#anti coco x velvet
dragynkeep · 1 year
Genuine question about the Lesbian Yang discourse and shipping in general. If a character's sexuality is confirmed, how do you feel about shipping that ignores that canon? Back in the day, I was a big Coco x Fox fan based on their brief interaction during the Grimm Breach, and loved the idea of Yatsu x Velvet and Coco x Fox, or CFVY as a big polycule, until Coco's sexuality was confirmed as lesbian. I still love her dynamic with Fox that we saw in the show, and that I headcanon, but I also do feel kind of weird producing content that ignores her sexuality. I know no amount of fanfiction changes what happened in the show, but I also just feel weird about it, and also kind of bad that I still love the idea of Coco with Fox. Like, I have this weird feeling that I'm participating in erasure, especially with homophobia being problematic in fandom spaces. (This is all before I realized Coco's allusion and was just used as an example by the way. I guess a better example would be something like...still enjoying the Pharah and McCree dynamic in Overwatch, or Yang and Ren, etc.) I hope this isn't a question you've answered before, or anything too weird, it's just something that's been on my mind for awhile as someone who has ships that ignore canon sexuality statements, and I have caught flack for it in the past, and a part of me feels like it was rightly so? I don't know, the topic just seems kind of nebulous to me, and if you have the time, I would love any thoughts you have on that, or shipping culture as a whole.
I personally don't care what people do with the characters' confirmed sexualities, but understand the way it puts people off, especially other queer fans. I also wanna preface that I think a lot of fics that ignore a queer character's confirmed sexuality to be in poor taste because it mostly feeds into anti-lesbian bigtory like corrective rape.
But, other queers wanting to write queer characters going through their sexualities like it very much does irl, because all of this is fluid, then I'm far less judgementive. Ultimately, I don't do it, but with the right circumstances, I don't mind other queer people doing it.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
🌹💚💤💦💣 :3c
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Ironwood x Qrow is probably my top ship in RWBY, but I wound up loving Mercury x Whitley too, which sucks, because it's so niche. XD And also, lately, I've been torn between Freezerburn and Weiss x Pyrrha as my top Weiss ship. I can't decide which one I like more.
Ship that you secretly like: 💚
Okay, so I haven't talked about this, and I really hope the RWBY fandom doesn't kill me for it, but I've started to like the idea of AU-Only Blake and Adam. I absolutely hated this ship in any context for a very long time and it made me feel uncomfortable to see it even in AUs and re-writes. But while I was trying to think about what I'd do with a re-write, I started to enjoy my version of Adam (who I would drastically change and probably redeem at least a little bit,) and enjoy the possibility of him and Blake's dynamic including their romantic past. It's still one of my least favorite canon ships though.
Also one of the early ships in RWBY that I enjoyed that I've never really stopped liking the concept of is Yang x Neptune. It's not in the list of my favorite ships for either character, but I actually really enjoyed their working together scenes in volume 2, and I thought they could've been good together.
Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: 💤
Renora is the only ship that has reciprocated feelings on both sides that is canon that I don't like, I think. I used to love it, but I hate how it was done in V7 and V8 so much that it's colored how I view even their interactions in the earlier seasons. Also, I don't think Harriet and Clover is quite canon, but I absolutely think this ship on its own is badly done in the show, and not enjoyable at all for me even outside of it. I don't mind Harriet x Clover if Marrow is thrown in there as a poly ship, but on its own, I really don't like this ship.
