#another entry come play this game yall
b6d11f · 3 years
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6 of hearts : loyalty at the risk of death J of diamonds: the laughing (girl) Q of clubs: flower queen  K of hearts: suicide king
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manonamora-if · 8 months
WELLLLLL The last weeks have been a mess and a half. Don't want to get into it. It's probably going to stay messy for a while. whomp whopm :/
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Onto what's been happenings. I missed last week, so here's a recap of what I did on that 3rd week of January:
I made a new Zine (CTRL+SHIFT+ZUT+ALORS), with the vibes of lost content/games and weird programs. The Zine is downloadable in both French and English. Also, you can use it as a prompt if you want!
I was working on my Recipe Jam entry (but didn't finish because I kept fighting Adventuron and all the conditional statements...).
Also continued to review a bunch of games (see @manonamora-if-reviews).
And here what happened this week:
I finished my entry to the Recipe Jam: Not Another Sad Meal - a short cooking sim parser (easy! with walkthrough and help!)
I've also done a couple of fixes for the Sugarcube Guide (mainly typo + new indexes)
Also done a mini-fix for Meeting the Parents
Continued to play and review a shit ton of games (got the 3rd place on the Reviewer board, need about 100 reviews to get to the next one...)
A longer note on Harcourt:
I've been going at the coding of the file this week, and I think I cleared at least 1/5th of the file (I've mainly done the easy passages). The maze was insanely long to write and edit... it is now a pain to code. Will people actually see all the written text? probably not. I may have the untested and unformatted version done in a week or two.
Writing wise, MelS is finishing the 2nd ending path for Chapter 6 (it's a bummer one, I've already cried yall...). And he has 2 more ending paths to write before moving to the editing bit.
We're seeing the end with this...
Some other neat things:
An Eggcellent Preparation got 3rd place for Best Puzzle-Focused Game at the IF Short Game Showcase !! I really wasn't expecting that at all!!!
(not so) strangers in the dark won 1st place for Best Use of Songs at the Shufflecomp! my laziness paid off!
Let's talk IF Events:
The Queer Vampire Game Jam ends in about three weeks. Got a vampire/human story with a LGBT+ cast? Then this is the event for you! (unranked)
Obviously @neointeractives got you covered for Valentine's with the Smoochie Jam: it's all about kisses, love and romance (unranked) - The next Neo-Interactives mini-jam will happen mid-March.
The SeedComp! (Sprouting) ends at the end of February. Come transform someone's idea or asset into a new IF game! See @seedcomp-if for more info ;) (ranked)
Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024 se termine dans un mois! Viendez faire des histoires en français!! <3 (ranked, duh)
The Spring Thing is waiting for your intent to participate until March 1st!
Got a cool talk idea regarding Interactive Fiction, narration, or gameplay? Consider submitting a proposal for this year's Narrascope! They are still looking for people!
Finally, Finally Finish Something 2024. Technically not IF, but if you finished something in January, and want to submit something... (it is ranked, but it also gets hundreds of entries)
I think that's all for the near future? See you for the February check up in a few days....
Also: Anon is back on. Send stuff if you want. (I'll prob do an AMA around the end of February)
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🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
you interact with the bry?! You interact with the bry on their blog!? (thank you for sending lol). also, sorry im gonna tell a little detail about the songs because i ... cant help but be long winded sorry guys
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus: funny story about this one. when i went to see duran for the second time, i brought an irl with me. afterwards we walked back to our job together and sat outside to wait for her mom to pick us up. while we were sitting she asked if i listened to depeche mode and i said i'd only ever heard one song and couldnt remember which one it was, so she played this song for me and i havent been able to stop listening to it since. Its one of those everyday little moments that sticks in your memory, you know?
Duran Duran - Pressure Off: absolute hype song i listen to this whenever i need an energy boost tbh. also have claimed it as a queer anthem because... listen to it. They got Janelle Monae on the track. Cmon. anyway, I keep getting told i need to do performance by people irl and i should get into amateur drag, so im trying to put together a show to this, actually
Midge Ure - The Man Who Sold The World: i feel like this makes it REALLY clear which MGS game is the only one ive ever watched. Please dont roast me too hard for this, but i actually prefer this version to the original
Bauhaus - Double Dare: when i started getting more into goth music, the name that kept coming up was always Bauhaus. actually, their first song that i heard was Bela Lugosi's Dead, but its so long i rarely find myself with the energy to listen to it oops. i actually listened to this one before i heard Dark Entries (another fav), but i immediately forgot the name of the song. it got stuck in my head though and i spent forever trying to find it... only to find it immediately on a best of compilation.
Bastille - Good Grief: another duran concert story. they opened for duran alongside Nile Rodgers & Chic last time i saw them (we missed most of Chic's set though 😔). i had only heard a few bastille songs, mostly their hits, but when this song started i found myself learning the chorus real quick and i couldnt help but sing along lol
i'll be sending this along to followers and mutuals, but if yall see this on your dash and want to do this please take it as an open invitation to do so!! thank you guys again teehee
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itspdameronthings · 3 years
Here is my late entry story for@rebelwrites 's challenge. Was going to write this yesterday. suffered from writer's block and life taking over my writing time. the plot of the story is that the reader is frustrated with work. Benny and william to the rescue.
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You had enough.At your wits end. One disaster after another. All you wanted is to get out of the hospital, and vent. That is not the case. You can't leave till you get caught up with charts and other shit. Reason why you had the " don't disturb " sign on your door.
Will and Benny arrive at the hospital. Looking for you. One of the nurses told them you locked yourself in your office again. Mention something under your breath. Both of them know what you need. Benny patted his brother's shoulder," I'll call the boys to see if they are up for some paintball. Looks like our girl needs to vent again." Will smiles," good idea. I'll try to get her out of the office."
Will texted you. Telling you that you need to open the door so he could help you.slowly opening the door. See you so stressed out. Pulls you into his strong arms," oh my precious tinker bell. Hate that you are so stressed out. Time for you to get out of here. Benny called the others to see if they wanted to go paintballing with us. Need to vent doll." Benny comes behind you. Kissing the back of your head," he is right ya know. Then afterwards. Both of us will make you relax." Will tilts your head up so you could look into his beautiful blue eyes," trust us love. You will make yourself feel better."
Three of you got home to change into your grungiest clothes that you didn't care if it got ruined. Paired with your worn out cap from your delta force days. Boys got everything packed up. Off they go to do some bang bang shoot them up.
Rest of the boys arrived at the old warehouse. Where it is converted into a place where the public can go to play paintball. Better than going outdoors since the weather has gotten cooler.
Santi and his sister pacing around. She runs her fingers in her hair," why did you have to call me everytime yall want to go paintballing. Yall play way too rough. Besides, still recovering from my sore shoulder where I got shot! " santi rolls his eyes," I didn't mean to shoot ya! Was aiming for Benny. Reason why you are gonna be with Benny, ironhead, and tinkerbell."
