#anti rwby simp
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Race fetishist says what?
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Nice job blocking everyone who put a like on the post calling you out, or that's what I assume you did since I did that with my main and it got blocked, shame because I liked your content and reblogged it occasionally, oh well, I won't send hate or anything I'll just not interact with different accounts beyond this ask.
Let's get two things straight.
First, TG, I know that's you.
Lilith, Kob and I don't see you as a member of Fixing RWBY.
We just see you as one of the otaku simps who hate on RWBY so hard that you'll promote the scummiest straight white male savior fanfic in its place, while harassing anyone who criticizes your favorite fanfic.
Second, I didn't actually block people on that.
I blocked you and a bunch of others who were liking a Blacksun poster who was screaming bloody murder about Yang and Blake finally kissing.
I'm serious, you're as nasty as that anti-bumbleby gore artist on Fixing RWBY's team
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tsff21 · 3 years
Anyways James Ironwood may have had good intentions, and yes team RWBY lied to him about Salem and the lamp. But none of that justifies what he ended up doing and trying to do.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
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ribbonspice · 2 years
So…I had a really strange dream last night and I wanna talk about it.
The Miraculous team has been trying to assist Team RWBY and their allies in stopping Ironwood. But then Marc is seriously injured by Yang and his head splits open and his brain falls out. He only survives because of the Goat Miraculous and Miraculous Ladybug.
(Marc and Nathaniel swap Miraculouses in this story. Nathaniel has the Rooster and Marc has the Goat. The Rooster Miraculous also has a different power: Rogue, the ability to temporarily steal someone else's powers by touching them.)
This incident leaves Marc traumatized and questioning whether Team RWBY are trustworthy. Everybody but Nathaniel tells him the same thing: Ironwood is evil and Team RWBY are good. They don't care about the fact that Yang split open his head; they just want to stick with their morals. (I'd also like to point out that everyone knows each other's identities here.)
Marc's mental health slowly deteriorates over time thanks to the fact that Team RWBY is gaslighting him into believing they are the good guys even though he keeps seeing things that point to that "fact" being horseshit. Nathaniel is the only one who believes and supports Marc during this time.
Eventually, Marc finally goes over the edge. He and Nathaniel officially defect to Ironwood's side and help him fight Salem. They temporarily win and Atlas is still standing.
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pandaluver · 4 years
Just watched Volume 8 Chapter 6 and wanna say some things so if you haven’t seen it, don’t read after this
All the people saying Oz was using Oscar as a meat shield can suck a lemon!
Considering what Salem is doing I’m pretty sure all Team Rwby did was help her advance her plans so yeah.....
I’m tired of watching Emerald simp for Cinder all the friggin time! If you ship them then you have some issues you need to deal with.
I figured Cinder’s backstory would be like that since volume 6 so I wasn’t surprised and I definitely don’t feel any sympathy for her considering she still chose to commit mass murder.....
It’s nice to see that Mercury isn’t devoted to Cinder like Emerald and oddly Neo but I’m not sure how I feel about him calling Salem his Queen. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the hope of him doing something to stab her in the back.
I still seriously hate how the writers turned Ironwood from an Interesting Anti-hero to a Stupid Villain.
Weiss better try to be a good big sister at some point this volume! I want her to be my favorite character again!
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Uh oh, the bakudeku shipper found me!
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(They are responding to this post)
The normal rwby tag is drowning in p*rn the likes of which I have not seen in any other fandom I have been in on Tumblr. If you are unhappy with that, perhaps you should tell them to confine themselves to the lwde tag like what the regular fandom did to us
That person is literally anti rwde. At the time I made the post bakudeku stan is responding to here, the Jaune simp was spam posting the anti rwde tag about how rwdes hate Jaune (its true, most of us do hate Jaune). So instead of bothering me with this "no true Jaune stalker fan" dogma, go bother that guy. Thank you.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
One thing that annoyed me about last episode was how it's lacking consistency about Aura Level and how it works. Of course, CRWBY forgot about Vol 3 and Aura explanations as always. It's really weird to me to see how Yang after her aura broke didn't have energy to do anything like gauntlet shot to lift herself and just uncouncious fall into black hole and at the same time seeing that Ren's aura is broken too, but suprisingly he have enough energy fo fight Grimms and he is councious :/
CRWBY has been on the record avoiding basic writing tools like a timeline because they think the using the tool is what will create plotholes. It’s totally unsurprising, but continuously frustrating the way they seem to have no set rules or consistency surrounding aura or semblances.
