#any more questions - you know where to find me hehe
chilling-seavey · 3 days
hi emily!! hope you’re doing well recently! i came into your inbox for some tips and advice actually, because you’re the perfect person i could think of for this lol.
i have a few george blurbs coming up for my kinktober, and i’ve admittedly never written for him before! i was wondering if the #1 george writer herself had any tips or pointers for writing him, how he acts ect 😌
thank you in advance!! 🫶
Oh my goodness gracious catch me twirling my hair giggling right now 🤭
I was literally just stalking your kinktober list and literally let out a little squeal at the fact there are George things in the works omgomg we love the GR exposure! So excited!!
In all honesty, the best tip I can give you, is watch interviews and videos! Don't listen to what he says as much as how he says it; how he says it with his mouth, with his hands, the movement of his eyes, his head. I've noticed he's really into eye contact. Even in interviews he'll just stare almost unblinking at the person talking and then generally look away when he starts to answer/is in thought (most often he looks to his left? See here. I'm not creepy, I swear). Recently I've noticed if he's surprised, he'll repeat what the person said in a bit of a higher tone (see here or here). Did I mention eye contact? Eye contact.
OH and he has very pronounced and expressive eyebrows. Eyebrow furrow is a must in situations that warrants it in writing him. Confusion, concern, focus - could be a good one. Little tongue between the lips in concentration, eyebrows furrowed in focus... ahem. Again, you can kind of extrapolate this information if you watch some interviews on mute and just watch his expressions. That's my best suggestion for body language and subtle actions that can really make his character.
I'm no professional at British terminology/dialects (I'm far too Canadian for that) so I kind of just wing it based on what I gather from videos of him talking. I often try to make his dialogue a bitttt more formal sounding because he seems to really enunciate sometimes which is better expressed in writing through the odd removal of a contraction (don't vs do not) but only very, very sparingly because he's also not from the 19th century LOL.
I know he has silly sayings sometimes which I use only once or twice in a piece of writing, often as a fleeting insight into his persona or as comedic relief just for the reader but definitely not too often and not as the focus (and tbh I just wrote him unironically saying "it's raining cats and dogs out there" in my current WIP which feels so on point for him imo lmao idioms are good ones).
I also see him very polite in public, watching his words, his swearing to a minimum if at all - but then in private I think he can swear like a fucking sailor but would never let the world know that of course. Take that as you will in regards to smut writing ahem.
And for smut more specifically, I definitely see him leaning into that auditory side, really into that low, rolling, husky dirty talk. Lots of sweet pet names, very soft dom if you're going dom (I'm very exited to see which way you take the body worship one-). As a reference, I think my best George smut for dirty talk etc. (based on my own bias as well as reader feedback) is this one. I don't really see him into hard kinks and things but sometimes that's fun to explore too so all the power to you if that's in your plan!! We put the fiction in fanfiction after all [and once I get an answer out of IRL him on where he stands on the BDSM scale, I'll get back to you. I mean what-]
I feel like I have so much more I could add but this was all off the top of my head...and took thirty minutes whoops...if I think of more, I'll add it to this ask LOL
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celiime · 1 month
୨ৎ — .ᐟ Him ‘n his stupid infinity! [Pt.2!]
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ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁— Continuation to him ‘n his stupid infinity!
[Ps! I did this all in dark mode, so i’m not exactlyyy sure how it may look in light mode? hehe, so sorry if it looks super bad in light mode! it looks okay in dark—so if it bothers you in light mode, then please switch to dark mode for the best reading experience! mwah! thank you!]
╰┈➤ Gojo Satoru finds himself in a dilemma once he discovered that his cute underclassman hates him—without even knowing the reasons behind her hatred! How could he get himself out of this? Well, it seems like fate has it all played out for him…but he somehow manages to go against all odds and making it even worse.
Or in which, Gojo Satoru seems to only have his infinity activated around specifically you, his underclassman, even though you’re no threat and a student yourself! The longer you go without knowing why he does this, the stronger your dislike grows towards him. Why is he doing this? [This takes place in 2006!]
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"She hates me, Suguru! Did you see how she glared at me when we passed her this morning?"
"You're being overdramatic, Satoru..."
Gojo Satoru was overdramatic at times, even he could admit that, but this time—he really wasn't being overdramatic! This was a serious problem!
All his underclassmen were supposed to like him, even Nanami (nevermind how the younger boy clearly can't seem to stand being around him, he's a different story.), so why is it that his cute little underclassman hates him this much?
You were too little for all that hatred to be in you body! Where do you even conjure it from?!
A groan left Gojo's mouth as he slumped over his desk, his cheek squishing against the wood as he wallowed in his agony—in the form of his underclassman hating him, despising him.
"Suguru, Shoko...do I smell bad? Is that why she doesn't wanna be near me?" A pout tugged down the corners of his lips as he tried to jump to any conclusion, anything that could pose a possible solution for this first world problem. “Be honest!”
But of course, his best friends would be here to appease his worries, right? As friends always do.
"Yeah." Ouch!
"You stink." Did he really?!
"You guys suck!" His shoulders slumped, narrowing his eyes at his friends from behind his round glasses, just how unsupportive were they?
This was serious!
As the chorus of laughter soon ceased, his pout deepened even more. What a man baby.
A hand rested on his shoulder—Suguru, he was always familiar with that touch—snapping him out of his sulking, prompting him to lift his head to shoot his best friend a curious look. "Hm?"
"Is it possible that you've done something to upset her?" He suggested, tilting his head to the side as he provided ample information for his friend to start questioning his interactions with said underclassman.
Suguru had to fight the twitch of his lips that threatened to tug up into a smile, he knew exactly why you 'hated' him. Hah.
"Yeah, Gojo. I heard from Haibara that she doesn't hold grudges, so you must've done something reaaaally bad for her to treat you like that!" Cue Shoko chiming in, a semblance of an innocent smile on her pink lips.
Oh, her intentions were anything but innocent.
Each suggestion and word was like an arrow—not even a cupid’s arrow!—shot into his heart, piercing his chest and forcing him to lament on their words. This is…extra bad, it’s only becoming worse by the minute!
“Wh—What! Haibara must be lying! You know how playful he is, heh—“ A nervous smile tugged up the corners of his lips, looking between his two friends for reassurance, “Right?…”
“I’m done for!”
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“What’s up with…him?” Shoko raised an eyebrow at Gojo, who had his head on his desk, neglecting the tray of food infront of him.
Gojo always had a huge appetite, why wasn’t he eating?
A fond smile tugged on the corners of Geto’s lips as he kept patting his friend’s back, “He talked to her.” He could barely conceal the chuckle he felt leaving his mouth.
Oh…well, isn’t that a good thing? They finally talked!
“So? What’s the idiot moping about?” Shoko crossed her arms, half-lidded eyes trailing over the sulking student, “Didn’t he want to talk to her?”
“You don’t get it!” Satoru’s loud voice boomed through the classroom, “She hates me even more now! Gahhh—I completely messed up!”
Let’s go back a bit.
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“These vending machines suck…seriously.” A small huff left Gojo’s lips as he stared down at the water bottle in his hand, having went through the trouble of literally almost tousling with the vending machine so he could acquire it, “Such a pain.”
Class had already started, but he was in no rush to even hasten his steps back to the classroom, after all—he’s Gojo Satoru, he can be late all he wants and he won’t even get scolded. Mhm!
That’s a lie. Yaga-sensei could and will give him punishment for this but, he just hates this current lesson, so he’s going to take his time strolling very slowly through the halls of the school.
Or at least, that was the plan. Until—
He heard a few noises coming from the first years’ classroom, and while it is technically normal to hear noises—it is an inhabited classroom after all—the first years were supposed to be on a mission, right? That’s what he heard from Yaga-sensei.
Or at least, that’s what he thought; he was starting to rethink if he had heard Yaga incorrectly because there were for sure some noises from behind the closed door of the classroom.
Look—Gojo isn’t nosy, he’s just…yeah, he’s nosy.
With that admission in mind, he slid the door open, curiously peeking his head in as he looked around, blinking as he found all chairs empty.
Huh. Maybe it was his imagination, after all.
Just as he was about to leave and slide the door shut once more, a small sniffle immediately halted all those thoughts.
He totally wasn’t imagining that!
He scanned the classroom once more, eyes narrowed in determined, before—lo and behold, the cause of his tantrum in the morning.
Slumped on a chair, and…crying?
You were…crying, evidently so, if the tinted sight his glasses provided him with was real, then you definitely were crying.
Did…something happen in the mission?
Despite himself, his narrowed eyes softened, eyebrows furrowing in subtle worry as he found himself worrying for the safety of the first years, if the cause of your tears was anything related to them.
After all, it wasn’t uncommon to hear of a passing in the Jujutsu community, student or not.
“Hey…” He promptly called out, going against all his rational thoughts—he didn’t have any of those—and deciding to confront you, to figure out why you were shedding this many tears.
The underclassman he knew, though very polite and friendly with others, was a girl who held herself highly, one that he’d never seen shed this many tears. This was seriously worrying.
At his call, your head snapped up, eyes rounding in shock—
and oh—
Your wide eyes, glassy and glazed over with tears, rimmed red with the evidence of the intensity of your tears, nose attaining a red color on the very tip…
Satoru thinks this sight may have tugged something in his heart, just the slightest bit.
You are his underclassman, a younger student that he finds endearing, always trying to insert himself into your daily life just to see your worthwhile reactions, always wishing you a good morning when he passes by while going to his classes. And sure, while you don’t spare him the time of the day, he still finds himself doing it.
Satoru was not crushing on you, yet, he didn’t hold feelings for you, but he is unsure if this may be the same for the future. If anything will change.
If the sight he’s seeing right now is repeated more often, then he thinks something may just change.
A sniffle broke him out of his thoughts, finding you hastily wiping your eyes with the back of your hands, getting rid of the tears latching onto your long lashes— “What do you want?” Your tone still held the same harsh lilt, “Haibara and Nanami are not here.” but it bore a soft edge to it, a testament to your vulnerability.
“I’m—ah—I’m not looking for uh..Haibara, or Nanami…” He trailed off, finding it awkward when you were this close to tears once more, he didn’t know how to deal with people when they were this emotional—
especially when it was his underclassman who seemed to dislike him.
“Okay then. I’m not in the mood for you to annoy me, okay?” There it was, the little crack in your voice, “Go back to your lesson. Geto-senpai told me your attendance sucks.”
Agh—That Suguru! Does he only go badmouthing him off to you or something? You already disliked him enough!
“I attend all my classes! Suguru is just jealous of my astounding attendance!” He hurried to defend himself, a pout gracing his glossy lips once more. However—this moment wasn’t really for him, it was about you, why you were crying.
The reason he even entered the classroom at all.
“Weren’t you supposed to be on a mission? With the other two?” He struck the question, genuine curiosity in his glasses clad eyes.
Your eyes trailed down, narrowing in dismay.
Just the mere mention of the mission—how badly it went—was enough to bring that annoying burn in your nose once more, the sight of Gojo infront of you blurring as tears filled your eyes once more.
You were not going to cry infront of him. No. Why would you give him another reason to tease you?
“Hey hey. Easy.” His eyes widened with shock as he saw the tears collect in your eyes once more, “What happened? Is everyone okay?” His tone softened, the best he could manage at this situation, he was never good with emotions.
Gojo would never hold this against you in the future. He was sure of it. Emotions were very dear to him, he understood how important they were for someone and how painful it was to display them infront of others.
He would know, he never displays much emotion anyways. Despite the storm of emotions building up in his chest by the day.
However, you found yourself thinking the opposite.
You couldn’t cry infront of him. You just couldn’t. It was too embarrassing.
But the way his tone softened—
“The mission—“ Your breath hitched, feeling your throat closing up the second you tried to hold the tears back, “went well.” Why was your voice so thick with emotions?
“Haibara and Nanami did well.”
Gojo raised a questioning eyebrow.
Why did you not mention herself? Did you not go on this mission with them, too?
“And how did you like it? You seemed pretty excited before leaving.” He tilted his head, trying to find a way to worm around this without pressuring you too much.
Your eyes rounded with tears.
Gojo’s eyes rounded with panic. He didn’t mean to make you cry again!
“I don’t—“ You paused to take a breath, raising your hand to wipe your eyes, “I don’t think I did well today.” The words slipped out of your lips before even getting to process them.
Just what effect did this idiot have on you?
“The curse…it was so…grotesque looking—“ red rimmed eyes looked up towards him, hands resting on your lap as you tried to hold back the tears, “I know that’s normal—but! It didn’t look like the usual curses…”
God, Gojo probably thought you were so lame now. Not that you care, especially when it came to him, but it just wasn’t a good look for your image.
Gojo’s breath, on the other hand, hitched.
God, You were so…endearing. Usually, Gojo would scoff or roll his eyes whenever hearing of someone who’s weak—he’s always been filled with a bit of arrogance—thinking that they shouldn’t be sorcerers. But, in his eyes…
You seemed like the most endearing thing ever.
The sight of you crying didn’t sit in his heart so well.
“I’m usually stronger than this.” You mumbled, gaze drifting down to your lap, “I barely managed to save Haibara…he would’ve been dead if I didn’t act sooner.”
Under the desk, your hands clutched your skirt tightly.
“You did a good thing. You saved him.” Gojo breathed out for the first time in a few minutes, internally grimacing at how awkward he sounded, “What’s up, then? You seemed to be…crying a lot.”
He didn’t like hearing you dismiss your efforts so easily, to cast aside the thought that you prevented a literal death from taking place. This—
This type of achievement was one that all Jujutsu Sorcerers always wished for after the loss of their teammate.
And oh…how his heart tightened in his chest as he saw you discreetly wiping the tear that slipped down your cheek.
“I didn’t—None of my efforts were enough!”
Satoru thinks that crack in your voice pulled at something in his heart, bypassing his infinity and going straight for his heart. Stronger than any curse.
“Haibara could’ve sustained less injuries if I acted sooner.” This was so humiliating, crying infront of your upperclassman that you supposedly didn’t stand. Yet, the only thing you could do right now is cry.
Cry at your failure, your dismay, at everything that went horribly today.
“Woah woah—easy there.” Gojo finally found his voice, startled upon seeing you actually crying this time, “You did your best. This is the best case scenario, yknow?” He tried to be comforting, even though he knew he positively sucked at it.
Ahh—he couldn’t just comfort you from a distance, it would look like he wasn’t even trying to put in effort or that he didn’t care. Which wasn’t true! He cared! Or else he wouldn’t be here.
Swallowing the lump in his throat—wow, since when was Gojo Satoru the nervous type?—as he approached you, taking slow, deliberate steps…almost as if carefully approaching a frightened kitten in fear of startling her.
He inwardly chuckled at the comparison, finding it incredibly fitting for his cute underclassman.
“Do you want some…water?” He gestured to the bottle in his hands, the one he spent almost half an hour trying to retrieve from the vending machine.
Yes, he was giving you the bottle he wasted oh so precious time trying to get. I mean—pshhhh, it was just water, right? He could get another bottle!
You raised a brow at his words, patting under your eyes with your uniform’s sleeve, “What? To share an indirect kiss with a creep like you? Hmph. No.” A huff.
Creep?! Gahh—you just called him a…a creep! He isn’t a creep! He’s your totally cool and dependable upperclassman! Come on, he was totally just looking out for you!
“No—! I didn’t even drink from this, wh—“ He flailed his hands, feeling an aching need to justify himself to you, “Come on! I don’t even share my water with anyone, anyways!” He felt a familiar pout on his glossy lips, pulling them down.
And oh…how you felt your eyes softening at the familiarity of this all, at how this was a stark contrast to the thoughts that were swarming your head just before he came. This was…a familiarity that comforted you.
And well, your throat did feel like it was a bit dry after all. You silently cursed at yourself for forgetting your water back at the dorms.
“Fine. I guess I could drink some.” You gave in with a defeated sigh, after much contemplation.
Immediately, his face lit up.
Aha? Yes! Yay! Victory for Gojo Satoru!
A wide smile formed on his lips, feeling a prideful air surround him as you agreed to his request, he took a few steps towards your desk, finally getting the okay to come closer without feeling like he’s breaking boundaries.
And—huh? you blinked, noticing how he was approaching, with no…infinity. There wasn’t a distance of five feet between them now, he was…not that far. sure, he wasn’t super close either, but he was just a few steps infront of your desk.
His infinity wasn’t on! He didn’t consider you a threat anymore!
Despite yourself, a small smile tugged on your lips, eyes rounding with relief in them, feeling like you had achieved something that you’d been waiting for for so long.
Which would be, Gojo’s infinity being off around you. Pretty laughable, but it was serious to you!
Gojo felt himself inflate with pride at your acceptance to let him help you.
He was so your knight in shining armor! And—
hold on.
He paused, feeling his breath get stuck in his throat the second his gaze drifted over to you.
