he’s just  tired.
Of course, that’s when his crush decided to find him.
He’s surprised, of course, but tries to fix his clothes and hair regardless. Who’s he kidding, he looks like shit right now.
“Hey, man-”
Stupid interruption, goddammit. Bucky has the mind to apologize before rambling on, “Thank you. For all the presents, that is. You didn’t have to.”
Sam’s laughing. Not out loud, like, almost shy. In a Sam way. Fuck, he can’t explain it any other way.
His smile is almost smug when he answers, “Well, I kinda did in that game.”
First time his crush ever told him a joke. Cool, cool, cool.
Seriously, Bucky needs to calm down. He’s been here before, and after the night on the rooftop, he clearly did something wrong.
Must have, to make the angel hate him. There he goes, referring to him like a celestial being in his head. Anyway.
“I know, man. I just,” he’s almost interrupted by another groan from the bathroom, nevertheless, “I’m just Steve’s annoying friend. I mean, I assume you got help on that bracelet-”
“You’re what now?”
Update, said ridiculously hot friend of Steve’s now frowning at him. Probably the first time Bucky’s seen him confused, too, lots of new things happening. He can’t do anything other than shrug.
“Yeah. Man, it’s pretty obvious you don’t like me. Which is fine! Or it’s not, cause I've been... crushing on you ever since we met, but listen-”
Really, he could’ve continued for eternity, if his crush hadn’t walked right up close and grabbed both his shoulders.
Holy shit. Perfect Sam is so fucking close to him right now, Bucky looking right into his deep brown eyes. He never wants to look away. This is real life, somehow.
Even Sam doesn’t seem to know what to say, shaking his head, and Jesus, he’s pretty up close-
“Bucky,” he then says, “What did you think… was going on?”
That’s a weird question, so he furrows his brow. Steve’s probably still hurling, but he’s kinda zoned out all sound apart from their breathing.
Too dramatic. Like a sappy romantic drama. Shut up, brain.
“Like, with us.”
Okay, this is just ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as how hot Sam is, but it’s close. Must be a damn joke.
“Us? Sam, I’m not an idiot, you’ve been avoiding me ever since we met, and-”
“I’ve literally been flirting with you.”
Now Bucky knows it’s a joke. Or maybe he’ll pinch him and he’ll wake up from this hangover dream. 
Whatever it is, he sure knows what flirting looks like. Can’t do it himself very well, but not the point!
“Yeah!” he exclaims, suddenly seeming unsure of himself, which isn’t something Bucky wants to see ever again, making his stomach hurt, “Well, I thought so. That I was being cool, you know? But Steve suggested these gifts, and I admit, it’s better.”
All he has left to do is nod.
“Ugh, sorry.” Sam’s hands tragically leave his shoulder, scratching his forehead, and it’s official, confused Sam is  adorable,  “I see the misunderstanding. But also, I never got you alone, so.”
“Yeah, cause I thought you hated me!”
Well, this December’s much more interesting than Bucky would’ve bargained for. Ever.
Least of all that his stupid, ridiculously hot crush somehow liked him back. Damn, all this time he thought he had a nemesis, too?
“To be honest, thinking I had an enemy was kinda cool.” he tells the shorter boy with a laugh, because fuck it, this has turned into the messiest love confession ever, and it’s too late for Sam to take it back now.
Might as well ride with it. And of course, his angel of a crush rolls his eyes. But he’s smiling, just like on the rooftop.
He does also return his hand to the back of Bucky’s neck instead. Okay, cool. He can definitely keep going. Please keep going.
“You want me to take it back, or?”
“Oh my God, no.”
They’re so fucking close. Bucky’s head screaming at him. Those butterflies are probably fainting from exhaustion, at this point.
And they’re certainly having a moment now. Actually, they’re moving even closer, which he can’t complain to, and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at his lips, until-
“Guys. I’m happy for you, but literally dying in here. Go away.”
Way to ruin the goddamn moment, Steve. He’s this close to cursing at the blonde boy, he loves that little shit, but seriously?!
Luckily, Sam’s in for the whole rescue.
“My room?”
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delightfulfics · 4 years
The Reunion (Bucky x Reader)
A/N: Sorry this took so long. My head was a mess and I couldn’t figure out how to write this and was feeling unmotivated but I think I have done it. Hope everyone is safe and well. Enjoy! :)
Anon Prompt: Bucky and Reader reunite and Bucky tries to figure out if Reader is still ticklish. Bucky is successful but he forgets... he has the same weakness.
Next up: @notmeblahh’s prompt :)
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“Hello! Is anyone here?”
When you heard the voice as it echoed throughout the house you jumped off the couch and ran towards the front door. You didn’t have to ask who it was that entered the house. You have heard his voice throughout your whole life and have been waiting to hear for a year.
“Hey sweethe-“ Bucky didn’t get to finished his sentence as you jumped into his arms.
“I missed you...”
Bucky smiles and tightens his grip around your waist.
“Missed you too sweetheart.”
This had to be one of the best moments of your life. Reunited with your best friend and older brother after being a year apart. No matter how much you begged him not to leave, he had to. For you and for himself. He was put on deadly missions, was injured several times and had about six near death experience in the last year. He didn’t want you involved in any of it because if you were hurt in anyway he wouldn’t know what to do. At first you were angry with him that he left you, worried for him every single second of the day but at the end you understood. He wanted to protect you.
“Are you gonna get down soon? You are kinda heavy.”
Bucky sighs, “Fine.”
Bucky removes himself from the entry way, closes the front door and makes his way to the living room where you sat just moments before. You both start to relax as he sits down on the couch with you wrapped around his waist.
“How long are you gonna be here for.”
“For as long as you need me, sweetheart,” you smiled at his sweet comment and buried yourself deeper into his arms.
“Y/N, you are crushing me.”
“Deal with it.”
Bucky rolled his eyes knowing how stubborn you were and switched on a movie.
About 45 minutes later you and Bucky were relaxing on the couch, you dozing off to sleep next to him and Bucky’s eyes glued to the screen. He hasn’t really focusing on you since he forgot you were there since this was a normal occurrence but his attention shifted when a scene popped on the screen. A young gentlemen and his nephew playing around, Bucky didn’t really think of it but that changed when laughter filled the room.
“The tickle monster’s gotta ya!” the young gentlemen said on the screen.
Bucky sat there, wondering why that sounded so familiar. He removed his eyes from the television and shifted to you, cuddled into the Winter Solider’s side. Then it clicked. It sounded familiar because he played the same game with you. Chasing you around, catching you and throwing you into the air as you giggled and shrieked in excitement. He remembered as it always brought you joy and also himself. As he was recalling these happy memories you were waking up for your short nap.
No response.
Still no response.
Bucky jumped as you yelled his name and turned to face you, a large suspicious grin on his face.
“Hi Sleeping Beauty.”
“Shut up,” you groaned at the tease and punched him lightly in the arm. “What’s up with the Joker grin?”
He chuckled at your comment and turned his body to fully face yours, preparing for an attack.
“Remember the games we used to play?”
“Nope. Why? You wanna play hide and seek? Or freeze tag?” you asked with a smirk.
“Yeah. But just one thing... are you still ticklish?”
You did not expect to be asked that. If you had you would’ve reacted better than you had. In response to your brother’s question you froze up but, quickly recovered.
“Yes. I am positive.”
“You mind if I test that theory out, sweetheart?”
“Why? You don’t need to since I already said that-“ you squeaked as you felt a jab to one of your sides. You froze once again and your eyes popped out of your head. You shook your head slowly at him as you saw the shit eating grin on his face and started to slowly back away from him. He took notice and before you could get off the couch he pulled you to him and placed you on his lap.
“No. No!” you pushed at Bucky’s hands as he started to get closer to your sensitive sides.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk... Y/N,” he decided to make it easier for himself and grabbed your wrist, placing them above your head.
“Bucky, don’t.”
“Don’t what, munchkin?”
“Tickle me!” Oh fuck. Oh no. No. No! What an idiot you were. You fell for the most simplest trick in the book.
“Oh it would be my pleasure!” he said with excitement and dug his hand into your ribs. You screamed and kicked your legs as you felt his fingers dig in between each of your ribs.
“Please move? Got it!” his hands then moved from your ribs to dig into your worst spot and his favorite, your thighs. Your head slammed on his leg as you cackled loudly and kicked your legs out to remove his hands.
“Y/N! Did you just try to kick me?”
“I think you did...”
“Fine. Since you didn’t kick me I cut you some slack,” he said and removed his hand from your knees and gave you a breather.
“T-thank-k y-you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Your break was very short as Bucky then shoved his hands up both of your armpits. His metal arm making the whole thing worse then it already was.
“Stop what?” he smiled down at you and fluttered his metal fingers into your neck, making you scrunch up your neck and his crush his fake fingers.
“I will stop if you say that you love me and missed me.”
He rolled his eyes, “Tell me I am the best brother.”
“Now say it all together.”
“Okay, okay,” he removed his hands but kept you in his arms. He smiled once again as he looked at you with your hair all over the place, your cheeks bright red, and giggles still streaming out of your mouth. What he didn’t know that was you were ready to get revenge. So you did.
“AHHH!” Bucky screamed as you jumped on Bucky and wrestled him to the floor. It was difficult and you almost fell off but you were able to stay on top of him and latch onto his sides. “Y/NNN! NOO!”
“But I didn’t even get to your worst spot yet Buck,” you smirked down at him and pried his human arm up, quickly shoving your hand into his armpit. As your hand came in contact he flipped out. Chuckling loudly and trying to push your roaming hand out of his armpit. Sadly, he was too weak to do so and you happily continued.
“Are you sure about that though?”
Giving him a little bit of mercy you retracted your hand out and moved to his sides, scratching softly over the skin.
“What were you saying?”
“I-I amM soR-ry.”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “I am the best little sister in the world right?”
“I don-nt thi-ink tha- OKK YOUU ARE.”
“I am what?”
“I guess that is acceptable,” Bucky sighed in relief as he couldn’t feel your tickling hands.
“Yo-ou a-are e-evil,” he said as he pointed to you.
“What can I say?” you kissed his cheek, slowly got up from your spot on the floor, and looked down at the giggling solider with a smile. “I learned from the best.”
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formerprincess · 3 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 60
Chapters: 60/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken, Corey Bryant/Mason Hewitt Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Nolan (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates, Top Theo Raeken, Bottom Theo Raeken, Top Liam, Bottom Liam Dunbar Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Liam meets with Luka again and learns a bit more about the other werewolf pack. The friendship is blossoming.
"Thank you for dropping me off." Liam climbed out of the passenger seat of Savannah's car and closed the passenger door behind him. "Don't forget to text me!" The blonde yelled through the open window before she reversed her car. Liam waved at her and watched her drive away before he finally made his way to the front door of his house. Luka, Savannah, Maddie, and he had sat together in the bar and talked for a while until they all had to disperse in different directions. Maddie and Luka had matters to attend to in regards to business and coven, Savannah had plans with her friends later on but offered to drop Liam off. He had gladly accepted her offer since it saved him from riding the bus during summer. Would Theo or someone else had come to get Liam? Absolutely but his Betas were not his chauffeurs.
Liam unlocked the door now and stepped into the house. He heard the tv running, the bass of Mike's music coming from downstairs. As always, it filled Liam with the undeniable feeling of home and happiness. Here he belonged. He hung his keys up and walked further into the house. Theo and Mason lounged on the opposite ends of the couch; Theo with a book in his hand and Mason with his notebook. Corey sat in front of the couch table and solved a puzzle. Tim sat in one of the chairs and watched tv. "Hey, you're back." Mason checked his watch. "Way later than I expected you to be. So it was good?" The others stopped what they were doing and turned to Liam. Tim even muted the series he had been watching. "Mixed, I would say." Liam kissed Theo and then sat next to his mate. Theo licked his lips. "Have you've been drinking lemon shots?" "I'm concerned how you got that from just one kiss", Liam remarked. Then he decided to answer Mason's question. "First of, those Alphas really think they're something else. Something I'm not. I don't have enough millions in my bank account to ever have them accept me." "That bad? I'm sorry." Corey grimaced. His parents were like that as well and he despised them for it. "Most of them, yeah. But I met three people who are very cool. First of, Mase, were cheetahs and vampire are a thing." Mason squeaked and pushed his notebook out of the way. "Tell me everything!" "The hotel had such old Hollywood glam style. Not my chic but whatever. First I met Savannah. She's the cheetah. Alpha of a very small pack here in Seattle. Outgoing, very direct, and honest. She talked to me before I even entered the meeting room. Was her first time too. We kind of stuck together. Then we met Meadow, the vampire. She has been to meetings before but she does not like the Alphas. She has a human best friend and told me he also has some notes about the supernatural community. I invited the two of them here cause I thought you and him could maybe check your notes, combine them so to speak. He surely will have things you don't have and vice versa, Mason and Corey." "Great idea." Corey helped Mason with the Bestiary and he would also profit from meeting Asher. If Asher wanted to follow the invitation. Maddie had said it would not be a problem but Liam would wait for clarification from Asher himself. "You said you met three people. Who's the third?" Theo asked. "Luka. He's the only other cool werewolf I met. Also older than us but his pack is from around. They're more modern and open-minded. Like ours is." "Sounds good. All in all, it seemed as if the meeting wasn't for nothing." Mason smiled. "And vampires. Wait! How was she there? Can she walk in the sun? Did the other Alphas wrangle her into the hotel? Is she traveling in a coffin? Did she try to drink your blood? What was she like??" "Jesus, Mason." Corey shook his head. But Liam gladly answered every question his Emissary had. "I'll stay in contact with them", he finally ended and his mate, as well as Consultant and Emissary, voiced their agreement. "Liam?" Tim said shyly. "Didn't you put up a rule of not having strangers come to the house? When you said you invited the vampire and her friend here, are you not breaking your own rule?"
Shit. Oh shit.
Liam had completely forgotten about that rule. Yes, he had told his Betas not to bring strangers into their new home. And here he was breaking his very own rule. Great, Dunbar! "No...I mean...yeah, I did....But...." Tim got up to leave the room. "I mean, you're the Alpha and therefore it's your decision. You can do whatever you want. I just remembered the rule." He gave an insecure shrug and then left the room in the direction of his room. Liam huffed. "You forgot you had put the rule in place, right?" Theo guessed. "Yep." Liam closed his eyes for a moment and scolded himself mentally. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! "I mean, you are the Alpha. We can still follow the rules but what you do is up to you", Corey suggested softly. Liam's eyes snapped open. "No!" He said sharply. "We're not running a pack like that! If rules are in place, we all have to follow them. Including me. Especially me." "Then you have to decide what to do with that situation. You could always meet with Meadow and her friend somewhere else", Mason suggested. "No. The rule made sense back then but not it's not feasible anymore. And I will tell Tim that."
The young Alpha got up from the couch and marched downstairs to his Beta's room. He knocked, waited a few moments, then opened the door. Liam peeked into the room. "Hey. Have a minute?" Tim had sat on his desk and now spun around in his chair, a mixture of shock and surprise written on his face. But then he caught himself and nodded. Liam walked in and closed the door behind him. "You can sit on the bed if you want." Tim pointed at said furniture piece and Liam sat down on the edge. He rubbed his palms over his thighs. "You're right. I set this rule and I completely and utterly forgot about it. Had you not said anything, it would have left my mind forever. I am sorry about that." "It's okay. As I said, you're the Alpha. You make the rules, you sure can break the rules." Tim tried his best to give off the impression it was really okay. But Liam was stubborn. "It's not okay", he stated calmly. "When I set the rule, it seemed reasonable to me and came from a place of being worried about everyone and our home. I wanted to be absolutely sure nothing could get to us. That was weeks ago. I should have kept it in mind and change it again after Ever cast the spell and we were more secure. I didn't. I fucked up and I am sorry about that." Tim opened his mouth to protest but Liam was faster: "I am grateful for you guys calling me out. Tim, you're my friend, my family, my Beta. You and the others absolutely should call me out when I do something wrong. I'm not perfect and I will make these mistakes. But only with this echo from you, I can improve and become a better leader. I'm not mad at you and you don't have to be afraid to speak up. This rule was okay back then but now is not anymore. Therefore I cut it. Gone! Just like that! thank you for bringing this up. I mean it. But what will never happen is that I set rules for you and then don't follow them myself. This is not the type of leader I wanna be. Okay?" Tim gnawed on his lip. "I would not care so much but this is the first house I am not judged and ridiculed in. I can be myself and I want to protect it as much as I can", he confessed. "So do I, Timmy", Liam promised him. "I would never let anyone in here I might consider not fully trustworthy." Tim considered. "So you trust Meadow and her friend?" "I do, yeah." Liam nodded. "Do you consider them good allies for the pack?" The twenty-year-old had to laugh. "My brain's not wired like that." Liam played with his hands. "Theo is good at that, Mason too. But I don't think strategically. On the lacrosse field, yeah, that's my jam, but not when it comes to people. I meet a person and I either like or dislike them. Maybe I trust too easy and maybe I will make a fool out of myself but then I have to take responsibility for it. I can't, I don't want to meet someone and be like Your name is what? Oh, you will be a splendid ally to my pack. This is not me and I will probably never get there. Hence why I keep Theo around", he joked at the end. Tim chuckled but then sighed. "I know what you mean. I'm not like that either. It would feel...I don't know...like..." They both thought about it. "Like using someone", they both finally said at the same time and this time they both laugh. "Mike is good at it too. To easily find out how people can be useful to him upon meeting them." "Maybe it's a survival tactic", Liam put out a theory. "How can you help me in my current situation to get a better stand and survive. Would explain why Theo is so good at it. He and Mike both needed to survive in a world that didn't want them." Tim raised his shoulders. "My survival tactic is not being seen or heard. Not draw any attention." "Well, I hope you don't feel like that anymore in the house or around the pack in general." Liam sounded like a father, he realized that himself. But wasn't an Alpha supposed to be a father sometimes? Tim shook his head. "Not always. But it's hard to unlearn what I learned for nineteen years. You know, you guys are great! You make me feel welcome! Don't think anybody else, please!"
