#any place she might settle down it's a bit different
analyticallyminded · 8 months
one of the things i really love abt when jemma leaves shield is that she just. does whatever she feels is gonna make her happy, especially when it comes to her house and doesn't care what other people think of it? like she wants flowers on her stair risers then dammit she's gonna paint flowers (or get decals or something) on her stair risers. she wants rocks arranged like flowers around her garden? she's gonna do that too. she wants to set up a throwing range? guess what.
if you ever go to her home, that truly is where you get the best sense of her as a person, because it's her little haven, she she feels she can be herself openly and it shows everywhere
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chemical override
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n: i caved and did an actual Ewan fic! Given that the lad is more of a public persona nowadays, I reckon it's fine (?) This is pure self-indulgence for all my Ewan loves. May have a continuation but idk for now, enjoy!!
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The reader and Ewan are paired for press interviews. Despite barely having any scenes together and only knowing each other in passing on set, the chemistry they share cannot be denied...
Your first round of press takes place in a primped up hotel suite in Paris, thanks to the team at HBO.
You are an up and coming actress, much like some of your costars in the show, but the pressure is heavier on you because you were entering in season two, whereas everyone was already well-acquainted with one another.
Your few scenes were mostly with Jace and Baela, so you grew close to Harry and Bethany.
However, the media team decided to pair you up with Ewan for the day. A little fun initiative was set by the team that a character from the Blacks would be do press with a counterpart from the Greens - hence, yourself and Ewan.
You're nervous as you walk down the hallway, unable to fully pay attention to the instructions your lovely assistant gives you.
She tells you about the different interviewers for the day, bloggers and magazine writers from all over the world. She reminds you that each one will only be for a maximum of 5 minutes, so it shouldn't be too complicated. She smiles and eagerly says, "Take a deep breath, you got this!", as you reach the suite doors.
But in your mind, all you can recall is your first interaction with Ewan, almost a year ago right after the table read. You had nervously blurted out to him that Aemond is your favourite character, after he just asked, "How are you?". He laughed, said thank you, before he was pulled away in conversation by Tom.
You pray to the fictional Westerosi gods that things will fare better today. That you won't get all tongue-tied when those steel blue eyes land on you.
Upon entering the room, the team is quick to fuss over you. Sometimes you forget that you're actually an actress now. A celebrity, some might say. It all feels surreal and you have a inkling it won't ever stop being this way.
Ewan is already seated in front of the camera, and he stands to give you a hug as you finally walk over.
"Hey there, how are you?" he smiles widely, smelling like cigarettes and something muskier as he wraps his arms around you.
Unroll your tongue. Rework your brain. Calm down.
"Hey, Ewan!" you respond. "I'm doing great, happy to see you again."
"Well, I only wish we could have had more time together on set." Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to take your seat before he does the same. "But next season perhaps? Who knows?"
"Oh, sure." You settle in, pleased by the fact that your chairs are only about a foot apart. "We can both look forward to my character giving Aemond the arse kicking he deserves."
He laughs, eyes glinting with mischief. "Come on now, I was thinking our characters are actually quite compatible, no?"
"Well, I sure wouldn't want to step on Alys' shoes. She'd probably curse my character all the way to Yi Ti."
"Hmm," he hums, biting his lip. You can't help but hear Aemond when he does that. "I say you can always count on Aemond and Vhagar to come to the rescue of a beautiful maiden such as yourself."
Well, you'll be damned. Ewan, while still an introvert of his own sort, is as charming as can be. If he's turning it on to get himself hyped for the press, it's working.
It's definitely working on you, to say the least.
The media manager gives the signal for the first interview to begin, and a reporter walks in, all ready with prepared script in hand.
"Here we go," you mutter, facing forward.
"Good luck," Ewan replies.
You both shake the reporter's hand, and he introduces himself as Jared.
"So guys," Jared begins. "Why don't we start with you telling me a little bit about what we can expect from your characters this season?"
The question is easy, and it doesn't take long for you and Ewan to think it through. Jared asks a few more basic questions, before drawing the attention more to you.
"When you watched season one, did you have a favourite character?" he asks you.
You smile, "Oh, I mean, I have to say - and Ewan already knows this, by the way - that Aemond was my favourite character."
"Was?" Ewan says, feigning shock. "Unacceptable."
"Was... Is... " you shrug, rolling your eyes playfully, earning a laugh from Jared. "I think I might be more a Daemon girl now."
"Oh!" Jared exclaims happily. "Does Matt know about this?"
"I'll be sure to tell him - "
Ewan interjects, shaking his head at you, "There's no need to tell him, because I'll convert her back to Team Aemond in no time, trust me."
"Daemon is awesome, though," you say to him, smiling.
"Sure." Ewan makes a face like that fact doesn't matter. Wasn't he the one who said that Daemon would be the character he would most like to play if not Aemond?
"And Caraxes is my favourite dragon." You share a look with Jared, hoping he would agree.
"Yes!" Jared says. "Caraxes is the best dragon in the show, in my opinion."
"Ah, you're both wrong," Ewan says. "My Vhagar is the oldest and baddest dragon in all of the land."
"My Vhagar, he says," you joke. "Seems like someone still hasn't shed Aemond for this press tour."
"And I never will, darling." His gaze is intense when he turns to you, and you clear your throat to fight the warmth rushing to your cheeks.
"Alright, they're giving me the wrap-up," Jared thankfully breaks the tension. "It was a pleasure talking to you guys, congratulations on the new season!"
One interview down, and your nerves have already considerably subsided. Ewan tapping your arm to start up a conversation once more surely helps in distracting you.
In the best damn way possible.
"How do you think we did? That wasn't too bad, was it?"
"I think we did quite well," you casually offer a high five, but your heart skips a beat when Ewan interlaces your suspended hands for just a moment.
"I'm glad they paired me with you," Ewan says, after releasing your hand. You hold on to the armrests to keep your fingers from twitching.
"I am, too," you admit. "I am a fan of you, after all, but I think you already know that."
He blushes, "Well, that's not a bad thing. I think you're a fantastic actress. I must have seen your first film a good ten times."
"You mean my first and only film," you add humbly. "But thank you."
"Only film for now," he affirms. "No doubt this is only the beginning for you, darling. With your talent and your charisma, I'm sure you have potential scripts piled up already."
"I could say the same for you! Have you seen what your fans say about you online? You're the internet's new boyfriend, Ewan Mitchell."
The media manager announces the next interview, but Ewan follows up with a response for you under his breath, "I have seen some things. But when I have a girlfriend, I'll make sure she won't have to share me at all."
Oh, so apparently he is single. But wait - why is he telling you this?
You don't get to mull over that thought. For the time being, the next interview starts and you make sure you do a good job at what you're paid to do - promoting the series.
Not daydreaming about getting with a costar, for heaven's sake. Stay professional.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You feel lightheaded after finishing the seventh - or had it been the eighth? - interview.
Your assistant delivers a coffee to you during the twenty-minute break. Ewan had stepped out to the balcony to have a smoke, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He certainly is everything you expected him to be, and so much more. Insightful, cheeky, dedicated. An artist, through and through. He was in the business for all the right reasons, passion and respect for the craft.
If he had any flaws, you weren't privy to them yet. If there are any reasons for you not to be attracted to him, you didn't know what those were yet.
And with every flirtatious remark and pointed smile, you can't deny the hope blooming in you.
"Hey," he reappears, pulling you out of your musings. "I hope you don't mind that I smell of smoke."
No, you didn't, not when it's him.
"Don't worry about it," you reassure him. You tilt your head forward to take a sip of your coffee, but a lock of your hair falls in front of your face. Annoyed, you think to reach for it, but Ewan beats you to it, tucking it back in place.
"There you go, darling," he croons, gesturing for you to proceed in drinking.
"Th-thanks." His eyes don't leave yours as you take a slow sip.
"So," you say, desperate to break the silence, "which interview did you enjoy the most so far?"
"How can I possibly choose? I mean, I really liked the one with ComicSociety, the guy that said our characters have a lot of chemistry and should get together next season. He's right, I already told you!"
"Ohhh, sure, that will go down really well with the Blacks and Greens."
He smirks, "I don't see why not?"
"For one, Aemond is ensnared by Alys, and my character will never give up fighting for Rhaenyra. I just don't see it happening, Ewan."
"Right," he mutters thoughtfully, "there is still Alys in the picture."
"Still in the picture? With the amount of steamy scenes you two have lined up for season three, I'd say she will be Aemond's entire picture in and of herself."
"Hmm," he glances at you once, then looks down. Dare you think it, does he look disappointed?
"But hey," you add lightly, "maybe we can talk to Ryan and he can flip the entire script just for our characters."
"Yeah," his cheeky smile resurfaces, "maybe you can take Alys' place."
Take the place of Alys? Of Alys. Is he insinuating...
"Next round of interviews, guys!" The media manager announces to the room.
"Here we go again, darling," Ewan squeezes your hand once, before putting on his professional face once more.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
By the end of it all, not even caffeine can perk you up. You were exhausted, you and Ewan having finished four full hours of press.
Your assistant comes to your aid, ready to direct you back to your own hotel room.
"This has been such a pleasure, Ewan, really." You stand, this time initiating the hug.
He squeezes you gently, humming in your ear. When you pull apart, he says, "I honestly wouldn't mind trudging through hours and hours of press with you."
That's sweet of him. You're too tired to mask the warmth that rises to your cheeks. "And I feel the same. Today couldn't have gone any better."
"Truly, and listen, maybe we could - "
"Ewan!" The manager approaches. "I'm so sorry to rush with this, but we need to film just a quick soundbite with you for Aemond. Just two to three questions for the Max Tiktok account?"
"Oh, okay - " Ewan is reluctant to turn away from you.
"Perfect! If you could just stand there by the windows please..." The manager already has him by the arm, directing where he has to go.
"We have to go," your assistant says. "Still have to prep for tomorrow."
"I'll see you soon, Ewan!" you call out to him. "Thanks again."
He gives a half-hearted wave, dejected as he watches you walk out of the room.
"That wasn't too bad," you share with your assistant as you enter the elevators. "Not bad at all, actually."
"Oh, you did so well," she compliments. "It definitely helps with the press that you and Mr. Mitchell have such insane natural chemistry."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
In the calm of your hotel room, you get ready for bed.
Just when you're about to finish with your nightly routine, your phone rings from your bedside table. You're quick to rush over, thinking it could be your assistant or your manager, with an urgent update about work.
But no - it's an unknown number. A UK number, as it appears.
Confused, you click answer anyway, putting it to your ear with a tentative, "Hello, who is this?"
"Hi, darling."
"Yeah, uhm, I hope I didn't disturb you - "
"Not at all," your answer comes out in a rushed breath.
"I also hope you don't mind that I got my assistant to ask your assistant to give me your number? It's what I wanted to ask you before you left today."
"Oh." You feel fully awake now, by some miracle, butterflies finding home in your stomach. "I don't mind. I... I should have given you my number, anyway. I have most of the cast's, in case I need to get a hold of you guys."
"Hmm, right," he says from the other end. You hear him calmly breathing, the sound strangely comforting, and wonder if he can hear the same from you.
He says, "I just wanted to keep hearing your voice. Didn't get enough of it today," and your heart just about stops.
"Oh. Okay," is all you are able to respond with.
"What are you doing?"
"Just... just getting ready for bed." Phone pressed to your ear, you shuffle around the room, putting some things back in place.
He says nothing for a few seconds, but you still hear his breathing, and some shuffling in the background. It occurs to you that he might just be as nervous as you are now.
"Listen," he finally says, "do you want to hear my pitch to Ryan about why our characters should get together next season?"
A genuine laugh escapes you. He sure is persistent. Playful, sure, but you're definitely willing to play along.
"Let's hear it."
"First," he says, "you have to renounce Daemon as your favourite character - "
"Not a chance."
" - and swear your love for Aemond."
"Keep dreaming."
He laughs, and you can only picture the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Aww darling," he teases, "don't you love me?"
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💌 part two - part three
The OGs will know that the final line is a nod to my first ever Aemond fic! 🖤
Did this slightly delay my series works? Yes, yes it did. Do I regret it? For Ewan frickin Mitchell, I would never ~
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mv1simp · 15 days
I love your stories so much, please write more dark manipulative Max, maybe something with mindbreak or bimbofication of an innocent reader? It would be fun if she was Toto's daughter and Max so holds it over Toto.
this is for all the dark!Max/toto’s daughter/bimbo/mindbreak reader requests all you freaks have been requesting 😼😼 for the first time i have something for the dark!lando girlies!!
Double Fantasy ♥️
Max Verstappen x Lando’s Fuckbuddy!Reader
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I can tell that you think that I’m right for you, I already know that it's not true, but girl I'll lie to you (even though it's wrong)
Recently becoming a media executive for the FIA, you can’t deny that your dream job has given you access to your dream men. Sadly, your top pick, Max Verstappen doesn’t look twice your way - not interested in the daughter of Toto Wolff, who he openly dislikes. But you gladly enjoy your consolation prize of being Lando Norris’s fuckbuddy. You didn’t realise just how far Lando planned on extending your arrangement when he pisses the Dutch champion off one step too far - and now needs to figure out the perfect gift to give Max and make amends.
Content includes: 18+ MDNI, smut, dark! max, dark! Lando, but bimbo!reader is into it lol, have done a twist on the usual innocent! reader, she’s toto’s daughter also, dubcon, blindfold, BDSM, no threesomes sorry I can’t share max with anyone else, WC 5.6k
Multiple heads turn your way as you make your way down the FIA garage, your YSL black and gold heels clicking smoothly on the floor. You can’t hold back the pleased smile on your pink glossed lips at the appreciative glances over your curvy figure. At 22, you’ve landed your dream job as a marketing and media executive for the FIA. Glowing recommendations, a perfect GPA and of course a touch of good old fashioned nepotism via your dad, the Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff, landed you here, dressed in luxury outfits and regularly networking with some of the richest people on the continent. What can you say? You’re a material girl, after all, with a pleasure for the finer things in life.
And that included an appreciation of rich, powerful men that you inherited as a result of a strict and emotionless father who preferred to spend his time running a motorsports corporation instead of at home. Daddy issues, one might even say (actually your therapist had said exactly that.) So the Formula One grid, filled to the brim with hot, millionaire drivers who have no issue flirting with the new pretty little toy on the paddock, was the perfect place for a girl like you to work. You definitely had your fun, arriving a few months ago for your first day, dressed in a tight yet full length maxi dress, giving you the perfect blend of sexy and demure that had much of the paddock panting after you.
But you were a girl with a taste for luxury - you weren’t going to settle for any dirty mechanic or plain news reporter. No, what you wanted more than anything, was to get the best of both worlds like your lucky bitch of a stepmom Susie Wolff had done - FIA executive and WAG of the hottest and richest team principal. Even you had to admit, apart from your dad, the rest of the principals were a little bit too far on the balding old men side. But the drivers, you thought wickedly, the drivers were a completely different story. And they knew they were some of the most desired men on the planet, with their fame and status. Their egos were sky high - especially since multiple women would be throwing themselves at them every race weekend or media day. So you had made sure to play the game very, very carefully - unlike the other sultry models on the paddock, or conservative women dressed head to toe in basic team gear, you were the very picture of innocence with your sweet makeup and dark curls, cute girly dresses and heels, all shy giggles one minute and then serious, no nonsense businesswoman the next to keep them on their toes.
A lot of the drivers ate it up, too, flocking to Toto Wolff’s pretty daughter when they’d see you doing the occasional post race interview or brazenly flirting with you at a drivers’ meeting. But the one man who you truly wanted, the 26 year old in the Redbull gear with 3 world champions and a multimillionaire contract to his name, with intense blue eyes and thick thighs and broad shoulders, with a deep voice that sent shivers down your spine one second then flutters in your heart the next when you’d hear him laugh - he was the man who didn’t look twice your way. Despite your attempts to flutter your eyelashes, wearing tight outfits and bend over just so in a certain angle, or pressing your generous tits up against his bulging biceps as your breathlessly whisper Congratulations on the win, Max he wouldn’t even show a flicker of reciprocal interest. You were the daughter of Toto, after all - a principal who he was quite well known in the media for having ongoing disputes with for numerous years. As if Max Verstappen was going to be seduced by the likes of a gold digging daughter who was probably just as two faced as her father.
You’d pouted for weeks, growing bitter with jealousy at seeing Max instead walk around with Kelly, a pretty, tall and slim model who’d apparently outplayed you. But to your delight, you stumbled upon the best consolation prize. With all your pining you hadn’t realized you’d snagged one of the hottest and most desirable drivers on the grid - McLaren’s Lando Norris. Well, snagged was one way to put it - after all, a playboy like him was hard to pin down, especially when he knew how much pull he had over women. But you’d thought about that to, even going so far as saving your virginity like the perfect daddy’s little girl you were. Lando ate it up, twistedly enjoying getting to corrupt the paddock’s pretty princess, the one everyone wanted to get a piece off. So unlike the other women he slept with, the ones kept secret and hidden from the media, you were his favourite toy - one that he paraded around whenever you’d be in the same city. Not quite a girlfriend, of course, he was far too much of a flirt to put such a label on you so soon - more of a friends with benefits, a high maintenance fling, a fuckbuddy, some might call it.
And once you had your manicured hands clinging onto his arms at the races you sure as hell did not plan on letting go. Toto was not overly happy at the news that his eldest daughter was involved with a driver, of course, but had accepted it as Lando was still a good choice compared to many of the other drivers he wanted you to stay well away from - like Mad Max. So you stayed loyal to Lando, not wanting any rumours about you flirting with multiple drivers to impact your dad’s important reputation. You’d only flutter your lashes at Lando, kissing his cheek diligently with your glossed lips, sending the naughty photos of you in expensive lingerie just for him - because the rewards you got as his paddock arm candy were just too good. Always making sure your face was well cut out from any pictures, of course - you would die if they got leaked and your father found out.
But being Lando’s fuckbuddy came with a whole line of luxuries you’d quickly grown accustomed too. Tickets to whatever show you wanted, the finest food at the most expensive restaurant, the papparazzi going crazy at whatever outfit you’d wear when clinging onto Lando’s arm, and of course one of the most coveted men in the world between your legs, teaching you how to come apart on his fingers. That’s right, his fingers, and very rarely his cock, because you needed to secure that diamond ring, after all. And you sure as hell weren’t going to give him wife privileges 24/7 when he hadn’t even made you his official girlfriend yet. So instead you tried to push him to the limits, testing his patience to give up and retire his playboy ways if he finally got to bury his desperate dick inside your heavenly tight pussy again, after having taken your virginity.
Truly, you had outdone yourself, you thought, as every passing race this season Lando got more and more tense as tensions for the World Championships grew, with McLaren finally being able to threaten the Verstappen Red Bull reign for the first time in years. And with each passing race, he couldn’t relieve the tension enough, trying to furiously fuck his way through all number of vogue models but somehow always finding himself back with you, desperately begging to be let in between your soft thighs. And like always, you’d blink innocently and coo that you felt too shy, wasn’t last time enough, you didn’t want to ruin yourself for the man you were going to marry, remember?
And Lando would groan, because as much as he wanted you, he also knew there was no way in hell he was ready to take you to the altar over this. Although it had been getting harder and harder to resist, lately, because although you were truly so talented with your small hands and sweet, drooling mouth, he would endlessly replay the heaven that your pussy had felt like the rare few times you’d let him enter you with his cock.
