#any cup is a good cup. we love women around here
keirientez · 5 months
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posting fem r27 content bc theres someone whom i promised ill do my worst on them and i never did them justice
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sparklingchim · 16 days
game on | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.2k
genre: footballer!jungkook, fake dating, f2l
rating: pg
warnings: koo gets scolded for sleeping around 🥺, playboy jk <3, hints of a threesome 🫢, oc fights w a laundry machine
summary: jungkook is in desperate need to polish up his playboy image, and naturally, he turns to you for help.
a/n: hii my pretty besties!!!! it's my bday😋 so i wanted to share this silly piece i've been having so much fun writing!!! love uuu n treat urself to smth nice for me today <3 mwah😙
Jeon Jungkook is a charming man – and he is well aware of the fact. He plays that card effortlessly.
Most of the time, it works in his favour.
But sometimes, it backfires spectacularly and gets him into trouble.
Which is why he stands in front of his fuming manage, who is radiating enough anger to fill the entire office.
The sight isn’t foreign to Jungkook. He wouldn’t say he is used to it, but he has found himself often enough in this situation to recognise the signs of deep trouble.
Not only is Jungkook’s charm complicating things, but the fact that he is famous too.
Sometimes, he uses that as an advantage. Not in an obvious way — never by flaunting his own achievements or demanding special treatment.
That’s not his style.
His name alone carries weight, and he knows how to let it work for him, quietly bending the world to his will... until the world pushes back.
And right now, it’s pushing back hard.
One thing Jeon Jungkook does enjoy about being a pro footballer, though, is the way women obsess over him.
He knows they love him – sees it in the comments they leave on his ig posts, sees it in the DMs flooding his inbox daily, and experiences it firsthand at public events, where hordes of fans scream his name. Jungkook thrives on that attention.
However, something he doesn’t love, and what he was never prepared for, is the media. The way they scrutinise his every move, how his face ends up on every headline anytime he does something remotely noteworthy.
And now, thanks to his latest shenanigan getting caught by the press, here he is. Standing in front of his manager, Taesung, and his PR agent, Jiwoo, eyes downcast, bracing himself for the scolding that’s already begun.
“You’ve gone too far this time, Jungkook.”
His manager speaks in a flat, monotonous voice, void of even the slightest hint of disappointment, as if he’d long since given up expecting anything different.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean up the mess you leave behind?”
A sense of guilt creeping up on Jungkook, even though he knows if he were just a regular guy, none of this would matter at all. And he finds it a bit unfair.
But to survive in this business, you can’t complain about unfairness.
“Have you completely lost your mind?” Taesung barks.
Jungkook remains silent. He forces himself to.
“If there was more involved than just alcohol-”
“No! Nothing like that,” he denies, his response firm and immediate. “It was just alcohol – and, well, just good vibes because we won the last match, and with the World Cup being next, everyone was just really excited.”
If he had known what kind of trouble a simple, innocent celebration of his team’s win at a club would bring, he would’ve gone straight home yesterday. He would’ve skipped the rounds of drinks, the flashing lights, the loud music, and definitely the attention. But hindsight was useless now.
“Good,” his manager says. “I’m glad you were happy.” Mock sympathy drips from his voice. “Perhaps the last time you are going to be happy this year.”
Jungkook nods, accepting the gravity of the situation. No more clubs, no more parties, no more girls.
At least, not for a while. His reputation had taken a few hits recently, and this latest mess wasn’t helping. He could almost hear the whispers: reckless, irresponsible, unprofessional. The kind of things that could ruin him if he didn’t get a handle on it.
He clenched his jaw. No more distractions. From now on, it was all about the game. He needed to remind everyone why he was Jeon Jungkook — the best on the field, not just the headlines.
“You’re no longer in for the World Cup. You’re out.”
His head snaps up at that. Did he hear that right?
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Myungbo doesn’t want you on the team anymore.” Taesung’s words sound heavy and final.
Jungkook’s heart pounds in his ears.
His world tilts. The room seems to spin, the edges of his vision darkening. This wasn’t just a setback — it was a disaster. The World Cup was everything to him, and now it felt like it was slipping through his fingers. The crushing weight of the news settles on his chest, making it hard to breathe. One silly night is all that happened.
He can’t believe that a single photo of him leaving the club with two girls clinging to each arm has cost him his spot on the national football team. He went home with two girls – so what?
But he doesn’t voice his frustration. He knows better than to add fuel to the fire. Speaking his mind now would only escalate the situation and make things worse. Jungkook knows from experience.
He swallows hard, forcing himself to stay calm. His pulse is still racing, but he takes a deep breath, focusing on controlling his emotions. He has to keep a level head if he’s going to find a way to fix this.
“There has to be a way to fix this.” His eyes move to Jiwoo, his PR agent. “Right?”
His manager fixes him with a stern glare. “Jungkook, remember the promise you gave everyone a few months ago?” Taesung reminds him.
Jungkook cringes. When he made a promise to avoid actions that might damage his reputation, he didn’t think it’d be that serious. He cut back on going out, made the effort to play the role of the “good boy” but really – come on. He can’t maintain that facade for an eternity. Especially after a triumphant victory like yesterday’s.
Taking away his spot on the national football team? He didn’t think that was possible.
“How many more times do we have to fix your problems, because you don’t care enough? How many times do we have to repeat this scenario?”
“I promise I’ll better myself,” he pleads desperately, looking back and forth between his manager and his PR agent. Someone has to believe him, help him.
“Do you genuinely believe this country wants to be represented by a 20-year-old boy, who can’t keep his personal life under control?” Taesung asks, eyebrows deeply pinched together. “This isn’t just about you, Jungkook. It’s about the team, the fans, and the nation. They need a role model, not a scandal waiting to happen.”
“I know. I know.” Jungkook scrambles for something convincing to say, desperate to sway their decision. This can’t be it. He won’t let his career take a hit because of something like this. “But – but this isn’t too bad. This is fixable. I can fix this.” His voice quivers with a desperation he barely recognises as his own. “Jiwoo.” Jungkook turns to her with pleading eyes. “You always know what to do. Please, help me”
“I did propose an idea but-”
“We’re not doing that,” Taesung cuts in. “It’s off the table.”
“What is it?” Jungkook’s eyes bounce back and forth between them. “I’ll do anything. This is – this is everything to me. You have to give me a chance.”
Taesung scoffs. “A chance? As far as I know, you have been given countless chances.”
Sweat coats the back of Jungkook’s neck.
Taesung understands just how much Jungkook has fought to secure his place on the national team. He’s well aware that it’s one of Jungkook’s greatest dreams, a pinnacle of his career that he’s poured countless hours of hard work and sacrifice into. That’s why, each morning, when he wakes up to the latest news of Jungkook’s escapades, he feels a deep sense of disappointment, texting Jungkook with a dejected shake of his head to visit his office first thing in the morning.
When it’s all he wants, like Jungkook claims, why doesn’t he act like it?
“If the head coach won’t give me a chance now, he’ll never do. This is my last opportunity to change his mind, make him rethink. I need to at least try.”
Jiwoo looks at the manager, waiting for his approval. He nods.
“Very simply put: you need a girlfriend,” she says.
For a second, Jungkook is at loss for words.
“A girlfriend? How’s that going to help?” Jungkook tilts his head in confusion. This is not how he thought Jiwoo was going to save him.
“You need a girlfriend to help polish up your image as a player. It’ll make you appear more like a gentleman, softer and nicer. We need to completely shift public perception and counter the negative image they’ve formed about you. It’s all about changing the narrative,” she explains.
“And that is not something we can easily achieve,” Taesung interjects. “Rebranding your entire persona is not feasible at this stage. You’ve been projecting what kind of boy you are to the media for the past two years. It’s going to be incredibly difficult to make a sudden shift look genuine.”
“No! We — I can make it seem real. This is my only chance,” Jungkook insists, his voice gaining a hint of determination. For a moment, breathing feels a bit easier again. “The World Cup is just a month away. That’s enough time to shift public opinion and prove I’m worthy of representing the country on the team.” There’s a hopeful lilt in his voice as he speaks, clinging to the belief that he might not have to bid farewell to his biggest dream after all.
But his manager doesn’t look as hopeful as Jungkook feels.
“How are we going to find a girl who will agree to this? Someone who isn’t an obsessive fan, understands this is purely professional, and can keep quiet? You won’t be able to pull this off.”
“I was actually thinking-” Jiwoo starts, but she’s cut off.
Jungkook hesitates, glancing between them before speaking. “Actually... I think I already have someone in mind.” His voice is more measured now. “That’s not the issue.” Jungkook doesn’t need to think twice.
Taesung sighs while Jiwoo looks at Jungkook apologetically.
“You can’t rebrand your entire persona from a playboy to a lover boy within a month, Jungkook. This is over.” His manager shakes his head, a sense of finality glimmering in his eyes.
One thing that Jungkook forgot to mention is that he is an extremely competitive man, too.
“This is ridiculous.”
You kick the laundry machine in frustration, but all you end up doing is yelping and clutching your aching foot.
“That’s the third time this month,” you mutter under your breath. “What did I even spend all that money on if it’s just going to break down whenever it feels like it?”
You shoot a death glare at the machine, teetering on the edge of losing your mind.
“Guess I’ll have to use the public laundromat again,” you sigh, grabbing the overflowing laundry basket filled with your and your roommate's clothes, and heading out of the bathroom with a huff.
On your way to the front door, the doorbell rings.
Please, you think. You were hoping for some quiet, uninterrupted time to deep-clean your dorm on this peaceful Sunday with no one around.
But when you peek through the peephole and see Jungkook standing there, your frustration melts away. You swing the door open, the laundry basket tumbling to the floor beside you in your haste.
“Jungkook!” you exclaim. “You’re timing is perfect! Can you please fix my laundry machine again? It’s been acting up, and I’m getting frustrated.” You groan annoyed.
Jungkook doesn’t share the same excitement upon seeing you.
You grow smaller and take an indecisive step back.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, noticing the tension in his features. “Did you lose the match yesterday? I couldn’t keep up because I had too much cramming to do last night.”
While studying medicine had always been your dream, the reality is less exciting. Right now, it means sleepless nights and relentless pressure. You know that pursuing this path will offer you many privileges later in life, but you have to suffer first.
“I need your help.”
His dark eyes, usually bright and full of energy, seem clouded with worry, and his hair falls messily over his forehead, like he’s run his hands through it a hundred times in frustration.
“Are you okay?” You study him closely, scanning his face for any signs of injury. Physically, he seems fine — still tall, muscular, and as fit as ever. But something is clearly off.
“You need to do something for me.”
“I can help,” you reply, your voice soft with concern. ‘But what is it…?”
“Can you be my girlfriend?”
You blink, repeatedly.
You start giggling when he doesn’t add more. You expect him to clarify or laugh along, but Jungkook stays serious, stepping closer and gently taking your hands in his. You look down at them, then back up at his face, utterly bewildered.
“You’re silly, Jungkook. If someone on the team made you do this, tell them you did the punishment and quit acting so weird.”
It’s too early in the morning for Jungkook’s nonsense.
“No, ___, you don’t understand.” He squeezes your hands when he feels you trying to pull them back. “I actually need you to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Fake date me.”
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scarlethexelove · 8 months
I’d love to see a Wanda x Reader fic where Wanda is practicing a new duplication spell, and she asks reader to help spot any differences between her and her new “clone”. The game turns flirty and then cue a Wanda/Reader/Wanda threeway :)
Seeing Double
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3569
Warnings: Smut, Spell gone wrong (Or oh so right), Strap-on (R receiving), Oral on Strap-on (Wanda receiving), light bondage (Only a split second), Enchanted Straps, Cum filled Straps, Dom!Wanda, Sub!Reader, Two Wanda's, Anal, Double Penetration, Plugs, Anal fingering, Mommy Kink, Mistress Kink, Slight selfcest (Just making out), Squirting, A bit of Cock warming
A/n: I was so excited to write this. Hopefully it doesn't get too confusing with the double Wanda's. I tried my best to tell who was who when doing anything. Thank you for the request and I really hope you like it.
“Wands?” You call out as you open the door to the study. Wanda likes to use it to practice her magic. You would normally never disturb her while doing so, but she has been in there awhile and you just wanted to make sure she was ok and to bring her something to eat and drink. She warns you that it is dangerous and she would never want to hurt you. So you normally stay away like she said but your nerves got the best of you so you made your way inside. 
The tray clatters to the ground. The cup of tea shattering on impact. Your stunned, mouth hanging agape. There in front of you is your girlfriend and also your girlfriend. You rub your eyes thinking something is wrong with you but when you blink there are still two Wanda’s standing in front of you. “I- What? Why are there two of you?” You stammer out. 
Both Wanda’s stare at you in a bit of shock. They never expect you to come in here and to see this. It’s like watching a mirror as both of them gain their composure at the same exact time. Their expressions are the same as they soften, seeing you and the fact that you had dropped what seems to be food and water for them, albeit there is only supposed to be one of them. 
