#antoine griezmann x OC
Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. VII)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 4.4K+
A/N: Thank you for still reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
“No, I’m not coming! Just forget about me like you did with your oldest daughter!”
Louisa hangs up and throws her phone on the table before she wipes her watery eyes. Starting last night, Louisa’s mother Mrs. Honorin has been calling her to convince her to come to a reception she’s organizing, and also to convince her to put her older sister “on the right track”. Louisa usually manages to handle it well and only gets angry at her mother, but it’s starting to really upsets her. She sits next to me and I put an arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t understand,” she has been saying that ever since her mother called her. “A mother is supposed to love and accept her child, not denigrate her.”
I know exactly how Tatiana feels.
“If you heard her,” Louisa continues, her head in her hands, “it seemed like Tatian was a monster.”
Several tears are shed, but I eventually comfort her after a few minutes.
“When I have a child, I’ll always be there for him, no matter what.”
“I’m sure you’ll be a great mother,” I answer.
I try to think of an activity to make her smile but the clock in the kitchen let me know that I have to leave to Clairefontaine in a few minutes. Maybe…
“You wanna come to Clairefontaine with me?”
She gives me a confused look.
“It would lift your spirit,” I say.
“Are you sure I can come?”
“We’ll know right away.”
I decide to call Antoine, hoping he’ll answer and accept a second guest in the castle. To my surprise, he answers immediately.
“Hey, it’s me.”
Damn it, Gaby, of course he knows it’s you. I try to ignore the joy it gives me to hear his voice and focus on his answer.
“Are you okay? Is everything alright?”
“Yes, hum, I’m sorry to bother you, I just wanted to ask for…a favor.”
“You never bother me. Tell me.”
“I know it wasn’t planned, and it’s already nice of you guys to allow me to come to Clairefontaine,” I say, uncertain, “but can Louisa come?”
“Hold on a second.”
There are a few seconds of silence and then muffled whispers.
“Gaby? You still here?” 
“Yes, yes,” I say, surprised.
“There is no problem in Louisa coming.”
“That’s so sweet of you guys, thanks a lot.”
“Of course,” he says, and I can hear a smile in his voice. “See you later then.”
“See you.”
I hang up and turns to Louisa.
“He said yes.”
She has a little smile, and since we both already ready to go, we leave right away. In the car Louisa asks me questions about my visit to the castle the day before, and I don’t give her the details. We finally arrive at the castle, and I present the badge Antoine gave me yesterday and told me to keep.
“I don’t have one, though,” Louisa tells me, pointing at it.
“Let’s hope Antoine thought about it.”
We enter just fine – Antoine did think about it – and we walk to the castle. I still fell like an outsider, and I’m surprised to see that Louisa feels that way. She looks around with curiosity and also a bit incertitude. Approaching the  castle, we see a silhouette sitting in the grass, near the big letters that indicates where we are. I recognize the person right away, as does Louisa.
“Is it Pavard?” she whispers.
I bring Louisa with me to say hi to him before joining the others inside, hoping we won’t bother him.
“Hi, Benjamin,” I say softly.
He jumps in surprise and turns towards us.
“Oh, hi.” he gets up. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you two coming. How are you?”
He kisses me on the cheek and turns to Louisa, then to me again, waiting for me to introduce the two of them.
“Oh, sorry. This is Louisa, my best friend. Antoine kindly invited us to come here today.”
There is a sudden light in his brown eyes, and he nods.
“Oh, yes, Antoine told me. Nice to meet you.”
“A pleasure.”
He also kisses her on the cheek and a small smile grows on his sad face. I look at Louisa, whose cheeks seem to have become pink. I hear a door opening behind us and see Antoine coming out of the building. He walks to us, and Louisa give me a teasing look. Don’t start now. He smiles as he comes to us.
“Hi,” he says looking at me.
He puts his hands on my arm and then kisses me. I see Louisa looking at the ground, a small smile on her lips. You giggle and I’ll kill you. After we get away, Antoine turns to her and gives her a polite smile.
“Nice too see again. Welcome to Clairefontaine.”
“Thank you for having me,” she answers. “Nice to see you too.”
“No problem,” Antoine says. “Gaby’s friends are always welcome to come. By the way, Benji, would you mind showing Louisa around?”
I’m about to ask why we won’t do it all together – as Antoine told me he’d give me a visit of the whole Center – when “Benji” nods.
“No problem.”
Thanks, bro. We’ll catch up later.”
I’ll admit that I’m not comfortable with the idea of leaving Louisa alone with a stranger, even if it’s a friend and teammate of Antoine’s. But Louisa looks happy so I keep my mouth shut. Antoine takes my hand and we walk to the castle.
“A private visit of the Bleus’ castle,” I say, “How lucky these both girls are.”
“Right?” Antoine laughs. “We’re not going into the second floor, there’s nothing to see in there except for messy bedrooms and video games.”
He opens the door and let me enter before him. I hear whispers and giggles right away. Antoine leads me to some kind of living room with a TV and several sofas. Hugo and Olivier, sitting next to each other, get up to greet me and ask me about my parents’ health and how is the company is. The four of us talk when Kylian arrives, a phone near his ear. He hangs up a few seconds later, a soft smile on his face.
“Was it Helena?” Olivier asks with a smirk.
“Yes,” Kylian answers with a smile after greeting me. “She’s coming to see the match with her mom and Baptiste.”
“You’re coming too, right?” Hugo asks me.”
I look at him, confused. I had no idea they had another game coming.
“Hum, yes,” I say, feeling awkward.
I look at Antoine, who’s looking at me.
“I mean, if you want me to come. I’d understand if you want to be left alone.”
“What? Of course I want you to come,” Antoine says as if he didn’t understand. “It would be awesome. Plus, you would bear me luck, just like last time.”
“You’re good at shooting penalties,” I say quickly. “I had nothing to do with it.”
“I agree with Grizou,” Olivier says. “I’m sure you and Louisa will bring us luck when you’ll be in the stadium.”
Antoine leaves and comes back a few seconds later with an envelope in his hand, which he hands me.
“There are two tickets in there, that way Louisa can come too if she wants.
“It’s very nice of you,” I answer, feeling a bit uncomfortable, “but I could have bought them.”
“Oh, but Antoine is a real gentleman,” Hugo laughs softly.
Yes, I’m starting to be aware of that.
After a moment of talking with the three Bleus, greeting Corentin Tolisso and Didier Deschamps and visiting le first floor of the castle, Antoine decides to give me a visit of the parc. He points at the younger team’s building, the auditorium and the other building. We walk to the woods which is all around the parc when se see Louisa and Benjamin come back from it, speaking vividly.
“My,” Antoine says with a small laugh, “they do seem like they get along.”
“Indeed,” I say.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen Benji like that,” he says more seriously. “It’s nice to see him happy. He’s a good dude, and a real friend. I wouldn’t have let your friend with him if I didn’t trust him. His girlfriend left him,” he adds as if we were complotting. “Just like that, for no reason. He really loved her, it almost broke him. He doesn’t feel like seeing someone else yet, so Louisa is safe with him.”
I nod. Benjamin and Louisa come closer, still talking and laughing. They wave at us as we walk to the wood. If Clairefontaine seems generally peaceful – except for maybe the castle – the wood is probably the most peaceful place all around. It’s kind of romantic, when you think about it.
“This is a nice place,” I say without really thinking.
Antoine doesn’t answer and stares at me. His eyes go from my eyes to my mouth and then he kisses me like he never kissed me before. I thought our first kiss after our date was passionate, but it’s nothing compared to this one. The feeling of dizziness is a hundred times more powerful, and I feel something warm in my belly. My arms go around his neck and the kiss gets harder. I feel Antoine making me walk back and a few seconds after I feel a tree against my back. His hands grab my hips and his lips descend from my mouth to my chin and then my neck. Oh my God. The warm sensation inside of me increases and Antoine puts his hands under my shirt. The cold sensation of his hands on my skin makes me shiver as his lips kisses every centimeter of my neck. He suddenly stops, and I’m about to ask him to do it again when his face slightly comes back to mine. I open my eyes and try to catch my breath, feeling as if my heart is gonna come out of my chest.
“What are you doing to me?” he whispers, his eyes in mine.
Before I can answer, he kisses my neck and then comes back to my lips. My hands touch his light brown hair and soon my fingers run through it. His mouth lets out a sigh of contentment and I feel him slightly pulling up my shirt. I should tell him to stop, but I can’t. One of his hands leave my limbs to grab my leg and put it against his hip, without his lips ever leaving mine. Please don’t ever make him stop. At this moment, we hear conversations and laughs from the castle. After a few seconds, Antoine somewhat gets his face away from mine, his nose almost touching mine and his breath on my neck.
“I think they’re waiting for you,” I whisper, hoping he won’t hear the regret in my voice.
He puts me back on the ground, as only one of my feet were touching the ground, and I give him one last kiss. I caress his cheek and when I see his smile, I know he’ll finish what he started soon or later.
I try to fix my hair as much as I can – because of course Mr. Griezmann ruined it – as we go back to the castle. We see Didier outside, surrounded by his assistant, most of the players and Louisa, who talks with Benjamin and Steve Mandanda. I quickly pray that I don’t have any hickey.
“Training session is on, Grizou,” Didier says. “Ladies, you can watch it if you like,” he ads for Louisa and me.
“Are you sure it won’t be a problem?” I ask, and I see Louisa agreeing with me.
“Of course not,” Antoine answers with an appeasing tone.
“We’re not used to have such a charming public”, Paul says. “so it’s a big change. Right, lads?”
The other approve and we head for the training fields, Louisa walking between me and her new friend. She gives me an interrogating and amused look but I don’t say anything and let her know I’ll tell her later. I’m sure she also has things to tell me – even though I won’t give her all the details of my moment in the wood with Antoine.
I talk with her and Emilien when I notice Antoine observing Emilien in a strange way. Once they’re on the fields, the team get in formation and Louisa and I sit in seats protected from the sun. I try to learn more about the moment Louisa shared with Benjamin, but she remains silent and I eventually give up, perfectly knowing she’ll tell me everything once we’ll be alone. Even if she doesn’t say anything, I see that she keeps looking at Benjamin, who in return sometimes gives her sweet small smiles. If last time Antoine did look at me from time to time, this time their number is multiplicated by two and I feel myself blush. Just like last time, I don’t get bored one bit, and neither does Louisa. The most amusing part of the training sessions is them shooting. They all shoot each at the time, Hugo catching several balls. Antoine walks up, focused. I saw him focused during a match, but being actually near him and seeing his determined face, he’s…hot.
“He really is focused, isn’t he?” Louisa asks me.
“He is,” I whisper.
“He looks at you this way,” she says with a lower voice. “As if you were the only thing in the world.”
I look at her before hearing a noise and a scream of joy.
“Yes!” Antoine scream, toddling. “Gaby did you see this one?
I nod, smile and clap. It’s Emilien’s turn to shoot. He scores too but Hugo protests that it was off-side.
“It wasn’t, dude, I promise,” Emilien laugh, running a hand in his blond hair.
“Not to be rude, brother,” Olivier says in a soothing voice, “I think Cap is right, it was off-side.”
“I think so too,” Antoine adds.
“How about we ask the judges of the day?” Emilien answers. “Girls?”
I don’t know anything about football, bro, why do you have to come to me like that?
“I think the boys are right,” I answer, and Louisa approves. “Sorry, Emilien.”
“Ah, see.” Antoine says.
Emilien is still not convinced, but he gladly accepts to shoot again. This time, Hugo stops it and his teammates compliments him. After the training session, we decide it’s time for us to leave, as I work this afternoon – and Louisa has to leave with me, unless a player kindly bring her back to Paris.
“Stay for lunch, Paul proposes as the other players head for the dining room. “It feels good to have new people here.
“Thank you,” I answer, “but I wouldn’t want to take advantage of the system.”
He stares at me and slightly frowns.
“Who tells you the system is not taking advantage of you?”
Antoine gives Paul a cold look, so much so I think for a second that he’s gonna jump on him. I didn’t think that such a nice and warm person could have so much anger in their eyes. Their a confused moment of silence and I have a hard time figuring out what is going on. Olivier coughs, bringing everyone back to reality.
“He meant abusing your charming company,” he reassures with a smoothing smile to me, “right Paul?”
“Of course,” Paul answers with a nonchalant voice.
“Let’s go,” Antoine says coldly.
He grabs my arm and takes me to the dining room, where we others are already sited. Antoine points at a chair to his and I sit between him and Paul. As for Louisa, she is sat between Hugo and Benjamin. The atmosphere is very joyful and way calmer than I expected. Antoine becomes his normal, joyful self and we talk with Paul and Emilien. The food is delicious and I have to say I’m having a real good time – and watching her talk vividly with Benjamin, Louisa seems to feel the same. After dessert, I check the time and see with regret that I have to go if I don’t want to arrive late at work. I let Antoine know and walk to Didier and the other members of the staff, who have already finished eating and get up at the same as I do.
“Thank you for everything, sir.”
“Please call me Didier. Antoine told me you’re coming to the match against the United-States?”
“Absolutely,” I answer. “Thank you for the tickets.”
“Of course. See you soon.”
When I leave the room, Louisa follows me and greet everybody goodbye before smiling at Benjamin. Antoine walks us to the door, and Louisa greets him before leaving us alone.
“Thanks for everything,” I say again. “It did Louisa some good, and it did me some good too.”
“Us too.”
“Are you sure you’re not have a problem with the coach or that your mates aren’t gonna tease you?” I ask.
The first question is an obsession.
“Oh, we tease each other for less that than,” he laughs softly. “Speaking of problems, though…”
Antoine looks at the ground for a second before looking at the window.
“The only problem I have,” he says, “is that the more I see you, the more I hate watching you leave.”
I have to take a second to understand the information.
“I feel the same,” I admit in a low voice, my eyes lowered. “I don’t like saying goodbye to you.”
He takes my hips, makes me come closer and puts his forehead on mine. I put my hands on his warm cheeks and kiss him. He kisses me back tenderly and it’s somehow as enjoyable as the kiss in the woods. We eventually separate, my hand in his.
“See you.”
I hear chairs moving and people going up stairs. I smile at him before opening the door, and at the moment when I lave the building, I swear I hear a sigh. I walk to the car, where Louisa is waiting for me, when I feel like somebody is watching me. I turn to the castle and expect Antoine to be staring at me from the window. But at a window on the second floor, for a short second, I perceive blond hair. 
I drop Louisa to our apartment for heaving up to work. I arrive slightly early and greet the welcoming ladies. I take the elevator to my floor and try to continue the organization of the gala, even if my brain just won’t stop thinking about what happened in the woods with Antoine. I think of his lips on my neck, his hands on my skin and a shiver goes down my spine. I shake my head and focuses on my work. Even if my ultimate goal is to be a translator and I’m taking a course to do that, I’ll admit that organizing a gala isn’t that bad. The most difficult part is to call people when you’re very shy and to pick things that my mother will like. When I’m about to take a break, I take the opportunity to learn more about the Bleus in general and their upcoming games – at least those at home. Searching up on the internet, I find an article whose title is very different from the others. If most articles talk about the upcoming World Cup, players that weren’t called by Didier Deschamps, some of the pictures the payers posted of their families, this article talks of a night club where most of the team went and got in a fight with other people. It’s really surprising considering no other website talk about that night. I tell myself that’s it’s probably just click bait when I’m distracted by my phone ringing. I look at it see my grand-mother’s name.
“Hello, darling.”
“Hi grandma, how are you? I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier.”
“It’s alright, dear, I know you’re very busy.”
If she only knew. She asks about my parents and Noah’s health, talk about her neighbors, her plants, and book club and her volunteering in a charity for people in need. It runs in the family it would seem.
“I’ve read in a newspaper that the mayor is going to increase the library’s budget.”
She’s so adorable, how can I not be happy when she is?
“By the way, darling, was it you I saw in that magazine?”
“Oh, I guess so, it must have been for the gala,” I answer. “I was in charge of the last one.”
“Oh no, dear, I saw articles about the gala weeks ago. That one was talking about you and a boy.”
I almost choke on my water and my colleagues give me a weird look.
“What do you mean me ‘and a boy’?” I ask.
Jesus Christ.
I jump from my chair, my phone on my ear. Ignoring the surprised gazes of my colleagues, I leave the room, take the elevator – for the first time it seems slow – to the first floor and walk quickly to the newsagent nearby, 200 feet from the building. There are not many people at this hour and I walk to the end of the room. I observe all the magazines my eyes can see, and after two minutes I see the magazine my grand-mother wasn’t talking about.
Antoine Griezmann dating : who is his new darling, Gabrielle Darian?
“You’re right,” I say. “It was me.”
I quickly read the magazine before finding the page about Antoine and I. Damn it, I knew it. All around the text are pictures of him and I in front of the restaurant, and there is even one where we are about to kiss. Sighing, I go to pay the magazine and leave. I go back to the building and my floor where I’m alone, as all my coworkers left for a break.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” my grand-mother tells me.
Neither did I, grandma, neither did I.
“Neither did I,” I sigh. “I didn’t even know we were a couple, it’s…it’s very recent.”
“I see. But who is he? Is he famous?”
“Yes,” I answer. “He’s…His name is Antoine, he’s a football player.”
“Yes, he plays for Madrid and the National Team.”
“Well, well. How did you guys meet?”
I quickly explain to her that we met at the gala – without telling her about him and my mates inviting themselves. She asks me several other questions but is happy for me.
“Can I you a question, Gabrielle?”
 Her voice, despite remaining sweet, became serious.”
“Of course.”
“Do you love this boy?”
After my day is over, I head for the exit of the building, my conversation with my grand-mother being stuck in my head. Do you love this boy? I thought I was in love with the boy I dated when I finished high school, but I realize that what I feel for Antoine is very different, and way stronger. I can’t stop thinking about him, which keeps me from sleeping – which isn’t that bad, though, as I keep having nightmares lately – and as I told him, when I am with him I want this moment to continue. When my grand-mother asked me that question, I answered her that I didn’t know. But the truth is, seeing hos things are going, it will be the case soon. So the real question is: when will I make the mistake of falling in love with him?
I’m so deep in my thoughts that only a small pain in my shoulder is able to bring me back to reality.
“Oh, sorry.”
“No, that’s on me…Gabrielle?!”
I raise my head and see a young woman with blond hair and large grey eyes. I’m about to ask her if we know one another when a memory strikes me.
Ornella, Noah’s one-night girlfriend he brought at one of our galas. When I saw her that night she was wearing a pretty nice dress, high heels and make up, today she is wearing a jean, a washed-out jacket and snickers, and her hair is in a ponytail. I’m surprised but happy to see her.
“How are you? What’s brings you here?”
“Oh, I’m visiting my aunt, she lives in the neighborhood.”
We chat, asking about our respective families’ health, and she tells me she is seeing someone at the moment. I’m relieved to hear it, as it happened before that one of Noah’s “girlfriends” can’t move on after their break-up. We exchange our phone numbers and promise to go have a coffee with Louisa soon. I head for the apartment, and when I hear Louisa on the phone – unless she’s talking to herself – I’m afraid she’s fighting with her mother again but I hear her laugh. She hangs up the moment I enter the living room and smiles at me.
“Was it Tatiana?” I ask.
Her smile doesn’t disappear and her cheeks turn pink.
“It was Benjamin.” she answers shyly, almost embarrassed.
“Pavard?” I say, surprise.
“Obviously,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Which other Benjamin do you want me to call? Benjamin Button?
I pour two glasses of apple juice and sit down next to her.
“You two got along well, then,” I tease her.
“Oh my gosh, Gaby,” Louisa says in an excited tone, turning to me. “He is so nice. And so funny and adorable.”
She starts a monologue of fifteen minutes – I counted – about how nice, funny, adorable, hilarious, respectful Benjamin is and she’s so happy that I don’t stop her. Once she’s done, I ask her what they talked about in the woods.
“Oh, anything and everything,” she answers in a calm tone with the same smile. “Of our families – I just told him I had a sister, as you can guess -, of college, of his club. Like you and Griezmann, I guess. Speak of the devil, what did you two talk about in the woods?
“Nothing special.”
“Did you kiss?” she asks with a teasing smile.
“Yes, we did.”
“And nothing, we just talked and kissed, that’s all.”
