#anti lice
pawsitivelyfierce · 1 year
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Imagine having a rich boyfriend like James Potter. Lily is lucky 🥰
I mean if that’s your type, who am I to say otherwise.
I wouldn’t want a boyfriend that threatened me and blackmailed me into dating him just so he could leave my friend alone…maybe that’s just me tho
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cupuasu · 2 months
my mom got lice in the gym and now i don't even stay in the same room as her bc of trauma
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sethdomain · 1 year
Not only did the pool make my hair coated with chlorine that take 2 hour to wash it also gave me lice, so cool!
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pettoysolutions · 4 months
Say Goodbye to Lice with Pet Toy Solutions’ Electric Anti Lice Comb!
Introducing the Pet Toy Solutions’ Electric Anti Lice Comb – the perfect companion for your furry friend! This comb is designed to gently and effectively remove lice from your pet’s coat without causing any discomfort. Its electric feature ensures thorough cleaning, making your pet feel pampered and cared for. 
Simply glide the comb through their fur and watch as it effortlessly tackles those pesky lice. Your pet will love the soothing sensation, and you'll love the results. Keep your furry friend happy, healthy, and lice-free with this must-have Electric Anti Lice Comb. Say goodbye to lice and hello to cuddles with Pet Toy Solutions. Shop Now!
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hairfall · 8 months
Follikesh Anti Lice Oil
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Treat lice with the goodness of Ayurveda using Anti Lice Hair Oil. Completely safe for kids, this natural lice healing formula comes with a free lice comb inside the package. Now removing lice from hair has become easy and pain-free with the Ayurvedic blend of Shikakai, Henna, Amla, and Neem without any side effects.
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It contains antioxidants, which help to erase blemishes, stains, and spots. It offers skin a clean, radiant appearance. Its anti-bacterial properties fend off dandruff-causing germs while also preventing lice on the scalp. Organic Harshiangar Essential Oil also decreases oxidation and prevents greying of the hair. All of this leads to strong, healthy-looking hair. It is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, forming a barrier against infection-causing microbes. It has a pleasant perfume and alleviates symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It calms and relaxes the nervous system, providing relief from overthinking and the consequences of stress and shock. It can be used alongside other treatments to alleviate anxiety symptoms.
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personalcareonline · 9 months
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viprimehealth · 2 years
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Civil disobedience, act 4: art and symbols
Demonstration art could be one of the most powerful ways to convey your message. Iranians have been making art all over the cities these days.
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Painting the city with blood: Putting red color in water bodies around the city. throwing red color at street signs specially those that reads Velayat (supreme leading system), hijab, and Kurdistan. putting red blood on pictures of Khamenei, Ghasem Soleimani, and police or judiciary signs. Coloring the university classes and corridors with red. One art classroom door in Alzahra university read "this classroom is covered in blood". These red colors represent the blood the regime has shed.
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Pictures on the walls: Faces of our fallen martyrs. Anti regime pictures. They read: "you kill our love, you are our ISIS" "women life freedom" "women of Iran and Afghanistan against the violence of Talib and mullah" "fuck compulsory hijab" "from 2017 to 2022 this regime would fall like dominos" "ambu-lice (ambulances are being used to move policemen)". A religious figure hide behind religion playing his anti riot forces. On an alley named Azadi (freedom) someone has written "there was so much bravery hidden in this land".
(It's important to know that in Iran, mullahs don't represent religion as much as they represent the regime. For 40 years the turbans have been the heads of political powers. Most of those mullah pictures are directly targeting Khamenei the supreme leader)
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Slogans on paper money: these ones say "women life freedom" "queer life freedom" "Baloch life freedom".
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Khodanoor Lejei, symbol of the islamic republic cruelty: The bloody Friday in Zahedan was one of the darkest spots in Islamic republic brutal history. Opening fire on a crowd of praying Muslims before they even start protesting. Killing about 100 people of Baloch. But one picture stood out and stood as the face of inhumanity of the regime. Khodanoor Lejei was one of the victims of bloody Friday in Zahedan. An old picture of him went viral after his death. He was arrested a couple of months prior to Mahsa Amini murder and was treated with no dignity. Bound to a pole. water in front of his thirsty body but out of his reach. So in universities, sport games, streets and alleys people have been posing Khodanoor in bound to protest the cruelty. In the last two pictures, the signs read "political" (سیاسی) and "justice" (عدالت)!
