mobscene-london · 3 months
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NAME: Carla Beneventi-Vespucci.   AGE: 32. PLACE OF BIRTH: Launceston, Massachusetts, United States. AFFILIATION: The Sovrani. OCCUPATION: Lawyer; public defender. FACE CLAIM: Greta Onieogou. AVAILABILITY: TAKEN.
“You know you don’t have to come with us, right? Your life is here, my love.”
“A life where I spend every day worrying about what’s happening to you guys?”
There she stood, with her hands on her hips, and defiance in her words that she’d learned by heart from the woman before her. Like mother, like daughter…
And no matter what people said—no matter the looks they might’ve received over the years—she was her mother. It was a great source of pain when anybody doubted it.
From the very start, it’d been the Italian who had raised her; though never through any fault of her biological mother’s. It was just one of those unfortunate things. Frieda had been sick, and Allegra had been her best friend in the entire world. Without any family to fall back on, and with so much love for the small human she had been blessed enough to spend three painfully short years with, she had pleaded with the woman she trusted most to take care of her child when she was gone. People were so quick to paint the Italian as a heartless monster, but Carla knew better. There was no way she would be half the woman she was today if Allegra hadn’t made that promise.
“Your father and I will be fine.”
“And what if you’re not? What if something happens and I’m stuck here?”
It was a terrifying thought.
Whilst Carla didn’t remember anything of Frieda—the only knowledge she possessed at all coming from the memories and photographs Allegra happily shared with her—the bond she had with her mother was unbreakable. And that wasn’t to say that she didn’t love her father and her sister, too, because she absolutely did. With her whole heart. But there was something special between them. The woman was her mother, her best friend, and her mentor all rolled into one, and whilst it pained her to wonder what might’ve been had Frieda lived to raise her, Carla knew that she was blessed to have been taken in by the family she had. So much so, that being without them for the first time in her memory was a dire prospect.
Being a member of the Vespucci family was a privilege for all, not just the girl who had ended up there by a twist of fate. Her parents had done well to hide the reason as to why from her for as long as possible, though. It’d been disappointing to find out they’d kept it from her; that, far more of a blow than realising her family was about as involved with the mafia as was humanly possible. Of course she’d heard rumours, but she’d always just thought people were teasing her. Carla wasn’t angry with them. Any hurt had been short-lived because as was always the case, they had only been doing what they thought was best for her, and how could she be upset at that?
Her parents just wanted her to do better. To be better.
“If things get too crazy, we’ll come right back home.”
“You say that like I don’t know you. I know you won’t turn your back on Vincenzo right now. I know that he needs you there, and that’s okay. Just let me be there, too.”
Thanks to her family’s wealth and influence, Carla knew she’d lived an utterly privileged life. They could afford to send her to the best schools, to buy her the best clothes, to take her on the most wonderful family vacations to Rome. And whilst she would’ve been a fool to pretend she didn’t love every moment of it, the best part of all was that she felt so unconditionally loved. Perhaps, in ways that some children never even felt with their biological families. With her parents also came the extended family—both Vespucci and Auditore. Maybe some of the people in their home borough of Valence raised an eyebrow at them wandering around with a child who looked like her, but the family never had. Not once. And she was damn sure that if they’d ever caught word of someone treating her with any less respect than the rest of them, there would’ve been hell to pay.
In all honesty, Carla had never had any intention of following in their footsteps, though. Her parents needn’t have worried. Whilst she didn’t condemn what they did for business—how could she when everybody good in her life was a part of it, too?—she would’ve never had the heart to do it herself. Allegra and Michael had wanted better for her, and she was happy to oblige. With smarts, strength, and a whole load of ambition, she instead set off for law school, and it fit her like a glove. Life had blessed her in ways she could never be thankful enough for, so maybe she could start by giving a little back in defending the people who needed it most.
“Has anybody ever told you, you’re incredibly stubborn?”
“Wow, wonder where I learned it from? Look, we only just got dad back. I don’t want to lose him again. You know I always keep myself safe, and there’s no way it can be any worse than Launceston. Maybe I can even help the guys out whilst I’m over there.”
It wasn’t as if she’d never done it before.
Wearing the name Auditore or Vespucci in Sovrani circles was akin to being royalty. But whilst some played on that knowledge to prime their egos, she never had. It might’ve been one of the reasons even the lower ranks had seen her as so approachable. The reason she called so many of their loyalists friends. Michael hadn’t been too keen on that. Even from prison, he’d always made it clear that whilst he wouldn’t tell her what to do—she was an adult who could make her own decisions—he didn’t want her associating with the Sovrani any more than she already was. Even when it was just to offer a little friendly legal advice or some representation for their more minor grievances…
Carla had always been a kind soul, though, and he only had himself to blame for instilling that in her. From her mother she gained her ambition, her strength, and her smarts. From her father she gained her humility, her generosity, and her good heart. The two had always complemented each other in the most admirable way, and it was only proven by how their two daughters had turned out. Everybody who didn’t hate the Italians on principle alone adored her because it was impossible not to. And that made her so happy. She loved to be around people, she loved to be around her family, and she loved to be the person they could turn to when they needed help.
By the sounds of how things were going in London? They needed it there, too.
The fact so much of her family had uprooted itself to go there had been a difficult pill to swallow. Eventually, many of her closest friends had followed, too. It dawned on her quickly that almost everybody in her life was affiliated with the Sovrani, because people outside of it were too intimidated by her familial connections to give her a chance. Staying behind without them would be lonely. Hearing about them getting hurt without her being there to help them out, frustrating.
And that was precisely when she’d made her mind up.
Carla had no interest in war, nor did she have any real interest in leaving Launceston behind for somewhere like London. But as the people she loved started leaving the city one by one, she realised that even though she adored her life just the way it was, it was mostly because of the people in it. The sheen was dulled by the day.  
It didn’t really matter whether her parents agreed or not, and they all knew it.
As kind of a soul as she might’ve been, as the legal world already damn well knew: if she wanted something, she wouldn’t stop until she got it.
Like mother, like daughter, remember?
“You promise me you’ll come home at the first sign of trouble?”
“I promise, mom.”
“Fine. Make sure to pack an umbrella.”
