#answered by shingen
writingwhimsey · 5 months
Hello! I saw the prompts and I was hoping i could request! I was thinking of Shingen + the first prompt in the list, it can be written however you want <3 thank you!
Thank you for trusting me with your favorite (and one of mine, I mean how can anyone not love Shingen?)! I just love getting to write for this hunk of a loving man! Hope you and everyone else enjoys!
Smut Is In The Air
Suitor: ikesen Shingen
Prompt: "I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist."
NSFW 18+ content
Together Again
I stood eagerly waiting at the gate, my eyes looking for any sign of him. When I heard the sound of horse’s hooves on the ground, my heart leapt in my chest. A smile naturally came to my face as Shingen came into view on his horse. He looked so incredibly handsome, like a prince or brave knight on his horse.
Shingen smiled as he caught sight of me. He slowed his horse and came to a stop, dismounting and handing his horse off to one of the attendants. As soon as he was free, I rushed over to him, his arms already open and waiting for me.
“Welcome home, Shingen!” I greeted him as I threw myself into his arms, wrapping my own around his middle.
Shingen chuckled warmly as he enveloped me in his embrace. “Perhaps I should go off to more battles just so I can be greeted so enthusiastically upon my return by my beautiful goddess.”
“Oh no you don’t.” I replied, pulling back slightly to look up at him. “While I enjoy greeting you like this, I still prefer it when you’re home…and speaking of battle, you weren’t hurt at all were you?”
Shingen lifted a hand to caress my cheek. “I prefer to be home with you as well, my love.” He told me. 
“I notice you didn’t answer my question. Were you hurt?” I asked.
Shingen lowered his voice so that only I could hear his next words, as there were some soldiers and attendants still around. “I did suffer, but I don’t want anyone else to know. Would you mind treating me in our room?”
I gasped as I looked up at him. “Of course!” I replied, taking his large hand. “Come on let’s go.”
It didn’t take too long for Shingen and I to reach our room. Once we did I was instructing him to sit down. “Okay, where are you injured? Let me take care of it.” I said, going to grab the bandages and other first aid supplies we kept on hand.
“My goddess is truly a wonderful one. Wanting to treat me so.” Shingen said, as he sat down. 
I turned back to him and walked over to kneel down in front of him. “Where is it?” I asked.
“Mmm…it’s here.” Shingen answered, gesturing to his lips.
Shingen grinned. “My lips suffered a grievous injury and the only thing that can cure them is a kiss from my one true love.”
I looked at Shingen, blinking in disbelief before smiling and shaking my head. I did playfully bat at his shoulder. “You had me worried! I thought you were seriously injured!”
“Forgive me, but I couldn’t help myself.” Shingen replied, his arms reaching for me and wrapping around me, pulling me into his lap. “Though I do consider my lips missing yours to be a great deal of suffering.”
“Well…mine have been suffering similarly as well.” I replied. 
“We certainly can’t have your beautiful lips suffering any longer.” Shingen replied, his fingertips sliding beneath my chin, coaxing my gaze up to his.
Our lips met in a sweet kiss. When we broke the kiss, I looked at Shingen. “Hmm, I missed you, my love.”
“As I missed you, my darling.” Shingen replied, resting his forehead against mine. “I thought of you every night while I was away…and dreamed of you every night.”
“Really?” I asked. 
Shingen nodded. “Yes. Every night. I dreamed of coming home to you. Kissing you. Holding you…I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
I felt myself warming at his words and how his voice pitched lower as he spoke of how he missed me. I looked deep into those gray eyes, seeing how much he loved me and desired me. I saw my own desire reflected in those gray pools. “Hmm…I think we could easily make those dreams a reality. I mean, we’ve already kissed and you’re holding me…we just have one more thing to complete.”
Shingen grinned at me. “I was hoping you would say that.” He replied, gently pushing me back on the tatami mat floor and sliding his body over mine. “I adore you, my goddess.”
I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “As I adore you, my darling.”
Shingen leaned down, bringing his lips to mine as his hands moved to caress my curves through the fabric of my kimono.
“Mmm, do not tease me, my love.” I told him, wearing a pout. 
“What do you mean?” Shingen asked.
I reached and undid the obi at my waist, allowing my kimono to fall open and bare myself before his worshipful gray eyes. “I want to really feel you.” I told him, reaching for his hand and bringing it to my breast, above my heart. “Skin to skin.” 
Shingen’s face flushed with pleasure. “My goddess is bold tonight…I rather enjoy it. Nor can I deny such a request.” He said, sitting up to undress himself before leaning back over me.
Shingen pulled me into his embrace, his large frame fully encompassing my smaller body. I wrapped my arms around him as our lips met in a passionate kiss. Shingen’s tongue danced teasingly along the line of my lips, slipping between them.
I eagerly met his tongue with my own, my hands sliding over the strong muscles of his back… good lord was his body amazing?! Shingen’s large hands moved over my body, caressing my tender flesh in my most sensitive of places. 
Shingen’s lips moved from my mine to trail along my jaw and down the side of my neck. “Mmm, your skin is as soft as ever.” He murmured. “I’ve missed touching you over these last few weeks.”
“I’ve missed your…t-touch…” I replied, my voice turning to a moan when Shingen’s hand slipped between my thighs to toy with my sensitive bud. His long calloused fingers stroked me in the most skillful manner and perfect rhythm only Shingen could do. “Ah…Ngh…Shingen!”
“How I have missed the sound of my name being sung from your gorgeous lips.” Shingen murmured into my ear before giving a playful nibble to my lobe even as his fingers continued to stroke me, building my pleasure.
“Hmm…Shin…gen!” I moaned. “Mmm…I want…more…I need you…” I pleaded wanting to be as close to him as possible,
“I cannot deny the pleas of my goddess.” Shingen replied. 
“Besides…we have to…make your dreams…come true.,.” I told him, giving him the most alluring look I could.
Shingen smiled at me, removing his fingers from between my thighs. He positioned himself between my legs. Shingen’s hungry lips captured mine, his hot tongue diving into my mouth even as he plunged his cock into me, filling me completely. 
I responded, my legs wrapping around his waist, and my moans spilled into Shingen’s mouth as he filled me and overwhelmed my senses. In this moment, Shingen was all I could see and feel, he was the very air I breathed. His hands roamed over my body and his lips left mine only to trail over my neck.
“Mmm…I love worshiping you, my goddess.” Shingen murmured into my ear. “You always look so beautiful, but I especially love the way you look when I make love to you.”
“Mng… Shingen…I love you.” I told him, my voice a moan. 
“As I love you, my goddess.” Shingen replied, kissing lovingly over my neck and chest, all while continuing to thrust into me.
My hips bucked of their own accord, meeting each of his thrusts. I wanted nothing more than to keep being close to Shingen. I indulged in the loving pleasure that Shingen readily shared with me. I could feel the white hot heat building up inside me as Shingen continued to make love to me.
“Shingen!” I moaned as I felt that coil that had been winding tight finally snapped, sending me into pure bliss.
Shingen let out a groan of my name as my walls clamped down on him, pulling him into his own release. His hips slowed before stopping, him remaining inside me. His forehead rested against mine, gray eyes gazing into mine with such love and desire.
He kissed me gently, lovingly on my lips. “I love you.”
I smiled up at him. “I love you, too Shingen.”
“Now…let me continue to love you. We have a lot of missed time to make up for.”
I smiled at him, lifting my hand to caress his cheek. “Only if you let me love you in turn.”
“Happily, my angel.” Shingen replied, before kissing me once again, our long passionate night only beginning. We would spend the night drowning in our love and passion for one another.
@limonzu @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86
and adding @venulus and @tiny-wooden-robot because Shingen
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Hi! Can I have a request please in which MC decides to have le Warlords try the "Period Cramp Simulator"? Just imagine them boasting that they'll be fine, only for them to kneel over in pain. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Again, Anon, I am sorry for taking so long. Hopefully my schedule should clear up soon…? But here is your request!
Oh, this is a fun request. But it involved some serious thinks… these warlords are pretty stoic. In my memory they’ve been shot (arrows and bullets) beaten up, fallen (or jumped) off cliffs, stabbed in battle, stabbed daily by Kenshin and defied a terminal illness without complaint….
So, really, are they going to be defeated by a period simulator? Are they? Let's see....
Upon hearing of such a device there is a great argument over who would be able to last the longest. And so a contest is proposed….
Contest Rules:
One: Mai is not allowed to watch as all agree that none of them will admit to pain in her presence. (She hides in the ceiling and watches anyway).
Two: Yelling, yelping, screaming are grounds for elimation.
Three: Sasuke runs the experiment and controls the simulator. He is the judge as to whether or not a warlord has been eliminated. Why Sasuke? First, because they all trust him enough to run the device equally and not cheating for your lord, Hideyoshi and Kanetsugu. Second, because he is a sensitive new age guy and freely admits that period cramps hurt (he secretly tested the stimulator on himself when he was alone and tapped out at level eight).
Let the games begin! Sasuke places the simulator patches on everyone, and from a master switch, turns the device on so that everyone hits level one simultaneously.
Level One:
All warlords are fine. Ranmaru earns the wrath of the room by noting that it “kind of tickles.”
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Two:
Such serious faces. Everyone is concentrating.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Three:
There are a few deep breaths happening now, but nothing that could be defined as yelling, yelping, or screaming.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Four:
Sasuke walks around the room for a long, slow time, looking at everyone’s faces, until Kenshin tells him to get on with things and start making it hurt. When is the pain going to start? Kanetsugu chimes in, telling Sasuke to move things along, so that Kenshin can have his pain. There are quiet whispers of, ‘yes, hurry, let’s move it along,” and a lot of internal, “let’s get this over with now, kthxbye” thoughts.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Five:
Kicho accuses Nobunaga of wincing. Motonari is quick to agree that Nobunaga winced. Hideyoshi defends Nobunaga, says that he would never wince, it was just a natural blink. After a short discussion, it is decided that Nobunaga did not wince, and further accusations of wincing, or yelling, or thereof will be cause for forfeit.
Nobunaga silently admits to himself that he quite possibly winced, but now that he knows what to expect, he is prepared for the next wave of … oh shit.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Six:
Ranmaru, Keiji and Yoshimoto incur a forfeit by accusing each other of wincing. They escape the room. The fourteen remaining warlords quickly look around, but no other accusations are made.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Seven:
There is a lot of visible sweat, careful breathing, and gritted teeth happening. Internally, there is a lot of very creative swearing, using words in combination rarely spoken out loud.
Kennyo puts himself into a meditative state. Masamune wonders if that would be considered cheating, but Kennyo points out that he’s not preventing anyone else from meditating, he’s just using the skills he has.  No one is willing to discuss the matter further, and Shingen notes that Kennyo is correct, and can they please keep going.