“Detka a spell didn’t go quite as planned.” One of them speaks. “I didn’t mean to copy myself; it was an unexpected result of a spell.” The other one finishes. Which causes a different confusion now. “Which one of you is the real Wanda?” You question looking between them. They share a look that you don’t quite understand until the first one speaks. “Well we both are real Milaya. But since you're here now why don’t you try and figure out which one of us cast the spell.” The second one purrs in your ear with the last part. Both of them circling you like prey. You gulp both women making you squirm with their intense gaze. It doesn’t take much for your girlfriend to make you squirm like this but now that there are two of them it’s even easier. You nod your head at their words when you grow confident enough to look up into their eyes. 
The first thing you try doing is asking questions to both of them, but both of them answer all the questions correctly. You're getting frustrated with asking questions to the women. You feel as if you're a bad girlfriend for not being able to tell but the one is pretty much a carbon copy of your girlfriend. So you moved to a different tactic but you’re not so sure if it was the worst idea or the best idea you have ever had in your life. Both women are standing in front of you naked. You wanted to see if there were any differences such as marks or scars but both of them were the same. But now your mind is wondering.
You let out a noise of frustration and upset, almost sounding like a whine as you stand behind one of them. You haven’t noticed the swirl of red in their eyes as they have followed you. You're taken by surprise when the Wanda in front of you whirls around and grabs your waist tightly. You let out a gasp looking up at her. “Mommy.” You whimper. There is a proud smirk on her face. “Good girl.” She purrs, you can feel a gush of arousal at the praise. “But that pretty little head of yours has been very loud and very naughty. We have been listening to you for a while now. Do you want to be our pretty little slut? For Mommy and her duplicate to use you.” Her eyes darken as your eyes grow with surprise and need. You let out a whimper as you nod. 
Another body presses against you from behind. You can feel her hardened nipples in your back as her lips meet your neck sucking harsh red and purple marks on your skin. “You're such a dirty girl. Wanting to be used by us.” The second one mumbles nipping at your skin. “Fuck Wanda you should have made two of us a long time ago if it was going to turn her on this much.” She lets out a hum continuing to attack your neck leaving marks behind. Another whine escaping your lips as your head drops back onto her shoulder giving her more access. 
But as quickly as they started they both pulled away from you. “Whyyyy?” You whine, your mind already feeling fuzzy and needy for both the women from their touches. “Patience detka. I want you to go and sit on the couch.” Your Wanda demands. You obediently and quickly head over to the couch sitting down. “How about to keep things simple you can call me Mistress.” The other Wanda states. You nod. “Yes Mistress.” They both smile at how obedient you’re being. “Such a good girl we have. So pretty and obedient.” The second Wanda says. With a wave of her hand you feel the cold air on your skin. Your nipples are pebbling at the cool air now surrounding your body. 
“Mommy? Mistress?” You want them so badly to touch you already. “Patience. Do you want a punishment?” Your Wanda speaks. “No Mommy.” You shake your head and look down. You don’t hear anything for a second so you look back up and that is when you see it. The other Wanda gripping your Wanda’s hips kissing her harshly. The two are making out holding onto one another which is turning you on even more. Wanting nothing more than to be touched by them but you don’t want a punishment so you swallow the whimper threatening to escape. Your body squirms as your thighs become coated in your arousal. You're rubbing your legs together in any hopes of relief. But that is ripped away from you quickly. Red tendrils wrap around your ankles forcing them apart. Biting your tongue not to make a noise. You catch both women's eyes glancing over at you as they continue their actions. 
You're fighting everything inside of you that tells you to plead and beg for them to touch you. Your squirm in your seat as your arousal begins to soak the cushion under you. A small whimper that you weren’t able to hold back escapes your lips. Both women pull away and their eyes land on you. You quickly look down not wanting to meet their gaze. “I-I’m sorry.” You stutter out. 
A finger hooks under your chin. You hadn’t even noticed that they had crossed the room joining you both standing looking down upon you. Gently she pulls you to look up at her. The green in her eyes is barely visible as the blacks of her eyes overtake them with desire. “Tell Mommy what you want detka.” Her voice low, sending another wave of arousal. You try so desperately to close your legs forgetting the binds keeping them apart. “Want Mommy and Mistress to touch me.” Your voice barely above a whisper as both women chuckle. “I am touching you Milaya” You let out a  whine before a rush of words. “Please Mommy want you to fuck me. Want you and Mistress to fuck me till I can’t walk. Use me however you please. Just please fuck me.” 
Your Wanda is leaning down, lips hovering just out of reach. “I love it when you beg.” Her lips crash into yours, as your hands move to her waist gripping onto her. She asserts her dominance quickly as you open your mouth to let her in. Her tongue is searching for yours. You can feel Wanda’s need in the hungry way that she is kissing you. Still gripping your chin, keeping you exactly how she wants you. 
You're so caught up in the kiss you don’t even notice the magic swirling around until you feel a weight on your thigh and one that has slapped against your arm. You pull back quickly panting as you look down slightly. There around your Wanda’s hips is a red large strap with ample girth. A gasp leaving your lips at the sheer size of it. You quickly look beside you and see the other Wanda sitting there. You hadn’t noticed her even sitting at all. She is adorning an identical strap to your Wanda. 
In your shocked state the other Wanda’s hand snakes between your thighs swiping through your wet folds. “Fuck you’re so wet Kotenok.” She groans. “M-Mistress.” You whimper. Your Wanda sits down next to you and turns your face back to her and attacks your lips. The other Wanda plunges two of her fingers into your heat. Your moaning in your Wanda’s mouth as the other fucks her fingers into you. Your Wanda’s hands moving to your breast pinching and twisting your hardened peaks. Swallowing all the noises that escape your pretty little mouth. 
It doesn’t take long to have you on edge. Your walls clenching desperately around the other Wanda’s fingers, your hands gripping anywhere on your Wanda that you can, digging your nails in harshly to her skin. It all stops on a dime. Both women pull away from you causing you to let out another whine in frustration. Your wall quivering asking for their release. 
“Hands and knees Kotenok.” The other Wanda says. They both move to give you room as you scramble to get on your hands and knees. Your Wanda is positioned in front of you sitting up on her knees, the strap mer inches from your lips. The other Wanda is behind you and you can already feel her shuffling closer to you. She swipes the tip through your folds causing you both to moan. As your mouth opens to moan you Wanda shoving her cock into your throat causing her to let out a moan. You know now that both straps are enchanted and can feel everything. You can’t help but let out a moan at that which causes your Wanda to moan again. Feeling the vibrations from your throat on her cock.
“Mommy is going to use your throat while Mistress takes you from behind. You like that little whore?” You do your best to nod with her strap bobbing in and out of your mouth. “Fuck! This pussy is always so good.” The second Wanda says sinking further into you the stretch is slightly painful but oh so delicious. “Maybe Mistress will use this other pretty little hole back here.” Her hands spread your cheeks admiring as you clench. You try to speak but all that can be heard is gurgles as Wanda slowly fucks your mouth. The women don’t need to hear what you say and they don’t even need to read your mind, all they have to do is read your body's reactions. “By the way you're clenching I’m betting you want me to use this tight hole.” A finger presses against your ass and all you can do is whimper and press back.
“If I had known all it would take for me to be able to take that little ass of yours was to have two of me I would have done this a long time ago. I’ve been dying to sink my strap deep in your ass detka.” You look up at your Wanda tears in your eyes as she smiles down at you. But you’re caught off guard when she thrusts hard into your throat causing you to gag and for the tears to start spilling down your cheeks. Her hand cups your face as she wipes the tears. “So pretty when you cry for me. Such a good girl taking my strap down your throat.” She punctuates each word with a thrust of her hips. This sends your body back onto the other Wanda’s cock. Her lubed finger slipped into your ass, you don’t even remember her getting any lube but then you realize that she has magic just the same. Already feeling so full with just one finger you don’t know how you will take any more. 
The women start on a brutal pace of fucking your throat and pussy. As the other Wanda fucks into your pussy it pushes your further onto your Wanda’s strap causing you to gag. As she thrusts forward it sends you back further on the other strap while the other Wanda is still slowly fingering your ass. All that can be hard in the room is the sounds of moans, your gaging, and the wet sounds of your pussy. 
The finger in your ass is removed before feeling a cold metal pressing against your tight ring. The coldness makes your jumps slightly but neither of them seem to care as the other Wanda starts to press a metal plug into your ass. You let out a whine as it presses in stretching further than you have ever gone. The women taking pity on you and slowing down to take their time. The other Wanda uses her other hand to gently caress your hips. “Shhh it will feel so good when it’s all in.” She tells you as she slowly works it in. Your Wanda pulls back to give you a chance to breathe as it sinks in. You let out a groan when you feel it pop into place the slight fullness, a new and exciting feeling. 
“You like that detka?” Your Wanda asks you. You look up at her and see a gentle smile on her face still having concern for your pleasure. “Y-Yes Mommy.” You give her a small smile back. Once they both know that you are ok they quickly flip the switch back. Your Wanda shoving you so far down on her cock making you gag as your nose pressed against her stomach. The other Wanda pressing on the plug as she jackhammers her hips into you. Your Wanda holds you there as you keep getting presses further into her. Their moans bouncing off the walls of the room. Tears are steadily streaming down your face as they fuck into you roughly. 
Right now they are chasing their own pleasure you can feel their hips stuttering as they both fuck into you. The other Wanda has a harsh grip on your hips as she thrust hard and deep each time. Your Wanda has pulled you back slightly so she can fuck your throat enjoying as she watches the tears roll down your cheeks. Their moans turn you on, causing your thoughts to only be of giving them pleasure. Your walls are clenching tightly around the other Wanda signaling that you are all close to your impending orgasms. If it was even possible they seemed to have picked up their pace. The other Wanda hits your spongy wall perfectly with each thrust. You want to tell them you are close but they already know. 
“Fuck. Cum with us Kotenok.” The other Wanda moans. “Got a nice surprise for you detka.” You Wanda adds. Her hips jerked as you felt a warm sticky liquid sliding down your throat. You moan around her doing your best to swallow. The other Wanda’s load fills your pussy as your walls clamp hard around her as you cum with her. Your cum coating her cock as she continues to thrust, riding you both through your highs. Your Wanda is still lightly thrusting, filling your throat with her white sticky substance. As all of you come down your Wanda pulls out of your mouth and gently kisses your lips. The other Wanda staying buried inside of you. “So good.” You mumble causing both women to smile. “You didn’t think we were done with you yet, did you detka?” Your Wanda says as the other pulls back and thrust hard into you again. 
You have lost count of how many orgasms you have had now. They weren’t kidding about making sure you can’t walk. They have had you in all different positions as they fuck and fill you. Your body is weak and exhausted as you're now hovering over the other Wanda's cock. She is tugging on the plug as she removes it from your ass causing you to whimper. “One more detka. Hmm be a good girl for Mommy and Mistress.” Your Wanda smiles in front of you. Your brain is too fuzzy to fight it so you nod. “Okay Mommy.”
The other Wanda is laying back on the couch as they both help guide you onto her strap. She presses it against your ass as you start to sink down. Your eyes widened, your brain hadn’t put together that this is what they were going to do. “Mommy.” You whimper. “Shhh detka you can take. Be a good girl like we said.” She kisses you to distract you. Your body is being guided down on the strap as it slowly fills your ass up. Wanda swallows your sounds the further you sink down. She pulls away when you're fully seated on the other Wanda’s lap. “Fuck so fucking tight.” The other Wanda moans grinding into your ass which causes you to moan. 
Your Wanda moves and positions herself in front of you. The other Wanda leaning you back presenting your leaky abused cunt to your Wanda. She groans as the cum leaks from you but as much as she wants to taste you it will have to wait for another time. She positions her cock at your entrance slamming her cock into you in one swift motion. “Ahhhh fuck Mommy.” You cry out. The other Wanda is kissing and whispering praises in your ear as you adjust to fullness. They both wait for you to adjust before they start. Your Wanda circling your clit lightly to help your body relax more. 
Once they have given you time and they notice your hips grinding they start to slowly thrust into you. Your Wanda keeps her fingers on your clit as their paces pick up. They are now both pounding into you hard. With each thrust of their hips and filling you perfectly to the brim has you gasping for air. You're so full and the pleasure is becoming overwhelming as they stretch you to your max. They have both turned to praising you as they continue to fuck and fill you. Giving you gentle kisses all over your body helps to keep you grounded. “S-so full.” You’re able to mumble out. The women picked up their paces if that was even possible. 
You're all so sensitive already that it doesn’t take long for your orgasms to build. You're already teetering on the edge as your Wanda starts to pinch your engorged bundle of nerves. All of your moans are bouncing off the walls. Your whole body is shaking with pleasure as more tears run down your face. All that can come out of your mouth is incoherent words along with moans. “Fuck I’m going to cum.” The other Wanda says under you. You nod along as they continue to use your body. “Cum then.” Your Wanda moans above both of you. 
White hot sticky liquid fills both your holes as both Wanda’s cum hard. Your walls are able to clench around both of them as you cum harder than you ever have before. Squirting all over your Wanda’s lower abdomen while some gushes down onto the other Wanda below you. You see stars as your eyes roll back into your head. Your body goes rigid before relaxing completely between the women. They slowly fuck you through all of your orgasms before coming to a hault. 