Ship that is taboo: 💦
Outside of the already mentioned Alternate Universe Only Blake x Adam, I don't actually have very many ships that I like that I would consider taboo. Before anyone knew Neo's official age, I thought she and Ruby might be cute together if she turned out to be around the same age as Weiss, Yang, and Blake, but I never really got into it. Most of the ships I like that are policed are only policed in this fandom. Like Oscar x Whitley would be considered 'taboo' by some members of the fandom who think Oz being in Oscar's head means Oscar can never have crushes on people. And Mercury x Whitley would be considered 'taboo' since Mercury is probably nineteen in canon and Whitley is 'anywhere from fourteen to sixteen' in the show, despite the fact that my sister and I started shipping the two of them after A. having been writing for the characters to have started the show at sixteen the entire time because MKEK hate timelines, B. having already headcanoned Mercury as actually fifteen at the start of the show, Cinder having had him lie about his age to get into Beacon. And C. Us having written volumes 4-6 to only take up a logical time period of *less than a year,* landing Merc at just sixteen to Whitley's assigned fifteen by the time we had them meet. Also, I've started liking the idea of Elderburn, Marrow x Jaune, and Marrow x Weiss even though not really in canon and only in fanworks, and I still have no idea how old Neo is supposed to be and I only know she's an adult, but I honestly don't hate the idea of her with Emerald. Shipping 'ambiguously young adults' with nineteen year olds is only taboo in this fandom, I swear.
Ship that pisses you off: 💣
I've already talked at length in other posts about my severe dislike of Blake x Yang as a ship and my newfound dislike of Renora, so... Here are the other ships that piss me off. Cardin x Velvet. I get that people change him for re-writers, but this ship still makes me feel even worse than Blake x Adam ever did, because of how horrible he was specifically regarding her Faunus traits. Anything that's Jaune with more than one woman at a time or Jaune with any of the villain women. The Jaune Harem writers ruined even the concept for me. Qrow x Summer doesn't always piss me off, but if I see it in a 'and that's why Qrow is Ruby's dad' context, that instantly takes me from 'not my cup of tea but cute enough' and into 'I should block this tag' territory. Robyn and Qrow is a ship that I absolutely hate. I can only stand Salem x Oz when it's 'in the past she used to be better,' but most of the time, this ship makes me want to kick something into the sun. Honestly, most Cinder ships, but especially Emerald x Cinder and Neo x Cinder. Hazel x Oz is the worst. Scarlet x Sun or Scarlet x Neptune (both boys deserve better than Scarlet.) Umm... Oh, definitely Coco x Velvet. I'm sure the ship can be done well in fanworks, but boy howdy I hate it so much especially in canon. I have my problems with Velvet in the books, but she deserves so much better than Coco. I would pair her with Nora, Ruby, Blake, Sun, May, Octavia her temporary partner in Before the Dawn (I never read After the Fall, so if Octavia is worse in that book, I don't know about it,) or pretty much anyone else before I would ship her with Coco. Oh, another one that I really don't like is Robyn x Any of the Happy Huntresses, but I especially hate Robyn x All of the Happy Huntresses. They all deserve better.
Thanks for the asks! <3
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ask-beacons-finest · 2 years
Ruby, her arms folding over her chest, tapping her foot impatiently: You promised we would go out tonight at seven thirty.
Vampire!Cinder, hissing from beneath the bed: It's still too light out! Tell your friends to wait! You know how I get in this kind of sunlight, it's embarrassing!
Ruby, spinning around and taking steps towards the door: Hmph. Fine. And I was gonna let you feed tonight.
Ruby, sitting at a small restaurant's outdoor patio, swirling a wine glass in her hand, chuckling with a bit of a blush: Sorry about her, she uhh...she had a bit too much to drink.
Velvet, raising an eyebrow: You're the only one who's had any wine though.
Ruby: Aheh...yeah, uhh, before we came here. She's got...social anxiety...
Coco, absolutely buying it: No that makes total sense I had a shot before we came here too, girl I like your style.
Vampire!Cinder, wearing a wide brimmed black hat, having been basically draping herself over Ruby for this entire conversation, basically pawing at her face: Ishent scheee sho ccccccyyyyuuuuute! I luv her, luv luv luv luv. Shuch preetty, pretty face. Pretty pretty eyyyyyeeeeeeeees. Pretty blooooood~
Ruby, panicking for a cover story: Uhhhh....we're kinky?
Coco, slamming her hands to the table: I! LOVE! IT!
