#any other ii fans at dragon con
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rottkitt · 7 months ago
what the freak taco ii at the dragon con
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cathoderaysunshinebeaver · 4 years ago
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I love Doom. I’ve never made an attempt to list my favorite video games in a numerical order, but if I did, Doom would likely be one of the highest, if not #1. I’m also a big fan of the “dark fantasy” aesthetic, so discovering the Heretic/Hexen series was a treat, to say the least.
Released in 1994, Heretic was built using the Doom engine by Raven Software, with John Romero himself having helped the team set up their computers and teaching them the basics of how he would make maps for the game. With this in mind, you’d be forgiven for saying what a lot of reviewers said at the time: this game looks like a Doom reskin with a fantasy theme.
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This sentiment mostly applies to the first game, Heretic. But in a sea of other “Doom clones” released at the time, it is definitely one of the more competent ones. You play as Corvus, one of the few surviving elves in a world overtaken by the evil Serpent Riders, who have decided to exterminate all the elves because their magical powers make them resistant to the mind control spells the Serpent Riders use to conquer and subjugate realm after realm on their quest for world domination. Unsurprisingly, Corvus is out for revenge, and the end goal of the game is to hunt down and kill the first of the three Serpent Riders, D’Sparil.
The gameplay in Heretic is more similar to Doom than in the later games, but it does the Doom formula well. Most weapons have a distinct counterpart in the game it is based on: the Elven Wand is your pistol, the Dragon Claw is your chaingun, the Ethereal Crossbow is your shotgun, and so on. They are satisfying to use (save the wand, arguably), and look deliciously fantasy-eque, with beautiful spritework. The levels are split into a familiar structure, featuring three episodes with nine levels each (and two more episodes released as an expansion pack). The enemies are varied, with pretty animations and distinct sounds, and play into the Doom experience very well in that the combinations and locations of enemies in each area lends itself to very different strategies (although “run really fast and blast everyone with the crossbow” rarely fails on most difficulties). The two expansion episodes are considerably more challenging, and will require more quick thinking and ammo, sorry, mana conservation. Definitely a fun romp.
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The sequel, Hexen, is where the series starts finding it’s own unique twist on the genre, and is the by many regarded as the “classic” that really put the franchise on the map. Again, you’re playing as a vindictive hero on a quest to liberate their realm from the Serpent Riders. This time it’s Korax, the second out of the three. However, now you’ve got to pick a class. This is the first big difference you’ll notice when starting the game. Corvus is MIA from his last adventure, and instead your choice of protagonist is between Baratus the Fighter, Parias the Cleric, and Daedolon the mage. While the game isn’t an RPG, these characters all have different stats when it comes to running speed and base HP. More importantly, they each have access to their own unique set of weapons. Mana is shared between the weapons, which are now split into green, blue and dual mana types, but they all behave very differently. For example, the fighter’s weapons are mostly of the melee variety and consume mana rapidly only for special attack modes, as they can still be swung without mana. The mage on the other hand uses his bare hands to cast a lot of his spells, but they do not burn through mana nearly as quickly. Unsurprisingly, the cleric is a hybrid, and uses both a spiked club and a mix of magical weapons. An “ultimate” weapon is also available to each class, which must be assembled from parts and consumes both blue and green mana, but has really devastating attacks (the cleric’s “Wraithverge” summons ghosts that scream like banshees and tear every nearby enemy to shreds; it’s just as metal as it sounds)!
Beyond the class differences, the level structure is the other major difference between Heretic and Hexen. Instead of a linear series of levels, each episode is now defined by a hub level with many branching areas that can usually be visited in any order. You need to find key items and activate switches in each one to open the way to the next world, and many areas within each sub-level are also locked until you find the right key/switch in a completely different area. As would be expected, this new spin on the level progression comes with both pros and cons. Few players today will be able to complete the game without ever looking at a walkthrough, and based on some comments I’ve read, this is one of those games that many people in the 90s would only dream of beating on their own. That said, there are very few instances where pulling a switch won’t at the very least give you a short message indicating it’s purpose (i.e. “A door has opened in the Wastelands”), and even then those with enough patience will rarely feel completely lost if they’re willing to backtrack systematically through every area over and over, taking note of every single locked door and unreachable area. I doubt it’s something the majority of gamers enjoy doing, but if you’re the type who would rather give up before accepting a hint, I’m happy to report that this game IS beatable even with your play style.
On the other hand, this structure also adds a lot to the feeling of being on a dangerous, epic quest. Metroidvania fans know that there are few things as satisfying as picking up a key and thinking “hey, I recognize this symbol! Now I can finally see what’s behind that door in the swamp!”. Uncovering the world bit by bit in this fashion really lends an air of mystery to the land of Cronos (where Hexen is set), and truly gives you that classic feeling of “pride and accomplishment” when you’re finally able to descend into that forbidding temple that’s been looming on the horizon for so long. And for those of you who are worried you won’t get to blast enough monsters to get your fill, this game still has you covered.
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The enemies in Hexen are just as threatening as those in Heretic, and they look even better this time (seriously, if you enjoyed the visual aspect of Heretic, Hexen steps it up tenfold with truly gorgeous sprites, textures, animations and even some environmental visual effects, like thick mist and dead leaves blowing in the wind). You’ve got a fantastic cast of evil wizards, zombies, dog-like orcs, Minotaurs and more types of dragons and dragon hybrids than you could shake a Mace of Contrition at. A good amount of the baddies are initially very similar to those in Heretic, but their attacks are more distinct, varied and dangerous, and there are a whole lot more of these guys this time around. If you have the enemy counter turned on in your automap it won’t be uncommon to see the numbers exceed 400, and some of the weaker enemies will even respawn after a while. Don’t worry though, it’s not frequent enough to be stressful, but instead it really helps the backtracking from getting too tedious. Key hunting is a lot more intense when you never know if an Ettin is waiting around the corner to cave your skull in! However, if you’ve seen any other reviews of this game, you’ve heard a lot of grief expressed in regards to the Minotaurs (and their big brothers, the Maulotaurs). They aren’t the strongest foe in the game, but their shields, their surprise lighting bolts and their sheer numbers can definitely be a pain in the gluteus maximus. On the plus side, it makes killing them all the more satisfying, and you’ll find yourself experimenting quite a bit with your weapons and items to figure out the safest and quickest way to end their existence.
That’s right, I forgot to mention the items. The third and last major difference between Doom and these games is your inventory. The items are largely the same in all the games in the series, and using them can be a bit of a hassle unless you’re willing to fiddle around with your control settings to find a setup you prefer (I would usually bind the item selection keys to the scroll wheel and use them with the right mouse button). Visually, the inventory is similar to that seen in Duke Nukem 3D, and just like in that game, you’ll likely find yourself using some items a lot more frequently than others. Health and mana refills are a major aid, and beyond that you have things such as invisibility, invincibility, flechettes (despite what the name says, they’re more like grenades or mines, depending on your class), and a magical book that gives your weapons a much more powerful firing mode for a short time (although this item is mysteriously absent in Hexen). A special mention also goes to the Morph Ovum/Porkelator/Seal of the Ovinomancer, which transforms an enemy into a chicken/pig/sheep, respectively. A lot of fun to use, and and immense help against some stronger enemies if you’re low on health and/or mana.
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If you didn’t find yourself using these items all too much in Heretic or Hexen, the following game might just give you a reason to. Hexen II is the third game in the series, and the final chapter in the Serpent Riders saga. This time you’re in the realm of Thyrion, and the last Serpent Rider, Eidolon, is the one who must be slain to free the land from his curse. In terms of gameplay, Hexen II is a lot more similar to Hexen than Hexen was to Heretic. You’ve got the same type of hub level structure, and you’ll again pick a class at the start, although now your choice has expanded, consisting of the Crusader, Paladin, Necromancer and Assassin, as well as the Demoness in the expansion (yes, all these games have expansion packs and they’re all worth playing in that they’re more of the same, but expanded, duh, and more polished).
The major difference this time around is one you can probably tell immediately from the screenshot: yes, Hexen II goes 3D (and in an exception to the common rule at the time, it is NOT titled “Hexen 3D” despite technically being the third installment). Specifically, the game uses a modified Quake engine. As mentioned, the core gameplay remains largely the same as in Hexen, but the level designers definitely did not waste that extra dimension. The levels are less expansive here, but a lot more complex and full of hidden passages, surprising loops and a whole lot of verticality. Scurring across a courtyard with archers raining arrows down on you from balconies is just as tense as it is satisfying later on to reach the same balcony and return the favor to any ghoul unlucky enough to find themselves below. Overall, the layout and progression in each area feels like it’s been given a lot more consideration and has endured more testing. Most of the time, the key hunting in each area feels more self-contained, and when it isn’t you rarely feel like you have no idea where to go. This is because every lock has been designed to feel more like a puzzle. In practice, your goal is still to find an item and bring it somewhere, but the locks and keys themselves are much more distinct, which helps you remember what to do and where to go. Instead of levers and typical keys, you find yourself looking for artefacts such as potion ingredients that will let you turn metal into wood, pieces of a broken mechanism or symbolic relics that must be placed in the hands of a statue to go in line with a prophecy. There are also more direct instructions in the form of book entries and inscribed stone tablets, which are very helpful in those cases where the puzzle might require a bit more than just item hunting, such as pulling switches in a certain order or lining objects up to create a pattern. It’s still unlikely that you’ll breeze through the whole game without getting confused, but you’ll rarely be at a complete loss; you’ll usually know what you’re looking for or what you’re trying to activate, even if you may need a walkthrough to find a specific hidden passage or to figure out exactly what a contraption does.
Overall, Hexen II feels like a refined Hexen, with more care put into making every area feel very distinct. It is absolutely not any less challenging though. The areas might be smaller in terms of actual units of measurement, and there are definitely fewer enemies on the screen at all times, but this is compensated for in spades. The third dimension adds a thick layer of complexity to every level, and the enemies hit HARD. If you got into a rhythm in Hexen of circle strafing, dodging and picking off targets in an order of perceived priority, you’ll have to learn to dance to a different tune here. Some enemies will close in on you incredibly quickly, and many of them have the ability to turn you into minced meat in a matter of seconds. Now more than ever is when you’ll want to shoot with a steady aim, use your items wisely, keep all the possible paths of retreat in your mental map, and scour every nook and cranny for health and mana to stand a chance against some of the stronger mooks. Hexen II as a whole is a lot more fast paced and tense and also has a more dramatic views and set pieces along with some extra bits of storytelling scattered around the world for those interested.
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So, what are my thoughts on the Heretic/Hexen series as a whole? In short, it’s a treat. Combining classic fantasy tropes with the hectic action of Doom (and Quake) was an idea that was bound to happen sooner or later, and in this case, it worked out really well. There are of course other examples of this iconic clash of genres (check out Amid Evil for a totally kick-ass recent example!), but from what I know, the Serpent Riders saga is the one with the most lasting appeal. All the games strike a great balance between frantic, gory FPS action and the slower paced mystery and brooding sense of evil that only dark castles and dungeons can provide, with each game leaning a bit more toward one direction or the other. At a core gameplay level, there is nothing absolutely groundbreaking about Heretic/Hexen, but every element is done well and with care, and the presentation oozes of 20th century gothic fantasy charm, both the visuals and music. If the first paragraph of this review made you go “oh, those are both things I like!” then definitely check these games out. Same goes for anyone who is simply curious about the history of Id software and the impact Doom and Quake had on the gaming landscape. My only warning to you before playing these games is this: keep in mind that these games are from the 90s. There’s a reason many people have memories of booting these games up, getting completely stuck and then never playing them again. That said, as long as you have an internet connection (how else would you be reading this?) and an average amount of patience, there’s a whole lot of fun to be had here. All the games mentioned above are available on Steam (and GoG as well, I believe), and play excellently with modern source ports: gzdoom for Heretic and Hexen, and Hammer of Thyrion for Hexen II are my recommendations.
Finally, there is another game in the franchise. Heretic II returns to the story of Corvus (from the first game) and continues the story beyond the Serpent Riders arc, but due to some licensing issues it is not available on neither Steam nor GoG. Technically you could still buy a physical copy of the game, and I’ve seen mentions of at least one fan endeavor to make the game more accessible on modern computers, but I have yet to check it out. Maybe in the future. For now, I hope you enjoyed this dive into one of the slightly less famous, but still very popular classic 90s “Doom clones”!
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venezolanoanimations1 · 5 years ago
Legoshi´s stand (JJBA x beastars) ACT 1,2 & 3
I haven´t seen jojo, i mean, not a full episode but some clips, a few wikis and fan made content, but i have seen beastars (the anime, and few parts part the manga) and i was wonder what if legoshi was a stand user, with the idea that the shadow of his savage tendencys was actually his stand.
Information: the STAND born from the instints of legoshi, he unlock it when he was a pre-teenager, Posses diferent Acts that legoshi can select and switch through the battle. This is a dynamical stand meaning that it requires the user to fight by themself with the enemy user ( i mean againts the person, not the stand) and each Act have its onw abilitys
Name: Wild Side (localization name: Savage Side or primal tendency)
 Power: Unknow
 Speed: Unknow
 Range: Unknow
Precision: Unknow
 Abilitys (general):
 Predator: this can turn the tide of the battle real quick and make a [Wilde Side] one of the most powerfull stands. It allow to change the stats of [Wilde side] specific way, turnig it into the best counter for the enemy stando, and either making the user inmune to the enemy stand ability, counter the ablity, interfer or just stop the ablity. But legoshi need to know the name of the stand and have a small idea of the ability.
 Well, there´s the option of leave this to the hunting instincs of the stand with the promise of have 100% correct guess but is a huge gamble cuz it leave a big fat oportunity to the stand get out of control and go complete apeshit (like purple haze).
 Example: it make legoshi and the stand able to move in the stop time world or be fast enough to outrun made in heaven and it slow down to cancel the universe reset.
 However it can only preying on one stand at a time
Animality: Allows legoshi to gain any ability of any animal he do desire and multiply it by 50 (like speed of cheetah, strength of gorilla, etc.), and if he say a specific part of his body, only that part it going to be power up, being able so use more abilities from anothers animals and combine them. but he has to know the animal not only by name but species, and it not have to be a real animal, but it has to be considerate as one. It doesn´t changes the physical appearance, only change either the resistance, strength, density, etc.
Example: The tough back of a turtle and the ablity to fly of the eagle by using his arms. (something similar of kars ablity but with no need of grow up wings)
Stand´s User Card:
ACT 1:
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                                                 Mostly for combat
It is base in the shadow that hunts legoshi mind. having the idea that is something than just escaped from a heavy containment, wearing a prison looking pants qiht the number 18 on it and classic fetter-ball, have many rusty prison chains made of combination of iron and silver. This chains represent the will, determination and struggle of legoshi to keep this side of him under lock
I added some things like the lines of legoshi beast mode, and dog-prison-collar with the word ACT and the number 1 on it.
This ACT try  often to take over control of legoshi mind to make him puppet of his instins and go in rampage, being controled by Act1 makes legoshi mostly invecible, almost inmortal, like if Lobo and Deadpool have a bab, but this is not good thing, he have no control of his actions in that stade, only able to see the horror from a loony place of his - now- controled brain and heart.
To give a idea of how screw up this situation would be: imagine if legoshi have Cartoon cat´s personality and evilness, and mulplied for 50.
 Unique abilitys:
Wild instincs: power up user´s sences, to levels that he can see the essence of the prey (enemys) throuhg walls, can hear sounds in 700 metros radio and say what makes that sound, the same thing with the smell.
Beast mode: it give to legoshi his iconic beast mode. As simple as it is, but this time - being aware of his stando- come with a insanely high pain toleracen ( can even being injured like Kakyoin and still fighting like hell) and light self-healing factor.
Act II
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This one comes after legoshi meet Gohin and build a more deep relationship wiht him, since he is a doctor and help legoshi with instinct issues, making him to take control of his strengh, showing him that he can use his inner beast to protect and help others ( or in this case, his love one) but it do not mean that he accept that part of him yet, and still thinking that it must be under look and locked, but now, teh containment is less heavy that the previus one. It wear straitjacket with a gohin logo in the back, a light chains and the keys hanging in the belt of it, the sign of act II in the rigth arm and a ¨love one¨ sticker in the left arm (Lousi haru and jack)
Unique abilitys:
Containment belt: can tie up enemys (stands or users) with the belts that come out of the straitjacket with limit of 8 belts, wiht a range of 10 meters, it also can transfer information from the user mind to digital divices of any kind and to other person by using said belt.
Lobotomia or brainwash: By a deep look into the enemys eyes, allow to go inside of their minds and screw it up, making them a sorta of zombie-slave for a period of 10 minutes, this can be inflected by legoshi or act 2, but the conditions are that if stand do it, It have to look into the enemy stand eyes to be efective, meaning that i need to get the stand closer; like point blank, it takes 2 minutes to complete (givin the enemy space for try ro escape or for legoshi to being interrupted)
Bioquimical engaged: since legoshi is the grandson of a komodo dragon his front fangs have small hole in them, but legoshi posses not bag of venom (this is not canon as far as i know, is just a thing that pop my head) well, this ability allows to uses his hybrid reptilian-canine to infelct a hard bite to inject any kind of substance into targets veins. (something like harvest)
Act 3
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The strongest version of the stand when it comes to abilities, but the most difficult to summon, cuz it need to be a complete balance and domination between act 1 & 2. Legoshi need be focus and calm to use it and keep through the battle.
It appears when he ate the foot of louis to save their butts, accepting that he cannot denied or ignore his carnivore status, either the upsides and downsides of being a carnivore, and he can’t change it, but it doesn´t mean than that part of him can be used for good, or to protect his friends in his full capacity at least.
