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"He's the man I prayed for, the answer to my whispered hopes, and the living proof that sometimes, dreams really do come true."
#positivity#quotes#life quotes#quoteoftheday#DreamsComeTrue#AnsweredPrayers#WhisperedHopes#GratefulHeart#DreamsIntoReality#TrueLoveExists#BlessedBeyondMeasure#DreamComeTrue#SoulmateFound#PrayersAnswered#MeantToBe#BelieveInLove#LoveStory#PerfectMatch#LivingMyDream#FaithAndLove#ManifestedLove#DestinedToBe#LoveIsReal#HeartfeltMoments#FoundMyForever#RomanticVibes#TrueLoveJourney
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Wait…What Just Happened by Brenda Gatliff frequently hears messages from loved ones or angels, expressing their peace and happiness. These messages can appear as a person or an angel, reassured by elderly individuals or prayers from someone praying for their safety. Life is filled with miracles, answered prayers, and visits from angels.
Experience the profound messages from beyond. Visit https://www.brendagatliff.com/ to order "Wait…What Just Happened" today!
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Thank you for joining us. We really appreciate you. Our list of songs is the following-- 1- Blessed beyond Expression--Taken from Ps 112. 2- You Heard--Sis Jeannie. A song about answered prayers. 3-Sleeping with the Enemy--Story about Samson and compromise. Your calling is sacred, don't play around with it. 4-I, welcome you, Holy Spirit--The Holy Spirit is our friend. 5- Dressed for Success--The Christian Armor and the battles we face. 6- Joyful Praise--Praise in a Christian Salsa format with lyrics in English. You can hear Sis Jeannie's songs on this link...https://spoti.fi/48sSbL5 Missed previous podcast? Here is our playlist....https://bit.ly/4eXELJA We hope to add more in the future. Be blessed and pray for us.
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Check out the amazing details of how God led Selena to help her neighbor.
It all began with just a friendly invite to her new friend to come and walk with her in the morning. The gals walked together and when Selena sensed distress in her friend's heart she asked about it and if she could pray for her. Listen how God breeched religious and cultural differences and reached around the world to answer the prayers of one friend for another. 🙏🌏
Website: https://churchofgladtidings.com/
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#DailyDevotion The Prayer Of Faith

#DailyDevotion The Prayer Of Faith Jon. 2 3You threw me into the deep water, into the middle of the sea, and the flood surrounded me. All Your waves and billows went over me. 4Then I said: ‘Though I’m driven away from Your presence, I will certainly look again toward Your holy temple.’ Jonah here is recalling being thrown into the sea by the sailors. He does not here condemn them because he told them to throw him overboard to save their lives. If you've ever been in the deep water with waves crashing over you can relate to this. It isn't fun. Probably his clothes eventually started to drag him under. It is amusing to say he was driven from the LORD's presence when it was he himself who was running away from it, which is why he is in the predicament he is in. Now he may be thinking the sea was driving him from the LORD's presence. Jonah here interjects a statement of repentance and faith. “I will certainly look again toward Your holy temple.” Now that he is being prevented by the sea to be in the LORD's presence, he desires again to be in the presence of the LORD. Trusting in the LORD's mercy, kindness, grace, steadfast love and forgiveness (Ex. 34:6), he is confident he will look again toward the temple where the LORD's name, glory and presence was promised to be. 5The water surrounded me, threatening my life; the deep went around me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. 6I went down to the lowest parts of the mountains, to a world whose bars shut me in forever. But You, LORD my God, brought me back alive from the grave. 7When I was fainting away, I remembered the LORD. My prayer reached You in Your holy temple. Again he recalls being in the water. He is surrounded by the sea. He is tied up in seaweed. He can see the depths of the sea. He thought all was lost. I'm fairly certain a lot of people, commentators, and scholars think he is speaking of being in the fish and the fish has taken him down to the depths. But if you are inside of a fish, how would you know? He was thinking, this is it. I'm doomed. Jonah appeals to the LORD the God of Israel. Perhaps he is recalling what he was praying while he was sinking to the depths of the earth. He has faith that the LORD has heard his prayer, vs. 2, enables to say the LORD his God has brought him back from the grave though he is as good as dead being in the belly of the fish. When he remembers the LORD he is confident his prayer reached the LORD in His holy temple. He sees the fish swallowing him being the LORD's salvation. Even though he is about to die in the fish, his confidence is in the LORD's promises. We too can face death and the grave with the same confidence. Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, believing the LORD's promise that through Isaac's seed the world would be blessed and so God is able to raise the dead. (Heb. 11:19) The LORD told him to go to Nineveh and so he believed the LORD would raise him from the dead for this purpose. Jesus would face death and the grave confident He was going to rise on the third day. We can face death and the grave with the same confidence. We have a promise that everyone who believes in Jesus even if we die we will be raised to eternal life and everyone who lives and believes in Him will never die. (John 11:25, 26) We live with this promise of eternal life and the resurrection of our bodies to eternal life. Merciful God and Father, Jonah trusted you would raise him from the dead to complete Your purpose for him. Grant us faith in the promise of Jesus that You will raise us to eternal life on the Last Day so we need not fear death and the grave. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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Koryn Hawthorne - Won't He Do It (Official Music Video) https://youtu.be/OwrE0YjfNGg?si=A6CB0YicRnIv7_Du via @YouTube 🙏💖🔥🔥🔥 another prayer answered! Thank you Jesus! Praising God 💖👏🙌🏻
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Aligning with God's Will: Transform Your Prayers and Life | Purpose Series
#youtube#GodsWill PurposeSeries PrayerLife FaithInAction SpiritualGrowth AnsweredPrayers ChristianMotivation DailyPrayer DivineBlessings SpiritualJou
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#God#Jesus#Holy Spirit#prayer#makeadifference#makingadifference#answeredprayer#Christian#joy#encouragement
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Who Holds Your Prime Focus?
It's been some time, but as usual, I'm channeling all the wisdom life has taught me into this blog post.
I've been eagerly anticipating this week because it marks our planned annual family vacation!
Needless to say, we were all set for the trip. Hotel booked, and with an upcoming exam this weekend, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and explore the city after finishing my exam.
Yet, here I am, confined to our room due to a bout of chickenpox. What luck, right?
A little background: I work online for 35-40 hours a week, and while some may envy my setup, being able to work and be available for my kids 24/7, they don't see the challenges it presents. Often, I find myself burning the midnight oil because I can't complete tasks with my kids constantly interrupting. I've often pondered whether I'd be more efficient if I were single, able to work longer hours and be more productive. Little did I realize, the Lord had other plans, always reminding me of what truly matters.
Anyway! Here I am, quarantined away from my kids while I'm sick. And boy, am I sick—sick with worry about my kids, yearning to hug them, play with them, just be in the same room with them. How did I get myself into this? I know deep down they are my priority, that this—being a mother with a house full of kids—is my dream.
Clearly, the Lord wants to remind me, and He's succeeded, albeit in a pruning manner. Chickenpox, of all things, would make me contagious for weeks, and it means being away from my kids for weeks. The irony? I'm still not productive at work, still unable to put in a full 8-hour day. And strangely enough, I'm more productive with my kids around than when I'm alone.
I'm more productive with my kids around than when I'm alone.
Isn't it funny how the Lord works? He understands our subconscious desires, even those we don't voice. He knows our thoughts and hearts, and He won't let us skip the lessons He has in store for us. It's like the refining process, having painful tears before the transformation.
As Proverbs 17:3 says, "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts."
The Lord is always refining our character. If we trust that He wants what's best for us, then we should be grateful for His refining—even if it brings tears.
Now, I eagerly anticipate leaving this room, excited to play with my little ones, regardless of how many hours remain for me to complete my tasks at work. After all, my idiks are my priority, they embody my answered prayer!
After all, my idiks are my priority, they embody my answered prayer!
