#antropology aesthetic
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perrobl4nco · 1 year ago
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@perrobl4nco (instagram)
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boostcmg · 2 years ago
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Shitomordniki (combination of Russian words "to sew" and "face") - are the criminals who changed their appearance by using various types of aggressive body and face modifications to escape justice, and avoid conviction of a felony, prosecution, imprisonment, or, death penalty.
The modification by using plastic surgery itself does not pursue the aesthetic purposes. It focuses on changes of antropology paramethers which are unchangeable during the whole life except cases of trauma or other mechanic effects, and distinctive traits of criminal's appearance.
Discover the full story about trading faces in our blog on website, Medium, and social media by following the hashtags #fakehares #whoframedblackrabbit, #battleonthekrupskayabulge #shitomordniki.
#2r #2rlawfirm #irregulaw #criminalantropology #fakehares #shitomordniki #whoframedblackrabbit #battleonthekrupskayabulge #boost #boostcmg #meggi #meggifromhouseofskjold #whoframedblackrabbit #rebird #rbrd #hatefuleight #heritage #nürembergring #hasheight #jesuishash #3rdreich #boostvsvanguard #göring #wedonotstandwithnazi #alternativeinvestments #crueltyfreeinvestments #followblackrabbit #raevskayarepnina #раевскаярепнина
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6baby6ruth6 · 4 years ago
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Te amo toxica
Tijuana, MX.
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karlamcmahon-blog1 · 8 years ago
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caravaggista · 8 years ago
Hi (different anon) as someone who was raped repeatedly as a child and for whom the sight of a naked male body regularly sent me into panic attacks I find your tone in regards to a simple request kind of awful. I'm currently studying art history at the graduate level and I understand where you are coming from but survivors of trauma don't need to be treated like children when we ask for something simple. I'm sorry your elitist sensibilities were offended.
This will be the last Anon I reply to related to the original anon’s ask, lest  this blog turn into a platform to debate nudity in art in perpetuity. I was hesitant to reply to this Anon at all, as I realize that no matter what I say, there will be people with strong opinions about this topic, but due to the content, I felt it was important that this Anon (if they are even still following) receive a response.
Hi Anon!
Please  know that I am incredibly sorry that you experienced that kind of physical and psychological trauma, and I sincerely hope that you have found healing. I can’t say I have experienced the same degree of trauma, but I have been sexually assaulted in the past and know what it is like to have panic attacks so bad that I was physically paralyzed and unable to breathe (or so my body thought). Art was not a trigger for me, but rather a source of healing; that being  said, I realize we all react to images differently. 
The original anon did not say anything about trauma in his/her ask. They said, in fact, very little. Am I to assume that everyone who encounters my blog might have some traumatic experience in their background that makes it difficult for them to view nudity, and thus preemptively protect them from potentially disturbing images with a tag? I don’t wish to sound callous or insensitive, but that is not something I am inclined to do, not least because we all experience art in different ways, and (as I’ve explained in previous posts), I believe engaging with art as-is – no matter how potentially disturbing – is incredibly important.
As far as treating the anon like a child, I don’t share your opinion.  I provided educational resources and reasoning for my position, as I would to any person or student. I honestly don’t know what else to say if you think that is treating someone “like a child.” In my opinion, and I will probably receive a lot of flak for this, providing the option for my followers to hide images that are troubling, uncomfortable, disturbing, and the like, is treating them like children – again, because art should be confronted. It’s supposed to be powerful, whether the power it holds is positive or negative in our lives. We have to work through why these images affect us in a certain way, and attempt to move past it to appreciate and study art objects as what they are: creative works, with specific cultural and historical contexts.
Lastly, you mentioned my “elitist sensibilities.” What, exactly, is elitist about my response? The fact that I shared educational sources? The fact that I did not, and still do not, want to run my blog a certain way, no matter how simple the request? I’m not seeing it.
I want to leave this topic with an excerpt from an editorial David Freedberg wrote some years ago on censorship. Tagging or not tagging is one extremely minor form of what I would deem censorship (or at least, the potential for censorship), and his words relate to what we have been talking about here over the last few days: the power of images, our responses to them, and whether or not images should, or can, be controlled. I have linked to the article in its entirety at the end of the excerpt. 
“There is, these days, what seems to be an extraordinary resistance to acknowledging the presence of the provocative, not only resistance, but confusion. To acknowledge the full force of the provocative, however, is by no means to suggest that it ought to be censored; it is only to recognize something of the individual beholder’s role in the power of images. … The power of images resides not within representation itself, but in the irrepressible and impossible desire to look until we have seen everything, until our eyes are wide open. But the fact is that we can never see everything. If we do not acknowledge the power of representation in visual form, even in its disturbing forms, and if we do not acknowledge what we know about ourselves and what underlies our exchanges with pictures and sculptures, then we will continue to collude with the censors.” - David Freedberg, “Censorship Revisited,” RES: Antropology and Aesthetics 21 (1992): 11.
