#another troll oc with john egbert
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insertmesoftly · 3 years ago
Equius x Same Blood Troll Oc
An Equius simp, Ysalia Noctil's of the same blood as him but with the sign of a Sagio. She holds pedigree and the caste system in high regards and is always looking for an excuse to either lord her status and power over the 'lesser beings' or to suck up and mingle with 'exceptional blood'. She lives alone in a huge ass hive in a snowy mountaintop, isolated. For all her showmanship and big talk, her power is very little, and her place is constantly falling apart and/or getting outages. Her lusus, a big and floating Jellyfish, is usually her light source.
She got lost in her hive a lot in her childhood but now she knows the layout by heart. She read every 'respectable' romance imaginable, and when she came across Equius in the chat rooms, decided that him being so close to her in color was D E S T I N Y. She's never seen the man but his eloquence and respect for the caste along with his sharp mind and love of the high-ranked bowmen make him perfect in her mind. She will begin to obsess and modify herself to fit him.
The Sagi trait of having many interests they're passionate about stuck to me when I read it and so now I'm attaching to her multiple interests and goals like an obsession with 'the perfect tea combination', making 'the coziest blanket', and plays embarrassing to look at, but soothing to listen to instruments. She plays a version of the theremin that’s a fleshy bug creature and the sounds are its screams as her hands get closer to touching it. She also has a giant handmade armonica she built with Equius’s guidance. She’s very proud of it. Most if not all of these started out of some want to help Equius when they'd finally meet and live together.
See, she would patiently listen to all he'd say when he'd infodump, and even try getting into robots and archery a bit to be able to talk about things, he'd somewhat try to do the same but it never really clicked with him what her intent in all these things were. And it's dumb because she'd literally be like 'What's your favorite tea? What are other flavors you enjoy? How do you take it? What textures give you the best feeling? What smells are the nicest?' And he'd just be annoyed at all the questions, always her having questions, thinking she was using him as an experiment for her interests, not considering that they were born out of wanting to help him. Before taking up these extra hobbies, her main interests were the romance novels she'd read, learning new etiquette and perfecting it, polishing her lovely little hidden daggers, learning new tricks with her whip (it has jellyfish poison in it and barbed wire), and decorating/fixing her hive after these sessions (lol). Once she gets really into Equius I think she stops fixing it because she thinks she'll just move in with him. She made it pretty too, all things considered. She made the hive so big and elaborate because she was too excited when she was younger, but nowadays, she only frequents the same few halls. These are very lived in with glow in the dark stick-on trinkets used like lamps, vases filled with (paper) flowers, and ornate furniture she steals relocates from trolls that have died.
So, she keeps clinging to him with very clear intent, and it gets to a point where she confesses in a VERY roundabout way like,
'Aven't vve so gveat togethev? As the only tvvo that veally undevstand ouv positions! Couldn't vve... oh so easily slip into a... possible matespvitship? VVouldn't that be something?'
And Equius, confused and sweating just goes 'Oh... yes I suppose that could be a thing that could happen...' And that solidified it (wrongly) to her.
The whole idea she was born from came from the realization that Equius's tag for self shipping things contain mostly the more interesting combinations of lower/higher blood, and humans. Because those dynamics are what's interesting with him. And I thought, if he met someone actually on his level it would BORE him. He’d always be like 'This is fine. This SHOULD be fine. We are compatible in every way. Why ISN’T this fine??'
I got really into the dramatic thoughts of, despite them not OFFICIALLY CONSENTUALLY being together, him never telling her off from the idea and letting her believe they are (partly because he's trying to convince himself to like her, also because he's come to like her as a friend and does NOT want to hurt her feelings), his interest slipping noticeably into other people and especially his rambles about his dumb kinky thoughts eventually leads to her assuming, and I am PUTTING THIS IN QUOTATION MARKS, "he’s cheating on her" and she goes BALLISTIC. Needless to say, he breaks it to her as she explodes that… he never said yes to their relationship. It’s always been a sham. This. Will break her. She knew of his peculiarities but she was so sure he’d logically pick her, the best option there was! And yet… His heart clenches as she cries in front of him for the first time.
‘I hate you. I hate you for making me wish I had lower blood.'
Once the 'break up' occurs, she wears a black dress and veil for a good chunk of time because, in her words, "Vou don't like my outfit? I just decided it would be apvopviate fov the occasion. Vou see, I'M GVIEVING." *pathetic loud sobbing into a handkerchief*
Making her a Sagio means her focus is on the heart, ergo, on herself and her identity. So something that made her mad about learning the truth of his feelings was, she was so sure about the idea she built up over who she was... and his rejection shattered it to a million pieces. She started realizing more and more she’s not the troll she thought she was. She's not irresistibly beautiful, he left her. She's not collected and smart, she flies into fits of rage that leave her looking dumb. She doesn't have a certainly bright future, it's. In. Shambles. And more than any of her concerns for status-
She hadn't realized how much she actually liked him/depended on his love until he left. Neither of them did. Part of Equius not really taking her love seriously and seeing her as just a friend was how she talked about him to his face and how she would only bring up the 'pros to their relationship' so logically like social status and how they could support one another. Nothing much on the way of emotions, just made it sound like a business proposal if anything, albeit friendly. Nepeta, knew better. As his moiral, she got to talk to Ysalia a lot and the way she could endlessly praise him, see the good in everything he did even when it was stupid, wave off his 'quirks' as making him special, and idk, always bringing him up like a proud wife showing off her prized husband, it was annoying to the other trolls. Nepeta shipped it but stayed quiet and hoped for the best...