This isn’t technically a lie. Louisa insists, and it’s hard not to tell her anything else. I always thought that she picked her course well, as she is very good at talking with people and make them admit their secrets or things they wouldn’t tell anybody else. When it’s time, we prepare diner and after eating we decide to go to sleep early, her because she works early tomorrow and me because I need sleep. Before entering her room, Louisa turns to me.
“They are very nice, though, letting us come to their place and stuff.”
I look at the last text Antoine sent me, whishing me a good night and I feel something weird in my stomach.
“Yes. Yes, they are.”
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footballffbarbiex · 10 months
Would love to see what has been requested for Rodrigo De Paul 💖
There's a few more than I thought actually, and these ones don't include the ones for Patreon :)
Rodrigo x OC x Antoine Griezmann (timestamp from Two Is Company, Three Is Perfect) - there's an ugly jumper day at the club ahead of their annual Christmas dinner and this is a perfect chance to step out as a throuple.
Right before they're about to head out onto the pitch with the rest of his teammates and their children for their Children's Day event, Rodri gets news of his own.
Rodri catches his girlfriend getting herself off and if she wants to use someone other than himself, then she'll make sure she feels it.
Rodri knows that she's married but he can't resist her. And she wants to tick it off her bucket list.
She's been stressed and in her own head for far too long and only Rodri can help.
Rodrigo x OC x Antoine Griezmann. PWP. (with the option of incl someone else, so if anyone has any thoughts.... atm I might be feeling Hermoso?)
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dumbladores · 5 years
You - Teaser
Summary:  Your brother and a girl with whom you’ve become friends with by sharing a home, are your flatmates. But since there was a room left, another person had joined in, and not just anyone, but the very Antoine Griezmann himself, who has decided to go back to university and check out the life he had missed while having a career. I intend to develop your relationship rather slowly (but not too slowly, don't be scared). I intend to have at least one little teasing per chapter, how many chapters there will be, I don't know, depends on your demand and how it develops on its own :)
I'll be posting one chapter at least every two weeks. Make sure you check out my Patreon, where you'll have access to more much sooner. I’m dedicating this to @xratedffbarbiex, who inspired that sudden urge to write, so please make sure to check out her Antoine-series as well.
English isn't my first language, so please have mercy with me.
Besides, I'm always happy about propositions or inspiration, so don't hesitate to contact me.
Cheers, guys, to the great community, we've got here!
Warnings: not yet
Part: 1/ ? Part 2 follows next week on my Patreon
Word count: 1756
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Your brother and a girl with whom you’ve become friends with by sharing a home, were your flatmates. But since there was a room left, another person had joined in, and not just anyone, but the very Antoine Griezmann himself. Footballplayer since he was little, he had to give up his career due to an injury on his left knee. Since he had no family to look after, he had decided to go back to university, doing a little catching up on the life he had missed, as he had been a professional since a very young age.
You had been away when he was to have the “flat interview”, so you didn’t have any saying in the decision, it was anyway a two against one vote, since the others were absolutely enthusiastic about him. Of what you gathered from their statements, it was merely because it was, well, him. But they said he was nice, too. You rolled your eyes at that sentence. It was obvious the two had been taken by either his charm or his indeed very inviting physical features. Nevertheless the three of you made a pact to make every effort you could to make his life in (name of town) as normal as it could be and to trying to include him in as many common student activities there were. 
You often had friends over. Cynthia and you already knew a bunch of people since it was your third semester, and (name of your brother) also quickly took part in that circle of friends. 
It had been weeks since he moved in and yet it seemed he didn’t settle in easily. In videos you had seen of him, he seemed so playfully and easy to get along. But here he behaved rather shyly. He kept mostly to himself during the daytime, locking himself in his room. You only saw him once in a while in the kitchen and in the living room, where he watched football or basketball on a big flat screen he had bought to share with his flatmates, which made a big impression to the other two, but not so much on you. You weren’t to be bought so simply, especially not by someone who wasn’t paying much attention to other stuff you cared more about - for example looking someone in the eyes.
Of course, you had made a big deal out of that fact. You kept saying to Cynthia, what a prick you thought he was and how cocky he behaved. She just rolled her eyes and sayd you should give him some time.
In fact, your pride was a little tiny part of it. You couldn’t bare the thought he didn’t notice you, didn’t show interest in you. But you never in a thousand years would admit it. So you eagerly researched. You researched everthing about him. Where he was brought up, in which clubs he had played, you even watched interviews with him. He was Frances’ darling. Grizou, as they called him. A symbol, an idol for the country, who didn’t even trust in him when he had started his career. No club had wanted him, so he had to move to Spain when he was 14 years old. You couldn’t believe it. It sounded like he had a whole life behind him, now being only 29, he had experienced more than any other normal person at this age, And yet he hadn’t, as he was willing to go back to university to learn, what he had missed when he was out in this cruel world, that loves you at one moment and rejects you at the other. You watched some interviews with him. In most, in fact, he didn’t look the interviewer in the eyes. Most of them were filmed after a match, so you supposed, you couldn’t demand much of a player that just had run for one and a half hours. You certainly wouldn’t be able anymore to utter anything. In fact, you most certainly would be dead. But no, in other situations it was just the same. Also what he was saying didn’t have any profoundness or depth. Angrily you let go, coming to the conclusion there was nothing interesting in this guy, and particulary nothing interesting for you.
Weeks passed. He had invited your brother to play FIFA on his XBOX in his room, but never talked to you or Cynthia more than necessary. You hadn’t exchanged 10 sentences by the end of one month, and after a while you gave it up. He had a few pals from his classes that came over once in a while, and he even came home very late twice, so you guessed he took part in student social life by his own, being to partys and stuff, probably having made other interesting acquintances. You hadn’t made any effort to get him to notice you in any way, but you just stopped caring.
That’s why you missed that he indeed looked at you one or two times in the kitchen. That he started to look at you when you talked to Cynthia or your brother or other friends you had invited over. In fact, there were many movie nights you hosted since you had this big flat TV and other students couldn’t even afford a proper fridge. Antoine started to laugh at your jokes or when you were doing something silly to amuse the people. He, indeed, started watching you intensely. More intensely than the others.
You only came to notice his stare in exactly that moment you were telling a story a group of people in the kitchen at a movie night. You were preparing popcorn in the microwave and you just made a joke about how you had thought as a kid that popcorn didn’t have anything to do with actual corn and that you had made the discovery only recently, and it had been as if you had entered a whole new dimension in the matrix. You noticed his stare, Antoine was casually leaning at the kitchen counter, one hand in his sweatpants, the other on the beer bottle. Your  face instantly turned red, at least that was what you felt - your cheeks caught fire and there was nothing you could do about it. You tried to finish your point and rushed down the story, leaving the rest of the group a little confused by that abrupt ending.
While the others moved to the living room with the popcorn, you poured yourself a large glass of wine and took a deep sip. You had almost made a fool of yourself, just because this handsome and cocky footballplayer had watched you. You had to be more careful with your thoughts. Didn’t you use to say you had standarts? But did your guts have standarts? You knew, your mind wanted someone smart and classy and interesting. So why did your stomach drop like several floors down at the sight of his stare?
“So we’re here drinking on our own, are we?”
You shrinked at the smooth voice behind you and quickly turned, just to see that it belonged to the guy you were thinking of a second ago. As if he knew he had caught you thinking of him, you blushed again.
“Just making sure the wine’s okay”, you managed to answer and, in a manner you thought to be both ironic and casual, you took another sip from your glass.
“Hmm, may I?”, Griezmann said and reached out for your glass. He took a sip, pointed his lips in an hilarious way and swallowed. “Oh, not bad. Not bad at all. I presume it is dated by the time of Louis XIV himself, for it makes the sun shine on your face.”
You snorted with laughter. “Is this a quote from Shakespeare or something or did you just come up with that yourself?”
With a smirk on his perfect face, he handed you back your glass. “Which possibility would make you think higher of me? Probably the quote, as you’re constantly reading. And what’s your subject again? Philosophy?”
“It is”, you admitted. “But I embrace far more an original new thought, because it’s proof of creativity and independance of thought.”
“Really? I thought you dind’t like new things?”
You blinked. “How come you think that lowly of me?”, you asked and took another nervous sip out of your glass, while you intended it to look casually. He couldn’t be implying your aversion against the new TV or even himself? He couldn’t be that observing, could he? Or was it you that were so blind?
He grinned and watched you thoroughly. “I’m sorry. Maybe I drew the wrong conclusion.”
Now you were angry. Stupid boy, thought he could mock you, while in fact he was the ridicule.
“Maybe I’m just taking my time to judge”, you snapped. “And allowing myself to exclude new things from my life, if I regard them as being intrusive and un...conductive.” Without looking at him you walked past him into the living room, where the movie was already on. You squeezed yourself on the sofa next to Cynthia and tried to look at Orson Welles in “The third man”.
So it hadn’t just been you thinking low of Griezmann. It was him thinking low of you. And if he was thinking low of you, and you thinking low of him, that in fact made you a lot lower than him. A correct philosophical conclusion. 100 percent on that test, you congratulated yourself. But logic wasn’t helpful in that moment.
You looked at the entrance to the kitchen, where Griezmann stood leaning against the door frame, his eyes on the screen.
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xratedffbarbiex · 6 years
You Don’t Own Me.
Words: 6978 Pairings: oc/reader x griezmann (both brothers. NOT at the same time) Warnings: strong language, oral sex (both male and female), cuck0lding (spelling incorrectly because I don’t want p0rn blogs on here), ejaculation on body.  A/N: posting this while kinda drunk because I’m a bit of a scaredy cat about posting it. I know this won’t be for everyone. I already know it. Read the warnings, google the meaning and if this isn’t for you, PLEASE don’t read.  Written for a friend’s birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOO. 
You don't own me I'm not just one of your many toys You don't own me Don't say I can't go with other boys
Theo wasn’t stupid. He knew deep down that she’d found his brother attractive at the start and while at first it annoyed him slightly, especially when Antoine also appeared to find her equally attractive, it soon became amusing. She wanted Theo completely and utterly and he knew it. He never doubted her feelings, the way she looked at him or questioned her for being with him. They’d been friends for a long time before being in a relationship and while at first, he wondered if she was settling for the younger Griezmann brother, he soon found these insecurities slipped away as he fell for her.
For three years she’d been his and, in that time, he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to have her look at Antoine with aroused eyes. Almost. It was never an active thought but when skipping through porn while away from her, he’d stumbled across a series of videos that at first made him scoff at the idea of them, but he soon couldn’t tear his eyes away from them.
He watched as a woman entered the bedroom in underwear while a guy laid on the bed already undressed and just in his boxers. She crawled up the bed, straddled his lap and kissed him on the mouth before turning to address the camera man. “You like that baby?” she asked. “Yes.” He’d replied simply as he continued to film. She kissed him again, grinding her pussy into his crotch before moving down his body and pulling his boxers from him. “Does this please you?” She asked the cameraman, “seeing how hard he is for your wife?” The sound of the cameraman swallowing was audible, and Theo couldn’t believe how turned on he was watching someone’s wife be unfaithful while he sat there. “Are you going to be a good boy and watch me fuck this big dick? Knowing you can’t have me?” Theo hadn’t lasted long; his hand had dipped into his boxers almost immediately and he’d stroked himself to a state of relief. He looked up the term “cuck0lding” and for the first time in their relationship, Theo found himself wanting her to fuck someone else while he watched. And he knew just who he wanted to fuck her.
While the “who” wasn’t the issue, it was the “how” that posed as the problem. How could he convince Antoine to sleep with his girlfriend? And how did he bring that up with her? They were sitting in his car one night after heading to their local fast food joint that Theo adored. Her feet up on the dashboard which usually made him mad but that night he was trying his best to be calm and he’d tried to ignore it. “How do you feel about cheating?” He asked. “Disgusting.” She replied instantly. “Not even a bit tempted?” “No.” “What if I let you?” He asked. “Then it’s not cheating is it?” She stated before taking another bite. “But you’d still be with me so really you would be.” She’d mulled it over as she’d chewed, considering her words carefully. “And you’d be allowing it. I’d still be classed as unfaithful I guess, but it wouldn’t be cheating.” She narrowed her eyes at him, “Why? Have you?” “Me? No. Definitely not.” “So you think I have?” Her tone was shocked. “I didn’t say that.” “It was implied. Do you honestly think I’ve cheated?” “No, I want you to.” He’d blurted out suddenly, hating being put on the spot like that and regretted it instantly when he saw her face. “Why would you want me to sleep with someone else behind your back?” She’d lowered her hands, dropped her food back into her lap.
“It wouldn’t….it wouldn’t be behind my back.” He’d answered slowly, wondering how to explain himself. “I’d be there. Watching. Not in a creepy way.” “How can it not be creepy? You are watching me sleep with someone else and not doing anything about it. It’s like a threesome with a silent partner.” She said. “Exactly! That’s exactly it. I have to watch you have sex with someone else and I can’t do anything about it.” “What enjoyment would you get from that?” “Watching you get pleasured by someone else.” Theo shrugged. “It’s quite popular.” He added, hoping it would take the edge of what he was asking. “Oh is it now? And how would you know?” He felt his cheeks redden and took another bite of his wrap to win him some time. She’d turned her body to look at him, her food forgotten about momentarily; the topic of conversation has now got her full attention. “I found a video and then looked it up.” “What video?” “What, you want to see?” He’d asked shocked. He didn’t have her down as a porn type of girl but then again, he didn’t think he’d enjoy the thought of her getting fucked by his brother but here he is. “I want to know what the big fuss is about to suddenly make you want this.” She held her hand out and Theo reluctantly pulled his phone from his pocket and located the video. Hesitating slightly, he passed the phone to her and watched her reaction as it went on. “And this is what you want?” She asked, pausing it midway through. “You don’t want to touch me in any way, me to do anything to you. You to just sit there and watch me be used by some stranger?” “It wouldn’t be a stranger.” “Oh really. Nice to see you’ve already interviewed potential candidates.” She’d replied sarcastically. “It’s Antoine.” This was falling apart quicker than Theo had hoped but the name given had her eyes widening and her mouth opening with shock. “As in, your brother Antoine?” She’d repeated. “Yeah.” He replied in a quiet voice before picking at his leftover chips. He wasn’t hungry anymore, but he needed to do something to stop himself from regretting bringing this up. “Has he agreed?” “Not yet. I haven’t suggested it to him. It’s not an easy thing to bring up and you might not have been down for it anyway.” They’d lapsed into silence, her pressing play once more and skipping throughout it to see how it ended. “I’m not agreeing to it just yet. But I’ll think about it.”
And thought about it she had. She knew her boyfriend and his brother had grown closer over the years. Since Antoine had turned pro on a level he had hoped, Theo had been able to fly out and spend a lot more time with him at his Madrid home more than when he’d first started out, especially since splitting with his long-term partner. Plus, when national break came around, Antoine would often head to Theo’s for a day or two before going home. Their relationship had improved considerably and though she loved Theo beyond words, she had found she had a little crush on Antoine in the beginning before her feelings took shape for Theo.
Still, the image of his brother almost naked was burnt into her mind from when she’d let herself into his house (at Theo’s request) and thought it was him in the bedroom. She’d marched in with snacks and drinks, ready for a day of binge-watching Netflix when she found Antoine only just covering his manhood with the towel, his body slightly wet from the shower. “Christ on a fucking bike. I thought you were Theo.” She’d whined, spinning around and trying to give him privacy. Antoine had laughed uncontrollably behind her as he’d pulled on clothes, ruffled her hair as he walked past and he’d uttered, “like you won’t be thinking of that later.” In her single status, she was unashamed to admit to herself that she really had thought of it later. Remembering his body and very brief view of his semi hard dick before he’d covered himself. Oh, how she’d thought of it. She couldn’t deny the pull between her legs as she thought of it again over the years, guiltily pushing the image away and feeling bad whenever it appeared.
-- “If, I agreed to this,” she said, poking Theo in his side several weeks later, “how would you get around to asking Antoine?” “You’re really considering it?” Theo had turned to look at her. They’d been laid on his bed, an anime series that he’d watched hundreds of times before was on the TV and he was only half paying attention. “If you were serious?” “Yeah. I didn’t think you would though.” He turned his body to hers to look at her and see if she was joking but he saw no sign of that. Excitement and a tiny bit of terror filled him. She’d shrugged, “I’m intrigued by it. But why Antoine?” “I thought you used to fancy him.” He laughed, “and I know he’d made comments about you before we’d got together so I know he would. Plus I trust him. And it’s naughtier isn’t it? How many videos out there are like step parents or siblings with partners?” “You clearly watch too much porn to know that. What if this goes wrong and it ruins your relationship with him?” “It wouldn’t. You’re mine.” Theo had pressed a kiss to her forehead, “and I have no intention of giving you up.” “Just my body.” She made the comment and let it hang in the air for a moment. Guilt and shame washed over him. He felt dirty for suggesting it. “I shouldn’t have said that. Shit, I’m sorry. It was just an idea. I’m sorry. I wo-” “You suggested it but I asked more about it.” She said, pressing a finger to his lips. “I’m considering it. Does that make me a bad person?” Theo had frowned, “why would you be a bad person?” “It would be me saying I wanted to sleep with your brother. Does that not make you feel bad?” “It’s a different circumstance to you just wanting him. He’d get you that once, for my benefit, your pleasure and then you’re mine again.” “Unless it becomes an indecent proposal situation.” “There will be no cash exchanged and he will not be having you whenever he wants or taking you from me.” Theo responded more firmly. “He doesn’t get that.” “Unless you say so.” And with that, she unknowingly planted the seed.
Theo had left her to it, to break the news to Antoine and see how he took it. “Babe, you handled it shit when you explained it to me. Let me have some fun with this.” He’d reluctantly handed the reigns over to her and off she went. Theo’s hosting a party for his family and while Antoine usually missed these types of get togethers, it was end of season and he was enjoying the free time. Being back in France was what he needed and a chance to share a few cold beers with his family was perfect. She locates him quickly and heads straight over, offering him another beer. “I already have one.” He says, his eyes scanning over her before swiftly looking away, not daring to look for too long. “It’s almost finished and now doubt going warm. This is full and cold.” “Are you trying to get me drunk?” “Maybe.” He smirks and takes it from her before downing the rest of his first bottle. He swallows it quickly and throws the bottle into the nearest bin, pulling his hand down celebratory when it goes in. “What would my brother say about that?” “Maybe he doesn’t care.” She leans close, her body presses against the side of his as they pretend to observe the party. “You’re wrong. He does.” “Oh he cares about me. I know that. But maybe he doesn’t care if I get close to you. After all, I’ve seen you naked and he let me do that.” Antoine laughs, shaking his head and takes a long drink. “That’s different. You accidently walked in on me. And you were embarrassed.” “Doesn’t mean I didn’t see you or that Theo hadn’t warned me about you being there. Wonder why that is.” “What are you hinting at?” He finally gives her his attention. The bright blue eyes staring into hers were so different to the big brown ones that she’s used to looking at. “Maybe he wouldn’t be mad if I did get you drunk. That’s all.” “And what would you get out of me being drunk?” “An open mind.” “You think I’m closed minded.” Antoine’s cheek twitches and his eyebrow raises. “I do when it comes to the thought of you fucking me.” She whispers, pleased when his expression turns to one of shock. His eyes flick from hers to her lips. Quickly, but it’s there, his gaze drops to the lowcut top before back to her lips. He runs his tongue over his own lips. “No. You’re my brothers girlfriend. It can’t ever happen.” “And yet your dick is hardening.” She points out and he moves his hand to cover the swelling in his trousers. “You’re thinking about how it would feel to be inside me aren’t you?” “I said we can’t.” “And he said we can.” This gets his attention again, his head snapping to look at her. “Bullshit.” He laughs, swapping the beer bottle hand so he can continue to hard his hard on. “Why do you think I’m over here and Theo is over there staring?” he takes another long swig from the bottle, his eyes are fixed on Theo who stares back at him. “You’re trying to tell me that he wants us to sleep together? Theo? The jealous one, wants to see his girlfriend be taken by none other than me?” “He said he trusts you.” “To what? Give you a good time? I don’t buy this. Is this a test? He wants to know if I’d go there. He does, doesn’t he? Little prick.” Antoine leans forward and stands up properly, his hand gestures across his neck in a no go motion. “Ain’t going to happen.” He shouts to Theo. “So, quit playing your games. I’m not falling for it.” And with that, Antoine walks away leaving her standing there alone. She looks across at Theo who opens his arms, a universally accepted gesture of “what the fuck just happened there?” and she returns it as the gesture of “how am I supposed to fucking know.”
