#anybody. Nunc
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carolespino · 4 years ago
Morbi consequat nulla ipsum. The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody. Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id The Readers Notefor Can 39 T Hurt Me A Writ , venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada Marketing Of Agricultural Products 9th Edition nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis S PiLisYms6 . Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc S EYosCTPX1X, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
I talked to Alex and Joe about WordAi today.
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jenniferespino · 4 years ago
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody. Praesent dapibus elementum nunc Vl5YAzy3ezlo Rocket To The Rescue Marvel Guardians Of The Gal, nec eleifend magna consequat porta
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc Vl5YAzy3ezlo Rocket To The Rescue Marvel Guardians Of The Gal, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada EnMWcibVjB I nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate Y0EhlCXBZWo Lemmy The Definitive Biography Paperback. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Today I spoke to Alex and Joe about WordAi.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id UrMmwsimw Fargo Rock City A Heavy Metal Odyssey In Rural N, venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis TodRuZtzu My Portion Spiritual And Earthly Inheritance Pap. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
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newvegascowboy · 3 years ago
27, 32 and 49 for Thirteen aaaand
5, 18, 35 and 50 for Red :3c pls
ty uwu
27 - Has a chance encounter ever had an unexpected effect on them?
HMM i mean tgetting scooped up by the big mt wasn't very good. filler her with lots of uh. shall we say. not great things.
32 - If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
Boy, she'd really like to be a Real Girl
49 - Do they have trouble keeping their enemies and their friends straight?
She often doesn't associate with a lot of people and tends to be fairly neutral towards anybody she speaks to. People are friends and enemies in equal measure.
5 - Do they have any tattoos? If so what are they and do they have any special meaning?
Red has two :3c they have the phrase "Nunc scio quid sit amor" on their left collarbone, which is 'now I know what love is'. Acquired sometime after Angela. They also have a compass rose tattoo on their chest. :3c wonder who that's for
18 - How easy is it to become their enemy?
Red will tolerate a lot of behavior when it only affects them. They tend to sit on their rage until it boils over. If someone threatens someone they care about? That's instant hate.
35 - Do they believe in fate or do they believe they are in charge of their own destiny?
Red believes in fate, but they also believe that they have the power to change it through sheer will and determination. Sure, everything happens for a reason, but free will conquers all.
50 - What is your favorite thing about them?
the gender for sure. also the tits. also the sideburns. also-
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stephenespin · 4 years ago
In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor. Praesent dapibus elementum nunc International Marketing In Higher Education In T, nec eleifend magna consequat porta
Today I talked to Joe and Alex about WordAi.
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not detained anybody.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id Value Assessment Practice Manual Rtt Chinese Edi, venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc International Marketing In Higher Education In T, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate P I2PoJC5F . Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis K57YNLgL Automated Trading With R Quantitative Research A. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
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jimmieespi · 4 years ago
Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada SCCmGIIyDiwT Stars Of David Paperback nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Law enforcement are interrogating the suspect, although they have not detained anybody.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate TrLz0SnP8 The Netter Collection Of Medical Illustrations M. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc QEE2AKfHH2Y Institutional Units Performance And Efficiency M, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
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alfianyan96 · 4 years ago
Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada V Vick The Vet Activity Ladybird Readers Star nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id Q9HbgzxEt It 39 S No Joke We Live In Hell Paperback, venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc RpxSnsTcC4X Chocolate Cake With Hitler, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate OhyTsjf60 U . Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Law enforcement are interrogating the defendant, although they have not detained anybody.
Today I talked to Alex and Joe about WordAi.
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vladimir-nabokov-official · 5 years ago
John Updike, for example, has for years been constructing protagonists who are basically all the same guy (see for instance Rabbit Angstrom, Dick Maple, Piet Hanema, Henry Bech, Rev. Tom Marshfield, “Roger’s Version”’s ‘Uncle Nunc’) and who are all clearly stand-ins for Updike himself. They always live in either Pennsylvania or New England, are unhappily married or divorced, are roughly Updike’s age. Always either the narrator or the point-of-view character, they all have the author’s astounding perceptual gifts; they all think and speak in the same effortlessly lush, synesthetic way that Updike does. They are also always incorrigibly narcissistic, philandering, self-contemptuous, self-pitying… and deeply alone, alone the way only an emotional solipsist can be alone. They never belong to any sort of larger unit or community or cause. Though usually family men, they never really love anybody – and, though always heterosexual to the point of satyriasis, they especially don’t love women.* The very world around them, as beautifully as they see and describe it, seems to exist for them only insofar as it evokes impressions and associations and emotions inside the self. *Unless, of course, you consider delivering long encomiums to a woman’s ‘sacred several-lipped gateway’ or saying things like ‘It is true, the sight of her plump lips obediently distended around my swollen member, her eyelids lowered demurely, afflicts me with a religious peace’ to be the same thing as loving her.
