#anxiety Paddington
Thinking about Omega in ep 13 and how she's acting so different from how we've ever seen her.
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Like she's so sassy and smug; the way she phrases things ("Want to know a secret? I escaped from this mountain before... Know what else? I'm doing it again" "That's okay, I like a challenge"), the way she shows them the tool she stole, twirling the game pieces in her hands...
But you can feel the tension behind it too, sounds a bit forced, like she clearly is scared too even though she came in with a plan
I think she's intentionally putting on this confident air to reassure the other kids, and she's 100% channeling Crosshair to do it
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moonrver · 3 months
Ok I'm finally getting round to doing this!! Thanks for tagging me @tomsturbotwinks !!
1. Do you make your bed?
most days unless I'm in a huge rush
2. Favourite number?
Always had an affinity to the number 4 for some reason
3. What's your job?
My main job is kinda hard to explain but I work for like? A social housing company/community organisation? And do research into their historic buildings? And also do some marketing for them?
But I work from home and I hateeee working from home so I also work Sundays at my old job in a shoe shop which I actually really love bc I've got so many friends there and also something about it scratches an autism itch in my brain. I love using the till...
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
My dream life involves being able to travel round the world and attend classes in different universities on different aspects of the Humanities but without having to do any exams or work to deadlines. So yes I'd love to but I don't wanna do a PhD.....too much independent research, not enough funding.
5. Can you parallel park?
Not if I can help it
6. Do you think aliens are real?
Probably? It's not something I have strong opinions on but i think the universe is infinitely vast so there are probably others out there somewhere....
7. Can you drive a manual car?
That's what I learnt and did my test in but I haven't driven in 5 years and want an automatic when I do buy a car....too much leg cramps using the clutch
8. Guilty pleasure?
Well I was raised catholic and have had anxiety for as long as I can remember so I very rarely feel pleasure without some level of guilt.
But maybe trashy reality TV like love island, maybe a bit of eurotrash music, maybe the lengths I would go to for a dairy milk daim
9. Tattoos?
None! Don't really want them
10. Favourite colour?
Maybe sage green, maybe powder blue, maybe pale pink...
11. Favourite type of music?
Lmao I'm such a stereotype of myself, it's not dad rock it's more like... Ye Da's favourite bands from the 80s and 90s. British indie, new wave, Britpop. Stone Roses, Lightning Seeds, Pulp, Kate Bush, Alison Moyet, that sort of thing.
12. do you like puzzles?
I love quizzes and crosswords and stuff if that counts? And I love Only Connect which is a sort of puzzle?
13. Favourite childhood sport?
Omg when I tell you I prided myself on being the fastest runner in my year as a kid. And I always chose who to have a crush on based on who was the fastest boy. The Merseyside primary schools' athletics championship was my favourite day of the year
14. Do you talk to yourself?
Under my breath a lot yeah
15. Tea or coffee?
I probably prefer coffee but in the house I drink like, 10 cups of tea a day
16. First thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?
Lmao a ballerina? Which is so funny given I am so uncoordinated and ungraceful? After than an author bc I was a nerd
17. what movies do you adore?
PADDINGTON also Pride, Bridget Jones' Diary, Rocketman, About Time, recently Challengers, and bizarrely Us (the horror with Lupita Nyongo, strangely a comfort film that also still scares me to death)
I'm tagging @babynflames @sallycinnamons @pickleballhater @karlmarxverstappen @kellehim @thelatenightvibes @oceanmonsters @follivora (if you want to) and anyone else who I've probably forgotten who wants to!!
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Book of Secrets Fails as a Sequel on Every Level
2/?: Ben's Character Arc
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We begin our deep dive into National Treasure: Book of Secrets by taking a look a Ben's character arc. The main problem here is that there isn't one. Even a little bit.
Just to refresh for those of you who don't steep in the brine of media analysis all day, a character arc is the change a character undergoes from the beginning of the story to the end. It's why we tell stories. That's an oversimplification, perhaps, but it's also true.
Stories are generally about a person who wants a goal, and faces obstacles in attempting to get it. In going through the ordeal of pursing their goal, they change. In most stories—and certainly most Disney blockbusters—that change is about fixing a flaw the character had, making them a better person.
A straightforward example is Marlin in Finding Nemo.
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He starts off the story overprotective and unwilling to let Nemo live his own life, in a way that is detrimental to both of them. Through the course of the story he learns to let go of some of his anxiety, make peace with the danger of the unknown, and regain the trust he lost in both his son and the world/ocean at large. Hooray! Arc!
(Pixar movies are generally great places to see clear, well-done examples of story principles, with a bonus of lots of analysis to check out as well.)
National Treasure
Now. In all fairness, National Treasure isn't quite as straightforward a case. As I briefly mentioned here, Ben Gates actually doesn't have a character arc in the first movie. Or, more specifically, he has what's called a flat arc. Here, instead of the story forcing a character to change, the hero believes in their ideals so strongly that they force the story world around them to change instead.
Examples of this character type, also called a Paragon, include:
Captain America
(these are good guy examples, but paragons can also be evil)
In the first movie, Ben believes so strongly in the treasure that he forces everyone around him to change their minds about him, his mission, and the reality of the treasure.
→ Patrick accepts Ben back into his life and even comes to support his choice to search for the treasure.
→ Abigail moves from thinking treasure hunters are somewhere between a nuisance and an enemy to actively becoming one herself.
→ Sadusky goes from pursuing Ben to letting him go and helping him get revenge on the "real" bad guy.
→ Riley doesn't really arc, which is not uncommon of a comic relief character.
But Ben goes from:
I believe the treasure is real and I'll stop at nothing to find it → I believe the treasure is real and I'll stop at nothing to find it and I was right.
The Ben we meet at the beginning of the movie doesn't have any trouble believing in himself. He isn't nearly dissuaded from pursuing the treasure. He doesn't have any strong hangups about breaking the law that he needs to overcome.
Which means he doesn't need to learn anything or grown in any way in order to complete the story. He changes the world around him instead.
Thus, a flat arc.
But what's key here is character change is still happening!
Book of Secrets
In the second movie Ben doesn't change either. But a flat arc is not the same as not having an arc at all.
In the second movie, Ben has already made the changes he can make to the world around him by believing in the treasure. Patrick, Abigail, and Sadusky are all already on his side. Their minds have been changed.
Except for the breakup, which we'll get to.
So Ben still believing so strongly in another treasure isn't affecting the story in the same way. Also why tf would everybody believe that Mr. Templar Treasure couldn't find another treasure?? But that's a topic for another edition.
He needed to have a character arc in the second movie, and he doesn't.
He starts out as a self-centered prick with a superiority complex who refuses to listen to his loved ones when they tell him he's not respecting them...
...and after a daring, life-or-death race to the City of Gold...
