#anu belore dela'na
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serhiasilverdawn · 2 years ago
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[Behold the Sun King - HotS spray]
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cyberobsessed · 1 year ago
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Anu belore dela'na I suppose) Thanks for stream to my friends :3
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sp00ky-p00ky · 1 year ago
My favorite place to be in Warcraft is anywhere near Silvermoon ❤️
☀️ anu belore dela'na ☀️
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wyrmguardsecrets · 5 days ago
Throw elves at pianos from 40-story buildings.
anu belore dela'na
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forgottenbones · 2 years ago
Anu belore dela'na!
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frostfirearcane · 3 years ago
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~ Anu belore dela'na ~
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copperriddles-tales · 2 years ago
so I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming back into the vortex that is World of Warcraft just in time for Dragonflight. this side tumblr is a place for some stories and some memes.
If you’d like to read a bit about my characters, press on! If not, well, I think we’re all proficient at skipping dialogue.
⚙ Ivy :: plague gnome. tinker. hopeful codebreaker. ⚙ Nehelennia :: blood elf. paladin. anu belore dela'na. ⚙ Nosawi :: darkspear troll. druid. medic. ⚙ Alphonsine :: forsaken. priest. ““medic”” ⚙ Regs :: goblin. warrior. little league footbomb coach. ⚙ Roshala :: highmountain tauren. rogue. almost made it to Dragonflight undetected.  ⚙ Sevigny :: nightborne. monk. witchberry enthusiast. ⚙ Zioshelle :: blood elf. mage. selama ashal'anore. ⚙ Nanyang :: huojin pandaren. warrior. damn good cook. ⚙ Orizhki :: orc. mage. lok'tar ogar. ⚙ Lekwa :: darkspear troll. rogue. Griftah’s sworn enemy. ⚙ Ekinka :: mag’har orc. shaman. secret steamy romance novelist. ⚙ Taztha :: orc. shaman. pretty much 85% of Ekinka’s impulse control. ⚙ Vanaissa :: forsaken. warrior. forgefinder extraordinaire. ⚙ Rieusrobie :: nightborne. warlock. the Black Harvest’s next top model. ⚙ Izjo :: darkspear troll. monk. direhorn wrangler. ⚙ Zazie :: goblin. hunter. robosquirrel wrangler. ⚙ Schoenneau :: nightborne. priest. Xal’atath apologist. ⚙ Ashni :: vulpera. shaman. wolf-sister. ⚙ Hunzeli :: zandalari troll. paladin. Krag’Wa’s #1 fan. ⚙ Nikkia :: vulpera. rogue. treasure-hunter and/or thief (depending on who you ask). ⚙ Fyottha :: tauren. druid. Cenarion Circle’s literal greenhorn.
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Ivy Copperriddle is a plague gnome tinker. She was found half-dead and heavily irradiated by a team of Horde investigators in the ruins of Gnomeregan, who were there for totally legit reasons that the Ironforge leadership never needs to know about. Ivy was injured and at an advanced stage of radiation poisoning, but she was stabilized by the team medic’s experimental serum. That’s a win for science! And, well, it left her amnesiac and with intensely green eyes, but that’s still a win! What’s that? You want to know wha-- Oh, no, you don’t want to know what was in that serum. Trust me, you don’t. Just be happy for Ivy. The team brought her back with them to Orgrimmar and she’s been putting her life back together ever since.
Gnomes like Ivy are usually referred to as “leper gnomes” in WoW lore, but that feels awkward to say in 2022. I’ve opted for “plague gnome” instead, reasoning that the experimental serum used to stabilize her condition could have been made from Forsaken research into various plagues and blights. I’ve also opted for tinker over tinkerer and tinkologist, but I have a simpler reason for this one: “tinker” is just easier to say.
