fandomwarehouse · 11 months
Strong opinions under the cut. If you like Nilfgaard etc this isn't the party for you.
Obligatory fuck Nilfgaard
I think what bothers me so much about it is Sapko did way too good of a job representing the carnage that a colonial power leaves behind. It's easy to see what he wrote (and what the games extrapolated on) reflected in the hellscape we're currently living in.
I enjoy tearing down a fictional empire because I can't do shit about the real ones. Ngl it really boils my piss when fandom interpretations try to unironically paint Nilfgaard as an ultimate good because it brings tolerance and peace to uncivilized barbarians. This is colonizer speak. What are we doing. Throw that enlightened centrist shit in the trash where it belongs.
Nobody talks about Nilfgaard's rapacious appetite for slaves. It's a little weird. Nilfgaard is a slave state. It can't function without a class of people who aren't considered people. Sounds a little familiar, no? A common theme, perhaps? A critique of those in power, even? We all hate on the North's racism and genocide, as we should, but not so much on Nilfgaard's colonialism and ethnic cleansing. We can do both. All our blorbos are war criminals.
Except Dandelion, I guess. Shani? Bart definitely didn't do anything wrong.
Most of our blorbos.
Anyway, fuck Nilfgaard and everything it represents in and out of fiction. I hate it forever.
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fandomwarehouse · 10 months
Geralt: "I know it wasn't an easy decision. Are you glad you saw your father?"
Ciri: "You know what, Geralt? I am glad. I understand him better now."
Geralt: "Is that good?"
Ciri: "Very good."
A few days later
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fandomwarehouse · 11 months
I don't get why people cheer for the Empress Ciri ending. Our girl's gone through hell and back escaping those who violated her bodily autonomy and you think installing her as the head of a slave state that destroyed her country and everyone she loved is a happy ending?
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fandomwarehouse · 11 months
Emhyr: I have conquered all of the North
10 years later...
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fandomwarehouse · 11 months
The Empire has clay feet
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fandomwarehouse · 5 months
One of the most insidious aspects of imperialism that Sapko shows is how Nilfgaard exploits oppressed minorities to further its expansionist aims.
Is Nilfgaard generally more tolerant towards Elder Races? Yes. Would it sacrifice every single one to further its agenda? Yes.
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fandomwarehouse · 10 months
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I'm feelin feisty today
Nilfgaard being written as a good empire is the most dumb fuck take I've ever seen.
Actual adults are sitting here writing how Nilfgaard's not like other girls uwu and the imperialism is kinda woke even though there's slavery but we don't talk about that because we don't talk about that irl since we're almost all white but that's probably unrelated
Get that weak shit out of here
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fandomwarehouse · 10 months
It's incredible to think how many died because a handful of people in fancy rooms. The Usurper and Emhyr sacrificed so many people (including their own citizens) on the alter of their ambitions. Some of the major battles had 100,000+ casualties. And that's just what we know of. I wonder what it would be with all three Nilfgaardian Wars combined.
Imagine being that arrogant. Imagine being such a piece of shit, you wipe out an entire generation across a continent. That's what a few pieces of paper can do in the hands of a tyrant.
I wish Sapko's writing wasn't so relevant. Jesus. At least I can fantasize about one tyrannical prick getting his comeuppance.
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fandomwarehouse · 10 months
You can't redeem an empire, but you can break one.
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fandomwarehouse · 7 months
I wonder if the Aen Elle kept moving from world to world because they insisted on slavery and didn't understand germ theory.
They straight up abducted people from other planets and brought them to their current home world. I quarantine plants I buy from the store ffs. These mfs are long-lived with low birthrates and an obsession with eugenics, but hey let's steal very young members of another species who are similar enough to carry infectious disease and then make them do chores where they come into close contact with us every day. We are not dumb.
The Aen Elle are dumb.
This is part of my larger thesis that slave states reflect a systematic lack of grit and balls. Do the thankless mundane tasks that keep my society afloat or engage in human trafficking until I'm so utterly dependent on an underclass that when they revolt, my entire civilization collapses?
Damn, pretty hard to choose
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fandomwarehouse · 11 months
The North will be the graveyard of empires
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fandomwarehouse · 1 year
If I feel sad, I imagine Emhyr being thrown into a pool of sea lampreys and then I'm less sad. :)
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fandomwarehouse · 4 months
Two people have asked if I was talking about them in my last antinilf post so I'm going to be really direct.
The short answer is no. There's always going to be stupid bitches somewhere with stupid bitch opinions. Technically, they're still people. I can block people. It's much harder to block a collective of cattiness, insecurity, and general dipshittery. Thus, I vent.
If you don't like that, then block the tag, block me, or throw yourself into the sun. Shit, you can do all three with my blessing.
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fandomwarehouse · 4 months
If you like Nilfgaard but ignore the slavery/colonialism bits, I banish you to the kid's table. Go gnaw on some crayons you fucking wuss.
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fandomwarehouse · 6 months
This might count as cyberbullying
Saw someone opine that Ciri doesn't have the strength be a witcher and I experienced profound secondhand embarrassment. You might as well wear a sign that says
I am a weak bitch full of weak bitch thoughts
Egregious take.
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fandomwarehouse · 6 months
Every time someone calls Ciri a witcheress, I know I'm about to be disappointed
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