You're so thankful that Wanda had bought the larger couch as they both rotate you on your side staying inside of you. You nuzzle into your Wanda’s neck exhaustion taking over your body. They want to give your body a chance to recover a little before pulling out completely so they both stay inside you not wanting to hurt you. They both are whispering praises into your ear gently kissing you and making sure you know that they love you and you did so good in such a vulnerable state that you are in. 
“You did so good for us, Milaya.” Your Wanda kisses your head. “Such a good girl” The other Wanda says, kissing your shoulder. Your eyes close as your body starts to get heavy between them. You want to ask questions like how long does the spell last and could it ever happen again? But your too exhausted and your throat is pretty raw from the throat fucking and all the moaning so you opt to ask later. Right now you will enjoy the comfort from the two women. They know they need to clean you up but they can see you need time to recover a bit before they can move you. So they give you some time to rest. Taking some time to admire all the marks that they left behind on your skin.
This isn’t what you expected today to come to when you stepped into that room but you are so glad that you did. Both Wanda’s thinking the same thing as they hold you closer to them. This was the best spell gone wrong that has ever happened and both of them communicating that it will happen again. 
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lxkeee · 8 months
Hi, could I request a Lucifer morningstar x darkness demon overlord reader? She lurks in the shadows like a boogeyman, she acts like morticia adams from the adams family, how would he meet or act around the gothic queen👁👁✨
Part two
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Lucifer was just wandering around hell, unknowingly entering a territory of an overlord.
He doesn't know okay? It's just a forest of dead wilted trees with ominous aura.
His first instinct is to investigate.
This is his first time coming here, he only discovered this area after flying by to return to the palace.
Lucifer was walking around the dense forest, with his guard up.
The forest was quiet. A little too quiet.
He isn't afraid, unfortunately. He knows he can kill any demon who would try to mess with him.
Crack. A twig snapped
His head whipped to the direction of the noise, “Who goes there? Show yourself!” he threatens, wings in full display.
Shadows moving around him and finally stopping in front of him, morphing into a figure.
Lucifer expected a lot of things, but this.
A very tall and gorgeous woman, large deer antlers on her head. Sultry eyes and a smirk on her face.
Oh fuck, she's beautiful. Dangerous. He can sense the power she has.
“Good evening your highness, I didn't expect to see you here wandering around my home.” the woman says with a chuckle, making the man become a little flustered.
“Your home...?” he asked hesitantly and the woman nodded.
“Yes, this is my home or rather my territory. My home is somewhere around here. I just sensed a presence around these grounds and decided to check. I didn't expect to see the king of hell to be here.”
“M-my apologies, my lady. I simply didn't know.” he stammers a bit. Ah, calm yourself Lucifer. You're more powerful so you shouldn't be intimidated, he says to himself internally.
“It is alright, if you don't mind. Do you want to join me for a cup of tea? I just so happen to have finished brewing some.”
Lucifer is cautious around sinners, especially her. He doesn't know why his heart is palpitating this much. The best reason he got is fear loud incorrect buzzer noise
“I don't want to intrud—”
“Nonsense! You're not intruding.”
“Do not fret, I am not going to hurt you. I should be the scared one as you are much more powerful than me. I am sure you can obliterate my existence with a flick of your finger.” the woman laughs softly, a kind of laugh that reminds him of the books he's read. The kind of laugh that draws you in.
“How about this, how about we get acquainted with each other? So that you'll be more comfortable?”
Lucifer's eyes narrowed, “Why are you so insistent?”
“Well, I just love making friends and you my dear seem to be an interesting character that I don't mind befriending.”
Lucifer rolls his eyes but eventually nodded, “Fine, My name is Lucifer Morningstar.”
“Wonderful, then... It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lucifer, my name is [y/n]” She says before gently holding his hand and placing a small kiss on his knuckles.
With a smirk on her face as her eyes looked at him as she did so.
Lucifer's cheeks reddened, quickly snatching his hand away from the demoness.
“So, about that tea?”
Lucifer is beginning to see a pattern.
A type even.
It's been a few months since he's met the deer demoness.
Surprisingly he managed to get along with her, despite her... Rather questionable actions.
He often visits her mansion at the middle of the forest where he met her or the other way around.
She often surprises him by popping out of the shadows with her presence concealed.
She's playful, mysterious, dangerous, beautiful.
And tall.
He likes his women tall okay?
And he likes them a little deranged.
She keeps teasing him.
Just like the other day, he came to visit at the wrong time and she forced him to help her get dressed.
It was inappropriate! She only asked him to zip the zipper of her dress.
Poor guy was blushing.
She didn't make fun of his obsession with rubber ducks.
She even made ducks out of shadows and made it swim around his room and of course, he made one too with his powers.
The shadows and gold dust ducks swimming around the room and in the air.
It was... Cute...
Lucifer has gotten to know the woman better too, he has gotten the chance to see many sides of her.
Lucifer isn't stupid, he can tell he's developing feelings for her.
He's afraid, he's afraid of getting hurt again or hurting her.
He has issues he needed to fix first.
Though, he is slightly a flustered mess around the woman.
Can you blame him? She calls him endearing nicknames! She calls him sweetheart and it just makes his heart flutter.
He is cautious around her not because he's afraid of her but because he fears his feelings for her would accidentally be known.
And she just appears out of nowhere!
It took awhile for him to sort his emotions and he thinks he is finally ready to confess.
But first, Lucifer needs to find hints if she feels the same way.
“Thanks for the coffee, [y/n]. It tastes amazing as always.” Lucifer says, admiring the duck shaped cream that is floating on his coffee.
“It is a pleasure, sweetheart. Drink to your heart's content. I know you've been stressed lately.” She says with a gentle voice.
“I have a question.” he started, already planning a discreet way to ask her.
“Hmm? Go ahead.”
“What if let's say... You have a close friend and you've only known him for a couple of months but they fell in love with you and now they're planning to confess to you? Would you date him?”
Don't mind him guys, he's trying his best.
[y/n] tilts her head slightly, confused before giggling.
She's not stupid but she kinda wants to tease him.
“Depending on who this friend is.”
“Just answer.” he deadpans.
“Yes, would you confess though?” she asked as she leans forward to reach him across the table, holding his chin. Lips just a few inches away from each other.
Lucifer.exe has stopped working.
“Y-yes...” he stammers, beginning to feel shy as his cheeks heat up.
“Do you want a kiss?” she asked teasingly.
“Good boy.” she says before finally pressing her lips against his.
It was the most addicting kiss he ever experienced.
“I like you.”
“I like me too.”
“I am just joking, I like you too.”
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divinesolas · 5 months
Undeniable Desire
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c.w season two spoilers; characters (addam and nettles), mention of dragonseeds (nothing more), loss of virginity (jacaerys) non virgin reader, smut, fingering (fem), oral (fem), p in v, clothed sex ?, possessive jacaerys, not proofread
summary: You are dragonseed and have become good friends with the prince. You think nothing of it and not expecting your desires to lead to anything but when you speak of what you think of your future his truer colors show.
w.c: 1.8k
a.n: anybody else cant stop thinking about bridgerton LMAO, i need to rewatch soon, anyways i hope you all enjoy :3 promise im getting around to requests i just needed to push out this idea 🥰 LOVE YOU GUYS
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You finally manage to shake off addam and his drunken rampage with a laugh telling him off. “come on you cant leave yet.” “I am going to bed you fool leave me be.” You knock him upside the head and he groans giving you the opportunity to walk away and turn back to the rest of them with a wave. Chimes of goodnights and sleep well are what your met with and you walk away, feeling eyes burning into you you turn back once more and see him staring at you with an unknown look on his face, taking a drink out of his chalice ignoring alyn next to him who was talking his ear off, not even sparing him a glance as he continues to stare at you.
You turn around attempting to ignore how your stomach burns and your face heats at the thought of him. Jacaerys Velaryon. You just like the rest of your ‘dragonseed’ friends have grown close to jacaerys during your time together. Yet you can’t help but feel their was something different about the way he looked at you and even other people can’t help but notice it either.
‘He is definitely wants to fuck you.’ ‘Nettles!’ The girl next to you laughs before chugging down her wine. ‘Do not say such things.’ Addam walks over and drops down to the spot next to you, ‘what are you two talking about?’ ‘The prince.’ ‘ah and how he wants to shag miss oblivious right here.’ ‘did you guys plan this?!’ You in your frustration rip the cup out of addams hands and chug it. ‘its not our fault he makes it so painfully obvious and you are so painfully oblivious to it.’ You shake your head and keep your gaze at the campfire in front of you. ‘It is not true.’ you don’t see the way the pair look at each other and instead start picking at the grass near you.
Even if it was true it wouldn’t matter, you certainly had no intention of sleeping with him. He was betrothed and he certainly did not seem like the type of man to lay around with any women he saw fit. He was the crowned prince for gods sake the heir to the queen and you were in the middle of a damn succession war feelings be damned and you were certain your friends were just playing jokes on you and he certainly just saw you as a friend.
You think nothing of it as you are getting ready to go to bed, just having put on your night gown after your bath, when the flap of your tent opens and you turn to it alarmed and let out a sigh of relief when you see him. “I am sorry i did not mean to disturb you.” “It is no issue my prince, Do you need something?”
You turn back to the mirror and fiddle around with your hair, eyeing the prince through the mirror. He just stares at you for a moment and takes a drink from his cup, you gulp and look away from him, pushing down your own desires attempting to stop your imagination from running wild. What if he just walked over to you and pushing you against the mirror, ripping off your dress and having his way with you, maybe he would drop to his knees and wrap his lips around your pearl, only letting go until you were withering and begging him to stop.
You shake your head and “Would it be selfish of me to admit i missed you? i feel as though we did not talk much today?” You smile lightly at his words and curse yourself for thinking such terrible things. Of course he simply just wished to see you, as he had been busy with his duties all day, only getting to see you all at the end of they day only for you to leave before getting to say a single word to him.
“You honor me my prince with your time.” He shakes his head with a laugh taking another sip, “i would give you anything in the world.” You flush and look down, fiddling with your dress too embarrassed to move from your place in front of the mirror. Hes just being dramatic you think, he does not mean what he says, especially since he seems to be drinking. “You are too kind my prince.” “Call me Jace i beg of you.” “Would you truly beg me?” “I would get on my knees at your feet and do whatever you asked.” Your knees shake as you press your thighs together, the heat between you legs almost unbearable, a part of you wants to shoo him away so you can put your hand between your legs and take care of yourself or find some poor soul in the camp to relieve yourself with. You don’t, you cannot simply ask him to leave for such selfish reasons, especially since you know deep deep down that if you sought out somebody else you would only be thinking about him.
He seems to realize you don’t plan on saying anything so he begins to speak. “You know they were all talking about something.” You give him an interested look in the mirror and he takes another sip, “About what they were planning on doing after this fight is over. Do you have any thoughts? About what you plan to do?” You look up in thought, “I haven't given it much thought if im being honest.” He hums but says nothing. “Maybe i go off to the reach, it sounds very lovely.” “You would not stay in the keep?” You laugh at his idea and shake your head, “Why would i stay there? What would you miss me?” He says nothing and you don't look at him, instead continue talking, lost in your own imagination. “I would probably travel around for a bit, then find some lord to marry he fuck some babies into me and then i live the rest of my life-” You gasp as your suddenly pushed against the mirror being completely trapped by him, you hadn’t even registered the cup being thrown to the ground.
“My prince?” He flips you around suddenly and your eye to eye with him. His hands grip your waist and pull you directly against him. “You will not leave.” “I don't understand-” “You are not going anywhere you will stay by my side.” He has an animalistic look about him, like he's about to eat you whole, completely bewildered by the idea of you leaving. “I have no place in the keep.” “Your place is by my side.” His words have such a finality and certainty about them as if he's giving you no reason to argue with him. “You are to be married, This is highly inappropriate.” Your words are pushed out like puffs of air as his hands have moved up to your chest, rubbing your nipples through the fabric, you can feel him hardening between your legs. “I shall take you as a my second wife, no one will argue i will be king.” “You are being absurd.” “Do you desire me?”
You pull him into a heated kiss. He quickly reciprocates, his hands moving from your waist to under your night gown and he lets out a delighted hum at the liquid on your thighs. ‘Are you bare?” “I was planning on sleeping.” He moans lightly before he pauses before actually touching, “Do you want this?” you nod feverishly, “Please touch me please.” wasting no more time he runs his fingers along your folds, “This is for me right? and no some stupid pompous lord in the reach.” “yes yes.” You answer him but he doesn't seem to be listening, mumbling to himself in anger. “I hate the lords in the reach, always with each other heads in their asses no way you will marry any of them, let them put a baby in you.” He sticks two fingers inside you, “I wouldn’t i wouldn’t only you.” The pit in your lower stomach grows as you watch in shock him drop to his knees in front of you, his body being lost to your gown as he begins to lick and suck at your clit, his fingers moving quicker to pump in and out of you.
You cannot speak so much of his name. Using one of your hands to cover your mouth to not draw attention to yourself, the other plays with one of your tits, sliding it under your dress. He does not let up, even has you orgasm once then twice, only releasing you after the third time and you fall back, leaning against the mirror with wobbly legs as he keeps a tight grip on you holding you up as he stands. You can see the shine of your own essence on his lips and jaw, you swear you can even see some of it dripping down his neck into his collarbone.