… okay, so maybe things haven’t been that simple for Ivy. She’s been trying to recover her past identity. She’s been trying to help plan a wedding. She’s been trying to get her inventions to work out right (that is, with a minimum of explosions). She’s been trying to figure out where she fits in this new world: forgotten by the Alliance, adopted but not entirely trusted by the Horde, infamous among her neighbors for her laboratory’s nightly explosions. She’s been working up the nerve to tell her crush how she feels about her. And she’s been trying her best to decode a mysterious journal she had on her when she was found, though each success raises new, unsettling questions.
And now the Dragon Isles are awakening! How does a landmass awaken? Well ... uh ... I guess we’ll find out!
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theimperialists · 6 years ago
Symphony of Silvermoon: The Imperialist Funerals
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[16:55:12] [RW] [110:Sanarissa]: The funeral pyre was constructed over the past few hours, and Eldin'arcus' body has already been laid onto it. They would not light the pyre until everyone had said their peace. Either in memory to the King, or to their fallen comrades.
[16:55:47] Alarthan Sunbreaker looked at Eldins body upon the Pyre, and slowly pulls out a medallion and old banner, dusty and ripped. If one looked, a sun crest was upon each, and he gently stepped forward, to place them both at the middle of the Pyre. He bowed his head,
[16:55:47] Alarthan Sunbreaker and spoke a few words in whispers
[16:57:54] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: Come now. Are these not your allies?
[16:57:57] Alarthan Sunbreaker after speaking his peace, and a new look of determination he backs away, a few tears in his eyes.
[16:58:06] Ke'alda Sunfire frowns with disappointment at Fangzi
[16:59:02] Catriah Phoenixhearth frowns softly as she watched Sunbreaker put his house crest down onto the pyre. She did not feel honor to go up next for her late join to her allies.
[16:59:54] Ke'alda Sunfire frowns looking at the dress she was wearing, it was the one she wore when she had first fallen for him.
[16:59:58] Sanarissa Firewing lingered in front of the pyre, the hand not in a sling resting on the back of Merriena's head. She was quiet, odd for the Grand Magistrix, focused on watching the others move forward and speak.
[17:00:22] Ke'alda Sunfire looked to the others. "May I begin with a few words?"
[17:00:42] Fangzi Silverpaw pats Ke'alda on the back, doing his best to encourage her.
[17:00:50] Catriah Phoenixhearth gives a solemn nod to the woman in gold silks.
[17:01:01] Sanarissa Firewing looked to Ke'alda, giving her a quick nod
[17:01:11] Ke'alda Sunfire steps up closer to the others, trying to be in front of the group but not block the pyre.
[17:01:35] In quiet contemplation, Alorian mourns the loss of the dead.
[17:02:01] Sanarissa Firewing glanced back over her shoulder, looking to Instana for the first time and giving her a tired attempt at a smile, before turning her attention back to Ke'alda.
[17:02:06] Fangzi Silverpaw removes his hat and scarf, as a respect to the fallen.
[17:02:56] [S] [70:Ke'alda Sunfire]: Pain and loss, it does horrible things, pain, we all feelt it, but on this day we feel it not individually, but together, today we mourn the loss of many, some loved, other friends, today I mourn the love of my ife, the man who was to father our children  but as I mourn hik, I remember all of his achievements, I remember all he has done for our home and our people, for us, his family and friends, he was a hero, though even if he made mistakes a plenty, it was all in an attmpt to better the order, to bette  better us, he was a hero, not just to me, but to all of our people, he will forever be remembered by all of us, and his dreams will live on through me, I will try my best to furthur his legacy, but know, even if he does not have a statue erect, he will a  always be remembered by us! Blood for blood! *she nodded slowly moving away*
[17:06:08] Lüneth Dawnseeker watches the pyre with a heavy jaded heart. His eyes dry, pale, and mirroring the golden radiance before them in measured, resonating supplication. For all his praise and fealty, this moment his words fail him... He is at a loss, but his gaze still   upturns to the shrine in  silence plea, begging for the wisdom that had always shewn itself when he hid beneath it's shepherding shadow. He prays in undertone for his voice to return to him, the voice that Dath'Remar blessed them all with, "Al'ar..   ungird this foolish, heartrent tongue of mine.
