#anton sammut
non-conventionnel · 4 months
“To smile with your eyes, you must perforce know how to love.” ― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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spiritualworldsblog · 4 months
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...And so Jesus continued to preach in those lands and one day, when he was in the city of Pataliputra or modern-day Patna, close to the River Ganges, Jesus met a beautiful young woman whose name was Mari, better known today as Mari of Magadha: an attractive woman who was some ten-years younger than Jesus was...
From Anton Sammut's
The Secret Gospel of Jesus AD 0-78
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templeofastrallight · 2 months
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“Those we love are always with us as much as we are simultaneously in their hearts too...” - Anton Sammut
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carolinedbook · 2 years
[PDF Download] Paceville and Metanoia - Anton Sammut
Download Or Read PDF Paceville and Metanoia - Anton Sammut Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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Paceville and Metanoia (2022) Two novels by Anton Sammut In this literary work, Anton Sammut talks about his characters and the physical world in the light of the world of ideas (the truth, the internal world) and the most used faculty which stands out above all else, is memory. Each character reveals a little of his life wherefore the author catches them at the exact point where they have to make a decision. In this respect, Sammut?s post-modernism is active precisely because it is well-built on two competencies a fine writer is expected to possess: an in-born philosophical disposition and a formal knowledge of the History of Philosophy. The most decisive aspect is the fact there is a huge chasm between professional literary criticism and the popular one. The compromise, the acknowledgement of a novel that avoids the two extremes, has also been found and this is where Sammut?s literary work excels.- Prof. Oliver Friggieri
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mattgill · 2 years
[PDF] Download Paceville and Metanoia -- Anton Sammut
Download Or Read PDF Paceville and Metanoia - Anton Sammut Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Paceville and Metanoia
[*] Read PDF Here => Paceville and Metanoia
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avahughesstuff · 2 years
[PDF] Download Paceville and Metanoia -- Anton Sammut
Download Or Read PDF Paceville and Metanoia - Anton Sammut Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Paceville and Metanoia
[*] Read PDF Here => Paceville and Metanoia
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
“Those we love are always with us as much as we are simultaneously in their hearts too...”
― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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non-conventionnel · 3 months
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
“Silence is as deep as eternity, words are as short as time.” ― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel: Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
“Love doesn't fall under some sort of contract. It's free and as innocent as children. We never bind children to any contract so that they can be innocent... what is pure remains unconditionally so...”
― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
“To love silence you must first learn Man's distorted vocabulary. Only when you have done so will you appreciate silence.” ― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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non-conventionnel · 3 months
You religious men who boast so much that you live on charity including what the poor manage to scrape together out of their meagre income - how can you justify your actions? How can your moral conscience be clear when you acknowledge that in no way do you contribute to the society that is maintaining you, day after day?......
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non-conventionnel · 3 months
The human mind is the most sophisticated instrument in the known universe.
What is this human mental ability that can create such marvels due to its Consciousness? What is this Consciousness that has so perplexed the great philosophers of all time? What makes a person himself and not another, completely different individual? What are the various Levels of Consciousness? Is it true that the Consciousness of every person is infinite?
These are some of the questions that this trailblazing book attempts to answer with the helping hand of contemporary science that shall aid in the understanding of one of the greatest mysteries of the Human Consciousness.
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
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Excerpt from the controversial historical novel: The Secret Gospel of Jesus AD 0-78 by Anton Sammut
“You religious men who boast so much that you live on charity including what the poor manage to scrape together out of their meagre income - how can you justify your actions? How can your moral conscience be clear when you acknowledge that in no way do you contribute to the society that is maintaining you, day after day? In your self complacent conceit, you denigrate and harshly condemn, those who, with their sweat and hard work, provide you with a life fit for a king. What is the reason you spend your lives living comfortably in some ashram or isolated monastery when life only makes sense if it is experienced with your fellow brothers and sisters by showing compassion to them?...."
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
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The Secret Gospel of Jesus AD 0-78 by Anton Sammut
Hi everyone! I re-read The Secret Gospel of Jesus AD 0-78 by Anton Sammut. It's a unique and truly captivating historical novel that delves into the untold aspects of Mary Magdalene's life alongside Jesus's, revealing her authentic heritage and noble lineage.
Filled with riveting narratives and novel insights, this book perfectly balances historical accuracy with imaginative storytelling. It is tailored for readers who appreciate well-researched historical fiction with spiritual resonance and a touch of mystique!
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non-conventionnel · 4 months
“The more you understand Nature's voice, the more you'll understand the voice of the Divine.” ― Anton Sammut, from the historical novel: Memories of Recurrent Echoes
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