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. FAMILY: Allegra Vespucci (adoptive mother), Michael Beneventi (adoptive father), Rosa Beneventi-Vespucci (adoptive sister), an amount of cousins and second cousins so large it could only be Italian. CONNECTIONS:
Vincenzo Vespucci: Second cousin, good friend. More of a protective older brother than a cousin, but she can appreciate that he's always looking out for her in a less-invasive way than if she actually had a mob-affiliated big brother. Carla loves all her family unconditionally...but if you were allowed to have favourites, Vincenzo would definitely be hers. Though she knows he doesn't need to hear it, thus will never tell him, she worries about him now he's leading such an unpredictable city.
Greta Sorrentino: Best friend. Whilst her family is undoubtedly the biggest reason for making the trip from Launceston to London, Greta is a close second. They met on their first day of school and have been utterly inseparable ever since. Even though she took a much more involved stance with the Sovrani than Carla did, it's caused surprisingly few problems during their friendship. Greta is a little shit, but she always has her best friend to keep her in line, and everyone is grateful for it.
Aria Rossi: Good friend. Where she and Greta might be polar opposites, Carla gravitated toward Aria because of their similar nature. They're both kind-hearted souls in a world filled with growingly few, and sometimes it's refreshing just to be around somebody who isn't constantly preoccupied with the mob wars unfolding around them. They've grown so close over the years that Aria's son affectionately refers to her as 'aunt Carla'.
Patrizia Pecatti: Mentor. It's a role Patrizia seems to have fallen into both begrudgingly but affectionately. There are few in the legal sphere more cut throat than Patrizia Pecatti, and whilst some of the lines she toes for the people she does makes Carla uncomfortable, she can appreciate it's always for the benefit of the Sovrani. She's learnt much from the older woman (both career-wise and how to balance the lives they lead with the family they're apart of) and if she pursues the ability to practice law in the UK, knows Patrizia can and will help secure her a position at the prestigious Bennett & Gallagher firm, no questions asked.
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happiestplacehq · 6 months
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AUDREY ROCIO RAMIREZ is twenty-one years old. She is a Mechanic at Hagman’s Garage. She is the humanized version of Audrey from the Disney film, Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
+ Hardworking, Empathetic, Innovative - Aggressive, Sarcastic, Proud
It’s a known fact Audrey’s father always wanted sons. Strapping young boys to carry on the family name. When instead his two daughters were born, he wasn’t about to let that dream die. Audrey has always looked up to her father, admired how hard he worked and how he supported his family. At a young age, Audrey found a keen interest in the cars her father would repair in his shop. So much so to the point that she fully helped him rebuild one at the age of 5. Not tha the fully let anyone in his shop know she was doing so. Audrey did have a proper education, but she chose to be homeschooled versus going into an actual school building. Gave her more time to be in the shop with her father. Flash forward now Audrey has since moved from home to settle down in Redwood. With the hopes of opening another shop in her fathers name. Though, life out on her own hasn’t been as easy as she thought it would be. Working now at Hangman’s, Audrey is doing her best to try and save up the money to open her own place. Though she isn’t seeing as much success as she would have hoped. Now Audrey wrestles with the idea of if she is going to stay and fulfill her dream, or move back home where it’s safe and comfortable.
Audrey is bi-sexual
Uses she/her pronouns
Has quite a few tattoos, though most of them stay hidden under her overalls.
Audrey is currently unavailable. Her faceclaim is Jenna Ortega.
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senatushq · 8 months
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NAME. Priya Chandra AGE & BIRTH DATE. 339 & June 13th, 1684 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Daemonfey ( Liche ) OCCUPATION. Employee at Blud FACE CLAIM. Sobhita Dhulipala
In order to survive the Abyss, one had to be the strongest. That’s what her father would repeat over and over again. Bedtime stories rarely revolved around a prince in shining armor or the endless depths of friendship, but rather the cruelties one had to face in order to survive. To become stronger meant sacrifice and the abandonment of moralities. Priya never believed in such things as she considered herself to be a rare defender of individualism within her coven. A sorceress desiring the end of their dog eats dog society. With Hassan being one of the elders, her father put more pressure onto his daughter than necessary. Caving once her father sugarcoated the customs and power struggles that lead to traumatic events within the coven, Priya was sucked into this world, naive enough to put her father’s wishes over her own. What if he was right? An Elder with high ambitions trying to get his daughter to be more powerful and ready to survive surely wouldn’t have any ulterior motives. Instead, the sorceress slowly began to accept her father’s guidance in exchange for power.
Various challenges followed. Much like Herakles before her, the sorceress was tasked to complete dangerous challenges for the sake of enhancing her powers. Seeing as she didn’t have what it took to be as powerful as her father wanted her to be, he specifically pushed her further into this world, cutthroat, ambitious, survivalists of the worst kind. They had ambitions to become immortal, so to honor the coven’s values, Priya put herself in grave danger to find meaning in her sacrifice. Do not cry for the sacrificial lamb; she’s the one sharpening the knife. To be a sorceress means endless sacrifice to achieve one’s ends and Priya desperately tried to please her coven. Following that path, she forced herself through the darkness, conjured dark magic to defeat her unfortunate enemies. The more time she spent challenging herself, the deeper her father forced her down this road of sacrifice and obedience, the more he heart rebelled. Despite what her coven preached, her heart’s own desire was already reserved for someone else. A Vampire of all creatures, someone who’d already achieved immortality.
What was supposed to be a real testament of her own strength turned out to be a nightmare. Once invited, the vampire attacked them, fed and laid waste to their coven like nothing before. Old and wise, he knew how to have them running for the hills to further excite their blood. Priya awoke among the smell of smoke, burning buildings and laughter echoing through the darkness. Her throat burned, her muscles had stopped aching and her reflexes had become much more refined, faster and… stronger. The strength of immortality. Did she succeed? Only her father stood after the vampire fled the scene, his pockets filled with gold and his body almost overflowing with blood. Now a vampire, her father struggled with what should never be. His undead daughter, stronger than ever, lead by her own heart rather than ambitions. And yet, as their eyes met, Priya’s father struggled to find it in him and kill her for good. The coven’s death wouldn’t have to be for nothing if only they used their teachings to reverse her immortality.