An hour later Antoine was grabbing her arm as she came out of the bathroom and shoving her into Theo’s room. “You were serious.” He asks her. “That’s a topic I don’t to tend to lie about.” “You want me? Like that?” He pushes. “And it looked like you wanted me too. Why would you think it was a trick?” “He’d caught out previous exes who used him to get close to me.” “And you think three years down the line was a good time to assess if that was true?” She laughs at how crazy that sounds. “I’ve been drinking, I’m not thinking logically right now am I? All I could picture was your mouth around my dick when you said it and I decided not to get caught out in a trap and left.” “And now?” “And now I’ve spoken to Theo and I want in.”
Once Theo had found out that Antoine was on board, he’d wanted to start right away but she’d said no. It was too risky for the three of them to disappear together and even though the look on Antoine’s face had told her he would have happily stripped her naked and fucked her into next year right there if she’d asked him to, it was better to do so on a different day when they had clear minds. Alcohol was a dangerous thing and Antoine was right. Theo could be incredibly jealous, the last thing she wanted was for him to change his mind half way through and an argument start because his emotions were heightened due to the drink.
The days that followed were strangely innocent. They spent as much time together as possible in a family or group environment. No-one, even her, suspected what they were planning. The only give away was Antoine texting her.
what do you like? romantic walks on the beach, jazz, a nice bottle of red and a long soak in the bath after a hard days work.
I was thinking more like burying my face in your pussy until you soak the bed before you suck my dick and I fuck you afterwards but ok.
He had the ability to send the dirtiest of texts, in explicit detail of what he wanted to do to her as Theo watched while keeping his face completely neutral to the outside world. He would actively join in with conversations, laugh at their jokes while texting her what positions he wanted her in if he had more than one time with her, where he’d like to fuck to fuck her and how. The contrast in him was startling. To anyone else, he was being cheeky, helpful and polite, with her he was anything but and her panties grew more and more wet as the texts came in. “When are you going home?” Someone asked him. “Two days time.” He replied with a smile. “How will you spend your final nights here?” “I was thinking you could come by mine actually. I’ll get us some beers in, maybe have a gaming night. You wouldn’t mind would you babe?” Theo had turned to her. The question was innocent enough, but she knew this was the invitation for a very different night in mind. “I don’t mind at all. Sounds perfect.” She’d smiled and kissed him. “It’s settled then. I’ll be gaming on my last night here.” Antoine confirmed.
It wasn’t a total lie. The boys had played games for an hour or so, they’d all eaten together, and she’d enjoyed a glass of red after having a long soak. She’d made sure she’d washed, plucked, shaven and taken care of everywhere and everything she could think of. She emerged from the bath, smooth, clean and sweet smelling. She’d slipped into her favourite lingerie and something that could easily be removed later before heading back downstairs.
Heading to the kitchen first, she tops up her glass before joining the two of them. Theo is spread out on the couch, Antoine sits with his legs open on the floor, both of them are staring intently at the screen as a basketball game plays. “Some company you two are,” she huffs. Theo wraps an arm around her shoulders and presses a kiss to her hair as Antoine reaches back and strokes her ankle. The gesture is strangely affectionate for him and it makes her smile. “It’ll be done soon babe,” Theo comments and holds her closer.
She gives it another ten minutes and when the game is continuing, she moves out from under Theo’s grasp. She’d wondered how to start this, did she begin it with a conversation or did she wait for either Griezmann brother to initiate it? She had no clue but as the minutes ticked by and her restlessness took over, she remembered the video. The cheating wife. She didn’t take orders from the husband. She made him watch whatever it was she was doing. She held the control.
Only when she’s moved to the floor and has taken a big gulp of wine does she find the courage to put the glass down and straddle Antoine. This gets Theo’s attention immediately. Antoine’s eyes cast over her, realising what she’s doing and runs his hands over her hips. “Good evening.” He smirks. “What are you doing?” “I thought we could chat about whatever comes up.” She smirks back at him and wiggles her butt, pressing her core against him. “I shouldn’t think that would take long.”  “You? Thinking? That’s a first.” She grins at him, enjoying the light-hearted banter. She knows the game has been forgotten and she has both of their attention.  “Shut up woman and kiss me.” He says it so quietly she almost didn’t hear it. He tilts his face to hers, his lips slightly parted as she dips her head. Her heart beats quickly against her ribs, nerves almost get the better of her but her hands grip his shoulders and she kisses him. She does it softly at first, breaking away for not even a second before kissing him once more. 
One hand leaves his shoulder, reaching up and stroking the soft hair at the base of his neck as his hands hold her tighter. She feels the small buck of his hips when she forces herself down more, the swelling of his cock does not go unnoticed beneath her and a gush of wetness dampens her panties.
His kisses are different to Theo’s, his tongue more demanding as it slips between her lips and presses against hers. He kisses her harder, his emotional need for her growing as quickly as his hardening dick. His tongue vibrates as he groans into her mouth, one arm wraps around her back and forces her down against him in an attempt to still her movements when she tries to circle her hips. 
His mouth is needy against hers, his hands filling with her body greedily as though he’s taking the opportunity while he can and exploring a fantasy that he’s wanted for a long time. She meets each of his kisses just as hungrily. When Antoine breaks the kiss, his hand raises to her jaw to turn her head away from him so he could kiss down her neck, her eyes flicker open and rest of Theo. For a moment she’d forgot he was there. She’d lost herself in Antoine’s touch that the sight of her boyfriend staring at the two of them has her freezing up. “What’s wrong?” Antoine asks between kisses which are now covering her collarbones and heading towards her chest. “Want me to stop?” “Do you?” She asks Theo, “Do you want him to stop?” He says nothing, just as he hadn’t in the video. She fights to keep the smile from slipping onto her lips as she looks over him, recognising Theo’s  and turns her attention back to Antoine.
Pushing away from him, she peels the clothes from her body slowly. Her eyes remain locked with Antoine’s. His hair is messy, his pupils are wide, and his lips are coloured from their kisses. He looks incredible. The TV stills blares with the last minutes of the game, but no one is watching. All eyes are on her, but she only has eyes for him. Once only in her underwear, she pushes Antoine’s legs open and palms him through his shorts. “Is this for me?” She asks, her hand gripping him through it. He’s thicker than she imagined, and she feels her core pulse when he throbs in her fist. She runs her mouth over him, teasing him through the material of his shorts.
Antoine moves, pushing himself forward and she takes this opportunity to pull his shorts and boxers down and throws them to the side of them both. Moving quickly back between his legs, she kisses over his thighs as her hand wraps around him again, softly stroking from the head to half way down. She kisses her way to the base of his cock, now using her hand to stimulate the head only as she licks and sucks her way up his shaft, following the long thick vein that throbs beneath her tongue. Moving her hand, she swipes her tongue over the tip and sinks her lips over him just enough to hear that hiss of his breath and a quiet moan.
She’d debated teasing him, wanting to draw this out for as long as possible for the both of them but now he was in her mouth, she couldn’t. She sinks her lips lower, taking him inch by inch while trying to relax her jaw and stop her throat from tensing up as he nears the back. “Good girl,” he praises, watching as his cock is taken deeper into her mouth and groans when her lips reach the base. She holds him there for a moment or two before pulling back up and swirls her tongue over the top.
He’s about to open his mouth and tell her how good she is at that when she swallows him back down again. She doesn’t take him as far, alternating from shallow quick sucks to deep within her throat and holding him there sucks. His hands are in her hair and he’s trying not to lose control by gripping it too tightly. He’s already fighting with himself not to just hold her head where it is and fuck her mouth as if it was her pussy.
He wants to let her keep going because she’s so fucking good at it that he almost hates his brother for getting this on a regular basis. He keeps his vision on her, watching as his cock slides between her lips with such ease. He couldn’t stop his moans and Her eyes are closed, she hums around him occasionally when he pulses in her throat as she deep throats him. He feels her fighting with her gag reflex, hears the wet gurgles of it as he tries to thrust a little more, needing every inch and cm of him within her mouth. When she comes up for air, she’s gasping, gulping in great lungful’s before sinking her lips back down him as her hand pumps the rest of his cock like an extension of her mouth.
Releasing him from her lips, she smiles at him as her hand still moves before turning her attention back to Theo. “You’re being so good and watching. Look at you, all hard. Does it turn you on to see me sucking your brothers cock?” She asks him. Theo’s turned his body, one knee is over the side of the sofa with his foot planted firmly on the ground. His joggers are tented at the waist, his cock desperate for attention and his eyes have darkened. Leaning over Antoine once more, she kisses him hard on the lips before letting go of his erection and crawling over to Theo. “Show me.” She says.
He doesn’t hesitate, pulling his joggers down and exposing himself freely. Even though she’s just had Antoine’s, she’d gladly take Theo’s in her mouth too but he can’t have anything tonight, not while she’s with Antoine. Her mind turns at the idea of having them both at the same time but that is not a thought for right now even though it’s clear from Theo’s arousal that he’d happily agree to this. “Well now I can’t stop thinking about having you both but you look like you’re enjoying the sight of me cheating on you.” She slips back into character. “Don’t touch.” She scolds him when his hand moves to his dick. “I didn’t say you deserved it. Though speaking of deserving,” she looks over her shoulder at Antoine who waits patiently, his dick firmly in his fist as he strokes himself slowly. “Antoine mentioned before he’d love to go down on me.”
Her hands are at her panties, slowly pushing them down her thighs and she steps her knees out of them before pulling them from her feet from behind her. She turns, her ass now facing Theo and her bare pussy on show to Antoine. The moment she turned his gaze dropped to between her legs and his hand sped up. The sight of Antoine touching himself while staring at her had her core pulsing and another surge of wetness to drip from her. Her thighs slip against each other as she walks back towards him on her knees before bending over ever so gently to kitten lick the tip of Antoine’s cock, giving Theo a perfect view of her core. “Baby?” She asks, “do you think I’m wet enough for Antoine?” She turns to look at him in time to see his eyes slowly blink and his dick twitch. “or do you think I need to play?” He sucks in a deep breath, his bottom lip is pulled between his teeth and he groans. “I’ll take that as a yes then.”
She scoots past Antoine, sitting facing both men and opens her legs. She unhooks her bra, allowing it to fall from her body, leaving her completely naked before both brothers. Leaning back on one hand, she gets herself in a more comfortable position and places two fingers into her mouth. She sucks hard on them, releasing them with a wet smack and dips them between her legs. Her core is soaked. She doesn’t need to play but fuck is it fun watching their reactions.
Both sets of eyes are between her legs, watching as her fingers swipe at the wetness there. Pulling them up, her legs twitch as they rub over a particular sensitive spot on her clit. “Do you like watching this Antoine? Get off your dick. That’s mine tonight and I’m tired of you playing without my say so.” She doesn’t know where this strictness has come from but he did say he liked being told what to do when he was in certain moods and tonight he seems willing. His jaw clenches but he immediately stops. “Well are you going to let me have it then?” “When I say so.”
She wasn’t sure what it was about tonight but she feels confident and sexy. It took her a long time to build the confidence to be able to do this in front of Theo alone never mind do this now in front of Antoine but with the way she has both of their attention completely, it’s a buzz. It’s thrilling and she can’t stop herself. Her fingers work her clit as though she was alone. Her mind drifts to the thoughts that she had earlier, of both brothers on and around her. The moment she visualises this, her body reacts almost instantly. With each stroke she pictures its Theo’s tongue against her while she takes Antoine in her mouth again. She moves her fingers to the exact pace that Theo would set and it’s within moments that she’s trembling, needing to cum but not by her own hand.
She moans Antoine’s name softly, trying to get his attention again. “For fucks sake, stop staring at it and eat it.” She demands, her fingers leaving her body as she slumps back on her elbows as Antoine yanks his shirt above his head and scrambles forwards. He’s between her legs in seconds, her knees are over his shoulders, his hands resting on her waist and his tongue is where her fingers were only moments ago.
She admires his observations. With his eyes closed, his tongue swirls over her clit very briefly before dragging down and licking away at the juices she’s created without him. His tongue pushes inside of her, lapping at everything there before going back to her clit and flicking over her with such precision at the pace her fingers had previous been at that she shudders beneath him as pleasure takes over. The fantasies that had taken place after seeing him naked in Theo’s room hadn’t done any of him justice.
He’s attentive, more so than she imagined despite his promises via texts that he’d wanted to do this for the longest of times. Part of her had felt bad for texting Antoine in this way but it was Theo who had said he wanted him to have her right? Antoine was simply finding out what he could and couldn’t do to her. What she wanted and what she needed him to do to get her there. She’d tried to be informative without overstepping the mark to make it so the two of them were simply sexting but she hadn’t expected Antoine to take on board everything she’d said.
His mouth moves perfectly against her. Driving into her pussy when he’d felt her tightening up, tonguing her into she’d cried out his name before going back to her clit, sucking it between his lips and driving her closer to her orgasm. Just when he feels that she’s getting closer, her hand gripping his hair and her muscles tensing, making each flick of his tongue that much more pleasurable, he’ll slow down and purposely lick everywhere but where she wants him.
She couldn’t look at Theo even if she wanted to. Just when her vision would start to come back, was no longer blurry or distorted, he’d take her back to the edge again far too quickly. This time it feels different. He knows what buttons to press and he’s doing everything exactly right. Her back arches, her legs tighten on either side of him and she finds herself chanting “don’t stop.” Over and over as his tongue works against her swollen nub.
The knot that has been tightening in her stomach since the second her fingers brushed her clit earlier snaps, heat bursts through her and her orgasm hits, his name spills from her tongue just as her previous words had. She feels her climax pool under her ass, the sound of it splattering over the flooring is there but she can barely hear it over her own heartbeat. Her body slumps back against the floor, her hand goes limp in his hair and she concentrates on trying to get her breathing under control as a warm euphoria fills her.
His lips leave kisses over her skin and she feels them twist into a smile when she begins to focus on him. “Ah, you’ve decided to come back to me have you Princess?” “Fuck off,” she groans, her muscles feel weak, her head spins slightly but she feels incredible. “That’s not what you were saying a moment ago. You didn’t want me to stop,” he says absentmindedly as his fingers trace over her clit, causing her hips to buck as he pulls them down. His fingers coat in her excitement, her walls are swollen and he’s verging on the edge of begging her to let him fuck her now. He pulls his fingers from her, reaches up and pushes them into her mouth. She happily sucks them clean. “Are you always this good?” he asks. “You’d have to ask him.” She nods in Theo’s direction.
Antoine finally turns his attention to his younger brother. He remains where he’s been sitting, his dick under his shirt and still ridiculously hard. She’d told him before tonight had started that he wasn’t to touch himself or her during this but he couldn’t help himself when she was moaning. He thought he’d feel some pangs of jealousy seeing someone else going down on his girlfriend, especially his brother of all people but if anything, his cock had hardened even more, and he couldn’t resist taking it in his hand. He’d brought himself close to the edge several times listening to her, hearing Antoine’s name fill the room and watched her body as she shook while he edged her. But she told him not to touch and she’d know if he’d reached his orgasm without her.
“Well? Does she cum like that when you eat her pussy or are you incapable of that?” Antoine asks him. Theo still doesn’t respond but it doesn’t stop him from narrowing his eyes at him. “I quite like him like this. Quiet. Makes a change.” He comments. His hand is on her waist and in one fluid move, she’s flipped over and on her knees. “I’m going to need you to look at him because if he wants to see his girlfriend getting taken by someone else, he deserves to see your face each time I’m inside you, don’t you agree?”
He smooths a hand down her spine and over the curve of her ass. He places his palm in the centre of her cheek, and pushes it open, exposing both holes to him. “So much choice…” he comments purely to see Theo’s face turn to one of anger. “Don’t worry, I’ll play with what I know.” He strokes the head of his cock over her folds, her slick coats him instantly and he pushes through into her easily. Her swollen muscles close around him as her body contracts and her moan fills the room.
Only once he’s inside her fully does he slap her ass. It causes her to tighten around him and he groans at the feeling of it. He pauses, enabling her to get used to the feeling of him being inside of her. She rocks back, her hips thrusting against him, rooting him to the spot as he watches her fuck him. He checks to see if Theo’s watching and though it should be weird to see his brother staring at his dick as he enters his girlfriend but instead it’s giving him almost a thrill knowing that this is wrong. Her moans and how she’s riding him makes it feel right though and any shred of doubt about doing this leaves his mind.
“Fuck,” she whines, slamming her ass against him as she takes him as deeply as she possibly can. Antoine grips her hips as she looks up and stares at Theo. He’s not looking at her face, he’s too busy staring at the way Antoine now takes over the thrusts, the pace completely changing from the one she’d set. His movements are more needy than hers, more urgent and in a way animalistic. While Theo’s dick was bigger, Antoine was thicker to go with his impressive length and the new stretch that it brought was incredible.
His thrusts drive her forward with each one, making her lean her head against her forearm as she watches Theo. Unlike normally where she’d try to be quiet to avoid his neighbours complaining, she lets her noises out. Each whine, groan, hiss and cuss word that builds, she lets it do its thing. Theo’s eyes finally meet hers and when his lips twitch into a smile, she can’t help but grin. “Is this what you wanted baby? To see me like this?” He nods. “I can’t hear you. Is he fucking me the way you wanted him to? Is this what you envisioned?” she asks as Antoine slams his hips towards her, burying himself completely within her and makes her close her eyes for a moment. “Well?” “No,” Theo replies and Antoine halts his movements. “What did you say?” “You need to fuck her harder. She hasn’t made enough noise to convince me she’s fully enjoying you yet.”
She turns to look at Antoine over her shoulder and gives him her best innocent expression, “think you can handle that?” She asks. He raises his eyebrow, the corner of his lips lifts into a smirk and he grabs a handful of her hair, yanking her head back, forcing her back to arch and he slams into her harder. “Yeah I think we got that.” Her scalp hurts from the grip he has on her hair but the pleasure he delivers from the way he fucks her almost cancels out the pain, making it tolerable and further adding to the build up in her belly. She knows she won’t cum from this but fuck it feels amazing trying.
He takes full control, pounding into her with everything he has and as a reward, she all but sings his praises. She knows he’s close when his grip on her head increases, his own grunts behind her become deeper and she can feel the way he shakes behind her. “I’m close. Fuck I’m close,” he pants before pulling out and releasing her hair. She turns around in time to see his hand grip his cock, openly wanking before her. Her hand is the side of her tits, pushing them together. Antoine steps towards her, rests on hand on her shoulder while the other continues to pump his length until he cums, spurting the pearly white streaks over her chest, and into her mouth when she opens it, sticking her tongue out and shows it to him. “Good girl.” He praises, smoothing the hair from her face as she smiles up at him.
With childlike happiness, she turns to Theo. “Does this please you?” She asks. “I never thought you’d look so hot covered in someone else’s cum but here we are.” He grins, throwing her a shirt to wipe herself off as Antoine begins to get dressed. “You’ve been so good tonight,” she responds, shuffling forward and lifting his shirt. She takes his cock into her hand and sinks her lips down over him. Theo bucks into her mouth, his eyes clamping shut as he savours the first touch of the evening. He knows he isn’t going to last long at all but he doesn’t care. He needs his release. “Fuck my mouth.” She asks. His hands are in her hair the second she says it and takes her mouth with short, shallow thrusts. It takes a matter of minutes before he’s slipping into the back of her throat and releasing his own climax for her to swallow. “How was it?” she asks. “Better than I imagined.” He replies, pulling her up into his lap. “I’m not saying” Theo begins, his eyes are on his brother, “that this would be a regular thing or would happen more often, but…” “I would be up for it should you ever want it to be me again.” Antoine finishes the sentence for him. “It would only be with you.” She replies, her mind already concocting part two.
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. IV)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 2.8K+
A/N: Thank you for reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
“I’m so tired,” Louisa sighed weakly. “You?”
“A bit,” I answered.
“You nailed it, girl. Really. Forget about what your mother said, I only heard positive stuff about the gala.”
We entered in the living room, and sat in front of the TV for five minutes.
“Plus,” she teased, “you even got yourself an admirer.”
“Emilien. You know, the guy with blond hair. I asked our friend Google, his last name is Beaufort and he plays in Italy.”
“We barely talked,” I retorted.
“Touché. But trust me, girl, he couldn’t stop looking at you for the whole night!”
“Good for him.”
