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eldorr · 2 years ago
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An umbrella term for genders that could be considered “between” Outherine/Aporine and Xenine. This can include any gender that shares qualities of both abinary/atrinary genders and xenogenders, without explicitly being either.
Diastine can include genders that:
Genders relating to both human and non-human/abstract relations to genders. This can include genders that are partly attributed to feelings typically considering masculine/feminine/aporine/outherine/etc, however may be in abstract ways. Includes genders that non-xenine+xenine.
Are related to things typically not attributed to gender in general society, such as plants, animals, concepts, colors, etc. However, this is only genders that are connected in some way to these things, where one’s gender isn’t literally these things. This includes genders that are usually seen as xenogender/xenic, however may not always be seen/experienced as such. (See next bullet point)
With genders relating to abstract concepts, these genders use the qualities these things have which can lay within and outside human constructions of gender. Basically genders that describe the qualities of one gender, how one’s gender feels compared to a thing in nature, concept, media, etc. without necessarily being xenine or a xenogender, as it describes qualities vs one’s gender in itself. Depending on the person, these types of genders may either feel non-xenine or xenine, or perhaps both as these genders share qualities of non-xenine and xenine genders. (An example of this could be a feminine gender relating to a fox, as one’s gender has both qualities of femininity, and qualities usually prescribed to foxes in one’s mind.)
In general, genders that can be described as being both abinary/atrinary and a xenogender, yet possibly also being neither. These types of genders are usually felt as their own thing vs under a certain subset of gender identity.
The examples above aren’t all what the Diastine label can cover, however they exist to give you an idea of what could be includes under this label.
The name “Diastine” comes from the root word “Dia” meaning through/between/apart/across, which I feel any of those could fit how one experiences being Diastine, or genders that may fit under what this term was coined to describe. “(a)st” comes from the word “Vast” as this term was coined to cover a vast amount of experiences, (I also couldn’t really think of anything else due to what I was originally gonna call this term got yoinked, and I kinda wanted to pay homage to the original name), plus the suffix “-ine”, which I see it pretty common to use for genders like this so using it also.
The in-nature term would be DIASIN (Diastine-In-Nature).
Diastous / Diaine / Distine — The adjective equivalent form of Diastine. Could be used to describe terms that aren’t Diastine but have similar qualities. Can be used to describe any type of identity with these qualitites. (Similar in usage to masculine/feminine/aethine/aporine/outherine/xenine/etc) Could be shortened to "Dia".
Diastinity — The diastous equivalent to masculinity/femininity/etc.
Diastic / Diasic — Diastine-alignment/aligned. Similar to aethic, xenic, kenic, masc, fem, etc.
Diast / Diastan — Equivalent to man/woman/enban/etc. The plural form being Diasts or Diasten.
Asti — Equivalent to boy/girl/enby/etc. The plural form being Astis.
Transdiastous / Transdiaine / Transdistine — Transitioning towards a diastous/diaine/distine identity. Includes those with at least partly (or fully) diastous/diaine/distine identity. May refer to gender, presentation, or both.
This term was originally coined October 7th, 2022. The bright-colored flag below the cut is the original/main flag, the flag shown above is a new alternative one.
Anyways yeah similar to Anthidial, I coined this to help others fill spaces in terminology one can use. Similar to Anthidial, Diastine shouldn’t be applied to pre-existing terms without permissions of the coiners. If unknown (or unable to contact coiners) one could simply note that the gender could possibly be considered Anthidial.
I just wanted to coin a term to fill that weird fuzzy space between Outherine genders and Xenogenders. Like with Anthidial, this was mostly inspired by Kenochoric and Luxine, like-wise all the other concept-related neogenders that aren’t Xenogenders. Just a word/tool coiners can use when describing genders.
While Diastine may cover pre-existing genders, that doesn’t automatically make those genders Diastine. They simply share qualities that could be described by the Diastine term. I’m all for the “this isn’t a [x] gender” however when it comes to archiving something that shares a lot of qualities with something else, I’d advocate for the adjustment from “this is a [x] gender” to “this gender shares qualities typically seen in [x] gender(s)”
I’ll all for gender umbrellas, and I’m all for unique genders not under any other umbrella. However when it comes to someone who found a gender like that and wanted to know more about similar genders, they’d have a hard time (or possibly impossible depending on the terminology the original coiner used) finding similar genders, especially if one has no clue what types of genders to even search for.
Anthidial and Diastine have been coined to help with that. Instead of incorrectly labeling certain terms as things they aren’t, these terms are tools to help both coiners and archivers alike to shift from “this is an [x] gender” to “this gender under no certain umbrella, but shares qualities of [x] and [x] genders” this allows for more flow between terms, and to allow folks to pin-point what actual aspect of certain genders they’re connected to. At least, that’s what I’m trying to get at by coining these lol.
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Below this DNI is a cut, underneath the cut is where I put flags that may trigger eye strain, migraines, etc. due to colors or stripe patterns. (When I'm able to make an alternative flag) Proceed with caution if you struggle with anything like that.