Fans rush to fill in these gaps with their own personal assumptions and then insult people who say ‘it should be clearer’ or ‘it was badly done.’ The way Ren’s aura alone behaved this very season should make it clear that Yang’s aura shouldn’t go out in one hit at this point, and aura breaking has never resulted in immediate partial unconsciousness as far as I remember. So what happened with Yang?
CRWBY needs some set rules and they need to stick to them, especially with how involved combat and aura and semblances are to their story.
Once again, this scene made Yang look weak. But it also goes against her earlier fights and role in the team as a tank. You guys remember this?
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Remember when she took two really hard hits by this big ol’ thing and still got up and fought back and was totally fine after?
Yeah, this same girl got swiped at once with a sword and was just out for the count six volumes later. If Yang can take such hard hits and get up and fight back with full cognizance in volume 2 at seventeen years old, then nineteen year old Yang with much more training under her belt should’ve been able to brush off Neo’s hit easy. That’s not to say Yang should’ve won, because I’ll remind you of the last time they fought.
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Throughout their fight in V2, Yang could barely get one hit in while Neo looked like she was just toying around for kicks without really trying. It makes perfect sense for Neo to still be able to out do Yang even after she did so much more training. It’s not that Neo should not have been able to beat Yang.
She shouldn’t have been able to beat Yang so fast with so little fight and with one little hit!
The fight was sloppily done, and that’s very sad when Neo Vs Yang Part 2 could’ve been one of the best fights in volumes.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
It's hard NOT to speak up when something you used to love and had so much potential gradually turns to shit. I know some former fans just dropped the show and discourse (mostly as a result of V6 and V8) but there are those of us who have to step up and point out WHY this happens!
Not gonna lie, it's hard for me because I hyperfixate, and it's really hard to stop talking and thinking about things that I hyperfixate on. Before I made this blog partially as a way to vent, I felt like I was annoying and driving away my sisters because I kept talking about RWBY - even though that wasn't the case, since both of them also had major problems with RWBY and we've all always enjoyed dissecting and bashing media. Still, that's how I felt, and when I'd make myself not talk about it, I'd just sit there thinking through everything I would say over and over again in my brain.
I don't think RWBY simps really understand how hard it is for some people to just drop things. Ever since I was a kid, I've latched onto things and made them part of my personality and have felt unable to detach myself from them, and have struggled to not talk about it frequently. My siblings would pick fun at me for having randomly latched onto and become 'obsessed' with C-3PO. I became so wrapped up in the Superhero world my siblings and friends and I invented at the age of eight or nine that the characters I invented for it still live rent free in my head now in my mid twenties. I was so obsessed with the book The Thief Lord that I checked it out of the library so much over the course of two years that the copy was basically mine and barely touched the library shelves. I got so invested in Harry Potter and specifically the character of Snape (I can't control who I latch onto, don't @ me) that I read through almost every non-romance driven Snape-centered fic that had existed on fanfiction.net during my fifteen year old days. Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spider-Man, Loki, the fricking Office... Seriously my siblings once invented a song about the things I wouldn't stfu about when we were all very young that included McDonalds and Linus from the Peanuts. (This was all in good humor, don't worry.)
Once I started hyperfixating on RWBY, it became really hard for me to just not talk about it, not think about it, not pay attention to what's going on with it. On top of that, I'm a stubborn bastard, and the single fastest way to get me to dig my heels in on something is to give me an order or tell me I can't do something (of course, unless that thing is literally immoral.) So yeah, I was never going to stop doing something that helps me vent about the hyperfixations I can't just stop myself from having (believe me, I've tried) just because some people don't want to filter tags.
Even more than that, I fully believe that there's no such thing as perfect media or media that's above criticism and bashing. Even my absolute favorite movies and TV shows and video games that I love and adore get dragged, because it's fun. But, of course it's harder to watch something you love become something terrible, even if it was always deeply flawed. It's frustrating and it's tiring and it's a little confusing. And on top of that, if a series has harmful messages or racist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, or sexist jokes, narratives, or choices, of course no one should have to stop talking about that! Whether or not it was intentional by the writers or not, no one should feel obligated to not talk about the ways that a piece of media hurt or angered them with their portrayals or messages, and the members of the groups affected should be listened to with sympathy and understanding.