Privately, Shingen vows to give every one of his female spies three days off a month, and a pay raise.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Eight:
Sasuke looks at every face and pauses at Ieyasu’s for a long time. Ieyasu says that while he is not bothered by the cramp simulator, Sasuke is making him very uncomfortable. Sasuke replies that he’s impressed by Ieyasu’s stoicism and by the way when this is over, can he have Ieyasu’s autograph. Ieyasu rips the simulator off and stomps out, deciding that while he can endure the pain, he can’t deal with Sasuke.
Ieyasu goes home and hugs his emotional support sourdough starter for the rest of the day.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Nine:
Kanetsugu looks over at Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi…. “Are you two holding hands?!” Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi look down at their joined hands and instantly let go of each other. “No!” they both yelp.
Some time is lost while it is debated whether or not that counts as period simulator yelping, and after everyone votes (voting signified by slow careful hand raises), they are both allowed to continue in the competition.
Yukimura curls himself into a silent, fetal ball – but he does not yelp or yell, so Sasuke is inclined to let him continue.
Sasuke bumps the intensity to Level Ten:
The warlords sit in silent agony.
Time ticks onward.
No one taps out.
Everyone stares at each other’s faces.
“Perhaps we can consider this a tie,” Shingen suggests.
There is immediate universal assent from the rest of the room, and Sasuke agrees. “Take off your simulators.”
Twelve warlords quickly – but nonchalantly – remove their devices. Then Masamune notices… “Mitsunari, lad, you can take the device off now.”  Hideyoshi rushes over to his vassal, worried that perhaps the young man has passed out.
Mitsunari looks up from the book he has been reading. “I’m sorry, did you say something? He gazes around the room. “Oh, are we starting the contest now? Go ahead, Master Sasuke, I’m ready.”
Mitsunari declared the winner.
There will be a celebratory banquet for him…. next week… when everyone else has recovered.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Congratulations on the followers! :)
May I request, Shingen and words/silence?
Thank you in advance, and congratulations again!
Aye, thank you, dear <3 Aaah, I still can't believe you've handed me your fave like this! I hope I did him justice!
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»All the things we choose to share«
Shingen x Reader Comfort, Fluff-adjacent Content Warnings: none
The weight of the world feels heavy on your shoulders, although you cannot recall ever being approached about carrying it in the first place. Perhaps it is not the world in its entirety… No, no, as you think about it now, most definitely it is not; it is the crumbs you’ve been gifted by fate, the few familiar faces, loving hands, the recurring cough taken straight out of your nightmares, this little big land that both matters and matters not. This veranda that you sit on. Those autumn leaves that fall in ochre rain, each droplet-leaf a caress delivered to the mother earth, an embrace upon return to its home.
You sigh.
Another world you carry in yourself – a word. A world. What a coincidence. So close, yet so far apart, but here and now, you can hardly tell where the difference lies. You shake your head, to shake yourself free from the thought; too late, however. A haori is draped over your shoulders, the boards creak as somebody sits by your side, a warm cup is pushed into your frozen hands. You look down. Tea.
You turn your eyes towards the man sitting next to you. Shingen smiles at your surprise, his lips forming but the gentlest of curves, concerned care smouldering in his ashen eyes. No words seem to linger in his lungs as he takes a sip from his cup, his attention drifting towards the gardens. Wind caresses his face, combs his hair back… strikes him with what force it can muster, but much like a mountain, Shingen does not budge. He does not seem to notice, in fact.
“I have been wondering,” he says, the few mere words somehow being enough to startle you, “what it may be that could trouble even a goddess.”
You lower your head. “Oh. Did I seem worried?”
“You do seem worried now, angel,” he insists. His brow furrows ever so slightly as his hands, so rough yet so gentle, so rough yet so warm, fall atop yours. Your fingers twine together. “And… I’d like to know why.”
Your body is too vast. It feels partially hollow, as if your soul has rapidly shrunk, leaving you a bell with a trembling clapper on the inside. The only question remaining is when – not if, when – you’ll make a sound.
Perhaps… now. But not quite.
“I will tell you, I promise,” you sigh. The struggle stuck in your throat seems to be dislodged now, and so you deflate. Your shoulders slump. “I just need a bit more time.”
Shingen does not say a word; instead, his thumb brushes against yours. His grip grows firmer, but before you can question it, your world turns. For the better, for you both are close now; for the worse, as you both are close now. Your eyes begin to prick, upset by the silent currents coursing below your lids. Freshwater streams, as irreplaceable to the heart of a mountain as you are to his.
Somewhere in the province of Kai, hidden in the embrace of its very lord, you are free and freely do you feel. Shingen? Your rock. The home found, rescued, cherished… The home that finds, rescues and cherishes back. May the water run for now. Cleansed, you will talk. You’ve made up your mind.
Tag list: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86 @rinaririr @cheese-ception
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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oda-princess · 9 months
(1 char) Kenshin 8
(2 char) Sasuke/Yuki 7 and 8
(2 char) Kenshin/Shingen 10
Ackkk, I took too long to answer this, I'm sorryyy (。>⌓<。)
8. What would they get you for your birthday, if anything?
Oh I love this one, especially because my birthday was just a few days ago!!!
Hmmm…. its canon that Kenshin goes full on sugar daddy while buying stuff for us/mc, so I’m guessing that whatever he chooses to get, he’d make it extravagant as HELL. Be it gifts, celebration or anything else. 
On the other hand, he would also want to be the only person who gets to spend time with us on our bday (also canon lmao), so he’d probably take us out somewhere where it’s only the two of us and we can spend quality time together without any interruptions. I can also see a certain flower field being involved (✿ ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Sasuke and Yukimura
7. Who would win in a dance-off?
Yukiiiiiiii !!! 
He would definitely be awkward at first but once he gets used to it, he’d be busting moves left and right! This might especially be the case if he is drunk. 
But I think Sasuke can also pull it off though. I have this scenario in my head which I would like to be able to draw some day, where Sasuke and my oc (Kenshin’s mc) randomly break into dance while hanging out, maybe to something like toca toca , and in the distance, a very confused Kenshin and Yuki just stare off, wondering why they always keep landing such weirdos (They love their weirdos tho)
8. Who would be the better singer?
Okay, hear me out! I know this might sound weird, but I’m gonna say Sasuke. 
For all his monotone reputation, I imagine he’d actually be a very good singer, unsuspecting and might surprise everyone, even his own mc (much like what we experienced with Kanetsugu).
A few years into the future, he’d probably love to sing his kids to sleep at night, although he might still do it with a straight face  XD
Kenshin and Shingen
10. They swap bodies for 24 hours! How badly do they mess up (or improve) each others’ lives?
Oh boy...This would be a true nightmare for all the residents of Kasugayama. It wouldn’t take long for everyone in the castle to become aware that something is deeply wrong with both their lords. The vassals would be stunned and low-key afraid when Shingen beats all of their asses during training mercilessly . And can you imagine the surprise/horror that Yuki and Sasuke would be in for when their dear, beloved lord Shingen chases them around the castle with a sword because he is bored ?
The most unfortunate of the bunch though, would be the women at Kasugayama. I don’t know what would terrify them more- them running into ‘Shingen’ expecting him to greet them with his usual sunbeamy smile and flirtatious words but instead he dismisses them with an intimidating glare as sharp as a knife OR when the God of War - Uesugi Kenshin, who is known for hating women, suddenly starts referring to them as ‘Goddesses’ and ‘Angels’ and other honeyed words with a smile as blinding as the sun. Rip them lol
Thanks a lot for the ask !! I had fun with this ❤️
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devil-queen · 11 months
The internet is down at my job so I have nothing to do, which anime character should I hyperfixate on for the next couple hours 🤔
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sh0jun · 2 months
Ikemen Sengoku Modern AU
Boys as various university professors or teachers--
I'm not elaborating it much for now
Maybe there would be updates idk--
Oda forces
→ Nobunaga Oda (Academic Head/Economics teacher)
He's gonna have a separate drawer in his office FILLED with candies
That drawer has a lock on it all the time (he doesn't want Hideyoshi to find out about it)
→ Hideyoshi Toyotomi (history teacher)
Really looks up to the department head
Very patient with all the students and will help each and every single one of them :)
You'd see him in the halls A LOT
so be careful. If you get caught breaking the rules you WILL be lectured by him
He keeps a check on every teacher's health too- also he would tell you to take it easy if he sees that you're not well
Also pretty good at giving motivational speech
→ Mitsuhide Akechi (computer science)
Okay hear me out. This man will be GOOD with computers and technology.
The event stories prove it
He's the teacher you'll go to every time there's something wrong with your iPad
And he WILL tease you endlessly
→ Mitsunari Ishida (Maths teacher)
For obvious reasons.
Our clumsy but very smart angel.
He'll be very kind. And calmly teach you if you're having trouble with a math problem no matter how many times you come to him
But no matter what you do, you won't be able to get his attention if he's reading
The janitor has caught him several times in the library reading books in a secluded corner when it's late in the night
Librarians sometimes have to kick him out
→ Masamune Date (food tech)
I think it's self explanatory (I don't have anything to say about him I'm sorry-)
You'd always. ALWAYS. catch him at the farmers market.
→ Ieyasu Tokugawa (Biology/ chemistry teacher)
He knows his stuff when it comes to plant and medicine
He'd be very cranky if you come to his with a question but he will answer it in full detail
He does NOT like the math teacher
The math teacher and the physics teacher seem to constantly fawn over him which he does not enjoy.
→ Keiji Maeda (Drama/music teacher)
Pretty self explanatory this one.
He and the literature teacher are good friends :3
Best friends in fact.
He's the cheery teacher. Very enthusiastic.
→ Ranmaru Mori (teacher assistant)
The principal's assistant to be more specific
Running around doing errands for Nobunaga. Looks very cute and is very helpful
The students love him
Kasugayama forces
→ Kenshin Uesugi (specialist PE teacher/sports department head)
Martial arts. Fencing. Horse riding. Swimming. Sword fighting. You name it
This guys knows EVERYTHING
he trains students in these sports for competitions.
The group sports activities go to the other gym teacher
Very cold. And seems very rude and icy. But will teach you if you ask for his help
Also do NOT expect him to go easy on you
It's your first time learning judo? Will TOO bad. You will be thoroughly beaten up by this guy
→Shingen Takeda (DT/department head)
The hot teacher who's at the carpentry workshop
Many students attend the workshop JUST to see him
Very nice. Flirt to everything that breathes
Loves sweets just like the academics Department head.
