#anti jalec i guess
kinkymagnus · 3 years
i think it would be very funny if the whole seelie court kiss scene trope everyone used to love because of the books happened in the show (aka “alec, who is not openly with magnus currently, is forced to choose between kissing jace and magnus, oh the drama, his *i start puking* “”crush”” or his secret boyfriend”) because the seelie queen would just be like (apparently assuming alec is ashamed of magnus/himself and/or that he likes jace) “who will you choose to kiss, lightwood boy? magnus, or j--they’re making out. they are making out right now” 
like she doesn’t even finish her sentence and alec’s sweeping magnus into a dramatic dip and kissing him deeply. he doesn’t even glance at jace. he’s too busy feeling magnus up and kissing him like it’s the end of the world as magnus passionately returns the kiss. everyone looks away, slightly uncomfortable. the seelie queen is just like “asked and answered, i guess” 
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nancyloumm · 4 years
It’s interesting how many Jace blogs have me blocked. Why do they think I hate Jace?
I love Jace. I love Clace. I love Alec and Jace’s relationship as parabatai. 
I guess because I don’t ship jalec, they BLOCK me?  Hey, whatever makes you happy. But don’t consider me a ‘hater’ when my only ‘crime’ is not seeing YOUR favorite ship. 
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saltybane · 6 years
When will the writers and showrunners learn that no one gives a fuck about that one-sided piece of shit parabatai bond. Like just free Alec already and get rid of it. It’s an absolute joke.
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itachi86 · 2 years
this is so clary’s fault jace should not be getting mad at alec
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laufire · 6 years
why must fandom always assume than disliking a popular ship MUST mean you ship the “rival” one? I can dislike two things at once. and I can change my mind about liking something.
by which I mean, because I don’t feel like vagueblogging today: no, I don’t like m@lec. I don’t really like j@lec either. I used to (sorta), when I cared about Alec’s inner life and conflict, because it made for an intense, uncomfortable narrative and I am all for that. but this season’s premiere made me realize that my love for Alec was just because I enjoyed his usurper narrative and the fruits it bore for IZZY’S narrative, and since now those parts seems to have flopped, I’m just meh on him/the whole pseudo triangle tbh.
BUT that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly blind to the show’s dynamics for fuck’s sake. acknowledging that Alec’s prioritizes Jace over Magnus again and again, and that Magnus’ is at a huge disadvantage in their relationship doesn’t mean I LIKE that it’s happening. I don’t! it fucking bores me, and I want Magnus to get an out by any means necessary. 
but denying it, when we have Magnus asking Alec if Jace is worth Magnus GOING TO HELL IN WHAT’S VERY POSSIBLE A SUICIDE MISSION, and Alec being his passive self AGAIN (like he was when Maryse and Max offended Magnus to his face. like he was when Imogen was torturing someone that claimed to be Magnus. like he was when he was asked to make Magnus give a DNA sample. like he was when the Sword was missing and Magnus was at risk)
what good does denying it, dammit? it’s fucking CANON. you don’t have to like it, but jumping at people’s throats for daring to point it out is useless.
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izzymalec · 6 years
it’s been months and i’m still thinking about how little sense it made for alec not to be able to feel his parabatai come back to life like.... we know he felt him die but he didn’t feel him come back to life?? “look at it now” “how 😲” ...uhhh yeah i don’t think so and now he can’t even feel jace being possesed by a demon?? did the parabatai bond even come back bc it certainly doesn’t seem like it
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kitsword · 4 years
Ok, I need to get it out from my system.
I'm seriously sick of Wessa (or more like anti Jessa stans) saying Tessa loved Will more than Jem or Jem is her second choice.
Just like Jem's first choices was Tessa and Will and Will's was Jem and Tessa.
Jem and Will both were loves of her life, even Woosley said that. She loved the EQUALITY.
She accepted Jem's proposal because she truly loved him. That's why she wearing the necklace from him for over century!
If he would be only her "second choice" she wouldn't fight for his life with Caterina in GOTSM. She was next to his bed the whole time even when he was silent brother and she knew they couldn't be together.
After Will's death she wanted to mourn him with Jem but she knew they can't.
Anti Jessa loves to say that Wessa make out after they found out that Jem is dead. They were both in PAIN. They needed comfort, they loved each other and they wanted to forget about this pain. It wasn't romantic scene and super sexy scene. It was sad and painful. It was about finding comfort in each other arms.
Next thing is their butt hurt about Heronstairs.
So what if some people ship them? This is fucking fictional characters. They WEREN'T BROTHERS. They were PARABATAI and parabatai CAN FALL IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER *cough* Jemma *cough* Robert & Michael *cough*
Yes, Cassie said that Will isn't gay or bi but it's still FICTIONAL CHARACTER. People can ship him even with Gabriel if they want to. It's not hurting anyone.(Maybe except your fragile ego)
Also love between Jem and Will was something more than platonic or romantic love.