But as the season went on even you couldn’t calm Lando down, especially after the Zandervoot race. Tensions were at an all time high between him and his normally good friend Max, after Lando stole his home race under him and even sealed the deal by throwing the Dutchman’s simply lovely phrase back at him cockily. Max was well and truly pissed off at Lando then, not even turning upto their weekly Padel games or replying to his texts. Although Lando wanted to win the championship, he also wanted to remain good mates with Max - especially because he knew being on Mad Max’s bad side always ended with the opponent finding themselves crashing into a wall at the next race. So as he pondered just what he could do to get his friend’s forgiveness, a wicked idea came to him, one night when he was out at a Monaco nightclub with you and had run into Max partying with his friends. He’d tried to talk to Max, but had been rudely ignored, so instead Lando stood off the corner, rather crossly glaring at the Dutchman, when he noticed you’d disappeared from his side to tipsily wander to the bar and get another drink.
He was about to go help you when he saw you stumble, maybe take you to the bathroom for a quick sloppy blowjob - but was suprised to see Max appear at your side, his intense blue eyes watching your tinier frame carefully as he rested a large palm over your plump ass to secure you. And Lando watched as you giggled happily, twirling your hair as Max handed over his black Amex to pay for your drink, rewarded with a lingering lip glossed kiss on his cheek from you, before you scampered back over to where Lando was hidden in the shadows. And as you loyally returned to Lando’s arms, whispering that you were going to make him feel so good tonight, he seemed so tense, the Brit found himself ignoring your seductive words entirely to instead focus on how Max’s hungry gaze lingered on your ass as you had strutted away from the tall blonde man. A sinister grin appeared on Lando’s face as he pieced it all together. He’d always thought it was weird that Max chose to completely ignore you, given that he normally was a friendly guy off the track. Turns out his good mate was just trying to avoid getting involved with Toto’s paddock bunny of a daughter, huh?
Turning his attention to you, Lando whispered if you could pretty please try out something new for him tonight, because he was really stressed, okay? He watches you nod eagerly, foolishly thinking your plan to get Lando so desperate for you that he was ready to put a ring on your finger was working. Too bad you had no idea that instead, your fuckbuddy was thinking about how he’d just found the perfect present to gift to his angry rival.
So that’s how you found yourself in a plush hotel bed later that night, all dressed up in a pretty white lace and mesh set and still in your heels, your eyes blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back. You eyes had gone wide with excitement, thighs clenching when Lando had pulled the ropes out, and you’d had to blush and act all innocent when secretly you couldn’t be happier that you were drawing out the dirtier desires in Lando. Because that meant he was falling for you all the more, right?
You had no idea about the private conversation your fuckbuddy had been having with the driver you’d previously desired, just outside the club in a dark alleyway, where Lando had finally cornered Max to apologise. The furious Dutchman had, as expected, been in no mood to hear it - but had stopped in his tracks and turned around when Lando slyly suggested that as he had taken something of his, it was only fair that Max get one of Lando’s precious things in return. Like maybe…you?
At the mention of your name, Max furrows his brows, telling Lando he wasn’t interested in the latest toy on the grid who spread her legs for whichever driver gave her some attention. Oh, Lando all but purred, that’s the catch, mate. She’s basically still a virgin, was one when I met her, only let me fuck her a couple of times, wants to save herself for the one or some shit. But I trained her how to use her holes, and fuck does she know how to suck a guy off with that sweet mouth of hers.
That’d caught Max’s attention, and he smirked to Lando, calling him a fucked up asshole for selling out the girl who was loyal to him like this, who was Toto Wolff’s daughter, no less - a powerful man someone like Lando wouldn’t want to make an enemy off. The Brit shrugged. Toto’s never going to find out. What’s mine is yours, mate. Enjoy. And with that, he tossed his room key to Max.
That night, Lando didn’t feel bad, not even one bit, as he tightly wound the rope around your delicate little wrists, knowing that you loved to act all innocent but secretly kinky shit like this has you dripping. Especially if you were going to be ruined tonight by a man who you secretly still had desires for - and Lando was certain you did, judging from the way he’d seen you look at Max like he was a God you wanted to worship on your knees. Really, he was being a good friend to you both by letting it happen - just this once of course, he wasn’t going to just hand you over to his track rival after putting in so much work to train you to be the perfect sex toy. So he’d left you there all alone in the room, abruptly saying he had an urgent call and would be back.
The drinks you’d had earlier certainly had their affects on you, making you whine against the tight ropes on your flushed and sensitive skin, almost grateful for the blindfold as you felt overstimulated already. When you finally heard the hotel door reopen, you sighed in relief as your fuckbuddy - soon to be boyfriend, you hoped! - finally came back. In your wildest fantasies you’d never have guessed that instead of Lando locking the door, Max stood in his place - and had taken one look at your tempting, restrained form and realized that the sly Brit had definitely not told you about his plans for tonight. Keeping you blind and tied up while you were tricked into thinking it was your beloved Brit entering you and not your daddy’s enemy, Max Verstappen? It was so dirty that Max got an instant hard on. He’d seen the looks, the touches you gave him too - they were rather hard to miss, after all. But he’d played aloof, not wanting to give into your gold digging ways - but he’d admit that he’s been rather disappointed when he found you’d settled for Lando instead. You’d surprised him with how loyal you remained to the McLaren driver, dutifully remaining by his side and avoiding Max’s intense gaze when it would occasionally flicker over to you. But when the alcohol had loosened your inhibitions tonight, Max had seen the desire in your blown pupils, in your hardened nipples that peaked just at the edge of your dress, and had cockily smirked at the realisation that Lando’s little toy, Toto’s precious daughter - that she was still lusting after him.
And now that this opportunity had presented itself….well, let’s just say that it had Max grinning wickedly as he plotted up all the ways he could walk away with both you and the world championship from Lando this year. That would certainly teach the younger male to mess with what was his, wouldn’t it? And even better, it would put that arrogant prick Toto in his place, keep him from daring to speak out against Max in the media when Redbull trashed Mercedes - because his adored little daughter would be spending the race weekends on her hands and knees for the Dutch world champion, if Max had anything to say about it.
So that’s how Max found himself at the foot of the bed, stripping off his clothes and lazily jerking himself off as he watched you squirm underneath your ropes, pouting as you couldn’t do your usual bit of trailing teasing hands all over Lando and rile him up. Baby? You crooned, tilting your head in the direction you thought he was in. Aren’t you going to-Oh!
You felt his warm, large palms cup your cheek, tracing your glossy, pink lips and you automatically poke your tongue out to circle his finger. Good girl, he sighed, the words making your tummy flutter. He sounded a little different to usual, his voice deeper, lower, but it was hard to think clearly over how much your head was pounding from raw desire, and you liked how he sounded tonight. You were feeling really horny and couldn’t wait for him to finally fuck you too - having had to desperately ride your tiny vibrator after stopping Lando fucking you multiple times this month.
His hands continued their path, trailing over your delicate throat and teasingly encircling it with his large hand, making you gasp - you hadn’t remembered it being quite so large that it wrapped around the whole width of your neck. But maybe your senses were more attuned now since you were blindfolded? It felt really good.
You promptly forgot to think about that any longer when those large hands moved downwards, roughly palming your bouncy tits and making you giggle from his attention. He teased and squeezed them, tugging down on the lace to free them in the open air, twisting on your hardened cute nipples. You squealed from the abuse to your overly sensitive areolas, distracted, and didn’t notice when your hands ended up being untied - only to be guided to a very large and hard cock.
Baby, you’d giggled, it’s been so long that you’re even bigger than I remembered. He swore under his breath as you diligently jerked him off with your two small hands barely wrapping around his length, spitting on it cutely to ease the glide. And then he’s rubbing his leaking cock all over your tits, slapping them with it and chuckling darkly as they jiggled, all wet from his precum. Before you know it, you were drooling and suckling all over his cock, sweetly moaning how good he tasted, even more than last time. Suckling his balls and then licking all the way the very tip, just like he’d taught you, placing messy lip gloss stained kisses down the wet shaft before sucking them clean off. You made sure to pay extra attention to the thick veins that ran underneath his length, even the new ones you hadn’t felt before, because he’d told you it drove men wild.
And when he grabbed your pretty curls, you let your mouth go lax so he could pump his full length furiously down your inviting throat, groaning how much of a good girl you were, maybe your full time job should be sucking his cock instead of trotting about the paddock. You moaned excitedly at the idea, and when he cums, all thick and creamy, you obediently swallow it all up.
Look, daddy, you say rather sluttily, dropping your mouth wide open, tongue out as you showed him how well you’d drank all his cum. Fuck, that’s so dirty, calling me and your father the same name, huh? Should’ve known you’d be into kinky shit like this.
You scrunch your brows cutely in confusion, not sure what he meant by that because you’d called him daddy many times before. But you don’t get to ponder too long because you suddenly hear the sound of a camera click and can see the flash go off through the blindfold. Your tummy lurches, because Nooo, baby, no photos, please, what if my dad sees-
Your pleas are ignored as you’re being lifted by two broad arms and tossed onto the bed, your hands dragged up and over your head as your wrists are tied to the headboard. You’re whining, asking him what he was doing, this was too much, you wanted to see him now, to touch him, but again you don’t get an answer.
Instead, you feel his thick fingers hooking around the sides of your soaked panties and sliding them off, lewd strings of your wetness clinging to the lace as it’s pulled away. Then you hear him deeply exhale a fucking hell, making you blush as strong hands grasp your ankles and push them far apart so your intimate parts are exposed for his hungry gaze.
That’s all the warning you get before there’s a foreign sensation of his warm breath blowing on your puffy folds, making you gasp, and before a broad tongue licks a stripe clean up your pink slit. You squeal in suprise, again stupidly babbling and asking what he was doing, because normally Lando didn’t like going down on you, finding it too much effort for a quick stress relieving fuck - he much preferred having you suck him off instead.
But the mouth currently lapping at your folds seems to have realized just how unfamiliar this pleasure seems to be for your sensitive cunny, because he buries his face right in, licking and slurping up all your dripping wetness. You thrash against your restrains, incoherently moaning because it feels so good baby, mmmh, why didn’t he do this more?
He laughs huskily, still buried inside your folds, and the deep vibrations make you almost cum right then and there. Your whole body is burning up with need now and you’re begging for him to put the condom on and slide in it, daddy, please, you needed it so bad-
You both moan as he finally sinks home, your creamy pussy gushing around him as it welcomes him in. You feel breathless at the size of him, because again he’s bigger and thicker than you remembered - not even just his cock, but his whole body, his bulging biceps and broad chest being able to hold you down with ease. You let him know it, too, whining that he’s so strong, it was really hot, had he been working out more?
That made him laugh again, lips grinning right by your ear, as he tilts your hips up to meet his and starts fucking your gushing pussy roughly. Through your euphoric daze, you feel familiar butterflies swirl in your stomach at the deep laugh, the accent sounding so different from Lando’s but still familiar to you for some reason - yet you still couldn’t quite place it. It was impossible to focus with the way he was thrusting into you, his hands pressing your hips down into the mattress in a bruising grip, making your tits bounce with each pump, your breath come out in soft pants as you gasped for air. You’re about to cum, you can feel it, the intensity building up-
And then, finally, he takes off your blindfold. Your brown eyes take a second to adjust to the bright lights - and then you widen them in pure shock as you realize just who’s wide cock was splitting you open.
You scream as Max grins wickedly down at you, pulling back to leave just his leaking tip inside your tight cunny, before slamming back in and, setting a bed breaking pace and drowning out your panicked wails with the loud banging of the headboard against the walls. You’re doing so good for me, schatje he croons, his voice sickly sweet but his actions pure evil as he grabs your dirty panties and meanly shoves them past your plush lips. Grabbing your soft thighs, he tosses them over his shoulder as he bullies his cock into you even deeper from this angle, repeatedly hitting your poor cervix. Tears pool in your brown doe eyes as you look at where he enters you, horrified as you see he’s making you take his cock raw - something Lando and you never did despite how hot it sounded as a baby outside of marriage would be too much for both of your families. You cry and wail and scream, tears streaming down your face at the embarrasing and degrading treatment you’re experiencing. Really, it’s such wicked and sinful behaviour and you should hate Max so much for this, hate Lando for leaving you all tied up and alone and defenceless against his evil and twisted rival to take advantage of you like this, to bully your practically virgin cunny with each deep thrust from his massive cock.
So why are you rapidly reaching your orgasm even faster than before?
Max has apparently learnt the signs of your pliant body underneath him far too quickly, because he slides his thick cock out of your swollen cunny and instead rests it just on top of your folds. Almost lovingly wiping your tears away with a flick of his thumb, he demands that you beg for it, for his cock to split you in half, to cum inside you, for him, Max, to be the only man you ever let inside your sweet pussy from now on.
You frantically shake your head, your muffled no no nos an obvious contrast to what you secretly wanted, as you’re simultaneously bucking your hips up against his hard length, drenching it in new slick. He smirks, leaning down so your foreheads meet and sweetly kissing up your tears. Despite the depravity of the situation, you’re finding yourself blushing from the unexpected gesture. Schatje, he whispers darkly, sending shivers up your spine because you’d always gotten jealous hearing him call other women that, you’re making this so much harder on yourself. It’s going to be so fun to watch you fall apart for me.
With that, he agonisingly tortures you, dragging just his tip through your folds again and again, slapping your throbbing clit with his head, biting and sucking on your sensitive nipples that leaves you arching your back into his talented mouth. You’re struggling to make sense of what’s going on, of trying to keep coherent. All that hard work and patience to try and lure Lando in was gone the very second your pussy had welcomed Max into it, because you knew Lando would never take you back if he found out about this. Your desperate brain reasons that then, it shouldn’t matter, right? It was too late for you and Lando. And now, you had Max Verstappen using your pretty body however he wanted, making you fulfill all his twisted desires. If you showed him how good you could be for him, be the perfect little pet for all his frustrations to be let out at, maybe he’d keep you around…permanently?
Max didn’t miss the dazed look that had overtaken your wide doe eyes as your whines quietened down. Guess all his teasing had finally melted that scheming brain of yours. Yanking your panties out of your mouth, he asked you if you were ready to behave and ask him nicely.
You nod obediently, looking at him with heart eyes as you confess that his cock felt so good, so addictive, you don’t think you could ever go back to Lando after being stretched open so wide, and could he pretty please fuck you hard and good?
Max growls at your submissive words. You’re offering yourself up to me so sweetly, baby. How can I say no?
He unties your aching wrists, running his soothing palms over the rope marked skin, bending down to give you a passionate, open mouthed kiss. You greedily slurp at his intruding tongue, letting yourself get lost in the pleasure as he lines himself up at your entrance before easily sinking into the wet folds. This time, he doesn’t stop his wicked thrusts, not when you’re squirting on his cock, eyes rolling to the back of your head, not when a creamy ring forms around the base of his cock from your cum, not when you’re tangling your hands in his hair and whining that it’s too much, you’re going to pass out.
He only stops once he’s tensing above you, one hand squeezing your neck and the other gripping the headboard as he drains his entire load into your tight cunny desperately clenching around him. Yours is truly the sweetest pussy he’s ever fucked. He’s never letting you go. He cums so much that it spurts out past your pussy lips, all over your soft thighs.
After a while, when he’s done whispering praises into your ears, your gooey brain soaking it all up, he slides out of you, admiring how his cum leaks out of your cunny that had treated him very well tonight. He places a gentle kiss to your temple and lets you doze off for a bit. It takes you a while longer to come to your senses, and when you sit up, you gulp down the glass of cold water that has been placed on the bedside table. You see Max spread out on an armchair across the room, shirtless and in some grey sweats, smirking at something on his phone - but he looks up when he hears you and lets his gaze drift down your marked up body. You flush under his intense ice blue eyes, heart fluttering at finally getting attention from the richest and fastest driver on the grid.
He beckons you over, calling you his pretty schatje, and in your blissed out state you obediently crawl over to him on your hands and knees, settling in between his spread legs and resting your head against his large thigh. And when he tells you that you looked so cute crawling for him, maybe next time he’ll get you a leash and collar with his name on it, hmm? you bite your lip and shyly nod, telling him of course, you’d do whatever daddy wanted.
He grins darkly, pleased with your submissive response, knowing you’re completely his. Forget Toto, forget Lando, the only man you’d ever be loyal to from now on was him. So you eagerly open your juicy lips wide at his command, drooling all over his cock to clean up the sticky mess your pussy walls had left behind. And when he points his phone at you, hitting record, you glassily stare straight at the camera, letting it capture how you hollowed your cheeks and licked up the creamy ring coating the base of Max’s cock. Gonna send this to your father if he keeps lying about how I’ve going to sign a Mercedes contract next year, Max teases meanly. Or to Lando if he tries to overtake me on the track again. You whine at him, brown doe eyes distressed, and start deepthroating him even faster to please him more, hoping if you did he wouldn’t show your daddy or ex fuckbuddy how much of a slut you were for the champion driver.
Being on your knees and obediently blowing Maxie was a position you became very familiar with. Because like he had wanted, every race weekend you would break your FIA contract clause of remaining unbiased and be dressed in a skimpy little outfit in Redbull colours, your lush tits pushed against Max’s thick biceps as you clung onto him through his paddock walk. Max couldn’t resist smirking at the Mercedes garage where Toto would glare, arms crossed, at the sight of his well accomplished daughter following the reckless Redbull champion around like a lost bunny. Placing a possessive large palm across your ass as he guided you into his private jet, giving it a good squeeze, Max made sure the paparazzi caught a good pic of that, too, for your father to see later when he opened Twitter.
And Lando, who knew how much Max despised sharing his toys, skulked from his seat when he saw you entering Max’s plane for the ride back to Monaco. He’d make sure to never make the mistake of flying in the Verstappen jet again, he thought as he moodily shoved his headphones over his ears to drown out the filthy sounds and desperate moans you let out as Max fucked you raw on the other side of the cabin divider. You’d never let Lando fuck you in such a public place or so often, no matter how often he’d begged you.
Fuck it, might as well make the most of it, the Brit thought once he stopped moping and realised his music wasn’t going to block out the obscene squelches as his rival continued to greedily bounce your creamy pussy on his thick cock. Shoving his hand down his pants, Lando slowly started jerking himself off, smirking when he sees one of Max’s air hostesses blush and bite her lip when he catches her looking. Apparently he hadn’t learnt his lesson of keeping his hands off what belonged to the Dutchman after all, because soon he’s thrusting into the hostess’s willing mouth with the same rapid pace that Max is fucking you with.
Your father had always said birds of a feather flocked together, after all.
A/N: POST FIC CLARITY HIT HARD IN THIS ONE AHHHHHH 😳😳 hope this satisfies the dark max hoes (yall are so real for that)😼😼 as usual let me know what you think and send in more requests!
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natashascumslut · 1 month
LOUD. Wanda maximoff x fem reader
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SUMMARY: Your need for Wanda suddenly gets stronger, and she finally decides to do something about it.
WARNINGS: Smut 18+! MDNI, Top!Wanda, Bottom!Reader, Thigh riding (R), Strap-on (R), Praise kink, Strap-on referred to as ‘cock’.
a/n- This was originally gonna be longer but i lost interest lmao. Not proofread!
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You needed Wanda. it was sudden and intense. It wasn't the first time you'd thought of the witch in... not-so-PG ways. But this was different, it wasn't like when you couldn't sleep, and thoughts of Wanda creeped into your mind. This was need, and it was strong. And you also just so happen to be walking down the street after doing a bit of grocery shopping.
The feeling had hit you like a bus, creeping all over you, leaving goosebumps in its tracks, before settling between your legs. You rushed back, desperate to get rid of it. But, to your luck, the exact woman you were just thinking about was standing in the kitchen of the compound, you cursed under your breath. She turned to greet you, but stopped when she noticed your flushed cheeks and hurried movements.
"Are you okay?" She asked, and you nodded quickly, your eyes not meeting hers. You put things away, trying your hardest to be casual, but your mind was wandering. You felt her eyes on you, burning into your skull, and it wasn't making any of this easier. You put the bag you were carrying the groceries in away and sent a tight-lipped smile in Wanda's direction, before leaving the cramped space; it was an open kitchen, looking over the living space with floor to ceiling windows, but it felt cramped when it was only you and Wanda in there. You rushed up to your room, closing the door behind you and taking a second to breathe.