...he remains a self-centered prick with a superiority complex who refuses to listen to his loved ones when they tell him he's not respecting them.
Great work team; we learned nothing.
The reason this is a problem is because it leads to an unsatisfying story. The story feels unimportant. If everybody—but especially our hero—is the same person they were at the start, then why did they bother doing this?
More to the point, why did we bother watching it?
More on Ben's arc next time →
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bibelots · 8 months
I've noticed a lot of people have posts pinned at the top of their blogs to introduce themselves better, so thought I should since I'm so irregularly on here (and then can of course edit when my interests inevitably hop about again)
I'm Isobel - or Bel (she/they or she/her!), am a 22 year old bi Piscean from the UK! I am a recent graduate from a postgrad degree in twentieth and twenty-first century literary studies, for which my dissertation looked into E.M. Forster and anxiety!
This blog is mostly a collecting space for my current interests, art, words and pretty pictures. My special interests include Forster, the Merchant Ivory adaptations, Ben Whishaw, Paddington Bear (and bears generally), fictional detectives (Endeavour, Lord Peter Wimsey, Grantchester), The X Files and aliens, cosy games (Stardew Valley, Sims, Animal Crossing) and the 1950s/60s (especially BBC'S The Hour!!!)
My top musical artists of 2023 were Mitski, Steve Jablonsky (yes from the Sims 3 OST), and George Michael, which I think sums me up...
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greengrayeyeswrites · 2 years
morangos com açúcar (chapter three)
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Title: morangos com açúcar
Pairing: Dream x OC (fem!streamer!reader) x Quackity
Warnings: Mostly fluff. Mentions of anxiety, depression and ADD.
Note: This may be a Dream x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Dream ever announces that he doesn’t like fanfics about him, I’ll delete this.
Olivia + Friends — Dream + Friends —Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5
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Olivia chuckled. She looked at Esperanza, staring at her phone as if it would explode in the next thirty seconds. "Anza, I don't think he's going to text you this fast" Olivia said. "Who know when Alex will share your number with Sapnap." Esperanza looked over to Olivia. "This is all thanks to you, my gorgeous faceless best friend!" Esperanza cheered and threw herself in Olivia's arms.
"Nah, I simply just tweeted Sapnap's name under your tweet. I didn't told anyone to actually engage with your tweet." - "A few of my mutuals congratulated me for getting noticed by Sapnap" Esperanza laughed. "They say I'm a good fangirl and I deserve all the attention from my comfort streamer." Esperanza looked at Olivia, who was simply smiling at her.
Olivia loved seeing her friends happy and content like this. Even if Olivia probably would get a backlash from Sapnap's fans and other Dream SMP stans, she wouldn't change anything. It was probably a stupid and reckless decision, but seeing Esperanzas smile made it all worthwhile.
"So what are you planning to do, if he actually texts you?" Olivia asked. She had zero to non-existing experience on this topic and didn't know what was going to happen next. A boy, a very handsome boy, Esperanza felt drawn to had her phone number. What happens next?
"I'll probably try and get to know him in a non-creepy way? If he wants me to stop fangirling about him, because it makes him uncomfortable I'll obviously stop." A wicked grin plastered itself on Esperanzas face. "And maybe I'll flirt a little bit? I mean, he did like my tweet and the main focus of that picture was my ass." Esperanza wanted to continue, when the bell of Olivias house rang.
"It's probably just one of my brothers, gimme a sec."
Olivia walked over to the door and opened it, imagining Tomás or Diogo standing in front of it, but once her door was opened and none other than her best friend Alex stomped into the open living room, she knew something was up.
Esperanza waved him from the couch she was sitting on, "Hi Alex!". Alex waved back and looked at Olivia. "You two are so... so..." - "So what?" asked Olivia, kinda confused about how upset Alex seemed.
"What was your plan with those pictures?" the boy let out and sat down on the couch. "Our main point was taking pictures with those cars, Alex" Olivia said. "We immediately fell in love when our professor handed us the keys and made us search for our cars in the car park." The Gemini continued.
"YOU'RE TRENDING ESPERANZA!" Alex yelled. Olivia widened her eyes and looked over to Esperanza, who was sitting cross legged on the couch, her phone clutched in her hands and her black hair in a messy bun on top of her head.
"How?" Olivia asked. She never managed to get viral. Even though she was a Streamer herself. But her best friend who was a full-time fangirl managed to trend? Alex sighed. "Your car girl aesthetics got retweeted and reposted millions of time. Especially Esperanza's!" Alex yelled and turned his phone.
He was on the Twitter search site and one of the trending topics was #SapnapsIdealTypeCarGirl. "I don't even want to know how many perverts downloaded your pic" Alex screamed, when Olivias phone pinged. "Sorry" she excused herself—leaving Alex and Esperanza behind.
Once in the kitchen she saw that an unknown number had sent her a message. She quickly opened the message and chuckled. It was Dream. The super famous Minecrafter whom she played Jackbox with the other day. The streamer that laughed hysterically because of Paddington Bears crippling addiction to sucking whale cocks.
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Olivia grinned at the message and quickly saved Dream's number before walking back into the living room. Alex was still screaming and Esperanza looked like she wasn't even listening to him. "Olivia, talk some sense into her!" he begged and Olivia cocked her eyebrow.
It had been a few days since the Car Girl pictures got posted and Esperanza did gain a lot more new followers from that one tweet. Probably because George and Sapnap interacted with it. Esperanza was doing fine though. Olivia didn't see the problem.
"Alex, may I talk to you?" she asked and he lifted his arms. "In private" Olivia added and Alex dropped his arms looking at Esperanza one more time. The Aries was way too busy checking her social medias.
Once back in the kitchen, Olivia leaned onto the kitchen counter and grabbed onto Alex's hands. "You're usually not this worked up mine and Anza's antics... why are you so mad?"
It would be a lie, if Olivia holding onto his hands like this, didn't do anything to the still twenty-year old Capricorn. But he quickly shook his head. "It's just... both of you barging into my friend group is a little" he rubbed his temples and Olivia gave him a soft smile.
"You don't want me and Esperanza in your friend group right? Those streamer boys and girls are your friends... you don't want us to engage with them... am I right?" Olivia asked and Alex's head shot up. "What?" he asked. "You don't want Anza and me to be part of your Streamer friend group" Olivia repeated, cocking an eyebrow and looking at the 5'8'' tall boy—who was still smaller than her.
"What? No! I don't care if Esperanza and Sapnap become friends or whatever." Alex gently ripped his hands out of Olivia's embrace. "It's Anza's and his life. If they wanna become friends or whatever... I don't care." Alex turned his back to Olivia and leaned against the counter. Olivia looked at him.
"What's your problem then?" The woman asked and Alex looked over to her. "I-I don't actually know—" he started when Esperanza started screaming in the living room. Alex and Olivia both looked at each other before dashing into the living room, seeing the young Latina standing on the couch, holding onto the fabric of her skirt, since her crop-top was tightly on her body.
