#anyone from anywhere
fedoraspooky · 1 year
Just saw some posts about how all the recent irritating changes at tumblr were made for the purpose of chasing growth.
And all i can say is, there's something kinda beautifully ironic about the possibility of tumblr's eventual downfall being due to their endless need for Biggering driving the natural wildlife away.
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but also like. guys you don’t need to leave the minecraft youtube community bc one person is bad to clarify. like. shelby is a minecraft youtuber. a lot of her friends are minecraft youtubers. those friends are supportive and as far as we know all believe her. the vast majority of minecraft youtubers are like. fine. this shit is something that Happens because Abusers are Manipulative, going to another hobby will Not shield you from anything and you’re not immoral for liking something bad people also liked. which is. one of the biggest video games ever. like in this situation no one was knowingly harbouring an abuser and it seems everyone was supportive. this is just a case of some people being shit, not anything to do with mcyt. hell, the guy hasn’t been on minecraft in like a year lmao.
i fully understand why the content might be uncomfortable to you guys now but like, please don’t self flagellate and cut yourself off from an entire genre of media because of one guy again. i saw that happen after the dream stuff and a lot of people ended up losing important things because they made rash decisions and felt like they Had to leave. but please. take one deep fucking breath. this has happened before. this has happened so much before, and in ways far worse than this. because abusers, unfortunately, exist. you should not feel guilty for being manipulated by a manipulative abuser, don’t blame yourself. do what you have to, but please, please keep in mind that the majority of minecraft youtube is fine. it is fine to continue engaging with it. it’s fine to be manipulated by an abuser and it’s not your fault. please don’t make rash decisions and end up losing things you care deeply about and being unable to get them back. distance yourself all you want, but please be careful to not do so out of emotional self harm from the guilt. that’s something this fandom encourages far too much- even outside of this- and it’s unhealthy and anyone expecting it of you is cruel.
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travelling-hydaelyn · 4 months
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Lahabrea possessed Thancred before this questline even started which means these are back to back Laha interactions. Here is how he greets the WoL in the Waking Sands immediately after his Disney villain introduction.
Meanwhile in Minfilia's solar:
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presumably he took a brief break from running Alphinaud's errands to go dramatically laugh at the WoL
#enjoying all this with Pandaemonium context#there is a lot to unpack here#OK LETS GO PANEL 1#based on the follow up he's really just testing out the person who killed ifrit - not too different from elidibus' test later.#he comes across as goofy but i gotta ask if he taunted panda critters the same way before experiments#moreever hydaelyn is busy going “Eeeeeevvvilllll!!!” in your ear while laha chatters#I assumed this was direct line to the WoL consciousness the first time#but based on 5.2 she might just be bullhorning to anyone with ancient powers which means lahabrea is listening to her shout “eeeevviilllll”#hilarious I hope that is what was happening#PANEL 2#not shown is laha opening with “oh hi <player name>”#like he sounds more like panda laha here than almost anywhere else nearly#in which of these two panels is he acting more I ask???#I'm thinking its an even split per emet-selchs reckoning of his lost personality#if he could hold out as long as he does hanging out there in the Waking Sands hall then#it becomes very easy to see emet-selch felt like he was getting enough sanity out of him at the time. hes surprisingly functional#in spite of that intro#PANEL 3#we were SO ROBBED to miss alphinaud investigating ascians with lahabrea. so robbed#alphinaud is still unsocialized at this point so extra annoying to laha for sure#thinking about how lahabrea acted around themis in the far past fills in a few blanks. can draw a couple of parallels perhaps#rotating that thought#ffxiv#ffxiv spoilers#Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn#lahabrea#alphinaud#minfilia#ffxivedit#gamingedit
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ashchoo · 10 months
uh yeah I recently just gained motivation to do mob au shit so here ya go
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the family everrrr GRARARAR im normal about them guys trust
hhh tw for blood, slight eye strain and severed head ig
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mob Ashton really goin crazy fr fr…..guess their vampire side is showin now
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also outfit refs cuz yeaaaa :D
[@clownsuu, @thelone-copper, @frenchfry99]
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isjasz · 3 hours
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YIPPEE I FINALLY DID IT THIS TOOK SO LONG OH MY GOD. But yeah you can now buy my prints if you wish!!!!!!
Including way too many pieces from the desertduo daily challenge i did #dddaily4sherin and a whole bunch of other pieces, all requested by you guys <3 tysm to everyone who helped me select my pieces!
Giant shout out to thello sillyfairygarden for helping me out with this too, go check out her prints too💥
and now i will stop rambling GO CHECK OUT MY SHOP :D There's a 15% off sale going on too ending tomorrow! (Sept 22)
rbs are super appreciated too🫶!
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pocketramblr · 6 months
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I would do anything to save her.
This was supposed to just be drawing the Taoden siblings hugging a bunch but ah guess that Falin as the tower/princess/dragon post got into my head too much
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Both bands are awesome, this meme is cliché, but since I can't resist...
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Now that I got that out of the way, I have to ask: Who's the Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan in *NSYNC (and vice versa)?
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kanansdume · 6 months
I've recently been watching these very interesting Star Wars video essays on YouTube (yeah I know, a rare breed) and it brings up these comments Lucas has made about how he views Star Wars as almost like a silent film in terms of how important the visuals are to him in comparison to the dialogue. But this essay also points out how important Lucas finds all of the "rhyming" moments in his trilogies and the way he utilizes them to remind you of something else for emotional or thematic reasons. And there's so many of them, both in visuals and in dialogue, and it's interesting to consider how important this is to him, the repetition for a purpose as well as the storytelling through visuals above everything else and then to look at Star Wars since the Prequels came out and realize how little has really been able to match up to those ideals since then.