Students sing revolution anthems. Artists make digital arts. Musicians make revolution songs. People dance and the security forces attack and arrest them.
There have been balloons flying over the cities with banners containing slogans on them. There have been banners on footbridges situated so that drivers would see them. People also have been writing slogans on billboards especially those that promote regime propaganda.
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Azad university art students gathered in their campus, painted their palms red and raised their hands to the sky.
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Meanwhile the regime forces broke into dormitories and stole students.
Some universities including mine design their campus trees and buildings with names of the murdered protesters or captured students and other revolution symbols (red tulip represents martyrs in Persian literature). The uni authorities take them down but the art students do it again.
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After Kian Pirfalak, all over the country you could find paper boats and rainbows. Kian was a 10 year old boy who was murdered by the regime. There's a video of him starting with "in the name of the god of the rainbow" and continuing to explain his crafted boat. He wanted to become an engineer. Now paper boats are banned in universities.
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One of the murdered protesters, Hamidreza Rouhi, loved riding motorcycles. He had a video online of him on a motorbike lip syncing to a song and pointing to the camera. A group of motorbike riders in Tehran, 7 day after his murder, gathered in front of his house, their motorbikes lined nearby, with pictures of him on each bike.
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And in a recent symbolic act, a woman walked around Tehran streets as The Handmaid's Tale cosplayer. Very on point.
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Don't think for a second that these civil ways of protesting are safe or easy. People have been arrested or shot in the head doing these.
People are capable of beauties but the regime can only make ugliness. That's the summary of this revolution.
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orfeolookback · 10 months
i don't know what else to say. i don't want to take attention away from the rest of the global south that also needs help but please talk about argentina
this year is our 40th year of democracy.
next weekend we'll vote to see if we're ruled by an anti-democracy fascist who has been directly compared to Hitler, whose Vice president candidate is the daughter of one of the men who committed genocide.
The alternative is a social-democratic welfare state that isn't my personal taste as a leftist, but it is a thousand times better than someone whose people compare being LGBT to having lice.
Whose people openly deny the more than 30.000 deaths in the 76-83 dictatorship.
Whose people have been so openly racist and xenophobic that BTS FANS have had to come out in condemnation. Whose VP candidate has denied indigenous groups exist.
Whose economy model scares even the USAmerican vultures
who wants to take away public health, public education, welfare state, worker's rights, and believe there is no pay gap.
Whose main supporters are conspiracy theorists.
Please stay informed. You might soon see another humanitarian crisis here.
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alaynasansa · 2 years
Antis : Sansa and Jon are indifferent at best !!
Meanwhile, the books :
Sansa, two years older, drew the young prince, Joffrey Baratheon. He was twelve, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon's vast dismay. Prince Joffrey had his sister's hair and his mother's deep green eyes. A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar. Sansa looked radiant but Jon did not like Joffrey's pouty lips or the bored disdainful way he looked at Winterfell's Great Hall
Jon I — A Game of Thrones
He missed the girls too, even Sansa, who never called him anything but "my half brother" since she was old enough to understand what bastard meant
Jon III — A Game of Thrones
She had always imagined the Night's Watch to be men like Uncle Benjen. In the songs, they were called the black knights of the Wall. But this man had been crookbacked and hideous, and he looked as though he might have lice. If this was what the Night's Watch was truly like, she felt sorry for her bastard half brother, Jon
Sansa III — A Game of Thrones
"My lord, what of my sisters ? Arya and Sansa, they were with my father, do you know—"
Jon VII — A Game of Thrones
Jon did not remember standing or leaving the solar. The next he knew, he was descending the tower steps, thinking This is my father, my sisters, how can it be none of my concern
Jon VII — A Game of Thrones
The girls do not even have that much, he thought. Their wolves might have kept them safe, but Lady is dead and Nymeria's lost, they're all alone
Jon VII — A Game of Thrones
He curled his hand into a fist. Pain shot through his burned fingers. "What of my sisters ?"