“You’re harsh, he’s actually good looking. Or maybe you prefer Mbappe?”
“He’s very kind,” I admitted, putting my hair down and raising my shoulders.
“Griezmann, then?”
I turned to her. Did she see us talking? Did she see him put his face closer to mine?
“Well, I saw you talking to him,” she reminded me. “Right after that, I was talking to Varane when Lloris arrived and asked where Griezmann was.”
“He’s very nice,” I answered innocently. “Like the others.”
“Oh yes, Lloris and Varane were very nice. Kante too, a real sweetheart.”
“Good, ‘cause Kylian invited us to the match tomorrow. And I said yes.”
She gave me a confused look. Oh God, don’t tell me she doesn’t want to go?”
“I thought you would accept, since…Crap, was it wrong of me?!”
I barely finished talking that she jumps towards me and shakes my arm.
“Yeeees!! I can’t wait, oh my God! Oh geez, we’re gonna need jerseys! Whose jersey will you choose?”
The morning after, some kind of messenger comes knock at our door to give us the tickets for the match, plus two bouquets of flowers and a pretty little blue cloth bag with two yellow bracelets inside. Louisa’s bouquet doesn’t have a note, but mine has, with a message from Kylian.
“Promises are made to be kept 😊
I hope you’ll have a good time at the Stadium.
Maybe we can grab a coffee some time?
See you tonight,
PS: If you don’t mind coming in the locker-room after the match, the guys would like to meet you.”
“Ooooh,” Louisa said after reading the note behind my shoulder. “He’s so into you!”
“Stop it,” I said putting down the note. “He’s just being polite.”
Louisa and I both were free this morning and she thought of it at the opportunity to bring me to “urgent” shopping. Thank God, we quickly find a sport shop that sells the Bleus’ jerseys. Louisa, incapable of making a choice, takes a jersey that doesn’t have a name or number on it, and I’m about to do the same when I see Antoine’s jersey. Without hesitation, I take one and we go to the till. After one hour and a half of shopping, we finally head home. After lunch, I go to work and work on last night’s gala. I’m home at 6 pm, and Louisa is waiting for me excitedly. After studying, we have a quick diner, we prepare ourselves, put our jerseys on, and it’s already time to go. Louisa talks makes her prognostics for the whole ride, and her good mood is just contagious. We arrive at the stadium, where people are already coming in. We walk to our seats, and we see that we have a great view. People arrive around us, and we patiently wait for the game while talking joyfully – we you can call me repeating “I’m telling you he’s just being polite!” and Louisa, stubborn as hell, insisting “I’m telling you he’s into you!” a discussion. The game finally begins, and the two teams comes in. I sing the national anthem with all the supporters, and the match officially begins.
After a few minutes, N’Golo Kanté shoots but the Italian goalkeeper stops it with a jump on the left. Barely a few minutes later, Benjamin Pavard raises the ball, which find Kylian, standing on the very left of the Italian goal. He shoots but the ball arrives in the keeper’s legs, who jumped on the ground. But the ball slips through his fingers, and Samuel Umtiti takes his chance: he shoots and finds the soccer goal. The French supporters scream of joy, and Louisa and I join them in their celebration, jumping and screaming with them. Later on, an Italian player makes on fool on Lucas Hernandez, which outrages the supporters of the Bleus. The player raises his hands, yells that he’s innocent, but the referee is not stupid and decide on a penalty for us. We see the French team consult each other, and Emilien, who I first recognize from his blond hair, seems more that determined to shoot it, and even walks to Didier Deschamps. But it’s eventually Antoine that takes the responsibility. Everything stands silent for a few seconds, then Antoine aims at the goal’s right, and even if the keeper jumps in the right direction he cannot stop it. French supporters rise with joy again, French flags are being waved, and Louisa and I hug each other. Jeez, I think I just found myself a new passion. Less than twenty minutes later, Griezmann does it again, scoring with an assist from Ousmane Dembélé. A few minutes later, the Italian team get a free kick, thankfully our keeper and captain stops it. But Italian captain Bonucci, without any hesitation, shoots out of a sudden and scores.
“Shit,” I say loudly.
Everyone around us is just upset as we are. Later, the referee uses his whistle: it’s half-time. Louisa leaves to get a snack, swearing she’ll be on a diet tomorrow, and comes back right on time for the referee to start the second half. A few minutes later, the Italian come close to score, but thank God Hugo Lloris stops it. He gives the ball to his teammates, and Ousmane finds it. He starts running like crazy, and the fans scream to cheer on him. He arrives to the Italian goal, and when a player from the other team come to take the ball, Ousmane fakes shooting the ball in the center but takes the ball back and shoots. The ball hits the cross-bar, and a disappointed whisper is heard among the Bleus’ fans. But suddenly, Emilien tackles an Italian player, starts running and shoots. This is it! The stadium makes its joy heard and Emilien celebrates for an entire minute. And I thought he was the calm kind…Later, Ousmane tries two time, and Florian tries once, but nothing works. The final whistle is heard and I clap with the other supporters.
“We need to go to the next matches!” I tell Louisa, raising from my seat. “Even if we must go to Siberia!”
She laughs and nods.
“Come, we’ll go see them.”
“We’re allowed to?” she asked, not entirely convinced.
“I don’t know, but Kylian said the team wanted to meet us.”
“I can’t wait to see his face when he’ll see you wearing a Griezmann shirt,” she smirks.
We get down the stairs, and walk towards a bald man who seems to part of the staff. I prepare myself to plead my case but he’s quicker than me, looking at the yellow bracelets that Kylian send us we on our wrists.
“Miss Darian and Miss Honorin, right?”
“Yes,” my best friend answers.
“Follow me, please.”
We follow him on the pitch and then in a corridor. Suddenly, Louisa stops to go to the bathroom.
“I must ask you to wait them, they’ll be here soon. This is for you,” he hands me a badge.
“Thank you.”
I take the “Visitor” badge and wear it like a necklace. He bids me good night and leaves. Now alone, I feel like I must stretch my legs, and starts walking around the room. I’ve walked six times past the “Staff” door when I hear a voice coming another large corridor.
“There’s nothing to discuss here. We took that decision all together.”
It’s Paul Pogba, and he sounds very serious. Suddenly too curious for my own good, I lean on the wall and listen.
“But it’s not fair, dude.”
I recognize Emilien’s voice immediately.
“You’ve been saying that since earlier, we get it. That’s why we changed our plan. So that’s Antoine that will take care of it, end of the discussion. He earned it. Hye, don’t give me that face, bro, you’re the one that had the idea!” he adds, raising his voice which becomes cold. 
I hear someone coming, and then another voice.
“Chill, guys.” Kylian says.
“Aren’t you fucking pissed off by all of this?” Emilien asks.
“Yes, on the idea,” Kylian confesses. “But Grizou was picked, and he will succeed. We saw it yesterday.”
The steps are coming closer and I run to the other side of the corridor, faking waiting. I turn around innocently, and see Kylian.
“Hi,” I smile. “Congrats, it was awesome.”
“Thanks a lot,” he says, smiling back at me.
“And thank you for the flowers and the card. It was adorable.”
“Oh I’m glad you liked them. I didn’t really know which flowers to pick, so Olivier helped me out.”
At this moment, Louisa comes back. Damn, she was falling down the toilet or something?
“Hi! Good match, huh?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“I was thanking Kylian for the flowers,” I tell her.
“Oh right, it was really nice from you.”
“My pleasure. All ladies deserve flowers. The guys must be all fresh now, ready to come into the circus?”
He gives us a smile and invites us to follow him into the corridor which he came from moments ago.
We enter the locker room, and I quickly pray not to see any butt. Thankfully, like Kylian said, they’re all dressed up. They turn towards us as one and I feel my face becoming paler.
“Good evening, ladies,” Didier Deschamps say, shaking my hand. “How are you?”
He shakes Louisa’s hand, and his assistant, Guy Stephan, come to say hello too.
“Come on, boys, be polite,” he tells the team as a teacher.
They all come to greet us with the bise (NDA: for those who don’t know it’s the French way to say hello or goodbye, it’s like you and the other person kiss each other’s cheek). Antoine comes among the last ones, right after Emilien. When his lips touch my cheek I get a little shock, and by the way he steps back, I can see he got one too.
“Sorry,” I say.
“No, that’s on me.”
He looks at me and give me a small, shy smile and then Paul, who is standing behind him, gets impatient.
“Hey, bro, are you are gonna move your ass or what?”
Everyone laughs, and Blaise Matuidi comes to the striker’s defense.
“Leave him alone, he’s just saying hi.”
But Antoine steps aside to let his friend come forward, and I surprised by the feeling of disappointment it creates inside of me. But I do my best not to show it, and greets Paul and then Hugo Lloris.
“Where is Benji?” asks the Captain to the group.
“Still in the showers, I think”, Raphaël answers. “When I came back here he just had finished showering.”
“Come, we’ll go see him,” Hugo tells him. “Olive?”
Olivier Giroud nods, raises from his seat and follows his friends.
“Lovely meeting you,” Hugo tells me with a smile before leaving the room.
Olivier and Raphaël waves at me and leave after him.
“So, did you like the match?” Guy Stephan asks Louisa and me.
“Yeah, it was awesome,” Louisa answers.
“Yes, and congrats on your victory,” I add. “Continue like that and the World Cup is coming straight to you guys.”
“You’re too nice,” Deschamps says.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to all of you last night,” I say. “I was…very busy.”
My eyes meet Antoine’s and I look at the ground.
“Nah, don’t worry,” Ousmane laughs. “We know Grizou and Kyky just couldn’t stop bothering you. They got no education whatsoever.”
“Bro, you’re the annoying one,” Kylian snaps, outraged. “Go sit your ass somewhere else. And you got no education, I swear to God-” 
Ousmane laughs again but doesn’t move. They all come to talk to us, ask questions and tell me they had a good time at the gala.
“It’s getting late,” I say, “We’re not gonna bothering you guys any longer.”
“What?” Louisa says, turning her head towards me.
“Oh, already?” says Samuel Umtiti, looking disappointed.
All around the room the guys look the same way. They look like kids, it’s cute.
“You can stay, there’s no problem, really” Steve Mandanda assures.
“It’s nice of you, maybe next time?” I say softly, grabbing Louisa’s arm.
“And Antoine who was so happy to see you again,” Paul teases.
“Well, he saw her, didn’t he?” Emilien snaps, his voice surprisingly cold. “And maybe the girls got things to do tomorrow, or maybe they work.”
“It’s true,” Louisa sighs.
“I’ll escort you two,” Antoine says.
I wave everyone goodbye, and we follow Antoine in the corridor we came in from, and until the stadium’s parking lot.
“Our number 7 is a true gentleman,” Louisa teases him.
“I wasn’t gonna let you walk alone in the night, he answers. “There might some psycho around here.”
“My car is right here,” I say, pointing at it. “Well, see you around.”
“See you two soon.”
Before I can breathe, he leans towards me, kisses my cheek and at the same time I feel a small paper in my hand. His lips are warm and his skin soft, and I feel a shiver through my body. He gives me a smile and walks away before I could think of the options I had. Pulling myself together, I grab my keys when I hear a voice in the night.
I raise my head and see Antoine, turned in our direction.
“Nice jersey.”
He gives me a grin and then walks towards the stadium, hands in his pockets. Louisa put hers on her hips and turns to me.
“Am I under an invisibly cloak or somethin’?”
“So, are you gonna send him a message or do I have to do it in your place?”
“Are you gonna leave me at some point or?” I snap. “Let me do my homework, I’ll think about it after.”
Louisa sighs, muttering some words I can’t understand, and goes inside our bathroom. Since we came back from the stadium last night, she won’t stop bugging me with Antoine and the message he put in my hand, were he wrote his phone number and two words: Call me. Of course I want to call him, but there’s no way I’m doing it now, otherwise he’s gonna get ideas. I finish my homework and send them to my teacher when Louisa comes back and sits on the couch. I let out a sigh and sits beside her.
“It’s not that I don’t want to call him,” I start. “But I call him as soon as the day after, he’s going to think I’m the type of girl who runs to him as soon as he calls me.”
Lou’ thinks for a minute and eventually nods.
“You ain’t wrong. But you can show him you’re not like that later. One advice, hun, call him this week, or he’ll think you’re not interested. And you are interested, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. But I only saw him twice.”
“But you two did talk at your gala, didn’t you?”
I never told Louisa what happened with Antoine at the gala – mostly because it’s probably me imagining things. I decide to do it now, and when I’m done telling her, she frowns.
“But I probably made it up in my mind,” I say quickly.
“Did you made you the fact that he leaned towards you and touched your hair?” she asks sarcastically with a smile.
“No,” I admit. “But the rest, yes.”
“Maybe you didn’t. If your mother hadn’t broke the charm, he probably would have given you one hell of a kiss,” she laughs.
“Not in front of everyone,” I retort. “When we’re not alone, he’s very different.”
“Because he’s with his friends,” she assures. “All dudes are like that. When you guys will know each other better and you’ll show him who’s in charge, I assure you his behavior will change.”
“But do try to see him before he and that click of his go to Russia for their business.”
She’s right. Once the team will be in Russia, it will be hard to…well, continue what hasn’t begun yet.”
“But I told Kylian I would go have a coffee with him,” I remind her. “What will he think if I see Antoine?”
“Oh it’s fine, it’s not like he asked you to marry him,” Louisa says, rolling her eyes. “He’ll get that you prefer Antoine. But if you really have a problem with that, I can handle the Kylian boy,” she adds with a teasing smile.
We both laugh but I know she’s half serious.
“But seriously, Gaby, don’t stress out,” she says seriously. “If something must happen between you and Griezmann, it will. If not, well it just won’t.”
I nod, knowing she’s right.
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. III)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: OC's mom is a bitch, English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 4K+
A/N: Thank you for reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
“He told me”, Sabrina continues, “that they would donate a lot of money and that they will talk about the company and charities on social medias, etc.”
Very strange. Generally, we’re the ones that invite the celebrities. But the entire French National Team is excellent from a marketing point-of-view. Oh God, I sound like my mother.
“Do we need to tell your mo-I mean, the Director of Operations?” Sabrina asked.
“I'll tell her,” I answered. “We never know, but knowing her, she’ll want to impress them and I’m gonna have to restart all the organization. Thanks for letting me know, Sabrina.”
“Of course, beautiful. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
I hanged up, and spent my time in the supermarket wondering what my mother will want me to change and how I’m gonna change it. After thirty minutes, I go back home. Louisa is cmoing back in thirty minutes, and even if I’m hungry, I decide to wait for her to eat, but I barely had time to store the groceries that I hear the entrance door open.
“Yo.” She said, putting her school bag on the bar.
“Already here?”
“Yes, the teacher left us leave early. Did you take that apple juice I like?” she asked after noticing the groceries bag.
“Did I ever forget to buy what’s on your list?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.
“No, never. So, how was work?”
“Oh, it was good…Surprising.”
“Why?” she asked, eating a bit of bred.
“Didier Deschamps and the French Team want to come to the gala,” I told her.
“No way! But how could they possibly know about the gala?”
“I have no clue,” I said, realizing I never thought about it. “I guess they saw the article on the website. They’re fast, in that case, considering we published it this morning.” I added.
“If they publicly talk about the company, it will be a great promotion. Your mother will be thrilled.”
“Yes, before she tells me to change everything I prepared, just to impress them.”
“Yeah, probably.”
We prepare lunch together, mostly talking about football players inviting themselves.
“Honestly though, have you seen these handsome dudes?” She laughed. “If we’re lucky enough, we could get one of them.”
We both laughed and I shook my head. I don’t really watch football, but I have to admit, some players are rather handsome. But still, I don’t feel like starting a relationship. We sat to eat, and she tells me about her classes. Like her, I can’t wait to finish college so I can get a job in a translation company and finally leaving the family’s company. I know it’s gonna be hard, as there are not many jobs available in that sector, but I’ll do whatever it takes to be independent, even alienating my family.
“What did you plan to study today?”
“German. It’s not like I’ll ever go to Berlin or Munich, but that exam might compensate for bad marks, so…”
“Good luck. And don’t fall asleep!”
“Me? Never.”
She went to her room muttering against the German language. When I see her German lessons, I’m glad I took Spanish since middle school; even though I’m not good at it at all. I studied in the living room, the television’s sound in the background of my head. Exams are coming soon, for both Louisa and me. I can’t wait to have them, just so the stress can go away – even though it’s gonna be replaced by the anxiety of waiting for the results. After one hour, I got up and went to see Louisa to make sure she wasn’t falling asleep. I knocked on her door, and I heard a “No, I’m ain’t sleeping”. I went back to the living room and stayed focused on my studies. When I decide it’s enough for today, it’s already 5:30 pm. Crap, mother. I took my phone and called her. She finished work earlier today, she then should answer. After a few seconds, she answered at the same moment Louisa came back from her room.
“It’s me.”
“I know it’s you. What do you want?”
Alright, great.
“It’s about the gala. The French National Team want to come.”
“The football Team?” she asked, more surprised than I expected.
“No, the soap bubbles team,” I retorted, “Of course, the football team.”
“Don’t be insolent. Who did they call?”
“Sabrina,” I answered. “Deschamps called her this morning. He told her they would donate money and promote the company. But how did they know about the gala?”
“It does not matter. Tell Sabrina to call them back to accept the invitation.”
“Alright. So, what am I gonna have to change? We’ll have to put on a show, right?”
“Send me the services you chose. I’ll see that tomorrow.”
“As you wish.” I answered.
And she immediately hangs up. I shook my head and sat beside Louisa on the sofa. She proposes we go shopping tomorrow, in order to clear up our minds, and I accept.
Between college, studying and the gala’s preparation, the 31st of May arrives way sooner for my liking. Coming home from work, I went directly to pick a dress. I try to tell myself that every detail is organized, but to tell the truth, I had never been more anxious in my entire life. I also try to tell myself that I don’t care what my mother will say about the evening I’m organizing but I know deep down, I’m anxious to see her reaction. I sighed and stared at the dresses I had before noticing a long black dress with straps. As for my hair, I decided to put in a bun with some locks around my face. I put my make-up at the same as Louisa does in our small bathroom. She is still as excited about meeting the football player, but she thankfully has given up on the idea of get one of them. She’s wearing a long red dress and let her curly brown hair down.
“Thank you for coming, bestie,” I told her while putting back my make-up in the cupboard. “It’s really helpful to me.”
“Are you kidding, I wasn’t gonna miss your first night as organizer.” She said smiling me through the mirror.
Once we’re ready, it’s already time to go. Like my mother does, I arrive early at the place to take care of last-minute details, and Louisa is coming with me. Jerome comes picking us up as usual, always so nice. In the car, I can’t help but to bite my nails, which I do when I’m stressing out, and even Louisa’s ‘Tsst!” can’t stop me from doing it. Once we have arrived, Jerome wishes me good luck and assures me everything will go okay. Damnit, give this man a raise already. The photographs, more numerous than last time, that my mother has forced me to invite, are not here yet, which amazingly suits me. I entered the room, and quickly the services’ bosses came to me to tell me everything is ready to welcome the guests. I inspected the decoration, put exactly as planned, and the tables put like my mother usually does.
“You nailed it, Gaby.” Louisa told me, looking around.
“Thank you. Hey, if something wasn't working, you would let me know, wouldn’t you?”
“Of course I would, don’t worry. Relax.”
I checked the last details and the time, and realized the guests should arrive any minute now. I barely had time the waiters coming with plates full of drinks and food and to go place myself by the entrance that the first car is already coming. It’s the adorable elderly lady from the last gala, giving me a big, warm smile.
“Good evening, my dear,” she said before kissing me on the cheek. “I’m glad to see you, you look beautiful.”
“You too, ma’am.” I said, taking the wrinkled hands she gave me. “Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for inviting me, my dear child. It’s always a pleasure to see the Darian family.”
I invite her to come in, and she goes to Louisa, who she greets warmly. The other guests then arrive, and I pray none of them notices that my hands are sweaty. After a while, Louisa comes to me.
“You parents are not here yet?” she asks. “It’s unlike them to be late.”
“Yes, except when it’s for something involving me.”
Giving only them and the football boys are yet to arrive, I decide to go inside. I ask the waiters and the cooks if everything is okay, and their positive answer relaxes me a little. I go back to the room, psychologically preparing myself to have a conversation with boring, arrogant people when nearly all eyes suddenly turned to the entrance, where a group of twenty people or so just came in. They’re all wearing the same classic yet elegant suit and most of them did their hair. Most of them are silent and look around them with curious looks. I walk to the man with white hair leading them both as like a father and a teacher.