The ONLY thing that's come out since the Prequels that I think really hits these two things the same way is, in fact, Andor. One of the things I noticed about the way people discussed Andor as it was airing in a way I haven't really seen for any of the other shows or films was the visual SYMBOLOGY. So many times I saw people noticing the Imperial cog everywhere, from the aerial shot of Narkina 5 as the prisoners escape to the architecture of Mon Mothma's house. There were people picking up on the use of items in Luthen's shop that are familiar from other things to give this idea that Luthen is from another time, he's attempting to preserve this world he lost, that if you're not looking closely enough you won't notice what he's really saying or doing with this shop. The color choices for the different locations and people got analyzed because the people involved spoke about how they intentionally utilized color to SEND A MESSAGE about the characters and the world. We know that the people who made the costumes and sets really worked hard to treat Star Wars almost like a period drama and study the history of the franchise as if it were a real place so that the things they came up with felt like they belonged in this world everyone knows so well even if it's completely new. And of course there were all of the myriad references to things from Rogue One, the constant repetition of "climb", the sunset on the beach, etc.
Nearly EVERY SHOT in this show was created with so much intention behind it in order to say something meaningful about the characters, the world, this specific story they're in, and the overall saga of Star Wars itself. It's insane how much greater impact this show was able to achieve through the incredibly careful usage of visual symbols and thematic repetitions, much like Lucas did before them. It feels like they didn't just study the history of the galaxy far far away, but they studied the history of STAR WARS and what Lucas was trying to do and say with this story. They peeled back his onion a bit more and were able to create something that really has that same visual feel even when it's not created for a child audience. It also is experimenting with its narrative style through its structure and through Cassian's character being allowed to be somewhat more reactive than proactive, and while that didn't work for everyone, it does feel like it's following in Lucas's footsteps of experimentation through Star Wars. Push the boundaries of what Star Wars is and can be and what you can say with it.
But this only works because they peeled the onion back enough to TRULY understand all of the messages Lucas was sending with it. They got the heart of Star Wars and despite its lack of space wizards, despite the lack of most major characters in the Saga, this was a show that honestly got the message more than just about anything else Star Wars has put out since the Prequels. The choices between selflessness and selfishness, the themes about how you always HAVE to make a choice even when it feels like you don't have any (sometimes ESPECIALLY when it feels like you don't have any), and how important it is to make sure to choose the path of compassion above everything else. The themes of connection to others, the symbiotic circle and the impact even the smallest person can have on world around them, it's RIGHT THERE and it's CENTRAL to Andor's storyline.
So yes, it experiments a little with narrative structure, but it's possibly the most Star Wars thing to exist Revenge of the Sith because it honestly truly GETS what Star Wars was about, both in its themes and in its filmmaking. A lot of people said that Andor didn't feel like Star Wars to them, usually because of the lack of space wizards and the fact that it's not a story aimed at children. But to me, Andor is EXACTLY what Star Wars is and has always been. They're stretching the boundaries of what Star Wars can be, but it's saying the exact same things Star Wars has always said, it's just saying it slightly differently. This doesn't feel like fanfiction to me, not really. Unlike things like the Mandoverse or the books, Andor isn't just taking some of the toys out of the sandbox and going to play with them somewhere else. Andor is IN that sandbox. It's building a slightly different sandcastle, but it's still within the sandbox, using the same sand that Lucas did.
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feyarcher · 2 years
Okay, I know the English internet spends a lot of time staring and ongoing political disasters in the US and the UK and oh what disasters they are, but CANADA 🇨🇦 WE GOTTA FOCUS FOR A MINUTE.
Ontario has municipal elections THIS MONDAY OCTOBER 24th! And you need to show up and vote!
Just like all our regular provincial and federal elections, it is okay if you aren't sure if you are on the voters rolls or if you info got updated after you moved or whatever - YOU CAN DEFINITELY VOTE AS LONG AS YOU ARE A CANADIAN LIVING IN THAT SPOT. You just bring proof of your address to the polling place and you'll be fine, I promise. I've done it. It takes like 2 minutes to sign the paper declaring you do indeed live there.
Now you may be asking "but do these elections really matter?" And the answer is YES THEY MATTER SO MUCH. There are racists and xenophobes and transphones and sexist and antisemitic and antivax people running all over the place and the one thing we know by now is that bigots get organized to get to the polls so we have to also organize to counter them by voting!
There are probably 3 things you need to look up who to vote for in your area: mayor, councillor, and school board trustee. All three matter! Please don't only focus on mayor, if the terfs get onto the school boards, they'll do serious damage.
So what can you do?
- First, search "[your town] election" and you'll get the link to the official election page on your city website. It'll tell you the poll hours for THIS MONDAY OCTOBER 24th and you'll be able to find your polling place and a sample ballot showing all the people running for all the roles (mayor, councillor, school board) in your district.
- Check out the candidates! If you want to narrow it down, for major things like mayor you can see which 3 or 4 people have a realistic shot of getting more than 10% of the vote based on polls and then look at the platforms for just those people. For more niche things like school board, you probably need to look at every candidate but less will be running. Please check the CBC article I linked above to narrow down the obvious terfs.
- Make a plan of when you are going to vote! Know what time is best for you to go and how you will get there.
- Get your friends and family to plan to vote too! Help them out by sharing your research and let them know who you are voting for for each part. Sometimes the idea of doing the research into candidates is too daunting, but if you share your plan with them, you can get more people to the polls.
- IF YOU AREN'T IN ONTARIO: Reach out to your friends and family here and ask what their plan to vote is. Help them out with the above if you can.