What’s with the look on your face, and…why did it suddenly make Gojo feel as if his heart was about to leap out of his chest.
This couldn’t be healthy!
But, he couldn’t help his breath from hitching, eyes widening the slightest bit behind his round sunglasses. Because, here you were, staring up at him with those glassy round eyes, the remnants of tears causing them to sparkle, the red tip of your nose adding this absolutely endearing color to your features and—
The look on your face, the awe struck look on your face. You were looking at him with that look on your face. And coupled with that little smile? That smile that you always flash at everyone but him?
He couldn’t help but feel his heart picking up it’s speed, granting him with the faux feeling of adrenaline that he couldn’t even achieve when fighting curses.
Gojo thinks this day is blessed.
Unbeknownst to both him and you, his heart picking up its pace had caused his infinity to activate. That was how it usually worked, it worked in response to the fast pacing of his heart, as this muscle only did this when he was in danger—ready to protect him from any danger or threat.
“Here…” He mumbled under his breath as he held out the water bottle towards you, standing a bit away from your desk, still afraid of potentially breaking boundaries.
“Oh—thank you..”, You also found herself trailing off, hand outstretched forwards to retrieve the bottle from his hand, before—
An invisible force caused you to stop, hand hovering awkwardly mid-air.
“Thanks for nothing.” You grumbled, the smile on your face falling immediately as you snatched your hand back, crossing your arms, trying to hide the shock and disappointment that you felt.
What else did you expect?
Was this idiot serious? Was he actually being serious?! Is he trying to pull some prank or something? Because if so, then he isn’t funny! In fact, he may be one of the unfunniest people you have ever known!
Did he think it was a good idea to humiliate you while you were clearly not in the state to be joked around with? Especially not by him? Ah! This was so annoying! You couldn’t believe he would do something as insensitive as this at such a time!
“Huh?” Gojo blinked at your expression that suddenly soured, gone the expression filled with wonder and only being replaced by the one he’s always known.
Why are you making that face now?! Did he do something wrong?! He was so enjoying the smile on your face too!
That pretty little perk of your lips, he thinks he enjoys the sight of you smiling.
“Come on! Take it. I told you I didn’t even open it yet!” He waved the bottle infront of you, clearly inviting to take the bottle from him. “You obviously need it! Your voice is so hoarse and you probably lost half the water in your little body by crying all these tears!”
His underclassman had to have lost all the water in your body. Listen—you were crying so much…and no way your little body stored more water than that!
What meant to come off as concerned, only rubbed you the wrong way.
Why was he taunting you?! Wasn’t it enough that he literally decided to target you when you were in a vulnerable state and then humiliated you? This man was…seriously insufferable.
He really didn’t…mean any of his comforting words, did he?
Your shoulders tensed, eyes narrowing as you glared up at him, “I don’t want your water!” You scoffed, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. He was your upperclassman, you had to behave.
…No matter how much you wanted to hit him senseless with the water bottle he was waving infront of your face.
“Why not?! I never share my water with anyone!” He huffed, glancing down at the bottle in his hand before looking back up at you, grimacing at the look on your face.
Why were you so mad?! You should be grateful and thankful! Supposed to thank him for being your knight in shining armor!
“You’re so—insufferable! You’re such a child!”
“I can’t believe you’re even older than me! What a lame example of an upperclassman!”
Right in his heart!
“Eh? I just wanted to help you! Why are you suddenly switching up on me?” A whine left his lips as he stared down at you, wondering why you suddenly decided that he was horrible once more. He thought that you would see him in a better light after this!
Instead all he got was…
His cute underclassman glaring at him with the sharpest look in your eyes, cheeks attaining a reddish tint as a frown formed on your pink lips—
A smug thought formed in his head.
Oh, were you embarrassed by him? Hehe. He knew you wouldn’t be able to resist his charms sooner or later!
“Keep your stupid water bottle to yourself! I hope you choke on it!” A huff left your lips.
Oh, you were so humiliated by him. You could feel your cheeks heating up by how embarrassed you were.
Meanwhile, Gojo convinced himself that the red on your cheeks is due to you being charmed by him and his handsomeness. Ha! You were totally charmed by him!
“You think you’re soooo funny? Even Yaga-sensei is funnier than you!” Yes, you didn’t mean to drag poor Yaga-sensei into this, but you had to make a point!
Huh? What? He totally was funny! Why would you insult him like that?! Oh, he’s so done for!
He didn’t even understand why you decided to switch up like this! Gee, your mood swings were bad, hm? Hmph. And here he thought they were getting along.
But no. Here you were, glaring at him with red rimmed eyes, huffing here and there about him and how unfunny he was.
You hate him so much! Gahhh—just how can he make up for any of this when he doesn’t even know the cause behind your hatred?!
“I could leave the water on your des—“ Maybe another attempt?
“Get. Out!”
Maybe not.
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At the end of his recollection, Shoko had found herself unable to hold herself back from letting out a loud laugh, smacking Suguru on the shoulder playfully in the midst of her joy, “Ah, man. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while.”
“It’s not funny! She really does hate me! She doesn’t even think of me as her knight in shining armor that rescued her from those horrible tears!” A childish cry rang throughout the empty classroom, with the exception of the three upperclassman in it.
“It is kind of funny, Satoru.” A soft chuckle left Suguru’s lips, “She really dislikes you, huh?”
“Yeah, I don’t think she likes you, Gojo.”
“Don’t—Don’t say that! You’ll manifest it into existence! She’s just shy!” He failed at an attempt to convince himself.
The two snickered, with Shoko sending a small wink towards Suguru once Gojo put his head down to wallow again. This time, she mouthed something,
‘Buy me lunch tomorrow.’
Ah, his wallet was going to suffer, no?
“I guess…there’s always another day to try, right Satoru?”
He wasn’t going to end this bet here. No, he was determined to at least win just once. Just so he would earn the satisfaction of Shoko being the one to buy his lunch, just once.
Gojo’s face brightened, “You’re right! I’ll totally charm her tomorrow!”
And well, maybe also giving his best friend some support along the way.
“Do you guys think she didn’t like that water brand—“
Cue the groans telling him to shut up.
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azulpitlane · 9 months
i wish you would I ln4
pairings: lando norris x reader, exbf! mason mount x reader summary: part two of got love struck notes: kinda dragged making this but finals are finally over so send me some requests pls🤸‍♀️ this ones kinda angsty and there's lots of miscommunication sorry hehe part three, masterlist
yourusername posted a story 2h ago
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The night was full of partying, drinking and dancing as you celebrated your best friend's 23rd birthday. The night quickly turned into a mess when you went to the bar to get everyone more drinks. When you came back your friends were nowhere to be seen, you assumed they were in the dance floor but when you went to check, they weren't there either. To make matters worse, you had put your phone in your friend's purse for safe keeping so you had no way to contact them. The panic quickly sobered you up as you looked everywhere for them but instead you found different a familiar face.
"Y/n! Hey, I didn't realize you were here."
Your ex-boyfriend went for a hug as he greeted you. You and Mason ended your relationship over a year ago, and though you felt no animosity towards the football player, the breakup had been hard as everybody on the internet seemed to have an opinion on it. It was mutual breakup, you both were in different stages in your life and it just seemed like it wasn't your time.
"Yeah, I was celebrating y/bff/n's birthday with a few other girls, but I have no idea where they are and they have my cell." You were starting to get frustrated as you felt like they left without you.
"Oh no, I would help you look but I'm about to head out. Let me give you a ride home, I would hate for you to be here by yourself."
You knew if somebody saw you and Mason alone it would cause chaos all over again, but you had no other choice at the moment and you just wanted to go to bed. You agreed and as you left you both were oblivious to the cameras taking pictures of you leaving through the back door together.
As you pulled up to your hotel you smiled at Mason and thanked him.
"You're a lifesaver Mase seriously, I don't know what I would've done if I never found them or you."
"You don't have to thank me y/n. I will always look out for you even if we're broken up. I still care for you."
"You're a great friend, I'll always look out for you too."
"And um I have to ask,"
You could tell he was nervous as he scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks flushed slightly.
"What is it Mase?"
"Do you love him?"
You were surprised by the question, not expecting him to bring up Lando.
"Um yeah-yes. I love him so much, I can't even find the words to describe it to be honest. I don't think any song I write can even measure to how strong my love is for him."
"That's good, yeah, that's great. I just, I'm happy you found your person y/n. You know, I thought that person would be me, but if you're happy, than I am too. I guess we just weren't meant to be."
"Mase, you're one of the most amazing people I've met, seriously. I don't think it was ever in the cards for us, but you've taught me so much and you'll always have a special place in my heart. You will find your person one day, I promise."
You smiled at Mason as you spoke, not realizing you had given him the closure he had been needing for a year.
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Lando was freaking out.
He had been sent the article of you and Mason over 5 times already and you hadn't answered your phone in over 2 hours. His mind was reeling as he was thinking about what you could possibly be doing right now. Even though he trusted you more than anything, he couldn't help but let it get to him. Why aren't you answering?
He knew your phone was charged and turned on considering he can still see your location. As he checked it again, he realized you were no longer at the club. You were at someone's apartment. Why weren't you at your hotel? Who's apartment was this?
Before he let himself jump to conclusions, he called y/bff/n knowing you two went out together.
"Y/bff/n, hey is y/n with you?"
"Y/n? Oh nooooo. Aw I miss her Lan, is she with you?"
"What? No, how could she be with me? I'm in Monaco right now."
"Oh. Then I'm not so sure."
Lando could feel himself getting frustrated as he spoke with the clearly intoxicated girl.
"Okay, did she go home with you? With anyone else?"
"I don't know, you should probably call her or something."
"I did, over 10 times in the past hour."
"Oh maybe she's busy! Let me know how it goes, bye!"
She hung up. Lando was going to throw up. He was never considered himself as an insecure guy, but he couldn't help but feel there was something going on. He's seen those tweets and comments saying how much everyone loved you and Mason together. What if those comments made you realize they were right? What if you were with Mason right now? Lando wanted to cry, scream and throw up all at once.
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Three loud knocks woke you up from your beauty sleep. You were still in last night's clothes as you were too tired to even change after the nights disaster. You opened the door and your best friend ran in and hugged you.
"Y/N! I'm so so sorry for leaving you all by yourself. I was completely blacked out and I guess I was acting sloppy because y/f/n said we got kicked out of the club! I was acting too drunk and they got mad im so so sorry, this is all my fault and we tried to tell security to get you but they were so mean and-"
"Y/bff/n stop. It's fine, it was your birthday, you deserved to act a little crazy."
"Still babe, I'm sorry. Now that article is being spread like crazy and it's all because of me."
"What are you talking about? What article?"
"Shit. I forgot, here's your phone. But I have to warn you, people saw you leaving the club with Mason last night and the rumors have already begun. Im sorry hun."
Oh god.
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Lando🧡 15 missed calls 5 unread messages
YourPublicist 2 missed calls 1 unread message
Danny Ric🤠 2 unread messages
Y/f/n 8 unread messages
The notifications were endless as you scrolled through your phone but there was only one that you really cared about. You immediately called Lando, afraid he was angry at you for this mess.
"Lan, baby, I'm so sorry for worrying you. I just opened your messages, y/bff/n had my phone all night." You immediately gave him a run down of the night as you knew what it was like to be in his position. The media has circulated so many rumors about your relationship overnight and you knew how hard that was. You had dealt with it all throughout your career and you were heartbroken it was happening to Lando because of you.
"That's weird because I actually called y/bff/n last night and she did not mention she had your phone."
"She was so out of it last night, she probably forgot she even had it. Oh god, she was downing shots I'm honestly not even surprised she got kicked out, she was so crazy-"
"Y/n, you don't understand, I have not slept all night. I was worried and everyone is talking about this. I look like an idiot in this situation."
You knew Lando was going to be upset but after your explanation, you didn't expect for him to still be angry at you.
"I know, the night was a mess, but nothing happened with Mason. He just dropped me off and I'm grateful it was him and not some random taxi."
"You're grateful it was him? You're grateful these pictures are all over the internet?"
"That's not what I meant! I meant he was the safest option at that moment, I had nobody else."
"Yeah. Half of the internet is happy it was him. People are actually celebrating thinking you guys are back together."
"Don't listen to them Lan, me and Mase are never getting back together. People will accept it over time and this will blow over."
"Why are you being so casual about this? Do you even know how I felt last night when you weren't answering. I was going to be sick thinking what you could possibly be doing with him."
"Lan, I told you nothing happened. Why aren't you believing me?"
"This is just all too much." Lando knew he was overreacting a bit. Your story made sense and it all lined up, but he had spent the entire night overthinking and reading the rumors about you two that he couldn't get them out of his mind. He loved you so much and last night made him realize how easily he can lose you and that thought terrified him. You were everything to him, but did you really feel the same way?
"Are you breaking up with me? Seriously? Over a stupid tabloid, I can't believe this." You felt betrayed. Did he not trust you?
"I dont know, it's just hard for me wrap my head around this right now."
"Lan, my flight to Monaco leaves in a few hours, how about we just talk about this in person when our heads are clear?"
Lando was getting angrier as the call went on. He knew his insecurities were getting the best of him right now but he felt like you weren't listening to him. You were trying to brush this off when the whole world was going against you two right now.
"Wow Y/n. My heads pretty fucking clear right now. You know what? Maybe it's best if you don't come, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay."
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one week later
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liked by user 1, user 2, masonmount and 3,593,304 others
yourusername life atm. p.s all new music released from now on is coming from the comfort of my own bed <3
comments on this post have been limited
yourbff love u. coming over rn🏃‍♀️
yourusername pls dont forget snacks
taylorswift need this new album right now
danielricciardo ❤️‍🩹
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liked by user1, user2 and 231,583 others
dailymail Singer Y/n Y/l/n spotted once again with Manchester United star, Mason Mount, leaving a restaurant with a few other football players. Are the two officially back together? Rumors of her breakup with Formula One driver, Lando Norris have been circulating for over a week now after Y/l/n and Mount were seen leaving a club together. Read more on this new love triangle in our article linked in our bio.
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user1 im so excited for this album HAHAHA
user2 team mason idc
user3 funny how the last song she dropped was titled slut, if the shoe fits :)
user4 slut shaming in 2023? disgusting.
user5 i refuse to believe her and lando broke up sorry
user6 delulu is the solulu atp😁
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notes: another cliffhanger!!!🤸‍♀️also this isn't proofread at all my bad heh
tags: @jayrami3 @whoselly @roseseraj @saturnbloom77 @landowecanbewc
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prodbyton · 4 months
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🎀cw. smut +18 mdni, dom!eunseok, situationship!eunseok, sub!reader, fem!reader, yn making eunseok jealous on purpose, yn is a little tipsy, degradation (barely), rough sex, protected sex (yay), other idols mentioned for plot hehe. not edited so if theres any errors look away :3
⭐️ wc. 3.5k (OOPS)
🎧 in the closet michael jackson
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“eunseok, what are you doing here?” you almost walked past him, doing a double take once you recognized the tall male resting on the wall of the crowded club.
“i could ask you the same thing,” he looks at you up and down, grinning slightly when you shifted under his gaze.
“im here with my friends”
“mhm, and where are they now?” he questions you when he realizes that no one he’s seen you around before was accompanying you through your stroll around the establishment, and knowing you were probably drunk he didn’t want a stranger to be the one to get your attention.
“wony left with her boyfriend, and ryujin is talking to some girl over there” you pout, moving closer to the boy and placing your hand on his shoulder, he looks down at your face then to where your hand rests, trying to get a good idea of your sobriety before he chooses how he’ll continue the conversation.
“feeling left out?” he raises a brow and you nod, hand going to his chest, playing with the lining of the leather jacket that covered his body that you were craving to see. “why don’t you go find some guys to hit on?”
“thats what i’m doing right now, isn’t it?” you look up at him, catching his eyes before he fights back a chuckle. you bite the inside of your lip, watching him react the way you like. getting him nervous was a skill only you had, no matter how he tried to fight it, he felt a shiver run through his body whenever you touched him.
“you’re drunk, y/n. lemme take you home?” he grabs your hand that drags from his chest to his shoulder soothingly. at least that’s what he tells himself, trying to ignore your attempts in seducing him.
“im not drunk, just horny” oh. he’s not surprised by your bluntness but its good to know you want him this bad in your sober state.
“i should get you home then. wait for me here while i bring my car around, pretty”
it was honestly perfect that eunseok was at the club at the same time as you, you planned on texting him when you were ready to leave. if you were lucky (like now,) you hoped he would take you back to your place or his and fuck you like he always did if you were in your right mind. sometimes you two wouldn’t even make it there and would just fuck in his car, you were too captivating for the boy and when you leave the house in your revealing outfits, how could he resist you? after all you called him of all people, and that fills his chest with pride.
after a night of drinking and dancing with other men, you would always call eunseok to take you home. the thought of you grinding on other men and possibly doing more with them while you weren’t under his supervision makes his skin crawl but he won’t admit it, you two aren’t together and its not his place. you just want a good fuck, and eunseok will always be there to give it to you.
once he’s out of your line of vision you try to find ryujin, going to let her know that you’re leaving and that you’re safe.
