#anti blacklives matter
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livelovemusic0996 · 6 years ago
This is not my typical post. I usually don't do this but I am literally disgusted but some people on this site.
Don't get me wrong I am not on a specific side of Bluelives matter or blacklives matter. Both sides have done wrong. Both sides have their good and bad. But to say law-enforcment lives don't matter wtf are you people saying. Cops risk their lives Every day to do one of the hardest jobs out there. First responders have it rough and hardly get any pay for it. I know there's bad. I know, but they aren't ALL bad.
It's easy to see all the bad cops out there. It's easy to see the bad situations and brutality that come from the select few officers who are shitty people and a disgrace to the badge. That's all they play on the news. It's all we see in media. We've got the homophobes. The natzi. The macho power hungry pricks. The men who harass black people for looking suspicious the trigger happy fools who shot to soon or to fast. I get it. However those select few are not the rule they are the exception.
They don't show the officers picking up children from the trunk of a car who got kidnapped. They don't show a mother sobbing over the killer of their child finally being arrested while the officer hugs her. They don't show an officer stepping in to break up a beating on the street or helping find the old man with alztimers who wandered outside while his very concerned loving daughter or son made dinner.
They don't show a shoot out over a simple traffic stop or the hate spewed in the faces of so many officers who never once did anything to anyone just simply wore the uniform. They don't show a gun being pulled by all races or the white cops pleading for the black man to put the weapon down that they dont want to shoot. (Which has happened don't believe me go on YouTube and watch bodycam footage.)
They don't show after a shooting the cops who just had a loaded gun pointed at their face running to apply gauze packs and quick clot to the gunshot wounds until ems arrives. They don't show the white cop saving the pregnant black woman who's husband was working and a man broke in her house and held her hostage. They don't show the cops looking through snow rain and storms for the little boys and girls who went missing from their homes. They don't show them rushing to the scene where three young children are holed up inside their bathroom and the child is begging officers to get there to help because their daddy came home drunk and is trying to kill mommy. They don't show them rushing to a scene to help someone when just earlier they had let loose a nasty string of hate at them for previously doing there jobs.
They don't show the emotional break downs when you loose a partner or close freind on the force or find the body of a child you searched weeks for. They don't show the nightmares and therapy sessions over finding broken mangled bodies of men women and worst of all children. They dont show the backlash and hate you get for having to shoot the "innocent" black, white, Hispanic, Asian man who previously held up a gas station, shot the worker and wouldnt drop their weapon. They don't show broken battered bodies of officers after a riled up mob, drugged individual or someone three times their size gets a hold of them.
They don't show the multiple different cops all of different race, sexual orientation, and faith standing side by side doing the job right.
No sir. The media is all about showing every cop who did it wrong. They are all about division and past mistakes. Brutality toward color, queer, low income families. Thats all theu show. Dont get me wrong it happens. We know. It's a disgrace our brothers and sisters act that way. Disgusting. And sometime it is covered up. Disgraceful. Totally understandable to why there is hate toward those selected ones.
The truth is there are bad cops. They are asshole racist homophobic peice of shits who don't deserve the badge. They need to be snuffed out and extingushed but only from the job. They are out there we all know it however they don't deserve to die for it. Their partners or fellow cops shouldn't be blamed for it either.
And I can guarantee this no one is willing to see it this way right here: Not every black man or mexican on the street is a gang banger correct? Not every Christian is a judgmental asshole. Not every Muslim/Arab is a terrorist. Not every person who doesn't support LGBT is a homophobe. Not every person who owns a gun will be a murderer. Not all kids on the street become drug dealers. Not all black boys in low poverty areas with no daddy around will turn to gangs. Not all stereotypes are real. There are plenty of people who are a exception to the bad stereotypes out there and cops are no different.
They have families who love them. They have children they tuck in at night and read stories to. They have husbands and wives who pray to whatever higher power you believe in they return home safe. They have fears and favorite foods and shows and movies. They have backyard barbeques and birthday partys and hobbies. They have parents who begged them to make a safer career choice while they told them if they are gonna go out of this world then atleaste it's protecting people.
They freinds who worry everytime there's a report over the radio who will come home tonight. They have brothers and sisters on the force who just like them are good and kind and want to nake a difference not be there for a power trip and gun. They went through extensive training being tazed tear gassed and hardass testing to get where they are.
