#anti - eremika
anneeeboleyn · 11 months
what the fuck is a eremika, in eremin we trust and believe 🛐
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harley-rose25 · 4 months
In which I give the longest explanation of my opinions on Eremika and why I don't like it.
If you see my other AoT post, I likely give the impression of being a hardcore eremika anti; and while I'm not clearly not a fan of the ship I also don't believe that it just came out of nowhere, or was completely unexpected; like some eremika antis seem to think. Seasons 1-3 I honestly expected an eremika ending. Season 3 I had some thoughts that maybe we were getting a erehisu instead, but ultimately I assumed either an eremika or a no-pairing ending even by the end of season 3.
This is not because I thought the ship was built up well or had really good moments pointing towards a mutual romance/love. There are some moments where Eren shows some level of care or affection towards Mikasa; but, to me, it doesn't come off like he's in love with her. It can be interpreted that way, but I felt it was more like showing general platonic care and that those more romantic feeling could be built up or in some cases like his feelings were moving in that direction. The reason I assumed it was the most likely end game ship if there was to be a ship is because of other cannon ships where one character is in love, often obsessively so with the other and the other is either oblivious, doesn't really care, or actively seems to dislike them until the end of the series when suddenly they're also in love. ie; Sakura and Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto, Aang and Katara. Eren and Mikasa dynamic reminded me of these, especially Sakura and Sasuke.
My main issues with the eremika ship are: 1. how it compares to erehisu; Eren and Mikasa do have deep emotional moment together but Eren and Historia have deep emotional moment because of each other. That is, Eren's emotional moment with Mikasa would be just as emotional even if she wasn't there, where as Historia is integral to the moments she has with Eren. In season 4 the erehisu ship is really build up by how desperate Eren is to protect Historia, how he angrily jumps to her defense, how he's shown visiting her at the farm, how he smiles at her and no one else. Even other characters notice this; in season 3 Jean tells Eren he should stop holding hands with Historia all the time (I'm aware that the hand holding was because they were trying to get more memories/activate the founding titan, but it means that Eren and Historia had a lot of confirmed off screen time together), and in season 4 Hange looks at Eren smiling at Historia and then later tells Eren that She thought He would never sacrifice Historia; strongly indicating an assumption of a deeper level of care. All in all I think erehisu had better scenes to building a relationship of mutual care and understanding and also better scenes showing that Eren cares about Historia in a way that isn't shown with anyone else (save maybe Armin) This means that when we end up with eremika now it feels a little cheap or just off. If we got more moments showing a deeper level of care and understand between Eren and Mikasa or if The moments between Eren and Historia, and Erens reactions to Historia didn't have so much weight then an eremika ending would make more sense.
reason number 2: What it does to Mikasas character; Mikasa's love for Eren seems born out of an obsession that comes from losing her parent in a violent murder/kidnapping and then being saved by him. This is then compounded when Eren's mom dies since she was like an adoptive mother to Mikasa. She's a traumatized young girl who never actually deals with her trauma and instead hyperfixates on Eren. Mikasa entire character arc is her chasing after Eren like a neglected dog until that one scene where for like 5 minutes she finally starts to see Eren for the violent psychopath he actually is and questions what she had seen in him; but never mind that because she's back to being so obsessively in love with him that even after he dies she spends that rest of her life visiting his grave with her (probably husband and kids) and also never takes off that scarf.
reason number 3: Mikasa doesn't understand Eren. People argue that Mikasa understood Eren in a different ways, that she understood certain parts of him, but that's literally just admitting that there's clearly parts of Eren she doesn't understand. Actually, I'd argue that as its depicted Mikasa doesn't seem to understand Eren on a fundamental level. Examples: When he failed at the initial ODM gear test she told him to give up being a soldier and then went on to say that he needn't drop out alone, that she would be following him; when he passed the ODM gear test she says that he's relieved that he wont be separated from her. She assumes that the reason he'd be upset about failing to make it as a soldier is related specifically to her and not wanting to be apart from her; When Connie is angry about Eren laughing after Sasha's death he asks Mikasa why he would do that and she can't answer; despite the fact that she's witnessed him laughing in an emotional and traumatic situation before and should have been able to understand that he does it as a coping mechanism. She'd also completely blind to his obvious anti-social personality disorder (psychopathy), though to be fair so is everyone else including most Eren stans. (like, I love Eren, I stan Eren but he is like text book certifiably ASPD psychopathic)
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kittenfangirl20 · 10 months
I think it is so funny that an Eremika said that Eren liked strong girls as a way to say he would never like Historia and only Mikasa fits that description. I agree that Eren likes strong girls, but that doesn’t disqualify Historia who was able to flip her father when he isn’t a small man and she is quite tiny.
