#anti travis aaron wade
incarnateirony · 2 years
You say 2p0 is a scam artist that screams and threatens when he doesn't get his way and thinks he's better than everyone but so do you. Worse you threaten violence when you get worked up. Some tptb are in your server feeding you information? They should lose all professional credibility to be associated with you or 2p0. Same with anyone that buys into this, it means they're ok with these unhinged outbursts. That's scary.
Nah. See, I don't threaten violence when I'm worked up. I invite the sources 2po has that was threatening hellers at con to come visit me if they would like a resolution from someone that isn't afraid of them. But that's a nice spin tho. 2po doesn't threaten. Nono. See, he runs this mask of "oh I am being very whitely pleasant, and hospitable, and civil, and thus everything I say is logic, even when whipped up from thin air." but the people he SPEAKS FOR are violent. You whine that I compare anons to ripping their faces off when they get out of hand, a clearly digital metaphor unless you think I'm reaching through the screen and will divide you from your face by the end of this reply. His own source got busted in real life for physically threatening to cut people up. There's no parallel.
Amazing that all of you just want to hide on anon when I've told Suzanne if she would like to test her ability to Cut Hellers like she was hollering, I will gladly give her my address to visit if she DMs me. Strangely, no DM yet. You guys just want to hide the real accountability here. Or are you talking about my digital puns describing how I handle you cowardly shitbags?
I don't ask this fandom for thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of dollars for years on end to joyride gold conventions like he does. There's no parallel. He spends his time actively lying, refusing to delete misinformation when confronted with receipts, and moving on to lie, after lie, after lie. There's no parallel. He spends his time amidst antis, j2 tinhats and more, and spins their propaganda to everyone. There's no parallel. He has been caught actively lying about M&Gs and trying to retaliate when the truth comes out. There's no parallel.
Listen dude. You're never gonna find who all I talk to. You ain't got a dirt digger that can dig deep enough to get me out of here. Even if you stalked down heads in my server that are too anonymous to find, there's a fuckton never in it. I've been integrated with this shit since 2017 while 2po sat oblivious. I've come very close to taking literal bullets for Misha in the past. There's a reason travis aaron wade updated his doxxing page of me to "Armed and Dangerous." I have run messages. I've made mute lists for crew. I've made danger watch lists for cast. I've moved small mountains without saying much of shit. I've made myself a real life target to take heat off of this cast. AND other fans that Travis, Mark P and Shatner were after.
I've religiously leaked to this fandom accurate things that came true no matter what "ITK" people screamed. 2po just sits there being a gossip rag and fucking up fandom dialogue to people like you that refuse to use their head on "HM, THIS GUY USES VIOLENT ANTIS AS HIS M&G SOURCE AND TRIED TO RETALIATE WHEN THE TRUTH CAME OUT. SHOULD I TRUST HIM????"
I've put blood, sweat and tears in without ever making a fucking fuss about it or trying to wave my banner. Even the whole story origin thing like. The only reason I said it was because a few banned people had recognized it already and asked and I was like. Yeah. Then the dedicated antis 2po groomed his server into--because it's not bizarre that there's an anti-GOB quarter of just a fan--picked that up, probed, poked, freaked out, shit their pants, screamed denial, just like all the other backwards denials that washed out, said I was faking, and sent a new wave of bullshit at me, then ignored when Mark Pellegrino started vanishing from cons immediately after or the lack of engagement on what Shatner tagged.
Meanwhile 2po gets one coffee runner in his server that ain't know shit from shit and starts screeching about his fuckin sources.
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gods twitter is on fire right now. Just so you know: castiel’s angels, which claims to be a charity, is only a group of taw supporters. Innocent people were drawn to them and now are fleeing but are scared of their bullying. Almost all the money collected by them goes to taw’s merchandise and mark p only love fuckery. So they are using Misha’s and Cas’s to collect money for the people who try to destroy him. Lots of proof and lots of bullying. It’s incredible how that fucker of taw doesn’t go away. This is the end of the road for them though, please if any of you had contact with them, be aware that they are incredible derailed people and taw have them brainwashed in an almost cult mo. I’m not kidding...
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prinsessa-dean · 7 years
What the heck SPN fandom?
So there’s this sock account on Twitter that is attacking mainly Misha, but also Jared, Rich and Rob. It’s run by someone close to TAW and I guess they try to take down these guys with him.. 
Ok, so if you come across this account, either report or ignore. Or you can also reply, as they are misusing the me too campaign and they are tagging people who are involved in the campaign and some media accounts as well. So I think it’s a good idea to reply calling them out.. 
But don’t do what some Jared stans did! As there was some bs about Jared posted, instead of replying by defending Jared (like, say, Misha fans did) they started asking “what about Jensen”. WHAT THE HECK FANDOM!? When someone posts bs about your fave, don’t say “hey, you know who you really should post shit about, this other guy..” instead call them out on their bs! 
SPN and its stars are under attack! This account is trying to make them look bad, to take the heat away from the ACTUAL bad guy TAW. Don’t make their accusations (that are NOT me too worthy and are an insult to actual victims) by telling them that hey, besides this guy, you should ALSO attack that other guy. NO! Tell them straight that their claims are not legit! NONE of them. Neither Misha, Jared, Jensen, Rich nor Rob  are people that can in any way be compared to Weinstein (yes, that account did that). 