Now completely free and balance, this ACT of [WILD SIDE] has total loyal at his master commands.
It has written in the back the names of the people, that mean something to legoshi, the ones that he sees as friends or care about, wears the same pants that legoshi have in that part of the manga - when he unlocks it- and it was design to look like a function between act1 & act 2
Unique abilities:
Wolfpack: this is a very but VERY unique ability, is simple, it can bring to the battlefield the other to ACTs, in cases to fight multiples enemies, allow them to use predator in two more enemies. but in need a big concentration and mind strength from the user, cuz now, it is like he was controlling 3 stand a once.
Legoshi must to be careful in his choice of abilities to use, to which enemy send the ACT and which one use, the strategy to follow, to which act pay more attention, or just let go the other two ACT on free run with the gamble of lose control over them. A least, it minimizes very much the harm that legoshi get from stands injures by distribute the pain.
Catarino spit: its more for support stuff, in a few word is like have [Crazy diamond´s] ability but it only can use through saliva, and in a limited amount with a cooldown of 30 seconds.
The name is reference to a Mexican song - I’m from Venezuela by the way- called ¨el paciente¨ on the line that said ¨quisiera ser catarino pa´ curarme con saliva¨ translated something like: I would want to be a ladybug to heal myself with saliva -yeah, do not attempt to find any sense on that- which is another reference to other Mexican musician called Erasmo Catrino.
Catarino= male version of the word Catarina, which´s mean ladybug in Spanish.
Lone wolf´s call: this is for when the satiation turns ant color (very hard) Act 3 shout a big noise howl, so high, that can kill a person with it; if them no cover their ears. This not only can alert the alleys of legoshi about unseen dangers, but also give them – the allies- the localization of the wolf by showing his aura through the walls.
it can bring for 15 minutes the essence of any stand (Even enemies) that was in that area the last 10 minutes and give them just specific command either to defend legoshi, attack the enemies or just distract them and take the user out there. The thing with this is that make legoshi very tired, so it is an only-emergency-move.
(the command cannot be changed and the stand that show up go complete auto mode and half of capacity)
Example: Legoshi is outnumber, heavy hurt and bleeding, surrounded by enemies, unable to fight any longer, take deed breath and realized ACT3 and it call the cavalry, so, Stands starts to appear from the floor, looking at legoshi, the wofl has no ideads that what shit guys do, so he choice the buy time by make a divercion.
Meanwhile in the distance: The Cherrintong gang run as faster as they can, cuz they hear and see the backup call of legoshi, they know what that means, he is in trouble and big ones.}
And in the end but not less important.
The Stand User Card:
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So what ya think guys, did you like it, lads? i hope so.
 Well, i have another ideas to make a gang of stand users with the characters of beastars, like the stardust crusaders, Mama bruno squad  (passione) or Josuke´s friends.
 What ya think,did i should make it?
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space-------kid · 5 years ago
can’t keep my hands (off you).
Anime/Manga: One Punch Man Pairing: Garou/fem!Reader Additional pairing/characters: platonic Metal Bat/fem!Reader, Zenko, mentions of other heroes such as Saitama, Watchdog Man, etc. Genre: Romance, comedy Warning: Absolute silliness. Language – Garou and reader both ate rainbows for breakfast. Dumbassery. Teeth-rotting fluff, maybe? Reader is hella strong like Saitama. Half-assed spice because you’re good at cockblocking Garou despite being low-key thirsty for him. And LOTS of dumbassery from the reader, most probably. Additional tag: Dream-based fic, canon-divergent, Garou is horny af A/N: This is supposed to be a lengthy one-shot, but I’m a dumbass who can’t keep my word so the supposedly one-shot isn’t a one shot anymore.  Now I have to worry how I should properly divide all those parts (I mean, they’re already divided, but–) 😅 Happy New Year! *snicker*
You and Badd go out. No, it’s not a date.
Your life had its general ups and downs, pros and cons, the good and the bad.
You were admittedly a coward and afraid of being targeted by people for it. Following the advice of your (best) friend you trained hard, like, FUCKING hard, and now you’re blessedly, utterly strong you can take down enemies with just one hit. A good thing, really. Can’t let any bad guy harass you or something.
You were probably cursed with the biggest, baddest of luck. Not only were monsters chasing you, suddenly there was this fucking hot bastard weirdo who kept on calling himself the Hero Hunter. “I’m not a hero, goddamn it!”
i. and ii. | iii. and iv. | v. |[more to be added]
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“i can’t keep my
- can’t keep my hands off you/simple plan
You quit the fast-food industry when the place you were working at was demolished by a monster.
You wondered why those blasted creeps kept coming out one after the other, and the rate of their appearances increased after that near-alien invasion a few weeks ago.
Badd sat beside you on the wooden bench at a park, metal bat resting on his shoulder. He was quietly sipping on the bubble tea you bought for him, chewing on the straw sometimes while he listened to you talk about your week.
“So you beat it after trashing your workplace, huh,” Badd casually commented while munching on the chewy pearls on his drink. “Did the branch manager give you an incentive or something?”
“Yeah,” you replied glumly. “But I feel kinda guilty since I think I was the reason why our place got destroyed, though. Maybe that monster was chasing me, and…” you ended your story with a feeble shrug.
Slight pain bloomed on your left cheek when Badd poked you a little hard with a finger.
“Or maybe it’s not,” he told you sternly, but the effect was dampened by the straw sticking out of his mouth. “C’mon, [Name]. Just because you’re scared of monsters doesn’t mean that all of them are out for yer blood. Sometimes, you just may be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But that’s why you trained to get strong, right? And look at you now, beating up the monsters you’re so scared of.”
Emboldened by his comment, you nodded in response and laid your head on his unoccupied shoulder. He placed his head on top of yours in response as he stifled a bored yawn.
“’M still glad that you’re safe, yanno. Zenko would’ve killed me for not being the hero to arrive on scene,” Badd remarked, sounding a little peeved at the thought of the pro-hero that disposed the monster’s lackeys surrounding the restaurant you previously worked at.
You frowned, already catching on and agreeing with his thoughts. You could still feel irritation rising in your gut at the memory of Amai Mask flashing you that sickly sweet smile of his while he rescued you and your workmates from the rest of the Mysterious Beings that attacked. Idol or not your dislike for the guy was clear as day, something you and Badd shared but would never tell Zenko. She was a huge fan of Amai Mask, and you and your best friend wouldn’t dare make an enemy out of her by telling her of your shared hostility towards the man.
“It would’ve been nice if it was my favourite hero who came to save the day,” you mumbled.
Badd let out a proud huff at your comment. “Don’t worry, [Name]. I’ll back you up next time so I can finally see how you-“
“Too bad Watchdog Man only looks after Q City,” you interjected, smirking.
Badd slung an arm around your shoulders and pulled on your hair in retaliation.
“Tell me I’m not your favourite anymore and I will toss you in the river, dumbass!” he told you indignantly, spurring you to laugh at him.
“I’m kidding, sheesh! No need to get your bontan in a twist. Silly Metal Bat.”
Your discussion soon crossed his job as a hero. You already knew from the beginning that your best friend was a trouble kid at school even though you went at different ones, but knowing him as the best older brother to Zenko and a supportive friend to you, you couldn’t be any prouder at the dedication he showed in doing his hero work. Badd may act like a total delinquent, but you knew that he was a kind softie through and through.
Your best friend relayed to you the basics: From killing monsters the lower-ranking heroes couldn’t defeat and doing the assignments he was given to complaining about how the H. A. began handling things after A-City got wiped out because of that near-alien invasion thing. You tried your best not to laugh at the predicament Badd might soon find himself in when he grumbled about the possibility of being assigned as an executive’s bodyguard one of these days.
Man, you sure were glad that you kept on telling him no despite his best efforts on roping you into becoming a hero.
However, you still couldn’t help but feel worried for Badd. You knew he was terribly strong and that he could look after himself more than you’d expect, but even you would be a hypocrite to think that none was stronger than him sans his fellow S-Class.
Badd told you once that he could take care of a Dragon-level monster. You knew he could, you believed in him with all your heart.
But what if he would come face to face with a threat that might possibly be the worst match for him?
That was exactly what you told him, anxiety furrowing your brows.
The S-Class hero gazed at you with a reassuring smile, his usual confidence replaced by gratitude for being worried and looking out for him.
“I’d still beat their asses, [Name]!” Badd declared while ruffling your already messy [length] hair.
You returned his smile.
“I know you’re already strong, [Name], but I just gotta tell ya,” he said, turning serious. “Be careful, alright? More so now that you live alone and away from us. Also, there’s this arrogant bastard who roams around and beats up heroes. Calls himself the ‘Hero Hunter’.”
You straightened in your seat at the mention of the title and shot Badd a wide-eyed look. “Hero Hunter?”
He nodded. “The guys at the Association told me about it after Tank Top Master and his flunkies as well as that C-Class rank 1 got pummelled by that freak.”
Perhaps he was so used to seeing you look so frightened, but Badd didn’t notice the way you shuffled awkwardly beside him.
“D-Did… Did they t-tell you what he looks like?”
“Well, I didn’t wanna look at the picture they offered me, but when I was told that he was Silverfang’s former student it got me curious, you know?”
As Badd described what the so-called Hero Hunter looked like, you felt faint. What the hell were you doing, avoiding watching the news for weeks because all you ever see on the news were monster attacks and discussions about the aliens who obliterated A-City? Avoiding the media altogether? Oh, god, have you really been living under a rock since you moved out of your childhood home to miss something like this?
Badd’s description of the Hero Hunter fit a certain someone to a T.
Your recent unwanted visitor was-?
Not only were you an utter idiot, you seemed to also becoming rather forgetful. Hadn’t Garou called himself the Hero Hunter the very first time you met?
Holy shit.
Holy fucking shit.
Your new friend – because with all that messing around you two were sure past being acquaintances now – was the fucking Hero Hunter. A wanted criminal.
Badd was oblivious with your internal struggles and excused himself when his phone rang.
God. What were you going to do? Tell Badd?
Oh, god.
You never dreamed of going to jail.
to be continued
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hytregos · 5 years ago
Existence No. 1: Awakening
Pages: 18
 Word count:  8463
       Many years after the Omni War, everything has been devastated. This is a world where all your characters meet, either from fanfiction or canon stories. Name the character or fanfic, it is in it but is must make canonical sense. All worlds have been brought down to their knees, only to beg for a piece of crumb. After the war, the United Rail Nations formed a new ideal and recovery method on how to recover after the war.
However, when it was thought they all could recover; there have been financial and policy setbacks that have kicked in just days, weeks, or even months before hand. This resulted in what many would name, the green death. Why was it named this way, it is named because everyone started losing money randomly without any intervention. Stocks start to deplete rapidly, a majority of cosmic bank and planetary banks went dark. Worldly civilizations and economies started to fall apart.
The newfound and enriched politics that have formed up and have been established started to slowly break apart to the point where politicians and leaders start having fist fights. After a while, the broken political system started to shatter more widely. This was an opportunity for terrorists and pirates that originate from any spectrum. Mass death and revolutions plagued everything. As if anything could get worse, there have been reports of civilization shutdowns, causing mass famine to spread. This allowed multiple unknowns to take place and rule the abandoned or dead worlds in their name.
Just as things can’t get worse, there are many secrets in the cosmos. Some are open; some are not meant to be discovered. And some… that are originally not meant to be.
Prologue No.1
 Everything has its beginnings. Everything has its pros and cons. Everything starts with humble or great beginnings. There are heroes and there are villains who created their stories, stories that have been passed down through time. Most particularly; The grey fox, the blue falcon, the hare, and the frog taking on the evil monkeys, fish, and bugs. The naive little boy martial artist to challenging the gods. The young star warrior who stood against a king, a knight, and nightmares. Two plumbers, a princess, and a demon king. A silent boy with a fairy, a princess, and a reincarnation of the lord of evil. A kaiju and a country. The battle of metal tops with spirits within. Knights who’s blades shine with the force would ease the darkness. One soldier, one alien, one ark, and seven rings. The slayer who went to hell and back. The man who does good. A trainer and its companion. The man of the universe. The cats of the universe. The dragon warrior. A cat who shows fun with a big hat, colored red with white stripes. The green what who stole Christmas. The robots in disguise. A brave kid against the Titans. A boy who claimed the stoned sword that once belonged to his father. A targeted man who survived the POW camps. The firstborn of a God. The founders of the land of the free. The father of country named India. The man who forged the art of war. The father of western studies. The president who freed the slaves. The lost underwater city. The man on the moon. The first woman to fight for women's rights. The American Evangelist. War that conflict with other worlds. The underwater creature of madness. The scientist who constructed E=Mc2. The entrepreneur who named a theme park after himself. The little blue people who wore white and red. The big blue people who are tree lovers. The Mexican tiger boy. A spoiled boy with a groove. A ghost hunting phantom. A leader of the primates.
A time card came with a thousand to a trillion introductions later, both in the realm of fiction and nonfiction.
“They told me to hold the time card because some yellow sponge was what came and it would be a waste of time and effort if the author included a lot more introductions”, an individual announced as it walks off with the time card.
And finally, the chaos warriors and the protectors of seven gems with its giant emerald. These characters and their stories inspired others to make their own fan made creations or even something new but inspired by them. Just like this one. And believe it or not, all of these characters actually met.
Before all of those, everyone was separated. But then, geniuses from their own realms came together to build machines or create special portals to other realms. That is how everyone met. For short, just think about anyone fictional, they likely met but also won't be doing what you could expect them to do. Just like a Sondash ship. It was a new golden age. Everyone started new alliances and created new… things (almost anything to be exact, kind of like the virtual reality thing in Ready Player One known as the Oasis).
However, everyone speculated that a new force of negativity will rise eventually. Some agreed, some neglected, others were silent by just the thought of it. After ten years, it came to be, the empire, a combination of forces united into one formidable foe. Those who knew, shoved it in disbelievers faces screaming, “HAHA, WE WERE RIGHT!” Sharply little of those who were silent, knew about something, that this was part of an upcoming disaster, upon immeasurable levels, upon mythological levels. The war had two names; The Omni War and The War to End All Wars. The one who established led this empire was Mhleliw II. It took eight years but the empire has been defeated. He promised that this empire will last forever, and that everyone will ascend to godhood. However, despite his defeat, Mhleliw II was never found nor was any trace of him. Some suspect he may have killed himself or have wandered off in his madness.
After years of peace and terror with violence that was unbearable for one moment everything went back to normal. Everything is a barren wasteland. And the war came with a cost. A new depression came where everyone is set on the break of poverty and worse. It didn't start immediately; it started after cosmic stock market trading system crashed. It started a year later after the war ended. After the trading system crashed, then came banking failures, digital piracy, name it, it happened.
However, after researching the technology and the nature of the mechanisms that belong to the empire, people began to go mad upon trying to understanding it. One of these unfortunate madmen, is a young child, before the age of 10, saw two sigils clashing with each other out of pure rage, fighting for dominance. Another was a mad teenager, aged 15, who saw what it looked like or what they looked like. Because of this, there has been a new research group with highly developed and trained minds to ensure that they don’t go mad upon research. This group is known as “Project Omni of Creation and Destruction”.
Now, we get to the story-
Some Skion scouts, who suddenly got lost, trapped in some realm. The Skion are four armed vampire like beings without the special powers, wearing antiflux oxygen suits that run on 48 hours of oxygen. It all went from random galaxies to now, breaching rifts with singularity micro-dimensions. Now, they’re stuck, in an unknown void, surrounded by some barrier. The 
location with the barrier has what felt like ten suns, with a surrounding of four other bright lights, each with their own attributes. One is comprised of an advanced technological machine like flicker, one comprised of corporate promotion spotlights, one of the desolations of matter and anti-matter, and one comprised of both cosmic time schemes. The one they fly above is comprised of what looks like a world purely composed of how nature sets up the way of how life naturally functions.
The scouts are Mikov, Trieechii, and Qu’tuk. Mikov is the youngest and stands 5.5. He is also the most amateurish and irresponsible. He’s bald with triplet pointy ears with yellow silicone iodine eyes with tiny pupils. The skin is as reluctant and dirty as frog depiction. His color scheme on his armor is yellowish plagued with stone red paint cells. It had extendable chain lingering and dangling on the spiked shoulder plates with molting krinkiton metal.
Qu'tuk, the middle aged of the three, the leader of this patrol squadron, he unfortunately stands 4.11 due to a lack of mutual calcium and protein deficiency since birth. He has no eyes but has astronomical sensory of his surroundings. Not only the shortest but also the heaviest of the group, as well as the strongest. He has no hair, no ears but has earholes. Extremely thinned eyebrows with some baize splashed onto some of the parts. His personal armor standbys are nothing but a deflection electromagnetic bubble which always malfunctions.
Trieechii, the oldest of the three, also the leader of this squad, standing 6.2. Like Mikov, has triplet pointy ears and silk flavored eyes with large pupils with a secondary pupil. His neck is oval shaped due to a mercury and prolonged corona exposure that came from one of a variation of a tyrannical singularity created space mutant's crystals. He has a hairstyle that is identical to that of Niagara falls with a multitude of broken hair fangs that looked like a 10 foot dragon slayer wearing dragon killing equipment... who is a dragon type as well. His armor pigments were pure purple mixed with granite and ruby.
Qu'tuk shoved Mikov with aggression, “It was your idea to bring us here!”
Mikov turned around and responded, “Mine!? You’re the one who thought about this AFTER you raided bunker c-42 on empire terrain! And after you decided to tinker with rift crossing dimension breaches!”
"Oh BLAH BLAH BLAH, always blaming the deadbeat smartass!"
"Oh BlAh BlAh BlAh, AlWaYs BlAmInG tHe DeAdBeAt SmArTaSs!"
"Oh, now we are going through this AGAIN?"