I can't even explain but imo it's something more than relationship between Alec & Jace or Simon & Clary. They call each other "My Jem" or "My Will" (Just like "My Tessa *wink*). Will was ready to do EVERYTHING for Jem and Jem was ready to do EVERYTHING for Will. I don't think that Simon/Clary or Jace/Alec put their hands to the fire for something that can save their parabatai (maybe i'm wrong). Also Jem and Will know each other only for 6 YEARS when Climon and Jalec know each other for longer time and we never get such emotional moments of them being parabatai like we had from Heronstairs.
Okay, I guess it's everything I wanted to say. I know it's not make impression on any Anti Jessa but I need to get it out from my head.
Sorry for any typos but English is not my first language and thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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zalrb · 6 years
i'm sorry if it sounded like i was attacking you. i know you didn't say that. i was just pointing out the ridiculousness of the tvmalec fandom and how they will blame everything but their own pairing for their problems. like they'reblaming cc for the show, when she has nothing to do with it. book jalec & parabatai are completely different from tv. yes, CC's straight & white but she went there with an interracial gay relationship when bigger writers refused to. even now jk rowling is refusing 1/2
“i'm sorry if it sounded like i was attacking you. i know you didn't say that. i was just pointing out the ridiculousness of the tvmalec fandom and how they will blame everything but their own pairing for their problems. like they'reblaming cc for the show, when she has nothing to do with it. book jalec & parabatai are completely different from tv. yes, CC's straight & white but she went there with an interracial gay relationship when bigger writers refused to. even now jk rowling is refusingi guess i'm just saying that if CC wanted Magnus to be a white woman, won't she have written it that way? so tv malec saying she's anti-gay and that these White Straight Men will save Malec from her, their Writer... is just stupid. again, i'm sorry. i was just giving you an idea of how the tv malec fandom is, since you're not into it. i don't want to post in that person's inbox because it's pointless.” 
OK I think you misread the context, the person who replied to my comment is actually a Jalec shipper and was criticizing CC for the way she portrayed parabatai: http://initiumseries.tumblr.com/post/174383113711/mia-zeklos-witchunters-mia-zeklos-so-half but getting to everything else would be pointless because like you said, I’m not a fan nor have I read the books to even see how she portrayed Malec for me to say anything, I just watch the show from time to time and enjoy the Jalec chemistry.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Dear Anonymous Shitheads,
I’ve... since the beginning of posting stories on FFNet, always instantly deleted anonymous bullshit - mind you, not the sweet ones or the neutral ones or the honestly critical ones, just the flames. Because I felt like it’d give them some sense of, you know, victory if they saw their bullshit popping up in my review section? Just delete and forget.
Because let’s be frank, I don’t give a fuck about your sensitivities and complaints.
I’ve never given a fuck and I’m not gonna start any time soon. I’m too old for this shit. But hey, tumblr sounds like the fun place where I can publically answer the anonympous bullshit I get.
And today’s ediction centers around my newest Jagnus fic - A Magnificent Warlock’s little Shadowhunter.
“This ship is disgusting! It makes me so happy they are never ever going to be together! Malec for life!“
I find this one in particular adorable. Daw, you got your OTP as canon. Good for you, little troll. Go and rewatch the show or reread the books then and stay away from fanfiction, how about that?
Like, you find it disgusting? Sure. You have a right to find it disgusting. You also have a right to use your brain, if existent, and learn how to filter the stories popping up in your feed. The internet is a wondrous place and you don’t have to actually put up with the things you hate. You can really very simply avoid them. If you don’t know how to to that, well, learn it.
And let me just add; I don’t need my OTPs to be canon. I prefer them not to be, actually. Because rarely do writers get couples done good. Malec in season 2 was a disastrous example of that. There was just so much bad writing involved there. No, I prefer it as non-canon, I prefer to write and read fanfiction about it.
And the second one I got - and I’m guessing it’s from the same eloquent genius:
“It's bad enough you write jagnus for the show now you have to ruin the books as well!“
Aw, that’s so cute. I’m ruining the books? I didn’t even know I was going to write the next sequel book and turn it into canon Malace. *gasps* Because, quite frankly, the only way I could ruin the books was if I were to actually write the next book and force my awful, disgusting ships down your throat by making you read them in the context of them being canon. But sure, if unrelated fan-produced things on the internet ruin a book series for you, yeah. And you - again, still - have the option to filter work and not read things that “ruin” your fandom.
It’s been a while since I last got bullshit like that. I felt that maybe the shithead has given up. Apparently, me posing under the book tag woke the sleeping troll. Daw, I hope it goes back to sleep soon.
Back in the day, when I was still a hatchling writer, I used to take things like those to heart. Now they’re my greatest source of entertainment. I just find the notion that people are not just too stupid to filter work but also fail so miserably hard at not clicking things they don’t want and theeen having a large enough ego to actually leave bullshit reviews about what pouty, whiny, bitchy, entitled littl ebrats they are... I find it utterly amusing, to be honest.