Grieving over her entire coven’s death, Priya believed herself to be the culprit, the hungry vampire who had killed them all in a blackout. Nothing remained, but she knew better than to believe her own lies. The vampire who’d turned her, her one time lover, ended up being nothing more than a trickster, an executioner with fangs, corrupt and merciless. So when her father suggested dark alternatives, desperate for her daughter to return, Priya listened, now more than ever. Watching her father’s madness unfold The guilt didn’t stop. Believing to be the cause of his madness, Priya did whatever necessary to revert the curse and rebuild what had been lost. As she tipped the goblet filled with vampiric ichor down her throat, much of what used to be vanished. Drawn closer by the look of blood but cringing at the initial smell, the actual blood tasted much sweeter, smokier, than what she’d expected. Potent and addictive, Priya poured the blood down her throat, to drown in it, to feel nothing but the sinful taste of what would forever change her life. The demon crawled down her throat with its ichor, taking a hold of her body and soul. The blood of an archfiend, a source of great power to revert what had been done. Blood was the answer, revealing what had been hidden within the darkness for so long.
This hadn’t been her chance of freedom, but only a desperate attempt to revert her own death – a sacrificial lamb, her body served as the ultimate vessel for an archfiend. Enraged and starving, the now Liche slit her father’s throat and tasted his blood out of spite. Such cruelty came with a price: the peace loving, kind child feasted on her father like maggots on a corpse: relentlessly, unceremoniously, only to hurt, only to feast. She watched him carefully as her father’s heart stopped beating, eyes glossy from tears. A Liche, that what she was, an undead creature.
Trying to find meaning in her new, damned existence, Priya travelled the world, hoping to regain some of her humanity within. Kind and still naive, she clung onto the nearest group of vampires in hopes of belonging somewhere. An outcast among outcasts, she was neither bad nor entirely good, feeding upon those she should call family. Alas, the archfiend within had made itself comfortable, peeking through every once in a while, demanding blood and violence. While the archfiend within recklessly wreaked havoc upon her core values and soul, Priya became everything her father wanted her to be: powerful, immortal and, above all, doomed to a life of solitude.
The more the archfiend took over, the less Priya’s body tried to fight them. Mentally she remained on guard, losing control every once in a while, Their ambitions became her own: power, albeit put to good use, a monster with morals, a damned creature of warmth and love despite her cold skin. Still, as she looked in the mirror, her appearance skeletal and frightening, the archfiend within tasked her with the never ending battle for power and influence while her heart remained stoic: the sacrificial lamb, the sorceress who’d never ceased to love, would always remain.
+ kind, witty, devoted – tormented, stubborn, naive
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riverwoodhq · 1 year
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CHARACTER’S NAME: Chloe, UTP  AGE & PRONOUNS: 21, she/her  POSSIBLE FACECLAIMS: Anne Winters, Marlo Kelly, Herizen Guardiola, Grace Van Patten, Abigail Cowen   CHARACTER’S JOB: Student at East Mount Academy    HOMETOWN: UTP
Mad-confident in their abilities, The Cheerleader rules the blue mats with jaw-dropping backflips, high jumps, and falls from the top of a 10-person pyramid. They work just as hard as the athletes on the field, if not harder, and spend equal time practicing, traveling, and competing. But for all the skill involved in cheerleading, the true Cheerleader doesn’t lose sight of the main purpose: rooting for their team. They are crowd-leaders and morale-boosters. They show up at every game to fly the colors, ruffle the pom-poms, jump, shout, and spur their team to victory. 
The Cheerleader is a very conniving, ambitious young woman who strives to always be the winner and considers herself superior to everyone around her. When faced with people who challenged her winning mentality, she lashes out. As popular as she might be in her own social circle, that wasn’t always the case. Former co-captain The Loveable Alpha Bitch was the favorite, and The Cheerleader was her very jealous and spiteful co-captain. It’s safe to say she’s been plotting against The Loveable Alpha Bitch since day one. She can be fun and carefree though, when things are going her way. But when they’re not, her vicious and callous side comes out. Most people would describe her as a narcissistic bitch, which can only be driven by the number of views she gets on TikTok for shaking her ass in a short skirt. 
THE JESTER — The Cheerleader  had their eyes on The Jester since Freshman Year. She was a cheerleader and he was a cute athlete with a devil-may-care smirk. But what made her even more interested in him was the fact that he was dating The Loveable Alpha Bitch, who was competing against her for the spot as cheer captain. Call it petty, but when she began losing popularity to the Loveable Alpha Bitch, she began moving in on her boyfriend The Jester to make up for it. If she wasn’t going to win on the mat maybe she could win on the mattress. 
THE LOVEABLE APLHA BITCH — In the beginning, they were going to be friends. But their goals collided when they both wanted the same thing. Competitively, they both began competing with each other for the role of cheer captain, and although the other girls favored The Loveable Alpha Bitch, they were both made captain. But the other girls still followed The Loveable Alpha Bitch. Furious, The Cheerleader began plotting the Loveable Bitch’s downfall. So when rumor got out that she was hooking up with a teacher, the Cheerleader made the matter ten times worse by bullying The Loveable Alpha Bitch by nicknaming her the School Slut. 
THE INVESTIGATOR — The Investigator and The Cheerleader are father and daughter. She gets her power-hungry nature from him. He’s a detective for the NYPD. And she doesn’t make life easy on him. She’s always one step away from getting into trouble with all her fighting, partying, and illicit TikTok content. She’s been skating on thin ice for years now and he’s close to shipping her off to a private boot camp where she’ll be molded into a law-abiding cadet. 
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wisteriashq · 2 months
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The Stepford Smiler || 38 || Housewife || Taken || Gillian Jacobs FC
There’s something soft in me—
Chloe Ashworth is the quintessential team mom of the lane. If someone’s kid has a sport, she’s cheering them on. She’s the first to give money to a fundraiser and help a kid sell chocolate for a worthy cause. She’s everyone’s cheerleader, a dedicated wife and mother, and was one of Audrey’s best friends. When The Girl Next Door found out that her husband had been cheating on her, Chloe brought the wine. When the Head Turning Beauty needed opinions on a dress, Chloe obliged. But nobody could have seen Audrey’s death coming.