He moved his hands around and knocked over a small can filled with brushes of all kinds. They clattered to the floor. Liam knelt and helped him pick them up again. "Didn't know you were painting, Timmy. Those are many brushes." His Beta turned a concerning shade of red and stuttered. "I...No...Not...Irgs. I don't paint! Pictures! I don't paint pictures!" "Then what do you paint?" Liam had never seen Tim being creative with brushes in any shape or form. From how his friend acted, one would think he was doing forbidden things with those brushes. "You don't have to tell me, of course. I'm just curious." You could basically see Tim's thought process on his face. Denial, fear, nervousness, fear again, shame. Finally, he pointed to the other side of the room. There was a large board with something tiny on it. Curiosity got the better of Liam and he stepped closer. Tiny little figurines were placed all over the board, along with trees, and various other little things. There was even a tiny truck looking amazingly similar to Theo's truck. And there was a car looking like Liam's. Wait a second. "Are those figurines of the pack?" Tim rushed next to Liam. "I can stop with that if you think it's weird. It's just, I like making those little scenes and take inspiration from real life." He gently pushed a tiny figurine in a blue jersey. A tiny Liam in lacrosse gear, Liam realized. "You've got to be kidding me! This is awesome! Can I touch it?" Liam was in awe. Tim blushed furiously but then gently placed lacrosse Liam on Liam's palm. The young Alpha turned the figurine to inspect it from all sides. For such a small thing, the details were incredibly detailed. "I make the figurines from a special clay and then I paint them. I hope you don't think it's weird. I am sorry if you do. I'm not a creep, I promise!" Tim almost stumbled over his words in his haste to get them out. "You make them? This is incredible, Tim! Why did you never show us this? That's not creepy or weird, this is fucking amazing! You're crazy talented." Liam could not stop praising the guy. And Tim beamed under the praise. Once he realized Liam did not find anything weird about that and actually loved it, he preened. "Does anybody in the pack know you're doing this?" "Mike knows." Tim smiled shyly. "But I made him swear he wouldn't tell a soul. Made him swear on something important to him." "Uh uh. What did he swear on?" Now Tim blushed again. "Our friendship." "Aw." Those two were cute and deserved each other. Mike because he needed a calm anchor in his life, Tim because he needed someone to speak up when he couldn't himself. "But seriously, Timmy, those are cool. I'm not going to say anything but if you ever want to share with the rest, I can already assure you, they will be as amazed as I was. It's a really cool hobby. I imagine it takes a lot of time?" "Oh, it does. But I like to modulate all the figurines and then paint them. It's calm work and I can think while doing it." Tim began chatting about his hobby. Now that Liam knew it seemed like a dam had burst and he could share it with the Alpha. Liam willingly listened.
****** "I'm glad you could clear the air with Tim." Theo pulled the covers back and crawled in bed. Liam was already under the covers and had scrolled through his phone but now put the device away to concentrate on the talk with his mate. "I'm glad too. It is important to me to get those kinds of replies so I can reflect on myself. I'm not doing everything right. But I'm working on it." "You're doing a lot of things already right. The things you're not doing right, well they partly make you Liam. Not perfect but human and very loveable." "How were you ever the chimera of death?" Liam teased and Theo smacked him with his pillow. Liam laughed. "I am trying here to compliment you and you do not appreciate it? You should be ashamed of yourself!" Theo wailed. Liam laughed louder. "Naw, you will survive that one, big boy. You know I love you." To prove it, he pressed his mate down on the mattress and kissed him passionately. Theo laughed into the kiss but returned it soon enough. "I know you love me", he mumbled after they parted. "And I love you, Lee." Liam was proud to hear that and he smirked. His phone chimed and he let go of Theo to grab it. "It's from Luka. He's asking if I want to meet up sometime next week. Cool." Liam already typed an answer. "You really like the three, right?" Theo mused. Liam looked up from his phone screen. Theo was watching him with questioning eyes but there was no sign of jealousy as he had shown with Scott in the beginning. He sighed. "I do. It's strange. They're all older than me and yet they never acted like they had to explain the world to me. Never a patronizing word, never telling me I'm still so young. I was just Liam and from the get-go, I was part of this little gang. I didn't have to prove myself to them. Because it felt like I had already proved myself prior to meeting them and they didn't even care. It was nice. I wasn't...." "You weren't the fourteen-year-old?" Theo asked amusedly and yet with compassion. "Yeah", Liam confirmed. "I wasn't even Liam the twenty-year-old. I was just...Liam." He fell silent for a few beats. "Doesn't mean I will leave you guys behind. You're my family." "Nobody's thinking that!" Theo furrowed his brows. "If we did, we would be bad friends and family members. We all are individuals outside of this pack and we all will make friendships without the pack being involved. If not, we would be one lousy pack. What we are is, happy you found people appreciating you and liking you for who you are." He reached out and pushed Liam's chin up so the couple looked at each other. "Liam, you have so many things going on for you. Your age shouldn't be one of the first things to notice." It was still strange to hear those things with such sincerity and Liam swallowed dryly. "What's the first thing?" He asked softly. Theo smiled lovingly. "Your good heart. And your eyes. Not because of their color - even though it's a beautiful color - but because they shine with such honesty and happiness." They stared at each other, Liam lost for words. He found his voice only after moments passed. "Were you always that poetic?" "You bring out the best in me", the ex-chimera replied and then kissed Liam deeply.
****** "Not to be pessimistic or something but would it not have been better to plant the flowers after the heatwave?" Liam stood in the open front door and watched Brett watering their plants. Nope", the tall werewolf replied and carried on with his task. "Because?" "Because I wanted to do it now", Brett simply answered. He gave Liam a cheeky grin. "That's reason enough." "Why would I ever doubt that?" Liam remarked teasingly. "Careful before I water you. You could use some growing", Brett teased back. The next moment, he was distracted by the red convertible oldtimer rolling into their driveway. The car was highly polished, not one speck of dirt to be seen, and it was sparkling in the sun. "Holy crap, that is awesome." Brett didn't even realize he was watering the ground instead of the plants, too busy staring at the car. It stopped in front of the entrance and Luka in the driver seat smirked. "Hi." "Hi." Liam laughed. "Nice car." "It's the pack car when one of us wants to go for a nice ride. Holden, a pack member, resto moded it but he lends it to everyone. Thought it's a nice day, why not take it?" He took off his sunglasses and seemed quite proud of his Beta's skills. Liam had no interest in cars but it was a pretty one and why not? He had no objections to driving around in this. Mike and Theo came out of the house. "Dude, that car is sick!" Mike jumped down the stairs and rounded it. Luka preened. "I'll forward it to Holden." Theo was also circling the car, as amazed by it as Mike and Brett were. Liam could only shake his head. Who knew those guys were such car freaks? "Luka, that one over there is Brett and that guy there is Mike. And that is Theo." "Nice to meet you." Theo was the only one to actually shake Luka's hand, the other two simply waved and then continued to fawn over the car. "Nice to meet you too", Luka replied. "You're Liam's boyfriend, right?" "I am", Theo proudly confirmed. "Bring him back in one piece." "I swear on my life", Luka promised in a playful serious tone. Liam grunted. "I can hear you guys! Theo, maybe I won't bring Luka back in one piece. How about that?" "As long as you bring the car back in one piece!" Mike cut in and made them all laugh. "Okay, now that some of my Betas embarrassed me in front of you, I'll get my sunglasses and we can go", Liam called out to the older Alpha and ran into the house and upstairs.
It took him a little while to find his sunglasses (he really needed to try and be tidier) but when he found them under some papers, Liam let out a triumphant cry and ran back downstairs. His Betas were involved in a conversation with Luka (surprisingly not about cars) which Liam now interrupted. "I'm ready." "Great. Hop in." Liam opened the passenger door and marveled at how smooth this was going. He somehow expected the door to get stuck because of age. But this car looked and felt like a brand new one. "See you guys later. Don't burn the house down", he joked. "Yes, dad!" All three Betas chimed in unison. Theo smirked and came to the passenger side to give Liam a quick kiss. "Have fun", he mumbled and Liam nodded. "Bye, guys. See you next time!" Luka called out before he started the car and soon they rolled down the driveway.
"You're one of the few people in this car to use the seatbelt immediately", he informed Liam when he turned into the street. The young Alpha looked down. "I do this in every car. My mother drilled this into me from a young age. I could not drive in a car without buckling up." "My mom was like that too. She always said just because were werewolves didn't mean we had to challenge fate. And she got mad if she saw one of us without a seatbelt on. Not just her own kids but basically everyone. There is a story where she refused to drive another Alpha's wife to the airport because the lady refused to put hers on. It's said they sat in the car for forty minutes until my dad went looking for them." Liam started laughing. "That's dedication. It's that the temper you were talking about?" Now Luka laughed. "My mom was stubborn. I'm too. And my sister is as well. Fun times during puberty, I can tell you. Good thing my dad was good at finding middle ground." "Your parents seemed like an amazing couple. Their personalities really matched with each other, from what I already heard." He wanted to know more about his new friend. And Liam wanted to share things about himself as well. He believed Savannah was right, this could become great friendships. "They were the perfect match even though their personalities were as different as they can be. But they balanced each other out. They were incredible Alphas for our pack." "You say Alphas. Were both real Alphas? Or just an Alpha couple?" Luka stopped at a crosswalk and let some pedestrians pass. "Technically, if you base it on red eyes and stamina, my father was the Alpha. My mother was a Beta but no one would have dared to treat her like one. Or like she was just dad's wife and mate. The way she cared for her pack, the way she made decisions, the way she spoke, she was an Alpha. There is so much more to an Alpha than red eyes. It's all about behavior and the relationship to the pack members." "I don't base it on the red eyes. Theo, he's also a Beta, but we call him Second Alpha. He takes over if I can't. We're the Alpha couple. Why should the color of somebody's eyes define their role?" Luka agreed with Liam's point of view. "There are some packs without an Alpha with red eyes. One Beta is in charge and guides them." "I didn't know that, that's awesome. But wouldn't that be an Alpha by conquest in the long run?" "Depends on how serious the pack takes it. Not all packs are focused on Alpha and Betas, some are more lenient. There are so many kinds of packs. Not just different species but different versions. There are also many Alpha Omegas around." "Alphas without a pack? So wolves with the Alpha spark." "Yeah." "Huh." Liam had never considered that. To him, Omegas had always been those wolves. With normal wolf powers. What were normal wolf powers? Betas? Liam guessed so. He never bothered to really make a distinction or think about what exactly Omegas were. "I kind of don't know a lot about the supernatural. I know how to fight and about several evil beings but all those connections between weres, species, what other magical beings are there, rituals, I know nothing about." Luka didn't take it badly. "At what age were you bitten?" "Fourteen." "You're twenty now. Which means I'm twelve years older than you. Trust and believe me when I tell you I didn't know that much more when I was your age. Plus I have the unfair advantage of being born in a werewolf family." He smiled impishly. Liam grinned. Yet he still insisted on his opinion. "I still think the first few years as a werewolf did not prepare me for that."
Thus he found himself telling Luka everything, from how Scott bit him to the hyenas. It was somewhat therapeutic to talk about all this with another wolf without knowing him beforehand. He didn't need to find periphrases for things, could tell it how it happened and didn't need to sugarcoat the events. He also could be as open as possible without having to worry about insulting some old friends. It had been the same with Byron.
He talked until they parked in the parking lot of the restaurant they had picked to grab something to eat. Liam didn't know the place but according to Luka it had delicious food and you could sit outside under trees so it would not be too hot. "See? That's the reason why teenagers shouldn't become Alphas", Luka said matter of factly and killed the engine. "I don't mean this condescendingly but it is what it is. Maybe if Scott had been a born werewolf it would have been different but I understand why this was all complicated. And why you didn't learn about the supernatural community. You had enough other problems to take care of." "I just wished I could have learned more. Maybe being an Alpha would be easier then", Liam mumbled. "Nah." Luka denied. "Becoming an Alpha does not mean you suddenly get access to this knowledge. It's not like a hatch opens and it's flowing into your brain. You have to make mistakes to find your footing as an Alpha." He unbuckled his seatbelt. "I was prepared to become an Alpha after my father's death for years. It could have become anybody in the pack but since I'm the oldest it was kind of expected for me to take over afterward. But it's not possible to really prepare someone for the weight we shoulder as Alphas. For the magnitude of responsibility settling in. It's something we just feel. And every Alpha has to find their own way to cope with that." Liam frowned. "How do I know I'm doing the right thing then?" Luka gave him a brotherly nudge. "I'd say you're on a good way already. When the first Alpha came to town, your Betas followed you into a potentially deadly fight. They were willing to die by your side. That's a type of loyalty you cannot buy or blackmail. It's loyalty coming from the soul and the heart. And it's only happening because an Alpha made the right decision for those Betas. You're young, Liam, one of the youngest Alphas I've ever met but you marched into the Alpha meeting without a care in the world. Do you think any of those Alphas would have done that at the age of twenty? From my point of view, you're doing absolutely great. Don't focus so much on being perfect and rather follow your heart and gut and you're set. You will be fine." It felt good to hear that. Byron told him that often enough but now a second experienced werewolf told Liam the same thing. He felt flattered. Those men saw him as equal, not just as a teenager. Saw eye-to-eye with him and respected him the same way he respected them. Enough to give Liam a soaring feeling in his chest. "Thanks." He clapped Luka's shoulder. "No come on, I'm hungry."
They exited the car and walked to the restaurant entrance. The hostess greeted them with a friendly smile and an even friendlier one when she got the first good glance at Luka. Liam was friends with Brett so this was not new to him. He was flabbergasted still. "How do you do that?" He had to inquire once they sat outside on their table and the hostess left to get menus for them. "Do what?" Luka acted innocently but his grin and the sparkle in his eyes betrayed him. The hostess came back and made a show to slowly put the menus on the table. She didn't pay Liam any mind and that was fine, he was mated, instead just gave Luka a coy smile. "Don't hesitate to ask me in case you need anything." "Will do. Thank you", he repaid her with a charming smile of his own and she left in a slow, seductive motion. On top of the menus, she left a little note with digits behind. "You barely talked to her and still got her number. Brett managed to pull this off as well. How? Not that I will ever need to try since I have Theo but how the fuck do you pull that off?" Liam could not find any satisfying explanation. Luka had gazed back at the hostess but now his head snapped back. "Luck, I guess. And charm, maybe." "Maybe, uh uh." Liam snickered. Luka had a certain boyish charm about him and that made him attractive. Not taking life too seriously, giving everything an easier vibe. Liam also understood the hostess because the deep green t-shirt Luka was wearing brought out his eyes nicely and accentuated his fit body perfectly. "I like sex. What can I say? Everywhere. No matter what country I am." Luka was not embarrassed to share this. "Have you always been like this?" "Frankly? Yeah. I always liked to flirt and when I was old enough to actually become sexually active, I saw no harm in there. I don't play. That's how my parents raised me. My mother always said: Go and have fun with whoever you want to have fun. But don't break hearts if you don't have to. Be upfront. If it's just sex, say it. Saves you and other people heartbreak. I always followed that. Yes, I had relationships but most of the time I have been single and had one-night-stands. Or several night stands. Whatever. The minute I'm interested in someone or in a relationship, I'm faithful. I can't stand cheaters." "That's the right answer. Sex is nice, with the right person even better, but I don't like players. Nice to hear someone having values."
Liam took a look inside the menu. Right on cue, a waiter appeared. "Hello gentlemen, I'm your server for today. Would you care for a drink?" The Alphas looked at each other. "Just water is fine for me", Liam decided. It was hot, despite the trees providing shade, and he would become thirsty, he knew himself. "Water is good", Luka decided himself and the waiter went to fetch their drinks. "You said no matter what country you are in. Are you traveling a lot?" Liam had picked up on that. "For work yeah." "What are you doing for a living?" "I deal in car parts for either oldtimer or pimped-out cars. Like the convertible. Holden is the mechanic, we work together. He screws the cars together, I contract the clients and the manufacturers. We have business all over the world since some of the parts are very rare. So I traveled a lot. For periods of time, I wasn't home for months. I never had my own apartment because it made no sense to pay for something I used. Tried it once and after weeks my landlord called and said he just wanted to check if I was still alive since I never came around. So I moved out again and if I stayed home, I stayed with the Alphas." "And that was okay? For you to be gone so long?" "My parents ket an open door policy. If something important came up, they called us home but aside from that, we were free to leave as long as we wanted. We knew we could always return to the pack house. No matter how late, even in the middle of the night, we were always welcome. We all made use of that rule over the years."