So much stuff gets decided at the municipal level, but they are expecting record low turnout and low turnout is dangerous for shitty people getting into positions that matter. We are already stuck with a clown at the province level. We need to make sure people who will work against him get elected at your local level.
It's one day, probably 45 minutes of your time including travel both ways and any line at busy times. Honestly, voting usually takes me 7 minutes at most at the polls even whe I was a student and voting in weird ways. They make it so easy if you just show up.
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beary-good-finds · 7 months
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🌻 Animal-themed stickers by Silly Stickers 🌻
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zeb-z · 1 year
see ok I don’t think it’s bad who stole the furniture because he didn’t go to f5 and zoom in on himself a billion times
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fluffystuffies · 9 months
New Installations [TSAMS]
Summary: Solar has been overworking himself and the Computer has had enough of it. Luckily, it has gathered some strategies on getting Solar to take a break. And the new limbs definitely help.
Words: 6385
Inspired by the amazing and adorable artwork by @lover-of-cuteness! Artwork being this lovely piece: https://www.tumblr.com/lover-of-cuteness/737495211989729280/figured-id-post-something-again-fuck-you?source=share
...so I decided to finally make a ticklefic-and this time with tsams!
I don't usually do these so I was kinda nervous making it-so there's like 2k words of exposition and an additional 1k of I guess buildup? So the tickling part doesn't start right away jfhsjfs-I've also only written these two briefly before so I hope I get them right jsfhs-
Anyways enjoy! :D
It was probably common knowledge that headaches were meant to be a human thing. Especially headaches that derived from staring and squinting at screens for so long that it seemed like the words on the monitor were burned into the eyes of the person looking at it.
Solar was pretty sure he was the exception to that apparent rule. Or part of the group of exceptions with how many problems Sun and Moon dealt with on a near-daily basis.
At least for the moment, his was limited to his overuse of screentime. It even felt like the computer he was using was running slower.
He could feel the aching in his head getting worse by the moment, but he still couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen. It wasn’t like what he was working on was that important. It was just an automatic shelving system so he could stock the items behind the theater counter easier. Because apparently he was expected to use a ladder every time he needed to shelve something.
Of course, that meant he needed to make proper blueprints and work out any kinks that could result in the items rocketing out from behind the counter.
Again, it wasn’t a difficult project by any means. Solar had made much more advanced pieces of technology before. 
It was more so the fact that he had been working on multiple projects in the same day and this was definitely past the fifth one of that day. So he should have expected the strain of having to make that many blueprints and adjust them as he saw fit.
But even so, his hands worked and typed of their own accord and the screen schematics ran past his vision at an almost sluggish rate. Sometimes he wondered if the workaholic part of his mind had spontaneously gained a sentient consciousness and forced his body to do ridiculous amounts of work against his body’s wishes to rest. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time an occurrence like that took place with the record of celestial-themed animatronics.
Something came into his vision.
Wait, what?
Solar blinked rapidly, then groaned as the object that interrupted his vision also interrupted the workzone that was preventing him from acknowledging his headache. He held a hand to his head as he closed his eyes, seeing faint images of numbers burn into his closed optics despite the fact that that shouldn’t have been physically possible.
Now to see what had come up in his vision.
Solar opened his eyes to the confusing sight of three…arms(?) dangling in front of his screen. Each arm had three, narrow-tipped fingers sprouting from the ends and appeared to be made of…well, something decidedly not metal, but metal-looking at the very least.
“What…?” Solar questioned quietly. Maybe he was working himself harder than he thought. Maybe he was looking at blueprints and mechanisms for so long he was starting to hallucinate them.
“Hello, Solar.” That was Spaniard. 
“Computer?” Solar paused. “...can I ask what these things are?” He had been sitting down so he slowly got up, glad that being an animatronic meant less cramps and no muscles to even get sore. He tilted his head as he observed the arms. 
“They are my new arms,” Spaniard responded, monotone as ever. Seemingly as a demonstration, the arms moved to make a waving motion after it spoke.
“Uh-huh. And where did they come from, if I might ask?” Solar was usually the mechanic who was called for these sorts of upgrades and unless he had a bout of amnesia, he didn’t remember installing any kind of arms for the computer.
“Moon gave them to me. He referred to them as a ‘Christmas gift’.” The arms performed ‘quotation mark’ motions with the last two words. “I have no desire for leisurely material possessions and my only purpose is to assist, so Moon decided to give me something that would allow me to physically assist you all.”
“So he gave you a Christmas present…sure, that checks out. But why am I only seeing you with them now?” Christmas had passed several days ago, so if Spaniard had received the arms on Christmas, then Solar should have seen them installed much sooner.
“Well, as I am sure you are aware, several events have transpired during and after Christmas that left Moon quite irritable. He did not have the functional and rational capacity to install them before now. I was not intending to bother him during that period of time,” Spaniard explained. 
“So he only recently installed them?” Solar asked, walking around to the front of the desk and looking up. The arms seemed…rather long, going all the way up to the ceiling rafters much like Moon’s wire would if he ever used it. Which he didn’t.
“You could’ve asked me to install them if Moon wasn’t in the mood to,” Solar told it. He was actually kind of confused that he wasn’t asked to install the arms. He was normally the animatronic everyone went to if they had a mechanical issue or if they needed something made.
“You do enough as is. I was not intending to bother you, either,” the Computer responded simply.
Solar huffed out a small laugh. “I am kind of the mechanic of this place. Wouldn’t be any different from anything else anyone’s had me do.”
“I stand by my point. You do enough. In fact, I interrupted you to…in vague terms, have you do…less of that.” Well, at least it made it clear that the phrasing was meant to be vague.
