#anton voland
the-angel-of-filth · 5 years
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🏳️‍🌈Featuring Two Lads of the 80s/90s:🏳️‍🌈 Saul Walker (Gay Flag) and Anthony “Anton” Voland (Bisexual Flag)!
They’re the main protagonists of two separate but interconnecting stories: The Beast of Rabbitwood (TBOR Verse) for Saul and A Moral Panic (AMP Verse) for Anton! Their stories also happen to be i the same cinematic universe as SOH and GD! TBOR follows an eccentric, wandering self proclaimed cryptozoologist, Saul, who drives into the sleepy town of Rabbitwood after hearing reports of a strange, massive “Beast” living in the area. Obsessed with trying to document the entity as a way to be taken seriously in cryptozoology circles, he tries to locate the monster himself...
AMP follows a story some years before TBOR, about a reclusive and anxious young man, Anton, who along with personal problems, feels that he’s being tormented by an unseen, malevolent force. One night, he’s suddenly attacked by a shadowy figure while trying to sleep. Hope seems to be all lost when he soon senses the presence of an entirely different entity altogether..
✨Also just in case: Free to use if you’d like, just credit me and a reblog/like would be appreciated! Thanks!✨
Bonus: Alternate Flag for Saul!
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Bloop: Leverrett Chaplin, Dione Myer, and Anton Voland all went to the same high school: Chantel High School!
- Leverrett went from 1976 to the beginning of senior year in 1979 (when she was transported into another plane of existence).
- Dione went from 1976-1980 and graduated.
- Anton went from 1984-1987.. he dropped out before senior year.
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tv-sinner-archived · 6 years
1. ANTON VOLAND He’s a sweet lil goober who loves watching movies (especially through Mystery Science Theater 3000) and he’s got a ton of snacks for you to much on while the movies play! Plus he’ll enjoy just hanging out with someone.
2. LEVERRETT CHAPLIN She’s THE person to watch horror movies with! Not only will she comfort you if you get too scared, she’s generally a really cool lady to chill with!
3. DIONE MYERMuch like her girlfriend, Leverrett, she’s a super nice person to watch movies with, especially if you like more romantic movies. While she doesn’t have the stomach for horror movies alone, she’ll watch so long she has a friend to cuddle during the Scary Parts… plus she’s an excellent person to have a Girls Night with!
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the-angel-of-filth · 6 years
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Some sketchy doodles feat. • Father Lankester Williams, my good boy aasimar cleric that is currently in a campaign (DND) • Anton Voland, the anxiety boy and the protagonist of A Moral Panic (AMP Verse) • St. Wickam, a strawberry vampire hunter with a giant gay crush for a giant costal redwood, Roz. (VITW Verse)
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the-angel-of-filth · 7 years
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TFW You Read a Book @ 12 AM When You Should Be Sleepin but Your Local Evil Shadow Person Won’t Leave You TF Alone
As the first art of the month of Halloween, I kinda wanted to experiment a lil. A young Anton Voland (at probably like. 9 years old or something. I dunno) is about to experience his first encounter with the enigmatic nameless shadow person who will soon torment him for years to come. This malevolent entity only seems to be attached to Anton, feeding off him and being attracted to the negativity in his life. Now as an adult, he continues to live in fear of the thing, but he now calls it "Debby Downer" mostly to lessen the fear surrounding it and to also refer to it without mentioning a shadow or a shade, similar to how you'd call the Fairies "the Fair Folk" instead or some other euphemism like that. The last thing he'd want to do is to anger this creature...
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the-angel-of-filth · 7 years
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It’s the main protagonist and part time Anxiety Man™ of A Moral Panic (AMP Verse), Anton Voland!!
The AMP Verse storyline follows a young man by the name of Anton who has been stuck in an endless cycle of constant threats throughout his entire life: wake up, go about business, go to work, get tormented by shadow people, (attempt to) go to sleep, rinse and repeat. It takes place around the time of the Satanic Panic, while it begins to truly kick into action and to start causing a repressed but slowly growing mass hysteria in his highly religious community of Rabbitwood.
By now, he has accepted his life as is, unable to see any way out of his fate since no one else in his life can see or notice anything strange or unusual. His grasp on this world is melting away at the age of 19 as shadowy creatures feed off of his negativity. Just as he’s about ready to give up on his life, an eldritch creature with made of fungi and rot appears before him, apparently claiming to be his guardian angel. The angel, calling itself “Mildew” looks anything but angelic and absolutely decayed, but it seems like that it’s in its best interests to keep Anton alive. Anton reluctantly decides to try to trust this rotting Mildew, in the hopes of finding answers and a solution to his supernatural predicament that only seems to affect him…
Tune in next time to see a potential redesign of Mildew bc I haven’t drawn them in three million years lmao.
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1- 2 -11 -13 - 17 -25-27- 32 -44 - 50 (sorry that's a lot answer what you want c: ~♡♡)
No worries! This was a doozy tho and I wasn’t able to answer all of them! Sorry about that :(
1. Your first OC ever?It was a Hoshi no Kaabi (Kirby Right Back At Ya) oc named Thanos back from 7th grade…. he was Edgy™ and was some sorta beanpole death god thing???? Idk but he eventually mutated to the chubby, pink, knife wielding Care Bear Fanboy Samuel Viviani. Wacky huh?
