#anti aralas
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overlord-of-fantasy · 3 months ago
Ask game: unpopular opinion
đź’›: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Here in Germany Aralas is one of the (if not the) most popular Tolkien ships and I really don't like it.
This might be because Gigolas is an OTP for me XD
I also just don't see any chamistry between them. In my opinion Aragorn behaves like the older cousin who has to take care of his annoying younger cousin. Just look at the scene where they go into Lothlorien. That's not lover behavior. Aragorn is babysitting there!
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atsa-star-wars-daydream-verse · 3 months ago
*puts the idea of Windu in particular in my pocket for dealing with at least one character whose emotions are always quite close to the surface*
I have Ara as a new or very young soul (if very young, no memory of pervious life/lives), and I haven't delved into her story much (well, varies by timeline) past her thirties (and that's aging at 2/3 the rate of a baseline human) so she worries that she'll always have poor emotional control (for a Jedi), and she's always been intimidated by Windu so this is a thing they could talk about, maybe Windu is a new/young soul too and learning that about the Grand Master of the Order gives her hope for herself.
"Cal/Kanan fix the mistakes of the old Order and stop repressing what makes them human."
An actual take I have had the misfortune of reading with my own two eyes.
It's amazing how much amatonormativity and aphobia lies just beneath the surface of many anti Jedi arguments, among other kinds of bigotry.
I'm aroace. I cannot fall in love. I'm chemically, physically and spiritually incapable of it. According to this people, I'm broken, emotionally repressed… and when they drop the mask they will outright say I'm not even human.
That's, of course, without getting into the sheer ignorance or outright bigotry towards people who choose celibacy for religious reasons, or the many other reasons someone can abstain from traditional romantic relationships, from trauma and past abuse to "idk just don't feel like it".
"Why are you so against seeing Jedi critical takes?" Geez, probably because the people making them are bigots, towards a minority I'm part of, and will even claim I'm not human?
I am a Jedi fan, I love the Jedi if the name of my blog and the content I post weren't telling enough. I love them for three million and a half reasons. Their culture not being centered around romance, marriage and bio-kids is only one of them, and not even the most important one.
You have no idea how it feels like to see people like you, people who aren't what your society thinks is normal, being heroes when the world doesn't believe you exist or that there's something about you that needs fixing. And that's not getting into how people relate to the Jedi or find them comforting because they aren't Space Christianity Lite™️, because that's a topic that deserves its own post.
So people that have this claims or that even imply Jedi characters falling in love makes them somehow better, can go fuck themselves sideaways.
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rowinablx · 3 years ago
“There’s a four year age gap!”
Me: Laughs in Aralas
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lotr-archive · 5 years ago
listen im looking for barduil mutuals and elrondir, aralas and silvergifting and thranduil stans bc i love my boy on twitter like follow me https://twitter.com/batshtml
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readyourimgaines · 6 years ago
Hi! Saw your post and I would love to request some Aralas, there isn't enough of it! Anything modern AU would be awesome, but I haven't been able to let go of the idea of camper Aragorn and forest/park ranger Legolas ever since it popped into my head. Thanks for your time and work, regardless of what you end up writing for anyone!
This isn’t very long so I might do a part two. I’ll see what else I think of. Thank you for the request, friend! -Freddie 
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Legolas sighed as his radio went off. Another camper in a restricted area of the camp ground. Yes it was a state park, but also, those areas were closed off because they were dangerous.
With annoyance heavy in his chest, Legolas made his way over to the restricted area. He had, at some point, been chosen as the one to go and clear campers out of the areas they weren’t supposed to be in. One of his coworkers told him it was because he was the lightest on his feet of any of the workers. If anyone was least likely to find an improperly capped mine or something by falling into it, it was Legolas. 
Legolas followed the tracks of who (going by the weight) he assumed was man. The last thing he expected was to find a man collecting flowers from a patch under a tree. He was usually chasing little kids trying to follow a squirrel or rabbit out of the area. Every once in a while it was lost hiker.
“Excuse me, sir? You’re not allowed over here. There’s been reports of landslides recently so this area is closed off until it’s deemed safe,” Legolas explained. 
The man with dark wavy, shoulder length hair turned to Legolas and the blond was shocked with how attractive he was. His eyes were a combination of teal and silver that he’d never seen before. The man’s chin had light stumble and his skin was lightly sun tanned. 
“I know. This is just the best place to find this kind of flower. I almost have enough and then I’ll get out of your hair. I’ve been gathering herbs and roots from this area for years. You don’t need to worry about me.” The main tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “I told the man at the gate who I was. He must have forgotten.” 