[17:06:51] [S] [110:Alarthan Sunbreaker]: Blood for Blood
[17:07:11] Catriah Phoenixhearth nods as she holds the broken shield tighter til her fingers were turning white.
[17:07:19] Firioniel Bloodsworn grimly moves forward, and kneels, before the Pyre.
[17:07:35] Firioniel Bloodsworn Firion approached the pyre at last, his head bowed, kneeling before it with Devastation in his grip. He places the axe before himself, and says, aloud, for all to hear: "We all had our own reasons for taking up this cause. Some sought glory, some   titles, or trinkets..But I...I wished nothing more than to bring you to the Throne, to see you rule over a unified Quel'thalas, for a better tomorrow. Were it that when you knighted me I could take it back, in exchange to see you rule, to see our   people happy and prosperous as they had been when King Anasterian yet still lived. I knew your wisdom, your devotion, and your willpower to see it through was true. I am only sorry I could not...be your right hand, that I could not wield   Devastation as your Champion well enough to...save you. But your sacrifice will never...be in vain...I'll remember....it...With every breath. With every...last fragment left in my heart and my body, and I know my friends who fell beside you  believed in our cause just as much of all of us did. Even though there were such terrible sacrifices and we lost so many we cared for...All Sin'dorei came together, in the end, which is what I know you would have wanted, my King...Please...be at   peace knowing your people mourn, and they will carry on, in your memory." He ends his speech on that note, and steps away, allowing anyone else to come forward.
[17:09:13] Catriah Phoenixhearth slowly walks to the pyre trying her best to keep her head held high.
[17:09:52] Solidorei Bloodsworn clasps Firion warmly on the shoulder, to bolster him, as he left the pyre
[17:10:10] As the Shieldmaiden kneeld, her broken shield glowed faintly. Her legs were lead...her mind barely there. But her heart was full of grief and guilt as she lays her Isle's flag down along with one half of the shield.   
[17:10:22] Ke'alda Sunfire wipes her face only able to hold her tears while she spoke.
[17:10:46] Fangzi Silverpaw offers his scarf to Ke'alda, so that she may dry her tears.
[17:11:08] [S] [102:Catriah Phoenixhearth]: [Thalassian] "I....*rubs her throat as she takes a deep breath* I have never been good with words...so I shall be brief. My family swore to protect the Sunstriders once...and we swore to never do it again. But today...I have no regrets for coming...my only regrets. ...is that I came far to late. *takes another deep breath* We live on with the fallen..and carry through legacy through words...and through our blood. Blood for Blood...May Light give our King Sunstrider peace as he so deserved."
[17:12:12] Solidorei Bloodsworn smooths a hand at Luneth's back, gently, and then looks on to listen to Catriah.
[17:12:28] Catriah Phoenixhearth slowly forces herself to walk away, carrying the other half of the shield as a grim reminder for her life to look upon.
[17:12:42] [S] [110:Alarthan Sunbreaker]: Blood for Blood
[17:14:02] Dalheim Windchaser nudges his weight off Giger and walks forward, his gait a little stiff. Unaccustomed to speeches, he keeps his eyes on the pyre rather than the crowd.
[17:14:29] [S] [110:Dalheim Windchaser]: I never thought that I would be unfortunate enough to witness the loss of three Sunstriders within my lifespan. It's tragic. Unthinkable... Eldin'Arcus Sunstrider's time with us was short but dedicated solely to his people. He came to the Sindorei during   a dark time and served immediately as our light. He saw our wounds, and without hestitation, he set on a path to mend them, to strengthen us, to unite our people. There is no greater cause than that you lead us in, and no greater sacrifice than that which you freely gave. Your legacy will be remembered. Anu belore dela'na.
[17:18:27] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: If you would let me, I have a few words to say.
[17:18:37] Sanarissa Firewing nodded.
[17:18:53] Fangzi Silverpaw steps up towards the pyre, bowing in memory ofthe fallen King.
[17:18:59] Fangzi Silverpaw bows down graciously.
