conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet MARK “FITZ” FITZGERALD, the EIGHTEEN year old senior at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLIB, and sometimes gets mistaken for JAMES EDWARD CAMPBELL.
about FITZ:
Fitz had dated Katie before all the legacy stuff had gone to her head, and when he saw on the news about the bus crash his heart dropped. They had recently made up and begun seeing each other in secret, and to Fitz that was better than nothing. When he learned of Katie’s death, something inside him broke. He tries to keep to himself and doesn’t talk about it much. Fitz sent flowers to the Matlin family anonymously, and goes to the graveyard every week to visit.
He finished his parole after his last stint in juvie, but has been kept on a short leash. He knows that now if he messes up he’s going to jail this time. Fitz takes part in bullying of the legacies, and minor things but tries to stay away from anything that could get him in serious trouble.
Fitz has been doing his best to keep up with everything lately, work and school and keeping up appearances, but he’s falling into old patterns. He’s turned to drinking, heavily, often showing up to school with a buzz or calling sick from work to drink away his sorrows. He denies he has a problem, ignoring everything that tells him to stop drinking because he likes how he feels when he’s drunk.
owen milligan- best friend: Since as far back as they can remember, Owen Milligan and Mark Fitzgerald were best friends. It was only natural when both were able to they would get a place of their own to live together in. Fitz and Owen have been living together since Fitz got out of juvie.
baaz nahir- enemy: When Fitz met Baaz, he instantly thought that he had a new target. Baaz is a nerd through and through, and doesn’t often stand up for himself, so it was easy pickings for Fitz. He usually trips the boy, or makes fun of him during school hours.
jenna middleton- secret friends: Jenna and Fitz never really interacted with each other, but when Jenna came across Fitz drunk the night after the crash she felt too guilty to leave him out on the streets on his own. When Fitz woke up in an unfamiliar apartment with the blonde handing him coffee he was confused. They don’t call each other “friends” but if Fitz needs a place to crash or they need someone to talk to that doesn’t know much, they often go to each other.
Mark Fitzgerald is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet SHAY POWERS, the FOURTEEN year old freshman at degrassi. she’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for REIYA DOWNS.
about SHAY:
Though she came to high school without a group not knowing where she wanted to be, Shay had almost chosen to be a legacy until the bus crash. After Katie died, Shay decided it was best to be closer to her cousin, Marisol, instead of being closer to people who only wanted her for her athletic and academic abilities.
Shay has been sneaking her cousin Marisol into her house almost every night to help her get out of the house. Though Shay isn’t as against the legacies as her cousin, she often tags along on whatever prank Marisol is doing that day.
She was out with Marisol the night Dallas’ car was trashed, and took the fall for Marisol. She knew her parents would flip out, but it was the first time Shay had done anything “wrong” and Marisol’s parents had been looking for a reason to throw her out of the house. In Shay’s eyes it was lose her cousin, or take the blame for something she didn’t do.
Luckily for Shay she hadn’t been on the bus that day, though she was supposed to be. A last minute family trip to see her grandmother kept her from being hurt. Still, Shay has dropped all ties to sports focusing solely on academics.  
marisol lewis- cousin: Growing up, Marisol and Shay were more like sisters than cousins. They often did everything together, cheering each other on when they were at their best and comforting each other during low points. Marisol didn’t pressure Shay to become a member of the anti-breakfast club, but didn’t hide the fact she hated the legacies. The two are inseparable as ever.
arlene takahashi- secret friends: Shay and Arlene met at the beginning of the school year having been in the same classes. Shay began tutoring the girl in science since she was having a hard time, but they soon became friends. Shay is glad to have a friend who doesn’t judge her for being a member of the anti breakfast club.
kc guthrie- mentor: KC didn’t know what to think when the young athlete joined the anti breakfast club, but when he saw her studying science and struggling with one specific problem he began to help her out. Since then KC and Shay have been close, he helps her with homework and they’ve got to know each other.