The idea that if someone has a problem with this piece of media that the writers are trying to sell to us, that they just need to A. never watch the show again, and B. shut up and never talk about it just in case someone gets the show 'ruined' for them by seeing criticism or bashing... That's just... So highkey ridiculous.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
You know, this whole “Ironwood is image obsessed” thing that people are apparently saying yet again... Is yet another example of RWBY simps and IW antis that are trying to drain literally any good thing away from Ironwood’s character and then still claiming that he’s nuanced.
James is not image obsessed, it’s literally a defining characteristic of his that he’s willing to do what he thinks needs to be done regardless of how that makes him look. People are just doing whatever they can to try and pretend James Ironwood has always been all bad and has never been any sort of good and then they’re taking their warped, not backed by canon, and even sometimes directly going against canon ideas and presenting them as the truth that they uncovered that people are just ignoring to be dumb.
Ironwood is brave, Ironwood is strong, Ironwood is self-sacrificing, Ironwood is more experienced than most of our protagonists, Ironwood is devoted, Ironwood tries his hardest, Ironwood does what he thinks is right, Ironwood is willing to sacrifice his own wants and needs and reputation to get done what he thinks must be done.
That obviously isn’t to say that James doesn’t have bad traits, because good, well rounded characters have both - heroes or villains or anything in-between. But the behavior of antis of literally trying as hard as they can to take any and everything James does and turning it into something either bad or totally faked... That’s straight up removing any nuance and subtlety from the character and making him even more two dimensional than CRWBY made him become in season eight already.
Of course, people can headcanon whatever the hell, twist James in their fanfictions and their writings to better fit their purposes, but it just isn’t canon James. It’s okay to hate a character with good traits, it’s okay to like a character with bad traits.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
It's hilarious how half the Rwby simps will say 'No, you don't understand! Ironwood's a classic example of how a good man can become evil!' and the other half will say 'No, you don't understand! Ironwood's a classic example of how an evil person can hide in plain sight for years!' Even the simps and bootlickers can't agree on the moral of his story
Honestly, I and other RWDE posters have consistently got contradictory 'explanations' for tons of stuff. And obviously, part of the reason for that is that RWBY fans - and even RWBY simps - do have different opinions and think different things and come to different conclusions just like RWDE posters do.
Of course, there are some big differences between RWDE posters and RWBY simps. Most IW fans aren't demanding that everyone else love him, whereas anti-IW people try to bully others into hating him. Most RWDE posters aren't demanding that everyone hate RWBY, or stop posting about liking it (although there are a couple exceptions,) but a lot of RWBY simps frequently demand that everyone like RWBY or at the very least stop posting about why they have problems with it. But that's not quite the point.
RWBY simps have lots of different ideas, but it is funny to post or to see other people post criticism of RWBY, and then to see multiple people in the comments tell us "this is the obvious solution to that so it isn't a flaw" while all of them are presenting different solutions. For instance, the Penny problem! Many people were complaining that Penny getting a flesh body didn't make sense, and had both people saying that obviously Penny's soul had just conjured up her own flesh body by using its aura, and people saying that obviously Ambrosius had made her a body because he was preventing himself from killing. In both cases, the RWDE posters complaining about the problem were mocked and treated like they were stupid or lying for not believing the 'obvious' conclusion that others had drawn.
For another example, Yang not being shown telling anyone about Raven being the Spring Maiden. People were complaining that Yang being furious at Ozpin for keeping information secret while she herself had yet to tell anyone about Raven was hypocritical, and they had both people telling them that obviously Yang had already told everyone about Raven off screen, and people saying that obviously Yang would tell them later when it comes up again, and also people saying that obviously the Raven information didn't really matter anymore because it'd never come up again so it was unfair to say Yang had done something when said thing would never matter to the plot now.
And then obviously, with Ironwood, we got loads of completely contradictory 'explanations.'