"You okay, weirdo?" Alex asked, when Esperanza grinned towards them. "Sapnap just texted me! And he sent me a selfie!", she fawned, pressing the phone onto her chest. "Olivia, Alex both of you are so pog! I'm leaving now, I gotta text this hunk of a man!"
And with these words Esperanza ran out of Olivia's house leaving the two Twitch streamers alone. Olivia looked at her friend. "So, Alex? What did you want to say before Esperanza started creaming?"
"EXCUSE ME?!" Alex yelled and Olivia started laughing. The Mexican boy looked at his best friend and gently smacked the back of her head. "You're unbelievable."
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A few days later Olivia was streaming. She was continuing to play Kingdom Hearts II and continuing where she last stopped. The 8K viewers she currently had were commenting nice things about her gameplay and while playing Olivia even engaged in small talk with her fans.
I'm still not over the picture of you on that blue car! What was that all about?
A text-to-speech donation cheered and Olivia grinned, pressing her PS4 controller tighter in her hands. "Some of y'all have been following me for quite some time and know that I'm an engineering major with my main focus being on automotive engineering" the girl started, "so the blue car you saw on that picture is my midterm exam. Simply said, I need to take it apart and re-build it." Olivia grinned, while she continued playing the game.
Her eyes sometimes wandered to her chat, that was currently just spamming her with cute emojis.
user2323: vroom vroom🏎💨
user9887: that sound's so cool! the fact that you can take apart and re build cars is so cool!
user4636: ngl girls who know their cars are hot
"Feel free to leave some messages in the chat! I try to read and answer as many as possible. You don't need to send donations for me to answer your questions!" Olivia grinned, continuing to smash her fingers on the controller.
"What's your favorite game?" Olivia read and tilted her head, even though her viewers couldn't see her—she was faceless after all. "Definitely Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory!" she answered. "Everything about this game is so gorgeous!" A chuckle left Olivia's lips, when another text-to-speech donation popped up.
"I told you, you don't need to—" Olivia stopped speaking as soon as the computer generated voice spoke.
Hi Olivia! Nice stream so far! I'm not that knowledgable in Kingdom Hearts but the game looks fun! Dream.
Olivia blinked and re-read the message. Dream had donated $50 and Olivia sighed. "Thanks for joining the stream, Dream!" She smiled. "I hope you can enjoy the magic that is Kingdom Hearts!"
Olivia continued playing when another $50 donation came in. She rolled her eyes, thankfully no one could see her.
You have to teach me, next time we talk to each other! Maybe I'll can join the game. Dream
"Dream, this is literally a single-player game." Olivia said and rolled her eyes. "And please keep your money." The Gemini added and continued playing. For a while the donations from the green man stopped, until he started spamming her chat.
dreamwastaken: don't ignore me olivia
dreamwastaken: I'll stop sending money I swear
dreamwastaken: add me on discord
dreamwastaken: i wanna be ur friend :((
Olivia sighed. "Dang he's persistent. What are you thinking Chat? Should we add the Dream to VC? He doesn't know anything about us as a community or Kingdom Hearts. What should we do?"
user6652: add him!
user912: omg THE Minecraft dream?
user657: I don't want to share our lovely Olivia though?
Olivia read a few texts from her fans before adding Dream onto a Voice Call on Discord. She had recently befriended him on Discord, after he asked her about her own Discord ID.
The familiar ping appeared and Olivia saw the bubble with Dream's icon on the left side of her desktop. "Hello Dream and welcome to OH_livia!" the girl greeted and waited for the popular streamer to answer.
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On this day, 7th June 1844, a reception was held in the Saloon at Buckingham Palace for Emperor Nicholas I of Russia and the King of Saxony.
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Queen Victoria’s journal:
“Breakfast the same, as all these mornings, after the Emperor had been to Prayers, with Albert. — At a little before 11, we set off for Slough, with the Emperor & King, taking the train there. When we were in the carriage the Emperor kissed my hand & pressed it with great warmth, saying he must thank me for all my kindness to him at Windsor, & he also thanked Albert. No one was in our railway saloon but ourselves & the Sovereigns. There was an immense crowd at Paddington station & all the way to Buckingham Palace, which we reached at 12. Took the Emperor to his rooms, for he lodges here now, as well as almost the whole of his suite. — I rested, & wrote, &c —. The Emperor came upstairs, to Albert's room, just before luncheon, & then led me down to the small Drawingroom, where we lunched with him & the King. The Emperor began to talk about politics & did so very frankly & fairly, — much in the same strain, as he did to me, the other evening, viz: of Austria & the terrible position that country was in, — with the Sovereign a complete cypher, the Archdukes taking no part in anything, & the Nobility being of no assistance whatever; that someone must stand by them & support them, & must not shut one's eyes in tranquillity, but be prepared for what the future may bring. He regretted & dreaded the growing fanaticism about religion, & appealed to the King, if he was not right in thinking it very bad. The latter, quite agreed, for though he is a very good Roman Catholic, has extremely liberal religious views. Then the Emperor talked of the King of Prussia, saying much the same about him, as he had before; - of the Diet, & of his great wish to keep things as they were; - that I could rely (& I must say I do trust his word) upon him, & trusted he might rely on me, to which I of course, suited, & bowed assent that he wished our keeping together, not to be in the slightest degree exclusive of others. Albert often put in a clever word of his. The Emperor said that because he spoke so "franchement", he had been accused of having "des arrières pensées" & being prompted by "le Diable". "Mais je trouve que le Diable ne parle pas quelquefois si Mal," he added, laughing. When we got up from luncheon, he kissed my hand, begging my pardon for having said all he had, but that he had been anxious to lose no opportunity of being well understood. - Walked out with Albert & it was very mild. - Rested, when we came in & wrote. - Punctually at 8 we dined. Besides our suites & ourselves & Ld Aberdeen, Aunt Gloucester. The Gentlemen were all in full dress uniform, the Emperor looking very magnificent & dignified. The servants were in their state liveries & the whole dinner was a very fine sight. I sat as usual between the Sovereigns. After dinner there come about 259 invited guests, & all the rooms were thrown open. I presented some of the Ladies to the Emperor, who was extremely kind & civil about it, & full of anxiety lest I should fatigue myself too much. Whilst Albert was presenting all the Gentlemen, I sat with Aunt Gloucester, in the Saloon, & they joined us afterwards. The Emperor only sat down for a moment near me, as he walked about for the greater part of the evening. At ¼ to 11, we went into the Throne Room, where refreshments were served, the Emperor leading me in, & after a little while, we returned to the Saloon. At ½ p. 11, we all retired. Felt very glad that everything had gone off so well. Naturally, I felt very tired. -”
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, please feel free to send me any questions either in the comments, on social media (Queen.Victoria.Roses) and I will respond as soon as possible. You can also follow me on tumblr for updates about new posts. If you would like to support my work, please feel free to leave a donation through my Ko-fi page so I can gain access to new research resources and continue creating new and more accurate content for all of you. Thank you again for supporting my work, it is greatly appreciated. - Shannon x
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Back to the path
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I read a theory that your back pack is full of your fears. If you fear hunger, it’s full of food. Sickness, and it’s full of hygiene products and first aid items. Cold, and it’s full of clothes. My fears don’t want to be pinned down, because I’ve spent the last few days in a state of low level anxiety, taking things out and reinstating them. Do I need / fear this thing enough to carry it on my back for the next 10 days?*
And so it is that I find myself with the much edited back pack (too late now) on the fast Paddington-Newquay train to resume my journey on the South West Coastal path, which has, by now, become a summer routine.