Thank you, Lord, for your constant reminders. :)
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Took me a while to get here
I thank you all so much once again for all the support you have been showing the last year. This year has been very rough, and thanks to you I can keep on doing what I love.
2024 will be a wild year. Stay tuned :)
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God answers prayers
asked God to help me reach the never ever getting rid of ME (deep note), which, btw, i never reached that note ever, like i reach it sometimes when im on something, but it goes away, or i reach it once but never again, i always struggle.
So when i asked God to help me with it after trying and all i got is voicecracks, after i prayed i tried again and i did it without having no trouble. Without having to put my head down, without any problem. and until now i can reach it without any difficulty. What can i say? All glory to God. thanks God, your the cause, I love you:)
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Sometimes the meaning of tragedy can be difficult to comprehend but if one has faith all things have meaning.
Question: But why would a loving God allow these tragedies to happen. Does the LORD want us to suffer.
Answer: hmmmmm! I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome
I asked for love and God gave me trouble people to help.
My prayers were answered.
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One of my realizations in life is don't be shy to ask and tell the Lord about your dreams. Our God is a great, great good God and He really answers prayers, sometimes bigger and better than what we asked for.
Love lots, A💞
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#DailyDevotion Tell Your Fellow Saints What God Has Done For You

#DailyDevotion Tell Your Fellow Saints What God Has Done For You Psalm 66 16Come, listen, all you who fear God, and I'll tell you what God did for me. There is praise of God that happens outside the fellowship and praise of God that happens inside the fellowship. David is calling those who are inside the fellowship, those who fear God, to listen to him and hear what God did for me. We all as disciples of Christ have something we can tell our fellow disciples about what God has done for us. Indeed, part of the reason we gather together on Sunday morning is to tell others what God has done for us and to hear what God has done for our fellows. This sharing builds up and strengthens our faith. In hearing that God has done for others, we are able to recognize what God has done for us and vice versa. We can all share what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. He has removed from us the guilt of our sins. Jesus has reconciled us to God the Father by the shedding of His blood. Jesus has calmed our consciences by making them clean and clear as He has taken our guilt and shame upon Himself on the cross. He has given us the assurance the Father loves us and only allows those things into our lives to purify and strengthen our faith in Him. He has given us strength and hope for the day. 17When I called to Him with my mouth, high praise was on my tongue. When we call upon God with prayer, it should not just be a laundry list of things that need to get done. I'm not saying don't bring those things to God, but let us not treat Him like some genie who is beholden to us. He listens to our prayers because He loves us. He wants us to come to Him with all our concerns and cares. Doing so with faith is what demonstrates He is our God. Let us also then in our prayers offer Him thanks and praise. Praise Him for the great salvation He has given us in Christ Jesus. Praise Him for the prayers we have seen answered in our lives. Thank Him for hearing our prayers and answering them even if you have not yet seen them answered but trusting His word that all God's promises are Yes in Christ Jesus. If you cannot think of what to say to praise our God Almighty, say the Apostles', Nicene or Athanasian Creeds. Do you have the Common Doxology memorized? Sing that. 18If I had meant to do wrong, the Lord would not have listened to me. James, in his epistle says as much when he writes in chapter 4, “You don't get things, because you don't ask for them. 3Or you ask for something but don't get it because you want it for a wrong purpose – to spend it on your pleasures.” Do we have ill intent when we pray? Do we doubt God will hear us because we know what we ask for is selfish or harmful to others? You should not think God will hear that sort of prayer. But David does not intend to do wrong with God's answer to his prayer. With the answer to his prayer, he will glorify God and do what is right. 19But God did listen to me and heard me pray. 20Praise God for not rejecting my prayer or withdrawing His kindness from me. We too should be able to say this with David. God has listened to us and heard our prayers. God has not rejected us or withdrew His kindness to us because we prayed with faith in Christ Jesus. We will often see that God has answered our prayers in a manner which is far better than what we have prayed for. We should praise God among the company of saints when we recognize it. Heavenly Father, give us Your Holy Spirit, so we may pray prayers according to You will in order to sing Your praise among Your people. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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