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spaliaras · 3 years ago
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Cava Anthidis
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nunoxaviermoreira · 7 years ago
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Anthidie by Louis (Michel) Sinnassamy http://ift.tt/2lArikK
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eldorr · 2 years ago
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With symbol (left) || without symbol (right)
A gender in some shape or form, is related to both flesh/meat/gore, and stars/space/astronomical bodies.
Fleshstarean can manifest as one's gender relating to both gorecore (and/or slaughtercore) and spacecore. One may simply be both gorecoric and spacecoric, or one may be both gorecoric and spacecoric and collect genders that relate to both gore and outer space.
Fleshstarean can also be called Meatstarean or Gorestarean. This gender may share qualities associated with Astronomique, Caelgender, Spacecoric, Berserkic, Meatgender, Gorecoric, etc.
This gender may present (be experienced) as being any of the following:
A xenogender (or xenine gender), an outherine (or aporine) gender, an aetherine gender, a diastine gender, a macarshric gender, and/or a kenochoric (or kenoine/kenochord) gender. It may also be experienced as a gender that's simply xenic/xeno-aligned, outheric/ outher-aligned, aethic/aetherine-aligned, diastic/diastine-aligned, macric/macarshric-aligned, and/or a kenic/keno-aligned.
When it comes to classification purposes, Fleshstarean would most accurately fit under the Diastine label, as depending on the individual it could be experienced as a xenogender and/or outherine gender, depending on how one experiences their gender in relation to gore and stars/space.
In general the names are set up as Flesh-star-ean, Meat-star-ean, or Gore-star-ean.
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eldorr · 2 years ago
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Flag with symbol (left), Flag without symbol (right)
Anthidial is a gender descriptor, that describes genders that have qualities that present as a specific gender alignment(s), however don’t accurately fit under these things.
The main kinds of gender this was coined to cover being genders relating to concepts, as concepts are quite broad in functionality, since while some concepts ARE tied traditionally to gender, some aren’t and generally are referred to a xenine gender.
However this isn’t only what Anthidial covers, as it also covers ANY gender that can be described as having qualities of other specific things, while not being that thing.
Examples of what this includes (not ONLY what it can include, just some examples):
Concept related genders that aren’t accurately explained under the xenogender umbrella, however also aren’t described by concepts usually prescribed to gender. This can include genders relating to emptiness, wholeness, tiredness, wakefulness, alertness, etc. as these are emotions sometimes prescribed to gender or how one experiences genders, however in this case they’re apart of or included in an abstract concept.
Terms relating to how one uses a gender term, whether it be literally, figuratively, metaphorically, etc. such as an individual who uses catgender to explain how one’s gender feels like how a cat behaves, versus believing their gender is catgender in itself.
Genders described as being similar to existing genders but not being them, such as Antigender, Offgender, etc. This can include genders where one’s gender could be described as “male/female/aporaine/outherine/xenine” but just is something else, and can’t be accurately described as those terms.
This term was originally posted September 21st, 2022.
Anyways yeah had an idea for coining something like this for a while now with the whole “what’s a xenogender anyways” convo going on I noticed a sorta lack of a word people could find useful when coining or describing how their gender feels. There’s also a general lack of terms to describe how a term functions or how one uses terms so I kinda am on a move to coin some terms relating to that sometime idk when.
Anyways this term isn’t an umbrella term in itself it’s more like a bowl, if you feel like a term fits chuck it in, take it out if you want later, it’s just a word to help describe how a gender exists.
That being said this isn’t made to cover pre-existing gender terms that inspired this term (Kenochoric, Luxine, etc.) unless the original coiner explicitly says they’d consider it to be Anthidial. I just felt like MAYBE I’ll coin some things in the future that might fit the gap/blur between Outherine and Xenine since gender is weird, and kinda wanted a baseline term for myself to work off of, one that wasn’t absurdly broad like neogender lol. (I’ll probably coin some genders that could be considered anthidial to feminine, meaning they’re not actually fem but got the qualities, idk)
Like I said Anthidial is to be used like a bowl, not an umbrella. Terms coined with Anthidial in mind are generally seen as their own thing vs an “anthidial gender”. If you have food in a bowl you’re not looking at the bowl that much yeah? This term is mostly for potential classification reasons if any coiners feel like this fits something they might coin feel free to use it.
The wording explaining how something is anthidial may be as long or as short as one wants, it could be as simple as “[x] is anthidial, and therefore isn’t [gender term/umbrella]” and may go over some reasons whether or not the coiner has words to put to it. Anthidial isn’t really to be used as a gender in itself, but if someone feels like it’s a term that can describe their gender vs other terms, feel free to use it ig. It’s supposed to be flexible lol.
I’ll probably edit this at some point if anyone wants to put in any feedback that’d be great. Just noticing how long my rambling is getting vs the actual coining is, oops lol.
Oh yeah the flag was based off of the outherine and xenogender flags b/c I was originally gonna coin this as something else, but decided on this instead. The flag looked nice so I decided to use it anyways.
Oh yeah the name is based on Anthro+mid+ial, I was just looking at general root words and felt like this might fit the best. Since human concepts and all, middle of things, etc. idk how else to explain it lol.
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