“You can just say it,” Solar said, putting one hand on the front of the security desk area. His other hand held his face. The headache was…going away somewhat. It was definitely still there, but it was letting up slightly. He was sure that meant something, but he wasn’t keen on admitting it.
“Very well. I interrupted you so you would take a break,” Spaniard replied bluntly. “You have been working for…” It paused as it probably calculated the time frame. “22 hours straight.”
“That’s pretty standard for me,” Solar mumbled to himself, knowing immediately after that that was most likely not the right thing to say. 
“Many of the others have advised that you should integrate more breaks into your schedule,” the Computer stated, one of the arms moving downwards to type…something onto the keyboard.
“Yeah well, old habits die hard,” Solar said distractedly, leaning over the front of the desk slightly. “What are you doing?”
“Preparing for the shutdown of this program for the time being. I am saving it, so it will not erase your progress,” Spaniard told him.
Despite the assurance, Solar felt the smallest spike of anxiety shoot through him at the thought of the blueprints not immediately appearing in front of him when he would turn the computer on. He had worked for too long on those. “You don’t need to do that.”
“If I do not turn off the program now, you will not rest.”
“I don’t need to rest. The most I’d probably need is an occasional recharge,” Solar said, hoping that he wouldn’t have to admit that he hadn’t stopped to charge for the entire time he had been working.
“You have not taken the breaks to do that. And if I had not stopped you, you would have continued with that pattern.” Spaniard paused. “If I may ask, Solar, what is your battery percentage?”
“Can’t you just scan me and find that out?” Solar questioned, not wanting to admit that either.
“I want you to tell me.” Despite the fact that the Computer’s vocal tone hardly ever changed, Solar could sense the slightest hint of sass peeking through. To add to it, he looked up and saw two of the arms in a makeshift ‘crossed arms’ position.
Solar sighed, knowing that the Computer wouldn’t drop the topic even if he tried to change it. “...10%.” It wasn’t the lowest percentage he had gone down to in his workzone haze, but it certainly wasn’t high by any means. It would’ve probably been fine if he had a more upgraded body like Sun or Moon, but despite his own modifications, the body he had currently was still old. If he tried to get to the charging area in Sun and Moon’s room, he would most likely shut down before he reached it. And then he would have to wait for someone to find him before he could get back online again.
Spaniard did not speak for several seconds. And the arms did not move.
Solar could practically see the face of disappointment if the Computer had a face. But it didn’t and never had, so he settled on interpreting the attitude of the stilled arms.
“Look, even if I tried to go and charge, I wouldn’t make it up there anyways without shutting down first. So I might as well get those blueprints figured out while I’m down here.” Maybe Solar was just trying to find an excuse to keep working so he could finally finish that shelving mechanism, but if anyone asked, that wasn’t the case. Even if the headache was seemingly going away the longer he was distanced from that screen.
“I can carry you,” the Computer stated as if it were a normal, everyday statement for it to make. It was not.
In fact, Solar felt himself blink several times as his CPU attempted to catch up with the almost out-of-pocket statement the Computer had made. “You what???” he questioned incredulously.
“I have arms now. And they can travel throughout the daycare, including into Sun and Moon’s room. So I am able to carry you up to the balcony if need be,” Spaniard explained, which only made the idea slightly less odd. “Would you be alright with that?”
“Uh.” Solar hesitated. He…wasn’t entirely sure how that would look and he wasn’t keen on being cradled like a baby or carried like an eagle’s fresh kill. But…if it meant he would be able to charge sooner and not have to wait for someone to find his lifeless body to get back to work, then he…supposed he could deal with it. “Sure? I guess?”
“Very well,” the Computer replied, the arms moving forward and pausing once they were within Solar’s reach. 
Solar was about to question the hesitation before two of the arms suddenly grabbed onto his sides, stopping any words that might have escaped in that moment. He felt himself tense up a considerable amount as he struggled not to make any loud vocalizations.
“Are you alright, Solar?” Spaniard asked. Of course it would have noticed the sudden tenseness.
Solar took a breath to calm his voice. “...yeah. Fine.”
“...is this position uncomfortable for you? I can adjust if need be,” the Computer offered, lightening its grip slightly.
“No, it’s-it’s fine. It just feels weird is all. Do whatever you want.” Any other position would just be awkward, unless the Computer decided to lift him by his arms. Yes, he was ignoring the feeling and he was not going to address it.
“Very well.” Spaniard assumed its tighter grip on Solar’s sides. And maybe he was being a little paranoid, but he could have sworn it paused a little too long when he flinched at the contact.
Then the arms lifted him up, causing his shirt to bunch up slightly, and it wasn’t long before he was being rather unceremoniously dropped onto the balcony.
Solar grunted as he stumbled slightly upon landing. “Thanks for that…” he muttered, smoothening out his shirt and moving over to the plugin area while keeping an eye on his draining battery.
“I apologize, Solar. I have not had time to properly adjust to my new arms,” Spaniard responded, somehow sounding apologetic despite its lack of tonal change.
“Yeah. Fair enough, I guess,” Solar replied as he fumbled to plug himself in. Once he did, he looked up towards the balcony to see if the Computer’s arms would slither their way through the entrance. His assumption was proven incorrect when the arms came in through corners in the room’s ceiling, one arm for each corner. Which meant that there was now another arm.
“How many arms do you have?” Solar questioned. For some reason, there was a pit of…nervousness(?) in his stomach region at the thought of there being that many mechanical arms coming through the ceiling. Nervousness???
Maybe it was a phobia thing. Or whatever.
“I have four in total,” Spaniard told him simply. “I do not believe I need more than that.”