Three of you arrived. To see that Frankie hasn't showed up yet. Which is fine. He had to finish fixing up a plane.
Few minutes later. Frankie showed up. Following every one inside. Getting ready to vent. Putting their gears on,and picking out their teams. Which is the Millers, you and Firestar against Frankie, Santi, and Frankie's girlfriend. Not great odds since they are one person short. Which is fine.
As both teams talk about their game plan. Which is simple . Take everyone out. The losers have to buy dinner. Benny chuckles," no one shoots at anyone's ass." He said that while staring at you.
This gets under way. It's like their training session back in the day. Took a long time to " kill" the opponents. None of them want to lose. First kill was firestar since she didn't see that santi was behind her. Next one to get shot was Frankie. You managed to get Frankie's girlfriend. Only ones that were left were you, benny, santi, and ironhead.
This standoff is taking forever. Santi is the only one left. Since he wants to take you three out. You sneaky went to the right side. Did a roll and shot santi in the lower back. Caused him to scream," shit! That fucking hurt! " You laugh," I was aiming for your ass Pope. Too bad you moved. Besides it's paying ya back for shooting me in the ass last night dipshit. How about that steak dinner? " Benny helps Pope up," looks like each of us won a match. Next time. Bring your wife with you pope. She would like to do this with us." He moans," try telling that to a defense lawyer. She wanted to come,but she had a deposition to prepare for."
After making plans to meet at their favorite restaurant for dinner. The brothers hold you close. You sigh," thanks boys for bringing me here. Felt good to let out my frustrations.Also I'm looking forward to what happens after our victory dinner." The brothers know what to do.
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mememan93 · 4 years
too 10 zelda games and why?
an ask? sick!! ok top 10 zelda games with reason coming up! (why cant i tag asks??)
1: skyward sword (duh)- Everything about this game is amazing, the soundtrack, the Npcs that feel like people, the puzzles, the controls, just everything! The storyline was linear, but really worth it! This might seem unpopular, but i also loved fi, from her aesthetic to her theme, hell i didnt mind her tips, no matter how many times i play through the game! People say they dont like having to fight the imprisoned/ghirahim 3 times. I loved the ghirahim fights and didnt mind doing it 3 times. And while the imprisoned was annoying, it was there because of plot consistency. The old woman says that too much power will draw it out, and if that didnt happen every time yall would be complaining about plot consistency. Skyward sword also had some of my favorite characters: Ghirahim and this version of Zelda!
2: Spirit tracks (wii u virtual console): this was my first Zelda game, I used to play it at family events with my cousin on his ds because social anxiety. You might think that i have it so high for nostalgia, and while that was the case for a while, i recently got the virtual console version, and played though it twice (you know when you do something recently it loses its nostalgia?) the soundtrack was great, i loved anjean, and zelda in that game was incredible. Taking the form of a phantom to help you, literally all of zeldas and links interactions were adorable. People said hey didnt like the touch controls and while they did take some getting used to, i adjusted kinda quickly, and when i played phantom hourglass afterwards, i kept dying cause the rolls were different.
3: Ocarina of time (3D): yes i didnt have an N64, fight me. Oot is a fan favorite, and for good reasons. It basically invented the zelda formula (if i have my release dates straight?) not counting alltp. Shiek is one of my favorite characters in anything ever, and admittedly, i did get a little sad when navi left. The soundtrack is good, but short when compared to other zelda games (that and it keeps getting taken off of youtube gdi!) again, ive never had an n64, so idk what the water temple was like back then, (i know about the iron boots gear screen) but from some of my cousins reactions, it seems to be a LOT better in the 3ds version
4: A link Between worlds: This is a really solid entry in the zelda series. Its got just enough difficulty that i dont remember literally everything, but easy enough that i can listen to something like TAZ while playing and understand whats happening in both. Ravio is a good character, though i wish you could steal for him. The items system was really cool, but i like that feeling of “whatre ya gonna get in this temple” that most zelda games have.
5. Minish cap (virtual console wii u): the minish cap is an all around pretty game. The graphics are just beautiful, the soundtrack is amazing, specially minish woods! And its got another of my fave characters, Vaati! Ezlo was also a great character, and sure the kinstones are annoying if youre tyring to 100% the game as are the figures, so this is why we dont 100% things! /s
6. Majoras Mask (3D): Disclaimer: i havent finished this, i was in ikana when my sister lost our copy of the game. But i know the story. MM is a game with only 4 dungeons, so it would seem short right? No, because of the 3 day system it takes longer than expected and wants you to plan out what youre doing. It had a lot of memorable sidequests and the masks were really fun as well. The soundtrack takes those OOT sounds and creates a whole new feel and its a heckin good time!
7. Twilight princess (wii): another game i havent finished! This time because spider scary, and im worried about encountering another one. Midna is super awesome, as is the wolf form and twilight sections, but on the wii, the controls are… awful. Anyone who complains about skyward swords motion controls has obviously never played this version of the game. Zant was cool, but then he was immediately overshadowed by ganondorf with little explanation. At least in Skyward sword ghirahim makes it clear that all he wants is demises resurrection. 
8. Wind waker (HD): for a lot of people this is their favorite, but idk it just never really clicked with me. Maybe its because i saved in the wind temple and Makar vanished so i had to reset my game? The soundtrack was good, but not really my fave, and i didnt like the king of red lions all that much. But other than that, it was a pretty solid game, just not one of my faves.
9. Phantom hourglass (wii u virtual console): after i beat spirit tracks i just HAD to play phantom hourglass, and i gotta say, i was pretty disappointed… the temple of the ocean king was like the tower of spirits, but the time limit. Oh the time limit. Also they fucking nerfed tetra in this game cmon! Ceilia made navi nosies, which i found funny for some reason. Honestly, the only saving grace is linebeck. his theme is amazing, he did grow on me, and the final boss fight against him was *chefs kiss*
10: Botw (both wii u and switch): yeah i just dont really like botw all that much. Half of the soundtrack is pretty decent, but the other half is * 5 piano notes* “what you want MORE???” I didn’t like botw Zelda. At all. At best she was quirky and kinda annoying, and at worst she made me wanna slam my head into the wall. I also didnt care about the champions, no matter how much the game wanted me to. The divine beasts were pretty bad, and the shrines were just kinda tiresome. The graphics were pretty cool (THANK GOD THERE WERE NO SPIDERS) i mean its a cool game, just not a cool zelda game, ya know? Also this is the only game thats made my wii u crash. And it wasnt just one time. Do with that what you will
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Time to Barn Hard
Here we go... With under 24 hours until the kickoff of Auburn’s 2020 season, the luminaries here at College & Magnolia offer their sage opinions on what Tiger fans will see tomorrow afternoon. Most of us see a close contest destined to give us that all too familiar fall Saturday heartburn but there are a few brave souls who are prepared to barn hard no matter what.