Jon VIII — A Game of Thrones
So there is magic beyond the Wall, after all. He found himself thinking of his sisters, perhaps because he'd dreamed of them last night. Sansa would call this an enchantment, and tears would fill her eyes at the wonder of it, but Arya would run out laughing and shouting, wanting to touch it all
Jon III — A Clash of Kings
"That's pretty." He remembered Sansa telling him once that he should say that whenever a lady told him her name. He could not help the girl, but perhaps the courtesy would please her
Jon III — A Clash of Kings
She sang for mercy, for the living and the dead alike, for Bran and Rickon and Robb, for her sister Arya and her bastard brother Jon Snow, away off on the Wall
Sansa V — A Clash of Kings
Winterfell would go to Robb and then his sons, or to Bran or Rickon should Robb die childless. And after them came Sansa and Arya. Even to dream otherwise seemed disloyal, as if he were betraying them in his heart, wishing for their deaths. I never wanted this, he thought as he stood before the blue-eyed king and the red woman. I loved Robb, loved all of them... I never wanted any harm to come to any of them, but it did
Jon XI — A Storm of Swords
She had not thought of Jon in ages. He was only her half brother, but still... with Robb and Bran and Rickon dead, Jon Snow was the only brother that remained to her. I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again
Alayne II — A Feast for Crows
"By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa"
Jon I — A Dance with Dragons
Jon said, "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa"
Jon IV — A Dance with Dragons
He thought of Robb, with snowflakes melting in his hair. Kill the boy and let the man be born. He thought of Bran, clambering up a tower wall, agile as a monkey. Of Rickon's breathless laughter. Of Sansa, brushing out Lady's coat and singing to herself. You know nothing, Jon Snow. He thought of Arya, her hair as tangled as a bird's nest
Jon XIII — A Dance with Dragons
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 3 months
Please rank the Astrid Lindgren stories
I'll only do a top 10 because this woman has written so many stories and is the closest we have to a secluded religion over here. So if I don't mention some, now you know.
1. Madicken
Mischievous badass little girl? I know we got Pippi but Madicken's life is tbh more appealing to me. She comes from a wealthy home, but their closest neighbours are poor, the husband is drunk and the wife is ready to sell her body to science to get some money. Their son is 14 but he's so big and cool (until he dresses up as a ghost and scares the shit out of you). Madicken's dad also refuses to be a normal upper class man, inviting their maid to the ball for example. The local mean girl who Madicken has a beef with turns out is very poor, and when she gives Madicken lice, Madicken's mom invites the girl and her sister, and cleans ALL of their hairs. They're anti child spanking in a story set in a time when hitting and spanking children was common. THEY HAVE THIS SCENE OF MADICKEN'S FAMILY TRYING TO HAVE A PICNIC AND END UP RUNNING FROM BULLS AND HAVING TO CLIMB UP TREES AND IT ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH. Madicken jumps from a roof with an umbrella just to see if she can fly. She's completely unhinged, yet so loveable. I also love her and her sister's relationship so much. Lisabet is also really funny.
2. The Children of Noisy Village
Just a slice of life story about children living in the countryside in early 1900s Sweden. Honestly great for a lot of historical fiction, showing how they lived back then, but also it's so cozy?? Just the kids, going through their everyday life, and causing chaos. It's april 1st, THE ENTIRE CLASS comes to the school at 6 AM to change the time, then go wake up the teacher (who DOES live in the school because this is Sweden in the countryside), and prank her. The same day, one of the boys tricks the other to go give a salesman a bunch of rocks, creating the most memeable quote "Sa du sten?!" that sweblr uses as a meme tag now. One of the kids is afraid to loose his baby teeth, so his neighbours SNEAK INTO HIS ROOM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND DRAGS IT OUT WHILE HE SLEEPS. They have the coziest christmas where all the kids lie in a row on the floor and sleep. One of the kids accidentally fall into the water as they're ice skating, and it teaches kids what to do if this ever happens to someone! At one point everyone goes out in the forest to look for a mythical creature and one of the kids strips his clothes off and sits naked on a rock with a harmonica pretending to be him. The stuff these kids get up to, you wish you lived there with them! You wish you had the childhood they had!
Also the 1987 movie adaptation has every kid have a totally different accent and it's hilarious.