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rwby-sk · 3 years
So anyway
My Jaune x Neo side blog has pretty much become a mixture of:
Jaune x Neo
Jaune appreciation
Neo appreciation
Qrow appreciation
Coco x Velvet
May x Winter
A touch of Weiss x Jaune x Neo
And some general rwby hot-takes
How did I get here???
Why are you all still here?
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Weiss Schnee and Velvet Scarlatina for the ask game
Already answered Weiss, but I haven’t attempted Bun Babe yet! Again, I haven’t read After the Fall, so all of this is drawing on knowledge from canon and fanon only.
Sexuality HC: Wlw. Coco was her Gay Awakening.
Gender HC: I kinda like the idea of trans!Velvet (mtf). Her imitation Semblance being a reflection of her compulsion to perform masculinity before she was out, plus her tolerance for a feeling of otherness with regards to being bullied as a Faunus, both seem like plausible hooks into a trans narrative.
A ship: Crosshares (Velvet x Coco) forever!
BROTP: She and Yatsuhashi probably get along quite well, with Velvet being shy and Yatsu being serene.
NOTP: I have less of an anti-ship opinion and more of an anti-portrayal opinion -- Velvet is always preyed on as the go-to usagimimi for raunchy fanart, especially by people who aren’t actually in the fandom. Hate that >:( Don’t just pair her up with Jaune or smth so you can satisfy your playboy bunny fetish
Random HC: Velvet’s photography isn’t just for her weapon -- she definitely likes taking photos in her free time.
General opinion: She’s a good girl! Her fight scene in 3x11 is definitely one of my top ten moments in all of RWBY. I hope she comes back, although I shudder to think of what she’d look like in the new animation, knowing what happened to Neo...
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siempre-pedro · 6 years
That’s My Husband You’re Thinking About
Michael Langdon x Reader
Summary: When Michael and his wife (the reader) arrive at Outpost 3 she can’t help but overhear Coco’s dirty thoughts about her husband. 
Word Count: 1k 
Warnings: Mentions of Smut
A/N: This is my first imagine on this blog, I recently changed everything on it to write imagines! Please enjoy and let me know what you think 
You can check out my Marvel fanfic blog HERE
Michael Langdon Requests Open!
Tumblr media
The residents of Outpost 3 gathered round, anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new special guest. They talked amongst themselves, asking each other if they knew if someone was coming to take them away from this hell hole. loud chatter began to subside when a pair of heels loudly clicked on the tile floor, making them turn their attention to the top of the stairs coming to a halt at the top. There stood a man with long blonde hair and a confident smirk, standing a few steps behind him was a woman with as much confidence as him. She wore a knee-length black dress with a sparkly black cape that had the stars and the moon cycle sewed in.
“She gets Louboutin’s,” Coco scoffs in anger, examining Michael’s partner. Instantly being nudged by Emily in fear of being noticed or punished for talking by the scary Ms. Mead who stood along with the new arrivals.
“My name is Langdon and I represent the Cooperative,” the man speaks, instantly grabbing the attention of the room. “This is my aid, Ms. Y/L/N.” The woman didn’t move much but offers up a small nod along with the slightest smile. Langdon lets them know how things will work now that’s he’s here, their faces turn cold as if they’re examining every moment of their life that could prevent them from going to the Sanctuary.
“Quiet down,” Ms. Mead grumbles, obviously annoyed with the purples whining.
“We will all gather for drinks after dinner,” Langdon says before turning his back to them, leaving them watching his every move, walking away with the woman by his side. Once out of sight, he holds out his arm for her, which she gladly takes. “Was I too harsh, Darling?” he questions as they walk down the long hallway.
“I think you scared them enough,” she chuckles as they walk, “Oh, and Ms. Y/L/N? I haven’t heard that name in quite some time.” she questions raising an eyebrow at the man, looking up at his amused face that graced his handsome features.