You stared at your bed, contemplating. It was the middle of day, you couldn't just... get off, someone might call you in for a mission or a meeting, you might be needed, someone might walk in; you reached behind you and locked your door.
A soft thump sounded the otherwise quiet room as your head fell back against the door, the aching between your legs hadn't stopped, in fact it'd somehow gotten stronger. You didn't know what to do, but luckily a knock on the door decided your fate, you were going to be asked to join a meeting, and by the time it was over you would feel okay again—
Wanda was standing on the other side of the door, a playful smile tugging at her lips.
"Hey." She said casually, peeking behind you into your room. "Mind if i come in?" You nodded instinctively, but internally cursed yourself, her being in here would only worsen things. You stepped aside as you tried your hardest to get words out of you. She stepped in and the door was closed, the room suddenly felt cramped. You stared at her back, you should move, do something.
"Your thoughts are loud." Shit. "What?" Finally, words! You couldn't see her face, her back still turned to you, but you could hear the smirk in her voice as she spoke. "I said; your thoughts are loud." She turned around, your heart skipped a beat. Maybe, if it skipped a few more beats, you would die and you wouldn't have to be in this situation anymore. That's what you hoped would happen atleast. She stepped closer, your heartbeat got louder.
Fuck, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck- "Calm down." Her voice was quiet as her hand came in contact with your jaw, holding it in place. "Please stop reading my mind." You pleaded, you didn't like it, not one bit. Your thoughts were yours and yours only, you didn't want her poking about in there. "Please." Her grip on your jaw loosened, and her eyes had softened; she had stopped, thank god.
She stared at you for a second, seemingly deciding her next words. "How about i help you out?" She said quietly, her eyes scanning your face for any signs of.. well, anything. It was hard for her to know what you were feeling when she wasn't in your mind with you. You let yourself nod weakly because frankly, you needed her too much to protest. And even if you didn't, you still wouldn't. You'd been pinning after the witch for months now, caught up in everything her. "I'm gonna need words of confirmation, pretty girl." She whispered, but her tone had changed, it almost matched the amount of need you were feeling in your body, almost.
"Yes, please Wanda." Your voice was weak, pathetic and Wanda relished in it, she had known how you felt for awhile now, since you never made much effort to quiet your mind around her, but hearing it from you made it so much... better.
Her hands found your waist, you could hear your heartbeat in your ears, pounding. "Yeah? You need me to help you out?" She purred in a whisper, this definitely wasn't helping your building arousal. You nodded, your eyes darkening. She spun you around so quickly you were pretty sure you got whiplash, but that was the least of your worries right now, because the witch you so desperately needed was leading you towards your bed. She sat herself down, and pulled your tense figure into her lap, straddling her.
"Mh, you're so tense." She hummed, her hands running up and down your thighs. "I'll make you feel better, darling." lord. Her eyes moved from your lips back up to your eyes. "Would you like that?" You'd never seen her so confident before, most likely because she knew she was in control, she knew you wanted this. But that didn't stop it from being insanely attractive. "Yeah." You breathed out, surprised you even managed to talk. She smirked, her face inching closer to yours. You mentally cursed yourself for being so out of it, god she had such a hold on you.
You finally gained an ounce of consciousness and surged the rest of the way till her soft lips were on yours. Your body relaxed into hers and you're pretty sure you let out a moan, because in a matter of seconds she was gripping your hips and pulling you in impossibly closer, her warm body flush against yours. You weren't sure if it was your heartbeat you were feeling, or hers. "Wanda." You whined as your hips unintentionally rutted forward on her thigh, she pulled back, smirking at you. "So needy." She said, her bottom lip lodged between her teeth. Her hands stayed firmly on your hips as she slowly started guiding you to grind down on her thigh, making you gasp. Even with the layers of fabric between you and her thigh, you still felt it.
Her lips trailed across your jaw till they landed on your neck, pressing firm kisses to the length of it as soft whimpers tumbled out your lips. You felt her suck at the soft skin of your neck, forcing a moan out of you. "No marks." You warned breathlessly, but she made no effort to stop. "Wanda." She groaned, stopping. She'd already made a mark, but you didn't really care if you were honest. Your hips moved faster, with her help. But were immediately halted the second you felt something poking at your clothed cunt. She held back a chuckle as she watched your face turn in confusion, a wide smirk playing at her lips.
"I came prepared." She hummed, clearly happy with herself. You raised an eyebrow, panting slightly. Your breath hitched when her hands wrapped around your upper arms, pulling you flush against her yet again. "If you like riding my thigh so much.." She started in a whisper, her warm breath fanning over your ear. "How about you ride me?" You whimpered at her words alone, a shiver coursing the entire length of your body. "Mhm." Was all you could physically get out, a pathetic hum.
It was funny, really. Every time you thought of the witch, you were in control of the situation. But here you were, rendered useless under her gaze. "Yeah, would you like that?" She said under her breath, the heat of the situation clearly getting to her aswell. You nodded pathetically. "Please, Wanda. Let me ride you." You whined, your hands on her shoulders. Her cheeks dusted a light shade of pink as her eyes darkened, immediately pulling you in for a firm yet passionate kiss, pawing at your shirt as you gasped quietly into her mouth. You helped her pull the thin fabric over your head, blushing as you felt exposed.
It didn't take long for your bra to disappear too, disregarded onto the floor with your shirt. A stuttered moan mixed with your heavy breaths as Wanda latched her lips to your nipple, her teeth tugging at it. Your fingers tangled in her soft hair, holding her in place as your back arched, pushing your chest into her. A satisfied groan vibrated against your body, and a unsatisfied whimper left it when Wanda pulled back, a dazed expression on her face as she grinned smugly up at you. "Please." You said huskily, you needed her inside you now. She gently pushed you off her lap, leaving you to stand up on your wobbly legs. She snickered as she watched you trip over your own feet as you tried to keep your balance, before standing up completely straight, blushing.
"I've barely touched you, baby." She teased, her hands finding your bare waist. You avoided eye contact, panting gently. Her fingered trailed down your waist, till they were at the button of your jeans. You watched with heavy eyes as she undid it, sliding the denim down your legs. You felt it was unfair you were almost completely naked, while she was fully dressed. You pouted, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her into you, before stripping the fabric off her body with her help. You ogled at her covered chest until she forced you to look back up at her. Her lips found yours again, and she was stepping out of her jeans. You whimpered as your eyes came in contact with the strap on firmly harnessed to her hips, she smirked smugly.
You pushed her back on to the bed, and she moved up it till her head was on the pillows. She watched as you stripped of the last piece of clothing covering you, a low groan emitted for her lips. You crawled ontop of her, settling on her thighs, right in front of the strap. You stared at it for a second, before moving your eyes back up to hers. "Come on, baby. Aren't you going to be a good girl and ride me, like i know you want to." She husked as her hands found your hips, using it to her advantage to guide you up till you were hovering above the silicone. You whined, the tips of your fingers pressing into her stomach as you tried to steady yourself. It didn't take long before you were sinking down onto it, a loud whimper of her name following the action.
You had never felt so exposed, completely on display, but you were too focused on the witches strap buried deep inside you to care. "Fuck." The breathless curse made you look up at her, her attention was focused solely on your cunt. "You look so pretty on my cock, baby. Such a pretty slut for me." You whined at her words, your hips grinding down on the toy. Your hands landed on her shoulders as your hips moved back and forth, your head hanging between your arms as you breathed heavily. She grunted as your nails dug into the soft skin of her shoulders, and her hands on your hips made you move faster.
"Fuck, Wanda." You whined as your clit rubbed against her lower stomach, adding to the stimulation the toy was already giving you.
"Such a slut for me, hm?" She growled under her breath, her hand wrapping around your throat made your head move back up, looking her dead in the eye as you whimpered weakly. "Mhm, all yours— Fuck!— all yours." She hummed happily at your answer. Your grinding got faster until you decided it wasn't enough for you. You lifted yourself up till the halfway point of the strap, before falling back down. Wanda groaned.
"Keep doing that, baby. Fuck, you take my cock so well, such a good girl." She husked, making you whine. You did as you were told, your skin hitting hers everytime you slammed back down. "Wanda, Please." You moaned, scratching at her shoulders. She got impatient, seeing you ontop of her like this was making her head feel fuzzy. Her fingers dug into her waist as she started thrusting up into you, copying the movements of your hips. "Fuck!" You moaned loudly, your head falling back as your eyes screwed shut. Your moans started coming out in 'ah, ah, ah.' as she pounded up into you, desperate to make you cum.
"Wanda— please, i'm close." You whined, your eyes focused on her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her mouth open in deep breaths as she stared at the way your cunt was swallowing the strap as she pushed her hips up. "Yeah?" She breathed, not eyes not moving. "Is my slut gonna cum for me, hm? All over my cock?" She said shakily, her own arousal dripping down her thighs. "Mhm, please."
You moans became high pitched and breathy as she focused solely on making you cum. "Beg for it, like the good girl you are." Her eyes finally moved up to your face, and she swore she could've came just from the sight of your pleasured expression. "Please, Wanda. Please let me cum, i'll be good— i'll be your good slut, please i need it." You got out between moans, her hips somehow moving faster. Just as you thought it couldn't get any better, one of her hands loosened its strong grip on your waist and started rubbing circles around your clit. "Cum for me, baby." And you did, and it was intense. Your moans were loud and broken, and your eyes had rolled back so far she could barely see them anymore.
She helped you ride out your high with the thrusts of her hips before stopping completely, setting you back down on her strap. She sat up, wrapping her arms around you as you collapsed into her body. "Fuck." You panted out, your head on her shoulder. You whined in sensitivity as you shifted slightly, feeling the toy that was still buried inside of you move. "You did so good for me baby, so good." You nodded weakly, your eyes closed as you panted against her shoulder.  "I wanna-" You started, out of breath. "I wanna make you feel good."
You whined, lifting your head back up when you finally got your breath back. One of her eyebrows quirked up, a smirk spreading across her lips. "Yeah? You wanna be a good girl and return the favour?" She hummed, so desperate to have you between her legs. You nodded, your eyes heavy. You put your hands on either side of her face and pressed your lips to hers, whining as her tongue slipped past your lips. She helped you off the toy, and you led back on the bed, your breath coming out in heavy pants. You turned to her when you heard her hum happily. "Your mind is a lot quieter." She said, her voice cocky. "Wanda!" You whined, playfully hitting her shoulder. She rolled her eyes with a grin.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
You Were The First
Ominis Gaunt x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Ominis Gaunt has never known affection. He has never known how it felt to love---to be loved. She came and changed all of it.
Or, Ominis gets love because by god does he deserve it.
Warnings: Mentions/Implications of child abuse
God, I loved writing this. Thank you so much for the request, anon!
When Ominis Gaunt fell in love, he fell slowly. 
It was all the little things she did—the little things that made up who she was. Her kindness. Her patience. Her touch. 
Before meeting her, touch meant nothing but pain. It was kicking and screaming as his mother dragged him along by his arm, harsh shoves from uncaring hands toppling to the ground, a cruel hand curled over his own, taking any control he might have and forcing a curse out of him. 
He’d been avoiding it ever since. Even Sebastian and Anne knew his aversion, careful not to grab him or brush against him. 
But somehow, she made his walls come tumbling down. 
Perhaps he started to fall that first time she saved him a seat at breakfast. 
It was one of the first breakfasts of their sixth year—the Great Hall was bustling, students running back and forth to catch up with friends and share adventures from over the summer. That was exactly what Sebastian was doing; he could hear his friend’s loud laugh as he spoke to someone at the Hufflepuff table. He’d expected her to be doing the same, her popularity as the Hero of Hogwarts was unmatched. Surely everyone would want to know what she’d been up to. 
He’d just settled on the idea of grabbing an apple off the table and leaning against the wall well out of harm’s way when a voice called out to him. Her voice. 
“Ominis! Ominis, right here, I’ve saved a seat for you!” 
His mouth fell open—just slightly. “You… you saved a seat…?” 
“Yes, now get over here before Sebastian barrels past and steals it, I wouldn’t put it past him,” she said, smile obvious in her voice. 
And so he obliged. 
He settled down on the bench, all thoughts of retreating to some far corner vanishing as she began to rattle on about her summer. In turn, he answered all her questions about his own time, best he could with the way his head was spinning. Of everyone in the school, she had saved a spot for him. She allowed him to take all her time, steal away every morsel of her attention. There was a lightness that came with that thought. A warm feeling he couldn’t quite name—not yet. 
But now that he’d felt it, he knew he’d starve for it. 
The next step into his descent was the first time she placed her hand on his arm. 
Herbology was always a bit chaotic—not nearly as much as Potions, no thanks to a certain Gryffindor—but chaotic nonetheless. Professor Garlick had laid out all the necessary tools and supplies on each table, and after her brief explanation on how to prune and shape the plants in front of them, she set them loose. 
Sebastian stood to Ominis’s right, grabbing some small cutters and starting on his plant quickly. 
“Sebastian, you’re making a mess of it already. She said to start from the top and go down, didn’t you hear a word she just said?” a voice said from his left. 
Ominis chuckled. “Since when has Sebastian ever been one to listen to anything?” He reached forward, grabbing his own cutters. He heard his friend grumble under his breath. “Don’t pout, you know I’m right.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not offended by it,” Sebastian said. 
“You’re offended by everything, Seb,” she said. 
“What is this? Attack Sebastian Sallow Day?” 
“No, but I’d be an avid celebrator if there was such a thing.” 
As Sebastian continued mumbling complaints, he felt it—her hand, just barely resting on his arm. “Sorry,” she said softly, leaning forward and across the table. “I’m just grabbing the fertilizer.” And then her touch was gone. 
It was nothing. Just a simple indication that she was there, making sure a blind man didn’t accidentally stab her with a sharp object. And yet it felt… different, somehow. His skin was tingling as he tried to resume his work with the plant. It was only later he realized that, unlike so many times others had made a similar motion, he hadn’t flinched or pulled away. 
In spite of himself, he sort of wished she would do it again. 
He came to a realization the first time she explained a Quidditch match to him. 
The realization was thus—she was even more kind than anyone he’d ever met. It was her very first match, and she had been elated to attend after Professor Black had announced the continuation of the sport at the beginning of the year. Normally, Ominis wouldn’t care too much about it. He rarely went to matches in previous years, only being dragged along by Sebastian when Slytherin was up in the running to take the cup. Crowds weren’t his thing. And trying to understand anything that was going on based solely off the oohing and ahhing of a crowd gave him a headache. But this year, Sebastian was making his debut as Slytherin’s Keeper, and that paired with her excitement to see the match was enough to draw him out to the stands. 
They sat next to each other, nestled into the crowd of Slytherins eagerly anticipating the game. He could only imagine how high up they were—there had been plenty of stairs to indicate it was nothing insignificant. The breeze that high up was cooler, and Ominis was grateful for it, allowing himself to focus on it instead of the people pressing in all around him. 
But when the match started, his focus shifted entirely to the soft voice next to him. 
In the past, he had always found the commentary on the match entirely unhelpful, and even more uninteresting. He could never get a picture of what was going on—the announcer would always press opinions on players and use the names of the different plays, which was ridiculous because Ominis had no clue what any of the plays meant. 
She, on the other hand, explained it all wonderfully. 
She wasn’t perfect—not even close, stumbling over words and gasping at times when an action surprised her. But for the first time, Ominis could follow. He found himself cheering, breath catching as he heard the whoosh of a broom overhead. The tone and expression in her voice was so lively, so dedicated, he wanted to take part in it. 
“Weasley’s flying fast toward the goals,” she commented. “Blimey, he should be Seeker with that speed. Imelda’s flown into his path, he’s going to crash—No, he dodged her, straight over her head—he’s throwing the Quaffle, come on Seb—YES!” 
He let out a cry of celebration as his friend beside him whooped and hollered, cheering loudly for Sebastian. It wasn’t long until they won the match, and the crowd of Slytherins roared like a raging sea. He followed her out of the stands and into the common room, where a party was already commencing. Sebastian managed to break away from his adoring fans. The Hero of Hogwarts leapt up and nearly pushed him over in a wild embrace. Sebastian laughed. 
“You were wonderful out there!” she said, pulling away. 
Ominis could hear the grin in his friend’s voice. “I couldn’t let your first match be a disappointment, now could I?” His feet shifted, turning to Ominis. “And really, Ominis, thank you for coming. I know Quidditch isn’t your favorite.”
“If I’m honest, I rather enjoyed myself,” he said. He nodded his head toward her beside him. “This one has a knack for explaining the game. She told me enough that I can sincerely say, well played.” 
“Then seems like you’ll have to go to all of the matches together,” Sebastian said. 
Ominis frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t want to impose on—”
“No, I like that idea,” she said. His heart beat a bit faster. “I want you to be able to enjoy it just as much as the rest of us, Ominis.” 
He couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. When Sebastian asked about it, he blamed it on having too much Butterbeer.
When he let her lead him by his arm that very first time, he knew he trusted her. 
He’d known for a while—but now, through his actions, he had admitted it to her. To himself. 
Winter had set in. The two of them left the Three Broomsticks, bundled up and ready for the cold. He reached for his wand, pausing when he heard her speak up beside him. 
“Your hand is going to freeze holding it out like that all the way to the castle. I can lead you, if you’d like.” 
He pondered it for a moment—only a moment—and then he gave in. 
“If you think it’ll keep me from getting frostbite.” 
He sucked in a breath as her arm looped around his. How had she done it so gently? After a second, when he’d begun to breathe properly, he nodded. “Off we go, then.” 
It was strange, how he had surrendered so easily. When he had first gotten his wand, the world finally felt livable. He no longer had to shuffle around, arms outstretched, waiting for his brothers to jump out at him. He could fend for himself. Prove his independence. There was no longer a need to rely on anyone. 
Why did he rely so effortlessly on her? 
The truth came to him with a sudden thought as she took him through the streets, navigating expertly through the throng of students returning to the castle. He trusted her. She had always looked out for him. Cared when he felt no one else did. She made efforts to be around him, to involve him, even when he tried to push away. Ominis Gaunt did not trust easily. But she had proved herself worthy of that sentiment in every turn. 
The slight tug of her arm in his jolted him back to that moment. “We’re at the stairs,” she said quietly. “There’s six of them.” 
He’d trust her with his life. 
They seemed to walk closer and closer together as the castle drew nearer. It was the cold, he told himself. Just the instinctual craving for warmth drawing their sides together. Simple as that. 
But they still walked arm in arm through the halls of Hogwarts, leaving the excuse of the chill and snow far behind them. 
The first time she held his hand, he finally felt alive. 
Their sixth years had come to a close and the Hogwarts Express was waiting to take them home. They’d spend the last few months in what he considered bliss. They stopped looking for excuses to take each other's arms at some point—just letting it happen. Strolls on the castle ground. Between classes. Anywhere and everywhere they went together. Sebastian teased them a bit at the action, but Ominis claimed it was just easier than using his wand. He didn’t have to concentrate on a spell while walking about. It was true—but really, it hadn’t been inconvenient the five years before that, had it?
But now his dear friend gave a low sigh beside him. “This crowd is awful,” she said, glowering at the students around them. “I don’t know how we’re going to make it on the train in time.” 
“I’m sure we’ll be—” 
He stopped mid sentence, feeling her fingers interlock with his. 
“I think I see a path, come on now.” 
She nearly tipped him over as she pulled him along. He managed to remember how to walk just in time to catch himself, allowing her to lead him through the hustle and bustle around them. How did this feel so entirely different than being led by her arm? How could he only focus on how soft the skin of her knuckles felt under his thumb? How could he feel like he was dreaming, but never felt more aware in the same moment?