There’s a moment I think where Equius has his moment of realization that 'Oh. Maybe she DID really like me?' when Ysalia had 'given up', started her grieving and just moping, and had to work with a person of interest of his (I hesitate putting Aradia in this position, I’m so sorry Aradia hrrrg but you’re my best bet). Aradia says something, assuming about Equius, like how maybe he'd like them bringing back something that smells nice that could help him with a headache, but it’s the wrong thing and Ysalia stops. Ysalia had assumed this person had 'beat' her, because of her smarts. But she knows nothing about him. 'Lavender.' She chokes out. 'Lavender is his favorite scent. It the best for soothing him.' She gets very defensive suddenly, standing up from where she slumped. 'He likes to crush metal in his fist when he feels anxious, he prefers his milk cold but warm in the night after a nightmare, he doesn't feel like he deserves to touch soft things but he adores them.' She glares at Aradia. 'And he has a thing for forbidden romances. Things that can make him feel ashamed. But it's ok.' She walks away from her. 'This fad of his. I'll make sure it passes.' And all this was in some sort of comms he had installed on Aradia that he used to spy on her.
I have no ideas for what happens in the future, just her getting more and more out of control in her 'attempts to win him back.' I don't know what exactly they'd be but consider her as violent and getting more and more hilariously and pitiably delirious.
I cannot state this enough how adorably sad I’m picturing their scuffles. Equius genuinely likes her as a friend, holds her so close, almost like Nepeta. She never shunned him once, always listened to his infodumps, even actually retained the information he’d share, and was so encouraging to him whenever he’d falter. She was his biggest supporter in making his dreams come true too as an archer. So, it hurts seeing her cry. And it hurts seeing her sanity dissolve. He tries so hard to control his strength to just stopping her when she starts punching or kicking at someone, tries so hard to avoid hurting her even as others demand him to make her stop.
He started with his pity for her, trying to ignore her. Over time, without signs of her stopping, he begins getting annoyed. Then she catches him at the WORST TIME, and he gets ANGRY. He becomes careless with his actions, almost hurting her badly but she gets away with bruises. The look on her face as he almost crushed her has him feeling like shit for a while. When he's calmed down and is back to feeling pity, she surprises him in a moment of being so mad and deranged, she manages to get the better of him in a physical sense, actually finding a way to leave him powerless. Bound in the ground and unable to move. He's on the ground, wide eyes as she holds her heel to his chest, insulting him and going on about how he wasn't worth his blood. Needless to say, this was the first time he felt a lil something for her and it scares the fuck out of him. She's stopped by the others before she can kill him ‘to be rid of him once and for all’ but she promises she will. She hates him… This… is interesting to him.
Equius always saw her as his equal, and yeah it’s what bored him, but when she starts going full-on venomous, seething hatred on him.... he’s ashamed with how much he's sweating. This isn’t the friend he knew. he shouldn’t be enjoying this. Fuck. He should be trying to reconcile things. He should be telling her sorry again. No, he's not thinking about the way she dug her heel into him. Or the threat she whispered into his ear. And he definitely didn’t daydream about how she knows him so well she’d probably know how best to monopolize and bully him too if he was stuck in a hive with her as her husba- fuck shit what happened, he needs to stop he's pathetic.
Stuff happens, yada yada, it's a constant push and pull with some moments in between of them reminiscing their lost friendship, and idk how but I fabricated this scene where it all ends with her almost killing someone innocent. And after so much of his being careful around her, making excuses as to why the ones that hate her couldn’t get rid of her, and his fighting off ever having to actually fight back. He does.
He kills her. And her last words to him were accompanied by a laugh and a sputter. No accent. Just heartbreak. "You did it... haha….” She choked on her blood, some went past her lips. Still, she smiled.
"You broke my body and heart."
Oh, to give this boy more pain. Only once she’s gone does he accept that they could have been matesprites.
Some miscellaneous stuff:
- Ysalia putting out an entire table full of wine glasses out of nowhere in the middle of a battle to make fucking battle music because she refuses to fight out of spite so she'll just 'set the mood.'
- Eridan hates Ysalia. He saw her for what she was, a kiss-ass to higher blood, and he has no problem talking shit about her to her face. Even through being insulted, Ysalia would just smile and accept his harsh words like the dumbass sucker she is like o/vv/o 'Theyre talking about me hehe. I can’t believe I’m going to be friends with a sea-dweller!' His distinct hatred for her is hilarious to be because they’re in the same fucking boat. They’re idiots that were broken up with and their love interests got into trolls of lesser blood. It was such an insulting and humiliating experience for both of them. Even with his disdain, imagine moments where he drops his guard to shit talk about the others with her. He’d never admit it, but their catty talks and her sudden clinging to him once they’re both ‘outcasted’ by the others (and because there’s no one else worthy to talk to surely), they are friends.
- In a future where they reconcile and do live together, Equius is her bitch and loving every second of the 'married' life. Goes to work and his coworkers who don’t know him too well keep seeing the bruises on him and ask how he lets his matesprite of all trolls treat him like that and he just has the biggest dopiest face and replies 'They were my kismesis too'and that just explains it. This dude got together with his black romance. He’s clearly a freak. He's always glad to come home and see what new things Ysalia has to complain about, to see how many ways she can build him up with genuine affection only to tear him down and use him for the night.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years ago
/nm Not to bother you, but just in case, is alright if you tell everyone what's currently in the inbox just in case (I'm aware the list would be long)? Thanks in advance, but you don't have to if you'd like.