Attentive readers of this blog will be puzzling how it is that I can *start in Newquay* this time around, when you last heard from me in Padstow, at least 20 miles north… Keep faith… I have indeed done the miles, but Padstow was where I hooked up with my friend Alice, and frankly, I was having too much fun to keep you updated. However, Alice is an expert landscape and wildlife photographer, so here’s some of her pics of our camping, sea swimming and yurt adventures last summer.
And so, back to Newquay, that bustling, polluted commercial break in the Cornwall coastline. I check into the Newquay Travelodge — where else? — and prepare to set off in the morning. All well.
*Or, bigger question, for the rest of my days?
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Cliff top camping at Porthcothan. Photos: Alice
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briarfox13 · 2 years
Comfort Things
Thank you @starsandskies
I tag @slothssassin @alyssalenko @perhapsrampancy @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth @wardenariana @vixxelle (hope that's the right account to tag you on!)
Comfort movie: Paddington, Yojimbo, Forward Unto Dawn, Sister Act, Over the Moon
Comfort food: Pasta, chocolate, biscuits, garlic bread, baked potato, beans on toast
Comfort clothing: Hoodie/cosy jumper, jeans and two pairs of socks ( my fuzzy house socks), my anxiety t-shirt or my fox lounge trousers!
Comfort book: Metro 2033-Dmitry Glukhovsky, The Last Wish-Andrzej Sapkowski, Shadow Prowler-Alexey Pehov, The Hobbit-J. R. R. Tolkien
Comfort game: Halo Reach, Halo Infinite, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Dishonored, The Witcher 3, Slime Rancher 1 + 2
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disabledrunner5 · 2 years
My Runner 5’s/ZR Universe MCs. (Spoilers for seasons 1-3 of ZR with illusions to later seasons)
Because eh why not?
using @ummmmandy​‘s picrew and inspired by @runner5anna‘s post (I’m still working on my 5′s playlist so that’s coming at a later date)
Runner Five: Alicia Emily Bright
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The OG, my traumatised baby, who I will protect with my life but also trauma dump on. 
Has left side Hemiplegia.
Is neurodivergent AF (autism)
diagnosed with GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder)
Very sensitive to loud noises, wet clothing and mess on her skin.
Selective mute due to anxiety from the helicopter crash and autism.
Had to kill her zombified mother with a kitchen knife on day zero.
Also had to shoot her younger brother, Louis, at Mullins after he was bitten a few weeks before she arrived at Abel.
Is currently dating Sam Yao, and is actually engaged to him (as of season 6).
Short sighted.
Huge Nerd. Will talk about Doctor Who and Red Dwarf for hours if you let her. Loves DnD.
Has an emotional support puppy by the name of Scraps, a Jack Russell Terrier who she rescued in season 2 and whom she adores. To lose him would literally be like losing a child to her. He is her baby. It sure would be a shame if something happened to him, say for example, someone killed him at the end of season 5. 
Forgets to look after herself constantly, potentially has a death wish (or at least thats Abel Township’s theory), will kill and be killed for those she loves.  
New Canton Runner 5: Joel James Bright
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Born in 1979, to Edith and Robert Bright. Younger brother of Dominic.
Married childhood sweetheart, Maria when they were 19.
Father of Alicia and Louis Bright.
Was in a band in university. Gave it up to start a family.
Secondary school history teacher.
Adores his children, will die for them.
Plays guitar like a pro.
Short sighted.
Got knocked out by his zombified wife on Z Day, and was assumed dead by his children.
Despite his bleeding head, he managed to find his way to New Canton in the early days of the apocalypse. Believed his children were dead (he was half right).
Close with Chris McShell and Lem.
Overjoyed to discover at least his daughter was alive.
Very protective of Alicia in new Canton following the Abel explosion in the season one finale.
Died in London, buried under a building he blew up.
Left a message to Alicia via video and Alicia stumbled across the site whilst in London and retrieved by luck his broken glasses to remember him by.
Nobody knows what happened to his body.
Has a memorial in New Canton and an grave by Mullins base, next to his son, Louis’ grave.
Walker- Tabitha ‘Tammy’ Natalie Walker.
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Alicia’s uncle Dominic is Tammy’s father.
Lived in Scotland with her mum, Allison.
Lived in Fostercare after the death of her mum, six years prior to The Walk.
Goes by either ‘Tabs’ or ‘Tammy’ (sometimes even by her middle name as she’s not overly fond of her first name)
19 years old at the start of The Walk (which takes place c. 2016 as Boris Johnson’s still Mayor of London) and turns 20 during.
Coincidentally, her surname is the same as her computer generated codename, Walker.
Bubbily, but also extremely sensible and serious.
More extroverted than Alicia, but less than the average person.
Was on her way to meet family at Paddington station as she was travelling down for a week in London with her dad, step mum, Ruby, half siblings, Tara, David and Luke, her uncle Joel, her aunt Maria and her cousins Alicia and Louis, as an early birthday present when she was approached by Fiona and dragged into the whole mess.
Close with Alicia before the events of The Walk.
Has a massive crush on Lawrence. in fact they sort of start a relationship.
Has PTSD due to the events of the Walk.
Survived day zero and lives in Mullins base during the apocalypse. Where she reconnects with her father Dominic, and cousins Alicia and Louis, but Louis dies a few weeks in and Alicia leaves for Abel Township on a special mission. Neither cousin are aware the other is still alive since then.
Sapper 5- James ‘Jamie’ Edward Carter
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Jamie Carter was born to Molly and George Carter in 1900. He’s their only son.
His father was a policeman who was one of a handful of people who knew the identity of Jack The Ripper (although Jamie would never learn who it was) and his mother was responsible for uncovering the ‘Bicycle Face’ conspiracy at the age of 16, and was an avid suffragette and campaigner against police corruption.
Because of this, his family has always been, unbeknownst to him and his relatives, on a government watch list. 
He left school at 14 and started an apprenticeship in engineering.