I don’t care how much you dislike Jensen. Don’t use your hate against him to legitimize the accusations they are making against your fave! Stand up for SPN and stand up for your fave! And stand up for ACTUAL victims of sexual harassment and misconduct! 
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nancylou444 · 7 years
So Travis Aaron Douchebag was dissing Cons, throwing shade at Jensen, shaming fans for "spending 200 dollars in a picture instead of donating to saving species" in his IG... (it's the 2 NY pics in his account)... I guess now that he can't milk SPN anymore, he turns against it... Not surprised, cause we all knew he was a creep.
That is nasty, but you are probably right, my dear anon. The ptb cut all ties with him, so now he is biting the hand that once fed him. Sucks to be him. 
And I just found his foolishness:
travisaaronwade Okay here's a thought:For every photograph & autograph you spend your hard earned money on please think about this:You could save a life. You could save a species. So, since I will no longer be doing conventions that continue to spike their prices on fans, I'm proposing that every photo or autograph you receive from me, a majority of the cost will go towards saving an animal or saving a life. After tonight, I will no longer be a part of something that feels wrong. I will no longer stand for selling a part of myself that I cannot balance with a charity. ENOUGH. It's time to start doing the right thing. If you want a picture or autograph it will go towards a cause and making this world a better place. As #spikelee would say, "It's time to #dotherightthing " Period #trut4h@trut4h I've gotten use to receiving the hatred and cyberbullying when I post but this one was about doing what's right about reducing the prices fans are getting charged and hoping that a % of that money could go towards a charity. That's all. This was not to attack Jared, Jensen or Misha. We ALL know the amount of charity work they do and how much they give. I got to spend two years of my life with them and saw 1st hand all that they do. I recently was told Andrew Lincoln donates all of his convention money to charity? (Forgive me if that is not true) But that is what I am talking about and that is what I am driving to do with my life & career. I've done several conventions outside of just SPN and I've met some incredible artist doing amazing things for fans BUT there are several people I've met that I've watch be awful and do nothing but pocket every dollar spent. That is not the cast of #SPN and we all know that to be true. These past few days have been hard for a lot of people and I just needed to make more sense of it all so please forgive my emotional knee jerk response to how I felt in that moment. This was not directed at anyone or anything specifically. It was a general statement after doing conventions for a few years and not doing enough with that time & money. My sincerest apologies if anyone felt hurt by what was posted.
travisaaronwadeThank you all for your kind and caring words. No need to give attention to people who hate or bully 95% of them have never met me. I want to be very clear about something. When I write, I write from the heart and with passion. Not all the time do I say the exact right thing and sometimes I word things incorrectly. It was wrong of me to say "whore myself out" and I need to refrain my definition of "what's a hero" to me as to what might be a hero to someone else. As a child I had a few actors that I idolized. Even as a teenager, the parts they played and who I thought they were made them idols to look up to as a youth. Sadly, when I met them in person and some I worked with, who they were when no one was watching or the cameras weren't on, crushed that little boy idolization I had of them. We ALL need to have people that we look up to and makes us feel great whether we meet them or not. I guess being an actor and knowing many actors I tend to not put many of us on a pedestal. That includes myself. When people pay me a compliment, what brings me balance is to say to them "I'm just a reflection." Just like firemen & police officers don't see themselves as heroes but we know they are and as actors we are just playing a part. Sometimes that part becomes being a celebrity or actor at conventions and I've witnessed first hand, how a hug, handshake or kind word can change a person's life. It's all been a learning experience and something that I had to learn very fast. We've stumbled a few times along the way but my heart, mind and passion to help others was always in the right place. My posts are never meant to hurt people. Sometimes they do and for that I am sorry. Many of my friends that do conventions do incredible wonderful caring things and they need to get paid for their time and the work they put it because it is a lot of work. Yesterday, sitting at that event, watching what $100 can do to save these species, it fueled a fire and I got on a soap box worded my passion in a way that could have been said better. We are always trying to do better.
travisaaronwade I know the next few years will be about working as an actor on these films about Veterans and as far as conventions go, I'm going to do my very best to get to a place and create a space where it feels a bit more balanced. The growing cost of what conventions cost is heartbreaking because I have nieces, nephews, friends, family and fans that want to go meet their favorite actor and cannot afford it. I'm 42 years old this year and a big part of my career and generations past were surrounded by artist that took a photo or autograph for free. Now it's a HUGE business and I must learn to adapt and understand it better or find a formula that feels right for everyone. I know the Lord, in her mysterious ways, is watching over me and guiding me. I believe my heart is in the right place. I just need my head to match. Thank you all for caring and understanding me a little better. God Bless. PS. And honestly don't worry about the haters. Block & delete. The one thing social media def got right.
fanartdiary I think it's great how much you've learned from experiences! Especially to use the money you get from selling autographs and photos for good! Just like Misha! He's done it for a long time now and that idea is awesome! Thanks for being like Misha!!! I idolize him so much and can't believe you're doing similar stuff now! Good job!  