They are black, white, Hispanic ,Asian multirace, Christians, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, Gay, Straight, Bisexual. They love movies and shows and junk food. They love vacations and their kids school plays. They love holidays and their families. They are human too and instead of hate and horrible stereotyping teach your children everyone on this earth is human. They deserve respect. They deserve love. They deserve appreciation. We all do. Every single life on this earth matters. Stand up against cops who do their jobs wrong. Stand up for stricter laws and regulations for cops who are on the bad end. They are out there I won't deny that. But Stand up for what's right. Do your research before accusing a cop on the street. Look up body cam footage. Don't look at cell phone videos who dont show the whole thing. Don't harass the officers who have done nothing but serve and protect like the oath requires. Don't make art of slitting cops throats and burning poliece cruisers. Don't spread the hate further. Be the exception. Stand for what's right. Maybe if everyone was more concerned with that than the hate things would be a hell of a lot better.
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tshirthub · 4 years ago
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♡ Black Lives Matter - Link in the source! ♡
Source: https://tshirtdesignhub.com/
#black #blm #blacklives #blacklivesmatter #protest #blmprotest #BLM #equal #equality #racism #anti racism #police #policebrutality #cops #army #defund #cops #abolish #police #usa #america #trump #biden #harris #kamalaharris #2020 #feminist #fashion #election2020 #cute #creative #africa #african american #american #pride #iphone  #hoodie #tee #tshirt #panic #shirt #gearlaunch #under 20 #under 25
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sociologyfun · 3 years ago
Chapter 7: Black Lives Matter: Racial Perspectives on Social Media
On Labor Day weekend in 2014, the Black Lives Matter Ride for Justice for Mike Brown landed in Ferguson. Black Lives Matter sees racial inequities as intertwined with concerns of gender, sexuality, transgender identity, class, and a wide range of repressive mechanisms that aim to produce privilege for others - what sociologist Patricia Hill Collins refers to as the matrix of dominance. The hashtag BlackLives Matter became increasingly popular on social media in the year following Zimmerman's acquittal, as the social movement of the same name grew in popularity across the country.It was positioned as a call to arms, a slogan under which Black people may band together to put an end to state-sanctioned violence in St. Louis and across the United States. One of the most noticeable aspects of Black Lives Matter is that it is active both online and offline ; in tweets and on the streets.
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The term "black Twitter" is frequently used to describe how black social media users use the platform to discuss and debate black culture and politics. Although most Twitter users are white, black internet users are more likely to utilize Twitter than white internet users. Black Twitter users utilize the platform more frequently than other demographics. According to one study, Twitter has a bigger influence in getting black people active in social issues than white people. High internet capabilities, celebrity culture, and entertainment news are all linked to Twitter use.
Do all lives matter or just black lives? That subject has recently sparked several debates and discussions across the United States. The All Lives Matter reaction was formed to attack the Black Lives Matter movement, and it is based on the notion that the movement is no longer necessary in America because it is a post-racial society.Due to police officers not being indicted for killing unarmed young black males, there have been countless protests and riots, and as a result of these protests, a new social movement called #BlackLivesMatter has emerged. Though civil rights movements are nothing new in America, this one occurs at a time when the country considers itself to be "colorblind" or "post-racial." This suggests that the majority of individuals in America believe they are not racists and do not discriminate based on skin color.In response to these tragedies, the Black Lives Matter movement was founded, with the goal of celebrating and humanizing black lives. It aspires to be a political and ideological intervention in a culture where black lives are routinely and deliberately targeted for death. The organization's mission is to restore the Black liberation movement. The Black Lives Matter Movement aims to shift Americans' mindset away from "us versus them" and so actually liberate black people from poverty.
People in America are twisting the Black Lives Matter Movement into being anti-white rather than pro-black by using the All Lives Matter phrase. They are not actually hearing the concerns that are being stated by doing this and focusing on the "Black" component of the Black Lives Matter Movement. Yes, all lives count, but there's a reason why people are emphasizing the importance of black lives. If the statement "black lives matter" is false, America is giving the message that black lives aren't truly lives and can be disposed of, killed, or lost.You never see All Lives Matter supporters protesting when an African American is slain by a police officer in the United States. The All Lives Matter movement's aims appear to be more vindictive than constructive. When African Americans cry "Black Lives Matter," other racial groups often respond with "All Lives Matter." The All Lives Matter campaign appears to be more of a tug-of-war with Black Lives Matter than an active organization dedicated to raising awareness about police brutality.