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?God, it changes very often…. but, I’d say that my current favorite is Apollyon.
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?The one who fits the bill best is either Grace Curettes or Periwinkle! Both are very happy-go-lucky, upbeat people that never seem to be let down by life but Gracey is a bit unsettling in her endeavors of never expressing “negativity” outwardly while Periwinkle is more human in his demeanor. Gracey seems to be a tad bit TOO happy…
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?Too many to count! Some that come to mind are Lucifer, Gregor, and Mortimer, the unholy trinity.
17. Any OC OTPs?Here’s a few notable ones!: Sammael and Lilith (married!), Lucifer and Mammon (engaged and married in story!), Leverrett and Dione (crush on each other but they eventually date), Saul and the Gelatitan/Anton (dating in TBoR), and Samuel and Jophiel (not technically canon but I feel like they’d grow to love each other if they ever met).
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)Appearance wise, I look like Lucifer/Morning Star the most… except I have a nose, got two eyes, and I’m a bit skinnier + lil shorter than him. But the skin tone, the dark eye color, the hair (morning star), the wild/deadpan expressions, the bad fashion, and the general size? Unintentionally similar.
Personality wise, I’m the most like Anton. Lonely sad gay, gets anxious and worked up too easily, a big fuckin weenie, doesn’t go out too much, has a hard time making new friends bc of fear, can’t hold onto rl friends bc I end up not talking to them for too long, feels like friends like others way more than you, has a religious background, the list goes on.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?Literally King Saturnine is inspired by Jareth’s songs in the movie Labyrinth (not to mention it’s also Saturnine’s voice claim too).
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?Leverrett Chaplin, mostly because she goes through literal hell (she could probably take on anything at this point) and secondly, she’s very good at surviving and planning at little notice.
44. Something you like about your OCs in generalThey’re pretty weird with their weird backstories and all but I love them. They also are an outlet for me I guess.
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2 - 17 - 18 from the meta edition and anything you want from the other one! (if u can) ~♡♡
2. One OC will protect you, and the others will try to kill you. Which OC would you pick to be your defender?
I choose Gyo'bbl'eyt, practically my most overpowered oc to date for the sole reason that it is literally a giant, black hole-spewing space turkey god. Very few of my other 90+ ocs could stand a chance. The main downside is be that Gyo'bbl'eyt is a pretty depressing and unenjoyable individual to be around and the only thing it would talk about is the heat death of the universe and how insignificant and trivial my life as a mortal is. :/
17. If you could choose to meet one of your OCs in person, who would you pick?
If I had to choose One (1), I’d go with Asmodeus. He’s probably one of my friendliest ocs and would probably give the best hugs. My other considerations would be Sammael, Anton, Emmett, Leverrett, Saul, or Devyn.
18. Which OC would you absolutely NOT want to be a real person?
One the comes to mind is MAMMON. Although I do love/hate drawing and writing about him, he’d be so INSUFFERABLE irl mostly bc he’s a horrible greedy capitalist who takes advantage of others, abuses his power and wealth (not to mention his employees), is so petty and untouchable, I could go on for days on why I’d never want to meet Mammon or anyone like him irl.
Some other bad ocs I’d never want to be real: Gregor Skein, Gyo'bbl'eyt, Debby, Lucifer, and Beelzebub to name a few.
21. How they react to pain
I choose Lucifer for this question. For the most part, Lucifer has a cartoonishly strong tolerance for physical pain, to the point that he could do things like jump off a skyscraper and smash himself on the concrete and walk away seemingly unscathed to mixing a dangerous concoction of arsenic, toothpaste, concrete mix, glue, and bleach only to drink it with no problems. However to emotional pain, it’s a much different story. Lucifer has great difficulty dealing with his own shortcomings, regrets, traumas, etc. handles coping with all of it very poorly and he tends to avoid acknowledging it.
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I have a new solution to my writing predicament w/ gelatitan
I’m thinking that Gelatitan does eventually turn back into The human Anton
HOWEVER! Anton will have a sort of were-creature ordeal where under certain circumstances, he would temporarily turn into a smaller, upright version of gelatitan. Even when he’s human, he still has some minor physical traits left over from his past as Gelatitan (ex: sharp teeth, weirdly colored bile, etc )
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So I have some oc ideas 👀👀👀👀 These dudes here are known as Holy Weapons. They are a type of experimental weapon that are formed and developed within human body.
- These weapons’ “seeds” are placed within a fetus that was predetermined in early stages of conception.
- These human incubators, called Bearers, are all born on a particular date and are all separated from each other. The weapons that are incubated in them are all scheduled as well for a particular date when the weapon is ready for use. ((The current ones set in the story were all born in the year 1970))
- There only about 250 of these people as of the story’s date of 1989.
- Guardian angels are often assigned to them as means to protecting them from demons, human proxies for Hell, and other threats.