Auburn (-7.5) vs Kentucky (O/U 49.5)
2019 Auburn fans won’t recognize 2020 Auburn. Bo Nix is going to take a huge leap forward. His receivers are healthy for game one. Our fearless leader has finally found someone he trusts enough to manage playcalling duties. The defense will reload with All-Conference (and maybe All-American) talent. A talented (and deep!) group of hard-hitting running backs. Pre-season optimism has overwhelmed pre-game jitters for me. Look for Chad Morris to show off all his weapons Saturday. He has a tendency to put up a lot of points in his first game at a new school. Brace yourselves, Wildcats. Let’s barn hard, yall.
Auburn 48
Kentucky 14
-Josh Dub
I was talking with a friend of my wife’s the other day and she asked how I thought Auburn would do. I was raised by an old school Auburn fan who taught me to sandbag and say that we were just hoping that everyone buckled their chin straps correctly and that they just had fun out there. That was met with my wife telling her, I always do this. I responded by saying that I just lower the bar so that, when they win by 40 in a game I don’t expect, I get the rush of being a kid again and genuinely happy when Auburn wins.
That said! HERE WE GO!
Auburn has got stars everywhere on the outside and in the backfield but a bunch of green horns on the starting line on offense, so IF Chad Morris (or Gus if he is still calling the plays) can use quick screens and....this route called a slant...to hide the fact that the Auburn offensive line will look a lot like the French army circa 1938, then they might buy a few chances for Anders to kick some field goals.
On defense, you don’t lose D Brown and Marlon and get better. You probably don’t maintain the production you had last year on the D-Line. You can get back there, but that takes time and experience. That said, I am a bit more bullish on the defense as a whole. There is a ton of talent to go around on the line and the secondary and the Linebackers may be the best in the conference. Once again, the defense will keep Auburn in every game for the most part. And that new line will be tested against a really well coached, running offense that Kentucky brings to the Plains.
I love what Mark Stoops has been able to build in Lexington, and sort of done what Matt Campbell has done at Iowa State, that team you just don’t want to see cause they are scrappy and will take advantage of your mistakes. On the betting lines, I am staying away from this one with spendy cashy monies but with fakey non-existant moneies, I love the Cats getting a touchdown and a hook because I see this one being in the 3-4 range with Auburn probably winning, just based on history and going with my heart, but I could totally see Kentucky pulling this off as well.
Gimme Auburn over Kentucky 27-24 and the defense had to get a late stop to seal this one away. Nothing like a late missed FG to start that stomach ulcer.
(betting pick: UK and the points, Over at 51)
-Drew Mac
Auburn *should* win this game. Auburn *should* have the talent advantage. But hey, this is 2020. Who knows what havoc Covid will have wrought on install for any given team.
That being said, I trust Bo Nix’s development as a true sophomore. I think this Auburn team, while still going through some growing pains, will finally start to hit on explosive plays with a veteran WR corps. This Kentucky defense is not the one that one 10 games two years ago.
The only way things go sideways is if the retooled defensive line can’t stop the Kentucky ground game, which is an extremely valid concern. The Wildcats have three returning backs who combined for 1,900 yards and 18 TDs while sharing the spotlight with Lynn Bowden Jr last year, and Terry Wilson is no slouch. I think the Auburn linebackers are going to have to earn their keep as best LB group in the SEC here in week 1.
Auburn takes this one with some big plays through the air and a defense that bucks up in the second half. 27-13 Auburn.
-Ryan Sterritt
I’m a huge proponent of playing a patsy in week 1. In a normal season fall camp doesn’t really give a complete picture of how an offensive line communicates in real time, how well the quarterback has his timing down with his receivers, if the tailback has fumbling problems, mike linebacker being able to switch the defensive alignment based on tendencies, etc. etc. But if you can’t play a patsy I’m a huge proponent of playing a top 10 team who will keep you engaged without distractions leading up to kickoff and will tell you so much about where you can go from here. What you don’t want is a trap game in week 1.
Folks what we have here is a trap game in week 1.
We’re 14 points better than Kentucky. I genuinely believe that. Talent wise and coaching we’re at least 2 scores better than this football team at home. And it does not matter one bit thanks to COVID.
I am so concerned over what we’re going to look like out there considering how many guys were held out at various points of our extended fall camp thanks to COVID. Which wouldn’t be as big of a deal in a normal year, even though it would still be a big deal, but OH YEAH WE HAD NO SPRING PRACTICE. So in keeping with my tradition of being absolutely God awful at Barnin’ Hard, this tiger ain’t changing his stripes for this one.
Keys to victory:
- Stop a Kentucky ground attack with a defensive line that is fully capable of plugging the gaps and have your linebackers make plays in space. This will only work if our corners, who will be in a lot of one on one situations, make plays. Jaylin Simpson is the guy that will get picked on, and this is a fine opportunity for the redshirt freshman to get thrown into the deep end to see if he’ll sink or swim in his first meaningful snaps. If he can hold his own, we’re in good shape.
- Establish an intermediate passing attack early in this game. Keep their defense off balance early on the offensive script and allow Bo Nix and an offensive line that will struggle but has a higher ceiling than that of the last 2 seasons gain some confidence early.
- Get the fastest player in all of college football 10 touches/targets for the day. This one may appear in all 10 entries of “Keys to Victory” for our schedule this year. Scheme to get Anthony Schwartz the ball in multiple ways. And then scheme off of it to get other players in positions to be in favorable coverages.
- Rotate your running backs in a way that makes sense instead of giving the “guy with the hot hand” 25 carries. This running back room is deeper and more talented than it has been since the healthy parts of 2016/2017 for Pettway and KJ. Give these guys a chance to punish Kentucky’s defense with fresh legs for 4 quarters. Make them hate playing us.
- Oh, and finally, get some sound sleep and show up alert for an 11 AM kickoff. I don’t need to explain to any of you why this is obviously something we should all worry over.
All in all I think being at home does matter, despite 20,000 people in the stands. Traveling in these uncertain times has to account for something, right?
Auburn 27 Kentucky 21
-Josh Black
If the first few weeks of football are any indication, I’m expecting some low scoring sloppy games on Saturday. And while Auburn’s rivals have essentially “warmup games” to start their season, Auburn will play another ranked opponent in Week 1. That’s JABA right?
Anyways, I’m really excited to see this group of Running Backs led by Captain Shaun Shivers this season. I’m really excited to see Shaun get the opportunity to start and it’ll be interesting to see how many carries he and the rest of the RBs get on Saturday. This is an experienced receiving corps too led by Seth Williams, “Flash” Anthony Schwartz and veteran Eli Stove.
