tcnked · 6 years
✦ * · ˚ ⌜ paul wesley, amanda, 20, est, she/her ⌟ was that TED TONKS?  i heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is working as an INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are SHARP and GENUINE, although some say they can be AGGRESSIVE and BLUNT. maybe that’s why HE is rumoured to be NEUTRAL. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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so this is ted, he’s really pretty. that’s all u need to know
character insp: ryke meadows, shane madej, jess mariano, jack pearson, ryan atwood, etc.
themes, motifs, and imagery: tba i’m too lazy for this rn.
tw: mentions of emotional manipulation and alcoholism
michael tonks? an absolute asshole of a guy. valerie tonks? horrible stepmom. rachel tonks? great lady, the best, iconic, groundbreaking. didn’t even change her last name back bc it was her son’s and she didn’t want him to feel alone. my name’s amanda and i would die 4 rachel tonks
basically michael and rachel were a really fast-paced relationship. super deeply in love but destined to fizzle out early once michael found the next pretty girl that was apparently better than rachel. and his two year old son. they were in their mid-twenties and she was working with michael during a case he was given and, as the poets say, the rest was history. they were engaged within the first year and married a handful of months after their one-year anniversary. they fell pregnant a couple months later and had a son before they were even together for three years.  the fact that they lasted for years past their honeymoon stage was a gd MIRACLE, to be honest with y’all
they were fairly happy for the year following ted’s birth, but from there things started to go downhill. they started arguing over everything, fights ranging from small things to exploding over something major. the tipping point was when rachel found out he was having an affair --- but of course, it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he was unfaithful. it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he turned to alcohol to deal with their failing family. it’s never his fault; always everyone else. he was a saint, as far as he was concerned!!!! by the time ted was two years old, his parents had divorced. it was an UGLY thing behind closed doors, but as far as michael’s colleagues and the press following his rise as a lawyer knew, it was pleasant. and after a bit, rachel and edward tonks fell back into obscurity. 
she moved out of london and took ted with her farther north, back to her hometown and family, while michael and the woman he had been seeing behind his wife’s back slowly eased their relationship into the public. two years they were married with twins on the way!!!! and for a few years, ted had no idea of his father. the way michael initially wanted it, at least.
ted was seven when michael decided to step back into his life. rachel fought against it, but michael was fuckin relentless and also,,,, a lawyer so he knew his parental rights and what he had and hadn’t given away. ://// so every week he and ted would have lunch or michael would show up at his football games, trying to ease his way into ted’s good graces. and at the time, ted was so easily manipulated that it hurts my heart
he fell for it, for a WHILE not realizing that this wasn’t the proper relationship a son should have with his father. it even got as far as him getting close to his twin half sisters, georgina and cecelia. but it was all very quiet as the older ted got and the more he realized this was SHITTY, the more his father tried to manipulate the situation by blaming things on rachel. or on ted, when he would miss dinners or have to change plans with four of them. and he would keep feeling guilty, and keep falling for it every time. even when his mom would try to reassure him that nothing was his fault. all masked as a good father wanting to be involved with his son and have him involved in this second family’s life as well.
he was just past his tenth birthday when a woman in robes showed up at the doorstep of the tonks home in northern england, weaving stories of a school for magic. it explained a lot of incidents that had been shoved under the rug and never discussed again as ted had grown up, though rachel was undeniably weary with her more catholic background. it took........a lot of convincing to say the least, but by the following september she was alongside ted at king’s cross.
the hat didn’t sit on his head for long before screaming ravenclaw within the great hall. he joined those with eagles plastered on their chests and, for the most part, kept to himself.