She’s also known as the Stepford Smiler of the lane. Always has a smile to accompany her words with a cheery disposition, Chloe values the way the world sees her. And to sum up the one word that she desperately craves to be seen as: put together. 
we killed it; it's rotting.
She comes from a family that put value on appearances. Not just physical appearances, but reputation as well. A smile could always mask things, no matter how ugly they were in reality. She was taught as a young girl to always put on a mask, that way nobody could really tell how she was feeling. To the world, she is the happy, successful, radiant woman everyone knows her to be.
Now she’s a housewife married to her college sweetheart Ethan. Mother to three children, Ava (4), Noah (3), and Ivy (1), she’s dedicated her life to managing the household. She’s different than Veronica, who has to control everything and is a perfectionist Susie Homemaker. Chloe knows she isn’t perfect and tries to take any embarrassing situation with grace, but things rarely turn out that way. She’s known to clear out a restaurant or yell at her kids at the supermarket in front of everyone. But her mask doesn’t slip until she gets in the car. She often uses dark humor and sarcasm to cover up any feelings of insignificance or frustration with taking care of three kids full time.
The Stepford Smiler is currently portrayed by GILLIAN JACOBS and is CLOSED for applications. She is written by ANDI.
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bravenewolympus--hq · 6 months
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𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒚𝒙𝒆𝒏𝒂, 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒚. 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏.
ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴏʟʏᴍᴘᴜꜱ : ᴀ 21+ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ɢʀᴇᴇᴋ ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ. athens, new york: an island city, all trees and marble, glass and steel and highrises set against an ocean skyline. bustling and loud, crowded, but not without a bizarre sense that it must have sprung up overnight, somehow, when surely it must have always been here, no? on a clear night, you might even be able to see the lights of its more famous cousin, new york city, across the water…if you squint hard enough. it may not get as much attention as the shiny apple across the hudson, but those not so blinded by the lights must certainly have been coming here for years. is there something in the water here, too? no one leaves, not in any meaningful way anyway. feels like it has a special way of pulling you back in, if you try. they, that is anyone who was anyone or paid even an iota of attention to the evening news, called him the minotaur. the media does love a catchy nom de guerre, doesn’t it? sells newspapers like hotcakes in the morning. ambrosia, whether it’s the latest designer drug trend or the latest pestilence sweeping the streets of athens, just depends on how tightly you clutch your pearls on sundays. must infuriate the police, don’t it? that without fail, by the time they arrive to any crime scene at all, all that’s left is the heap of little cream-coloured business cards, the red lines of a labyrinthine logo more taunting than they are helpful. between an epidemic of pearlescent powder, neatly parceled out in small plastic baggies, a tide of crimson bull graffiti, casinos and bordellos and the nightlife (oh my!), it’s no small wonder they call this an atlantic sin city. it’s a vice eat dog world, ain’t it? and anyone who calls athens home is just living in it. powerless, with no memory of their past lives, what's a god gotta do to survive?
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CHARACTER NAME: Evelynn Gonzales FACECLAIM: Camila Mendes AGE: Twenty-seven GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis woman, she/her BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: August 17th, 1995 // Leo OCCUPATION: Blackstone Lodge Receptionist HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN T OR C: Twenty-seven years NEIGHBORHOOD: Bath District SONG THAT SUITS THEM: Calaveritas by Ana Tijoux
Born and raised in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Her parents were well-off when they started their family, but not wealthy by any means or affluent. Though, all three are well known for helping out and being a part of the community. They attend town events, help fundraise, are always one to stop their car if someone get stranded, etc.
Eve tried to go to college and do the usual thing, follow the usual life path, but it just wasn’t for her. She dropped out two years in following a nervous breakdown. It was around this time she was formally diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety as well.
Returning home, her mother got her a job at the Blackstone Lodge as a maid cleaning rooms. It was actually her first job, because her family was well-off enough for her not to have to work during her teenage years. Once there, she bonded quickly with her coworkers and came to love the feeling of working for her own money instead of relying on her parents. Of course, she still lives with them to put save money for her own eventual home, but that's an aside.
Eve ended up applying as a receptionist when the opportunity came along a few years ago, and she's been one ever since. 
Work is actually where she met her current girlfriend, and now the trouble is that she wants Eve to move in even though tradition and her own feelings dictate that she have a house instead of an apartment to come home to when living with another person. It's a silly detail when there's so much love between them they should be happy living even in a trailer, but Eve wants to provide the best she can, and she feels like she can't do that just yet.
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lasriohq · 2 years
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Full Name: Leah Montogmery
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Pronouns/Gender: cis-female, she/her
Birthday: January 14th / 24
Birth place: Ansbach, Germany
How long have they been in town?:  Around a week
Occupation: Yoga Instructor/Personal Trainer
Family: Jade (niece), Juliet (sister), Michael Montgomery (father), Rosemary Reynolds (cousin)
Trigger warnings:  Death, Pre-Mature Labor, Military Mention.
Born during early labor, a tragedy to behold, Leah spent the first few weeks of her life fighting for her life. As though the world intended for her to learn early on that life wouldn't be as peachy as some may hope, with her mother lost to complications and her family split in the drama that followed the sad news, the girl was left to grow up with her caring older sister and her aunt around her. With her father away on deployment, Leah always felt as though there was a rift between them. While the family itself - aunt, sister and her father - was loving, it still didn't feel like the normal family everyone around seemed to have.
Sometime, years later they moved across the country to Raleigh. Leah never fully understood why the sudden move was made but was far too young to understand just what had happened. After all their aunt had the perfect explanation and thus no questions were asked. It was only until her sister moved in with their other aunt, so very far away that she got wind that something else may be up.
Unlike her sister, Leah never got to see the world and instead grew up in Raleigh, very desperately wanting to get out. The girl had big dreams, thinking that acting was where she saw her life going and thus put everything into it. It was her own way of finding means to express herself; something the girl lacked when it came to her stubborn aunt. Still, eventually the teenager hit her rebellious phase, turning into the most typical, demanding teenager one could have ever encountered. She was ambitious, yet exhausting to be around at times. There was the question as to why her father wasn't around, a mix of feeling like he was too busy and of course, the deeply ingrained feeling that the loss of her mother was somehow her fault. And she missed her sister, desperately. It was a mess.