“your little boyfriend coming to get you again?” she gives you that look she always has when eunseok is the topic of conversation. there was more to your little arrangement with him that she was able to sense, even if you two deny it. the way he would spend the night with you after you two had sex, the way he would buy you food and anything else if you asked, the way he’s always conveniently free every friday night to come pick you up from whatever party or club you were at, he was always there. you two were friends with benefits, so he’s just being a good friend. a friend that fucks you absolutely stupid. a friend that looks at you with hearts in his eyes.
“he’s not my boyfriend, and he was already here, which saved me a desperate text” you roll your eyes and do a little shoulder dance, giving her a hint on what tonight’s activities will be.
“mhm, have fun babes”
you finally walk out of the doors, the brisk air of the night hitting your sweaty skin makes you shiver as you find eunseoks car. he leans on the door of the passengers seat, staring at everyone leaving the club and looking for you. he watches the way you walk to his car, studying your frame and focusing on the way your legs look in that dress. he also takes note of the way your face contorts in discomfort from your heels, making sure to remember to carry you up to your apartment once you two get there.
“you’ve officially hit #1 on my roster, for being such a gentleman” you joke as you stand in front of him, and he raises a brow.
“who was #1 before? and what was my ranking?”
“definitely in my top 10,” you pretend to think, getting eunseok riled up called for a great fucking once you got home. “and i’d say #1 was probably… sunwoo”
“baby, we both know sunwoo couldn’t possibly fuck you nearly as well as i do. and who do you call whenever you’re horny after a party?” he grabs your chin with his hand to keep your eyes on him, and you press your thighs together at his assertiveness. you almost have to hold back a whimper, he’s just so hot. “thought so. now get in the car, it’s cold”
the car ride was comfortable. eunseok let you have aux per usual, and he smiled to himself at the way you sang along to every song. he parks his car next to yours — a spot you reserved just for him, a spot you told him was just a regular guest space so it wouldn’t go to his head. so he wouldn’t get attached — and he runs to the passengers side of the car to open your door, and once you’re out of the car he’s picking you up. you yelp at the action but you’re thankful, your heels were staring to burn from the time you spent standing in your heels.
eunseok knows your apartment inside and out, in the darkness he’s able to navigate the two of you to your bedroom and place you delicately on your bed. you sit on the edge and lean on the palms of your hands while the boy turns on your bedside lamp, keeping the room at a comfortable brightness to keep you in the mood.
“look so pretty tonight baby, who were you trying to impress?” he lifts your leg to take off your shoes, caressing the skin of your calf as he slides them off your feet.
“sunwoo” theres a playful glint in your voice and eunseok stills. he gives you a look, one you know means that you pushed one of his buttons. you like that look, cuz it means he’s gonna fuck you into the mattress if you keep pressing it.
“wrong answer. wanna try again?” he smiles, giving you a chance to take back your (unfunny) joke.
“wanna fuck me?” you push your chest up into the air, and eunseok tsks at your behavior. you were so desperate for him, going as far as getting him jealous and irritated just so he can fuck you.
“keep acting like a brat and see where that gets you” he raises his brow as a warning, and you think now you’ll drop your little bratty act and be a good girl for him, but why not push his buttons one more time?
“gets me far with sun-” you can barely get his name out when eunseok his pushing your thighs open and leaving a sharp slap on the skin of your inner thigh, causing you to yelp. he keeps his hand there as he brings his body down so his lips are by your ear and you shiver, his thigh just an inch away from your core. you want to shift your body so you can make contact, but eunseoks fingers are digging into your thigh to hold you down.
“don’t know why you like pissing me off, just wanna get fucked like a slut, huh?” his words go through your ear and straight to your clit, and you have to once again stop yourself from whimpering.
“want it so bad, seok”
he hums, finally deciding to give you what you want. his lips attach to your neck, leaving hungry open mouthed kisses across the skin while his hand grips your thigh tighter. his other hand is traveling up your waist up your your chest. he gropes your tits, and you sigh at the feeling of his fingers making contact with your nipple. he doesn’t say anything to you, just groping your body.
taking his mouth off of your neck, he removes both hands off your body and you whine at the loss. he takes in your already fucked out state, smiling to himself at how easy it was to get you worked up. he pushes your body down onto the bed, not too rough but hard enough for your weak body to fall easily. thats before he grabs your waist hard, flipping you onto your stomach.
“ass up, baby” he taps your thigh, and you quickly find your balance to sit on your knees, keeping your face in the pillows how he likes. he mutters a good girl while he lets his hand lay on the swell of your ass, bringing it down the arch in your back before bringing it back up. he repeats the action, this time letting his fingers catch the fabric of the tight dress you wore, bringing it down so it bunches up at your stomach. he groans at the pretty lace panties you wore under your dress, wet patch prominent on them as you wiggle your ass in the air as a hint you want him to touch you.
“you made a mess in your panties” he coos at you as his fingers slowly hook onto the hem of the garment, pulling it down and seeing the string of your arousal that clung to you. you whine, pushing your face deeper into the pillow in embarrassment. eunseok really was the only one who could make you like this — completely soaked through your panties and have you so submissive despite your fiery personality. your pride and common sense left your body when it came to him. you didn’t care how stupid you looked begging for attention from a man who wasn’t even your boyfriend, you didn’t care how your friends would tell you to leave him alone if you two weren’t going to make it official, you couldn’t care when he was always there for you regardless of your arrangement, you couldn’t care when he makes you feel this good even when he’s barely touching you.
he brings his thumb to your core, gathering the slick thats dripping out of you before pushing it inside of you and you gasp, body jolting at the contact. he takes his thumb out of you and drags it down to your clit, pressing on the nub forcing a moan out of you. his finger circles your clit a few times and you can feel yourself getting wetter, and your body feels hot.
you grind against his finger, and he presses harder. “just fuck me already”
“gotta stretch you out first pretty girl,”
“dont care, want- need you now” eunseok groans at your eagerness. he knows how much you struggle to take him fully if he doesn’t prep you first, but with you pissing him off all night maybe you can struggle a bit.
he steps off the bed to get himself undressed, nearly tripping as he steps out of his pants. he grabs his wallet out of his jean pocket and pulls out a condom, tearing the packet open with his teeth and sliding the condom on. he hisses, he hasn’t touched his cock at all this whole night, too focused on how jealous he was and helping get you off.
getting back on the bed, he pumps himself a few times before placing his hand on your ass, lining up his cock with your hole. he presses in slightly, tip prodding at your entrance but not enough for you to feel him.
“show me how bad you want it” grabbing a fistful of your ass, he lets go to bring his hand back down harshly on the skin. you cry out, body jerking forward before eunseok is holding you in place.
you move your arms into a better position, moving your head from off the pillow so you could look behind you. you rest on your elbows, bringing one arm behind you so you could reach eunseok. the tip of his cock was so close to pushing inside of you, and when you push back onto him it almost gets fully swallowed by your wet heat. without his support its hard for you to get him inside of you fully and you whine, pushing back harder onto him in an attempt to get him inside of you.
he wants to laugh and tell you how pathetic you look trying to fuck yourself on him, dick not even inside you and you’re moaning. he wants to tease you and tell you that this is why he preps you. wordlessly, he pushes his tip inside of you fully. the both of you let out sounds of pleasure as your cunt takes him in.
it takes you a minute to relax around him, letting him push all the way inside of you. you feel so full, the pain from the stretch subsiding and you crave more. you move forward, letting him slide out of you almost completely until just the tip is inside of you before you press your ass to him, squeezing around his cock as he bottoms out again. your body trembles under his hold, the way he stays still with his hands on your ass, and he grips the flesh tighter each time you move.
he lets you get yourself off on his cock, giving you words of encouragement to keep going and slapping your ass each time your pace faltered. you felt like you were on cloud nine, but it still wasn’t enough. you couldn’t get him deep enough, and you weren’t moving fast enough for your own and his liking.
“fuck me, eunseok”
that's all he needed to move one of his arms to push your lower body back into the mattress, grabbing both your arms to put them behind your back and snap his hips forward. he fucks you with purpose, your body is weak under him as he builds a fast pace. you can feel the way his dick stretches you out with each pull, and you can’t help the way you clench around him each time his hips kiss the skin of your ass.
“pussy so tight for me, just for me right?” he lets his jealousy peek through, moaning and leaning over you to press his cock deeper inside of you. your eyes roll to the back of your head at the sensation, you open your mouth to moan but nothing comes out.
“yes, just for you- all for you” your voice is slightly muffled by the pillow, but eunseok can hear you and he’s satisfied with your answer. he thrusts harder, and you can feel the pressure of your orgasm building up in your stomach. “close, so close”
he could feel it, he knows once you can barely keep your eyes open and you cant let out any sounds that you’re going to cum soon, like you’re holding your breath anticipating the orgasm he’ll be forcing out of you.
except he’s not fucking you anymore. he’s pulled out of you and let your body fall limp against the mattress, body trembling and the shock of being deprived of sweet realease finally comes over you. your tense muscles stop you from sitting up and grabbing at him, all you can do is turn your body around so you’re on your back, weak no’s and please leave your mouth as eunseok watches you.
denying you an orgasm was evil, he knew it. but you deserved it tonight. and honestly, he was going to cum soon as well and needed a breather. he can never last long when he fucks you from behind, and fucking you in that dress — that goddamn dress you wore tonight, he swears he would’ve taken you in front of everyone in that club.
once he feels like he’s tortured you enough, he spreads your legs open, inching closer to you and lifting one of your legs over his shoulder. he holds onto the flesh of your thigh tight, and he uses his other hand to guide his cock back into your hole. it’s quick, and you almost scream with how deep he feels in this position.
he’s so pretty, focused on where your bodies connect as he finds the pace that makes you react the best. you stare at his face, the way it contorts in pleasure as he tries to get you to your peak. then you look at the way the muscles on his stomach contract, how you see his toned stomach glisten in the dim light of your room each time he pushed back into you.
“this pretty pussy is all for me right?” his free hand moves to your clit and you moan loudly as his fingers rub tight circles around the swollen bud. your throat was dry as you tried to get a word out.
“y-yours, seok-” you had a hand in the sheets, fingers turning white as the other goes to the back of eunseoks neck. you hold him close to your face, body bending almost uncomfortably but you felt too good to care.
“you like when i fuck you like this?” his words were warm against your lips, eyes locked in on yours as he talked to you. you were so close you could almost taste it.
“love it, love your cock, love it so mu-mngh” you were cut off by a rough kiss to your lips, his tongue swirling in your mouth once before he pulled away, face still close to yours as he looked in your eyes.
“i love you”
shit. fuck.
you didn't have enough time to process the words that left his lips before you were cumming, moaning right in eunseoks face and he pressed his lips to yours again. you tried your best to kiss back but your vision was going blurry and you were fading in and out of consciousness. he lifts his body up so he can fuck you faster, fingers still on your clit as your pussy spasmed around him. his orgasm hit him not too long after, hips stilling while he filled the condom up with his cum.
he took his fingers off you, pulling out of you and letting your body rest for a moment before he has to clean you up. he sits there, realizing that he just told you he loves you mid fuck. he doesn’t know what he should do — nothing he could say could help his case. what if you don't feel the same way? what if you did but he says the wrong thing? he doesn’t want to fuck this up. he’d rather have you like this than to not have you at all.
you were asleep now, eunseok wiped his face with his hands before getting up. he rid himself of the condom he wore and got a towel to clean you up with, shushing you softly when you whimper at the sensitivity. he put his boxers back on before walking out of your room, making way to your kitchen to get you some water. he sits you up and makes you drink it, telling you that you were so good for him and that you need your rest.
once you both were cleaned up, eunseok gets into bed with you and spoons you under the covers. before you let your fatigue take over, you let your brain recover the words said before you blanked out.
“did you mean it?” your voice was soft, a part of you hoped the boy was still awake, so he could tell you what he meant. but another part of you wished he was still asleep, you didn’t want to bear the emotions of being rejected right before you went to sleep. not while he was still here, in bed with you.
“of course i meant it. now go to sleep, pretty girl. we’ll talk in the morning”
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a/n: when i tell yall this was supposed to be at most 1.5k but i got carried away… eunseok makes me crazy. i hope you guys enjoyed it <33
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taestefully-in-luv · 5 months
Summer Heat
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Summary: You run into your ex Taehyung at a bar and go home with him just to keep hanging out. But perhaps Taehyung wants more. And so do you.
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to lovers, fluff, smut. 
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, dialogue heavy, communication, fingering, mention of oral, unprotected sex.
Notes: An exes to lovers Taehyung drabble request!!!! sorry it took so long...hope you enjoy anon! (and whoever else hehe)
“Why did we break up?”
Did he ask that? Or did you? You aren’t sure who asked that. You just know that it’s been asked by one of you. The question floats in the air, the words growing bigger until they pop next to your ear. Your stomach stirs uncomfortably when the words echo a little, and finally, you realize it sounds a lot like your voice. You gulp.
“You don’t know?” Taehyung leans against the door frame, wood creaking before his arms cross over his chest. “If you don’t know then I definitely don’t know.” He suddenly smiles.
You’re wondering how you two ended up in his guest bedroom at his house. How you find yourself sitting on the edge of the bed, a towel neatly folded in your lap as you wait for Taehyung to leave the room so you can shower. You glance at the dresser where his clothes lay on top, ready for you to borrow. Wearing his clothes is… 
“Sorry.” You look down, “I shouldn’t have asked honestly.”
“Why not?” His voice is teasing.
You look up again, “Because we spent the whole night talking about how the past is the past and I don’t know, it just felt nice to hang out. I don’t want to ruin any,” You motion your hands in the space between you, “Like…vibe we got going on.”
Taehyung laughs, his back relaxing more against the wall. “It has been fun, right? Who would have thought I’d run into you tonight.” 
“I can’t believe its six in the morning.” You glance towards the window, a dark blue sky beginning to light up. “Thanks again for letting me crash here.”
“I’m the one who insisted we stay up.” Taehyung stretches his neck, a small smile still on his face. “We had, what was it? 5? 6 years to catch up on?” 
“Something like that.” You smile back, shrugging a little. “Lucky tomorrow is Saturday and we don’t have to work.”
Taehyung gazes at you, the softness in his eyes hard to miss. “I think I would have stayed up no matter the day of the week.”
Your stomach tightens, “Oh yeah?”
“So why did we break up?”
He asks this time. The question now echoing in his voice.
“I don’t know really.” You answer, “We weren’t ready?”
Taehyung separates his back from the door frame, his legs taking him to the end of the bed where he sits next to you. “We were young?”
“And not ready.” You emphasize this time. “Right person, wrong time.”
“So are you going to let me know when it’s the right time?” Taehyung asks you, his voice quieter as he looks ahead. “Because who knows, maybe it’s still right person.” His eyes slide towards you, curiosity sitting in them. 
You can’t help but quietly gasp to yourself, his curious eyes sharpening the more he gazes at you. You’ve been wondering all night. You’ve been wondering if there’s still something between you, especially because something electric has been bringing you closer the past few hours. But you didn’t know if it was your imagination. 
Taehyung’s gaze drops down to your hand that rests against the mattress. His eyes trail up your bare arm and it feels as if his fingertips are grazing your skin. 
“You think we’re still a good match?” You breathe out your words, your eyes falling to Taehyung’s bottom lip. “Or do your interests only lie in getting laid tonight?”
Taehyung’s eyes grow round, shocked at first before he chuckles, “Can it be both?”
You bite back another smile. “Maybe.”
It’s been five and half years since you and Taehyung called things off—well, since you called things off. In your eyes, it really was right person, wrong time. You aren’t sure if Taehyung agreed at that time because you didn’t really give him the chance to. That still stings a little. Probably more for him than you but seeing how lighthearted he’s been all night, you guess he’s over it.
Are you over it?
You kind of have to be.
“I remember you being a really good kisser.” Taehyung’s fingers crawl over to yours, his skin warm as he subtly touches you. 
You bite down onto your bottom lip, another smile forming. “So this is about getting laid tonight.”
“Not at all. But maybe a part of it.” Taehyung taps his fingers before weaving them through yours. Then he pulls back. “But if you don’t want to do anything…”
“Who said that?” You find his dark eyes, “I might just be teasing you.”
“You’ve always loved teasing me.”
“Maybe I still do?”
“So, some things haven’t changed.” He teases back, shaking his dark hair from his eyes. “I wouldn’t mind if some things were still the same. There’s some things I’m hoping are very different though.”