The biggest question to me (other than the offensive line) will be the defensive line as it’s hard replacing Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson. And we can all hope for better O-Line play this season and a more mature Bo Nix as he enters Year 2 as the starting QB.
As I said earlier, I’m thinking this is a low-scoring game and I’m a bit concerned about this one, with the 11AM kick and all but I’ll take Auburn in a close one.
Auburn 17 Kentucky 14
-Will McLaughlin
I firmly believe Auburn has a significant talent advantage at the skill positions in this matchup. Yes the Cats have an athletic QB, a strong stable of backs, intriguing WRs and a surprisingly good secondary but across the board I’ll take Auburn. However, it won’t matter if the Tigers lose the line of scrimmage battle which is way more likely than any of us wanna imagine.
As you have probably read, heard, seen by now, Kentucky has one of the best offensive lines in the country. This isn’t a group made up of 3-star kids with heart. Left tackle Landon Young was a 5-star recruit. Center Drake Jackson was a 4-star ranked as a top 150 player. Future NFLer Darian Kinnard was a 4-star recruit as well. This is both an experienced AND talented front who enjoy physically beating the hell out of their opponents. Everyone in the world knew that a run play was likely coming last fall and it rarely mattered. While I trust Rodney Garner & Kevin Steele to rebuild this front 4 for the Tigers, I am concerned about them being ready to go week 1. Even with Derrick Brown and Marlon Davidson last year, Oregon pushed around the Tigers for one half. This UK OL is of the same calibre and it wouldn’t shock me if they came out the gate with similar success.
Then there’s the other side of the ball where the UK return plenty of experience of a solid front 7. However, they were actually pretty porous against the run last fall allowing over 5 yards a carry against SEC competition. The problem is I am not sure if Auburn is ready to take advantage. In most years, when I see a defense susceptible to the run, I expect an AU victory that borders on dominant. I just don’t know if the Tigers though will be ready to go on Saturday.
That’s why Anders Carlson will be the x-factor. I think Auburn’s offense will look disjointed but generate enough explosive plays to get into UK territory consistently. They don’t put the ball in the end zone as much as we would like but Anders knocks through 4 big kicks. The defense rebounds from a rough first quarter to limit the UK offense to only 2 touchdowns on the day. Auburn recovers a late onside kick to escape with a hard won victory.
Auburn 26 Kentucky 20
-AU Nerd
Auburn at 11am.
Auburn in season openers.
Auburn as favorites vs hungry teams.
Yuck. I am finding it hard to Barn as hard...——record scratch—-
(The boys are back in town starts playing)
Just kidding!
The Boys are back!
Guys we are gonna kill em.
Auburn 34- Kats 24
-Son of Crow
Most of the time I have some idea of what to expect. There’s a gut feeling, an inkling, an intuition. Even days when I publicly avow a big win, and we end up losing, I realize that I knew it deep in my soul. This time, I have nothing. I guess that’s what 2020 will do to a man. I can’t pick this game with my heart or my gut, so I have to go with the limited knowledge that we’ve been able to glean from the practice fields. Somehow, Gus has kept it tighter than usual this season. He’s keeping spies, leaks, and COVID out of the fold.
It’s not a big secret that Auburn’s level of talent is superior across the board, but Kentucky might have the mix of experience to go along with its skill to make this a very scary opening contest. We’ve heard that the Wildcats’ lines are both going to be solid, and that gives us a flashback of what the Oregon offense was able to do for about a half last year in Arlington. Auburn can’t afford a slow start on Saturday, because we’ll be breaking in a new offensive line. Now, that might not be the worst thing in the world — our line last year was nothing much to write home about — but they started to get better down the stretch. That said, this year’s group might be more maulers than linemen. Sometimes you just need some dudes being guys up front to push people around. We might have that, thus the run game could come to life with a much more talented group in the backfield. Not to mention, Bo Nix’s sophomore development with a true quarterback coach could be something unparalleled.
Kentucky will give us a fight, but there’s no way I’m picking us to lose this game. It’ll probably be close, and uncomfortably so for a while I’d wager. Still, the home “crowd” and the overall talent win out in the end. I think someone else mentioned Anders Carlson being a weapon in this one, and I agree. I think he hits 3 kicks and Auburn scores 3 touchdowns. Tigers 30-21.
-Jack Condon
In our preseason predictions I pegged this as one of the three games that Auburn could lose, and had it at the top of my list as the one I’m most worried about. That may seem weird, but we really just have no clue how any team, including our own is going to look on Saturday. We’ve all seen how bad some of these other teams already playing have looked, and I guess people think that there’s no way their own team could look that bad, but I’m not so sure. That said, I believe this Auburn team has all the components necessary to be better than last season and thus easily handle a Kentucky team that is, well they’re Kentucky. The new look offense should give an older, more seasoned Bo Nix a chance to throw some higher percentage passes, we have an SEC caliber stable of running backs for the first time in a couple of seasons, and presumably a fully healthy group of receivers. The new-look offensive line doesn’t concern me at all, because, well, I’ve lived through the last two seasons. At this point Kevin Steele and co. have earned my utmost confidence that the defense will pick up right where they left off.
Tigers 37 - Cats 12
-AU Chief
Man alive I wish I wasn’t so worried about this. Kentucky is well coached. They know what they are, and they don’t try to do things outside their comfort zone. Their strengths could cause problems for us. And yet, Auburn has more talent. 2020 is going to be a weird year, but I think having better athletes is going to win out more often than not, because teams are going to have to keep things simple. I like everything I’m hearing out of fall camp. I still don’t know about that line though. I could see a backdoor cover for UK where Auburn has to recover an onside kick to clinch things. I could see a front door cover for Auburn putting the game away late. I’ll stay on the safe side.
Auburn 24
Kentucky 17
(Auburn wins, UK covers; under)
-James Jones
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/9/25/21456468/staff-picks-8-auburn-vs-23-kentucky
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Erik and his girl at the movies and he’s in the mood and he’s trying to get you in it too . Plz ps (I love your writings)
A/N: 💖💖💖Thank you anon!!! I know I always say this but yall are so nice to me and it honestly blows my mind yall really fw me and my writing like that, so thank you so much. Thank you for being patient for this release.
On a side note, yall are getting so creative with these requests! I love it! 👏🏿👏🏿Thanks for asking anon! I hope you like it!
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
“Oooh, look! The Evil Dead is playing!” You point excitedly, seeing one of your favorite old horror movies listed right at the top in big, black, block letters.
“Wackk, don’t nobody wanna see that shit! Where my psycho niggas at, like Hannibal or Candy Man or something?” he mumbles into your hair, looking up at the marquee with you as you try and decide on a movie.