Shay Powers is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet SAAD AL’MALIKI, the FIFTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for PARHAM ROWNAGHI.
about SAAD:
Saad is a Syrian Refugee staying with the Baker family. Mr. Baker was one of the first people Mr. Simpson contacted during this time of need. Saad is often more quiet and reserved, although Luke is doing everything in his power to try to change that.
Luke brought Saad into his group as his “buddy”, though most of the other Anti-Breakfast’s have no idea what he’s doing there. Saad will often take pictures of their adventures, but he’s not one for participating with them. One of his favorite things is when the anti-breakfast’s spray paint lockers, since he finds that he can get amazing shots of the graffiti.
Saad has already gotten in trouble several times with the group for mingling with people outside of their social circle. Saad doesn’t seem to understand the rules that Luke has told him.
jonah haak- mentor: The Anti-Breakfast’s wanted Saad to be mentored by someone within their group, and Jonah had no problem stepping up to the plate. He’s always been very open and inclusive, so their differences don’t matter to him. Saad and Jonah have developed a friendship, although Jonah thinks Saad should leave The Anti-Breakfasts behind.
gloria chin- crush: Saad had a crush on Gloria since day one. She was always the life of the party, someone who wanted all eyes on her. She asked Saad to start taking pictures of her at cheer practice, which became an every day thing for them. Gloria has no idea about the crush, and Saad is far too shy to say anything.
arlene takahashi- friend: Arlene was assigned as Saad’s peer mentor and she quickly realized he kept to himself. They barely spoke, until one day after school when Arlene caught Saad taking pictures of her dancing after school. At first, Saad was standoffish, but the two bonded over their love of art. Now they always defend and protect one another, especially Arlene, who is extremely protectve over Saad.
Saad Al’Maliki is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet ESME SONG, the FIFTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. she’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for CHELSEA CLARKE.
about ESME:
While everyone else is reeling over the bus crash, Esme has been dealing with the fact that her mother overdosed. Esme found the woman’s body and didn’t know how to help her. To make matters worse, her father blames her, since Esme was such a “troubled child” and made things worse for her mother.
The only person Esme has shared this secret with is Jonah, during a moment of weakness, but she refuses to tell anyone else. She doesn’t want pity from others and she doesn’t want to feel weak. She often gets flack from others, who believe Esme is being far too insensitive after the bus crash. Esme lashes out on anyone who attempts to start drama with her.
Esme has been out of control lately, destroying anything in sight, fighting with teachers and sabotaging anyone who crosses her path. She’s so skillful about it, though, that she rarely gets caught in the act. Esme has yet to be punished for her misbehavior.
jonah haak- ex fling: when Jonah joined the anti-breakfast club, Esme was in a very fragile state. She turned to the boy for comfort and they hooked up several times. Jonah has wanted to keep it a secret, since Maya used to hate Esme. Esme, on the other hand, couldn’t care less who knows.
tori santamaria- enemies: as soon as tori joined the outcasts, Esme knew she had a new target. She looks at Tori as weak and pathetic, and doesn’t understand why she’s trying to run with a crowd other than the legacies. Deep down, Esme lashes out on Tori, because she knows she lost her mother too. She sees herself in Tori, which seems to bother her.
jack jones- enemies: The two used to be best friends, inseperable. But when Esme found out that Jack had a crush on her ex girlfriend, Fiona, their friendship fizzled quickly. Esme gave Jack one chance to cut ties with Fiona, but Jack refused. The two girls are not only in completely different social circles now, but they hate each other. Esme thinks Jack is a fake and Jack thinks Esme is bitter.
Esme Song is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet ZIG NOVAK, the SIXTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for RICARDO HOYOS.
about ZIG:
Zig is a bad boy now more than ever. After the bus crash, he felt sick to his stomach about a lot of things, especially Katie’s death. He didn’t like her, in fact, he often taunted the girl. Feeling guilty has caused Zig to lash out. He was suspended for school for several days, due to spray-painting Simpson’s office after school hours.