i’ll put this under a cut because it is indeed Quite Long
a req with ~45 homestuck characters from homesus-fictives (since it was sent off anon, i won’t list the whole thing out)
biromantic blackberry cookie and bisexual onion cookie
demiromantic bill cipher
nonbinary starlight glimmer, trans trixie, and bigender sunburst
milkgender milkman (collegehumor)
transfem heike kagero
bi zoey, mspec gay man ben, caedromantic nate, futch rachel, femme brianna, and nonbinary theo (escape room 2)
lesbian amanda young, gay man mark hoffman, postbi lawrence gordon, and trans adam stanheight
transfem roxy lalonde, transmasc jane crocker, aroace jake english, transmasc dirk strider, agender calliope, transmasc john egbert, aroace jade harley, transfem rose lalonde, and aroace dave strider
gay fight club narrator and bisexual tyler durden
bi gay cass, gay man xander, polyam sebastian, panromantic elliot, homoflexible alex, bisexual sam, heteroflexible harvey, pansexual shane, quoiromantic emily, pansexual abigail, lesbian leah, pansexual penny, bisexual maru, and heteroflexible haley (stardew valley + farmer ocs)
gnc charley, aromantic kami, bi gay juwon, aroace ayako, polyam mai tai, polyam seyshelle, alloace aquarien, and trans cora (dollightful)
genderfluid laurice deauxnim, bi phoenix wright, queer kristoph gavin, demisexual miles edgeworth, wolfgender shi-long lang, biromantic franziska von karma, asexual maya fey, bi mia fey, demisexual diego armando, mlm simon blackquill, trans athena cykes, heteroflexible dick gumshoe, pan trucy wright, nebularomantic apollo justice, caligoromantic clay terran, nonbinary klavier gavin, amicuromantic sebastien debeste, trans nahyuta sahdmadhi, aroace ema skye, pansexual wocky kitaki, bellusromantic vera misham, gay jean armstrong, trans robin newman, aroace simon keyes, cassgender ryunosuke naruhodo, bi kazuma asogi, pansexual herlock sholmes, venufluid iris wilson, trans girl susato mikotoba, asexual satoru hosonaga, and catgender soseki natsume
trans billy loomis, nonbinary stu macher, bisexual randy meeks, femme tatum, and polysexual sydney
transhet dave suss moggus, asexual bambi “marcello” corn lover, questioning tristan, aroace expunged - it looks like this one is missing some parts. it cuts off part of the way through expunged’s identity, which is in an ask labeled ‘4′, then another ask requesting i use certain sprites was sent referring to the request as ‘6-part’. 
pangender plague, bisexual deathslinger, fluidflux trickster, bisexual quentin smith, biromantic ghostface, omnisexual david king, nonbinary michael myers, aroace bubba, pansexual freddy, pansexual dwight, and gay steve harrington
trans girl pawn white, agender pawn black, and aroace earl grey
gay count d
transfem darkrai and auroracoric cresselia
gay man butter pretzel, butch sour belt, and femme chocolate bonbon
bisexual walter beckett and pansexual lance sterling
demifem piglin
t4t johnny cage, t4t sonya blade, trendercoric cassie cage, bisexual jax, bisexual jacque, firegender takeda, gay kung jin, bisexual liu kang, catbungender kung lao, firegender scorpion, genderpsychic kenshi, cryogender subzero, umbragender noob saibot, demiaroace cyrax and sector
pansexual rose lavillant and nonbinary juleka
a req involving plummyplums’ troll ocs
transneutral political nihilist, bi moderate lee, and bi progressive
wizardic wizard cookie
transmasc eddie and transfem fukuro (walking on a star unknown)
lesboy cream unicorn and transmasc pitaya dragon
nonbinary plumstone
bisexual nakumo, trans woman merrow, and aroace seven
bisexual tom nook, gay man redd, trans isabelle, trans man digby, lesbian lottie, gay blathers, and stargender celeste
spacegender gobo fraggle
gay man aron, trans clay, asexual erica, lesbian quinn, trans hana, and nonbinary alex (encore!)
gay tinky winky
demoncoric devilisha and angelcoric angely
ace snowdrop and demiromantic ivypool
bisexual akira fudo and pan miki makimura
gay flametail
gay runningnose and demiromantic blackstar
demiboy shotaro kaneda and omnisexual kei
butch shougo yahagi and pansexual yui takanaka
demiromantic yu narukami, nebularomantic yosuke hanamura, transfeminine yukiko amagi, transfeminine chie satonaka, transmasculine kanji tatsumi, futch naoto shirogane, femme rise kujikawa, and bicurious teddy
genderqueer dash, genderfluid dot, electromantic dee, and nonbinary del (pbs kids)
gay dj yellow and bisexual student
genderfluid navyj
pangender berdly and nonbinary kris
vincian tagora gorjek, nonbinary cirava hermod, boyflux galekh xigisi, and bisexual mallek adalov
arospec puppet, nonbinary cami, queer mai, and questioning chica
panromantic razor, nonbinary albedo, and adhd klee
cassgender archons
lesbian toko fukawa, lesbian komaru naegi, bisexual genocider syo, and agatic sonia nevermind
nonbinary joel smallishbeans and bisexual lizzie ldshadowlady (empires smp)
transmasc hank j wimbleton, demigirl dr. ‘tricky’ hofnarr, nonbinary 2bdamned, gay sanford, gay deimos, intersex heather w wimbleton, bigender henryk p wimbleton, autigender harvey s wimbleton, rainbowgender skittles s wimbleton, and lesbian herbie d wimbleton
arospec pinkie pie and arospec rainbow dash
panlustic rumor (jschl-tt)
bisexual henry jekyll, gay man robert lanyon, polyam edward hyde, homoplatonic frankenstein’s creature, bisexual pidgely, and biromantic jasper kaylock (tgs)
trans eggnog cookie
trans sparkling cookie and trans vampire cookie
transmasc gingerbrave, transneumasc wizard, transfeminine strawberry, cookiegender custard, and transfeminine chili
cattix schnitzel (chowder)
butch swatch, femme tasque manager, and transfem queen
ghostgender hu tao, lesbian yanfei, and nonbinary xiao
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dramatic-dolphin · 5 years ago
hs 👁️
i mean i guess you're not asking about the high school fandom and if you are then sorry because i want to talk about homestuck now
let's see.........