First chance given, applications were sent out to all the universities and schools that could offer her acting and be as far as possible from the life she had known. It was around that time that Leah reached out to her sister. Despite everything, Leah felt as lost as anyone ever could have. Months after being accepted to Juilliard on a scholarship and moving to New York to pursue her dream, her life crashed and burned. Acting was her love but why did she feel so confused? Why did it feel as though she was walking through life with a mask on?
After a nasty breakup, Leah found herself visiting her sister. Las Rio seemed peaceful in comparison to the big city; calming to the mind. She found herself, after so many years, finally able to let go and relax. Wondering if there was more to that, Leah went back to Juilliard yet noticed just how much she struggled to fit back in. The weeks in Las Rio had changed her and also given her a new direction to go. Instead of continuing with acting, the young woman instead directed her focus toward the idea of helping others let go of things. Las Rio had given her plenty of ideas and so she switched to the different university, swapped courses and made her way towards a healthier life.
Years later she found herself back in Las Rio, freshly having opened her own Yoga Studio, working as a personal trainer on the side. Her life, once a chaotic whirlwind, finally in her control - or so it seems.
Besties for life ; the best friend that Juliet met when they were both in college, eventually parting ways but reuniting once again after some time spent apart
(Ex)-boyfriend ; someone Leah left behind when leaving New York or Seattle, perhaps even someone she still cares for or someone entirely new
Fierce Competion ; someone who can compete with Leah for the top spot in the personal trainer area
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jen-from-oz · 6 months
Possible there is a spark of Genius.
I am well aware that over the years I have used various insults, derogatory terms and takenf every opportunity to show what a clown my husband is. But… Possible there is a spark of Genius.
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secretsummernextgen · 2 years
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[FEMALE, SHE/HER]. Hey, is that [CLAIRE HOLT], no that is just [SELENA FORD] around Baberton. I heard they are [33] years old, and their birthday is [12TH OCTOBER] and they’re [BISEXUAL]. They can mainly be found working at [BABERTON AQUARIUM] and they have been in town [SIXETEEN YEARS]. Some say they are [CREATIVE, PASSIONATE, KIND] and can be [MOODY, STANDOFFISH, LONER]. If you see them around town, clearly they have survived or maybe they are just barely surviving. Either way, Baberton welcomes you! Enjoy your stay.
Selena was born in London, raised by her parents alongside her older brother and sister, Peyton and Matt.
She was seven when they went away to Baberton and eleven when Matt was killed in a hit and run in that very town.
Being so much younger than her siblings, it was difficult for her to connect with them on the level she’d have liked - they were always so many more steps ahead of her and they were always at different points of their lives. Then Matt was gone and Peyton was in a haze of depression, still in Baberton hours away from Selena.
Moved to Baberton when she was seventeen. Her parents relocated there to be closer to Peyton and the rest of the family and at the time Selena had been living at home without a job.
She didn’t mind it in Baberton, especially with the killings over and done with. She especially liked the river, the lake and the beach.
Selena has always loved aquatic life and being in and around water, so getting a job at the aquarium just seemed like the most logical next step.
She feels a little set apart from the rest of the Ford family, a little too on the sidelines, a bit left out. She doesn’t like it but it’s just the way it is.
Witnessed a murder when she was just a kid. She was walking home from gymnastics one day after school and she took a shortcut as it was dark. She saw a woman beaten to death and she fled the scene, too traumatised to say a word. It messed with her mind for years, causing nightmares and anxiety.
Doesn’t always feel connected to people, be it in general or those close to her. Selena always feels on the outside, like she’s in a bubble.
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wdpa-rp · 3 years
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Meet Jasmine Kouri! Word on the street is that she bears a striking resemblance to Medalion Rahimi. She’s a Gender Studies Grad Student at WDPA. Currently, she’s taken.
→ Once Upon A Time.
Born to Iranian ambassadors stationed in Dubai, Jasmine’s always had a love for seeing the world and traveling with her parents. She’s fluent in many languages, her top three being English, Arabic, and French and she loves confusing people by pretending she knows how to speak only one.
Jasmine was always known to be an adventurous and headstrong little girl, often sneaking out of their luxurious home in Dubai, to explore the world around her. Much to her parents’ chagrin, she was headstrong and opinionated, often voicing the injustices around them and rallying for those that couldn’t speak up for themselves.
This voice only grew and when it came time for her to start looking for suitors in order to get married, Jasmine Kouri put her foot down once again, claiming that she was not a prize to be won nor the property of a man. Her parents knew that her headstrong personality could be a danger for her at home and they granted their daughter’s wish to not marry, but instead study abroad in sunny Santa Monica.
→ The Road So Far.
After years being spent under the California sun, Jasmine’s parents often tease that she’s become more American by the day. She’s often pictured out in the sun, riding her bike, or trying new foods around the city. She enjoys the drastic change of her life as she feels that she’s grown more into herself and into her own voice.
She enjoys her freedom to do whatever she wants, within reason, and after graduating in gender studies and political science, she’s a TA for her gender studies class and is an acclaimed intern for the Santa Monica Times.
Of course, now that she’s towards the midpoint of her 20s, her parents are beginning to put more pressure into getting married and it’s beginning to stress the young woman out. She personally doesn’t feel any less of a woman, any less of a human, if she’s single and successful.
→ The Vices & Virtues.
+ Independent, Headstrong, Humble
- Stubborn, Disobedient, Cunning
→ Are You A Friend or Foe?
Elsa Arendelle
Ali Sheik
Rajah Khan
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mobscene-london · 11 months
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NAME: Izabele Anasenko.   AGE: 29. PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyiv, Ukraine. AFFILIATION: The Russian Mob. OCCUPATION: Supermodel. FACE CLAIM: Anya Taylor-Joy. AVAILABILITY: TAKEN.
“You’re really willing to sacrifice everything we’ve worked for to be with a man like him?”