"Ironwood losing his arm was a sign of his lost humanity not because of the arm itself, but because he was impatient and had it removed unnecessarily," "Ironwood losing his arm was a sign of his lost humanity not because of the arm itself, but because Ironwood was internally ableist and saw having prosthetics as a bad thing," "Ironwood losing his arm was a sign of his lost humanity not because of the arm itself, but because Ironwood didn't care about losing his arm, proving that he's heartless," "Ironwood losing his arm was a sign of his lost humanity not because of the arm itself, but because it represented Ironwood embracing/relying on mechanics and robotics." (Side note, I'll never get over the ableism in some of the replies there that I and others have got, and the constant attempts to justify the ableist comment the writers made.)
Of course, none of the people demanding that RWDE posters believe their headcanons ever demand that other Anti-IW people with different headcanons believe them, or call them stupid for not having come to that same conclusion. Because it's not actually even about people agreeing with them on how, it's just that they want everyone to believe the narrative of the show. So it doesn't matter to them if someone comes to the conclusion "Ironwood was always a villain and he was only ever lying when he did anything good in order to manipulate people into following them," or "Ironwood's fall makes sense because of the emotional and physical exhaustion he was going through," even if they're yelling at and berating others for not believing "Ironwood's fall to villainy was about him becoming power hungry over time and turning into a dictator even though he started the show as a good person." Any theory is fine, so long as it's Anti-IW, because if it isn't, then you're clearly saying the show isn't perfect and are therefore point blank wrong (even if their only 'explanations' are based in headcanons.)
But what's even funnier are the people who either change their 'explanations' mid debate, or contradict themselves mid-sentence!
"Ruby is different from Oz because she only lied to James because she didn't know if she could trust him, and once he proved himself and she was on board with him, she let him in. Ruby knew from the start that there was something shifty going on and never really agreed with him, she was only working with him out of necessity and didn't want to write him off right away, she was showing she trusted him by working with him, but he wasn't trusting her back."
"Ironwood was over-emotional and over reacted, so how were Ruby and the others supposed to trust that he'd do the right thing? Ironwood relied way too much on his mind and was blocking out his emotions, which you can see contrasted in characters like Ruby, Nora, and Robyn. And he's clearly way too compromised to be in charge in the first place, I mean, he's so affected by his fear that he's letting it control him, that's why Ruby needed to take charge."
"I think it was actually really heroic of Ruby to denounce Ironwood because she had seen he was already acting like a dictator, I mean did you miss that he had soldiers in Mantle, and was clearly trying to enforce things like a curfew? I don't know how anyone can believe Ironwood was good in volume seven, what with how he wasn't doing enough to protect the people of Mantle and keep them safe from the Grimm. And on top of that, he wasn't getting global communications restored fast enough, which proves he doesn't care about uniting the world like Ruby does."
Like, guys... It's actually really funny. Ironwood can't do anything right for RWBY simps, they'll try their very darnedest to convince people that everything he did was the wrong thing and that everything that Ruby and her team did was the right thing, even if they're literally contradicting themselves. And tbh, these conversations can end one of two ways. The nicer conversations will end with a 'well, agree to disagree' or a 'well, I can't see your point and you probably can't see mine.' I've both gotten and given these statements, and I'm actually fairly happy with them, because it's at least peaceful (this is most common with people who are just fans, rather than simps.) The meaner RWBY simps will leave with 'well, you're just stupid,' or 'well, you're just stubborn,' or 'well, you're just too busy simping for Ironwood to listen to reason.' And the meanest ones will send hate anons! I've only gotten a few, but others experience literal harassments, like regularly receiving anons from people who are attacking them for criticizing RWBY or liking Ironwood. RWBY simps, just like Ruby herself, will consider anyone the enemy if they don't agree with her and don't want her to be able to do what she wants with no arguments.
They rarely ever admit they're wrong about anything, even when their contradictions are pointed out to them. Luckily, I haven't gotten many comments from RWBY simps lately. I think I've blocked most of them that are regular posters these days, but I still see them on other people's posts sometimes, and it's always fun to see the comment sections of other RWDE posters, and see them responding to someone that I can't see lol. I'm always like "Oh, I must've blocked that one! Sounds like they're saying some trippy stuff."