David Foster Wallace, ‘Certainly the End of Something or Other, One Would Sort of Have To Think: Re John Updike’s Toward the End of Time’ (1998), in Consider the Lobster and Other Essays (p. 53) 
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gabrielxreader · 8 years ago
Pocket Size
Request: Maybe one where the reader shrinks because of a spell? Gabe puts her in his pocket and adorableness ensues?
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1222
Gender: Female
Author: Gwen
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
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“Turn magnitudinem ranarum. Mus nunc per magnitudinem. Ego autem interfecit tunc iuraverunt!” The witch screamed out at you as a last resort before you fired your weapon, watching as she fell to the ground in a heap. Once you made sure she was down, you yelled in triumph to your partner, who was somewhere in this moldy house.
Taking a step forward, you suddenly felt dizzy. The place seemed to spin and get larger. “Gabriel!” You yelled out in panic, letting your arms go out wide to balance yourself. “Something’s wrong.” Your voice was smaller, higher pitched.
“Y/N?” You heard the thunderous steps of your partner coming closer. “Where are you?”
It wasn’t until you tried to wave your hand that you noticed it didn’t even reach the bookcase nearby. Falling flat on your butt, you found the ground much closer than before as everything was else seemed gigantic. “Oh boy.” You saw Gabriel inspect the dead body, turning to your general direction. “Over here!” You waved your hands frantically, praying he could hear you or see your tiny body. “Gabriel!”
He took two steps forward. “Is that–heh.” He chuckled, squatting down to look at you better. “Just had to go take care of the witch yourself, huh?” He smirked.
You crossed your arms with a frown. “Where were you mister?”
“What was that?” He cupped his ear, angling it towards you. “Kinda quiet like a mouse.”
“I will–” You stomped forward.
“What?” Gabriel snickered. “Gonna hurt me? I’d love to see you try, but…” He held out a hand for you to climb on. “...we got other things to do.”
You paused, glaring at his hand for a moment. “I don’t like this.” You stared up at him before climbing onto his palm. “Why can’t you fix me? You know, just snap those fingers of yours.”
“Wish I could cupcake, but I don’t know the spell and it’s probably temporary.”
“Probably?!” You glared up at him.
“Yeah, now hold on tight, little grasshopper.” Gabriel slowly stood up, making sure you stayed on his hand. You kept towards the center with your arms wrapped around his thumb to steady yourself. “I got an idea.” Before you could ask what it was you were dumped into his front pocket.
“Uff!” Maroon fabric filled your vision as you struggled to right yourself. “Hey!” Poking your head out, you collided your fist against his chest.
Gabriel didn’t even notice the strike as he started gathering supplies and heading back to the car. “You should be fine there for now.” You let out a huff at his words, watching from his pocket as he got into the car.
“Can you even drive a car?” You gulped, praying to God that your car would be alright.
“Guess we’ll find out.” Gabriel joked, earning him another hit that he didn’t feel.
It turns out he did know how to drive or at least he gave himself the ability. The world seemed more vast and new from your smaller point of view. Sunlight heated you up quickly and with the added body warmth from Gabriel you asked that the air be turned on. Gabriel seemed to be taking your condition pretty well. Of course he had to add in a couple jokes in there. Along with debating if he should use the same spell on the Winchesters.
A couple hours later and Gabriel sat in a diner with you remaining out of sight in his pocket. He ordered himself a sundae with extra chocolate sauce. “Sure you don’t want some?”
“How am I supposed to eat it?” You hissed, peeking from the pocket. Most of the other patrons were busy with other things to notice a tiny human.