- well there was a star wars au that i have completely forgotten about until now:
So, Rose Lalonde is a jedi padawan. And she's a great one, even if sometimes she has frightening premonitions, and there is just a touch of darkness in her Force presence, and really, she's a bit too attached to her master, Knight Lalonde, don't you think? But it's been a few months since Rose and her master found a spaceship from beyond the edge of the galaxy, and now they have both gone missing.
What follows is a thrilling space opera where I wholesale took the planet of Alternia and dropped it just next to the Galaxy Far Far Away. Dirk and Dave go to search for them and end up in the frankly terrible place that's Alternia. There are lightsabers, Sith Lords, improbable alien species, and ghosts. Or at least that's what would follow if I bothered to write it. Which I didn't.
- a davekat fic. everyone like davekat, right? they are on the meteor. they play drinking games. there are Conversations. i really don't know where i was going with it because i just found it in my notes but it sounds fun.
-another one:
Last Halloween, John Egbert and his friends went missing. The fliers are still up everywhere, sticking to the sides of walls and signposts. This Halloween, Jane Crocker and her friends brave the nearest cemetery with a Ouija board and half a plan. But there are some games you just can't win.
this is a Halloween fic. where horror things happen in a cemetery and people try not to die. or worse. mostly worse. it's not the dying you should be worried about, it's Bad Eldritch Things happening. sorry about that. i promise it doesn't end completely terribly.
- aaaand last one!
Every sweep, twenty trolls between the ages of six and nine are chosen. Two from every caste (not including tyrian, of course.) The rules are easy: only one survives. Everything else is fair game. It's a grand spectacle, televised, the perfect opportunity to publicly do away with descendants of your enemies. But this sweep, someone out there is planning on shaking things up a little.
Yes, this is a Hunger Games inspired AU. Starring: canon trolls, at various ages between six and nine sweeps old, in various states of fear and terror; the Dolorosa as an unwilling fashion designer; an OC whose entire purpose is to die, which is fun; an attempt at revolution; Feferi Peixes, eventually.
also there was one that was basically about the ancestors but like. that was the whole plot.
so yeah that's it thank you and i love you so much 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
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cherp-official · 6 years ago
Directory Tagging 101
LAST UPDATED: 9/10/2020
Proper tagging in the directory has two purposes - first, it lets people who aren’t interested in your prompt blacklist it. Second, it lets people who would be interested in your prompt find you. Using variant tags or spelling things wrong hurts everybody, so be sure to use the correct tags.
Here are some general guidelines that we’ll follow with an example or two.
Don’t tag anything as “optional”, “maybe”, “possible”, “past”, or “mentioned” - tag it. In the case of the optional content, use the ‘Some Content Optional (Check OOC Notes)’ Misc checkbox and note in the OOC notes what’s optional. Don’t use different terms from what everyone else uses to try and circumvent blacklists. Use the warning checkboxes. If something is available as a checkbox in another section, it doesn’t also need to be a warning. Additionally, if you place something as a warning and it moves to misc, it is because it is not supposed to be in warnings - i.e. the warning tags are not for kinks.
Don’t write sentence tags - tags should be one or two words, three at max, and should be an easily explained concept. Please do not use conjunctions (and, but, or, etc) in any tags outside of fandoms that genuinely have these inclusions. If you need to add a conjunction, then the tag should be separated into individual tags.
Additionally, all fields should have at least one tag present. Failure to fill the Fandom and Character tags will automatically default to ‘No fandom’ and ‘Original Character’.
As above, no “ish”, “maybe”, “potential”, “possible”, “mentions of”, “past”, “themes of”, or any variation of them. These should be just tagged as the appropriate warning, as anyone wanting to avoid them likely doesn’t want even the implication of them. Scenarios and AUs go in the misc tags, not as warnings. Things like “gay”, “m/m”, “smut”, etc. also don’t belong here. 
The checkboxes and box for custom warnings is only available if the prompt is put under NSFWE. If you need a warning, your prompt should automatically be NSFWE. Generally, warnings are for illegal or triggering content. Rule of thumb is that if you have to ask, it should be a warning. You can always double check with a mod.
For a breakdown of some of the standard warning tags:
Character Death – If someone dying is relevant to the post, it should be tagged with the death warning. If the death happens in the prompt, is planned to happen in the RP, or a major plot point which will be explored at length/in great depth, it is NSFWE.
Drugs / Alcohol – Due to its highly triggering nature (and the interactions it has with consent), drug and alcohol use are always NSFWE, and should be tagged as a warning.
Abuse – Due to its highly triggering nature, abuse (whether emotional, verbal, physical, etc) is always NSFWE, and should be tagged as a warning. Please do not tag variations of abuse. For example, Emotional Abuse, Verbal Abuse, and Domestic Violence are not valid warnings and all fall under the Abuse checkbox and should be explained in the OOC.
Filth/Unsanitary Themes - this is required for kinks mostly, but it is so that people can filter out this content. Content under this umbrella includes: watersports, scat, emetophilia, musk, etc. However, individual/specific topics under this umbrella should be tagged in Misc Tags.
Additionally, if your prompt is going to handle serious mental illness it needs to be tagged. Also, if you are going to handle suicidal ideation/thoughts/attempts/etc, it all needs to be tagged under the general tag of ‘Suicide’ and expanded on OOC so that people who do not want to see that content can easily blacklist it.
Other NSFWE Warning Checkboxes are elaborated upon in Directory Tagging 102.