They stopped in front of the train, doors open before them. She didn’t let go. Neither did he. But the train let out a whistle, and the sound brought him back in an instant. Their hands dropped, and the loss of the intimate feeling of her fingers between his knocked the air out him like the perfect Depulso. 
“We made it,” she said softly. 
She laughed. He might as well have been a fish for how much he was struggling to breathe. “I’ll see you soon,” she said, voice softening. 
“I wish I could say the same,” he said, smirking. He felt her hit his arm, stifling a laugh.
“You’re awful.”
“You’re the one who laughed.” 
“Goodbye, Ominis,” she said, still chuckling. After a moment, she spoke again, a little quieter. “I’ll write you.”
His stomach flipped. “I’ll hold you to it.”
Then she was gone, taking part of him with her.
He knew he was in love the moment he got her first letter. 
What was it some fool had once said? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? What a load of dung. 
Absence made the heart ache so much it nearly killed him. And it had only been a day. 
He knew it was from her the moment the lingering scent of her perfume hit him. He smiled. She kept her word—he had never doubted she would. He was just relieved she had done so so soon. 
Quickly, he pulled out his wand and transfigured the words on the parchment, running his fingers over them. He paused where she had written his name. Every letter filled him with warmth as he poured over the short letter. 
Dear Ominis,
I realize we only saw each other yesterday, but I wanted to assure you it wasn’t an empty promise when I said I would write you. 
I really don’t have too much to share—my mother was more than pleased to see me, of course. Wailed when I came home as if I’d come back from the dead. She’s still not used to me being away for so long. I’ve just begun unpacking, and honestly, it just makes me wish I was back at Hogwarts with you and Sebastian. 
How are you? I do hope you’re alright. I worry about you going home, you know. I can’t help it. I’ll be inviting both you and Sebastian to my home as soon as I’m settled in—please do survive until then. 
He closed his eyes as he felt her name beneath his fingertips. She was worried about him. She’d be inviting him. The warmth and elation he felt was so unlike the cold halls that surrounded him. He could survive—he’d do it for her. 
How she could make him feel happiness—hope—in a house so tainted with pain was beyond him. He never would he have thought he could have a moment of something good there, a memory worth keeping after he abandoned the place. 
Finally, he had a name for that warmth, the one that overtook him every time she crossed his thoughts. Love. Deep, profound, and lasting. It was more than he could have imagined, overwhelming and pure. How could he have lived to this point without it? 
He read the letter once more before pulling out his quill and beginning to write. 
The first time he thought she might feel the same coincided with the first time she laid her head on his shoulder. 
She had kept yet another of her promises. It was only a couple of weeks before he was off to her house, finally free from the suffocating marble halls of the manor. His escape lasted only for ten days, but it gave him what he needed to keep going. 
Though being with her was definitely what fueled him the most. 
Laughing with her and Sebastian made the stress of being around his parents melt off of him much faster than he would have imagined. Their ten days had been full of exploring the woods around her house, of playing Gobstones, of laying in fields and telling old stories. 
Ten days of her hand brushing his as they sat together. Ten days of catching his breath when she spoke. Ten days of falling harder than he ever thought possible.
Because now that he knew what it was he was feeling, it was there in everything she did. He was drowning in it, and he’d stay under with a smile on his face. 
Sebastian bid them farewell on that final evening. Ominis would be gone back home in the morning—he tried desperately to push that thought away, focusing instead on spending every moment with her he could. They’d wandered to the overgrown park not far from her home, coming to rest on a bench hidden away in the trees. Crickets sang around them, and Ominis basked in the cool summer night by her side. 
“Are you going to be ok when you go back?” Her voice was hardly more than a whisper. 
He gave a small smile, one he hoped was reassuring. “I’ve lived this long. Two more months will be nothing.”
She sighed. “It won’t be a full two months. I’ll make sure of it. If you can’t come here again, we’ll go to Sebastian’s.”
“You worry about me too much.” 
“I think I worry just enough,” she stated simply. 
Her words made his chest time. How could he ever begin to explain what they meant to him? She cared for him. It was enough to shatter him if he let it. He couldn’t say what he wanted to—not yet. He’d find a way, someday. But he told her what he could by reaching for her hand, locking their fingers together. And when she leaned into his side, head coming to rest on his shoulder, maybe, maybe, that was her way of saying she understood. 
His stiff body slowly relaxed against hers, and he thought about nothing but the slow draws of her breath, the way her hair tickled against his jaw, the love he felt for the angel of the girl sitting pressed against him. 
The first time she held him he fell apart. 
Their little trio had stayed up late in celebration of their last school year, playing Exploding Snap well into the night. The Undercroft echoed their joyous sounds as the hours passed by, until Sebastian pulled himself away, saying he wanted to pay a visit to the Restricted Section for old time’s sake. It wasn’t long until she and Ominis were saying their goodnights to each other. 
It had been a perfect last first day, exactly what he’d needed after spending so much time at the manor. He’d left for what he was determined to be the last time. There was no better way to celebrate. 
He could think of no better way of ending it than saying goodnight to the girl he loved. 
“Goodnight,” he said softly, a small smile on his lips. 
“God, I missed you,” she breathed. “Goodnight, Ominis.” 
But before he could open the door, her arms wrapped around his chest. 
The result was immediate. His heart raced, and his throat grew tight. He couldn’t breath—how could he, with her holding him so tightly? Her head was against his chest, and for a split second he was afraid she might pull away when she heard the pound of it. It was that moment of fear that brought his arms around her, holding her to him like he had nothing left. 
It felt like dying when she pulled away from him. She sucked in a breath. “Ominis, are you alright?”
“What… what do you—”
“You’re crying.”
She was right. He felt the tears, now, traitorously running down his face. He quickly brought up the sleeve of his robe to wipe them away. 
“Is it something I did? I’m so sorry, I didn’t—”
“No,” he said quickly. “No, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He took a shuddering breath. “I just… You’re the first person who’s ever…” 
Ever what? There were a million ways he could finish that sentence, and all would be true. The first who had ever held me. The first who has ever cared so deeply. The first to touch him with nothing but kindness. She was the first person to break down his walls, to give him life, to let him love and be loved. 
Somehow, she seemed to understand his silence. She took him into her arms once more, and he let himself come crashing down. Sobs worked their way through—both sadness and joy mingled together in an utter mess of emotion. How could he have gone his whole life without this? Without feeling safe, without outstretched arms to run to? But he had found it. A person he could call his home, who would hold him when he fell apart. He was grateful. So grateful. 
They never went back up to their dorms that night.
He was determined today would be the first time he kissed her. 
Since that night in the Undercroft, every touch between them felt natural. Part of their beings. He came to her effortlessly, letting his arms pull her to him. His hand felt foreign when it wasn’t in hers. But yet, he had yet to confess the depths of his feelings for her. 
He knew exactly why—she was patient. They’d started this whole thing nearly two years ago now. She’d always gone at his pace, waiting for him to be ready for each new step. They didn’t need to say the words. It was obvious to both of them. But Merlin, he wanted to. 
She needed to know just how much she meant to him. The joy she brought into his life without even trying. It had been a long time coming, but now, he was ready.
He’d taken her out to Hogsmeade. It was the perfect spring day—cool breeze carrying the scent of Butterbeer clear out of the Three Broomsticks. The sun was just beginning to set, and they were on course to return to the castle when he stopped her. 
“Could I take you somewhere?” he said softly. 
“Of course,” she said, a little perplexed. He smiled, taking out his wand to guide the both of them, other hand still in hers. He led them down a path, then turned sharply into the woods. The trail he followed was light barely there, mostly grown over by foliage. But he heard the sound of the creek and knew he was close. 
The trees gave way into a small opening, the melody of water trickling just beyond it. He smiled. 
“It’s lovely,” she said. 
“Good. I hoped it would be.” His wand returned to his pocket, and he took both her hands, facing her. 
It was her turn for her breath to catch. It was only fair after all the times he’d done so because of her. Did he look as lovesick as he felt? 
“You are everything to me, do you know that?” he said softly. His hand reached up, following the curve of her neck up to her jaw, where it came to rest. “Everything.”
The way she breathed his name sent shivers through him. And her breath on his lips—Merlin, how had he waited so long?
“I love you.” 
He didn’t give her a chance to respond—he’d let her say it soon enough. But he needed to prove himself to her, show her just what he meant when he said everything. His lips came crashing down against hers, and at that moment he decided every second not spent kissing her was a second wasted. Like everything about her, she was gentle. She was warm. She was soft. Like everything about her, he couldn’t get enough. He thought he’d give her a chaste kiss, but he was only a man, and a starving one at that. 
He only pulled away when his lungs felt like they would burst, and his chest heaved under her resting hand. 
“I love you,” she said, voice hoarse. “God, I love you.” 
He decided that night would be the second time he kissed her, too. 
After that he lost count.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
The 141 boys and the TikTok trend “everybody knows that I’m a good girl officer”
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Firstly, I want to say that in this house, we say "fuck the police (derogatory)" every single day. However, I will indulge in this instance because it's our 141 boys and I think the trend with them would be absolutely smoldering. But I will change it up slightly, and pull from my Bodyguard!141 AU Post as well as lean into a security detail aspect for this one.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, suggestive themes, dirty thoughts, flirting, secret relationship
Word Count: 1.5k
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
Price adjusts the ear piece in his right ear.
The blasted thing doesn’t fit right. It keeps slipping. It’s irritating but it’s manageable. Not like Price is running anywhere. At least, he doesn’t plan on moving too quickly. His job is to stand and observe. To make look after a certain MP’s daughter, and to take her back to the hotel when she tells you she’s ready to leave.
You are no stranger. Far from it.
And it goes far beyond the grounds of appropriate behavior.
Price has completely stuck his foot in it, bedding you when he isn’t supposed to. Stealing kisses in dark corners, and fucking you behind closed doors. He was hired by your father to look after you, and instead, John has taken it much further than that.
But he doesn’t fucking regret it.
Not at all.
John adjusts his ear piece and scans the room from left to right. You’re not in sight but that doesn’t bother him. This ballroom is packed full of rich schmucks who couldn’t give a shit about him.
He scans the room again, and this time he finds you.
You’re walking toward him, hips moving in a sultry sway that steals John’s resolve. You’re gorgeous. Perfect. And he can’t stop staring.
The corner of your mouth quirks with amusement, and John straightens his shoulders, making himself appear bigger. He needs to look professional. He needs to look like he’s not thinking about all the ways he wants to fuck you.
But it’s hard to focus, and when you approach, you glance over your shoulder at him, words leaving your mouth that John doesn’t entirely catch at first. Your foot pops in the air, and the friend you’re walking with giggles, her hand pressed to her painted lips.
Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.
A good girl.
Yes. You are.
You’re John’s good girl.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
High-stakes missions have always been part of Kyle’s life. It is what he knows. What he thrives on. But between the missions, Kyle keeps working, and not with SAS.
Kyle mostly signs up for security detail at different places around London. Sometimes he might work as a bouncer for a club, or be monitoring people entering a music venue. Sometimes the gigs are swanky, and sometimes they’re not. Kyle doesn’t really mind as long as he’s paid.
That’s the whole point.
He’s saving. Wants to buy a house. Maybe find someone to settle down with. Life is going by fast. He needs some stability amongst all the violence.
And tonight? Tonight, he’s nothing more than a glorified security guard.
He looks the part in all-black tactical gear, and he isn’t the only one. There is an entire group of them all lined up in front of large windows, creating a bit of barrier. The event coordinator expected protests. All there is are a handful of people across the street with signs. They’re harmless.
Kyle doesn’t pay them any mind.
He does watch the regular people walking by on his side of the road. Some people are here for the event and others are just passing through.
Standing on the corner nearby is a small group of young women. They’re all dressed up like they’re heading to the clubs. Kyle pretends he’s not looking, but that would be a lie. There is one he keeps glancing at.
You’re fucking stunning. A beauty.
But Kyle has to remain calm. Aloof. He’s not here for you or anyone except the job at hand.
“Go over there.”
“I can’t!”
“Girl. He is so cute. Do it.”
Kyle casually turns his head, only to find you striding toward him. His throat drops into his stomach, and you waltz past him, pausing just to his right, flipping your hair, and batting your eyelashes at him and then your friends.
“Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.”
Your friends scream, and then you hurriedly run back to them as if you’ve done something you shouldn’t.
A good girl? Sure you are, love.
Kyle smirks and looks away, doing his best to hide a growing smile.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon sits in the driver seat of a large, black SUV. His fingers are itching for a cigarette. He needs the smoke—to feel the burn. To rid himself of some of this agitation.
It’s not annoyance. It’s not frustration. And it sure as shit isn’t anger.
No. Simon has a fucking rager in his pants, and his thoughts are filled with images of you. You—who he’s supposed to be protecting. Escorting you to and from events, pushing back the crowd, and keeping a firm lock on where you are at all times.
The black dress you’re wearing tonight is made of flimsy material. It clings to every curve and swell. Simon is hungry—a feral animal that couldn’t stop stalking you throughout the event.
Now, he’s about to take you back to your hotel. And he knows you’ll invite him in. He knows that the little black dress you wear will be nothing but a pile on the floor in due time.
But this need in his bones isn’t just Simon’s fault. You were a fucking tease all evening. You were bad. Openly flirting with other men in front of him, drinking more than you should have, and genuinely being a little terror to his sanity. All this behavior will only get you punishment. A punishment he’s happy to deal out once he has you behind a closed door.
A car door clicks, and Simon glances up, expecting to see you slide into the backseat. You’re not there. You’re next to him. In the front passenger seat.
“What the fuck are you doing?” asks Simon, his knuckles white as he grips the steering wheel.
You shrug and settle in. “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you reply, leaning on the middle armrest.
Simon can smell your perfume. “Buckle up,” he growls, and you do so casually, as if you don’t hear his irritation.
He pulls out into traffic, and the moment the two of you are clear of the building, Simon feels your hand on his thigh moving dangerously close to his dick.
“This bad behavior needs to stop.”
Your body shifts and you sing-song the next words out of your mouth. “Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.”
The words are bit slurred. You’re completely pissed, and Simon cannot help but laugh. No punishment then. Not tonight at least.
But tomorrow?
John "Soap" MacTavish
This isn’t Johnny’s usual job, but it’s easy work.
Usually, hired security and local police take care of concerts and sporting events, but the military has been called in for this one, and Johnny is fine with that. Again, it’s easy work, and they’re paying him more for it.
He stands in one spot, scans the crowd, and acts casual while looking downright intimidating. The intimidation isn’t hard. They have him completely decked out in all-black tactical and balaclava included. All you can see of Johnny are his eyes.
It’s fun, actually. When he put it all on, he pretended to be Simon, only to receive a swat upside the head for it from the man himself.
Johnny has his hands casually resting on his bulletproof vest. No one is really looking at him, and those that do quickly look away. But there is one he can’t stop looking at.
You’re so damn cute, and you can’t stop glancing at him either. You’re with friends, and you keep smiling in his direction. If this were any other night, Johnny would approach you, flirt a bit, maybe even ask for your number. Might even take you home with him if you were open to it.
But Johnny is on the job, and he can’t afford to do that.
As you move closer to him through the crowd, one of your friends keeps saying something to you, moving their hands as if urging you to do something. Johnny isn’t sure what, but he’s curious. You don’t look like danger, and there is nothing about your demeanor that says that you’re looking to cause trouble.
Maybe it’s the balaclava. That seems to be a thing now.
As you approach, there is a pop of your foot, a quick flip of your hair, and a stunning smile. Your friend holds up her phone and you turn away from Johnny briefly to say “Everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.”
I bet you fucking are, love.
Your friends giggle with pleasure, and you quickly move away from him but not before you glance over your shoulder one last time, mouthing a silent “thank you.”
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@enarien @saoirse06 @ferns-fics @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett
@ravenpoe67 @tulipsun-flower @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat @ninman82
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
@haven-1307 @voids-universe @itsberrydreemurstuff @spicyspicyliving @keiva1000
@littlemisscriesherselftosleep @statixx-x @umno-yeah @blackhawkfanatic @talooolaaloolla
@sadlonelybagel @kadeeesworld @iloveslasher @sammysinger04 @dakotakazansky
@suhmie @jaggersinclair @jackrabbitem @lxblm @beebeechaos
@no-oneelsebutnsu @kidd3ath @certainlygay @thewulf @lovely-ateez
@arrozyfrijoles23 @gingergirl06 @eternallyvenus @smileykiddie08 @vrb8im
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aidaronan · 2 years
"First movie you ever saw in theaters?" Steve lounged opposite of Robin on the couch in his living room, the stereo on low, spitting out Madonna on the local radio station.
"Oh, that's easy." Robin bit off part of a licorice. "Freaky Friday. I remember because I was terrified for weeks that I'd end up switching places with my mom and have to, like, balance a checkbook or something."
Steve laughed, separating m&ms in his hand. "You still don't know how to balance a checkbook, do you?"
"Like you do." Robin playfully glared at him. "Okay, here's a good one. First kiss."
Steve ate the sole blue m&m first, a grin spreading across his face because he usually lied about his first kiss, but he didn't have to. Not with Robin. "Camp Stronghold when I was nine. We met up in the boathouse after lights out to trade contraband."
"Contraband, huh?" Robin raised her brows.
"Candy. I swear my parents loaded me up like I was going to prison. 'This is as good as cash in there, Steven.' I think my dad wanted me to network or something. Because, you know, I was totally gonna start a small business with a group of eight-year-olds."
Robin snickered. "And the kiss?"
"Ah. I didn't actually want candy. I just wanted this kid to like me so bad, and I didn't know why until we were there in the dark tripping into each other because we couldn't see. I had all these butterflies, and we were standing close enough that I could feel the heat off his sunburn in the air." Steve could still picture it. The way he couldn't see more than a few inches in front of his face. "Then he kissed me, just this quick peck on the lips before he turned tail and ran. I left the boathouse with a Snickers and one massive first crush."
"Did anything else happen?" Robin asked.
"No. It was the last week of camp and I think he freaked himself out over it. I don't know. He didn't even really say bye to me after we climbed off the bus to meet our parents. Never saw him again. I honestly never even thought to get his name."
"That sucks."
"Yeah. I just hope he's doing okay, you know? That he's got people in his life that make him feel like he's allowed."
Robin looked at him softly, reaching out to give his ankle a squeeze. "Hey, you never know. You might run into him again someday. Maybe he's your soulmate or something."
"Please. I think you're pretty obviously my soulmate." Steve nudged Robin with his foot. "But I guess he could settle for 2nd place."
"Oh, there's a toast for sure." Snacks tumbling off her lap, Robin reached for her can of Coke on the coffee table and raised it as high as she could reach. "To both of us finding our 2nd places."
"Cheers to that." Steve thrust his own Coke into the air.
It felt like a big cosmic joke that Steve would be in a boathouse when he realized who Eddie Munson had been all that time. Eddie had looked so different when he'd transferred into Hawkins that Steve had never even given him a second look, not during their shared classes, not during any of those cafeteria tirades. Not during the numerous occasions where he gave the kids rides to D&D.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!"
It was the eyes that finally pulled back the curtain and cut away all those in-between years. Steve had never been close enough to clock them, but he couldn't deny them now. Not at such close range, Eddie holding a broken bottle against his neck, trembling with so much fear that Steve worried he might actually use it.
Dropping the oar from his own shaking hands, Steve said the only thing he could think to say.
"Well, this brings back memories."
Eddie didn't respond, the fear in the air drawing out every second, making it feel infinite. Behind them and in another universe, Dustin said a bunch of stuff Steve barely heard for the pounding in his ears. He watched beads of sweat roll down Eddie's forehead and waited for something to give.