[17:19:49] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: My friends, I must admit... I am a stranger to you all, and you are a stranger to me. But I have heard much of your King.  Long, long ago, in my home of Pandaria, we too had a king. And his name was Shaohao. He faced a difficult rule, and when he saw his Fate, he saw only destruction in his rule. Shaohao went through many trials and tribulations, proving himself to his   people. To show that he would be a great Emperor. And from what I have heard, your King has done the same. : In the end, the rule of Shaohao never came to pass. By the time he had finished his trials, destruction had already come. As such, in a final act of love for his people, he sacrificed himself to defend all of Pandaria! In the story of your King,   Eldin'arcus, I can see many mirrors. In Revoltus, he, too, gave his life. He gave his life out of the love for his people. He gave his life as an equal.
[17:24:47] Firioniel Bloodsworn bows his head, solemnly, and then, almost as if stirred from a dream, inclined his head in acknowledgment towards Merilium. He swallowed, tears in his eyes, sorrow-stricken, but he was glad to see Meri here. He lowered his head respectfully at Fangzi.  He had great respect for Pandaren and to hear such tales did resonate with him.
[17:24:59] [S] [110:Fangzi Silverpaw]: Shaohao was known as the greatest Emperor, even if he never wore the crown or sat on the throne. And so, too, will Eldin'arcus be rememebred as one of the greatest of your Kings. Fangzi Silverpaw bows, leaving them with those words. He then takes his place among the crowd.
[17:25:27] Fangzi Silverpaw bows down graciously
[17:36:43] Sanarissa Firewing sighed lowly, moving closer to the pyre, removing her hand off of Merriena's head and moving closer. She hesitated for a moment, before removing the Crown of Anasterian from Eldin'arcus' brow. She turned it over in her hands for a moment before stepping
[17:36:43] Sanarissa Firewing back. Her eyes lingered on the face of the King, before looking towards her comrades. She would look to Luneth then, giving him a nod. It was time. She stepped aside to allow him his own speech and for him to light the pyre.
Luneth Dawnseeker approaches the pyre, and conjures from the bottom of his overwrought soul to take every last spark within himself.  A great pillar of fire rains down from the very heavens itself and lights the pyre ablaze in cleansing dancing, weaving, glowing cinders. Taking in its warmth and glory, gazing with solemn reverence to the body of their grand heir as he is consumed… How perfect he seems, even in death. That he might rise up in a blaze of phoenix flame before them at any moment. “My friends, my kin, Sin’dorei… This very shrine of whom we commemorate are why we are all here... The original dissenters. The Sunstriders. Those who taught us how to cry out with a voice of our own... Against any whom would threaten to take what belongs to us.” He clasps his hand behind his back, one palm over his wrist as the fires rage in incensing sorrow. “I pilgrimage here weekly.. For supplication, for reflection.. To remind myself that we are descended from a great and steadfast dissenter. Nearly seven thousand years ago, our Lord and Shepherd Dath'Remar first landed upon these shores because he refused to deny us our birthright.” His eyes do not tear from the flames as he speaks in florid, but steadfast tones, his voice resonating around them, “In those grim and tempestuous days my family Dawnstrider, swore an oath that it would defend the Sunstrider lineage until the end of days, till the end of our people as whole. Till the sun sets one last time. My existence, my life, since the first days of my birth, were consumed by the freeing flames of the Sunstriders.
My existence, my life, since the first days of my birth, were consumed by the freeing flames of the Sunstriders.  This shrine represents the very namesake of my bloodline, the little title we gave ourselves… Seekers of the Dawn, loyal subjects who will follow even the very pinpoint of light that peeks across the horizon.” Measured and patient, he had toiled all these years for them, searching for that light… it had come.. and now it was gone again, “We focus so much on the individual, we forget that they are in their own way simply passing illusion.  They are born, they grow, they learn, they die.  This is natural, but what is eternal - what is truly forever - is an ideal.  A way of life.  I have realized in my mere hundred and fifty years of life, that to focus on a single person or bloodline is to lose sight of what is truly important.