Suddenly, Gabriel gripped your shirt with two fingers and placed you on the table. You shot him a look at you fixed your shirt. “Here.” He scooped up a little with his spoon and held it at a reasonable height for you. “Don’t got any doll spoons around.”
“Ha ha.”
“Hey, at least your clothes shrank with you.” Gabriel poked you with a finger, but it felt more like a hard push.
“If you want some, eat some. You should count yourself lucky. I don’t share often.”
You tried to think of something clever to say, but instead you gave in and moved the spoon closer. It was hard to eat, but you managed. You felt ice cream sticking to your face and could hear Gabriel failing to suppress his laughter. “Hand me a napkin?” You held out a hand.
“Sure.” Gabriel bit his lower lip as he rubbed a napkin over your face. The texture felt rough and thick at this smaller size. “All better.” The gold-eyed angel crumpled the napkin once he was done.
“When does this exactly wear off?” You combed back your hair.
“Not sure. In the meantime, let’s have some fun.” You were scooped up again and plopped into his pocket with little argument. You didn’t have a chance to stand up before you were jostled by his walking.
Apparently fun was going to a toy store. After some time Gabriel convinced you to get into one of the remote controlled convertible toy cars. At first your hands clutched the plastic steering wheel as you raced up and down the aisles, but then you decided to just go with it. You embraced your tiny form as you raised your hands up like you were on a rollercoaster.
From there you boxed with a toy figure that Gabriel made come to life. It was an interesting experience for sure, though not as cool as going into the lego city that was on display. The least fun was when Gabriel wanted to test if Nerf foam bullets hurt when you were a small size. The answer was yes.
The two of you stayed at the toy store until closing. During the car ride back to the hotel you rested on Gabriel’s shoulder, gripping his hair. “I’m hungry.”
“Want me to make you a tiny dinner like those Facebook videos? You know, the tiny bacon and stuff.” Gabriel joked as he pulled into a hotel parking lot.
“That’d be fun to watch.”
“Set you up with some doll furniture to sit on.” He added with a light chuckle.
“Don’t push it.” You yanked some of his hair.
“Okay, okay, little devil on my shoulder.”
“Oh, I’m the devil?”
“Yep. I’m the angel.” He pointed his thumb at himself as he walked over to the lobby counter. “So, one bed then? Or one and a half?”
You opened your mouth to throw an insult his way, but instead you felt the world spin again. Only this time things appeared to become their normal size as your body grew. When everything was normal again you noticed that you were sitting on top of Gabriel.
“Warn a guy, would ya?” He huffed out, pushing you off of him.
“Sorry.” You stood up, inspecting yourself. “Feels good to be back.”
“I kinda like small you.” Gabriel patted your shoulder.
“Shut up.” You punched his arm lightly. “Guess we need two beds now. Although you don’t even sleep.”
“I still like to lay back and relax.” Gabriel argued, then peered over the counter. “Doesn’t anybody work here?!” He slammed the bell several times.
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kassandra-lorelei · 7 years ago
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag ten people you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @myaimwentaway thank you, sweetie! <3
Age: 21 (a month away from 22)
Birthplace: Chatham, England, UK
Current Time:
Drink i had last: Lemon and Lime flavoured water
Easiest person to talk to: My bestie
Favorite song atm: I’m in a real Of Monsters and Men stage, and it’s probably either “King and Lionheart” or “Your Bones”
Grossest memory: Probably seeing half a deer (back legs missing, rib-cage and intestines exposed) lying on the side of the road. Any roadkill memory though, really. Each is its own individual brand of gross.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor by the Harry Potter society at my uni, Hufflepuff by Pottermore and my friends.
In love?: No time lmao. Not that anyone would anyway.
Jealous of people: Depends on what they’re doing/have done.
Killed someone: I don’t think so.
Love at first sight?: Maybe for some people? I personally believe in getting to know a person a bit. But each to their own.
Middle name: Kate
Number of siblings: One, an older brother
One wish: To graduate and be guaranteed a good job in my field that I enjoy
Person who I called last: My parents
Questions I always get asked: How is uni going, and recently how was America.
Reason to smile: Dogs. Dogs are a reason to smile.
Song I sang last: The Nunc Dimittis. I’ve been at Choir Practice.
Time I woke up: I’m not sure. I had a nightmare and woke up when it was still dark out, but went back to sleep. I got up at 8, though.