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ayojalanterus · 4 years ago
Begini Cara Kerja Lobi Yahudi ‘Kuasai’ Amerika Serikat
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 KONTENISLAM.COM - Lobi Yahudi mencakup berbagai organisasi berpengaruh, seperti American Israel Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC), Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP), Anti-Defamation League, Christians Zionist Group. Selain itu, ada Christians United for Israel, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (think tank), dan berbagai media, seperti Weekly Standard dan New Republic. Lobi Yahudi mendukung politisi Amerika Serikat dalam pemilu, dengan imbalan mereka bersimpati pada Israel. Juga memberikan insentif kepada pemegang jabatan publik agar mereka membantu kepentingan Israel. Menurut Mearsheimer dan Walt (2008), uang tak diberikan langsung, tapi dalam bentuk bantuan kampanye. Meski tak semua calon yang didukung lobi Yahudi menang pemilu, politisi di Kongres Amerika Serikat paham betul, sikap anti-Israel akan menyulitkan karier politik mereka. Strategi lain yang ditempuh lobi Yahudi adalah memengaruhi wacana dan persepsi publik, agar simpati warga Amerika Serikat besar kepada Israel. Dalam kaitan ini, banyak media Amerika Serikat sangat pro-Israel, terutama dalam kolom editorial dan opini mereka. Lobi Yahudi juga "mengganyang" opinion makers yang berani bersikap kritis terhadap Israel, mengecap mereka anti-Semit, serta menyempitkan ketersediaan ruang media cetak dan elektronik bagi para pengkritik Israel itu. Dampak kebijakan Mearsheimer dan Walt (2008) menganalisis, lobi Yahudi berdampak buruk pada kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat. Sebagai contoh, pembiaran Amerika Serikat terhadap upaya Israel membangun permukiman ilegal di wilayah pendudukan di Palestina, menyebabkan kemarahan masyarakat Timteng dan berujung peningkatan serangan teror terhadap Amerika Serikat. Termasuk serangan "911" terhadap gedung WTC di New York pada 2001. Lobi Yahudi pun menjerumuskan Amerika Serikat pada "strategic blunder" di Irak akibat melengserkan Presiden Saddam Hussain. Akibatnya, Amerika Serikat terpaksa melakukan "state building" di Irak, berbiaya mahal, sangat menguras tenaga, dan justru memperbesar pengaruh Iran di kawasan. Bagaimana mengoreksi "bias" Amerika Serikat ini? Menurut Mearsheimer dan Walt (2008), Amerika Serikat mesti berhenti "memanjakan" dan memperlakukan Israel sebagai "a normal country" seperti relasi Amerika Serikat dengan Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, dan India (sesama negara demokrasi). Terkait konflik Palestina-Israel, Amerika Serikat harus menjadi penengah yang adil (honest broker). Sebab, hanya dengan sikap ini, konflik tersebut bisa diselesaikan. Opini akar rumput Bagaimana pandangan rakyat Amerika Serikat? Dari berbagai survei, tampak dukungan luas rakyat Amerika Serikat pada Israel, tetapi juga tak ingin dukungan itu tanpa syarat. Dalam jajak pendapat oleh Anti-Defamation League (2005), 78 persen responden berpendapat, Amerika Serikat harus bersikap adil dalam konflik Palestina-Israel. Survei American for Peace Now (2007) menyebut, 87 persen Yahudi Amerika mendukung "solusi dua negara". Pada survei oleh Universitas Maryland (2003), 70 persen responden setuju Amerika Serikat memotong bantuan untuk Israel jika menolak penyelesaian konflik secara adil. Saat ini, rakyat Amerika Serikat condong melihat krisis di Gaza dalam perspektif racial justice, tecermin dari tagline, "Palestinian lives matter" seperti halnya "blacklives matter". Dalam kaitan ini, the New York Times (15 Mei 2021) mengabarkan, protes faksi sayap kiri Partai Demokrat, yang menuntut Presiden Joe Biden lebih serius menghentikan kebrutalan Israel.   *) Kutipan artikel Yuri O Thamrin, Dubes RI untuk Belgia, Luksemburg, dan UE Periode 2016-2020 dengan judul "AS dan Lobi Yahudi" yang tayang di Harian Republika, Sabtu 22 Mei 2021.    