"Oh, NoW wE aRe GoInG tHrOuGh ThIs AgAiN?"
Those two argued for a long time. This strife of words went upon to even Mikov, as usual, starts mocking Qu'tuk. The situation is a dumbass vs a smartass. Mikov is a buffoon who only knows how to get into trouble while Qu'tuk is the one who many would consider "the one who knows too much".
Trieechii one had to fire a shot between them to cease the quarrel. But that barely did anything. They continued to quarrel after the shot was fired. How can he deal with this? Usually, the shot works but didn't work didn't work. Trieechii reaches for something in one of his four pockets and pulled out a flare. This flare began to gleam a bright light, overshadowing the argument between the two Skion scouts. They both used their arms to shield their eyes from the bright light. The flare that Trieechii is using is a Glani flare. This flare has been manufactured and produced by the Alien sentient modulator known as Cellva konk, who is known for inventing the alpufan dusk.
Both Qu’tuck and Mikov stopped fighting and turned to Trieechii. They both gave a dumbstruck face to him to resemble their idiocy. These to bundlers, they always get into repulsive arguments over a little crumb of bread. Some back at planet Sulop began to wonder why those two were stationed together in the first place. Trieechi gave them disappointed, but not surprised face. The two responded with the usual gestures, a spinning hand, giving off a ‘I won’t do it again’. Trieechii knows that another quarrel will happen again, just give it time. 
Trieechii then turned his attention to the strange barrier to see a shadow flying towards them. Both Qu’tuck and Mikov turn to look at the shadow. When the creature bumped into the light part of their barrier, the creature bounced back. But nothing less, it did it again and again and again until there was a crack. The scouts didn’t even notice the crack, but what they did hear was the sound of what felt like two church bells being scrapped by each other.Qu’tuck and Mikov hovered to the location to figure out what is happening there. Likely that this barrier was there to keep the shadowy figure and others like it in that so called world.  
“Wait, I don’t think moving closer to that barrier is a good idea.”, Trieechii exclaimed cautiously.
The other two smirked and looked at each other and back, “We’ll be fine, it’s just a shadow figure. Likely one of those shadow demons that the night hunters fight.”
“I am just saying… Look around you, does this place seem out of order to you?”
The two stopped and turned to Trieechii with flickfulness.
“Think about it, a giant creature that shows that it wants out and four others that could be like this place? Something doesn’t seem right here.”
Qu’tuck moved his voice in, “I think he’s right. I mean… now that I think about it, I don’t think we are supposed to be here. I think it is best to figure out a way out before we one, lose oxygen and lose our ability to properly breathe and second, maybe the one light with machine flickers would be able to help.”
Mikov doesn’t care and just laughs his ass off, thinking that this is a joke. Matter of fact, this scout thinks that all of this is a joke. Why does this person think all of this is a joke is a reasonable matter. Under Mikov, the creature flies towards the barrier, focusing its attention at the three scouts. Mikov flies closer to the barrier, not acknowledging the other two’s call outs for him to fall back. In response, he goes on a freefall to the barrier. Because he is falling at a rapid paste, the creature stops soaring and hovers in place, waiting for the moment to strike.
Mikov stops his freefall right where he is at the exosphere, the tip of the world’s atmosphere. The other two soared down to Mikov’s position. The creature’s eyes began to gleam with excitement. It stops hovering and aerialites to the Skion’s position. It aligns its wings together and creates a twin spear motion with the wings. It began to ascend into the air once more and lock on the three Skion scouts. Qu'tuk notices the creature charging at them.
The creature appears large, has five wings on both sides of its body. But because it is seen as a shadow figure, it is hard to truly make out for what it is. The most notable thing is the eyes, the two slit pupils that may have given its size away. From what the eyes can tell them, this thing is a massive flying behemoth. But would behemoth be the right term, it is rather skinny and slick than hulking and bulking. Rather, this would be some kind of flying serpent like creature with wings rather than gliding scales on the bottom of its body.
The other two then turn to the barrier to see the shadowy figure penetrate the barrier, allowing it to reach out. Their eyes stared shook, their blood ran cold like ice, every breath felt like charcoaled firecrackers. It looked small from the distance, but now, they see… this thing. They are not sure what this thing is. Qu’tuk however, slowly started to bleed out from his eyes and choke from the blood that ran down from his eyes to his mouth.
The other two opened fire at the creature. They used Krakulon Harpoons to potentially stun the creature and keep it away. It stuns enemies by emitting a 100- 1,000,000 volt stun, enough to render an Elder electric Dragonite to its bones. But the harpoons didn’t work, the sun is having no effect on this creature. But rather, the stun effects are reflected back at them, causing the three scouts to have a severe reaction to the electrical volts. However, the volts returned are stronger than  the volts brought from the harpoon.
The creature looked back at its world, never before did it attempt to do such. Many others do try but most all never made it. Perhaps the Celstiontiqunchs’ were but delusional liars made up of those who descended on mad corruption. Last time they were free was when they were frontiering strife from those machines. This barrier was made to keep them out forever, but this? Why, no, more like how, how did it free itself from the barrier? The creature looked at the three Skion scouts. It noticed that one of them still lived after that reflected volt. Trieechii weakly slithered his nearly shut eye towards the creature as he can only see it’s eye. He can’t truly understand what he is seeing. What is this thing? Why is it here? Where is this place? 
The creature simpered one of its right five eyes towards Trieechii, returning attention to Trieechii. It gave off a blank red eye, no pupil or cornea, that shines at Trieechii. Slowly in response, Trieechii began to shake uncontrollably as his mind starts to deteriorate. The creature turns back to its world. Upon returning to it’s world, it notices that the barrier is flickering. With each flicker, the barrier grows weaker and weaker, allowing it to pass through. Could that mean… he is returning? Or is…, it returning? Either way, these questions conflict with the creatures thought processing.
Next, in a faraway land known as Equestria, that has been renamed Pionola; the new leader, Dimeonka, is now leading the ponies. Because of the war, Pikonola is having a hard time and Dimeonka doesn't stray far from the struggle. Dimeonka is a stallion with a black pigment with white red stripes. He is a calm mined pony with a low temper esteem. He likes to point the way to a better world, through extremely dangerous situations that can leave an entire species extinct. He goes through PTSD and is currently on medication. His eyes are brown, mane and tail are blond and he has an arrow piercing a page as a cutie mark.
But what happened to Twilight and her friends? Twilight and the rest of the mane six died in the war. Celestia and Luna died in the depression due to lack of funding and the plague. Discord; after fluttershy’s death, went into depression, which lead him to suicide by making himself fade from existence. Spike is nowhere to be found. In other words, Equestria is in ruins. Lack of funding and something about some powerful demon who always smiles came in and turned the world into a ghost town. The biggest one is a war against a band of space pirates.
The current party runs Equestria is a Brankius party. It is a party where the direction of society is directed by a higher one’s thinking. In other worlds, there is this hidden individual who gives orders to officials and the officials’ synchronize it in their way so this hidden individual won’t be detected. In context, Dimeonka is not the true leader, but a figure to the real one, playing the act whole the hidden one dangles with the puppet strings. However, the figure must 
be a well known selective that must commit an action that will make him forgotten, so he or she or it can remain in power.
Although it works perfectly if done correctly, the political party is heavily flawed. Secretly, everyone fights for that secret leadership, only for everyone to end up killing themselves after obtaining such position. This has been going on for a long time, enough to render Dimeonka to his hoofs and possibly be on everyone’s mercy. But after a long setback, Dimeonka changed somethings to how Equestria’s Brankius party roles. Because of this change, the secret leader has been revealed and executed, and Dimeonka became the true ruler. 
He is a reddish solid color, with short mane and tail that indicates that he has fought an Ursa Major and lived. His eyes are violet with some bloodshot veins indicating bloodshot eyes. He bares a conch shell crest cutie mark, indicating that he likes to decorate things in a ‘counched’ matter. He wears a pair of goggles, the left glass however is slightly cracked but barely noticeable unless you look real hard on it. He stands at 5.7 ft tall and 6.10 ft at length. 
In the castle, a guard is taking a break in the guard headquarters. However, in other worlds there are guards, security, and other personnel or some type of police headquarters with a lone operative taking a break.  Each of them laid down or sat down and rested. However, they heard some type of voice or felt some type of presence. They look around to see nothing, but that insecurity remains. ?They each know something is here, there has to be something here, but what? 
Each of them looks up to see some strange shadowy figure that is staring down at him. Some  didn’t seem concerned that much, some were concerned, most were silenced. Those who didn’t seem concerned, waited for it to do something. Those who were concerned armed themselves or amped their abilities and prepared for a fight. Those who were silenced, couldn’t bare to witness what they are seeing. 
Despite different approaches, they all met the same fate. The ones who were not concerned were an easy picking, allowing the shadowy figure to pounce on them, metaphorically devouring them. Those who were concerned, tried to dispense of it, but all failed in the attempt. Those who were silenced, began to tear with terror. They are returning, they know the time is right. THEY are here, they are… The shadow figure opened its mouth at the silenced guards and…
Shortly after, the guard shows up struggles to stay up as it walks down through the empty halls of their locations. They shook ferociously as if they were frostbitten. Their eyes look bloodshot, their faces reddened with some but not noticeable cuts. Their armor/suit is ragged, cut, and damaged. Their posture is rugged and clearly, the individual(s) struggled to stand.
“Why are you shaking like that and where were you?”, curiously asked the leaders as the guard walks forward. 
The guard stops and tries to speak, but they each fell down in different ways, showcasing a fresh slashes, cuts, or scars, through their bodies, from their head to their feet. Thecuts began to bleed heavily. Some of the cuts even exposed their interior muscles or even their bones. Some of the flesh that are right by the damage started to fall off as the blood began to sprinkle, but for some, it didn’t or did sprinkle again. Their bodies begin to cloud as more blood began to leave their body. 
One section of leaders were not conspicuous of the situation and mildly laughed it off, claiming that the whole thing is an act. Some began to laugh with the leader, while the others try to help the individual. The second cast were curious about what is going on, so they called a medic to figure out what is going on. The third cast rushed to the individual's attention, demanding a medic to aid this individual. However, what they all have in common, is that they were attacked by the same thing. However, each attack on each individual has taken different forms, all depending on the area and species. What could be the cause of such calamity? Is it another terrorist attack or some type of remediation that is randomly unfolding itself to the world. There are enough problems right now, why start a new one?  
Each of the guards were shaking intensely as the cold started to flood their bodies. They all wish they have never seen what each of them have seen, they just want to forget it. But now, their lives are cut short because of this calamity. Was it fate or some sort of interruption? Each withering slowly as the light starts to fade for each of them. Each of the leaders or medics or anyone who was close to the guard asked questions such as, “What happened? Who did this to you? Is this some prank? Who would commit such brutality?” Each of the guards slowly looked up with clouding eyes. 
“He….”, they each weakly mumbled out loud. 
“HEEEEEEE…..Ee.eee--”, each of the guards died out before they could utter a word. 
This info, not enough, but by how each said it, it is as if they have seen something they were not supposed to see. Each of the medics used brain transplants on the guard(s) to translate what they saw. they stick the electrical receivers in the neck part and the neuro receivers in the cranium parts. The medics added the impulses into the victims to get a read of their memories. This is happening through many methods; psychiatric memory manipulation, magic mind reader, anything to figure out what happened.
Back at the throne room, Dimeonka used a mind extract spell to analyze the corners of the guard’s recent memories. This spell only allows Dimeonka to go back to memories that are 72 hours old, or three days to be simplesti. He looked into the mind of the recently deceased guard and found what appears to be a shadowy figure or some type of [phantom that attacked him. It was fast but terminal. It took many forms but what remained was a figment of eye and a spine of teeth. IS that right? A figment of some sort or… something? Dimeonka can’t tell since the memory is starting to fade. But unlike most times, matter of fact, this is the first time anyone’s memory is fading a lot quicker than necessary. 
When Dimeonka stopped his mind trace, he noticed that the body is starting to fade from existence. No seriously, none of that thanos dust or fade like a ghost, fade as if this guard never existed in the first place. Dimeonka took notice as the guard starts to fade away. This method was said to be complete fiction with possibilities such cause being impossible. But seeing the impossible before him, stunned him to the bone. He is speechless on what he has witnessed. Never before had he witnessed such testified death impossibility happen before him. Everyone else who knew about the same theory were also stunned, speechless.
Dimeonka stumbles backwards conflicted, trying to understand what is going on. But has he goes deeper into realisation, he notices that he is slowly beginning to lose his mind. His head pounding, brain cells start to deteriorate and rupture, and his vision starts to blur. He can barely keep it together, this is something that should NOT happen. Begins to hum “whisper of the river” to calm himself down. It is a song that requires you to use leaves for instruments to play it correctly. This song has been used in mediation sessions that he has been taking lately. Though it is hard to play it correctly with the right leaf structure, the result is really soothing. 
The Everyone else is either losing their mind, remained frozen, or quickly assessed the situation and alerted everyone in their high councils about the situation. This isn't just happening to Dimeonka, this is happening to everyone! When each senate or council member got the information, they either doubted or embraced the information. Those who doubted the information either went mad or had some of their own underlings containted. Those who embraced it couldn’t believe what they are hearing and try to reject the information. They can’t bear to hear such information that invalidates the current knowledge that they have. 
Every time something new but unexpectedly large is announced, nearly everyone panics. No one can rest in this time of era with war, terorism, economic deterioration, etc. What else is there to do in these times without having some sort of life or death stress? Is everyone’s struggle in vain, does it have no end? Would there be a moment where everyone can finally rest? Some are indeed dying from overwhelming stress, anxiety, etc. But this uprise, this crosses too many lines. 
Dimeonka then calms himself down and orders three guards to investigate the area. The three guards swifty stampede through the halls to the location where this recently deceased guard was. The iron weight added with every thump on their hoof gave out loud clanging vibrations to the fortress. The stress from the fast pasting stallions causes the armor to start scratch up in some parts. However, this particular armor is constructed by a form of nanometal that regenerates any form of it'setal tissue, as long as the wearer is alive.
"What do you think caused that?", the second guard personifies to everypony. 
"Could be some large creature. Otherwise, something new, maybe not.", the third guard responds hastefully to the second guard. 
Like everyone, they pray for a REAL rest. Everyone is always on alert, no breaks, almost no sleep, and even no repercussions for their physical or mental health. These guards are no different from such unfortunate calamity. The guards have been trained to contain a mind that is solid metal. However, because of the underdeveloped and decaying economy, as well as political corruption that sprung behind places, the guards begath to throttle into corruption as well. Because of such actions being taken to course, the united rail nations stepped in for each local system and suggested robotic guards, but many, including Equestria, declined the offer. 
The guards arrive at the scene of the incident, only to find nothing but debris that originated from the guard and the room storage. The room is about the size of an average size shed. The room can store up to 25 stallions and is one of the new five guard stations that hosts a mini kitchen. This station also holds five beds and has an armor closet that holds different types of armor, all for different purposes. Such example of differentiation is bulk armor is for walls, slim is for scouting and patrols, and weighed is for intense wind resistance. 
They scavenged the room for any clue but no answer. However, there is one clue, on the chair, a giant clawmark that is causing the chair to spaze in and out of existence, trying to render itself and keep itself alive, somehow. One of the guards attempted to touch it, but was stopped by a voice in the guard’s head, telling him not to think about it. I mean, it’s just some anomaly, what can go wrong? These guards are nothing more than mere privates that just entered a militant force. 
During the scavenging, they manage to uncover the guard’s notes, written in a black notebook with stretch marks that have dried tear stains on it.  The pen has been used three days ago and is covered in dry sweat. The notebook has been written on the same day as when the pen has been used. The pen has a metallic but rubbery for it’s build. It is six inches and some damage indicates that this guard chews on his pen. The chew marks indicate healthy but brittle teeth bites. 
Two of the guards looked everywhere but barely any clues to what really happened, other than the claw marks on some places. They turned to the third guard, who has begun to stutter and sweat. His eyes are pinned on what he is reading, something about an unknown force awaiting and some schematics about unreilating and unknown locations. Some of this knowledge… is not even on record. Trojecting seven light years from waypoints outside their own multiverse and pinpointing several stars to constellations that don’t replicate natural shapes. This knowledge...., isn’t theirs or anyones that they know of. 
As much as the guard tries to understand it, he can feel his mind slowly melting as he attempts to see any real meaning in their world. But all of this…it makes no sense, everything is wrong here, it doesn't match up! The guard begins to pant uncontrollably as he thrives deeper and deeper into the pages. Be begins to hear voices, voices that he has never heard of before, or rather voices that maybe no one has ever heard from before. The guard looked around to see if anyone is there, but all he could see was his vision blurring and the two guards looking at him with confusion and scarcse. 
The guard looks up to see a figment of shadows looming above their heads, mumbling things to one another, as well as giving off a glitch like vibration to them every time they revolve around each other. They each can’t be described but they all have multiple appendages on nearly every part of their body, each with their own set of eyes and mouths. The main eyes are large with a set of 2x3. The best they can come up with is some twigs that are strapped down to a large pole and liquefied in some jello maker. The limbs are rather something that a jellyfish would have, something rubery but also slimy and satisfying to touch. 
The guards don’t know what to think about this, al they have in mind is what is happening to the third guard as he starts to swiftly turn the pages frantically and in a frightened motion. He continuously turns his head and eyes as he swarms through every page he looks at. All of it, it is not supposed to make any sense. Everything this guard is reading, it’s all wrong. It’s supposed to be WRONG! None of this is supposed to be true! 
The guard starts mumbling some strange words, in a voice that mirrors that of the shadowy figures that are floating close to the ceiling. The creatures crack down to the third guard, emanating a strangely distortive energy around them that causes all but the shadowy figure’s vision to start blacking out. Is this what that earlier guard experiences, was this the final moments of vision before he passed? Is this, what he saw? What the hell is going on, someone tell them something, tell them something NOW! 