Dath'Remar's bloodline was great; indeed, it defined our homeland. Quel'Thalas itself is the proof of Dath'Remar's line.  The High King gave us his lineage, not in the blood of his sons, but in this Kingdom. My family understood that it was not to one elf, or even a line of elves, that we truly owed our allegiance - it was to the Legacy of the one that saved us all, to the one that stood and continues to stand above all others in all the annals of history.  Dath'Remar did not command us 'go forth, and serve my line'.  No, he commanded 'go forth, and make this dream a reality'.  Quel'Thalas is his legacy.
The Sunstrider legacy.  He is in the stones, in the grass, in the trees - the very air… Eldin’arcus’s blood is with us within our very veins as we speak, lifting us up on the phoenix wings his legacy blessed us with.” Luneth finally turns to his comrades and opens his arms, tears peeling down his sullen and somber vision, “Not all tears are evil, my dear friends, but do not mourn a single elf - rejoice, instead, in the existence of the truest remnant of a Dynasty that has never truly failed us.  Revel in the eternal life of Dath'Remar, that we see all around us every day of our blessed lives, and know that our greatest leader - our savior! - succeeded.  He defied fate, and he /won/.  Our very lives are proof.  Quel'thalas lives, the Blood Elves live.  For Dath'Remar. For Eldin’arcus. Blood for Blood."
[17:38:00] Merilium Sundance touches Firion's arm with his free hand and gives it a squeeze.
[17:38:57] Firioniel Bloodsworn swallowed, and steeled himself, as he was touched, and just moved to squeeze Meri's hand, in solidarity. For comfort. And for strength.
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing cleared her throat, trying to raise her voice loud enough to be heard. Her voice was hard and rasping, dipping out in the middle of words. "Morz..anmius. Vyn...tael. Celthris. Jeiut. And Eldin'arcus." She paused then, clearing her throat again and trying
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing to make it easier to speak. It wasn't. She could not use the words that she wanted to, and that clearly bothered her. But she continued. "The King - had a son. Told me before...before he passed. It is not...in vain. Their death." She stepped away from the
[17:39:01] Sanarissa Firewing pyre, not giving it another look. "Remember them."
[17:41:03] Dalheim Windchaser grips his fist a bit more tightly at the mention of a son. There was still more to be done.
[17:41:48] Instana Netherwatch waited until they finished, then stepped forward to look into the pyre.  
[17:42:23] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "We are born, we live, and we die. Most believe that to be the end of our stories, that death is the closing of a book on a life well-lived. However, my family believed that the phoenix was sacred, that it's cycles of birth, life, death, and rebirth were  symbolic of the cycles we go through ourselves. That death is not the true ending for us, and we are reborn anew in the fires of creation Celthris, I didn't know you well, but know that I deeply respected you.  Wherever you are within the Nether, I hope you find some measure of peace. For you, my King; I spoke ill of you often, remaining critical of your ideas for our people even to now. I don't think I will ever completely agree with your vision for our future. What I do know, what everyone now knows, is that you cared for your  people. More so than anyone ever gave you credit for. Your sacrifice is an inspiration and a reminder to all of us to be more than we think we can be, to be nobler and brighter than our former selves."
 "Vyntael. You stupid, arrogant, naive, inspirational fool. I," her voice broke, and she paused a moment to keep the tears at bay, "I needled you endlessly, belittling you for your faults. My last words to you were a jest at your expense, a means to bully you into not throwing your life away for something like this."
[17:44:36] Ke'alda Sunfire cries.
[17:45:09] Ke'alda Sunfire whisperes to herself through tears. "He deserved better..."
[17:46:06] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "I was wrong to do so, to tear at you like that. Especially now, when you have taught me something. Despite what anyone ever said to you, despite what abuse you suffered, you held true to your belief that one day, we would rise again beneath a new dawn. Like the King you so loved, you are an example for us to follow for the future."