But doesn't like Nobunaga at all
→Yukimura Sanada (PE teacher)
The worst PE teacher you'll ever have 💀
Doesn't know how to talk to students or teachers which result in him getting some pretty snarky comments
Is in charge of preparing sports teams for sports competitions
Does not like Kenshin's guys but has to put up with them
He's best friends with the physics teacher and they sometimes show experiments together (yuki is the lab rat of course)
→Sasuke Sarutoki (Physics teacher)
That fun physics teacher that shows experiments in the class
Uses memes in his lectures
All his lectures are extremely fun
The students are often confused as to how does he always has a straight face
The PE teacher is his guinea pig at times
The sports department head has some beef with him for some reason
→ Yoshimoto Imagawa (Arts teacher)
The guy LOVES art and appreciates it to his fullest
This job was MEANT for him
Will appreciate your art and also give you pointers if you ask for it
Very charming
Students fawn over him
Has a very soothing voice along with a pretty face
→ Kanetsugu Naoe (Literature teacher)
Teaches English along with Japanese
Very strict
He's pretty and has little fangs but the students are afraid of him
A very good teacher
But also does some very strict marking in tests
Do not try to fight with him cause he will point out all the grammatic errors
Lone forces
→ Kicho (linguistics teacher)
Teaches other foreign languages
Like French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, arabic, Russian. You name it.
This guy is a genius
He and the computer tech teacher are cousins
Seems very tired always (cough blackholes cough)
→ Motonari Mouri (portugese teacher)
No comment on him.
Those who know him well will probably get it.
Will teach you every single curse word there is >:D
→ Kennyo (History teacher/ religious studies)
He does not like how modern studies are taking over
No phones allowed in his class
Very calm but also hella intimidating
Uhhh- does not put up well with the Computer tech teacher's antiques
Usually eats alone outside with cats.
Animals love him <3
→ Mai Mitsuzaki (Textiles teacher)
Das right. Mah girl gets her own category
The most fashionable teacher on campus
Everyone loves her
Shingen, Masa and she are the DT trio
Will teach you all there is to know about clothes and fashion
Designs the best clothes
She should be a designer.
Tags: cause idk who wants to be tagged--
@ikesenanigans (we came up with these together<3)
@rubia8 @bakersgrief @nightvers @ginshoujo @y2ashlee
Anyways Enjoy :D
This is my first hc that i wrote--
Leave in the comments whatever else you want to add? Idk how this works bro- ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
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ikeromantic · 3 months
Entwined, Ch 12
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Part 12 of a multipart series. Mai has been reborn in the modern age after a full life in the Sengoku. The warlords as spirit animals find her again after 500 years of searching for her soul. Approx. 3300 words.
Chapter List
Mai struggled not to fall asleep. Exhaustion had her in its grip, but she wanted - needed - to see Mitsuhide before she let herself give in to it. The cold, sterile hospital air kept her alert as she sat waiting. The rabbit watched her with a disapproving gaze, its mismatched eyes flicked between her and the pillow on the other end of the bed. 
“You can stop looking at me like that. I’ll rest after I talk to Mitsuhide,” she told the rabbit. Somehow, it didn’t feel silly talking to him. 
The rabbit huffed and rubbed its face with a paw. Then it hopped over and snuggled onto her lap, placing its paws on top of her uninjured hand. It looked up at her with a serious expression, its nose twitching. 
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you’re worried about me.” Mai stroked the bunny’s long, soft ears. “I guess that’s why you’re a good therapy rabbit, huh?”
“He probably is. I know I am.��� 
The unexpected voice made Mai do a little hop on the bed. She looked up to see a gorgeous, pink haired guy standing in the doorway. He held a bouquet of pink roses that nearly matched the color of his hair. “Ranmaru?”
He smiled brightly. “You remembered me! I am so glad!” The roses went onto the small table by the door as he stepped closer.
“Umm, of course. But . . .”
“What am I doing here?” He gave a slight shrug. “Well. I heard you were hurt. See, Kennyo - my agent - is old friends with Shingen and, anyway, it’s not important. What matters is, are you ok?” His gaze traveled over her, brows drawing together with worry. 
Mai paused, not sure how to politely ask why a guy she’d met once on the train was in her hospital room. The question felt both completely unnecessary and pretty damn important. There was part of her that felt like, of course Ranmaru was here! And another that found it bizarre. 
“I’m doing ok,” she said after a pause. “But, Ranmaru . . . who are you? Really?”
He smiled with wide, innocent eyes. It was the kind of expression that might completely derail someone’s thoughts with just how adorable he was. “I am so happy you’re alright. When we heard what danger that - that kitsune put you in -”
“Wait, we?”
Ranmaru blushed, and took a breath. “Mm. My manager and I. Anyway, look! I brought you a treat!” He pulled out a candy box in a colorful furoshiki. He handed it to Mai. 
She took it but didn’t open it. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“I told you who I am on the train. And you remembered me. My last name is Mori, but don’t tell anyone, ‘kay?”
She frowned. “That’s not what I mean. I mean . . . who are you to me? How do you know me?”
Ranmaru’s mouth opened, then closed again. “Umm. Is it ok if I can’t really talk to you about that just yet? Because I could never lie to you, Mai. But some things you have to be ready to hear.”
“I’m ready right now.” Mai crossed her arms and tried to hold onto her frown and her glare. It was hard because the sweet-faced Ranmaru looked as if he might start crying. 
After a long, awkward pause, his shoulders fell. “Alright. I’ll tell you what I can. But you have to promise not to let Mitsuhi- ah!” 
The man appeared behind Ranmaru as if summoned by his name. Mitsuhide’s slender fingers curled around Ranmaru’s shoulder. There was an audible pop and suddenly, Ranmaru was gone. Mitsuhide held a struggling white stoat in his hand.
“It seems you’ve been plagued by visitors without a chance to rest, little mouse.” 
Mai was so shocked she couldn’t speak. 
Mitsuhide’s golden gaze settled on the rabbit in her lap beside the sweets Ranmaru brought. “You should go. She is in my care now.”
The rabbit thumped its foot against the mattress, fur bristling. 
“We can discuss your accusations later, Uesugi.” Mitsuhide’s expression was cold and his tone one of icy disdain. 
After a huff, the bunny leapt down from the bed and loped out of the room. 
Mitsuhide set the stoat down after it and closed the door. “There. Much better.” He smiled and sat down at the edge of Mai’s bed. 
“D-did Ranmaru turn into a weasel? I saw him just - just -” She tried to make sense of it, but the only thing that came to mind were folktales. Stories that clearly weren’t true. Except what she’d just seen could have come from one of them. 
“Is that what happened, little mouse? I think you may be more tired than you realize.” He set a warm hand on her leg, squeezing her calf gently. 
Mai felt a knot of tension she hadn’t even realized she was carrying release at his touch. “I-I am, but he - you -”
Mitsuhide smiled, though the expression looked strained. “And you are on something for the pain as well. Perhaps things are not quite as they seem.”
“No. I want you to tell me now. What - what is going on? How do I know you? And - and the others? Shingen and Sasuke and Ranmaru and -” The stress and horror of her day fell on her all at once. She felt the most absurd urge to fling herself into Mitsuhide’s arms and burrow her face against his chest to cry until the tightness in her released. A tear rolled free from the corner of her eye and slid down her cheek.
He took her in his arms, careful of her injuries. His scent enfolded her as she pressed her face against his shoulder and let herself relax into his touch. Mitsuhide’s hand stroked her back, slow calming motions to ease her tired heart and mind. 
“I want to - to be mad at you,” she confessed. “You never answer my questions. And something IS happening. Something I - I don’t understand but you,” she leaned back to look him in the eyes. “You are right in the middle of it.”
Mitsuhide’s expression was unreadable. His eyes glinted with hidden secrets and stories, and his lips were pressed to a thin line. “You’ve been through enough for tonight, little one. Why are you looking for more trouble?”
She took a shaky breath. “Is that what you are?”
“Trouble?” He chuckled. “I have been called worse.” He brushed her hair back from her face, his fingertips trailing along the edge of her ear. “I suppose I am.”
Mai took his hand in hers. “I want to know, Mitsuhide. Everything.”
He sighed and stroked a finger along the back of her hand. The sensation was like a candle flame that raced up the nerves of her arm and set her heart on fire. “Everything? I wouldn’t know where to start. And this is not the time for what questions you have.”
“But -”
“You will need to be focused when you speak to the police. They want your report of tonight’s events. I don’t want you to worry about . . . other things.” His thumb was a warm, comforting pressure at her wrist. “Trust me.”
“I do. I don’t know why but I do.” Mai didn’t want to think too long on that statement. It was irrational, mad really. She knew very little about Mitsuhide. And though he’d saved her, he also put her in danger. “Just please, next time you set up a clever plot, can you just . . . I dunno. Warn me?”
Mitsuhide stroked his finger along the line of her jaw, stopping at her chin. “I will. I promise.”
She studied his face, hoping for some sign of his thoughts. After a moment, Mai gave up the effort. “Alright. I’ll take that, I guess.” 
“Good. Now, little mouse, you need to sleep.” His crescent moon smile returned as he brushed his thumb over her brows. “Your eyes are puffy.”
“You are so -” Mai felt at a loss for words. But his teasing really did make her feel better. “Just grrrr.”
“Mmm. Just?” 
A laugh escaped her still-parted lips. “Yeah. Pretty much.” 
Mitsuhide ruffled her hair. “I shall endeavor to be more. I’d hate to be relegated to a mere sound of frustration in your mind.” 
“I wouldn’t say mere. Sometimes you’re practically a symphony.” 
“Of more than frustration, I hope?” His golden gaze was impossible to look away from. The playful glint, the soft vulnerability in them intoxicated her. 
Mai swallowed. “A - a lot more.”
“Then I will be satisfied for now.” He moved to stand, relinquishing his hold on her.
Mitsuhide paused, an eyebrow raised.
“I - I don’t want to be alone right now. I won’t sleep if - if you leave.” It was a bit of emotional blackmail, she knew. But it was true as well. She didn’t want to be alone, and more than that, she wanted the company of one particular, infuriating man.
His thin smile stretched wide, a soft, resigned exhalation. “I have places to be, but there is a little time between. I will stay, just until you fall asleep. Is that acceptable?”
She nodded, feeling a little guilty. 
Mitsuhide sat down again on the edge of the bed. “Lie down. All the way.” He gently took hold of her shoulder and supported her as she laid back. Then he tugged the blanket up to her chin and made sure her arms were under it. 
“I’m not a little kid,” Mai pouted, feeling exactly like a child. 
“No. You aren’t.” He drew a hand over her face, his fingertips brushed lightly over her. The light touch caused her eyes to flutter shut. 
Mai found it hard to open them again. The thin hospital blanket felt warm with Mitsuhide sitting so close. Her body gave in to the need to sleep. The world drifted away, all her questions, all her worries, sliding away into a comforting darkness. “Thank you,” she murmured, “for staying.”
The last words she heard before sleep took her, “I have never been able to deny you, little one.”
A hawk sat on a bare branch of an ancient cedar tree, staring down imperiously at the other animals gathered there. A one eyed tiger striped cat sat on a lower branch, cleaning its fur while a white rabbit chewed furiously at a clover blossom below it. A squirrel perched, half hidden in the foliage, while a pig snuffled around the roots, ridden by a small, grey hamster. There were other even stranger animals - a kangaroo, and a white weasel, a peacock, and a wolf. In the center, at the base of the vast trunk, sat a single white fox with golden eyes.