ted in hogwarts grew to be a lot more.........stony, for lack of a better word. the boy with endless curiosity and a big heart shifter into someone rougher the longer he faced taunts and whispers and disdainful looks from those of ‘pure’ magical background. despite it all, he was fairly well known around the castle. not always for the greatest things, but he did get himself a certain reputation
ted was no stranger to starting or getting involved in fights around the castle, both physical and verbal. he’s v punch-first, think later
he was such a smart ass honestl y. like fairly self-deprecating but he also didn’t stand for people saying shit??? like if someone said something stupid or rude, he was quick to bite back??? came off as a lil self-righteous, a little condescending when it came to his intelligence. highkey a pain in the ass but overall he meanT well like lived by do what you love, fuck off what u don’t
he was never anything but strongly and genuinely himself tbh. v dry humored, v 'i can do anything'
basically hogwarts ted was hard to ignore even tho he wanted 2 stay to himself
so BASICALLY after leaving hogwarts his dad amped up the shitty game
especially after ted got with andromeda
“how many trips have you made with someone named black but not your FAMILY” “your SISTERS miss you, think you can make some time for them?” “maybe we’d help you if you spent time with your family” it’s v disgusting v rude but like,,,,, he still didn’t know ted was a wizard and anyway
ted grew increasingly sick of it, especially as michael kept pushing and pushing and pushing him when ted and andromeda had to live with rachel for a while following andromeda being disowned. it was a lot to deal with and ted just,,,, lost all patience with it and stopped contacting his father at all
tbh one of his biggest fears is eventually becoming his father and it really worried him that by removing himself from michael and his step mom, that his sisters will think he’s abandoning them
but listen ted at 28 is sorta thriving??? a lot more mentally stable tbh. less aggressive, for the most part. he’s working as an investigative reporter for the prophet. he’s big on digging and figuring out the truth and yeah he’s v aware the prophet isn’t an impartial paper, but like. he’s trying his best out here. getting involved in some shady shit and going under a pen name to avoid potential risks of the wrong people realizing who he is, yikes. not only war-related things, but unicorn blood dealing circles and dragon rings etc etc etc.
also ted as a dad???? iconic. he would do literally anything for dora BYE
and andromeda? always flirting w her tbh, always doing tiny things 2 get under her skin. he was such a pain in her ass at hogwarts goodbYE
anyway dont talk 2 me about him trying to help and cope w andromeda’s like. unspoken problem w alcohol. he’s out here tryin 
this is a lot of word vomit and didn’t cover everything iw anted but. love me plot w ted
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andiestonks · 6 years
✦ * ·  ˚ ⌜ gemma chan, tri, eighteen, aest, she/her ⌟ was that ANDROMEDA TONKS ?  i heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is working as A HEALER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are INDEPENDENT and EMPATHETIC, although some say they can be BLUNT and OLD-FASHIONED. maybe that’s why SHE is rumoured to be NEUTRAL. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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links: stats page & pinterest
andromeda was born and raised to be the epitome of a perfect pureblood little girl. her sweet, feminine looks and sharp, razor tongue complimented each other so precisely that she quickly became the favourite child. she was the leading image to promote the good name of the black family and was nearly always the centre of attention at every pureblood party.
and tbh, she was into it. growing up spoiled af meant she learned to crave attention, to crave praise, and she would stop at nothing to please her parents. of course, she wasn’t always perfect, she was still a child, [ ABUSE TW: but any time she stepped even a toe out of line, she was met with punishment at the end of her fathers belt. END TW ] therefore, she never did step out - and she didn’t want to. she liked to be adored, praised, doted on, and it gave her an intense sense of superiority tbh.
so basically she was the perfect little girl up until she started at hogwarts. and then... well, things started to change.
you see, the thing is, andromeda had never before in her life met anyone with muggle blood, and therefore had no idea who it was she was hating - she’d always just followed in her parents and sister’s footsteps. but when she started at hogwarts, andie met plenty of boys and girls who claimed to be muggleborn or halfblood and...  they weren’t that bad?? and she started to get super confused and wondering why the hell it was she was supposed to hate them so much? and i mean, plenty of them were even better at magic then her, so her entire ideals began to shift 
[ ABUSE TW: but christmas break of her first year, when she went back home and started questioning everything that she once believed in, her father beat her so heavily she was left with a scar across her shoulder. END TW ] after that, she kept her mouth shut.
but it was clear from here on out that andie was no longer the perfect little black child. she was labelled a rebel, she refused to attend the parties her mother begged her to [ ABUSE TW: and she received beating after beating to try and whip her back into shape. END TW ] still, however, she remained strong in her beliefs - she didn’t understand why muggles were beneath them and she would no longer stand for prejudice.