“Alright…” Solar acknowledged, allowing the conversation to end there unless the Computer wanted to continue it.
And turns out, it did.
“After you have completed your charging cycle, are you going to take a break?” Aaand of course they were back to this.
“Isn’t this already a break of sorts?” Solar questioned, watching his percentage go up minute by minute. He was just glad his battery seemed to charge quicker than it drained.
“No. This is a charging cycle. This does not constitute as a break,” Spaniard said. 
“I’m not working.”
“Correct. But you are planning to return to what you were doing directly after this charging cycle,” the Computer stated, not leaving any room for a question to be squished in.
Solar hesitated. He had been planning to go and finish the blueprints at the very least. “...yeah?” he told it despite that. “Why does this matter to you so much?”
The Computer seemed to pause slightly before speaking. “I have observed you over the course of several days and I have concluded that your work schedule is…unhealthy. And if I am not mistaken, your headache has lessened in your time away from work, which only proves my point.” How did-?
“So now you decide to scan me.”
“I have scanned you in both instances. I simply wanted you to relinquish some of your stubbornness in the first case.”
“I’m not that stubborn.”
“Yes, you are.”
Solar sighed. He had nothing to say in his defense to that.
“I am simply…concerned. I insist that you take a break.” Well, it was clear that the Computer was not going to drop the subject. “If it helps, it would be beneficial in the long-run for future work.”
“Look, I can take a break after I finish working out any issues with the blueprint I was working on,” Solar offered as a compromise in the hopes that the Computer would take it and let him work. The concern was…confusing. Sweet, but confusing. He knew that was probably due to…some kind of trauma or whatever, but still confusing.
Spaniard didn’t respond immediately. “...Solar, if you do not take a break after your charging cycle has completed, I will have to use…unorthodox methods to get you to do so.” Wait, what???
Solar lifted his arms slightly, unsure if he meant to position them in a defensive manner or not. “...what do you mean ‘unorthodox’?” he questioned, nervousness lightly breaking his tone.
“Do not worry, Solar. I promise I did not mean that in a threat of harm. If you wish, I can tell you what I intend to do,” the Computer amended. 
Solar glanced at his percentage, finding it to be at a decent amount. Still, he wouldn’t move until it was done. The Computer would see to that as well. 
He considered what the Computer said. Then sighed. “...yeah. Sure.” He glanced at the arms stationed around the room, noting that they were all facing his direction. He felt another firecracker of nervousness set itself off in his stomach region. He wasn’t sure if it was good or bad (it felt…more ‘good’ than not).
“Very well. I have observed some of your sessions as well as your talks with Earth about your exposure to positive touch.” Solar felt the nervousness increase when he heard that. Though, now that he was thinking about it…it was probably more akin to ‘anticipation’ than direct ‘nervousness’. “I have also noted Earth’s methods when enacting this prospect upon you-”
“Can you just say it already?!” Solar burst out, then instantly felt guilty. “...sorry.”
“Well, it would appear that you are already aware of my plan, so there is no need to elaborate further.” Was the Computer…teasing him???
“Oh, you-”
“It is your choice, Solar. Either you take a break, or I enact my ‘unorthodox’ method.” As if on cue, the fingers of the arms clawed the air in front of Solar a few times. “Though I have–as they say–a ‘feeling’ of what you will choose.”
Solar felt himself curl up ever so slightly at the sight of the arms. Ah…so that’s what that was.
“I will wait,” the Computer stated, almost smugly.
And then Solar was forced to wait as his battery gradually charged itself, getting closer and closer to fullness.
Well…the Computer planned to tickle him until he took a break. That was–
Solar forced down the anticipatory shudder that would have run through him the more he thought about it. Though he knew Spaniard probably sensed it. And would be looking smugly at him if it had a face.
It wasn’t like he was…against it. He had had some sessions with Earth on it after his initial overwhelmed reaction to Lunar tickling him the first time and she had gently introduced him to it until he was used to it. Something with ‘knismesis’ or whatever. After that, well…he had been more involved with it, but definitely not all that much. Really only Earth had done it on occasion (he suspected that Lunar stopped because of his previous reaction, which he still felt kind of guilty about).
But he definitely wasn’t against it.
…which was embarassing as all hell.
And he knew the Computer knew it as well. 
Which was probably why every few seconds, the fingers of the arms would move slightly to grasp at the air, sometimes even coming a little closer to him. And Solar felt himself die just a little, tiny bit on the inside when he flinched at the actions.
And while his imagination wasn’t the greatest at times, for some godforsaken reason, it was reeeal easy for him to imagine those narrow-tipped fingers scribbling and clawing at his sides and back while he-
He groaned, extending his charging cord just slightly as he covered his face and practically slid down the wall behind him like some kind of cliche movie scene.
“Is something wrong, Solar?” Spaniard asked and–oh, the little shit knew what it was doing. To make matters worse, it decided to wiggle its fingers right as Solar peeked through his hands to look. “I have not touched you yet.” The ‘yet’ part was not helping.
“...I’m fine,” Solar muttered quietly. “I know what you’re doing.”
“Of course you do. And based on my recollections of your sessions with Earth, you are already attempting to…predict my methods.” If the Computer had a proper laugh, Solar was positive it would be chuckling at him. “So I am not surprised that it does not take much.” It paused. “What is your percentage?”
“You know what it is,” Solar grumbled while glancing at his battery life.
“I want you to tell me.” The arms once again inched closer, one getting much closer much quicker than he thought and making him flinch violently. He was going to ignore the strangled noise that he made in response to it, choosing instead to glare at the offending limb.
Solar shuddered, then grumbled. “...72%,” he muttered.