The waiter brought their drinks and took their order. When he left the two alone again, Liam raised his glass. "Good idea to meet up again", he praised. "Well, Savannah said it right, it's the beginning of wonderful friendships. So of course." Luka smiled and they clinked their glasses together. Liam took a sip. Perfect, cool water, he never drank anything better. He put his glass down again and savored the sip. "Uhm, I never got the chance to ask. How many Betas do you have? We're only talking about me." "I don't mind. You're good at telling a story and explaining things. Somebody ever told you that?" Luka had put his glass down as well. Liam made an incredulous face. "No. What would they? I'm kind of dumb." It had slipped out faster than Liam could have stopped it. Luka's frown was almost instantly. "What asshole told you that?" "No one. Life experience, if you will. I'm not the brightest." "You don't have to be a genius but you really don't appear dumb, Liam. Don't believe it when people tell you that. They're just haters." It had the same vibe as a worried older brother giving a stern talking to his younger sibling and Liam chuckled. He was a big brother but not a little brother and yeah he called Scott his brother sometimes but that was different. Maybe because Scott was only two years older than Liam himself. They came from the same walk of life, small town, maybe that was also a factor? Liam could not really put his finger on it but it hit differently with Luka. "Okay", he said to end this topic. "I will remember this talk." "Good", Luka looked stern but then he smiled. "To get back to the question, seven Betas. A few less than you have." He leaned back in his chair. "There is my younger sister Delaney. Younger by three years. An absolute firecracker. If she gets angry, if you piss her off, she will cuss at you and rant for hours if you let her. Especially in the background of a phone conversation. Very entertaining, if I'm being honest." Luka laughed. But the love for his sister was evident in his words. "Then there is Simon. He is...was dad's best friend. They've been to school and college together and he acted like some sort of advisor for the pack. Helped with international deals and connections. He's my godfather and like a second dad. I'm happy I still have him after I lost dad. It doesn't bear contemplating if he would have been also gone..." Luka trailed off. Liam managed a compassionate smile. "I am sorry for your loss. Losing somebody we love is never easy." He touched his collar bone where the Lion King tattoo was hidden under his shirt. Luka appreciated the sentiment. He continued his list on a lighter note. "With Simon came Holden, his son. Holden's just a few months younger than I am, we grew up together." "Holden's mom is not part of the pack?" "No. She never wanted to get married or have kids. Yet she married Simon and got pregnant with Holden. Weeks after his birth she handed Simon the infant and announced: I don't want to be a wife or a mother. Here's the child, I'll leave your life for good. He does not have to search for me, I want nothing to do with any of you. My lawyer will send you the documents where I signed my rights away and the divorce papers. Got her suitcase and left. From that moment on, mom and dad gave a hand to Simon. Holt and I basically grew up like brothers. He annoys Delaney the same way I do." Liam giggled. "Are younger siblings not something fun? I have a younger brother. He's ten but living at the lake." "Aw, they're so cute at that age. And then they start stating their own opinions and become brats." It was obvious Luka didn't mean a thing he said about his sister. They both began to laugh. "Holden's a great guy but he can be a hothead. Impulsive and very brash. Those are not his finest moments and we have to hold him back. But he's fiercely protective of the pack. Would do anything for us. Another one of my Betas is Sandro. Alessandro. My second in command. We met during freshmen orientation in college and clicked almost instantly. Have been inseparable ever since. When I brought him home the first time, mom looked at dad and said: Look, it's Luka in another body. Our parents often joked how they could each take the wrong son home and nobody would notice cause we're so similar. It's eerie. "
Their food came out and they interrupted their talk to thank the waiter and dig in before Luka resumed talking. "Sandro was human when we met but after a while, he noticed my family was hiding something. He confronted me and after consulting with my Alphas I came clean to him. Thank god cause when he was twenty-five, he go involved with a lone Alpha and said Alpha got a bit too excited in bed. Right before a full moon. Sandro showed up at our doorstep, bloodied and already on the verge of transforming. Dad took one look at him and dragged him to the basement where we keep a cage for those things.  I stayed with him the whole night and after that, it was more or less clear he would become part of the pack. Sandro helped me a lot after my parents' death. He took charge when I couldn't do it and held the pack together. That's why he became my second in command, just like Theo is for you." Luka drank from his water. "We have two other women in the pack. Bryn and Lynn. Laugh if you want, their rhyming names are a running joke in our pack. Bryn I know for almost her whole life. How fit are you in werewolf genetics?" Liam snorted. "That a thing? I'd give it a solid zero." "To keep it simple: The werewolf gene is dominant most of the time. Werewolf parents will have werewolf children. Even if only one parent is a wolf, the child likely will be one as well. The chances are even higher by born wolves rather than bitten ones. But if you have several generations of werewolves mixing with humans there is a slight possibility to have a human child even as werewolf parents. In Bryn's family case it was the opposite. There had been some wolves here and there, some of them had been in contact with my father's pack, but for generations, there were only humans. Until Bryn was born. Boom. Human parents with a werewolf baby." "You're kidding me!" Liam was amazed at how crazy nature could get. "Absolutely not. But her family knew about werewolves and so they knew the name of my father's pack. They grabbed their daughter and moved closer to us, showed up at our door, and kindly asked my parents to help them. To make having yet another child running around somewhat plausible, we started calling Bryn Delany's and my second cousin. We kept this til this day and mostly refer to her as our cousin. Lynn, on the other hand, was bitten after a night of clubbing and then left to die. Mom found her somewhere in the ditch and brought her home. We were not sure she would survive but that girl is tough as nails. Don't underestimate her." "She reminds me of Sadie. One should never underestimate Sadie as well. She will kick your ass and probably gnaw on your bones without ruining her makeup." "Somehow that description also fits Maddie and Savannah", Luka realized. Liam had to agree with that. "Anyway, you said you had seven Betas. One's missing." "The latest addition to the pack before my parents died. Will. He's Sandro's cousin, full-blood-related this time. They have been close while growing up and he visited one time. This family is good at picking up things and he got curious. We never got to explain to him everything cause a hostile pack attacked and he was wounded badly. Dad turned him in an attempt to save his life. It worked and Will moved to live with us. Funny enough, he and Holden clicked almost as instantly as Sandro and I did. They just balance each other a bit better. Hopefully. One's a hothead, the other is too cocky for his own good sometimes. I think the day these two linked, Simon's world kinda ended. He had several gray hairs more after that day. Lynn once kept a tally which one had to get bailed out of jail more often..." Luka tilted his head. "Huh, wondered what happened to that. I think I was the third place..." Liam smirked and Luka gave him an innocent smile. "I mean, we are all law-abiding citizens and never do anything wrong. We stick together and love each other, as a family should." "So do we. My pack and I. They're my family and I don't want to miss anyone of them." "Tell you what, Liam, why don't you and you pack visit us? We could have a BBQ party. Next Friday, is that good?" "That's a great idea. I'll check with the pack and text you."
When I started this story, I imagined how many chapters this might will have and thought sixty was a good number. Now we are at chapter 60 and this story is far from over. I can't believe that. It's absolutely amazing and I want to thank every single one of my readers for the support. You all are amazing! Thank you!!!
In regards to this chapter, I like the friendship between Luka and Liam. They both are on the same wavelength and get each other. And it was fun working out Luka's Betas. In the next chapter, both packs will fully meet each other. I am excited.
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sierraraeck · 4 years
BAU x OC Aundreya
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: Aundreya does everything she can to save Spencer, which ultimately means sacrificing herself in the process. Story fifteen.
Category: Angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Mentions of drugs, prison, and homicide.
Word Count: 6.3k
A/N: Still fiction, still don’t know anything about prisons or their policies on handling inmates.
Nothing good in this world lasts for long, someone smart said at some point.
Not like things had exactly been going ‘good’ for us lately.
“Welcome home,” Sheriff Deborah sneered.
“Oh fuck you,” I hissed back.
“Wow, did you just say an expletive to an officer of the law?” she asked, feigning offense.
“Yeah I did. Last I checked, I’m protected by this cool thing called freedom of speech as a part of my rights.”
“You’re about to lose those,” an all too familiar voice piped up. Shit. This just got worse.
“Ah. Jane Doe, it’s nice of you to grace us with your ever-so-lovely presence,” I deadpanned.
“Nice to see you too,” she smirked. Sheriff Anderson and I went way back. She was the one who had initially caught wind that there was someone known as The Figure running around on the streets. I had been completely anonymous prior to that, and she was the one who brought all that unwanted attention on me. Since then, she apparently made a vow to catch me, and she really did try. Jane was the one that set up the first trap to try and lure me out and arrest me. She was also the one that encouraged calling in the FBI, who set another trap to try and get me to talk. I showed her my face that time and winked on the way out. Unfortunately, she had to be the one that finally arrested me when I got sent to the supermax. Needless to say, we were not friends.
“So what brings you to my cozy motel room this fine evening?” I asked. My bitchiness always elevated when Jane was around.
“Actually, I invited her,” Sheriff Madalina spoke up.
“Oh, did you now?” I asked incredulously.
“Sure did. I was thinking about the case, your case, and I realized that there was one name that just kept popping up. Luckily for me, Sheriff Anderson here was close by and very available.”
“I’m sure,” I rolled my eyes, “What’re you missing this time, Sheriff? A funeral, a graduation, another wedding..?”
“Will you ever put that to rest?” Jane asked.
“Will he?” I quipped. Once she started tracking me like a bloodhound, I figured I’d do some of my own digging. I found out that she’d skipped her plane ride out to Mexico so she could be there to simply watch the FBI deal with me. I found out later that after it was unsuccessful, she basically missed her own son’s wedding. I got quite the kick outta that and brought it up when I could, just to get under her skin.
“Aundreya,” it was Hotch this time. I had gotten so sucked into Jane’s guest appearance that I forgot the rest of the team was there, too. I guess that was probably what they were going for, bringing her here, to throw me off.
“It’s a valid question,” I remarked. “So what? You find a common problem and you all decide to tag team?”
“They’re here because they want to be, not because we asked them,” Sheriff Anderson stated.
“Oh, so you want to send us back to prison?” I glared at the team members. And to think I actually trusted them at some point.
“It’s not like that,” Morgan started.
“No, I think it’s exactly like that,” I cut him off.
“Careful Agent, I wouldn’t want you to end up the victim of aggravated assault. Again,” Jane smirked.
“Aggravated assault?” I questioned, my eyes getting a bit bigger, “I wouldn’t call it that.”
“Then what would you call it?”
“I’d consider it a workplace squabble,” I commented, suppressing a small smile.
Derek snorted and shook his head. Deborah was quick to step in, “You’d call attacking a special agent, then pulling a gun on your team a ‘workplace squabble?’”
“Absolutely,” I confirmed, “What would you call it?”
Deborah’s mouth hung slightly open before replying, “Aggravated assault of an agent.”
“Interesting, we should totally compare notes on definitions another time, but that’s not really why you’re here, is it?”
“No,” Jane shook her head, “We’re here because you broke out of prison. And brought company.” It was the first time anyone in the room had really acknowledged Spencer, who seemed cemented in place behind me. All eyes turned to him, and I could see the discomfort spread like wildfire across his features.
I drew the attention away from him by asking, “How’d you find me anyway?”
“An anonymous tip,” Anderson informed.
That’s when everything clicked.
Corbyn Young and the spying, Koda and dealing Spencer drugs, the sheer amount of drugs in Spencer’s apartment, the connection to Darrell Fairchild, how it was all slowly driving me crazy … and now? An anonymous tip accompanied by my least favorite cop?
“Wait, an anonymous tip?” I confirmed, shaking my head. How did I not see this?
I got no response, not like I needed one, and immediately started looking around. I took small, slow steps, being sure to stay in my own little radius, evaluating every nook and cranny of the motel. “There are cameras in here, aren’t there?”
Again, no response, just a bunch of gaping mouths. I let out a venomous chuckle. “You little bitch. I should have known. God, I should have fucking known!” I shook my head. “Of course it was you. But I mean, this … this is a whole new low, even for you. Invading my personal space, spying on us, using the same goddamned sheriff…”
“Chambers, who are you talking to?” Prentiss piped up.
I didn’t even answer. I was fuming. “And typically, you don’t even bother to show up because you can’t handle real face to face conflict. You never could. You always felt the need to record your victories instead. I mean, how else were people supposed to believe you,” I jeered. I’d finished searching the room and finally found what I was looking for. A tiny, black circle in the middle of the clock on the wall, recording everything. I flipped it off, making sure to shove my finger right in the middle of the frame. “Alright fine,” I performed the most obnoxious curtsey I could to be sure she’d see me, “Well played. Round five goes to you. But don’t forget, I’m still up three to two and you better believe I’m coming for you in the next one.”
“What the hell is going on?” Derek sounded confused and irritated.
Again, I blew the question off and turned to the sheriffs. It really wasn’t worth explaining. “Whatever you’re here to do, just do it.”
I saw the slight shock on everyone’s face, and I had a pretty good idea why. For someone that hated being caged, practically couldn’t be caged, I was giving up fairly quickly. But I knew that if Xena was behind this, which she had to have been, I wasn’t going to get out of it by stalling. Might as well just get it over with.
It was Jane who recovered first. “We’re here to arrest both of you and return you to your rightful places behind bars. You’re going for assault and escaping, and he’s going back for the murder of Corbyn Young.”
Both women started to take steps towards us as Deen’s voice came ringing back into my head. You have to focus on getting the two of you safe. Make sure that it wasn’t for nothing and that you finish this out.
I instinctively stepped in front of Spencer and blurted, “It was me, you were right.”
Their movement towards us halted. Sheriff Madalina’s brow was furrowed, “What?”
“You were right, earlier I mean, when you thought it was me who framed Reid. I did it.”
I felt Spencer’s hot breath on my ear as he whispered, “Aundreya, what-”
“Hush,” I whispered back.
“What are you saying?” Hotch probed.
I took in as much oxygen as I could manage and turned my attitude to stone, fighting the urge to rub my palms together. “I’m saying that it was me the whole time. Corbyn was one of my guys, and I had him tracking the members of this team. I found out that he was getting paid to keep tabs on me as well, and when I approached him about it, I realized that not only had he betrayed me, but he had sensitive information I didn’t want getting out. So I killed him. I hadn’t thought it through, and couldn’t afford to get caught. So the first thing I thought to do was set Spencer up,” I started.
“Stop, what are you-” Spencer tried.
“The people at the front desk had seen me often enough to dismiss my presence, so I just snuck past them with the drugs,” I continued. “I stashed them in his place so that when people found Corbyn, Spencer would look like the prime suspect.”
“Why are you telling us this now?” Deborah asked.
“Because while you may believe I have no capacity for emotions, I do. When I saw how badly beaten up Reid was, I just couldn’t choke down the guilt anymore. If he died, that would be my fault, and while I could handle him taking the fall for me, I couldn’t handle him dying for me. I thought that I could break us both out and get away with it, but clearly I was wrong.”
“I don’t believe you,” Jane stated.
“You should,” I retorted.
“You wouldn’t have a problem letting him die for you. I just can’t understand why you’re trying to take credit for what he’s done?” she pondered.
“Oh, come on sheriff, look at the kid. Does he really look like he could overpower and then murder a man like Corbyn?” I inquired.
“I mean, the evidence-”
“Screw the evidence. How long have you been tracking me to know that it doesn’t really matter? What does matter, is that I’ve killed people before, and will certainly kill people again. My track record says so. His,” I gestured to Spencer, “is squeaky clean. Come on Janey, you have everything you need, and this is a one time offer. It will never be this easy again.” I glanced over at the recording device inside the clock. I will never let her catch me this off guard again.
“Alright, then. Aundreya Chambers, you are under arrest for the murder of-” Sheriff Anderson started.
“You don’t seriously believe that, do you?” Reid interrupted.
“Of course they do. And out of all the people in this room, you should be the most willing to believe it,” I hissed. He was not making this easy for me.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Emily asked.
“We broke out of the prison, and on the way we had a little encounter, didn’t we?” I addressed. I looked back at Spencer, who’s eyes were just about as wide as his socket would let them, “Come on. You know better than anyone what I’m capable of.”
He swallowed.
“Reid, what is she talking about?” Derek pushed.
“Uh,” he looked down at me, and I shot my eyebrows up, inviting him to proceed. “On our way out, we ran into some guys. They were, um, the ones that beat me up a week ago. As we were trying to get around them, she uh…”
“Yes, Reid,” I prompted. If this is what it takes to get him out and safe, so be it.
“She slit his throat,” he mumbled, and I wondered if anyone else heard him. All it took was one glance around the room to know that they had.
“You what?” Derek’s jaw had crashed to the floor.
I hadn’t exactly planned on it, but that opened up the perfect opportunity for me to clear his name for escaping as well. “Which is probably why he was scared enough to go along with me.”
“So you’re saying he didn’t escape of his own free will?” Deborah confirmed.
“Correct. It was my plan, my execution, and he was probably so scared of what I could do to him with my drugs, dagger, and gun, that he just went along with it,” I shrugged.
“That’s not true,” Spencer huffed. Is he trying to get sent back to jail?
I looked over at Hotch with pleading eyes. He had to know what was actually happening, and if not, he had to help me get Spencer out of this. Because whether or not he thought I was guilty didn’t matter, because he knew Spencer wasn’t.
“If she’s been manipulating him this whole time, he’s probably still under her influence,” Hotch casually pointed out. Thank god.
“What? No, that’s not-” Spencer persisted, but it wasn’t going to work, not now that Hotch had stepped in.
“It’s called Stockholm Syndrome,” Hotch continued, all eyes locked on him, “We see it all the time. It’s very common when a victim believes that their captor is also trying to help them. In this case, he’d think that she’s helping him by getting him out of prison.”
“And you’re sure?” both sheriffs confirmed.
“Yes,” Hotch assured.
“Alright then.” Deborah escorted a stunned Spencer to where the rest of the team was standing with his mouth hanging open, the betrayal in his eyes set on his boss.
“It looks like I’ll be the one who gets to take you in,” Jane grinned.
“Looks like it,” I coldly retorted.
“I guess I’ll be keeping my promise after all.”
“Oh, really? Is that what you think this is?” I asked, some heat returning to my voice.
“I promised you that the next time I cuffed you, and sent you behind bars, the chair would be waiting,” she snickered, taking a few cautious steps my way.
“Don’t forget what I promised you, old Janey,” I tsked, “That you will never truly catch me, and no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you work, I will always get out of it.”
She rolled her eyes and firmly shook her head. “Not this time.”