still, however, she was just a young girl. still at hogwarts and still living with her family, she found it incredibly difficult to detach herself from the lifestyle which she grew up in. not only that but she still adored her family, still loved her friends, and she wasn’t so sure she was brave enough to face them on the opposite side of the battlefield.
things changed when in her sixth year she fell in love with a boy called ted tonks. though things might have shifted before they completely changed from here on out, and it quickly became apparent that andie would do anything to be with this boy. even if that meant leaving her beloved sisters and her childhood friends.
with not even a penny to her name, andromeda ran away from home after graduation after admitting to her parents that she had fallen in love with a muggleborn.
both broke and both too young to even understand what they had done, ted and andie stayed with ted’s parents for a while as they worked at bars and restaurants and cafes to try and get some money to find their own place.
and by the time andie was 19, they did it!
they were married young and fell pregnant with nymphadora not so long after. at the age of 21, andromeda gave birth to nymphadora, and while she should’ve been over the moon, things were never going to be so easy.
it wasn’t too long after giving birth that andromeda was diagnosed with post-natal depression. she was hardly able to look after her own little girl yet alone herself. in the tough times when she felt so utterly alone, she found herself turning to alcohol as a way to relieve stress, and she has not been able to ween her way off it since. 
although it’s obviously not post-natal, andromeda still suffers from depression and a form of ptsd. growing up in the home she did and leaving at such a young age, it was hard for andie to not feel hopeless, and she still suffers hard from it to this day. (but will she see anyone about it?? nope.)
a year after dora was born, andromeda enrolled in the healer’s program for a more steady income and for something that she was familiar with (she’d always been known to be a bit of a fretting mum at hogwarts tbh). she’s now a fully trained healer and works specifically with spell damage.
can someone say mum friend?????
very protective over those she considers friends/family. has been known to just take people under her wing and treat them as her own, especially people who have had similarly crap upbringing’s. she knows what it’s like to grow up in a toxic home and really just wants to prove that there are nice people out there who will look after you and love you and just wow i love her
those left over bits from when she was a true pureblood bitch lmao
l isten, it’s impossible really to just completely detach yourself from that with which you grew up believing. she’s been known to still be quite snappy and demanding at times, as well as quick to judge and sometimes manipulative. 
she’s trying her best to be a better person i swear pls give her a chance
*coughs* alcoholic *coughs*
the side of her that spends night after night huddled in the dark corners of seedy bars, downing drink after drink without a care in the world bc she just hates the world tbh and yeah it’s just?? easier.
idk she’s just a mess pls love her
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curseavery-blog · 6 years
✦ * ·  ˚ ⌜ lindsey morgan ⌟ was that BLAKE AVERY ?  i heard the TWENTY-ONE year old is working as CURSE BREAKER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are ADVENTUROUS and RECOURCEFUL, although some say they can be ARROGANT and CUNNING. maybe that’s why SHE is rumoured to be A DEATH EATER. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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sup,  this is my bby.
FULL NAME: Blake Avery NICKNAMES: Avery. AGE: Twenty-one. GENDER: Female. SCHOOL & HOUSE: Hogwarts & Slytherin. SEXUALITY: Bisexual. CLUBS/SPORTS: Used to be on the Slytherin Quidditch team as Chaser.
ϟ grew up in a loving, happy family. it's always been family first at the Avery household. she got anything she wanted from her parents. attention & materialistic things. they did raise her with the blood purity idea, and while she already questioned it at an early age, she never wants to disagree with them.
ϟ the Averys don't do first names so, please call her Avery.
ϟ despite Avery not caring about the blood purity thing herself, she's still a death eater. like i said, family comes first. if her parents want her there, then she will be there.
ϟ avery is into action, a girl who loves to jump in and take life by the horns.
ϟ she’s totally comfortable being in an unstable situation with constantly changing elements. she’s the first person to leap into danger with delight. It's the reason why she became a curse breaker. It takes her all over the world & challenges her.
ϟ v chatty & flirty with anyone. she's friendly at all times, faking more emotions than she feels to get her way. blake uses flattery and charm, reading into what people want and offering it to them. i think a lot of people see her as someone that's on 'their' side.