The crisp winter air bites at your cheeks, but it feels nice combined with the human heater currently wrapped around your shoulders keeping you warm.
“Excuse me, The Evil Dead is a classic, thank you very much. What about The Thing?” You suggest, already bouncing on the balls of your feet just thinking about it. You loved the 1980’s film, always managing to get wrapped up in the ‘who dunnit’ sci-fi mystery every time.
“Quit moving, I’m trying to focus,” he holds you tighter to still you, clearly unsatisfied with the choices you were coming up with. And he called you the brat.
“Come on Erik, the next rotation starts in 10 minutes, I don’t wanna miss  it!” You plead, urging him to hurry up and make a decision.
It was the end of November and you and Erik were at a horror movie marathon event at your favorite old time-y movie theater in the middle of town was hosting.
All day they’d been playing classic horror flicks like Dawn of the Dead, The Howling, Children of the Corn, and Maximum Overdrive.
There were about 30 different movies that were playing for the day, randomly shuffling after every 2 ½ hour showing and intermission.
Currently your options were: The Thing, An American Werewolf in London, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Evil Dead, and Carrie.
He takes one last look over the titles before huffing out a big breath, conceding.
“Ugh, fine, lets go see this damn Thing movie, he moans, and you do a little fist pump, hissing a silent “yes!” as you grab his hand and skip over to the ticket booth.
“Two tickets for The Thing at 5:30 please,” you beam at the teller, and she rings you up, Erik already sliding a five dollar bill on to the counter before you can even reach in your purse.
She gives you the tickets, letting you know the movie is the last one on your left, and you pull Erik through the revolving door and into the lobby.
“Okay, since you paid for the tickets I’ll pay for the snacks “You say, already pulling out your money as you try to trot ahead of him to the concession stand.
He gives you a ‘yeah, OK’ look at the back of your head, letting you get all the way to the front of the line before pinching the back of your coat between his fingers and pulling you behind him, taking your place in front of the cashier.
“Can I get a large mixed ICEE and a Buncha Crunch for this one,” he says, nodding in your direction, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Sure thing, and what can I get you sir?” The lanky teenager asks, fingers flying over the POS system on autopilot.
“That’ll be all.” he answers, handing over another bill and collecting the snacks, giving you your candy.
As he receives his change he takes a long drink from your slurpee, looking amusedly at the exaggerated sour face you make at him as you head off towards the theater.
“I thought you said you didn’t want anything” you mock him, snatching the drink from his hand when he finishes.
“I never said that,” he states, opening the door for you to go inside.
“Then next time get your own,” you sass at him, walking past him inside the dark entry way.
“Nah,” the door closes and its nearly pitch black now as you start to navigate your way up the side hallway, seeing the big screen come into view.
“Whats yours is mine,” he says, low into your ear and you shudder a little, not even realizing he’s moved over to your left side.
If he notices, he doesn’t show it, and he turns to assess the seating situation.
There’s no one in here except for an older black gentleman near the front and a couple hyper pre-teens running through the aisles and jumping from seat to seat.
“You wanna sit over there?” You ask him, pointing towards the lower middle section a little bit away from the rambunctious kids.
He sniffs at your suggestion, again. “Uh-uh, we going all the way to the top. Come on.” he grabs your hand, guiding you up the stairs to the very top and picks a spot two rows down from the projector.
You put your stuff down and he helps you out of your coat, tossing it over one of the empty seats before doing the same with his own. You settle in, arriving right on time as the trailer for the upcoming deep sea thriller fades to black and the lights dim, the only glow being the safety lights lined along the floor.
As the final announcement to turn off all cell phones plays, an usher pokes their head into the theater, spotting the kids. They flash their hand light at them.
“Come on guys you know you’re not supposed to be in there,” they say admonishingly, escorting them out.
Out the corner of your eye you can see Erik relax more, sinking further into the seat as he spreads his legs wide. You ignore him, figuring he’s about to go to sleep since he didn’t want to see the movie. So dramatic.
You open up your chocolate and start snacking, the opening scene playing on the screen and washing the theater in a bright light, the camera panning over the landscape of snow, accompanied by the sound of a helicopter flying before it too, appears on the screen.
You see Erik reach for your drink again, and you try and smack at his hand.
“Hey hey,” you say, getting territorial now because this nigga was about to drink all your stuff. Thirsty ass.
He takes it and puts it into the cupholder on the other side of him, lifting up the one between you two.
You kiss your teeth, about ready to sock this nigga in the throat when he grabs you under the leg and pulls you over into his lap.
“Erik- what the’”
“Shhhh” he shushes you, handing back the drink. “Here, take it dang. Greedy ass.” he says, looking at you, and you slurp at the straw obnoxiously when you hear a soft snore coming from somewhere. You look down to see the old man’s head thrown back in his seat, mouth wide open as he continues to take in jagged and choppy breaths.
“That nigga knocked,” Erik comments behind you, and you chuckle, punching him in the arm.
It’s a little chilly in the theater and the iced drink doesn’t help, so its nice to be back in Erik’s arms, even if he was getting on your nerves.
You sit back and watch the screen as the research team scrambles to make sense of their new guest, enjoying the rise in tension.
You get about 15 minutes into the movie before Erik starts moving around beneath you, spreading his legs wide and pulling yours to hang on the outside of his and wrapping his arms around your middle, like how he does at home when he’s watching the basketball game or playing some video game you don’t care to join in when you want attention.
“Erik we’re in public, I can’t sit like this here,” you tell him, about to close your legs when he grips the inside of your thigh firmly, stopping your movement.
“You gon sit how I tell you to sit,” he whispers, behind your ear, grabbing one of the coats laid over the seat and using it to cover your bodies, kissing your ear playfully. You let him, thinking all he wants is to be snuggled up with you again, and you relax into him, laying your head back onto his shoulder.
He let’s you chill for about five minutes before he starts kissing your neck, this time taking his hands to stroke the inside of your thighs, moving them back and forth in a massage like manner over your leggings.
The inside of your thighs were one of your hot spots, and you can’t help but roll your hips into his hands, wanting him to press into your skin harder.
“Ok, Erik,” you start, orally disagreeing with your body’s actions as you try and slow him down, knowing full well if he kept going you wouldn’t be able to pull back, and you needed logic on your side since Erik damn sure wasn’t helping.
You put your drink back down in the cupholder and reach down to stop one of his hands from roaming when the other one sweeps over your hot center, cupping you.
He starts rubbing large sloppy circles over you, pressing his fingers firmly into your clothed opening.
“…Erik…” you manager to get out, breath catching as his hands work together now, taking turns running his fingers up and down your slit, alternating hands over and over again.
Your breaths get shallower, and he dives his hands into your leggings and spreads your lips, letting your panties fall between them. He flicks at your still covered clit, using his thumb and middle fingers.