Everything we’ve worked for.
That statement summed up her mother perfectly.
Even though Izabele had started out life in Ukraine’s largest city, her family had been far removed from any affluence it might’ve afforded others. Both her parents—a turbulent marriage that only survived as long as it did because neither could cope financially without the other—worked long days for little pay. The home in which they raised their three children was hardly large enough for one, and they barely had the funds to make the place habitable, let alone comfortable. Childhood should’ve been miserable. Maybe for her two brothers, it had been.
Izabele always clung to the positives, though—ever the perpetual optimist.
Even when her father finally left them to shirk the financial burden of his children, she had remained an impossibly good natured child. Izabele hadn’t cried when she wasn’t allowed to take dance lessons like her peers because her mother couldn’t afford them, nor did she become petulant when told there would be no feeding of an extra mouth when she found a stray puppy on the way home from school. Mostly, she stayed in her quiet corner, reading books her brothers stole for her, and contemplating how she would one day create a life for herself that was better than this. Wallowing in self-pity wasn’t going to solve anything. Her parents had proven as much.
Izabele had only been fourteen years old when she’d been spotted by a talent scout whilst out in the city with her mother. There was no denying that she’d always been uniquely beautiful. It was about the only thing she was ever complimented on; a disappointment for a girl who worked so hard at her education, and even more so, to be a kindness to others that hadn’t always been offered to her. Izabele didn’t really understand what being a model was, nor did she much like the people they were dealing with, but her mother swiftly took control of the situation, and made the decision for her. Back then, she’d liked to think it was because her mother believed in her, but the reality was, her mother believed she could make money for her.  
The connections in Ukraine felt shady, and the situations she found herself in were uncomfortable, but her mother insisted she was being delicate, and that she had to persevere if she wanted to move on to bigger and better things. Izabele didn’t, though. All she wanted to do was go to school.
For years, her mother paraded her around like a material possession to be bragged about. When they broke into the world of fashion, though, things became a lot more palatable, and Izabele started to embrace that she was genuinely very good at what she did. The young girl graced the cover of Ukrainian magazines, and became one of the most sought after models for teenage fashion lines. Then, aged sixteen, she finally had her big break when she found herself at Paris Fashion Week, walking for an up-and-coming designer who would unknowingly shoot her fame into the stratosphere. Izabele stood out; natural talent, looks, and a gentle nature that made her easy to work with. The rest came in a flash so quick she barely felt present for most of it.
By the time Iza was eighteen, she’d walked for the likes of Givenchy, Chanel and Balmain in cities across the globe. She’d been on the cover of three different editions of Vogue, had been the face of a Dior campaign, and had been invited to awards ceremonies and movie premieres as though she were a star. The young girls of the world had become infatuated with the media’s portrayal of her. Social media was inundated with feel-good stories about what she’d achieved whilst coming from humble beginnings, and in the big cities, she couldn’t go outside without being recognised by somebody itching to be close to fashion’s next big thing.
At the absolute peak of success, she’d horrified her mother—who thankfully no longer had any control over what she did with her life—by deciding she wanted to take a break from her career. Izabele loved what she did enough not to want to give it up entirely, but she was also a realist. Spotlights faded, and this whirlwind wouldn’t last forever, and that was precisely why she wanted to pursue education like she’d always aspired to. Using her fame—because even if she was more than bright enough to be worthy of a place, that wasn’t how it worked at prestigious institutions like Belmonte University—she managed to secure a place studying literature in Launceston.
School came easily when she loved the subject as much as she did, but a degree wouldn’t be the only take away from her time in the city. Cressida Baryshnikova—or Berkeley, as she had been back then—had become her best friend as easily as if they’d been born to meet each other. A chance run-in at the library had not only delivered her someone she could finally trust to have her best interests at heart (a world away from the fickle friends she made in the modelling world) but also an unexpected connection to the man who would eventually become her husband.
Mikhail Vorshevsky.
At first, she didn’t quite know what to make of him. The Vorshevsky name was well known back in Kyiv, and apparently, even more so in Launceston. Never for good reasons. It left a bad taste in her mouth when she’d always had a particularly strict moral compass. But he was Cressida’s good friend, and Izabele always found it difficult to say no to the people she cared about. So, with no intention of disguising her reluctance, she agreed to go on the double date.
“You could have any man in the world, and you’re going to marry the son of a mobster? The brother of a Russian politician? Imagine what this will do to your reputation, Iza. Your career!”
Izabele wasn’t sure what she’d expected from Mikhail, but it certainly wasn’t to fall head over heels in love. To eventually have to sit her mother down and tell her she’d be leaving the new life she’d made for them in New York, and staying in Launceston to marry a man that somebody with as kind a soul as hers should’ve ran from.
Her mother was furious. Cut off all contact until Dmitri was born.
By that point, it was too late. Izabele continued to send enough money to her mother that she might live comfortably, but she and her brothers had a new life now, and it was healthier without her.
Whilst she could never wrap her mind around the idea of her husband—a man she truly adored, and who adored her in return, more than she ever thought possible—was involved in organised crime, she was wiser than to ask too many questions. The same couldn’t be said for her best friend and her husband, however, and Izabele learnt more about Vorshevsky dealings because of that than she’d ever wanted to. Perhaps a case could be made that she was just as bad as the people involved for being willing to turn a blind eye, and maybe she felt that guilt some mornings, too, but to her, he was perfect. Treated her with respect and kindness, and was such a wonderful father it made her soul happy just to watch him with their son.
Motherhood is still relatively new to her, but eventually, now Misha has moved their family to London, Izabele is hoping she can find a way to juggle it with a return to a modelling world that has vocally missed her. Surprisingly, her celebrity status has stood the test of time, in spite of her mother’s warnings that her choice of husband would blacklist her. Being married to a Vorshevsky brings with it a whole other spotlight of its own, however, and now they’ve left the Russian stronghold of Launceston, even she is beginning to wonder if her husband’s business—a world that she’s tried so hard to ignore for so many years—is finally going to force her to pay attention.
Izabele will always love him, in spite of the things he does. There is nothing he could do that would change that. But she can’t help but wonder whether this move is going to put both him and their small family in more danger than they can outrun.