Like clouds fat with rain, Eddie finally broke open, tension draining out of him, arm and weapon dropping to his side. He exhaled a shaky breath, maintaining eye contact, his expression too complicated for Steve to fully read.
Steve was about to say something else when Eddie finally spoke, cocking his head to the side and leveling Steve with a look.
"And here I spent all these years thinking you forgot."
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sapphosclosefriend · 11 months
- Money, Power, Glory pt 1 -
Pairing: CEO! Silverfox! Natasha Romanoff x Escort! Fem! Reader
Genre: suggestive
Summary: Natasha Romanoff, successful and rich CEO, books an urgent meeting with someone who she might be able to finally destress with. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: top! Natasha x bottom! R, Natasha has a penis, BIG age gap (N=56, R=24), suggestive themes.
A/N: this story contains mature topics so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. Just as an introduction hehe don't worry, their first time is in the next one, I won't leave it out! Thanks sooo much to @rt--link and @supercorpdanbeau for being the kindest and both helping me out ❤️ As usual, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy ♡
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You still remember clearly the day you received the call from your agent. You honestly thought it was a cruel joke of hers at first, but the serious, yet excited, tone in her voice easily reassured you of the realness of the situation. The fact that she was calling you in the first place, and not quickly messaging you, was clear proof of just how important and urgent the matter was. Not only were you requested for that same night, meaning that the trusted woman deemed the new customer as important enough to ditch the advance days you usually demanded, but the house you needed to get to was of no regular person.
You were a high end escort, pleasing la creme de la creme only, well, at least in terms of monetary assets. You, and the agency you worked with, were known for your discretion, professionalism and skills, an overall level of competence that simply tended to attract clients of a certain status. And that's how you met her, the Natasha Romanoff herself, CEO of a multi-billion company she had created from the ground up in her decades-long career. But why was she so important? She would've been the richest one of your clients, it was as simple as that. Pretty much every single one of them were at the head of, if not close to, big and different companies, all with the highest power of the twenty-first century in their hands, money. You had actually thought about dipping your toes in the world of politics once, which was not so surprisingly filled with countless requests interested in your realm of expertise, but thanks to long consideration and much advice, you had decided to avoid its risks, settling on who you knew, after all, had what you wanted, filthy rich assholes. And gosh, wasn't she the richest one of them all.
Aside from her status, the thought of such a woman, so idolized she seemed unattainable, who could and probably had everything in the world, asking for your company, intrigued you immensely. That day, during every single hour you had spent to thoroughly take care of your appearance just for her, anticipation completely took over you. You knew she was beautiful and you genuinely thought she was fucking hot, which wasn't necessarily to be taken for granted in your line of work, but what you found yourself needing to know, and consequently making your interest in her grow even more, was how she was going to be in private. Was she going to be just like one of those countless naggingly cocky know-it-all's who thought of themselves as some sex gods, and gods in general, but really couldn't even figure out if you had cum yet? You found yourself almost wanting her to be different than everybody else, because deep down you felt like, even if she was the most annoying, full of herself bitch ever, you would’ve gladly tried to satisfy every single one of her needs and taken anything from her with a smile on your face. Ok, maybe scrolling for an hour through the internet looking up information about her and consequently ending up lost through any picture of her you could find wasn’t the best idea, but what could you say, you had a bit of a sweet spot for powerful women.
What you gathered from your innocent stalking session, though, was mainly about her countless successes in life but also concerning some gossip regarding her not so successful marriage life. It didn’t bother you, barely anything about your clients did at that point, but it only intrigued you more about why she wanted someone like you. She could’ve had anybody, she was a walking goddess with her pockets more than full and ladies most definitely falling at her feet left and right, yet there she was, in her car, getting back home after one of the longest and most tiring weeks of the past few months to wait for a girl she’d only seen a couple pictures of to take her mind off of everything. Her driver immediately knew not to even greet her by her frustrated sigh and the pinching of the bridge of her own nose as soon as she got in the car and immediately took off to her desired destination, making Natasha thank any and all gods for the nice relief after such displays of incompetence she had to endure from basically her whole staff. She was right at her limit and all the pent up anger and irritation from the week was finally starting to crack her composed facade at the prospect of the imminent weekend slowly reaching her. She didn’t even want to have dinner, she just needed to be at home, everyone out of her goddamn house and a pussy to unload some stress into. If she had to be honest, in that specific moment, she even missed her disastrous married life and the perk of having a wife always waiting for her at home, ready to meet her needs at the end of the day.
She, unfortunately, never felt the symptoms of "true love" with any of her ex wives, but the thought of how badly it had gone wrong with all of them still pained her a little every time her mind drifted to that phase of her life. During her successful yet busy life she'd been through her fair share of failed marriages, all with beautiful women she'd deeply cared for, but all eventually focused on one thing only, her absence. The first thing she'd always made sure to make very, very clear was just how little time she had to dedicate to anything outside of her company, which unfortunately included her personal life. Her best guess was that the haziness coming from a brand new love must've made it hard to get a grasp on her words…every single time, apparently.
It didn't matter anymore, though, because what she had to focus on now seemed to be much more important than any matter ever had. The quick, warm shower she had just enough time to take as soon as she got home was thankfully able to wash away the surface level anger that was starting to make her temple throb, preventing her from being a rude prick for the rest of the night. She was aware, after all, of the favor you were doing to her by working the night without any notice and all she wanted to do was be respectful for your kind availability. Being her perfectionist self, and deep down maybe even wanting you to like her, she knew she had to focus on not losing her mind on minor things like her outfit, so she decided to try to at least appear to be careless about her appearance and only focus the last bits of mental strength she had on the more relaxing, pleasurable parts of the night. Of course she still couldn't help but fix her hair just a little and change her sweatshirt for a still casual but more put together beige, cashmere sweater. She'd had it for years and, despite its condition not being the best, she couldn't bring herself to get rid of it, it just reminded her too much of- nevermind. A few small holes and pulled threads on her top would certainly be the last thought on your mind anyway.
She didn't even realize she was starting to zone out while still looking at herself in the mirror, when the sudden, distant ring of the front door slightly startled her, effectively making her get herself back together. What was minutes away from happening truly dawned on her as she descended the stairs to the first floor and, for a brief moment, as she walked through the entrance corridor and saw the blurry outline of your figure through the frosted glass of the tall door, time seemed to slow down and for the first time in years she felt a small twinge of anxiety creeping up on her the closer she got to you. She was really doing it, she was really about to follow the advice of her idiot Stark friend and didn't mind it too much. Maybe she was really getting old, maybe age was starting to actually play some tricks on her, because, as her hand pushed the cold handle of the entrance door and started to pull it open, the snippets of hair she could start to see of you lit a confident fire in her that only burned more vividly as your form was finally fully displayed to her, making it impossible for her to suppress the excitement she suddenly felt at the sight of you in person, looking at her through your lashes with subtle faux innocence she could see right through.
"Good evening, Ms Romanoff"
Part 2
Tags: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox
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bountydroid · 5 months
Darlin' pt 4
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 5
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (Slowburn romance)
Description: Reader realizes her growing feelings for her traveling companion in Filly.
Notes: Okay, so I am SO proud of this part. Please let me know what you guys think. 
TW: Kinda angsty at the end.
"Find somethin' to do," Cooper says as he makes himself comfortable on a chair, watching the store across from him carefully. 
I huffed and crossed my arms before looking around. "A new shirt would be nice." I thought to myself as I looked down at my mud-covered clothing.
"You got any extra caps?" I asked, leaning up against the side of his chair.
"No." He responds shortly. 
I hummed in response. Just as I started to walk away I felt him grab my wrist, "Don't get into any trouble darlin'." He said, smirking, "Wouldn't want a repeat of last time. You'll scare away my target." 
Embarrassment crept up into my cheeks, "I'll be good." I mumbled. I was not sure If I was telling that to myself or him. Probably both to be honest, but it seemed to satisfy him as he let go of my arm. The last thing I wanted to do was mess up this job for him. He was finally warming up to me, and the idea of ruining that ate at the back of my mind.
Filly was an interesting town. It was packed to the brim with fiends and travelers alike. I couldn't help the nervousness that settled in my stomach as I got farther and farther away from my newfound companion. I felt safe with him, safer than I have ever felt in my life. Most people would think that strange. Safe with a ghoul? I thought back to the man who called me a freak for being with the ghoul as I blushed. He thought we were together. A couple. Butterflies found their way into my stomach as I thought about the possibility. Romance was something that I never thought I would experience beyond the tattered books my brother got me from a wandering trader.
"Stop being stupid, Y/n. He doesn't want you." I thought to myself.
Without any caps, I decided to find a place to sit and lay low. I was determined to stay out of trouble, so I found a nice tree to sit up against while I watched all the people go by. I found watching all the different kinds of people walk through extremely interesting. All different types of hair colors, hairstyles, clothing, and weapons. Not to mention odd couples, siblings, and partners. All the new experiences were overwhelming. I found myself sitting there watching for longer than expected. After I had my fill, I got up from the tree and started heading back to Cooper. 
"Right where I left you," I said to myself as his sitting form became clear. He had his hat covering most of his face, I assumed it was to avoid detection. The last town made it very clear that ghouls were not welcome.
As I made my over to him I saw his head tilt and his eyes peer up at me from under his hat. I smiled at him, "No trouble here."
He snorted in response as his eyes flickered over to the men wrestling each other across the way. "You might be the only one darlin'."
I leaned up against his chair again, letting some weight off of my feet. "My feet are-" I start to say before a person caught my eye. Her unique outfit and soft hair made her stand out from the rest of the crowd. 
"A vaultie," Cooper responds, anticipating my question before it even forms.
"Those are real?" I gasp before leaning forward, wanting to get closer to her. 
"Yeah, they are real." Cooper sighed as his hand shot back up to my arm. "Don't talk to her."
I frown but I keep quiet as I continue to watch her. He then kicked my foot gently to draw my attention back to him. "I mean it, darlin'."
"Fine," I say sighing as she disappears into the shop across the way. I felt sadness creep into my stomach as his hand dropped down to his lap and went back to fiddling with an empty Jet bottle. The butterflies from earlier returned as I thought about his touch. I bit my lip as I stared up at the sky.
"What has gotten into me?" I thought to myself.
We stayed there in silence for some time before a man and a dog came into town, making his way to the same shop the vaultie was in. I recognized him from the drawing. It was the bounty. I shifted in anticipation as he started making conversation with the vaultie at the front door.
"So now what?" I whispered, excitement laced in my voice. 
"Now... you find somewhere to hide," Cooper said back. "And you don't come out till' I say so, got it?"
I frowned, confused. "Hide?" 
"They ain't gonna let me just take him, darlin'." He responded, shifting in his seat as he readied for action.
The implication was clear. There was going to be another shootout. Not only was I unarmed, but I was unfamiliar with weapons altogether. Hiding was definitely the best course of action for me. 
"Right," I said as I looked around before making my way behind one of the buildings.
Once I was finally out of view I heard Cooper's familiar voice, "Whilzig!" He shouted.
I peeked around the corner to see him walking up to the bounty. At this point, they were too far away for me to hear. I could tell that the people of the town now saw him for what he was as all eyes were on him, a ghoul. "That is a lot of people." I thought to myself. I was starting to worry.
"Now last night a bounty came in through all six agencies!" He shouted again. 
I whipped back around and pressed myself to the building taking deep breaths as I tried to tamp down the panic in my chest. Once the first gunshot rang out I could hear the townspeople scrambling. "Maybe no one will give him any trouble?" I thought to myself. I was being naive again, but I didn't care.
"I got a thousand bottle caps for whoever kills that fucker!" I heard a woman scream out. "But you don't get shit if I kill him first."
"Shit," I whispered. I took one last deep breath before I peeked back around the building. I watched as Cooper moved in a circle, taking count of all the men lining up to fight for those caps. Our eyes met for a moment. While my eyes were filled with fear, his eyes were filled with confidence. He gave me a small smirk before continuing to circle around, waiting for someone to be brave enough to take a shot. 
Once the shots started, all hell broke loose. I could hear wood breaking and bodies being thrown. Some of the ammunition even made its way through the buildings and out the other side. 
In defense, I curled up in a ball on the ground. I was so worried about him that I didn't even realize that I could be shot too.
When there was a brief pause in gunfire, I fought the temptation to look out again. "Don't come out till I say so." His words echoed in my head.
As the shots started up again, I felt something pierce my arm. I fought the urge to shout in pain as tears started to run down my face. One of the men's shots went through the building and into my arm. I look down to see a nail and some wood splinters sticking out of me. 
"Fuck." I whimpered as I cradled the wound trying to take deep breaths.
As I did my best to steady my breathing I heard a robotic voice say, "She said stand down ghoul."
I look around the corner to see a knight making his way towards Cooper, "Knight Titus of the Brotherhood of Steel. Stand down, or be cut down."
I couldn't hear Cooper's response, but I saw a look of disbelief and amusement on his face. 
"Just do what he says, please," I whisper to myself. "Cooper." Just as I finish saying his name he lifts his gun at the girl and the knight makes a run towards her, jumping in front of her to take the bullet. 
I squeeze my teary eyes together as I turn back around. If Cooper was going to be killed by this knight. I didn't want to see it. 
Gunshots rang out again, this time it was just Cooper and the knight. To distract myself I looked back down at my arm, still bleeding. I had no idea what to do so I decided to pull the nail out. I took a deep breath in anticipation before giving it a good, hard yank. I couldn't help the loud cry that escaped my mouth. At the same time, I heard a body fly into some wood nearby. "It's not Cooper, it's not Cooper," I repeated over and over again as I fussed over my arm. 
"Well, I'd say come up here and get me, but it's hard to walk upstairs while wearing a 12-piece cast-iron skillet set." Cooper chuckled.
Relief flooded my body when I heard his voice. The sudden sounds of bullets, explosions, and crashing filled my ears. I closed my eyes tight as I waited for it all to stop.
Eventually, I heard the knight flying overheard, clearly having lost control of his suit. It was over. 
"Y/n?" I heard Cooper yell out. 
I unsteadily got up on my feet and shuffled out from behind the building, still cradling my arm. "I am here."
As his eyes raked me over and stopped at my arm a look of concern washed over his face. He jogged over to take a closer look.
"I'm okay." I try and convince him as he gently touches my wound. 
"Those crocodile tears suggest otherwise, sugar." Cooper responds, giving me a small smile. "Let's find you a stimpack."
I nod my head as he wraps his arm protectively around me and guides me towards the shop. He only lets go when we reach the dog, wounded and whining on the ground. He gently picks it up and brings it into the shop with us. After putting the dog down on the table, he starts to rummage through the junk in the shop. 
"There's gotta be one around here somewhere." He mumbles. 
Between sniffles I say, "When you find one, give it to the dog."
He lets out a small chuckle as he finally finds what he's looking for. "Well lucky for us I found two."
"And the bounty?" I ask as he makes his way towards me.
"Ah, I'll get him," Cooper says, brushing off my concerns before he quickly stabs me with the needle.
"Ouch!" I whine as he rubs my arm while shushing me.
"You are okay, Darlin'." He coos.
"The dog-" I start.
"I got the dog." Cooper interrupts before giving the dog the other stimpack, petting his head gently. A smile erupts across his face as the dog pops up, immediately feeling better. "There."
I smile wide as I watch him with the dog. "You like dogs."
He looks over at me still smiling as his eyes flicker over to my arm. The wound was healed and I am no longer cradling it, the pain completely gone. "Feelin' better?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
All the feelings I had experienced during the shootout came flooding back to me as my smile faded. I felt overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and relief. "I-" I started as tears filled my eyes. 
"I was so worried about you!" I cried out as I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him. 
Faster than it took to wrap my arms around him, I felt him rip me off. He dug his fingers into my shoulders as he held me at arm's length, shaking me gently. "Don't." He said sternly.
Embarrassment washed over me as I stared down at my feet. "I-"
"Just, don't." He interrupted, sighing before releasing me. "We will wait here until nightfall and then we'll follow Whilzig's trail. See if you can find anything useful around here while we wait."
"Okay," I whispered in response before shuffling to the other end of the store. The rejection stung so deeply that I could barely focus on what I was looking at. Right when he started to warm up to me, I ruined it.
tag list: @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @topiramateagreeable @whizbang-cap @sitkafay
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rockyourworldcc · 29 days
(kiss and) make-up
(makeup artist reader x billie - one day working for Colbert Late Show, you are assigned as singer billie eillish's make-up artist. it seems as if she wants more than just a make over...)
"across there is your room, ms. eilish. we'll send two people to help do your hair and makeup in a bit. meanwhile feel free to settle down." the man spoke, hands pointing to the room he mentioned. billie was short next to the gentleman with earpieces and a belt containing all sorts of security equipment. she nodded, the hat she had on only made a part of her face visible.
"y/n! our girl is here!" Jessica called out as she walked into the room. she was the girl who did hair, while you were the girl who did makeup. you lifted your head up from the bag you were organizing, filled with different brushes. "I haven't got my shit ready yet, give me like 10 and i'll be there." she kept on saying as she rushed to one of the corners in the room, the mirrors there reflecting every move. "alright, I'll go without you then." you said to your coworker as you slung a bag across your shoulder. she nodded as she made noise trying to gather her stuff. your hand reached to grab the rest of your equipment before going out the door.
your eyes glanced through the halls as you looked at the titles at the doors. eilish, that was the name you were looking for. she was just another person on the show, no big deal, no problems should occur, right?
you push opened the cracked door with your shoulder, entering the room with your bags in hand. you froze when you saw her through the mirror. rosy cheeks, perfect nose, hypnotizing eyes, plump lips, perfect wavy hair, eyebrows that suited her so well, and those hands... she was looking at her phone, sat on the chair infant of the well lighted mirror. she looked so beautiful.
she lifted her head up from her phone, "oh, hi!" she said as she lowered her hand. your eyes widened as you realized she was talking to, that 5 second period where you just did nothing but stare at her was definitely the worst encounter you had with someone. you snapped out of your trance, eyesight clearing as you intruduced yourself: "hi, uh- I'm gonna be your makeup artist today." you said, glaring a smile. she returned the smile as she showed her dimples. fuck, why did she have to be so good looking?
you walked towards the desk she was sitting at, placing your items. you tucked a strand of hair behind you ear, as you fixed your posture. "alright, so do you have any special requests?" you asked, looking at her through the mirror. she seemed to look at you confused, brows furrowed, not knowing what to say. "like what do you wanna do today?" you asked. she took a second to think, "uh, probably the show, after that I might take a bite to eat, and walk my dog-"
"no, im talking about your makeup!" you said, laughing at her joke. "oohhhhhh!" she let out in realization. she joined your laughter, "wait, I just thought you guys made me look natural, what else do you do?" she said, her head turning from the mirror. her eyes met up with yours, you almost felt like you could pass out from the intensity of her eyes. "well," you started, gathering yourself. "I can make you look like Chappell Roan or maybe Amy Winehouse, or I can just do what I usually do." you said. "usual is good." she said, biting her lip. wait. biting her lip.
you couldn't help but take a glance at her lips and back to her eyes. why did she just bite her bottom lip?
"alright then." you said as you spun her back towards the mirror. you got out your essentials. as you were trying to color match her, she started conversation.
"have you been doing this for long now?" billie asked you. you never stopped doing your job. "what, makeup? eh, been a while actually." you said as you placed down the primer in hand, grabbing the foundation you had found suitable for her skin color. "do you like it?" she kept on asking. "yeah, I get to meet a lot of new people. and celebrity crushes..." your voice trailed on towards the end as you lifted up your eyebrows. once again biting her lip, she looked at your face through the mirror. "am I one of them?" she said, her voice low and attractive. you felt your heart rate increase, and your hand stopped near her face. okay, act calm. "would you like to be?" you said, your bold side showing as you connected your eyes from the mirror. your head leaned in out of instinct before-
"I'm here! I'm here!" Jessica ran into the room, stoping the tension between the two of you. billie's and your eyes dropped to the ground, billie almost looked ashamed. Jessica stopped and looked confused at you, "oh sorry, am I distrupting something?"