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
Many RWDE posters: *Posts about how the main characters need more development and focus, especially Team RWBY. Posts about plot inconsistencies. Posts about flaws characters made that are ignored or excused. Posts about retcons. Posts about how some characters have been ill used. Posts about the inconsistent or not well carried out moral messages. Posts about queer baiting in RWBY. Posts about AU ideas and ships. Posts about how ill handled and harmful some of the handling of real world situations has been. Posts about not liking this or that character or that ship which personally affects their enjoyment level of the show. Posts about how the relationships among the main cast need to be fleshed out. Posts about some story decisions don’t make sense to them. Posts about how the magic system has been ill used. Posts about how some of the moral messages the narrative has been pushing affect the show in a negative way. Posts about how the designs are either flawed or personally unappealing. Posts about how the world building in RWBY is lacking. Posts about how the character bloat problem has become hard to get past. Posts about not liking the music or voice acting. Posts about antisemitism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and sexism that has been in the show or been seen in the writers. Posts about how the power scaling and fighting is sometimes bad or about how characters sometimes seem to forget they have super powers. Posts about the lack of commitment to following through on some character or story plots. Posts analyzes of various things. Posts vent posts about some story plots or directions they just don’t like. Posts theories both about how things might go good in season 9 and about how things might go bad. Posts alterations or ideas for things like world building, magic systems, storyline, character dynamics and directions. Etc. Etc. Etc.*
Those RWDE posters: “...Also I like Ironwood and feel like his character was really mishandled.”
RWBY simps: “Well, it’s clear you’re just a bootlicker who hates women and gay people who only likes manly men! You’re all so stupid, you missed that this isn’t a show about Ironwood, okay? I bet all of you are straight, all of you just want to make out with Ironwood and you’re making excuses! You keep making excuses for Ironwood being a murderer! You edge-lord juvenile idiots, we all know you have nothing worthwhile to complain about with this brilliant work of art!”
RWDE posters: “Actually a lot of RWDE posters are talking about how Team RWBY ought to get more growth and screen time and most of us are pushing for more open LGBTQ+ rep, since this is presented as a progressive show about kickass girls and yet they get shafted for-”
RWBY simps: “Oh my god, and now you’re accusing the amazing writers of bigotry for no reason! Vile, baseless attacks! I couldn’t imagine ever assuming someone is bigoted just because I don’t like what they say! Bad faith arguments!”
RWDE posters: “But you just said that about RWDE posters!”
RWBY simps: *Posting on their own blog.* “OMG YOU GUYS! Pressed members of the HTDM are attacking me now because they misunderstood what I said LOLOLOL! Anyway, just so everyone knows, if you say anything bad about MKEK, that means you’re a bad person! Keep loving and stay strong, RWBY fans!”
NOTE: This is a somewhat exaggerated vent post based on my frustrations and not based on an actual conversation. It’s just that I’ve been thinking about a lot of Anti // RWDE posts and how weird and bad some of the takes are. XD
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
From pure curiosity - are you talking about this James in unf*ckable post that is trending on ironwood tag or something else? Cause I just saw this post by going on tag by curiosity and gosh, simps made hell in notes and in general post was super agressive, i'm so glad I almost left the fandom entirely (tbh from rwby content I only still follow like 3-4 blogs including yours)
Oh yeah, I'm definitely talking about that post. XD Despite people making an effort to make the James Ironwood tag better for IW fans, it's still ill advised to go into it, since RWBY simps and IW antis apparently don't like using the 'anti' tag so people can filter out, and I made the mistake of checking the main character tag and saw that post. XD Even more of a mistake was checking the comments for it.
This is why I don't interact much with the general fandom. Lots of RWBY fans and posters are actually cool, even if they praise the show a lot or I think their takes are bad, but the loudest RWBY fans are usually the simps who like to make the fandom incredibly toxic for anyone who doesn't adhere to the Standards.
At least I'm not on Reddit or Twitter. I heard it's even worse on Reddit and Twitter.
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kitkatopinions · 4 years
I'm tired of fantasy world writers being like 'oh, this is my allegory for racism in my fantasy world where actual racism doesn't exist, also I'm going to not do any research on how to properly include said allegory, badly portray it, make my main characters affected by this white or white passing, and then use racist stereotypes later.' Long post full of RWBY criticism ahead.