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reinerbraunwife · 2 months
the media crucify me like they did christ (eremika stan blowing up my dms calling me crazy for not hating that mikasa didnt end up alone and a virgin mary for the rest of her life for eren)
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sungkaan · 11 months
Are there any other anime-onlies who thought it was weird that Mikasa was suddenly Ymir's parallel? Ymir's (initial) backstory prior to the last ep was about the struggle for freedom from slavery (slavery from Fritz and her slave mindset) but now it's suddenly about letting go of a toxic relationship?? So what does it now imply about Eren and Mikasa's relationship?? That he was abusive to Mikasa and Mikasa was such a simp that she initially couldn't let go of him???!! Why do eremika shippers consider this beautiful?? I'd be angry if I wanted a positive (and mutually in love) ship and the author portrayed them to be similar to a toxic one. Like wtfuck??
Also is anyone feeling that there's a dissonance? That there's a disconnect between the ep before the final ep?? I feel like I'm being gaslighted into liking an ending that doesn't deserve praise.
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a0random0gal · 10 months
"healthy" doesn't always mean good in fiction. Eremika's unhealthiness is what makes the ship compelling and interesting. It's built into the core of the story. Also your "healthiest ship" requires ignoring that he emotionally manipulated her into keeping her mouth shut about his genocide plan and threatened to have her memories erased. Historia never expressed any interest in him that way. Men and women can in fact just be friends.
Ohh boy, you're bold anon, I have to hand it to ya.
Yes healthy doesn't always mean good, in fact it can actually lead to some very boring ships, but that is still a perfectly good thing to look for in a pairing.
In contrast unhealthy can be interesting, but mostly leads to abusive relationships that get glorified by the fandom in spite of their toxic nature, and in this aspect Eremika is no exception. These two are just awful for one another.
He headbutts her, call her names, tells her he hates her (I know he didn't mean it, but it wrecked her emotionally so my point stands) put her in a situation that could have gotten her killed, never confided in her regarding his plans etc...
She was an overbearing mama who constantly treated him like an incompetent child that couldn't do anything on his own.
What's compelling in a relationship with this dynamic:
"Eren eat your veggies!"
"Eren put on a coat, or you're gonna catch a cold!"
"Eren don't run you're gonna trip!"
Oh and don't get me started on this
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She literally deluded herself for years into believing that everything he did was somehow tied back to her. Even Armin, Reiner and Berthold gave her the 🙄 look.
Also her entire character revolves around him and it makes her super boring and robotic. Even after he dies she spends her life worshipping his grave and dies with that gosh darned scarf on her neck. She only took it off once ( when she gave an ounce of development) before cruelly snatching it from the hands of a dying girl that was using it for comfort (something I'll never forgive her for).
She was originally meant to break away from him but alas, good writing died after 134.
Annd the story never revolved around them. Mikasa only became the protagonist in the last chapter out of fucking thin air and it looked soo forced. Lmao Hisu had more parallels with Ymir than Mikasa of all people.
The only time their relationship mattered was at the end of season 2, but after that we got nothing important.
Last thing on this dumpster fire of a ship... They're boring asf.
Like I know some unhealthy relationships that are toxic and all, but the characters have chemistry, and it can make up for the awful shit they can do to eachother. Eremika has no chemistry. I would rather watch paint dry than think about them romantically.
Regarding Erehisu... Have we read the same aot chapter? Or just the same conversation between Eren and Historia? Because I don't think so.
He emotionally manipulated her to keep her mouth shut
What? When did this ever happen? She chose to stay silent. Hell he didn't even need to tell her his plans, it was quite risky, since she could have snitched on him to the Mps and ruined everything.
He chose to confide in her cause he knew she wouldn't tell, cause she was the worst girl in the world who saved him, the girl who chose her selfishness over the world already, in that cave when she saved him, when she told him that she would always be his ally, that they were enemies of humanity.
She never wanted the future that she was destined to if she accepted the 50 year plan. She had accepted it for the greater good. Something selfless that only Christa could have done.
He knew that, and reminded her of who she really was. A selfish, normal girl like everyone else.
She was shocked by the genocide that awaited them if they followed Eren's plan but ultimately chose it over sacrificing herself and her future children. Totally in character, no manipulation involved lmao.
