Short list of things I'll never forgive Disney for
Liv and Holden breaking up.
The GMW triangle that shall not be named.
(Note: there's probably more. This is just off the dome.)
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starlightsweetheart · 11 months
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And they say Maya’s the one having an identity crisis, righhhhhht…
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Maya ships ranked
1. Lucaya (duh)
2. Rilaya (Sisters? *scoffs* Yeah right.)
3. Zaya (Zay is so shippable man)
4. Smaya (not my first choice but they could be cute! Plus they could end up being my gwikki *perks up*)
5. Mayarkle (Better as friends imo. The writers did the right thing having Farkle get over Rilaya)
6. Joshaya (Why would a sophomore in COLLEGE want to date a freshman in HIGH SCHOOL????)
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
even if Lucaya wasn't an option I still wouldn't ship Joshaya, never have, never will. If not Lucaya then Maya and Zay, or honestly pretty much anyone but Josh. Like when I ship lucaya its not just oh I prefer them over joshaya, because to me, anything would be better than that. She could date any member of the forest group or an OC, I'd still prefer that to Joshaya. Joshaya is a plot convenience.
She can pretend shes in love with josh, play the long game, even though she still likes lucas. It makes things feel less awkward for the group and she can reject people and use this as a reason.
Also still confused by Riley going from "you're not gonna be my aunt, I don't want you to be my aunt" to just not caring. I too would not want my childhood friend to be my aunt tbf. But yeah not much point to this other than saying Joshaya honestly is my least favourite ship. Its like one of the only notps I have. It's not even really for the age gap reasons or anything. I've shipped far more obviously toxic things. It just never really did anything for me as a ship. I just never cared
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Going back to our roots here what’s your brutally honest opinion about lucaya and joshaya if you’re up for some throwbacks
this message physically aged me 45 years 😭
lucaya- like, it was obviously planned from the beginning, but here's the thing: their dynamic was tired as hell. you see it in every piece of media ever. they were BORING. also I just genuinely almost never liked lucas lmfao. there were a handful of lines throughout 3 seasons that got a laugh out of me- and it was always when he was playing the idiot or confused part, if they had just let him be the wannabe eric of the show it could have been amazing. as for maya, I definitely wasn't as attached to her as I was riley, she just kinda got on my nerves a bit, but Dear God Did She Deserve Better. the triangle was drawn out WAY too long. by the end of it both girls should have left lucas in the dust. we see the 'official' triangle plotline start on new years eve, and end in late september/early october. in no world should it have taken him that long, ESPECIALLY when he knew what a strain it was putting on the girls relationship. if he really cared he would have stepped back, like, literally, it is very very possible to have feelings for someone and not date them, oh my God. farkle had the girls fighting over him ONE time and was like 'hey no I love you guys too much to see you upset'. lucas friar you will always be hated<3
joshaya- I need to get this out of the way because I saw it so much: maya was not trying to date josh when she snuck into the college party. the college girls were not telling josh to date maya. one of josh's friends hits on maya and riley and maya said We Are In Eighth Grade. she's not delusional. the whole episode was how she wanted josh to stop ignoring her. there's subtext ladies!!! cory and topanga were practically raising maya since she was 5. even if it's not addressed too well on screen, you have to be aware that maya and josh have known each other practically their whole lives. considering how close josh is with cory, riley, and auggie, that tells us he saw the family on a regular basis growing up (he literally left his parents and took a train at like 4 in the morning just so cory could open his college letter with him). so josh and maya were likely good friends as children! what we see with his introduction to the show is he starts treating her more as a kid, as his niece's friend, and thinks her feelings are silly and she says No. I need you to take me seriously here. I don't want our friendship to change just because you're in college now. my feelings are not stupid and I want you to respect me. (also. side note. they never said josh's age in the show right?? because for him to start college when he did would make him older than he should have been based on the boy meets world timeline...like, I was kinda working under the assumption he skipped a grade or two in high school but everyone else was like Known Grown Man And Pedophile Josh Matthews Asked A Toddler To Go To The Movies As Friends lmfao). anyway. she asks him to respect her and he does!!! genuine shock and awe! lucas friar found dead in a ditch! lmao. their vague 'let's see how we feel in a few years' talk reminded me a lot of the cory/topanga yearbook quote scene, and they had great chemistry! it didn't feel like something I've seen a thousand times before. it's not like they promised to swear off dating and wait for her 18th birthday, she was basically dating zay by the end of the show. they just said 'we've known each other for a while, there's definitely something between us but this isn't the right time for us to explore it, so let's be friends like we used to' (see: what lucas should have done during the triangle). josh had a tiny bit of an edge to him, but with the dorky matthews heart, which tbh was exactly what maya wanted. I loved how maya acted around josh, it lead to some of her funniest and most open moments in the show. I loved how gentle josh was with her even when she was being annoying. I love a good childhood crush to actual lovers story! sue me! lmao I think if the show had gotten as many seasons as boy meets world they really could have been something special
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I’ve been watching more of the iCarly revival and realized that I don’t ship Seddie and Lucaya (from Girl Meets World) for the same reason: the female in the ship (Sam and Maya) are too abusive towards the male (Lucas and Freddie) for my comfort. In the original iCarly series, Sam was physically abusive towards Freddie constantly. In Girl Meets World, Maya constantly put down and demeaned Lucas. Whereas Carly and Riley actually like Freddie and Lucas for who they were.