“Let’s maintain the mystery, Mrs. Langdon. I can’t wait to see their faces when they realize I’m a married man,” Michael stops at their bedroom door, letting Ms. Mead open it for the power couple.
“I swear they were all aroused as soon as they saw you,” she laughs, entering their spacious room. Michael waits for Ms. Mead to leave before he bites his lip, his icy blue eyes blown with lust, he grabs her waist hastily and presses her hips against his, letting her feel how hard he was.
“Trust me, it wasn’t just me they were lusting after,” his voice was low and sultry as he spoke, his lips brushing against her exposed neck. Y/N lets out a small moan, melting into his touch, digging her nails into his back.
His teeth lightly sink into the soft skin, making her shutter “But you’re the only one that matters,” Y/N moans, running her hand through his hair.
His long fingers reach up for the golden clasp of her cape, with a light click the material falls to the ground “We have some time before we have to be down there.” His fingers slowly run across her clothed shoulders, making their way to the zipper. Y/N unties the fabric around his neck, letting it fall to the floor, she couldn’t wait to get him undressed.
Y/N nudges his nose with hers before connected their lips in a rough kiss, pushing her husband towards the bed “Let’s make it worthwhile.”
Later in the evening, Y/N sat at the vanity admiring the marks Michael left on her neck, her fingers stroking the well-placed marks. Taking a long inhale the marks suddenly disappear, leaving her neck clear of the previous events, much to Michaels displeasure. “You should have kept them,” Michael says mocking sadness from the bed. She looks at him in the mirror and brushes out her hair, seeing his naked body wrapped in the velvet blankets.
“Just…keeping the mystery,” she repeats his words as she stands from the chair. She waves her hands in front of her body, the silk robe she wore molted into an off the shoulder black pantsuit with a plunging neckline and matching cape attached to the back of the suit. “Get dressed, I don’t want to leave them waiting.” Yes, the Anti-Christ was whipped. Michael got dressed in his finest suit and escorted his wife to the common room.
The night was going on without a hitch, the purples had a drink in their hand…which they had stopped questioning where Venable got it after being threatened. Michael was giving Gallant the satisfaction and talked with him, letting the man rambling on about why he should be allowed into the Sanctuary. Y/N painted lips formed a smirk from the corner of the candlelit room, sensing her husband’s discomfort.
She took the time in the room to evaluate them for herself, using her ability to read their minds. Her Y/E/C eyes scanned the room, tuning in on their deepest thoughts, most of it was mundane, questions what was happening on the outside and if they were going to get another cube tomorrow. It made her roll her eyes until she came upon Coco’s mind ‘I wonder what he’s like in bed…he’s probably a freak in the sheets,’ Coco thought, making Y/N bite her lip in laughter.
Y/N drank the last of her drink and strutted over to the bottles where Coco happened to be standing “Enjoying yourself?” she asks the blonde. Coco’s unimpressed face looks over at the wife of the Anti-Christ and looked her up and down. Instantly jealous of the clothes she gets to wear, wanting to burn the outdated purple gowns.
“No,” Coco growls, “This is bullshit.” Y/N fills her glass, taking a big swig from it while she listens to Coco’s complaints. When she finally shoved the alcohol into her mouth her thoughts wander back to Michael ‘There’s no way she taps that, I bet he likes ropes. Ooh maybe some knife play, dirty bastard.’
Y/N smirks and looks at Coco “Mr. Langdon is actually quite gentle until you disobey that is,” she winks and walks away, leaving Coco stunned unable to come back with words, just senseless noises.
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Masterpost 2019
Hey, it’s about time I made a new one of these after all this time, amirite? Thanks a million for reading my stuff all this time. I might make a poll soon for which fic gets its next chapter.