And that scares her.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Mikhail Vorshevsky (husband) FAMILY: Dmitri Vorshevsky (son, unplayable), Borys Anasenko (brother), Vasyl Anasenko (brother, unplayable) CONNECTIONS:
Cressida Baryshnikova: Best friend. Being married to a mobster is difficult, but she's glad that her best friend in the world fully understands it. Whilst Izabele is the kind of person who attracts many friends, the relationship she has with Cressida is different. They're practically family. Even before they became the couples that did everything together, they were joined at the hip, and despite their very different personalities, Iza would be absolutely lost without her.
Andrei Baryshnikov: Good friend. Even though he's a little rough around the edges, Izabele loves him dearly. Their two families spend so much time together, it'd be difficult not to. Whilst she hopes Mikhail can placate him somewhat for Cressida's sake, whenever he's with the girls, he's a gentleman, and that's the side of Andrei she has grown to adore. Mostly, she's grateful to know that her husband has somebody so loyal watching his back out there.
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happiestplacehq · 2 years
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SABRINA OGAWA is twenty-seven years old. She is the aquatics expert at the Redwood Nature Reserve, and a part-time swim coach. She is the humanized version of Silvermist from the Disney film, Disney Fairies.
+ Energetic, Caring, Artistic - Overzealous, Easily Distracted, Naive
Sabrina Ogawa moved to Redwood Hollow as a teenager when she was attending university. There, she double majored in Biology and Natural Resources. While she originally only resided in the town temporarily during semesters, after taking an internship with the Nature Reserve, Sabrina decided to permanently move to Redwood. A lover of all things aquatic, Sabrina accepted a role at the reserve as their water expert. A natural teacher, Sabrina decided to keep her original part-time job as well, and she continues to teach swimming classes at the local pool.
 Sabrina is known as one who can and will talk your ear off about anything and everything. She’s very excitable and energetic, with a bit of a competitive streak. She loves expressing her passions, and puts her all into everything she does. On the other hand, she is prone to being overzealous and easily distracted, which has a tendency to work against her in interactions and event hosting and planning. It’s hard for her to hide when she’s keeping a secret, which has led her to spoil more than one surprise party.
Sabrina is very openly loving and patient, despite her constant energy, most especially with her students. She loves helping others succeed, and is very friends and family oriented. She is also very artistic, and expresses that through painting and jewellery making. She enjoys swimming, dancing, and ice skating, and was a competitive figure skater growing up.
Sabrina’s pronouns are she/her
Sabrina’s sexuality is pansexual
Sabrina has a pet turtle named Teagan (or Mr. Teagan the Three Legged Turtle). She
initially rescued Teagan as a baby turtle, and once it became clear that Teagan would not be able to survive on his own in the wild, she’s kept him as her buddy ever since.
Sabrina is very close with her family and can constantly be heard walking around town while talking on the phone with them
Sabrina is fluent in English, Japanese, and ASL.
Sabrina has Auditory Processing Disorder
Sabrina is currently unavailable. Her faceclaims is Karen Fukuhara.
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senatushq · 10 months
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NAME. Kafziel AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Seraphim VARIANT. Blessed OCCUPATION. Florist at Thistle House FACE CLAIM. Rebecca Rittenhouse
Kafziel is an angel of old, she led where some sought more to follow and naturally taking on an older sibling role despite how they were all created together led to her following her fathers commandments closely, fearing the idea of being a failure and disappointment. She sought to be a beacon of glory and justice, raising her sword to fight the dominion of devils that threatened the cosmos and creation of Earth, pushing the darkness back, her sword burned with a magnificent light and she acted in complete accordance to Ulthar's will.
She did not tire nor grow weary as the battle continued for the salvation of those that would come after the Seraphim. Landscapes changed around them and still tirelessly she fought to ensure that her fathers splendor and beauty would triumph over any evil that threatened the new world that had only recently began to spin on its axis.
Kafziel was terrifying in her first angelic form, hundreds of wings battered against anyone that tried to claim darkness over the realm, a thousand eyes to cast judgement and a blinding light that radiated around her form and would eviscerate the second of Ulthar's creations should they gaze upon her true angelic shape.
Eventually the Seraphim's power would grow too holy to behold, humans were burnt to a crisp, their bones turned to ash and the first unlucky ones to gaze upon the Seraphim's lights were left with burnt out holes where their eyes had been and a smell of smoke that forever lingered as if their sockets were burning still. Death would have been a kinder fate than to gaze upon an angel. Ulthar choosing kindness over glory bound their form to the divine realm as they caused destruction wherever they stepped on the mortal realm, scorched earth that could produce no life and they were commanded that they were to only enter the mortal realm if they got permission to possess a human host.
Some of Kafziel's siblings fought against such orders and the great war of the Seraphim began, brothers fought against brothers and sisters raised their blades to each other. Kafziel did not hesitate as she stripped the divinity of the siblings that she had helped guide, believing them beyond redemption if they were so willing to turn from Ulthar.
The fallen were banished from the divine realm and so some found space in the mortal realm and some retreated into the Inferno to join in legion with the greater demons that fought alongside them in the name of Lucifer's army. Kafziel and her siblings found their positions to serve the throne that Ulthar sat upon or to keep record of the events throughout humanity. Four of her siblings left the divine realm to warn the world down below of the ending of days and the four horsemen left the divine kingdom and it marked the beginning of the end for their celestial kind. Kafziel didn't know it at the time the reckoning it would bring about for the siblings that remained locked behind the pearly gate.
The end didn't come at once but slowly, it was as if a severance had begun and Ulthar's children that he once adored began to be closed off from him as if he was preparing for a goodbye. Ganymede moved into the divine palace and his love and adoration for the Seraphim echoed and amplified how Ulthar did not carry love for his creations any more. Ganymede's words soothed any fears that began to develop and it was not in their nature to question their holy father and part of that is why so many great warriors gave easily into the slaughter.
Kafziel won't be able to ever forget the day Ulthar turned to her, a hungry look in his eyes and a coldness seeped into her brilliant light, warning her to run before his teeth latched onto her throat and he feasted on his children. Her screams of agony and fear fell on deaf ears as her siblings raised their weapons towards the cruel monster that their father had began, she screamed for them to run, to flee for their lives and she watched as they got extinguished one by one as he saved her for last.