“Like what?” You can’t help but ask, your hand sliding closer to his again. 
“One, I hope you stopped being such a picky eater. And two, you let me have an opinion about us.”
You feel that sting. It shouldn’t be you who feels it but you do. “Us?”
“Yeah.” He hums, his fingers suddenly between yours again. He leans closer to you, “I want to decide things too.”
“Like what?”
“Like,” Taehyung naturally grows closer to you, his body suddenly pushing up against your side when he leans down and presses his lips against your bare shoulder. “If I should be in your life or not.”
You slowly close your eyes when you feel his warm breath before he places a kiss on your shoulder. Then another. And another.
He continues, “Last time, you decided without me. This time I want a say.” Another kiss.
You feel your stomach turn upside down, his lips confusing you while his words make you feel guilty. 
“Taehyung.” You say his name, your voice uncontrollably insecure. “Are we talking about this now?”
Another kiss. “No.”
You open your eyes, your back straightening when you feel his arm wrap around your waist. It feels good and familiar. Yet you aren’t sure how to react.
“Is it crazy to say I’ve missed you?” Taehyung sighs out, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “It is, isn’t it? I shouldn’t have thought about you so much in these last few years.”
“Did you?”
Your stomach flops again, but this time you feel intrigued. “What did you miss? Me? Or my lips? My mouth? My—”
“—Can’t I say everything?” Taehyung lifts himself, his eyes urging you to look at him. He stays close. “I missed your overthinking too, believe it or not.”
Your lips curl at the thought, his teasing working. “Oh yeah?”
“But I missed your hugs the most. When we hugged earlier…I swear I wanted to give you me right then and there.”
“Your vodka sodas make you chatty, don’t they?”
“Oh yeah.” He chuckles, “You aren’t used to it, right?”
“Considering you didn’t drink when I knew you, no. But it was fun drinking with you tonight.”
“You got kind of chatty too.” Taehyung decides to create space between you both, his body suddenly laying back on the bed. “Never been in love with anyone else since me?” He sounds proud. “Feels like that should have taken longer to admit—”
You hit his thigh with your fist, embarrassment hot on your neck. “Shut up, I didn’t think it was a big deal. Also, it’s the truth and I can’t change it.” 
You’re turned to eye him, but you quickly look away before laying down yourself. You keep your hands together, resting on top of your stomach.
“I’m not sure I’ve really been in love either. Maybe. Maybe not.” Taehyung tells you. “I’ve definitely thought about you over the years though.”
“Like what?”
“Your mouth—”
You hit his thigh again.
He laughs this time, “Okay, okay. Like for example, I saw someone eating skittles a few weeks ago and it reminded me of you. How you eat them all except the purple ones.”
“I still don’t eat the purple ones.”
“Great.” Taehyung huffs out dramatically, “You’re still picky.” He turns his head towards you and you do the same, meeting his eyes. Your stomach flops again when he smirks at you. “Somehow I missed that, too.”
“Liar,” You can’t help but laugh. “You—”
“We still click, you know?” Taehyung cuts you off, his gaze sharp again. “I’d like to hang out again. But not as friends or anything…as…I don’t know,” He turns his head, eyes on the ceiling while he smiles sheepishly. “I want to see if we can make this work. Possibly.”
“Vodka sodas make you so loose-lipped.”
“Thank God, too. I’m saying all the things I want to say so I’m thankful for it.”
“Well….” You turn your body towards him, lifting yourself on you elbow, “What else do you want to say?”
“You’re very pretty. And I want to kiss you.” Taehyung mirrors his body to yours. He looks confident as usual but you see the nerves in his eyes. “I’m not kissing anyone else at the moment, if you’re worried about that.”
“I wasn’t.” You weren’t. 
Taehyung has never been known for being a player, or messing with more than one girl at a time. If he’s showing interest in you then you know you’re the only one.
“I’ve been single for like 8 months already.” He tells you, “So I’m clean, too.” 
“I…yeah, it’s been a little while for me too.” You glance towards the open door, “But also, you sound real hopeful this is going to go in your favor.”
“Please.” He playfully rolls his eyes. “I know the way you’ve been looking at me all night. Catching up has been nice but there’s more going on here, right?”
He’s right.
“Now you’re the liar,” Taehyung smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “But like I said, we don’t have to do anything. But I still want to see you again.”
You’re both sat up on your elbows, the distance small between you before you decide to be brave.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask.
Taehyung blinks at you for a moment, his dark eyes surprised. 
“Just a kiss.” You assure him, your lips curling into a smirk. “One kiss.”
Taehyung holds his breath, seconds that feel like minutes pass. A small laugh finally leaves his mouth and his eyes fall to the bed. “Why am I suddenly nervous?” He admits. “As if I forgot how to kiss.”
“You were so confident earlier?” You tease him but you were positive you saw the nerves in his eyes and you were right. 
“I think the vodka sodas helped and they’ve worn off at this exact moment.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is, isn’t it?” 
You stare at Taehyung, his eyes going from yours to the mattress every few seconds before the strap of your tank top slides off your shoulder and his eyes glue to that extra inch of skin. It was a hot summer night, and a white tank top with some shorts is all the night called for.
You didn’t think you would run into Taehyung at a bar neither of you have been to. A night out with a couple of friends that happily ditched you to catch up with your ex. 
“Why did we break up for real, y/n?” Taehyung’s eyes are back on yours. “I know but sometimes I doubt and question it.” 
“You expect me not to?” He laughs a little but his voice is now the one that sounds uncontrollably insecure. “I was in love with you for so many years of my life. You were my best friend…”
You feel a sharp poke in your heart. 
“I know.” You decide to sit up, your body slumping over a little. “I’m sorry.”
And you are. You’ve wanted to apologize for years. 
“I know you’ve been sorry since the day we broke up.” Taehyung sits up too, his side pushed up against yours. Suddenly space isn’t necessary. “Don’t feel bad. I just want to hear you confirm your reason.”
You glance at Taehyung, eyes studying him. “I got scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“That I didn’t know myself yet. That it would have been better if we were older…more mature. I should have just talked to you. But I thought you’d agree. I just…” You stop, ripping your eyes away from him. “Wanted to make it easier for both of us at that time.”
“Okay.” Taehyung nods to himself. “It wasn’t because you stopped loving me?”
“No.” You don’t find the courage to look at him yet. “I still loved you.”
Taehyung bumps into your shoulder with his and you hear the lightness in his voice again. “We’re older? More mature? You think we could look at one another the way we did before?”
You straighten your back again. “You really want to try this again?”
“I really want to kiss you at the least.” He sounds teasing once more. “But yeah, I’d love to continue getting to know you and see where this might lead.”
“I offered to kiss you already but you chickened out.” You bump into his shoulder now. 
“I know.” He laughs, “But turns out I did want to have the conversation now. Kind of want to kiss you even more now because of it.”
“Then kiss me now, if you want.”
You’re older now. More mature now.
Yet you’re sitting shoulder to shoulder, towel still folded in your lap, eyes on the floor and nerves surrounding you both.
Taehyung’s breath leaves his mouth in a warm puff and you feel it glide over your bare thighs. His nerves make you brave. You grasp the towel in your hands before placing it next to you and you turn your head towards the man you used to love. 
He mirrors you, eyes still unsure. 
“You’re cute.” You murmur. “And—”
Taehyung leans in closer, his eyes stuck on your lips. “It’s okay, right?”
You nod.
The warm breath you felt on your thighs now lingers over your lips. It makes you stop breathing.
He comes closer, his hand softly landing on your lower back, fingers slowly digging into your tank top as he grows closer and finally, you feel the skin of his lips touch yours in a kiss that becomes firmer the longer he stays. His kiss is so familiar that it will haunt you later. 
Taehyung detaches for only a moment, catching his breath before he leans in again more confidently and you finally give him a response. Your lips slowly moving over his as you kiss him back, your hands sliding up his chest. So familiar. His tongue pokes out and you open your mouth just the slightest to grant his wish. You taste him now, and it’s also hauntingly familiar.
You feel your lower belly swirling and swirling, a tension growing between your legs and it makes you ache. You wish a few kisses didn’t make you this desperate already but when Taehyung feels your fingers slide up into his hair, he knows you desire more. 
His tongue explores more freely and you moan into his mouth, the sound quiet and soft but it creates a stirring in Taehyung’s pants. He can feel himself grow harder. So, he kisses you harder. 
You break away for a moment, lips wet and tingly. “You have a condom?”
“Already?” He asks, breathless. “Let me at least eat you out first.”
“I haven’t showered yet.” Your eyes slide to the side, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“I don’t care.” 
“I care.”
His hands go to your shorts, fingers fiddling with the button. “Fingers?”
You think about it for a second, thighs squeezing together at the idea. “Okay.”
And his fingers are quick to undo the button on your shorts, and he pulls down the zipper. You quickly wiggle out of them, kicking them off of you, while they land somewhere on the floor.
“Cute underwear.” He tickles the skin above the band with his fingers, before they slide lower and you gasp. He begins rubbing them over where you ache. Your panties grow damper and damper, making it easy for him to move your underwear to the side, and his fingers dive into your wetness. 
“Ah, Taehyung…” You become tense. Teeth digging into your bottom lip. “I—”
His fingers swirl over your clit, making you sigh out in content. They play here before he uses his middle finger to dive where you really want him. Finger massaging your entrance, before he adds another. Entering you, making you immediately relax once the moment you’ve been anticipating is over. He works to stretch you out, his eyes focused on yours, his tongue wetting his lips as he watches how you start to fall into a daze.
His fingers feel so good. They’re long and reaching the right places. He curls them, making you whine, head falling to his shoulder and he chuckles.
“Feel good?” He whispers, fingers working harder and all you hear is how they fuck into you.
You nod against his shoulder, a breathy laugh leaving your lips. 
“I want you…” You admit, “Now.”
His fingers stop moving, his head suddenly nodding quickly and he slides them out. “Yeah.”
Taehyung brings his fingers to his mouth, licking them proudly and you don’t have it in you to tell him to stop. He wanted your familiar flavor. So, it can haunt him later too. 
You stand, eyes on him as you take your tank top off. He stands too, helping you take off your bra and his eyes are glued to your chest, clouding over with lust. You reach for the bottom of his shirt and he helps you take it off his body. Shorts and boxers are next. You stare at his cock, the head of it throbbing and you feel your mouth water. Another time, you tell yourself. 
You finally slip off your underwear and you stand here, gazing at one another and you both become dizzy. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He tells you, hands reaching for your hips and he guides you to the bed again, laying you down. “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”
“Me too.” You tell him, breathless and heated. 
Taehyung crawls over your body and you feel how he moves his cock to enter you, moving slowly until he’s snug between your legs. You both sigh. Your walls tightening around him. He feels so good. And so familiar. He pushes himself further into you, your legs wrapping around his waist until you gasp to yourself, eyes shutting in contentment. 
“You feel…” You can’t finish your sentence.
“Yeah.” He agrees, sliding out of you before thrusting back in. He repeats this motion a few, slow times. Letting his cock get soaked and pulled into your sweet core. He can’t remember the last time he felt this entranced. Maybe it was with you. 
He starts fucking into you, the repeated motions are smooth and calculated. He’s trying his best to fuck you at the angle that is going to make you whimper. And he finally finds it. He moans into your neck, his hot breath making your skin moist. He starts kissing your throat. 
You feel yourself growing tighter and tighter the more he firmly pushes in. You’re going to cum. 
Taehyung starts thrusting faster, his kisses growing sloppy and he forces himself to slow down, his body trembling above yours. Oh, he’s really close.
“You’re so pretty…” He moans, his thrusts getting harder. “I fucking missed you, your pussy…everything.”
“Taehyung…” You wrap your arms around him, nails clawing at his back. “Fuck, just like that…I’ll cum.”
“Yeah. I know.” He smirks against your neck before he lifts his head and locks eyes with you. “Let’s cum together, y/n. Fuck,” His pace grows faster and you feel your insides crumble. He feels too good. 
“I’m gonna—” You choke on air when he thrusts particularly hard, pushing into you so deep it makes your stomach tighten. He fucks you so deep you wonder how you could go without this any longer. 
“y/n.” He chants your name, head falling into your neck again, whining against your skin and that’s all it takes for the band inside you to snap. You feel warmth gushing around his cock, dribbling out of you as you cum all around him and his hips thrust forward a few more times before he releases every drop of cum he can offer inside you. 
Your body becomes limp, legs falling from his waist as you catch your breath, silently laughing as the euphoria continues to overtake you. Taehyung laughs too, breathing heavily above you, his eyes shining with happiness. You can’t miss it. 
“We forgot the condom.” He tells you.
“I know.” You bite your lip, hiding another smile. You aren’t worried since you’re on birth control. “Maybe you can shower with me?”
He leans down to kiss you, smile all over his face. “Okay, and then I’m eating you out.”
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
hotch keeping reader’s favourite tea in stock in his go-bag because he knows their stubborn ass can’t relax after a case without a nice cup of tea. reader is in a huff on the jet because they couldn’t find any in the kitchenette cupboard so Aaron goes digging in his bag, slinks off to the kitchen and returns with a steaming cup of tea for them 💓💓 basically pining!aaron being the sweetest most silently thoughtful boy ever
chamomile and honey
stop that's so 😭💛💞 cw; mention of food (if tea counts), comfort, aaron pining BIG TIME hehe he's so cute <3 wc; nearly 1k
after practically rearranging the entirety of the cupboard, you accepted defeat. but not without gently slamming it shut.
you sulked back to your seat, a huff escaping you as you slouched down within it, silently cursing yourself for not being proactive and buying more of your preferred tea. maybe it was your lack of sleep, but you could've sworn you hadn't been running low. not yet.
your exhale didn't go unnoticed; aaron's eyes lifted from the report he had already busied himself with, taking advantage of the long, late flight to silently work ahead. he noticed your pout, your clear displeasure, and that you were empty-handed.
everyone had their jet ride home rituals - morgan had his headphones, reid completed several books, jj phoned home, aaron had his paperwork and you had your tea.
it's been your thing since day one. the team all jokingly teased you about it, to which you rebutted right back, giggling away. but again, it was your thing. aaron couldn't recall a ride home where a mug wasn't nestled in your grasp, but he could recall numerous times where it eased your frustrated tears, helped you fall asleep, or simply relaxed you.
in addition, the smell of your tea was routine to him. the sweet aroma provided a lightness to the atmosphere; it kept the jet from feeling stuffy, seemingly cleansed any negativity dwelling from the case, and allowed aaron to maintain a clear head.
knowing you were calm, calmed him.
perhaps that's why when he was grocery shopping one day, and recognized your favorite brand and flavor of tea on one of the shelves, he tossed it into his cart without a second thought. and likewise, packed it into the side pocket of his go-bag the moment he was home.
and that's also why he didn't dare waste another second, depriving you of the comfort he knew you deeply and desperately craved.
closing the file in front of him, he swiftly got up in search of his bag, all while avoiding dave's prying and knowing eyes. once found and as expected, the tea was right where he left it - snug within the right side pocket.
he removed a tea bag and trailed to the kitchenette himself, grabbing ahold of a to-go cup and placing the small bag inside. next, he took hold of the already prepared kettle (his heart dropped a bit, knowing you had been the one to and ended up disappointed), pouring the water inside to the rim. after steeping the bag for a few minutes, he then mixed a teaspoon of honey inside, secured it with a lid to keep warm, and to prevent any hot water from scorching you if there was a bout of turbulence, before walking over to you.
you sensed him as he approached; your chin was resting on your hand as your peered out the window, watching the horizon pass, or as much as you could in the darkness. your eyebrows furrowed into a silent question as you noticed the cup in his hands, and then gazed up at him.
"chamomile, with an extra dash of honey. just how you like it."
it took you a second to internalize his words, and then your expression changed completely. your eyes lit up, your posture straightened in your chair, and the beautiful grin aaron loved so dearly took form on your face. "you better not be playing with me, hotchner."
"of course i'm not." aaron laughed lightly, handing the cup to your eager grabby hands before settling in the seat besides you.
you wholeheartedly believed him, but you still played it up. you playfully narrowed your eyes, while aaron cheekily shrugged his shoulders, as you took a timid sip. just as promised, you were met with your favorite delicate floral herbs, hints of apple and honey. and truthfully, it tasted so much better than the way you prepared it yourself.
the aaron hotchner touch, you supposed.
warmth filled you from head to toe, but it wasn't from the tea. you looked at aaron, utterly speechless and in complete awe.
aaron's ears turned slightly pink, a small, nervous chuckle escaping him, "what?"
"i'm just... in shock?" you laughed, an utmost fond glint for him in your eyes. "where'd you find it? am i just blind, i checked the cupboard three times at least."
his gaze averted from yours, an adorably boyish expression filling his face, "i can't reveal all my secrets, can i?"