[17:46:35] Dorlazuria Sunsun gives a compassionate back pat to Luneth.
[17:46:59] [S] [110:Instana Netherwatch]: "Wherever you all are, I hope you walk well beneath the Sun, and may you all, someday, rise again."
[17:47:23] Instana Netherwatch quietly ducked back into place, her head held low.
[17:49:18] [RW] [110:Sanarissa]: The pyre burned, engulfing the King. But there was more to be done. This was no end for the Imperialists. Only the beginning.
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jacksoncarm72 · 4 years ago
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Anu belore dela'na... I’m pretty sure that means: Taco Bell guides us! #ForTheHorde @blizzard @tacobell (at Taco Bell) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJjUjkn4n9/?igshid=1kqxqjs985ume
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rcver · 8 years ago
I’m such a nerd. When I think of elven languages, my brain starts reciting stuff from World of Warcraft. “Bal'a dash, malanore” “Anu belore dela'na”
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zofmoesia · 8 years ago
So I did it, I made myself a WoW sideblog.
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jaegertango · 8 years ago
Sun and Gun
Not every good action is without its consequences. For Rasputen, it’s the greatest damned shame on Azeroth for a charitable act to be put on trial. For Haarithur, it’s just another Tuesday. 
Every city had a dark underbelly, though Silvermoon City perhaps took that to a whole new level. For every grand wall of gold and scarlet, and every elegant spire jutting from the capital of the Sin'dorei, there was an equal and dark tower stabbing into the ground within the dark catacombs beneath the city. It was common knowledge that the utopia of the Blood Elves had its dungeons and jails, but very few knew just how expansive the labyrinth below Silvermoon dug. Only the Magisters were aware of the sheer sprawling size, and they used every inch of those tunnels. Secret passageways, fallout shelters, dens of delight and drugs-
-and interrogation chambers.
Within one such room was a circular hall, towering far into the dark heavens, but stretching out no more than twenty feet in any direction. The only lights within the room were focused with blazing force onto the middle, where two men stood at attention. The tallest stood as the bulkiest as well, with his spiked helmet adorned and his heavy armor glinting in the interrogating light. The other, several inches shorter, had his sneering face on display, the golden-eyed glare of his only working eye peering up towards the unseen thrones lining the perimeter of the room. Neither the taller man, nor his undead junior could see those that sat upon them, though they were in full view for everyone to see. For several minutes, everything was in total silence, not even the breaths of the living making themselves known in the cold of the chamber. When a voice suddenly broke out from the middle throne, it thundered with such superiority that it echoed around the room to the skyless roof above.
“Royal Vanguard Haarithur Yed'elryn. And... your companion?”
“My lieutenant,” the armored foe replied back gruffly, his deep tone somewhat muffled by his helmet as he spoke. “Shattered Sun Rasputen Tarsalai.”
“Shattered Sun...? Do you wish to tell me this... ghoul served in Quel'danas?”
“Hah! Like I'd be able to get that close to the bloody Sunwell!” The Huntsman snarled, immediately taking a step forward, only for the knight beside him to gently, but firmly, push him back into place.
“My Shattered Suns are the officers that only a centurion of the Shattered Sun Offensive could deem worthy,” Haarithur boomed simply, keeping a steady hand on the front of Rasputen's chest. “Just as the Council has their royalty and dukes, so too do I have my Suns.”
“Pah! Hear that, you city-wanking shits! I'm IMPORTANT!”
“Enough,” the first voice hissed dangerously, and the room rumbled precariously. “I've little patience for a plebeian Forsaken and his commanding officer with a father-fetish.”
“Yes, let us come to the hearing at hand,”  a second voice spoke, this one female as the woman's softer tone regarded the two. “I believe most of us have important duties to finish still.”
With a nod in the general direction of the second voice, the armored guardian folded his arms behind his back, his grim helm leering straight ahead. Tarsalai also glared, grumbling to himself as the two awaited the council to speak.