Blood soaked his chin and his hands had become dirtied with gore, he reached for her and she evaded him, soaring from their kingdom and refusing to look back even as her true home burned behind her. The pearly gates melted by the heat of the flames and Ulthar full on his creation and children departed from the divine realm leaving a bloodbath and horror scene behind him.
She witnessed as Eden fell and she knew the world that she had left behind would not be as she remembered it, she knew the four horsemen had departed for the mortal realm and it was her remaining siblings that she sought to tell them of how their siblings had all been slained by their father and there was no one looking out for them. There was a women who prayed to be used for a higher purpose, to be something near divine and it was her prayers that Kazfiel answered, appearing to the women in a blood stained light, it was a terrifying sight as the cosmos appeared before her and as she invited the angel inside, Kazfiel took possession and searched for her remaining siblings.
War had come to the land and she had lost her sister, one of many and yet the Earth ached for death had never been so kind and they would have to go on without her. Kafziel had never been human and never would be but she knew that there was no heaven after this, no pearly gates awaited them, all they had was the Earth down below and even if existence so far had been proved to be pain, she hadn't laid down and died because her father whose orders she had always followed wished it so. She listened to her inner voice that urged her to live even if it meant torment and isolation, she wasn't a light about to go out but a terror that had been made anew.
+ Headstrong, confident, ruthless – Tormented, self-isolating, judgmental
played by amy. pst. she/her.
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riverwoodhq · 1 year
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CHARACTER’S NAME: UTP  AGE & PRONOUNS: 21-23, UTP POSSIBLE FACECLAIMS: Kj Apa, Alex Fitzalan, Tilly Keeper, Jordan Alexander, Willa Fitzgerald, Greta Onieogou CHARACTER’S JOB: Student at East Mount Academy    HOMETOWN: UTP
The Role Model develops a following of people around them by using their relationship-oriented focus and an ability to create a vision and inspire others to follow it. They have firm ethical values which they will stick to. The Role Model is always active rather than passive, with their actions making a difference to the outcome of situations – they will not simply accept the status quo or sit back with the attitude of ‘what will be, will be’. Rather, they set out to make things happen and to take others along with them on that journey.
The Role Model is known around campus to be uninterested in the power-driven nature of the school’s hierarchy. Despite their family’s legacy, they refuse to join certain cliques and could care less about honoring old traditions that belittle and exclude other people. Their parents aren’t sure if they should be proud of this fact, or let down. They want them to experience everything they did when they were students at East Mount Academy. They were the best years of their lives. But at the same time, they know they raised a young adult who will make all the right choices. However, their intent to keep their friends safe from harm means they are not immune to making unwise decisions out of desperation to protect them. Likewise, their desire to see the best in people and their trusting nature has been shown to create problems in their life as well. Regardless, their moral code hasn’t faltered despite all the pressure and temptations.
THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY — The Role Model and The Social Butterfly have become best friends this year. They hit it off over the summer and started the new school year attached at the hip. The Role Model is against The Social Butterfly’s relationship with The Troublemaker. Every time he makes her cry, The Role Model has to pick up the pieces and remind her that she would be better off without him. The Social Butterfly wishes she could be more like The Role Model. So strong and authentic. But while The Role Model is who they say they are, The Social Butterfly hasn’t come out of her cocoon yet and therefore doesn’t know who she is.
THE JESTER — When The Jester and The Role Model got paired up in class to work on an assignment together, their notebooks got mixed up and The Role Model brought home something labeled “The Playbook” — a book that lists all of the jocks’ sexual conquests, ranked from most kinkiest to most vanilla. Not everything in the book is accurate, some of the guys wrote lies in there just to sound like they’ve done more than they have, or to give a girl a poor reputation after being rejected or dumped. The Role Model uses the notebook against The Jester. The Role Model has one condition: The Jester has to keep his best friend The Troublemaker in line, meaning, if he breaks The Social Butterfly’s heart one more time, they’ll take the hideous Playbook to the Dean. 
THE MISFIT —   Over summer vacation, The Role Model found out their mother was having an affair with The Misfit’s father. The Role Model made the decision to tell The Misfit and they both agreed on a pact to tell their unsuspecting parent the bad news. Afterward, both of their families were ruined. Filled with regret, the Misfit blames the Role Model for getting involved. Now both their parents are filing for divorce. If things keep going the way they’re going — The Role Model and The Misfit might become step-siblings.
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httpswellsbury · 2 years
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❛ i've  eaten  the  sun  so  my  tongue  has  been  burned  of  the  taste,  i  have  been  guilty  of  kicking  myself  in  the  teeth,  i  will  speak  no  more  of  my  feelings  beneath. ❜
first name: luna last name: baxter gender/pronouns: female ; she/her age: 24 birthday: friday,  june current residence: south  wellsbury current occupation: movie  usher  at  the  matrix faceclaim: krista  keehus secret:   luna  lies  about  having  a  wonderful  family/home  life,  when  in  reality  it’s  the  exact  opposite.  to  all  her  friends,  luna  has  an  amazing  bond  with  her  mother,  lives  an  upscale  lifestyle,  and  holds  a  low  paying  job  for  a  pastime.  in  reality,  she  lives  in  a  rundown,  ratty,  apartment  complex  in  the  southside  and  is  barely  scraping  by.  her  father  tragically  went  missing  when  she  was  only  3  years  old,  the  body  still  remains  unfound  20+  years  later.  not  a  trace  was  left  behind.  her  mother  coped  with  the  loss  by  turning  to  drugs  and  alcohol.  although  her  mother  is  still  here,  she  denies  luna  of  being  in  her  life.  luna  has  practically  raised  herself  since  she  was  just  a  little  girl,  moving  out  at  a  young  age  and  snatching  the  first  job  possible.  luna  wants  nothing  more  than  to  feel  loved  by  someone.  thus,  leaving  her  feeling  numb  and  hurt.  she  lacks  emotions  and  love  for  others,  never  feeling  it  of  her  own. who knows your secret: no one.
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