"oh, that's right. you have to keep up your mysterious reputation, i almost forgot." you teased and took another sip, laughing gently against your cup.
aaron's lips tipped up into a smile, but quickly neutralized.
"but," he paused for a moment, finding your eyes, "i can say that i know how important it is for you to have this after a case. especially... after a case like that."
you sobered for a moment, silently nodding your head in agreement as your grip tightened slightly on your cup, holding it with both hands. the uneasiness you've felt the past few days threatened to return, but it couldn't. not now, not with the comfort and understanding deep in aaron's eyes, making your heart feel ten times too small.
you grabbed his hand, the squeeze you gave it in perfect timing with the flutter that produced in his heart. "thank you, really. i genuinely don't know what to say."
"you don't have to say anything. if it puts your mind at ease, that's... more than enough for me. truly."
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eluxcastar · 5 months
Dottore giving child reader a check up
── ୨୧:il dottore & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: nobody scares you more than the Doctor, and that's why you're wholly betrayed by Father tricking you into getting a check up right under your nose, but perhaps your worries are exaggerated by rumours
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, child reader, he's a lil soft (cause if he's not poor kid might explode on site), reader is mute, reader is also autistic (but tbh you don't have to read it that way), not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 2.9k
idk what possessed me to write this I just has the thought and decided it had to be done. I got in the zone and wrote it in a few hours 😭 this is kinda loosely based off one of my characters but ambiguous enough I think to be read as a reader insert. little ball of anxiety with legs reader hehe. they come from the house of the hearth so every instance of father refers to arle
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You can't think of a single person able to scare you nearly as much as the Doctor can, whether it's the daunting trip to find him wherever he hid this time or the fear of knowing he tried to bargain with Father to have the more unimpressive children—as some would call you—shipped off to him to become experiments.
Father won't allow him to get his hands on any of you, but it hardly eases the fear that he may disregard Father's warning and decide to pluck the first child he comes across up and feign ignorance when she realises they've disappeared.
Father personally entrusted you with this letter, so you cannot turn back as you make your way to where she said he should be. 
The sleepiness might manage to numb you to the danger by the time you arrive and make it easier to stomach his presence, but most likely, he will only frighten you awake, and it will worsen with the shock to your system.
There's no turning back now and no declining when Father asks you to take letters, which she says are of great importance. You can't treat letters like this lightly, even if you fear the recipient.
Knowing who is behind it makes the door all the more daunting. Doors that separate you from Harbingers always make you nervous as it's not every day you find yourself faced with one armed only with a letter and shaking hands. If it were anyone else, you could've knocked in a heartbeat, but you pause to gather your bearings before raising your hand to knock.
One two, three…four. Spaced just as Columbina taught you to, and then you wait.
Several seconds pass in silence before you hear footsteps from inside, then a voice calling out to you. "The door is unlocked."
You reach for the handle, cautiously cracking open the door just enough to peek inside. Your eyes travel across the room from your left to your right until you spy Dottore seated in a chair facing away from you. He hears you, evident in the way he turns to look at you as you work up the courage to step inside and leave the door ajar behind you.
"It's you," he remarks, the closest to acknowledgment you expect to receive. You are about to make your way to hand him the letter when he interrupts you. "Close the door."
The door is always closed here like it's trying to keep someone out, but there's no one here that he would dread seeing who would knock and accept that the door is locked. He must not be trying to convince anyone of that, and if he was, maybe he'd lock the door for real and leave everyone stranded outside instead of talking.
Dottore makes you nervous. You don't know what he thinks or why, but you probably don't like it. It's the only reason why he would be here right now. Normal doctoring wouldn't get him far as a Harbinger, and the sounds you've heard coming from his lab are enough to deter you from wondering too much. 
Instead, you quietly spin yourself around to push the door closed before returning to your endeavour of handing him this letter from Father she entrusted you with.
"Who is it from?" he asks, a question you remember him asking before too. You concluded that he's trying to gauge how eager he is to read it, and your answer will set his mood for the remainder of your stay.
You turn the envelope over to show him the seal on the back, which you hold out to him. The mark of the House of the Hearth—Father's seal—is displayed so that Dottore can glean the answer from wordless actions. He accepts it from your hand with a stifled eagerness, the hopes of something he'll enjoy written there held back by the knowledge that, in all likelihood, it's a trivial matter.
The moment the letter leaves your hands, you retreat to the safety of the door, where you stand beside the frame to await a half-hearted reaction or collect his response. Father is always happy when you return to the House to inform her that Dottore sighed when he read her letter, even if she regards the news with her usual stoicism. She despises when he bothers to send something back to her, but she never tells you why, as usual.
He collects something off his desk just out of your sight, hidden behind him, and the sound of paper tearing follows. He drops the twice-folded paper into his hand, then unfurls it to read the contents.
You wait in silence, nerves evening out as you rub the sleep from your eyes with the back of your hand. Sleepiness does help you occupy yourself if nothing else.
Then, you are interrupted by a snap of his fingers and a motion of his hand to usher you closer. 
Keeping him waiting will only make him mad, though you're sure not enough time has passed for him to pen any cohesive message in the minute or two you spent waiting.
You look up in anticipation nonetheless, expecting him to hand you something or tell you something so when he reaches toward you, it doesn't alarm you. 
Not until he grabs you beneath your arms, picks you up, and sits you down on the table, much closer to eye level with him.
"Arlecchino has her concerns about your sleeping habits and your seeming lack of will to speak," he begins, reaching behind you to grab something you barely follow before he has it in his hands. It's only a light, small and thinner than the torches at the House.
Your mind races with every question you can think of as you try to find a way off this table back to the floor, but the only way out is blocked by Dottore sitting in front of you, unsympathetic to the fear in your eyes when you stare at him. You could swear you hear your heartbeat thrumming in your ears in a quickened rhythm.
What was written in that letter? Was it about you? It takes only a brief glance down in search of the open letter to realise exactly what makes this delivery so important. Father tricked you into coming here to see the Doctor after you so eagerly declined her previous offer to go willingly. You catch glimpses of your name in Father's handwriting and little else as it blurs into a messy sea of details, but you always recognise how Father writes your name.
You know better than to assume this is punishment but rather the manifestation of Father's worry as you keep oversleeping lately and need one of the older children to fetch you from the comfort of your bed. The idea that habit would land you here, presumably getting a check-up, might've inspired you to prize yourself out of bed a little earlier had you known.
Dottore seems to gauge your trembling as an obvious sign of fear, though a twitch at the corner of his lips is your only indicator, as you can't see his eyes beneath the mask. "Her explicit concern was whether or not you're ill." He rests his hand against your knee— they're cold, yet you almost expect it. It doesn't mean you especially like it. You can only interpret the action as a skewed attempt to comfort you. "As long as you're healthy, I see no reason to keep you longer than a simple check up."
He's not a real doctor, is all you can think, and he doesn't know what he's doing.
You have no choice but to steel yourself for whatever pain you're about to be subjected to. It might hurt, but you have no way out, no way back to Father, so you can curl up in a ball at her feet and ask why she would subject you to this torture—
"Don't tense your jaw," you suddenly hear, realising his finger taps your knee to grab your attention back from dreamland. "Open your mouth," he instructs you, and rather simply at that. It's something you can follow without getting scared he'll hurt you somehow.
He shines that light at you, inspecting something, though you can't say what. A slight tilt of his hand and, by proxy, the light he's holding is your only sign he's looking at anything.
The light is off before you know it. There was no pain at all, not even a hint of discomfort beyond what naturally arises from your ever-present anxiousness.
Dottore moves to set the light beside you, then appears to change his mind as he offers it to you. You take it from his hand and click it just as he had, the light coming on again. Another click, and it's off. Holding it just like that, an object of clicks and ridges and a light you can play with, is enough to give you something to at least take your mind off the fear of getting hurt.
"Lift your head." 
This time, compliance comes easier as you tilt your head up until the point his hand stops nudging you, and instead, he presses his fingers against your throat. It's light enough to feel only slight pressure; it doesn't hurt, but you don't like that feeling. Your thumb brushes over the exterior of the light, smooth against the pads of your fingers and satisfying to touch. You pull away before you can come to your senses and stop yourself, but he lets go the moment your discomfort flares, and you do the closest you can to telling him no.
Your breathing begins to even back out seeing his hands so clearly in the air in front of you, away from you, not touching you. It's silent reassurance that what you just did counts enough as revoking his permission to touch you as anything can.
Dottore doesn't feel like dealing with the fussy child that trying to force it would invoke for a mere favour to the Knave.
Instead, simply asking you like the fully grown child you are seems much more efficient. "I'm going to ask you a few questions, all yes or no," he begins. "They're all simple enough you can answer without speaking."
You interpret the ensuing silence as Dottore waiting, expecting you to nod or shake your head, and you quickly offer a nod in agreement.
"Do you know if you're able to speak?"
You consider his question carefully, unsure of the answer. Your hesitation prompts him to rephrase the question.
"Are you able to make any noises at all?"
You nod. You know the answer to that.
"But not speak in full words?"
Not words. Words don't work. You shake your head.
"Would that be because you're physically unable to?"
You shake your head. You've spoken before, but each time you try, especially here, something robs you of your voice before you get the chance. You know you can talk, just not here like this. 
"If not physical, then there's nothing wrong with you," he concludes. It feels sudden like there should be more, but he stops so quickly. "Nothing that I can fix," he promptly adds. That explains it.
Why not? He doesn't answer, unable to hear the things you don't say. To him, you remain as starkly silent as ever and as difficult to treat as you have been the past few minutes. You suspect he came to some greater conclusion between when you first walked in and now but neglects to share with you what it is.
You must look unsatisfied or just confused as he pauses to stare at you. You look away first, eyes drifting back to the light in your hands.
"Arlecchino only wanted to know if something was physically wrong with you," he says, briefly looking down at the letter as he skims a particular section again. "Your poor sleep may be the result of insomnia, or whatever is causing the mental block that also prevents you from speaking."
Mental block? Nobody ever told you about anything like that. 
You eye him curiously, though you again remain silent, watching him while you think he isn't looking back. It's easy to look at him as long as you don't consciously think of the fact that he's staring at you behind that mask.
Dottore holds his hand out expectantly, a motion of his fingers telling you he wants you to return what you have in your hands to him. You do so, but not without a sadness-driven hesitance to accompany it.
"None of the things you're describing imply a physical problem, but a paranoid 'parent' overattentive to the wrong facets of what could be wrong with an orphan." You don't like the way he says that as if he's speaking ill of Father, but like always, you keep your mouth shut. "If you couldn't speak because of a physical injury, you would have presented with one when you arrived at the House of the Hearth—not now. Trouble sleeping and an elevated heart rate, shortness of breath, intense panic and your tremors are more likely the symptoms of anxiety." 
That's a lot of words, but as he quickly lists every example, you seem to become conscious of it. Mental block, anxiety. Those are the two things you've been told that sound like explanations. You look down as if on instinct, hands held in front of you to investigate his claims that you're shaking. You are. Before your eyes, your hands are trembling, though you can't say why. You look back at him to see if he has anything else to say.
You thought your sleep troubles weren't the same, the result of bad dreams, but supposedly not. Dottore doesn't know anything about that, does he? No, he can't. You never told him, so he can't know. He knows lots of things he shouldn't, like your heart racing when you're scared or how you feel like you can't breathe at times. 
Dottore clicks the light on again, shining it down at your hands resting in your lap. He circles it in place, and your eyes follow. It clicks off again after a few seconds. "Distraction helps anxiety," he says, then sets it down on the desk beside you. "Do you know why you can't sleep?" he asks.
Yes. You nod. Dreams. On nights when they're at their worst, they keep you awake long past bedtime when all others have gone to sleep. By breakfast, you can be so tired and sleep-deprived that dozing off over your food is the only thing you can manage.
You half expect to sit through another round of questioning before Dottore finds the one that clicks the pieces perfectly together in his head, just as he did in the first round.
Instead, Dottore stands, and his hands find your sides to hook you under your arms. Your feet are back on the ground before you can fuss any more about how much you do or do not like it. With you out of his way, he flips the paper Father wrote her request to him on.
"If you know the answer, then you're free to go."
That's it?
You stare up at him for a moment, perplexed by the surprising lack of pain compared to the abundance of fear you felt. It should have hurt, but it didn't, and now you don't know why you were so against coming here in the first place. Dottore spared five or ten minutes of his time, which he already didn't want to give you, and is sending you on your way without injury,
You can't see his face as he's turned away, writing something down that you can't make out. If you took a guess what it is, it's probably about you, just like the first one was. Still, you can tell why Father is so annoyed to receive letters from him. You don't recognise your name when he writes it. You don't recognise anything he writes. His handwriting is awful.
He folds it and slips it back into the envelope it was given to him in. That's not proper etiquette, but something in the way he practically shoves it into your hands tells you that he doesn't particularly care. So long as it gets from him to Father, it doesn't matter how it gets there in his eyes.
"Give that to the Knave." That is his final instruction. You're very used to following those kinds of instructions by now, having heard and executed them many times. They're second nature to your mind.
You nod, pinching it between your fingers to keep the paper from falling out of the open envelope. If Father's was critical, so is this one, and you'll get it back to her quickly—more importantly, safely.
You can't help wondering why it felt so much easier to have someone briefly look at you and ask a few questions. The older children make it sound torturous and barbaric, like being used as a lab rat to spite Father for her refusal with his only opportunity to access the children of the House.
Perhaps seeing a doctor to ease Father's worries isn't as scary as you believed.
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gojoidyll · 13 days
Feixiao and jingliu x reader who calms jinglius mara and feixiao's disease through physical touch (holding hands, kissing, transmission of body fluid), so you probably know which method is the most effective 😏
hehe reminds of mana transfer in fate 🫣🤭 specifically in that scene with shirou & sakura-
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Feixiao x Reader x Jingliu
Summary | Or in which Feixiao and Jingliu find out what all causes your ability to activate.
Warnings | sfw & nsfw, smut, +18, mdni, p in v, fingering, oral, questionable use of abilities, reader has a dick, gn reader, reader is taller than feixiao & jingliu and reader follows the path of abundance, nsfw under the cut, grammatical errors, etc.
Note | I kind of went snooping around in your blog and noticed you don't write fem reader, so dw I didn't make the reader fem in this <3
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When Feixiao held your hand for the first time it was as if a considerable weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
“Something wrong?”
Feixiao shook her head and let go of your hand, the feeling of relief was quick to leave her. You smiled slightly at the scene, you could tell her mind was working and trying to figure what exactly was happening.
“It’s my ability that aligns with the path of abundance.”
“Your ability?”
You nodded, “yeah, I’m able to calm any sickness and disease through physical touch. Now, it doesn’t fully heal, mind you. Just calms the symptoms down.”
“No wonder Jingliu likes you.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll have you know that Jingliu is with me for more than my ability.”
“Sure, sure,” Feixiao teased. Though, her eyes soon dropped back down to your hand when you held it out for her.
“You know, Feixiao, there’s nothing wrong with using my ability for yourself.”
Feixiao closed her eyes and smiled before grabbing your hand. The calming effect washing over her in an instant, “I know.”
You started to tug her along the busy streets of the Luofu. Due to some much needed vacation, you both had headed straight for the perfect spot which was as far away from the Yaoqing as possible which was why you were on the Luofu. Though, Feixiao did have some complaints since it was Jingliu’s idea to rest and relax here.
“Speaking of Jingliu, where is she?”
“Back in our room. Since we were cuddling the night before, she’s been able to sleep a whole lot better.”
“Because you were calming the mara within her?”
Feixiao looked to you as you easily carved a path for you both through the crowd.
“Are there other ways to use your ability?”
You chuckled at that, “yeah, you could say there is.”
Feixiao pressed for more, her curiosity peaked, “like what?”
“Well, physical touch is one. Like hand holding, hugging, cuddling, and kissing too. Some ways are more effective than others.”
“What’s the most effective way?”
You glanced at her and quickly looked away, “w- well…”
“Well,” she pressed.
“It would have to be the transmission of body fluid.”
You turned your head to look at her again and saw how her face turned a dark shade of red. It took you by surprise if you were being honest. Never, not once, have you ever seen THE Feixiao flustered.
You nudged her a little. Your worry racking your brain as you wondered what she could possibly be thinking about.
“Are you sure?”
Her question took you off guard, “I-,” you cleared your throat, “Yeah, I’m sure.”
And then you saw it. That grin of hers. The one grin that showed that she was always up for a challenge, “want to try it and see? We can even bring Jingliu to see as well.”
Which was exactly how you found yourself back in your shared hotel room. Your arms easily holding Feixiao’s legs up and over your shoulders as you sat on your knees on the bed, her back pressed flat in the mattress as you lifted her hips up. Your breath hitting slightly on her throbbing clit before you wrapped your lips around it and began to suck lightly.
