#another thing that actively refutes the dismissal of it just being kind of a genre quirk is the introduction of ninja mind melding
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fandsart · 19 days ago
I think all the time about the fact that he sometimes slips into past tense narration in his head. This boy is so dissociative. That's not the behavior of someone whose feet are both fully planted in reality.
"I wasn't sure they knew what a week was" also stands out to me
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killian-whump · 6 years ago
@doodlelolly replied to your post: Is this an anti Jen blog?
Okay I legit was not going to say anything on this little bash fest until this popped up. Are you saying that people who appreciate Killian!whump can’t also be Jen fans? Because that is a little ridiculous. And yeah. You run a large forum on a niche genre. People give a shit about what you say, good AND bad. The way you’re responding is very (unnecessarily) aggressive and you are not the only one allowed to have an opinion. You posted something on a public forum ½
And people are bound to disagree with it. I am in the same boat as this nonny. I really do like your stuff and I think you’re very talented. But this is not the way to handle something like this. Some of us really appreciate Jen in and out if this fandom and I guarantee if this was being said about Colin or Lana that it would be going a whole lot differently right now. 2/2
*sigh* First... “little bash fest” - Here’s what I’ve said about Jen today:
“Oh nooooooo… What’d she do now?”
“That’s not only ammo to bash and dismiss S7, that’s rude to ALL of her co-stars from ALL of the seasons, rude to the writers and directors and producers, and especially rude to everyone involved in S7. I’ll reserve full judgement until I see video of her saying it for myself, because tone and actual wording means a lot, but this might be the final weight on the scale of ambivalence for me when it comes to Jen.”
“Yeah, I’ll definitely need to see a video of this to make up my own mind. It seems like, as usual, some things were said that can be taken different ways... I’ll reserve official judgement until I see it :)“
“...had they not completely rebooted the show, cut costs and cast, there would’ve been no S7 in the first place. And then Jen fans would have to accept reality - that the show was failing already with Jen in it.”
“The show didn’t fail because Jen left. She jumped ship because it was already failing and she wasn’t willing to take a back seat in the reboot that ABC demanded.”
“I said I was reserving judgement until I see what was actually said for myself… but I’m already disappointed to see that Jen’s rabid fanbase is already using her words as ammunition to attack others with.”
“That IS a good takeaway :) We should ALL try to be nice to each other :)“
So... I admit, the second one’s a harsh criticism, but followed immediately by me saying I’m going to withhold my final judgement until I see a video. The rest is just me upholding that last statement and making completely benign (and factual) observations about S7 and the show’s ultimate cancellation.
Edit: Also, I want to note that EVERY one of those statements is in RESPONSE to things said TO me about Jen. None of them were said without provocation or an intial comment from someone else that directly invited my input.
My takeaway from THIS is that, as usual, I’m being painted as someone “bashing” Jen simply because I’m not actively supporting her. And that’s bullshit. There are a lot of people out there who literally don’t like Jen... and then there’s me, who doesn’t really care one way or another (but admittedly might be swayed by this, depending on my take whenever I see the video).
Secondly... I never said people who like Killian whump can’t also be fans of Jen. The ask in question was making the same leap in logic that you’re making here, where ONE critical statement and a mess of neutral statements means I’m suddenly an “anti-Jen blog” and that this is all I’ll be posting from now on. I’m sorry, but that’s not the kind of leap anyone who’s primarily following me for whump would make, Jen fan or not. In fact, ANYONE who is following me should know that my blog is about 99.99999999% Killian/Colin/Whump and a mere fraction of a percent about shit that isn’t one of those things, let alone about Jen (positive OR negative). So no, I’m not buying that this Ask came from a whump-loving follower who happens to be a Jen fan. In fact, I doubt it came from a follower of mine at all. And no, you’re NOT in the same boat as the Nonny, because you actually addressed me TO MY FACE.
In my opinion, there is no such thing as being “unnecessarily aggressive” to anonymous crap in one’s Ask box. I have ZERO respect for people who approach others anonymously, and ZERO patience for people who dump shit in my Ask box. Someone coming into my inbox on anonymous to berate me, criticize me or play silly games where they pretend to speak for people who follow me for whump isn’t showing me one iota of respect. They get NONE in return. Sorry, them’s the breaks.
Now. Final point. If “this” (everything I said above about Jen) was said about Colin... I wouldn’t give a flying fart about ANY of it. Honestly, if Colin ever said he “carried” the show - or ANYTHING he worked on - I would think that was a shitty thing to say, and I’d say so, myself. It wouldn’t be bashing him. It would be valid and warranted criticism. If I saw someone say the same about him saying such a thing? I’d agree with them. If I saw someone withholding final judgement until they saw video of it for themselves? I’d applaud them for that. If I saw someone making factual statements about him being a part of the show when it began failing? Fair enough. He was. If I saw comments theorizing WHY he left a show that I don’t agree with, but have no evidence to refute? I’d scroll past it, because what am I gonna say? “That's one of the reasons suggested by the evidence, but I don’t personally like it, so stop saying it”? That’s not really an argument worth having, is it?
So, as usual... I dunno. Show me where I’m unfairly “bashing” Jen and I’ll give you a cookie. Or whatever you want. I won’t hold my breath, though, because as usual - whenever people who think I “hate” Jen and “bash” her are actually tasked with PROVING it, they never can. Because it’s not true.
Although, admittedly, that might change soon. I’m reserving judgement, as ALL should, until I hear her actual words for myself.
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