Of course a minion has to bring up how wonderful the overlord is. **rolls eyes**
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divorceddanneel · 5 years
Imagine being this out of touch about sexual harassment:
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Diane, come on. You can’t even get facts straight. TAW’s inappropriate behavior and threats toward young women are well documented, and it’s clear why that con management and spn want nothing to do with him. It has nothing to do with Misha. 🙄
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
How come Misha gets away with causing so much damage to this show?
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Thanks for the conundrum @staycejo1:
That is a good question to ask.  How does Misha get away with so much?  The reason is simple.  Misha is smart.  Compared to Jared who is merely scholarly or book smart, and Jensen who is intelligent with regards to cinema and various arts [he hit the nail on the head with wincest, year ago], Misha is shrewd.  I don't like the man, but I have to admit, he is very smart.  He is using something I learned about whilst studying Public Relations: networking.  Networking requires skill.  You need to know how to talk to people and you need to know which people to talk to.  If you network properly, you reap major benefits.  There are a few cliques that Misha might be networking with:  SPN production personnel, SPN alumni and cast members, Creation Entertainment, media personnel and selected fans. 
SPN Personnel and affiliates
I elaborated on these people in other posts.
Bob Singer:
Bob Singer has been a co-showrunner for almost all the time that SPN has been on air.  He handles production while the other co-showrunner handles the story.  And yet, this man never gives the impression that he is a showrunner.  When Sera Gamble killed off Castiel, rumor has it, that Singer fought to bring the character back. 
Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner
She is Bob's wife and was brought on board with her writing partner, Brad  Buckner.  Since season 7, she has enjoyed many promotions.  Now she is a co-executive producer on the show.  Nice to work for your husband, huh.  She and Brad butchered Sam's character until recently.  I think Jared told them off.  They were demonizing Sam to elevate Castiel's status.  Currently, they are not writing destiel.  They are not stupid.  They are writing enough material to keep Misha on the show. 
Robert Berens
Robert or Bobo Berens started off as a writer and moved up to co-executive producer.  He allows the leads to be abused by heller fans, that he follows online.  Remember, he is the one following problematic fans and not the other way around.  Does that even make sense?   
What personal stake do they have in keeping Misha relevant?  Well, they all take their cue from Bob, and he is a close friend of Misha's.  If Bob has a stake in Random Acts or Gish, then it might explain why he isn't willing to let Misha go.  But I don't have that information just yet. 
Misha has shares in Stands.  For awhile now, they have been pushing destiel related merch.  When they start to regret it, you will see a change.  This is because hellers are already complaining about getting duped by Misha regarding the merchandise.  We will just have to wait and see.
SPN alumni, cast members and affiliates
I spoke about these people before so I will gloss over them here.
Kim Rhodes and Brianna Buckmaster
They needed Misha for Wayward Daughters.  They have affiliation with a bunch of fans who are involved in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal. 
Osric Chau and Orlando Jones
I don't think Osric had any personal stake in elevating destiel.  He really loved SPN and the fanbase.  He was probably trolling destiel for fun like Orlando Jones does.  The minute both men realized how problematic the hellers are, they slowly backed off.  I don't think Orlando Jones has spoken about destiel in a while.  He still is a friend with Misha as is Osric.  I don't think these actors have any ill will.  So far they just seem like a couple of trolls.  Misha's networking failed with Destiel but succeeded professionally because these two men may be able to ''hook him up'' with other projects. 
Creation Entertainment
Someone once pointed out that Adam, the CEO of Creation Entertainment, is in fact, Misha's cousin.  I don't have any sources of that.  However, for awhile CE was pushing a lot of YANA and destiel related things on their con circuit.  The reason is because they have financial stakes in Misha's charities and thought that pushing destiel might make his fans shell out more money.  The cockles photo ops probably gave them the erroneously impression that Misha himself, is profitable.  Recently, however, this happened. 
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They added a caption:  Name a better duo.  We'll wait.  So was Cockles not better anymore?  Misha is not profitable, so all of a sudden, CE loves the leads.  I think they realized that when Misha's entire con fails but one of Jared's sweaty hoodies which he wore all day, fetches $8000 during an auction, that maybe they were betting on the race horse that dances rather than runs to the finish line. 
Their personal stake was money which is why they dropped Misha and destiel related endeavors like a hot potato.  Misha's networking failed here.  Well, not completely.  I heard there might be a new Misha con.  I think they want to be sure that he is a failure before letting go completely. 
Media Personnel
There are many kinds of mediums that are available to Hollywood.  Some are more important than others.  There are small trendy little pointless media outlets, usually social media outlets, like Hypable, ONTD and Geekiary.  There are bigger more credible ones, also known as mass media outlets, like E! Entertainment.  The heads pick up on news coming from the mass media.  They don't bother with small outlets, and that is where Misha does his networking.  He has people working within these outlets who are not legitimate reporters.  They are merely gossipers and shippers in disguise.  These outlets are invited to meets to disseminate information and that is where Misha connected with these viruses.  Some of these pseudo-journalists have since been demoted, reprimanded or fired for misinformation. 
What is their personal stake?  Self-importance.  Hellers and their sock accounts keep these peoples social media handles active. 