“Royal Vanguard Haarithur Yed'elryn, and... Shattered Sun Rasputen Tarsalai. Do you know why you stand here?” The first voice warbled once again, the condescending tone washing over the two men thickly.
“We do not, Magister Sunstriker,” Haarithur replied curtly, keeping his gaze straight ahead at nothing. “The Council commanded my presence, as well as my most trusted officer. So I came quickly, with Lieutenant Tarsalai.”
“Perhaps we should have chosen your lesser officer for you, Yed'elryn,” a third voice spoke wryly, and a few chuckles snickered amongst the inky fog. “But I digress. Sunstriker?”
“You are aware of the Sin'dorei knight, Varalyan Grimdark, yes?”
There was an uneasy silence.
“...If you want to dishonor actual knights with his name, yes,” Haarithur grunted with a hint of sarcasm.
“That rotted fuck tried to turn us into Scourge chow!” Rasputen growled viciously, his sharp fingers digging into his palms as he bit down on his lip after, forcing himself quiet.
“...So I have heard. What Grimdark has done, however, is not of consequence of this hearing.”
Haarithur's helm inclined only a few inches, but the incredulous air billowing from it bellowed far louder than words. Tarsalai, meanwhile, looked as though he was about to pop with how bulging and furious his single eye got.
“Indeed. What we are to speak of is his untimely fate at the hands of the Royal Vanguard,” the third voice spoke snidely. “Perhaps you would like to retell it... Lieutenant?”
“Oh-ho-ho, you better strap yourselves to those baby chairs of yours, you milk-drinking sods!” The Huntsman hissed, popping his neck about with a few crisp cracks as he stepped forward. “It only took one stab to gut that sonuvabitch from dick to throat. He'd better be countin' himself lucky – had he tangled with me, there wouldn't be a head left to CONFIRM that bastard was killed!”
The Royal Vanguard was now looking over towards Rasputen, no longer worried about keeping his gaze somber. A few murmurs rustled through the seats above as the first voice spoke up again.
“So you can confirm that the Royal Vanguard has slain Varalyan Grimdark with his lance, yes?”
“Bah! Slimy little gits – we SHOWED you his head, didn't we? Pulled the bloody thing off what was left of his neck!”
More muttering whispered through the fog. Haarithur had now fully turned his body towards the Huntsman, that baffled air still shrouded around him.
“Harumph. Well then, Royal Vanguard,” the third voice nearly spat out, and two more voices sighed almost exasperatedly. “We now possess both physical and written evidence of your murder of Grimdark.”
“Wh- did you wankers NOT get the head we sent you!? I took a bloody picture! Even had it posed on my-”
“Lieutenant Tarsalai,” the second voice spoke, the woman now sounding far more concerned. “The Royal Vanguard must now face the consequences for murdering a fellow warrior of the Horde.”
For perhaps the first time in years, the Huntsman was stupefied into total silence. He stared open-mouthed at the thrones held high, no noise finally snarling from his throat.
“Indeed. Haarithur Yed'elryn, the Council was accused only yesterday by the Ebon Blade that a Sin'dorei knight had murdered one of their officers in cold blood – now we see that you must face justice.”
Haarithur's helm slowly turned around to face the seats. Rasputen merely gaped, his jaw still hanging lopsided as Sunstriker spoke again.
“As deemed by the Council, you will return Varalyan Grimdark's head, as well as the body that we recovered from the scene of the murder. The Ebon Blade also demands an apology from the man who murdered their elite officer – and you will deliver it audibly to them.”
A strangled mix of a roar and a curse sputtered from Tarsalai, but nothing more. The centurion next to him merely kept silent, staring upward.
“Will this be all, Magister Sunstriker?” He finally grunted out, though his voice had lost much of its gruffness.
“Thankfully on your part, yes,” the first voice grumbled, and the man who owned it sounded exhausted. “The Ebon Blade has been... very kind with their demands. As such, you will follow them, down to the period. Not a single mistake is to be made – make even slight, and your title will be stripped from your shoulders. Am I understood, Royal Vanguard?”