He simply stands there and watches you fiddle around with his pants to free him for a few moments as he licks his lips. “You do not know how often i have thought about this.” You look up at him and give him a smile, “You think of me?” “Every minute of everyday, my waking thoughts and my dreams are only filled with you.”
Before you know it he is pushing into you with a hiss and you chuckle with a delighted moan at his closed eyes and clenched teeth. “First time?” “I may not have been your first but i will be your last.” Giving himself a second to get used to your pulsing warm walls that seem to be sucking him in every second he begins to move. Hes a little sloppy, clearly unsure and if anything a little unconfident about what he’s supposed to do. You place your head on his neck, making sure your lips are right next to his ear and you begin to move your hips to meet his, moaning in his ear only for him to hear.
He gains confidence after a few moments and soon enough you have no longer and need to meet him as he begins to pound into you diligently. Your fingers dig into the fabric of his tunic as the pit in your stomach grows once more. “please tell me your close.” You’re shocked he’s even managed to last this long but nod and he groans in delight. “Please peak please together.”
The mirror behind you is completely covered with a foggy mist just as your eyes are when you finally release. You pray as you catch your breath that you two were quiet enough because you would rather be dead than me made fun of by your friends for finally fucking the prince. But as you feel his seed running out your lips and down your thigh you decide maybe it was worth it.
perm jacaerys taglist <3
@tyronesien @itsbookworm987 @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese
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marvelfilth · 11 months
My girls (18+)
Pairing: Amber Freeman x f!reader x Tara Carpenter
Warnings: smut, threesome, fingering, oral, strap-on sex, spitting, public sex (but no one sees)
Summary: You fall in love with your best friends, and decide it's better to slowly pull away. You know you've made the right decision when they start dating... Or did you?
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Loud music blares from speakers as you try to make your way to the living room, bumping into sweaty, drunken bodies and muttering quiet apologies that fall on deaf ears. You already curse yourself for agreeing to go to this party, Wes' puppy eyes being your undoing as always.
Someone drops their beer and you duck away just in time to avoid getting your feet splashed. You groan, looking around for a familiar face. Wes promised Mindy would be here, but you can't see either of them, so you opt for the couch in the corner, unoccupied and thankfully not covered in puke or any other disgusting substances.
You still don't get why Amber insists on having these parties, especially when Tara is not a huge fan of them. Amber always does whatever her girlfriend wants, you're surprised the shorter girl still hasn't put her foot down on this.
"Having a good time?" You almost jump in your seat when Tara appears out of nowhere and sits on the armrest, leaning down so you could hear her.
"Just waiting for Wes and Mindy." You smile, looking around nervously.
Amber is notorious for her jealousy streak, rumors of broken hands and dislocated shoulders circulate the school whenever someone as much as looks at Tara the wrong way. So yeah, no matter how much you like her, both of them really, you still want to keep your hands intact.
"Oh." Tara looks away, disappointed, before looking back at you with a frown. "What about me? You're not happy to see me?"
You swallow, looking down at your lap. You, Tara and Amber used to be close, closer than you are with Mindy and Wes, but when you realized the depth of your feelings for them you started pulling away. It wasn't as obvious at first. You still spent time with them and the rest of your friends, but with time you started to bail whenever the two of them were present, unknowingly hurting the pair. Amber asked Tara out around that time and you knew you did the right thing, no matter how much it hurt.
"Of course I'm happy to see you, Tara," you whisper, but she catches your words, eyes lighting up with emotion you couldn't place.
"Yeah?" She smiles. "You've avoided us like plague these past few months. Couldn't be too sure, you know?"
You wince, and apology already on your tongue, but she beats you to it. "Dance with me?"
"Amber won't mind?" You ask, your eyes darting around the dark room, searching for a certain brunette.
"Don't worry about it," she replies, tugging you up, "I'm sure she'll be happy once she sees us dancing together."
You swallow, not daring to move your hands from where she's put them around her waist, and look around again. "Why is that?"
Another pair of arms circles your waist from behind and you suddenly find yourself sandwiched between two of the most beautiful women you've ever laid your eyes on.
Amber presses herself against you and moves your hair to one side, nestling her face on the revealed space between your neck and shoulder, her breath warming your skin. "You're a pretty little thing, Y/n, but you ask too many questions," she whispers against the shell of your ear and chuckles when you shudder, before her hands sneak under the hem of your short skirt to settle on your hips as you dance.
You close your eyes and will yourself to wake up. There's no way you're not dreaming right now.
"Is this okay?" Tara cups your face, resting her forehead against yours.
You nod and bite on your lip, skin flushed and on fire.
"Use your words, pretty thing," Amber says, lips brushing against the sensitive spot on your neck. Tara moves her hands lower until they settle just below your breasts and tugs on the fabric of your shirt, almost making your breasts spill out right then. She is quick to place her palms on top of them, squeezing gently, making your arch in their hold.
"Words, baby," Amber asks again and you can tell she's getting impatient, but you can't remember what she wanted you to say, your brain is too foggy.
"What?" You gasp.
"Is this okay?" Tara asks, more forcefully this time, hands on your breasts, fingers itching to slide under the fabric.
"Yes, yes, please," you moan, nodding into her neck. You try to keep it together, keep moving to the beat even though your knees might give in at any moment.
"Amber," Tara whines, sneaking her hands under the hem of your shirt to settle them over your bra, "let's take her upstairs."
"Not yet, babe, let's have some fun here first," she says, her deft fingers wandering up your thigh, hitching up your skirt in the process. "You don't mind, do you?" She asks, squeezing your inner thigh.
You try to subtly pry away, embarrassment painting your cheeks red as you look around to see if anyone's paying attention. The music is loud enough to mask any sound, and the bright flashing lights make it impossible to see anything that's not right under your nose. Once you're sure no one is paying attention, you relax a little and shake your head no at Amber's expectant look. She smirks and leans down to bite down softly on the juncture of your neck before trailing wet kisses over the exposed skin, tips of her fingers inching closer to your panties with each lap of her tongue.
You try not to whimper at the feeling, but when Tara swiftly pushes your bra up to cup your breasts and squeeze them, you arch into the touch, your quiet moan disappearing between her lips as she crushes into you with a deep kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more.
"Feels good?" Amber breathes against your ear, dipping a finger in your drenched underwear. She hums, sliding a single digit down your folds, collecting your wetness, and all you can do is moan into Tara's waiting mouth, granting her tongue easy access.
She rolls your nipples between her fingers, tugging and squeezing, as Amber's finger slides over your clit. You pull away from Tara, head falling back to rest on Amber's shoulder as she pushes two fingers inside your pussy. The shorter girl chuckles into your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck.
"You think you'll come like this?" She asks. "Right here, in front of everyone?"
"For you," you gasp, "for you I will."
Tara moans, her pretty brown eyes open wide as takes you in. "Amber," she huffs impatiently, and this time her girlfriend listens. You feel her pull away, her fingers leaving your heat before she forces them between Tara's lips, the smaller girl sucking on them eagerly. You bite back a moan at the arousing sight, your legs shaking with need to have those long fingers back inside you.
They guide you upstairs quickly, expertly avoiding the drunken mess of young adults and pushing you inside Amber's bedroom, the door locking behind you with a quiet click. You lean back against it, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, trying to wrap your mind about the fact that it's actually happening.
"Are you okay?" Tara whispers, cradling your face between her soft palms. "If it's too much we'll stop. I can give you a ride back home if you want." You open your eyes, breath hitching from the proximity of the smaller girl. She's just a breath away, her eyes wide and earnest.
"I'm good." Your voice is hoarse, like you haven't spoken in hours. "I want this."
Amber presses into your side, her arms around your waist, pulling you close, her lips wrapping around your earlobe with a gentle tug. "You have no idea how long we've wanted this," she husks, trailing kisses down your neck. Tara guides your face, pulling you in a languid kiss as Amber slowly tugs off your skirt along with your underwear, leaving a trail of goosebumps in her wake.
You end up naked on Amber's bed, her thumb drawing tight circles on your clit. Tara is on your other side, playing with your nipples, her mouth hot on your neck, her lips leaving bruises on the tender skin. She inches lower, her breath burning, before sucking on the nub. Her slick tongue is all over your breasts, teeth gently tugging, nibbling on the heated skin.
Amber pulls you into a kiss, her fingers plunge inside your clenching hole. You moan into her mouth, nails digging into her back. Tara whimpers, throwing a leg over your hips, her core flush against your thigh. She humps messily, smearing arousal over your skin, her reddened lip pulled between her teeth.
"Ah! A-Amber!" You cry out when her fingers hit your sweet spot, making your vision blur. "Please, please, Amber."
"Tell me what you need," she husks, biting on your shoulder. Your breasts brush, and you cling tighter, pulling her flush against you. "I n- ah… I need more."
She hums against your skin and adds another finger, fucking you into the mattress. Her fingers spread you wide, making your toes curl. She leans close, her breath hot on your ear. "Come for us."
Your hips buck as you come with a loud moan, but there's nowhere for them to go with Amber almost on top of you and Tara still fucking herself on your thigh - that particular image only makes you come harder.
"You did good, baby," Amber murmurs as she slowly withdraws, wiping her fingers on your inner thigh.
You whine at the loss, trying to grab her as she pulls away. She steps off the bed to rummage in her dresser. You look away, focusing on the smaller girl. Her brows are pinched, her eyes tightly closed. You bite on your lower lip, grasping her hip and halting her movements. You change positions, settling on top of her, her eyes wide and earnest as looks up at you. You press a kiss to the corner of her mouth, starting your descent on her body, your fingers drawing circles on her hips as your lips mark her skin. Your hunger grows, your cunt growing wetter with each moan you pull from her pouty lips. You play with her breasts, leaving a trail of spit where your tongue meets her skin. Her fingers tangle in your hair, pushing your head down.
You feel Amber move behind you, the bed dipping with her weight. She shuffles closer, and you feel her strap poking your thigh. You shudder as she forces you up on your knees, your back arched, your ass in the air. You manage to hold yourself on your elbows, your face right against Tara's pussy, making your mouth water. She's soaked, her clit swollen with need.
"Fuck, you two look so beautiful," Amber gasps, running a hand down your spine before nudging the tip of her silicone cock against your entrance. Your whole body shudders and you take a few steadying breaths before leaning down and burying your face in the smaller girl's heat.
Tara's hips jolt violently at the first swipe of your tongue, her moans ring in your ears. You put your hands on her hips, pinning her down as you continue licking her wet folds, humming at the taste.
She tastes devine.
You're ready to push your tongue inside, when Amber finally moves, thrusting her hips with enough force to press you against Tara's core. You moan around her clit, sucking eagerly as Amber sets up a pace behind you. It's fast and deep, and you whimper pathetically every time she pulls out.
Tara whines, pulling at your hair, and you finally get enough of a hold on yourself to thrust your fingers inside her warmth. You suck on her clit, scissoring your fingers inside, enjoying the way her pussy stretches around your digits.
"Baby, fuck," Tara moans, pushing your face into her pussy. You hum, sending jolts of pleasures around her core.
"Good girl," Amber praises behind you, bending over your back to press kisses to your shoulders, "You're doing so good for us, beautiful… Taking me so well and making Tara feel good. What a special princess we have."
You mewl at the praise, arching your back more and meeting her thrust halfway. She reaches around you to cup your breasts, tugging at your erect nipples and twisting them between her fingers. You moan into Tara's heat, thrusting three fingers inside at a quick pace, feeling her clench harder before she falls apart under your tongue. She cries out your name, then Amber's, before her moans turn incoherent. You keep moving inside her slowly, lapping her juices before she starts to pull away.
You stay between her legs, nose buried under her hipbone as Amber sets up a quicker pace now that Tara is taken care of. Your body bounces from the strength behind her thrusts, filthy sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing around the room. Tara pets your hair, shushing you when your screams get too loud.
"Do you want everyone to hear?" She asks, tilting your face up. You moan louder when one of her hands sneaks down your body to play with your clit, putting pressure on the pulsing nub. "Do you want everyone to know what we're doing up here?"
"Y-yes," you moan, clinging to the smaller girl.
Amber chuckles from behind you and pulls Tara in for a wet kiss, their tongue dancing in heat of passion, her hips slowing while she enjoys her girlfriends lips.
You wiggle your ass impatiently and the strap shifts inside you, making you gasp. Tara hums, and pulls away from Amber, tugging you up claiming your lips. Amber picks up her pace again, this time thrusting deeper, making your legs tremble. Your arms can no longer hold your weight, so you fall on top of Tara, burrowing your face in the crook of her neck.
"Fuck, I wish I could take a picture," Amber pants, snapping her hips faster. "My girls, looking so pretty." She puts her hands on your cheeks possessively, spreading them apart, before you feel something wet and warm on your skin. She spreads her spit over your puckered hole, teasing. "You'll give it to me, won't you?"
You nod, your face wet with tears and Tara's slick, your whole body tensing as you approach the edge. Tara moves her finger faster, feeling your heartbeat in your clit, and presses her palm to your lips right when you're about to snap.