The quick throbbing vibrations make you grab out to the arm of the chair, reaching for some sort of leverage, and you accidentally spill the rest of the candy in your lap, the little pieces cascading onto the floor making a distinct scattering sound. You tense up and freeze, gasping, but he keeps going, making your hips jerk around in his lap. You try to minimize your movements, digging your pelvis back into his crotch as you try to concentrate, feeling yourself start to wet your panties with your arousal.
“E-Erik… ss-stopppp” you try and plead with him, not wanting to get caught by the only other patron here.
“What’s yours is mine,” he reminds you, giving you a sickly sweet wet kiss to your cheek, and your head falls back as you give a quiet, stuttered high pitched whine. Your pelvis locks up as your orgasm surges through you, and you shake as you lift your hips up to ride it out. You squeeze your eyes shut so tight you see stars, and your cum completely ruins your pants, overflowing into Erik’s lap too to form a wet spot on his crotch.
Erik rubs at the inside of your thighs again as you come down, kissing your shoulder as he speaks gentle praises into you, ‘Good girl. Such a good girl’.
When you finally have the energy, you lift your head up to peek down at where the old man was sitting, and see his head still thrown back, mouth hanging wide open and you hear the soft snores again.
“Man, that nigga really is knocked,” you laugh, and you pick up your slurpee and sit back to watch the rest of the movie, passing the straw between the two of you.
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kittyfairyblog · 2 years
August 27
  Nya nya good afternoon my fellow followers and friends to yet another blog entry. This neko boy is coming to you from the living room on a post brithday day. Meow this neko boy is listening to music from Koda Kumi a JPOP artist. My mom, sister, niece and nephew had went out into town to do some clothing shopping and I suspect some birthday for me shopping. I only have one guess that they went shopping for me because of my mom asked what Nintendo Switch games I would want. Meow they came home basically an hour ago and my mom went to lay down with my dad in their bedroom. I don’t know what people have to do with noisy cars but as my family minus my brother in law was exiting the car annoying car came driving up our neighborhood. It was a small red car with a loud engine. Meow anyway it rounded the neighborhood and left. We have a circlar style street where our houses are on. Nya this neko boy isn’t following my schedule as I should be. I guess it’s post birthday events that are going to happen later today have gotten me jitters. Nya this neko boy is excited for later events. I talked to one of my Aunts and she let me know that she is sending me a card but she forgot to mail it. So I might get this card next week. As we call these post birthday events Part 2 of my birthday this card will be Part 3. Meow right now our dog Kylie is laying down on the couch beside me. Nya I took her out a couple of times in the yard and she played around on the long leash that my father got her. I might update yall on what I gotten as my post birthday gifts in another blog entry on the same day. Meow I am so excited to get together with my family and celebrate my birthday. We decided to wait till today for our family to get together to celebrate our birthday with presents and cake. Also I am either going to get Chillies for dinner or going to Chillies for dinner. Nya anyway I am going to have a good time. Meow later. 
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Single Dad Life (Hamilton)
Squeal to: Remember Me and He used to mine
Hamilton POV
March 8, 2009
Today was an experience day for me since it would hit the mark that Eliza abandoned me and our eight children four months ago. I must admit it was hard for me to cope with the idea of me being a single dad with such a large amount of children. It was difficult from the beginning since many men and women would often laugh or create rumors behind my back. There has been a time where I wanted to leave myself but I couldn’t. I didn’t dare to leave my children behind like my father did when I was barely ten years old. And I won’t dare traumatize my children anymore after their mother abandoned them. How could a mother like Eliza leave her family behind while only leaving a note that said  “I’m leaving” without an explanation? I continue asking myself that question until it didn’t matter to me anymore. Even my children just accepted that their mother will never come back and I know that feeling.
Anyway, I shouldn’t be getting off sidetrack. Today was one of the most experience days since Philip and Angelica decided to have a paint war during art class at school. It was a disaster when their principal call me during work. One sight of those two in the principal office, I have to stop myself from bursting out laughing. They were the colors of the rainbow from head to toes. Some of their classmates were cover in paint as well but not nearly as bad as Philip and Angelica. It was quite funny in a way in which I have to take a picture of them in the principal office in which the young man didn’t hesitate to smile while my eldest children were blushing of embarrassment.
It wasn’t easy scrubbing the paint off of them but after washing them from almost two hours, I manage to get all the paint off. I guess that’ll be the last time those two will ever do anything mischievous at school for the time being. Then again they’re Hamilton’s after all and they won’t hesitate to start another incident or memories at school again. Until then I must end this entry for the night
April 12, 2009
Whenever you needed a good five minutes nap just to take a break from your kids. Yeah, biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I forgot the most important number one rule of being a parent. When the kids are quiet, you know that they’re doing something shady. Them being quiet should've been my first clue but nope my lazy ass brain told me to sleep. And so I did but only a moment not even a minute later I see PJ, my youngest child cover in chocolate cake all over his face and clothes. I spring up off the couch and race toward the kitchen. I’ve forgotten that younger quadruplet had the day off from school and put them to nap. I know that they’re 7 years old and are too for naps but hey they’re my children!
But anyway as I soon I step into the kitchen before me was John and William eating the chocolate cake their bare hands. As for my daughter, Eliza was cover in chocolate cake all over her dress and face as well. As they saw see standing there in horror they were like a deer in the headlight before giving me those puppy eyes. I sigh in defeat before laughing a little before taking a picture of them sitting around the destroyed chocolate cake.
After washing my children and putting their clothes in the washer, I have to bake another chocolate cake and a spare one this time. I have to make sure that the children don’t get them this time. Being a single dad has it ups and down but it’s those memories that count. And this event will be one of them. Until then my friend, see you next month
May 21, 2009
I...I can’t believe it. After picking up the children from school on the way home. I got a phone call from Nevis Don’t worry we were out eating at a local McDonald. I don’t condone talking or texting on the phone while driving. Those can’t wait but another person life can’t. Speaking another living person in fact while my children were running around on the playground as I receive a call from Nevis. My home island where I grow up before coming to the United States. The people that I kept in contact with is a priest from a local church that always guides me during my high school and college year. As I answer it I recognize a voice that I thought disappears from my memory forever. It...It was my brother whom I thought died during the hurricane many years ago.
My oldest brother...James Hamilton Jr is still alive after there years. Tears were streaming down my face as I believe that he was gone from my life forever. Now, he’s alive and well but can’t come to the United States since it cost a large amount of money. I’ll be willing to help out but knowing my brother he would decline it but we’re both stubborn with each other. I thought it would be nice for my children to see their uncle at Nevis basically my home island. They get to play on the beach and see more where their father come from beside knowing that I’m from the Caribbean. After having a long but wonderful hour of having a conversation with my brother. We said our goodbyes and we love each other before hanging up.