3. Pippi Longstocking
Was gonna put her lower but then I remembered how many times I watched "Pippi on the run" as a kid and changed my mind. But my sister was more obsessed with the actual show adaptation, I was more into the movies. Pippi is cool! However I remember sometimes getting second hand embarrassment when she didn't act the way you're supposed to in social situations. Especially when she got invited to the reception and dipped her head in the cake and kept messing everything up. Literally not the point about Pippi, like the point is that she breaks the rules and I am happy she's just herself and doesn't care for any norms, and yet I feel second hand embarrassment during those moments she's in other people's houses (or when she broke off a mannequin arm at the store). I don't know why! I do however appreciate that she's randomly magic, like making the most scary impressions (the dark man-voice in the tree still haunts me) and in the "on the run" movie she just goes biking without wheels and ends up FLYING ON A BROOMSTICK at the end (Pippi has been a witch all along!!!!!!!!!!)
4. Lotta on troublemaker street
Lotta is every single youngest sibling combined into one person. She's that one kid in the family that everyone has a story about. Although the thing I remember the most was when her brother decided to climb a cliff and ended up falling into the water. I was for some reason also obsessed with the fact that her sister's full name was Mia-Maria. Her dad is also one of the best dads in all of Astrid Lindgren tbh. Lotta I think is just how it feels being the youngest of the family and not really being allowed the same things as your siblings because you're too young, and it's not fair! And so you revolt, and runaway to the neighbour lady who is more than happy to play with you. You wanna ride a bike like your siblings so you STEAL AN ADULT BIKE and ride down the street. It feels like the whole world is against you, but you're also literally five years old. And because of your 5 year old willpower, you also manage to save christmas and get a christmas tree for your family.
5. Ronja the Robber's Daughter
I honestly didn't find this as appealing as a kid, I remember thinking the movie adaptation was WAY TOO LONG (and it was, it was over 2 hours), but I've grown to appreciate it way more. Especially since the new adaptation they released on Netflix. Also it has one of the catchiest themes, like I hum that robber's song every day. I love just seeing her play in the forest, I love her and Birk's banters... the creatures in the forest will forever scare me but goddamn those butt gnomes... everyone quotes them and we immediately know. Although tbh I've never been a fantasy kid, it could be why I wasn't as into this.
6. Seacrow island
Honestly?? I found it quite boring before Skrållan was born. Weird, huh? Thought it got better because they added a baby. It could however have to do with the final movie being one I watched a lot. I do appreciate the full series a lot more now than when I was a kid. I love the islands, I love the children's shenanigans. Still is so messed up how Westerman just gaslit Stina into thinking she sold Skrållan to him, when in reality he just made her get a cocoa ball as he returned Skrållan to her mom. I felt so bad for Stina??? SHE'S LIKE 7 YEARS OLD SHE JUST WANTED A COCOA BALL, AND SHE JUST WANTED TO BABYSIT THE ONLY BABY ON THE ISLAND SO SHE COULD FEEL BIG FOR ONCE. Also always got me so nervous when they snuck into Westerman's house to retrieve his gun so that he wouldn't shoot a fox. I also wish Teddy and Freddy were more developed, it felt like they just stopped caring about them, but they were interesting.
7. Karlsson on the roof
This is ONLY because of the cartoon version. I hated the live action version as a kid and I felt SO BAD for Svante because Karlsson kept messing his life up ALL THE TIME. And then everyone blamed him because no one believed Karlsson existed. But it was slightly better in the cartoon, I think. I also remember quite liking the books, and I remember distinctly how I watched a play in Stockholm where BENJAMIN INGROSSO played Svante. Yeah, I've seen Benjamin Ingrosso when he was a literal CHILD playing on stage and that's how I'll remember him.
8. Emil in Lönneberga
It's mostly for the songs from the adaptation? Because I could never enjoy anything properly due to being so scared of Emil's dad. But the songs are such bangers. Also I have appreciated it so much more now when I'm grown than when I was a kid.
9. Mio my Mio
I remember my parents insisting on reading this to me when I was a kid and I didn't want them to, so I pretended to dislike the story. But tbh, I was kinda into it. I hate his foster parents so much, though?? Like imagine adopting a kid and being like "yeah we dislike you because you're not a girl like we wanted to adopt". Also, the theme song for the adaptation slaps, even though the adaptation is kind of... meh.