Your orgasm comes with a blinding flash and a muffled scream, your body shaking in their hold. Amber continues fucking you, drawing out your orgasm, while Tara gently massages your sides.
"You're okay, baby, you were perfect for us," she whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Amber pulls out and you fall beside Tara, your body spent and limp, and she wraps her arms around you. Amber lies on your other side only a moment later, pulling you into her chest. "Rest, princess. You'll need your strength tomorrow."
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lazycats-stuff · 4 months
Please a Clark fic, where reader is a new intern adn Clark is just love struck. And he slowly starts to court (?) the reader, and at some point take him home for a home-cooked meal, where the reader meets Conner and Jon. I think Conner at first doesn't really like reader, but Jon immediately clings to reader. After some time Conner warms up to reader and they all become a happy family
Of course my dear anon. Some superfam sounds good right now. Also, I have decided to make (Y/N) from Gotham... It sounds good, trust me.
Summary: Clark likes (Y/N). Conner is suspicious.
Warnings: I don't think there's any... Fluff mostly.
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" Morning Clark. " Lois said to him as she passed him to get some coffee. Clark simply nodded as he booted his computer to start up. He had a piece to write about Lex Luthor scandal which for once wasn't brought to light by the Justice League.
An anonymous whistleblower who contacted Daily Planet with a shit ton of damning evidence. Clark jumped on the said opportunity to expose Lex, both as Superman and Clark Kent.
" Working on the Lex thing? " She asked as she came back, leaning on the edge of his desk, glancing at the computer screen to check the progress. " Yes, it's great to see how he's slowly crumbling. The stock share prices are going down faster than our faith in humanity. " Clark said with a smile, making Lois chuckle.
" Yeah, it's truly satisfying. Also, I have some news for you Smallville. " She said, stopping to sip her warm coffee. Clark raised his brow, fixing his glasses as he leaned back in his chair, smoothing his pants out.
" What those might be Lois? " Clark asked, turning his chair to face her fully.
" We got an intern. Someone from Gotham it seems. His name is (Y/N) and he will work in this department. " Lois stated, lifting her cup of coffee as if she was silently saying finally.
" Oh really? " Clark asked, tilting his head in curiosity. " It seems that Perry has decided to throw us a bone. We could use a courier. " Clark joked and Lois chuckled.
It's nice to have an extra set of hands. " Also, did you say he was from Gotham? " Clark inquired and Lois nodded. Clark whistled quietly. Gotham people are often tougher and more direct and even more blunt.
Clark knew that very well, ahem, read Bruce.
" That will be a nice change of pace. Someone with tough skin. " Clark noted and Lois nodded.
" Now we have someone to take as a bodyguard when we go out. Everyone is afraid of Gotham people. " She joked, sipping more of her coffee before her eyes moved forward, right behind Clark. He turned his chair around to check what she was looking at.
She was looking at the new intern who entered with their boss, Perry White. The room fell silent as Perry stood with a tall guy, (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes in a suit, standing with a stoic look on his face. And there was a Gotham aura and vibe radiating from (Y/N).
Clark had to stifle a chuckle.
" Everyone, this is our new intern, his name is (Y/N). He transferred from Gotham. Be nice to him. I don't want chaos around here. As for you (Y/N), you'll be working with Kent. He is more than capable to show you the ropes. " Perry said and Clark raised his brow from his seat.
Being a mentor isn't new to him anymore, ever since Conner came as a clone and stepping up ever since then. And since Jon came into the picture, he had no choice but to really step it up as a father. Since the mom left...
Clark rubbed his forehead for a moment, then set his sight back on (Y/N). Clark looked him up and down subtly. He... He is drop dead gorgeous in Clark's eyes. Clark did have a few relationships with men in the past, but he was always more attracted to women.
But the tides have changed.
Clark has been struck with probably love at first sight. He never really felt like this before... So lovestruck. Oh Bruce would have laughed so hard at him in this situation...
Oh God and he is responsible for (Y/N) too? This won't be good in the slightest. He gulped quietly as Perry led (Y/N) to him and the office started bustling with activity again.
" This is Clark Kent (Y/N). Kent, you'll be making sure he gets the basics down since I'm sure Gotham Daily Planet is not up to standard with us. " Perry joked, making (Y/N) laugh.
Clark's heart did a few flips at the laughter. Oh dear God, (Y/N) is so damn adorable when he laughs. But he looks so damn tough too and it makes it a bit more difficult to read.
Gotham does make you more tough.
" Also, this is Lois. " Perry introduced and (Y/N) shook hands with her. Clark stood up and shook hands with (Y/N), whose hands were so soft. Oddly enough. For a Gothamite especially.
" Clark, nice to meet you. " Clark said with a firm handshake. (Y/N) nodded. " (Y/N), nice to meet you. " He said politely.
" Well, I'll take you around the office to show you around and then you can help Kent or whatever else he needs. " Perry said before he led (Y/N) away, telling him about the Daily Planet and how good the place is.
" You are in love Smallville. " Lois said behind her coffee mug making Clark sigh quietly.
She won't let this go.
" Don't you have some work Lois? " Clark asked her, clearly not in the mood to deal with her teasing. Lois simply snickered and raised her hand and mug in a way to show she surrenders and left to go to her desk, that was, coincidentally, right next to Clark's.
" This is will be fun. " Lois muttered under her breath, knowing fully well that Clark could hear her. Clark simply rolled his eyes. She was right, though, this was going to be fun. Clark listened intently to Perry and (Y/N)'s conversation. His super hearing is something that he can't just turn off anyway.
Might as well use it.
After a few months, Clark decided to start making his moves. He decided to start with bringing some coffee every morning to them both. (Y/N) was suspicious at first, the Gotham nature in him telling him to not trust because, again, Gotham makes you on guard all the time.
Especially when someone is nice to you. Maybe (Y/N) is a bit more cold, but every Gotham native is like that. If you try to be nice to them, they are a bit suspicious. Can you blame (Y/N)? But, Clark's ambition and patience had slowly been paying it off.
It started with small cups of coffee every morning to get the energy going for writing and editing articles. (Y/N)'s editing skills were insanely good and Clark was more than impressed the first time (Y/N) showed him the finished version.
Then, (Y/N) was being sent out on the field with a camera to capture events and what not. Perry justified with the saying, you are from Gotham, you'll be fine.
And that turned out to be true actually.
One day, while dropping off some photos at Perry's office, his face was bloody and it was clear that there was some sort of brawl or a fight. Clark and the rest of the office was concerned, but (Y/N) simply acted casually, as if nothing had happened to him.
The only thing he is said is, 'You should see the other guy.'
It made Clark think of Bruce and his nature. Tough Gotham nature.
But Clark had a lot of experience with that nature. Again, dealing with Bruce's nature made it easier to navigate (Y/N). And although (Y/N) and Bruce are two completely opposite people in every shape and form, it still gave Clark good points what not to do and what to do.
And slowly but surely, he did it.
He asked (Y/N) to come with him to his house, for some dinner. A nice good, old, home cooked meal. A recipe his mom sent him so he could impress (Y/N).
(Y/N) was pleasantly surprised and decided to say yes. As well, (Y/N) knew that Clark is a father. 2 boys, if he could judge from his framed photos on his desk. One younger and one older.
Conner and Jon if (Y/N) remembers correctly. Jon is younger and Conner is the older one. And (Y/N) remembered that Clark was a single parent.
So, (Y/N) decided to accept and say yes to the call, never saying no to a good, nice, homecooked meal. And Clark was a nice guy too so it wasn't a bad thing. He was cute too and (Y/N) slowly started to like him.
So, entering his place, he was greeted by Clark's sons, Jon and Conner. Jon is a bubbly personality, immediately clinging onto him. (Y/N) thought that he was adorable.
But Conner was a whole another story. He was more cold and calculating and clearly suspicious of (Y/N). (Y/N) respected it. Don't trust people that have just entered your life.
All in all, the dinner went well and Clark and (Y/N) went on a few dates and soon enough started dating seriously. Soon enough, after a few years, the two got married.
However, during that time, Conner and (Y/N) got more and more closer. It was a nice feeling and was rather emotional for them both. Clark was happy and soon enough, (Y/N) had two boys to call his sons, despite not being biologically related to them.
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azzibuckets · 5 months
Paper Rings [Part 1/10 | Paige Bueckers]
Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: very angsty friends to enemies to lovers told through flashbacks & current day
a/n: this is my very first fic + i’m still pretty unfamiliar with how to use tumblr so pls forgive me in advance 😭 but lmk what you think!
warnings: drinking, angst, paige as a player
word count: 1.9k
masterlist w/ all parts
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It was the night of the Big East championship game, and the entire UConn women’s basketball team was piled into Paige and Azzi’s apartment to celebrate with drinks. At first, you’d been hesitant to come, as you would be the only non-player there. Which usually wouldn’t be a problem, but since it was a celebration for something as special as a tournament win, you wanted to let the team have their moment. But Paige insisted, saying that you were basically one of them at this point, and that everyone loved you and would want you there.
So here you were, sandwiched between Paige and KK on the sofa. There were so many people squeezed onto the sofa, though, that you were basically half in Paige’s lap. She didn’t seem to mind though - one hand was holding a red solo cup filled with dirty Shirley while the other was firmly wrapped around your waist, holding you in place next to her. Not a typical look for best friends, but both of you attributed this intimate position to physical touch being both of your main love languages.
Paige’s fingers were absentmindedly brushing up and down your hip, alternating between playing with the fray at the end of your shirt and scratching your hip. You tried not to think too much of it. Paige was constantly moving, and she always needed something to play with or else she’d get bored and distracted. She definitely wasn’t touching you because she had feelings for you. Paige made it clear that she wasn’t interested in anyone romantically, with how quickly she moved from woman to woman. But that was how she chose to live her love life, and you respected that! And didn’t care….at all.
KK suddenly lurched up from next to you. “Ayoooo, we should play spin the bottle,” she crowed, as if this was the best idea she’d ever come across.
“Nah, girl, I’m good,” Nika teased, shaking her head at KK’s antics. “Geno said he wants us to be close, but I don’t think he meant that close.”
The rest of the team hooted in laughter. KK pouted. “Well, Azzi just texted the guys’ team to come, and they’ll be here soon. That way I don’t have to kiss any of y’all’s nasty lips.”
At that, Paige sat up a little bit straighter, her grip around my waist tightening. “Ain’t no one playing spin the bottle with the guys. Especially Y/N.”
“Why, Paige? Jealous?” Ice teased. Ice always gave you a hard time about Paige, wiggling her eyebrows at you every time you walked Paige to practice or dropped off food for her during their recovery sessions. You suspected that she was onto you, but you always shrugged off her teasing in order to seem nonchalant.
Paige rolled her eyes, although her grip on you didn’t loosen. “Nah, bro. They’re just weird. They don’t know Y/N like that. She’d be uncomfy.”
You tugged on one of her Dutch braids. You loved whenever she put her hair into two full braids. She looked so cute. Although you’d never tell her that. “What if I wanna play, hmm?” You were testing Paige’s limits, and you knew it. And as much as you wanted to chalk it up to her being jealous, you knew she was probably just being a protective friend.
Paige shook her head. “It’s such a middle school game, Y/N. You don’t wanna do that.” With those words, you felt a surge of drunken defiance rise in your chest. Paige was bossing you around, as if she knew what was best for you. But you refused to be seen as the innocent and meek type. And now you wanted to play. Because if you couldn’t have Paige, you weren’t gonna let her limit you from having someone else.
You raised your chin. “No, I think I’m gonna,” you declared.
Paige’s eyes flashed. There was a hint of surprise in the way she leaned back and studied you. “Okay,” she responded coolly. “Whatever. Do what you want - Imma top up.” She briskly slid the part of me on her thigh off, and got up, disappearing into the kitchen.
Soon, the guys piled in, along with some of their buddies that weren’t on the basketball team. You all agreed to do a mix of spin the bottle or truth or dare. It was either answer the question, or kiss. Except those who were players insisted that teammates were off limit. To be honest, you didn’t wanna play. You, like Paige, thought the game was childish. And more importantly, the only person in the room, or frankly anywhere in the world, whose lips you wanted to kiss was Paige. But Paige didn’t want you, and you had to move on.
Paige returned with a full cup, this time of beer, just in time for the game to start. A couple of the girls had gotten up to sit with the guys on the floor, so there was more room on the sofa now, meaning that Paige and you were no longer touching. Instead, there was a sizable gap between the two of you. The lack of her warmth was upsetting to you, and another reminder that Paige was only touching you because of how crowded the sofa was. Not because she craved your touch the same way you craved hers.
Just your luck, the bottle landed on you the first spin. You vaguely recognized the guy who spun it as one of the players on the basketball team. He had dirty blonde hair and a cocky smile. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and he had a rumpled look about him that would be messily attractive if it weren’t for the fact that you had almost zero interest in guys.
“Which guy on my team looks like he’d be the best in bed?” The guy’s wildly inappropriate question barely registered before Paige leaned forward, sliding her hand protectively over your knee.