Underwear color: Grey
Vacation Destination: I wanna go to Austin, and New York.
Worst habit: Overthinking.
X-rays: Only dental ones.
Your favorite food: I like many things tbh. 
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
I’m not gonna tag anybody today, so if you feel like doing it you can say I tagged you. :-)
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literary-structures · 8 years ago
Updike, for example, has for years been constructing protagonists who are basically all the same guy (see for example Rabbit Angstrom, Dick Maple, Piet Hanema, Henry Bech, Rev. Tom Marshfield, Roger’s Version’s Uncle Nunc) and who are all clearly stand-ins for the author himself. They always live in either Pennsylvania or New England, are unhappily married/divorced, are roughly Updike’s age. Always either the narrator or the point-of-view character, they all have the author’s astounding perceptual gifts; they all think and speak in the same effortlessly lush, synesthetic way Updike does. They are also always incorrigibly narcissistic, philandering, self-contemptuous, self-pitying and deeply alone; alone the way only a solipsist can be alone. They never belong to any sort of larger unit or community or cause. Though usually family men, they never really love anybody – and, though always heterosexual to the point of satyriasis, they especially don’t love women. The very world around them, as beautifully as they see and describe it, seems to exist for them only insofar as it evokes impressions and associations and emotions inside the self.
David Foster Wallace, John Updike, Champion Literary Phallocrat, Drops One; Is This Finally the End for Magnificent Narcissists?
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iph2017 · 8 years ago
Question of the Week
Who said this?
“If any member of our college of visitors could  justifiably withdraw from this sacred duty it would be myself, who, quadragenis stipendiis jamdudum peractis, have neither vigor of body nor mind left to keep the field; but I will die in the last ditch, and so I hope you will, my friend, as well as our firm breasted brothers and colleagues...Nature will not give you a second life wherein to atone for the omissions of this. Pray then, dear and very dear Sir, do not think of deserting us, but view the sacrifices which seem to stand in your way, as the lesser duties, and such as ought to be postponed to this, the greatest of all. Continue with us in these holy labors, until having seen their accomplishment, we may say with old age ‘Nunc dimittis, Domine.’ Under all circumstances, however, of praise or blame, I shall be affectionately yours.”
--Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C Cabell, January 31, 1821
Presumably the battle had already been won. The land grant passed in 1817, the university charter given in 1819. The University of Virginia was established. Except that the future of the fledgling was very much in doubt. The General Assembly did not want to appropriate a large amount of money to a new University when they already had two other schools to support. Joseph Cabell, Jefferson’s closest ally and champion in the General Assembly, had fought since the early 1810s for the school. The battle took a high toll on Cabell’s health and he wanted to lay down his arms. But Jefferson knew they were not done yet, and persuaded Cabell to keep fighting.
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It’s my last day, so please indulge some rambling musings. Apologies in advance. Feel free to skip to the end for the actual tally of all work accomplished this summer.
I found this quote/letter my very first week of the internship and it stuck with me. More so than a regular quote about never giving up, which you often hear in association with when things are looking down, this quote shows the importance of giving 110% even when it seems like you could stop and be proud of what you did. Because what if you could make it even better. What if you could create something which lasts over 200 years. And yes, you “may not live to see our glory” to quote Hamilton (I realize Hamilton and Jefferson were not the best of friends in any sense of the word but it seems appropriate) nor is it about creating a legacy (“planting seeds in a garden you never get to see” pardon my musical obsession). When Jefferson founded the University of Virginia, he had already accomplished so many things, more than most people could ever hope to do. But the thing which he cared most about, and fought so hard for at the end of his life, was the University. It was education for the people.
Jefferson always gets a bad rap, and I’m not trying to give Jefferson a total pass. I’m not going to get into discussions on slavery, or any other topics. Just UVA. The University I love. It certainly looks different today from Jefferson’s original vision (and not just the buildings and layout). It was a school for white men, primarily well off, for most of its history. The first African American Student wasn’t admitted until 1950. The first coed undergraduate class matriculated in 1970. (Although women had been admitted to graduate level programs since the late 1910s and earlier to any level if they were daughters/wives of faculty). The first organization of gay students wasn’t until 1972. Do we wish that the University had always been open and egalitarian towards all? Absolutely. Are there parts of the University’s history we would rather sweep under the rug? Of course. But the trick with history is to figure out the best way to understand it and help others understand. It is not my place to say if Jefferson would approve of UVA now or speculate his opinion of its history. It is my job as a historian to gather and present the relevant material that will enable people to engage with their history and what was happening to cause those events to occurs.