"there you are jess! can I quickly talk with you outside?" you quickly cut her off, hastily walking towards. you pulled her by the arm, not caring if her stuff falls on the ground. "what the fuck!" you said, whispering as you roughly punched her arm. "what?" she said, brows furrowed, tone offended. "why would you say that?!" you said, punching her arm again. "okay you don't have to do that every time!" she warned you. "nothing is going on between us! so shut your mouth!" you said, not caring about her warning and punching her arm playfully again. she mouthed the word "ow" as you walked back to billie.
"sorry, that my coworker Jessica. she'll do your hair." you said as you rummaged through your bag. "oh, I never actually caught your name?" billie asked you, brows raised. her gaze was smooth, almost comforting. "call me y/n." you said, smile appearing on your face. "thats a beautiful name."
"are you sure im not interrupting-" Jessica says as she walks towards you and billie. you cut her of by yelling her name, trying to save yourself from this nightmare.
"turn your head towards me" you said, hand grabbing the bronzer you picked out for her. she did so, her eyes shut when she realized she was on your chest level. as you applied the product, you couldn't help but feel her to take a glance at your body. no- she wouldn't. you were just her makeup artist. nothing more.
"other side now" you said, taping her cheek. you could visibly see a change in her face now. and it wasn't because of the makeup. wait, was she... blushing?
"okay you can stop." you said, taping her cheek again. it wasn't a special move. yet it had so much affect.
"alright!" you say as you spin her around in the chair. "someone's looking pretty!" you say as she chuckles at your words. "yeah, thanks to you." she said, a nonchalant act on her, but her red face told it all. your eyes sparkled as you looked at her. "where's Jessica, id like to thank her too." she said as she turned to take a glance at the room. "oh, she had to excuse herself. because if she didn't I'd have to murder her." you say, a playful tone in your voice but god knows how she drove you insane today. she laughs at your joke, getting up from her seat as she lightly fixed her outfit. "I have to..." she said, her fingers pointing to the door saying she has to leave for the show. "oh! yeah, right!" you say as you follow her to the door.
she turns to you right at the door frame. you lean against it, letting the frame carry you weight. "see you later" billie said as she winked at you, turning her back and walking away after. she winked at you?
you felt your cheeks get red and your lips quiver into a smile. you were so swoon. "so... when's the wedding?" Jessica crept on you with a bag of chips in hand. "oh, fuck off."
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
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— Under the weather
pairings: katie mccabe x reader, caitlin foord x reader
summary: readers' sick with chicken pox and its' definitely not a fun experience for anyone involved.
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"Mammy, mammy!" You rush to the front door, excited to see the older women after you had been at nursery all day until your auntie Ella picked you up, while Katie was at training.
"Theres' my little rascal!" Katie beams a wide smile and scoops you up into her arms, more than happy to see you after you'd spent the weekend at Ruesha's. "Mammy's missed you, so so much!"
"Ook' Mammy, I got cool spots!" You tell Katie and point to the several spots that are starting to appear all over your face, arms and tummy; You can't help but want to itch them because of how irritating they are.
Katies' eyes widen in suprise as she bends down to your level, "Oh no-- Did you have these at nusery today, rascal?" She wonders, concerned.
It was either something that you got at nursery, or somehow over the weekend while you were with Ruesha instead.
Katie is already making a mental note to phone Ruesha and ask her about it.
"Uh huh. Mammy, I feel itchy," You whine in complaint, rubbing your arm as you start to feel confused and uncomfortable about them.
"Oh rascal," Katie inspects them closely and has the sudden realisation of what the culprit is...
Chicken pox.
You'd been lucky to escape them, at least that is until now. However, Katie knew it would only be a matter of time before you caught it.
"I don' like these spots, mammy," You whimper and go to try and itch them even more; Your definitely not a fan of these newfound spots.
"Its' chicken pox," Katie exhales a sigh and keeps you in her arms, to carry you back to the comfort of the sofa where she wraps your blanket around you to keep you comfy. "Now listen to me, rascal, alright? Its' important that you don't scratch any of your spots, okay?" She tells you gently but in a firm voice, although she knows' it difficult for you to understand when your only little still.
"No scratch them mammy," You nod in response, although you know it's going to be difficult to not do that. "They're itchy though!" You huff in protest.
You really, really don't like chicken pox at all.
"I know they are, but it will get better," Katie tries to reassure you and wrap her arm around you to comfort you. "How about you sit here and watch Toy Story, hm?" She suggests, knowing watching your favourite movie might help perk you up a bit.
"Uh huh," You mumble in agreement, burying yourself in your blanket as Katie works to turn on the movie for you to watch.
"There we go," Katie smiles at you sympatethically. "How about Mammy goes and gets you something to drink, hm?" She asks, stroking your hair.
"Juice, please," You say between yawns.
"Mammy will be right back then," Katie tells you before she heads into the kitchen and returns with a small cup of juice, to hand it to you. "Sit up and drink it rascal, okay?" She questions, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you," Your voice isn't louder than a whisper as you willingly take the cup and drink it carefully to not spill any of it. "Don' like this, Mammy."
"I know you don't, but you'll be better in no time," Katie tells you as she settles back on the sofa besides you and your more than happy enough to worm your way to literally sit on top of her.
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It's a known fact when your sick that you become extremely clingy and this time round is no difference.
You've currently got yourself latched on to Katie and your not willing to let go, even when the door goes.
"Let go a second, rascal. Mammy needs to get the door," Katie tries to prise your hands off her as she needs to move and answer the door.
Your Auntie Ellas' not home right now, so she can't even get it so you can continue to cuddle instead.
"Don' go, mammy!" You whimper in objection.
Katie frowns and still tries to get up from the sofa, "It's okay, its' alright. I'll be right back," She promises you.
"No, Mammy-- Don' go!" You continue to whine, tears at bay at the thought of her leaving.
"Alright, alright," Katie exhales a sigh and lifts you up into her arms. "Come on, lets' go and answer the door together, hm?" She states, moving to walk over to the front door with you in her arms still.
"Okay," You mumble and clasp your tiny arms around her neck.
Katie opens the door and smiles at her girlfriend, "Hi Cait," She greets her.
"Hey Katie-- Oh no, what's the matter, kid?" Caitlin instantly feels concerned when she see's you looking not so happy in Katies' arms.
You frown instantly and move to bury your face in Katies' shoulder.
"Someones' gotten the chicken pox," Katie explains, stepping aside to let her girlfriend inside the house. "And shes' also incredibly clingy right now."
"Ah, I see," Caitlin hums in agreement as shes' hesistant to overstep the mark as she follows her girlfriend into the living room. "I'm sorry your not feeling well, kid. Chicken pox aren't nice at all."
"No like 'em," Your bottom lip wobbles as the tears become visable, threatening to spill. "They itchy!"
"I know they might be," Caitlin sympathsises with you, knowing how uncomfortable you might be now.
Katie manages to unlatch your tiny hands from her once your back sitting comfortably on the sofa, "I just need to nip upstairs to the bathroom. Do you mind sitting with her until I'm back?" Shes' hesistant to leave you knowing how clingy you've been, but she is desperate to use the toilet.
"Go ahead, we'll be fine right here, right kid?" Caitlin sends you a warm smile.
"No, Mammy, no. Don' go!" You whimper and try to cling onto Katie, not wanting her to leave your side when you feel so miserable.
"Mammy will be back in a few minutes. Just stay down here with Caitlin for now, okay?" Katie bends down to speak to you on the same level. "I'll be really quick, rascal. I promise you'll be fine here with Caitlin."
 Your hesistant to agree but you slowly nod, "Otay, mammy... But come back quick." You tell her.
Katie smiles and places a gentle kiss on the top of your head, "I will, rascal. Mammy will be right back, okay?" She reassures you, before turning to look at Caitlin. "I'll be quick as I can, thank you." With that, she rushes upstairs, grateful for the 5 minutes break from you clinging onto her.
"What're you watchin' then, kid?" Caitlin eyes' the TV as she notes its' Toy Story again. "Ah, Andy and Buzzlight year, huh?" She jokes.
"Buzz lightyear!" You repeat, wearily looking at Caitlin from the comfort of your blanket wrapped around you. "Infinity and beyond!"
Caitlin gasps slightly and smiles, "Is Buzz your favourite character?" She wonders.
"Uh huh, Mammy brought me shoes' just like Buzz!" You exclaim, starting to retreat out from your initial shyness; You know Caitlin, you know you will be okay with her for a few minutes until Katie comes back.
"Wow, that's to cool!" Caitlin exclaims, still continuing to beam a wide smile. "You'll have to show me them sometimes. Do you have any more Toy Story toys?" She asks.
"Uh huh!" You nod, wriggling from the space on the sofa and toddling over to the Toy Chest, where you know where your toys will be, including your very own Buzz Lightyear. "Ook' Caitlin! I got Buzz!" You all but shove the toy in the Aussie girls' face, eager to show her now.
"That's awesome, kid!" Caitlin keeps up her enthusiasm, somewhat grateful for the fact that you're wanting to show your toys to her. "Maybe when you're feeling a little better, we can go to the toy shop and find some more cool Buzz stuff, huh?" She wonders.
"Yeah!" You nod in agreement, climbing back up onto the sofa to sit beside her still with your Buzz Lightyear toy clutched in your arm; You didn't think Caitlin was so bad after all.
"I'm back. Hows' my rascal doin'-- Oh, I see we've decided to show Caitlin your buzz lightyear toy, hm?" Katie notes' the toy clutched in your arm and beams a wide smile, glad to see you opening up to her girlfriend.
"Mammy, Caitlin said we can go toy shop when I'm better and find more Buzz stuff!" You state in excitement. "Right, Caitlin?" You turn to look at the Aussie girl for confirmation.
"Yep, you bet!" Caitlin replies in agreement.
"Wow, really? That's so cool, rascal!" Katie gasps in excitement. "You'll have to get better first though, my very own little Buzz Lightyear." She jokes with you.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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campbell-rose · 9 months
Charlie Redesign!
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I want charlie to look super out of place in Hell. I wanted her color palette to resemble the sky, as the sky can symbolize infinity and is usually associated with the place gods reside, high above it all. The main point is looking super out of place in Pride, which will carry over to Vaggie. I made her colors bright because i can’t be bothered to alter the colors of Viv’s hell to dull it down and from the trailer it doesn’t seem like shading is that important. Not shitting on that btw, i hate shading my drawings. 
The way I imagine this version of Charlie is that she helps do the paperwork side of things, since Viv’s hell is just earth but red, I'm just assuming her heaven will be similar. Charlie helps schedule things, she’s kind of a secretary and works under Adam to help make sure the Exterminations go smoothly. She takes stock of weapons, sees what was lost, tallies up the total deaths, general stuff like that, you feel me? She doesn’t like the Exterminations; she thinks it’s horrific and that the people in hell ought to have a chance to come to heaven. 
So it’s basically the exact same plot as before and her personality is the same because Charlie was the only character i liked from the pilot the others all had something that threw the vibes off slightly. Charlie’s relationship with Alastor will be a little different, because he’s one of her benefactors. He wants to watch the pretty little angel’s plans crash and burn, and she is determined to prove him wrong. Side note while I'm thinking of him, I’m changing the overlords – they aren’t sinners that got powers because sinners don’t have powers in this version. Well, no, they are sinners, just sinners that made contracts with demons and gained favor with hell during their lives, earning their own place in the hierarchy of hell. Speaking of which, it goes: Sinners, Overlords, Hellborn, Ars Goetia, Princes/Seven Sins. Overlords are given the power to torture other sinners (so it makes sense that Valentino makes Angel’s life miserable, it’s his job to torment other sinners) 
Once the show actually drops, I might add more benefactors in my rewrite. Like, since Alastor is backing Charlie, the cannibals from cannibal colony will be friendly towards her, things like that. Hell, maybe Val backs her, idk don’t want to jump the shark. 
Either way, i think Charlie being an angel sets her up for a better character arc with her naivete and attitude towards sinners. Also i think my design for her is literally beautiful she’s so pretty, she’s my baby i love her. And for the sake of making things easier, i fused her little goats Razzle and Dazzle with the key cat KeeKee because i think having three cute little pets is too many and R/D didn’t really do anything in the pilot. I’ve doodled them a bit, haven’t settled on a design yet. In my mind this little kitty is a cherub thing that Husk adores as his first hint of not being a complete ass. 
Any who. That is all. 
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aemondapologistfrfr · 15 days
The Family Disappointments - Pt5
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
modern!aegon x fem!reader 
Summary: You both attend meetings before moving into your new building. After settling in you both host a welcoming party.
Warnings: 18+ swearing, drinking, smoking, oral(f+m), face riding, p in v, unprotected, L word
Authors Note: 🐈🐈‍⬛🥹 AHHH i literally giggle and kick my feet every time i write for this series
Word Count: 4.4k
I sit on Aegons desk chair as he finishes tucking his shirt into his pants. I sigh as he slips his belt through the loops and goes to grab a jacket. He turns to me as he adjusts his cuffs before sliding on his rings. He chuckles before walking over to me and grabbing my face. 
“Stop.” he whispers against my lips. “We have meetings to go to today.” he kisses me softly before pulling me up with him. “Owning a building means we have a little bit of work to do now.” 
“Does this make you my boss then?” my tone playful. 
“Yes, and I don’t tolerate tardiness.” he smirks pulling me against him. 
“Let me know if there’s any other rules, sir. I really want that big promotion.” I bat my eyelashes at him. 
He groans and pulls me out of his room. Alicent tries to stop us on the way out but he waves her off saying he doesn’t want to be late and she smiles after us. We arrive at our building early and I roll my eyes at Aegon. We get off the elevator in the lobby and we slowly make our way up to the restaurant. 
The first meeting we have today is with the vendors for the restaurant and bar. We discuss the different options and what we can add to bring a higher level of taste. We’ve made sure to secure a supply of our favorite wine and much to my delight it will be arriving before we officially move in. The meeting ends on a high note as all of our suggestions were accepted. We offer them thanks and forms of contact for us both should they need anything. 
The meetings with the restaurant and bar managers go over well as the transition hasn’t caused much change for them. We listen to their ideas and take note of their suggestions. The building manager goes over the remaining details with us and this meeting takes us the rest of our day. We sat in his office for hours discussing the different aspects. He seems to have a secure grip on the building and has no issue asking us for anything. We offer him different lines of communication with us and the three of us end the night at the restaurant sharing a meal. 
“To the building and its future.” we all toast closing out the day. After an hour of talking we excuse ourselves for the night and go back home. 
“How did I do today? Good enough to get a promotion?” I hum as he pulls us out of the garage. 
“I don’t know, they might say I’m picking favorites.” he glances at me with a smirk. 
“Am I not your favorite?” I pout resting my hand high on his thigh. “Can I do anything to persuade you?” I brush my fingers against his length and he groans. 
“If you give me head in this car you can have anything you want, pretty girl.” my fingers pop open his belt and button quickly and I’m pushing them down as much as I can before I’m pulling him out. I turn kneeling in the seat to reach across the console and bring my lips to his tip. I lick across his already leaking slit and his hands bury themselves into my hair. I swirl my tongue around him and he moans jerking his hips up. 
“Fuck you’re perfect.” he sighs above me as I sink down onto him. I let his hand guide my movements as I suction my mouth around him. His breathing is heavy above me as I start to bob faster. Broken whimpers fall from his lips as he stills my head as his pleasure pours out of him. I slide up licking across his tip before he pulls my hair back bucking his hips. I chuckle putting him back in his pants and he  bats away my hand that lingers. 
“Tell me what you want and it’s yours.” he looks to me with a lazy smile placing a hand on my thigh. 
“What?” I hum walking down another aisle tugging Aegon along with me.
“I just didn’t think you were going to ask for a cat.” he chuckles following me. 
“Look at this little baby.” I coo as I stop at a kennel. 
“Do you want me to go get someone so we can meet him?” he asks and I nod to him quickly trying to pet the cat through the small bars. A staff member comes and brings us to a room to meet with the kitten and she hands him off to me. I start crying at the small ball of black fur in my arms that curls up and purrs. 
“What’s wrong?” Aegon coos wiping my tears. 
“He’s just so precious.” I sniffle. “I want to take him home with us so badly.” I smooth his soft fur. 
“He can come home if that’s what you want.” he presses a kiss to the side of my head and smiles at me. “We’ll just have to sneak him into our current place.” 
“We’re moving out at the end of the week anyway.” I hold the kitten closer to me as he burrows into my neck. 
“Stay here with him and I’ll go get the paperwork filled out.” he sips down and kisses the cat before slipping out of the door. The kitten wakes up after a couple of minutes and we play on the floor with the toys they provided us and he’s so sweet and playful. Aegon comes in with a carrier and his paperwork with a smile on his face. 
“He’s officially ours.” he hums kneeling down to play with the kitten. “What do you want to name him?” he scoops him up and rubs his belly. 
“Moonfyre? We can have the sun and the moon?” I tilt my head and he looks up to me with a big smile. 
“That’s perfect.” Aegon hands him to me and he opens up the carrier for him. “Let’s go to the store and get him some stuff.” 
I pull Moonfyre out of the carrier the second we settle into the car. He curls on my lap and I can barely contain myself at how cute he is. We park at the pet store and I carry him in my arms. Aegon grabs a cart and pushes it around throwing everything he’ll need into the cart. 
“Looks like daddy’s already spoiling you.” I hum as I see the cart quickly filling. 
“Anything to make mommy happy.” he kisses me before walking us to the check out. He fills his car with the bags of supplies as we wait in the passenger seat. I slip Moonfyre back into the carrier before we get out and make it to the elevator. His little meows pour through the carrier as we make our way up and I try to quiet him down as we slip through the halls to his room. Sunfyre trots over to us chirping. 
“You have to be a sweet boy.” Aegon hums sitting on the ground with him. I sit on the ground with the carrier and they chirp at each other through the windows. “He’s just a baby. You have to be very nice.” Aegon says petting Sunfyre. The cats lay down looking at each other and touch noses. 
“Should I try to open the carrier?” I nibble my lip. 
“I think it’ll be okay. I have a hold on Sunfyre but he was fine when he met the other two cats.” he nods at me. I slowly open the carrier and Moonfyre pokes his head out. Sunfyre pushes forward and starts licking the kittens head. 
“You’re being so brave my little moon.” I coo petting Moonfyre on the back. Sunfyre continues to bathe him and he goes and curls up at his feet. Aegon looks to me and smiles. 
“Our little family.” he smiles laying down on the ground watching them. I lay next to him as we watch our cats curl up with one another and soon we’re just like them. 
I wake up with a smile that today is finally the day we get to move in. Moonfyre is curled on my chest just above my hand that’s placed in Aegons hair on my stomach. Sunfyre stretches out next to me curling into my side. I start to wake everyone up and we begin to dress and ready for the day. The movers come and begin to take the boxes and some of the furniture that he’s bringing with us. 
“When did you get another cat?” Alicent looks to the kitten in my arms as she steps into the room watching it be emptied.
“Only a couple days ago.” Aegon hums coming over to us with Sunfyre in his arms.
“I can’t believe you’re actually moving out.” she shakes her head looking at him. 
“As if you all didn’t want me to.” he scrunches his eyebrows shrugging. 
“Well I’m proud of you.” she smiles at him and turns to let us finish up.
“Let’s go home.” I kiss him softly with a smile. The ride across the city seems quick today. As we step into the elevator I nibble my lip smiling at Aegon. We step out into our entryway and bring the cats to their room first. We show them where their food and bathrooms are before we leave them to explore. 