Fandoms are tagged by their recognized western name. The tags we recognize are the title of the Wikipedia article regarding the work. Do not use acronyms or foreign language names (including Japanese). If there is no Wikipedia article, whatever it is titled on the largest source of fandom information, such as the dedicated wiki, is correct. If there is not a recognized (either localized or consensus-recognized) English name for a fandom, only then are you permitted to use its original-language name.
For cases in which no fandom is directly involved, such as a situation with original characters not made for a specific setting, the canonical tag is “No fandom”. If your character is interacting with the setting in question, however, you can tag it with that fandom. Please note that time periods, ‘original setting’ and genres (i.e. sci-fi, fantasy, historical, etc) are not valid fandom tags.
EXAMPLE: A person wants to play their OC interacting with characters from Homestuck. Their character is not native to the Homestuck setting, nor are they being put there. For Fandom, they would tag “No fandom”, and for Fandom Wanted, they would tag “Homestuck” as the characters they are looking for are native to that series.
EXAMPLE: As above, but the OC is playing a game of Sburb and thus meets John Egbert. They would tag Fandom as “Homestuck”, in this instance.
Additionally, for blacklisting and search purposes, you must tag parent franchises when making a prompt for a work that is part of a franchise. This follows the same naming conventions as the above regarding localization and titles.
EXAMPLE: A person is writing a prompt for Breath of the Wild. They would use two fandom tags – “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” as the game tag, and “The Legend of Zelda” as the parent tag (since that is the Wikipedia article for the series as a whole). This would be put in both “Fandom” and “Fandom Wanted”.
If you are willing to accept any fandom, the appropriate tag is “Any Fandom”, and if you are looking for crossovers between multiple fandoms, tag the involved fandoms in the Fandom field and “Crossover” in misc.
Character Tags
Characters are tagged by, as with fandoms, their recognized western name. The same rules apply for determining what is their “recognized western name”. Additionally, character names are always written in western order – personal name followed by family name. An important note is that any sort of “Series Qualifiers” on Wikipedia articles are ignored, since that is what the fandom tags are for.
When there is no information regarding canonical names or titles of a character, such as in the case of characters that the player names who have no recognized in-universe title, they are tagged as “Protagonist (Fandom)”.
Character modifiers, traits, and genders do not go in here. 
Do not use any sort of nicknaming system or way to describe aliases such as pipe notation.
The canonical tag for original characters is “Original Character”. Do not tag the name of your original character.
If you will accept any character, tag “Any Character”. For specific slices of character by gender, simply tag the correct genders – we do not accept, for example, “Any Girl” as a valid tag. Instead, you should tag Any Character and then tick the cis female, trans female, and feminine fantasy morphology boxes. Any other subsets should be specified within the OOC, such as “I will only accept Trolls!” or via characteristics by tagging Trolls. If you want only canon characters only, still use the “Any Character” tag but make sure to utilize the misc checkbox ‘OCs Not Accepted’.
EXAMPLE: A person wants to play the Persona 5 protagonist meeting with the Persona 3 protagonist. They would tag, respectively, “Joker (Persona 5)” and “Protagonist (Persona 3)” (since he lacks a canonical name and is titled by wikipedia “Protagonist”). All Persona protagonists have nonstandard tags - Protagonist (Persona 3), Female Protagonist (Persona 3 Portable), Protagonist (Persona 4), Joker (Persona 5), and Violet (Persona 5 Royal) are their respective tags.
EXAMPLE: A person wants to play Tracer from Overwatch. They tag “Tracer”, despite the character’s name being Lena Oxton.
EXAMPLE: A person wants to play Deku from My Hero Academia. A quick search to Wikipedia’s character page on the series lists him as “Izuku Midoriya”, so they tag that.
Gender Tags
At least one gender tag is to be used when posting. If you are willing to accept any gender, then please check all gender boxes. If you are playing a canonically male character as a female genderbend, then you would tag ‘Genderbend’ and ‘Cis Female’. Additionally, if you are roleplaying a genderbend, tag the character’s canon name. Fan genderbend names are not acceptable tags.
If you are willing to play a character as different possible gender identities - i.e. Trans Man and Cis Male - then tag both and clarify OOC.
Additionally, there have been new gender tags added which are the Fantasy Morphology tags. The Fantasy Morphology tags are for unrealistic or oversexualized/exaggerated physiology which is not naturally occurring. 
Example: So say you have a character that is sentient and identifies as female but maybe doesn't actually have any actual genitalia - like a doll - that would fall under Fantasy Morphology (Feminine). If they identified as male it would be Fantasy Morphology (Masculine). 
Note: Trolls with Nook + Bulge combo fall under Fantasy Morphology.
In regards to futanari - Futanari is to be denoted with the Fantasy Morphology (Feminine) tag with a characteristic tag of Futanari in conjunction. It is under absolutely no circumstances to be tagged as Trans Female or Intersex. Additionally, much like warnings - since this is something that many people actively want to blacklist, there should be no “ish”, “maybe”, “potential”, “possible”, or “optional” variations of the characteristic tag to allow people to blacklist the content properly.
This field is for all your modifiers and traits such as Alpha / Omega / Beta for A/B/O Dynamics, age, race/species, etc. 
Remember that characteristic tags should follow the general outline of tagging - tags should be one or two words, three at max, and should be an easily explained concept. Please do not use conjunctions (and, but, or, etc) in any tags outside of fandoms that genuinely have these inclusions. If you need to add a conjunction, then it should be separate tags.
Just as an idea, a list of tags that would be acceptable for characteristics are:
Demon, Tiefling, 18, Tall, Busty, Exotic Genitalia, Furry, Anthro, Top, Bottom, Versatile, Submissive, Dominant, Switch, Feral, Hybrid, Caregiver, Wife, Son, Father, Lusus, Nook, Bulge, Crossdresser, etc.
As you can see, there are plenty of uses for the characteristics tag, but it should be something easily relayed to your audience.