RWBY is terrible with the Faunus racism they chose to make part of their story. They made the White Fang an evil terrorist group, they made Blake lecture fellow Faunus about how they're the ones actually hurting themselves by using violence against each other, they framed comfortable and peaceful protest as the only good way despite establishing that peaceful protest didn't work, and they made their child slave coded character who literally got branded turn into nothing more than an abusive stalker and then had him killed without ever addressing the aforementioned child slavery. Also, the only Faunus among our main cast now that Sun is gone is one of the most privileged of the Faunus. Blake can pass as a human if she wants to, she grew up fairly rich, she has two loving parents, and she comes from an inherently powerful position as the daughter of the Chief. Having Blake be privileged would be absolutely fine, if she acknowledged her privilege, wasn’t the mouthpiece on Faunus rights, if she wasn’t the only Faunus in our main cast, and if she didn’t repeatedly lecture other Faunus.
On top of that, two of our main cast have been racist (within the narrative of the show) towards our main Faunus character, one of them learns from it (even though that as well was badly handled) and became the only member of Team RWBY to ever call out human's being racist after season three. Oh wait, except the other member of our main cast that was racist that never had it addressed because it was treated like a joke now has yelled at a racist once, in an incredibly tense situation, so I guess her racism is gone. It’s good that it’s gone, since CRWBY is pushing her and Blake as a couple, but it’s frustrating that her racism never even got a ‘that wasn’t funny’ and we never see Yang learn any better, because it feels like CRWBY brushed it off and acted like it was fun and quirky instead of treating it like the casual racism it was. They do a similar thing with Robyn in season seven which came out in 2019, when she calls Marrow ‘Wags.’ Also none of our main cast are ever seen protesting for Faunus rights (sans a two second flashback of child Blake at a rally and a non canon RWBY chibi cartoon.) I don't think Ruby - our main protagonist - has ever even mentioned Faunus rights. In a world where Adam was branded with the SDC logo under fifteen years ago at the most, racism and fighting racism should be a big part of the story, and instead, it's brushed to the side and used for the occasional 'we don't like racism btw' moment now that Blake got rid of a Faunus run terrorist group. To me, this implies that the number one threat to the Faunus… Was the Faunus, and although some humans are still anti-Faunus, no one has to devote their time or energy into fighting for equality. In season 7, Blake doesn’t even attend the rally of the political figure running against Jacques Schnee - who as far as I’m aware, is the only business owner or person in power who has ever displayed anti-Faunus racism in the show. By the way, please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. It’s been a hot minute since I watched through the show.
Instead of attending a rally that seems very important for the Faunus, Blake goes dancing with her crush. It’s like she stopped caring about politics and rights after the White Fang got removed. That feels so bad. Also, I'll note that most of the actual POC Faunus that can't pass as white in this show are on the bad side (Sienna, Fennec, Corsac, Lionheart, Ilia, Marrow.) And either they die, or they must learn to give up their destructive ways and become better people. I’m not saying this was intentional, I’m saying it’s a pattern, it’s alarming, and the writers should’ve known better.
I believe Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross have admitted that they mishandled Faunus racism, but first off, it still doesn’t excuse them because they were grown people putting out a product that premiered in 2013 and they should’ve known to do research and do better. But second off, I still feel like they haven't done the research they need to and continue to mishandle the racism by ignoring it when they want to and bringing it up only to let us as an audience know Weiss and Yang aren't racist anymore. They can’t just cut the Faunus from their storyline now, but they can’t just ignore it, and need to actually make it a better allegory. Honestly though, one of the big reasons I'm convinced that they still haven't done any real research on how to properly portray POC or racism is because of how terribly they're handling the Ace Ops.