“I have you all to myself now.” he pulls me to him. He places his lips on mine and I melt into his touch. Our elevator opens letting the movers in and we pull apart quickly. 
“Soon.” I chuckle. 
“Let’s go to the balcony so they can finish up.” he tugs me up the stairs with him and we’re stepping out into the sky seconds later. 
“Our wine.” I turn to him with a smile when I see a couple bottles at a table. He pulls me over and I take a seat across from him. “And joints?” I look to him with a smile. 
“We’re celebrating.” he hums opening a bottle and pours each of us a glass. 
“You’re perfect and amazing.” I raise my glass to him and his cheeks flush. 
“Thank you, pretty girl.” his blush deepens as he sips on his wine looking at me. 
“I can’t believe this is all ours.” I lean back looking around us. 
“No one can wake us up now and drag us to breakfast.” he hums lighting a joint and passing it to me. 
“I’m sure our mothers will figure out a way.” I giggle passing it back to him. 
“I’ll make it so you need a code to get up here.” he exhales deeply passing it back before sipping on his wine. 
“Mm keeping me locked away in a tower now?” he laughs at my words before filling our glasses again. 
“You finally figured out my plan.” he smirks to me. “I just want you to stay with me forever.” his words serious and I feel a blush creep up my neck. 
“I plan to.” I hum passing the joint back to him. “You’re stuck with me now.” I sink back into the seat and pull my legs up to me. 
“I wouldn’t say stuck.” he puts the joint out in the ashtray and looks to me with dark eyes. “I would say graced with your presence.” he sits back and admires me. “I’d do anything for you.” 
“Aegon,” I whine reaching my hand out for him to come over to me. 
“Let’s go see if we’re truly alone yet.” he pulls me up and places his lips on mine. 
“I don’t care.” I shake my head holding him close before kissing down his jaw. He chuckles stopping my roaming hands and starts to tug me inside. 
“At least we should check to make sure our children aren’t tormenting the movers.” we make our way downstairs as the last of our things are being brought in. We thank them profusely and begin to search for the cats. I smile walking into their room that Aegon has furnished perfectly for them. 
“Oh my little moon.” I coo scooping up Moonfyre from the tree by the windows. 
“Our sun was indeed batting at the movers feet.” he chuckles with a purring Sunfyre in his arms. We place them on their couch and they curl up together before falling asleep fast. “Now that the children are accounted for and asleep.” he pulls me against him and we’re a fit of laughter as he hauls us up the stairs.
“I want to swim.” I turn and look out at our dimly lit balcony. 
“Then let’s swim.” he pulls me out of the glass door. He starts to pull off my clothes and I shiver from the breeze. “Are you chilly?” he chuckles lowly brushing his fingers against my hardened nipples. 
“Aegon,” I gasp as he continues to swipe his thumbs against them. 
“Hm?” he kneels down to pull my pants off. He kisses up my bare thighs and my hand travels to his hair. “Lemme just taste you real quick, pretty girl.” he looks up to me as his hands wrap around the back of my thighs. 
“Please,” I whisper nodding my head. He rises and tugs me back over to the chair I occupied earlier and slowly spreads my thighs kneeling before me. He kisses my thighs watching me with an amused look as I squirm above him. He places a kiss on my bud and chuckles as my legs tremble. I gasp above him while he trails his tongue through my wetness slowly. 
“Gods I could eat you for every meal of the day.” he hums before attaching his mouth to my bud. He slowly swirls around it pulling soft whines from my mouth. I lean back as his tongue sweeps against me slowly pulling pleasure from me. My legs shake and he chuckles into me before holding them open. 
“Aegon,” I whimper as he starts to circle his tongue faster. He grinds me against his face humming and I cry out at the feel. He continues to lap against me as I start to arch off of the chair. He keeps my legs open as he quickens his pace while his name repeatedly falls from my lips. I push into his face as I come undone and he continues with his tongue. 
“Thank you for the taste, pretty girl.” he kisses down my thighs as they tremble. He grabs a bottle of wine that we have left and pulls me back over to the pool. I help him undress and we dip into the water. We take turns sipping from the bottle as we float. 
“I thought I said no more family meals.” Aegon groans as I toss clothes at him to put on. 
“It’s literally a party.” I turn to see him pouting on the bed. “Everyone is here to celebrate and congratulate us on the building. We don’t even have to interact with them.” I walk over to him cupping his face. 
“I only want to celebrate with you. In bed.” he looks up to me pushing out his lower lip. 
“Get dressed.” I kiss his forehead before heading over to my vanity. As I get ready I glance at him in the mirror surprised as he finally starts to pull on his clothes. He makes his way over to me still pouting. 
“Come here, my pretty boy.” I hum scooting over on the bench so he can sit with me. “We can celebrate alone after.” I place a kiss on his lips and he melts into me. 
“We could start celebrating early.” he hums spreading his hand across my thigh. 
“After.” I grab his hand and pull him up with me. 
“Fine.” he sighs following me down the stairs. “I guess we’ll just leave our children here.” he rolls his eyes looking into the cat’s room. 
“Stop being so dramatic.” I chuckle pulling him to the elevator. He pulls me against him as we descend to the lobby. 
“You look so beautiful in this gown.” he hums splaying his on my lower back. 
“Thank you.” I kiss him quickly before the elevator stops. 
“We can always go back up.” he looks to me as the doors start to open. 
“Later.” I giggle pulling him out with me. His fingers slip through mine as we make our way through the people. He pulls us over to get a glass of wine and we sip smiling. “Brace yourself.” I murmur and he moves closer to my side. 
“Look at you both.” Alicent coos as she sweeps in front of us. “Oh I’m just so proud.” she looks to us with a wide smile. “I found them.” she calls out and I internally groan as I see my parents walk over. 
“So this is the man who stole you away from us?” my father looks over us and I pull Aegon closer. 
“Stole me away is a stretch.” I hum trying to form a smile. “You guys were waiting for me to leave.” I shake my head taking a sip of wine. 
“I’m Aegon,” he outstretches his hand to my father who shakes it.
“So I’ve heard.” he hums. “Your mother seems to adore him.” he looks to me with a raised eyebrow. 
“Aren’t they just so cute together?” my mother coos. 
“We’re gunna go talk to some of the other guests.” I nod pulling Aegon along with me. We mingle with the other guests and finally get the opportunity to meet some of the long term residents. Everyone was very friendly and excited to see the changes we make in the future.
“I need a refill.” Aegon turns to me after we have a moment. “So do you.” he starts tugging me back to the bar. 
“Still drinking as much.” Aemond sneers as we approach and Aegon stiffens next to me. 
“Still alone and angry with the world?” I tilt my head at Aemond and his nostrils flare. 
“I don’t even know what you see in him.” he looks over Aegon with disgust. 
“I see him as the kind and caring man that he is. Enjoy the drinks at our bar in our building before you go back home with mom and dad.” I hum before grabbing us two filled glasses.
“You didn’t have to stand up for me.” he scrunches his brow. 
“Why would I not?” I pull us off to the side and search his eyes. 
“I don’t- I don’t deserve you.” he looks at me with his glossy eyes that tear into me. 
“No no no.” I grab his glass and set it on the landing next to us. “Don’t cry, my sweet boy.” I pull him into a hug. 
“I’m sorry I’m so pathetic.” he buries his head into my neck. 
“You’re not.” I hold him tighter and bring a hand up to his hair to smooth it. 
“Are you just saying that cause I’m sad?” he mumbles. 
“No, I’m saying it because you’re not pathetic. He is for trying to tear you down while we’re celebrating our success. It says more about him than it will ever say about you.” he pulls back and looks to me with a wobbly lip.
“I love you.” his words cause my breath to catch. “Do you love me?” he nibbles on his lip. 
“Of course I love you.” I giggle shaking my head. 
“How much?” he pulls me back to him wrapping his arms around me tightly. 
“A scale of one through a hundred again?” I smile as he nods his head. “Then a million.” he squeezes me tighter. 
“I want to go upstairs.” he places soft kisses on my neck. 
“Soon.” I hum as we pull apart. “For now we can have some wine.” I hand him his glass and we clasp our free hands together before stepping back into the party with flushed cheeks. For the next couple of hours we walk around talking to different guests. We dodge our families for the rest of the night until they practically have to corner us.
“You guys have been busy talking to so many people we didn’t know if we would be able to say goodnight.” my mother pulls me into a hug.
“Thank you guys for coming.” I step back smiling. 
“We will try to plan meals.” Alicent nods smiling. Aegons hand squeezes mine at her words and I have to stifle my laughter. 
“That would be lovely.” I smile and he pulls me against him. The rest of the goodbyes seem to take forever but once they’re gone we turn back to the party relieved. We make our way back up to the bar and get another glass of wine. 
“Here’s to our ‘lovely’ family meals in the future.” he raises his glass to me and I offer him a smile. 
“What did you want me to say?” I bite my lip to hide my smirk. 
“I don’t know like ‘we’ll be in touch’ or something.” he shrugs sipping his wine.
“‘We’ll be in touch’ to your mother is crazy.” I laugh. “We don’t even have set plans, we can just keep rescheduling.” he smiles at my words. 
“I think we should leave our own party.” his voice low and soon we’re abandoning our glasses at the bar and slipping into the elevator. 
“Where are our little boys?” Aegon calls out and we hear the jingle of their collars. They rub up against our legs and I scoop down and pick up Sunfyre. 
“Such a handsome little boy.” I coo kissing his head. 
“Our little sun and little moon.” he hums bringing Moonfyre over to us. They wiggle out of our arms as we shower them with kisses and run off into their room. His hand grabs mine and tugs me up the stairs. 
“I can’t believe you said you love me. How embarrassing.” he pulls me against him once we’re in our room.
“You said it first.” I roll my eyes smiling. 
“Of course I would say it.” he shakes his head. “I don’t know why you did. You can take it back if you want.” his eyes look to mine quickly. 
“I said it because I love you, Aegon.” I search his eyes. 
“You’re sure?” he squints his eyes with a soft smile. 
“Mm,” I purse my lips and his nostrils flare. “I’m sure.” I nod my head smiling. I pull him to me and place my lips on his. He wraps his arms around me tightly as if I’ll leave him. 
“So you don’t want to take it back?” he mumbles against my lips before kissing me again and I shake my head. “You can if you want.” I sigh into his mouth at his words. “You can tell me.” I pull back breathing heavily. 
“Aegon, I love you. Please shut the fuck up.” a smile breaks across his features at my words. 
“You can sit on my face if you want me to be quiet.” he pulls me back by my waist as a blush creeps up my neck. “Yes, on the bed.” he smirks pulling me over with him. We stop at the edge and begin to slide each other’s clothes off. He kisses against my neck as our hands roam across each other’s skin. 
“Aegon,” I breathe out as he glides a finger through my wetness. 
“Come on.” he scoots back up the bed. “Don’t be shy, pretty girl.” he says lowly pulling me over to him. Once my thighs are on either side of his face he places a kiss on each. “Look up.” he nods his head up and I blush at us in the mirror. He licks a teasing stripe and I jerk against him. His hands grip around my waist as he begins to lash his tongue against me. 
“Fuck Aegon,” I whine as he moves my hips against him. I bring my hands to my chest and he groans watching me tease myself. I whimper at the vibrations and roll my hips across his mouth. He licks down to my core and I start to pant above him. 
“Yes, right there,” I squeak as I come across his face. He chuckles as he continues with his tongue and swirls around my sensitive bud. My legs shake on either side of his face as he continues to lap against me. “Aegon, please,” my voice broken as my pleasure starts to build. He starts to grind me against his mouth and his tongue circles faster. I cry out as my pleasure washes through me and he pulls his face away as I tremble above him. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he kisses one of my thighs. “And perfect.” he kisses the other. “And mine.” he kisses my core and a shiver runs through my body. He helps me lay down beside him before he hovers over me. He places his lips on mine and I bring my hands to his hair. 
I moan into his mouth as he grinds into me. His tip pushes through my wetness as I squirm beneath him. He pushes in slowly pulling soft gasps from me. I hold him against me once he’s settled inside and our mouths mold together. We grind into each other savoring the other’s sounds. He starts a slow rhythm that has toes curling every time he brushes against my bud. 
“Aegon,” I pulse around him as my pleasure begins to ripple through me. He pushes into me one last time before he finds his high and we continue to stay holding on to each other. 
“I think I am gunna keep you locked away in this tower for a while.” he hums as he slides down my body. 
“That sounds perfect to me.” I brush my fingers through his hair. 
“You’ll still love me?” he mumbles against my chest. 
“I’ll probably love you forever.” his arms tighten around me at my words. 
masterlist 🔌 
i’m too soft for his fic rn 
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129 notes · View notes
squoxle · 3 months
✏ TNAIT 003: Do. Not. Get. Attached l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader| ✰ wc: 2.9k | ✰ cw: profanity, angst, sexual themes, kissing | ✰ plot: your friends catch on to the fact that you might actually be falling for this nerd, but their reaction to it sends you on a wild mission to try and convince them otherwise... [Series Masterlist]
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"So...how'd everything go with Ponytail?" Dongmin asked Chanyoung at the cafe, after his shift.
"It actually went alright. That cheerleader isn't too bad," he shrugged as he sat in the chair across from him.
"Did you make any progress?"
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"With her assignments? Not really. We had a little incident and just ended up hanging out for a bit after that."
"Well, don't get too cozy, alright."
"What do you mean? You're the one who got me hooked up with her in the first place."
"I know man, but just be careful. Remember that we're a part of different worlds."
"So what? Are you trying to say she's out of my league?"
"I-I just don't want you to get your heart broken again..."
"What are you talking about. We literally just met."
"I know but--"
"You're acting like I proposed to her. We're just friends. Relax," he said before taking a bite of pizza. He picked some up for the two of them to eat here.
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For the next few weeks, you continued to see him. First, it was only 3 days out of the week, but by now it had escalated to 5 days. Your feelings for him grew, but you had to keep your little crush a secret, at least for now.
"I'm telling you right now. Do. Not. Get. Attached," Xoey said. She decided to join you at the cafe today. "I can see it in your eyes that you like him more than you're letting on."
"Let's just say I do like him. Is it really that big of a deal?"
"Are you insane? You're literally just using him to get your grades up. Any type of romance is out of the question," Xoey snapped.
"Can you believe she hasn't given him anything to help her?" Abigail chimed in.
"Nothing?" her eyes widened. "Hmm...interesting. Do you think he likes her back?"
"Eww. He better fucking not," Abigail rolled her eyes. "I swear if these two ever start dating, I'd actually vomit..."
"He's really not that bad," you shrugged.
"They have so many hot guys on the football team that you could easily pull. Don't settle for that dork," Abigail spat. You knew very well that she meant every word she said.
"Relax! I don't even like him like that. I already told you, I'm just being his friend so he can pull my grades up," you spat.
"Wait, wait, wait! So let me get one thing straight," Xoey interjected. "You two have just been buddy-buddy this whole time? You've never slept with him? Not even once?"
"Anything sexual at all? Maybe even a kiss?"
"She hasn't opened anything but her laptop for that geek," Abigail sighed as you shook your head.
"Okay, well if you really don't like him and it's all about the grades how about you prove it to us by kissing Nicholas," Xoey smirked.
"Omg, he is so fine," Abigail nearly moaned at the meer thought of him.
"Yeah, I know. And a little birdie told me that he's been looking at our girl. So this is gonna be a piece of cake," she grinned folding her hands together.
"Oh and to make it even better, you have to tell him that you've liked him forever," Abigail added.
"In front of sweet little Channie," Xoey spat.
"Girls, this is ridiculous," you wailed. "I already said I don't like him. I'm just using him for my grades. I seriously only see him as a friend," you lied.
"Do it and we won't hunt down your fanboy and tell him that you couldn't care less about him," Xoey raised an eyebrow as she leaned over the table, lowering her voice.
"And that you're just using him for the semester," Abigail added. "You've already told us how you're just gonna drop him anyway. So why not rip off the band-aid now?"
"Fine, fine! I'll do it," you exclaimed. "But not in front of him...that'll be too awkward."
Maybe it was the peer pressure of wanting to be accepted that influenced your decision. But whatever it was, there was some damage control you had to do first.
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"So, what are we working on today," Chanyoung smiled as you sat down next to him.
"Hmm... well I finished writing one of my English assignments last night. Maybe you could just look over it for me first and then we can work on something else."
"Alright," he nodded as you slid your computer over to him and began scrolling through the contents of your essay.
“You can just call me Chan. It sounds less…formal,” he smiled.
“Okay. Well, do you have anything planned this weekend?”
“No, not really. Why?” He asked, turning away from the screen to look at you.
“I was wondering if maybe…you wanted to go out with me. N-not like a date or anything,” you chuckled. “Just as friends.”
“Yeah sure. It’s not like I’m doing anything anyway.”
“Great!” You smiled. “How do you feel about a movie at…I don’t know…6?”
“Yeah, 6 sounds good,” he laughed, admiring how sweet you were with him. Even though you said this would be a friendly date, you wanted to be more than that with him.
So what if your friends don’t like him. They’ll just have to get over it. After all, you just had to kiss Nicholas one time. It's not like you were signing yourself over in marriage, right?
"Well, umm...let's get back to studying and maybe we can hang out before you go to practice," he said, returning to the screen.
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After cheer practice, Abigail dropped you off at home as usual. You waved to your parents and went straight to your room to clean yourself up for the night.
"Honey," your mom's voice called when you were in the bathroom. "When you're finished, your father and I would like to have a talk with you."
"Okay, I'm almost finished," you replied, before you heard her footsteps trail down the hall.
You had a very good feeling about what this conversation would be about. Lucky for you, you had the right answer.
"How are your grades looking?" your father asked as you sat on the couch.
"I'm actually doing a lot better," you nodded.
"Can you go get your laptop so I can see how they've improved?" he asked.
"Sure," you said before leaving the room. This conversation was just about as stale as you expected it to be. "Here it is," you turned the laptop to him, revealing your grades.
Politics — 85.97%
English — 94.81%
Math — 78.12%
Geography — 89.54%
"I have a few more assignments due this week that should bring my grades up even more," you smiled.
"This is great!" you mother chimed.
"I know we put a lot of pressure on you, but it's because we want you to succeed. I'm just glad to see that you're taking action on your own," your father began. "Without a tutor," he added.
You knew that wasn't completely true, but it's the lie you had to tell to keep everyone happy.
"Thanks," you said, closing the computer.
"Oh, before you go I wanted to address an issue," your father said as you were about to walk away. "I'm sure you've noticed by now that I froze your cards. Well, since you're obviously doing better I think you've earned that privilege back."
"Wow...I've never seen my dad so proud of me," you thought to yourself. "Then again, I've never let my grades drop like this."
"Goodnight, honey and keep up the good work," your parents smiled before you walked back to your room.
You wished that Chan was in your room right now so you could hug him. He's taken so much pressure off that you've even completed some of the assignments on your own. Meeting up with him has forced you to delegate time to your studies and giving him your login information was one of the best choices you made.
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The next day at practice, you walked in to see one of your cheer mates in tears.
"What's going on?" you whispered to Janice. Abigail and the other girls were busy trying to console her.
"Word got out that Reina had been sleeping with another student to help her pass classes. Which is obviously a breach of the student code of conduct," she sighed leaning against one of the red lockers.
"So what's gonna happen to her?"
"Well, she's being suspended for the rest of the semester and will have a zero in all her courses, effective immediately. On top of that, she'll be on academic probation. Meaning, she'll be kicked from the cheer squad until she can complete a semester on her own with a GPA of 2.5 or higher."
You thought about the situation you were in right now. "That could've easily been me," you thought to yourself as you looked down at your feet. "If my parents ever found out about my little rendevous with Chanyoung they'd never trust me again..."
