#anti choal
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galaxyofstars · 11 months ago
thank you to everyone who sees my absolutely hypocritical posting history and simply scrolls by. sorry to everyone who thinks ah yes she dislikes what i dislike about that work and then sees me simping over a characters fanart (pls know that chaol is not included in that statement). also sorry to everyone who goes 'oh yay she loves this thing too' and then sees me posting about how i think certain characters have a stick up their ass and should should actually just shut the fuck up. i have complex evolve opinions (i have never made a decision in my life without a hard deadline and literal weeks of agonising over it beforehand)
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broby---dick · 6 years ago
Wow, Tower of Dawn is a long one if you don’t really care for Choal huh
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maddiebrodatt · 7 years ago
I just finished tower of dawwn, and I have to say but choal is still the worst. Yrene deserves better
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aqueenpromised-blog · 8 years ago
Tog/Acotar characters with stereotypes?
Goosemorning, nonie
I’m notentirely sure if you’re asking me to place TOG / ACOTAR Characters intoliterary stereotypes but I’m going to go with that, if it’s not than I am sosorry. 
AlsoI’m just going to put a disclaimer for a couple of things, I am in noway an expert in literature so I’m going to do my best here. I am also awarethat some people might disagree with me and how I place some of thesecharacters which is fine, everybody has a right to be wrong, especially me. Lol.
Nesta: I feel like early in the series Nesta, alongwith Elain, are painted to be the evil step-sister, which I totally bought inACOTAR. But in ACOMAF I see the separation of between the two sisters. Everytime she’s described it’s always using strong adjectives that usually, to me atleast, brought about a negative connotation. I think Nesta is painted as aBattle-Axe, a female character given to brazen, brash, and domineeringbehavior. Remind me of Xena, she’s initially evil but she’s on a path ofredemption. 
Elain: In ACOMAF and ACOTAR I see more qualities ofa Ingenue, and I mean in that in the context that she’swholesomely innocent, a gentle grower ofthings, and endearing in the manner that Feyre portrays her. But I do hopethat she’s more than just that, I hope she turns into someone fierce and not sowholesome, even though we know to a degree she isn’t be the way she treatedFeyre.
Tamlin: I think this particular tool is best suited for the Byronic hero. In ACOTAR he’s portrayed as thehero but he is severally moody, his claws are always jutting out of his skinand teetering between controlling and protective. But we know that his characteris capable of deep affection and strong emotion which I think in the first halfof ACOTAR we all see. But he’s truly a cynical and proud man, so much so thathe ends up doing more harm than good.
Feyre: I think Feyre can fit into many stereotypesbut for ACOTAR specifically she can almost be seen as a noble savage. She’s a mortalthat is taken in Pythrian, making her an outsider but she has noble characteristics.This might seem weird but I didn’t want to stick her in the usual stereotypesbecause I think different books, even chapters, demonstrate her versatility asa character.
Rhysand: Again, I’m going to be using the first bookonly because this post is going to be tremendously long, but if you want me to continuethan just let me know. Lol. Okay cinnamon roll Rhys I think best fits the stereotypeof Outlaw. He’s romanticized from the beginning when Feyre describes him as themost beautiful man she’d ever seen. But Rhysand under the mountain is thoughtto be social crook, regardless of his charisma.
Luicen: In my humble opinion, Lucien seems like a reluctanthero. He doesn’t desire to the opportunity to show his heroism to Feyre whenthey first meet or rather any other moment but under the mountain when sheoffers her name in exchange to save his life.
Choal Westfall: From the very beginning Choal struggles withhis personal / professional relationship with Dorian in regards to Celaena. Ithink classical speaking Choal is the ‘knight in shining armor’ or rather ‘Paladin’he does his best in remaining true to his virtues. Truly an admirable effort butwe all knew where his morally unpolluted mind would soon be ruined. knights in literatureare usually on a quest and I think the campaign Choal is on never changes inthe entire series which is, protect Dorian at all cost.
Dorian Havilliard: I think Dorian in the first book is soprecious, I mean he’s also precious, but he reminds me of a Soubrette which is a character that is vain, mischievous, andlight-hearted.
Celaena Sardothien: Okayso in the first book I can see her as a mixture of an Anti-Hero and anunderdog. She’s the only female in competition with trained military hero’s, thieves,and other assassins. But it is also a constant reminder that she doesn’t careabout anyone other than herself in this competition or even in the castle, she’sstrictly doing this to gain her freedom, she later develops a soft spot forboth Dorian and Choal.
So I’m hoping this is whatyou wanted than I’m sorry, I’m an idiot. 
Thank you so much for this question though, it was interesting to take a deeper look in these characters in the area of stereotypes. ♡♡
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