#answering Jonathan Frakes XD
eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
I have questions for you (well not actually unless you want to answer these)
A youtube video of questions I have for you
OMG LMAOOOO - Got to say it was nice to answer and ecaspe from work drama XD
1.-Have you ever walked out of a mall into a huge parking area and realized you'd forgotten where you parked your car?
Like all the fucking time!
2.-Have you ever gone mountain biking?
Nope - am scared of heights XD
3.-What do you wanna be when you grow up?
Already grown up and have shite job XD
4.-What's the right tip?
I believe about 5€ or more :)
5.-Have you called a plumber to your home lately?
No. . . don't read into it, Tara
6.-How superstitious are you?
7.-How much money would it take to make you spend a night in a cemetery?
Give about my annual income pay for the about 2 years without any taxes - then I shall do it!
8.-Would you display this as a trophy?
Nope - am not Celegorm xD
9.-Do you have a pet?
I did - RIP my beautiful Lucky, I love you forever
10.-Do you have a sweet tooth?
11.-Do you believe in the power of a curse?
Depends on what kind of curse
12.-Have you had your hearing tested lately?
No - probably tested to be half deaf
13.-Planning a trip soon?
Just had a trip to Thailand -so not anytime soon
14.-Can you remember the tallest man you've ever seen?
Maedhros? . . . in my dream? - I think. . .
15.-Do you love to go a-wandering beneath the clear blue sky?
Yes - but no clear blue skies :(
16.-Have you noticed what big stars real estate agents have become?
Weird fake versions of themselves - . . . yea celebrities !
17.-Are you careful with your personal records?
18.-Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own?
Yes - sometimes doesn't do what I tell it to do! Like I never asked the thing to ex. out of that page SMH - I still needed that
19.-Have you ever visited the Chinatown section in a major city?
20.-Have you ever visited a flea market?
21.-Have you ever visited a truck stop?
22.-Have you ever had a job as a waiter?
Yes - back in high school and college
23.-Have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme-based these days?
Oh yea
24.-Have you ever had the desire to write your initials in wet cement?
Wet cement, dough, beach sand, mud ,crave it into a tree - idk you name. But I never done it XD - except the dough and sand of course. OK - maybe on mud too once or twice - in my back garden. . .
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
I just read the question of the anon about your age. You say it is the same as your name, not important. Please don't mind me asking this (also bit of a joke, but hope to get an answer).
Are you wanted, because you don't give away any information about you? Are you just like Jake an hacker? And that you are maybe also wanted (because of that)?
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Well, I just checked your account balance, unfortunately you don’t have enough money to buy this information, so unfortunately you won’t get an answer from me. You have to understand, this information is worth over 10,000.
I have to survive on the run somehow and on top of that this information poses a big risk. (⚠️JUST A JOKE!!!!!)
Well, I guess you’re the same Anon who sent me the second request a few days ago. If not, you will both receive an answer now.
So, no, I’m not wanted by the government. Well, I don’t know anything about it.. So I guess I don’t have to worry about it. xD
However, we now have two problems.
Assuming I’m a hacker, there are two things here that would be quite dangerous for me...
Of course, if I were a fugitive from the government, I couldn’t tell you if it's true or not. Because first, of course, this would be much too conspicuous and my pursuers could find me easier.
If my persecutors might even have some information about me, it could really be that you are not one of my followers but actually someone of my persecutors trying to trap me. And hope for an answer to catch me.
So that means you don’t know now if I’m telling a lie or the truth, so maybe I’m really wanted and nobody knows about it.
>My profile picture is not mine, I discovered it on Pinterest and used it as my profile picture. I don’t have any rights to the picture, and that’s not me on the picture.
Now, as we've established, I could tell you that I’m a hacker or not. I could mention ten times that I am / or not but if it is the truth, you don’t know.🤔
So it’s up to you whether you believe me or not. It’s up to you whether you think I am or not.😂❤️
With this incredibly confusing answer, now there’s only one thing that can make the whole thing even more fun.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear humans, I’m asking for a big round of applause...
Curtain up for...
Jonathan Frakes
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Joking aside..
I just don’t say my name and age because it doesn’t matter, I just don’t feel good about it. I want to stay away from my real life here on Tumblr and just remain anonymous. This is my little world where it’s all about an amazing game and a hacker I love. Not more. :D Maybe I’ll say it sometime, but not yet.❤️
First of all, thanks for your questions. You can’t believe how much fun I had answering.
It will remain an eternal mystery, hehe.
I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and take care of yourself.❤️🎭🌹
Much much Love and feel hugged🥰
I hope to hear from you again, maybe your opinion?🤭
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thefoodwiththedood · 3 years
OC asks, 8, 10, 16, for all of them. XD
PFBT WELL, that'd be kind of a lot to do for all five of my current OCs, so I'll just do Hatou and Oesta for now 👍
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Funny enough, I do actually have voice claims picked out! Hatou's vc is Jonathan Frakes (Will Riker from Star Trek), and Oesta's is Rachel House (Lots of roles from Lots of things).
As for how they talk, I see Hatou being very poetic and flowery with his speech, and generally very sweet. Oesta, on the other hand, is a bit more direct, and tends to say more with less. Opposites attract and all that!
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
That...has several answers, most of which I can't say on Tumblr 😅
For some SFT answers, though: Hatou enjoys fancy formal dress, as any politician in the GFFA does, so I'm sure he has a drawer full of fancy jewelry: golden horn caps, necklaces inlaid with Iridian opal, and certainly a fancy hair clip or two.
For both Hatou and Oesta, they also have several weapons set around their home on Iridia: some hidden, some on display. Hatou's a master swordsman and Oesta's a Mandalorian, so they not only appreciate good weaponry, but they know how to use it too!
16. What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how has that impacted him/her?
I haven't thought much about Hatou and Oesta's childhoods, admittedly! I figure both of their childhoods involved warrior training, though: Hatou learned swordsmanship from his father, who was a great general in the Iridonian army, and Oesta learned to fight like a Mando through their typical, It-Takes-A-Village method of raising kids. Considering both of them have done or are currently doing some sort of fighting, I figure those old lessons are pretty salient in their minds.
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weedle-testaburger · 3 years
I’m not a filmmaker (you can thank internet morons for putting those dreams to rest!) but I’ve always wanted to see a movie where woman is haunted by apparitions of Jonathan Frakes asking her oddly specific questions which disappear before she can answer. It would be terrifying and funny as hell. What do you think?
I mean you could probably just make that by editing together clips of him from that one show tbh XD
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