#antonblast lore
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iheartpeppino · 3 months ago
According to ANTONBLAST, Anton's home of Boiler City is apparently in Florida. Which would make Anton a Florida man, very fitting.
I wonder where Pizza Tower takes place...? I know Peppino was originally planned to be from New York City at one point... It's definitely somewhere in the USA, right?
What's really funny to me about all of this is that I'm originally from NYC and I'm currently living in Florida...
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churchofsatansass · 2 months ago
I wholeheartedly believe that Satan lost his redness when he fell from Heaven. Something he took great pride in and would be perfect to strip away as punishment. Also the fandom will go wild if Summit not only confirms but adds that Anton inherited Satan's lost red hue.
We've seen his little angel sprite whenever struck by lightning.
A red archangel, stripped of his redness, his redness gifted to a mere human? Ooh, that would SUCK for Satan...
But man, what a weird idea. Technicolor angels... imagine them being in all the colors of the rainbow in heaven. Lucifer being the reddest being and greatly priding himself on it until he falls...
... wouldn't it be really funny if it turned out Adam looked an awful lot like Anton, right down to the redness, and that's why Satan fell to begin with? He was jealous the first human as just as red as him. But then they stopped making humans red for a while because they didn't want a repeat of Satan's uprising against heaven. I dunno...
Adam and Eve looking like Anton and Annie would kill me from hilarity.
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rascal-rose · 2 years ago
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this was on my brain all-day
I don't wanna give anton a big sad backstory but I find it funny we were at least given an idea on annie's family (rich and normal parents) meanwhile have gotten zilch on at least a concept of the type of family anton came from
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merwynpersonalhub · 3 months ago
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(Warning for disturbing imagery under readmore!)
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alice-the-demon · 5 months ago
Ruth's Ref Sheet (Antonblast OC)
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Ruth is one of the most skilled angel soldiers in Heaven, an elegant, determined yet strict woman and an agile swordman, she moves so quickly you can barely follow her with your eyes (and I mind you, she does all that on heels).
But despite her impressive abilities she hardly gets as many important missions as the other heaven soldiers from Michael, the ruler of Heaven. And after many pleas, she finally gets a mission, that is, and I quote, "Go on Earth and find a demon to capture or somethin'".
(Btw I headcanon that the angels in the Antonblast universe are very narcissistic and snobbish bird creatures)
Ruth goes on Earth and ends up in Boiler City, where she meets Anton and mistakes him for a demon because of his menacing look and his unusual red skin. She'll start a rivalry with our red guy, always popping up from time to time to fight him with a tiny sword against a big hammer. She always ends up defeated Team Rocket style but she never backs down from her mission, she wanted a mission and she WILL complete it to make Michael proud of her.
Random trivia:
Ruth speaks with a thick British accent and usually uses British insults, the one she uses when referring to Anton is "twat" ;
The only character in the Antonblast cast that she tolerates the most is Nina;
She has an obsession with 19th century clothing, but never wears skirts or long dresses;
Her sword was made by Michael himself and the handle is made of topaz and silver;
Her favourite food is angel food cake;
Ruth had much difficulty fitting in with the angels while growing up, she never had feathers of her own, so she always wears a special scarf with fake ones instead. In fact... Ruth is the only angel with a human aspect, normally angels are birds of any kinds... And she can't even fly or have any magical abilities... Huh...
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nartmartballmop · 2 months ago
theres grafitti in the candy bomb mines that says "dont be a fool, beware the ghoul" and immedaitely after that level you fight he jewel ghoul, who is a big ass gem much like the ones you find in those mines
what if thats where he came from, where he grew up so to speak, before he became one of satans top minions. thatd be really neat worldbuilding
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phantomdoofer · 2 months ago
Aight, now that I've finished Antonblast, here's some AU lore (spoilers for Antonblast below the cut)
First of all, Anton, Annie, Brulo, Nina, Danton, Satan, all of them, exist in Tower Town. Anton and the others are Ogres, a race that have appeared many times in the story. Boiler City and the Backburner Peninsula both exist in the world - in fact, Boiler City is considered a sort of rival city to La Crosta.