He threatened to erase her memories
Nope. She was upset so he offered to lighten her burden by erasing her memories if she wanted to. It was a proposal made out of empathy for her shock. No threats, where did you see em?
She was never interested in him
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Say what you want about her feelings for him, interpret them how you please, but you can't deny a connection from which feelings could blossom. This meme perfectly sums up my thoughts about this:
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Yes men and women can be friends, I just don't see it this way for Erehisu. Actually I could tell you the same thing for Eremika. Better as siblings lol.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 11 months
God I don't dislike eremika because I think they're siblings, though i prefer that relationship. I dislike it because Eren never shows an ounce of romantic interest in Mikasa until the literal last like 5 chapters. Nothing is hinted at, nothing is even possibly mentioned.
Suddenly he can't stand her with anyone. Did he miss how often Jean tried to flirt with her???
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sonofthesaiyans · 5 months
You know for years I was desperate to see Attack on Titan end. I was so goddamn fed up with the series, with the manga, with the fanbase and ESPECIALLY with the self indulgent asshole who wrote it that I never stopped wishing it would just crash and burn. The ending was bafflingly stupid and unsatisfying, and I stand by that opinion, I am at a total loss as to why anybody believes for a minute that the anime ending somehow redeemed what was first presented by the manga.
I was so furious at AOT, the whole timeskip made it the bane of my existence. Something I followed casually but with dedication became something I felt actively insulted by after what began with the fucking Marley arc. And after the events of that arc nothing else mattered to me except that the fucker ended.
Well it finally did. And that still brought me no satisfaction. Looking at you Gabi, looking at you Eremika......and yeah the Rumbling and the time loop, I hated all of it. Some of the worst and most delusional writing I've ever seen.
So why the hell then am I still somehow upset that it's over?
Any normal person would drop a bad experience and move on. But I have a hard time moving on from this. And part of me is upset it's done after all these years of cursing its existence.
It's a feeling I cannot make sense of. Can anybody else?
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pearls-n-opulence · 4 months
Eren and Mikasa was not a good romance
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misscoolisback123 · 1 year
I seriously don't understand what's so threatening about Erehisu. The moment you bring up Erehisu, Eremika stans foam at the mouth with anger. Even non shippers of Eremika and Erehisu get that way about Erehisu. If you don't do character shipping, then why get mad at all? It's super bizarre.I find it ironic that people think that Erehisu shippers are the toxic ones, but Eremika shippers are the toxic ones. Not only that, but a ton of Erehisu haters claim that EH shippers don't care about Historia, are Eremika shippers, and they don't ship EH or EM, but for some odd reason they get offended by the idea of Erehisu. Every time I see stuff like this, I'm just thinking, TF, are you smoking? All I see are beautiful and cute fanart of them, along with logical analysis posts as to why they are in love. I don't doubt that there are some toxic shippers, but it's rare.
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terrabdectyle · 4 months
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This happens all the time, i can't even get invested in new stories or characters because anything slightly inconsistent takes me out🥲
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kittenfangirl20 · 10 months
*Eremika shippers acting like Mikasa was the only strong female character in AOT*
Historia Reiss, Annie Leonhart, Sasha Braus, Ymir, Gabi Braun, Pieck Finger, Lara Tybur, Carla Jaeger: Rude.
*I didn’t include Hange Zoe because I headcanon them as non binary
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katsukis-bakugo · 11 months
seeing people praise the ending for attack on titan - or worse, er*mika and how "tragic" it supposedly was - is depressing
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chaztalk · 1 year
When canon shippers in a fandom feel the need to write essays on why their favourite canon pairing works, it’s a sign that the canon pairing from the original source material was weakly written. And as a result, we have people reacting for straws when they are explaining symbolisms not really related to the content or the “subtle hints” of having feelings for the other, which aren’t really subtle, but actually something people do on a daily basis (for example, describing a scene a single glance mentioned in the book or in a panel and coming up with a +300 words on how it’s a sign of “true love” or “feelings”.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I support canon ships, I don’t have this need or feeling to write an essay on why they work. “They are good in my head, let’s move on.” I get a lot more excited than that, but that’s my general thought pattern when liking a canon ship.
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a0random0gal · 10 months
Erehisu should have been canon.
It should have indeed anon, I fell ya.
Erehisu has been my beloved Otp since like 2020, they'll always have a soft spot in my Heart ❤️.
And honestly the way their characters were ruined was one of the most heartwrenching things to witness
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