I mean. There’s literally nothing about antis, trolls or haters that can be taken seriously.
And... what they don’t seem to understand is that their bullshit fuels me? Back when I started writing for the Shadowhunters fandom, I got a lot of this crap for my Malace stories, particularly for the Jalec aspect of them. Though it did baffle me that some of them managed to praise the sweet Malec moments and then shit all over how I had to ruin the fic by adding Jace to disguise my Jalec shit as Malace? For one, Jalec ain’t shit, it’s a precious OTP of mine, and for another... you literally just praised the Malec moments? How is that disguising Jalec as Malace then?
That lead to my phase of posting two to three Malace fics a week (and to me being motivated to write my first purely Jalec fic). Because if you’re too stupid to filter fanfiction and if you’re so horribly offended by my awful, disgusting pairing and if you’re that incapable of ignoring things that are not your taste, then I will flood your fucking inbox with my godsawful disgusting work until you drown in it.
I’m already working on my next Jagnus story. And I can’t wait to keep reading the book so I can write and post the next book-related Jagnus story.
Just to spite you, dear anonymous shithead. Because I’m a petty, vindictive and very protective little bitch when it comes to my fandoms, my ships and the things I love.
I do not tolerate for others to shit all over them. I wouldn’t seek out the things I hate just to shit all over them either, because I know the people writing them put a lot of love into it and love the things I hate, for whatever reason. You have every right to hate everything you hate for the dumbest bullshit reasons there are, but what gives you the right to drag others who love it down?
So if you can’t muster the same amount of common respect and human decency, then I want to see you drown in the pairings you hate. Because, as mentioned above, I’m a petty little bitch. And I’m all out of fucks to give. I stopped being self-conscious about my writing or my pairing choices years ago - if I ship it, I write it and if you don’t ship it, then you shouldn’t read it.
That’s always been how I handled the haters and that will always be how I will handle haters. If you take the time to tell me how awful I am and how much you hate what I do, I will make sure to take the time to write more awful things just to spite you.
Uhm, not that my readers now feel motivated to leave hate just to make me write more? Because I do appreciate the sweet things you guys leave faaar more than the anonymous bullshit.
So, I’m not sure what the point of this was. Not to reach the anonymopus shithead, of course, because I know from experience that you can’t reason with trolls. But maybe to share with others who sail my precious ships that you should never let the haters get to you and that, if you just keep writing and holding your head high, they eventually give up? That you should never be the one giving up? That if others make you feel shitty in your safe place - your fandom - then you gotta fight back with whatever methods you have, even if they’re just writing or drawing or fangirling/fanboying even harder just to show them that they hold no power over you and that you know that your pairing is good and amazing and shipable?
Also an overall shout-out to all Malace, Jalec and Jagnus writers for writing my OTPs and not letting idiots get to them either.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
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im sorry
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qpraphael · 7 years
Hey I’m anti jalec but can you don’t use kind,dead and dyslexic as an insult .
that looked like it, didn't it? ugh. i was trying to reason why they don't see the facts. i wasn't insulting disabled people. (at least that wasn't my intention) i guess racists just ignore beauty.
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nancyloumm · 5 years
Not sure if it’s been mentioned before, but looking at this gif:
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you see that AU!Jace and AU!Simon are close. A closeness that develops later in the main world. 
But, correct me if I’m wrong, AU!Alec and AU!Jace have NO interaction at all. 
At the truck stop, AU!Jace stays in the truck while AU!Alec hangs out with his sister, AU!Simon and Clary. He leaves only to talk and kiss Clary.
At the party, AU!Alec is too busy trying to get into AU!Magnus’ pants to pay attention to anybody else. 
AU!Jace interacts with Clary’s parents, the above scene with AU!Simon, then chases after Clary when he sees her walk off with AU!Magnus. 
But not one moment does he talk to AU!Alec.
Guess the parabatai bond only exists in the main world. 
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saltybane · 7 years
So it would seem my streak of having no stupid Jalecs or Clalecs in my inbox for a while is over. Sigh.
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I guess we have to do another anti tag for ships bc tumblr is doing whatever they want and putting anti malecs posts on malec tag and the same with anti jalec.
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laufire · 7 years
“This person doesn’t like m@lec so they obviously must be a racist jalec shipper!!!”
They could have actually picked someone… active on the jalec fandom? If they wanted to prove a point? And they said they went through my tags but that’s obviously bullshit, because literally in the first jalec post you can see I call myself a casual shipper lol (let alone all the points I’ve made in the anti tag about what I don’t like about the ship, none of which have anything to do with “deserving” love or not rme. That post, in particular, was made because I was pissed at the shippers gatekeeping). It’s so obvious they just singled out the post and then repeated the party line like they always do.
Also: reblogging someone’s post to call them out or whatever, and then blocking them immediately so that they can’t answer to it, is kinda rude. So I’ll answer here I guess.
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