“She could have died. Again. The kitsune’s worse at this than I am.” The kangaroo spoke, his voice loud enough to carry through the odd gathering. 
The fox sniffed. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
“No? Because if this is your protection, the angel might be better off without your interference,” the bear rumbled.
“A true tactician would have considered the possibility of her arrival, and planned for it,” piped the small, grey hamster with violet eyes. His fur bristled as he glared at the fox.
Several other voices rose then, a cacophony of worry and anger. The hawk cut it short with a harsh cry. “Enough!” His piercing, garnet gaze pinned each of the animals to where they stood, sat, or perched. “Let the kitsune speak.”
The fox swished its tail once, a grin spreading over his face, but with fangs bared it was anything but friendly. “Thank you all for your . . . insights. The little mouse would be overwhelmed by your concern.” His red tongue lolled between his jaws as he turned his head to regard each animal with a hard, cold golden eye. “She may not be so pleased that you all think her cowardly or incapable.”
“Hey! We never said that,” growled a wolf, hackles raised. The bear beside him put a paw on the wolf’s back, smoothing the grey-brown fur. 
“Oh? Is it not implied?” The white fox widened one eye as if to arch his brow.
The gathering exploded again in a mix of voices and bestial growls. Surprisingly, it was the rabbit that brought them to order this time. The white bunny thumped its foot hard against a tree root until the rest of the beasts fell quiet. “Make your point, kitsune. I am bored of talking.”
“My point? Hmmm.” The fox smiled again. “Only that you have all discounted how very capable my little mouse is. I could not keep her out of harm’s way before, and I cannot now. None of you can, because she is not a bauble to be locked away. She is brave, assertive. Independent. And I am proud of her, even as I regret the pain she suffered.”
A low murmur spread out from the tree then, a mix of approval and consternation. 
“This was still your fault, Akechi,” the pig said, his voice laced with a sharp bitterness that seemed in opposition to his cheery demeanor.
“I do not deny that. I should have moved to secure Keiki more quickly.” The fox bowed his head. 
Several animals spoke up then, all saying they could have protected her, kept her from harm. The hawk spoke over them in a tone that brooked no dissent. “Uesugi, Kennyo, Takeda and I will speak privately on this. Until then, none shall interfere with our little fireball.”
“None? What does that mean?” A small monkey poked its head from the leafy branch near the hawk, gentle brown eyes wide and unhappy.
“Leave her alone for now. She will need rest anyway, and that is best accomplished without company.” The hawk’s gimlet-eyed gaze touched every one of the host gathered there. They began to disperse, each to their own place. Some took man-shape as they left, while others stayed on four legs or kept their wings. Only the white fox stayed, head still bowed.
“Alone, hm,” the fox murmured. “As if, after 500 long years, I could turn away from her, even for a moment.” 
Mai spent a few hours answering questions for the police the next day. They nodded and took notes, and left their cards for her questions. Once they were gone, the hospital discharged her. Asami and Kaiya came to take her home. 
“I can’t believe that guy! What was he even thinking,” Kaiya shook her head. 
“Probably something stupid, like hey! Why stop at embezzlement when I could add assault to my crimes,” Asami chimed in. 
Kaiya sighed. “I’m just glad you’re ok. Who knew costuming could be so dangerous?”
“Right?” Mai gave her friends a tired smile. 
“I guess this means you didn’t get to hook up with Mister Sexy from your past life, huh?” Asami’s smile was sly, though her gentle gaze told Mai she was still worried about her.
“Nope, but he rescued me so I guess that counts for something.” Mai shrugged, then regretted the motion. Her arm ached in the sling, and she wondered how long it would take to heal.
Kaiya gave them both an incredulous look. “What are you talking about? Past life?”
Mai and Asami filled their friend in on the way back to Mai’s flat. By the time they got there, Kaiya was shaking her head. “That is so weird. All of it.” She frowned at Mai. “Maybe it would be a good idea to see a - a therapist or something. And stay away from this guy until you get your head sorted.”
“Kaiya!” Asami looked surprised. “You don’t think it’s romantic? I mean think about it! They could have been lovers before, and now their souls are reaching for each other and -”
“Stuff like that only happens in rom coms and romance novels.” Kaiya took a deep breath. “I’m just saying, it all sounds pretty wild. But what we know is that you got really hurt yesterday, and this guy you’re crushing on - Mitsuhide? He was definitely involved, even if he didn’t hurt you. You might want to take a step back, just to make sure you’re ready for this, whatever it is.”
Mai didn’t like the advice very much, but it did sound pretty sensible. “I’ll think about it anyway,” she said after a moment. “It’s not like there’s any rush.”
“Right?” Kaiya agreed, just as Asami said, “You’re joking!”
The three of them looked at each other, and realized all at once how crazy their argument sounded. They burst into laughter.
Asami helped Mai upstairs, while Kaiya went to grab them lunch. It made Mai feel strange to be the center of so much concern, even with her close friends. Telling her family would be even worse. 
“So did our past-life love bring you the candy and flowers?” Asami asked as she helped Mai sit on her bed.
“No. I got them from -”
“Don’t tell me it’s the one you broke up with? Hideyoshi?” 
Mai shook her head.
“The hot chef guy?” Asami tried again.
“Oh. My. God. You have another secret admirer?” Asami laughed incredulously. 
“I mean, I don’t think so? It was kind of weird.” Mai told her about the hospital visits, though she left out the peacock and the way she’d thought she saw Ranmaru turn into a white weasel. She wasn’t ready for Asami to think she was that crazy. 
Kaiya showed up about half-way through, so Mai had to start again while the three of them shared sandwiches and the box of chocolates from Ranmaru. Her two friends looked as confused as she felt.
“So, let me get this straight. The chocolates are from some guy you ran into on the train. And a guy you met once while on a date with Hideyoshi came in, with friends, including someone who’s invested in the theater program? And they brought you a support animal?” Kaiya sounded the most incredulous.
Mai nodded. “Yeah. It was weird. But they were all so nice! It kind of, I dunno. Felt like I knew them? Like it sounds weird but it seemed natural while they were there?”
“I think you must have got a concussion,” Asami winked to take the sting from her teasing.
Kaiya laughed. “Honestly, I can’t decide if you’re lucky or not. I’d freak out if a bunch of cute guys I barely know showed up and I was in a hospital bed.”
“Trust me, I was freaking out.” Mai grinned. 
“This just makes me more sure you need to follow up with my hypnotherapist. I asked for you, and he’s got some openings this week.” Asami took out her phone and pulled up a text. “What are you doing Wednesday?”
“Hey, hold on. Are you serious?” Kaiya gave Asami a sidelong glance. “Hypnosis? That’s not even real!”
“How would you know? Did you ever try it?” Asami shot back.
Mai cleared her throat. “Umm. Hey, it might be worth trying. And anyway, Kaiya, I have a favor to ask you.” She fiddled with the hem of her shirt. She hated, absolutely hated asking for favors. “Would you be willing to help me finish out my current orders? I just don’t know - with my arm - how fast I can get them out? And I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I can pay you too!”
Kaiya held up her hand. “Mai. Of course I’ll help. It’s not a big deal. I was actually going to ask you if you needed me. I wasn’t sure how much work you’ve got going on right now.”
“You are my hero.” Mai gave her friend a one-armed hug.
“Mmm. I thought that was the Mitsuhide guy. Didn’t he save you from Mr. Theater-Stabbity-Stab?” Asami glanced up from her phone.
Mai giggled. “He did! But I don’t see him here offering to help stitch beads and finish seams.”
Asami grinned back. “Yeah yeah. I see how it is. Anyway, I booked you for Wednesday afternoon. I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks.” Mai tried to sound certain, though she felt anything but. 
“And, I’ll come over and help with the sewing too. I can’t do much, but I can run deliveries or something, right?” Asami put the phone away and picked up her drink.
“You guys really are the best.” Mai finally relaxed and let herself imagine this wasn’t the disaster it felt like.
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selenacosmic · 4 months
Hello, may I request-
Which warlord do you think would like an mc who is very hyper feminine? Like innocent pastors daughter type feminine?
Hello! Thank you for the request.
Which warlord would like a hyper feminine MC.
While this was a difficult question to answer, I have thought of some of the warlords who would be head over heels that type of MC. The short answer would be that every one of them would like an MC like that, specially if she is innocent with a kind heart, something that i imagine would be very hard to find in that era. But the long answer shows the warlords that would be the most attracted.
For starters, Hideyoshi would adore her, wanting to protect her from the rest of the world, specially from masamune. He would be protective like he is with Mitsunari.
Speaking of him, I believe Mitsunari would also like that type of MC a lot, since they would both have a bit in common, innocent and maybe a bit oblivious to certain things. Of course.
Another warlord I could think of would be shingen, who would be infatuated with her. It’s like she glows like a true goddess, he believes. Alongside him, his cousin a Yoshimoto would find her charming and with an incredible aesthetic that gets his attention right away.
Kennyo would also be captivated by her, so kindhearted and seemingly innocent to the cruelty of the world, he feels unworthy of being near her.
Again, keep in mind that all of them would fall in love with her, but I believe these are the warlords that would be the most attracted and interested.
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shatcey · 10 months
I would like to express my infinite admiration for Nobunaga. He is like a bright star that always shines in the sky… it never changes and is always beautiful in its cold perfection. While you are not looking at it, you can get distracted and forget about its existence, but if you look… it becomes impossible to look away.
Nobunaga is good on every route, the devs show him from different sides, and the more I learn about him, the more I get attached to him. But he left the strongest impression on Shingen's route.
I wrote my thoughts about Shingen's route a little earlier… In case you haven't seen it
I've almost finished Shingen's route, and I still think that his route is so good not because of him, but because of the other characters. There is a lot of interaction with Kenshin and Yuki. And, more importantly, a lot of Nobunaga.
Nobunaga didn't particularly like her at first. He claimed that she was his good luck charm, and demanded to sleep with him (which is feels more like he was testing her or even just teasing). And she started telling fairy tales to help him fall asleep.
When she was abducted, he still remained calm and collected, as if nothing had happened. Yes, he tried to take her back, but not because it was important to him personally, but because it was the only rational decision at the moment.
But when she returns to Azuchi, Nobunaga instantly notices how she has changed.
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It feels like jealousy. But he still doesn't show it, you just feel his irritation.
He continues to watch her in the war and notices the slightest changes in her behavior.
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When Mai agrees to live with Shingen and feels guilty about abandoning her friends
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Jeez… I love him so much for those words… This is both a love confession and words of consolation.