Zig’s mom hasn’t spoken to him in months and has no intentions of doing so, since Zig has put his brother in harm’s way with gang life and careless behavior. Zig is currently staying with Tiny in his apartment complex.
He has talked about dropping out of high school and getting a job, but his friends are trying to stop him. Zig is beginning to feel a bit helpless, although he doesn’t like letting others know that.
tiny bell- friend: Tiny used to dislike Zig, due to rumors Zig spread about Tori. After the bus crash, Zig expressed to Tiny that he was sorry, and he really needed a friend to help him out. Tiny took Zig in, but expressed to him that he would need to pull his weight. That meant that Zig would have to sell drugs too.
tristan milligan- ex best friend: Zig and Tristan were once secret friends, but Zig felt that Tristan caused too much drama. The two boys cut ties, and it felt worse than a break-up for Tristan. Zig was his first, close guy friend. The two still follow each other on social media and like each other’s posts, but are no longer friends.
miles hollingsworth- best friend: During the accident, Zig was on the bus and helped Miles, despite their different social circles. When Miles was kicked out of the legacies, Zig offered up a spot with the anti-breakfast club and Miles happily agreed. They are now often planning and plotting together and also act a bit protective over one another.
Zig Novak is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet ELI GOLDSWORTHY, the SEVENTEEN year old senior at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for MUNRO CHAMBERS.
about ELI:
Eli reluctantly went along on the Spring Break trip, which means he was in the bus crash. The only thing he could remember was seeing Julia, just for a split second. He swore he had died in the crash and was shocked to find himself in a hospital bed a few hours later. Eli suffered from several broken bones.
A few days after the accident, Eli’s parents announced that they would be getting divorced. It literally felt as if Eli’s world was falling apart. His parents asked who he would like to live with, since they were splitting up immediately. Eli now spends weekends with his mom at their house and weekdays with his dad in a studio apartment downtown.
Eli went off the deep end following the crash and divorce, causing him to switch to the most rowdy group at school. He’s gotten into verbal fights with teachers and was caught spiking the punch at several school functions, one being a daytime parent’s day event. Eli was suspended for one week, but is now back to attending Degrassi.
jenna middleton- secret fling: Eli and Jenna hook up constantly. What started as a fight in the hallway, ended with their lips locking and hands all over each other. They continue meeting for secret hook ups on the daily, but will never date due to their opposing groups. Besides that fact, Jenna is Adam’s ex and Clare’s enemy.
jonah haak- neighbor: Jonah came home one day to find Eli walking into the same apartment building as him with a couple of boxes. He offered to help and the pair began to talk. Jonah and Eli have been spending a lot of time together now that they live near each other, but don’t really call each other “friends”.
clare edwards- ex girlfriend: Eli and Clare have been over for months and have been working on building a friendship. Eli knows that Clare would be livid if she found out about Jenna, so there has been some tension between them lately. Clare knows something is going on with Eli, but she can’t quite put her finger on it.
Eli Goldsworthy is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet GLORIA CHIN, the FIFTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. she’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for NICOLE SAMANTHA HUFF.
about GLORIA:
After the accident, Gloria was extremely close to Luke, which drew suspicion from the Legacies. She finally confessed to their secret friendship and was kicked out of the group. Although she remains a cheerleader, she’s now an anti-breakfast club, thanks to Luke finding her a spot in the group.
Gloria always had a knack for drama and stirring up trouble, and that has now come to an all time high. No longer having to care what the Legacies have to say about her, Gloria is ready to stir things up whenever necessary.