The little mewl that escaped her lips had you grinning into her cunt as you started to lap at her sticky folds, the tip of your tongue lightly teasing her fluttering hole every time you flicked your tongue down.
All the while Jingliu made quick work of your pants, your shirt having already been discarded to floor. And the moment that she managed to pull down your pants and boxers a little, your cock sprung free from it’s confines. The tip already an angry shade and dripping. Pressing her bare tits to your back, she wrapped her arms around your waist and let her hands trail down your v-line and to your erect shaft. Her cool fingers immediately trailing down your length before wrapping around it and giving it a small tug.
The action caused you to moan into Feixiao’s cunt, the reverberations sending jolts through her body as she arched her back of the bed. Her hands immediately reaching out for you as she grabbed a fistful of your hair and began to tug on it. Smirking against her, you easily pulled away from her grasp. Her reaction was immediate as she glared at you a little, but her moans quickly returned when you brought one of your hands down on her cunt. Two of your fingers plunging deep into her hole, her tight walls clung harshly against your deft digits, it felt like she was about to break them in two.
Not wanting to be ignored, Jingliu tightened her grasp onto your cock making you buck your hips a little, “ahh, don’t do that! Do you want me to finish on your hands?”
Jingliu merely smirked at you, “maybe I do.”
You rolled your eyes. She was teasing, obviously. You three were going to test the transmission of body fluid after all.
Finally, after edging Feixiao a bit more, you pulled your fingers out of her cunt. Her breath running a bit ragged as her orgasm was swiftly taken from her. Looking back at Jingliu, she got the silent message and released your cock.
“You still with me?”
Feixiao nodded as you lowered her hips so you could align your cock with her dripping, throbbing entrance.
Your tip teased her fluttering hole. Your precum smearing against her slicken folds before slowly inching your hardened shaft into her. And while inching your cock into her, Jingliu wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled your head to the side so she could kiss you. Before Feixiao entered the mix, you and Jingliu were always side by side, so, just this once, Jingliu would let Feixiao have you for the night. Though, that didn’t mean she would up and leave of course. She planned to be here the whole time. So, might as well kiss you in the meantime, right? As a sort of reminder that you didn’t fully belong to Feixiao.
You moaned into the kiss, your tongue pushing into Jingliu’s mouth just as your cock fully sheathed into Feixiao’s cunt.
“Mmmm, ahhh, I can- I can feel the difference.”
You broke the kiss as both you and Jingliu looked down at her, Jingliu softly laid her head into the crook of your shoulder as you grinned, your hips pulling back before harshly slamming into her.
“Can you now? Was my precum all you needed?”
You started a hard, steady pace. Her cunt hugged you tightly, her walls squeezing you in such a way that had your muscles all tense.
Feixiao immediately shook her head, “no- I need more!”
You chuckled softly as you continued to slam your hips harshly into her, your eyes trailing down to where you both were joined. A white, creamy ring was quick to form around the base of your cock as you gripped her hips.
Jingliu continued to let her head rest against your shoulder. One of her hands slowly reaching for you as she laid her palm against your chest, her fingers lightly racking across your skin.
“Fuck me next, alright?”
“Heh, yes ma’am.”
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw(Here!), Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. I've been thinking about maybe programming a small fan-made mini-otome using these ideas. Just for some practice for school while also being self indulgent hehe
Leona Kingscholar
Let’s just rip the bandaid off. Leona dates to marry. He’s not someone to invest his time in something troublesome, and frankly? Not many people catch his interest. Sure. He might think someone is physically attractive, but there’s a difference. He doesn’t follow the traditional path either. The ‘dating’ stage doesn’t last long because he’s already made up his mind prior to it.
Dating is pretty much just formality. The moment you agree to it, you’re essentially agreeing to marry him. He’s not going to put in effort for just anyone. Bonus points if he’s the one to confess his feelings first. That is basically concrete confirmation that he intends to marry you.
Leona proposing is inevitable. Only two things stand in his way: time and pride. Time, because he is no idiot. Your ways are unlike his people, and unlike him. He’s patient. He knows how to play the game. He can wait, but not forever. He’ll observe you over time and slip in questions here and there about your goals in life. Then he’ll find a good time frame. Please remember that Leona is not just an ambitious hot-head. He’s a smart one.
Then there is his pride. He will not put himself in a position that has a chance to fail. No. He will play dirty, and wait until you are tinkering with the idea of marriage. He’ll steer conversations towards talks of the future, and make it so you’re the one who starts them. All to get you warmed up to the idea of spending your life with him, and to a stage where he can clearly tell where you lie emotionally. He might appear neutral on the outside; however, it’s all according to plan. While you are just beginning to imagine your lives together, Leona’s already had the thought process long prior. You don’t need to know that though.
The icing on the cake is when you visit his home. Checka is Leona’s secret wingman. Your soft spot for the boy is something he takes advantage of, and lets Checka consume your attention during a tour of the palace. You meet his elder brother, who irritatingly pries for details about your relationship. Leona lets it go. Just this once, because he knows you feeling at home is more important in the long run. You share a room with him during your stay, and he made arrangements for small changes according to your tastes. You’re also gifted with a new wardrobe of traditional clothes for your stay, and given free reign of the area. Naturally you are guarded in secret, as per the King’s orders. His brother knows as well as Leona does that it is imperative that your stay goes well.
You will be touring landmarks and tourist spots within the continent as well. While Leona would much rather laze his free time away in his room (away from his family), he goes. Word spread that he was bringing home his partner. Thank the gossiping maids for that. Walking with you makes the rumors official, and is safer than having you walk alone with Checka and some royal guards. That would have arisen suspicion, and been troublesome. More troublesome than walking around and confirming to the public that you are not to be touched.
Ignoring the many remarks about how Leona is unusually active during his visit (thanks to you), his pride is high. You’ve thoroughly been slotted into his life, and are accepted. Any apprehensions about you denying him were snuffed out. The way you took to living with him so easily proves it. If you weren’t welcomed by his family? Well, it wouldn’t change anything. This scenario just makes what he’s about to do easier.
The first night you arrived, Farlan presented Leona with a Kingscholar family heirloom. A ring that has been in their family for generations. Not meant to be worn permanently, and only for proposals. Farlan used it to propose to his wife, and at the ceremony presented her with the ring he picked out. Now Leona will use it to propose to you.
One look at it and Leona declined. He’s spent his whole life chasing things that he couldn’t have because of his birth status. He would not yield this moment to tradition. Farlan was shocked, but rescinded the offer with a supportive smile. His brother had found himself, and the King was proud.
On the evening of your final night at the palace - Leona finds you alone on the balcony of your shared room. If he was going to do anything, it would be now. Initially he was 100% confident in getting your acceptance, but the longer he watches the less sure he becomes. Deep down there is rooted fear that he will once again become second choice, and that you’ll choose to return to your world over him. His hands are in his pockets, and one of them fists around the ring he prepared long ago.
Right when he moved to back out, you turned to come back inside. Your serene stature brightened at the sight of him, and he gained back some confidence. If you could only look at him that way forever…well, here goes nothing.
What are you doing out there without a coat? It gets extremely cold in the Savannah during the night. Do you want to get sick? I won’t be the one taking care of you….,” he sighs, pushing the door open, “Stubborn mule. Make some room, I’m coming out there….I’m near-certain that you figured it out, but this isn’t just a normal vacation. I brought you here to ask for your hand. What?? Stop playing dumb. Not your ‘hand’ hand - oh, for crying out- marriage! I am asking you to marry me!….I am taking the laughter as a yes, now give me your finger”
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{ 'Everything the light touches...is our kingdom' - A golden sunrise. Befitting. He used to hate them. Hate that phrase too. Yet you are the sun that Leona has been searching for. He continues to fight against fate in hopes that his efforts will bare fruit, and you are living proof that there is a chance. Maybe not easily. His life might not be what he originally dreamed. He may not get to sit on a throne of light . Yet there is a light in his life, and he likes to think that fate did not bring it to him. No, he found you all on his own.}
Ruggie Bucchi
'I don't see why you haven't proposed to that young darling yet. Keep waiting and you'll miss your chance, boy'
Well, of all the things Ruggie expected to hear during his visit home, that wasn't one. Normally he'd be nagged over being away too long, or not writing home enough. This? It caught him off guard. Grandma was always sticking her nose where it didn't belong...but, maybe she had a point this time.
Your relationship. It's not something Ruggie has given much thought. It's uncharacteristic of him to get comfortable enough not to look a few steps ahead, but he's gone soft. A fact that he begrudgingly accepts with a grain of salt.
Naturally, he doesn't admit this out loud and instead changes the topic. On the outside, he acts normal and helps out around the house. However, internally he is thinking over his grandmother's prying.
Marriage. It's not necessarily 'beneficial,' to say the least. With only a few months left until graduation, he'll finally be entering the rat-race to secure himself a comfortable position for life. He's worked hard and developed connections to make it happen. The finish line is right there.
Where does that leave you? He can't necessarily be as flexible if he has a partner to worry about. It's a weak link, and might cause problems in his plans. The smart thing to do would be to break things off. After all, how many school romances get a happy ending? It's so unrealistic. He'll be busy with work, you'll have your own responsibilities, and eventually it will be like you are strangers with a title tying both of you together.
This reasoning alone is enough to settle the problem. It's just - he doesn't like it. It's the most realistic path and he hates it. If it was about finding a companion, then he could do it later in life.
But when he tries to picture that lifestyle with anyone other than you, it doesn't sit right. It's physically upsetting, and makes him nauseated.
Sleep evades him that night. Ruggie finds himself sitting in the kitchen doing homework, burning the midnight oil until he can think with a clear head. Naturally, his all-knowing grandmother finds him there and makes him spill his thoughts.
She's direct with her advice. It's rare for Ruggie to be stumped considering his quick-wit, and understanding emotions is a wisdom you gain with experience.
For someone like Ruggie, who's always maximized every outcome and thought ahead - you're a weakness. Something that he can't control, and yet exactly what he needs in life. We don't get to choose who we love in life. Love is unpredictable, and Ruggie's found it at a young age. Career opportunities come and go, but he will never get back the time spent at your side...so why not maximize that instead? Hm?
He leaves for NRC the following day. For the last time, considering it is his final year. On the way he stops at multiple markets and dips into his savings. With nothing but a ring and an idea, he ditches his stuff in his dorm and heads to Ramshackle.
He's not nervous. That left his system the night prior. His grandmother's tough advice hardened that up quick.
He knocks on the door, half expecting one of the resident ghosts to answer. Instead it's you, and he's down on one knee before you can speak. With one hand, he holds out the ring. The other itches his nose in attempt to hide his wobbly grin.
"Shishishishi~ I don't have to explain what's going on, right? I'm sure you can put two-and-two together quickly. Are you really so surprised that you have nothing to say? Hmm, I guess that I can take the lead. Pretty soon I'll be leaving. You still have another year here, and I can't promise that I will be around much. Until now, I had no plan for us. Likely because being with you is the most natural thing I have experienced. I've always aimed for a life of comfort, but now I want you in that picture too, y'know? So...when you graduate next year, will you marry me? I'll be patiently waiting, shishi~”
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{Rose Quartz. The symbol of unconditional love and family. Something Ruggie hasn't experienced much in his life, and is grateful for. Ruggie did not want to choose a generic gem. Not for this. He may be known for cutting corners, but this is too important. He has done his fair share of trading, and knows exactly what to look for when shopping. No salesperson alive could convince him otherwise. You may not understand the meaning behind the gem, but that's alright. He doesn't mind, because this is the ring he'll see on your finger until you're both old and grey}
Jack Howl
Jack takes the longest out of all in his dorm. In result, his proposal is the most natural. Not to say that he does not put thought into it! Oh no, this poor lad hella overthinks the event. It's just getting him to the proposing stage is - well, anticlimactic?
All Jack requires is time. Once you've both settled in to your lives on an individual standpoint, with time comes thoughts of taking your relationship to the next level. As adults who have been together for years, it's only natural? At least for Jack. He has never been for or against getting married. So, there really is no internal battle for him to fight. He just? Lets himself be happy with the idea? I know, I know. It sounds too easy - but think about it. Jack is responsible, kind, and a bit like a golden retriever (or should I just say wolf?). He doesn't ignore his feelings. So if he feels that he want's to marry you, then why not? The worst that can happen is you say no.
There was no epiphany. No spark or overwhelming feeling of affection that made him want to marry you. No impending doom, nervousness, or special moment that he can pinpoint as 'the moment'. Nothing. You weren't even around.
He was merely finishing up morning jog and heading home. The thought casually entered his head, and he let it stay. Over time it reappeared over and over, until he felt that he'd heard it enough to act on it.
Jack is high-key observant and knows your likes and dislikes by heart. He feels that such an important moment is something he needs to think through deeply, and on his own. Many have been at the receiving end of his determination, and that doesn't exclude you. Once he's set his mind to something, there is no holding back. Over the course of weeks he proceeds to undergo self-reflection, and craft a proposal that he feels is perfect.
One question he spends time thinking about is 'where,' because Jack would prefer to do an intimate act like proposing somewhere private. The last thing he wants you to feel is pressure to accept, so he chooses to propose on a late night walk. This might arise suspicion since he isn't in workout gear, which is rare. Yet it's a price Jack is willing to pay. He's never been great with surprises anyways.
He tries to uphold some element of mystery though. Do not laugh, but he put the in a plastic bag and hid it inside the container for his protein powder. When times get tough, you have to get a little creative.
Right before your evening stroll, he says that he wants to make a shake (under the pretense that afterwards he'll work-out). In actuality, he takes an empty bottle and slips the ring inside.
While you're both walking, he shakes it around and 'complains' that nothing is coming out. With you completely unknowing, he opens the cap and feigns surprise. It makes you curious, and he hands over the bottle a bit too eagerly
It's light, you note instantly. A glance inside reveals the ring, and when you pull it out Jack stops walking. His face sets with determination despite the red hue overtaking his neck and ears.
Will you marry me?? -- oh wait, that was too blunt, wasn't it? Hang on!, " he takes a breath, and coughs into his fist, "So. I've been doing some thinking. We've been together for years now, and to me you've become irreplaceable. I don't know how else to describe how I feel, other than to say that you are the person I want to spend my life with. I can only hope that you feel this way too,"
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{He isn't a man of the arts. Jack has no eye for fancy jewels, or what's an appropriate design. He originally thought to have the shop keeper help him decide. Yet, that felt impersonal. So he perused many stores, and did his best to imagine your reaction to seeing each ring. Nothing caught his eye until this peridot. A simple cut with an eye-catching color. Sure, it's not what others would recommend but he liked it. Who would Jack be to deny his gut instinct?}
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meatonfork · 2 years
hello?? i’m so glad you liked bloody hell!! :’)
again, i’m still working on capturing everyone’s character, so PLEASE bear (🐻) with me hehe
Cried for help, help came
pairing: platonic 141 x gn!reader
grim is back yall :’)
warnings: usual cod violence, blood, death, the works ya know
your hands were shaking.
blood covered you from head to toe.
you were unrecognizable.
your wrists were rubbed raw from being chained to the wall. looking around, you honestly don’t remember how long ago that was.
the room reeked. death, blood, must. it invaded your nostrils, leaving no room for anything else.
you didn’t feel any pain. which seemed odd. you’d been here for so long.
how long was it?
a day?
a week?
a month?
however long it was doesn’t matter. you went through hell.
the room was dark most of the time. a single table with a chair was sat in the middle. in front of where you dangled. your feet had barely touched the ground. lifting your pounding head had been too much for you, so you let it rest against your chest.
“who the fuck are you” the man in front of you seethed. his breath reeked, but you still refused to talk.
this wasn’t supposed to happen. the mission was supposed to be in and out. easy as that. you guess the target had other plans. he’d caught you off guard while searching the building, efficiently knocking you out from behind.
you woke in a room you’d never been in before, panic immediately setting in.
when he didn’t get an answer, he lifted your chin. smooshing your cheeks in one hand, while a knife was grasped tightly in the other.
you were hungry.
so fucking hungry.
and tired. you could really use a nap.
“one more time, bitch. who are you.”
spit welled up in your mouth, and you spat right in his face.
he mouth turned up in a snarl, and he quickly sliced the knife over your right side. a hiss escaped your mouth.
this went on for what seemed like hours. questions thrown in your face, only for you to answer with silence.
the torture and the pain going on for longer until you ultimately passed out.
the next time you awoke, the room was pitch black, save for the light seeping under the door. you made quick work of loosening the ties around your hands.
the door opening made you flinch, and your eyes welled shut from the light suddenly invading your eyes.
footsteps made their way over to you, and you kept your head down. counting your breaths in your head, you waited until the footsteps stopped in front of you.