He even goes with Shingen on a rescue party. And doesn't give a clear answer why he does so. He uses a very logical and somewhat valid explanation, but for some reason it doesn't seem like an honest answer. Even Shingen doesn't particularly believe him.
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And finally, after their goodbyes he explains everything to Ieyasu.
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This scene gives me goosebumps. A person who never gives up, who always achieves everything he wants, using any possible means, just let her go. And you feel how far apart they really are. He just knows that he missed his chance, she "flies away" from his hands, and it's heartbreaking.
But despite how awful he must feel (I wish I could read half of this route from Nobunaga's point of view), he still wishes her happiness and doesn't regret loving her.
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This man is just too much… I'm seriously thinking to read his route next. This is what the devs wanted to achieve, and they succeed it. But for now… I'll look away from this burning sun, which is far far away from me, and let myself to get distracted. But I'll come back to him… I'll definitely come back.
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mynameiskan · 6 months
So when the gang (Mai, Shingen, Sasuke, Masamune, Ieyasu, Mitsunari) stay at Hana's house during their time in modern Japan (Hana is my OC).
Hana asks them how Nobunaga looks like since Hana is also a big fan of Sengoku warlords. Ieyasu attempts to answer by drawing.
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Even though Sasuke is Ieyasu's fanboi, he can't even give any compliments. Mai, Shingen and Masamune have complicated feeling about Ieyasu's artwork.
Mitsunari, as expected, loves the artwork very much. Hana gives Ieyasu a lot of compliment. Ieyasu's tsundere behaviour is so similar to one of her students so she accidentally treat him just like how she treats a younger brother. Ieyasu later finds out about that truth and asks Hana not to do that anymore.
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
Hi! So I wanted to make a request, there are so many options I got a bit excited. I was divided between only one bed and roommate, but I will chose only one because I don’t want to be too demanding!
May I have one with shingen + only one bed with smut? Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the support and for the request! One of my personal favorite tropes with one of my favorite suitors! Oh how I love this incredibly large and sweet and loving man! Here it is and I hope you enjoy it!
The Night that Changed Everything
There had been a rather brutal battle between the Uesigu-Takeda forces and the Oda forces. It was all part of Shingen’s campaign to widdle down the Oda forces with me as the bait. His war of attrition. It was the reminder that I had needed that even though Shingen had shown me kindness…and was rather handsome and charming…that he was still a dangerous and powerful warlord…that he was trying to hurt people I cared about.
Granted the Uesugi-Takeda forces had people I cared about there, too. I mean Sasuke was my friend from the modern day and had never done anything but his best to protect me, Yukimura had become a friend, too. Then there was Shingen…my feelings towards him were…complicated. Made even more complicated by the fact that I was currently running from him, trying to stop him from bringing the Oda into another battle.
I’d tried this strategy once in the middle of a battle and well…Shingen ended up having to save me…further complicating my feelings for him. This time I thought I could try running away after the battle. In the middle of the night. Now that I was in the forest though…I was starting to realize that maybe that wasn’t the best plan.
Sasuke had told me there was a village just on the other side of the forest. It was part of Oda territory. If I could just get there…maybe I could find a way back to the Oda and get all of this senseless violence to stop…but despite Sasuke’s clear directions…I still couldn’t find my way through this forest in the dark.
I’d fallen down more times than I could count. And the complete darkness was starting to get to me…as well as the sounds of the forest creatures moving about the night. I had just tripped over another tree root and landed hard, scraping my hand as I broke my fall.
“This…this is hopeless isn’t it?” I muttered to myself as I felt hot tears begin to sting my eyes. I don’t know if I was referring to my escape, not being able to find my way out of the forest, or perhaps even getting the fighting to stop…or stopping my feelings of growing affection towards Shingen.
“There you are.”
My heart began to hammer in my chest at the sound of that voice. Though I refused to look up. I didn’t want him to see my tears. I dared not speak for fear he would hear them in my voice.
He was kneeling down beside me. “Are you alright, my goddess?” Shingen asked me and I could hear the concern in his voice, as he reached his hand out to caress my cheek, his eyes having adapted to the low moonlight that barely crept into the dark forest than mine.
“Don’t…goddess…me…” I replied, trying to put as much venom in my voice as possible, though it sounded weak even to my ears.
Then he called my name, in the gentlest of tones, bidding me to look at him. “Are you hurt?” He asked.
I shook my head, my will weakening against how tenderly he looked at me. “No…I’m fine.”
“Then why do you cry?” He asked, his thumb wiping at my tears.
“I…don’t know.”
Shingen let out a sigh and then the next thing I knew, he was lifting me up in his large and powerful arms. “Come on, let’s get you some place you can rest.” He said as he began to carry me through the forest with sure-footing.
Part of me wanted to fight him, tell him I could walk myself…but the other part of me wanted to keep my mouth shut and stay where I was…and possibly even lean my head against his chest, find out what perfect pillows his pecs would make. I didn’t allow myself to get that comfortable… but I did keep my mouth shut.
Before long, we were arriving at a small village and Shingen took me to an inn. I didn’t really pay attention as Shingen checked us in. He set me on my feet and gestured for me to follow the innkeeper, who led me to a room where I took a nice warm bath and fresh nightrobes were laid out for me.
I felt a little better after the bath and fresh change of clothes. Once I was finished the innkeeper was leading me to another room. “Here you are dear.” He said. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” He was then leaving with a bow.
I slid the door open and stepped inside, surprised to find Shingen waiting in the room for me. “W-what…”
“My apologies Princess, but it appears this was the last room left in this inn.” He told me, smiling warmly at me.
I hated the way my heart did flips at that smile. “Oh…” was all I could managed to get out.
“Here, come and let me see your hands.” He said.
“Are they not scraped?” Shingen asked. He was then gesturing to a box of medical supplies that sat next to him. “I thought since you had so kindly treated my wound before, I would treat yours. I can’t allow my beautiful goddess to suffer.”
My heart did another flip at the way he called me goddess…it wasn’t just goddess…but my goddess…as if claiming me. I bade my feet to stay firmly planted where they were, but they seemed to act of their own accord as I soon found myself sitting in front of Shingen. 
Shingen held out his hand and I found myself silently placing my much smaller hand in his incredibly large one, palm up. He quickly and gently got to work, cleaning my scrapes. There was something soft and sensual about the way his rough calloused fingers moved over my hands oh so gently as he treated me. I felt my heart picking up its pace and my mind wandering…where else would those gentle fingers feel so great…imagining what it might feel like for his massive frame to envelope my smaller one the way his hand currently enveloped mine.
When Shingen finished cleaning the scrapes, he was then gently applying a healing salve before wrapping them. “There.” He murmured before placing gentle kisses on the palms of my hand. “For extra healing.” He said.
I didn;t want to discuss the feelings those small kisses stirred up in me. “Th-thank you…” I replied. “Now…I’m tired and want to go to bed.”
“Of course.” Shingen replied, he was then gesturing to the futon that was laid out…only one, but with two pillows.
“Th-there’s…only one…” I said, feeling my heart begin to race.
Shingen gave me a wry smile. “Only one room and only one bed left in the inn.” He replied. “Besides this is twice now my princess has tried to run away. I can’t let you try that again.”
I glared at him, though I believe the effect was lost with the way my cheeks were heating up. “Whatever. I’m sure you say that to all the goddesses.” I replied as I dove into the futon, pulling the cover up to my chin.
I felt Shingen slide into the bed next to me. “No.” He said simply. “Though I would be lying if I were to say I was unhappy with this sleeping arrangement.”
Stupid heart…stupid brain…stupid attractive Shingen. I thought to myself.
“I haven’t even looked at another woman since we’ve met.” Shingen told me, as his arm came around my waist, him becoming my big spoon.
I felt my breath catch and found myself turning to face him. I looked into his gray eyes, they were warm with genuine affection. He…he was telling me the truth…I was not alone in my feelings.
Shingen smiled warmly at me, lifting his hand to gently caress my cheek, sending a delightful shiver down my body. “If I could, I would never let you go.” He told me. “You are truly an amazing woman.”
Without even thinking…I was stretching my and pressing my lips to his. I no longer cared about our stupid bet or anything else. It didn’t matter that he was fighting my friends…and I couldn’t deny my feelings any longer. I didn’t want to fight him or myself any longer.
Shingen responded, his arm tightening around my waist, his tongue sneaking out and parting my lips. Our bodies were pressed close as the kiss deepened.
When we broke the kiss, we both gasped each other’s names and looked into each other’s eyes. “Is…is this what you want?” Shingen asked me.
I nodded. “Yes.” I answered, unable to fight how I was feeling any longer.
Shingen’s lips were on mine again. He rolled us over so that he now hovered over me, his massive body completely enveloping mine just as well as I had imagined. He moved his lips from mine only to trail kisses down the side of my neck as his fingers came to undo the sash at my waist.
He pulled back as he opened my robes, his gray eyes taking in my form in the low lantern light. “You are stunning.” He murmured as he reached a hand to trail over my newly bared flesh. Fingertips grazing over my collarbone before sensually sliding down my breasts, rough calluses bringing a new sensation as they slid over the hardening peaks.
“Ah…Sh–Shingen…” I moaned at the sensation.
His lips were on my neck again, trailing down my body over the same path his fingers had just gone. His tongue came out to taste my flesh and swirl when he reached my nipples, making them harden further, sending another shiver of pleasure through me.
I found myself reaching for the belt at his waist, tugging and pulling until it finally came off. Shingen was grinning at me. “It appears my goddess is rather impatient.” He said.
“I…I just…want to see and…feel you, too.” I replied.
Shingen shrugged out of his robe, baring his body for me. He was then reaching for my hand and placing it on his chest. “See and feel as much as you want.” He told me, smiling oh so sensually at me.
I took his invitation and began to trail my hands over his chest, feeling the contour of his perfectly hardened physique. God he was gorgeous. My eyes followed the trail as my hands traveled over him.
Shingen shivered under my touch and let out a pleasured groan of my name. “Your hands…your touch feels…even better than I had hoped it would.” He said before leaning down to kiss me again.
I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around him, my hands going to feel his shoulders… everything about his large body screamed how strong and powerful he was. How large he was. And though I felt powerless in comparison…I felt so warm and so safe beneath him.
Shingen began to kiss down my body once more. His lips lit a trail of fire over my flesh and sent thrills of pleasure through me, eliciting pleasured cries of his name from my lips. His lips were on my stomach, tongue coming out every so often to taste my flesh. “My name….sound so good from your lips.” He murmured against my skin, his kisses going lower now between my bellybutton and bikini line.
“I can’t wait to hear more.” Shingent said right before parting my thighs and moving so that they rested on his shoulders. Then before I could even process what was happening his lips were on the source of my heat, hos tongue coming out to swirl over that pleasure pearl.
“SHIN-GEN!” I cried out as electric pleasure shot through me. It was so much that I almost began to jerk away, but Shingen’s large hands were holding me in place and I was crying out as his lips and tongue continued to work between my thighs.