Anton is about a year younger than Peppino - in fact, they played against each other on the football field - and the events of Antonblast take place about ten years before Pizza Tower here.
At the end of Antonblast, the Spirits power up Anton into a Demon form, called Oni Anton by most people. This was only a temporary transformation, of course. But in Tower Town, every Ogre has the potential to become a Demon - that's how Demons are born, in fact. Nearly anyone can undergo a Ritual to become a Demon, really - minor demons, like Imps, are born of other races. But every single major Demon is an Ogre that gained great power somehow.
In TT, Satan is a particularly powerful Demon, but something of a rogue - he and his cadre of minions didn't participate in the attacks that devastated the planet during the Great War. He likes to torment mortals more than kill them, so world annihilation was a bad idea to him. His Moles, in this world called Talpa, are just a group of their species dedicated specifically to him. Every Demon has their Talpa minions - the worship a single Demon cultishly. Internecine wars between Talpa factions are common.
A side note: Giuseppe's Gustavo was killed when their group was sent to try and stop a group of Talpa from resurrecting their Demon lord, who died in Inferno. Giuseppe was trying to talk the Talpa down, one went berserk, and used their helmet spike to cut Giuseppe's throat. When Gustavo tried to intervene, the Talpa skewered him like a kabob. Giuseppe's powers kicked in on seeing Gustavo's corpse, and he went berserk, killing every Talpa there and almost killing his unit, including Anita. He didn't kill any of his soldiers, but the fallout of the incident led to Anita leaving Special Operations and Giuseppe's vocal cords were so damaged he spoke with a rasp until the events of "The Final Slice" led to his regeneration.
Every major Demon has their own Hell domain, located somewhere in the world, usually underground. Satan's, of course, is right under Boiler City.
Most of the Demon race died in Inferno - they're immortal, and extremely tough and powerful, but not invulnerable. Satan is probably the strongest major demon left, but no one's seen him since Anton and Annie beat his ass. The Satan Switch didn't blow up the entire world here - it wasn't strong enough for that - but it did devastate the Backburner Peninsula, and by the time of Pizza Tower Boiler City has only just been properly rebuilt.
As for the whole "nuclear war" bit... well, while nukes weren't on the table during the Great War, lots of other Old Tech weapons were used, and the aftereffects of some of them would be as bad or worse than any nuclear fallout. Some parts of the world won't be inhabitable for centuries as a result. In fact, the incident Peppino flashes back to in "Una favola della buonanotte", a bombing run that killed his best friend, tainted the land in that area so badly that even decades later, nothing will grow there. (This is something that will come up in a future chapter.) This is intentional - the Demons wanted to devastate the world, and what better way than to not only kill everything, but to ensure nothing could ever even think about living again?
Overall, Demons aren't really a threat anymore... but all it would take would be a few malignant Ogres to rediscover the Ritual, turn into Demons, and the whole mess could start up again. Plus, Satan is still out there, and he definitely knows the Ritual...
He created it, after all.
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izelandzero · 2 years ago
Crappy ass animation based on blu's doodle from Twitter (it's completed)
Now imma put this here, lil blood warning!
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Sorry if it's a lil angst, I couldn't resist
Here's part 2
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thatkirbynerd · 2 years ago
Going through the summitspheres twitter and I think these are some of my favorite media posts
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luigiplushiekeeper · 1 year ago
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[with lore👍]
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enigma-queen · 2 years ago
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And here we see a budding artist, trying her hand at a full-body OC drawing, with complex details like love handles, shadows, a more complex hairstyle, and the artist's natural enemy...Hands. *cue final girl scream*
Ahem! Sorry, had something stuck in my throat. What I was trying to say was that I made another AB OC. Her name is Parinha, and she's very much inspired by Pizzano from Sugary Spire. She's an impulsive, chaotic, loud-mouth and sometimes reckless TV star and actress, with a show similar to our man Pizzano's. Will definitely make a story about her soon enough. In the meantime, please enjoy this little foray into the creative unknown. I had a blast with it (pun intended) and I'm really proud of how it turned out.
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churchofsatansass · 2 months ago
I wonder if a Grim Reaper exists in the Antoniverse, and if so, how much red tape were they swamped with when most of the Earth's population got blown up?