“That’s a fucked up question,” she snapped. Her eyebrows were furrowed in that way that happens when she’s really angry, and her cheeks were flushed, likely from the alcohol. Tipsy Paige meant a Paige with much more intense emotions, and you knew now that she would be even more unashamed now than she is sober, which says a lot considering how she’s already pretty free willed sober. “Don’t be an ass. Give her a decent question so she’s not forced to kiss you.” Paige snarled.
The guy’s eyebrows shot up. “Chill out, P. It’s just a game,” he laughed arrogantly.
“Yeah, P.” The words, laced with malice, were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, and you wanted to die as soon as they came out. Paige looked like a puppy who was just kicked, confusion and embarrassment in her eyes. Shame rose in your throat like bile - Paige was just trying to protect you from a creepy guy, a guy who you didn’t even want to kiss, and you were taking this random stranger’s side. In front of all these people.
But words kept piling out of your mouth, even though you didn’t mean it. “Stop babying me,” you hissed. This time only Pauge could hear, but you internally kicked myself again for the harshness of your words. It was the alcohol in you, running hot through your veins, exacerbating all the bitterness and jealousy you’ve been feeling towards Paige for so long. You wanted to get back at her…but for what? It wasn’t her fault she didn’t love you back.
You were thrusted back to reality when you realized everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make a move. It was an almost out of body experience, in the most terrible and awful way possible, watching yourself move like a robot to where the guy was sitting. You kneeled down, planted a kiss on his lips to the cheering of all the people around you, then got back and returned to your seat on the sofa.
And for the rest of the night, Paige didn’t speak to you.
“I can’t find them.” You were digging through your purse, trying to find your keys. Paige was standing next to you, her face stone hard.
You were so drunk. After the whole kiss incident, you’d started going wild with the drinks, putting back shots as if your life depended on it. The alcohol made you feel numb, softening the ache you felt whenever you thought back to earlier that night when you had hurt Paige, embarrased her in front of all those people. You felt like the worst person in the world, and the more you drank, the more that guilt disappeared.
And now you were drunk out of your mind. You’d expected Paige to ignore you completely after, and she had, until the celebrations died down and you had to go home. You had walked to the apartment because your dorm was only 10 minutes away, and now with how you couldn’t even walk without staggering, someone needed to escort you back.
You hated how good Paige was. How she immediately got up without hesitation when Nika requested for someone more sober to walk you home. You knew she was angry and hurt, yet like always, she looked out for you first.
“Paige, I can’t find them,” you pouted. Paige exhaled through her nose and grabbed the purse from you, sifting through it before she found your keys, tucked into one of the side pockets. Opening the door, she rested her hand on the small of your back to guide you inside.
Once inside, you grabbed Paige’s hand, tugging her into your room and flopping on the bed. She stood there, still and silently watching you. She was unamused, and rightly so.
“Are you mad?” You giggled, sitting up to poke her in the stomach. When she stared back at you, still in silence, you stopped laughing. Sobering up a bit, you grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. “I’m really sorry,” you said quietly. “I don’t know why I did that earlier.” She was between your legs now. You weren’t thinking straight, your mind a muddled mess, and so you wrapped your calves around her, pulling her in until there was no space between you two. She looked down at you, bringing her hand to lightly touch your jaw.
You both stayed there for a moment, the tip of her finger running back and forth along your jaw. Your eyelids fluttered closed. Paige’s touch was so gentle, and you wanted to lean into it and stay in it forever. You didn’t understand why she was being so kind to you when you had been so cruel to her earlier, especially on a night as important as this.
“I’m sorry. For ruining tonight,” you told her, shifting to lean your forehead against her toned stomach.
“You didn’t ruin anything. But I was trying to look out for you,” she said quietly from above you. Paige. A golden heart, and a reminder of why you didn’t deserve her.
“But you kiss a lot of people. Why do you have an issue when I do it?”
Paige’s hand stuttered. “You should really get some rest,” she said gently instead of answering your question. She backed up, looking at you closely before shutting the light off. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night.”
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widow-tarot · 21 days
MINI PAC READING: What Does Your Crush/Person Think/Feel About You?
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Hey, guys! Since it's my birthday today (6th of September), I'm here to deliver a reading connected to my situation. Please don't choose more than 2 groups for one person!
Also remember, it's only for entertainment purposes.
Leave a tip!
1-2-3 4-5-6
Cards: 9 of Wands rx, Page of Swords, The Devil, 8 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles rx.
First of all, if you're expecting any type of action/initiative from their side, you will be greatly disappointed. I have two messages for two very different crowds.
If you have a long history with this person (and I mean HISTORY with lots of stuff that happened, maybe some bitterness and regrets but also happiness) then this person is very conflicted about you and what to do. At the same time, they want to let go of this connection, free themselves and their mind, and start somewhere else far away from you but they also want to start again with you; do everything differently, clean slate. The question is "Is this possible?". They're at a stalemate, lots of thoughts running through their minds. It is a great burden to them.
If you don't know this person well, then I don't think they think about you all that much. They like talking to you (if you talk at all) or at least enjoy times when you're expressing yourself. They're very tired and some chaos in their personal lives makes them blind to potential romantic partners (could be they are going through something in their current relationship). Lowkey they just wanna be left alone. They're neutral about you.
GROUP 2 (18+)
Cards: Queen of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, King of Swords, The Hanged Man rx, Page of Swords.
They are very much attracted to you sexually and wanna fuck. They see as this emotionally mature and put together (in this case we got the feminine energy). They quite literally wanna wrap themselves around you (or make you stay with them, even for a little bit, hearing breakfast after sex or aftercare). We also got the masculine energy coming here with words (aka dirty talk, lots of foreplay and teasing, breath play). I also hear they wanna tie you up and make your world go upside down, I hear "make you feel so good you became dumb". They are the dominant and they know they have to prove their worth if you're going to consider them in any way or form.
Cards: Queen of Wands rx, Page of Pentacles rx, Knight of Swords, Knight of Cups, Queen of Pentacles rx, Page of Swords.
Move on, my homie. There's no attraction nor desire to even keep you as a friend. It seems you don't learn from how they treat you or what they say to you (because I do feel like they told you repeatedly in different ways to back off but you disregarded their attempts). They were somewhat brutal in some ways in how they let you know they were not interested. They're also currently involved with multiple women, living that free love life. They don't feel the need to be in any sort of commitment and even if they were looking for something long-term, you're not the one on their mind.
Cards: 3 of Pentacles rx, Death rx, The Hermit rx, 6 of Cups, The Emperor rx, The sun.
Once again there are messages for two different crowds.
You either know each other from your childhood or had brief connections in the past with each other but you never quite talked. There were always obstacles and you couldn't even make it last long enough to have a normal conversation, let alone a fling. You might have recently reunited. There's not much to say here about their feelings since it's very new and well, they're hopeful at least. It's very blurry but we have basically only major arcana so this is going to be interesting (I think it's worth a try).
You guys have a rocky history. Lots of downs, but the ups were worth the drama. However, you do seem to repeat lots of patterns, coming back to the same lake that you've drown in. I do see that they still have hope for this connection (and I think you do too since you're asking) but either you're going to change the dynamic between you or you're gonna be stuck in the endless loop of bad decisions and pain. Honestly this connection seems like can be a happy one (I think but well most of the cards are reversed so I'm not quite sure) but you need lots, and I meant LOTS of work here.
Cards: 9 of Swords rx, 2 of Cups rx, Page of Swords rx, The Tower, Knight of Wands rx, 4 of Wands.
Did you have a fight? Lowkey I see there's no reconciliation here. They feel regret and somewhat sad but I see that whatever the two of you had, ended and will not be coming back for a long time (or forever, the energy is fluid so I don't want to assume). They wish they could make peace with you and go back to how it was, but they can't. I think they don't even want to talk to you or explain so why the regrets if they gave up already? So despite the desire to make peace, they don't intend on any action toward it, they're just distancing themselves.
Cards: The Devil, 4 of Wands, Judgement, Queen of Cups, The Tower, 9 of Swords rx.
You are the temptation for them. I think they recently had a big break about you (hence The Tower) and honestly, they can't handle it. They don't know what to do and lowkey they are happy (like yay I have a crush!) but it's also terrifying. They see you as mature and put-together, not really sure if you're into them or if they deserve you (out of their league). They try to get out of this mindset tho, just give them time.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
I saw ur last post so for tasm!peter.... maybe r has really bad period cramps and peter just takes care of her?? thank u!!
Thanks for requesting my love <3
cw: period cramps
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 637 words
“Are you sure this is normal?” You’re sweating, for Christ’s sake, face all shiny and pinched despite the heating pad and the painkillers and the chamomile tea and the dark chocolate he’d made a trip to the bodega down the street to get you. “I feel like we should call a nurse hotline or something.” 
“Don’t.” You look over at Peter from the couch, voice tight with pain. “It’s normal. This is the way it is.” 
“Is it really?” he frets. His knee bounces as he scrolls on his laptop on the beanbag beside you. “It hasn’t been this bad before, has it?” 
“Not in a while,” you admit. “Just once or twice a year, it’ll get like this.” 
Peter shakes his head, looking at his laptop. “Have you talked to anyone about it? I know lots of doctors talk about period pain like it’s never a big deal, but sometimes—” 
“Are you really about to explain to me about how women’s pain gets dismissed in healthcare?” You frown. “Seriously?” 
He winces. “Okay, yeah, you know this. Just, I know this isn’t my area of expertise, but I’m reading up on uterine cysts—” 
“I don’t have a cyst.” 
“There’s just no way this can be normal, sweetheart.” It feels like he’s pleading now, either with you or with whatever higher power is putting you through this. “There’s no way it’s supposed to hurt this much even with painkillers in your system.” 
“Some girls throw up or pass out,” you tell him, a bit gentler now. 
“I know,” he sighs. “I know, and it sucks that womankind has to go through that, but it’s worse when it’s you, you know? You’re my girl. You’re not supposed to hurt.” 
You sound almost pitying, and when he looks over you’ve softened considerably. The pain must have ebbed for the moment, because the space between your brows is smoother, the muscles around your eyes relaxed for the first time in hours. 
“Close out webMD, honey,” you say with a little smile. “It’s not going to help.” 
Peter obeys, shutting his laptop and slipping off the beanbag to kneel beside your head. He feels his eyebrows pinch as he cups your face. You’re running a little fever, though you’d assured him that’s normal too. When he dies, he’s got some serious questions for the guy upstairs; this is inhumane. 
“What can I do that will help?” he asks. 
Your mouth pulls up on one side. “You’ve already done a lot,” you say with a pointed glance to the tea and chocolate on the coffee table behind him. 
“Give me something else,” he begs. “You want tickets to disney world, pretty girl? Ask and it shall be done.” 
You huff a laugh, the sound doing more to Peter’s heart than it really has any right to, then look just to the left of his face. “Could you hold me?” you ask shyly. 
For a second, Peter’s frozen. “Yeah,” he breathes, then kisses your cheek emphatically, standing. “Yeah, baby, why didn’t you ask sooner?” 
“You seemed busy,” you say as he climbs over you on the couch, trying to maneuver you onto your side without disturbing your heating pad. 
“Busy freaking out about how useless I feel, you mean.” He presses both hands to the heating pad, shuffling around until you’re slotted perfectly against his front. “If I can do anything to help, you tell me, okay?” 
“Okay,” you murmur, smiling when he leans over to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’m good now, though. This is nice. Can we just stay here for a while?” 
Peter pffts, the show of indignance doing little to hide his fondness for you. “Sweetheart, I’ll stay here all week if you want me to. You just peel me off when you want something to eat.”