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3ACsbf5 via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/07/begini-cara-kerja-lobi-yahudi-kuasai.html
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abriaunique · 4 years ago
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Black Lives Still Matter T-Shirt, BLM Shirt, Pro Black Anti Racist Cop Killing T Shirt, Protest T-Shirt, Black History Shirt, BLM T-shirt https://etsy.me/3jiPuRy #BlackLivesStillMatter #BlackLivesStillMattershirt #blacklivesmatter #blmshirt #ProtestShirt #etsyshirt #blacklivesstillmatter✊🏾 #blacklives #blacklivesmatters #breonnataylormatters #breonnataylorsayhername #BreonnaTaylor #jakobblake #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #sayhername https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZpkVVp1Fc/?igshid=15wooiv06s8fb
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polixy · 5 years ago
Outside U.S., Floyd’s killing and protests sparked discussion on legislators’ Twitter accounts
Outside U.S., Floyd’s killing and protests sparked discussion on legislators’ Twitter accounts;
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People attend a Black Lives Matter protest outside Lewisham Police Station in London on June 3 after a video emerged showing six officers restraining a Black woman nearby. (Guy Smallman/Getty images)
Protests and debates over racism and police brutality have spread far beyond America’s shores since the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer on May 25. And public officials have joined the discussion in many countries – including in four nations where Pew Research Center has been tracking the Twitter activity of national legislators for much of the past two years.
Indeed, many legislators in these four countries – Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom – directly addressed Floyd’s killing and the subsequent protests on their Twitter accounts, according to a new analysis by the Center. The analysis looks at predominantly English-speaking countries where lawmaker tweets can be analyzed in a standardized way, but these nations are far from the only ones where Floyd’s death has commanded attention among political leaders.
A 59% majority of British members of Parliament who tweeted between May 26 and June 10 posted about Floyd or used the phrase “Black lives matter” or the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, according to the new analysis. Smaller percentages of national legislators in Canada (44%), Australia (26%) and New Zealand (14%) did so, too.
Pew Research Center conducted this analysis to learn more about how the death of George Floyd reverberated internationally, including among elected officials. This analysis examines 99,500 tweets from 1,594 national-level officials in parliaments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It excludes heads of government, but includes both upper and lower legislative chambers, where applicable. The research team collected every tweet posted by these legislators between May 26 and June 10, 2020, using the Twitter API.
To identify tweets about Floyd and “Black lives matter,” researchers used a case-insensitive regular expression – a pattern of keywords and text formatting – that consists of the terms: BLM, black lives, blacklives, livesmatter, floydgeorge, George Floyd, georgefloyd, black_lives and blacklifematters. This pattern identified 4,058 tweets as mentioning George Floyd or “Black lives matter.” After accounting for false positives, researchers analyzed 4,024 tweets in the final dataset.
Researchers created legislative rosters by hand, manually identifying all sitting members in each country’s national legislature and then searching for their Twitter accounts. These lists have been continually updated to account for elections, resignations, legislators changing parties and other events. Legislator accounts in the database include official, verified legislator accounts as well as any unofficial accounts that belong to the legislator, such as personal or campaign accounts. See the full methodology for more details.
As protests over Floyd’s death have spread across continents, most legislators in the four studied countries who posted about Floyd or “Black lives matter” expressed solidarity with demonstrators. And though some commented on discrimination in the United States or criticized how President Donald Trump handled the situation, many used the occasion to discuss racism and the rights of people of color in their own countries.
Below is a closer look at how legislators in these four countries addressed Floyd’s killing and the associated protests. For a look at how members of the U.S. Congress addressed Floyd’s killing and the aftermath on social media, see our related blog post here. 
Which legislators tweeted about George Floyd?
Among legislators in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK who tweeted at least once in the two weeks after Floyd’s death, about half (49%) mentioned George Floyd by name or used variants of the phrase “Black lives matter” or the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.
In the 16 days following Floyd’s death, tweets related to these subjects peaked in each of the four countries in the week immediately after. By comparison, during the 17-month period prior to these events, only 4% of legislators across these four countries had tweeted about “Black lives matter.”