“Good evening,” I said, more intimidated than I thought I would be, before shaking his hand. “It’s very nice to meet you all.”
They all answer with a nod, a smile or a rather shy “Good evening”.
“Nice to meet you, too.” answered Didier Deschamps warmly. “Thank you for allowing us to come.”
“Thank you for asking. It’s not everyday that we have high-level athletes coming at our galas. I hope you’ll have a good night.”
“No doubt about it”, he smiled. “Benjamin was not able to come tonight because, well, of a last-minute problem, I hope you’ll excuse him. He says hello.”
“Oh,” I said, “I hope he will be fine.”
“Yes, thank you”
I vaguely nodded and stared at the 22 players standing in silence in the entrance.
“Well, have a good night.”
“Thank you very much.”
Most of the men gave me smile and I smiled back. Then they scattered, and right after, a silhouette came in, and I immediately recognize my mother. My mind is screaming at me to turn my back and ignore her, but I don’t have the energy to start a fight. I walked towards her, more insecure that I wished I was. She looks around with a probing look before turning to me.
“Hi, mom.”
“The decoration isn’t that bad. I would have picked another color, though. Gabrielle, what is that awful dress you’re wearing? The color is just dreadful. This robe is barely good to be wore at a cocktail party. Especially with famous guests…And let’s not talk about your hair.”
She sighed heavily and I felt a red light coming. She grabbed a glass when a waiter passes before us, took a sip and grimaced.
“For God’s sake, Gabrielle, what is that champagne? I specifically told you to pick Mr. Sandrin’s champagne!”
“I did!” I defended myself, trying not to raise my voice. “This is the champagne you asked for.”
She stared at her glass and then raised her shoulders, not convinced.
“Dad and Noah aren’t here?” I asked, changing the topic.
“Your father had an impediment, and your brother is sick.”
With Noah, “sick” means “at a party” with the option “girl” or “has a hangover”. I try to see Louisa among the guests but can’t find anywhere. My mother tells a waiter to come and grab a hors d’oeuvre.
“Gabrielle, do you even know how to read? I thought I told to the Menu number Three! The Second one is horrible.”
“Well you know what? Next time why don’t you just organize your freaking gala yourself?”
Before she can answer, I turned around and nearly ran to the bar, my eyes watering. On my way to the bar, I rapidly meet of the footballers’ blue gaze – Antoine Griezmann. Hell, now one of tonight’s most important guests saw me cry.
“Good evening, Miss.” The barman said with a smile. “What can I serve you?”
“Something strong.”
“Coming up.”
I closed my eyes and tried to breathe. I usually only drink champagne at galas and don’t drink alcohol outside of galas, but right now I need to relax. At the same time the barman put a glass in front of me, I hear a voice in my back.
“Hello. Gabrielle, am I right?”
I turned around, and to my surprise, saw Kylian Mbappe standing before me.
“Oh, hello.” I answered with a voice that I hoped sounded confident. “Yes, you’re right. Is everything alright?”
“Yes, thank you. Very cool night," he said, pointing out the room.
“That’s nice of you.”
“What it will be, sir?” the barman asked Kylian.
“Do you do alcohol-free cocktails?”
“Sure. Right away.”
The French Team’s striker walked to the bar, which gave the perfect spot to observe him. He was actually cute, with his frank smile and his sparkling eyes. I supposed he was barely older than me, maybe by one year or two. He thanked the barman, grabbed his glass, and then turned to me. We started talking about anything and everything, and his kindness and his sweetness almost made me forget my mother’s comments. It’s obvious he remained humble and down to earth despite the fame. He asked me about the company, and I asked him about football, his club, and the World Cup coming up. Suddenly, as he’s giving an answer I’m doing my best to understand – I didn’t know anything about football – my eyes move far behind him. Antoine Griezmann is talking with one of his teammates – Lucas Hernandez, if I’m not mistaken – and some other guests, but his eyes are on me.
I tried to focus on what Kylian was saying, but every fifteen seconds, my eyes turned to Antoine who continued to staring at me, and every time I looked at him my heart beated faster. For God’s sake, dude, why are you looking at me like that? Don’t be silly, Gabrielle, he’s probably looking at Kylian. A few minutes later, I’m still giving a quick glance at Antoine when a young man dressed exactly like Kylian comes to us. He was rather tall, pale with blond hair and tired brown eyes, who looked a bit older than Kylian. He had like him a big smile, but seemed more confident than Kylian.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Hugo wishes to see you, Kylian. It’s urgent, apparently.”
“Oh,” said Kylian. “I’ll just go then. See you later, I hope,” he added to me.
“Of course.”
Even though I didn’t know anything about football, I still knew who the most famous were. And this blondie wasn’t one of them, I thought. But I didn’t have to ask who he was, as he’s quicker:
“I don’t think we've met before. The name is Emilien.”
“Gabrielle,” I answered politely.
“What your family does is really wonderful. I mean it.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“Maybe we could have a partnership? I’ll give you my number and-”
I jumped and turned to see a young man with dark blond hair and large blue eyes standing before us, his hands in his pockets. My hearts stopped, and I almost let my glass fell.
“Ah,” said Emilien, “Yeah, Antoine?”
My heart was beating so fast I could hear pound in my head.
“The coach wants to see ya, it’s important.” Antoine said.
My, they sure do have a lot of important things to say to each other.
“Oh. I’m coming, then. See you later,” he added to my direction.
I just nodded, and he disappeared. Antoine took a step in my direction and gave me a smile.
“I hope they weren’t too awful”, he said with the same smile.
“Not at all,” I reassured him with a smile.
Damn it, his eyes are so blue. Blue like the sea, soft, and warm.
“Your teammates are very nice.”
“Kylian thinks you’re very nice, too.”
I searched for him, but he was invisible.
“You’re the one that organized this gala, right?” he asked.
“I am.”
“You did very well. I love the decorations.”
“Well you’re alone in that,’ I muttered.
“I-I accidentally heard your conversation with your mother.”
Sweet Jesus.
“Oh no, I’m sorry. You must think I’m a crybaby who can’t handle her mother’s critics.” I said, embarrassed and looking at the floor.
“Not at all,” he assured. “I never speak ill of someone else’s mother, but what she said is totally wrong. The decorations are nice, the two glasses of champagne I had were really good and, personally, I think the food is good as heck” he finished with a little laugh.
His laugh is so cute and contagious that I can only laugh as well.
“For real, you’ll have to give me the name of the cook.”
“Believe me, you shouldn’t let other’s opinions get to you – even your mother’s,” he said with a voice that sounded sweeter, and more adult. “Especially since no one agrees with her – and agree with me.”
“That’s nice of you to say that. And you’re right.”
He smiled again, and I realized I never saw such a beautiful smile. Hell, everything about him is beautiful. The way that strand of hair falls on his forehead, his childish smile, the way his suit fit perfectly on his body which I imagine fit and firm…I felt my cheek turn pink and suddenly felt hot. We started chatting, but unlike earlier with Kylian or Emilien, I’m only focused on him and the words that come out of his mouth. I don’t know how much time had passed, five minutes or five hours. I can no longer hear the waiters walking, the soft music in the background or the conversations around us. It’s like…They was only us on the planet. I answered his questions, and saw him bit his bottom lip. He got closer to me, and I shivered when he rose his hand and put my hair on the side of my face back. Before I can even breathe, his face gets closer to mine, so much so that I can smell his intoxicating perfume and his breath on my neck. His hand is only a few millimeters from my cheek, and my heart is beating so fast that its gonna explode.
A cold hand grabbed my arm, and reality comes back. The voices, the somehow fresh air, the food’s smell coming from the kitchen. The charm is broken.
“Come here, hurry,” my mother said, pulling my arm before I could react. “You must announce diner!”
Antoine’s eyes became more and more distant, and soon I can’t see him anymore no matter how I lean. My mother puts a microphone in my hand and tell me to hurry with her hand. I cleared my throat.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the diner.”
Slowly, the guests went towards the round tables, and instinctively, I look for Antoine. Louisa, who went missing, comes from nowhere and smiles at me.
“Hi there.”
“Lou’, where the hell have you been?” I asked her.
“I was talking with Mr. and Mrs. Aubret,” she said with a bit surprised voice. “I saw you talking with Griezmann, I thought you didn’t need me.”
“It’s fine.”
Around us, people are sitting, and we do imitate them. The adorable elderly lady comes slowly and sits in front of us. Her smile comforts me, and I smile back. My mother then arrives and sits silently. A few days ago Louisa begged to let take care of the seats, and I eventually gave up and said yes – only if none of the players would be sitting with us – and I suspect her of putting us with important people so my mother can’t talk too much. I need to talk to her about it. The dishes arrive one after the others, and even though I’m talking with Louisa and the adorable lady – whose name seems to be Mrs. Orment – my eyes are looking for a striker. I finally find him, sitting at a table not far away from us. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a smile. I’m about to smile back when Didier Deschamps, sitting on his left, lean towards him and whispers something in his ear. Antoine vaguely nods his head before concentrating on his plate.
“Gaby?” Louisa asked. “Are you okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah, of course.”
“The diner is delicious, my dear,” Mme Ornent said cheerfully. “You chose well.”
“Absolutely,” his neighbor, a doctor who were about to retire soon, said. “You have good taste, miss. It must be a family thing, right, Anita?”
My mother had a laugh I knew was hypocritical and took her glass.
“You’re too kind, Doctor.”
Thankfully the dessert arrives soon after.
“Damn, that cake be good as heck!” a voice which I guessed was Adil Rami’s said loudly and his neighbors laughed.
The other guests seemed to like it too, and that comforted me a bit. I look in Antoine’s direction without realizing it, and I see him talking with the CEO of a multinational company. Once diner is over, those who wants to have a coffee walk toward the bar. Then arrives the auction, which is eventually very successful.
“Excuse-me,” I said once the auction is over.
I really need some fresh air. I grabbed my bag and went to the door. I tried to breath, and a few seconds later, I felt better. To my surprise, I saw a silhouette coming.
“Oh,” Emilien said while walking to me, “you like some calm sometimes, too?”
“Oh yes,” I said with a smile. “You can feel like suffocating at this kind of event. Even if you’re used to it.”
“You’re doing very well, though,” he smiled.
“I appreciate it. You still want to do the partnership?” I asked him.
“You’re reading my mind,” he laughed. “I’d be happy to do what I can: meet people with illness, sign autographs or jerseys, make videos to promote the charity…”
“That’s good, because you’re very likely to be asked to do that,” I laughed too.
“Perfect then!”
“I’m gonna give you the number of the person in charge of that, she’ll explain everything.”
“No problem.”
I opened my bad and took out a piece of paper and a pen. I scribbled a phone number and gave it to him.
“Thanks a lot. It’s really important to me help others, you know…”
“That’s wonderful.”
Suddenly, Didier Deschamps, followed by the rest of the players, arrived and the coach turned to the blond man.
“Emilien, there you are. Sorry to interrupt, but we are leaving.”
“Very well, coach. Goodbye, then,” he said after turned to me. “I guess we will see each other again at some point.”
“I think so. See you soon, then.”
He smiled, and went to his teammates. When Emilien joined the group, Kylian walked up to me with a smile.
“It was a fun night.”
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“Say, do you wanna come to the match against Italy tomorrow night? With your friend Louisa?”
I didn’t see that coming. I didn’t go to a football game since I was ten – Noah’s birthday gift – and I barely remembered it.
“Well, yeah, with pleasure.”
“Great, I’ll send you tickets. If you want to invite other people, please let me know.”
“That’s nice of you.”
“See you tomorrow, then.”
“See you.”
I expect all of them to get in the cars, but it was Deschamps’ time to walk up to me.
“Thank you for tonight. Do you mind me asking you something?”
“Please go ahead, sir.” I answered.
“Would you mind mentioning us in the article you will write about tonight’s gala?”
“Hum, no, not at all. May I ask why?”
“Oh, well, people sometimes think that with money and success, football players forget about helping others and compassion. I’d like to prove, in some way, that it’s not true when it comes to my men.”
“I see. Well, I sure will be talking about you guys.”
“Thank you very much. See you soon, young lady, take care.”
He patts my arm in a fatherly way and showed his players the cars. They all waved at me and said discreet “goodbye” which I say back. I hope the ones I didn’t talk to didn’t find me mean or rude. They all get in the different black cars that brought them, and when Antoine walks past me, his arm grazed mine and he stared at me until he sits in the car.
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. II)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 3.6K+
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Previous chapter
The day after, waking up was more complicated than I envisioned. I rubbed my eyes and heard Louisa’s alarm ringing in her bedroom. Sighing, I got up and went to the corridor.
“Go put some clothes first,” I said. “You better not be late to class.”
Still a bit sleepy, she went “hum” and walked to the bathroom. I went to the living room, turned on the TV, and prepared breakfast in the open kitchen. I consulted my phone and Louisa then arrived, now fully awake.
“Here,” I handed her a cup of coffee.
“Thanks girl. Slept well?”
“Not bad, you?”
“Not enough. I don’t wanna go to class at all” she sighed. “Tell me why I’m in college again?”
“Because you want to be a psychologist,” I answered with a little smile. “Since you were little.”
“Oh, right.”
She made herself some toasts, and we talked a bit.
“What plans do you have for this morning?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing special. Except for that interview.”
“Oh, that’s nice.”
“Barely.” I said raising my shoulders.
I liked giving interviews, because it gave me the opportunity to talk about the company and cases that were dear to me. The problem were the journalists who cared more about the clothes I was wearing than the company and their idiotic questions. Louisa, who was now gonna be late, went to preparing herself while I cleared the table. She came back a few minutes later, put a jacket on, and then turned to me.
“We’re having lunch together, right?”
“Of course.”
“Awesome. See ya, bestie!”
“See you!”
She blew me a kiss and then left. My parents hired me – and by that I mean forced me to work for them – as soon as I finished high school, but they insisted on me going to college, but through distance education. They wanted me to a business course like Noah did, but I managed to convince them to let me study English, in order to become a translator from English to French. It was what I wanted to do since middle school, and since I didn’t see myself working for my parents’ company my whole life, I didn’t see what else I could do. I went to prepare myself, and once I was ready, left the apartment. In the corridor I see the janitor, who greeted me with a nod. The company’s headquarters were twenty minutes away, which was rather helpful. I loved my car a lot. It wasn’t the kind of car my parents loved, but I wouldn’t trade it for any other.
After spending thirty minutes on the road because of the traffic, I finally arrived in front of the grey building which was a bit sinister at first and that I now knew by heart.
“Morning!” I said to the receptionists.
“Morning Miss Darian!”
I took the elevator, and arrived on the fourth floor, where my desk was. When I first got here, my father didn’t know where to put me, and decided I would work at “the finance floor” as we called it. I’m not complaining, because everybody working at that loor is very nice. I said hi to the girls who were already here and sat behind my desk. No one had induvial offices here, except on the last floor, which was where my parents and my stupid brother worked. I turned my computer on and started to work. I corrected some mistakes on the next gala’s invitations and the article on yesterday’s night, which was supposed to be published in two days. I got a text from Louisa telling me she’s bored in class. I smiled and wrote to her to hang on. That kind of thing reminds me of much I love distance education. I had finished my work, and since I had an hour to kill, I decided to take out one of my lessons and work on it. I didn’t see the hour go, and it was the phone ringing on my desk that brought back to reality.
“Miss Darian, your appointment is here.”
I completely forgot about this interview.
“Oh, right. Coming.”
“She’s waiting for you on the second floor.”
“Thank you.”
I hanged up and walked to the elevator. Once on the second floor, I entered the room full of small sofas we usually used for birthday celebrations and stuff like that. The woman who was waiting had her back turned and was wearing the highest heels I ever saw. I was relieved she didn’t have any camera with her.
“Hello,” I say walking to her.
She turned around, and gave me a fake smile while her eyes, hided by her glasses, remained cold.
“Miss Darian, it’s really nice to meet you. I’m Anne Forand.”
She presented a hand with manicured nails, and I shook it reluctantly.  
“Nice to meet you too.”
I showed her the sofa behind her, and sat on the sofa that faced it. She started recording, and gave me a fake smile again.
“Gabrielle, – I can call you Gabrielle, right? – if you had to describe Darian Enterprises, which is, just as a reminder, your parents’ company, in a few words, how would you do it?”
Basic question. Nice. And she’s looking down upon me. Stay calm girl. I cleared my throat and smiled at her.
“Darian Enterprises," I answered, “aim to help people who need it through money donation or merchandise in order to create a more egalitarian society. That’s really important to us. We also have been working on projects for the environment and the planet’s protection for some time.”
She gave a confused look and smiled once again.
“Your parents, Anita and Xavier, are known for their good heart and for being very selfless – which led to this company being created. Did you try to create a different image or are you satisfied just by walking in their footsteps?”
I answered calmly, but if it was just me, I would just throw her out. The questions’ double meaning is more and more obvious: she’s accusing me of just being here because of my parents and in the next question of refusing to work in the office with my brother. I get really quickly that this so-called journalist is just here to push the blame on me, with, if possible, a scoop. Any journalist who would want to know more about the company would go see my parents, not me – unless they have a particular topic. I answer every question with calm, mostly because if I don’t and my mother hears it, she’s gonna kill me. The journalist doesn’t give up, as she doesn’t get that I didn’t fall for her trap. After a few stupid questions, the last question finally comes in.
“Last question: you’re young, rich, pretty” – the last word doesn’t easily come out – “and you’re famous. Such a young girl cannot be single, can she?”
Here is the scoop she wants. What does she expect, exactly? Me revealing that I’m dating the rock star that is currently everywhere on TV or a famous football player? Damn it, just remind me to fish in my next life.
“Well, apparently she can. I don’t have anybody.”
She gave a smile that’s telling me she thinks I’m lying, and stopped the record.
“Very well. Do you mind if I take a picture? For the article, I mean” she added as if I was dumb.
I’m gonna shove the damn picture up your ass-
I fixed my hair quickly, and she asked me to pose by the window before taking the picture with her phone.
“Well, I’ve got everything I need. Thank you very much, Gabrielle.”
“The main exit in on your right once you’re on the first floor.”
I turned my back on her without shaking the hand she gave me and left the room. She bugged me for real. I go back to my floor, and eat a candy from the candy pack I keep in my desk. I need to get back to studying, so I continue working on the last lesson. One could really ask why I come to the office…Time luckily flies so fast, and one of my coworkers, Estelle, bring me back to Earth when she calls me.
“Gabrielle? It’s lunch time for us, and time to go home for you.” she says gently.
“Already? Oh my. See you tomorrow, Estelle.”
“Have a good afternoon, beautiful.”
I was lucky that her and the other girls eventually saw me as a coworker and not just as the bosses’ daughter. I turned my computer off, got up from my chair, said goodbye to my coworkers and took the elevator. I say goodbye to the receptionists and then get on my car. Barely five minutes later, traffic already starts to be horrible. That’s the main thing I don’t like about Paris - closely followed by the fact that's there is too many people. I finally arrived home, and parked my car right besides Louisa’s. I go up to the apartment, and meet Louisa in front of our door.
“Hey! How was work?” she asked.
“As usual. How about the classes?”
“Oh, Gaby, it was so boring, you have no idea…”
She opened the door and I followed her inside. I put my bag aside and sit on the sofa.
“By the way, how was the interview?”
I tell her everything, and she mumbles unpolite things to the journalist and laughs when I tell her how I said goodbye.
“You need to tell your mom”, she said more seriously. “That woman better not come back.”
“You know damn well that if I talk to my mother about it she’ll say ‘Gabrielle, stop acting like a child, your brother doesn’t complain about journalists who come to see him.’ No way, I’m out.”
“You’re right.”
“Alright, let’s prepare lunch.”
She tells me all about her morning while cooking, and once it’s done, we sat on the sofa and watch the news on the TV.
“And now”, the news presenter said, “we’re moving on to a topic that a lot of French people will be entertained about and that will surely be in a lot of conversations: the Football World’s Cup! It will take place in Russia…”
“They’re gonna be damn cold over there,” Louisa commented. “It will be in summer, though, so maybe the weather will be hotter, don’t you think?”
“Girl, do I look like a weather girl to ya?”