“Are you willing to find out which one of us will be breaking our promise?” I challenged.
“I’ll take my chances,” she accepted, taking a few more steps in my direction, these a bit more confident.
In response, I stuck my wrists out at her, “Have at it.”
She quickly took advantage of what I was offering, turning me around against the wall and swiftly clasping the cuffs around my wrists. She tightened them as much as possible.
“Ooh, I didn’t realize you liked your cuffs that tight, Janey-poo,” I mocked. “Got a little kink to ya after all.”
She yanked me back from the wall, and I felt the hot words on her breath as she whispered, “I’ve pulled some strings to get you in solitary, practically in your own wing, once you arrive. You’ll be right next to the room where it happens, waking up and falling asleep with the knowledge that soon, it’ll be your final words you’re hearing echo down that hall.”
I just chucked, only guessing at how crazed I must have looked. Sheriff Anderson hauled me out of the room, but I resisted, fighting to turn around and look at the team. Who knows how long it’ll be ‘till I see them again?
I stood there, only for a second or two, but it was enough to give them all a definite nod. Jane shoved my head through the door frame of the police car, the familiarity of it all rising to the top of my mind. I looked out the window and saw a shadow of a figure, hovering outside of the motel. I didn’t have to look twice to know exactly who it was. Xena was looking right at me, and I winked at her, flashing one of my most cruel smiles.
She only got half of a win. She might have gotten me, but she didn’t get to Spencer, or anyone else on the team. Because there is no way in hell I’m going to let her touch them, not like last time.
It was as satisfying of a thought as any in that moment, as the squad car sped off in the direction of my new hell hole.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
Eight days.
That’s how long it took the team to give up on me.
Not only give up on me, but effectively replace me with Doctor Tara Lewis. It’s like they were waiting for something like this to happen and just jumped at the opportunity to get rid of me.
Did I confess to two murders, one I did commit and the other I didn’t commit? Yes. Did I have a pretty nasty track record? Definitely. Was I expecting to be left in prison for a long time? Absolutely.
But did I ever expect the BAU to just push me to the side like trash and forget about me? Absolutely not. And I would have never guessed that they would have actually believed me, believed that I did it. Not only that, but believed that I would have framed Spencer for it. Just when I thought I’d thought of everything.
The only person who ever visited me was Penelope, and she had to come in secret after the first week. She was the one who hinted at the fact that the rest of the team wasn’t exactly helping me anymore, and I dragged the rest out of her.
‘And the rest of them?’ I asked her.
‘They… they, uh…’
‘What Penelope? I can handle it.’
‘They don’t really know what to think,’ she reluctantly answered.
‘They think I did it, don’t they?’
‘Well… no, I think, um…’ I appreciated the effort, but I knew it wasn’t good.
‘Damn. So why are you here?’
Penelope’s sweet eyes couldn’t meet mine, and I knew that she was starting to be influenced by the rest of the team.
‘Everyone needs someone.’
‘Thank you, Garcia, but I know there is something more,’ I could see it in the way she tried to smile at me.
‘Did you really… kill that man?’
All I could do was sigh, ‘I’m sorry Penelope.’
I couldn’t stand to look at her anymore, so I got up and turned away, returning to my solitary cell, like Sheriff Anderson promised. She visited me one more time after that, and that was it. Whether that was on her own accord or because Derek or someone else found out and reprimanded her, I didn’t know, and I honestly didn’t care. I was back to being alone either way.
I kept to myself, not like I really had a choice, and tried to just ignore everything that was spinning out of control around me. At the end of the month, right after Penelope stopped visiting, I got granted ‘good behavior’ (plus they needed to free up some solitary space), so they moved me out and into a regular cell, where I could pretend to interact with people.
The day was going fine all the way up until some dumb bitch decided to announce to the cafeteria who I was.
“I cannot believe it,” the stalky, black braided hair chick said as she sauntered over. “It’s the great and powerful Alionth. Back at it again in prison, are we?”
I sort of recognized her as another initiate from the gang I rejected, but besides her face, nothing else came to mind. I kept my head down but rolled my eyes.
“Hello? I’m talking to you!” she squawked as two other girls came to back her up on either flank.
Jesus Christ. I sighed, voice dull, “I’m aware. Anything else I can help you with?”
“Oh, so you’ve got attitude. I know that you think you’re pretty hot stuff, but I run this place around here,” she spat.
I snorted, “You wish.”
She wadded up the collar of my jumpsuit and yanked me to standing. She held me up to the cylindrical pole near the center of the room, right behind my seat. Here we go.
“What did you just say to me?” Her heavy New Jersey accent was a crisp sound, pinging off the rows of metal tables and concrete walls.
“I said, ‘you wish.’ Sure, you’re high up in the rankings, but I know you don’t run this place. If I had to guess, you and your girls here are about third or fourth in command, but peaches over there,” I nodded my head toward the dark woman with a tapered afro, “is the real leader here.” That caught her attention, and I could see the curiosity in her eyes as she watched what continued to go down. “And blondie over there,” I gestured to another woman in the back, “is her second. That leaves three and four to be either you or my new bestie here,” I stated casually, directing my attention to the girl who sat a few seats over from me, “How’d I do?” I challenged.
Her grip on me loosened, and I could tell I had shocked her.
She quickly composed herself, though. “So I guess the rumors are true.”
“I bet they are,” I deadpanned, squinting me eyes.
“So, uh,” she licked her lips, “where’s your fed friends?”
I quickly grabbed her hand and forced her off of me. “Careful,” I warned through clenched teeth, tone cold.
“Why? You don’t want me talking about your pretty blonde friend or the rest of your so-called ‘family?’” she quoted the air, “I bet you’re thrilled you betrayed us to go work for the dirty swines that are leaving you in-”
Then I kicked her jaw in. I was not going to be taking shit from from some fourth-in-command, entitled bitch who knew nothing about me or my situation. I felt the top of my foot hit the side of her jaw as my toes dug into her neck. By the time she hit the floor, she was out cold.
At the sound of her body hitting the floor, the guards decided they wanted to pay attention. I saw them coming at me, so I quickly announced, “Any more questions?”
Right as I finished, lightning struck my body, sending shockwaves through my nerves. A guard had poked me in my shoulder blade with his taser, and I turned to grab the pole for support. I used every ounce of energy to keep myself on my feet, gasping for air. I felt a pair of hands going to grab my arm and escort me out but I shook them off.
“Anywhere you are taking me, I can get there myself,” I forced out through labored breaths. I pushed off of the pole, glared at anyone in my line of sight, and shook feeling back into my feet, just enough for me to walk. I took a couple of wobbly steps forward, and felt the hands return to my arms. “I said I got it. Back to solitary?”
I wasn’t expecting an answer, but a deep voice replied, “It’s almost like you’ve done this before.”
I chuckled. “You could say that.” I felt the eyes on me as I exited the cafeteria in a haste, having enough social interaction for one day.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
It had been about three months since Aundreya had been incarcerated, and Derek and Emily were on their way to see her. If they were being honest with themselves, they didn’t exactly know why. It could’ve been because she used to be their friend, it could’ve been to share whatever updates they had about her case, it could’ve been because they felt slightly guilty for not having visited her. Maybe they just wanted to see her face and look into her eyes when they asked her about what had happened, trying to gauge her reaction and get the best answers they could. Whatever the reason, they were there, and were walking down a strip of cells when a woman’s voice caught their attention.
“Don’t do that,” she warned, sandpaper coating her throat.
“And who are you?” Emily asked, sass evident in her undertone.
“Raven. I used to run this place until your bitch showed up,” she spat.
“And what does that have to do with us seeing her?” It was Derek’s turn to question.
“Are you really that stupid? No wonder you piss her off so much,” Raven smirked.
“What does that mean?” Derek snapped.
Raven’s smirk morphed into one that was condescending, “Aren’t you the people who supposedly cared about her, then gave up on her after like, a week?”
“That’s not-” Emily tried.
“Don’t try to deny it, we all know,” she interjected. “One of my girls was pressing all sorts of buttons before Alionth snapped, but the one that pushed her over the edge was the button with your names on it.”
“Alionth?” Emily arched an eyebrow.
Raven just huffed and shook her head in response, continuing with, “She barely even mentioned you guys and her ass was on the ground. Her whole face is practically broken.”
“Aundre- Alionth did that to a girl, because of us?” Derek sounded astonished.
“You and whatever the fuck you did to her,” Raven ignored his shock, “And as far as I know, she’s always been like that.”
“That’s not true,” Emily immediately defended, but anyone with ears could hear the wavering in conviction.
“Maybe you just brushed it off because she was ‘protecting a friend,’ or ‘saving an innocent.’ Maybe you just thought that the case got to her and that’s why she was particularly hateful toward the bad guy, and I mean, come on, it’s just a serial killer. Who cares if he gets a little bit roughed up or, honestly, if she shoots him if necessary? I could see how that would be deceiving. But that’s just her,” Raven casually stated, shrugging her shoulders, “She’s on-edge, ruthless, and violent. She’s ready to explode at any moment, taking any and everyone down with her. That’s how she’s always been. You didn’t really think she got all of that cleaned up because she joined the FBI, did you? You couldn’t have believed that she was magically fixed because she spent a few years with you?” She paused to eye the agents in front of her, but wasn’t really expecting an answer. She didn’t get one, “That’s not how it works. Twenty-four years versus three? I mean there’s really no comparison. You of all people should know that. And honestly, her being a stone cold bitch is working for us, and while I’m still sort of terrified, I guess I should be thanking you.”
“What for?” Derek demanded.
“I mean, I haven’t seen a prison run so smoothly, have you? Most of the girls in here, or at least the smart ones without a major attitude and ego trip, are getting upped for ‘good behavior’ because they know that if they do anything to piss her off, they will be in the infirmary in three seconds flat. Not to mention that she’s got basically every single guard under her thumb already. So for her sake, and for the good of all of the rest of us in here, leave her the fuck alone.” And with that, Raven sat back down in her cell, effectively shutting both agents up. Within the next couple of minutes, they both left without another glance behind them.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
The only other contact besides Penelope that I had with the team was a letter. A single letter, left on the bed of my solitary room when I returned there for the sixth time in four months.
It was an ongoing joke now, that whenever they let me out after my allotted time, it was always ‘see you in a couple days’ or ‘don’t stay away too long’ or something to that effect. Each time I left, it was like there was a new person in line, ready to take their turn at me. It was funny to me that there were still a few girls willing to fight me, already having previewed the outcome. But I guess the definition of insanity (which these girls definitely seemed insane to me) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, which in this case, was them heading to the infirmary for about the same amount of time I headed back to solitary. It was starting to form quite the nice routine, actually.
Except this one little piece of paper was not a part of the usual plan.
I picked up the envelope and scrunched up my nose at the guard who was about to shut the door in my face. “This for me?”
“Do you see anyone else in there?” he quipped. The squeak of the door as it was pushed shut and the clang of the lock vibrated throughout the small box they called a cell. I stared down at the stale envelope that matched the scenery around me, and sat on the skeletal mattress I frequented. I slipped my thumb under the flap, careful to avoid paper cuts, and slowly opened it, as if I were expecting a bomb to be triggered by my movements.
When I pulled out the letter, there was a single paragraph that bore into the delicate material.
I thought I knew who you were, but I don’t know what to believe anymore. I thought that you were helping out and there was no way that you would have let me take the fall for something you did, no way you would have even killed that man to begin with. But I also wouldn’t have thought you’d kill an inmate, no matter how awful, in cold blood right in front of me, that you’d changed and moved passed that. Now I’m supposed to defend you against separate murder charges, not to mention drug charges involving drugs I know you’ve taken, and I just don’t know how to anymore. All the evidence points toward you. But the one thing I can’t stop thinking about is what Hotch said the night we got caught: that you were manipulating me the whole time and I’d fallen into the trap of a professional criminal, even as a profiler. I don’t want to believe that, but maybe it’s true. Maybe you’re the one who’s been using me this whole time. I don’t have the answers, and I don’t think I ever will. Don’t keep tabs on me. I know you have the means to, in whatever capacity, but I don’t want you tracking my life. I no longer want you to be a part of it. And stay out of Maeve’s, in case you think that’s some twisted loophole you can use. This is no longer your family.
The room had never felt so silent before, so suffocating. All the air circulation in the room stopped at once, slowly making its way in my direction. It piled up on top of me like some sick game of tetris, stealing any oxygen I could get, collapsing my lungs in the process. The weight of that small cell, of that small letter, of those small words, pushed me under the smothering air, holding me there until I surrendered, allowing everything to go blank.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
“But do you think she’s back on drugs?” Derek persisted. It was something most of the team members had been arguing over for the past few weeks. Penelope had hacked the cameras inside the facility that was housing Aundreya, and observing her was a new pastime. Derek, Emily, JJ, Penelope, and Rossi would gather in the bat cave to see what was new with their recently-estranged team member.
“I don’t know. She seems unwavered by anything at this point. I just can’t tell if that’s just how she’s coping, or if that’s something more,” Emily joined.
“I don’t think she would.” It was JJ this time, “I mean, she worked pretty hard to get off of them the first time, and only got back on to help out your cousin. Plus, she didn’t relapse when she went in there for Spence.”
“True,” Derek acknowledged, “but she had a purpose going in there, and now she’s just sorta … in there.”
There was a moment of heavy silence before Penelope asked, “Do you think she knows?”
“Knows what?” It was the first time Rossi had entered the conversation this morning.
“You know, about … her case? Like how it’s going?”
“Who knows what she knows. She clearly just got some sort of information, but I’m not sure it’s about how badly her case is, otherwise I think she’d be looking a lot different,” Rossi pointed out.
Derek shivered, “It’s kinda freaking me out.”
“Which part?” Emily inquired.
“All of it. The way she’s nonchalantly getting into fights, not being affected at all by the taser, just sitting there in her cell completely unmoving with that creepy-ass smirk on her face…” Derek shook his head.
“Yeah, I see that, so I definitely don’t think she knows more about her situation. If she does, she’s not letting on,” Emily replied.
“I agree. I just want to know what she knows,” JJ expressed.
“And whatever is on that piece of paper. She brings it everywhere with her and just keeps looking over it,” Rossi added.
“What I really wanna know is: why hasn’t she gotten herself out yet?” The inquiry came from Derek’s mouth, but had been rattling around in everyone’s head. “What is she waiting for?”
“I mean, it takes a lot of effort to break out of a prison. Maybe she just hasn’t figured it out yet?” JJ offered.
“I don’t think so. When it came to breaking Reid out, she did it in under a week. She’s been in there … what? Six months?” Derek acknowledged.
“Seven months, one week, and two days,” Reid recited from the doorframe. It was the first time he’d even come near Garcia’s layer in the mornings since finding out the activities of the other agents. All heads whipped toward him. Before any other comments could be made, he stated, “We have a case.”
The rest of them shared a collective questioning look before trudging back to the bullpen.
Derek straggled, taking one last look at the girl he used to know, sitting inside a cement block on the screen, and mumbled to himself, “What are you planning?”
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
Prison is on a whole different planet. The time moves differently; not exactly slower, but definitely not faster either. It’s like each individual day takes eons to go by, but the next thing you know, you’ve already wasted over a year of your life in there, doing the same thing every day, over and over and over again.
There were only two things that kept time for me in the form of ‘pre’ and ‘post’: a single visit, and that letter.
That damn letter.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was obsessing over it. I read it at least 15 times a day, if not more, and everytime I read it, it was like the information was completely new to me. I kept trying to make sense of it, or at least push it past the thick layers of protection that were preventing me from understanding it, until I literally woke up reciting it. At that point, I forced myself to face the truth of the matter, and come up with a new pastime.
Which wasn’t much better.
I instead decided to obsess over a list of names I had scratched on the back of the letter. It was a simple list, but the weight of it was massive.
1. Troye Harding - 19, initiation
2. Sam Raxton - mid 20s, fight club
3. Em Taylor - 16?, me or her
4. Philip Dung - 34, self-defense
5. Lex Quinn - 18, traitor
6. Idina Perie - 28?, fight club
7. Brayden Price - upper teens, traitor
8. Ori B. - 44, ordered
9. Jay Nix - 21, self-defense
10. Chris W. - mid 30s, preventative necessary
11. Elle - mid 20s, pre-nes
12. Aiden Jaxton - 23, bad call
13. Jordan U. - 31, cross-fire
14. Andie Trinity - 39, pre-nes
15. Callie - 22?, bad call
16. J. Justin - 24, information
17. Victor Collins - 57, me or him
18. Sydney Racca- 20, me
19. Darrell Fairchild - 48, hurt Spence
The list contained those I’d personally killed, their age, and why. I thought it was important that at least someone remember them, and if they were gonna haunt anyone, who better than me? Plus, I liked the reminder of what had passed, and where I was now.
At some point I’d gotten so used to the violence and the hate that I just became immune to it all. At one point, I didn’t care who I hurt, or why. There was even a moment, one of the lowest in my life, where I didn’t need a reason anymore. I didn’t want a reason. All I wanted to do was just act out, but I forced myself to control it, releasing it in still unproductive ways, but not as unproductive. I turned back to drugs and fighting, which was ultimately my downfall. It’s what led to one of my best friends getting killed, something that I would never forgive myself for. It snapped me out of my daze, but not soon enough, because shortly thereafter I found myself behind bars, just like the ones surrounding me now.
Below the list, I had theee more names written out.
20. Xena Adaland
21. Jamar DeLeon
22. Aundreya Chambers
I wanted to stop, I wanted to be better. But I was in a situation that just didn’t seem to allow that. I told my father only months prior that there was always a way out without having to return to my old habits. I really wished that were true.
But here, in this cell, with the new information I had, I couldn’t see how it would be. They destroyed my life, and now, I had everything I needed. All I had to do was strike.