He then signed up to fight in the war in 1915, underage. He survived, travelling across the globe from Africa to Russia.
Eventually he met Elizabeth Stewart, a Scottish nurse whilst in Russia.
Both of them were stuck in Russia after the war for a couple of years, and during that time they fell in love. They managed to leave Russia back to the London just before the Tsar was assassinated, and Jamie returned back to his apprenticeship, becoming an accomplished engineer and setting up his own company. 
despite this he constantly suffered flashbacks and nightmares from his time at war. 
They had three children. George, Joseph ‘Jojo’ and Edith ‘Edie’. 
He passed away in March 1999 at the age of 99. 
He is the grandfather of Dominic and Joel Bright and the great grandfather of Tabitha Walker, Alicia, Tara, Louis, David and Luke Bright. 
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babii-demi-demon · 11 days
Beluga babii Part Two
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Triggers for Anxiety:
♡》loud, sudden noises
♡》overly bright or harsh lighting
♡》crowded spaces
♡》sudden changes in routine
♡》being rushed
♡》conflict or raised voices
♡》feeling ignored or left out
♡》being alone for long periods
♡》onfamiliar environments
♡》unpleasant textures
♡》lack of comfort items
♡》unpleasant smells
♡》feeling unsupported or unheard
♡》rapid transitions between activities
♡》social expectations or pressure
♡》fear of disappointing Daddii
♡》physical discomfort
♡》sensory overload from media
♡》feeling unprepared or uncertain
Favourite TV/Movie/Anime Characters:
♡》dory from finding nemo and finding dory
♡》pingu from pingu
♡》ariel from the little mermaid
♡》bluey from bluey
♡》totoro from my neighbour totoro
♡》squishy from monster's university
♡》winnie the pooh from winnie the pooh
♡》elmo from sesame street
♡》flounder from the little mermaid
♡》marlin from finding nemo
♡》peppa pig from peppa pig
♡》moana from moana
♡》oswald from oswald the octopus
♡》puffin from puffin rock
♡》nemo from finding nemo
♡》spongebob squarepants from spongebob squarepants
♡》bubbles from the powerpuff girls
♡》oona from bubble guppies
♡》whale from the snorks
♡》paddington bear from the adventures of paddington
♡》boo from monsters, inc.
♡》minnie mouse from mickey mouse clubhouse
♡》sandy cheeks from spongebob squarepants
♡》piplup from pokémon
♡》moomin from moomins
♡》dug from up
♡》ponyo from ponyo
♡》kipper from kipper the dog
♡》littlefoot from the land before time
♡》togepi from pokémon
♡》eeyore from winnie the pooh
♡》snorkmaiden from moomins
♡》paddington bear from the original paddington bear
♡》whale from octonauts
♡》piglet from winnie the pooh
♡》rosie from rosie’s rules
♡》peach from finding nemo
♡》pua from moana
♡》tigger from winnie the pooh
♡》dumbo from dumbo
♡》rilakkuma from rilakkuma and kaoru
♡》maui from moana
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Favourite Types of Stuffiis:
♡》beluga whale stuffiis
♡》octopus stuffiis
♡》seal stuffiis
♡》dolphin stuffiis
♡》turtle stuffiis
♡》penguin stuffiis
♡》narwhal stuffiis
♡》starfish stuffiis
♡》crab stuffiis
♡》jellyfish stuffiis
♡》orca whale stuffiis
♡》fish-shaped stuffiis
♡》polar bear stuffiis
♡》sea otter stuffiis
♡》whale shark stuffiis
♡》mermaid stuffiis
♡》seahorse stuffiis
♡》frog stuffiis
♡》snail stuffiis
♡》coral reef stuffii set
Favourite Toys:
♡》water beads
♡》bath toys
♡》bubble machines
♡》ocean-themed sensory bottles
♡》sand play sets
♡》stacking cups
♡》shell collection kits
♡》toy boats
♡》ocean-themed puzzles
♡》toy fish tanks
♡》musical toy seahorses
♡》glow-in-the-dark stars
♡》ocean-themed finger puppets
♡》toy submarines
♡》mermaid dolls
♡》squishy sea creatures
♡》bubble wands
♡》underwater viewers
♡》scented slime
♡》toy crabs with moving claws
Bath Time Preferences:
♡》warm water
♡》ocean-themed bath toys
♡》gentle bath music
♡》bath crayons
♡》scented bath bombs (ocean or lavender)
♡》soft, fluffy towels
♡》glow-in-the-dark bath toys
♡》bath foam and shaving cream play
♡》sea creature sponges
♡》coloured bath tablets
♡》bath time story
♡》soft, hooded towels
♡》gentle, tear-free shampoo
♡》floating lights
♡》soft bristle brushes
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Favourite Seasons:
♡》the cold, crisp air and the peacefulness
♡》the imagery of snow and ice
♡》winter brings a sense of calm, with soft snowflakes and gentle winds creating a cosy, quiet atmosphere
♡》she enjoys the cosy, comforting feel of fall
♡》the cooler weather, soft sweaters, and warm tones of the leaves create a safe, secure environment
♡》she enjoys the calm, reflective mood that autumn brings, which aligns with her desire for cosy moments and soft, warm textures
♡》spring is a time of renewal and soft breezes, which she enjoys
♡》the gentle warmth of the season and the blooming flowers make her feel refreshed
♡》spring brings a sense of lightness and new beginnings
Summer (Beach Days):
♡》while she prefers cooler seasons, she does love summer for its connection to the ocean
♡》beach days with the sun shining on the water, gentle waves, and the soft sand beneath her feet are some of her favourite experiences
♡》she enjoys the ocean breeze and the calmness that the water brings
Favourite Places Indoors:
♡》Daddii's lap
♡》in bed with Daddii
♡》cozy blanket forts
♡》reading nooks
♡》window seats
♡》soft play mat
♡》couch with soft blankiis
♡》sensory areas
♡》under the table
♡》stuffii pile
♡》art areas
♡》dimly lit room with fairy lights
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Nature Connections:
♡》ocean and waves
♡》snow and ice
♡》tide pools
♡》calm lakes
♡》sandy beaches
♡》rocky shores
♡》gentle breeze
♡》starry nights
♡》soft grass
♡》underwater exploration
♡》sunrises and sunsets
♡》tropical islands
Things That Make Her Laugh:
♡》silly faces
♡》bubbles popping
♡》light, gentle tickles
♡》funny animal videos
♡》playful splashing
♡》whale sounds
♡》silly songs
♡》stuffii conversations (when Daddii makes her plushies talk to each other in silly voices or act out funny situations)
♡》being chased playfully
♡》bubble machine
♡》puppets or finger puppets
♡》pop-up toys
♡》silly dancing
♡》blowing raspberries
♡》squeaky toys
♡》silly stories
♡》wobbly jelly or pudding
♡》playful animal impressions
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Preferred Art Styles:
♡》pastel art
♡》cartoon-style art
♡》nature sketches
♡》collage art
♡》soft digital art
♡》fantasy art
♡》colouring books
♡》sea life illustrations
♡》minimalist art
♡》glow-in-the-dark art
Soothing Sounds for Sleep:
♡》ocean waves
♡》whale songs
♡》soft wind chimes
♡》distant thunder
♡》gentle waterfall
♡》crackling fireplace
♡》soft lullabies
♡》birdsong at dawn
♡》underwater bubbles
♡》rustling leaves
♡》stream or river flowing
♡》sea breeze
♡》soft humming
♡》wind blowing through trees
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Daily Affirmations:
♡》i am safe, loved, and cared for
♡》i am calm, and i can handle anything
♡》i am connected to the ocean, and it helps me stay grounded
♡》i am enough just as i am
♡》i am loved for who i am inside and out
♡》i am free to be playful and happy