... Kinda wanna whip out my original character Seffie/Persephone Thanatos again... she's not a fan character, but I like using her in multiple fandoms.
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I need to update her design... I love her hoodie but she needs a slicker new appearance...
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antonlovezone · 2 months ago
Hi! I finally decided to make an introduction on this account for myself, my selfship, and my oc
To start with me hi I'm ajax! some of my interests include Splatoon, Vocaloid/UTAU, Vocal synth lost media, Genshin, Touhou, seals, and some other stuff, but this blog will mainly focus on My selfship, Antonblast, and pizza tower
now onto what people actually care about
This is Arancio....hai arancio :]
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I'm still figuring out his character even after all this time but the basic gist of him is that Arancio had been childhood friends with Peppino and one day in their very early 20s Peppino introduced Arancio and Anton to each other
it was a rocky start at first but after some time arancio started to trust him and they became really really close and eventually started dating hehe
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other silly lore is that he's best friends with @peppinolovezone and @sticklovezone oc's (they are also the people who made the art I used in this post giggles), he loves seals, and his favorite foods are fried chicken, Mac and cheese, Kabasa, and deviled eggs
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theblacksheepcz · 12 days ago
Requests are open!
Heyyy guys…
so ive never done this before but im open to fanfic requests!! Because my list of fic ideas has been emptied 😀
Anyways here’s all the fandoms im willing to write for (aka im most familiar with at the moment):
Daniel Mullins Games (Pony Island, The Hex, Inscryption…)
Antonblast / Antonball
Bigtop Burger (and possibly other Worthikids works)
Roblox Pressure
Murder Drones
Waltz Of The Wizard (yes you read that right)
Pizza Tower / Sugary Spire
Shipwrecked 64 (it depends with this one because im still new to it and dont know all the lore)
Other info:
im very picky with ships. But you can check my ao3 BrainwormsOfSheepy for pairings i already wrote for
I don’t do readers (the closest thing to it is player/player character)
I usually write for general and teen audiences, and rarely do mature and explicit topics,,,
i can do fluff, angst, hurt/comfort and all that basic jazz
Oh and i usually write short fics, like, on average they’re below 1K words BUT they can be longer when I have inspiration/motivation (but still, don’t request anything big, and i mean BIG)
Either comment your ideas down below or straight into my asks, but remember that I can’t promise that I’ll write all of them.
Also please DONT request anything weird. For the love of god.
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down-to-helltown · 2 months ago
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"Its hard being a single father, raising a little hedgehog girl."
My take on Amy! I know the fanbase sticks with the joke that Amy is like the Amy Rose, but I had the design idea back when Antonblast was just getting popular from the demos and teasers and wanted to finally draw it.
The headcanon/fan lore is that Amy was the result of a one-time fling Anton had (i stand by my belief that anton has major rizz) and he went "Shit, guess I'm a dad now.", though her mom also has custody of her and they take turns watching her.
She's a loud little shit, not helped by an obessive love of soda and energy drinks--nor the hammer Anton gave her. She has a really good swinging arm and kills it in her school's little league team; she'll slug anybody who makes fun of her or her friends in the jaw without hesitation, and her vocabulary is mostly swear words. I didn't feel like digitally lining and coloring this one but her hoodie has the same colors as the 'Anton's Daughter' spray and her skin is a rosy red color.
I like to think that she was with her mom in a whole other town during the events of the game, and that if she was in the city that Satan totally would have had the moles take her as per the whole "stealing what Anton loves the most to lure him to Hell for The Suck" plan instead of yoinking Anton's booze. (i know for a fact that Anton would put his daughter over his alcohol on the hierarchy of things he loves)
Reblogs/Replies > Likes, I wanna interact with this fandom more!
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woobab · 10 months ago
Hey so uh.... 👁️👁️‼️
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@benjamintheraccoon asked me a question not long ago and they asked, "Hey, what would Em look like in the Antonblast universe?"
My creativity peaked one day and I designed this cutie! She works at a ice creamery hEHEEE FUCK YEAH BLUE WOMAN 💪
Side note I may or may not be normal about Anton... ah.. And I doodled this last night 👉👈
and i already have a ship name for these two, still developing their lore together tho,,, hehee
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