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"Chanyoung," you gasped as you bumped into him in the halls.
"Heh, I didn't expect to see you here," he smiled.
"Well, it was nice seeing you Ponytail. But we kinda got somewhere to be," Dongmin spat as he grabbed onto Chanyoung's arm.
"Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to hold you up," you replied.
"No, it's alright. We were just going to grab something to eat before heading over to my place," Chanyoung said, turning back to you. "You can join us if you want."
"No, she can't," Dongmin interjected. "I'm sure she has something else to do."
"No, he's right," you smiled, cutting him off. "I was just on my way to meet up with the girls. But maybe next time?"
"Yeah, definitely," he smiled, which just made Dongmin roll his eyes. "Oh, we're still on for this weekend right?"
"Yeah, totally," you chimed before jogging off to catch up with your friends.
"Eh hm? This weekend? What are you doing with her this weekend?"
"None of your business," Chan teased.
"What do you mean none of my business? You wouldn't even be talking to her if it weren't for me."
"Okay? I don't even see how that matters right now," Chan scoffed.
"Because you're falling for Ponytail and I can tell. I thought you didn't like cheerleaders. I guess everything's different now that you're holding hands with one?"
"Pft, what!?"
"Don't start playing dumb. It's written all over your stupid ass face. Every time she comes around and every time you talk about her you have that dumbass grin."
"Okay? So, what?"
"So you admit it? You do like her?"
"Yeah, I do. What's wrong with that?"
"She's so out of your league it isn't even funny."
"We're not in high school anymore. We can date whoever we want. Cliques don't exist here."
"Yes, they fucking do, but ever since you've been working for that high-strung cheering ditz you haven't been able to think straight."
"This is so fucking stupid. I'm not doing this with you, okay."
"The old you would've never been so blind."
"What are you talking about?"
"That bitch is two-faced as fuck," Dongmin spat.
"Whatever, man. You're just saying that because you're jealous."
"Jealous? God, you sound so much like those cock sucking sluts," Dongmin shook his head. "Wait, I just remembered that you're not even getting that from her, huh?" he chuckled. "She's just using you. She can't even bring herself to have romantic feelings for you. She's just pretending to be your friend so you can keep being her lovestruck slave."
"If you're gonna keep acting like that, I'd rather you just shut the fuck up."
"What? You don't believe me?"
"Fuck no and I'm honestly tired of hearing you bitch."
"Fine, you can go back to living out your little fantasy, but don't come crying to me when you find out I'm right."
"I think I'm gonna go home on my own tonight," Chan shook his head before walking off, leaving Dongmin behind. "See ya tomorrow, man."
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Remembering the dare from yesterday you decided to go find Nicholas and "confess" to him. This really just meant setting up a situation where a kiss wouldn't seem so awkward. You just weren't really the type to randomly put your lips on someone.
"Hey, Nick," you smiled as you approached him in the hallway.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Well...I heard from someone that you've been looking at me," he smirked as he anticipated the next thing you were gonna say. "So..."
"So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out this weekend?"
"Umm lemme just check my schedule real quick," he chuckled, pulling out his phone to swipe his thumb across the screen. "Yep, this weekend sounds perfect. I'll pick you up at 5, okay."
"Yeah, I have football practice until 3:45 and I still gotta shower and stuff."
"Oh...okay. Well, 5 sounds good," you smiled feinly.
"Alright, well I'll have to catch up with you later. I think you already have my number so if you wanna talk tonight we can," he smirked before pulling you in for a hug.
"Okay, I'll try to call you tonight if I'm not too busy," you said as he hugged you one more time before jogging to high-five the group of boys that waited at the other end of the hall.
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As much as you wanted to see Chanyoung today, he was busy taking care of something with his brother. This gave you a little more time to bond with Nicholas...or Nick as you liked to call him.
"Hey, ____," Nicholas waved as he walked into the courtyard. "I got out of practice early today. If you're not busy did you wanna catch up a bit now?"
"Yeah, sure," you smiled.
One thing your friends didn't know was that you had a past with Nicholas. The two of you went to school together from Pre-K to 5th grade--middle school is when you both went your separate ways.
Though you never moved, Nicholas' father was stationed outside of the country. Fate had it that the two of you reconnected.
You thought back to the time he gave you a candy ring for your "wedding" in 1st grade. Even though you were just kids, it still felt so special.
It really sucked when he moved away that summer, but he made sure to send you a card on your birthday every year.
"Okay, so I have one question," he began as he walked beside you.
"What's that?"
"Did you really wanna go out with me? Or is this part of some master plan?"
"Uhh, why would you think that?" you scoffed.
"Come on, ____. I'm not stupid. I know when someone's trying to jerk me around."
"He always was quick," you thought to yourself. "Okay, fine."
"Yup, I knew it," he chuckled. "So what was it? A dare? A competition?"
"It was a dare...some of the girls from my squad think I like this guy--"
"Well are they right?"
"Yeah, but they don't really approve of him."
"So what? If you like him and he's a great guy who cares what your friends think?"
"Hmm...yeah I guess you're right."
"Ooooof course I am."
"Well, I still gotta do the dare...I already agreed to it."
"Okay," he laughed. "But what exactly do you have to do?"
"You're not gonna like this...."
"Just tell me."
"I have to kiss you..."
"That's it?"
"And tell you that I've liked you forever," though you were dared to say this, at one point (before you got to know Chanyoung) that was true.
"Easy-peasy," he smiled before pulling your in by your waist for a kiss.
"Nick!" you exclaimed as he burst out into laughter.
"Relax, I just wanted to get a reaction out of you," he smiled. "Here, I'll do it properly this time," he leaned in before gently placing a kiss on your lips. "How's that," he asked.
"Much better, but you can do it on my cheek next time," you tapped the plush of your cheek.
"Like this?" he playfully pecked your cheek.
"Yes!" you laughed. "You're enjoying the hell out of this and I know it," you smiled as he wrapped his arm around you.
"I'll drop you off at home tonight."
"Hmm? Why?"
"Well I kinda wanna go raid the gas station and I think I'd like you to be my partner in crime. I mean it's only fair. After all you're just using me to complete a dare."
"Hmm, okay. Well, let's get started now," you smiled as he walked you to his car.
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"Hey," Chanyoung said dryly.
"Look, I know you don't wanna hear this, but there's something you gotta know about Ponytail."
"What is it now," he sighed.
"Earlier today, I saw her getting all gushy over this jock. And I don't mean some silly conversation. I saw them kissing. She's duping you, man."
Chanyoung sat in silence for a short while before finally speaking again. "You're not gonna stop, are you?"
"What are you talking about, Chan? I just gave you proof."
"No, what you gave me was some more bullshit stories you sat around concocting all day."
"Dude, I--"
"I don't wanna argue about this again, okay. Just drop it already."
"Forget it...I'm going to sleep."
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Later that night, after Nicholas dropped you off, you laid across your bed, staring up at the ceiling as you though to yourself...
"How the hell am I gonna be in two places at once?"
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Thanks for reading the second episode of my series. [Series Masterlist]
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Click this link to go to my main masterlist and stay tuned for the next episodes.
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150 notes · View notes
Secret Smokes
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: Just over 1k
This story takes place in a AU where Harry's parents are still alive so Remus Lupin still has all his friends and there is no war however that doesn't make him any less angsty. Everything else is pretty much the same as the canon universe! Enjoy!
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The wizarding world and the muggle world have always felt like two completely different worlds, maybe that's why Witches and Wizards who are muggle-born become outcasts. It's hard adjusting to a school but adjusting to a whole world at 11 is even harder. Even in your last year of Hogwarts you still didn't feel like you belonged, each summer going back to the muggle life that you have always known, working a summer job at a coffee shop and hanging out with muggles rather than wizards. You had friends in Hogwarts of course, some closer than others and even though it helped you feel more at home you knew that after Hogwarts you'd end up working a muggle job.
Maybe that's why entering your last year at Hogwarts didn't seem as intimidating because at the end of the day it didn't really matter what results you got in your N.E.W.T.S. Still in its own way you knew you'll miss the castle and the life you've lived in it. So your final train ride to Hogwarts felt a bit bittersweet. One thing didn't change, once again a new Defence against the dark arts teacher got introduced, this time one called Remus Lupin. He looked a lot kinder and nicer than the last one.
Your first week went by extremely quickly, quidditch practice hadn't started yet so you had more time to just hang out with your friends. All your lessons were easy so far as everyone was settling to being back. The new profesor was quickly becoming everyone's favourite due to his friendly nature, he seemed to befriend every student something no other profesor really did. You didn't really get to interact with him too much one-to-one during lessons as whenever he had free time the girls with a crush on him would jump onto the opportunity. You didn't really care about DADA as you wouldn't need it in the muggle world but you did understand why everyone was developing a crush, you had your own brewing for him.
It didn't take long for you to get home sick, homesick for the muggle world. Nothing really felt right to you, not even the food it just never tasted as good as what your mother would make, you missed your parents terribly it was a lot harder sending them owls than sending owls to wizard families, they didn't really grasp the concept. The twins could see that you were getting down again, they knew this happened every year after summer, and they've always tried to help lift your spirit. "Y/N we were thinking it was a good time to plan the first prank of the year what do you say?" Fred said. "Y/N is in her last year, she can't be participating in your silly games." Percy answered for you. "Who invited him?" George snapped back.
"Percy might be right I can't get in as much trouble as I did last year I don't want to get suspended, I'm on thin ice with old Minnie after the last prank we pulled before summer." You admitted, maybe you didn't care about your exam results but you didn't want to get suspended. The debate continued and you ended up agreeing to planning a prank that you may or may not help with. After dinner you decided to take a quick detour to the covered bridge, at the end of your fifth year you discovered it was empty in the evenings as it didn't lead to anywhere people would go at that time of night, it instantly became somewhere you would go for peace, and once you discovered smoking, it also got added to the list of secret smoking spots.
When you approached the middle of the bridge you saw a figure standing smoking a cigarette, you felt a bit gutted someone was using your spot but also excited at the idea of someone being so alike you. You approached them and they quickly put out the cigarette. "Don't worry man, I'm not a teacher I won't snitch." You claimed as you walked up to them before you could make out who it was.
"I know but I am." The figure replied, you were now close enough to make out that it was Professor Lupin. He was no longer leaning over the edge but standing straight with his hands in his pockets.
"I won't snitch if you won't?" You said pulling out your own packet of cigarettes. And his face turned to a gentle smile.
"I really shouldn't-" He protested. "Oh come on, you're new. This is normal." You preached. "Yeah Minerva and I do this all the time but don't tell her I told you." This got a laugh out of him.
"I may have believed you up until that point Y/N. But that's where you've lost me." He remembered your name and for some reason it made your heart skip for a second, he had so many students that he's met in one week and he still managed to memorise yours.
"Come on I'll give you a smoke if you don't tell anyone?" You reached out the pack to him "Camels?" He questioned while taking one. "You know them?" You took one out the packed for yourself before putting it away. "They're muggle smokes." He stated nonchalant, there wasn't any hate in those words which was rare around these halls. "I like them." You pulled out a lighter to light your cigarette while he snapped his fingers and it was instantly lit. "How did you do that? You instantly snapped back . "Do what?" He smiled while holding the cigarette in his mouth, he was attractive in the moon light. "Light it with a snap." You replicated his previous action. "It's a simple arson spell, just a small flame. I used wand less magic." He explained "If it's wand less why did you snap your fingers? Surely you could've just done it." You pressed. "Yes. You've got me there." He admitted. "So you were just trying to impress me?" Slipped out before you realised how those words could sound flirty, you barely knew the man. Truthfully if he wasn't your profesor and this was an interaction with a student you would be developing a stupid crush on them.
"You could say that." He said, with half a smile on his lips. "I'm the new profesor who you've just caught spending the evening by himself smoking, I don't want you to tell everyone I'm boring now I seem impressive."
"Or insecure." You shot back and he bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief at your words. He decided not to reply, instead went back to leaning over the bridge looking out into the darkness and smoking his cigarette and silence fell upon you both.
"I like the camel ones, just because the camel is cute." You broke the silence after a while, you felt bad for calling him insecure and wanted to kill the awkwardness. He laughed at your comment. "You know smokings bad for you? Even if the camel is cute." He said flicking the butt of his cigarette into the darkness. "I know." You quietly replied.
He checked his watch before standing up straight"Curfew has already started so don't stay out here too long as Snape is the one on duty today." He began to walk away. "Professor-" He turned around at your words. "This didn't happen right?" You questioned nervously. "What are camels?" He replied with a wink. "Have a good evening Y/N."
"You too Professor."
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just a girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you move in with your sister when your luck turns for the worst.
Characters: Walter Marshall, possible Andy Barber
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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It isn't your proudest moment. You don't have many of those. There is little remarkable about, nothing of note, nothing admirable. You might stand a bit taller than most but it's rarely given as a good thing. 
You never expected much of life. You resigned yourself to living in the shadows. In particular, you knew you would always bet outshone by your sister's light. You can't hate her for it; it's your own shortcoming. Besides, no one can hate Riannon, she's just that nice. 
You are dark smear on the family name. It's why you didn't even think to ask your parents for help. You didn't even ask your sister, she offered, insisted really. You could never deny her and in this instant, you couldn't afford any other option. 
It’s just for a while, you keep telling yourself. You’ll find a new job and a place soon. For now, you’ll just stay out of the way. It isn’t very hard; you take up much more room than your few possessions. 
You keep yourself holed in the guestroom as you settle into your second day. You have your laptop on your thighs as you scroll the job boards. You have the experience but you expect your reference would be any good. You didn’t exactly end on cordial terms. Starting from square one, though the industry isn’t exactly even ground for men and women alike. 
You hunker down to search through the various postings within your purview. Every classification is ticked off, even the years, it’s just that little note about contacting your previous employers that makes you nervous. Well, you at least have to try. 
A knock comes at the door as you edit your cover letter once again. You sit up and close the computer. You slide it aside and get up. You cross the room and crack the door open. You sister smiles from the other side. 
“Am I making too much noise?” You ask as your music plays music from its tiny speaker. 
“No, no, not at all. Um, so you know Andy is out of town for the day so it’s just us,” she rocks, “and there’s a barbecue down the street so... I thought you could get to know the neighbourhood.” 
You look down at her, the offer catching you off guard. You were prepared to spend the whole day hidden away and poring over job listings. Even when you had your own place, you tended to spend most of your own time inside. 
Still, she is doing you a huge favour and it would be rude to say no. You shrug, “okay.” 
“Great, I have some potato salad I'm bringing,” she chirps.  
“Uh,” you look at her blue checkered capris and pristine white blouse, “should I change?” 
“It’s up to you. I'm just going to get packed up. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” 
Her excitement is palpable. She probably expected you to say no. You don’t want to let her down again. You’re tired of that feeling. 
You close the door as she bounces away and you retreat to search through your still unpacked suitcase. Your clothes hang over the sides. You pick out a band shirt and a pair of dark grey jeans. You don’t have any shorts and you know your repertoire of dark colours only draws in the sun’s fury, and like of the vaunted HOA, but you don’t have many options. 
You emerge with a pair of converse in hand and head into the kitchen. Rhiannon snaps the lid onto a big bowl as she beams up at you. You don’t understand how you share the same blood, she’s so different than you. Where you’re tall and gangly, she’s small and dainty; where your dour and reticent, she’s bright and bubbly. Your parents even kidded that you must’ve been switched at the hospital. 
“Ready?” She asks. 
You nod and look down at yourself. 
“If you want to borrow a skirt or something, it’s pretty hot out.” 
“It’s fine.” 
You don’t take her offer as any comment on your choice, only genuine concern. If it was your mom, you would know it was more than that. To be fair, your mother is very direct with her critiques. Besides, even if her clothes would fit you, you don’t want to risk ruining any of her things. 
“Alrighty, well, Marge will kill me if I’m late again,” she sings and sweeps around with the bowl. “It’ll be nice to get out, huh?” 
“Mhmm,” you grumble and follow her down the hall to the front door. 
She steps into her wedged sandals as you sit to pull on your converse and lace them up. You stand and get the door for her as she prances towards it. She thanks you and you trail her out. The sun hits you like fire. It’s so hot, though you think some of the heat comes from your own self-consciousness. 
As you catch up to your sister at the bottom of the steps, you slow down to keep from outpacing her shorter legs. Even with her platformed soles, she’s still ahead shorter than you. You turn down the sidewalk as you shy away from the strange faces headed in the same direction. 
“You want me to carry that?” You offer. 
“Hey, I might be small but I can handle a salad,” she chirps. 
“I know, I wasn’t--” 
“I’m teasing. It’s fine, I got it,” she assures you as she hugs the bowl to her stomach, “I just want you to have a good day. Don’t think about everything else, okay?” 
“Mm, okay,” you keep your head down as you slink next to her jouncing steps, “sorry, I'll try not to be too grim.” 
“Whatever, you’re awesome,” she nudges you with her elbow, “you just be yourself and I know you’ll find some good friends around here.” 
You try to smile but it hurts. She always sees the best in others, even when it’s not there. You keep pace with her and turn up another curated lawn. The walk is perfectly laid and the blossom tree sways overhead. 
Rhiannon is welcomed through the open gate by one of those blonde women she has her book club with and you shuffle in with your hands in your pockets. You feel the woman’s harsh gaze and peek up. She looks at you the same way your mother does. Her name is Marge and her friend is Callie and there are dozens of the Stepford-like figures posted throughout the yard. 
“Come, let’s put your salad out,” Marge insists. 
Rhiannon looks at you and you chew your cheek, “go, I'll be fine.” 
She looks reluctant but you’re already walking away. You ignore the smell of sausage and beef rising from the barbeque and the splash and laughter of children from the pool. You aren’t going to find any friends here. That much is clear. Housewives and little kids, you don’t really fit the bill. 
You find your way to the far end of the lawn and stand by a tree you might just blend into. Or maybe you might bury yourself in the rose bushes. You pull your hands from your pockets and hook your fingers into your belt loops, swaying as you watch a bumble bee hover over the grass. 
“Foo Fighters, huh?” A low drawl brings your head up as a man approaches with a beer bottle in hand. 
“Um, yeah,” you look down at your shirt, tugging on the hem. 
“You go to a show?” He asks as he stops near you, drinking from the bottle as he waits for your answer. 
“Never been to one,” you cross your arms, “but I listen to them.” 
“Ah, yeah, well, they put on a hell of a show,” he wiggles the bottle as he talks, “lot more fun than these things.” 
You look up the yard towards the mingling of voices and sound. Despite your efforts to hide in a corner, you must have stuck out like a sore thumb. Shoot, maybe he thinks you’re trespassing. 
“I came with my sister,” you point and shift towards the party, “sorry, um, Rhiannon. I didn’t... I was just looking at the roses.” 
“Not my party,” he scoffs, “I don’t care.” 
“Oh,” you blink and look at him. He's about your height, dark curly hair, and vibrant blue eyes. His dark beard is thick and stubble prickles along his neck. He wears a plain white shirt and jeans; the bare minimum. “Right, er, well...” 
“Not a bad idea, hiding behind a tree,” he remarks, “but you're missing the key ingredient.” 
He stops and stares, crooking a brow as if you should know what he means. 
“Alcohol,” he raises his bottle, “they got a keg even. Probably the only good part about these bull—these things.” 
“I don’t drink,” you mutter, “but thanks.” 
You put your head down and stare at the grass around his shoes. You don’t know why he’s bothering you if it isn’t to make you leave. Obviously, you don’t belong. 
“Never too late to start,” he snorts and stays as he is. 
You don’t know how to make him leave you alone so you say nothing. The bee dips into a tulip’s mouth and you turn to watch it. Maybe he’ll take your silence as a hint. 
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