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Blake What Do Your Faunus Eyes See, Extracurricular edits, Heroes After All, Heroes Against The Odds
Tribute To Monty Oum
For Monty (x) (y) This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (y) Plot edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) Cute Renora fluff, no smut
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) Character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated
Lemon Tea (x) (y) The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff
Let’s Try Something New (x) Butt-stuff
Together, Together (x) (y) Different smutty scenarios following Renora
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) My first shibari fic
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) Arkos pegging *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) Pyrrha being super dominant with Jaune *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) Character exercises for Pyrrha
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) Pyrrha having some fun in the shower to the thought of Jaune touching himself
Pride (x) Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) Easily my best fic, cute slice of life Bumbleby fluff
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) Weiss seduces Pyrrha at prom
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) Surprisingly good smut I wrote against my own will
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) Blake works out her dominant urges with Velvet
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) Whp knew shock collars was an actual kink?
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) Sunflowyr being super cute together
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) Self-indulgent fluff of the ship I captain in my spare time *cover by the-stray-liger*
Fanning the Coals (x) My attempt at a darker plot
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) Velvet’s super shy so Coco decides to help her
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) Ruby’s coming of age and Blake’s there to show her the ropes
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) There is twincest (between the Malachite twins) in this one. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so. (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) Winter is coming... all over Qrow. Dedicated to the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) Sun and Ciel spend some time with senpai Velvet
Black Sun (Blake/Sun)
Free Time (x) (y) Blake tests Sun’s Semblance
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) Emerald and Mercury start the day together
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) Emerald and Mercury go on a date
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) Emerald has a little too much fun with her alone time
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) First Mate Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
SharkBites (x) (y) A novelization of a dope RP
Gwenpool Kisses The Marvel Universe (x) (y)
Heroes Against The Odds (y)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad’s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
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kanye--westeros · 6 years
Top Albums of 2018
 1. Care For Me - Saba (Favorite Track: BUSY/SIRENS)
2. Iridescence - BROCKHAMPTON (Favorite Track: WEIGHT)
3. TA13OO - Denzel Curry (Favorite Track: SIRENS)
4. SWIMMING - Mac Miller (Favorite Track: Self Care)
5. Dicaprio 2 - J.I.D (Favorite Track: Westbrook)
6. Oxnard - Anderson .Paak (Favorite Track: Trippy)
7. Virtue - The Voidz (Favorite Track: Permanent High School)
8. Pieces of Man - Mick Jenkins (Favorite Track: Understood)
9. Dirty Computer - Janelle Monae (Favorite Track: I Like That)
10. KOD - J. Cole (Favorite Track: ATM)
11. DROGAS WAVE - Lupe Fiasco (Favorite Track: WAV Files)
12. Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts (Favorite Track: Reborn)
13. Daytona - Pusha T (Favorite Track: The Games We Play)
14. ye - Kanye West (Favorite Track: I Thought About Killing You)
15. Joy Comes In Spirit - Vicktor Taiwo (Favorite Track: Shovel Midnight)
16. Sex & Food - Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Favorite Track: Huneybee)