One of the guards, the first guard, ran away from the scene before this blacking out could advance. He can only bare to look back and witness the two fading from existence like that. 
There is no true way to describe the situation that they are in, it is as if they are being erased from their memory. However, despite such feeling of relativity, it is not the exact same. This one guard, named Hipiro, has joined the guard just to get paid and finally make a living, not settle down on unknown anomaly that shatter reality by just being there. 
Hipiro is a low class guard, just like the other two, mostly just so he can make a living out of something. The other two did it for the power and position. Hipiro is 27 year old pegasus who was born with one wing deficiency; a disorder that only gives pegasus one wing instead of two. This deficiency is rare, but it has happened before. It is as rare as obtaining candymarus; a condition where somepony born with candy for body parts. However, one of the largest differences is that one does not almost instantly die days after birth. 
Hipiro runs off to the throne room but before he enters it, he is introduced to a foul odor, fresh but foul and somewhat spicy. When he arrives at the throne room, he only witness what can be described to be gore. What else can be said about witnessing multiple corpses rangolled around and hung from their intestines or any organ of bone of theirs. Their eyes are jotting out with their Sclera and corneas ripped to shreds. Parts of their iris’ are scattered with their pupils mixing with other pupils. The veins of the eyes are mixed with some of the blood puddles that has dried up. Actually, Hipiro is not even sure if the strains are veins or thin tissues of flexible muscle. 
The legs and hoofs are dismembered and dislocated. Their muscle tissue is slowly slithering off as is drips down from the body part is was originally assembled to. Some of the muscle tissue has some bone marrow leaking onto the remains, causing the order more rock and milk like. Some of the bone marrow has protein and fat in it, causing the odor to worsen. The stench when blood starts to rot and bodies began to decompose. But it has barely been an hour and this is happening? What the hell is going on, SOMEONE TELL HIPIRO SOMETHING! 
The flesh that surrounds the torsos have been tangled up in what can be described to be a big pile of cheap spaghetti. Intestines all chews or clawed up and tossed around one another. By some means, some of the dead poses are even individuals who are attempting to return their intestines back in their bodies. Some of the intestines still has depiction in them that are now leaking from the intestines. Some of the stuff wasn't even fully digested ye and it comes out as a brownish liquid that is jet to be become a wet solid based depoture known as poop. Some of the intestines has depiction on the exterior of them. Some have dried up with insects feeding off them and maggots devouring the remnants. 
The livers and kidneys are no different from such fate. They all are torn up and scattered among the throne room. Stomach acid starts to corrode the gallbladder and kidneys. Some of the corroded parts happen to be tongues Some parts of the arteries are penetrating the spleen, and 
thoracic. The stomach acids also increase the smell of the foul odor coming from the remains. Some of the kidneys and livers have become a breeding ground for many insects. This place, nothing but FOUL! 
The heads and tails of the ponies are all what can be described to overlayed flesh just being folded to the point of There is a pony with their stifle being crushed by a spinal cord that is slowly being devoured and covered in slime and mucus by bone worms. The skull is bashed up with parts of the brain dripping out or splattered across a terrain. Their tongues are al dripping out with saliva and blood with their spinal fluids leaking down from their necks. Their teeth brackled and some hung around like decorations. Even their noses were all smashed as if they were compressed by a hydraulic press. 
Hipiro slowly walks in to see everybody rendered down and disemboweled and possibly eaten, al in different ways. He starts to suspect that this has something to do with the shadows that has been circling that guard station. Now that he that he thinks about the shadows, Hipiro begins to wonder; is the other guard, Thundero ok? Is he dead, is he injured, what has happened of him? All of this is rapidly flowing through his mind, making him feel unstable. Too much, so little time, so many weird things going on. He doesn’t know what to do. 
He then hears a rather high pitched joyful but sinisterly unsettling and disturbing laugh, in a voice that he has never heard of before. He looks around to see some of the bodies disappearing, only the blood stains remain of the deceased ponies and stallions. Wait, what happened to Dimeonka; where is he? Has he met the same fate as these unfortunate souls? If anything, what if he evacuated just before whatever happened here? The possibility is medium, he mostly never backed down from a challenge, especially if it threatens his position of power. But if it doesn't me may try to strike a deal with it so there wouldn't be any conflict. 
He then hears a studderosh and petrified voice in the distance. Sounds familiar, rugged and weakened, through a pile of corpses. Out came a hoof, covered in blood but looks as if it were blending in with the fur. The fur color… and how the hoof is shaped, it’s familiar. Hipiro gallops towards the pile of bodies carefully, he doesn't want to trip over the bodies or slip caused by blood puddles. If he did, he would likely end up with serious injuries due to armor added impact which could lead to a concussion or some loss of bone structure or even interior bleeding. 
He arrives at the corpse pile and reached his hof out and led a hoof to this survivor, only to the survivor to be a familiar stallion. 
“Dimeonka?”, Hipiro sharply realizes after he has pulled this stallion out from the pile of corpses. 
Hipiro lifts him out, only to feel vibrations coming from his leg. These vibrations that is intensely being deominstraighted to Hipiro, it is as if something has scared Dimeonka. He has shakes like this at times, however for the shaking to be intense as if he were a vehicle in an extremely rocky road, something has caused him to result in this behavior. Hipiro pulls Dimeonka complete out of the piles and the first thing he witnesses is the sheer horror on his face. Whatever Dimeonka has seen, it must've been out of this word. 
“Hey, Lord Dimeonka!”, Hipiro calls out to his master. 
He then proceeded to tap him, causing his to snap in fright and terror. Hiprio jumped back in shock at what has happened to Dimeonka. Dimeonka looks at Hipiro with petrification as if he has seen something that scarred him for life. Hipiro waves his wing to Dimeonka, but in response, Dimeonka swiftly gallops out of the pile, circles around the room, and back into the pile. 
“WHAT ARE YOU D-D-DOING!?”, frantically squealed the petrified stallion with his body still heavily shaking uncontrollably. 
Hipro jumps in response to his random squealing. Whatever Dimeonka saw, it clearly gave him an impact. Never before has Dimeonka ever acted this way. 
“NEVERMIND WHAT I SAID!”, Dimeonka squeaked and dragged Hipiro into the corpse pile. 
“What are yo-”, Hipiro is interrupted by Dimeonka, shushing him. 
“This world, this isn’t our WORLD! This place, it doesn't… IT DOES NOT BELONG TO US! IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OURS!” , Dimeonka begins to lose it. 
“Lord Dimeonka! Listen to yourself! You don’t know what you are saying!” 
They both then hear some chuckling in the distance. It originates beyond the throne room entrance. The chuckling continuously gives off a vibe as if there are multiple voices there. One childish, one of an adult, one of a lunatic, one of a beast, one of a creature from an unknown world. The walls began to collapse as the bodies began floating in the air, exposing Hipiro and Dimeonka. The roof began to distort as it gave of this glitched or static like sound effect. It is as if reality of collapsing, but for the two, they know it’s more than just a reality split. 
“They are here…”, Dimeonka mumbles in submission. 
“Who?”, Hipiro responds swiftly and mildly frightened, and recognizing the submission in Dimeonka’s voice.  
“They… I don’t know. But they are here. They are here to take what we have become. They are here to reclaim what is theirs.” 
Hipiro glanced at Dimeonka cluelessly; who is… are they? What do they want? Hipiro starts to feel his brain pounding intensely. Each pounding causes him to startle and fall to the ground with immense pain. He recovers but slowly feels the aftermath of the head pounding still taking affect. He remembers something about Dimeonka, before his leadership, he had to be taken in for insanity treatments. Perhaps this was one of the main reasons. He may have been slowly losing his mind over time, likely due to a drastic change of point of view. 
Nothing less, the voices, they slowly creep up closer to the two, causing them to gain goosebumps. The voices echoed through the room and through the halls, but it also gives a feeling that these voices originate more than just one location. Hipiro looks for an exit and notices the open glass figurine window. He charges at the glass figurine, hoping to make an escape and breach into the outside world, escaping this situation. He could take Dimeonka, but given his current situation, his mind is set into submission as he slowly begins to grow unstable. 
He collides with the glass only to be reflected back, not dealing any damage to the glass. This blast sent him back a 1 ½ yards away from the glass. He felt this deflection as if something backhanded him back to his starting point. He looks around to see nothing but Dimeonka scrambling his voice around as he begins to roll around, once again, in submission. Hiprio begins to think, “Who is he really submitting to?” 
A voice called out Hipiro’s name in an unsettling and grooming way. It is as if the plagued sea of stars have begun to spiral in his tounge. The sky begins to twaddle around him as an attempt to slurp some sense into him. The revendius vocality is causing him to stutter and shaking randomly. It is small and barely noticeable; but for the emitter, it is noticeable. The voices begin to cackle out like some ravaging noises, so infamiable, so untamed, it can never be recognized or even puzzled together.  
A shadowy figure begins to loom over the halls, but some of the shadows originate from the windows. The shadows that are originating from the windows cause mass screaming among the new Ponvymania town. A gang related town with a low tolerance for anyone squishy or soft. Ponyvill fell into decay after the Omni war hit Equis. It when out quicker than a rendering siphon. It is peckering with the scent of… mixed frost and sea salt, or so what can be stated. 
  .Hipiro stumbled backwards as the shadows began to surround him, starting with some type of… claw like figure? He is not sure, but what he sees, is a claw of sales that indicate something of reptilian origin. Or… what impracticalities have penetrated his mind? Hipiro then begins to hear Dimeonka screeching some foul and dispensed language, he can’t even understand what Dimeonka is saying. Matter of fact, there has been no recordings of the language that Dimeonka is using. Words that… could not… should not… 
The shadow begins to form, around Hipiro as he preps a Gattatik Val C-3 Machine Gun from his armor. The weapon supports a cooler from the barrel and the ammunition are Slug double F centimeter roundz. One shot from this weapon can send a curl a blue whale to oblivion. The bullets however, are nothing more than a crum, enough for a mouse to feast on. He stands firmly, waiting the the ting to pop out. He feels a hoof dragging upwards on his hind left leg. He turns his neck 157 degrees counterclockwise to find out who is dragging his limb. 
Dimeonka looked at Hipiro with fanaticism in his eyes and sweat. His heavy breath gave a feeling as if he lost it. Hipiro slowly moved his head backwards, away from Dimeonka as he slowly creeped up to his upper torso. Dimeonka reacted to this by pinning Hipiro down on the ground. Dimeonka screamed in submission, demanding the shadow to take them away. 
Hiprio pointed the Gattatik as Dimeonka is he screamed, “I am sorry… I have no choice.” Hipiro fired the gun, instantly ripping Dimeonka in two, scattering his organs and kidneys everywhere. 
The foul scent of deprained blood being spilled fresh as the scaled claw swipes it an ingests it like a…- jellyfish, or a blob like substance. The body of Dimeonka is swiftly ripped apart and dissolved as it was injected by the random gloomy prepotouisms. The liquids from the body began to evaporate as his skin and fur begins to dissolve. The muscles are ripped up and saturated into this smoothie like substance. The bones have been ruptured into… seeds inside of a strawberry shake? The organs and the brain have been shifted in tenderized cuisines in a size of a pill. 
Hipiro thought Dimeonka would die in battle or some kind of disease or assasination attempt. But this, how can it be spelled out? Being eaten alive? Being dissected alive? Being burned or melted alive? Atoms ripped apart? What can it be? What is this thing doing? Is there anything to be said for what Hipiro must bestow? He walks backwards frightened, he rather be hypnotized into being a worthless slave he once was rather than witness this. He felt a pat on the back, it felt scaley, but interestingly smooth and mildly soft. He stops to turn to witness a giant appendage glooming over him… Hipiro slowly increased his voice to produce a scream that he 
could never reach. The thing opened what appears to be opening its… mouth and towered over Hipiro. 
Back at the unknown word, the barrier that surrounds the location begins to raddle. The creatures within the world begin to look up and notice the barrier flickering on and off, rattling intensively. That is when they knew, the barrier, it is dying. One of those creatures… expands its wings and skyrockets in the air. This thing begins to curl into a ball in preparation for potential breach. The creature makes contact with the barrier and it miraculously breaches. The pressure from the breach scatters into the infinite sea for where the starts and beyond lay. The creature uncurls itself and looks back. In response, the creature cries out to the other creatures, informing that the barrier is broken, and descend back into its world once more. 
The creatures responded drastically, screeching and whaling their snarls at every location there is. This was enough to inform the other starry locations and some locations in the…--- infinite sea of stars, where ‘everyone’ thrived. Those who heard such sounds… and paid attention to these foul and unfortunate sounds…, they were all RE-introduced to… what they considered a voice from the reaches beyond the void.  Those who didn’t pay attention, ignored it and moved on. No one could ever guess what has happened.
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miketendo-64 · 7 years ago
Having just watch the same Direct you have, Nintendo’s presentation may not have been as explosive as expected, but DAMN! Smash looks simply incredible and so, because there is a lot to cover, including new fact sheets for Fire Emblem Three Houses and Super Mario Party, here’s a Digest dedicated to catch you up on what you may have missed, starting with a video of the direct:
  Nintendo Smashes E3 with 2018 Lineup, Details About Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:
  Fortnite Arrives Today on Nintendo Switch; New Super Smash Bros., Pokémon Games and Many More All Launching This Year
  LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2018 – Nintendo opened its activities for the annual E3 2018 video game trade show with a bang – and a smash. Showing world-first footage of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo shared details about the latest entry in a series with sales of more than 40 million units worldwide. A new game built for the Nintendo Switch system, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate lets up to eight players square off in action-packed battles that are all about smashing beloved video game characters off the screen. Legendary game worlds and fighters collide in the ultimate showdown at E3 2018, which runs through June 14 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Nintendo made its announcements during its Nintendo Direct: E3 2018 video presentation, which can be viewed at https://e3.nintendo.com. “At E3, we’re showing how Nintendo Switch continues to redefine play, with the broadest range of games people can enjoy together anytime, anywhere,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and COO. “Fans who’ve debated which Super Smash Bros. fighter is the best now have the chance to settle their differences once and for all, pitting familiar faces against fresh challengers on stages both new and old. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, and the arrival of Epic’s Fortnite on Nintendo Switch demonstrate the strong momentum Nintendo Switch continues to have through 2018 and beyond.”
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will include every single fighter ever featured in the series’ nearly two-decade run, making it one of the biggest crossover events in gaming history. Fans can enjoy returning favorites like Ice Climbers and Pokémon Trainer, as well as newly announced fighters like Ridley from the Metroid series and Inkling from the Splatoon series. The game supports a variety of controller options, including Nintendo GameCube controllers (original or newly designed), Joy-Con controllers or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. With Nintendo Switch, players can throw down whenever and wherever they like in Handheld or Tabletop mode while enjoying online play.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate combines many stages and new items, with gameplay that makes it easy for players of all skill levels to jump in. All current Super Smash Bros. series amiibo figures are compatible with the game, and any fighter’s amiibo figure from other series will also be supported. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to launch on Dec. 7, exclusively for Nintendo Switch. It is being developed by Nintendo, Sora, Ltd. and BANDAI NAMCO Studios, and is directed by Masahiro Sakurai.
Nintendo also announced that Fortnite, the Battle Royale phenomenon from Epic Games, is available for Nintendo Switch – TODAY. Players can download it for free from the Nintendo eShop, then test their mettle in thrilling crucibles of combat. The action never stops with Fortnite on Nintendo Switch, where players can build and battle together anytime, anywhere. Team up online with friends in the same room or around the world. Weekly updates and new gameplay modes will keep the action fresh for seasoned Fortnite players and newcomers alike.
At its E3 booth this week in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Nintendo will give attendees their first chance to play Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, two Pokémon games launching for the Nintendo Switch system on Nov. 16 at a suggested retail price of $59.99 each. Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! are a new way to experience Pokémon that lets players adventure with their partner Pokémon in the vibrant Kanto region, discover fresh and exciting Pokémon encounters and Trainer battles, as well as share the adventure cooperatively with a friend anytime, anywhere on one Nintendo Switch system. Players can even transfer Kanto region Pokémon into the game from the Pokémon GO app. These games serve as an entry point to the Pokémon series for newcomers, but they also provide fun and engaging experiences for Pokémon fans of all ages. A new accessory, called Poké Ball Plus, comes with Mythical Pokémon, Mew and is sold separately from the games. Poké Ball Plus includes a pressable analog stick and button, so players can control the new games entirely with the accessory, if they want. Nintendo is announcing two bundles, in which players can get Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! with one Poké Ball Plus at a suggested retail price of $99.99 each.
  Other upcoming items announced during the Nintendo Direct include:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass owners also will gain access to Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country to be released on Sept. 14. In this new story mode, players uncover the full history of Jin and the fall of his homeland, Torna, which existed 500 years before the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This new storyline also will be available as a stand-alone retail package on Sept. 21. Full purchase details can be found at Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country.
Super Mario Party: Inspired by the original Mario Party board game play, the beloved series is coming to Nintendo Switch with new mini-games and play styles that make use of the Joy-Con controllers. Super Mario Party includes features like character-exclusive Dice Blocks that add depth to players’ strategy. Up to four players take turns rolling the dice, and individually race across the board searching for Stars. In Toad’s Rec Room, new gameplay links two games and two Nintendo Switch systems for side-by-side fun. The game launches Oct. 5.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses: A new episode of the Fire Emblem series comes to Nintendo Switch for the first time in spring of 2019. The player can maneuver the main character freely and interact with other characters to build relationships and gather information at various points within the game. This turn-based tactical RPG will put new strategic twists on battling, with formations of troops supporting individual units on the battlefield. Players will get to know three main characters – Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude – who play key roles in the story.