“Then it would appear you have some time left to think on my advice,” Spaniard said simply. “...or think on other things. I know which one you are doing.”
“Shut up,” Solar groaned, bringing a hand to his face. “And stop doing that.”
“You will have to be more specific, Solar,” the Computer said, the smug bastard. As it spoke, it brought one of its arms closer to Solar’s face while wiggling its fingers, making him move his head away. “I cannot answer if you do not specify.”
“Y-yes, you can,” Solar responded with a brief stutter, which he mentally slapped himself for.
“No, I cannot. I am afraid you will have to be more specific. And I will need details, of course. I want you to tell me exactly what I am doing so I can be more helpful in my response.” There was definitely more smugness in that statement than not.
“You don’t need that,” Solar said a little too quickly for his liking. He was not specifying shit. “I don’t need to tell you anything.”
“Then I cannot stop what you want me to stop. Whatever it may be, it will continue to happen,” Spaniard replied with an air of casualness as it continued to wiggle and scratch and claw at the air around Solar, seemingly getting closer with every motion.
And good God, was his endurance for it dwindling.
He had never had this much…anticipation targeted at him all at once. Earth at least been…well, quick with what she planned to do. She never made him wait long.
But this? This was torturous.
His endurance was getting so low that the next time the arms came too close, he felt laughter that had already been bubbling up inside of him burst out. A loud, raspy burst of laughter.
Well. He wanted to die then and there.
The Computer actually seemed to pause at that–and dear God, did that not help at all. “...I have not touched you.” It sounded like more of an observation than a tease. “...that is intriguing.”
“Th-there’s nothing to be ‘intrigued’ about, trust me,” Solar said in an attempt to distract the Computer from its own processing unit. Which was…admittedly impossible. He wasn’t sure why he even tried.
“...what is your percentage?” Spaniard asked, not directly responding to Solar’s words.
And Solar knew what kind of response he would get if he asked why the Computer didn’t just use its scans of him.
He paused as he glanced at his percentage. “...99%.” How long had the Computer been-?!
…he was starting to regret the charging upgrade he gave himself, if only for this moment.
“Well then…have you made your decision, Solar?” Spaniard asked, almost innocently despite his knowledge that it was being anything but that.
Despite literally being threatened with tickles until he took a break throughout his entire charging process…Solar returned back to his previous compromise. “L-look, I just need to finish the blueprints for the shelving unit and then I’ll take a break.” He then unplugged himself from the wall.
If the Computer had more advanced forms of vocal expression, then it probably would have sighed or hummed. Instead, all it said was, “Incorrect answer, Solar.”
And it was then that the arms finally ceased in their teasing charade and attacked Solar.
“WaitwaitWAHEHEHEHEHEHEIT-” Solar burst out as two of the arms came to his sides and began clawing and scratching as they had done previously to the air and–oh God, the sharper fingers were so much worse than he thought.
“I think you have had enough ‘wait’ time, Solar. You chose this, as suspected.”
“IHIHIHI SAHAHAHAHAHAHAID I WOULD TAKEABREAHAHAHAHA-” Solar was cut off by a much more intense bout of laughter as one of the arms found one of his rays, scritching rapidly and continuously at it. “NOHOHOHOHO-TOOHOHO MU-HAHAHAHA-” Thanks to Earth, he had learned pretty early on that his rays were a really fucking bad spot. He grabbed onto the arm in an attempt to make it stop, but he only succeeded in holding onto it as the three arms continued to tickle their chosen spots. 
“Oh, my apologies.” 
The arms suddenly let up slightly, though they didn’t move at all from their places. Now it wasn’t as intense, but it still tickled.
“I forgot you are only used to prolonged exposure to gentler tickles. I will try not to remain intense the entire way through.”
“Yohohohohou caHAHAn’t fohohohorgehehehet like thahahahat,” Solar protested slightly, laughter only rising in pitch when the fingers on his ray sped up momentarily.
“Perhaps. Perhaps I simply wanted to test for myself. But I am sure you did not mind.”
“I dohohohohohon’t knohohohow whahahat yohoHOHOu’re tahahahalking abOAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOUT-snort-NAHAHAH-” Solar felt one arm sneak its way up the back of his shirt while the Computer had been talking, feeling narrow fingers run up and down his spine, all whilst they wiggled lightly with each movement. 
“From what I am understanding, this is another quite sensitive spot for you. Not that you have many that are not.”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut uhuhuUHUHAHAHAP! STAHAHAHAHA-snort-HAHA-” He snorted once again as his eyes squeezed shut. The arm tickling his back continued its assault as the two on his sides seemed to pause. Then one of them moved upwards on his left while the other moved down on his right and–oh.
If he wasn't snorting with laughter before, he definitely was now.
The upper arm now had its claws under his arm and through the sleeve of his shirt, gently scribbling at the space where part of his endoskeleton was exposed between his body and his upper arm. “Nohohononono-snort-HOHOHO-” He then tried to grab the arm that was attacking his own, only to have the arm that had been previously tickling his back retreat from his shirt and grab his own before he could. Then his arm was stretched above his head, giving the Computer’s own arm full access to his armpit. “-snort-NAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-” 
“Thank you for the access.”
Despite the tease, Solar felt the fingers on his ray let up and the lower arm remain still. Then he felt another set of fingers join the one on the left, targeting the more exposed side alongside his armpit. Now he had fingers doing the same thing that had been done to his back, wiggling up and down his side all while another set was still scribbling almost delicately at his pit.
Now Solar knew why the Computer had stopped the other attacks on his body because this combination tickled more than he thought he was ready for.
“It is if it means you are to take a break.”