Selected fans
These are fans that are overly invested in either Castiel or destiel.  Most of them are nobodies but because of their association with Misha, they are recognizable figures.  These are meta writers and influencers within the fandom.  Their names are: 
Lua James, with a twitter handle, poptivist.  Real name:  Theresa Cotter
Influencer who regularly attacks Jared on SM, and fled California after Travis's house was vandalized.  Close friend of Kim Rhodes.  Destiel shipper.  Claimed to be a Journalist.  Not sure about that.  Followed by Kim, Matt Cohen, Robert Berens and Briana on SM.
Monica Gleberman
Very big shot.  Lua's bosom buddy and Swagger magazine journalist or editor.  She is a minion who lied that she had sex with Jensen and Jared.  Commits fraud. 
Emily Cleghorn
Influencer.  Not sure if she is a meta writer.  Runs the SPN anti bullying twitter handle and Exorcising Emily blog on Tumblr.  J2 kicked her out of con once, because she made them uncomfortable with a tweet.  She got into a twitter fight with William Shatner over destiel. 
Reba Snodgrass 
Runs small cons like Wayward con.  Proven liar.  Has to know Misha personally in order to run the cons. 
Janelle Clay Davis
Influencer, also known as intelligentshipper on Tumblr and GhostofBobby on Twitter.  Claims to be haunted by the YED.  Pushes destiel like a religion.  Cyber stalks people.  Posted a selfie where she is posing with a gun recently. 
Sara Burnhope
Knows Misha and his parents personally.  Random acts volunteer as well as Gish participant.  Might have worked with YANA although I am not sure about that one.  Attacks people on his behalf on social media.  Cyber bully.  From the UK.  Might be an influencer.  Not sure if she writes meta. 
Melanie Adeline
Regular con-goer and influencer.  She has fans of her own.  She belittles Jared to his face.  Destiel shipper.  Knows Misha and Briana personally. 
These influencers and meta writers are important because without them and their overreaching meta, Destiel will fall flat.  Misha accidentally tagged their meta once in a tweet.  Or so he claimed.  What is their stake, other than canon destiel?  Self importance.  These randos are suddenly important people, because Misha put them in that position.  They are the ones who encourage people to vote for Misha for awards, and harass the execs for destiel.  They are the ones who attacked J2 for the Nolacon joke and influenced others to follow suit.  The above women were implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  There may be more, but these are the worst of the worst.  As far as I know anyway.
So to answer the question, why does he get away with this problematic system that he has put in place?  Notice, that he is affiliated with small fries.  Misha, like I mentioned before, is a nobody.  People are not linking the irritation they are dealing with, to Misha.  Misha's criticism of SPN's misogyny was reported in those petty small media outlets where his hellers are working.  And it was written in a such way that he is portrayed as a good guy.  If E! spoke about it, Misha would have been in trouble because Pedowitz and gang pay attention to E! not Hypable.  That's why they don't fire him.  They don't know what he has done because he has spn people in his back pocket covering for him.   
Even J2 don't have time to look through their own panels.  They are certainly not paying attention to Misha's panels.  So obviously Jensen doesn't know about this. 
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If Jensen was aware of this, a fistfight would have broken out of the set.  Jensen would have boxed Misha's ear.  Because this is sick.  This was apparently at one of the Chicons.  I don't know which one, because I can't stomach looking at that over bloated loudmouth.  This is proof that the leads have no time to spare looking at this man's panels.  So he is confident enough to say these things knowing full well, that the lead are too busy to care about him.  He's behavior goes unchecked, and his continued presence on the show ensures that Gish and Random acts are continually funded.  He needs Castiel to keep these two machines running. 
Excuse the typos. 
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the--blackdahlia · 7 years
This blog is anti Travis Aaron Wade
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regarding that fanart that I reblogged just now (which was from quite a while ago), it’s bloody brilliant how these days when people tag a Destiel post or Destiel-heavy meta also as ‘Supernatural’, this still seems to be the ultimate free ticket for the antis to hysterically jump on that person like a bunch of flies on a leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a picnic, but let me kindly tell you:
the ‘supernatural’ tag is nothing more and nothing less than an umbrella for EVERYTHING that is related to Supernatural. canon, fanon, every character, every ship, every actor, every misogynistic quote that Robert Singer probably pulled out of his ass at one convention or another; it ALL belongs in there, for the simple reason that it’s related to Supernatural, go figure. 
on the rare occasions that I go into the general ‘supernatural’ tag at all, what I expect to find there is Megstiel, Wincest, Sastiel, that SPN meme from 4 years ago that I would like to forget yet it keeps haunting me via low quality screenshots of a post of a post, hell maybe even Travis Aaron Wade pictures because maybe the dude actually has (1) fan left in this fandom. but you won’t see me whining about it, because THAT is exactly what you can expect when going into the general tag of a fandom. this is why you blacklist things that bother you if you do decide to go into these tags at your own risk. 