DAEMON X MACHINA: A new fast-paced mech action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Players take their customizable Arsenal powered suit on a variety of missions to thwart the enemy at all costs. They can choose and equip their Arsenal with a multitude of weapons, obtain more from downed enemies and swap them on the fly to suit their strategy in the face of ever-changing threats.
Overcooked! 2: The kitchen mayhem returns in this sequel from Team17 and Ghost Town Games that’s brimming with even more recipes, characters, kitchens and co-op madness. Bake, barbecue or broil with up to three other players in wireless local and online play modes. Save the world from clumsy cooking when the frantic food-juggler arrives on Aug. 7.
Killer Queen Black: Redesigned from the ground up, the acclaimed arcade extravaganza that became a multiplayer phenomenon is coming to Nintendo Switch. Players can hop on a snail, hoard berries or wipe out the enemy’s queen to claim victory for their team in Liquid Bit and Bumble Bear Games’ Killer Queen Black, when it launches first on Nintendo Switch later this year.
Hollow Knight: Venture through the beautifully hand-drawn, mysterious landscapes of a vast forgotten kingdom in Team Cherry’s Hollow Knight, an action-adventure filled with gripping combat and haunting secrets. Hollow Knight on Nintendo Switch also includes the new items, areas, characters and bosses from the currently released contact packs – all available today.
Octopath Traveler: Players can take another early look at Square Enix’s upcoming fantasy epic when the Octopath Traveler Prologue Demo arrives June 14 in Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch. Play the demo, then use the save data transfer feature to carry your choices into the main game, once purchased, where players can live the stories of each of the eight travelers and freely explore the world of Orsterra. Octopath Traveler is scheduled to launch on July 13.
More great games are coming in 2018, including Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dark Souls: Remastered from BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus from Bethesda Softworks, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate from Capcom, EA Sports FIFA 19 from Electronic Arts and Starlink: Battle for Atlas from Ubisoft, which includes characters and content from Nintendo’s Star Fox franchise that are exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
  To celebrate E3 2018, Nintendo eShop will offer savings on select digital games that helped make some of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game’s fighters famous, as well as other great digital games on Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. The sale kicks off on June 14 at 9 a.m. PT, and runs until 8:59 a.m. PT on Thursday, June 21. The full listing of digital games on sale will be posted to https://e3.nintendo.com/ sale on June 14 at 9 a.m. and can be purchased directly from the website for download or in Nintendo eShop.
As always, people can keep an eye on https://e3.nintendo.com for all of Nintendo’s latest E3 updates, including today’s Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018 and the final round of the Splatoon 2 World Championship, and lots of gaming details on Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2018.
  Last but not least, Nintendo has also provided a bunch of screenshots for various things, which you can see below:
  Source: Nintendo PR
#NintendoDirect #E32018 Digest: #SuperMarioParty, #SuperSmashBrosUltimate and More – June 12, 2018 Having just watch the same Direct you have, Nintendo’s presentation may not have been as explosive as expected, but…
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theonyxpath · 7 years ago
This is a card illustration from Fetch Quest, our family-friendly game of exploring the Realms of Pugmire. Fetch Quest‘s Kickstarter funded in less than a day, and one of the reasons we are running the KS is to enable us to have the coinage to add even more new card art, like this one.
You’ll also note that we’re calling it “family -friendly”, to suggest that all ages could enjoy and understand the game. Rather than say that it’s just for kids, because, you know, it’s not.
We’re also making sure to say that the game is set in the Realms of Pugmire as opposed to just pushing Pugmire itself. There’s a logical reason, which is that we don’t know where all the Quests and their missions might take place in the setting. In the Kingdom of Pugmire is a bit different than in the wilds outside the kingdom, after all.
But we also want to use Stretch Goals to expand the game to include the cats from the Monarchies of Mau, and maybe even other uplifted animal explorers. Collectively, Mau and the other areas of the setting go together with the Kingdom of Pugmire to be collectively called the Realms of Pugmire.
You’ll continue to see us (Onyx Path and Pugsteady) release and license other projects under the Realms of Pugmire banner as we get more and more cool projects arranged for and created.
    Monarchies of Mau‘s Aeris von Angora illustration by Shen Fei.
    Last Friday’s Onyx Pathcast weekly release featured a fascinating behind-the-scenes interview with Trinity Continuum poobah and Bloodlines fanatic Ian A. A. Watson, and this week please check out the Terrific Trio of Eddy Webb, Dixie Cochran, and Matthew Dawkins bantering as usual while covering the general subject of the steps we go through to create our projects. The Production Process in the lingo.
If you ever wanted to hear how we make our games entertainingly explained step by step, and who hasn’t really?, download the Onyx Pathcast podcast on Friday at noon-ish from your favorite podcast provider or straight from Podbean, here: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Also, let the gang know who you’d like to hear them interview – you can relay your choice(s) right here in the comments, and we’ll see who they can arrange to talk with.
    Dragon-Blooded illustration by Priscilla Kim
    Finally, I ran across an interesting take on the side-benefits of Community Content sites, like our own Canis Minor for Pugmire, and Slarecian Vault for Scarred Lands, besides the overt one of allowing creators in our community to be able to publish, and get paid for, their own projects set in these worlds.
When you put up your own project, you’re essentially putting out a paid audition piece if you’re interested in actually doing official work for the company. We’re definitely looking at our Community Content creators to see if they have what we need in our freelancers. You might just see some of those names in official projects pretty soon, if you haven’t already.
It’s not guaranteed, of course, but in the various tips and tricks folks use to get professional work, Community Content is a new arrow in the quiver. Plus, because both Scarred Lands and Pugmire use the D&D5e ruleset as a base, you’re not only just auditioning for us, but for any 5e publisher out there, and there are a lot of them.
    EX3‘s Iron Siaka illustrated by Melissa Uran.
    So there you go. Hope you are all well, and enjoying all the different ways we prove that we’re roaring into the future with:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Fetch Quest, the adventure card game set in the Realms of Pugmire went live last Tuesday, May 22 and funded in under a day, and now we’re over 250% funded and are working on Stretch Goals that add a group of cats from the Monarchies of Mau to the game as alternative adventurers.
This is definitely a game that needs to be spread by word of mouth, so please let your friends and family know about this game of good dogs (and cats!) out to fetch what Man has left behind!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
  This is our monthly release week for our ongoing series of PDF releases for Exalted 3rd Edition, and we have the Barrow Hound and Devilstone for Hundred Devil’s Night Parade, and Iron Siaka for Adversaries of the Righteous. This Wednesday on DTRPG.com!
      For the first time since it was originally published, we now have the Champions of the Scarred Lands fiction anthology as a physical book, available as a PoD on DTRPG: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/3317/Champions-of-the-Scarred-Lands
Matthew Dawkins, Steffie de Vaan, and Mighty Matt McElroy will be at the UK Games Expo this week running games and talking shop with fans and retailers.
Prep is also underway for Gen Con 2018 in August, which takes place in Indianapolis, IN. In addition to our booth presence, be sure to check out the games and panels in the Gen Con Event Schedule.
From Fast Eddy Webb, we have these:
Eddy will be speaking at Broadleaf Writers Conference (September 22-23) in Decatur, GA. He’ll be there to talk about writing for interactive fiction, and hanging out with other writers who have far more illustrious careers. http://broadleafwriters.com/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference/3rd-annual-broadleaf-writers-conference-speakers/
Eddy will also be a featured guest at Save Against Fear (October 12-14) in Harrisburg, PA. He’ll be running some Pugmire games, be available for autographs, and will sometimes accept free drinks. http://www.thebodhanagroup.org/about-the-convention
If you are going and want to meet up, let us know!
    And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
C20 Players’ Guide (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Dog and Cat Ready Made Characters (Monarchies of Mau)
Adventures for Curious Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Fetch Quest (Pugmire)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
Guide to the Night (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
Wraith 20 – Matthew checking final layout, then to Indexing.
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Scion Hero – Last art notes and contracts being sent.
Trinity Continuum 
Geist 2e
The Realm
M20 Gods and Monsters
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – Wave 2 art in progress
Promethean Night Horrors: The Tormented – Vince is doing the fulls. Leblanc is gonna do the cover.
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Wraith 20 Screen – I’ll pull this together now that the errata is done.
Fetch Quest – Will make any changes/adds after KS.
EX3 Dragon Blooded – Firming up layout and tweaking some backgrounds.
Scion Origin – PDF almost ready for in-Onyx review.
Changeling: the Lost 2 – Meghan has the proof.
Wr20 Guide for Newly Departed – Art should be in this week.
  At Press
V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary & Beckett Screen & V20 Dice – At fulfillment shipper, prepping for KS ship-out.
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – Shipping from fulfillment shipper. PDF and PoD physical book versions on sale at DTRPG.
Prince’s Gambit – At fulfillment shipper, prepping for KS ship-out.
Scion Dice – At fulfillment shipper.
SL Champions of the Scarred Lands Anthology PoD – PoD on sale this week at DTRPG.
Cavaliers of Mars – Errata gathering on Backer PDF.
Boggans – Errata gathering on Backer PDF.
Monarchies of Mau – Backer PDF should go out to backers Thursday.
  TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: Memorial Day is today in the US. Although we at Onyx Path don’t have it off, as evidenced by our usual Monday Meeting and Blog today, we still give thanks to those who paid the ultimate price for their service.
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ramajmedia · 6 years ago
Margot Robbie Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses
Margot Robbie got her big break in 2008 on the Australian soap opera Neighbours. In the decade since she nabbed the role, Robbie has another two dozen roles under her belt, and she's also started her own production company.
RELATED: Emma Watson Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
The actress has a wide array of characters on her resume. Robbie played everything from a figure skater to a comic book villain in recent years. Among those characters, she certainly has a penchant for ambitious women with a cunning attitude. Should these Robbie roles find themselves under the Sorting Hat at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts house, many would find themselves in Slytherin...but certainly not all. Here are Margot Robbie Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses.
10 Tonya Harding (I, Tonya): Slytherin
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Inspired by the real life of figure skater Tonya Harding, much of I, Tonya’s story comes from conjecture and rumor. What fans do see of Tonya in the movie however, makes her an easy sort into Slytherin.
Tonya had great ambition. Fostered by her mother, Tonya dreamed of being the best skater in the world ever since she was only three years old. She worked hard to get there, making her a candidate to be a Hufflepuff, but her repeated scheming to get an edge over her competition proved she didn’t always play fair. In fact, the nature of the story shows that both she and her ex-husband were unreliable narrators, making it hard to tell if everything the character says in the movie is the truth. 
9 Jane (The Legend Of Tarzan): Ravenclaw
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The Legend Of Tarzan picked up after Tarzan met Jane and lived in England. The duo didn’t stay put, but instead traveled back to the Congo.
Jane admittedly doesn’t get a lot to do in the movie. More often than not she’s in a position where she needs to be rescued. However, that doesn’t mean Jane isn’t one smart cookie. Jane is someone who comes from a wealthy background, but she isn’t satisfied by staying inside her safe bubble. Instead, she wants to learn more about the world. That’s why she has no problem leaving England behind to raise a child in a small, remote village. She makes it into Ravenclaw due to her curious nature and her enduring love of learning new things.
8 Jess (Focus): Slytherin
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The film Focus is about a pair of con artists who fall in love. When a swindler is at the center of the story, it’s hard to imagine they would fall into any house other than Slytherin.
Though Margot Robbie’s character Jess is a quick study who wants to learn more about this criminal world, and she’s as hardworking as they come, she doesn’t quite fit into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Likewise, her bravery is often borne out of necessity, where she uses her skills to trick those in her way. Her ambitions of wealth and happiness, as well as her ability to lie and steal, fall right in line with Slytherin.
7 Celine (Suite Francaise): Hufflepuff
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Though Michelle Williams is the star of Suite Francaise, Margot Robbie has a supporting role. Like Williams’ character, Robbie’s Celine falls for a German soldier occupying their small French town during World War II.
Celine is from a poor farming family. With all of her brothers off to war, she is the one who spends most of her time working the farm. She supports her family and believes in fairness. As a result, she harbors growing resentment toward the wealthy women in town who don’t have to work to support their family. Ultimately, Celine’s a firm Hufflepuff.
6 Sharon Tate (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood): Gryffindor
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Though her lines are few, her presence is strong in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. This fictionalized account of history sees Robbie bring actress Sharon Tate to life.
RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Times Neville Longbottom Was The Bravest Gryffindor
It’s tempting to sort Sharon into Hufflepuff with her work ethic and her strong circle of friends. However, Tate belongs in Gryffindor. Her bravery isn’t the traditional dragon-slaying type, but instead is that of a certain vulnerability that comes with being an actress in the '60s. Tate seeks the spotlight the same way Gryffindors seek out heroics. After all, she attends a movie hoping the theater employees will recognize her from the screen.
5 Annie (Terminal): Slytherin
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Terminal splits its time between several different stories, but uniting them all is Robbie’s character Annie. Annie is a woman of many faces and has one very important goal, which is why she’s sorted into Slytherin.
Annie works as a waitress by day, but she’s an assassin by night. Easily able to fit in anywhere, Annie can also get anyone to trust her, which is their mistake to make. Her goal is one held by a lot of people in her profession: revenge. She spends the movie putting the pieces into place with diabolical glee that fuels her desire.
4 Laura Cameron (Pan Am): Hufflepuff
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Before Margot Robbie became known for her big budget movies, she landed a role in the short-lived series Pan Am. Set in 1963, the show followed a group of stewardesses. Robbie played the younger sister of a veteran stewardess who was new to the job.
RELATED: Hogwarts Houses Of Kristen Stewart Characters
Laura began the series as naive and clinging to her big sister after feeling guilty for calling off a wedding. Not wanting to make waves, Laura tried her best to keep the peace and be on her best behavior. She found a solid connection to the other women at work while she getting to explore the world. Laura couldn’t be anything other than a Hufflepuff.
3 Charlotte (About Time): Slytherin
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The main focus of About Time is a young man who learns he can travel to his own past any time he wants. A small part of that man’s story is Charlotte, and she is Margot Robbie’s big screen debut.
At first glance, Robbie’s Charlotte appears to be easygoing and fair, a candidate for Hufflepuff. Charlotte lets Tim down easy twice via time travel. But when she meets up with him again years later, she shows no concern for his unhappy sister, who is supposedly her close friend. Likewise, she abandons her own friend on the off chance that Tim will spend the night with her. Her flippant attitude and lack of loyalty makes the Sorting Hat lean toward Slytherin.
2 Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad): Hufflepuff
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There’s a tendency among pop culture fans to sort villains into Slytherin. After all, the Harry Potter novels like to remind readers that it’s the house of most evil wizards. However, not all villains have the same motivations, and sometimes a villain isn’t strictly a villain. Harley Quinn certainly doesn’t fit into Slytherin.
Though she can be manipulative at times, Harley isn’t particularly calculating or cunning. Instead, much of her motivation stems from loyalty. Despite the way he treats her, Harley holds steadfast to her relationship with the Joker. Likewise, she doesn’t completely abandon the Suicide Squad when given the chance. Instead, she tries to motivate them all to be the good guys for once.
1 Naomi Lapaglia (The Wolf Of Wall Street): Slytherin
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No list of Margot Robbie roles would be complete without her breakout performance in The Wolf Of Wall Street.  
She plays Naomi, the kind of person who sees what she wants, and lets nothing get in her way to achieve it. She gets Leonardo DiCaprio’s Jordan to leave his wife and devote his fortune to her. Like Jordan, there aren’t many lines Naomi won’t cross if she knows they’re a means to an end. Naomi’s scheming and ambition makes her a Slytherin, just like her onscreen love interest.
NEXT: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, There Were Margot Robbie’s 10 Best Roles
source https://screenrant.com/margot-robbie-characters-sorted-hogwarts-houses-harry-potter/
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userwithnoname · 8 years ago
ive played skyrim before and liked it an a friend recommended dragon age but i dont know which one i should pick
Hm… this is still a little bit complicated, so I’m going to put another cut here just because it gets a little long.
tl;dr Your friend was probably talking about Inquisition, and while I recommend you start with Origins, Inquisition’s not a bad game to jump in with.
If Skyrim is your only basis for comparison, then I think your friend was recommending for you Dragon Age: Inquisition. I was in a very similar place when I started playing Dragon Age: had just beat Skyrim for the thousandth time, was getting bored and didn’t know how to mod my game, so I started looking at Steam recommendations. However, I had a bit of a buffer. Steam recommended me Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, which is a pretty good game, but not quite what I was looking for.
What Skyrim lacked to me was character involvement. That isn’t to say there aren’t good characters, but they are limited and of the companions you’re given, they have little to do with the actual story and almost no involvement other than one quest here or there. Kingdoms of Amalur is similar to Skyrim in terms of story and gameplay, and if you liked Skyrim’s open-world and hack’n’slash combat, you’ll like Kingdoms.
To that end, Dragon Age is a pretty logical leap from either of those. But I can see where it would get confusing. The games are both reliant upon each other, yet can contradict each other horribly. When most people talk about Dragon Age. they’re referring to Inquisition because it’s the newest game to come out in the series. But as I mentioned, there are three games in total, not counting Awakening or Heroes of Dragon Age.
There’s no easy way to do this, so I’ll do a brief description then a (personal) pros and cons to each game before talking about the flaws the series has on a whole.
(Disclaimer: I am not a games reviewer or expert in any sense, these are personal opinions so take them with a grain of salt.)
Dragon Age: Origins (DA:O):
The first game in the series, DA:O focuses on the Warden or Hero of Ferelden. Without getting too much into the story, it heavily focuses on the arc of your character and the story that unfolds, allowing you a range of choices and quests that help keep replaying the game from getting boring.