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Across these four countries, the share of legislators who were active on Twitter from May 26 to June 10 and referenced Floyd or “Black lives matter” was generally highest among legislators on the left of the ideological spectrum.
In the UK, the country with the highest share of legislators discussing these topics, at least seven-in-ten legislators from each left-leaning party did so. In Canada, the three legislators from the left-leaning Green Party – each of whom sent at least one tweet during this time – all mentioned the movement, as did majorities in the country’s left-oriented New Democratic Party and Liberal Party (83% and 59%, respectively). In Australia, legislators from left-leaning Australian Greens party were the most active about these themes, with 80% mentioning them. And in New Zealand, members of the left-leaning Green Party were the most likely to have tweeted about the issues, too, though only 13% of members of the left-leaning Labour Party did so.
Legislative retweets of “Black lives matter” or Floyd-related content generally followed party lines, with legislators in these countries most often retweeting posts written by fellow party members. For example, about two-thirds of tweets from Canada’s Liberal Party were retweets, and around half of those retweets were of posts from other Liberal legislators. Likewise, in the UK, roughly a quarter of all tweets related to Floyd or “Black lives matter” from the Labour Party were retweets of fellow Labour members of Parliament.
Some themes were common in legislators’ tweets
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In all four countries, “solidarity” was the most frequent sentiment expressed by legislators who tweeted about Floyd or “Black lives matter” between May 26 and June 10. The share of legislators expressing solidarity – either with Floyd and his family or with anti-racism protests – ranged from 78% in the UK to 55% in New Zealand. Across all four countries, 75% of legislators who mentioned Floyd or his killing in their tweets focused on themes related to solidarity.
Around a third (36%) of legislators in the four countries who tweeted about Floyd’s killing and racism commented on the protests spreading across the U.S. About 30% discussed Trump and his handling of the protests – with seven times as many posts critical, as opposed to supportive. In the UK, 32% of British legislators who tweeted about Floyd or “Black lives matter” lobbied for banning tear gas, rubber bullets and riot gear sales from the UK to the U.S.
Around half of legislators (49%) commented broadly about racism in the U.S.; even more (62%) used hashtags and references to “Black lives matter” and Floyd to turn their eyes toward racism in their own country. For example, some legislators drew upon examples of U.S. racism to criticize their own country in the same tweet, including one widely shared tweet from a Labour MP in Norwich South in the UK:
In Australia and New Zealand, discussions of local racism emphasized Indigenous peoples: 69% of Australian legislators and 55% of New Zealand legislators discussed issues facing these local populations. In the UK, around a quarter of legislators (23%) discussed racism and COVID-19 against the backdrop of a new report from Public Health England, which highlighted racial inequities in coronavirus-linked mortality.
Around half (52%) of the legislators discussed the protests that were roiling their own countries following the waves of U.S. protests. By a roughly two-to-one margin, more tweets were supportive of local protests than critical of them, although about a third were neutral, focusing more on sharing pictures or news events related to the protests than expressing judgment about them.
Legislators in right-leaning parties like One Nation in Australia and the Conservative Party in the UK were more likely to criticize the protests. About 5% of legislators who criticized the protestors did so with references to COVID-19. Some legislators expressed fears about large crowds gathering amid the outbreak, while others said allowing protestors to march was unfair or a double standard, given other restrictions in place.
Legislators also used Twitter between May 26 and June 10 to bring historical issues to the fore. Nearly one-in-five legislators who tweeted about Floyd’s killing or “Black lives matter” did so to highlight slavery, imperialism or injustice in their own nation’s past. This included a particular focus on monuments in the UK, where on June 7 a statue of a slave trader, Edward Colston, was pulled down and dumped in the Bristol harbor. One-in-five British legislators tweeted about monuments and statues, with more than twice as many supportive of removing statues that might be offensive than critical of it. Only Conservative Party members tweeted opposition to removing the statues.
Note: Here is the methodology for this report.
Kat Devlin  is a research associate focusing on global attitudes at Pew Research Center.
Laura Silver  is a senior researcher focusing on global research at Pew Research Center.
Christine Huang  is a research analyst focusing on global attitudes at Pew Research Center.
Nicholas Kent  is a research assistant focusing on global attitudes research at Pew Research Center.