I soon found myself grinding against his face and pushing harder, seeking more of the sweet stimulation he gave. Shingen, eager to please, continued his work, licking and sucking, building my pleasure. It didn’t take much more of this before that coil inside me had wound up tight and snapped. Shockwaves of ecstasy rolled through me and my vision sparked white as my walls clenched around air. 
“SHINGEN!” I cried out as my orgasm washed over me and was drawn out by the continued ministrations of Shingen’s tongue.
He drew me out for a while before finally parting from my lower region. He smiled at me, his lips glistening with my slick. “Such beautiful moans.” He told me as he slowly moved, repositioning himself so that he was hovering over me once again, his body between my open legs. “I can’t wait to hear more.” He said before gently sliding his hardened length inside me.
“Ah…Sh-Sh-Shin-gen…” I moaned at how full he made me feel…and I had just barely come down from my last high, my body still sensitive.
His arms came around me, holding me close as he slowly slid inside me. Once he was fully in, he rested there a moment and just continued to hold me. We shared a kiss as he slowly began to thrust his hips, bringing me even more pleasure.
We continued to make love that night, both of us knowing…there was no going back…there was no letting each other go now. This was love and it was real and true. We could figure out the rest later.
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Hi! I don’t know if you are taking requests, and I am sorry in advance if you aren’t. But in case you are… how would the warlords react to a femme fatale MC? Like the ones you would see in one of those spy movies?
Hi Selena!  So sorry it took so long to get to this! Thank you for the ask! Femme fatales often have nefarious motives, so the question is, is the femme fatale there to spy on or maybe assassinate the LI, or is she willing to work with him…?
Sooooo…. We’re going to start with the moment MC…
… slides open the door to the room and poses, waiting for him to notice her. To see the dark red painted lips, the black kimono (with just a hint of depth to it created by artful embroidery) just hanging at the edge of her shoulders. If she takes a deep breath, the silky garment might just slither off her entirely. When he finally looks up, and sees her hovering there, his eyes wide, pupils darken, as she glides seductively to his desk, and…
Nobunaga – When he asks her if she wants to rule the world by his side, she replies, “That was my question for you.” He determines to conquer her through a game of Go. They… are still playing.
Masamune – Really isn’t sure what to do with her. She’s beautiful, and of course he flirts, but when she mentions she could use a new coat, and eyes Shogetsu meaningfully, he throws her out.
Hideyoshi –  “I don’t trust you.” She shrugs, borrows his pipe, and lights it, as she wordlessly blows a smoke ring in his face. “I’ll be watching you closely,” he says.
She smiles. “I hope so.” She sits on the desk and scoots closer to him. “This close? Take a look. Take a very good look.”
Mitsuhide – When he sees her, he laughs. “Nice try. But a snake cannot outsmart a kitsune.”
Ieyasu –  As soon as she walks through the door, he runs and locks himself in his panic room with his emotional support sourdough starter.
Mitsunari – He’s reading. She’s still posing in the doorway. She places on sexy foot on top of his papers. Without a pause, he reads around her foot. She gives up in disgust.
Keiji – He can’t figure out why she’s picked him.  Nega-Keiji mode activates and he is instantly suspicious. She caresses his biceps as a response, but he just picks her up and tosses her out.
Ranmaru – He offers to share his peach. She takes him up on the offer. They are not seen for weeks.
Kennyo – She’s trying to seduce him, but he keeps putting her on pause to rescue injured wildlife.
Motonari – He doesn’t like to be touched, doesn’t drink, and won’t eat any cooking but his own. But once he realizes she could be a partner in crime, they go on a Bonnie & Clyde style spree across Japan. Watch the world burn, baby, burn.
Kicho – Who do you think sent her to Azuchi in the first place?
Kenshin – Hey, as long as she can keep him stocked with sake and pickled plums… wait… why is she eyeing his bunnies and talking about their soft, pretty, warm fur?
Kanetsugu –  Looks up. Sees her. “Nope.” Slides the door shut in her face.
Shingen – Knows exactly what she is, what she wants, and why she is there before she is halfway across the room. Of the course of one long, passionate night, he convinces her to work for him.
Yoshimoto – She glides into the room… realizes he’s prettier than she is. Glides out.
Yukimura – Doesn’t matter. If female, then wild boar.
Sasuke – Tells her that he once wrote a paper on the role of the femme fatale in post-world war II noir cinema. MC: “So I won’t be able to seduce you?”
He thinks a moment. “I didn’t say that.”
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lorei-writes · 10 months
ooh, comissions! Specially from someone whose writing I love so dearly! Congratulations, hun! You really deserve it!! *insert tons of heart emoji here* now, for my request: Touch + Shingen, comforting!! I love that hunk of a man! Wish you all the best!
Aye, just requests ^^" I don't do commissions. But I'm glad you enjoy my writing so much <3 And I hope you like this bit too! >:)
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»All the things we choose to share«
Shingen x Reader Fluff/Comfort Content Warnings: none Word Count: ~500
Ignis Fatuus
You breathe in deeply to cherish the scent of salty iodine, now devoid of noxious summer notes. Rocky shores have never felt so vast. Not once. Yet here you are, walking at what seems to be the very edge of the world, silver waters swaying as if drunk. Wind tangles in your sleeves, tightens cloth against your body while also setting your hair loose. Free like a bird, your spread your arms, ready to fly and float among the stars. Will you...?
The stone feels cold to your bare feet. Be it due to the evening dew or the ocean mist, it is slick, the lulling of the world around having you believe it is a plank you walk and not the solid rock. Your toes hurt. Not that you care; you cannot see how purple they are either way. What little light stars produce skips from puddle to puddle, shimmers to then cease and reappear a few paces ahead. You fall for the ignis fatuus and follow in its steps. There… is no harm in that. Is that not the case?
No, like a drop.
No, like a wave.
No, from an ocean, delivered to your personally by its freezing hands – and yet it is also hands that save you from being coldly embraced. You look over your shoulder, still awkwardly bent at your waist and with one leg extended. Your lips part.
“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” you hiss, only now made aware of the chill. Shivers run up your spine; it is maybe a second before Shingen pulls you back by your obi, but a second is already a second too long.
“I did call you a moon deity, but I didn’t expect you’d try to take reign of the ocean.”
“I did not plan to!”
“I hope you did not,” he huffs a laugh. Shingen’s shoulders shake as he crouches down to wring out the hem of your kimono, a few unfortunate pebbles scratching the ground when pressed under the soles of his shoes. (At least one of you was reasonable enough to wear shoes.) It is nigh impossible to see what exactly it is that he is doing – so you close your eyes, cut off the redundant vision and replace it with touch.
Shingen presses his forehead against your belly. His hair is soft, although you do manage to find few tangles in it, likely invited there by the wind. You do not focus on them for long, however. You cannot. Hot despite – or perhaps precisely because of – the cool of autumn ocean, his fingers brush against your calf, press against your muscles to re-invite warmth into your skin. Slowly, his hands move down your leg, to eventually reach your toes.
It may be fortunate you cannot see his face.
Shingen stands up abruptly, but remains quiet.
“Shin—gen?!” Your voice hikes up as your love lifts you into the air. Instinctively, you throw your arms around his neck, half-afraid that your feet have been the straw that broke the camel’s back, and that surely, he will drop you whole into the water now.
“Let me,” he murmurs, concern seeping from each word. “Once we return, I intend to worship the chill out of you, angel.”
Your cheeks turn redder than the falling leaves.
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86 @rinaririr @cheese-ception
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫
↬  💋 Confidence runs through your veins, and you boldly hold Shingen's gaze to prove it as you striptease for him. He's so gorgeous occupying his seat and letting you do this to him; play tricks on his mind like his personal little siren.
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Takeda Shingen x f!Reader • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Daddy Kink; Sugar Daddy; Pool Sex; Strip Tease; Teasing; Water Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Modern AU • wordcount: 1,734 • masterlist
a/n:  Inspired by Lana's song Yayo, because it was written for Shingen Takeda. (Daddy? Tiger?!) For Late Summer Rendezvous, Day 3: Private pool skinny dipping
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"Are you excited to find out which one of the swimsuits you bought me I'm wearing under this dress, Daddy?"
Looking at Shingen over your shoulder, your fingers trace down the skin, not yet lowering the frilly sleeve - just teasing. The chic little dress you're wearing for him is perfect for executing your plan of keeping him on his toes, leaving him burning with curiosity.
Earlier today, when you got a text from Shingen to meet him by the pool, you found three luxury brand bags on your bed - all three containing swimwear he picked only just for you.
As you tried them on, you saw in the mirror what he saw in his fantasies. Glowing with the affection you felt still lingering on the pieces of fabric, knowing that he chose all three led by the simple desire to see you wearing them. Did he spoil you by getting you that many, or could he simply not pick? Perhaps both answers are correct. You love him, you love him too much.
That's why you want to give him something in return. One leg in front of the other, you step in closer so he can get a better look from where he admires you on his chaise longue. Preferred poolside drink swirling in his glass as he moves it to his thirsty lips, the ice in his glass clinks and Shingen's sip is suspiciously small - you interpret it as him wanting to free his field of vision of anything that's not you quickly enough not to miss anything, no matter how small of a detail - and you giggle.
Giving him a little dance, you turn around again, looking over your other shoulder, and this time you bare it for his eyes. The neckline of your dress lowers with the newly pulled-down frilly sleeve, and you leave it as that as you move your hips. The music coming from indoors syncs perfectly with your alluring dance, it's as if the universe works for you today. Confidence runs through your veins, and you boldly hold Shingen's gaze to prove it as you striptease for him.
He's so gorgeous occupying his seat and letting you do this to him; play tricks on his mind like his personal little siren. His heavy necklace shining on the sun, golden rings adorning his hand as he taps lightly on his glass. His grey eyes so dark now, a shadow of lust cast over them. You're proud of yourself for getting this reaction so quickly. You keep moving your hips.
The other sleeve is off, and of course, it shows nothing of what Shingen is waiting to see. There's no bikini tied behind your neck so he narrows it down to two possible choices, and perhaps makes it harder to place his bets on one over the other. That's what you conclude by the way he's cupping his chin, one finger ghosting over his lips.
Turning your back to him, you change tactics and begin raising the hem of your dress now. Past your knees, past your thighs. Your body lowers down to a squat as you do, it goes down, the dress goes up. Soon the globes of your backside enter Shingen's vision - but only briefly, leaving too little yet too much to his imagination.
A thong then, is what most probably enters your humming darling's mind. You almost feel a devil's horns materializing over your head, and you wiggle your ass hoping that the pointed tail would follow.
"Daddy's patience has limits, sweetheart. You know that, don't give me these eyes now."
Faking a frown for him is hard when you want to grin at his 'warning' - oh, you've heard those exact words somewhere before. Before your mind can be taken to other places, pink-tinted memories making your body hot as you remember, you pick up your dance where you left. Right, the part where you make the big reveal.