“We got an exclusive entry in the team’s base, Clairefontaine,” the presenter went on, “to follow the preparation to a competition that could very well change French football’s history, the players and a lot of people’s lives.”
A few days later, it was barely awake and running that I arrived at work. Damn alarm o’clock not even capable of ringing. I barely had passed the glass doors when one of the secretaries, Virginie, called for me.
“Miss Gabrielle! The Director of Operations called, she wants to see you in her office as soon as now.”
Nice, awful day coming up. When I started working here, I asked for my mother to only be called “the Director of Operations” when she gave me a message, and thankfully, they all accepted.
“Alright, I’ll go now. Thank you!”
Sighing, I took the elevator and looked at my phone. Shit, I’m fifteen minutes late. I fixed my hair as much as I could, as I didn’t want to give my mother other things to criticize. I arrived on the last floor, where my parents and brother worked. The door of my brother’s office was closed, poor thing probably having asked to start work later in the day. What a jerk. I greeted my mother’s assistant and knocked at my mother’s door.
“Come in.”
I obliged and saw her, as I expected, classily dressed up, sitting behind her desk with a piece of paper in front of her.
“You’re late.” She commented, her eyes still on the paper.
“Sorry, I didn’t w-”
“I do not care.”
She looked up to me and rolled her eyes.
“Well, do not stand here like an idiot, sit down.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled, and then sat.
“That shirt is horrendous, Gabrielle,” she commented again, “I already told you to throw it away.”
“I can leave, if you want, that way you won’t have to look at it,” I retorted, pretending to get up.
“Don’t play silly with me. If I told you to come, it’s for something really serious.”
Wow, I would have never guessed.
“Go on, then.”
“You’ve been working here for years now, and if I admit the work you’ve been doing until now is average, but you have yet to be given great responsibilities.”
“One would wonder why,” I muttered.
“But I decided it was time to change that. That’s why you will be organizing the next gala.”
“You’re going on a vacation?” I asked, confused.
“Of course not,” she said as if I was an idiot, “but I think it’s time for you to finally do something correct.”
“It’s ironic for you to call my work ‘correct’, giving that you’re the one in charge of giving your approval to everything that concerns the company’s galas”, I noted with a small laugh. “If you don’t love what I’m doing, why is everything I send you immediately approved?”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” she screamed with a now pink face, hitting her desk with her hand.
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me jump. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
“I have until next month, I guess?”
“No, the gala you’re going to organize is taking place on May 31thst.”
“Why do you want to have another gala so soon? Generally, we have one per month.”
“A lot of important people I wanted to invite to last week’s gala were on vacation, they’re back now. Here, here is a list of people I want at your gala. The money we’ll get will be use to send medical equipment and medications to poor countries, where ill people greatly miss medical care.”
I took the paper she put in front of me and quickly read it. I knew a few names of it but most of the guests are strangers.
“Can I invite other people? We haven’t invited Mr. Valere in, like, a year-”
“No, that list is enough. Don't send me the ideas you might have, they'll be terrible.”
I already know my ideas were going to be rejected, so I wasn't even going to try.
“Alright, well, I’m gonna get to work. Is that all you wanted to tell me?”
“No, I actually wanted to talk about the last gala.”
“I can’t organize that one,” I remarqued.
“Your brother told me what you did. This is just indecent, Gabrielle, I cannot believe you did this!”
I had almost forgot about the accident, since Noah, who I barely saw, never talked to me again about it.
“Indecent?” I exclaimed. “And how would you call cheating on your girl with your ex, and cheat on your new girl with your new ex? Because that’s what your precious little boy is doing! He can bang every girl he meets, I couldn’t care less, but he could do it one by one, for the love of God!”
“I told you not to speak to me like that! I’ve had enough of you, get out of here before I really get angry.”
Without answering her, I left the room. I walked past Noah’s office on my way to the elevator, but at the last second, I decided to go visit dear momma’s boy. I open the door without knocking and find him sitting. He sees me, and, confused, opens his mouth but I’m faster:
“Hey, you swine, next time you’ve got a problem with me, come tell me face to face instead of going crying to our mother like a fucking kid. Does she still change your diaper? Is it also her that put your condom on when you’re cheating on your girlfriends? Stupid asshole.”
Before he could answer, I slammed the door and took the elevator. It feels good to scream a little, I’ll admit. I’m still tensed when I arrive on my usual floor and greet my coworkers. I sat, and decide to make a list of things to do for the gala, and another for the possible services I’ll have to hire. Once it’s done, I get up and walk to Estelle, who’s in charge of the financial floor.
“Estelle? Can I have a word with you?”
“Sure!” she said with a smile.
“My mother asked me to take care of the next gala…”
“My, that’s wonderful, Gaby, congrats!”
“Yeah, thank you. Would you mind doing an estimation of the night? I’ll only have to add the room.”
“Sure, I’ll give to you asap.”
“Awesome, thanks a lot.”
I went back to my desk and spent the rest of the morning looking for a place. It needs to be both beautiful, otherwise my mother will say I have no taste, and cheap, or she’ll accuse me of ruining the company. Once it’s passed noon, I left quickly, wanting to get back home as soon as I could.
I slammed the door behind me, saying insults I held back for the whole morning. I threw my bag and my shoes on the corridor’s entrance. In the living room, I found Louisa reading a book for college.
“Well, well”, she said. “Who is it, your mother or your brother?”
“Both,” I mumbled.
I tell her everything, and she laughs when I tell her Noah told my mother everything.
“It was obvious he would do it, your brother’s got nothing down there. It’s surprising how much girls he gets, actually.”
“I don’t care that my mother knows or if she screams at me, she can’t do anything else, but the principle of snitching is revolting me.”
“Of course.”
“When I had a problem with him, I didn’t go cry to our parents. They weren’t even there, for God’s sake!”
“Nah, you, you just tried to kill him.” She laughed.
“Come on, let it go, it was just one time.”
When I was six, Noah and I got into a fight, and he made me so anrgy so that I took a casserole from the kitchen and hit him on the head with it once or twice – okay, maybe like five times. He had a bump, and I got a severe punishment, and I regret absolutely nothing.
“It’s not like he never slapped me.”
“Touché. Tatiana used to hit me too when we were kids.”
“Yeah, but it was just giving little slaps behind the head, and anyways your sister is awesome. I would sell Noah and a kidney in a second to have her as a sister.”
Tatiana was Louisa’s older sister, and I adored her. Louisa and she were really close, and she always saw me as a sister – which was reciprocal. Yes Tatiana was awesome, but sadly, her parents disagreed on that.
“You’re right,” she laughed again. “Alright, I’m starving to death, let’s eat.”
After lunch, I wanted to continue preparing the gala, but Louisa convinces me to take a nap, and I eventually give up. I wake up barely rested, but calmed down. At the end of the afternoon, Louisa came back from college, agitating the small bag in her hand.
“Since I’m the best BFF in the world, I took éclairs at the bakery on my way back!”
“Aw, you’re adorable, thank you!”
I kissed her on the cheek to thank her, and we eat the snack while she tells me about her afternoon. Later on, she proposes to order pizza, which I gladly accept, and we spend the night laughing and complaining about our dreadful families while thanking heaven for knowing each other.
The day after, I find the perfect place, and announced on the company’s website the date and place of the gala on the 31st of May. Then it’s time to pick the caterer. The one my mother usually chooses is excellent, but to mess with her, I’m gonna pick another one. After one hour of research and phone calls, I find one who’s price is a bit high but with a very good reputation. I go the “communication floor” to talk about the invitations, and I find Sabrina, a pretty brunette entering her forties, waiting for me. We quickly agree on everything, and I give total freedom, as before I arrived, she was the one taking care of the invitations and was doing a fantastic job. She shows me the article she wrote to announce the date and place for the gala, and I approve it immediately. After I leave, I wonder if I should see my mother to tell her the organization is going well, but she’ll send me just send me to hell.  Two hours later, my day is done and I decide to go get groceries. I go to the supermarket and park my car when my phone starts ringing. I expect it to be Louisa, but to my surprise, it’s Sabrina.
“Hi, Gabrielle, it’s me again. I’m sorry to bother you…”
“No, it’s more than fine,” I assure her.
“I got a call about the next gala,” she said.
“Right…” I say, inviting her to go on.
“It’s from certain people who asked to come to the gala.”
“Who is it? Do we know them?”
“Well, more or less.”
Well, well.
“Who is it?”
“Didier Deschamps.”
“The National Football Team’s Coach?” I exclaimed.
Dang it, Gabrielle you idiot, of course it’s him.
“Yes,” Sabrina answered. “He and the players want to come to the gala.”
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. I)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language; OC's brother is a dick, a bit of swearing.
Wordcount: 2.6K+
A/N: I posted it like two years ago on Wattpad and Ao3 and I realized recently that I never posted it here lol. I will post this fic until Antoine and OC meet and if it does well in numbers I will post the rest. Likes, feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Enjoy ^^
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“Come on, Gaby, we’re gonna be late!” Louisa joyfully said from the living room.
I didn’t know why Louisa was so excited: she hated those galas almost as much as I did. If I spent so much time getting ready, it wasn’t to pamper, it was because I’d really rather stay home than going out, and I was spending more time sighing in front of the mirror than actually doing my hair, my make-up and stuff. I finished my make-up – it was light, just a bit of powder, some mascara and lipstick – and once I was satisfied, I put back a lock of dark brown hair back behind my ear. If I must spend an awful night, I might as well look “nice” doing it. I left the small bathroom of the apartment Louisa and I had been sharing for over two years now, and I found her in the living room. She was wearing a long sequined green dress that highlighted her tan skin, and her dark brown, curly hair was put is a bun over her head. She really was gorgeous.
“You look amazing, Lou’.”
As for me I had a Bordeaux dress on, long as well, with thin sleeves. As for my hair I just put it on my shoulder and gave it some waves. I had no one to impress, and for once, I was happy with the result.
“Aw, you too. Your mom’s car should arrive soon, shouldn’t it?”
“Yes,” I answered, looking at my phone on which a new notification appeared. “Ah, it’s here, timing is perfect.”
We could trust my mother to make sure everything was perfectly prepared.
“Let’s go.”
We grabbed our handbags, and after putting heels that will probably give me blisters, we got down the apartment building, where the car my mother sent was waiting for us – she still thought I was a bad driver. The family’s chauffeur, Jerome, greeted us with a smile and a nod before opening the car’s door.
“Good evening, Jerome.”
“Good evening, ladies. Shall we?”
Louisa got in the car, and after checking no one saw us, I followed her.
“Come on, Gabrielle, nobody is outside at this hour.” she said rolling her eyes.
I wasn’t ashamed of my origins or anything in my life, but I hated the “rich kid” image the people in the neighborhood had put on me since we arrived here when I was eighteen years old. The neighborhood was calm and only rich people - let’s be honest - lived there, but with time I realized – and saw by the way they looked at me – that I was probably the richest person here. I wasn’t proud of it at all, and quite frankly, if I could change that, I would, without any hesitation. Louisa and I talked all the way to the gala, but I couldn’t help but admire Paris through the window. I was born here, I grew up there, and I had never lived anywhere else. I alsways to live outside the city but on the other hand I never got tired of this city. After thirty minutes, the car slowed down and stopped in front of a big building I got familiar with. Jerome opened the door and I thanked him.
“Thank you, Jerome.”
“Have a nice night, ladies.”
The photographers my mother had picked for tonight called for us, and we posed for them, Louisa without problems, me grudgingly. I never liked getting all the attention. I was aware of being privileged, but was wanting a normal life asking too much? I thanked them and took Louisa to the building’s entrance.
“Come on.”
The people in charge of welcoming the guests warmly greeted us, and we walked towards my mother, who was giving last minute directions. The big, golden room was perfect for this king of event. The left side of it was empty, and plenty of small white tables and a stage stood on the right.
“Hi, mom.”
“Oh, good evening, girls!” my mother said, kissing us both on the cheek.
She looked very beautiful, with a crème dress and her dark hair put in a perfectly done bun.
“Good evening, Mrs. Darian,” Louisa said polity.
“Louisa, dear, you look absolutely ravishing!”
“You as well. My parents sent their greetings, and they apologize for not being able to come.”
“It’s okay. You look beautiful, darling,” My mom said to me. “Did you go the hair salon I recommended you?”
“No, I was too busy with college and work.”
“I see.”
Her tone made it obvious she was still disappointed and annoyed. Her eyes turned all of a sudden behind me, and considering the way her eyes lighted up, I instantly guessed my brother just arrived.
“Noah, sweetheart! You look so handsome.”
Ma mother went to him, and Louisa gave me a compassionate look. Noah was three years older than me, and he was the definition of the prodigal son. My parents worshipped the ground he walked on, and never missed an opportunity to praise him in front of the guests. For example? Our father named him Vice-President of the family’s business when he was eighteen, while I've been working since I graduated high school as a corrector – I correct and sometimes write the articles we published on our website and the invitations for nights like this one – without never getting a promotion. I wasn’t complaining, I loved my job. But the whole concept seemed a bit unfair to me. Noah and I were extremely close as children, but that time was dead a long time ago. He was wearing a classic black suit which my mother immediately compliments; and was accompanied by a very beautiful blonde girl who had a short black dress on. This wasn’t my type of dress, but like they say, everyone’s got their own taste. I expected my very traditionalist mother to disapprove the dress with her eyes, buy she doesn't seem to be irritated by it, and shakes the girl’s hand instead. Damn it, if I was wearing that, she should have yelled at me, would have sent me back home to change it, and I would have heard about it for at least three years.
“Hum, is that the same girl from last time?” Louisa whispered.
My brother was a ladies’ man, and I already knew he wouldn’t see the girl again after tonight. They walked in our direction, and I did my best not to sigh.
“Hey,” Noah says. “What’s up?”
“Like you care” I snapped, and I saw Louisa approve.
My brother didn’t answer, and awkwardly greeted Louisa. She had been one of his conquests over a year ago, and I knew she regretted it.
“This is Ornella, my girlfriend,” Noah went on, introducing the blonde girl. 
She had large blue eyes and had less make-up on that the girls Noah usually brought at the galas.
“Nice to meet you both,” Ornella spoke with a shy but warm smile; “You both look amazing!”
“Oh, thanks, you t…”
“Alright, let’s go sit,” Noah interrupted, grabbing Ornella’s arm.
He took her to my mother, who was on the phone, and Ornella gave us an apologizing look.
“Well, she seems nice.” Louisa said, “More than the others at least.”
My father then arrived, dressed in a beige suit and his hair perfectly made, and rapidly admired the decoration. He didn’t even seem to notice us until he walked past us.
“Hi, dad.”
“Oh, hi there, Gabrielle,” he said, almost uncomfortable to see me. “Good evening, miss.”
My father could remember names pretty well – except when it was my best friend or anything involving me. He knows Louisa’s parents very well too, therefore one could expect him to remember her, but nope.
“Your mom didn’t tell me you would be here,” he said to me.
I was sure she actually did tell him: he just forgot it.
“How is college going?” he asked, trying the make the conversation.
“Good, good…Well, if you will excuse me, the guests are about to arrive. Anita,” he called my mother, “the caterer called…”
A few minutes later, the guests indeed arrived. My mother called me to greet them, and Louisa decided to go to her seat. After ten minutes of shaking hands, repeating “Good evening”, and giving a fake smile to people that barely noticed me, I decided to go seat with Louisa, who now looked sad, her phone in her hand.
“Are you okay, Lou’?” I asked softly.
“It’s Quentin,” she sighed. “He sent me a message.”
Her and Quentin broke up a few months ago, and he had hurt her a lot. Louisa tried to hide it, but I could see very well that she was not still completely over him. It saddened me a lot to see her like that.
“Again? Just block him, girl. I told you he didn’t deserve you.”
“I know."
The guests started to assemble in small groups, and I grabbed two glasses of champagne when a waiter passed before us. I handed Louisa one, and she thanked me with a smile.
“Hey, don’t let that jerk ruin your fun. Plus, if we’re lucky,” I added with a more joyful tone, “no one will come and talk to us tonight.”
“You’re right. Tomorrow I’m blocking him.”
Honey, you’ve been saying that for three months. But I just nodded and took a sip of champagne.
“Very good idea.”
“What would I do without you, Gaby honey.”
“Not much.”
As I predicted, we were left alone for the whole appetizer, until my brother’s girlfriend for the night came closer to us with the same shy smile as earlier.
“Can I stay with you guys for a minute?” she asked. 
As we predicted, Ornella was really nice, and also very lifeful. A nurse, she loved her work a lot, but was also a part-time model. We chatted for a while, until my brother arrived – and ruined everything.
“Here you are.” He said to Ornella. “I hope my sister didn’t say any bullshit, considering how much of an idiot she is.”
“Stop it!” Ornella protested. “Gabrielle and Louisa are adorable.”
“Yeah, right.” My brother laughed, taking a sip of the alcohol in his glass.
“At least, I don’t sleep with every girl I un into just to leave them like crap the day after.” I answered, raising my shoulders. “Ask to be paid, you will at least bring money to the company, if nothing else.”
Louisa laughed.
“Shut you damn mouth, you little bitch.” Noah muttered as he was turning pale.  
Drinking, I raised a finger, saying “I’m not done”.
“Tell me, how long have you two been seeing each other?”
“Three months,” Noah snapped coldly, and Ornella nodded.
“Really now? So why was it a brunette…What’s her name, again?”
“Margot, I think,” my best friend answered, backing me and acting like she was trying to remember the name.
“Yeah, Margot! So, Noah, if you’ve been seeing Ornella for three months, how come it was Margot that was with you at last month’s gala? And tell me, was it also her that you brought to the restaurant last week, paying the bill with the company’s bank account, or what is the girl from before that?” I asked, faking actually wondering.
Ornella, shocked, turned to Noah, and then spilled her glass on Noah’s face, her eyes watering. Usually, I only implied it, but Noah had decided to act like a jerk more than usual, and Ornella was way too good for him anyway.
“Thank you for telling me this, Gabrielle.” She told me. “Bye, asshole.”
She turned around and quickly walked to the door.
“Ornella, wait! She’s lying, I…Goddamn it, Gabrielle, if we were kids, I’d kick your freaking ass! Just wait until the night is over, and…”
 He was so angry that he didn’t even finish his sentence. Not impressed like, at all, I smiled and raised my glass.
“Cheers, bitch.”
He gave me a cold look and left, probably to clean his face. Louisa almost cried laughing and put her hand on my arm.
“You’re a genius, Gaby!”
I knew Noah would go complain to our mother as soon as tomorrow and she would scold me, but I couldn’t care less. It’s not like she could actually ground me. The diner was then announced, and Louisa and I joined my parents at the table that was reserved for our family and some important guests.
“Gabrielle, have you seen your brother?” my mother asked me.
“Nope,” I said innocently.
Louisa and I exchanged a look and had a hard time not laughing. My brother didn’t reappear for the whole, thank God. We were lucky tonight, as the guests who were at our table were rather nice and were genuinely interested in us.
“And what courses are you young girls taking?” an old white haired old lady who was the CEO of a famous clothes brand.
“Psychology, ma’am.”
“English,” I answered.
“How wonderful. You have a truly charming daughter, you must be proud,” she said to my parents.
“Oh, but we are,” my mother assured. “Aren’t we, Xavier?”
“Yes, yes.” My father said a bit too quickly.
“Your parents too, miss,” the lady said to Louisa.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
The diner was delicious, because my mother had chosen one of Paris’ most famous caterers – as usual. Actually, this kind of night wasn’t so bad. After the dessert, my father takes the stage to pronounce a speech I barely listen to, and then the part that actually interested, the auction, started. If I hated the idea of galas, I loved the reason my family’s company organize them. The money got from the auction was always used for a cause that was dear to my heart: either sick little ones – it was the case tonight –, homeless people, research against cancer, etc. My family and their company’s reputation and fortune had been based on that for over twenty-five years. Tonight were sold masterpieces made by famous painters, objects that were centuries old were sold, and all of it more than two hundred thousand Euros. Plus, with the envelope filled by the rich guests’ generosity, we could add over three thousand Euros to that. I was thrilled, and I couldn’t wait until the little ones got the money.
I finished the night with Louisa and the lady, who reminded of my gran living in Nice, in the South of France. When the guests started to leave, Louisa and I agreed with a simple glance that it was time to go home for us too. She had classes tomorrow, and I was working.
“Mom, we’re leaving,” I said to my mother, who was biding guests good night.