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let-it-show · 4 years
And Their Hearts Began to Glow
WHEW HERE WE ARE. It’s like, 2 am, but I have a little fic for Anna’s birthday. I wish I could write this lovely little spitfire something incredible, but alas I’ll have to settle for something loaded with fluff and sap. Anna asks Elsa a question, prompted by this line from the graphic novel.
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"How did you KNOW?"
Anna rolled on her side and looked at Elsa, eyes full of questions. She was happy, comfy on the thick blanket laid over the grass, and drunk off of delicious wine. The sky above them was clear and full of stars. All that could be heard around them was the crackling sound of the little campfire. Anna was cozily wrapped in a thin pair of black pants and a little light green nightgown. Elsa had decorated it with little icy hearts all along the bottom and a light blue ribbon tied around her waist.
Elsa stared back at her, clad in a simple light blue gown with white, snowy flowers on the chest and in her hair. She smiled as Anna reached for her hand. "What do you mean?"
"Every year you've told me when you first saw me, you loved me. How did you know though!?" Anna repeated, studying her. Elsa was three, how on earth did she know that? When Anna was three, aside from loving her sister she also loved flowers, chocolate, funny hats and sheep. While the love she had for Elsa was different than the other things, she never knew the depth of it. Apparently Elsa sensed differently.
"Oh Anna." Elsa laughed and squeezed her hand, propping herself up on one elbow. "I can't explain I just...knew. I walked into that room with some idea I was meeting someone special. Mother showed you to me and I looked at your face with you sleepy eyes, your cute little nose, I looked at your hands grabbing the blanket and your tiny, tiny feet...." She nudged Anna's foot with her own, bare against feet in little pink slippers.
Anna rolled her eyes. "Everyone loves BABIES. How did you know, how did you know how MUCH you loved me? I wanna hear it from your lips," she said, knocking her own feet against Elsa's.
"Where else would you hear it from?"
"I don't know..." Anna thought hard about that question. She started to say Elsa's tongue or her hips, but she knew where that would go but she was too drunk and giggly to focus on where she might want to kiss or be kissed. "Ummm...your...uh..."
"It-it wasn't that serious a question," Elsa answered with a laugh. She released Anna's hand to poke her nose. "You really want details, huh? Can't you just be content knowing you've always been loved?" she teased. A little breeze cruised through and Anna shivered only slightly in the otherwise warm air. "No! I want to know-I want to know stuff!" she demanded, smacking the blanket for emphasis. "Everything! How'd you still know when we couldn't see each other? When you said hi to me at your coronation party, was it because you knew? Story story story!"
"...." Elsa shook her head and then pulled herself up to a sitting position. She pointed her finger over her own shoulder and made herself a sturdy little ice column to prop her back up against.
"Woah," Anna gasped, lifitng her head from the blanket. "Sometimes I forget you can do that."
Elsa stopped suddenly and gave her an incredulous look. "How!?"
"I dunno. Sometimes I just think about how pretty you are and forget," Anna blurted. That was not at all how she meant to explain herself but she had immediately forgotten what she initially would have said. That have been some strong wine...
Elsa's braided hair did glisten under the moonlight, her features highlighted and her beauty more striking than ever. Anna not only couldn't believe she was in love with someone so beautiful, but that she even KNEW someone so beautiful. Her curves, from her lips to her legs, made Anna melt. A minute ago she had felt silly and then she wanted to run her palms over all that skin.
"-what I'll do with you. Besides, I'll tell you again and again how gorgeous you are," Elsa had been saying.
"Wait, what?" Anna snapped to attention. She's been lost in her thoughts.
"You weren't paying attention at all." Elsa shrugged and laughed, patting her thighs. "Come here."
With a big smile Anna crawled over and flopped down on her back with her head on Elsa's legs. She looked right up at Elsa's flawless face, blue eyes connecting with her own. Anna couldn't think of what to say for a minute and simply hummed when Elsa took her hand and held it on her stomach. Her other hand played in Anna's loose hair. It felt amazing.
"How did I know...how did I know," Elsa mused, watching her for a minute before taking a breath and looking to the stars. "I entered that room and laid eyes on you. Something seemed to take a hold of my heart, but not in a bad way. I remember feeling such warmth inside of me. I remember my fingers tingling, little sprinkles of snow falling from them. I was incredibly happy. That was the main part. I felt like...like some space in me I didn't know existed had been filled with exactly what it needed. This feeling surrounded me and welcomed me, and I welcomed it. All I knew was love."
Anna had been gazing at the sky above them as well when she noticed little fuzzy white flakes forming in the sky below the stars. They sparkled blue, pink and green as they formed little Elsa and baby Anna. "Wow!" Anna whispered. In little Elsa's chest an icy blue diamond began to shine, beating like a heart. So did a light purple one in Anna. Pink sparkly snow sprouted from the light purple diamond and flowed across the small space between the girls before touching Elsa and bursting into a glimmering cloud that surrounded her. Elsa hurried toward baby Anna and when they met...
Elsa pulled her hand from Anna's hair and raised it, palm up. She suddenly made a fist. The sky exploded with multicolored snow above them, falling down around them on their blanket. Behind the snow stars continued to glow brightly against the deep blue sky. Anna wore a big grin as the cool flakes kissed her face. "That feeling has always been there," Elsa continued softly. "Every day spent with you, and even those long years behind the door. I would know you were there even when you were quiet as a mouse," she said.
"Mouses-mice...aren't quiet. They squeak an-ooh. Sorry," Anna sheepishly smiled when Elsa stared at her and lowered her hand back down to her hair.
"Don't be. I love hearing you talk. Those days in my room, it brought me such joy to hear you ramble through the door. Sometimes you got tongue-tied in what you were saying or went off on tangents, or forgot what your point was entirely. I didn't dare laugh but I'd be covering my mouth and trying to control little spirals of ice flowing around the room and glowing pink and purple. I'm sure if my heart could literally glow I'd have blinded by the light you gave it." Elsa continued to look down at her with adoration. "I may not have actually realized what it all meant, but I did know I loved you deeply then."
Anna blinked up at her. "You...I wish I had broken down the door! I would have loved the ice and I would have hugged you so so tight!" Elsa constantly blew her mind with the wonderful things she said and Anna could hardly take it. After speaking she turned her head and tried to hide it in Elsa's stomach. Her face was burning red from a blush and the wine and her head swam with hearts of all the soft icy colors she could think of.
And to think some years ago she had dared think she would always feel lonely, think she was some spare that even her sister wasn't particularly interested in. She was just a princess who existed within the confines of a castle, her only escape the books that filled the library. Even knowing there would be a day when she could meet people, Anna had wondered if anyone would want her company. She had felt so isolated...
"Oh Anna." Elsa's stomach vibrated wonderfully as she giggled down at her and Anna tried to press her face closer to it. She loved hearing her laugh. "When I saw you at my coronation I didn't just want to hug you, I wanted to take you across the dance floor. I wanted to tell you thank you for never giving up on me, wanted to tell you I only loved you more each day. I wanted to tell you everything, but I was so scared."
"Powerful ice spirit, scared of what I might think," Anna murmured against her. It still surprised her.
"Scared too, of hurting you again." Elsa squeezed her hand. "But none of that now. I've answered what you asked me, and I don't want to revisit the fear and pain of being ripped away from you. Just let me spoil you, let me give you this moon and this sky and soon, the sun."
Anna slowly turned her head to look up at Elsa again. "You know you don't have to give me anything. Maybe more wine? But nothing else. Ummm...your presence I mean. So you and wine, but nothing else!" she rambled out, and then stopped and laughed at herself. What the heck was she even saying?
"I give you more wine and I'll soon be carrying you to the tent," Elsa pointed out. "If that's what you'd like however? Anything you ask Anna, anything you ask and I'll give it to you."
That, Anna knew, was the truth. It was the complete truth. Anna could ask for treasure from a far away land and Elsa would prepare herself to track it down for her. Anna could ask for the ocean, and Elsa would summon Nokk to help her wrangle it.
Anna didn't want any of that, though. It all sounded like too much effort and time away from Elsa. She was content playing tag with her through the castle hallways and tickling her when she did catch her. "Anything I ask..." Anna found herself repeating.
"Is there any ice cream cake left?" Anna asked eagerly.
Elsa laughed gently as she brought Anna's hand to her lips for a gentle kiss. "Of course there is. Ice cream cake, wine, and cuddles?" she asked hopefully. "Or you know, whatever you want."
Anna smirked and wiggled her hand free from Elsa's so she could pinch her cheek. "You are so, so cute, I love your cute everything," she told her. It wasn't terribly eloquent. She didn't care. "I'm so lucky that you are so cute." Who would have ever known that the icy queen of Arendelle was such a cuddlemonster? Anna was grateful for it every day.
She was rewarded by a blush from Elsa. "I'm...Anna you..." she faltered and just sighed. "I love your everything too," she finally managed.
Anna giggled then and pet the cheek she had pinched before. Another thought occurred to her. "Before anymore wine, will you make us in the sky again? Can we burst into color again? I want to see it over and over," she said shyly.
She saw Elsa's eyes light up at the request and immediately the snow began to form again. Above them there were two women with diamonds for hearts, and Elsa began to raise her hand once again. "As you wish, my love."
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dreamingabouttaron · 4 years
The Assistant Part 9
“What?” You asked. Had you really heard that correctly? Or was your mind playing tricks on you? You knew this was the time for honesty but boy that was bold. You admired his boldness but it sure did take you by surprise.
“I want to kiss you.” He stated with more confidence this time.
You snatched a breath. Your eyes scanned his face. His eyes were full of lust and danger. This excited you, you couldn’t stop the passion building inside of your core. You felt yourself instinctively lean closer to Taron. You closed your eyes as you felt your cool foreheads resting against each others. The sound of each others erratic breaths filled the air. You felt each others breath against your lips. It filled you with lust. You both didn’t move, it felt like time had stopped still. Was this really happening? You felt a slight scrape of Taron’s lip across yours. It sent a current of electricity into your stomach. You couldn’t hold back any longer. You broke the thick air between you and  pressed your lips into Taron’s feeling them melt into one another's. This was it. This is what you had wanted for weeks.��
You pulled back breaking the contact and looked into Taron’s eyes. You felt butterflies bursting inside your belly. You couldn’t take it any longer, you needed to feel his lips against yours again. You smashed your lips back against Taron’s in a passionate kiss. Your lips moving against each other trying to get more. You felt desperate. When it came to Taron you were desperate. His hands held you close to him. For a moment you forgot about the ‘love triangle’ that you were in. You placed one hand behind Taron’s neck and the other gently tugged at his hair. You could feel Taron releasing slight moans against your lips. He pulled away and gently kissed down your neck. You breath hitched in your throat, this felt incredible. You suddenly realised where you were and pulled yourself away from Taron. You looked at Taron in shock, his breath was erratic and he looked wild with passion. His eyes were wide, his lips were plump and red and his hair was a mess.
What on earth just happened?
You calmed your breathing and released Taron’s hair from your hand. His eyes tried to work out what you were thinking. You ran your tongue over your bottom lip tasting Taron upon them.
“I don’t think that should’ve happened…” You eventually said.
“I know, but you can’t deny it felt right.”
You sighed and ran your hands over your face and groaned. “Fuck T!”
It’s true, you couldn’t deny that it felt right. It felt more than ‘right’, it felt perfect. But that didn’t excuse the fact you had just gone behind Emily’s back. You would hate to be in Emily’s situation and you knew that you were just as much at fault.
“I think we should go.” You stood up from the bench and wrapped Taron’s jacket around your body in a protective manner. He nodded sadly and stood up.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
As you walked back to the hotel you couldn’t stop your mind from racing. You occasionally felt Taron’s fingers brush past yours as you walked, each time it sent sparks through your hand and up into your arm. You had to stop every little impulse in you that wanted to reach out and take his hand in yours. You couldn’t and you knew it wasn’t appropriate.
As you approached the entrance of the hotel you watched the doorman open the door for you both. Taron signalled for you to enter before him. You both made a beeline for the elevator. You both waited patiently for it to arrive. When it did arrive you stepped aside and allowed people to exit without any obstructions. You were just about to step inside when you heard someone call Taron’s name. You turn to see Jamie Foxx approaching Taron. You watched the pair hug and greet each other. You stepped out of the door of the lift and stood aside with your head down waiting politely for them. A few moments into the conversation you heard Taron invite you over.
“Megan… come over.” He signalled and you walked over with a smile on your face.
“Hello, lovely to meet you.” You greet Jamie and place your hand out to shake his hand.
“You too.” Jamie shook your hand and looked you up and down. Perhaps looking at Taron’s jacket on your petite frame. “So you guys are…” He squinted and looked at you both. You and Taron looked at each other in surprise and both tried to explain that you worked for him over the top of each other. You both stopped and giggled at each other.
“Only an assistant?” Jamie pushed. Was it written all over your face? Did he know something? You felt yourself getting flushed.
You both quickly nod. “Yes, only an assistant.”
Jamie smirked at himself, “Sure…”
“I… I have... a girlfriend.” Taron said and looked down awkwardly. The words hit you like a ton of bricks. How could you forget. The guilt ran through your veins.
“Well it was wonderful to meet you Megan. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Jamie wished you well and went off to continue his evening.
You walked ahead of Taron and pressed the elevator for the second time that evening. It arrived quickly and you both stepped inside as Taron pressed for your floor. As you arrived at your floor Taron placed his hand on your lower back and guided you down the corridor to your rooms. As you arrived at your rooms you both stood and looked at each other. You knew you had to be careful with Emily just meters away. You didn’t know if she was still awake and possibly listening out for us to arrive back.
“Goodnight Taron.” You whispered.
“Megan...” Taron reached out to touch your hand. “Goodnight.”
You smiled weakly and took your keycard out of your bag and entered your room. As soon as you entered your room; you pushed your back against the door and closed your eyes. Why me? You didn’t wish this situation on anyone. You knew you needed to get your head straight or else you could lose everything. You had worked so hard to get this job and you couldn’t let some lust take this all away from you. You also couldn’t risk being in a love triangle. You had seen couples around you fall apart due to a third person being in the picture and you refused to be the one that would cause someone else pain. No matter what your heart was telling you.
You leant down and took your shoes off. As you did so your nose was flooded with the smell of Taron’s aftershave. You looked down to at the jacket you were still wearing. You shook you head and slid it off your shoulders. You placed the jacket over the chair next to the desk and sat back on the bed. You raised your fingers up to your mouth and touched your lips delicately. Your tongue ran over them tasting the remnants of Taron. You knew it was wrong but you just wanted more. You felt like you couldn’t get enough. The way that his kiss felt and the way your lips moulded together was something you would never forget. That kiss made you feel special. It made you feel like you were floating on air. Just the thought of it made you think about Taron placing tiny kisses all over the rest of your body making you squirm in delight.
Before you allowed your mind to wander any further; you stood up and got yourself ready for bed. You had planned to spend the morning exploring the city before you joined Taron with the welcome party at the hotel in the evening. As you climbed into bed you thought about Taron in his room. You thought about him stripping his clothes off and climbing into bed. Until you remembered he would be climbing into bed next too Emily. Holding her close, wrapping his arm around her waist and nuzzling into her neck. You shook the thoughts from your head and attempted to fall asleep.
Little did you know that Taron was laying in bed next too Emily however, each of them were on opposite sides of the bed not touching. It had been like this for a while. They seemed to go through ups and downs and they were certainly experiencing a down. They hadn’t really been intimate for a while and even when they did it just felt forced. What they had used to be special but the spark was slowly dwindling. They had been together for a while, they were planning on buying a house together after this project. The plan was to settle down together. But this situation made Taron question if it was the right decision. Taron thought back to what had happened at the park, he couldn’t stop the smile from forming on his face. He felt guilty, he really did but he was experiencing emotions he hadn’t experienced for a really long time. He craved it. He needed more.
Hello! I wanted to thank everyone for the kind words of support! It all means a lot to me. I was wondering if people would like to be added to a tag list? I’ve never done one before but it seems to be the thing here on tumblr. If you would like to be added let me know. Best Wishes x
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miracle-sham · 5 years
Plan D for Dicey.
| {MaribatMarch2020 – Week 1, Day 6: Unconventional Weapon} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] |
| Triggers/Warnings: D&D typical Violence, kidnapping/imprisoning of Player Characters, Explicit Language/Swearing, (Also not so much a Trigger/Warning but this a gen/platonic fic). |
| The Wayne (bat)family attempt to play their first streamed session of Warriors and Warlocks. Unpredictably, things go surprisingly well. |
| Word Count: 4323 |
| A/N: So firstly, I got really carried away writing this so it's being posted a day late. Sorry! But fun fact, this means I'm posting this on my birthday, so wooh! Also if you can't tell yet, I'm a massive D&D geek (been playing for roughly five years now but I still fell like a complete noob whenever I play or DM :P). And DC has its own version of D&D (W&W/Warriors and Warlocks) and upon reading Day 6's prompt, my immediate thought was the improvised weapons mechanic from D&D. Also also, I originally intended for this fic to be MariTim (hence the tags) but I got caught up in all the platonic fun of the family playing D&D I kinda forgot to write in the shippy bits? |
| A/N cont.: Writing this was actually a massive challenge because at the start of this I had absolutely zero idea on how to write a D&D session as a ficlet. So this might be a bit more clunky and unrefined compared to my normal work (or that could just be my self-doubt talking). As I mentioned earlier, I got really carried away writing this because I love D&D so much. I would have written more but this ficlet is long enough and late enough as is. But if I were to continue this ficlet in additional parts, I definitely can already think of so many ways to improve writing this sort of fic (and maybe next time I won't forget to add in shippy stuff). Anyway, thanks to those who read these A/Ns, and I hope you guys enjoy reading this! |
| If you want to be tagged in future oneshots/fics, or a specific Au, then comment or send me a DM/ask! |
| Also side note, Don't Like? Don't Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
Marinette, with Tikki on her shoulder, bursts into the Wayne Manor games room, barely able to contain her excitement. As the first in the room, she can't help but glance across the square conference U-table already set up with everyone's character sheets, dice equipment, other equipment, and snacks and drinks. Bounding over to her designated seat (right side, place nearest to the DM's section of the table), she pulls her chair out and sits down.