Misc Tags
Tag any miscellaneous information, including relevant kinks, specific AUs, and genre information here. Do not put character modifiers here, those are for the characteristics tag. Tag talk is still not accepted here.
Remember, A/B/O Dynamics is a misc tag and should go in this section as it is treated as a form of AU.
There should be no use of tags as identifiers for blocking - i.e. Blacklist Tags / Block Tags. Now that blocking individual prompts has been put in place, these are no longer valid.
Reminder: Mods can and will wrangle or outright modify unnecessary/invalid tags either to a fitting tag or to a ‘nullify tag’ which will remove the tag from use. Additionally, there is no tolerance for the use of slurs as a tag and these will be nullified and your account will be noted for further infractions.
If you think that a tag has been incorrectly wrangled, please bring it to one of the mods’ attention to discuss the matter. If you see wrong tags, then report the prompt to a mod, which is most easily done by DMing a mod on discord.
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homestuckss-moved · 7 years ago
Here’s the list of people who need backups, just DM asking for a slot, and if it isn’t taken, I’ll give it to you! Thank you so so much to everyone who has offered so far to be a backup; let’s try to get these filled really quickly!!! You have until the 31st to finish the backups!
We‘re all good on backups! Thank you so much everyone!!!
SLOT 1: TAKEN adiosCali8rator , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Anything davepeta, nepeta, rosemary, jaderoxy, or jadecallieroxy related “ , NO:  Nsfw, angst, gore
SLOT 2: OPEN asexually-homeschooled , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Anything with Roxy or Callie, Dirkjake or Rosemary “ , NO: Furry, NSFW
SLOT 3: OPEN ask-tipplegnostalgic , Art , “ The 12 first trolls (karkat and cie), alpha or beta kids, if shipping boy x boy prefered, though rosemary is great. I adore Egberts and Striders. “ , NO: Gore, Angst, Blood
SLOT 4: OPEN badgersthename , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “I like Striders, Vantas's, Jake like fuck me up. Dirkjake <3<3 DaveKat “
SLOT 5: OPEN clitclip , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ Anything Vrisrezi, Demonstuck, sickfics, Davekat, Calliroxy, and any combination thereof!” , NO: Makaras
SLOT 6: OPEN craske , Art, “some Eridan, pale erikar or happy Tavros” , NO: Suggestive, NSFW
SLOT 7: OPEN danxiously , Art, “ davesprite, Dave, and Dirk, Sollux, SOLKAT “ , NO: NSFW, Angst
SLOT 8: OPEN evieoftheisle , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ i love AUs and cool fashion? and romance and friendship cliches. Fav characters: John, Karkat, Dirk!! Fav ships: johndave, dirkjake?? fav friendships: BETA KIDS “ , NO: Gore, NSFW
SLOT 9: OPEN feathercadence , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ anything davetavkat related; davetav; davekat; tavkat; johndave please. “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 10: OPEN galacticjacket , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Jade and/or Aradia being really cool during a strife, or just hanging out in hightops; Replay AU angst; fancytier “ , NO: nsfw, no ships, no revealing outfits.
SLOT 11: OPEN gelatinousbaby , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Sprites? I don't really care :p “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 12: OPEN groeuf , Art , “ tyzias & terezi joey & xefros badass pose, any character “
SLOT 13: OPEN hissmycookies , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Nepeta and Equius was one of my favorite relationships :3 Maybe doing cute fluff things like teatime, having fun in the snow, or killing hapless goblins? Hmm...looking back on Homestuck the other troll quadrants are really interesting. Any depictions of a spade or ash relationship would be cool. Luscuses Lusci UM large white fluffy animals interacting with their associated character? “ NO: “ Homestuck was a while ago for me, so nothing to obscure I guess. no nsfw or anything over-the-top gory either “
SLOT 14: OPEN imlovroselalonde , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ Davekat fluff, Roxy & Rose sisterly bonding, the alpha kids having fun together “ , NO: “ If you're a minor don't write me smut (if you're over 18 then it's fine), not into incest (even ectobiological) “
SLOT 15: OPEN jangnan , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ erisol, arasol, or solkat would be neat “
SLOT 16: OPEN just-another-bumblebee , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ john egbert, gamzee, dirkjohn and johnkat are both great 2 (also gamkar) “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 17: OPEN lunaeclipsedoesart , Art , “ Jade Harley/davekat/Troll kingdom rulers hanging out together “ , NO: NSFW
SLOT 18: OPEN mcl-imagines , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “Hiveswap characters, My otp erisol, or cheesy platonic stuff involving my fav trolls: pyropes, amporas, peixes, serkets. “ , NO: “ Gore of any kind but particularly eye trauma. Also please don't include anything with self harm (unless its just scars, and not the focal point of the piece) or anything with realistic insects. “
SLOT 19: TAKEN missplacemat , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ Sisterly lalondes making trollsonas/ Roxy and jane being Beautiful Pastel Girlfriends/ jade and nepeta being Beautiful Strong Girlfriends/ lesbians of your choosing “ , NO: Incest, pedophilia, angst
SLOT 20: OPEN msawesomeiscool , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ PepsiCola, NepKat, Rosemary “, NO: Gore, NSFW 
SLOT 21: OPEN neatgirl , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ i really like calliope, callieroxy, 80s fashion, and nostalgic kids on bikes aus. hurt/comfort involving recovery from alcoholism is also ok! “ , NO: “nothing where either of the characters refer to the other as "hun" or "hon" please! other than that im good with anything. “
SLOT 22: OPEN nocturnalfighter , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ davekat, lgbt headcanons, happy post game celebration “, NO: “ gore, nsfw, nepkat as <3, no bro allowed “
SLOT 23: OPEN nopersdopers , Art, “ Fluff, cute, or something a lil bit steamy “
SLOT 24: OPEN otakumadness15 , Art , “ Anything that has to do with rosemary, the scourge sisters and davekat (or just Karkat, I really love Karkat) “  , NO: Gore, angst and nsfw