TL;DR: people using the general SPN tag to post harmless posts about a subject within the SPN fandom that you happen to dislike, is not your get-out-of-jail-free card for being an absolute douchecanoe to said person and harassing them
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incarnateirony · 2 years
"Nah. See, I don't threaten violence when I'm worked up." "There's a reason travis aaron wade updated his doxxing page of me to "Armed and Dangerous."" Ok
Yeah. Guess what. When a big army man tries to intimidate you, you have more options than crying about it or getting killed. Fascinating.
That's not threatening violence. That's being prepared to defend yourself. What's not clicking.
Oh right you guys hate when people aren't afraid of you and defend themselves, so of course you take that as violence. You want unadulterated violence from your end without pushback. That's why the base of 2po's scripthunt grifting base is all antis and j2 hats and randomly a few hellers that just want clout and you're sitting here acting a victim that uwu someone made a "violent" clearly digital metaphor and that is CLEARLY worse than all of yall protecting someone threatening real world physical violence that you're trying to smokescreen and protect 2po/scripthunt on.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1302
Monday, February 24, 2020
 Jee-Riz will be busy the next couple of weekends. We will be at the Jim Durrell Arena for the Capital Trade Show on Sunday, March 1. Stop by our tables for some comic books at bargain basement prices. Then we'll set up at the Delta Hotel for the Capital Comic Book Con on Sunday, March 8. This is where we'll have our premiere selection of back issues for sale. I hope the old bod can handle all that lifting.
 Runaways #30 - Rainbow Rowell (writer) Andre Genolet (art) Dee Cunniffe (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The Runaways' stint as the J-Team seems to be winding down with the revelation that their leader and benefactor is nothing more than an old glory hound. Unfortunately, one of them might be paying the ultimate price. Talk about a cliffhanger ending.
 Legion of Super-Heroes #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ryan Sook & Mikel Janin (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger & Mikel Janin (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). We interrupt this origin story of the Legion of Super-Heroes for a very important message about Aquaman's trident. I want to know who has it.
 The Red Mother #3 - Jeremy Haun (writer) Danny Luckert (art) Ed Dukeshire (letters). Man, I love this fantasy/mystery. The art is gorgeous. The main character Daisy is intelligent. I want to help her figure out what's going on with the red visions. This is a comic book that I think more people should be buying.
 Conan the Barbarian #13 - Jim Zub (writer) Roge Antonio (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Part one of "Into the Crucible" finds Conan trapped in a maze with other warriors. There are death traps at every turn. The surprise on the last page was a shock and it made me want to read the next issue as soon as possible.
 Archie #711 - Mariko Tamaki & Kevin Panetta (writers) Laura Braga (art) Matt Herms (colours) Jack Morelli (letters). I don't watch the CW TV shows but I do like the comic books. The teenage angst and drama makes me cringe sometimes but the art right now is what's keeping me coming back for more each issue.
 The Old Guard: Force Multiplied #3 - Greg Rucka (writer) Leandro Fernandez (art) Daniela Miwa (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). This is another comic book that I think more people should be buying. Andromache (Andy for short) and her immortal pals are ambushed by someone from her past. We're talking way past. Centuries. If you can't find these on the racks right now, wait and buy the trade. You won't be disappointed.
 Daredevil #18 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Jorge Fornes (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I like the leaner, meaner Owl that wants to be kingpin of Hell's Kitchen. He's going to have a hard time taking control with the hired muscle that the Stromwyns have hitting the streets. I'm calling them Marvel's Fatal Five.
 Batman #89 - James Tynion IV (writer) Carlo Pagulayan, Guillem March & Danny Miki (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Speculators are all drooling because this issue features the first appearance of the Joker's newest main squeeze. She appears in two panels in extreme close-up so we don't know what she looks like or who she is. Harley's here too but she's a good guy now. I'm more curious to find out who the Designer is and how he's connected to Catwoman.
 Fantastic Four #19 - Dan Slott (writer) Sean Izaakse (art) Marcio Menyz & Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The conclusion of "Point of Origin" starts off with a prelude to the next adventure for the team back on Earth. Meanwhile 44 light years away, Reed and the Overseer of Spyre engage in fisticuffs but then have a Kumbaya moment that made me roll my eyes. All is well that ends well for their space adventure and so it's homeward bound with an extra passenger, Johnny's soul mate Sky from Spyre. The next story has some classic FF characters that we haven't seen in a while. I'm looking forward to it.
 Valkyrie #8 - Jason Aaron & Torunn Gronbekk (writers) Cafu (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). A new story starts here featuring All-Father Thor. A darkness deep within the earth threatens to overwhelm the planet. Val and Thor dig deep to find it and uh-oh. Resistance is futile. The Anti-Life is a new Norse myth that we haven't seen yet. I want to know who set it off. No, it's not Darkseid.
 Wolverine #1 - Fans have been clamouring for the mutant runt to get his own book again and here it is. The big $7.99 US number one has two complete stories. One is a mystery and the other is Wolverine doing what he does best.
 "The Flower Cartel" by Benjamin Percy (writer) Adam Kubert (art) Frank Martin (colours) and VC's Cory Petit (letters) has Wolverine and X-Force tracking down stolen shipments of Krakoan drugs. The trail leads to Alaska and someone named The Pale Girl.