“I DOHOHOHOHOHON’T NEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEEEK-! NEHEHEHEED ONE! I JUHUHUHUHUST NEHEHEHEHEHEHEED TO CHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARGE!!” Solar protested, refusing to admit that he squealed when the arm on his side began a sort of squeezing action, moving its fingers in little swirly motions with each prolonged squeeze. His legs began sliding back and forth to his person on the floor, not quite kicking but not quite not.
The fingers suddenly slowed in their motions, giving Solar a small break as his prevously loud laughter was reduced to raspy giggling.
“I thought we had established that charging did not count as a break.”
“Ahahahahand I thohohohohohohought I saheheheheid thahahahat I wohohohohohohould take a breheheheheak lahAHAHater,” Solar responded as best he could with the ticklish sensations still covering his left side.
“And I thought you were aware that I intended for you to take a break imminently. It would appear there was quite a lot of miscommunication between us. Regardless, I am not hearing a ‘I will take a break now, Computer’, so I see that I will have to continue my persuasion method.”
“Yohohohohohohu dohohohohohon’t neheheheheheed t-mmhehehehehe-” Solar began, then cut off his words to be replaced with mindless giggling. He wasn’t sure why he di-actually, he knew exactly why, but he wasn’t going to admit that to himself. Instead, he just let the arms continue their gentle swirling motions on his casing and endo.
“Care to repeat that, Solar?”
“Mmehehehehe…nohohohoho…” No way in hell he was going to repeat anything that would dig him a deeper embarrassed hole than he had already made in his mind.
And…he was starting to feel strangely relaxed now that the more intense tickling had ceased. The circular actions felt more…soothing now than anything else. 
…God, even that was embarrassing to admit to himself.
“Oh. I was under the impression that you were about to take my advice. That is quite a shame. I suppose you will need more persuasion then.”
Solar felt the arms leave him aside from the one still holding his arm up (though now it was more so simply holding it rather than forcing it upwards). For a moment, he felt strangely…disappointed(?) as he opened his eyes slightly while his giggling continued.
Then the odd disappointment vanished when the other arms returned, this time aimed towards his face and head. He flinched when one set of fingers began lightly scratching at one of his rays, setting off a more intense bout of giggles. They just increased when more fingers found the moon side of his face and began scribbling at his chin and cheek area.
Solar instantly started squirming much more than he was before, all while giggling and throwing his head around as if that would get rid of the ticklish sensation. “Whahahahahat-why thehehehehehehere?”
“I simply wanted to test a theory. And I was proven correct.”
“Whahahahahahahat theheheheheheheheheory???” While this tickling definitely was a lot less intense than before, it was almost just as bad with how borderline anticipatory the gentler tickles were. Not to mention, he felt like laughter was leaving his mouth more than words were.
“Moon has the same set of reactions when this area is tickled and I was wondering if you shared the same mannerisms. Which you do. It is quite amusing.”
Solar wasn’t even sure if the Computer was teasing him at that point or if it was simply making observations, but either way he couldn’t help the embarrassment that coursed through him at those words. “Ihihihihi dohohohon’t thihihihihihihnk sohoHOHOHOhohoho…” He thrashed his head around again when the arm focused on his face began gently circling his cheek, setting off another clump of giggles.
“Well, I do. And in our current situation, I believe I hold the higher power here. So I am not counting your opinion.”
Solar felt the scribbling on his ray increase in speed momentarily, ripping a surprised hiccup out of him accompanied by slightly louder laughter. “NahahaHAHAHA-”
“It would appear that you also share some traits with Sun, which would also make sense.”
Good God, this was torturous.
“Cahahahan yohohohohohou stahahahahahahahap?!” Solar pleaded, feeling the fingers slow down once more and leaving that absolutely torturous feeling of having one of his worst spots and one of his milder spots being tickled at the same intensity. Which wasn’t a lot.
“I am afraid I do not know what you mean. Once again, I implore you to be more specific, Solar.”
“Stahahahahahahap t-mhmehehehehe-dohohohohoing thahahahahahat so lihihihihihightly!” Solar cursed his strange inability to say the word ‘tickle’ in most situations. He had never been sure as to why, but he always felt a little too much embarrassment when attempting to say it, so he usually stopped himself before he did. Maybe it was the childishness of it or maybe it was just the embarrassment and flusteredness of being the target of that word. He wasn’t sure but it was hard for him to say it before and it was hard for him now.
“I am afraid I did not quite hear that, Solar. Please repeat yourself. Clearer this time, if you will.”
“I juhuhuhuhuhust wahahahahahant yohohohohohohohohou to stahahahahap ti-mhehehehehe…” Solar used his other hand to try and cover his face, forcibly pushing off the arm of the Computer so he could do so. It didn’t stop that arm from finding another tickle spot, this time lightly wiggling its fingers on his stomach region. “I cahahAHAHAHAhahahahahan’t…”
“Well, I would say you can, but from what I have seen from your sessions with Earth, along with other recordings, you appear wholly incapable of saying the word ‘tickle’ in any circumstance. So I suppose I can grant you the smallest fraction of mercy in that regard. In everything else, however, I will not.” It paused. “Unless, of course, you tell me you will take a break.”
“Ihihihihi alreheheheheheheady sahahahaid I wohohohohohould!”
“...mgehehehehe…” Solar knew it was probably a mistake not to respond but…
“That was not a ‘yes’.”
Solar let out a loud burst of laughter when the wiggling of the fingers on his stomach turned into rapid clawing and the ones on his ray shift to wiggling into his neck. Then he felt the arm holding his own let go and the other arm both grab onto his hips and begin squeezing.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHO-WAIEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET-I DIHIHIHIHIDN’T-” Solar absolutely cackled at the multiple spots being viciously targeted at once, using both of his free hands to grab at the two attacking his hips, but ultimately being unable to do anything as he simultaneously tried to hunch his shoulders and prevent the one from tickling his neck.