♡》i am surrounded by peace, and i bring peace to others
♡》i am strong and capable, like the ocean
♡》i deserve kindness and understanding
♡》i am safe in my Daddii's care
♡》i can be gentle with myself, just like i am with others
♡》i am full of wonder, and every day is a new adventure
♡》i trust myself, and i trust the world around me
♡》i am important, and my feelings matter
♡》i am connected to nature, and it brings me peace
Travel Dreams:
♡》visit all aquariums possible
♡》pretty, not overly populated beaches
♡》stay at a cosy cabin by the lake
♡》explore tide pools
♡》visit an arctic-themed park
♡》stay in an underwater hotel
♡》go on a dolphin-watching tour
♡》visit all the rainforests
♡stay at a beachside cottage
♡》lots of waterfalls
♡》visit a sea turtle sanctuary
♡》boat ride on a calm river
♡》explore ice caves
♡》snorkeling in a coral reef
♡》visit a beluga whale sanctuary
♡》relax at a hot springs
♡》stargazing in a quiet desert
♡》visit a frozen lake
♡》boat ride and swim in a bioluminescent bay
♡》visit an island with puffins
♡》swim in a saltwater lagoon
♡》explore a sea cave
♡》picnic in a meadow
♡》visit a marine biology centre
♡》stay at a treehouse in the forest
♡》whale watching in the arctic
♡》exploring a hidden beach
♡》visit flower gardens
♡》sail on a calm lake at sunset
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Special Occasions:
♡》birthday celebrations
♡》Daddii (caregiver) appreciation day
♡》ocean day
♡》snow day
♡》whale watching day
♡》stuffii's birthdays
♡》underwater adventure day
♡》seasonal celebrations
♡》cuddle day
♡》first snowfall celebration
♡》whale song appreciation day
♡》rainy day cosy time
♡》favourite shows or movies marathon day
♡》sensory play day
Things That Make Her Feel Brave:
♡》holding her favourite stuffiis
♡》Daddii's encouraging words
♡》wearing a special outfit
♡》soft hand holding with Daddii
♡》listening to calming music
♡》Dadii's presence
♡》favourite blankiis
♡》repeating or hearing Daddii repeat a special affirmation
♡》taking deep breaths with Daddii
♡》Daddii's hugs
♡》small achievements
♡》favourite stories of brave characters
♡》having a safe space to retreat to
♡》gentle encouragement from Daddii
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integratedau · 2 months
Find the Best Child Psychologist in Brisbane at Integrated Wellness Clinic
Finding the right child psychologist in Brisbane is essential for your child's mental and emotional development. At Integrated Wellness Clinic, we specialize in providing compassionate and effective psychological care for children.
Why Choose a Child Psychologist?
A child psychologist can help your child in various ways, including:
Emotional Support: Helping children manage emotions and cope with stress.
Behavioral Therapy: Addressing issues such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression.
Developmental Assessments: Evaluating your child's cognitive and emotional development.
Services for Children at Integrated Wellness Clinic:
Our clinic offers a range of services for children, including
Individual Therapy: One-on-one sessions tailored to your child's needs.
Family Therapy: Involving the family to support the child's growth.
Play Therapy: Using play as a therapeutic tool to help children express themselves.
Our Approach to Child Psychology
We believe in a holistic approach, integrating psychological and naturopathic care to address your child's overall well-being. Our team works closely with parents to ensure a supportive environment for the child.
Contact Information:
Business Name: Integrated Wellness Clinic - Brisbane
Business Address: 15 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington, Queensland 4064
Phone Number: (07) 5458 4800
Opening Hours:
Friday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Saturday: 8 am–1 pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Tuesday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Wednesday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Thursday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Follow Us on Social Media
Integrated Wellness Clinic in Brisbane offers specialized psychological care for children. Our experienced child psychologists are dedicated to helping your child thrive. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Visit Our Webpage for more - https://www.integratedwellnessclinic.com.au/brisbane-psychology/childrens-psychology-brisbane/
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inapat17 · 3 months
Why did I watch Little miss sunshine - Valerie Faris, Jonathan Dayton (2006) – for the forty-thousandth time?
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Recently I had a really bad day. Who has not. After I ate pasta, I had only one idea: I wanted to watch Little miss sunshine. Looking at the film, it was the same as I remember. I cried at the same time and I thought “Steve Carell is really one of the best drama actors” then I cried when the whole family is pushing the van all together and again at the end of the movie. Watching it again validated my analysis of the film: this van is just like life, some times we are not enough to push it. That is why we need our loved ones, to help us pushing it when we can not ourself. Of course, anyone of them is perfect, Paul Dano’s character: Dwayne will never achieve his dream, Frank just wants to die, Richard is losing has no job and Sheryl tries to be the best supportive wife and the best mother at the same time but it is impossible. But at least, the family is together and the most wonderful thing is that they can be ridiculous together. At the center of it all there is Olive, the real sunshine with her hopeless smile. It is a movie about hope and love. So, it is what I can say about the film when I try to criticize it. This film is one of my comfort films. A comfort film is a movie you go to when you really need some joy. It can be any kind of movie or any movie at all. I know that in my comfort films there is Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the two Paddington’s movies, the two Gremlins’ movies or the other movie I talked about in my articles: Conan the Barbarian and Pirates of the Caribbean. A comfort movie can even be a guilty pleasure, to me it is Batman and Robin from Joel Schumacher, I love the kitsch of the movie. Watching comfort films I experience different types of feelings: I want to find the emotions I have experienced during my first viewing, or I want to experiment my thesis on a movie, or I just want to have fun, or I just want to cry… Then, when I watch it again, I experience many feelings but at the end I always end up better than I was. But I still have a question: why do I go back to these films over and over, again and again?
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              Because I could not answer on my own, I have ended up on Google Scholar, searching for research papers on the matter. I had not a single result that interested me: they were all about the comfort of glasses when you look at a movie. Funny, but not what I wanted.