Aidan Connaughton  is a research assistant focusing on global attitudes research at Pew Research Center.
; Blog (Fact Tank) – Pew Research Center; https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/08/04/outside-u-s-floyds-killing-and-protests-sparked-discussion-on-legislators-twitter-accounts/; https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/FT_20.07.14_Global-BLM_Featured-Image.jpg?w=1200&h=628&crop=1; August 4, 2020 at 10:31AM
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sociallyawkardextrovert · 5 years ago
TIL that Trump is in fact not completely homophobic.
Update: he actually sells pride merch!!!
I dont know what I was expecting, but not this.
Update 2:
yeah so he sells anti-blacklives matter merch for BABIES (who cant even have an opinion) and honestly fuck him
(no I totally didnt find these whilst shopping my Trump merch and then accidentally not buying it)
Update 3: These shirts are sooooo weird and ridiculously specific. He has a type specifically for Irish Americans. He even has a christmas sweater: ITS JULY. He also has one that just says "get over it" and I dont even know what he would mean with that.
Update 4: I found a few that ridicule Adam Schiff. He even has the joke bull-Schiff.
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lawrencedienerthings · 5 years ago
Opinion: Why this lifelong Democrat sees two problematic U.S. Senate candidates
#blacklives🔋 🙏 🏁 ✌
Colorado News
I am a lifelong Democrat, former U.S. Senate candidate, community activist and non-profit executive. This U.S. Senate race started off with a lot of hope and energy, and sadly it was dwindled down to two remaining candidates. 
There has been a surge during these very necessary and powerful Black Lives Matter protests of support for Andrew Romanoff because of John Hickenlooper’s  championing of broken-windows policies that led to over-policing in Black and brown communities. 
There are people, many of you who are reading this, that are expressly calling attention to this truth and to Hick’s completely tone deaf and ignorant comment that “All Lives Matter” while in the same breath hailing Romanoff for being the racial justice champion. 
Lorena Garcia
This is what I have to say: both candidates are problematic. Neither candidate has earned the title of being a racial justice champion. There is no lesser of two evils, there is only one candidate who is choosing to use progressive talking points.
Romanoff is responsible for the country’s harshest anti-immigrant policies in the country in 2006 and especially HB-1023, which continues to impact immigrant communities today. 
He and many have tried to say “it was 2006 … it was so long ago … get over it … he’s apologized,” and yet, Romanoff uses his legislative record to demonstrate why he is qualified and Colorado’s best choice. This issue and his immigration position should not be off limits, just like Hick’s broken window and pro oil and gas record should not be ignored. 
This is not an anti-Romanoff letter, nor an anti-Hick letter. This is a “wake up and stop being a hypocrite” post. It is offensive to see defenses of Romanoff’s record because he knows to use the words “Black Lives Matter,” yet does not think the lives and families of immigrants matter. 
While he apologized, words mean nothing if not followed up with action, and this means more than showing up to clean up after the protests. I have not seen any action, just like I have not seen any action on Hick’s part to make up for the over-policing of our communities.
If you are calling out Hick for his racist comments and actions and yet not calling out Romanoff for his, you are not anti-racist. You are an enabler.
Are either of these candidates better than Cory Gardner? Yes. We know that either candidate will continue to protect Roe v Wade. We know that either candidate will support protections for the LGBTIQ population. And we know that either candidate will support greater investment in mental health services.
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So, I will support whoever wins the primary, regardless of my opinions about the equitable nature of how this election was handled during COVID-19.
And in keeping with my commitment during the campaign trail, I will support them, by holding them accountable and calling out their flaws so they can be better. 
But right now, I need to call out anyone who claims to be allies and yet are willing to sacrifice one community over another. The Democratic Party will continue to flail if we don’t evaluate our prejudices and our double standards. The reality is if we lose the U.S. Senate race, it is because these two candidates are problematic.
Lorena Garcia is a Denver resident, former U.S. Senate candidate, nonprofit executive and community activist. @lorenaforsenate 
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seredhiel · 5 years ago
Did I spend all night uploading all my kpop fancams to every anti-Blacklives matter hashtag?