“And who are you?” Legolas often got annoyed with these “hippies”. At least this one wasn’t smoking weed back there like the last one was. 
“Aragorn. I’m a holistic healer. Rather than ordering the herbs I use, I find them locally. People with colds, fevers, infected wounds, and so on come to me. There are many more skilled than I, but you have to drive for a couple of days to get to the closest one better than me.” 
“You heal people with plants?” The park ranger raised an eyebrow. 
Aragorn stood, holding the collect of flowers in his hand. “What’s your name?”
“I’ll tell you all about my occupation if you let me buy you a drink after your shift. A friend of mine showed me a pretty fun inn not too far from here.” 
“Your friend owns an inn? I knew there were still pubs, but inns are pretty rare.” 
“They’re trying to keep it older fashioned to keep traditions. The building was built almost 150 years ago. Other strengthening the building and cleaning some things up, it hasn’t been remodeled. Trust me, it’s a site to see.” 
“Alright. I’ll see your friend’s inn.” Legolas smirked a little. “I get off at five.” 
“I’ll pick you up then.” Aragorn smiled.
“So you’re from the area?” Legolas asked Aragorn. They were sitting in a booth at the Prancing Pony, each of them with an ale. 
“I live in the area,” Aragorn corrected. “I’m actually from a number of states over. I always like this area better. The people are kinder, business is better. Some of my family moved east so it’s closer to them as well.” 
“I see. I’m not from here either. I came here for college- Forestry major- and fell in love with the area.” 
“How much do you know about the woods in the area. Being a park ranger, you’ve got to know quite a lot about the plants and things.” 
“Not really… I mean, if you want to know what trees are good for climbing, I can make you list. Other than identifying poison ivy, and a couple different kinds of berries, I’m lost.” 
“I’ll have to show you some of the herbs that grow in the area, these. Athelas grows heavily around here. It’s great for slowing down an infection so you can safely find the cause of it.” 
“As the locals call it, yes.” Aragorn took a sip of his ale. 
“So what else do you do in your job?” Legolas asked. “Other than risk your life in dangerous, closed of locations, of course.” 
“Well, there’s a lot of doing that,” Aragorn nodded and got a laugh from the blond. “Instead of treating illnesses and such with antibiotics, I simply use the medicinal properties of plants. Teas, compresses, soaks, politics. There are countless things you can do with plants. And yes, you can treat anxiety with more than lavender oil.” 
“What sorts of things have you treated?” 
“Colds and flus, mostly. Once in a while someone comes in with constant migraines or women have lady troubles and wanting an easier time of it. Sometimes some pulled a muscle or they aren’t getting enough iron. Nothing drastic or fancy. There are times when I have to send someone to a usual doctor because I can’t remove appendixes.” 
“That sounds more exciting than my job.” 
“Oh? What do you do most days?” 
“Walk around putting tickets on cars that don’t have a pass, telling people to stop leaving their burnt out cigarettes on the ground. I spend a lot of time chasing people out of restricted areas. Most of the time it’s a stray kid, some idiot smoking drugs. On time some got stuck in a tree and screamed for help. It’s never ended in me getting a drink with the person, though.” 
“I’m glad I could change up your routine then.”
“Where’s your office? Or what’s it called?” Legolas wondered. “I might stop by and see what you can do the next time my allergies kick up.” 
“A park ranger with allergies? That’s just cruel. It’s 819 Red Jacket Drive. I’ve got a number of things to treat allergies with. Don’t worry. I’ll even give you discount.” 
“Is that allowed?” Legolas chuckled. 
“Well, I own the business, rent the building, and write the rent off on my taxes. I’d say it’s allowed. I give my friends and family discounts. Same as any other business does.”
“You’re a generous and caring person,” Legolas nodded. “Teach me what these herbs look like and I’ll collect them for you when I’ve got nothing better to do.” 
“I’ll even pay you for what you bring me.” Aragorn suggested. “Before long I might be able to hire you as my assistant.” 
“I don’t know about that.” Legolas leaned forward slightly over the table. “I you hired me as your assistant, I don’t know how your patients would feel about you maybe dating your assistant.” 
“I’m the only chance in town that the anti-vaxers moms have. I’m not all kinds of worried about losing business over having a boyfriend.” Aragorn grinned. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
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menderash · 7 years ago
For the record, this is a pro-legimli, anti-aralas space. Get your fake gimli-exclusionary bs outta here, gimli is legolas's truest love, not fckn aragorn, I will fight to the death abt this.
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