Eventually, he just leaned to the side in an attempt to lessen the intensity of the tickles he thought he was going to be able to handle (and as it turns out, he was not). This led to him falling on his side, which did nothing to stop the Computer in its focused tickle attack. In fact, due to one of the sets of fingers on his hips being somewhat crushed, he felt the other ones seemingly try to make their chosen spots tickle more. Now the claw on his stomach began a set of squeezing motions, stopping occasionally to dig its narrow fingers at individual speeds on any part of the area they could. And the one on his neck didn’t let him get used to one area being attacked, wiggling and scribbling momentarily at one point then abruptly stopping and changing spots.
He then rolled onto his back and tried to hug himself, which he wasn’t sure what would accomplish in that moment. All he knew was that it tickled and he needed to do something with his hands. His legs were already doing enough with how much stomping they were doing.
“Yes, Solar?”
Immediately, Spaniard ceased most of the tickles, removing two arms and moving the other two to lightly vibrate on his sides and good God why was that a feature???
“NeheheheHAHAHA-Ihihihihihimm…mehehehehehe…” Solar found himself unable to think of any proper wording in his situation. Worse of all, he began hiccuping in laughter again, ending a couple with a squeak if the lightly squeezing and rapidly moving fingers happened to hit a particularly sensitive spot.
“I think I have made my point,” Spaniard said in what was most definitely a smug tone. “I have also noticed that you have taken multiple alternate avenues to have me continue tickling you. I believe you also continued being stubborn so this would occur.”
“Nnnohohohoho…thahahahat’s nahahahahat whahahahat I meheHEHEHEheheant…”
“It is exactly what you meant. And it was also expected.”
“Nahahahohoho…” Good God, even if it wasn’t that bad, Solar could still feel the ghostly tickles doing their jobs on the parts of him that had already been attacked, leaving him sensitive and anticipating any other tickles.
The Computer seemed to pause, then Solar felt the arms retreat, in which he immediately melted onto the floor, rolling over onto his stomach and just…laying there. He was still giggling, still feeling the ghosts of the tickles from before, but eventually he was able to recover enough for them to leave him almost completely.
Then he sighed and lifted himself up to sit on his knees. He felt the familiar heat of embarrassment kick into his systems as he curled up slightly, leaning back into the wall.
“So…once again, I believe I have made my point clear?” This time, the statement was phrased as a question.
Solar sighed again, grumbling to himself. “Y-yeah. Sure. You made your point or…whatever,” he muttered, the flustered feeling not leaving.
“I can still very well continue if I have not made myself clear.” The Computer brought up its arms once more and flexed its fingers.
Solar flinched, leaning further into the wall and hugging himself. “Uh-no, I think we’re alright.” Then he paused as he realized something. “I…didn’t agree to what you wanted me to.”
“I am aware. However, I have forced you to take a break with this chain of events, so to speak. And I know that now you are more tired than not.”
That was…true. Solar could still feel his fans on high-blast in an attempt to cool his body down and despite charging beforehand…he could admit he felt tired. “Hm. So that was your plan all along.”
“Correct. And as I calculated, it worked. I win.”
Solar chuckled. “You ‘win’?” he questioned.
“Yes. I win. And as a bonus, you had fun as well. We both win.”
Solar let out a choked noise, then groaned and thunked his head on the wall behind him, closing his eyes. “Shut up,” he grumbled out.
“I have this event recorded should you need evidence of my claim.”
Solar’s eyes then snapped open at that, stiffening and sitting up straight. “You what?!” he exclaimed. Did-did the Computer plan to use that as blackmail??? He groaned, covering his face. “Please don’t show that to anyone. Neither Moon nor Lunar will let me live that down…”
“Do not worry. It is part of my personal folder for my own observations. And as a reminder of what will happen if you decide to overwork yourself in my presence and do not take my advice.”
“Okay, okay! I got it…” Solar slowly slid his hands off his face, sighing and staring at the couch in the room. He knew that he could very well walk over to the couch and lay down but he was tired. “The others probably won’t like it if I decide to sleep here. But whatever. I’m tired.”
“...I can carry you,” Spaniard offered in a wonderful bout of deja vu.
Solar huffed out an amused laugh. “Sure, Computer. And why don’t you tuck me in while you’re at it?” he joked lightly.
“As you wish.” 
Solar felt the arms lift him again, this time in a more…cradled fashion. He watched with lidded eyes as another arm went…somewhere and returned with…a blanket.
“Wait, Computer, I was joking-I was joking, Computer!”
“I am aware. I am playing a joke of my own. Suffer.”
And Solar just groaned and laid back, accepting his fate of being tucked in by a goddamn computer.
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skunkes · 1 month
thje really good thing about this year is ive gotten poked with a needle for drawing blood or other reasons like 20 times so that part of Fearing Going On T has been lessened a bit
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ariapmdeol · 21 days
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seifuku seodore
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bunnihearted · 4 months
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I know this is interesting to no one because it's incredibly niche but I have a little mystery around mid-to-late 19th century mens waistcoats that I've been digging into, and so far, after digging into a bunch of local, provincial, and also national and international online archives, including but not limited to the Rijksmuseum, the V&A, LACMA, and KCI, and also asking about this on instagram and specifically asking the dutch costume society, I have found:
-9 pictures, all local to my area in eastern Netherlands, and every single one of these pictures is people wearing local folk dress -and one (1) extant garment, in the US and also made there.
that's it.
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