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Berita 2017
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1. Shafira Nur Anggita, kategori “Peminatan yang berbeda”
Shafira Nur Anggita berminat untuk masuk ke peminatan humas kelak. Alasannya karena memang ingin menjadi seorang public relation dan memang peminatan yang paling menjanjikan. Humas, menurutnya, akan menjadi gerbang awal penghubung perusahaan dengan dunia luar dan juga akan menjelaskan serta meluruskan jika ada masalah yang ada di perusahaan kepada klien. Motivasinya dengan memilih humas adalah bisa menghasilkan uang sendiri dan tidak bergantung pada orang lain.
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2. Tanika Syafira Marsha, kategori “Zodiak yang sama”
Tanika Syafira Marsha lahir pada 16 Maret yang membuatnya memiliki rasi bintang pisces. Saat ditanya ada berapa teman yang juga berulang tahun di tanggal yang sama, katanya tidak ada. Adanya Dian Sastro dan Jung So Min. Ia pernah memelihara ika louhan di rumah. Perjuangannya menjadi anak komunikasi adalah latihan soal SBMPTN setiap hari sabtu di sekolah sejak awal kelas 12. Dilanjutkan dengan les saat libur. Memang melelahkan namun semuanya worth it baginya.
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3. Sylvia Gusnanda, kategori “Penyuka genre film yang berbeda”
Sylvia Gusnanda menyukai film-film bergenre drama. Film favoritnya adalah Crazy Little Thing Called Love dan Pursuit of Happyness. Film terakhir yang ditonton adalah La La Land yang menurutnya agak membosankan dan Moana yang menurutnya barulah seru. Fun fact, Isyl pertama kali ke bioskop saat kelas 3 SMA karena bioskop besar memang baru buka di Padang sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu. Motivasinya memilih komunikasi adalah ingin menjadi presenter acara kuliner atau pariwisata agar dibiayai makan dan jalan-jalan gratis.
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4. Astri Aini Nasir, kategori “Tempat lahir yang berbeda”
Astri Aini Nasir (Aci) lahir di Jakarta dan tumbuh besar di sana. Ibunya berasal dari suku Betawi dan ayahnya berasal asli dari negeri Cina yang menetap di Indonesia sejak kecil. Motivasinya memilih komunikasi adalah ingin menjadi sutradara film karena mencintai dunia perfilman. Hal yang menarik dari Aci adalah ia mempersiapkan SBMPTN hanya dengan membaca tuntas satu buku persiapan ujian tanpa les sama sekali. Kalau tidak mengerti, ia bertanya kepada temannya untuk mengajarkan.
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5. Indira Kusuma Siriani, kategori “Pernah memelihara jenis hewan yang sama”
Indira Kusuma Siriani pernah memelihara beberapa jenis ikan, yaitu ikan lohan dan mas koki saat SD. Orang tuanya membeli ikan-ikan tersebut karena ada akuarium yang menganggur. Salah satu pengalaman menarik saat memelihara ikan adalah rumah berantakan dan becek karena ikannya bertelur. Ibu ikannya bisa jadi tidak selamat saat kejadian itu. Lalu, perlahan-lahan ikan yang lain pun mati sehingga setelahnya tidak memelihara lagi. Motivasi Indira untuk masuk komunikasi adalah karena mata kuliahnya menarik dibandingkan antropologi yang merupakan jurusan asalnya.
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6. Ashiva Aulia Nirwan, kategori “Penyuka musisi yang sama”
Ashiva Aulia Nirwan adalah penggemar kpop grup. Ia telah mengenal idol Korea sejak SD yang pada saat itu ia mengagumi Super Junior. Sekarang, tiga grup favoritnya adalah Blackpink, Winner, dan AKMU. Ashiva mengatakan jika konsep artsy, cool, dan aesthetic yang diusung grup-grup tersebut membuatnya menjadi fangirl. Menurutnya, meski begitu, setiap grup tetap memiliki warna musik yang unik dan berbeda. Ditambah lagu-lagunya bersifat easy listening dan mudah diingat. Sayangnya, hingga saat ini, ia belum berkesempatan menonton konser grup-grup favoritnya secara langsung. (SEMOGA SOON YA SHIV BARENG W^^)
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iofferwith-blog · 8 years ago
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氣, 수행
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