17. Black Panther: The Soundtrack - TDE (Favorite Track: Bloody Waters)
18. Some Rap Songs - Earl Sweatshirt (Favorite Track: December 24)
19. Noir - Smino (Favorite Track: Summer Salt)
20. Chris - Christine & The Queens (Favorite Track: the walker)
21. moza-ik - phony ppl (Favorite Track: something about your love)
22. Lush - Snail Mail (Favorite Track: Pristine)
23. Honeybloom - Choker (Favorite Track: Daisy)
24. Astroworld - Travis Scott (Favorite Track: Can’t Say)
25. El mal querer - Rosalia (Favorite Track: Malamente)
Honorable Mention: November - SiR, Beautiful Death - SL△VES, Fever - Black Milk, Whack World - Tierra Whack, Invasion Of Privacy - Cardi B, Vacation In Hell - Flatbush Zombies, Isolation - Kali Uchis, Scorpion - Drake, The Future & The Past - Natalie Prass, Nasir - Nas, KTSE - Teyana Taylor, Hive Mind - The Internet, The Color Of You - Alina Baraz, Redemption - Jay Rock, Primal Heart - Kimbra, God’s Favorite Customer - Father John Misty, Czarface Meets Metalface - Czarface & MF DOOM, Harlan & Alondra - Buddy, Beerbongs & Bentleys - Post Malone, Ben Khan - Ben Khan, K. Roosevelt - K. Roosevelt, Room 25 - Noname, The Carter V - Lil Wayne, Velvet - JMSN, Trench - twenty one pilots, Dime Trap - T.I., Saturn - NAO, There You Have It - Reason, White Bronco - Action Bronson, et cetera: a sonic collage - quami.xyz, BALLADS 1 - Joji, Lost & Found - Jorja Smith, FM! - Vince Staples, Negro Swan - Blood Orange, Honeybloom - Choker, Everything Is Love - The Carters, A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships - The 1975, East Atlanta Love Letter - 6LACK, peachfuzz! - Tabby, The Pains Of Growing - Alessia Cara, Icarus Falls - ZAYN, Prequelle - Ghost, Be the Cowboy - Mitski, Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves, Championships - Meek Mill, Loner - Caroline Rose, I Am > I Was - 21 Savage
Noteworthy Songs on Decent or Bad Albums:
“Stuck With Me” by The Neighbourhood
“Stir Fry” by Migos
“Arizona” by Rich Brian x AUGUST 08
“Higher Higher” by Justin Timberlake
“Anti-Social” by SOBxRBE
“Respect Commander” by Jack White
“No Question” by Rich The Kid x Future
“He Don’t Want It” by Tinashe
“North Face” by ODIE
“Chanel” by Rae Sremmurd x Pharrell
“Ups & Downs” by KYLE
“Purity” by A$AP Rocky x Frank Ocean
“Midsummer Madness” by 88rising
“Man Up” by NoMBe
“The End Of Love” by Florence + The Machine
“Coco Chanel” by Nicki Minaj x Foxy Brown
“Audemar” by Young Thug x Tracy T
“Lucky You” by Eminem x Joyner Lucas
“Reel It In” by Amine
“Stockholm” by Connor Youngblood
“Sorcererz” by Gorillaz
“Preach” by Lecrae x Zaytoven
“Ponyboy” by SOPHIE
“Everybody Dies” by Logic
“Moonlight” by XXXTENTACION
“Mo Bamba” by Sheck Wes
“Peace Sign” by Usher
“Bubblegum” by Quavo
“Constant Pt 1 & 2″ by The Black Eyed Peas
“Ever Again” by Robyn
“Cold Blooded” by Swizz Beatz & Pusha T
“Overload” by Georgia Anne Muldrow
“Shot Clock” by Ella Mai
“God Is A Woman” by Ariana Grande
“My! My! My!” by Troye Sivan
“Good For That” by L8LOOMER
“Insecurities” by Jussie Smollet
“FALLEN Pt. 2″ by Jaden Smith
“The Mantra” by Mike Will Made-It x Pharrell Williams x Kendrick Lamar
“Lil Bebe” by DaniLeigh
“Unbothered” by Ski Mask The Slump God
“I Feel A Change” by Charles Bradley
“Acts Of Fear And Love” by Slaves
Notable EPs/Mixtapes: to imagine EP & Ever Changing EP - The Neighbourhood, #darkdaze EP - BOOTS, Stone Woman - Charlotte Day Wilson, Bobby Tarantino II - Logic, California EP - Diplo, My Dear Melancholy - The Weeknd, Glitter EP - 070 Shake, Crush - Ravyn Lenae, LOD - Desiigner, Freddie - Freddie Gibb, Donny Womack - Don Toliver, Carnival - Russell, One The Rvn EP - Young Thug, Endless Redux - Frank Ocean, IDK & Friends :) - IDK
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No company has been more responsible for shaping the modern entertainment landscape than Walt Disney. In 1937, with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, its first feature film, Disney invented the family blockbuster. In 1954, with Disneyland, an anthology series hosted by Walt Disney himself, it became the first movie studio to strike out for the wild west of television. Since then, Disney’s dominance has only grown. Of the dozen films with the largest worldwide box-office take since 2010, Disney released eight.