ϟ she refuses to take anything at face value, but instead questions everything with an earnest desire to get to the truth. she is quick to notice inconsistencies and unafraid to point them out. she has a good sense of most people, but can be willfully blind to their intentions.
Positive traits: adventurous, brave, intelligent & recourceful. Negative traits: cunning, stubborn, reckless & arrogant. Loves: danger, english tea, creatures, spells, quidditch, rain showers, butterbeer, people who make her laugh, sunsets. Hates: being kept out of the loop, liars, and cheaters, being the third wheel, spiders.
random facts
wand; pine, dragon heartstring, eleven and three-quarter inches
wanted connections
[ the yin to my yang, we always get in trouble together ]
[ friends ]
[  we’ve always been best friends, but now you’re hanging around someone else, and i’m incredibly jealous ]
[ we keep bumping into each other, and now it’s getting weird are you sure you’re not stalking me ?? ]
[ we used to date, but now we hate each other or we used to date, and i still have feelings for you. it hurts to see you with someone else ]
[ we were inseparable as children, but we grew apart ]
[ everyone wants us to date, but ew, you’re my friend? ]
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sebnott-blog · 6 years
It’s short. I suck at intros.
Sebastian believes in pure-blood supremacy, and while he can be friendly to a Muggle-born, underneath, he feels the same disgust and superiority that many of his pureblood friends feel.
While he comes from a respected family, he earned all his respect, through his grades at Hogwarts, being a genuinely helpful person to those who need it and of course his job as an Unspeakable.
He keeps his thoughts about the death eaters & blood supremacy quiet. Only his close friends really know how he thinks and what he does.
A charming guy that is friendly to everyone, but doesn’t really let anyone get close to him.
wanted connections
childhood friends
best friend
best friends sibling
upstairs neighbour
downstairs neighbour
childhood crush
friends with benefits
sexual tension 
married couple - separated/separating
arranged marriage
fake couple - ( to make the family happy )
ex-partners - ( ended on good terms, ended on bad terms )
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traivers-blog · 6 years
✦ * · ˚ ⌜ vanessa morgan, amanda, 20, est, she/her ⌟ was that ALIXANDRA TRAVERS ?  i heard the TWENTY-FIVE year old is working as a SECRETARY IN THE AUROR OFFICE now. not surprising, seeing as how they are VERSATILE and VIVACIOUS, although some say they can be CONNIVING and INDULGENT. maybe that’s why SHE is rumoured to be A DEATH EATER. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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hiss hiss
character insp: veronica lodge, stefan salvatore, brooke davis, fallon carrington, serena van der woodsen, gina linetti, katherine pierce, etc etc etc. so many mean girl tropes but we’ll get there later
motifs, imagery, and themes:    a tribute to aphrodite    /    the pop fizz clink of champagne    /    light reflecting off crystal chandeliers like the wink of light against the blade of a knife    /    the fallen princess with a broken crown    /    the wolf in sheep’s clothing    /    sugar of lead    /    more tba.
the travers family are your classic rich purebloods tbh. papa travers is a member of the wizengamot and mama travers is the typical socialite, even though she’s a hell of a lot smarter than her husband. they’re both very big on reputation and blood purity, as per expected, but they’re a lot more subtle about it than expected. like they instilled that superiority in their kids, but they also taught them not to treat anyone outright cruelly. after all, how else do you get many people to like you?
so they typically come off as neutral. alix’s father is more of a death eater spy in the ministry, very charming and boisterous. built up quite a reputation, really. hard but fair! the way to go when it comes to the law. 
they were both very hard on their children. never abusive, they never dared use a spell on their three kids, but they were very strict. alix and her siblings were borderline creepy horror movie calm children growing up like gd. 
her younger brother was the golden son, her older sister was picture perfect, and alix was intended to be the same. the three textbook images of proper pureblood ministry kids. and so long as they stayed that way, kept mom and dad happy, all was well and good. all about crafting them into their images, into pretty quiet little things that won’t question a thing. the next generation of purebloods to carry on the family line and continue the legacy of proper witches and wizards!