              That is why I have simply googled “Comfort film research”. Guess what? I have found something! I have first found an article from the North Harford High School saying that: [1]“Psychologists have suggested that those who are especially prone to illness such as anxiety or depression find comfort in rewatching a film, rather than processing new information while watching something new.”. It means that our brain is venomous and likes what he knows. Then, I continued my research, because I thought it was a little bit to easy. That is when I found Sohni Kaur’s thesis entitled The comfort watch: psychology and media theory perspectives on nostalgia and film[2]. According to Kaur the reason we go back to the same film is anxiety and depression but also nostalgia. Nostalgia comes from the Latin nostos – homecoming – and algos – pain –, it literally means a pain a person lives when they can not go home. But films seem to be a pharmakon (the remedy and the poison) to nostalgia. Indeed, it is the remedy because a film is an image fixed on a support but it is also a poison because a film is a linear media, then if you want to watch it again you must watch it from the beginning. You can not always go back to the memory because you need something to watch it. In psychology, there can not be nostalgia if there is no memory even if a memory can exist without nostalgia. Nostalgia lives through a memory; it is the feeling to go back to the memory you once lived. Then, when we are sad, we might feel a little bit nostalgic and it is why we watch for the umpteenth time the same movie. Kaur says “Now, media is not only the trigger for nostalgia, but the place where it manifests (Kalinina, 2016). Media is a prime habitat for nostalgia to manifest as it “mediate[s] collective and individual experiences” (Kalinina, 2016, p. 12)”. We are rarely alone in a movie theater and each person in the audience is going to live a different experience while the movie is the same. When I talk about nostalgia, the first that comes to my mind is Edgar Wright’s Last night in Soho (2022) in which a woman goes back to the sixties and is being haunted by another girl from that time.  I am afraid of nostalgia because I feel that it is like wanting something that we can never have back. But perhaps nostalgia is a copying mechanism to get out of the sadness that we are in? Derida says about cinema that it is the art of ghost. We all get nostalgic just seeing a dead actor on screen. Like when I see a movie with Belmondo, I experience pain because I will never be able to tell him how much he gives to me. In Steven Spielberg’s The Fabelmans the mother tells her son that a movie is “a dream that you never forget”. Then it is nostalgic at its core. Cinema is a nostalgic art, trying to put back into the present a past that has been filmed to be shown in the future. Time is fleeting with cinema as it makes us all a little bit more nostalgic.
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              I might stop asking myself why I go back to this film. It is just that I need it to feel when I cannot. After all, perhaps nostalgia can help me pushing my van? That is why comfort movies and comfort art are so important, it what makes us human. If we fail or have a bad, I know that this nostalgic candy will still be the same and will make me feel as I need. And you? What is your comfort films list? Don’t be shy to share it!         
[1] Rewatch and relax; Psychology behind comfort films ; Madison Fetherston ; April 27, 2021 ; https://cryofthehawk.org/entertainment/2021/04/27/rewatch-and-relax-psychology-behind-comfort-films/
[2] The comfort watch: psychology and media theory perspectives on nostalgia and film ; Sohni Kaur ; 2021 ; https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2772&context=scripps_theses
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deadlinecom · 7 months
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fictionz · 9 months
New Fiction 2023 - December
"Ezekiel" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
Ezekiel had a lot to prophesy, and none of it good news.
"Daniel" ed. Richard Challoner (1752)
We're really just there for lions and Susanna.
Revenant by Alex White (2021)
I like that I can hop around between DS9 stories that are part of the post-show timeline and the various stories that just take place at some point during or prior to the show. Also good to see the designers stepping up that cover art! And let me tell ya, this story delivers on that cover. Half of it is a Jadzia and Kira adventure with mysteries, heists, danger, and a lot of really good background on the Dax symbiont. Loved that! Then Kira tagged out for Worf and Bashir, and that was alright. I wish it had been Jadzia and Kira all the way though.
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (2023)
It's a nerds' tale through and through. Film nerds, occult nerds, horror nerds, and Moreno-Garcia blends it all skillfully. It doesn't hit as strongly as Mexican Gothic, but mysteries tend to be like that when they take place in a metropolis instead of the confines of a creepy mansion.
The Men by Sandra Newman (2023)
I liked the setup, and the premise, and I was mostly onboard until the finale really let me down. Maybe the idea is depressing to people, like it is to most characters in the story, but I saw hope in sticking with the reality of most of the book and making a better world of it. You grieve, you build anew. There was also some hand-wringing around race and gender tension from the main character that feels like it's meant to be considerate but is just channeling white anxiety about the optics of appearing racist instead recognizing racial bias and making changes to address it.
Aftermath by Christopher L. Bennett (2003)
Whoops, one more Star Trek book before the end of the year. I’d been meaning to read it for about a year and finally found some time with the digital copy from Open Library. Like the other SCE stories, it’s a short and sweet little tale. The thematic elements about a civilization’s collapse and hope for the future were just what I needed after reading some more downbeat stories.
Jekyll and Heidi by R.L. Stine (1999)
It was... okay. Not the strongest plot or twist, although notably darker in terms of setting up the main character's predicament. Kinda Dahlesque but without his absurdity.
"> THE JESTER" by Margaut Shorjian (2023)
Do it.
The Simpsons: Bart vs. Homersaurus dev. Tiger Electronics (1994)
These level-based LCD games are never as strong as the endless loops of their Game & Watch progenitors, but the tech is neat. Voice clips must've been an expensive proposition.
Dream Scenario dir. Kristoffer Borgli (2023)
You know, it is a weird movie, but the part where it digs into cancel culture felt off. Too real maybe. And even then, I just don't think it'll stick around in my brain.
Godzilla Minus One dir. Takashi Yamazaki (2023)
A great Godzilla story with a good balance of humans and monster. It's a big deal when I can care about the human side of a monster attack.
The Boy and the Heron dir. Hayao Miyazaki (2023)
It meanders and contemplates, kinda like The Wind Rises, but it's so beautiful and weird that it's easy to just roll with it.
The Abyss dir. James Cameron (1989)
So did Cameron just establish the genre of scifi that is working class stiffs who aren't trained for this being sent out into the deep end?
Eileen dir. William Oldroyd (2023)
It has that short story quality I can never quite describe. Like something unsettling I'd read in The New Yorker.
A Christmas Story dir. Bob Clark (1983)
1983?! This feels so ancient. Well, I'm glad I finally watched it all through instead of bits and pieces on TV.
Wonka dir. Paul King (2023)
I should watch a Paddington sometime.
Monster dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda (2023)
I wanna say it's a perfect movie. It has some dread but still has a hopeful vibe in the end.