Facing Shingen once again, you let your movement loose the neckline of your dress without the support of your shoulders holding it in place. It lowers down as you almost wiggle out of it in your sultry movements, lower and lower, showing more of your skin.
Shingen's sharpened gaze follows suit, waiting to meet the valley of your breast with his gaze - and to meet the fabric of the swimwear that won the opportunity to adorn your body on this hot summer day by Takeda's private pool. One that was picked especially for his sweetheart, and that she, in turn, picked to wear for him today.
Except, it's nowhere to be seen.
Shingen gazes upon you as you reveal millimeter after millimeter of nude cleavage, trying to remember if the bikini tops he gifted you were that skimpy. He's mesmerized by the time he sees the familiar forms of your breasts in their whole beauty, dress falling down your tummy. Then sliding down your hips with the help of your hands, you turn just a little to reveal the curve of your ass that is equally as uncovered, no thong to be seen.
And with that, the dress falls to the floor. Making a little spin for Shingen, you beam up with growing anticipation.
"Do you like it? I wanted to swim with you today in this."
Shingen takes another sip. His smile is just as familiar as is his gaze to you. It could mean a lot of things, all things you're guaranteed to love.
He places down his glass slowly, moving his eyes on you from head to toe. One of you is a bad performer - either you at seducing him, or him at playing cool. He stands up.
"What are you waiting for, then? Get in the pool."
You bite on your bottom lip watching him get up to undoubtedly join you, and you feel the telltale shivers run down your spine. The pool ladder is right there behind you, and you take a step back to position yourself, seeing that Shingen is eager to follow suit. You see him taking off his trunks in a hurry, now as nude as you are.
But you mistake his enthusiasm for impatience, leaving yourself open to his surprise attack - strong arms taking hold of your body, you're soon lifted off the ground, final destination already known.
Jumping together with you in the water, Shingen makes you scream with adrenaline, even if he is as careful as he can be in his act of spontaneous wildness. You can't blame him for wanting to get you in the water as fast as possible - knowing you're not leaving his hold for awhile - especially as something big and firm presses against your hip.
"Daddy, you're-"
"Are you surprised?" Shingen hisses against your neck, ambushing it with kisses that make you weak. He has you like putty in the water, already grabbing your legs and guiding them to wrap around his torso. He's going to have you right now, no more games. Arousal clouds your mind and you feel ready for him, hot and needy inside and aching to feel him claiming you.
"You're whining. What happened, sweets? You looked so full of yourself just a second ago. Where did that confidence go?"
Eyes opening wide as you register the unmistakable rubbing of Shingen's length along your glistening lips, incoherent syllables leaving your mouth that dangerously resemble a plea. Shingen smirks as if he loves them more than a proper begging, and you guess so by the rewarding ministration of him guiding the tip inside you. Only, he loves to play dirty.
"Oh, it slipped out. Perhaps you can lend me a hand."
Muscular arms flexing around your waist, you picture Shingen easily impaling you on his cock like a ragdoll - his teasing is obvious and irritating, and you're so very shaky when you remove one arm from around his neck and instead reach down to find the place where you're supposed to be connected.
Just to return the favor, you give him a good stroke, falsely pretending to guide him in once or twice - for the fun of it. Just so that it's known it's not only you who's impatient.
Shingen curses under his breath and crashes his lips against yours, making you feel every ounce of frustration in the form of a fierce kiss. He also aims at distracting you.
Getting a good hold of your form, he makes your dreams come true by pressing you down on him, stretching out your insides on his thick length in one long thrust, inch by delicious inch.
You arch your back, trying to withdraw from the kiss just to fill your lungs with oxygen again and use it to voice out the intense pleasure waving over you in a series of moans.
Shingen smirks against your neck, kisses getting rougher and shapeless, wanting to feel you on his tongue just somewhere.
"That's it, good girl. Hold onto me and let me move you up and down. That's what you wanted, right? For me to fuck you silly?"
Wrapping your legs tighter around Shingen's waist, you moan hopelessly, praying that he accepts it for an answer rather than bully you into begging him more. The water feels so good all around you accommodating your untamed act, and you think you're in heaven. Fucking your daddy in his private pool, seducing him to madness with your audacity to show up wearing neither of the luxurious swimsuits he bought you. You don't even need the guttural sound of his groans at this very moment in order to explode and cum all around him - but hearing him voice out the way you make him feel, you climax on the spot.
Writhing in his hold, you let yourself be fucked hard and deep through it all, not realizing when Shingen's thrusts got deeper and uneven, the heat inside you suddenly intensifying in a familiar way until a groan falls from your lips. Shingen finds them to claim, giving you a sweet, lazy kiss as he pumps the rest of his cum in your welcoming depths, chuckling at the way your refuse to unwrap your legs around him even after he calms down from his high.
"If you're going to play, go all the way. I don't want to see a single piece of clothing on you the whole time we're here. Got that, sweetheart?"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @princess-pray-a Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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Hello everyone! I know it has been a while, but I hope you are all well.
I’m happy to be here with everyone, but I have an ulterior motive (and I apologize for this being my comeback post). Recently, there was a fire in my sister’s neighborhood and it spread to her house.
Why is this important?
Due to the fire spreading, my sister’s house took a lot of damage. With damage comes (expensive!!) costs to repair the building and replace furniture. Fortunately, no one was in the house at the time of the fire and my sister is safe.
To help my sister out, I am opening commissions where all profits go to her. As long as the rules are followed, I will be writing something personal for you! Down below, my rules, what I refuse to write, fandoms I write for, what I will write, and costs.
Here is the link to our Cash App for all purchases or donations. - Pay $LittleButterflyWrites
Note: Anyone who has made a request before the date of me posting this (07/02/2024) will get their requests free of charge as originally intended before my unannounced hiatus.
This is available until July 30th, (07/30/2024), so please act fast since I'm not sure if I'll open them again! Read more if you're interested!
Rules *read and approved by my sister
I have the right to refuse any request. Respect my final decision and read what I will not write for before making a request.
Refunds will only be available 24 hours after you place the order. If you do not tell/ask for a refund within 24 hours of your transaction, I will write what you requested and you will  NOT get your money back.
Before making a request, please consult with me about what you want for your writing. See below on how to request. This makes things easier in case I am unable to fulfill/accept a request, AND it prevents you, the buyer, from spending money before you get an answer.
If you want any changes to the details, let me know within 24 hours of talking to me.
If you request for a character letter, you will have to give PROOF OF PERMISSION by an adult if you are a minor. You will also have to be comfortable with giving me your address.
If I find that you request anything NSFW as a minor, you will be BLOCKED AND REPORTED. I will reject your request and you will get your money back.
What Do You Refuse To Write?
Hate towards another group of people (race, orientation, gender, etc.)
I will NOT write NSFW for certain characters. Said characters will be in a bracketed list after their name. (example: [Character] = no NSFW). The NSFW list of characters will always be BEFORE the NO NSFW character list.
Anything I am not comfortable writing. Again, I reserve the right to refuse any request. If you are unsure and need clarification, please message me with questions.
What Fandoms Do You Write For?
With this new post comes some new fandoms!
Mystic Messenger
- Yoosung Kim, Zen/Hyun Ryu, Jaehee Kang, Jumin Han, 707/Saeyoung Choi, Ray, Saeran Choi, V/Jihyun Kim, Rika Kim, Vanderwood
Mr. Love, Queen’s Choice
- Lucien Xu, Victor Li, Gavin Bai, Kiro Zhou, Shaw Bai
Stardew Valley
- Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane, Abigail, Emily, Hayley, Jodi, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Robin, Sandy, Willy, Wizard M. Rasmodius - [Clint, Demetrius, Evelyn, George, Gunther, Gus, Jas, Kent, Krobus, Leo, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Pam, Pierre, Willy, Wizard M. Rasmodius, Vincent]
Monster Prom/Camp
- Vera Oberlin, Damien LaVey, Zoe, Polly Geist, Miranda Vanderbilt, Calculester Hewlett-Packard, Scott Howl, Liam de Lioncourt, Joy Johnson-Johjima, Dahlia Aquino, Aaravi Mishra
Ikemen Sengoku
- Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, Date Masamune, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Ishida Mitsunari, Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sauske, Kennyo
The Walking Dead - Up to season 5 in the TV show OR first comic compendium. I can write apocalypse TWD or non-apocalypse lives, just tell me your preference.
- Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Shane Walsh, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene, Daryl Dixon, Tyresse, Sasha, Abraham Ford, Carol Peletier, Michonne, Negan, Tara Chambler, Rosita Espinosa, Gabriel Stokes - [Herschel Greene, Dale Horvath] - *I will write NSFW for Beth Greene or Carl Grimes BUT they will be AGED UP TO BE 18 or OLDER.
What Will You Write?
Character x Character
OC x Character
Unnamed FemReader x Character
Unnamed MascReader x Character
Unnamed GenNeuReader x Character
CMC x Character
What Can I Get And For How Much?
*Before making a request, please consult with me about what you want so I can give you a set price before I start working. Some prices depend on the details like how many characters you want, so talk to me before paying!
Personalized Playlist - $2
I make you a playlist for your character x character, OC x character, or CMC x character. I will give you links via Spotify or YouTube using my taste in music along with your taste. Minimum of 20 songs.
Headcanons - $3-6 (Depends on the amount of characters. Maximum of 8 characters)
I write headcanons about the character, how they interact with other characters within their fandom, and how they interact with your OC/CMC.
Matchmaker - $3-9 (Depends on amount of characters
You choose between 1-3 characters from any fandom (can be different fandoms) and give a description of yourself to me (including MBTI, hobbies, likes/dislikes, and preferences). Can be SFW or NSFW.
Dabble (500+ words) - $4
A small piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
Character Letter (Only within the US and Canada) - $6 + any mailing fees
A letter from a character of your choice. Must show PROOF OF PERMISSION if you are a minor as we mail it to your address.
Fic (1000+ words) - $7
A piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
Oneshot (1500-2000+ words) - $10
A larger piece with details you customize for a character. This can include interactions with other characters in their fandom, interactions with OC/CMC, or something about themself.
How Do I Order A Commission? *Very important!
Look at the list of fandoms/characters I will write for.
Choose what you would like me to write for you. (Example: FemReader x Character, SFW, Dabble, with [insert details]).
Consult with me BEFORE PURCHASING to determine if I will accept the request and set the price.
Once all details are given and the request is approved, continue with purchase using the link to the Cash App linked above.
Here’s another link for purchases or donations in case you don’t want to scroll up! - Pay $LittleButterflyWrites
Reblogs are always helpful if you are uninterested or want to help :)
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manunelle · 1 year
A Moonlight Tryst {NSFW} (One-shot)
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Content warning: Mention of kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, dubcon, noncon, yandere, alcohol, masturbation, frottage, dacryphilia.