Personalized character backstory.
Character creation is interesting.
Pretty backgrounds (for the time).
Pausing combat doesn’t interrupt the flow of combat too much.
Gameplay is pretty straightforward and intuitive (at least on PC).
A lot of dialogue options.
Just enough side quests to pad out the story without distracting from the main quests.
Quest timing options.
Gifts to fix things if you mess up the dialogue options and can’t reload a save (they have diminishing returns, so be wary).
Companion options–don’t like someone? Kick them out of the party!
Weapon and armor options–spell casting doesn’t work well for this, but most weapons and armor aren’t class restricted.
Main character has no voice acting.
Clunky animations. Like… mages in particular just stand there and point a staff in the air and sometimes wave their hand.
Sometimes confusing leveling mechanics.
Too much Codex stuff too fast.
Focuses a little too much on Alistair romance (even if I love him) and not much on the other characters.
Dialogue options can be hard to understand–this was before Bioware got their choice menu properly sorted out.
Will probably never see the Warden/Hero ever again no matter what they accomplish.
No armor modifications, only giving runes to some weapons.
Repetitive environments.
Limited romance options.
Dragon Age II (DA II):
As the name implies it is second in the series, focusing on Hawke, the eventual Champion of Kirkwall, and has only a little to do with Origins. Not a direct sequel, DA II is very disputed across the fandom, and could have been handled better in general. Bioware changed their story-telling rhythm in this, instead breaking it up into 3 acts rather than major quests you can pick and choose the order of.
New main quest each Act that focuses on Hawke as a person.
Combat animation feels involved and fluid–you’ve upgraded from a person standing to actual fighting.
Hide hats option in menu.
Main character is voice acted now–yay!
Fixed the dialogue options so it’s not as confusing.
Dog is no longer a party member, so you have a back up you can summon if shit hits the fan.
Gives you a junk slot in your inventory so you know what you can sell.
Rival and Friendship system make it so you can hate someone you need and still keep them in your party.
Rival and Friendship system make it so you can romance someone even if you don’t particularly like them.
Rival and Friendship system also, unfortunately, can lead to weird things happening in the story unless you go all out one way or another.
Cannot have a set team you use all the time unless you’re willing to possibly lose a few companions *coughs*Isabela*coughs*. Characters must be rotated out on quests if you want to get Friendship/Rivalry where it needs to be.
Specific, limited gifts that are easy to miss.
Confusing leveling mechanics.
The fuck did they do to the elves in this one?
Almost no interaction from anything in DA:O.
The screen layout got worse.
Facial animations (specifically eyebrows and mouth) are sometimes horrifying.
Character relationships are harder to manage.
Spend more time thinking about who you want on what quest than you probably should.
Romances are weirdly broken up in this one.
Armor picked up can only be worn by Hawke.
Please. Just let me romance Varric.
Combat animations are a little over the top and unrealistic.
Story makes it feel like your actions only effect Kirkwall, but actually end up effecting the whole world.
Race options–it forces you to play as a human.
Very repetitive environments.
Background is glanced over and explained away with no interaction.
Sibling death.
Dragon Age: Inquisition (DA:I):
The baby of the series, the most recent game and prettiest overall. DA:I has way more options in just about everything in comparison to the previous two games. You play as the Herald of Andraste, eventually becoming Inquisitor.
That character creation tho.
Armor and weapon creation and customization.
Fixed elves appearances–no longer aliens.
Races now have different body types.
Fixed the combat ratio of fluidity to excessive.
Open world.
Actually get a horse/hart/dracolisk/freakishly large nug to ride this time.
Voice options (only two, but that’s one more than DA II and two more than DA:O).
Way more companion options.
Can play as a qunari.
Interesting cameos from companions in DA:O and DA II.
Cool search mechanic.
HUGE map.
More romance options.
Don’t have to play Origins or II to get the story-type you want, just log in to Dragon’s Keep and fill out some stuff.
Screw attributes completely.
The hair. For everyone, but mostly qunari.
Undermines other choices in previous games.
Ooh… you might wanna get that hand looked at, buddy.
Hardens companion from DA:O regardless of actual choices in game.
Cut scene animation is a little weird sometimes.
Save files corrupt so quickly.
Sudden retconning of Dalish facts and changes the way mages are handled by the Dalish.
Main character disappearances.
Needs DLC in order to get the “real” ending.
Does not mod easily.
Bugs with animation and placement.
Doesn’t feel like a solid story ending, regardless of DLC.
You know those helpful numbers and bars we had to measure friendship in DA II and DA:O? Fuck ‘em. Don’t need ‘em. Oh, but likability is still being measured by the game, just not visibly.
Fuck gifts, too.
No more healing spells.
Oh, and let’s limit the number of healing items you can carry at once.
And we can’t make it too easy to make money, either.
Random loot is incredibly buggy.
Weapons/armor now class coded.
Gameplay takes some getting used to on the PC.
Screw attributes completely.
And that’s not including Awakening and Heroes of Dragon Age, which I am not discussing in this post.
Now, despite what you might think after that, I love these games.
They just… have their issues.
They pull a “Supernatural” on us, if you will. Each game, the enemy somehow gets bigger and badder. In the first one, you’re trying to stop the Blight and save your home, which is already a big feat. In the second one, you end up causing a civil war across multiple countries (even if it doesn’t feel so big at the time). In Inquisition, you have to save at least three countries at once, and in the fourth it looks like you’re going to have to save the world.
Each game focuses on a new protagonist, which is great in that it means a fresh new take on each challenge and new characters, but it really, really sucks in that it feels like you’re leaving a story unfinished. I mentioned we’ll probably never see the Warden in-game again and it’s been confirmed by Patrick Weekes, the lead writer for DA (I’d put a link here, but I can’t find it right now). This is mainly because the story has moved on from the Warden, but also because importing a Warden from DA:O to any new DA game would be almost impossible from a technical standpoint. While this is sad, it’s understandable from a story standpoint. But this method wasn’t what fans were expecting when DA II came out.
Which is probably the biggest reason for all the hatred towards DA II. It was marketed as a sequel to DA:O, and people kind of automatically thought of it as a direct sequel, mostly because the only other RPG series Bioware had running was Mass Effect and that’s what happened there. But it didn’t happen with DA II. Instead, we were given a new hero with new goals, no familiar companions and in a place DA:O didn’t even mention. Other than a few cameos, a couple characters, and a mention every now and then, there was nothing from DA:O in DA II.
And that’s really Dragon Age’s biggest problem. Playing DA II, it makes it feel like all those choices you made in Origins were insignificant (which on a scale they were). And Inquisition didn’t fix this. In fact, in some ways, it made it worse. It gave Hawke and the Warden more stories, which isn’t a bad thing, but it took your characters and tried to generalize your Warden and your Hawke into The Warden and The Hawke. Imagine you’d been given a choose-your-own-adventure book and the first two chapters are about one character, and then the next two about another, and so on and so forth. But in each of these chapters, you get glimpses of the previous characters doing other things in the same world. No interaction, no conclusiveness, just your character doing things that your character might not do. You have no control of the character whose choices are supposed to be yours after those two chapters are done.
Basically: for the story, with the way they’ve set it up, it forces you to bond to a character that you create but only briefly glimpse into their lives before someone else takes over. Yet instead of divorcing entirely from said character, the shorter timeline forces the heroes to interact in some capacity that we’ll never get to see. Varric is the perfect example of this. DA II is set up in a way that you know Varric will have to be involved in Inquisition. But after people started really liking him and the general backlash of DA II, Bioware couldn’t kill him off and couldn’t send him away. So they gave him a minor role in Inquisition and then retired him.
They do this again with the Inquisitor. The way DA:I ends left many fans to believe DA4 had to continue as the Inquisitor; after all it didn’t feel like the Inquisitor’s story was finished and the next Big Bad had been hinted at being kind-of their fault. But we’ve already been told that DA4 will not star the Inquisitor–instead, their story is supposedly done and the only chance we have of their involvement is probably a letter, a cameo, or as an advisor. That’s if Bioware doesn’t kill them.
Once again, they put away another character when it feels like they should still be involved, thus reducing the choices made in the previous games by an even smaller margin. Bioware takes a character you made, tells you their story is over when it feel like it’s just starting, then takes control of them.
The solution?
The Elder Scrolls series actually does a pretty good job at doing the same thing–by spreading the events out. I get that the whole name of the series is focused on a hundred year margin, but that’s still a hundred years for you to spread events out. Over the course of three games, only about 10-20 years have passed. DA:O takes place over the course of 1-2 years, maximum. DA II takes place over 7. And DA:I is about 2-5 (depending on if you count Trespasser), with a short gap between II and Inquisition.. That’s a lot of shit to happen over such a short time.
Give the games space. Let them breathe. Let the actions of the Warden fade as time passes, not lie ignored by NPCs just because it’s hard to account for all the choices. Let the stories have their own weight before you stack the other on, and maybe don’t rely to much on rapid storytelling.
And that really went off on a tangent, sorry.
Simply put, the games have their own flaws. If you have the money and prefer a newer-looking game and have the system to handle it, I recommend Dragon Age: Inquisition to start off. Being able to control the world through your choices in Dragon’s Keep gives you a good idea of previous stories without having to play them, while still preserving the themes from the series.
(But oh my god save frequently. Save every few minutes. And stagger save, too, don’t just save over old files because that shit corrupts EASY.)
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smallblacksquare · 6 years ago
Switch Online: Nintendo Entertainment System, sorted and semi-ranked
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Switch Online hasn’t been a people pleaser, but since its launch in September, members have seen its collection of classic NES games grow into a legitimate library. Currently, the list contains 19 of the NES Classic Edition’s 30 games; another 16 are service-exclusive.
At this point, any fan of that nostalgic gray box can’t complain about what’s on offer — true classics, lost ones, and curiosities abound. In fact, the number of games is unwieldy enough now that some tidying up of those digital shelves is in order.
Here are my recommendations for how to organize that growing list of games, using some categories to provide structure and guide you toward the gold.
First row: Super Mario games
As of February, Switch Online offers all three NES Super Mario Bros. titles. These games are compulsively playable, full of charm, and bona fide historic objects. Stick them at the top of your screen.
Second row: puzzle games
Maybe they’re just hiding in the Switch’s ballooning catalog, but addictive and simple puzzle games feel in short supply on a system that’s ideal for them.
Luckily, Switch Online has one of the genre’s best examples, Dr. Mario. Three more games join that masterpiece: Yoshi, a passable match-three with a stacking mechanic; Adventures of Lolo, which features Zelda-like puzzle rooms and an adorable blue ball for a protagonist; and Wario’s Woods, an insidiously addictive and deep match-three game starring Toad. (You’ll be thankful for the app’s built-in save state feature as you climb that game’s ladder.)
Third row: stone-cold classics
This is where the list starts to get subjective, but I believe that the following five games deserve to be in your next tier.
Donkey Kong is a seminal game that’s still fun to fire up; a ramble through The Legend of Zelda’s world of Hyrule is worth it for any gamer; River City Ransom is the best beat-‘em-up from the 8-bit days, with RPG elements that add some robustness; Ninja Gaiden awaits anyone up for an unforgiving action platformer; and Kirby’s Adventure is the perfect pleasant palate cleanser, if you haven’t broken your Joy Cons conquering Ninja Gaiden.
Fourth row: flawed classics
The next eight games represent, for me, much of what gives the NES its character — games that have a few loose bolts or bland spots, but balance them with brilliance and bald-faced fun. (I can see anyone swapping or scooting a few of these up a row, based on preference.)
• Excitebike • Gradius • Solomon’s Key • Metroid • Blaster Master • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link • Kid Icarus • StarTropics
Fifth row: multiplayer games
Many fond console memories are made with others. Switch Online serves up plenty of the NES games that excelled at these special moments — so clobber your siblings, best your spouse, and pick Bo Jackson’s Oakland team before your buddy does.
• Balloon Fight • Double Dragon • Ice Hockey • Mario Bros. • Pro Wrestling • Tecmo Bowl • Super Dodge Ball • NES Open Tournament Golf
Sixth row: other stuff
Every barrel has a bottom. These games, sadly, represent the dregs of Switch Online’s NES offerings. From early “Black Box” games to clunky arcade ports, these games can be safely avoided by all but the super curious (or bored).
• Baseball • Ghosts’n Goblins • Ice Climber • Soccer • Tennis • Mighty Bomb Jack • TwinBee
Last row: SP versions
A fun but ultimately lightweight idea that Nintendo has indulged is the inclusion of “special” versions. They range from late-game checkpoints for Metroid and Dr. Mario to Game Genie-esque hacks of Zelda 1 and Gradius. Fit these experiments into a single row.
• • •
And that’s how I currently organize my Switch’s NES app. Doing so is easy, with one button press allowing you to drag games to the positions you prefer. And thanks to the app’s playful scaling of box art, this suggested layout will make the best games stand out.
As I spend more time with these games, my wish list for the service grows. (Nintendo, let us hide titles and give us more display options!) But even if Switch Online feels bare-bones and underbaked, you shouldn’t write off this treasure trove, especially as it gathers a few jewels every month.
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esonetwork · 5 years ago
Why being a geek brings me joy, even in uncertain times
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/why-being-a-geek-brings-me-joy-even-in-uncertain-times/
Why being a geek brings me joy, even in uncertain times
I was planning to spend this weekend getting ready for Planet Comicon, the regional geek convention my dad and I look forward to attending together every year. If you’ve never heard of Planet Comicon, I’m always happy to help promote it — it’s a fantastic mid-sized con that draws about 60,000 people to Kansas City, Missouri, every year. They have great vendors, celebrity guests, and cosplayers.
With the event originally scheduled to begin March 20, my goal for this weekend was to start packing all my cosplay supplies, put some final finishing touches on my costumes, and run to the store for any last-minute items I needed.
Then yesterday, Planet Comicon organizers announced the con was going to be postponed to an undetermined date, due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus. I’d tried to mentally prepare myself that this announcement was likely coming (in light of other major events being cancelled around the country and the globe), but the news still hit me pretty hard.
For many geeks, a con is more than just an event — it’s a place where you can cut loose and fully celebrate your geekiness. It’s like a gigantic gathering of family and friends who are as passionate about pop culture as you are. I’ve really gotten into cosplay the last couple of years, and it brings me so much joy to wear my costumes to cons.
Planet Comicon was the only con I was planning to attend this year, and I know I’ll be sad about its cancellation for quite some time. But this post isn’t going to be all about that.
There’s a lot of fear, stress, and uncertainty right now, and while some might say it’s naïve to focus on the positive, I personally find comfort in reflecting on what’s good and what I still have to be thankful for. We’re all worried about how our lives may or may not be impacted in the coming months, so I wanted to take some time and put together a post about how being a geek brings me joy.
While many public events are being cancelled or postponed this spring, I’m thankful for all the great comic con experiences I’ve had in the past. I attended my first major con in 2017 — shout-out again to Planet Comicon! I didn’t cosplay that time, but by the end of the day I really wished I had. I was definitely hooked on cons, and I’ve attended Planet Comicon every year since.
In 2018 I got to attend Dragon Con and meet many members of the ESO family. I had an awesome time, and looking back over all the pictures I took always makes me smile.
As a long-time Star Wars fan, going to Star Wars Celebration in Chicago in 2019 was a once-in-lifetime experience. I felt like I was walking on a cloud the whole time I was there, completely surrounded by wonderful Star Wars geekiness and positivity. I got to meet several of my favorite Star Wars authors and get some books signed. I’ll never forget that weekend!
Something else that I’ve been thinking about as lots of cons and events get cancelled is that many local artists, authors, crafters, etc. rely on these cons as a source of income. I try to buy some new geek artwork every time I go to a con. If a con you were planning on attending got cancelled, I’d recommend looking up some of the vendors who were going to be there and supporting an indie creator by buying something online instead.
One of my other favorite geek activities is going to the movies, and I’m not sure how the spring/summer release dates of certain upcoming movies will be impacted (“A Quiet Place Part II,” the live-action “Mulan” and the next Fast and the Furious movie have already been delayed). So, this is a good time to dust off that Netflix queue of movies/TV shows you’ve been wanting to watch but just haven’t gotten around to.
Some of the best movies I’ve watched this year actually aren’t new releases — I’ve really been enjoying watching movies for my (shameless self-promotion alert!) “Better Late than Never…goes west!” blog series about Westerns. I’m going to really miss going to the theater for a while here, but there’s still plenty of good stuff to watch and discuss with other geeks.
Finally, since we’re all going to be spending more time at home than we’re probably used to, now is also a great time to get creative. Start a cosplay project. Make a new craft. Learn how to draw or paint. Write that story idea you’ve been chewing on for a while.
Maybe you’re not an expert. Maybe you don’t really think of yourself as an artist/writer/etc. But don’t censor yourself just because your work isn’t perfect. If creating brings you joy, then by all means, create!
I bought this Rey crochet pattern on Etsy, and I’m looking forward to giving it a try.
Stay safe out there, everyone — don’t forget to wash your hands, and may the Force be with you!