“Already?” she was surprised. “Well, I guess that’s wise since you both must get up early tomorrow. Good night, girls."
“Goodbye, Mrs. Darian."
“Say hello to your parents, Louisa. And to your sister as well, of course.”
“I will.”
My mother kissed me on the cheek, and since I didn’t know where my father was, I didn’t have anyone to say goodbye to. Louisa and I headed for the entrance, our hands joined. Jerome was waiting for us and opened the car’s door.
“Did you ladies have a good night?”
“Yes, thank you Jerome. I hope you weren’t too bored.”
“Absolutely not, Miss Gabrielle” he assured with a smile.
Louisa yawned during the whole travel, and as for me I was starting to feel tired too.
"Ah, home sweet home,” I sighed while taking my heels off.
I winced when feeling, as I predicted, that I had blisters, and then Louisa asked to go change first.
“Sure, go ahead.”
I sat on the sofa, and then waited while being on my phone. Louisa came back after a few minutes, ready to go to bed.
“Alright, I’m gonna go night-night. Good night, hun.”
“Good night, Lou’”
She blew me a kiss and went to her room. As for me I went to the bathroom, and quickly prepared to say hello to Morpheus.
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footballffbarbiex · 10 months
So far for 2024 you want....
those of you who have filled out my form (thank you to the 8 out of 3,848 followers who have given me their voice) have told me that the plots that you've enjoyed are:
Smut in general
secret hook ups
single parent fics
so... teach me
you've enjoyed reading about:
Thiago Alcantara
Antoine Griezmann
Roman Burki
Rodrigo De Paul
Jan Oblak
Leon Goretzka
Joe Gomez
Jack Grealish
John Stones
Charles Leclerc
Ruben Dias
and you're looking forward to reading more of:
Joe Gomez
Sergio Ramos (I've got some of his definitely coming next year because I've already written them so 😚)
Marcos Llorente
Mario Hermoso
Dominik Szoboszlai
Mats Hummels
Leon Goretzka
Antoine Griezmann
Rodrigo De Paul
Jan Oblak
John Stones
Marco Rose
John Stones
More none Premier League players
and the kind of plots that you'd like to read are: (in most voted order)
Friends to lovers
Dating the managers daughter
I've missed you type sex
Dating your brother's teammate
Single parent
Soft fluffy smut
Kinktober / Kink bingo type smut
Baby daddy fluff
First dates
Moving in together / buying furniture / domestic bliss
OC is the player's daughter's teacher
Sex with an ex
And you'd also elaborated a little bit more too!
Anything smutty is good for some of you.
Tension at work is a big yes
Physio x player plots are wanted
brat taming
CNC (like Uninvited)
Angst plots
If you haven't already filled out the form, I'd absolutely love to hear your opinions so that I can try to bring you the very best plots and fics.
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. VI)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 4.4K+
A/N: Thank you for still reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
“You’re ready?” asks Louisa from the corridor.
“Almost,” I answer.
I hear her coming as I finish getting ready in the bathroom. I put earrings on when she arrives in front of me, looking me from my feet to my hair. Antoine and I agreed on a cozy restaurant therefore I put a suiting “cozy” outfit.
“You’re gorgeous,” she says with a smile. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I could chaperone you.”
We both have a soft laugh and I shake my head.
“It should be alright,” I say.
“Alright. But call me if you need, okay? I’d be there in two minutes.”
I promise on everything at exists on Earth that I’ll call her if needed, then I check my phone and sees that it’s time for me to go. I say goodbye to Louisa, who makes me promise to be careful, and then I leave the apartment. The restaurant is barely ten minutes away – which makes me believe that Louisa, knowing how fast she can actually run, could be hear in two minutes if I called her – and I will admit it’s rather convenient. I arrive in front of the restaurant, and realize and I’m a little bit early. Deciding to wait, I fix my hair in a nervous gesture, and look around to see if Antoine is coming. Jeez, don’t I look stupid waiting alone like that? I feel stress increasing in my body – the amount of stress my body can tolerate will never not surprise me – and I even start to ask myself this whole thing is actually a good idea. Two options after tonight appear in my mind: either he doesn’t like me – because, let’s be honest, how could a guy like him be interested in a girl like me? – and after tonight he doesn’t want to see me again, either he’ll just want me in his bed. Either way there won’t be any feelings between us. Look at you, no man will ever want you. I really wonder what I’ve done to have such an ugly and stupid daughter like you. If one day a man wants you, it’ll only be to sleep with you, and you’ll accept, because I’m sure that is what you will be, you’ll be nothing but a-
“Hey there.”
I come back to Earth thanks to the soft voice, so nice to hear, which drives away the cold, surly voice of my mother. A bit confused, I turn my head and sees Antoine, looking at me with an adorable smile.
“Hey,” I say, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “Sorry, I…I got lost in my thoughts.”
“No problem,” he answers, his smile getting bigger. “I’m happy to see you, you…are really beautiful.”
I feel my cheeks turning red and my heart, which strangely calmed down when seeing Antoine, starts beating wildly again.
“Thank you”, I say, “you’re very good-looking too.”
He’s not wearing a suit, just like I’m not wearing a designer dress – I’ve never wore one, by the way – but he’s still very elegant either way, and well, still handsome as ever. He gives me another smile and I swear I felt one of my knees bending. Pull yourself together, Gabrielle. That’s at this moment that he pulls flowers out of nowhere – I mean, probably from behind his back – and gives it to me. I was going to think it’s the first time a guy offers me flowers, but that’s not so illogic considering I’ve never had a real boyfriend, my last romantic relationship being in the end of high school, and my last date being one year and I half prior.
“It’s very beautiful,” I say, “It’s adorable of you, thank you.”
“Of course.
He’s still shy but the satisfied expression on his face, content that I like his bouquet makes me want to laugh. We decide on entering the restaurant, and at the moment we turn around towards to the restaurant behind us, I could have sworn someone on the other side of the street was taking pictures of us.
“Did you see that?” I ask Antoine.
He turns towards me.
“There, on the sidewalk. Someone was taking pictures of us. A journalist, considering his camera.”
“I didn’t see anything,” Antoine says in a surprise and troubled tone, looking around us.
The journalist apparently disappeared just like that, but I couldn’t have imagined it? My mother often told me I was crazy, but never did I imagine things that weren’t real.
“I’m sure I saw him, though,” I whisper to myself.”
“I’m sorry,” Antoine says with a sad expression on his face, “I thought we would be left alone. I know you don’t like people taking pictures of you, but we shouldn’t let that ruin the evening, don’t you think?”
“You’re right,” I say.
How come he knows I don’t like people taking pics of me? We finally enter the restaurant, and the waiter leads us to our table in a peaceful corner. I’m about to sit down when Antoine almost jumps behind me to help me. Both feeling like laughing and finding it adorable, I thank him and he sits in front of me. A true gentleman, Mister Griezmann. Usually being very shy, I have a hard time starting a conversation with a stranger – especially in those circumstances – but we better not let an awkward silence get in.
“So,” I ask in a tone that I try to make relaxed, “how is it going at Clairefontaine?”
“Very well,” he says in a joyful tone, “I love being there and seeing the guys. And it’s always an honor to represent France.”
“I guess,” I answer. “You guys seem like you all get along well.”
He answers that they are like a family, and tells me about his best friends among the Bleus, Paul, Ousmane and Lucas. Hearing him talk about them, it’s obvious he sees them as his brothers, it’s really touching and reminds me of my relationship with Louisa. He smiles while speaking of them, and I realize I’m smiling all along. The waiter then arrives to take our orders, and leaves without noticing – or faking not noticing – the famous guy coming to diner tonight.
“They’re all adorable,” I say, sincere. “It would be nice to see them again.”
“They all thought you were super nice too,” Antoine answers quickly. “And Louisa too, by the way.”
“Oh, she is.”
He asks me questions about her, and I tell him about me knowing Louisa since we were nine years old, and that we’ve been best friends ever since. He nods sometimes, laughs when I say something that’s barely funny, without stopping smiling. The waiter comes back with our orders, and we eat while eating of anything and everything, of my job, of the family’s company, talk about how journalists and medias can be morons sometimes, of his training sessions, of his career – I notice that he never praises or compliments himself, and prefers praising the whole team or a teammate in particular.
“Is Benjamin doing better?” I ask as we both finish eating, “Mister Deschamps told me at the gala he had a problem.”
“Oh yes, thank you,” he says. “He starts doing better. Slowly, but we’re getting there. It makes us sad to see him like this but we’re here for him.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
He looks at me in a weird way, and before I can contemplate asking him what’s wrong, he brings his hand over the table and grabs mine. My heart starts beating faster than it ever did and I’m so surprised that I barely notice the waiter coming to ask us if we want desserts. Both Antoine and I answer no and as the waiter leaves I entwine my fingers in Antoine’s. His hand is soft and warm – and much bigger than mine. We decide to leave, and even though I insist on paying, Antoine ends up using his credit card. We both leave a tip and then leave in the dark night. The air is cold, but our still joined hands give me the sensation of feeling hot.
“I thought players were not allowed to leave Clairefontaine,” I say. “How come you’re here?”
“Clairefontaine is not a prison,” Antoine laughs softly, “and the coach can make exceptions. I have never asked for anything, and he likes me. He found you lovely, by the way.”
“That’s nice of him.”
He takes his phone and checks out time before pouting.
“I need to go,” he says. “Even though I was allowed to get out of Clairefontaine, there is still a curfew to be respected.”
“I understand.”
I’m sadder that he has to leave than I thought I would be. He leans close to me, puts his free arm around my waist, and his lips leave a long, warm kiss on my cheek.
“See you soon,” he whispers near my ear, and I feel a shiver.
I expect him to propose to call me tomorrow or propose that we see each other soon, but he doesn’t say anything. I ask myself if I should propose that but he walks away after one last smile. I think that’s it, that he doesn’t like me when suddenly, I see him stop walking in the middle of the sidewalk before turning around and racing towards me. I open my mouth to ask him what’s going on but he cups my face and kisses me.
Antoine’s lips dances on mine for what seems to be hours, and I feel dizzy. However, when his face gets away from mine, I realize I wanted more. I also realize that my arms are around his neck and that his hands are on my hips. Antoine smiles shyly at me, waiting for a reaction, and I thank in silence heaven that it’s now dark outside, otherwise he would see my face as red as ever. I smile back at him, and he leans towards me to kiss me again quickly.
“Sorry,” he says, “but I really wanted to do that.”
“Don’t worry,” I say, still breathless, “I wanted it too.”
I think that I actually wanted to kiss him since the first time I saw him, at the gala.
“Oh yeah?” he says happily. 
Embarrassed, I slightly nod. I look at the ground but he raises one hand from my hips to gently caress my cheek before raising my chin so I look him in his eyes – even in the night I see that his eyes have a blue I’ve had never seen before in my life.
“Me too, you know,” he says as if he read my mind, “Since the gala, to be honest.”
So I didn’t make it up?
That’s all I able to say.
“Yeah.” It’s his turn to be embarrassed. “We were talking, and I was listening to you, but it’s as if something was pushing towards you and screamed at me to kiss you. It’s…really weird. And after a while, I couldn’t hold back anymore and I unconsciously leaned towards you, and…”
“My mother interrupted us,” I finish.”
“Exactly. I’d understand if you found it weird or even if you were scared,” he adds quickly, “I mean, it was the first we saw each other, after all. I was the first one surprised, I assure you.”
“No, well, I mean,” I stutter, “I felt too, I think. It’s weird.”
“We’re weird,” he laughs softly, and I laugh too. “It might be going fast between us, but maybe it’s the Universe that’s telling us something.”
I nod. Antoine might be right, actually. It sure is going fast – hell, I’ve never kissed a guy on the first date – but sometimes, it was useless to think too much.
“Maybe you’re right,” I say.
Satisfied, he smiles at me and I remember he has a curfew to respect.
“You better get going. I wouldn’t want your coach to scold you because of me.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Antoine answers. “I’ll know what to tell him. But I’ll walk you home before I leave.”
I insist it’s unnecessary, but he insists that it’s dangerous for me to walk alone at night in a big city – especially this one – and we end up walking to my appartement, his hand in mine. We laugh when imagining the idiotic excuses Antoine could tell the team’s manager if he arrived late, and we suddenly arrive in front of the building’s door.
“Well,” I say, “See you soon, then.”
I get on my toes – because homeboy is actually tall – and kiss him. He is surprised at first, and then kisses me back vividly.
“See you around,” he whispers, his nose almost touching mine. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
I open the building’s door and watch him walk away. At the moment I’m about to get in, I hear him calling out my name in an urgent tone.
I turn my head and see turned in my direction. What now?
“Do you want to come to Clairefontaine tomorrow?” he asks out of a sudden.
That one is a surprise.
“I, hum…Can I?” I ask, frowning.
“Tomorrow’s training session is public,” he answers. “I can get you a place without a single problem. And I’ll give you a visit of the castle.”
“Won’t it bother the others?” I ask. “I don’t want to bother, or to be an intruder…”
“Of course not,” he smiles. “They’ll be very glad to see you.”
I’ll admit that I’m still not entirely sure about the whole idea. He probably sees it at the look on my face, because his own face gets more serious.
“I’m the only one who does that,” he says, “and I swear to you, you won’t bother anyone.”
“Alright,” I say. “Just let me know when you’re sure I can come, and I’ll come.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll make sure of it,” he smiles again. “See you tomorrow.”
 He gives one last smile and leaves in the night as I still feel the taste of his lips on mine.
I open the door and walk into the dark apartment, trying to be as silent as possible, as Louis is probably asleep. But I suddenly hear that the TV is on, and I realize I’ve been stupid to think that Louisa wouldn’t wait for me. I take off my shoes, still thinking I’ll find asleep on the couch – error, she’s sitting on the couch, more awake that she was this morning.
She stares at me, a big smile on her face. I don’t answer, and smiles back at her instead.
“How was it?” she continues.
I nod, aware that I have a stupid smile on my face.
“Did he kiss you?” she suddenly exclaims. “He did, didn’t he?”
“Maybe,” I say.
She jumps with joy and claps her hands.
“I knew it! How was it? Is he a good kisser? Did he use his tongue?”
“You girl are sneaky,” I snap.
I sit next to her and decide to answer her right now, otherwise it will only be worse tomorrow morning.
“Yes, he’s a good kisser. A really good one, even. Holy crap, Lou’, he’s such a good kisser.” I sigh, a hand on my eyes.
“I’m not even surprised,” she says in a triumphant tone. “You could have answered my message to tell me everything was fine. I almost got worried.”
“Sorry, bestie.”
She tells me it’s fine with a gesture of her hand, and I turn to the TV.
“So, did he use his tongue or not?”
When I wake up the morning after, I notice – with surprise but also a strange joy – that I still have the taste of Antoine’s lips on mine. When I join Louisa in the living room, she’s on the phone despite the fact that it’s still early in the morning, and she seems happy. She hangs up several minutes later, time for me to understand that it’s about a potential job.
“Who was it?” I ask, happy for her.
“Your mom.”
“What?!” I exclaim. “Why on Earth did she want?”
Louisa looks at me as if I was dumb.
“Well, for a job.” she answers. “The one you found me, by the way. I’ve had strings pulled for me, when you think about it.”
With the stress of the date with Antoine and the date itself, I completely forgot that I asked my mother to hire Louisa.
“What job did she find you? Please, tell me we’re gonna work in the same floor.”
It would be so awesome to have Louisa work with me.
“Intern, at the finance floor,” she says in a sorry tone. “Sorry, hun. You know I would have loved to spend my days with you.”
“I hope you’ll like it,” I say.
I should have known we wouldn’t be working together, there’s no job available in my floor.
“What matters is the salary,” she says. “I’ll have a job I love after I get my diploma.”
I open my mouth to answer her when I receive a text from Antoine telling me all is planned and that I can come to Clairefontaine without a problem.
“Is it your guy?” Louisa teases me. “Where are you going like that, by the way?”
“To Clairefontaine,” I answer.
“Claire- Hold on a minute, Clairefontaine, as, the Bleus’ castle?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She gives me a weird, confused look.
“Alright then. Do you really think your outfit is right for playing football? I’m telling you right now, I’m not coming to see you at the hospital.”
“I’m not gonna play,” I answer, rolling my eyes. “I’m just gonna watch the training session and then talk with Antoine and the others.”
“Take one of their numbers for me, you’d actually be useful.”
“Screw you.”
I thought I was gonna get lost at some point, but thankfully I find easily Clairefontaine. I only think of how happy I am to see Antoine again – and a bit anxious about what to do when I’ll see him: kiss him or not kiss him? – when I realize as I arrive that I don’t actually have tickets for the training session. I wonder how I’m gonna get in when I see a silhouette coming. I easily recognize Antoine, who switched his yesterday’s simple but still classy outfit to a gym outfit and I jacket I imagine is common to the entire team. I ignore my heart which beats fast and walks to him.
“Hi,” I smile.
“Hey, you.”
I barely have time to ask myself again if I should kiss him or not when he leans towards me and gives me a soft, long kiss. And like last night, I feel dizzy.
“How are you? Slept well?” he teases me, meaning “Did you dream of me?”
“Not too bad, you?”
It’s a lie: I really didn’t sleep well last night, having nightmares which looked like bad memories with my mother from my childhood.
“I’m great,” he smiles, “and I didn’t even come home late.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Nice outfit,” I add, looking at his dark blue clothes.
“I know, right?”
Gently taking my hand, he leads me to the castle, a pretty, warm building with fair walls.
“I hope I’m not late,” I say.”
“Not at all, don’t worry.”
The castle disappears as if walk to several football fields, which of one is used by the Bleus, busy chatting.
“I’ll go that way,” Antoine says, indicating a ramp that lead to the field, “you go that way.”
He shows me a track at the end of which is a stand where spectators are sitting. I nod and he gives me a “Visitor” badge.
“See you later.”
“Have a nice training session.”
He winks at me and then joins his teammates on the field. I go sit with the other spectators in the stand. Most of them are wearing a Bleus’ jersey, and they all chat joyfully – mostly of the players in front of them. Not only they all are happy to be here, but it’s obvious that they sincerely love the Bleus – it’s very touching. The children are the most excited of all and point at their favorite player. The training sessions starts, and strangely I don’t get bored one bit. It’s actually rather fascinating to see them working. Even though most of them are serious in their behavior and their work, it’s still joyful and we see players laughing with each other.  Antoine talks with Ousmane Dembélé, and I sometimes see him staring at me – unless he’s just looking at the spectators that came to encourage the Bleus during their work. If Antoine only stares at me sometimes, Emilien looks at me every five minutes. And I have to say it kinda makes me feel uncomfortable.
I never get bored, and even if I watch all the players from time to time, I’ll admit that I stare at Antoine most of the time. At the end, the supporters around me go towards the field for a photo-autograph session. I decide to leave the stand alongside them, but unlike them, I don’t walk to the barrier which limits the fields, even though I’m close enough to hear the conversations between the players and the fans.
“The pic of your family you posted is so cute,” a blond teenager tells Olivier.
“Thank you,” he answers, signing a jersey.
Hearing the girl talking to her friend, basically all the players posted a pic of their loved ones to tell them they love them and thank them for their support. When Antoine arrives, his lips form the words “Wait for me” in my direction, and I nod. I have nothing better to do, after all. I watch as Antoine takes pictures with the fans, and it’s just adorable. Despite his obvious shyness, he’s polite and kind to the adults, warm and a gentleman to the ladies, and makes each kid feel like they’re his best friend. Once the Bleus leave after biding the fans goodbye, the latter leave, all happy to have a picture or an autograph of their favorite players. Antoine joins me, a smirk on his face.
“Did you have a good time?”
“Absolutely,” I answer, “it was really interesting.”
We walk to seems to be a locker-room, where players talk in peace, looking as if they’re waiting for something. Antoine takes my hand once again – Dang, I’m really gonna get used do it – and I gently squeeze it. I look at him, and admire the blond color of his hair and the lighter blue shade of his eyes – which makes them even beautiful – both caused by the sun. He catches me looking at him and turns his head to me, and I give him an apologizing smile.
“What are they waiting for?” I whisper to Antoine.
“You, of course”
I almost expect Antoine to announce me but he doesn’t need to, as the guys see us coming and most of them come to greet us.
“Look who’s here,” says Paul joyfully. “How are you, Gaby?”
“I’m good,” I say with a smile. “Nice training session.”
Emilien comes next, a big smile on his face.