They're writing a fantasy show, they aren't tied to real world portrayals of law enforcement, but they went the route of commentating on real world police, corrupt police, and use of excessive force. That's fine. But things are already pretty dicey just starting off because of how they've mishandled and continue to mishandle Faunus racism. Outside of Jacques Schnee and his company and business partners, I don't remember seeing Faunus racism in Atlas (not Mantle, Atlas.) If I'm wrong about that, again, please correct me, I may have missed it. But without seeing actual discrimination against Faunus within the police force, right off the bat, that's a mishandling of commentating on police brutality. But also, other than Clover who is now dead, the Ace Ops are all people of color. CRWBY made their bad cops all not white. Even Ironwood - who is white passing - is voiced by a person of color who has said he believes that James is Chinese American. I'll point out that being a Hunter is pretty much just being a cop with more freedom and seemingly less rules. Qrow (a Beacon Huntsman) goes around destroying public property and comments on how some hunters work outside of the law, and yet it's only the Ace Ops who are held to real world ACAB rules and everyone else gets to be a good cop/law enforcement officer. Ruby gets to proudly proclaim herself a Huntress, Weiss gets to arrest people, Jaune gets told that he deserves his Huntsman license, we've been getting told for seven seasons that Hunters help people and do what's right, and we're given long time Hunters and mentor figures like Oobleck, Glynda, Qrow, and now Robyn is being framed that way, and they back that up. Even training Atlas soldiers like Neon and Flynt are fine and fun. But only the Ace Ops are bad, corrupt law enforcement officers. So that way, we can have the entirely white passing Team RWBY beat up the entirely POC, not white passing Ace Ops. Even though Team RWBY is a byproduct of the same kind of program and even though we’ve seen the police discriminate against Faunus in Vale. If CRWBY wants their allegories to be taken seriously, they need to recognize that RWBY and co are also certified police. Also, it’s really not funny to see people use ACAB as a reason why the Ace Ops are of course bad, but then turn around and simp for Winter, and be like ‘We want Winter to be redeemed, but Harriet? What a bitch!’ Like… I’m side-eyeing that pretty hard.
Speaking of Winter, now she’s in charge of the Ace Ops. But unlike Marrow, Winter doesn’t just look sad sometimes and blindly only follow direct orders without protest. She’s actually feeling all kinds of things, and she’s actually being framed as strong, intelligent, and reasonable. I’m sure no one forgot this, but I’ll note it anyway; Winter is white. Having Winter be the only Ace Op to actually listen to JRY and do things without James explicitly telling her to (although I don’t consider what she did a betrayal or going behind his back) is dicey. They could’ve given this moment to Harriet and nothing would change. ‘This lady typically follows orders, is short tempered, and pushes down her emotions, but she can still recognize a fairly good idea when she sees one and can actually think for herself, so although this isn’t a betrayal, she compromises and lets Team JRY go after their friend.’ Yeah, idk guys, I feel like there was literally no reason to slot Winter in with the Ace Ops to be the lone voice of reason when Harriet could’ve become the new leader and played the exact same role. Instead, Winter gets to have a power move where she puts Harriet in her place. Winter is given actual depth and gets to put down the black woman who the writers have made display nothing but anger for the whole season. The fans rally behind Winter because she was given depth and hate Harriet because she has none, but that’s the fault of the writers. Btw, ‘this black woman won’t show any emotion besides anger’ is a racist stereotype. It would probably have taken like five minutes on google for Luna and Shawcross to have realized that it was a bad idea to write a black woman in any sort of position of power to be constantly angry + hiding her emotions. Elm is in the same boat as Harriet, and I was going to say it’s less severe, but then I remembered that she literally attacked Ren for talking about their emotions.
Look, my point is that RWBY as a show has never handled allegories like racism and corrupt police well, and either they should stop trying and stick to ‘make believe land is just different than the real world’ or start putting in the work and fix this. By the way, I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad for watching or even enjoying RWBY, but I hope people can watch it while recognizing that some of the things CRWBY has chosen to put into their show are destructive and that the creators need to be called out. I’ll continue to hope that most RWBY fans do recognize that RWBY is deeply flawed, but I’ve just been stewing recently about someone who told me that I shouldn’t have expected the show to address Faunus racism in the Atlas arcs because that ended when Adam died.
I want to make it totally clear that I agree with and support ACAB in the real world and I'm not against it being used in fantasy works, I just think CRWBY is doing a poor job of portraying it and many fans are misusing it and it feels disrespectful. This is an actual real world movement with actual real world consequences. It feels very bad to see people use it to argue that the writers who have never handled allegories of racism well can make an all POC group be a destructive, violent, easily controlled, easily beat group of corrupt cops that need a white woman and fellow cop to be the voice of reason.
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