I realize that this is perhaps a little long winded and stream of conscious. So again, I thank you for your patience.
(Funnily enough, me being the history and musical theater fan I am,“Is Anybody There” from 1776 just started playing. Jefferson might appreciate this comparison a little more than the Hamilton reference. But at this point in the song, it looks like independence is not going to happen. John Adams sings of his vision and wants to know if anyone else can see it. With a few changes, this could be Jefferson singing to Cabell about Jefferson’s vision for UVA)
Tickets are selling like challah on Thursdays (Shout out to Challah for Hunger). A few weeks ago UVA Today published a quiz about UVA alumni based on some of our research.
This week has mainly focused on cleaning up documents and making sure everything is still accessible after today. Wrote a few more profiles, added/wrote a couple new timelines, started a new notes compilation. The Cornerstone project has also come together nicely, although there is still room for them to add things once I leave.
This summer Caroline and I wrote approximately 72 profiles, 22 timelines, 9 themes/note compilations, 2 lists of event write ups, plus some top secret work for Illimitable. The Illimitable work includes about 30 write ups(quotes, description, and picture). We read over 25 books and countless articles. We interviewed one person for the Cornerstone project. I worked on the Cornerstone project more, adding/editing information and pictures for their StoryMap on UVA staff. We ran discussions at the June all Commission meeting about our work. We attended multiple meetings every week and learned a lot about what goes into putting an event of this scale.
Going forward, our work will be used in the actual events of the Bicentennial launch weekend and other events during the Bicentennial celebration.  A website will be launched containing our timelines and profiles. The Cornerstone project will be revealed in a few months. And of course there is the top secret Illimitable project. Caroline and I plan on remaining involved with the Bicentennial by joining the Commemorating our History division of the Bicentennial Commission. I personally plan on being a member of the documentary team for the Bicentennial. Our work will probably feature in some other ways. Because that’s the thing about history: it’s never truly a thing of the past.
It has been a pleasure and an honor. Thank you,
0 notes
carolespino · 4 years ago
Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate IiUCLN74cw 302 Advanced Techniques For Driving A Man Wild I. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada CO0CogAOs52 H nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
I spoke to Joe and Alex about WordAi today.
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not detained anybody.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc LPEwdfoiGPF Hmh Math Expressions Teacher Edition Volume 1 Gr, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis MLCx4n51Jfn The Goodnight Song An Absolutely Heart Stopping. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id What Your Child Needs To Know About Sex Paperbac , venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
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jenniferespino · 4 years ago
Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc KhBI32r39N Story Of Benjamin Franklin Paperback, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Today I talked to Alex and Joe about WordAi.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis Magento 1 3 Php Developer 39 S Guide Paperback . Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate XGhX9CYOlh1l Warring Souls Youth Media And Martyrdom In Post. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada P Xldtt5x7L nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not detained anybody.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id E 5KU8AYokmG9 , venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
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...anybody know what the heck this means
Amicus certus in re incerta. Gratias tibi ago. 
Amicus optimus mei es. Te valde amo. Nunc et semper. 
0 notes
stephenespin · 4 years ago
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody. Today I talked to Alex and Joe about WordAi. Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex
The police officers are interrogating the defendant, although they have not arrested anybody.
Today I talked to Alex and Joe about WordAi.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate AwSKHdknK M . Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada F2b1FYOLgrO Constitutional Law 2005 Emanuel Law Outlines nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
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alfianyan96 · 4 years ago
Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl
The police officers are interrogating the suspect, although they have not arrested anybody.
I spoke to Joe and Alex about WordAi today.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate The General Code Of The State Of Ohio Being An A. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis RSb07W3zx I . Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc WGHySyAMDoW Authorities In The Middle Ages Influence Legitim, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada Brlw89FcgDV Why I Am So Clever Paperback nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id SBiV5EWs A Grammar Of British Heraldry Consisting Of Blaz, venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
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