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ao3feed-tywin · 5 years ago
My Current & Upcoming Projects
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RCaFDm
by Try_Defying_Gravity
This is to keep track of information for both current and upcoming project so I can keep all my thoughts sorted out straight and for my readers to know what is coming down the pipeline in the next few months. I really enjoy fan input and ideas in my works. Initially I thought to keep this list on my profile, but since I enjoy reader input, creating a “project” for it allows for readers to comment, suggest ideas they’d like to see, etc. I looove suggestions for things people would like to see happen or any other reader input
Words: 1668, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Direwolf | Direwolves, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Roslin Frey, Brynden Tully, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Dany's Dragons, Original Characters, Lysa Tully Arryn, Hoster Tully, Petyr Baelish, Jon Arryn, Willas Tyrell, Alerie Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Leonette Fossoway, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Aegon VI Targaryen, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen, Rhaella Targaryen, Elia Martell, Barristan Selmy, Arthur Dayne, Maester Luwin, Rodrik Cassel, Theon Greyjoy, Grey Worm, Missandei (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Myrcella Baratheon/Robb Stark, Roslin Frey/Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Joffrey Baratheon/Sansa Stark, Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Jon Arryn/Lysa Tully Arryn, Sansa Stark/Willas Tyrell
Additional Tags: Reader Input, Reader Participation, Current Projects, Future Projects, What Do You Want to See?, Ideas welcome
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RCaFDm
0 notes
businessleadermagazine · 7 years ago
Superheroes and Nostalgia Drive Warner Bros. Social Video Strategy
Since 1923, Warner Bros. has been one of the leading entertainment brands in the film and television industries. Founded by four brothers whose family had emigrated to Canada from present-day Poland, Warner Bros. is known for contributing some of the most famous entertainment titles to date, such as the Looney Tunes animations and characters and the World War II romantic classic Casablanca. The company was originally named Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. but now operates under the title Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. Regardless of what it’s called, the company not only knows its way around the silver screen, but around the small, social one, as well.
Across the main social video platforms, all Warner Bros.’ properties boast more than 200 million followers and subscribers. These fans routinely visit the brand’s social video accounts for content related to their favorite franchises, like Harry Potter, The Lego Movie, and anything having to do with Superman, Batman, and other DC Comics characters (more on that in a bit). We took a deep dive into some of the top-level Warner Bros. film and entertainment-related social accounts to see how the company operates its online video strategies as well as what content performs best on various platforms. Here’s what we found:
Warner Bros. Has a Sweet Spot with Comic Book Content
Warner Bros. is closely tied to its comic book property DC Comics, which recently contributed the blockbuster hit Wonder Woman to Warner Bros.’ summer repertoire. As of now, the Gal Gadot-starring flick has pulled in just over $407 million in the U.S. alone, a good $77 million more than DC’s 2016 Batman v Superman. Clips based on Wonder Woman didn’t perform so shabbily, either, with official trailers and teasers for the film pulling in millions of views each.
But it’s not Wonder Woman videos which have landed in the top ten spots on official Warner Bros.’ social video channels. Instead, that distinction belongs to some of the Amazonian warrior’s fellow counterparts in the DC universe (despite some of their films performing less favorably than hers). Five out of the top ten clips, in fact, relate to either Batman, Superman, or the gang of ruffians from the Suicide Squad franchise.
The Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad films were highly anticipated in their own ways over the last few years, so it’s unsurprising videos related to these flicks are some of the most popular Warner Bros. content to date. For example, the first official trailer for Suicide Squad, posted on January 20 of 2016, has garnered over 82.7 million views to date, as well as a favorable 30-day average engagement rate (ER30) of 1.2x and an average 30-day view count (V30) of 38.9 million. The trailer currently holds the third position of most-watched videos across all Warner Bros. social accounts.
While the trailer for Suicide Squad was certainly impressive in terms of views and ER30, fans of comic book content watched the film’s first-look teaser even more. That clip, released at Comic-Con in 2015, generated an impressive 48.1 million V30. The video with the next-highest V30 was the 2015 Comic-Con trailer for Batman v Superman, at 42.7 million. This teaser also claims the title of most-commented video of all time for Warner Bros. Pictures with just over 98k comments on YouTube alone.
Ed Sheeran Contributes His Talents for Warner Bros.’ Most-Watched Video of All Time
At this point, it’s obvious Warner Bros. is closely linked to DC Comics. In many cases, the two can almost be considered inseparable. However, the entertainment company’s most-watched video of all time actually stems from another well-loved franchise which has more to do with hobbits, elves, and dragons than it has to do with flying men, vigilante superheroes, and Amazonian warriors.
The clip in question is the music video “I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran (whose recent album release helped land him top positions on the leaderboards for a few months running earlier this year). The song was created for the Warner Bros.-distributed film The Hobbit, and the combination of the wildly popular British singer-songwriter and one of the most beloved book and film franchises of all time ensured the clip’s long-term success. The music video claims almost 85.2 million views to date.
“I See Fire” also hit home with viewers around the world, as the clip generated great engagement rates across various social platforms. On YouTube, the Sheeran-led song saw 590k total engagements, while on Facebook, the video pulled in 218k engagements in the form of likes, shares, and comments.
Don’t Forget the Cat and Mouse Duo of Tom & Jerry
When analyzing most of the top-level properties of Warner Bros., including some of its home entertainment division and television outlets, we discovered another interesting viewing preference of the company’s audiences. Years ago, viewers turned their attention to the old cartoon Tom & Jerry.
Originally launching as a series of short films in 1940, Tom & Jerry has become one of the most well-recognized animation brands in the entire world. In 2006, Warner Bros. created a new series based on the cat-and-mouse duo which is always battling each other for superiority through slapstick humor. Now, three of the top ten clips on Warner. Bros. social accounts stem from Tom & Jerry content.
The second most-popular video of all time, for example, is a March 2010 snippet from season one of Warner Bros. Tom & Jerry Tales. This video currently boasts 83.3 million total views, roughly 2 million short of Sheeran’s “I See Fire” music video. Additionally, spots #8 and #9 on the top ten Warner Bros. videos belong to Tom & Jerry clips, too.
Much like Warner Bros.’s #1 Hobbit-related video, the nostalgia of the Tom & Jerry franchise is likely a contributor to these clips’ success. When these videos were published to YouTube in 2010 and 2013, other platforms weren’t the big video destinations they are today, and both Gen X-ers and millennials who grew up with Saturday morning cartoons were already familiar with the Tom & Jerry label. Therefore, it only made sense for Warner Bros. to distribute these clips on YouTube. Speaking of which…
YouTube Is the Platform of Choice for Warner Bros. Fans
While publishers around the globe have flocked to Facebook for its promise of massive audience reach, some have found their fans still want to spend time on YouTube with their content, and might even prefer to watch videos on that platform first and foremost. The U.S.-bsed Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel, for example, appears to be one of these brands, as the company boasts a large following of 4.4 million on that platform alone, accounting for 37% of Warner Bros. Pictures’ total social reach. And if you haven’t already noticed from the embeds in this article, all of the top ten videos across Warner Bros. social accounts from around the world are YouTube videos.
Here’s some more Tubular data showing the popularity of Warner Bros. Pictures content on YouTube
105 million total video views in July 2017, roughly 96% of all views on Warner Bros. content for the month
3 billion total views since the channel’s inception
2642 videos uploaded to Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel as of this writing
1.1 million average views per video
35.6% of YouTube audience hails from the United States
88.3% of total YouTube subscribers are male, with 42.5% of them aged 18-24
These stats can almost be replicated across all of Warner Bros.’ social video accounts. Even if the company has more followers on other social sites, the majority of its views still stem from YouTube. The Warner Bros. Entertainment account, for example, claims 62% of its social reach on Facebook, but still 96% of the company’s nearly 8.7 million July 2017 views came from YouTube.
The success of Warner Bros. on YouTube could be attributed to a number of factors, but the most likely cause is that film aficionados have been defaulting to YouTube for years when it comes to watching movie trailers and teasers. That habit can be hard for any other platform to break when YouTube is ingrained in fans’ viewing behaviors. Instead of fighting this situation, however, and trying to push similar content onto other platforms, Warner Bros. has embraced what format works best for its company on each social site, knowing YouTube is where its audience will go when it comes to watching 2- to 5-minute clips surrounding franchises its viewers love.
Warner Bros. Entertainment is a prime example of a brand which knows exactly what it stands for (entertaining viewers through movies and television) and serves that type of content exactly where its audience wants it (predominantly through YouTube). While other movie studios and TV networks have found success releasing small samples of video content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Warner Bros. has deliberately stuck with YouTube, supplementing that platform strategy with videos spread across other sites. Unless something drastic happens, we suspect Warner Bros. to have continued success as a YouTube publisher for years to come.
Superheroes and Nostalgia Drive Warner Bros. Social Video Strategy was originally posted by Video And Digital Marketing Tips
0 notes
theonyxpath · 7 years ago
Changeling: The Lost 2nd art by Michael Gaydos
Rich is away this week (see last week’s MMN) and I have temporarily taken over the blog! Speaking of the blog, we’re working hard to get a lot more content for you in addition to our new releases featured on Wednesday and our previews of fiction on Fridays. This includes more excerpts and previews of upcoming books, developer notes about games and settings they are working on (take a look at Eddy Webb’s Claws and Effect launch post for example), plus a new series all about creating characters for our RPGs. We’re kicking off this new series tomorrow with a post from Bill Bodden, who’s work you maybe have read in Ghouls & Revenants and Madison by Night for V20, plus upcoming books like World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters and Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers for Pugmire. Bill will start a bi-monthly series with a new character for Exalted 3rd Edition and then move on to other core books. Plus we’ll have guest posts from other Onyx Path crewmembers and maybe a few surprises along the way, too. Our goal with this series is twofold: first, take some of the intimidation out of building new characters and (hopefully) encourage new fans to jump in and play and second, nudge experienced players to dive deeper into their players and think about this important aspect of gaming.
In other exciting news, last week Rich announced the Salrecian Vault community content program for our Scarred Lands fantasy setting. Much like the Canis Minor community content program for the Pugmire RPG, we’re getting ready to launch this community content program soon. You can read the current FAQ for the upcoming program here on our forums. I’m really looking forward to seeing new adventures, classes, Ghelspad locations, and more! Remember, our Scarred Lands program will be open to both Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition systems. If you’re curious about this setting, all you need is the Scarred Lands Player’s Guide to get started.
Pan’s Guide art by Pat Loboyko
White Wolf’s V5 distribution partner announced.
Our friends at White Wolf just announced that Modiphius will be acting as their distributor for Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition. Since there’s already been some confusion about this deal, remember this is about distribution as opposed to publishing. White Wolf is still designing and producing the new corebook in hous, and Modiphius acts as the hub to ship this new rulebook out to stores and more. If you’re curious about this deal, you can read the press release on the White Wolf Facebook page, and further questions should be directed toward them. Stay tuned to the Monday Meeting Notes and our Gen Con panels for more Vampire news from the Onyx Path team.
Speaking of Gen Con…
Event Registration for Gen Con Indy just went live yesterday! You can search and sign-up for a ton of games, panels, and more! The Wrecking Crew will be on hand running all kinds of World of Darkness, Pugmire, Scion, Chronicles of Darkness, and other games the entire convention. We will also have a demo crew in the Onyx Path booth (#501 again). If you are going to be at Gen Con, we’d love to hear from you.
Kithbook Boggans art by Brian Leblanc
We’re in the final hours of the EX3‘s Dragon-Blooded Kickstarter and we’re over 400% funded with over 2000 backers so far!
We’ve hit 24 Stretch Goal rewards, and counting, including a t-shirt, two more silk bookmarks (at least!), increased art budget, a Dragon-Blooded novella, adding on the Storyteller Screen, opening up additional Reward Tiers for more custom charms and artifacts; new Charms, 2 sections of info on Lookshy, 2 sections on the Forest Witches, 2 sections on Outcastes, Cadet Houses, and Prasad to the Heirs to the Shogunate Dragon-Blooded Companion PDF and lots more! Phew!
Thanks so much for everybody’s support so far! Even though we’re doing great, the best is yet to come and we hope that folks can get the word out on their social media and to their friends. Everybody deserves a chance to check out this latest EX3 “fatsplat” for the most elemental of the Exalted.
Which every backer can do, because each week of the campaign we’re releasing a quarter of the Dragon-Blooded book’s text so that backers can check the whole thing out by the time we are done. We think you’ll really love what we’ve done with the DBs, but if for some reason you don’t, you can drop your pledge before the KS is over and walk away easy peasy!
So, here’s the link and see you there! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/dragon-blooded-what-fire-has-wrought-for-exalted-3
  As we try and find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
The devs have added a whole bunch of new game lines’ dice and rolling bg’s and got caught by a bug Apple needed to fix, so be sure to update your app and soon that should be fixed.
There’s been tweaks to all elements of the UI, you can now preview every die type in the store, and you can use multiple die types per roll! Here are the links for the Apple and Android versions:
Three different screenshots, above.
(The Solar Anima special Dice above)
  Promethean: The Created and Demon: The Descent dice on a Demon: The Descent tabletop
  Hunter: The Reckoning and Mage: The Awakening dice on a Mage: The Awakening tabletop
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
Our latest fiction offerings are a classic Scarred Lands fantasy book, and our latest Chronicles of Darkness anthology: the Huntsmen Chronicles for Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition!
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
  Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile (Kindle, Nook)
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
  And even more books are now on Amazon and the Nook store!:
Scarred Lands: Death in the Walled Warren (Kindle, Nook)
V20 Dark Ages: Cainite Conspiracies (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Strangeness in the Proportion (Kindle, Nook)
Vampire: The Requiem: Silent Knife (Kindle, Nook)
Mummy: The Curse: Dawn of Heresies (Kindle, Nook)
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there!
    Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://theonyxpath.com/press-release-onyx-path-limited-editions-now-available-through-indie-press-revolution/
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
And you can now order Pugmire: the book, the screen, and the dice! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
Wave 3 of our extra Kickstarter projects is now on sale at IPR!
Here are the direct links for the Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Prestige Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Chronicles-of-Darkness-Dark-Eras-Prestige-Edition.html
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Chronicles-of-Darkness-Dark-Eras-Storytellers-Screen.html
Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Deluxe-Edition.html
Ultra-Deluxe (Orichalcum) Exalted 3rd Edition: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Ultra-Deluxe.html
Exalted 3rd Edition Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Storytellers-Screen.html
EX3 Chibi Bookmarks: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Exalted-3rd-Edition-Chibi-Bookmarks.html
Deluxe W20 Shattered Dreams: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/W20-Shattered-Dreams-Deluxe-Edition.html
W20 Shattered Dreams Storytellers’ Screen: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/W20-Shattered-Dreams-Storytellers-Screen.html
Plus price adjustments on M20, Book of the Wyrm, Anarchs Unbound and a few other projects!
Ask the darkness, and it shall answer: the Beast: The Primordial Player’s Guide PDF and physical book PoD versions will answer your questions Wednesday! on DTRPG.com! http://drivethrurpg.com/product/236135/Beast-Players-Guide
The Beast Player’s Guide expands on the material presented in Beast: The Primordial, with additional information on the Families and Hungers, what it feels like to be a Beast and experience the Devouring, and how to commune with the Dark Mother. You’ll also find two new Families and two new Hungers!
The book also includes a plethora of new Atavisms, Nightmares, Merits, and Birthrights, as well as systems for creating smaller, subservient versions of the Horror, new forms of Inheritance, and details on the mysterious Obcasus Rites.
        There are some things that even a Demon fears – Night Horrors: Enemy Action for Demon: The Descent has arrived in PDF and physical book PoD versions: http://drivethrurpg.com/product/236133/Night-Horrors-Enemy-Action
“Fighting the Machine is like fighting the ocean. You literally cannot hurt it. Doesn’t matter how much poison we dump into the ocean. We’ll only kill the things in it. We’ll never kill it. Same with the God-Machine. Kill angels, traitors, stigmatics, cultists, cryptids, whatever, you’ll never hurt the Machine Itself. No, that doesn’t mean we stop trying. You stop trying, you drown. Screw that.”
—Mr. Bliss, Guardian Inquisitor
Night Horrors: Enemy Action includes:
• Dozens of Storyteller characters, including Unchained, angels, exiles, cryptids, and stigmatics, for use as antagonists, allies, or just inspiration
• Multiple plot hooks and story seeds for your Demon: The Descent chronicles
• A brief look at cults in Demon, including the Ten Thousand Names of God, a secret society fueled by the God-Machine
      When you need a Changeling 20th character and a way to get started with C20: here are the C20 Ready Made Characters in PDF and physical book PoD versions! Available on DriveThruRPG.com! http://drivethrurpg.com/product/225641/C20-Ready-Made-Characters
Running a one-shot game of Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition? Starting up a chronicle with new players who aren’t sure what to play? Looking for some examples of how the various kiths might look?
Thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers, these thirteen ready-made characters cover each of the Changeling kiths. Each character is provided with background, roleplaying suggestions, art, and some potential motleys and story seeds — everything you need to immerse yourself in the Dreaming!
        Coming NOW as both PDF and physical book PoD on DTRPG, we reveal The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb, a Jumpstart adventure for Pugmire. www.drivethrurpg.com/product/232337/The-Secrets-of-Vinsens-Tomb–A-Pugmire-Jumpstart
A cat living in Pugmire disappears, but neither the police dogs nor the cats of the Cat Quarter know why. When zombies attack the heroes, however, all signs point to an invasion by the Monarchies of Mau. But how does this intrigue tie into the lost tomb of the first king of Pugmire?
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb is a Pugmire story for three to six characters. This jumpstart contains all the rules and characters you need to play — just grab some dice and go! You can also use this adventure with the full version of Pugmire.
The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb contains:
• An evocative and mysterious setting that’s both family friendly and deep enough to create compelling stories.
• A summary of Pugmire’s traditional fantasy rules system. It’s designed for streamlined play, with an emphasis on cooperation and action over competition and violence.
• A complete adventure for a Guide to run for three to six players. Also useful for Guides running a full Pugmire game of first or second level characters!
• Six ready-to-play characters, so you can jump into the action.
Can your good dogs discover the secret of Vinsen’s Tomb?
  Also available NOW, are two physical PoD spell card packs and PDFs for Pugmire: the Artisans‘ and the Shepherds‘ spells.