 "Catacombs" by Benjamin Percy (writer) Viktor Bogdanovic (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) and VC's Cory Petit (letters) sends Wolverine to Paris where he meets vampire killer Louise that sets up a confrontation with Dracula. Hordes of vampires are dispatched.
 The Pale Girl intrigues me more than Dracula but I don't know which story will continue in #2. The stories don't seem to be related so we'll have to wait and see.
 DCeased: Unkillables #1- Tom Taylor (writer) Karl Mostert (pencils) Trevor Scott, Neil Edwards & John Livesay (inks) Rex Lokus (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). This 3-issue mini has a DCU infested with the Anti-Life Virus. It's DC heroes and villains fighting zombies featuring the uninfected Jason Todd/ Red Hood and Cassandra Cain/Batgirl for the good guys and Deathstroke and Vandal Savage for the bad guys. The art is very nice and I'm a fan of Tom's writing so I'm going to keep reading.
 Plunge #1 - Joe Hill (writer) Stuart Immonen (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Deron Bennett (letters). I wasn't going to read this new DC Black Label book until I saw Stuart Immonen's name in the credits. I love his art. This is a story about a marine disaster way up near the Arctic Circle. There's a ghost ship, scientists and seas creatures. The marine biologist in me is curious.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #2 - Al Ewing (writer) Juann Cabal (art) Federico Blee (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Well that didn't take long. The team's mission to save the galaxy from dark Zeus and save Hercules ends with the threat neutralised and a surprise sacrifice. Tears are shed. I'm not worried though. Rocket didn't die on the last mission.
 Marauders #8 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Stefano Caselli (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Bishop retrieves the dead mutant from last issue with the help of Iceman, who takes some revenge on the humans. Storm takes the death hard as well but to me it's just empty theatrics because every mutant can be brought back to life. I'm just wondering if there will be changes to this hero when they're resurrected.
 Joker: Killer Smile #3 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Andrea Sorrentino (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Steve Wands (letters). The good Doctor Ben succumbs to the Joker's mind games and helps the clown prince of crime escape from Arkham Asylum. There was one part of the story that bugged me even though I understood the urgency of Batman going to save the doctor's family. Other than that, this was a good psychological thriller.
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I like Misha and his dedication to his charities and anti-Trump activism, so I don't say this as a hater. I think you're right to think of j2 as a unit separate from Misha. It's just how they are. And I think that anyone who is looking for something different than that is going to end up disappointed.
Hi anon! I agree with you almost entirely. Also I get what you say. Imho we can’t expect the same from people SO different like them2 and Misha are. 
Under the cut, because it got reaaaaaaally long, can’t edit even if my life is on the line
Let me explain: Misha comes from a totally different background, we all know that, we know that his past was difficult. And that changes you in life. Generally, because it doesn’t happen to all of us, your view of life changes 100% when you are poor af, when you can’t choose what to eat, what to wear, when you have to count the cents just to make a meal. Misha political activism, imo, comes from that, and all his efforts and charities center on that, because HE FUCKING LIVED IT. Now, I’m not saying that privileged people can’t be activists, that would be obtuse on my part and really stupid. But in the case of them2, it’s not that they dgaf, it’s just that they live in a totally different world (John Mulaney has a really nice speech about famous people on Kid Gorgeous about this). And that would be ok, everybody is free to do or not to do, to think different, and yada yada yada. But the thing is that they are SO out of touch, that they became a little insensitive about political matters. 
Remember when Trump won, and Misha did that video crying and break all of our hearts? What did Jared say in the next convention: “ Oh I asked did Misha died?! *laughs*” And it was not the first time, and apparently not the last, that they both mock or laugh about really serious situations. You can tell me: “you take things too seriously” and yes, you might be right. But you have to be blind to not know, even before the elections, what a fucked up storm Trump was going to be, and all the efforts Misha did campaigning for Hillary was to stop him. Because the man KNEW, what a nightmare it was going to be. And here we are now. And no, I’m not American, but a guy that is so derailed like Trump holding nuclear codes fucking affects me too. Not to mention what he is doing to minorities, and I’m part of many. I’m latina, I’m pan, I’m a woman. All that the fucker is doing affects me, and also I suffer for the people that he is hurting and making their lives a living hell. That’s called empathy, Misha has TONS of that. The man can be comfortable in his house, with his family, enjoying his, now, privileged life, but instead chooses to expose himself day after day, working his ass off, giving his own money and in general getting tons of hate because he should “stick to acting”. Is he perfect? NO, he is human, but we have seen him learning from his mistakes, and really Misha’s flaws comparing to all that he does? Well, call me biased, because I am. But I recognized that he is flawed. Because he is human as we all are. 
But going back to empathy, I think is what them2 don’t have, at least about certain political matters. Sorry not sorry. If they are going to stay away from political issues, they should stay away from everything, they don’t want to speak? I don’t think it’s ok, but I think it’s their right. But if they do it they should be mum about ALL, not just when it’s convenient. The mayor of Austin throws them a party, then they all came out supporting him, but zero about the RAICES campaign that Felicia Day was doing. They take pics with girls with blue lives matter t-shirts, and ok the girls had lost their dad, I get it, but then Jared goes and tweets about it and go police! when you have to live in another planet to not know how police brutality is affecting poc in America, but they never said anything about it. Natural disaster in Texas? Yay! Go RA! Natural disaster in Puerto Rico? I think I saw ONE post about it from Jared. Not to mention how little to none support they gave to Nicaragua, Haiti or South Africa. So what gives? Yes to talking, not to talking, they stay away or not? Yay! to the Mark Pellegrino idiot only love campaign, after he defended Travis Aaron Wade, but nothing about Misha’s I Wish For This? Allow me to be a little mad about all of this.