Gloria has started smoking weed and drinking frequently. Some of the legacies who run into her now, often point that out and hold it against her. Gloria likes her new lifestyle, despite what others have to say.
luke baker- ex-boyfriend: Starting as secret friends, these two had a certain history together. Gloria and Luke dated right after the bus crash, when Gloria switched from a legacy to an anti-breakfast club. They no longer had to hide and that was a good thing. The two quickly split when Luke cheated on Gloria with Jenna. Now tensions remain high between the two and they are barely friends.
jenna middleton- enemy: Gloria and Jenna used to be close friends when Gloria was a legacy. Gloria feels that Jenna has no excuse for betraying her, since she knew that Luke and Gloria were dating. Jenna feels that since Gloria was no longer a legacy, it doesn’t matter. The two girls now hate each other.
zoe rivas- secret friends: Gloria and Zoe were always best friends. They couldn’t just cut off their friendship once Gloria was kicked out. Zoe feels awful for being a part of the reason Gloria was kicked off, since it had to do with her proving she could be a good leader, but Gloria doesn’t hold it against her.
Gloria Chin is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet MILES HOLLINGSWORTH, the SIXTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for ERIC OSBORNE.
about MILES:
Miles was in the accident, but only suffered a broken arm and some bruising. He hasn’t spoken to anyone about what happened, since it’s still a sore subject.
When his ex girlfriend Zoe revealed to the legacies that Miles had a secret friendship with Maya, they kicked him out of their group. There was a huge scene in the hallway, and Miles now has two months of after school detention for fighting on school property.
Mr. Hollingsworth became angry with Miles when he found out that his son had not only been kicked out of the prestige legacies, but that he fought at school. He now forces Miles to work at his office on the weekends.
Miles joined the most rowdy group at school. He has been caught spraypainting lockers and will do anything to be the center of attention. Miles is done appeasing his father and he has no limits.
zoe rivas- enemies: Ever since Zoe exposed Miles, he’s questioned her as a person. The two fight constantly, often finding ways to sabotage one another.
lola pacini- ex-fling:  After the accident and losing Tiny, Lola spent a lot of time at the Hollingsworth mansion with Frankie, which led to a secret fling between Miles and Lola. The two hooked up several times, but Lola called things off when she started to gain feelings. She knew it couldn’t go any further, especially after losing Tiny in the same way. The two have a strained relationship due to their different social circles.
zig novak- best friend: During the accident, Zig was on the bus and helped Miles, despite their different social circles. When Miles was kicked out of the legacies, Zig offered up a spot with the anti-breakfast club and Miles happily agreed. They are now often planning and plotting together and also act a bit protective over one another.
Miles Hollingsworth is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet LUKE BAKER, the SIXTEEN year old junior at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for CRAIG ARNOLD.
about LUKE:
Luke was not present for the accident, but his sister Becky was. Ever since the crash, he’s had a personal agenda with the legacies. He feels like they could have killed his sister, that this entire thing was their fault.
Luke was kicked off of the Ice Hounds when he got into a physical fight with Dallas on the ice. The two were constantly fighting about being an influence on Cam, and it had finally gotten to Luke. He broke Dallas’ left arm in the process. Due to blaming it on trauma from the accident and the fight taking place outside of school property, Luke is still allowed to attend Degrassi.
Luke has been acting out now more than ever. Mr. Baker has expressed being disappointed in Luke, which has only made matters worse. Now whenever something is about to go down at school, most people turn to Luke for answers. He is always the center of all of the drama.
mike dallas- enemy: Dallas and Luke have always been enemies, but after their fight on the ice and Luke losing his spot on the team, things have been at an all time high. They can barely be in the same room at the same time without one of them threatening to hurt each other.
jenna middleton- secret hook up: After the accident, jenna came to visit becky several times, which eventually led to luke taking notice of her. He was with Gloria at the time, but couldn’t resist Jenna, which led to him cheating. Luke and Jenna are in different social circles and Luke despises The Legacies, but the two have secret hook ups every so often. They always pretend it never happened the next day.
gloria chin- ex-girlfriend: Starting as secret friends, these two had a certain history together. Gloria and Luke dated right after the bus crash, when Gloria switched from a legacy to an anti-breakfast club. They no longer had to hide and that was a good thing. The two quickly split when Luke cheated on Gloria with Jenna. Now tensions remain high between the two and they are barely friends.