1 in
2 out
3 in
4 out
with all your strength, you lifted your feet and flung them into the man’s abdomen, effectively knocking him to the ground. hissing, you wiggled until your hands were finally free and you dropped to the ground with a thud. your side was screaming in pain, and you were sure at least one rib was out of place.
the man got back up and threw himself on you. you yelped, and tried to slip out from under him. it was no use, you were just too weak.
he laughed at your weak attempts, and pulled a knife from his thigh. your eyes widened as he raised it above his head.
this is it. i’m dead.
he was too slow. just as he brought it down to go through your head, you jerked to the side. the knife pierced right below your collarbone, and you screamed.
you flailed your body, throwing your attacker off of you. as quickly as you could, you got up and flung yourself at him. with much discomfort, you pulled the knife from your shoulder and slit his throat. a small scream left his mouth before blood seeped through his lips.
movement by the door pulled your attention away from him. three more men stood in the doorway.
the first man, tall and burly, but smaller than ghost, stalked toward you. a rifle sat in his hands, quickly setting his sights on you. you jumped for the table, pulling it down as a spray of bullets rained in your shadow.
a click was heard. he was empty. you leapt from behind the table and lunged for him.
knocking him down from the side, you put your thighs on his shoulders and snapped his neck. he was dead.
a shot rang out, and blinding pain hit your left thigh.
he fucking shot you.
you grimaced and rolled to the right. picking up the first man’s body, you used him as a meat shield. the thought almost made you throw up, but he was already dead. not many options.
sorry, dude.
the man was thrown off. you were using his teammate as a fucking shield.
pushing his body at your newest attacker, you caught him off guard. they both fell, and you used this time to go for the third guy. he was a lot closer than you remember, and you feel a dull thump thrown into your face.
a sickening crunch sounded from your nose. the metallic taste of blood ran into your mouth and you gagged.
fucking gross.
rebalancing, you looked up at him. his eyes held fire, and you didn’t blame him. looking to your left, just slightly, you saw the second guy’s gun. you leapt for it, feeling the presence of the man behind you.
you didn’t even look.
you just turned around and held the trigger.
he looked like swiss cheese.
oh fuck.
his body fell to the floor with a thump.
blood pooled the floor around you.
your heart was racing and tears blurred your vision.
you were gonna throw up.
you were too distracted.
a tug to your hair pulled you back, and you screamed in shock.
grasping at the hands holding your hair, you dug your dull nails into their flesh and drug your hands down.
a grunt was heard, and your hair was loosened. you spun and kicked his foot from beneath him, causing him to fall back. you ran the other direction but a hand held onto your boot, causing you to fall onto your arms. a sharp pain ran up your elbow, and you gasped.
looking back, you see menacing eyes and an ugly mustache.
you wind up and kick his ugly mustache as hard as you can. a loud crunch was heard, and he let go. cursing flooded your ears, and you crawled to the chains that held you up only a while ago. you grab them and turn back to fugly. wrapping them around his neck and pulling as hard as you could.
you watch as he struggles, but you don’t feel sympathy. his face turning purple and his eyes bulging.
his hands scrape at your arms, drawing blood. but, you don’t seem to notice. he finally goes limp.
you don’t let go.
you. don’t. let. go.
it seems that minutes pass before your hands grow too tired to hold him there. the pounding in your head is almost blinding, and you can’t seem to catch your breath.
you crawl over to the far corner.
they’re coming.
they’ll be here.
you don’t know how many times you repeat that before a hand is in your face.
a gloved hand.
a skull mask quickly invades your sight.
you don’t respond.
you hear talking, but can’t form any words.
“grim. grim, can you hear me?” ghost’s voice is softer than usual. his eyes aren’t as cold, and he seems concerned.
your eyes meet his. all you can manage is a nod.
“yeah. yeah, i can hear you.” your voice is scratchy after screaming and not using your voice for what feels like years.
“good. yeah, that’s good. are you hurt?” he knows you are. he can see it. your shaking form covered in blood and bruises. he can’t tell where you’re bleeding from.
“nah, im good. cant feel a thing, l.t.”
“shit. jesus fuck.”
“let’s get them outta here, yeah? place is a fucking bloodbath.” soap.
your eyes drift from your lieutenant up to your favorite mohawk sporting teammate.
“yeah, bird’s here. we’re good to go. i’m gonna pick you up, is that okay?” ghosts’s voice floods back into your ears. you give another nod before his hands lift you up and carry you out of the building.
your eyes are heavy, and the loud whirring of the chopper blades make your head scream.
your head rests on ghost’s chest as he rushes to the helo.
“kid, you gotta stay awake, alright? we’re almost there.” his voice carries panic, and you try.
oh, you try.
but the last thing you remember hearing is, “fuck! medic!”
when you come to, a blinding light makes you immediately shut your eyes again. beeping to the right of you floods your ears, and you let out a groan.
“fuuuuuck.” your throat is raw and screaming for water.
“you’re awake, here.” you open your eyes again to see price to your left holding water.
“how you feelin’, kid?”
“like shit.”
and it wasn’t a lie. your whole body aches. your face, your shoulders, your throat, your abdomen, all the way down to your toes.
“that’s expected. you took a beating, kiddo. the room looked like horror movie. couldn’t tell who’s blood was who’s.” price’s voice made your eyes well up with tears.
a hand being placed on top of yours finally makes your eyes drag up to his.
“i thought i was going to die, captain.” your voice was no longer sturdy, it was cracking. you were scared. you were just a kid.
“i know. i know. but you made it. really fucking impressive, kid. we’re all glad you’re okay.” he sounded emotional, and his thumb rubbed across your knuckles.
sniffling, you look around the room to see the rest of your crew passed out in the chairs to your right.
ghost manspread, knees hitting both gaz and soap who were situated on either side of him. his arms were crossed and his head was thrown back. soft snores escaped his mouth beneath his mask.
soap’s arm was thrown behind ghost’s chair as his head leaned on his shoulder. gaz was curled up, back to ghost. efficiently using him as a back rest.
you giggled and turned back to price.
“i missed you guys.”
“we missed you too, kid.”
a/n: thanks for reading! and ty for the request! i hope this is everything you wanted and more :’)
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 9 months
hi! hope you’re doing well and staying healthy 🩵
I was wondering if I could request a wayv reaction to their s/o out of nowhere smothering them with kisses please? hehe that’ll be all
thanks! <3
omg i literally love this my heart is sparkling !!
hope you enjoy !!
all the love ~ lunar
WayV Reactions: smothering them with kisses
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initially he is going to be shocked, but like he would just kinda freeze where he is and process what is happening
once he finally understands that you are showing your love and affection, he swoops you into the warmest embrace
even if he tried, the smile etched on his lips is not going away any time soon
he would do one of those hugs where he picks you up and spins you around (a dream truly)
once he sets you back on the ground, he gladly returns the affection, making you flustered too
now the two of you are a blushing giggling mess but like its the cutest thing in the world
with Kun, there’s something about it that’s almost like …. domestic
like the two of you never really get out of the honeymoon phase cause yall are just so excited when you get to see each other
and things like this never fail to show that
rest of members below the cut
oh goodness ….
at first he might question whats happening
like whats with the sudden rush of affection (not that hes complaining)
would first ask if you’re okay
and then this man is going to tease you relentlessly
“you miss me baby?” “i know, you want me so bad”
low key his teasing might ruin the moment
however !! he never fails to bring it back
like if u smother him with affection, and he starts teasing you, and you give him the side eye, hes gonna grab you and wrap you up in his arms and start leaving smooches all over your neck
slight chance it could turn into something steamyyy ;)
genuinely would not know what to do
like he would turn into a sim (iykyk)
and would become an absolute blushing mess
once you’re done, he would just smile, and kiss your cheek
but honestly he would be too stunned to speak, like he would just be there blushing and giggling to himself
i think he has a little bit of a hard time in the sense that he always wants to make others happy, but when someone like compliments him, or when his partner shows him affection, he might freeze a little
but once he becomes more comfortable with the spontaneous smooches, hes more than happy to return them !!
honestly i think he would have an easier time showing affection to his partner
but he still would freeze up when the affection is a surprise like this
loves it regardless !!
sweet baby angel is so shocked…
like he initially is worried that you’re upset about something, or that he hasn’t given you enough attention
starts asking if you are okay, or if something is wrong
once he finds out you’re okay, he smiles and pulls you in for a hug
he’s so sweet, but the embrace is low key a cover for the tickles that hes about to shock you with
will literally stand there tickling you, not to be mean or anything like that, just because he enjoys hearing your laugh
when hes done with the tickles, he smooches your lips a few times before pulling you back into a hug
will probably pull you to the couch and just hold you for a little bit too
simply wants to enjoy your presence, but he wont be able to hide the blush from your previous kisses
i love this man with my entire being omg
Hendery will stand there as if he is processing what just happened
in reality, hes planning something else
hes really looking around and making sure the area is safe before he tackles you to the ground so that you dont actually get hurt
an affectionate tackle, that leads to an affectionate tickle fight, that leads to you literally crying from laughing so hard
yes he is blushing, but now you look like a tomato after he is done with his tickle fight
“Hendery, i just wanted to kiss you!! why did you tickle me?” “because i’m literally in love with you”
after you catch your breath, still pinned on the ground, he places the softest yet most passionate kiss on your lips
as if you werent already breathless before ….
“you know, you didnt kiss my lips once… you kissed everywhere but my lips actually…”
the playful smirk never leaving his face as he teases you
omg i’m getting carried away…..
omg Yangyang is literally so cute about it
initially he will be a little surprised, but once your kiss attack has ended, its his turn
as soon as you stop smothering him in kisses, he starts smothering you in kisses
genuinely, i could see this continuing for a while too
like just back and forth attacking each other with affection
as it keeps going, he keeps getting closer and closer to your lips, till you two are locked in a passionate kiss
by the end of it, both of you are blushing like crazy, and giggling like you’ve gone mad
hes absolutely pulling you into his lap, and simply staring at you as if there is nothing more beautiful in the world (hes not wrong)
keeps you in his lap the rest of the night
genuinely will pout if you try to leave
like “you just smothered me with affection, and now you have the audacity to sit anywhere but my lap???”
refuses to let you go (unless he absolutely has to)
hes just so happy that you are his and he loves when you show him affection !!
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gutterfuuck · 4 months
Human!Mark with a Super-powered/Viltrumite!Reader
It’s cute he’s so possessive, as if we wouldn’t break him like a twig... 🙈
THISSSS this is incredible!! i am going crazy!!
i love this idea so much,, perhaps reader is an child of thragg. i am now putting my little headcanon in where i think that mark would have glasses and braces… real nerdy guy x girl that is only gentle with him… cute dynamic hehe!!
this is sfw since im writing a full fic currently, just some headcanons maybe to get the concept out there!! the fic will be called “the perfect girl”
cw: nothing really, as i have stated this is short, maybe a blurb? i am not sure haha,
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the youngest viltrumite to be sent to conquer a planet. you’re sent to earth to take over another viltrumite’s mission that was supposedly cut short due to his untimely death. as soon as you burst onto the scene you’d had everyone’s attention; splattering kaijus like they were bugs, stopping criminals with your presence alone, saving those who were weaker, more susceptible to danger. you’re quick to rise as a favourite of the public, surpassing even the guardians in popularity.
mark meets you at a comic book signing at a con because of course he does. you’re there because you find humans interesting, that and you’d caught wind of a possible attack incoming at the event. you doubted they’d actually come along seeing as you’d made your presence known and you weren’t too kind with your beatdowns. you’d never admit it, but you found this type of media entertaining, the stories would interest you. even though you were a viltrumite, there wasn’t any law that said you couldn’t have a little bit of fun. (you also somewhat enjoyed the fame and the fanbases that had cultivated around you since you decided you didn’t need a superhero name, your name was good enough)
brown eyes stare at you through thick framed glasses, sparkling with interest and recognition, a goofy braced sideways smile forming on his face. you raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over your chest as you stared dead into his eyes. mark almost dropped the stacks of comic books he held in his arms, you were ethereal. he’d seen you on tv, you were all over the newsfeeds sometimes so you were hard to avoid. he thought you were beautiful before, thought you looked like an angel now. other people had gotten pictures with you earlier so he was sure there wouldn’t be a problem if he asked.
he got his picture but you had gotten his number, watched him walk away with pink cheeks, caught in a sort of daze. mark felt so comfortable to you, so… familiar..? maybe all humans weren’t so bad, mark was proof of that.
when you’d come over for dinner with his family one night, you’d finally worked out why. you’d never met nolan, but had heard stories about him growing up on viltrum. he’d been priming the planet for invasion but had been killed which put a cap on things until your arrival about two and a half years ago after you’d proved yourself worthy. you had the shock of your life when you sat at the table and squinted at your boyfriend’s father, heart dropping when you connected the dots. you and mark had been together for months now, you’d know if he was a viltrumite… had the great nolan faked his own death and fathered an offspring with no powers? you almost scoffed at the irony. what a tired and cowardly old man, the karma of having a child with no abilities must have been damning enough. you thought about you and mark’s potential future children and a warmth washed over you, the same warmth that made you feel all gooey and sickly sweet inside.
“tell me about your planet.” he’d say, resting his head on your shoulder as you watched the stars together, “ah, viltrum… haven’t you heard of it before?” you questioned, head tilted into his. you couldn’t wait to report back in a few years, couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how you’d found nolan and he hadn’t been killed… but mark would’ve been heartbroken. you couldn’t do that to him, not yet at least, it seemed cruel. plus, he had no idea what a viltrumite was, though your pride as a viltrumite felt attacked as you’d figured his father hadn’t even mentioned mark’s background to him.
you told tall tales about how you’d created the best civilisation, how your kind helped other planets and those less fortunate… you’d tell him the truth eventually, you’d have to seeing as you wanted to keep mark for as long as human lifespans allowed you to. he would open his mouth and his eyes would widen in awe, saying something about how you were like a character from his comic books which made you nod in turn, the conversation slowly changing to the subject of the comic book he’d been talking about. before you met mark, you would’ve probably never been able to experience life in such a human way. before it felt as if you had no sense of individuality, now it felt like you couldn’t stop being yourself even if it was a little alien to you.
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ozzgin · 8 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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acotarxreader · 5 months
Shadow and Flame pt 4
Azriel X Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions but no description of torture, mentions of burns, punchable High Lords
A/N: Okay Part 4, added action and suspense with higher stakes hehe Please let me know what you think, your words are so encouraging. Also as an aside Lúdás is an Irish word for traitor, a little trivia in there for you, without the fadas for ease of your own pronunciation.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Drip, drip, drip.
You rolled the back of your head along the damp brick, trying to release tension from your shoulders, knees cuddled into your chest for some ounce of warmth. Your hollowed eyes resembled the deep chasms beneath the Autumn Court where your cell rotted and shuddered. The soaking air leeching any semblance of inferno from you.
Drip, drip, drip.
You groaned at the sounds of your Father's guards passing through the jail corridors, throwing a glance towards you as they marked your presence. Three months of the same routine. Three months since your father rebroke your bones and shattered your soul but Azriel was safe, Velaris was safe. A consolation prize. You had stopped crying soon after being locked down there, mourning a life for a moment you thought you could have. 
Drip, drip, drip.
“At what point do we just get a big net and steal him away in the night?” 
“It's not funny Cass” Feyre reprimanded the Illyrian, the Inner Circle gathered for a family dinner in The House Of Wind, Azriel notably absent. Plates piled high with food went untouched as you were once again the topic of conversation. 
“Well it's gone beyond sulking, he's locked up in his room, staring at a candle he won't let anyone blow out, he's frightening the staff'' Amren glanced towards the staircase leading in the direction of Azriels chambers. 
Elain lurched forward suddenly, the table turning to her in confusion.
“Something is- something is wrong with Lucien” the table looked frantic between one another. No one had seen Lucien since Azriel had all but banished him from the circle. Cassian flew from the chair up the stairs, crashing into Azriels chambers to find it empty. 
“Azriels gone!” Panic grew in all of them. Had he gone back for more? The table dispersed in chaos, darting in different directions to where they believed they'd find the two. 
“Azriel, this is becoming very much too Illyrian for me” Lucien stood suppressing his shaking legs, blood running from his face.
“No such thing” Azriels eyes were wild, scorch marks scratching his leathers. The two stood warrior stance ready, books, papers, and furniture askew across the scope of Lucien's office in Velaris. Azriel had had enough, enough waiting, enough wondering, enough hurting. He believed you ran from him that night three months ago and he had become determined to find you again, to beg for clarity. Lucien had the information he needed, he was able to get to you before and he would help Azriel get you now, even if Illyrian persuasion was needed. 
“I will not tell you about YN, I do not know the answers to your questions” Not all untrue for the Prince of Foxes. He had begged his father for leniency towards you, offered himself for replacement but it was no good, he was iced out by his family's court once again. Lucien couldn't tell him any of that, he didn't want Azriel chasing Autumn's Daughter enraging their father further
“You lie!”