 The rest of the Wayne (bat)family, including Steph but sans Alfred and Barbara, slowly filter into the room and take their designated seats. Jason takes his seat next to Marinette whilst Dick takes the seat directly opposite. Steph nabs the seat beside Jason, Damian stakes a claim to the seat next to Dick (despite it already being his designated seat), Cass sits down in the seat beside Steph, leaving Bruce to take his seat next to Damian.
 Tim's the last of the family to enter. He slips into his seat, the DM's seat—as he is the most experienced Warriors and Warlocks player at the table—and grins downright ferally at his players.
 He looks up at the cameras and recording equipment that is set up in the middle of the open space in the square U-table. “Hello and welcome to Plan D for Dicey, the first-ever Wayne Family Warriors and Warlocks fifth edition stream. We weren't quite expecting so many people to petition that we stream our sessions after a few people—” Tim fake coughs twice, “—Dick and Marinette—” Tim fake coughs twice again (whilst Marinette and Dick both grin and wave cheerfully at the cameras), “—rambled about their characters and some highlights from previous sessions, on Twitter. So we decided to give this a go and see how the session pans out whilst being streamed. So as a word of warning, prepare yourselves for the Venators, probably one of the most dysfunctional parties in W&W to miraculously band together.”
 As soon as he says this, the rest of the table burst into grins and cheers (excluding Bruce who despite also smiling, looks like he's just aged five years). Marinette's side of the table all high five each other in their excitement.
 Tim pauses for a second. “For anyone unfamiliar with who I am, I'm Tim. And as you can probably tell from the table set up, I'm the Dungeon Master for this campaign. That's because I've been playing W&W for just over five years now and have had experience DMing before. But for the rest of the players here, this is their first campaign and by extension first time playing. So before we begin our session, first let us introduce our players and their characters.” He nods to Marinette's side of the table.
 She immediately slaps her hands on the table, pushes her chair out and stands, she waves at the cameras again. “Hi, I'm Marinette and my character is Nella Septa-Punctata. She's a Protector Aasimar Celestial Pact of the Chain Warlock, and she has a Sprite Familiar called Tikki. Nella's Chaotic Good and a little anxious but she tries her best to be a kind and heroic adventurer.” She then sits back down, scraping her chair back in again.
 Jason raises an eye at Marinette's antics but shrugs. “I'm Jay, I play a Winged Variant Feral Tiefling Gunslinger called Rehodros. He's Chaotic Neutral, verging on Chaotic Evil at times, and he only joined the Venators because they helped save him from backstory related stuff and he ended up getting reluctantly attached to them.”
 Deciding to also stand up from her chair as well as slap the table with both hands, Steph smirks at the cameras. “I'm Stephanie, my character's Speilsol Leyer, and she's a Chaotic Good Variant Human Ancestral Guardian Barbarian with the Tavern Brawler Feat. She lives for beating up bad guys and doing good, even if it goes against the law.”
 Cass decides to take things one step further and moves to sit on the back of the chair, balancing it carefully as to not let herself fall. She waves at the cameras. “Hi, I Cass. Play Balabitara. Neutral Good, Kalashtar Shadow Monk.” She then sits back down on the chair normally.
 With one half of the table introduced, Tim nods towards the other side of the table.
 Dick winks at the cameras, “I'm Dick and I play Niriwyse, a Chaotic Good Eladrin Glamour Bard who's along for the ride and just wants to have a good time.” At that, he wiggles his eyebrows.
 Scoffing, Damian glares at the cameras. “I am Damian and my character is Rokian. He is a Firbolg Circle of the Shepherd Druid and is Lawful Neutral in the sense that he believes the only laws that should be obeyed in the world, are that or the laws of nature. He begrudgingly joined this party of adventurers after they saved an animal friend of his.”
 This leaves Bruce as the only one to have not introduced himself and his character yet. He smiles his Brucie Wayne smile at the cameras. “My name's Brucie and my character is called Chirop. He's a Chaotic Good Bugbear Swashbuckler Rogue. He comes across as very gruff, but he's just a big old teddy bear at heart.”
 Tim coughs under his breath. “Alright, with our introductions over, let's get on with the show.” The lights in the room suddenly dim and turn a dark red shade whilst creepy echoing organ music begins to play from hidden speakers. “Last session, our brave party of seven adventurers were captured by the evil Lich Dreldaz whilst trying to rescue the beautiful princess Theophania—”
 “—Timothea!” Corrects the rest of the table.
 Rolling his eyes, Tim continues. “—from the cursed castle in which she has been trapped in, by Dreldaz.” He pauses, steepling his fingers as the dim red lighting becomes a dark grey shade. “The Venators awaken, only to find themselves shackled to the walls, in individual stone brick cells and stripped of any and all equipment bar the clothes on their backs. From what you all can immediately tell upon waking, these cells are small, cold, dark and dingy. What do you do?”
 The seven players all exchange glances between themselves.
 “I'd like to look around my cell, see if I can find anything or if I can get an idea of what the cellblock we're in looks like?” Jason announces after a few seconds.
 Tim nods. “Roll a perception check, please.”
 Jason narrows his eyes Tim. He reaches towards the red and black dice set beside his character sheet and picks up the D20. He shakes the dice in his hands before rolling it into the dice box. It lands on a 7. “Alright so because I don't have my gear any more, that means I don't have my eyes of the eagle right?”
 “That's right,” Tim responds.
 “Mmk, that's a seven then, plus my perception modifier… Fourteen total.” Jason glances up at Tim once he finishes calculating.
 Humming, Tim glances down at his Mysterious™ DM notes. “With your Darkvision, you manage to make out that there are two small barred windows on the walls adjacent to the wall with the cell door. The door luckily has a barred window in it too, but you're too far away to glean anything from peering at it.”
 Marinette purses her lips and double-checks her character sheet. “Is there anything magical about the darkness in these cells?”
 “Roll an Arcana check to see.” Is Tim's response.
 She reaches over to the pink and gold dice set beside her character sheet and picks up the D20. She shakes the dice in her hands before rolling it into the dice box. The D20 lands on a 16. “Sixteen! Wait, plus my arcana modifier, uh…” She scans her sheet for the relevant modifier, “plus six, so that's uh… oh heck maths, uhh I think that's twenty-two total? Yeah.” She nods to herself at calculating the maths.
 Jason snorts and addresses the cameras. “This is why you should stay in school kids!”
 Huffing, Marinette elbows him in the side. “Fight me!”
 Not evening flinching at the elbowing, Jason pats her on the top of her head. “Friendly fire, Mari! Friendly fire!”
 Tim waits for silence with his best poker face on. “As far as you can tell, there is nothing magical about the darkness!”
 “Really?” She furrows her brows. “Alright then.”
 He smiles in response.
 Dick glances down at his character sheet then up at Tim, he taps his fingers against the table idly as he speaks. “The walls of the cells are stone? So I can use my Cli Lyre to cast Stone Shape and create a hole in the stone where the metal shackles connect, which would free me, right!”
 Clicking his tongue, Tim shakes his head. “Nope, you don't have your Cli Lyre on you right now, so you can't cast any spells from it.”
Cursing under his breath, Dick frantically scans his character sheet for anything. He reaches his spells and freezes and slaps the spell sheet (and by extension, the table). “Ah hah!” He crows, “I will cast Knock on the shackles!”
 Tim raises an eyebrow, then looks down to flip through his spell cheat sheet. “When you cast the spell, it makes a loud knock that's audible for up to three hundred feet. Are you sure you want to cast this?”
 Dick falters and furrows his brow, then glances around the table at the rest of the party. “I think I'll wait and see if anyone else has a way to escape this first? Wait we can all hear each other speaking from our cells, right?”
 “You can indeed.” Tim answers.
 “I got nothin',” Jason admits, putting on his Rehodros voice, which is just his normal voice but deeper and with a raspy—almost hissing—clipped tone.
 Steph, using her Speilsol Leyer voice (which sounds like she's putting on a weak German accent), shrugs. “I could try breaking the shackles? I'm strong enough to do cool things like that?”
  “But that will also be fairly loud.” Bruce points out, speaking with a gruff tone of voice (which is significantly different from his gravelly Batman tone of voice) for Chirop. “If I had my lockpicks, it would be easy to escape stealthily. But without them, I can't see a way for me to get out of these shackles.”
 Damian wrinkles his nose. “I might be able to summon creatures, elementals, or fey but what I get is determined by the DM and may not be entirely helpful. However, I could try wildshaping?”
 Tim smiles cryptically and the lighting behind him changes from dark grey to lime green. “You could.”
 Damian nods. “Alright then, I will use my wildshape ability to transform into a spider.”
The lime green light fades to flickering orange-red light. “As you try to use your druidic abilities to magically assume the shape of a spider, you feel a burning sensation around your wrists, right where the shackles are. You are unable to transform and take…” Tim pauses as he pulls out his black and red dragon dice and rolls a D6 behind the DM screen. “Five points of fire damage.”
 Cursing under his breath in Arabic, Damian glares at Tim. He crosses out his current hp and writes down the new amount.
 Jason taps Marinette on the shoulder. “What about Nells, Mari? She got any tricks up her sleeve to escape?”
 Marinette startles at that, having been chewing her lip and staring intently at her character sheet since her arcana check. She licks her lips then glances up. “I might…”
 She taps a small stat block card with a pencil and turns to Tim with an intense stare. “Is Tikki nearby?”
 At that, Tim grins widely and raises a finger. “That,” He says, flipping through his notes, “is a very good question.”
 “Because on my notes, here it says that last session Tikki was invisible when we all got captured.” Marinette picks up her session notes journal and shows it to him.
 “Would you say Tikki followed after you when you got caught?”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side and Tikki whispers in her ear. Of course, the cameras inability to record kwamis means it just looks like she's thinking instead of listening to a flying red bug deity. “Yep, I would say that. I would also like to telepathically communicate with Tikki and ask if she can come and pick the locks because we gave her a spare Thieves' Tools kit last shopping session in case she needed to pick the locks during an invisible scouting mission!”
 “Indeed you did, so Tikki flies over to your cell and will try to pick the locks on your door first. So roll a d20 and add Tikki's Dex bonus.” He instructs.
 Marinette nods and picks up the dice, cupping her hands underneath it so Tikki can shake then roll it without it looking suspicious on camera. Tikki shakes the dice and drops it as Marinette separates her hands. The dice lands in the box and rolls a 16. “Plus Tikki's Dex mod, that's uh…” She scrambles for the Sprite Familiar statblock card, “Plus four, so dirty twenty!”
 “That's enough to pick the lock. Do you want Tikki to enter the cell and try to pick the lock?” He asks.
 She nods and repeats the roll with Tikki, this time rolling an eleven. “With mods, fifteen.” Tikki then returns to her place on Marinette's shoulder.
 “Tikki barely manages to get the locks open. The shackles open and you land on the cell floor.”
 Marinette punches the air. “Wooh! Freedom!”
 Cass then waves her hand in the air. “Shadowstep out?”
 Tim cocks his head to the side. “As you don't have Darkvision, you can't see outside your cell but you manage to use your shadowstep ability to escape the shackles. Then by peering out the barred window in the door, you manage to shadow step into the cellblock corridor.”
 Marinette and Cass share a high-five.
 “Let's go free everyone else!”
 It takes them ten minutes to finish freeing everyone else, and start making their way out of the dungeon cell block. The Venators now make their way through the bowels of the castle, searching for the armoury in which all their belongings have been stored.
 “As you push open the grand oak doors, the faint scent of sickly sweet rotting food and fire hits your noses. The doors reveal the next room to be a grand dining room with a long oak table, set as though prepared for a grand feast expecting many a guest. It's adequately lit but the two corners of the room above the door seem to glow with a dim greenish glow.” Tim pauses in his description as lighting changing to a dim greenish light behind him; he rolls a D8 four times (6, 7, 2, 4), behind the DM screen, followed by the rolling of a D20 four times (3, 19, 13, 18).
 “Oh god…” Dick mutters, 
 Jason huffs. “What are you going to torture us with now, oh great DM?”
 Tim smiles cruelly. “Four rays of fire are shot towards the party from somewhere within the dining room. First attack is an eight versus Chirop's AC?”
 Bruce sighs in relief. “That's a miss.”
 Tim continues to smile. “Mmk, the rest of the attacks are, twenty-four versus Balabitara's AC, eighteen versus Niriwyse's AC, and twenty-three verses Rokian's AC. I assume those hit.”
 Damian narrows his eyes at Tim, whilst Dick winces and Cass pouts.
 Tim rolls a D6 nine times, behind the DM screen. “Balabitara takes four points of fire damage, Niriwyse and Rokian both take eight points of fire damage.”
 The three all jot down the damage taken.
 Still smiling, like the truly evil DM that he is, Tim clasps his hands together. “Two skulls, enveloped with green flames, descend from the ceiling. One hovers over the grand table and the other hovers but the top of the opened doors, giving itself cover.” He pauses, then grins. “With the surprise round over, everyone roll initiative!”
 Out of habit, all seven players, and Tikki, roll their D20s in almost perfect sync. Dick rolls an 18, Cass rolls a 9, Jason rolls a 14, Bruce rolls a 16, Steph rolls a 17 with advantage, Damian rolls a 2, Marinette rolls a 10, and Tikki rolls a 14.
 “Twenty or above?” Tim asks.
 “Twenty three,” Bruce announces.
 Jason rolls his eyes. “Twenty-one.”
 Dick grins, “Twenty one as well!”
 Tim scribbles down the rolls on the initiative table. “D'awww, you both rolled twenty-one. Anyway, fifteen or above?”
 “Tikki rolled an eighteen.” Informs Marinette.
 “I got nineteen!” Steph exclaims.
 Jotting down those rolls as well, Tim asks “Alright, anyone ten or above?”
 Cass signs her roll, ‘fourteen.’
 “Thirteen.” Marinette answers.
 Tim glances at the initiative table, then at Damian. “And you Damian?”
 Damian scoffs. “Three.”
 “Okay.” Tim then rolls a D20 twice. “Chirop! You're up first!”
 Bruce looks slightly bewildered. He clears his throat. “Can I grab the nearest sharp pieces of cutlery and sneak behind a chair?”
 Tim nods. “Roll stealth.”
 He rolls an 18. “My stealth modifier is plus thirteen, so thirty-one to stealth.”
 Tim whistles, “To the rest of the Venators, it looks like Chirop just vanishes into thin air.”
“Are any of the enemies close enough that I could move into melee range?” He questions.
 “There's one floating Flameskull hovering five foot in the air, with your Long-Limbed trait, it's well within reach,” Tim informs.
 Bruce narrows his eyes. “I would like to stab the Flameskull with the sharp cutlery, knives are preferable.”
 “Roll to hit. As knives are close enough to daggers, I'll say you can get away with adding your proficiency bonus as well.”
 Bruce rolls, with advantage, a 19. “Plus my modifiers, that's twenty-eight to hit.”
 “That hits.”
 Bruce rolls for damage, 2. “That's two, so seven.” He then rolls for Surprise damage, 8 (5, 3), and Sneak Attack damage, 24 (6, 2, 5, 6, 5). “That's a total of 39 piercing damage. Then I'll use my bonus action to stab it again,” He rolls a 16, “Twenty-one to hit.”
  Tim puts on his best poker face. “That also hits.”
 “Then that'll be…” He rolls a 1. “One damage from the second attack.”
“The Flameskull you hit screeches in fury as it crumbles to bone dust.” Tim then proceeds to make a horrific screeching sound, for immersion of course.
 “What the fuck, Timbo?” Jason asks, wincing.
  Dick cringes. “At least you aren't right beside him! My poor ears!”
 “Rip us closest seats.” Mumbles Marinette, wrinkling her nose.
“Rehodros, you're up next!” Tim announces gleefully, ignoring his suffering players.
 Jason narrows his eyes at Tim, “I want to run over to the table, grab any food on the table that's not rotten, and yeet it at the nearest Flameskull.”
 Tim hums, “Okay, the only non-rotten food you can find, is a block of aged cheese and a bowl of hardened sugar cubes.
 Snorting, Jason cracks his knuckles. “Oh, I have to pick the block of aged cheese.”
 “Roll your attack then. But make sure you only add your Dex modifier to the attack as you're not proficient in improvised weaponry.”
 Jason rolls to attack and also gets a 19. “Twenty four to hit.”
 Tim snorts. “Yeah, that definitely hits, go ahead and roll damage.”
 Jason nods and rolls a 1D4, managing to get max damage. “Four! Wooh! Plus my Dex mod, that's nine damage!”
 “You lob the cheese at the Flameskull, managing to cause a couple of cracks to form on its skull. It turns it's furious gaze to you, intending to intimidate you but the effect is somewhat hindered by the melting cheese covering half of its skull.” Tim flips through his notes and marks down the damage taken.
 “Okay, then I want to grab the bowl of sugar and using my extra attack to throw that at the Flameskull, in the jaw.” Jason smirks and switches to his Rehodros voice, “You look like you've got a sssweet tooth, bonehead!” He rolls to attack and gets a 12. “Seventeen to hit?”
 “That will hit.”
 Jason rolls a 3 on the D4. “That's eight damage total.”