English is not my first language, so there might be some grammar errors.
This is a story that involves the yandere genre, so please read the content warning list before reading the fanfiction.
It was a full moon night, Mai noticed. It had been difficult to not notice the moon phases ever since she arrived in Kasugayama two months ago, since every single night Shingen, her kidnapper, had been visiting her chambers in order to view the satellite along with her. 
Hah, what a joke. Mai was fully aware that it was merely an excuse to pester her with his flirting nature, something that Shingen had no decency in hiding or at least pretending. 
Footsteps stopped right outside her door, his velvety voice making shivers run down her back. 
“May I enter, goddess?” 
Ah, that goddamn nickname he insisted on using whenever addressing her. At first, she would curse at him and demand that he cease that nonsense already, but now, whenever she heard it leaving his lips, a feeling of contentment spread around her chest, a light blush always present on her cheeks. 
Without waiting for her answer, he slid the door open, greeting her with that goddamn alluring smile and his goddamn attractive face. 
Argh, how she wished that she could punch him square into the face. Although, she was almost certain that not even using her full strength would be enough to do any damage against that beast of a man. The size difference between them was almost offensive to be honest. 
“Aah, I see that you won’t greet me with a smile today as well,” he chuckled, approaching the place where she had been sitting for the last hours and accommodating himself in the tatami beside hers. “You have no idea how that hurts this poor man’s heart, my goddess.”
“Oh, does it hurt? Does it really hurt? That makes me glad, then,” she retorted, glaring at him. “But be glad, since that is not even a fraction of how I feel right now.” 
That remark made him still, and Shingen at least had the decency to stop smiling at her. 
Mai missed her home, in the future. Her parents, her friends, god, she missed even her stupid neighbor that complained about the most absurd things. She felt like going crazy, since she missed even the stupid warlords that had made her chatelaine and annoyed her constantly ever since arriving in the past. 
How were they, she wondered sometimes. Were they trying to get her back? God, did they even miss her a bit? 
Months of solitude had made her a bit insecure and paranoid, since she barely had contact with anyone. Sasuke would visit her sometimes, but that was not nearly enough to comfort her, and Yukimura was a bit too snappy and annoying to get along with, always insulting and accusing her of the minimal negative things that affected everyone’s day. And Kenshin…she had decided to not leave her chambers ever since the man had pointed a sword at her throat and stared right into her soul. 
She had no one to support or protect her in that place. 
And she knew how shameful it was, way too shameful, but she could not contain the comfort she felt whenever Shingen visited her. 
Perhaps because he was the closest to a sane person in that place, or because he seemed sensible enough to at least pretend to care about her. Maybe it was the warmth in his gaze whenever it reached her, or the way he always found a way to calm her down enough to feel comfortable, to feel safe. 
And of course, Shingen had taken notice of these small things. That’s how perceptive he was. 
She buried her face on her knees, trying to contain the wave of feelings she felt at the moment. Mai felt his calloused fingers gently caress her head, her heart jumping at the sudden sensation. 
“Don’t touch me,” she muttered, but didn’t move away. 
And Shingen didn’t stop, taking full advantage of her vulnerability to finally do what he had been desiring ever since he started visiting her room at night. 
To touch her. 
“I brought some fine sake from Kenshin’s collection tonight,” he said, shaking the bottle lightly to show her. “I am sure it will do you well to drink some, both to your body and to your spirit.” 
“I do not want it.” 
“Hah, don’t be so harsh, my angel,” Shingen ignored her, serving the two cups and placing one in front of her small form. “At least, give it a taste. I assure you that no harm will befall you from a mere sip.” 
She glared at him, then at the cup. 
“How can I be sure that you didn’t put anything strange in it?” 
Shingen placed one of his hands at his chest, feigning dejection. 
“I would never do such a thing to you, my dearest goddess,” he took his own cup and sipped from it, keeping eye contact with the woman, a smirk on his lips. “See? Still alive.” 
The glare didn’t disappear from her face, but Shingen noted the way her shoulders relaxed a bit, dropping her guard a little bit. He hid his wide smirk behind his cup, sipping the delicious sake. 
Mai glanced at the cup, hesitantly raising it to her lips, tilting it slightly. The sweet but strong flavor of alcohol filled her mouth, a content but small sound forming in the back of her throat. It had been ages since she had something so delicious and so soothing at the same time, which was bad, because she could already feel her thoughts being clouded by the alcohol. 
The two stayed that way for some time, sipping their drinks quietly and gazing at the moon without saying a single word. He would casually serve her cup whenever it was empty, and she drank it, even if a small voice at the back of her mind shouted at her to stop that nonsense right now, to flee away from his watchful gaze. 
It wasn’t long before she felt dizzy, shakily placing the cup in the tatami and feeling her body move at a too slow pace. Suddenly, she felt two hands holding both her arms, a warm embrace circling her body. 
Mai glanced up, placing a hand at Shingen’s chest. 
“Don’t,” she warned. 
Although she sounded way too weak and vulnerable to sound like a threat. 
Shingen smiled, not a wry smile or a wicked one, but a genuine, warm smile. 
“Do not worry, princess, for I have no intention of hurting you.”
Shingen pulled her into his lap, hugging her against his chest. A contented sigh left his lips, and his smile only grew when no fight or defiance came from the little lady, who snuggled her face against his neck. 
Being deprived of human contact for too long was something that made anyone feel lonely and vulnerable, something that Shingen was fully aware of. And that’s why he had isolated her from anyone, a dark desire to have her only for himself ever since he first met her. 
“Aaah, you have no idea how long I have been wishing to hold you like this,” he murmured against her ear, chuckling at the way she trembled. 
“Do not worry, my angel. You are safe with me.”
She pressed against his chest again, still trying to keep a clear mind, but had no strength to fight against him. She probably would not have such strength even if she was sober. 
But then, why bother fighting? It felt so good, being held so close. She felt safe, and warm, and the way his big hands caressed her back only assured her that this was the place she was meant to stay. 
That is, until she felt those same hands move towards her legs, parting and caressing them. Her heart jumped, and she immediately squirmed, trying to get up from his lap, only to be pulled firmly against his chest. 
“Shhhh, relax,” he whispered, his seductive voice making her weak in the legs. She felt one of his hands move towards the area between her legs, a strangled cry leaving her throat. “It will feel good, I promise.”
“Noooo…I don’t want–
But Shingen ignored her pleas, caressing her clit with practiced fingers. 
A lewd sound left her lips, and Mai threw her head against his shoulder. To comfort her, Shingen kissed her brow, never stopping moving his hand. That is, until he felt a warm liquid traveling down his chest, witnessing Mai drop her first tears ever since she arrived at Kasugayama. 
“Please…You can’t– 
“Hm? Then you do it.”
And then he grabbed her hand, gently placing it where his had been a second ago. Mind fuzzy, Mai tried to make sense of his actions, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on in that complicated mind of his. 
Shingen chuckled, circling one arm firmly around her waist, so that she could not escape from his grasp, and moving his other hand towards hers, coaching it to move the same way he had been doing before. 
Mai moaned, confused and aroused at the same time. 
He narrowed his eyes, placing a wet kiss on one of her ears, earning a surprised, lewd sound from her. 
“Have you ever done this before?” He asked, and Mai shook her head, crying weakly at each movement of her soft fingers. 
Aaah, what a good thing to know. 
So Shingen was the only man to have touched her so far. He couldn’t suppress the wicked grin that formed on his face, nor the hard erection that poked Mai’s back. 
“Such a good girl, my good girl,” he whispered against her ear, licking it slowly. 
Mai trembled against his embrace, too lost in the pleasure of her hands’ ministrations. It was too good, in a way that made her want to both do it again and again and to isolate herself from the world, so that no one could see her shameful state ever again. 
Shingen coached her, encouraging her to move her fingers up and down her lips. To caress her clit at a quick pace, occasionally pinching it, which almost made her go mad, trashing her head back and forth in an attempt of staying sane. His delicious voice right against her ear, accompanied by his hot breath, and the firm grasp of his other hand in one of her breasts, fondling it through the cloth of her gown, only made her wetter, hornier. 
She melted into his embrace, babbling nonsense, trying to beg for release, anything. When she met his eyes, his bright and smiling eyes, she felt that she could die right there, in his arms. 
“Hmm? Don’t stop now, my love. You’re almost there.”
“I can’t–
“What are you saying? Of course you can,” he caressed her hand, licking the warm tears that were running freely through her cheeks. “You want to come, don’t you? You’re almost there, c’mon, I know you can do it. Move your fingers faster, like this” 
Mai did what he asked of her, a marvelous deep blush displayed on her cheeks. She completely slid against his back, separating her legs further and moving her finger against her smooth, hard clit desperately. 
Shingen was sure that he was viewing a sight straight from heaven. 
He moved both hands towards her breasts, flicking against her nipples, fondling them, anything to add sensation to Mai’s pleasure. 
She moaned in complete distress, wanton moans that filled the room and probably the corridors of the castle. 
“Just like that, my goddess. You’ve done so well,” He kissed her temple, pulling both her nipples at the same time, a loud cry leaving her wet lips. “You can come now, precious. Come right on top of me.”
And she did, a silent cry leaving her lips. Her back arched, her beautiful, delicate legs stretched forwards, trembling violently at the full force of her orgasm, her very first orgasm. Tears marked her gorgeous face, and her eyes rolled back, catching the pleased expression on Shingen’s face, as if seeing her like that was the most exquisite view one could have. 
Mai had no time to catch her breath, still moaning and breathing hard, when Shingen crashed his lips against hers, kissing her roughly, almost desperately. She made no movements to part from him, too weak to even comprehend what was happening, surrendering herself to his wet, velvety tongue. 
When he separated from her sweet lips, Shingen had to ground himself in order not to jump on top of her and have his sweet time with her right now. Swollen lips, face stained by fresh, warm tears, hard nipples apparent through the thin cloth of her gown, and her lower parts at full display, leaking wetness and leaving an indecent stain in his own kimono. 
Shingen closed his eyes, breathing in and out in an attempt to calm himself. 
He closed the lower part of her kimono, embracing her weak body and rocking her, as if he was trying to put a child to sleep. He did not wipe her though – no, he wanted her to wake up in the morning and to feel the sticky wetness of her body, remembering the shamefully beautiful view she had presented to him. 
When he felt her body grow heavy against his, he laid her against the futon, covering her body and kissing her goodnight. A simple, delicate kiss over the lips. 
Closing the door behind him, leaving her locked again in that room, Shingen almost regretted not having taken things further. But that's alright, he thought. 
After all, tomorrow night he would also visit the princess in her chambers, so that they could gaze at the moon one more time. He wondered how she would behave – would she be too embarrassed to look at him? Would she be offended? Or would she be willing to take things further? 
He couldn’t wait for it. 
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