They live in Texas ffs, they don’t want to talk about the border hell lots of people and most of all CHILDREN are living? Ok, again it’s their right, but oh here comes the absolute out of touch with reality, (that so many cult followers, I mean fans, want to justify) and we all should be hahaha! Jared, you are so funny? Nop, sorry can’t do. 
This fandom has the big problem of wanting everything to be shiny and perfect, when is really far from it. It’s the most fucked up fandom I have been part of (and trying to get out little by little), and there’s ONE big problem here: to not accept criticism. Everything is hate. Their golden gods can’t be touched, because they can’t do no wrong. And that’s so fucked up. Them2 are also human, and they also make mistakes, of course. What’s fucked up is when those mistakes came from lack of empathy to certain matters. And what’s more fucked up, it’s people not seeing others getting hurt by that, and calling them haters, stupid, idiots, and insults galore, just because they are calling out Jared idiot joke. And also because it’s not the first time, and sadly I don’t think it would be the last and people are just fed up with their bs.
But yes you are right, at this point we should not expect things from them that they are not willing to give or that are just not in their personality. I certainly don’t expect anything from them, because, like I said so many times, I don’t follow them, they are not my cup of tea. In my case is more about fandom willing to justify any shit from them, and in the process playing positivity police and showing badges, when people are just saying: hey! that was not ok. 
Sorry it got long, gods I should buy edit skills somewhere. And just tbc: I’m not saying all of this because of your message, like I said, I got you perfectly, and I think you mean well, but as usual it gave me an opportunity to vent, sorry :/. 
Take care anon.
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prinsessa-dean · 7 years
Hi, I am confused about your recent post, the one about a twitter account.... it took me a minute to realize who TAW was... then I read your tags, why is he a bad guy? I have seen a lot of panels with him and he seems cool and he has been friends, well like I know that guy, with Jensen for almost 20 years. I know there was thing for awhile that some fans took the wrong way but it was something kind of out of context that ened up being nothing.
The account I was talking about (that I didn’t publish the name, but I’ll do it now, it’s _taralarson on Twitter) is run by Travis’ publisher and it’s attacking at least Misha, Jared, Rob and Rich, accusing them of inappropriate behaviour. The account has taken fans photo ops (without permission) and using them as “evidence” and trying to blur the lines between consent and lack of consent, by claiming the guys are assaulting women, when they have agreed to do certain poses that female fans have asked. Or even taking pics where the guys are kinda fooling around with each other (they are FRIENDS) and trying to equate that with sexually assaulting women (there are no women in those pics). The way I see it, if everything is fine with Travis, his publisher wouldn’t go around creating sock accounts trying to destroy the careers of good men.
I don’t know what happened between Travis and J2 (or was it because of what happened with those fans, that as far as I know was not nothing), but apparently he and J2 had a fight / argument / disagreement and so he is no longer allowed to SPN cons. 
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Why destiel shippers get duped!
A destiel shipper questioned my take on the mugging and had this to say:
''I’m just saying, the information you get may be wrong. I’m not saying that you are making stuff up, but rather your sources may not be the best.  This article also explains a lot of myths that you have said btw.'' 
She cited this website.  
Oh the irony.  I get my information from credible news sources and medical articles.  She chooses Emily.  Since she doesn't know who Emily is, let me introduce her. 
Emily Cleghorn runs the SPN Anti-Bullying Twitter handle.  It was this twitter that William Shatner questioned for being bogus.  It was the twitter page that has been implicated in a three year long case involving Travis Aaron Wade.  I hope Travis sends her a subpoena.  And I would like to see if Misha stands by her or foots the legal bills. 
Emily Cleghorn got into a twitter fight with William Shatner over destiel whilst they were both doing Gish.  Now tell me, if a celebrity is participating in your event and arguing with your fan, wouldn't you step in and subdue the situation.  And yet, Misha never ever intervenes.  Even though a celebrity participant is being harassed.  So its not like he doesn't know the guy.  And it is online so he can see it. 
Emily Cleghorn got kicked out of con once, for tweeting something stupid.  This is what she claimed but because she is a habitual liar, I wont believe that.  J2 had Clif remove her.  Heller nagging brought her back. 
This is why I cant understand destiel shippers.  They will believe their own problematic shippers and reject actual intel we provide.  Honey, my sources are not faulty.  Yours are.  Well, this is a good topic to talk about because even some bibros and stans are gullible. 