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starcrossed-comets · 8 years ago
Same anon from before (I was excited about the interview even though I don't really ship Karamel). I watched and it was cute. It also made me kind of feel bad for Chris all of a sudden. He seems so happy and excited about it all, and about ships andd about Karamel etc. Whatever people think about his character or the ship, he shouldn't get any hate
hey love! omg theyre so cute arent they! i was giggling the whole time when i was watching it. unfortunately haters gonna hate. theyll do and say anything to twist and make him the anti christ for no reason. he is a feminist, a pro blacklives matter, an lgbt activist and a mental awareness representative. check his twitter this guy is lovable. so chris doesnt deserved any hate.   he is a cinnamon roll who deserve all the love the world can give. 
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huge-jeffner-blog · 8 years ago
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queerjotx · 8 years ago
blacklives matters is the direct cause of this kidnapping, for years they've been encouraging on twitter that blacks should kill whites to get back at them, their violent rhetoric caused this, just like donald trump's rhetoric caused ppl to steal that muslim girl's hijab
🙄🙄🙄Here we go. BLM has never advocated violence. Do some protests and rallies get out of hand? Sure, just like any other rally or protest by any other group (we won’t even go into sports rallies and shit) but it’s not part of the BLM agenda. Also, and more importantly: black people do NOT instantly equate BLM activists. BLM isn’t even anti-white, and it’s not part of their platform. BLM promotes justice and equality, and trump promotes homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and racism so you can swerve with that nonsense and tired ass comparison. The kidnapping was totally wrong and fucked up, and they deserved the hate crime charges along with everything else, but them shouting “fuck white people” and “fuck trump” does not instantly make them BLM activists. People can totally have these feelings of resentment/hate towards white people and trump. They’re not mutually exclusive to an activist group.
Plus, BLM's Chicago chapter literally released a statement denouncing the attack.
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bridgettleslie1 · 5 years ago
#quickcut In her first #Livestream @Instagram Interview with me in Australia this morning, Anti-Racism Activist, Jane Elliot, talks about her reaction to the international Black Lives Matter Protests and how we can improve dialogue on this issue. Racism is not okay but it takes both sides of the table to talk about this issue.#janeelliot #blacklivesmatter #blacklives #generations #endracism #racisminamerica #racismexists #personofcolour #blacklove #blacklives #endviolence #protests #nojusticenopeace #unity #racismisreal #love #peace #hope #bridgethegap #skincolour #georgefloyd #changeyourmindset #changetheworld #education #educateyourself #oprah #aboriginal #jimmyfallon https://www.instagram.com/p/CBHW6bdAzIy/?igshid=1jk6gisnlgzhh
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possiblycantaloupe · 7 years ago
So I doubt this’ll get any attention but fuck it. I’ve recently noticed the casual racism on here recently. Now, granted, there’s all this anti-racism stuff on here, but still. I really don’t want to sit here and say that it’s just about the shit towards white people, because it’s not. Although that kind of does piss me off. But I feel like there’s a whole bunch of people, whenever taking about race, that only see black and white. I remember a while back, I got called racist for saying that I didn’t think #alllivesmatter is racist. Because there is more than black and white. I don’t think #blacklives matter isn’t valid, but there is more than black. I also feel like saying anything about race at all, and me being white, will automatically make me racist. I don’t consider myself racist. I have no problem with anyone based off of skin color. And I would like to apologize on behalf of my ancestors for doing what they did to others’ ancestors, but what’s the point? I really hope y’all realize that not all of us are bad. I know, I know “not all whites” is starting to sound a lot like “not all men.” I’m just trying to be genuine with this.
Long story short, I really just want there to be more love in the world, regardless of race.
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abriaunique · 4 years ago
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Black Lives Still Matter T-Shirt, BLM Shirt, Pro Black Anti Racist Cop Killing T Shirt, Protest T-Shirt, Black History Shirt, BLM T-shirt https://etsy.me/3jiPuRy #BlackLivesStillMatter #BlackLivesStillMattershirt #blacklivesmatter #blmshirt #ProtestShirt #etsyshirt #blacklivesstillmatter✊🏾 #blacklives #blacklivesmatters https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZpkVVp1Fc/?igshid=oarexdbmcpfw
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narrowtriangle33-blog · 4 years ago
Fuck you Planned Parenthood.
You are a devilish racist organization who has killed millions of Black babies, and babies of other "races".
You were designed to act as a way to genocide millions of Black people in Amerika.
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