Philip and the others were curious about why their Daddy was crying before telling them about their uncle. They were so excited knowing they’re going to see my brother in Nevis. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t miss my home country. I miss the smell of the sea and the sand between my toes. James and I always swim around the coral reef for a moment until returning back to shore. I’m glad that my dearest brother is still alive since deep within my heart I pray that he’s alive out on Earth somewhere. Now, we’ll be reunited in Nevis our home. Until then, I have to rest for the night, my dear friend.
June 12, 2009→July 20, 2009
The children and I had an excellent time in Nevis where once I saw my brother who changes a lot recently. He has gotten taller and muscular where I’m a bit muscular but still short thought which I hated though. Still, I didn’t hesitate running my brother as we hugged each other tightly. We share a few tears of our own before my children introduce themselves to him. He given me are you crazy? Look on his face when seeing all eight Hamilton’s before. Nevertheless, he loves them endlessly since he got along very well with William who hasn’t talked much since we sang our family lullaby. It was hard for him the most out of all eight children since he loved Eliza dearly. His anger issue has declined and went depress mode which worries me and made me sign him up for a therapist. Anthony Ramos is a nice young man and William really enjoy his company. It's weird how he has the same name as one of our founding father.
Still, William and James have a very strong bond where all my children were excited to stay at our old own. Turns out James has repaired the entire house himself after returning back to Nevis nearly ten years ago. Apparently, he was searching for me the entire time but had no luck until meeting up with the priest that took me him and gave James my phone number. I guess faith has brought us back together as a family. I remember the girls making a sand castle. As for James and John decided to bury William in the sand, don’t worry his head was sticking up. While James and I taught Philip how to swim around the ocean. They collected a few seashells. It was quite the entertainment when a large hermit crab pinch it claws on James' nose.
I couldn’t stop laughing as James was running back and forth while trying to take the hermit crab off his nose. The kids were giving us weird looks like we’re insane but can’t say I blame them. The crab did fall off after James trip and land on the sand. Luckily, I record the whole event and took some pictures of it. Not to mention that it also reaching my youngers quadruplet birthday and so James and I decided to throw them a camp birthday celebration. They had such a great time, with all the games they made and the pinata we made for them. Last but not least is when we saw a couple of shooting stars. Just laying down on the sand watching the night sky on the beach of Nevis is truly special and memorable. Remind me and James of when Mom took us here and star gaze after our father left. Perhaps my children needed to see this after all of what happens between Eliza and us.
I’m not sure what will happen if my ex-wife does return to us but I can’t and won’t forgive her. I shouldn’t be discussing her right now. This is a happy moment for both me and my family. Whereas my brother is able to get into the United State with the help from the priest. We made a sole promise that every summer vacation we would spend our time in Nevis where the children can get away from the city and enjoy the beauty of the sea. The hometown of Nevis..our beloved home. I shall tell you more then my dear friend.
                                              The End
Thought yall needed a happy fanfic
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 5 - What If I Say My Name Is Lorde - Captain
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Format: The Greenhouse
Eliminated: Blake (Venus Flytrap)
waking up to read that there is a tie between my bestie, mario and kaleigh and that i was the original target <3 see. i told yall when every time someone said i'm safe, i'm not. and now i'm pissed so i'm gonna just copy everything i wrote in my confessional here. THEY FUCKING WANTED ME OUT FIRST THEN THEY SWITCHED TO JENNET u see that?? u see how they’re scared of two pocs besties working tgt they told jennet they’re not on my priority list well stop dming me while i sleep maybe fuckers? these whites are fucking fake and so self-centered do i need to beg every white american to talk to me at 3am my time? girl no yea they wanted to target me at first because blake must think he’s not on my priority list for sure self-centered gay u’d love to see it huh i’m gonna venus flytrap that white ass
i mean i'm happy i survived but it won't be the same without my bestie jennet. we've been wanting to play together and our time was cut short because some white gays are so insecure and self-centered? so they decided to go for pocs? cute look on you babes.
#JusticeForJENNET https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/831702842733232148/842243242359128084/goodbye_bestie.mp4
We could have handled last round better
blake is why people are homophobic. period.
lots of details in my DR in the server i couldn't bring myself to do another entry because i was confused about all that "talk" but to sum up, nicole told me everything and blake told me everything too. he straight went up to me and said sorry i said ur name :why: and because i didn't tell me what went on (because i forgot.. like i don't think about this game all day. i also have something to do in my life) and i didn't tell him that i was in another alliance. as if he would tell me like PLS. ur just so entitled.
Blake has been going to us (Greenhouse) apologizing for his words during the call. I think Blake is scrambling. It is too much for just one sentence said during the call. Overcompensating, I think. Now Captain wants to target Nicole and Blake. Jarod wants to target Lindsay and William. I like Jarod, but he definitely is playing two sides now. Being on our (Greenhouse) side, but also on the side of Jarod-Blake-Autumn (though not too sure anymore how strong Autumn is with that trio). Captain wants to try a POC alliance. If Autumn is open, and if Jennet or Mario are the ones who come back from the buy back, that might actually work. And it would be very cool to see that happen.
what if i say that my name is lorde and my secret word is captain.. lets just do that
daisy and lanie coming back... hmm idk we're still need to wait and see if they want to work with me or not. i didn't do anything wrong to daisy so she might want to work with me. lanie tho, i voted her out but i literally explained everything that went down that round to her and threw will under the bus a bit. but will she want to work with me? idk. and i know blake is gunning for a flytrap so i need to get it or he'll flytrap my asian ass.
okay lanie told me that she told william she didn't wanna do me in the first vote but of course, i didn't get told that. and it made sense cause like lanie played with me so she should know that our timezones are different and it is hard for me to talk to ppl when i go to bed. we'll see how it goes.
So I checked out early last night because I wanted to watch Ragnarok on Netflix and didn't want to keep checking my phone. I thought when today came around, there would be more people who have played. Um... just one other? 2 rounds? And no one online to play? I tried approaching Kaleigh and Lindsay but no response yet. I guess no one wants to look like they want it too much? But hello, we are in a game, of course everyone wants it. There are a lot of, let's just see what happens, instead of going for it. Maybe the VFT plays into that because it is in play as both Captain and Blake want it. And my fear is if I make it in the GH, nom Blake, he gets the VFT and use it on me again. Ha ha what a trip if that happens.
So I wasn't going to play but Nyx messaged and said they wanted to play. But they wanted to rig it. I didn't want to, I want a chance to win of course. And I did :) Hope they aren't too bummed about it. I am in the GH I think, with at least 3 (Nyx beat Lanie) points. I know Jarod is in there too by beating Daisy.