“As the bowl of sugar starts to melt from the heat of the fire, the sickly sweet scent of hot sugar begins to emanate from the Flameskull. The Flameskull does not look happy.” Tim pauses to glance at the initiative table. “Niriwyse! You're up.”
 Dick glances down at his spell list and beams. “I'm going to cast Vicious Mockery. And say,” he puts on his Niriwyse voice, which is just his voice but higher pitch and with a British Estuary accent, “Green is so not your colour!”
 Tim hums, then flips through his notes. “What's the spell Save DC on that again?”
 Quickly checking his spell sheet, Dick answers, “DC 16.”
 “Mmk,” Tim responds non-committally, before rolling a D20 twice from behind the DM screen. “That, unfortunately for you, is a nat 20. Which means it takes no damage and suffers no disadvantage. The Flameskull turns to you briefly, to cackle in your face, before turning its attention back to Rehodros.”
  Dick frowns. “Aww that failed, welp I'll use my bonus action to give Speilsol Leyer inspiration.” He clears his throat and puts on his Niriwyse voice to sing. “Let's get down to business! To defeat, this skull! Did they order heroes, no they asked for none! We're the saddest party you'll ever meet! But you can bet before we're through, Flameskull, we'll make dust out of you!”
 The rest of the table burst into cheers and groans.
 “Beautiful, Speilsol Leyer, you get 1D10 bardic inspiration,” Tim confirms. “And now it's your turn. Show the audience what you've got.”
 Steph giggles. “Okay, okay, I've got a really dumb idea.”
 Tim raises an eyebrow at her.
 “So, firstly, is there anything on the walls, like paintings? Wall sconces? Y'know.” She asks.
 “There's a painting of a naked elven lady on one wall, and a taxidermied fox head on the other,” Tim informs.
 Steph bounces in her seat. “Cool! So I'm gonna rage! Rip the taxidermied fox head off the wall, then run and leap up into the air to bludgeon the Flameskull with the fox head!”
 “Right. Make an athletics roll.”
 Rolling a D20, she gets 13. “Twenty one!”
 “You manage to jump into the air with expert grace. Roll to hit.”
 She rolls a 16. “That's a twenty-four to hit because I've got the Tavern Brawler Feat so I've got proficiency with improvised and-slash-or unconventional weapons!”
 He snorts. “That'll definitely hit, roll damage.”
 Steph picks up her D4 and rolls it, getting a 3. “Do with my strength modifier and Rage damage, that's ten damage! And uh, that's the end of my turn!”
 Tim scribbles down the damage taken, he then checks his notes quickly. “The sugary cheese-covered Flameskull starts to cackle madly. It casts fireball on the party, everyone make dexterity saving throws.”
 On cue, everyone in the party rolls their D20s. Tikki rolls an 18, Damian and Marinette both roll 16s, and Dick rolls a 4.
 Before Bruce rolls his dice, he proclaims, “I'd like to use evasion!” He then rolls and gets a 5. “Fourteen total.”
 “Evasion too!” Cass declares with a smile, she rolls her D20, getting 18. She then signs her result, ‘twenty-seven
 “Shit!” Jason mutters, staring at his roll of 2.
 “Nat one?” Tim questions.
 Jason shakes his head. “Natural two, so seven total.”
 “I also got seven,” Dick adds.
 “Seventeen,” Damian announces.
 “I rolled a nineteen and Tikki rolled a twenty-two.” Marinette pipes up.
 Steph frowns at her roll of nine. “Eleven…” She glances at her character sheet again. “Wait, no! I get advantage on dexterity saving throws!” She shakes the dice in her hands and blows on it for good luck, then rolls it into the dice box. It lands on an 18. Fist pumping the air, she cheers. “Yes! Dirty twenty, fuck yeah!”
 “Alright. Niriwyse and Rehodros both take…” Tim rolls a D6 eight times, behind the DM screen. “Twenty-three fire damage. And everyone else except Chirop and Balabitara take half that, so eleven damage. And of course, Chirop and Balabitara take no damage whatsoever.”
 “Wooh,” Bruce cheers.
 “Wait a second!” Jason interrupts, triple-checking his character sheet, “I've got fire resistance!”
 “Then you also take eleven damage instead of the full twenty-three.” Tim corrects. “And that's the end of the Flameskull's turn. Tikki's up now.”
 Marinette tilts her head to the side as Tikki whispers in her again. “Tikki is going to hold her turn.”
 Tim nods. “Okay then, it's Balabitara's turn.”
 Cass smiles sweetly. “Jump and punch?”
 “Roll an athletics check then, please.”
 She rolls a 13, and signs her results, ‘eighteen.’
 “You barely manage to leap within melee range of the Flameskull,” Tim narrates. “Roll to hit.”
 She rolls her dice again, rolling a flat 17. Again, she signs her result, ‘twenty-six.’
 “That will definitely hit.” He acknowledges.
 Cass then rolls damage, gets a 4, and signs the total, ‘nine.’ She glances down at her character sheet, and then back up at Tim. “Second attack?”
 Tim nods again, still jotting down the damage taken. “Go ahead and roll.”
 Rolling again, she gets a nine, so she signs the result, ‘eighteen.’
 He hums, “That'll also hit, roll damage.”
 She rolls and gets a 3. ‘Eight,’ she signs.
 Tim chuckles, “As you punch the Flameskull twice, the skull shatters and turns into sugary and cheesy skull dust.”
 Cass grins and fist-pumps the air as the rest of the table breaks into cheers.
 “Everyone breathe a sigh of relief! Encounter over.” He comments. “And I think we've reached our halfway mark, so we'll take a quick five minutes break to grab something to eat and drink, and we'll continue on after the break.”
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little oneshot! Comments, likes, and reblogs are much appreciated! |
| @maribat-march2020 | | @vixen-uchiha |
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Twisted Wonderland Tag!
Shout out to @twistedwonderlandconfessions for giving me inspiration to do this tag!
Rules: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability, then tag at least 3 other blogs you think would enjoy playing this game.
~Dire Crowley appears before you~
1. Welcome to Night Raven College! Did you enjoy the trip here?
For most part! I’d just rather wish I wasn’t transported in a coffin...
2. Wonderful! All students here must choose one of the seven dormitories to reside in during the school year. Which one do you choose? Why?
If I had the capabilities, I would’ve gone for Savanaclaw 100%. However, I am certain I would die within the first week, so I’m actually gonna choose Scarabia! i just think it’s a very fun dorm to live in, and I would absolutely try to ride on a flying carpet. 
3. Now that you’re officially a student, what would you like to learn first?
Definitely Potions! 
4. I’ll leave you to settle in now. Before I go, do you have any questions about the college?
How much of my soul am I gonna have to sell to pay off my tuition?
~Crowley out~
5. Which dormitory leader are you excited to meet? Why?
Probably Kalim! I can imagine myself having the most fun with him, especially knowing that he would be my dorm head.
6. Azul offers you the chance to fulfill your heart’s desire. What is it, and do you accept?
Honestly, as much as I love him and his story arc, I would probably have to refuse whatever he proposes. I can see him trying to make a contract with me in exchange for something to improve on my education or talents, but I feel like if I were to accept his offer, then I would just forget to fill my end of the bargain and lose everything in the process :(.
7. Which of the boys are you friends with? Why?
Floyd because he’s fun despite his unpredictability. Also Kalim as well because he’s also fun, and Cater because he’s laid back.
8. C’mon, we all know everyone at the school is attractive. Is there someone (or more) you’re crushing on?
I’m definitely lying if I said I didn’t have a huge small crush on Leona. As The Twisted Wonderland wiki describes it, “Leona has great respects for every women.”
9. The hallways are a terrifying place to be after hours. Who’s the last person you wanna be out there with?
Definitely Mozus. Just... anybody but him.
10. Would you rather listen to Jamil’s puns, work at the Mostro Cafe with Jade and Floyd, or clean the dungeons with Lilia?
While I feel like I can handle Jamil’s puns, I would actually prefer to work at the Monstro Cafe - gotta find a way to earn money to spend on things like the school store. If Azul even gives out paychecks.
11. Everyone loves karaoke night at the Cafe! Do you sing? If so, which song would be your go-to?
I DEFINITELY am more on the shyer side when it comes to karaoke. I’d probably do it if I had multiple friends, but it definitely takes more for me to do it by myself. If I did do it, my go-to would probably be “9 to 5″ by Dolly Parton.
12. Riddle invites you to a tea party with the rest of Heartslabyul. Do you attend?
It depends - Are we talking pre-Overblot disaster or post-Overblot. I feel like I would be more obligated to go to one of Riddle’s tea parties if it took place after the events of Episode 1.
13. Choose a champion!
I’m not sure I understand. Sorry :(
14. Favorite headcanon(s)?
I can definitely see Kalim trying to break dance like Jamil on multiple occasions only to fall on his face every time.
15. Unpopular opinion?
Don’t really have any. 
16. You forgot to send Malleus an invitation. Your survival plan?
First, I p a n i c. Then I try to hide anywhere in the school until I can make a gift basket full of ice cream to win his favor as an apology. If it doesn’t work, then... guess I’ll die :|
17. Be honest, would you trust Rook to shoot an apple off your head?
Yes and no. On one hand, as someone with great eyesight. I trust that he will know when the arrow is aimed lower than it should be. On the other, I have a fear that he might “accidentally” aim lower should I piss him off that day...
18. Lilia, Ace, and Kalim invite you to hang out with them. Do you go?!
Hell, yeah! Why wouldn’t I?
19. Where is your favorite place to chill on campus?
My Room
20. Ortho asks if you’ll help him drag Idia out of his room so he won’t skip class. How does that work out?
Probably not so well - This boi is six feet while I’m five foot two with the strength of an ant, so most likely I wouldn’t even be able to budge Idia out of his room.
21. Who would you rather train with, Jack, Sebek, or Ashton?
I feel like I’d get the most done out of training with Ashton despite his ego surpassing the volume of the entire Atlantic - 
22. You’re locked up in Mr. S’s shoppe after-hours, who’s with you?
Probably either Kalim or Floyd
23. Leona fell asleep…again. This time on top of you. You have potions in 15 minutes; what do you do?
As much as I love nap time and this man, I’d REALLY rather not miss Potions knowing how Divus is...
24. Would you rather go on a magic carpet ride with Kalim, let Vil give you the Pomefiore spa treatment, or play on Azul’s grand piano (with his supervision)?
Magic carpet ride, HANDS DOWN!
25. Grimm feels a little left out. Comfort him?
YES! Let me grab some tuna and I can give him endless pets!
Tag: Not sure. Don’t really know anyone on here that would do it...
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Andante, Andante | Ch.I
“I’ll make you a deal,” Peter says, you tilted your head as he continues, “If I can make you fall in love with me by the end of the summer, then you don’t move countries.”
Word Count:  1,638
A/n: I forgot how hard it is when to start a story because I have the urge to start with, “Hi, my name is Peter Parker and I am eighteen years old...”  Also, Why hasn’t Tumblr made a setting to put text in the centre? Feedback will be appreciated!
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New York City. 
It is a place you only know your life to be in. A place that you and some of the Avengers have ever know, you weren’t like Tony Stark who could hop on a jet and fly wherever his heart desired. You were just average, a man of eighteen who was struck by lightning and now is on the Avengers team.
And you can’t complain, you were welcomed to the team as if you were just adopted. They were welcoming, you had each other’s back. 
But, there was just something that was nagging in the back of your head, you had to get out of the Big Apple. New York was great, but you didn’t want to be confined to the superhero life, no matter how selfish that sounds. There’s more to life than to risk it.
That’s why Peter Parker just fails to understand, sure, he’s heard it too much that with great power comes great responsibility, but who doesn’t want that serotonin feeling when you did a good deed? He just doesn't get it, you wanting to fly and travel the world, he even freaked out when he heard you apply to University at Cambridge in England, not Cambridge Boston at M.I.T. 
“But, it’s New York, (L/n)!” Peter exclaims as you scoffed as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“So what?” You feigned annoyance, “If I recall, Parker, you’re going to M.I.T! That’s not exactly in New York.”
“O-okay!” Peter stutters as he throws his arms in the air, “That’s beside the point!” 
You scoffed, shaking your head, “I don’t know why you’re so angered by this, it’s not like you care about me.”
This was a fact that you were wrong about, god, if you only knew. Peter Parker was head over heels for you, that’s a fact, there are a few reasons to why he’s hasn’t acted upon it. 
You’re grumpy as hell, not the most approachable person on the team
You’re closed off, there’s not much you allow a person to know about you.
You’re so god damn pretty that Peter believes you are the sun, vibrant, and everyone knows the story of Icarus.
He wouldn’t consider each other as friends, more than strangers but less than friends.
So, Peter has resorted to staring at you, he tries not to be a creep about it. But, he can’t help to linger on your drawl of certain words. He can’t help but stare a second longer and he’s unable to stop the stomach acid from rising from his stomach to his throat. In conclusion, Peter is in love with you, as many would say, and he was pretty good at hiding it away since he’s always in Stark’s lab, out of sight. 
You don’t know much about Stark’s kid, Peter. Other than you like how Parker sounded when you say it, that Peter is a hyperactive puppy who you can’t help but just adore, though feelings come hard to you and to express, and that Peter Parker was a ball of sunshine, that if you were to stare at him for too long you would go blind. Not that you would stare at him, in fact, you barely register his existence. You like knowing about him, he’s a Queen’s boy, smart like Stark, and absolute dork whilst he knows the bare minimum of you.
Keeps you safe.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, you know?
You were questioning yourself, why did Peter care so much about you leaving? No one in the team would tell you, as if they were sworn to secrecy, either that or they know something that isn’t for them to tell you. As soon as the summer break started, you noticed how Peter was becoming all close to you, wanting to know more of you.
You brushed him off as best as you could, glaring him away or giving him no attention. But, he was persistent, you admit, there was some underlying determination in whatever challenge he had set himself. So, just this once, as you sat by the pond, your feet hanging off the wooden decking, just barely over the water.
“I wondered how long it would take you to find me,” You says, looking over your shoulder to see Peter carrying lunch for the pair of you, “Why are you so determined in getting to know me?”
“Well, you’re part of the team and I feel like everyone is supposed to know everyone,” Peter says, timidly placing the tray of plates of lunch in between you and him, “Steve cooked, says it’s your favourite.”
Bastard, you thought, Steve and Natasha were really the only ones you were closed to and they promised to give anything away about you even the smallest of things such as favourite food, favourite colour, etc…
“Well, thanks…” You answered, hoping that Peter would just leave you alone but you had noticed he placed his platter of lunch on his lap.
“Also, you seem like you needed a friend.”
If you could be any meme, you would be that open mouth Pikachu meme as you wondered why you entertained Peter’s curiosity with you. Steve tells you to play nice, Nat says Peter is a wonderful boy. They both expressed that you needed more friends.
“You’re setting off on the right foot,” You say, sarcastically as you shove some food into your mouth, “Do you have many friends?”
“Okay-” Peter looked embarrassed, as you waited for his answer, “That sounded so rude, didn’t it?”
“Trust me, Parker, you aren’t the first to tell me that.”
“Oh,” Peter says, trying to lighten up the mood, “Idiot then?”
“It was Steve and Nat,” You informed him, there was a tinge of amusement when you see Peter stop chewing, alarmed, “But, idiots? More like, functional morons at best.”
Peter’s eyes widen, “You have a sense of humour!”
You almost choked on your own spit as you were lost for words, looking at the boy, with a mouth gaping open at him. You become a stuttering mess as you just couldn’t comprehend what this boy was on.
“I am a human being, Parker!” You exclaimed, “You’ve just given me lunch!”
Peter shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t know, man, you could have easily convinced me that you’re an Andriod, you know from that video game…”
You watched him slowly go off on a tangent, you tilted your head as you knitted your eyebrows together. 
“Has anyone told you that you talk too much?” You asked, interrupting him as he flushed red, “Because you do.”
Peter gives you a goofy smile as you huffed out an amused breath, your lips curving upwards as you look away from him. Peter almost forgets how to breathe because you’re natural state was glaring at everything but this was the first time he had seen you smile.
And my god, Peter thought, he would do anything to see that glorious smile of yours. You fall into silence as you finish your plate, Peter quickly turning his attention away from you - hoping that he wasn’t caught staring as he quickly cleans the last of his food.
“So,” Peter clears his throat as you look at him with a raised eyebrow, “England.”
“Ah, so we’re back to this conversation…” You mused out, at first, Peter was irking you with this topic but you convinced yourself to have patience with him, he was simply curious.
“That’s a long way from home,” Peter continues, placing his plate onto of yours on the tray, “Why?”
“Why what?” You questioned.
“Why so far away?”
Your shoulders tense, you hate talking about yourself, before you resorted to shrugging, “A new beginning? There’s a whole world out there, Parker, why confine yourself to one place?”
“Well, I think it’s stupid,”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “That’s not the only reason why I want to get away but thanks for your considering opinion that I did not ask for.”
Peter doesn’t miss the sarcasm in your voice as his cheeks turn red, now, you two were back to square one where you rather close yourself off. 
“Listen, we better get back in before Steve calls us in,” You continue as Peter was about to apologise.
You stood up, patting away the dirt from your legs as Peter slowly nods and gets up too. You both stood in front of each other, just staring at each other. 
Peter shifted his weight between the heels to his toes, looking at you awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck. You stared at him, his silence was unsettling, not once have you seen the hyperactive puppy just paused for a moment. 
“I’ll make you a deal,” Peter says, you tilted your head as he continues, “If I can make you fall in love with me by the end of the summer, then you don’t move countries.”
You straighten your back, “And if I don’t fall in love with you?”
“Then, you get to leave, leave the life you started here. Leave the people who consider you like family, I’m not going to stop you,” Peter licks his lips, his bitter tone goes unnoticed.