“It’s so nice to see you again,” he tells me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to call the number you gave me. But I will call soon, I promise. I’m still very keen on doing this partnership.”
“No problem,” I answer, ashamed of the fact I forgot that he wanted to be an ambassador for our charity at the gala.
Once I greeted almost everybody – including Didier Deschamps and his assistant, as kind as always – Antoine introduces me to Benjamin Pavard, who I haven’t met yet, standing next to Adil Rami. He looks adorable with his curly hair.
“Benji, this is Gaby,” Antoine says.
“Nice to meet you,” I say.
“Me too.”
He kisses me on the cheek, but I still think he looks pale and tired. If Benjamin doesn’t talk too much, Adil talks for two. He asks me a lot of questions, including about my date with Antoine the day before, and Antoine himself gets annoyed.
“Are you gonna ask for her criminal record, or what?”
“No, bro, I’m just getting to know her,” Adil answers. “It’s just being polite.”
“Yeah, well, go show us how polite you are by go take a shower.”
“Come on, Grizou, you’re not funny. See ya, Gaby”.
He walks like most of the others inside the lockers-rooms and Benjamin follows him after greeting me.
“It was nice meeting you.”
“You too.”
I talk with Didier Deschamps, who asks me how my parents and Louisa are, and asks if Antoine behaved well last night.
“Absolutely,” I say, “he was adorable.”
I smile to Antoine, who was looking at the ground, and he finally smiles back, but his eyes go back to the ground.
“Thank you for allowing him to leave Clairefontaine”, I say, “and for allowing me to come today.”
“Oh, of course. We’re glad to have you here – and I know Antoine couldn’t wait to see you.”
“Can she come back tomorrow?” Antoine asks all of a sudden.
Didier and I turn our heads towards him at the same time, both surprised.
“I don’t want to be a burden,” I say, embarrassed, “it’s already nice of you to have me here.”
I would have loved to come – as I feel that I want to spend more and more time with Antoine, no matter what he’s doing, but I don’t want to impose myself and I don’t want Antoine to have problems because of me. The coach and the player stare at each other, as if they shared a secret. A feeling of confusion gets to me, but the Team’s Manager nods.
“Yes, of course. Tomorrow’s training session is not public, but there is no problem in you coming.”
“Are you sure?” I ask. “I’d understand if-”
“Yes,” Antoine says in a reassuring tone, putting a hand on my back. “Come, please. I want to see you.”
He looks so adorable with his sad face that I have to give up.
“In that case,” I say, still a bit uncertain.
Antoine smiles at me and kiss me quickly. Really bro, in front of your coach?
“Awesome,” Didier says, “I’ll see tomorrow then, young lady.”
He walks away after ordering the boys to hurry, leaving Antoine and I alone.
“If you don’t want to come tomorrow, you don’t have too,” Antoine says. “I don’t want you to force yourself…”
“No, no,” I answer, feeling guilty when I see his upset face. “Of course I want to come and see you, I just don’t want to cause you any problem or be a burden.”
He looks at me intensely and puts back my hair behind my ear.
“I don’t see how you could ever be a problem to me.”
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Losing Game [Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC] (Chap. V)
Requested: No​
Pairing: Antoine Griezmann x OC!Gabrielle Darian; more to be added.
Warnings: English is not my first language!
Wordcount: 3.5K+
A/N: LMAO I got confused with latin numbers while editing the last chapter and I put 9 instead of 4, SORRY!! Therefore this is the fifht chapter. Thank you for still reading! GIF IS NOT MINE. Enjoy!
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Previous chapter
When I wake up, Louisa is already up, sitting in the kitchen with her eyes focused on a lesson. We both have finals today, and to say we’re stressed wouldn’t do it justice. She raises her head towards me and smiles to me, and then puts her attention back on her paper. I’m not really hungry but I force myself to eat something with my coffee, so I don’t pass out during the final. Louisa goes to the bathroom to get dressed up, and she comes back when I’m done eating and reading today’s news. She walks to the entrance to leave but I call her back.
“Lou’, wait!”
I gesture her to come back in the living room.
“You’re gonna nail it, okay? You’re the smartest girl I know, and you will succeed. I have the utmost faith in you. Okay?”
She hugs me tight and I think for a second that she’s gonna start crying.
“Thanks, honey. You’re gonna nail it too, I’m sure.”
We separate, and she leaves. I quickly get ready, and then leave too. The finals take place in a college for obvious reasons, but since I never went to it – and knowing me – it’s very possible for me to get lost. I leave early to arrive early. We never know.  After thirty-five minutes, I get in a parking lot and I see a building with a lot of windows. I check the time, and see that I’m thirty minutes early, and also see that I’ve got a message from my maternal grandmother, Marguerite.
“Hello sweetie, I hope you’re well. I wish you good luck for your finals, I’m sure you will do well. Love you.”
Her message really touches me. My grandma and I have always been close, and I would always go on vacation to her place in Nice, in the South, during summer break when my mother wanted to basically get rid of me. Not a word from my parents nor my brother, but I expected it. My mother must think I’ll fail – that’s if she even knows my finals are today – and my father would be able to tell which course I took. As for Noah, I can’t recall the last time he said a nice thing to me. My level of stress raises up, if it’s possible, and I take the time I have left to study one last time. I send a last message of encouragement to Louisa, answers my grandma, and then it’s time to go. I enter the college’s courtyard and follow the signs that indicate where I’m supposed to go. People around me seem rather calm – how? – even though I see some worried faces. The subjects are given I pray the God of Studies that it doesn’t go too bad for me. After making a draft, I write my essay, and I’m surprised to see that I have finished fifteen minutes early. I put my work on the wooden desk like the others and leave the room, which leads outside. It feels good to have some fresh air. I search for my phone in my bag when I feel a small paper touch my fingers. I take it out and observe the number and the letter – a simple “A.” – written on it for a while, and then I do something I never thought I’d do.
“Hi, it’s Gabrielle, I hope you’re good – and that you still remember me. We could decide on a day to see each other if you’d like?”
I send the message, praying not to look like an idiot. I stay here thinking about a potential answer when I notice some students walking to another room. I check the time and see that it’s already time to go. I’ve never been good in Linguistic class – heaven knows I tried to study it hard to get better – and I have to stop myself from laughing when I see the questions of the finals. I do my best to focus but having the face of a certain football player on my mind instead of my classes doesn’t not freaking help. I let out a sigh, and when I raise my head up to drink some water, seeing the other student write long answers makes me want to scream. After an hour, I finally give up and give back my final. I quickly walk to the door, and I barely have a foot out of the room that my phone is already in my hand. I hesitate to look at it to see if he has answered and look at the black screen for a moment. Oh, screw it. I turn it on and see I’ve got two messages. The first one is from my mother, who orders me to come work this week-end. The second is from the contact I saved right before the final.
“It would be my pleasure, just tell me which me days suits you :) ."
“IP.S: I don’t know how I could forget about you.”
I jump around and let out a small scream of joy without realizing it and I look around to make sure nobody saw me. That’s the kind of behavior my mother hates. I get a message from Louisa telling me she’s waiting for me in front the college’s main entrance, and I walk to her. I see her from afar.
“Oh my God, Gaby, it was hell!” she exclaims. “I don’t even know how that teacher could think of that kind of questions, he really is a- What is that smile for? No, wait, don’t tell me,” she says before I can answer, “We’ll find a place to eat, you’ll tell me there.
We easily find a little place to eat, we order and Louisa leans towards me with a curious look in her eyes.
“So, what caused that idiotic smile on your face?” she asks.
Without a word, I take out my phone and put it in front of her. She looks at it, frowning, and then looks back at me, shocked.
“No way!”
“I know.”
“You finally decided to move that ass,” she says with a satisfied smile. “How come?”
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “I found his number in my bag, and send him a message without thinking.”
“You were right to do so. What are you waiting for? Answer him!”
I answer Antoine that I’m free on Thursday night – since I don’t have any final on Friday, a true miracle – if it works for him too. The waiter gives us our orders when I get a message from Antoine. Hell, do this boy ever work? He says that Thursday is “perfect” and that he can’t wait. I show it to Louisa, who does a little dance of joy and excitement.
“He’s so into you,” she says. “And if you tell me he’s just being polite, I swear I’ll stab you right here right now.”
We laugh and then Louisa suddenly gives me a serious look.
“You’ve got a date.
“I’ve got a date.” I repeat, looking at nothing in particular.
I’ve got a date.
“How did it go?” Louisa asks the moment I get home from work.
I take off my shoes and my jacket.
“Not too bad,” I say, joining her in the living-room.
It’s a lie. My last final of the year did not exactly go as planned, mostly because my brain was actually thinking about a certain tricker with blue eyes – and the date night ahead of us – instead of thinking about the paper in front of me. As for Louisa, she has had her last final the day before, and was now spending her free time making me try different outfits for my future date, but I didn’t like any of them so far – and neither did Louisa. I should feel relieved that my finals are over, but the stress of the exams switched into stress about my date. One could wonder if I’ll be one day in peace.
I sit on the sofa besides Louisa and we talk while watching something a bit idiotic on TV. She tells me she already has started to search for a job this summer – maybe even longer than that, because even if her parents pay most of her expenses, she’d like to be independent – just like I do. I promise her to talk about it to my mother tomorrow, maybe the company is looking for interns. She thanks me, and then proposes we go on vacation, either in the South of France – where my grandmother lives – or even in another country.
“It seems like a good idea to me,” she says. “But we’ll have to look the date of the Word Cup Final, if the Bleus go so far into the competition,” she ads in a teasing tone.
“You mean if-”
“If you and Griezmann start a great love story, yes,” she laughs.
I roll my eyes and decide to back to the vacation topic. Louisa doesn’t know that Antoine and I have been talking via messages basically every day since I send him that message and have been calling each other several times. And what she also doesn’t know is that after only a few days, I feel like I’ve known Antoine since, like, years.
“I’m gonna have to ask my mother,” I say. “But we know how she is.”
My mother rules almost everything that happen inside the company, including the employees’ vacation – and even the things that she doesn’t decide must be approved by her before putting in place. When we see the list of the things that depends on her, you could wonder how could my father and my brother be possibly useful.
“Since you work there, you’ve taken vacation once. You deserve to get some rest.”
“Well, let’s hope my mother agrees with you. I already ask her for some days off for the exams, I doubt she’ll accept to give me a vacation.”
The moment where I think it’s a lost cause, I get a message from Antoine asking me how did my final go.
When I leave to work the day after, Louisa is still sleeping. I’m afraid I’ll arrive late because of traffic – which would take away the already slim chances I have for my mother to give me some vacation – but it would seem that miracles happen, because I manage to arrive in time. I pass the front door and walk to the reception secretary.
“Good morning, Miss Gabrielle, she says. “It’s good to see you here.”
“Happy to be here,” I answer. “Is my mother here?”
“Do you mind calling her to ask her if I can meet her in her office?” I ask. “I need to talk to her.”
It’s better to use the “official way” and arrive with a head down than to just go for it.
“Of course. Is it urgent?”
“No,” I say, “but I’d like for this to be settled quickly.”
“Your mother has an appointment right now but as soon as it’s over I’ll call her and I’ll let you know what she said.”
“Thanks a lot.”
I’m heading for the fourth floor, thinking that my mother will probably refuse to see me and tell me to ask for what I want via her assistant. I say “hi” to my coworkers, who ask how the finals went, and when I come near my desk I see a little note telling me I’m in charge of organizing the next gala, and that I got an email will the information I might need. Oh, kill me. But weirdly, the note is not from my mother or even my father, but from my brother. I let out a sigh and decide to start working on it immediately. The sooner it’s done the better. I quickly answer a text from Antoine and sit behind my desk. Like last time, I decide from an appropriate – and cheap, obviously – place for the gala – and then pick a caterer. I start to write the invites for guests I haven’t picked yet – and by “I” I mean “my mother” – when I receive a call from the reception secretary, who tells me I can go see my mother anytime I like. Well, that’s a first. I thank her and use the elevator to go on the last floor of the building. Walking near my brother’s office, I hear giggles behind the door, which opens at the moment I walk pass it. My brother appears, a blonde girl – another one – following him closely. They are both wearing a jacket and she has her purse. Apparently they’re planning on going for a walk.
“Oh, hey there,” my brother says, giving me a big smile.
Is he high or something?
He walks in my direction and his new girlfriend smiles at me too.
“What’s up?” my brother asks. “That’s my little sister,” he adds to the blonde.
“Oh, nice to meet you.”
“You too,” I say politely.
“What brings you on this floor?” he asks me. “It’s rare to see here.”
“I have to ask our mother for something,” I say, a bit in a defensive spirit.
“I’ll wait for you outside, Noah,” the young woman tells him. “It was nice to meet you.”
Another girl who won’t know that my brother will have a new girl in his bed in three days.
“Do our parents know you’re brining girls here?” I ask once the girl got in the elevator.
I include our father in my question, as he already scolded Noah for having one of his dates come here when he was supposed to be working. It was one of the rare times where I saw my father disagree with my mother with it came to Noah. My brother put his hand on his neck, feeling a bit awkward.
“Hum, nah, not really. But since you’re in charge of the next gala, I don’t think my presence here is necessary. You did a good job last time, there’s no reason why it should be different this time.”
I think that’s the first compliment I’ve heard from him in at least five years. I’m so taken back that I don’t know what to say.
“Well, I shouldn’t make Lea wait. See ya, sis.”
He gives me a shy smile and heads for the elevator. What do I do now? Watching him leave, I wonder if he expects me not to tell our parents about his little evasion – if we consider they would scold him if they knew. A bit confused, I walk to my mother’s office, where her assistant let my mother know I’m here.
“You can come in.”
I push the door and I’m surprised to see that my mother isn’t alone. Sat behind her desk, she’s turned towards my father, standing on her left, his hands on the desk.
“Hello, Gabrielle,” my father tells me with a small smile. “You look great.”
I nod, and my mother barely looks at me.
“What is it now?” she asks, finally looking at me.
“I’d like to talk about my vacation,” I say, trying to ignore the self-confidence leaving my body.
My mother remains silent and raise an eyebrow to tell me to continue.
“Well, I’d like for us to determine when I can have them.”
“No problem,” my father says. “How many weeks?”
I’ll admit I didn’t think of that one. Louisa and I talked about destinations, not how much time we would spend away.
“I don’t know,” I admit, a bit embarrassed. “A week or two, I guess.”
My father turns to my mother.
“After the next gala, we won’t held one until the end of July or even the beginning of August. You can have three weeks, or a month if you want.” he adds for me.
“I was planning on holding one in the middle of July, actually”, my mother retorts.
“You can still do it,” my father answers softly, not at all impressed. “But the little one deserves a vacation.”
That what my father always called me, for as long as I can remember. The little one.
“And you owe a vacation to me,” I add to my mother. “It’s the law.”
My mother gives me a cold look before sighing.
“Fine. The gala is next week, you can go on vacation after.”
It gives Louisa and I some time to decide where we’re gonna go, even though I know she’ll hold a little campaign for us to go to Russia if – if – it somehow works between me and Antoine.
“Anything else?” my mother asks, already eager for me to leave.
“Are we looking for interns or something like that? Louisa would like to have a job this summer. After our vacation, I guess.”
This time, my mom doesn’t seem to protest.
“I’ll contact her.”
“Thanks. Well, hum, bye.”
“I’m gonna go too, I have work to do.” my father says. “See you tonight, Anita.”
He opens the door for me and we both leave my mother’s office.
“So, how is college going?” my father asks, almost as awkward as usual.
“My finals are done.”
“There is no reason why you shouldn’t succeed.”
Then why did you ignore me my whole life? He heads for his office, on the other side of the corridor, and I go for the elevator. He waves at me and the elevator’s door close.
Once my day is done, I come home to announce to Louisa that not only my mother will hire her but that we’re going on vacation. These good news make her smile after the apparently chaotic moment she spent with her parents. We sit on the sofa and she tells me what happened.
“I thought my parents were gonna make an effort,” she says, and I can tell she’s very sad and disappointed. “That’s why I accepted to have lunch at their house when they said Tatiana would be there too.”
Louisa’s family – her parents in particular – are very conservative and very religious. It had never been a problem – they’ve been nice to me and they are generally generous – until the day Tatiana came out as gay. She was nineteen, Louisa was seventeen. They threw Tatiana out and Louisa never forgave them. And their parents, who had never showed any favoritism toward any of their daughter immediately started to spoil Louisa and started to want to be much closer to her. They even were way warmer than usual towards me, as if they wanted me – and Louisa agrees on this – to take Tatiana’s place. I’ve always felt sad for her, no one deserves to be treated this way by their family. We took her in until she was ready to live alone, but I know it was hard for her too. Thankfully she’s better now.
“At the beginning it was rather good,” Louisa says. “Even though my parents would always give her mean remarks and I was given a hundred compliments per minute. But at one point Tatiana said she hadn’t come alone, and I saw in my parents’ eyes that they hoped it was a man. But when Lyse arrived, my parents got angry as usual and almost insulted Tatiana.”
My heart breaks for Tatiana. She probably had hope that her parents were finally accepting her as they should, only to get rejected again.
“I got mad and the three of us left. I even think I broke a glass when leaving, whatever. Lyse is so cool, and my sister deserves to be happy.”
“Of course,” I say in a voice I hope is comforting. “She must know that she’s not the one that needs to change. And if your parents don’t want to change, well, too bad for them. Sometimes you have to detach yourself from family. Neither you nor her need them. If your parents can realize they have badass daughters, screw them.”
She smiles at me, and I propose to have Tatiana and her girlfriend come diner soon.
We invite Tatiana and Lyse on Wednesday night, and it goes so well that I almost forget about the stress of my date the day after. I don’t sleep well that night – like every time I stress – and have such awful nightmares that I screamed in my sleep and Louisa had to wake me up. I only work the morning and I thank heaven for that, as it will allow me to take a nap and get some sleep back in order not to look like a zombie for my date with Antoine. Heck, it’s the first time I care that much about my looks. The morning goes fast, too fast, and I think several times that I’m more stressful about that date that I’m excited. And even though I love Louisa, her teasing does not help. Antoine sends me a message so we can decide on the place and the time, and he immediately accept the hour I propose – homeboy isn’t difficult – adding he can’t wait to see me. To say I’m not looking forward to it as well would be a lie, but to say I’m more stressful about this date with Antoine Griezmann than I’ve ever been in my entire life, that’s the real truth.
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footballffbarbiex · 3 years
Sin Week.
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The long awaited celebration for my 2k milestone. Each of these are smut with word counts between 3.6k- 5.2k.
Her Fantasies - Rafinha Alcantara
The Distraction - Jesse Lingard
The Hoodie - Virgil van Dijk 
Ribbons - Roman Burki 
Mine - Paulo Dybala 
Frustrations - Trent Alexander Arnold
Dorms. (Threesome) - Marco Asensio x OC x Antoine Griezmann (college AU)
Champagne Kisses. (Threesome) Harry Winks x OC x Federico Bernardeschi
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Fandoms I write for and what you can request
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Reading is dreaming - Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral!Reader (Requested)
You’re not a monster - Bucky Barnes x Wanda Maximoff [AU] (Requested)
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Are you okay? - TASM!Peter x reader
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All I had (Part One & Two) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Shame(less) - Mattheo Riddle x f!reader
Not alone - Harry Potter x f!reader
Meant to be mine - Regulus x f!reader
Your Teddy - Theodore Nott x f!reader
GIF Imagines
Imagine Harry asking you to go to Yule Ball with him
The Marauders, Lucius and Severus getting emotional and you comforting them
Dating the Slytherin boys (+ Harry)
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You're my gift - Antoine Griezmann x fem!reader
Jealous (Part One & Two) - Antoine Griezmann x fem!reader (angst)
GIF Imagines
Imagine telling your husband Antoine you're pregnant
Imagine buying your boyfriend Kylian a Ninja Turtle plushie
Adrien Rabiot and Olivier Giroud being friends would include
Adrien Rabiot being a girl dad would include
Kylian Mbappé and you being best friends before dating would include
Kylian Mbappé as a dad would include
Kylian Mbappé being jealous would include
Original Series
Losing Game - Antoine Griezmann x fem!OC
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Summary: 21 year old Gabrielle Darian and her family are famous for being selfless and helping people in need. She never expected to find true love until he arrived. But with true love can come trouble, and secrets.
Book One: I • II • III • IV • V • VI • VII
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