Luke Baker is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet KC GUTHRIE, the SIXTEEN year old junior at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for SAM EARLE.
about KC:
KC lives with his mother, but she’s begun to act different. He believes she’s drinking or doing drugs again but is afraid to confront her because he doesn’t want to lose the only good relationship he’s had with a parent.
He’s been spending more and more time away from home, and was out with a couple of his old friend when he heard the news about the bus crash. He was grateful that no one he knew was too terribly hurt, but still worried about what could have happened to any of his friends that were on the bus.
KC has begun acting out more, causing more fights at school and is a regular at before school and lunch detentions. He likes to be in control and causing fights and knowing he’s strong is something that makes him feel in control. However, he’s also begun to pull his grades back up in science class to what they were in his freshman year. His teachers are stunned at the contrast, and KC has been pushed up to advanced classes in math and science.
clare edwards- secret friends: They were friendly years ago, but never friends. After the crash, Clare had been interviewing people about the crash when she asked the wrong question to someone who started a fight with her, and KC stepped in to block her. They’ve been friendly ever since.
shay powers- mentee: KC didn’t know what to think when the young athlete joined the anti breakfast club, but when he saw her studying science and struggling with one specific problem he began to help her out. Since then KC and Shay have been close, he helps her with homework and they’ve got to know each other.
owen milligan, mark fitzgerald - close friends: KC and Owen met because of sports and have been friends since their days on the Degrassi Panthers team. Through Owen KC got close with Fitz, and lately the boy has been crashing at his friends apartment.
bianca desousa- enemies: KC and Bianca dated, but even when their relationship ended, they were best friends. Bianca leaving behind the anti-breakfasts felt like betrayal to KC. He just couldn’t understand why his friendship wasn’t enough. Bianca thinks KC has potential to grow and change and join the legacies too, but he’s not interested. They constantly fight and argue and no longer have the connection they used to.
KC Guthrie is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet ADAM TORRES, the SIXTEEN year old junior at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for JORDON TODOSEY.
about ADAM:
Adam wasn’t in the accident, but his brother Drew was, which shook things up for the Torres family. Audra and Omar had a family talk with the brothers and Audra revealed that she wanted Adam to wait another year to start T. Audra has yet to give Adam a firm reason why, but he’s heartbroken over her decision and it’s caused tension in the Torres household.
When Clare approached Adam in the hallway, Adam snapped and yelled at her in a way he had never yelled at anybody before. Being accused of talking about one of his best friends behind her back was the final straw. Adam left the outcasts that day and went to the one group he knew no one would ever expect from him, The Anti-Breakfast Club.
Adam is now attending after school detention due to getting into too many fights, which has gotten in the way of his lacrosse practice. He's thinking of quitting the legacy-packed team anyway, but no longer lets them hurt him. Adam is searching for a new hobby to occupy his time, but can't help but lean towards activities that are not so legal and not so safe.
becky baker- ex-girlfriend: The two dated for several weeks before the bus crash, but ultimately decided that their relationship wasn’t working. Adam noticed a change in Becky that he didn’t like, and Becky didn’t seem to care.
clare edwards- ex-friend: When Clare originally wanted to join the outcasts, Jenna was angry about Clare’s decision and lied to Clare, telling her that Adam had talked badly about her on several occasions. Clare was hesitant to believe Jenna, but still came at Adam for the accusations. The two had a big blowout fight in front of their lockers. Adam couldn’t believe that Clare wouldn’t trust him and Clare didn’t know what to believe. They get into a heated argument nearly every time they interact.
owen milligan- ex-enemies: Owen was surprised when the younger Torres joined the Anti-Breakfast Club in the time following the bus crash, especially since he used to bully him. They’ve since made amends, but Owen isn’t sure how he feels about Adam being an Anti-Breakfast member, not knowing if he has what it takes.