10. Brother's Lionheart
I remember as a kid not getting why everyone loved this, because I was like "I don't get it, I find it boring idk" (kid me really didn't pay attention when I watched the movie adaptation), but as I'm older... woah. Astrid Lindgren said "the two main characters, both minors, DIE in the first chapter. You're welcome". I really understand why this book caused such a controversy, ESPECIALLY due to the way it ends????? Also it got the iconic quote "All makt åt Tengil vår befriare".
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hairfall · 8 months
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Follikesh Anti Lice Hair Oil for Hair
Treat lice with the goodness of Ayurveda using Anti Lice Hair Oil. Completely safe for kids, this natural lice healing formula comes with a free lice comb inside the package. Now removing lice from hair has become easy and pain-free with the Ayurvedic blend of Shikakai, Henna, Amla, and Neem without any side effects.
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Neem oil is a highly effective antibacterial agent. It can add a layer of moisture to the skin's outer layer and shield it against different types of skin infections. It has a high vitamin E content, which naturally helps to maintain the skin's barrier and prevent bacterial growth. It is particularly helpful in treating dry skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis because of its thick texture and fatty acid profile. Pure Neem Oil is a potential cure for lice, dandruff, and scalp eczema, and it can shield the scalp from numerous bacterial attacks. It has a thick texture and adheres to the scalp, providing deep nourishment and reducing scalp irritation when absorbed promptly.
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subiysu-chan · 24 days
what do each Innocent character smell like? Or, if they would wear any modern perfume what would they wear?
I would go gross and realistic. Lol !
Jean-Baptiste: Probably a light smell of rot and sweat constantly lingering, with also the smell of soap, soda. I don't think he'd particularly notice the smell of death, at this point, or would find it reassuring. He tries his best to keep up with good hygiene, mostly for comfort reasons (dried, rotting blood can be very itchy on the skin, sometimes to the point of chemical burn). The scent of melting, steamed fat quite clings to his hair and clothes pretty strongly, as well as that of herbs. He makes his own medicines, hence the smell of human fat and medicinal herbs and fruit would likely get stuck to him. Silver lime flowers and rowan would probably be the most constant, especially after he gets paralyzed. In terms of perfume, he does wear lemon grass, mint or clove infusions near his scalp for hygiene reasons.
He'd be the type, I think in modern AU, because he's still the type of person to go without perfume if he can, considering it more "sissy", he's probably just get a buzz cut (like, tight pony tails were a military style in the XVIIIth century, so I guess modern AU would do the same) and drop perfume entirely. However, he might decide to grow out his hair if he experiences exessive greasiness (not all skin types can handle a shaved head, to the point it'll require more care than waist-length hair). Being pale, he'd probably need to slather himself with sunscreen, including the scalp.
Probably similar to his father, although he'd probably wear rose perfume, mostly for enjoyment as opposed to an anti-lice measure. The most common medicinal plant he'd consume would probably be rowan, lavender and camomille, the taste and smell probably lingering in his mouth, and he'd run on this stuff.
Modern AU would probably prefer perfumes still on the more feminine, floral side, although would stay far away from the sweet ones. He'd probably also gravitate towards mintier shampoos. Would grow out his hair as soon as he's able to to be able to save on sunscreen.
We are in a similar smell range of randered human fat, soap and sweat, but again, with a lingering scent of rose perfume and formildahyde, as well as a bit of lavender and lemon grass for her hair, mostly as lice prevention. Would also have a scent of coffee and tabacco to her breath.
In modern AU, would probably enjoy a light cologne. If she would to wear her hair short, than her side burns would probably always carry some sunscreen.
He would absolutely stink, of rotting human corpses, rusted metal, vinegar, melted sulfur of feces too. He's the vain, histrionic type, and would probably wash himself regularly, although he'd use pure soda or ash water as opposed to soap. His hair would likely carry a scent of lemon grass, again, as lice prevention. I don't think he can afford the nicer smells. He doesn't grow much facial hair, most of his bodily testosterone focused on maintaining bodily functions such as keeping his bones together, with how little sunlight he's getting. More subtly, he'd probably carry also the scent of wine and brown rice steam.
Modern AU, would probably wear whatever the local pimp exepct him, probably something like vanilla, at the very least in his cleaning products, as it's the smell that best blends with the smell of sex and human rot. He'd have no need for sunscreen, though.
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