- Most Bearers live normal lives without any clue that they’re incubators for bioweapons, guardian angels are watching their every move, or demons trying to kill them. Other humans don’t seem to notice them either. There are some exceptions. (See Anton Voland)
- When these seeds are fully formed, they start transforming into a body horror thing within 2-5 days after seed’s final development.
The one on the top just so happens to Anton Voland! As a Holy Weapon, he is known as ‘Gelatitan’, as coined by a little girl who witnessed the monstrosity. As for the bottom one, I don’t have a name for them when they were human, but for now they’ll be called 'Starlet’.
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the-angel-of-filth · 8 years
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The Four Humans Who Wanted Nothing To Do With The Apocalypse but they are all happy and not suffering and they never have to worry about any apocalypse at all 💕
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the-angel-of-filth · 8 years
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TFW your fellow lads find out that you 👀REALLY👀 Like that alien from the movie Alien but u try to deny it 🔍👀
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the-angel-of-filth · 8 years
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So, here’s my lovely decaying Guardian Angel oc, Mildew!
• Mildew is an angel whose torso mostly resembles an octopus stinkhorn fungus. They have no head and they smell like death and rotting flesh. Mildew’s legs have various fungi growing on it, and it seems that their lower body is made of cloth, like a worn out doll. • They watch over the 19 year old Anton Voland, due to him being a particularly important pawn in Heaven’s vast agenda for an early Apocalypse to be set in action in 1999. • Their job is to make sure that Anton doesn’t die before 1999 and to protect him from any demons and/or Hell-Aligned human proxies. They’ve known him since the day he was born in 1970. Although Mil was given orders to try not get “too attached” with Anton, they ended up befriending him and basically becoming his mom friend. • They’re basically Anton’s best friend • They have the ability to spit out a pink acid that can burn demons’ skin. This acid is harmless to humans. • They communicate through hisses, ticks, screeches, and chirping.
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tv-sinner-archived · 7 years
Hiii!! how many u want from 20 to 35 for the oc headcanon if u can~♡
Alrighty ;0
20. To solve other peoples problems, they say to murder the problem Mammon… especially if it involves actually murdering a “problem” person.
21. Is a nervous wreckMETATRON… The poor archangel is probably one the most nervous wrecks out there since their “gift” of being able to see nearly everything all at once with little ways of stopping it has negative effects on their formerly human psyche and it has made them very panicky and sensitive as a result. Some other nervous wreck ocs also include Cornelius, Porcelain, Astaroth, Anton, Father Williams, and Mahlah.
22. Likes dragons Anton, mostly due to his love for Dungeons & Dragons and high fantasy novels/movies. Saul likes dragons because his fascination with monsters.
23. Will laugh as they kill you Lilly and Lemuel Brûlée… they’re pure evil.. Lucifer may laugh at someone’s death if it he thinks it’s funny.
24. Would bake a cake for a friend who is sad TBH… Porcelain.. As a caretaker android, it’s practically in their programming to cater to other’s emotions. If they recognize sadness in someone, they’ll immediately go into “care mode” and will attempt to do anything to help alleviate sadness, even it is a bit… mechanical. That includes baking cakes if necessary. This also goes for other Piccadilly entities like the Poppet or Doll Eyes which have similar processes.
25. Is the comforting one Sammael… she is the official Mom Friend™.
26. Acts like they don’t care, but do Saul Walker, mostly because he tends to try to push people away initially but as soon as he gets attached to someone, he’ll start pulling this off lmao.
27. Loves childrenCarol Thompson! She loves her daughter and her weird inhuman half siblings.
28. Gets lost easily Cheryl. I mean, she’s a little kid, it’s super easy for her to get lost.
29. Likes to work out Lilith is a very athletic lesbian and is fucking Shredded. Can easily suplex Mammon any day of the week.
30. Will sends meme in the group chatIn the late 2010s AU, this would totally be Lucifer, usually at 3 am and he sends nonsensical ones he made on Photoshop that were based on drugged out dreams he had. Belphegor retorts on the Archdemon group chat by sending memes she too made on Photoshop. Sandalphon would also abuse the Hell out of group chat and sends stolen human memes to the Archangels all the time.
31. Knows every song ever Sandalphon because one his titles are literally “The Angel of Music” and also Mephistopheles because he goes out of his way to be Educated on music history (and art in general).
32. Likes socks Gertrude.. she loves socks..
33. Can’t sleep without something special Both Jophiel and Samuel like to have a bunch of stuffed animals surrounding them and they hug at least one or two them. You would have to pry the plushies from their cold, dead hands if you were to try to take them. Metatron can’t sleep unless they put themselves in a sensory deprivation tank because it’s literally the only way they can rest.
34. Has a sweet toothThe Gelatitan’s diet only consists of anything edible that tastes sweet but mostly, it’s candy and sugar. Samuel, Jophiel, Miss Mousey, Lilly Brûlée, and Asmodeus also have pretty big sweet teeth.
35. Has amazing hair Arguably Morning Star, Asmodeus, Mahlah, Jophiel, and Astaroth.
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