        Appearing now on DriveThruRPG are the PDF and PoD physical book versions of Arms of the Chosen for Exalted 3rd Edition! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/226224/Arms-of-the-Chosen
Take up the panoply of legendary heroes and lost ages, and awaken the world-shaking might of their Evocations. Before the dawn of time, the Exalted wielded god-metal blades to cast down the makers of the universe. In an ancient epoch of forgotten glories, Creation’s greatest artificers forged unimaginable wonders and miracle-machines.
Now, in the Age of Sorrows, kingdoms go to war over potent artifacts, scavenger princes risk everything to uncover relics of the past, and the Exalted forge great arms and armor on the anvil of legend. These treasures are yours to master.
Discover the mystical power of the five magical materials and the secrets of creating your own Evocations. Wield weapons of fabled might and don the armor of mythic heroes, making their puissance your own. Claim Creation’s wonders: the miraculous tools of the Chosen, living automatons, flying machines, hearthstones, and more. And unleash the mighty warstriders, titanic god-engines of conquest and devastation, to once more shake Creation with their footfalls.
Fast Eddy Webb will be attending the East Coast Game Designers Conference (ECGC) all this week in Raleigh, NC, where he’ll be presenting a seminar called “Writing for Franchises”.
So if you are going and want to meet up, let us know!
  And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Aberrant 2nd Edition (Trinity Continuum)
Lunars (Exalted 3rd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
C20 Players’ Guide (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Guide to the Night (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Fetch Quest (Pugmire)
They Came From Beneath the Sea! Rulebook (TCFBtS!)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Gods & Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
Scion Hero
Changeling: the Lost 2 – Sketches and finals coming in.
Trinity Continuum
Boggans – Contracted.
Wr20 Guide for Newly Departed – Everything with Gaydos.
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Wraith 20 Screen 
Fetch Quest – Working on the logo. KS How To Play video was shot last week.
EX3 Dragon Blooded
Monarchies of Mau
Cavaliers of Mars – Splats and map should be in by end of the month.
Scion Origin
  At Press
Beckett Screen – At shipper.
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – At fulfillment shipper. PDF and PoD physical book versions on sale at DTRPG.
Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition – Rewards are shipping.
Prince’s Gambit – Being sent to the US.
V20 Beckett’s Jyhad Diary– Deluxe edition files at printer. Interior proof approved, printing now.
Scion Dice – At fulfillment shipper.
Wraith 20 – Errata phase.
Beast PG – Final PDF and physical book PoD on sale Wednesday at DTRPG.com.
SL Champions of the Scarred Lands Anthology PoD – Uploaded and processing.
Pugmire – Pan’s Explorer’s Guide (or whatever) – Backer PDFs out, errata?
Book of Freeholds – Backer PDF out to backers, errata being posted.
Matthew Dawkins, Steffie de Vaan, and I will be at the UK Games Expo in June running games and talking shop with fans and retailers. Prep is also underway for Gen Con 2018 in August, which takes place in Indianapolis, IN. In addition to our booth presence, be sure to check out the games and panels in the Gen Con Event Schedule.
If you are going and want to meet up, let us know!
TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: With convention season in full swing and plenty of new games on the way this year I’m really looking forward to meeting many of you and trying out different play styles, genres, and more!
1 note · View note
groovyturtlepeach · 7 years ago
Superheroes and Nostalgia Drive Warner Bros. Social Video Strategy
Since 1923, Warner Bros. has been one of the leading entertainment brands in the film and television industries. Founded by four brothers whose family had emigrated to Canada from present-day Poland, Warner Bros. is known for contributing some of the most famous entertainment titles to date, such as the Looney Tunes animations and characters and the World War II romantic classic Casablanca. The company was originally named Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. but now operates under the title Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. Regardless of what it’s called, the company not only knows its way around the silver screen, but around the small, social one, as well.
Across the main social video platforms, all Warner Bros.’ properties boast more than 200 million followers and subscribers. These fans routinely visit the brand’s social video accounts for content related to their favorite franchises, like Harry Potter, The Lego Movie, and anything having to do with Superman, Batman, and other DC Comics characters (more on that in a bit). We took a deep dive into some of the top-level Warner Bros. film and entertainment-related social accounts to see how the company operates its online video strategies as well as what content performs best on various platforms. Here’s what we found:
Warner Bros. Has a Sweet Spot with Comic Book Content
Warner Bros. is closely tied to its comic book property DC Comics, which recently contributed the blockbuster hit Wonder Woman to Warner Bros.’ summer repertoire. As of now, the Gal Gadot-starring flick has pulled in just over $407 million in the U.S. alone, a good $77 million more than DC’s 2016 Batman v Superman. Clips based on Wonder Woman didn’t perform so shabbily, either, with official trailers and teasers for the film pulling in millions of views each.
But it’s not Wonder Woman videos which have landed in the top ten spots on official Warner Bros.’ social video channels. Instead, that distinction belongs to some of the Amazonian warrior’s fellow counterparts in the DC universe (despite some of their films performing less favorably than hers). Five out of the top ten clips, in fact, relate to either Batman, Superman, or the gang of ruffians from the Suicide Squad franchise.
The Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad films were highly anticipated in their own ways over the last few years, so it’s unsurprising videos related to these flicks are some of the most popular Warner Bros. content to date. For example, the first official trailer for Suicide Squad, posted on January 20 of 2016, has garnered over 82.7 million views to date, as well as a favorable 30-day average engagement rate (ER30) of 1.2x and an average 30-day view count (V30) of 38.9 million. The trailer currently holds the third position of most-watched videos across all Warner Bros. social accounts.
While the trailer for Suicide Squad was certainly impressive in terms of views and ER30, fans of comic book content watched the film’s first-look teaser even more. That clip, released at Comic-Con in 2015, generated an impressive 48.1 million V30. The video with the next-highest V30 was the 2015 Comic-Con trailer for Batman v Superman, at 42.7 million. This teaser also claims the title of most-commented video of all time for Warner Bros. Pictures with just over 98k comments on YouTube alone.
Ed Sheeran Contributes His Talents for Warner Bros.’ Most-Watched Video of All Time
At this point, it’s obvious Warner Bros. is closely linked to DC Comics. In many cases, the two can almost be considered inseparable. However, the entertainment company’s most-watched video of all time actually stems from another well-loved franchise which has more to do with hobbits, elves, and dragons than it has to do with flying men, vigilante superheroes, and Amazonian warriors.
The clip in question is the music video “I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran (whose recent album release helped land him top positions on the leaderboards for a few months running earlier this year). The song was created for the Warner Bros.-distributed film The Hobbit, and the combination of the wildly popular British singer-songwriter and one of the most beloved book and film franchises of all time ensured the clip’s long-term success. The music video claims almost 85.2 million views to date.
“I See Fire” also hit home with viewers around the world, as the clip generated great engagement rates across various social platforms. On YouTube, the Sheeran-led song saw 590k total engagements, while on Facebook, the video pulled in 218k engagements in the form of likes, shares, and comments.
Don’t Forget the Cat and Mouse Duo of Tom & Jerry
When analyzing most of the top-level properties of Warner Bros., including some of its home entertainment division and television outlets, we discovered another interesting viewing preference of the company’s audiences. Years ago, viewers turned their attention to the old cartoon Tom & Jerry.
Originally launching as a series of short films in 1940, Tom & Jerry has become one of the most well-recognized animation brands in the entire world. In 2006, Warner Bros. created a new series based on the cat-and-mouse duo which is always battling each other for superiority through slapstick humor. Now, three of the top ten clips on Warner. Bros. social accounts stem from Tom & Jerry content.
The second most-popular video of all time, for example, is a March 2010 snippet from season one of Warner Bros. Tom & Jerry Tales. This video currently boasts 83.3 million total views, roughly 2 million short of Sheeran’s “I See Fire” music video. Additionally, spots #8 and #9 on the top ten Warner Bros. videos belong to Tom & Jerry clips, too.
Much like Warner Bros.’s #1 Hobbit-related video, the nostalgia of the Tom & Jerry franchise is likely a contributor to these clips’ success. When these videos were published to YouTube in 2010 and 2013, other platforms weren’t the big video destinations they are today, and both Gen X-ers and millennials who grew up with Saturday morning cartoons were already familiar with the Tom & Jerry label. Therefore, it only made sense for Warner Bros. to distribute these clips on YouTube. Speaking of which…
YouTube Is the Platform of Choice for Warner Bros. Fans
While publishers around the globe have flocked to Facebook for its promise of massive audience reach, some have found their fans still want to spend time on YouTube with their content, and might even prefer to watch videos on that platform first and foremost. The U.S.-bsed Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel, for example, appears to be one of these brands, as the company boasts a large following of 4.4 million on that platform alone, accounting for 37% of Warner Bros. Pictures’ total social reach. And if you haven’t already noticed from the embeds in this article, all of the top ten videos across Warner Bros. social accounts from around the world are YouTube videos.
Here’s some more Tubular data showing the popularity of Warner Bros. Pictures content on YouTube
105 million total video views in July 2017, roughly 96% of all views on Warner Bros. content for the month
3 billion total views since the channel’s inception
2642 videos uploaded to Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel as of this writing
1.1 million average views per video
35.6% of YouTube audience hails from the United States
88.3% of total YouTube subscribers are male, with 42.5% of them aged 18-24
These stats can almost be replicated across all of Warner Bros.’ social video accounts. Even if the company has more followers on other social sites, the majority of its views still stem from YouTube. The Warner Bros. Entertainment account, for example, claims 62% of its social reach on Facebook, but still 96% of the company’s nearly 8.7 million July 2017 views came from YouTube.
The success of Warner Bros. on YouTube could be attributed to a number of factors, but the most likely cause is that film aficionados have been defaulting to YouTube for years when it comes to watching movie trailers and teasers. That habit can be hard for any other platform to break when YouTube is ingrained in fans’ viewing behaviors. Instead of fighting this situation, however, and trying to push similar content onto other platforms, Warner Bros. has embraced what format works best for its company on each social site, knowing YouTube is where its audience will go when it comes to watching 2- to 5-minute clips surrounding franchises its viewers love.
Warner Bros. Entertainment is a prime example of a brand which knows exactly what it stands for (entertaining viewers through movies and television) and serves that type of content exactly where its audience wants it (predominantly through YouTube). While other movie studios and TV networks have found success releasing small samples of video content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Warner Bros. has deliberately stuck with YouTube, supplementing that platform strategy with videos spread across other sites. Unless something drastic happens, we suspect Warner Bros. to have continued success as a YouTube publisher for years to come.
0 notes
williamgreen533 · 7 years ago
Superheroes and Nostalgia Drive Warner Bros. Social Video Strategy
Since 1923, Warner Bros. has been one of the leading entertainment brands in the film and television industries. Founded by four brothers whose family had emigrated to Canada from present-day Poland, Warner Bros. is known for contributing some of the most famous entertainment titles to date, such as the Looney Tunes animations and characters and the World War II romantic classic Casablanca. The company was originally named Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. but now operates under the title Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. Regardless of what it’s called, the company not only knows its way around the silver screen, but around the small, social one, as well.
Across the main social video platforms, all Warner Bros.’ properties boast more than 200 million followers and subscribers. These fans routinely visit the brand’s social video accounts for content related to their favorite franchises, like Harry Potter, The Lego Movie, and anything having to do with Superman, Batman, and other DC Comics characters (more on that in a bit). We took a deep dive into some of the top-level Warner Bros. film and entertainment-related social accounts to see how the company operates its online video strategies as well as what content performs best on various platforms. Here’s what we found:
Warner Bros. Has a Sweet Spot with Comic Book Content
Warner Bros. is closely tied to its comic book property DC Comics, which recently contributed the blockbuster hit Wonder Woman to Warner Bros.’ summer repertoire. As of now, the Gal Gadot-starring flick has pulled in just over $407 million in the U.S. alone, a good $77 million more than DC’s 2016 Batman v Superman. Clips based on Wonder Woman didn’t perform so shabbily, either, with official trailers and teasers for the film pulling in millions of views each.
But it’s not Wonder Woman videos which have landed in the top ten spots on official Warner Bros.’ social video channels. Instead, that distinction belongs to some of the Amazonian warrior’s fellow counterparts in the DC universe (despite some of their films performing less favorably than hers). Five out of the top ten clips, in fact, relate to either Batman, Superman, or the gang of ruffians from the Suicide Squad franchise.
The Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad films were highly anticipated in their own ways over the last few years, so it’s unsurprising videos related to these flicks are some of the most popular Warner Bros. content to date. For example, the first official trailer for Suicide Squad, posted on January 20 of 2016, has garnered over 82.7 million views to date, as well as a favorable 30-day average engagement rate (ER30) of 1.2x and an average 30-day view count (V30) of 38.9 million. The trailer currently holds the third position of most-watched videos across all Warner Bros. social accounts.
While the trailer for Suicide Squad was certainly impressive in terms of views and ER30, fans of comic book content watched the film’s first-look teaser even more. That clip, released at Comic-Con in 2015, generated an impressive 48.1 million V30. The video with the next-highest V30 was the 2015 Comic-Con trailer for Batman v Superman, at 42.7 million. This teaser also claims the title of most-commented video of all time for Warner Bros. Pictures with just over 98k comments on YouTube alone.
Ed Sheeran Contributes His Talents for Warner Bros.’ Most-Watched Video of All Time
At this point, it’s obvious Warner Bros. is closely linked to DC Comics. In many cases, the two can almost be considered inseparable. However, the entertainment company’s most-watched video of all time actually stems from another well-loved franchise which has more to do with hobbits, elves, and dragons than it has to do with flying men, vigilante superheroes, and Amazonian warriors.
The clip in question is the music video “I See Fire” by Ed Sheeran (whose recent album release helped land him top positions on the leaderboards for a few months running earlier this year). The song was created for the Warner Bros.-distributed film The Hobbit, and the combination of the wildly popular British singer-songwriter and one of the most beloved book and film franchises of all time ensured the clip’s long-term success. The music video claims almost 85.2 million views to date.
“I See Fire” also hit home with viewers around the world, as the clip generated great engagement rates across various social platforms. On YouTube, the Sheeran-led song saw 590k total engagements, while on Facebook, the video pulled in 218k engagements in the form of likes, shares, and comments.
Don’t Forget the Cat and Mouse Duo of Tom & Jerry
When analyzing most of the top-level properties of Warner Bros., including some of its home entertainment division and television outlets, we discovered another interesting viewing preference of the company’s audiences. Years ago, viewers turned their attention to the old cartoon Tom & Jerry.
Originally launching as a series of short films in 1940, Tom & Jerry has become one of the most well-recognized animation brands in the entire world. In 2006, Warner Bros. created a new series based on the cat-and-mouse duo which is always battling each other for superiority through slapstick humor. Now, three of the top ten clips on Warner. Bros. social accounts stem from Tom & Jerry content.
The second most-popular video of all time, for example, is a March 2010 snippet from season one of Warner Bros. Tom & Jerry Tales. This video currently boasts 83.3 million total views, roughly 2 million short of Sheeran’s “I See Fire” music video. Additionally, spots #8 and #9 on the top ten Warner Bros. videos belong to Tom & Jerry clips, too.
Much like Warner Bros.’s #1 Hobbit-related video, the nostalgia of the Tom & Jerry franchise is likely a contributor to these clips’ success. When these videos were published to YouTube in 2010 and 2013, other platforms weren’t the big video destinations they are today, and both Gen X-ers and millennials who grew up with Saturday morning cartoons were already familiar with the Tom & Jerry label. Therefore, it only made sense for Warner Bros. to distribute these clips on YouTube. Speaking of which…
YouTube Is the Platform of Choice for Warner Bros. Fans
While publishers around the globe have flocked to Facebook for its promise of massive audience reach, some have found their fans still want to spend time on YouTube with their content, and might even prefer to watch videos on that platform first and foremost. The U.S.-bsed Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel, for example, appears to be one of these brands, as the company boasts a large following of 4.4 million on that platform alone, accounting for 37% of Warner Bros. Pictures’ total social reach. And if you haven’t already noticed from the embeds in this article, all of the top ten videos across Warner Bros. social accounts from around the world are YouTube videos.
Here’s some more Tubular data showing the popularity of Warner Bros. Pictures content on YouTube
105 million total video views in July 2017, roughly 96% of all views on Warner Bros. content for the month
3 billion total views since the channel’s inception
2642 videos uploaded to Warner Bros. Pictures YouTube channel as of this writing
1.1 million average views per video
35.6% of YouTube audience hails from the United States
88.3% of total YouTube subscribers are male, with 42.5% of them aged 18-24
These stats can almost be replicated across all of Warner Bros.’ social video accounts. Even if the company has more followers on other social sites, the majority of its views still stem from YouTube. The Warner Bros. Entertainment account, for example, claims 62% of its social reach on Facebook, but still 96% of the company’s nearly 8.7 million July 2017 views came from YouTube.
The success of Warner Bros. on YouTube could be attributed to a number of factors, but the most likely cause is that film aficionados have been defaulting to YouTube for years when it comes to watching movie trailers and teasers. That habit can be hard for any other platform to break when YouTube is ingrained in fans’ viewing behaviors. Instead of fighting this situation, however, and trying to push similar content onto other platforms, Warner Bros. has embraced what format works best for its company on each social site, knowing YouTube is where its audience will go when it comes to watching 2- to 5-minute clips surrounding franchises its viewers love.
Warner Bros. Entertainment is a prime example of a brand which knows exactly what it stands for (entertaining viewers through movies and television) and serves that type of content exactly where its audience wants it (predominantly through YouTube). While other movie studios and TV networks have found success releasing small samples of video content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Warner Bros. has deliberately stuck with YouTube, supplementing that platform strategy with videos spread across other sites. Unless something drastic happens, we suspect Warner Bros. to have continued success as a YouTube publisher for years to come.
0 notes