Those successes, however, belie real danger on the horizon for Disney. In recent years, many of the company’s traditional strengths have slowly turned into weaknesses—like a fairy-tale castle gradually flooded by its own moat.
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Disneyflix is coming. And Netflix should be scared.
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0 notes
I’m making a new masterpost even though I haven’t published a new story in months because I HAVE added a couple of chapters to ongoing stories and that still counts as an accomplishment
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Black Sun (Semblance Play), Extracurricular edits, Emerald Series Part IV (Emerald/Neo Semblance Play)
Tribute To Monty
For Monty (x) (y)This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) (Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument)
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (Story edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us)
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) (y) (Cute Renora fluff, no smut)
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) (character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV)
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) (One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated)
Lemon Tea (x) (y) (The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff)
Let’s Try Something New (x) (Butt-stuff)
Together, Together (x) (y) (Different smutty scenarios following Renora)
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) (shibari Renora)
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) (Lots of butt stiff) *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) (Really dominant Pyrrha smut) *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) (character exercise dumps for Pyrrha)
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) (Pyrrha playing with herself in the shower to the thought of Jaune playing with himself in the shower)
Pride (x) (Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork)
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) (Really cute, slice of life Bumbleby) *NEW CHAPTER*
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffsmut for Weiss and Pyrrha)
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) (Really cute fluffsmut)
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) (Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt for someone)
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) (Really dominant Blake on subby Velvet)
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) (Shock collars are involved)
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) (Really cute slice of life Sunflowyr)
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) (This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.)
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) (Really cute fluff of my favorite trash ship) *cover by the-stray-liger* 
Fanning the Coals (x) (dark, manipulative dub-con)
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) (Really cute Crosshares fluffsmut)
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) (Cute fluffsmut)
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) (twincest in this one, stay away if necessary) (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) (Rough Snowbird elevator smut for the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) (Velvet convinces Sun and Ciel to spend some time with her)
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) (Emercury smut)
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) (Emercury smut with mentions of Emberald) 
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) (Emerald masturbation with Emberald mention) 
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) (Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich) 
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad’s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
10 notes · View notes
Matserpost: 1/24/17
New one for a new fic and a new year
X for ff.net link
Y for AO3 link
Currently In Progress
Extracurricular edits, Emerald Series Part IV (Emerald/Neo Semblance Play), Black Sun (Semblance Play)
Tribute To Monty
For Monty (x) (y)This was made to honor the life of the man who inspired me enough to get better.
Non-Shippy Stuff
Shattered Ice (x) (y) (Yang and Weiss get into a bad argument)
Monsters Once Heroes (x) (Story edit dedicated to portraying Adam as the anti-hero most of the FNDM had seen in him before he was depicted as the sadistic sociopath canon introduced to us)
Renora (Nora/Ren)
A Wish Kept Secret (x) (y) (Cute Renora fluff, no smut)
Excerpts From Ren’s Journal (x) (character exercise dumps for Ren, usually short poems written in his POV)
It’s Time To Say Goodbye (x) (y) (One of my best stories, reviews are always appreciated)
Lemon Tea (x) (y) (The title is a pun even though there’s hardly any smut. Just really cute fluff)
Let’s Try Something New (x) (Butt-stuff)
Together, Together (x) (y) (Different smutty scenarios following Renora)
What If? (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffy Renora)
Heartstrings In Knots (x) (y) (shibari Renora)
Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha)
A Little Less Traditional (x) (y) (Lots of butt stiff) *dedicated to pornstarloozy*
I’ll Make A Man Out Of You (x) (y) (Really dominant Pyrrha smut) *cover by the-stray-liger*
In Our Humanity (x) (character exercise dumps for Pyrrha)
Restless Fantasies (x) (y) (Pyrrha playing with herself in the shower to the thought of Jaune playing with himself in the shower)
Pride (x) (Polyamorous Blake/Sun/Adam fic dedicated to the-stray-liger for their amazing artwork)
Bumbleby (Blake/Yang)
Blake, What Do Your Faunus Eyes See? (x) (y) (Really cute, slice of life Bumbleby)
North Pole (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Evening Dances (x) (y) (Really cute, fluffsmut for Weiss and Pyrrha)
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Hurricane Checkmate (x) (y) (Really cute fluffsmut)
Milk & Cereal (Ruby/Pyrrha)
I Just Wanted A Shower (x) (y) (Transgirl!Pyrrha fic I did to fill out a prompt for someone)
Black Velvet (Blake/Velvet)
Prey (x) (y) (Really dominant Blake on subby Velvet)
Combat Goggles (Yang/Neptune)
Shocking Surprises (x) (y) (Shock collars are involved)
Sunflowyr (Yang/Ren)
Sunflowyr Dragons (x) (y) (Really cute slice of life Sunflowyr)
Enabler (Ruby/Yang)
Strawberry Sunrises (x) (y) (This is Enabler (Ruby/Yang) smut. If you need to avoid this for any reason please do so.)