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moremaybank · 2 years
For the vampire Mikaelson’s, what part of their lovers body is their favourite place to bite? Neck, wrist, inner thigh etc and how likely are they to ravish them or make it a more intimate experience? 🖤
vampire!mikaelson's favourite place to feed from you...
a/n: i didn't include finn because ik he hated being a vampire and i honestly don't think he'd really enjoy it. also, i'm lazy. oops. 18+, sort of sexual content/sexual themes (not full smut but explicit mentions of it)
mikaelson siblings masterlist
i think elijah would love drinking from your wrist
i feel like his biggest fear would be hurting you, especially after how he learned that he was the one who killed tatia
he often doesn't trust himself when it comes to the women he loves. in turn, he will pierce your wrist as he drinks from you, one hand pressing it to his mouth while his other hand cups your face gently, holding your gaze on him. his eyes remain open, and they're fixed on you as a silent reminder not to get carried away and draw more blood than he should
i also feel like the eye contact makes it so much more intimate and makes the experience more special
if the two of you are making love and you ask him to feed on you, he has mixed emotions. he doesn't want to cause you any pain, but the feeling of feeding from you while he fucks you is wondrous
and so he hesitates
but all it takes is a whole lot of love and encouragement to get him there. you tell him you know he wouldn't willingly hurt you, and that you trust him more than you've ever trusted anyone
"please, 'lijah. i want you to. i want to satiate every one of your carnal desires. let me do this for you."
he is now putty in your hands
klaus loves sinking his fangs into your neck
99.9% of the time that he feeds on you is when you're in bed
the man is kinky, we all know that
once he gets a taste of you, he's going full on feral
he can truly feel you everywhere and he's so obsessed with you that it just gets him excited
he'll have one hand bracing the side of your neck he isn't drinking from, keeping you in place
he'll litter wet kisses over the skin, nibbling here and there and leaving behind small love bites if he's in the mood to mark you a little bit more
he begins to pound into you rougher as he feels the satisfaction of your blood sliding down his throat
it's hot, and tingly, and you
the man simply cannot resist
your cries are getting louder and it's spurring him on even more
he pulls back from your neck and you see the blood dripping from his lips, and he kisses you
you taste the savoury, metallic flavour of your blood
it's so sexy you lose your mind and fall apart as he pounds into you
is it hot in here? i just started sweating randonly. wonder what that's about
kol, kol, kol
our cheeky little bastard
he's obsessed with feeding from your inner thighs
his large hands are kneading and squeezing your flesh, fingers brushing and trailing over your skin and getting you all worked up as he inches closer and closer to where you yearn for him the most
"kol, stop teasing"
he draws his fangs out
"all in good time, darling. i'm enjoying you"
he's such a fucking tease it's torturous
but you can't lie about the fact that it pays off in the end
also, not to be crude, but...if you have a uterus and happen to be on your period...
man is straight FEASTING
this is just so on brand for him though, not gonna lie
he's a psychopath in the best way possible and he's down for anything
"i can smell you from here, love, but i'd much rather be tasting you"
like babes, you can do whatever you want
"did i mention that orgasms help soothe menstrual cramps? no? well, they do. i'm just saying"
i feel like our bex is a tits person
i can just imagine it
you're walking around in a low cut top and her eyes land on the bite marks adorning the ample flesh of your breasts
and it sends her off the deep endddd
she does her little smirk as her eyes trail down and you're blushing
"bex, stop. i can't focus"
"i'm sorry, love. i just thoroughly enjoy seeing the marks i've left you with. it turns me on"
and then you guys are back in bed
you're both insatiable
or a back-of-the-shoulder person
you're both sat in front of a mirror
you're in front of her in between her spread legs and she's feeding on you as her hands roam all over your body
she may or may not be toying with your clit softly as she soothes you from the slight sting
rebekah just give me a chance
i beg
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high-ashell-hargrove · 3 months
Djinn,Dean and some damn pie
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Summary: he wakes up in a bed that’s not his, in a house that is most definitely not either, the one familiar thing is you, or so he thought. The reason he knew it wasn’t you? His y/n would never turn down a piece of pie.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
The sun shines through the sheer curtains, the smell of fresh linen fills Dean's senses. With a stretch he peaks open his eyes, adjusting to the room around him. Frantically he shoots up,
This wasn’t the motel bed he fell asleep in. Feeling underneath his pillow his gun had also been missing. Pulling back the covers Dean checks the room. No signs of any of his stuff other than a wardrobe that looked similar to his, followed by some women’s clothing. Striding out of the room dean is hit with the smell of freshly brewed Coffee, he follows it down the hall. 
Peering around the corner he's met with the sight of you, his best friend, a henley covering your frame. 
“Good morning” Dean said, breaking the silence in the air, cautiously approaching you. Looking up y/n smiles brightly, ambling over to Dean. wrapping her arms around his neck y/n gives him a slight peck. Pulling back Dean gives her a bewildered look. 
y/n head tilts to the side “you ok?” Dean nods. “Feels like I'm dreaming.”
Her hair smelt the same, so did her perfume, her eyes twinkled like they always have, how could he be?
“Dammit Sam how could he be so stupid” y/n huffs, shoving her gun into her waistband. 
“Goes after a damn Djinn by himself” she mumbles under her breath. 
“We will find him y/n” Sam says, following behind her, slamming the motel door behind them. 
Days passed, Dean couldn't shake the feeling of unease in his gut. Things werent adding up as he remembered but he continued to brush it off. Jess and Sam were married, y/n and him were engaged, and he worked at a garage fixing cars.
Unlocking the front door he's met with a dim house, y/n lay on the couch, curled up in a blanket. Crouching he sweeps the hair out of her face.
“Wake up sweetheart” Dean whispers, kissing her forehead. 
y/n stirs, groaning. “Welcome home” she sits up groggily. “Lets head to bed” standing up she wraps her hand around his, pulling him down the hall.
“Sam its been days we are running out of time” y/n runs her hands across her face, days they spent searching and stressing. And still no trace of Dean. 
“What about this church, its the only abandoned place we havent searched yet '' Sam spins the laptop toward her. Squinting she nodded. 
“Worth a damn shot”
Dean walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the marble island. A fresh pie sat in the middle
“Looks good,” Dean smiled, looking up at her. “Share a slice with me?”
y/n grimaced 
“Oh c'mon you love pie!” Dean scoffed. y/n shakes her head.
“Honey, it's too many calories.” y/n laughed, grabbing him a plate. 
His stomach dropped. He knew something wasn't right, and the piece of the puzzle was some damn pie?
He stood up, shoving her against the cabinets roughly, a loud screech echoing off of the walls 
“Dean baby-” he cut her off
“Dont, you're not y/n, not mine anyway.” his eyes scanned hers. Eyebrows pinched together. Memories of hunting the Djinn flooding back into his mind. 
“Dean stay here with me, please” a pleading wine left y/n’s throat “you are so happy here! Please! Stay happy with me”
Dean shakes his head angrily, sneering, his face getting closer to hers. 
“I want my real brother back, i want my real y/n back”
y/n gasps, seeing Dean's limp body. Rushing to him she cuts him free from his ties. Cupping his face she shakes him roughly. 
“Dean! Cmon wake up” he was pale. Panic flooded her, her throat tightening and tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. Roughly she slaps him across the face, a weak groan leaves his throat.
  “Sammy! Come help me get him in the car!”
Hours pass, y/n sit in a chair next to the bed, hands folded together, waiting for him to wake. 
Dean's eyes slowly open, the blur adjusting to y/n's frame. His eyes continue to scan the motel room, dingy walls, broken ceiling fan. His eyes dart back over to y/n. A chuckle erupted from his chest. 
“What the hell is so funny Winchester?” y/n said angrily. 
“You didn't want any damn pie” 
“Excuse me?”
Dean sat up slowly, still feeling weak. 
“The other you, Dream you? Didn't wanna eat any Damn pie, that's how i knew.” he chuckled again. y/n shook her head and rolled her eyes
“Dean Winchester I could skin you” grabbing him by his green henley she pulls him in for a kiss. 
“Did other me do that?”
He smirked “not as good”
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pedge-page · 10 months
Another Joel dealing with a horomonal preggo reader, at the park:
Warnings: language, mentions of sexual content
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You always slip on your favorite pair of laced up sneakers when on the go, and today is no different. You and Joel had made a habit of taking a leisure walk through the local park on the weekends for the fresh air and enjoying each others company.
You gently lay a hand under your bulging tummy instinctually now as you prepare for your baby's delivery any week now. Joel notices your shoe comes untied, and ever the gentle man, offers to tie it up for you.
"No, Joel, I'm not a child. I dont NEED some man, I can tie my own shoes," you scoff coldly, detaching your hand from his.
He holds his hands up in surrender and watches:
At first you try to bend down as normal from the waist, but the bump prevents you from getting any closer to your shoes. Then you try to squat, but that proves useless too as you can't see past your swollen belly. You try several different ways-- bending, crouching, leaning, from one foot on the bench to almost doing a twister-crab walk pose on all fours, increasingly becoming frustrated with how neither your arms nor eyes could reach the culprit of all your problems in the world: the untied shoe lace.
You start huffing, eyes watering at how angry you're getting.
Yoy finally stand up straight and look dead ahead, and the tears start flowing like an avalanch as you tild your head back and wail into the sky.
Joel shakes his head, gets on a creaky knee and ties your shoes together, whispering praise to you and your belly "you did good my girl, I'll take it from here," and "Your body is doing miracles already," to get you to calm down as you make a giant scene in the busy park.
Joel is quick to comfort you: "No you're not, you're beautiful! You're growing our healthy beautiful baby in here, calm down, sweetie, no need to cry."
But you persist, ugly snot running down your nose as you stutter your inhales and heave your exhales. "I'm gonna— have a big f-fucking fat ass baby and h-h-h's g-gonna rip m-y fucking vagina apart!" you croak loudly, your hands unable wipe away the amount of tears blinding your eyes.
People turn their heads at your echoing voice and subsequent expletives carry over the open area—"And then —huff—my h-h-husband—that's you—won't l-love me any-m-more because I won't have—heave—have a tight s-sexy pussy ever again!" You wail, more ugly tears spilling as you scream the last part.
"Jesus," Joel says under his breath, desperately fumbling to get your shoes double knotted as quickly as possible. He's looking around and sheepishly smiling, waving off the nasty glares from a group of middle aged women joggers and parents covering their young childrens' ears as they walk by, shouting every curse and sexual thing that Joel apparently won't love about you anymore for all the world and God to hear.
He finishes the knot as you adjust to hyperventilating. "Okay okay, all fixed now see? How about we get some ice cream, yeah?" He says, rubbing your shoulders soothingly as he nods off everyone to go about their business again. He pauses quickly and stares back at you, realizing his potential fatal error. "Or—or not! We don't need to, if... if that makes you feel—" fatter.
You sniffles a bit more, rubbing your red swollen eyes before answering with a much more child-like, hushed tone, "N-no—I. I want, mmm, chocolate. Two scoops."
He plants a long kiss on your forehead before holding your hand to lead you to the ice cream cart.
Staying firmly planted, You quickly rip your hand away and shout, "JOOOEL!"
He doubles back, panic stricken over his entire body at the harsh, painful cry of his name. "What what is it?? What's wrong!? Tell me." His hands immediately cup around your belly, feeling for any signs of violent movement.
You meekly hold your foot up, barely balancing on one knee with the counter weight of your tummy. "S' too tight," you say softly, indicating the shoe he'd just spent an eternity trying to knot.
He tries to hide his sigh as he forces himself to one knee again in front of your dangling foot.
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miloformula123fan · 9 months
Full fic??
I’ve read that Logan S. felt really lonely being the only American in F1. Like, he wasn’t completely accepted in the grid. Maybe he has an overprotective older sister who is a professional soccer player (like World Cup level good) who finally has time to attend his races. She dislikes most of the grid, except Alex and Oscar, for how they treated her brother. quick to defend Logan and even as far as annihilate them during the annual driver soccer match to prove a point. Im thinking G. Russel pairing due to Logan living in England. he wins her over by treating logan right, acknowledging he could have been welcoming, etc. Just a thought!
OKAY I HONESTLY LOVED THIS! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE (let me know if you want a part 2, because it is a bit of an interesting ending haha)
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas we agree on a lot of stuff :) - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
edit: i wrote part 2 - it is here
part 3 is here
George Russell x reader, logan sargeant x sister!reader
Y/N loves her brother, she really does. Yeah, she’s tried to get to a few of his F2 rounds, but with her soccer taking her around the world, she has had very little time. She has the entire month off though, so what better to do than visit her brother at his home grand prix. Miami is always a party, so maybe she could let loose for a bit, try and relax, and find a guy.
This is quickly vetoed when she finds Logan cooped up in his drivers room. While most people would think that he was excited for the race, most people weren’t Logan’s sister. She could tell he was thinking too hard about something, and it wasn’t good.
“Hey Logie Bear! Whatcha thinking about?” She tried to appear happy, but she could see that Logan’s smile did not reach his eyes
“Nothing, just excited for the race, the car is quick, just aiming for some points, hoping for a safety car. The garage is over there, sorry I have to warm up.” Y/N looked up as Benny entered the room and Logan stood up. She could tell how closed up he was, how he didn’t want to talk at all
“Okay, we’ll talk after the race Logan! Good luck, you'll smash it!” Y/N walked out of the drivers room towards the garage seeing the chaos of it.
Y/N watched as Logan apologised over again and again to his engineer for not making up any more places. She stood there listening to his engineer reassure her younger brother. She eventually decided that she couldn’t listen to it anymore and decided to wait in his garage room.
When he walked in, Y/N could tell he wasn’t sure whether to throw stuff or cry. 
“Hey, hey, come here! It’s okay, it’s okay!” She opened her arms and sat down as Logan fell down into them and hugged her baby brother, as he started talking the words just rushed out
“I just wanted to prove that I deserve to be here, feel like I’m a part of the paddock.” Logan hugged his sister back tightly, hesitating slightly.
“What do you mean? Of course you’re a part of the paddock, you’ve got your seat, y’know?” Y/N was confused as to what her brother meant, from what she had seen, he was welcomed warmly by everyone.
“Yeah but, I’m never invited to the grid parties, no one really ever talks to me, except Alex and Oscar, and Oscar is getting into the rest of the grid through Lando, and Alex is only really talking to me because I mean, he’s my teammate we have to be friends, and I just want everyone to like me… so I thought maybe if I got some points and good overtakes, then people would like me..”
“Oh, Logie… It’ll be okay. If they don’t like you then I think they’re just idiots, but they won’t. They’ll warm up to you, I promise.”