“I do not! And I do not understand this infatuation-” 
“Infatuation! That's what YN said I had that day in the woods, that came from you! Now tell me your meeting place!” Azriel threw his shadows to slam into Lucien, knocking him for a moment off balance. That's all Azriel needed, he sprung for the Emissary, pinning him to the bookcase of his study, sending more books crashing. Truth Teller now in hand, Lucien allowed panic to show in his eyes as Azriels raged in storms and clouded pain.
“I-will-not-tell-you-where-my-sister-is” Lucien choked out, face rapidly losing colour. Sister. Sister. Sister. The word crashed over Azriel, he released the pressure stepping back. Lucien caught his throat and massaged his crushed windpipe. Shit he thought, blaming the temporary cut-off of oxygen on his admission. 
“Azriel!” Rhysand winnowed into the chaotic scene with Cassian by his side. Azriel stood, pale face, processing.
“You lie again Emissary” he seethed
“I do not, she is the Autumn Court's daughter, my…our father's pride and joy. She is…she is his to use” he slumped slightly, the nature of the Court of Autumn's conduct always a source of disgrace for him. Azriel pushed his mind from having an existential crisis, his whole purpose for existing was to know everything about everyone and you had fully slipped through the cracks, what else had he missed in work?
“Oh my Gods, Az you fucked Lucien's sister” Cassian broke the silence in a very Cassian way, Rhysand hitting him in the chest. 
“You. What?” Lucien bit out, flames came to his side once more, cocking his head in challenge. 
“I-” Lucien leapt forward tackling the conflicted Shadowsinger, sending him sailing to the ground as they rolled in hand-to-hand combat. Cassian caught Rhysands arm, pulling him back from intervening with a “let them at it” facial expression. 
“FIRST YOU COME FOR MY MATE! THEN YOU COME FOR MY SISTER! IS NOTHING SACRED TO YOU HEATHENS!” Lucien blared as Azriel rolled, using his wings for the upper hand, rolling until he was on top of Lucien.
“YOUR FUCKING SISTER IS MY MATE” Azriel had Lucien pinned by the arms to the floor as he roared, the air almost sucked from the room at the silence that followed. Azriel let Lucien's arms go with a thud before standing again, dusting the soot off his leathers. Lucien pushed up off the floor, wiping a forearm along his bloody lip.
“Az” Rhysand tried softly as Azriel strode over to look out the window of the study, down on the winding streets of his beloved city. He raised his hand without facing the three, needing a moment of reprieve. 
Lucien looked at Azriels two lost Illyrian brothers before moving cautiously behind the Shadowsinger, laying the most gentle of hands on one of his shoulders, soft heat radiating through. 
“Azri- Az we will get my sis- your Mate back” Azriels wings slumped slightly at his frenemy's words. 
A maroon envelope burst into the room to land on Luciens desk, the four looking conflicted towards it.
“Stand” the darkened figures' chilling voice carried through the dimly lit passageway and across the cell bars. You released a breath from your long broken soul before standing on weakened wobbly legs, the weighted shackles tethering your wrists grinding against your movement. Rings of water encased in the shackles for good measure.
“Arm” was grunted at you as the cell door unlocked itself allowing the males to step in. 
“Ludas, we went to training camp together. Can you at least look at me when you order me around?” you raised your eyebrow to the tall male figure in front of you. The back of his hand sliced into your face with centuries of training and force, sending you crashing to the floor swearing as you slammed into it.
“Do not speak out of turn” 
“Oh I am so telling your mother when I get out of here” you scoffed, spitting the blood in your mouth at his shoes and pushing back off the rocky wet ground, the male slightly tensing at your words. 
“Get it over with, whatever lashings you have” you threw out your arm and closed your eyes waiting for the whip that didn't come. Only a weight release from your wrist. Your eyelids shot open to find your shackles smashing to the floor, metal bracelets filled with water replacing them. Before you could question, a hood was thrown over your head, and a weight shot into your stomach as you sailed over Ludas’ shoulder. 
You landed with a thud on a cold solid floor, the sound of flame whispering sorrows for you. The hood was snatched, blinding sunlight sent your head screaming as you tried to adjust after three months below the Court. 
Your focusing eyes landed on Eris' face, who looked as though he'd seen a ghost and in some way that's what you were. Your copper eyes greying, mud and moss coating your hair, shirt and trousers torn to shreds from the beatings and rats you fought off nightly. A long call from the copper princess he saw you as the last time he saw you. Another deserter you thought to yourself. 
“Stand and smile Daughter-” your screaming eyes shot to the male sitting on the throne of your people.
“-it's the eve of your wedding day after all” vertigo. You felt vertigo. Your eyes spinning in your skull, unable to summon any ounce of strength until darkness met you once more. 
Lucien walked slowly towards the envelope as if it could strike him at any moment. The three watched, Azriel’s stomach beginning to do turns on itself. The headed paper slipped from its casing, the Autumn Court emblem proudly on display. Lucien's sorrowful gaze read down the sheet as if it were his very own life sentence but it was yours. The paper fell from his shaking hands to the floor beneath him as he turned and vomited into the filing cabinet adjacent. A wedding invitation addressed to the Night Court members.
You woke up to the warmth of fire, fire not belonging to you, unsettling you instantly. You sat up in the brick red sheets, ignoring the whirlpool headache growing in you. You felt different, you felt clean. You looked down to see deep forest green silk covering you, your hand shooting to your now soft and shiny hair. Your trembling legs brought you to the mirror in the room you didn't recognise. You had returned to your beauty as if the past few months never happened. But there in the mirror, you saw the staunch reminder that it very much did, the metal and water bracelets swirling around your wrist like the bonds they were, tethering you without chains. Your hand found a small scar along your lip where Ludas had marked you, it still trying to stitch together under your weakened powers. 
Your eyes frantically searched the room for the door out, with none to be found, you had been winnowed into this new plush cell. You felt yourself roar. Roar and roar and roar. 
“YN! You'll wake the hounds!” You whipped around to your father's voice, how long had he been there? He looked so put together, so reserved, nowhere near the man who roasted your skin on flames of rage three months previous. 
“Leave me go, I've done my time, I-”
“Now does that sound very like me?” Beron laughed sickly, sitting himself down on the sofa, arms spread along the back, the picture of ease, his wild flame daughter tamed. He looked at you like you were his pawn to play and you had never felt so much so. 
“The Shadowsinger was an interesting side quest for you wasn't it?”
“Stop” he laughed at your attempt at defiance, you couldn't hear him speak of Azriel, he'd shatter you all over again. 
“Tomorrow you will marry the General of the Vallahan Legion-”
“-I will do no such thing!” You snapped, your father standing back to his feet. 
“This back-chatting is getting out of hand, where's my malleable piece of copper gone?” 
“You killed her” you said so eerily calm, unwavering steeliness growing in you. 
“Well I suggest she resurrects herself ahead of her nuptials” ice dripping from his voice as his searing touch caught your wrist pulling you in. 
“Vallahan will be powerful allies and I have graves picked out for you and your brother's precious night court. You will behave. You will do as I say or you will join them in the dirt”
“I will go to my grave regardless if you make me marry him” 
“That can be arranged once you've signed the dotted line for all I care” and you believed him. He didn't care once his pawn had moved into place who took her out. He stood again, easing over in your direction, his flames leaping to life, willing to ignite chaos at their master’s will.
“I hope you’ll cheer up dear, you’ll make your guests so very sad seeing a weeping bride, although not that they’ll be smiling for long” you went cold at his tone, what does that mean you screamed inside your head and he laughed as if he could hear you. 
“Well now YN, you know very well that I enjoy killing two birds with one stone”
“What are you planning?” 
“Oh please don’t say it with such hatred. I’m giving you a wedding present, one last look at your beloved Shadowsinger” your eyes went wild at his words, you moved to lunge for him in pure unadulterated anger but his flames wrapped around you pulling you to the ground without burning you. 
“Sleep well my piece of copper, big day for you tomorrow, I'm so proud” he caught your chin so roughly, eyes piercing through you, releasing your face with a jolt and dissolving into flame. 
Part 5
Tag list: @sunshineangel-reads @skylarkalchemist @tele86 @saltedcoffeescotch @impossibelle @quiettuba @thecraziestcrayon @fightmedraco @st4r-girl-official @mp-littlebit @naliyahmaria @judig92 @st4r-girl-official @circe143 @minnieoo @honk4emoboyz @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @hanatsuki-hime
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tartagliove · 1 month
I want to know more about the fox Childe and bunny Reader fic please 🥺 The Zhongli/Reader one as well
hiii Em!! I'm SO glad you asked hehe I'm very excited to talk a bit about this fic!
both fics take place in the same shapeshifter au where anyone with a vision also can shapeshift into an animal!
fox! Childe x bunny! Reader
Reader works for Yelan and helps to gather information (being a bunny can be pretty useful for that) when you are caught spying on the Fatui by Childe!
he can't let you share what you've heard, so he captures you (after an intense chase scene hehe)
he ends up bringing you back to where he's staying at the Northland Bank and decides to keep you captive until after the Fatui plans happen. all the Fatui are o.o at Childe walking in with a rabbit under his arm but they're not going to say a thing about the 11th Harbinger suddenly wanting to keep a pet because they'd like to keep their heads, thank you
anyway you start to find that Childe is growing on you the longer you spend in his presence and learn about him. (featuring a visit from Teucer!)
eventually you escape for good and return to your regular job, working at Yelan's teahouse, when suddenly Childe starts stopping by for tea and nearly gives you a heart attack the first time he shows up
I don't want to spoil too much about the reveal but!! some random hints about what I want to include throughout the fic: Reader gets a ribbon collar from Childe, a second intense chase scene, two visits to Bubu Pharmacy and an appearance from Qiqi, Childe in a half-transformed state with fox ears and claws and a tail, and some biting (not necessarily in that order)
dragon! Zhongli x cat! Reader
I don't have very concrete ideas for this yet, but:
thinking of a foreign Reader who arrives in Liyue who doesn't know much about all that went down with the Geo archon
Reader decides to explore the stone forest (perhaps you're an adventurer and your commissions take you there?) when you stumble across a dragon napping on one of the mountain peaks and ngl he looks pretty comfortable and it's sunny out, so you take a break and join him on a nearby rock
once you're back in Liyue you start running into Zhongli and then suddenly on your commissions to remote places, more often then not you'll find a dragon already there napping
and that's about it!
I am sooooo excited for the fox! Childe x bunny! Reader dynamic augh it has already been fun to write thus far and I can't wait to write more of it. once I make more progress I might share some snippets hehe. and if anyone has any questions or would like me to expand on things, feel free to let me know! c:
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years
Reaction: Asking for cuddles after a bad day.
Requested by @multidreams-and-desires
Genre: Fluff (hurt/comfort)
Pairing: Ateez x neutral!reader
Warnings: bit of crying?
Notes: Thanks for the request hehe I hope this gives everyone comfort that is struggling with a bad day atm.
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
The door locked behind you as you entered the dark living room. “Hello?” You asked into the room, only greeted by silence. You sighed. You wanted nothing more than sleep. But when you entered your room, you found something you wanted more. Hongjoong was sitting on his bed, laptop on his lap and headphones on. The reason why he didn’t hear you come in. Tears swelled in your eyes as you saw him. You didn’t even know why but seeing him was a big relief. As soon as he saw you, he closed his laptop and took off his headphones. “You’re back!” He said excitedly. You let out a deep breath before you opened your arms. You didn’t even have to say something for him to put his equipment on the ground and pull you onto him. “Do you want to talk about it?” And that’s why you loved him.
It was 6am when you came home from your nightshift. And it was a horrible one. You didn’t expect anyone to be awake at that time but you were wrong. It was your first nightshift in ages and Seonghwa had decided to be up when you come so he could make sure you were fine. And that was definitely the correct decision because as soon as you entered the apartment, you collapsed onto the ground. Your head buried in your hands, you heard footsteps approaching. Seonghwa squatted down in front of you, gently patting your head. “That bad?” You nodded. “Cuddles?” You nodded again. And without any hesitation he embraced you into his arms. As soon as you felt his warmth against your body you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. “Thank you so much..” You cried against his shoulder, you didn’t deserve him. “What to thank for? Caring about my favourite person?” 
“Are you alright?” That question hit you hard. You had just come home from a bad day and immediately fell face first into your bed. Yunho was sitting at his desk, playing some video game. He was really concentrated so he didn’t look at you when you walked in. But by the way you walked, he noticed that something was off. And with you not answering he decided to abandon his game and turn around only to find you laying down on your bed face down. He giggled and stood up. “Can you cuddle me?” You murmured into the mattress. Without any effort, Yunho picked you up from the bed and wrapped his arms around you. Like a baby, you wrapped your arms and legs around him as he started carrying you to the living room. “It insults me that you have to ask.“ 
No one was home when you sat down on the couch, completely defeated. God your day was awful. You were slouching into the cushions when you heard the front door open. “Yeosangie?” You called into the room, not willing to move one bit. With a curious “mhm?” Yeosang’s head popped around the corner. His hair was sticking to his forehead and sweat was rolling down his neck, making it obvious that he had just come back from the gym. “I need cuddles.” You stated as he walked into the room after taking off his shoes. “Are you sure about that?” He asked, gesturing to his sweat drenched clothes. You pouted. He giggled. He immediately lightend up your mood. “Take it off.” You responded, wiggling your eyebrows. Yeosang blushed instantly. “I’m taking a quick shower and you can smother me to death after.” He said, disappearing in the bathroom. You hadn’t even received your cuddles yet but you already felt better. 
“Y/n!” You heard footsteps rumble as soon as you opened the door. You took a deep breath. You were finally home and the sound of San’s voice made you feel like you were not only physically but also emotionally home. San stopped as he slid around the corner on his socks. “It’s so late where have you been!” He complained sulkingly. You tiredly smiled at him. “I’m sorry Sannie.” You answered while sloppily kicking off your shoes. You didn’t look at him for one second and he was already clinging onto you. You laughed. “Sannie, I need to take off my jacket.” He let go of you with a big pout on his face and as soon as you were done he looked at you with those big sulky sparkly eyes. “Cuddles?” You asked, not realizing how much you actually needed them yourself. San nodded enthusiastically and pulled you into the living room. Everything happened so fast that you were buried under a blanket and San before you even knew it. And suddenly tears ran down your cheeks. 
Mingi was chilling on the living room couch watching anime when you sat down next to him. You were exhausted and wanted his attention but you were too shy to ask directly, so you just let out a big sigh in hopes of him noticing. He didn’t. You watched him from the side. His eyes were completely focused on the screen in front of him. You scooched a bit closer to him, putting your head on his shoulder. Still no reaction. Then you threw your legs over his, now partly laying on top of him. “Can I help you?” Mingi finally asked, making you pout. “I want cuddles.” You whined, causing him to pause his anime. You expected him to be annoyed but it was the opposite. Mingi didn’t even answer, he just pulled you onto him completely, your head now resting. His arms were wrapped around you as he gave you a kiss on the head. “You need to talk to me if you want something Y/n.” He scolded gently and clicked play again. You immediately raised your head to look at him pouting. “What?” He laughed. “I can watch anime and love you at the same time.” 
“I’m in the kitchen!” Wooyoung called out as he heard the click of the door. But you didn’t answer. You usually did. That’s why he was confused. You were getting out of your outdoor clothes and dragged yourself into the kitchen. “Hello honey, how was your day?” He asked, mixing some ingredients on the counter while facing you with his back. You didn’t answer again. And that was when he put away what he was doing and turned around to check on you. And there you were, your face on the kitchen table, your arms slouching down. “Oh baby, is everything okay?” You shook your head. “Bad Day?" You nodded. Wooyoung sighed, walking closer to you, giving you some back pats. “I know you’re cooking but can we cuddle for a bit?” Your voice was shaking. “Absolutely.” He answered as you felt his arms wrap around your waist from behind.
He just knew. He had a feeling that something was wrong the whole day and that feeling was confirmed when you stood in the entrance, completely drenched in rain. But Jongho was prepared. He had made hot chocolate, prepared the couch, put on your favorite tv show and didn’t hesitate to grab towels as soon as he realized it was raining. So when you arrived, he immediately dried you off, helped you out of your clothes, led you to the sofa and put the warm cup into your hands. You wanted to react and thank him but no words were leaving your mouth. Jongho wrapped you in blankets before pressing play. You loved him so much for what he was doing but you didn’t need it. All you needed was cuddles. “Jongho?” You whispered into your cup and you immediately had his full attention. “Yes? What’s wrong?” He was obviously worried. “Can we just cuddle?” You were shy to ask but there was no reason for it. Because even though he didn’t like skinship that much, he would do everything to make you feel better. And it was you, so you didn’t need to say another word before he took the hot chocolate out of your hand and wrapped his body around you.
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives
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