Seabiscuit (Neptune/Glynda)
Extracurricular (x) (y) (Really cute fluff of my favorite trash ship) *cover by the-stray-liger* *EDITS*
Fanning the Coals (x) (dark, manipulative dub-con)
Crosshares/Combat Totes (Coco/Velvet)
Girls and their Toys (x) (y) (Really cute Crosshares fluffsmut)
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
Don’t Tell Yang (x) (y) (Cute fluffsmut)
Bundycane (Velvet/Melanie/Miltiades)
The Candycane Club (x) (y) (twincest in this one, stay away if necessary) (Chapter 1: canon!Twins/Velvet. Chapter 2: Cis-swapped!Twins/Velvet)
Snowbird (Qrow/Winter)
Descending (x) (y) (Rough Snowbird elevator smut for the-stray-liger)
Sunny Bunny (Sun/Velvet/Ciel)
Sunny Bunny (x) (Velvet convinces Sun and Ciel to spend some time with her)
Emerald Series
Sunrises (x) (y) (Emercury smut)
Sunsets (x) (y) (Sequel to Sunrises) (Emercury smut with mentions of Emberald) *EDITS*
Dawn (x) (y) (Prequel to Sunrises, Sequel to Sunsets) (Emerald masturbation with Emberald mention) *EDITS*
Pirates In Lust (x) (y) (Matte Skye walks in on Blake and Sun being intimate and is invited to be part of the sandwich) *NEW*
Bath Buddies (x) (@rosiedoestheirbest’s OCs Opal Rackley and Hana Jinsoku share some time in the bath together. Find both OCs at @teamoshn. Cover art by @stompinmonstersart)
Inappropriate- Renora
Midnight Snack- Renora
Cake- Renora
That’s Not Syrup- Renora
New Firsts- Renora
Bittersweet- Renora
Things About You- Renora
Pressure- Renora
Excited- Renora
Daddy- Nora/Pyrrha/Ren
Fraternizing- Seabiscuit
No Breaks- Seabiscuit
Progress- Seabiscuit
X=?- Seabiscuit
Wounded- Tauradonna
Baby Girl- Bumbleby
Incentive- Seabiscuit
Optional-  Seabiscuit
Fibbing- Renora
Home Remedies- Pyrrha/Blake/Yang
A Schnee’s Penance- Frostbite
Fuck You Liger- Frostbite
Repairs- Reese/Yang
Bail- Blackboard
Frozen- Frostbite
Taste The Rainbow- Reese/Neon
I Don’t Have An Excuse For This- Weiss/Winter/Adam
Beeing A Schnee- Winter/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Sin- Nora/Leila (damnian-wayne’s RWBY OC)
Mother’s Day- Ruby (non-shippy)
Dad’s Not Home- Taiyang Xiao Long (non-shippy)
71 notes · View notes