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chronically-unlucky · 11 months
You know what would’ve been better than Lucaya?
Maya developing feelings for Farkle because of his new alt aesthetic.
I just think it would be interesting
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therogue704 · 2 years
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Guess who😘
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fandomcrazy6226 · 1 year
*cracks knuckles*
Alright, I may get shot down completely for this but I think most of the Girl Meets World fans COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTAND the love triangle.
Now I know that sounds like an exaggeration but trust me with all the posts I've seen about it, it very much is not.
All of the people saying lucaya should've been endgame are 100% missing how the love triangle happened and even the end results, which were that Maya and Lucas didn't even like each other in that way.
The entire triangle stems from Maya's identity crisis where she loses herself and becomes more like Riley, and when she becomes like Riley she starts to experience Riley's feelings for Lucas to make sure he's good for her. And because she's becoming like Riley and also Riley saying her and Lucas are "siblings" (they are not), Lucas starts liking Maya as well.
The whole resolution to the triangle is Maya refinding herself and realizing that she never liked Lucas romantically, and Lucas realizing that he likes Riley, always has and always will, and he only liked Maya because she was Riley at the time.
And at the end of the day it doesn't even matter, because the real point was to show that no matter what they go through, Riley and Maya are still best friends and will always be best friends and will always be there for each other.
Also I feel like I should mention how Josh fits into this because that is also a thing that people get wrong. Josh isn't the bad guy in this situation, and Maya isn't wrong to like him. Three years isn't a very big age gap, especially when Maya is much more mature than her age would typically be. And Josh isn't a groomer for saying he'll wait, either. I know some people have big issues with that, but to me it's a really sweet and smart way to go about things and not any kind of evil or irredeemable action.
(For the record, I'm not anti- any of the ships here. I'm not anti-lucaya, anti-joshaya, anti-rucas, or even anti-riarkle. I don't care what you ship, I just want people to understand this story and why things ended up how they did in regards to these ships and characters)
(Also for the record, I am open to this starting a respectful discussion in reblogs/comments, but please keep it respectful and don’t turn this into any kind of flame war)
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purpleyearning · 2 years
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multimetaverse · 6 years
Accurate Girl Meets World Colour Theories
The GMW fandom used to be filled with outlandish theories that the character’s clothing was telling the real story while the script was misleading us. These theories mainly focused on Maya and Lucas and got increasingly desperate as it became clear that they were never going to be a thing.
But there really were times when the wardrobe choices were actually telling us something; but these occasions involved Rucas and Joshaya so none of the theorists wanted to acknowledge them.
In Ski Lodge Part 1, Lucas wears this sweater:
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A very unusual wardrobe choice as he usually wore plaid shirts or blue t-shirts. Theorists claimed that this was a sign that he really meant to choose Maya since Maya had clothing with big cats on it before. But the most important part of his sweater isn’t the panther, it’s Brooklyn! 
To Lucas, Brooklyn and New York are associated with Riley not Maya. In Texas Part 1 he even tells Riley that he wouldn’t have survived New York without her, which is confirmed in World of Terror 3, and reinforced again in the series finale when Lucas states that New York won’t feel like home without Riley.
And in Ski Lodge Part 2 when Lucas chooses Riley and Rucas rises once more, he wears a purple shirt, Riley’s favourite colour, and his jean jacket and blue jeans ensemble is very similar to his costuming in Riley’s romantic fantasy in Ski Lodge Part 1:
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And after Ski Lodge, Lucas mostly wears purple shirts, including in the series finale when he says goodbye to Riley
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But since Rucas was never the most popular ship it was ignored that the wardrobe choices actually were supporting canon as it wasn’t the canon the theorists wanted. 