Leave the World Behind dir. Sam Esmail (2023)
I guess I see why people responded to it, but I found it too bleak, and that's saying something. I guess I prefer these things to be a little further removed from the current timeline. *hugs The Outer Limits 1995*
The Polar Express dir. Robert Zemeckis (2004)
My nephew straight up performs the movie as he watches it, and that's about as memorable as a viewing can get.
The Muppet Christmas Carol dir. Brian Henson (1992)
Pretty good, but it can't top Muppet Treasure Island in my brain. The effects for some of those scenes are mighty impressive though.
Velvet Buzzsaw dir. Dan Gilroy (2019)
No one told me this was a horror movie! I'd have watched it sooner. It's an excellent high-budget version of an episode of Tales from the Crypt.
The 100 - "Perverse Instantiation – Part One" (2016)
I sorta picked up what the show is throwing down, but coming into at this late stage is not the way to watch an episode.
The 100 - "Perverse Instantiation – Part Two" (2016)
This episode was a little more clear as a season finale with defined stakes. It was enough that I'd watch this series at some point in the future.
The Crown - "Ipatiev House" (2022)
Sorta tuned in here, and it has big House of Cards vibes. I guess all this stuff about royals is the original HoC.
The Crown - "No Woman's Land" (2022)
Elizabeth Debicki is a great Diana. I don't know if I'm in the mood for sociopolitical interpersonal drama anytime soon, but this show seems to manage it all with aplomb.
The Outer Limits - "The Galaxy Being" (1963)
A bit snoozy I'll admit, but that's most TV of the era. Things really pick up when the well-designed alien kicks in. Those effects are impressive.
Night Gallery - "Pilot" (1969)
Whoa! This first episode is real good. I've heard the show has its ups and down since Serling didn't have the same level of creative control, but the pilot is just a great horror anthology film.
Babylon 5 - "The Gathering" (1993)
Hokey VFX and 90s-era production values aside, I can see the appeal of the show. I'll be fighting my instinct to go back and watch Star Trek the whole time but I'm glad to finally get into the show.
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massageinbardon · 1 year
Remedial Massage: A Few Large Benefits For You
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remedial massage in paddington qld
There are many of different methods of massage therapy. When you try your local phone e-book I bet you will see massage advertisements which use remedial massage, athletic massage, deep tissues massage, Thai, popular stone, relaxation, plus the list goes on.
remedial massage in paddington qld
Unanticipated to most people, despite the fact they categorize each and every technique into numerous slots. I insert remedial massage for being an umbrella term for many of us of these techniques. Remedial means that the skills the therapist takes advantage of can remedy has a muscle physique and physical difficulties in the body. With the approaches they use they are change or employ a positive therapeutic effects on the body.
So restorative massage styles like deeply tissue and activities are also remedial, when they can bring about change within the body's muscular together with structural system. Definitely some massage solutions such as relaxation and hot stone are actually not part of remedial massage, though they've been still therapeutic using a relaxing level.
Remedial massage can:
Tremendously relieve muscular pains and aches It doesn't matter if it's some sort of aching neck, provide, knee or shoe, most general drama are caused by restricted, contracted muscles. Usually it may feel like you may have something more threatening going on, but muscular tissue can cause a variety of signs from sharp problems to a dull hurt. Massage helps to separate the tight hired muscles; therefore ones pain is taken away.
Help fix persistent pain problems and also at least greatly reduce your painful symptoms Many men and women think they have to are living with their chronic ache problems. But using worked with numerous customers with chronic complications, I am here to see you this is completely untrue. Chronic troubles come as a result of chronically tight and caught muscles. The problems have got progressed one action beyond a general pain and pain to provide a variety of muscles which might be compensating and inflicting nerve irritation and additionally inflammation, usually within the joints. Once ones own remedial massage psychologist corrects these bulging compensations, your body is normally brought back to normal your chronic pain miraculously disappears. Or certainly your painful indications will be vastly lower and manageable.
Produce deep muscular relieve from the build up associated with stress and increase relaxation Although pressure is an emotional a reaction to environmental stimulation, stress and anxiety has a huge impact on the body especially over the muscles. Have you ever observed when you are stressed that you could be hold your neck very stiff? Or simply you notice that your guitar's neck feels tight? And sometimes you feel more tired? This is because your muscles deal and tighten if you end up stressed. So you can benefit from remedial massage to obtain a really thorough generate of all your muscles which will instantly showcase relaxation and pleasant.
Improve flexibility in addition to mobility Remedial rub down is great for elderly people that can help improve their flexibleness and mobility. Nonetheless it's not only old individuals who need help with becoming their body heading better, it relates to young and middle-aged people as well. The human body's mobility and ability naturally declines, even as get older. And mainly because that most of us never do enough physical exercise, our bodies will become hard. Remedial massage will allow keep your body relocating and functioning so that you can its optimum power, with mobility along with flexibility being a couple very important factors to consider.
These are definitely just four incredible things remedial therapeutic massage can do for you. These have so many great rewards that I simply cannot list them all in this case. But I hope you will notice what great valuation it can provide to the life by using it to be a treatment method with your soreness or problems. Or maybe to keep your body going and making you believe better all round.
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integratedau · 2 months
Find the Best Psychologist in Brisbane for Your Mental Well-being
Are you looking for a reliable psychologist in Brisbane? Mental health is as crucial as physical health, and seeking professional help can make a significant difference in your overall well-being. Integrated Wellness Clinic in Brisbane offers expert psychological services to help you navigate life's challenges.
Why See a Psychologist in Brisbane?
Visiting a psychologist can provide numerous benefits, including:
Improved Mental Health: Professional guidance for managing stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
Enhanced Relationships: Learning effective communication and conflict-resolution skills.
Personal Growth: Gaining insights into your behavior and emotions for better self-awareness.
Services Offered at Integrated Wellness Clinic
At Integrated Wellness Clinic Brisbane, we offer a range of psychological services, including:
Individual Therapy: Personalized sessions to address your specific needs.
Couples Therapy: Helping partners improve their relationships.
Family Therapy: Assisting families in resolving conflicts and improving communication.
Child and Adolescent Therapy: Specialized services for young individuals.
Experienced and Compassionate Psychologists
Our team of psychologists in Brisbane is dedicated to providing compassionate and evidence-based care. We understand that each individual is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.
Contact Information:
Business Name: Integrated Wellness Clinic - Brisbane
Business Address: 15 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington, Queensland 4064
Phone Number: (07) 5458 4800
Opening Hours:
Friday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Saturday: 8 am–1 pm
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Tuesday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Wednesday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Thursday: 9 am–5:30 pm
Follow Us on Social Media
Your mental health deserves attention and care. Integrated Wellness Clinic in Brisbane is here to support you on your journey to better mental well-being. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced psychologists. Visit Our Webpage for more - https://www.integratedwellnessclinic.com.au/brisbane-psychology/
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