Adam Torres is TAKEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet JONAH HAAK, the FIFTEEN year old sophomore at degrassi. he’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for EHREN KASSAM.
about JONAH:
Jonah has always been interested in music. He plays guitar and piano and often writes his own lyrics. To make money of his own, Jonah has begun to teach both instruments to people after school, which is how he got closer to Frankie, who wanted to learn guitar.
He’s been dealing after the bus crash, knowing that it really affected Maya. They broke up soon after the crash, but Jonah still finds himself worried about his ex. He’s also been worrying about his mother a lot lately. He’s begun to take his mind off of his worries by smoking pot to get his mind off of everything.
Jonah wasn’t in the crash, but he saw how it affected everyone in the school and the power had shifted. He felt bad for the legacies, and Maya, losing Katie, but he hasn’t exactly stopped going after the legacies either.
maya matlin- ex girlfriend: Maya and Jonah had a back and forth relationship, but it was still strong. Their friends were shocked when Jonah up and left the outcasts and broke up with Maya, opting to become an anti-breakfast instead. After the crash, Jonah was worried about himself and Maya and felt that it was best to call it quits. The two haven’t spoken since.
eli goldsworthy- neighbor: Jonah came home one day to find Eli walking into the same apartment building as him with a couple of boxes. He offered to help and the pair began to talk. Jonah and Eli have been spending a lot of time together now that they live near each other, but don’t really call each other “friends”.
esme song- ex-fling: when Jonah joined the anti-breakfast club, Esme was in a very fragile state. She turned to the boy for comfort and they hooked up several times. Jonah has wanted to keep it a secret, since Maya used to hate Esme. Esme, on the other hand, couldn’t care less who knows.
saad al’maliki- mentee: The Anti-Breakfast’s wanted Saad to be mentored by someone within their group, and Jonah had no problem stepping up to the plate. He’s always been very open and inclusive, so their differences don’t matter to him. Saad and Jonah have developed a friendship, although Jonah thinks Saad should leave The Anti-Breakfasts behind.
Jonah Haak is OPEN.
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conquerdegrassirp · 8 years
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meet MARISOL LEWIS, the EIGHTEEN year old senior at degrassi. she’s a member of THE ANTI-BREAKFAST CLUB, and sometimes gets mistaken for SHANICE BANTON.
about MARISOL:
Marisol and Katie were best friends throughout middle school, but after some time in high school when Marisol was a legacy, she noticed her friend was changing and decided she didn’t want to be a part of that. Though the two girls hadn’t been friends in a while, Marisol is heartbroken by the death of her ex-best friend.
She tries to hide her sorrow with extreme anger towards the remaining members of the legacies, often picking fights with anyone she sees in the halls. She’s been to Simpson’s office and to see Miss Sauve often since the bus crash.
Her grades have slipped so much in the past year that she was rejected by every college she applied to. Marisol doesn’t care, not knowing what she wants to do after high school anyway, but her parents have tried to take action to bring her grades back up. Sick of her parents being overbearing and controlling, Marisol spends most nights at her cousin, Shay’s house.
shay powers - cousin: Growing up, Marisol and Shay were more like sisters than cousins. They often did everything together, cheering each other on when they were at their best and comforting each other during low points. Marisol didn’t pressure Shay to become a member of the anti-breakfast club, but didn’t hide the fact she hated the legacies. The two are inseparable as ever.
mike dallas - ex boyfriend: Marisol and Dallas dated before she and Katie had their big falling out, when Marisol left the legacies she left Dallas too. Dallas and Marisol have been enemies ever since, always going at each others throats when they see each other. Marisol trashed Dallas’ car, but her younger cousin took the fall.  
anya macpherson - enemies: Anya and Marisol barely know each other, but since the night Marisol trashed her ex-boyfriend’s car the other girl has had a lot to say about it. Anya had seen what happened and knew it wasn’t Shay who trashed Dallas’ car, so she’s been attempting to get Marisol to fess up. The two fight constantly.
Marisol Lewis is OPEN.
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