There’s one more blatant but overlooked  wardrobe choice that involved another ship standing in L*caya’s way; Josh and Maya and their clothing in Ski Lodge Part 1 and 2. 
In part 1 both Josh and Maya are wearing blue plaid shirts while in part 2 there was a parallel between Joshaya’s clothing and dialogue and Corpanga’s clothing and dialogue in a BMW scene that even the GMW Facebook page pointed out:
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These outlandish theories were partly driven by a desperate need to raise a sunken ship but also a desire for continuity in a show which was proud to disregard it. So much of the GMW fandom failed to realize the simple fact that wardrobe choices, props, camera angles, and looks should complement the plot not contradict it. 
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starlightsweetheart · 11 months
You know I don’t really see how Rucas fans can say that Lucas never liked Maya, that he only liked Maya because she turned into Riley, blah blah blah🙄.
In season 1, Girl Meets First Date, Lucas and Farkle are talking and Lucas mentions going out with Maya… Honestly, if he wasn’t interested in her any way whatsoever, why would he even bring up dating her? Why bring Maya up as an option at all, if he’s only interested in dating Riley?
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They’re also making a point of showing us who he is referring to by having Lucas call Maya, “other one”…
Then right after insinuating about dating Maya:
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and that right there is the real “long game” people!
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shewhobefuddles · 2 years
I've been reading a lot of Lucaya fics lately, and one thing that has really struck me is a lot of writers' shared assertion that Maya never would have forgiven Lucas and it wouldn’t have worked out initially if he had chosen her over Riley, because while Maya could take the heartbreak and continue being friends, Riley would not have been able to handle the jealousy and perceived betrayal (because she feels like she is entitled to Lucas, for a variety of reasons), and both Maya and Lucas’s and Maya and Riley’s relationships would have imploded.
And with what we have seen of Riley's behavior (accusing Maya of turning into her and telling her to stop) when Maya gets good things in her life (passing grades, crush on a nice boy, new clothes, more positive outlook on life, etc.) this seems like a very likely outcome. As much as I would have wanted Riley and Maya to overcome these issues and preserve their friendship, Riley's emotional immaturity, tendency toward jealousy/insecurity, and savior-complex in their relationship is something that desperately needed to be dealt with on the show. Which we will never get, both because the show was canceled and because the writers were cowards who didn’t want to acknowledge Riley's many privileges in life, as well as her flaws.
Riley and Maya's friendship could not have survived Lucas choosing Maya.
Did Lucas realize this? Was that part of why he went along with it when Maya pushed him toward Riley? It seems likely.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Maya Hart for the character asks? <3
• My NOTP for them: Josh Fucking Matthews. I'm sorry, no I'm not, but there is no reason why a freshman in college should be wanting to date a middle schooler. Like he did turn her down in s1, but then s3...
• My BROTP for them: Riley, Smackle, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay <3 Also Sage! She should've at least been a recurring character.
• My OTP for them: Lucas!!!
• My second choice pairing for them: Riley and Zay <3333
• My fluffy pairing for them: Riley (all of them tbh)
• My angsty pairing for them: Lucas (also all)
• My favorite poly ship for them: Zay/Maya/Lucas, Riley/Maya/Smackle, Zay/Maya/Riley
• My weirdest pairing for them: Her and Chai (the girl from girl meets she don't like me) would be fun. Or her with Smackle, and there was another girl she interacted with in girl meets she don't like me
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trashfordair · 3 years
I'm binging a bunch of gmw/lucaya vids and like i never realised how bad the show was? i mean i always knew how bad it was, especially with all the maya stuff and the way they completely butchered it (still don't think riley and maya were a healthy friendship and that they would have done good with some time apart to actually grow), but even with lucas? the way they objectified him sometimes is just... not okay ("if you want lucas you're going to have to take him from me") like lucas isn't a living breathing human with thoughts and feelings of his own? People always say lucas was indecisive or whatever, which like okay yes he kinda was, but also, he expresses more than once that he doesn't want this triangle thing and he just wants to stay friends with all of them, and his opinion just, is not respected? idk maybe im thinking too much
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Riley is, "too much" for Lucas (sometimes), and Maya too scary to ask out...
In conclusion: Lucas is a chump and deserves neither and the girls really should've yeeted Lucas out their prospects and got with each other 💁🏾‍♀️
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