If you are getting your information from the following people or entities then you are not getting heller level nonsense and the news is therefore credible and you can take it seriously:
Mark Pedowitz
Robbie Thompson
Phil Sgriccia
Guy Norman Bee
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Samantha Smith
Alexander Calvert
E! Entertainment media
If you are getting your information from the following people or entities then you are officially a gullible fool, who gets suckered daily.  Stay away from these people:
Bobo Berens
Bob Singer
Eugenie Ross-Lemming
Brad Buckner
Misha Collins
Matt Cohen
Kim Rhodes
Briana Buckmaster 
Oh No, They Didn't  [ONTD]
Geekiary [if I am not mistaken, Emily was employed at Geekiary once or still is]
Hypable [notorious heller friendly content]
Meta destiel writers on Tumblr [this shouldn't even be pointed out, idiots]
Excuse all typos. 
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dreamsshadow · 8 years
So I'm wondering...where did calling him mayo come from, I mean I'm amused by it but I'm curious
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ross-faer · 8 years
I don't know what the truth is with TAW but Emily's involvement in this makes me very wary too. She's already proven herself perfectly capable of pointing the finger of blame with little evidence.
Exactly. And she STILL brought up the ChiCon incident in her ramblings about him so I’m disregarding everything she said. As long as she’s in the spotlight.
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Am I obsessing over the ''famous'' Misha Collins?
Tumblr media
@deathclaire left this message on a post.
''Hi OP, you do know that sardonic humor is a thing, right? Hence the second screenshot. Also I believe that thorezilla is not a native english speaker. But yeah, she can't write/speak properly, thanks for pointing it out :) (sardonic, see?) Beside that, are you okay? Your obsession with these famous people is a bit worrying. I hope you don't become a real-life Becky :)''
I am fine heller.  Thank you for asking.  @thorezilla shouldn't answer English posts, and expect us to know which part of the world she came from.  Its not my problem if she cant introduce herself properly.  Did she not learn manners where she comes from.  Its called common courtesy, and you don't need English for that.  I am South African and I understand etiquette. 
As far as ''obsessing over these famous people'', I hope you are not counting Misha as a famous person.  He isn't.  He is a creepo, but not a famous one.  Outside of SPN, nobody knows him and even the majority of the viewers cant stand him.  And by majority, I don't mean hellers masturbating to his ugly face.  I mean, actual viewers of the show who cant stand his lies, sexual perversion and ship pandering.  Because he has caused major damage to Jensen and Jared by egging his fans on.  That is why I have this blog.  In the past two years, his fans have:
threatened Jensen's life [multiple times]
threatened Jared's life once
threatened to kidnap Jared
threatened to kidnap Jared's children
threatened arson and poisoning against Jensen
threatened vandalism
accused Jensen of
accused Jared and Jensen of racism and homophobia
accused Jensen of Islamophobia [which as a muslim myself, this upset me]
accused Jensen and Jared of enabling rape
accusing Jared of harassing Misha on set through pranking
mock Jared for calling out bad customer service
All this is because Jensen and Jared don't give in to their destiel wet dreams.  Meanwhile, Misha has done the following and gotten away with it.
lied about getting mugged even though it never happened and was called out for his lie by a journalist.
confessed to leering at 13 year olds, through a school fence, in a pedophilic manner and claimed a movie role made him do it.  Anthony Hopkins never felt like eating people after playing Hannibal, did he?
asked an underage girl and her friend for a threesome on the night of the alleged mugging.
duped his fans with 'cockles' merch, when they were getting clams, and they were angry.  Serves them right for listening to him.
told his fans that Jensen has sexual intercourse in front of West and Maison.  In which universe, is that funny?
lied about being impoverished as a child, even though he only had elite education.  He was not poor.  His mother was a hippy.
Was told not to queerbait his section of psychotic freaks but he does it anyway, because what else does he have to offer. 
Allows his minions and hellers to cyber bully his co-workers and friends and never intervenes to stop it.  A few days back, fans went after William Shatner.
Is directly involved in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  He might have implicated Travis.
Made a roofie and raping joke and got away with it
Made a slavery joke and got away with it.
Talked about Jensen's wife doing sexual favors for him and got away with it.  He might have said something inappropriate about Jared's wife but I cant remember.  I don't have receipts for that. If anyone else does, help a girl out.   
Lies on the ground and takes pictures under fan girls dresses.  How is that not creepy, especially when many of his fans are underage?
He mocked mental illness, learning disabilities and therapy and didn't bother apologizing.  He just deleted the tweet. 
Awards high points for Gish participants [many of whom are underage] to strip down but not for donating bone marrow. 
Used mental illness as a insult.
Made a transphobia joke and got away with it.
There may be more, but its slipping my mind right now.This blog is bringing that truth out in the open.  Anything that can lead to J2 abuse goes in the main tags, including head canons.  I don't use the anti tags, because who is going to see it there.  Using the anti tags, is pointless.  Now you can leaving a mocking message.  Another hellerminion mocked the state of my mental health, because Misha does that so it must be ok, right?  Hellerminions use mockery a lot because that is what bad people generally do.  That is exactly what you did.  There was one who treated me the same way Jared gets treated.  She told me to put my head in an oven.  I had my very own stalker once.  It might me realized non-hellers are petrified of hellerminions for nothing.  So mockery and harassment is not going to change my resolve about this blog.  The blog and the post, are going to operate in the main tags.  Have a nice day.
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