but other than ensuring they stayed in line, they were fairly ??? neglectful, for lack of a better word. left their kids to do whatever they wanted really, didn’t pay much attention at home, just when in public.
a lot of stepford wives borderline-brainwashing shit, this society’s gross
when it came to her sorting, the hat did take a hot sec deliberating between gryffindor and slytherin. she eventually got sorted into gryffindor, a big contrast from her siblings’ slytherin and ravenclaw.
and during her time at school she very much grew into this major party girl sort??? without her parents there to dictate and monitor her every move she sorta fell off the rails and did whatever the hell she wanted
pureblood princess gone wild tbh
for a while everyone was whatever with it, she was this huge social butterfly, super bold, super indulgent. had yet to do anything that would really warrant any issues or concerns on the family name. so while she wasn’t the perfect travers daughter people anticipated, she was FUN.  
tbh she had a great time at hogwarts, it was a sort of freedom she’d never been given at home. but she still knew how to compose herself when the time came. very charming, very good at sweet-talking her way out of situations. still very crafty and creative and sly beneath her impulsiveness.
but post-school, it all sort of changed?? there was an incident at an event that led to a near-scandal and her parents all but dropped her. her reputation on the outs in the pureblood circles due to it, a princess fallen from her throne.
tbh i don’t know what the scandal was, i’m pulling stuff out of my ass rn but if someone wants 2 be involved with it, come plot with me xoxo
and from there it’s what led to her joining the ranks of the death eaters. she’s in it for selfish reasons --- to save her own ass. she’s also sort of a glutton for chaos but anyway. she made an agreement with her father to join the ranks of the death eaters --- put her skills to use, frankly. she had always been more intelligent than given credit for and because of the ease people ignored it, it would make it easier for her to accomplish things they needed her to do.
so for the past four years she’s been doing their work and it’s shifted her nature a lot??? she manages to continue to put off actually receiving the dark mark, but working so closely with dark magic is bound to change a person. while she’s still acting on her whims, the free-spiritedness that granted her a home in gryffindor has sort of fell to the wayside to her more slytherin traits. it’s this dichotomy of those two different parts of her that eventually leads to her current assignment
aka, feed the opposing organization information. both true and false. (hi connection idea: the order member she meets to give intel on the purists) 
since her reputation in the pureblood circles is sort of rocky atm, her word is taken as a lil more trustworthy bc she comes across as bitter in regards to the way they’re treating her
tiny n spiteful!!!!! the aesthetic
in reality she’s out here playin everyone. snek in lion’s clothes
her job in the auror office is lots of desk work, lots of customer service
another way of trying to stay in her parents’ good graces :/// she can’t have a serena van der woodsen fall again if she’s working part of the time!!!!! she still messy tho
okay so what i really wanted to play around with with alix was the dichotomy between good and evil and the capability a human being has to do both. this is where the stefan salvatore parallel comes in --- in most instances, people seem to make stefan off the rails a separate entity from stefan with his humanity on, when in reality it’s one complex person. and the things he does with his humanity on don’t excuse what he does with it off etc etc etc. and i wanted to play with similar themes with alix --- what she does as Order Helper Alix, sure as hell doesn’t excuse what she’s actually doing for the death eaters/what she’s doing overall in the bigger picture. but how spending time with the order people changes her and does, in fact, impact her, but how a person can still feel for good-hearted people without truly being good herself. there’s a lot of layers i want to unpack here with this sort of plot, but it comes down to what wins out overall and the complexities it adds to dynamics. how a person can be a villain without actually knowing they’re a villain and that morally grey area
i hope any of that makes sense at all 
basically she has a lot of potential to become tropey and flat if i write this the wrong way so it’s gonna be Challenging
anyway bitch is fucking FEARLESS playing both organizations this way
she’s too self-serving to EVER pledge her 100% loyalty to any side and honestly that’s a mood sis
chaotic neutral BITCH
super feminine, it’s where the serena and brooke davis and veronica lodge come in (jk they’re everywhere else too)
tbh she’s not particularly bitchy, per se??? more snarky and selfish than anything else
just out here tryna live her life basically
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