SLOT 25: TAKEN poptartsplat , Art , “ Janeroxy, rosemary, beta kids being goofy teens, aradia “
SLOT 26: OPEN rainbowdrink , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ rosemary or davekat! or, if the person doesn't want to do a ship, they could simply use one of the four characters listed (rose, kanaya, dave, karkat) by themselves :) “ , NO: Vriska
SLOT 27: OPEN truereset , Fan fiction, Fan art, Other , “ 1) fanart specific: i'd love to see a god tier outfit redesign! kanaya or aradia if you please. i'd love to see a creative take on their god tier outfits! 2) modern outfit designs for any of the signless' group, OR.. 3) the ancestral trolls (preferably of signless' group) adapting to culture shock, in a post-game/post-revival alterniearth scenario 4) johnkat, in general. you kno. that Gay Shit 5) think of the most obscure, oddest sounding, least compatible bloodswap you can. /That/ “
SLOT 28: OPEN satons-hoard , Art , “ My Troll ocs, My ocs interacting with other people's ocs, My ocs interacting with canon characters (Candy gore is fine) (Please contact me for character references. “ , NO: Gore, NSFW
SLOT 29: TAKEN spaceykiddo , Fan fiction, Fan art , “ beta/alpha kids as a family, rose and jade being cute, fluffy davekat “ , NO: any kind of violence/abuse, gore, angst, nsfw, sad stuff 
SLOT 30: OPEN technicolortheorist , Art , “ I would say something that represents the gifter, something that comes from the heart! I'll be sure to see it's beauty and investment upon receival :D “
SLOT 31: OPEN aura-sketch , Art , Joey, jude and roxy all having some kind of happy Christmas shenanigans maybe? Or some rosemary under the mistletoe? Or maybe rose trying to teach kanaya how to bake or something like that. Feel free to have fun with it and add your own spin! I'd prefer the first option but if you aren't really caught up in the hiveswap hype the other ones are cool too “ , NO: “ No gore please, and I'd prefer something happy to be more in the holiday spirit, but it's okay if there's a tiny tinge of sad as long as it's mostly happy if that makes sense? Just no full on sadness I guess “
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supreme-duck-blog · 8 years ago
history of homestuck (not mine)
John lives in a house in a suburb filled with houses by a lake and its *beautiful!!* In the year negative a billion– John might not have been here. In the year negative 40000 he still wasnt here, but his ancestors were. So was betty crocker. But she sucks. Then time passed and time shit happened and now theres lots of ~kids~ Because it’s normal. Ding dong, it’s gamebro magazine and they have important news. Like really shitty reviews. And a game called ~sburb~ Now everyone has heard about sburb. That means if you own sburb then you can play the game, which is what everyone needs to *survive.* So that makes you important. Sburb hosts and server players spread all across the land and all the way to here. [points to america] The most important players were here, here, here, and here. But this one was the most most important started by John, or the heir of breath. Then the world started being destroyed by meteors. John made some changes, like getting into the game, and making the others more like his game, which was a game that got people into the game. “Hey random person!” Said john. “HEY DIPSHIT.” said a troll. “Can you call me something other than dipshit?” said John. “LIKE WHAT?” said the troll. “How about John Egbert?” Said john. And they got trolled by some trolls and wrote a guide. About themselves. And then they made a bunch of items and some more game dvds. Then they stopped changing povs every time a character did something and stayed with one person for a while, with Rose. And they got Dave in finally, lets get that squared away. A weird hipster named Vriska is bored of the slow playing and talks to John who begins to trust her which causes ~shipping~ Leaves and comes back causing John to be ~great~ for a while. And the game became a little easier so John didn’t give a shit about the chance of dying So if you do care about your fragile morality how are you supposed to protect your ass from Imps? ~Ascend to God Tier~ Everyone started focusing on going god tier. -People who got to quest bed went god tier. People who did not get to quest bed did not go god tier. God tiers became powerful and everyone wanted to become god tier. But the game didn’t care and killed them anyways. They let the kids go god tier but the game was actually still in control. Breaking news, Jack Noir has invaded the troll session. “I have invaded the troll session.” Said jack noir. “Please respect me or else I might kill you as well.” “Okay.” say the beta kids. [pulling out their weapons.] The trolls tried to run away and got killed by jack noir. But the kids were upset and got ready for battle and had a nice time fighting but then died to jack noir. Then the game kills John, but john comes back to life and wanders around skaia and meets WV. And John can stay alive a little longer, if he wants that’s fine. ~Now theres more trolls~ Like humans but grey and with horns, symbols, coolorful blood, quirks, ocs, and buckets. It’s time for who’s going to be the next leader. Sollux wanted it to be terezi, but terezi didn’t want to lead. So he tries to get someone else to be the leader of the red team, but no one wants to. So who’s it gonna be? Vote now on your husktops. And everyone voted so hard Karkat got angry and started yelling. Sollux actually didn’t care, he didnt want to play anymore anyways. And the entire game broke into pieces. Karkat became leader and the game was ok for a short period. Knock knock. It’s Vriska. No, she doesnt want to take over, she just wants to be a hero. By creating Jack noir. And killing Tavros. So that’s great. But everyone is still fighting each other. Now with Gamzee! Wouldn’t it be nice to be safe for once, with no one out to kill you? This troll (Eridan) Kills Feferi and Kanaya, but is then chainsawed in half by a vampire who came back to life. Surprise surprise, Gamzee’s on a murderous rampage. On that rampage, one troll named Equius gets killed and Nepeta is upset. Who also gets killed. Vriska is just about to go fight jack noir but he kills everyone else, so Terezi uses her seer powers to kill her and