#anti wincesties
marunene · 10 days
I love simply blocking weird ppl (Wincesties) when they interact w my Sam whimpering post
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tragicouterspace · 10 months
I have just watched the episode ‘route 666’ and I can't stop thinking about Dean’s amulet between him and Cassie in their bed scene.
The juxtaposition of Dean's nakedness with another person and the presence of the amulet (gifted to him by his brother when they were kids) creates a unique tension, an erotic and emotionally charged undercurrent between Dean and Sam.
Dean is being intimate with another person, but his little brother is right there, in between them, hanging from his neck. In that shared space, where bodies entwine, a piece of Sam is a silent witness and participant.
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The way the amulet hits both Dean's and Cassie's mouth... it's dirty. All it does is makes me think of Sam, and I believe that's exactly what it does to Dean too, every time he is fucking someone.
The amulet’s presence in such sexually charged scenes paints a rich and nuanced portrayal of Dean's emotional landscape—one where the presence of Sam, even in his absence, becomes an indelible part of every intimate encounter he has.
Dean may engage in fleeting connections with others, but what he really desires is Sam.
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winbred · 21 hours
my best friend talking about how sam 'moving on' when dean was in purgatory was out of character and hurtful because she believes if the roles were reversed and dean thought there was no way to get him back would've just gave up and shot himself in the head.
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arithekitsune · 1 month
people are like “omg why do people ship wincest omg youre horrible omg blahblahblah”- hon have you ever heard of subtext? That same subtext you point out with destiel? Have you seen the incest subtext? That is so glaringly obvious? Did you know this was the normal ship once upon a time???
Like girl just say you don’t know the difference between fiction and reality
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
I think the funniest thing about that comment thread is the "well what CHOICE did we have" as if Sam and Dean have absolutely no unhinged chemistry (erotically codependent, canon soulmates!!) And that once another m/m ship wad an option, everyone stopped shipping wincest
Like.... no lmao
For real lolol. The ones that were squicked by the incest were already creating either j2 fic instead, or unrelated wincest. (And not everyone creating those works was doing so because of their squick, some people indulge in both!) Sure, some of the squicked people were purity cultists desperate for something else besides the brothers' relationship. I mean, I guess this is how we ended up here: with hellers having indoctrinated each other into a completely different (often ridiculously outrageous) reading of canon. 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Meanwhile, wincest shippers (and multishippers) simply thrive. 😌✌💕
Sometimes I can't tell if hellers really forget we're here, or they're just trying to gaslight the internet. Well from certain people it's definitely the latter, lbr.
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oscarwiide · 11 months
oh god begging my dash to stop recommending destiel posts to me, where was the Consent
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the-rollerchloster · 1 year
Just feeling a little salty so I want to throw a thought out into the universe...
Has anyone ever considered that when you make your entire online personality about being anti something - by filling your blog with anti tags, or actively searching out posts/blogs to publicly berate - that you just look like a sore loser?
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lord-angelfish · 2 years
A good ~40% of the reason I love wincest so much is spite I'm ngl
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marunene · 7 days
Im so funny bc I literally dont gaf abt what you are
Trans? Alright
Therian? Ok idc
Too fem/masc? Oh cool
ADHD/autistic? Ok
Goth? Cool
Punk? Heh alright
Furry? Cute, I was one too(9-13)
LGBT? cool, me too
Drunk ass man? Meh alright
Hypersexual? Ok i dont mind
Black/white/yellow/brown? nah ok
Pothead? Cool
Mentally ill? Me too bby
Alternative? Cool
“Oh, so you don't care about them? You don't LIKE them?”
No, I just dont gaf
But I draw a line at the obvious (Wincesties, Pedo, Zoo) and some Cas/Dean/Sam girls.
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hurricanejane · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Dean Winchester has slept with more than one set of siblings.
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nancylou444 · 2 years
Also how do you feel about AU wincestiel because I just read a really good fic and I'd love to recommend it if you're interested! Sam is like, fully aware he's in love with his brother and for the most part unashamed. It's fantastic.
That would be a big NO THANK YOU, my darling.
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samsknife · 10 days
the thing is. only wincesties ever insist dean loves sam more than cas. if you say that youre immediately outing yourself and, well, your opinion is disregarded
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explainslowly · 10 months
Usually I don't say shit about Wincest parts of fandom bc it doesn't seem like any of my business, however.
It's extremely funny to read like an anti-destiel wincestie post where op very clearly wants to say "actually Destiel isn't real because Dean loves Cas like a brother" but can't because. Well.
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
Like, literally just make your ridiculously 👁👄👁 incest web weave un-rebloggable if you can't handle incesties going 👁👄👁 in the tags. Or, like, don't make it at all? What're YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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whoopsitswincest · 4 months
I feel like the people acting like wincesties are crazy and gross are the ones who really missed a big part of the show
I once read a book where an art teacher puts an egg in front of the student and tells the student to draw it. The student's like, "you didn't give me a white pencil lead." The teacher's like, "you don't need it." The student's like, "the egg is white." The teacher's like, "is it?" Then the teacher's like, "if you can't draw that egg without a white pencil lead, then you're not an artist." So the student actually looks at the egg and sees yellow, pink, blue.
Yeah we *know* the egg is white. But to draw something is not to impose what you know onto it, but to really look at it and draw what you see. when we actually look at it, what we see is not white.
To engage with a piece of fiction is not to twist it into what you think it should be, but to engage with what it really is.
Yeah antis i *know* that brothers aren't supposed to fall in love and be attracted to each other. but when you just watch the show, it's just undeniable that these brothers are in love and attracted to each other.
I don't know what to tell you. I didn't like it any more than you did. But it is definitely there. If you can't engage with supernatural without the white pencil lead (no incest) then you're not really watching the show.
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it’s so funny to me when hellers and Wincest antis say things like “oh god I hope no wincesties have siblings” and then turn right back around and start bullshitting that these brothers cannot be fucking what do you mean they’re just normal brothers why are you making it weird??
Like sorry honey but if you think these are normal brothers wincesties are not the weird ones here
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