However, he stands proudly and for once he wasn’t just a teenager, he was a young man coming to a new stage of life. You lock your jaw and let out an unbelievable huff.
“So? Do we have a deal?” He lifts a hand out in between you two.
You stared at it before clasping it, giving him a firm handshake, “You got yourself a deal, Parker.”
He smiles at you, picking up the tray and dashing it back to the compound. You stayed by the wooden pier as you stare at the hand you shook with.
What have you got yourself into? 
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Tagged: @locke-writes @yesthetrashbin  @blackirisposts @idwithoutthesuperego @screamingmuffinsunite @fifi550 @vydante @batfam16 @kpopchangedmylifesstuff @chaotictyler @delphicillusion
Wanna be tagged for the next parts, message me! I just tagged the people who responded their interest, want your name off, again, just message me!
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ceealaina · 4 years
Title: America’s Ass[Hole] Collaborator Name: ceealaina Link: AO3 Square Filled: C5 - Retirement Ship: Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Steve/Sam  Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops and Cafes Summary: Steve and Bucky have been together for years -- and they've been crushing on Sam for nearly as long. Turns out all they needed to seduce him were some inappropriate comments about doughnuts, an asshole customer, and one of Steve's famous 'Captain America' tirades. Word Count: 1854
Bucky looked up as the bell dinged over the door, a lazy smirk crossing his lips at the two figures elbowing each other on their way through the door. “Well,” he purred, leaning forward across the counter in the most seductive way possible -- not easy when he was wearing a hot pink frilly apron -- and waggling his eyebrows at the two of them. “If it isn’t my two favourite Captains America.” 
Steve rolled his eyes, but Sam gave him a pointed look. “There’s flour on your nose.” 
“You’ve gotta let that nickname go,” Steve grumbled as Bucky made a face at Sam. There was a slight flush on the top of Steve’s cheeks and Bucky preened a little, because oh yeah, fifteen years later and he could still make his boyfriend blush (the fact that Steve blushed as easily as he breathed was neither here nor there). 
“Hey, it’s not everyday that your boyfriend gets picked to be the PR face of the good ol’ US of Army,” he pointed out, going a little cross-eyed as he tried to see the tip of his nose to rub the flour off.
Steve huffed, but Bucky could see the small smile fighting its way onto his lips. “That’s not even me anymore.”
“Hence the Captains, Stevie,” he told him, giving Sam a wink. “I’m not gonna forget about Captain Handsome here. Try and keep up.” 
Sam rolled his eyes, though neither Bucky and Steve missed the little nose wrinkle that he always did when he was feeling flustered. “You two are gross,” he informed them. “It’s been like a hundred years. Aren’t you sick of each other’s ugly faces?” 
“Constantly,” Steve agreed easily, grinning look Bucky gave him. “Can’t stand the sight of him.” He shrugged helplessly, grin turning soppy. “But what can I do, I’m in love with him anyway.” 
“Gross,” Sam confirmed. “I’m gonna grab a table. Call me when you’re done flirting and being all smitten with each other.” 
In unison, Bucky and Steve both turned to watch him go, Bucky leaning forward over the counter to get a better look. “Hey, Sam!” he called, grinning when Sam’s steps faltered slightly but he didn’t turn around. “Hate to watch you go, but I love to watch you leave,” he drawled. Both Sam’s hands came up, flipping him the bird over his shoulder, and Bucky laughed. 
“Buck,” Steve hissed when Sam had settled into a seat. “Come on, you’re gonna scare him off.” 
Bucky just snorted. “Hate to break it to you, pal, but if we haven’t scared him off yet, we’re not gonna.” He waved his metal arm at Steve. “He stuck around when I lost my arm, and had to get out of the army. Remember? I didn’t shower for like a month, don’t know how anyone besides you could stand to be near me. But Sam? He stuck around. Dragged me out of bed and outside, and I know he took you drinking when you didn’t know what to do with me anymore. And!” He gestured around the bakery. “Who was the one to back me up when I had the ridiculous idea to open up a bakery for both people and their dogs, despite having no professional training whatsoever? Sam.” 
“This place is great!” Steve insisted. “Giving people a chance to share a treat with their service dogs? That’s brilliant, Buck.” He was just a little too earnest though, and Bucky fixed him with a look. 
“You thought I was crazy, Stevie. Sam was the one who convinced you to let me give it a try. It might not be quite the way we want yet, but he’s been a part of our relationship almost as long as we’ve been together. He’s not going anywhere.” 
Steve made a face at him. “When the hell’d you get so smart?” 
“I’ve always been smarter than you, punk. You were just too dumb to notice.” 
Steve huffed at that, but he was obviously fighting back a smile. “Still,” he protested. “I thought we agreed we were gonna take it slow.”
“This is slow!” Bucky insisted. “If I don’t flirt inappropriately, he’s gonna know something’s up.” 
“Hey!” Sam shouted, interrupting them both and making Steve jump. He looked up from the table in the corner where he was scrolling idly through his phone, giving them a grin. “Are you two gonna stand there canoodling all day, or can I get a goddamn doughnut over here?” 
“Yeah, yeah!” Steve waved him off as the bell rang over the door, another customer coming in. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Oh!” Bucky’s face lit up. “I almost forgot, got a new doughnut for you idjits to try. Hang on a sec.” He darted out back and into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a tray of chocolate doughnuts, all covered in red, white, and blue sprinkles. “Ta-Da!” he proclaimed. 
Steve gave a long-suffering sigh, although he was grinning too. “You’re a jerk,” he told him, shaking his head at the tray. “I can’t believe I’m dating you sometimes.” 
Bucky just grinned even wider. “Wanna know what I’m gonna call them?” 
“I really don’t think that I do.” 
Bucky giggled a little. “Cap’s Asshole!” 
Steve nodded, eyes going skyward. “Of course you are.” 
“Get it? Because everyone wants to eat it!”
“Yeah, no, I got it the first time.” Steve started to say something else, but before he could, he was interrupted by the customer who had walked in behind him. 
“That’s fucking gross, man. What, are you gay or something?” 
Bucky shared a look with Steve, arching his eyebrows and not even trying to hide his smile as he peered around him to take in the new customer. “Uhhh, yeah,” he acknowledged easily. “Well, bi, technically. But, like, super bi.” 
The customer, it seemed, didn’t quite know how to take this. He’d apparently been expecting Bucky to be offended at being called gay (even though he’d just been talking about rimming Captain America’s asshole, for fuck’s sake) and he shifted awkwardly, obviously uncomfortable with his easy admission of his sexuality. His mouth opened and closed a few times. 
“It’s still gross,” he muttered. 
Steve didn’t try to hide the laugh that slipped out. 
“And anyway!” he added, more triumphant now that he thought he had a point. “It can’t be Captain America. It’s a chocolate doughnut.” 
Bucky stared back at him blankly. “And…?” 
“And Captain America’s white, dumbass. He’s not fucking black.” 
He said ‘black’ like he meant something else and Bucky’s eyes went wide. But before he could say anything -- probably kick the guy out -- Steve was whirling around.
“Excuse the fuck outta me?” He stepped in close and the customer’s eyes went wide, both at the sheer size of Steve and at being met with Captain America in person. “I don’t know if you noticed, dumbass, but I’m not Captain America anymore, he is.” 
He pointed across the room at Sam, who was looking a little startled at being called out like that. Sam’s gaze shifted over to Bucky, who gave him a quick, reassuring wink. 
“And he’s already ten times the Captain America I’ve ever been. So we don’t need your fucking mansplaining ass coming in here telling us that like the colour of his skin makes one ounce of difference to the kind of man he is.”
“Jesus, alright,” the customer muttered, eyeing the doorway a little desperately. “What is he, your boyfriend or something?” 
“Nope.” Steve popped the p. “That one isn’t my boyfriend, but that one is.” He pointed his thumb over his shoulder at Bucky. “Although, we’re taking applications for, uh… joint chief of staff. And you’re probably too straight to even know what I mean. But if Bucky wants to rim Sam to kingdom come, he’s more than welcome to.” 
He stopped then, seeming to realize what he’d said, and the customer took advantage of the break in his tirade to make a run for the door. Steve slumped back against the counter, cutting eyes briefly over to Sam. 
“Did I just say that outloud?” he asked, answering his own question before anyone else could. “Oh god, I did.” 
He groaned, burying his face in his hands, and Bucky gave his back a couple comforting pats before chancing a look over at Sam who… Didn’t look upset. He was leaning back in his chair, arms folded across his chest, a small smile playing over his lips. 
“Joint chief of staff, huh?” he asked. Steve peeked at him from between his fingers, and Bucky held his breath. “Not your best metaphor, Rogers. Still…” He got to his feet, sauntering over to the two of them. “I am a huge fan of the way you defended my honour there. Not that I need it, mind you, but still. It’s kind of hot.” 
Steve’s arms dropped heavily to his sides and he swallowed hard. “Is that… Is that a yes? Cause Buck and I…” He glanced back at Bucky, who was leaning forward against the counter, positively beaming. “We’ve talked about it, a lot. We, uh…” He ducked his head a little. “We were trying to figure out how to ask you out.” 
“Not for a threesome!” Bucky added quickly before making a show of looking Sam up and down, ogling and waggling his eyebrows. “Well, not just for a threesome. We want that too, obviously, but we also just want… All of you.” 
Sam was still smirking, but his nose was wrinkling again and he couldn’t keep his eyes from going all soft and pleased. “I know,” he told them. “You two are about as subtle as an infomercial.” He glanced behind him. “You know that table is only like a foot away, right? I was just waiting to see which one of you broke first.” 
Bucky snorted, shaking his head. “You’re such an asshole,” he declared, sounding thrilled about it. Sam just shrugged. 
“Doesn’t that mean I’m gonna fit right in with you two?” he offered. 
And then, while they were still absorbing that, he leaned in, curled his hands around Steve’s neck, and pulled him down for a slow, lingering kiss. Steve made a startled noise, eyes wide, before he sighed and sank into it, hands moving to squeeze at Sam’s hips. Bucky just watched the two of them, his mouth hanging open as he grabbed at the counter for support. 
“Holy shit,” he drawled. 
At the sound of his voice, Sam pulled away from Steve, ignoring his whine of protest, and leaned over the counter to give Bucky an equally mind melting kiss, grinning against his lips when Bucky groaned loudly. 
“So listen,” Sam said. “You’re the boss. Any chance of closing early today so we can get the fuck outta here?” 
“Yup!” Steve decided, even though it wasn’t his bakery, but Bucky was nodding too. 
“Sure thing, handsome,” he promised, just as the bell rang over the door again. “Sorry, we’re closed!” he hollered, not bothering to look away from Sam and Steve. A wicked smile crossed his lips. “I gotta eat Cap’s Asshole!” 
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9bambi-blog · 4 years
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*   //    𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶  𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴   …   /𝚃𝙷𝙴_𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴_𝙼𝙰𝙽   :     𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐨   also known as  𝐛𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢   is wanted for grand larceny. she is a twenty-one year old cis female who has ties to the mastermind because     𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨.   𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  :   𝑎 𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑒𝑤, 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠, 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠, & 𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠. 𝙳𝙾 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙵𝙾𝚁   :   𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐞𝐮𝐧.  
hello my name is julie   &   i’m really excited to be here   !!   if you don’t already have me on discord,   feel free to add me   @    *kisses els cheek gently*#8023
ok love you all kissy   !!   🥺💖🦌🌱🎀💝🌠🌿💕
*   /      𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌    ;     𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬
name:                    adora seo   (   kang jinah   )
age:                      twenty one
sign:                   capricorn sun   /   gemini moon     (   click   )
sexual orientation:                      bisexual
romantic orientation:                     biromantic
alignment:                        chaotic neutral
pinterest board 
*   /      𝖊𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌    ;     𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲
tw : death, a fire 
✧ .     part 1:   kang jinah. 
adora seo,   born as   kang jinah,   grew up in poverty.   her mother’s pregnancy had been one outside of wedlock,   meaning her family disowned her as soon as the news came out 
after living on the streets   /    having temporary accommodations on   &   off for the next couple of years,   jinah’s mother was able to get a job as a housekeeper for this vv rich couple 
the   seo family   lived on a vv lavish   &   spacious estate on the countryside,   completely separated from any type of life 
they lived in their own little world,   as they had to drive nearly 45 min to reach the nearest town 
this also meant that when jinah’s mother started working there her daughter was allowed to stay in the staff quarters as well 
mr.   &   mrs.   seo were super fond of jinah,   as she reminded them of their own daughter,   adora
honestly adora didn’t really like jinah as adora was a spoiled brat   &   didn’t enjoy sharing part of the spotlights with some random child
her mother worked hard to earn her place in that house,   while jinah was mainly there to entertain adora.   they would get homeschooled together,   whenever adora wanted to play outside jinah had to tag along   &   carry all her toys,   &   whenever jinah was free she tended to help her mother out as well with whatever she was working on 
despite all of this jinah had a fairly nice childhood,   spending every free moment outside in the forest next to the mansion 
which ! ultimately saved her life 
after one particular night of adora being super nasty n mean to her,   jinah couldn’t go back to bed so she decided to sneak out   &   go to her hideout spot in the forest,   next to a creek 
when she returned a few hours later,   just wanting to go back to bed,   she honestly got the surprise of her life when the mansion was burning down 
she fainted   </3   she just remembers panicking   &   being woken up by paramedics who had taken her to a hospital,   &   when she asked them where her mother was they told her   mrs. seo hadn’t survived the fire,   &   everything will be okay adora 
 she never corrected them 
✧ .     part 2: adora seo.
the fire had been a disaster to a point where no one inside the house had survived   &   the bodies had been beyond identifiable with the resources they had back then   (   not to mention lazy work from authorities   )   meaning jinah,   now   adora,   inherited a whole lot of money without anyone even questioning her identity
they honestly didn’t have any reason to do so either as the seo family had no relatives left,   they’d been secluded all these years,   &   her and adora were the exact same age 
everyone felt really bad for her,   she kinda made headlines as a   ‘   wonder child   ’   for surviving such a tragedy,   &   got to live with extended family of the seo’s in new york city 
it was surprisingly easy,   honestly,   how quickly she got used to being adora.   she got..   really pampered by all the people surrounding her because they pitied her,   &   that being the first time she got any real attention   /   love   from adults...   she wasn’t going to tell them she was lying to them all   HDFJKDFGJFKDFJK   so she just stayed quiet,   avoided eye contact whenever she met people who’d seen adora as a baby,   &   grew up surrounded by socialites 
honestly   !!!!!   the hardest part out of all of this   (   for her   )   was how she couldn’t find any information on her mother as everyone just kept talking about the seo’s   😔   she never got any closure when it comes to her mother’s death  
✧ .     part 3: bambi.
ok so adora grew up,   was lowkey a golden child as she didn’t like talking to people so she just focused on her work,   aka she got things done   <333   &   lived a vv good life 
in college she met   enzo   at some local coffee shop,   who had been working with   j   by then
there was this guy in front of her basically excusing himself bc he forgot his wallet at home   &   she overheard and was like   ..   oh   !   let me pay for him   !   and basically he insisted on repaying her with a date   &   she said yes   &   then they slowly but surely fell in love   <333
their relationship was an overall good one   !!   he really helped her come out of her shell,   while she gave him a safe haven as his family life wasn’t the best 
it wasn’t until one night she overheard him having a phonecall with j that she grew suspicious,   thinking he’d been cheating on her,   &  basically demanded for him to explain himself 
he confessed he’s been working with this person for crime related stuff,   how he was of great use for them,   &   that adora was welcome to meet j if she wanted to 
she was honestly super upset   &   ready to break up with him,   but he basically begged her to stay by reminding her how they promised to be each other’s ride or die,   &   only then she reluctantly agreed to the meet up 
but honestly the moment they met she realized well enough she already knew too much   &   that there was no way out 
working along with the 2017 heist was a vv surreal experience for her,   even though her job was relatively easy 
a couple of weeks before the heist was supposed to take place adora   &   enzo got into a big fight 
basically she begged for them to just run away   &   forget about j and the others,   vv aware of the risks,   &   that she had enough money for the two of them to live a comfortable life elsewhere 
but he basically told her that j would always be his top priority 
she was kinda pissed   &   baffled so she broke up with him that night
they decided not to tell the crew   (   kinda planning on talking it out as soon as the heist was over   )   as they didn’t want to cause any type of distraction when tensions were already running high 
but honestly she was ready to leave after the heist,   already having plane tickets to disappear somewhere in europe 
so   ..   when that night went horribly wrong   &   enzo died,   she was kinda like   :/   ok guess i can’t take my flight to anymore..
once again when people broke down the news to her,   she didn’t correct anyone   &   played her role as enzo’s grieving girlfriend vv well 
basically she told alec she was planning on leaving a couple of days later   (   as he was one of her closer friends at the time   )   and he basically was like   ..   yea no ur not i know who u are   &   basically she’s   ..   being blackmailed into doing the 2020 heist out of fear of alec telling j that she’s been lying about her identity all along 
like she really doesn’t want to die   QJHDJSJDFDKS 
*   /       𝖉𝖎𝖌 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗   ;     𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
she’s overall a nice person   !!   she doesn’t want to be there   &   sometimes it shows but she tries to make the most out of it   <333
not to mention that she does her job really well like   ..   once she focuses on something she needs to make sure everything’s going perfect  
kinda emotionally constipated 
kinda smart 
she’s honestly your stereotypical capricorn this is sick ..   (   i’m not talking about you veer i love you   🥺   )
she’s reliable   &   loyal though   !!   adora’s observant   &   knows a Lot about people but she always keeps things to herself  
ok .. this is it for now .. lets plot aha <3 🙈
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