keep this from happening. And then she felt really really bad. “We are going to breed frogs and hopefully win the game” said Dave who tried but jack noir came and he died. But before he died his past self became his sprite and was now hanging out with his bro until jack noir came again. And jack noir was like “yeah right, it’s not gonna be a happy ending, you’re gonna die. Cuz I’m angry.” And so he killed Bro and almost Davesprite, who had his wing cut off and somehow bleeds despite being a sprite. A lot of people hate Jack, but Jade was just kinda ok with him. Someone comes and kills jade, and jack gets mad. Jack kills him, but jade is still dead. ~Cascade~ And Jack takes Jade to the quest bed to go dog tier and save everyone’s life. But don’t get confused, Dave and Rose set off the tumor. And they died on their quest bed and ascended in the green sun with Aradia and Sollux who were also there. PM got a ring and looked just like jack. Except for the whole black and white thing, but they were equal in every other way. Now that everyone’s going somewhere we change povs to the alpha kids. There was Jane, Roxy, Jake, and Dirk who were the “ancestors” of the beta kids. Except there was betty crocker, carapaces, sburb alpha, gcat, and looming death. They tried to play the game and failed miserably so Dirk had to save their asses. We’re talking time shenanigans on rocketboards while freestyling and jumping through portals to all meet up, maybe even sea hitler. Over time they met Caliborn and Calliope and met with the others and– Knock knock. It’s the Trickster Arc. With drugs. And candy. Drug candy. “Come, play with us. Stop, running away.” said the Tricksters. There was really nothing they could do so they got high on candy and got to their quest beds but then had a hangover and died in a fire. They ascended and got thrown in jail by jade and jane. “That sucks!” They said. “This sucks!!” And with help from John’s retcon powers they got out. And somehow Jake had an imaginary dirk and had a hope temper tantrum, which jade couldn’t do anything about. Then she got crushed by a falling tower. And everyone else finally caught up, and was like “oh no.” And then the becs caught up and everyone was like “Oh no.” And you know what else was bad? That’s right, Fish hitler. So what did she do? Join the party. The becs start to take jade from under the tower and start to fly away. And Dave rushes in out of nowhere and says “stop no you cant do that we were gonna heal her with Jane’s lifey powers to save her” and they fly away anyways with Dave in pursuit. Then, Terezi finds Gamzee and they talk about their feelings. Did I say talk? I meant kick each others asses. And Jake says “Can you maybe chill?” And Gamzee says “How bout maybe YOU chill?” John kinda hates Caliborn. You’ll never guess who kinda hates John. Caliborn! So John and Caliborn start fighting because they really hate each other. Feeling really confident, John beats the shit out of caliborn and then gets zapped away with retcon powers. ~It’s time for s game over~ Everyone’s about to die. Because Aranea decided to do something different and everyone’s freaking out and Fish Hitler is about to fucking kill everybody. Meanwhile, Gamzee is still kicking Terezi’s ass and Karkat is *ANGRY.* and the next thing he does is get stabbed in the gut by Gamzee and enrages Kanaya. Kanaya slices Gamzee in half, who still has this fucking codpiece, because he killed Karkat who was friends with Kanaya and Karkat wanted to save Terezi who was getting beat up by Gamzee because of a terrible Kismesis. Err, actually, it probably wasn’t a kismesis at all. And Kanaya had a chainsaw. So you know what that means, duhh. ~Meanwhile with Aranea~ Aranea tries to stab Jane, which she wanted to do anyways. So she sort of manipul8ed a sword her way, but then Jake blocked it! And then the sword stabbed Jane too because swords are long. Now Dave and the Becs are at Jade’s questbed and congratulations, becs, you dropped her there and are now going to fight Dave 2 on 1 with totally unfair odds all for something really stupid that really shouldn’t have happened. And yes, Dave ends up dying to both of them at once. And also Sea Hitler kills Kanaya with a laser of death which makes rose ~super pissed~ And she starts charging at condy who kills her with a trident. That was bad but Roxy saved her from complete obliteration with voidy powers so that’s ok I guess. Planets are thrown around and Condy chokes Aranea who is like “noo don’t do that its mean and i have the ring of life which means im not supposed to be able to die…” And Condy said ~“how bout I do, anyway?”~ And Condy flipped the ring off her finger, and everyone’s pretty much dead now. You’ve got mail! Its from Terezi, who somehow isnt dead. She wants John to fix everything and keep everyone from dying. This was also forwarded to Roxy. They all decided to because they were alive. ~It’s time for S collide~ Vriska is alive in the new timeline who talked to some kids, then some more kids, then some more more kids on how to fight and terezi has a mental br8kdown and sees other timelines and is like “holy shiiit” and she sees another vriska and terezi together because they are ~good friends~ and then the omegapause happened and everyone started crying because “homestuck isnt updating so i dont know what to do. Plus there’s undertale and thats pretty cool.” Suddenly there’s upd8s again and everyone starts fighting but with a little less death. Less death than any other big flash, ever. Somehow. But they still get their asses kicked, things look bad for them, but suddenly heir of grief and serenity happened and they started kicking ass. But then Dirk gets Dirkapitated in the fight by Dave and they use timey powers to get out alive. Jack’s head explodes. And then Roxy kills Condy and everyone’s really happy. And PM punches Jade in the face because she was upset. And she cuts off jacks arm after a literal eternity of being threatened. And she punches him in the face too. (you win) After all this shit Jade finally makes the universe frog with just enough ingredients for a ~whole new universe~ and everyone is happy and free in the new universe. And also not dead. They make can town and repopulate earth. But then again Vriska is still gone and no one knows where she is for some reason. ~~bye~~
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