Rasputen hissed another choked cry, but he was forcibly silenced by Haarithur suddenly reaching over and clapping his broad gauntlet across his mouth, fingers pressing into the undead's cheeks.
“Clearly, Magister,” he spoke aloud, ignoring the struggling of the Huntsman trying to somehow wring off the knight's fingers.
“Very good. D'anthius, Astrasol, Manashine, I trust you understand the consequences of this deal as well?”
The remaining voices of the Council spoke out in unison, one sounding particularly more defeated than the others.
“Then, Yed'elryn... Tarsalai. You are dismissed. I expect this apology delivered in exactly seven days, Royal Vanguard.”
“Anu belore dela'na,” Haarithur replied curtly, and he practically dragged his Lieutenant by his jaw out of the chamber, his heavy boots stomping with loud thuds on the stone floor.
“GRAGH! What the FUCK WAS THAT!?” Rasputen spat as the centurion finally released him once the heavy doors to the chamber closed behind them. “How the bloody FUCK are we in TROUBLE?!”
“We aren't. I am,” Haarithur growled, his hands reaching up towards his spiked helm so that he could pull it off of himself, his bearded visage grumbling in the dim light. “The Council set you up.”
“ME UP?! I WAS HELPING YOU!” The Huntsman roared, punching at the side of the Spellbreaker's pauldron, only to recoil in pain from his knuckles smacking against the metal.
“Bah. Appreciated it, but,” the knight sighed, ignoring the obvious struggle that his Lieutenant was going through. “That's not how it looks from the outside.”
Tarsalai stopped his tantrum to leer at Haarithur, his only working eye blazing with confusion once more.
“W H A T.”
“I killed the leader of an Ebon Blade contingent after I requested their help. Any necromantic fields they made would just be the collateral damage of a Death Knight. By their eyes, I just killed a fellow Horde soldier.”
“No Tarsalai, I'm not fucking kidding,” Haarithur exhaled explosively, and his glimmering green eyes looked far more tired than before. “This is Thalassian politics for you.”
“Please, if I had a silver for every time that happened to me.”
“I – wait what?”
“Tarsalai, just listen to me,” the centurion grunted, halting in place to gaze at his lieutenant as he gaped at the previous comment. “Drop it. Don't waste your life – er, don't throw away your breath – ugh, don't WORRY ABOUT THIS. Sometimes, the good guys don't win.”
Rasputen looked entirely revolted. His fists were clenched so tightly that his gloves looked as though they were about to rip.
“Listen,” Haarithur sighed, smoothing his blond hair back. “We've got a week out of this. Just... take some time off. Sun knows I need a day or three to drink enough for it...”
The Huntsman glared furiously, but after another firm leer from the knight, he grumbled darkly and nodded.
“That's a good man. Blow off some steam, do... whatever the hell you Forsaken do for fun. Report back to me in a week, understood?”
Another grumpy nod. Haarithur didn't look any happier, then he took another step forward to find the way out.
“Not like this can get any worse, right?”
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rafaelribeirosoares · 7 years ago
With Blood & Magic - Anu belore dela'na
With Blood & Magic - Anu belore dela'na #wow #warcraft #fanfiction #fantasy #bloodelf #mage
Anu belore dela’na.
Chapter 1
The sun guides us. Those are the words that my people adopted when they were exiled from the gravest mistake they committed ten thousand years ago. In our exile, Dath’Remar Sunstrider led my people East, without certainty if he would find any land. My ancestors were lucky enough to escape the wrath of the Kaldorei and landed on what is now known as the Tirisfal…
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kalyxhistory · 7 years ago
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Anu belore dela'na! I'm off to the medieval market, snatching a fried sausage or two 😛 #vikings #armor #longbow #bow #mittelalter #wikinger #mittelaltermarkt #mittelalter #moyenage #asatru #pagan #heathen #paganstyle #paganlifestyle #quiver #magic #larp #celtic #vikingsofinstagram #norse #norsepaganism #reenactment #pagansofinstagram #archaic #elves
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