George watched as Y/N sprinted up and down. Okay the F1 team was never going to win, particularly when multiple women who were playing in the world cup were playing on the opposition team, but ‘Sargeant’  (who also had the same name as the rookie driver this year, who was sitting in the stands) was dominating, she had more goals then all of the f1 team, so of course the celebrity team won 4-1. She’d almost immediately jumped into the stands once the referee blew the whistle and started talking to Logan, maybe the kid got married young and just didn’t want anyone to realise. 
Although she looked quite similar to Logan, so maybe his sister instead. Either way, she did not seem to like them, she called them all dickheads and shoved them over a few times. George’s knees were sore. But she was still pretty. So he approached Logan and the girl.
“Hello! I’m George and…’
“I’m pretty sure my brother knows your name, Georgie! Why don’t you say hello to him?”
“No. Say hi to Logan, George.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, almost forced.
“Hey Logan! Looking forward to the grand prix this weekend?”
“Uhhhh… yeah. ” He turned back to Y/N “I’ve got some stuff to do, so you can make your way back. See ya!”
As soon as Logan was out of listening range, Y/N pulled George in and started whispering, “Listen, I don’t know what problem you have my brother, but you need to get over it ASAP, understood?”
“I.. don’t have a problem with your brother.”
“Well, then why is he telling me that there have been 2 people, Oscar and Alex, who have actually welcomed him to F1. Everyone else has snubbed him and he doesn’t understand why you don’t like him. He’s lonely. So fucking sort your shit out.”
George stood there, mouth gaping as she stormed off to grab her bag and then sprinted after Logan. He could almost hear the f1 team laughing at his failed attempt at flirting, but all he could think about ‘was what she said true?’’
Y/N was going to cry.
She could see Logan in the family and friends box, hands over his mouth, eyes glassy.
That corner kick should’ve gone in, she thought, we had so many chances and we still fucked it all. Couldn’t even give Megs a proper farewell.
She walks slowly over to her younger brother and let his arms wrap around her
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Dragged you halfway ‘round the world when you should’ve been training only to lose the first game.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. Go pack up, we can head home and spend some time in London relaxing. I’ve got next week off before I need to be back in the factory.”
Y/N was awoken by a knock on the front door. Hearing Logan snoring from his bedroom, she got up off the couch, rubbing her eyes and opened the door.
Of all the people she was expecting to see, George Russell would’ve been just about the last on her list “Uhh, hey?”
“Oh, morning! Is your brother up?”
Y/n paused for a moment to let George hear the snores coming from Logan’s bedroom. “Yeah, no, sorry. I can pass on a message?”
“Oh, No I was just going to offer if he was still up to go on a morning jog with him, but as he isn’t…”
“You been doing this often?”
“Almost every week we’ve been in town. I don’t think he understands what or why I’m doing this. But, he’s a good kid, opens up a bit when you talk to him. He likes you, respects you a lot for 2 siblings pursuing their sport across the globe.”
“I’ll make some breakfast and you can stay til Logan wakes up, okay? As a thanks for looking out for him. Hard for me to do from across the globe.” Y/N looked tense, with an almost forced smile. She looked awkward, before stepping back, holding the door open so George could come in.
“Hello, dear sister, what do you want?”
“I think you must have watched a different grand prix, I got P12.”
“Hamilton and Leclerc got disqualified, something about wood, but you got points!”
“OH MY! AHHH! I had no idea, oh god!”
“YEAH! MY LITTLE BRO FINALLY GETTING F1 POINTS! WOOHOO! We must celebrate when we’re both in town!”
“AHH! Shit, wait I think people are coming in, give me a sec.
You’re on speaker dear sis, Alex, Oscar and George are here.”
Y/N looks at the buzzing phone on her bedside table. Well clearly she had grabbed Logan’s phone before bed last night. She looked at the contact name
‘George - probably calling about something from the GDPA.’
She picked up.
“Before you start talking, I’m not Logan and I have not signed any NDAs related to his contract so, don’t talk to me.”
“Hi Y/N, do you know where Logan is?” George’s voice was way too cheery for however fucking early it is right now.
“Yeah he’s in his bedroom, he grabbed my phone and I grabbed his, why?” Y/N swung her legs out of the bed and stood up, still rubbing her eyes.
“Oh, can you come answer the door?”
“The door, why?” Y/N got up, and walked to her front door and opened the door to …nothing.
“George, are you pulling a prank on me? There’s nothing at the door.”
“You haven’t opened the door!”
“George… Logan and I are in Florida for Christmas. I’m guessing you’re in London.”
“Oh…yes. Bugger. I came to congratulate him on his contract renewal and so now I’ve got food and flowers and stuff and he’s not here!”
“If you go round the block to 20 XXX Close, there’s a single mom there, who will appreciate some Christmas cheer Georgie.”
“Oh, thank you. I’ll send it over.”
“Why were you congratulating Logan, George? I didn’t think you cared. Only Alex and Oscar have reached out so far.”
“I..I remember what you said at the soccer match, about Logan feeling ostracised by all of us. So I’ve been trying to make him feel welcomed… not just because you said that, and I like you, but also because I kinda realised we’d all be failing him as a grid, so i thought if I started it, maybe others would catch on. It didn’t work, but I think he feels more included.”
“That’s very nice of you Georgie. I’ll pass on your congrats. Now it’s like 7am here, and I didn’t need to be awake today, so i will be heading back to bed. Night Georgie boy.”
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hai7ani · 5 months
have we loved before? / reincarnated lovers / haitani rindou
workaholic boss!Rindou who learns how to love when you enter his life on a random day of the week and knock colours into his mundane view of the world. you straddle him on the couch and you rub slow circles on his back as he talks business on the phone, head resting on his sturdy chest and a soft smile on your lips as you watch him speak calmly on the phone. he was a little stressed out over this particular interaction, hasn't had any idea on how to deal with the problem, until you'd waddled over and gave his forehead a gentle kiss, some soft rubs between his brows after. "it's okay," you'd whispered into his neck, feeling him deflate like a balloon and soften up in your arms. "it'll be fine. just hear what he has to say first."
before you, Rindou would've dealt with issues like this the hard way 一 going into it too fast, too eager, and then yelling it out with clients or business partners when things doesn't end up as foreseen. but now that you're here, he's a cat in your warmth as he slowly learn how to take a step back and recalculate his choices well. he learns choosing the right words and tones to use, too, and maybe some good business ideas from your past experiences as a secretary for some company. so when he ends the call with a suppressed smile you know it'd went well. he slaps your butt when you cup his cheeks and congratulate him on the deal, and he carries you into the bedroom with a large grin on his face.
when he bites your cheek out of adoration as he kicks the door open you see a hint of a child in his eyes, and then you realise with a soft sting in your chest that this is also a boy who was forced to grow up too fast, too early in this lonely world, in an angry household. when he lays you down gently, lovingly on the silk of his bedsheets and strips you off your clothes with kisses all over your body you pull him close by his neck and peck his chest, his collarbone.
"you did well." you whisper as your lips make its way up to his ear, and you kiss him again on the cheek. "i love you."
and Rindou silently wonders if you've loved him before this life 一 if he's loved you before this life. you're so nice to him, you're too nice to him. you fit like a puzzle into each other 一 loving you comes natural to him. it's easy and it's simple, lovely. and he realises then that love doesn't have to be extravagant and rich like the women before you had demanded of him; it can be you and him, in his home that you've begin to leave paw prints in, souls warped and intertwined with each other, and an invisible red string hooped around both your fingers.
have we loved before? he asks himself.
"yes," you mutter, he stuns for a second.
"you're thinking of something, and i feel like i have the answer to it. does saying yes answer your question?"
"it should," he pauses.
the corner of his lips begin to lift.
"it does."
you smile.
and "i love you," he says, (back to your soul) as he finally, lets you in.
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theemporium · 1 year
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Daniel knew it was wrong. 
In a small town, there were certain rules you always followed. You never talked bad about anyone or anything to someone you didn’t trust unless you wanted it to get back to them. You never went against the social hierarchy, especially if you were new in town. And you never—never—messed with the sheriff or his family. 
It was small town etiquette and everyone knew that.
And Daniel knew that too. He did. He really, really did—especially when he had so much to lose. 
He was well-respected and well-liked in the community. The older men knew him as strong and reliable, the older women knew him to be a sweet talker with an overwhelming amount of charm. Neighbours knew him to be someone to lean on, bartenders knew him to be a good time when he walked through the doors.
Everyone knew Daniel Ricciardo and everyone loved him.
But even he couldn’t get away with something like this if he was caught—which was exactly why he had driven a little out of town, a little further than anyone would ever dare to come out, a little further than you felt safe with.
And yet, any possible concern or fear you had washed away when you were with him. When you were lying in the tailgate of his truck, feeling his hands spreading your thighs so he could kneel between them as the scruff of his beard brushed against your skin.
“Danny,” you sighed helplessly as his fingers teased the hem of your dress. A dress that was far too short for you to be wearing around town, but perfect for your late night rendezvous with him. “It's getting late. My father—”
“Your daddy ain’t gonna know a single thing, sweetheart,” he murmured between soft, open-mouthed kisses traced down the column of your neck. “And I’m clearly not doing my job right if you’re thinkin’ about him.” 
“I just—” You cut yourself off, a small whimper escaping your lips as his teeth scraped against a sensitive spot at the base of your neck. “Oh shit.”
“Dirty mouth you got, darlin’,” Daniel mused as he pulled back, enjoying the sight of your flushed cheeks and wide eyes. “Such a pretty little thing to be saying stuff like that.” 
“If you say it’s because of who my father is—” You started, your brows furrowed together but Daniel’s laugh cut you off. 
“M’only teasing,” he assured you, his hand rubbing up and down your bare thigh until you shivered beneath his touch. “You cold?”
“A little,” you admitted shyly, the cardigan you had slipped on before you snuck out the house doing little to battle the late evening chill.
Daniel’s eyes glimmered. “Want me to warm you up, princess?” 
And you knew exactly what he meant. You knew the underlying question in his words. You knew exactly what his intentions were as his hand slid further up the skirt of your dress until his fingers brushed the fabric of your cotton panties. You knew by the smirk on his lips and the glint in his eyes exactly what he meant. 
And it took less than a second before the panic set in.
Daniel paused, completely frozen on top of you as he looked down with an expression mixed between concern and worry. His other hand quickly cupped your cheek, his eyes wandering over your body like he would find some physical distress that would explain your outburst. 
“Are you okay? Is somethin’ wrong?” He questioned, his lips turned downwards when you didn’t answer straight away. “Sweetheart, say somethin’. You’re killin’ me here.”
“I’ve never done it before!” You blurted out as you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
His frown deepened. “Done what before?”
“Don’t make me say it,” you whispered with a sheepish expression. 
“I don’t know what you’re on about, baby,” Daniel said, his expression completely genuine until you saw a smile cracking through his facade.
“Danny,” you whined, lifting your hands to cover your face but he was quick to stop you.
“Don’t hide from me, sweetheart,” he cooed, almost a little condescending when he grinned down at you. “We don’t have to do anything, honey. I just wanna spend time with you, we don’t have to—”
“But I want to,” you breathed out, completely cutting him off. “I want to. I just…”
“You want to?”
You nodded.
“And you’re sure?”
You nodded again.
“Need to hear your words, sweetheart.”
“I want this, Danny,” you said, your voice a little breathy and quiet but he heard it all the same. You placed one of your hands over his, slowly guiding it further up your skirt until his palm was cupping your clothed pussy. “Everybody is always so scared, too scared to touch me. I want you to touch me, Danny.”
His eyes darkened. “Yeah?”
You nodded for a third time, your lips parting with a soft sigh when his thumb pressed against your clit. “I want you to make me feel good.”
“Gonna make you feel so fucking good, sweetheart,” Daniel groaned before he leaned down to press his lips against yours. “You gonna listen? You gonna be a good girl f’me?”
“Yes, sir.”
Daniel smiled against your lips, wide and undeniable. And despite all your whining and moaning and bucking into his palm, he didn’t rush. For someone so loud and fast-paced and adrenaline seeking, Daniel was soft and slow when he touched you. 
He kept his ministers on your swollen clit, firmly pressed circles until the fabric of your panties were soaked with your own arousal. And even when he pulled your dress over your head and quickly undressed himself too, he still seemed to have the patience of a saint as the head of his cock swiped through your soaked slit.
“Danny, please!” You whined, your heels pressing into the back of his thighs in an attempt to urge him. 
But he lightly tsked, giving you a look that quickly shut you up. “Gotta be patient or you’re getting nothin’, darlin’.”
You pressed your lips together, biting back the whimper you wanted to let out. 
But you didn’t have to wait much longer until he was sliding in deep, the stretch of his cock prompting a choked out moan to leave your lips as he continued to coo and praise you until his hips were pressed against yours. His fingers were brushing away your stray tears, his lips pressing soft kisses all over your face as you clung onto him.
“Doin’ so good f’me,” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to the edge of your lips. “Fuck, you feel like heaven, sweetheart. Don’t think I can ever leave you alone now.”
“Don’t leave,” you sobbed, your legs winding around his waist to keep him close. 
“Never, cowgirl, never,” he assured you between soft kisses. “I said I was gonna make you feel good, and I’m gonna make sure of that for as long as you want me around. Now lemme see that pretty face, baby. I wanna see how good my girl looks when I make her come on my cock.”
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