Two Greenhouses in a row, but hope history doesn't repeat! 
last night before i went to sleep, i thought to myself what if i get the one that nom ppl and the nominee will get a seed to nom me so i could get another seed. then, i went to bed thinking it might be a bit too much. but BOOM, i woke up today and saw jarod have this same plan so that's good. we communicate telepathically it seems. i just need to win the seed count comp and get 2 more seeds but like idk about my puzzle ability GRRRR!! but i'll try my best. i just wanna get the flytrap before i get flytrap'ed out.
i'm cosplaying as lorde again and lorde wishes captain a successful bidding tmr
yall idk if my puzzle time would be good enough to win seeds and i just found out william has 0 seed
IM BACK IN THE GAME AND WE’RE IN A GREENHOUSE ROUND! BRO GREENHOUSE IS MY SHIT it’s such a good format ahhh. None of these hoes know the greenhouse like I do honey. I’ve played it like 18 times.... probably the most out of everyone.. and IM A HOST OF THE ORG PLZ AND IM PLAYING AN IRL GREENHOUSE WITH TAYLOR ON THE 29TH AHH But on a serious note, I’m back in the game and I don’t trust ANYONE on my tribe that voted me out, especially my love William. Love him as a person but I’m gonna get him in this game at some point, you wait and see! He just agreed to throw the RPS challenge to make up for voting me out but HONEY IT’S NOT ENOUGH LMAO. He’s probably on the bottom of my trust list. At this point in time, I trust Jarod, Daisy, Lindsey, Captain, and Blake (even though the last two voted me off, but they were told convoluted information so I don’t blame them). I will work with Nyx but I don’t trust Nyx as much as I would like. I want to talk to Kaleigh more, and idk Xavier well but we’ll talk I’m sure. For this greenhouse round, Jarod is sunflower meaning he can put up TWO houseguests. HES PUTTING UP CAPTAIN AND I! But this is a strategy. There’s a power called the Flytrap, which the holder can use to take out any single person that they want. Captain has enough seeds to buy the flytrap, but so does Blake. WHOEVER WINS THE FLYTRAP WILL LIKELY LEAVE ME SAFE because I trust both Blake and Captain. People are gonna see Jarod put up two allies and flip their shit, but trust that this is all in typical Greenhouse strategy hehehe.
yes its time for an update! a lot has happened since yesterday... so lets begin with last night, i went to sleep and had the auction in my mind SDFSDFSD i actually woke up before my alarm went off like twice. the first time, i woke up and checked my phone.. it was like 7am and then i went to bed and i dreamed that the auction was already over and i missed everything DSFDFSDFSDF PLEASE! so i woke up right after and phew it was only 8.15am methinks so like 45 more minutes.. anyways!!! blake dm'ed me before the bidding and told me he would go for a flytrap... i mean i know that already and he said he wanted it because its been on his mind. PLEASE its been haunting me since last season.. and i didn't reply to him but i was talking to lanie about seeds too and i think lanie told blake i asked her for seeds? so blake came to me again and said 'Not you asking people for seeds' or something. like mister. and what about it? lanie knew about my plan of getting the flytrap and u just didn't know about it. so just sit down and relax god damn. oh and i found out will won the seed comp which was a no no cause will would give his seeds to blake for sure. and before the auction began, i think blake would have like 15 seeds? but he actually had 18 seeds. i was so lucky i outbid him. whew. and like he told me he had only 2 ppl giving him seeds while everyone prob gave me their seeds. and um? what about it? do i need to feel bad for you when you literally targeted me last round? white twink tears i guess. he tried to get me to promise that i won't flytrap him out but i haven't promised him. i said i'm down but its not a promise right? so yea i would flytrap him out. while lanie is in my dm like don't flytrap blake she loves him. MISS THING. I JUST TOLD YOU HE TARGETED ME LAST ROUND???? like god.
hey i'm back!! i know that blake would prob give someone his seeds that he has so we have to be careful about that in next week. imma need to try to win the greenhouse comp. fingers crossed for me tho besties. this is for jennet. everything i do in this game is gonna be for jennet. no one can mess with my sister/bestie. and once you do that, you just cross the line.
i'm sorry if i come off a bit aggressive.. i don't wanna be that but you know theres something about white men that is wrong.
heyyy god i'm just so proud with myself. i actually outdid myself and i just wanna go further than this. i wanna beat my old placement.
missing jennet hours
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manonamora-if · 2 years
It's Sunday again! DST is kicking my butt...
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Good thing that the SeedComp! is over, because the scope of this game ended up being much larger than I thought (when doesn't it...). I thought it wouldn't take me that much time to finish and add the missing content to the game, but I was once more fooled...
As of now, [Act2]'s word count has passed [Act1]'s, and it is still missing half of the NPCs' interviews (passed 10k yall...). And both accounts for the variation in choice (you can fail to interview NPC...). Expect a lot of reading lol...
Since the SeedComp! is still a ranked comp, some reviewers on the IntFic Forum have been taking the time to review the entries. And I was also lucky to get a lovely one too!
So yeah, progress is coming a long. Expect an update soon!
In the meantime, check out the other SeedComp! games and consider voting for them :) (the deadline is the end of the month...)
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There is not much to say for this week. MelS is working worked on the missing variation (there is another little investigating bit in this chapter...). I just got the full file back, putting on my editor glasses and commenting on everything! TIME FOR EDITS!!
As it looks now, Chapter 4 will be the middle point of the story. It's all downhill from there... /jk
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I have updated and fixed all notifications this week! There were so many... holy hell...
Also getting close to the end with the fixes. I've started working on the Codex, giving it a new design (pls vote the poll!) and still make it viable with the keybinding (that's been a headache...).
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SpringThing title reveal: The Roads Not Taken
I am not quite ready to talk about the plot or the game play just yet, but know that it will be quite different to what I've done in the past. Not much in terms of genre, but more of gameplay. I am going back to a 2nd POV with this game too...
I have the base UI and code ready and tested (yay it works :D) and the intro is almost completely written. I am trying my best to keep the variation to a minimum, otherwise it will become unmanageable again...
I have about 3 more weeks to finish it all. Wish me luck!
That's it for this week... Toodles~
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 years
Final Heaven
Apparently, there’s a controversy budding about the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Is it about the overhauled battle system you ask? No. Is it about the fact that this thing is going to be at least two, full priced, current gen, games? Nah. Is it about the fact that it might take another 20 f*cking years to finish this game because Nomura and his team have no idea what the f*ck is going on? Not even that. No, the controversy I am speaking on is about Tifa’s character redesign, specifically her nerf tits. A friend of mine brought this to my attention yesterday but I had been hearing rumblings about it for a while. There is, apparently, a dedicated section of “fans” that have decried this game, in spite of all of the glorious, good faith, innovations we’ve seen so far, because they downsized Tifa’s boobs. These are grown ass men doing this; cats old enough to remember the original art that Nomura made of Tifa, way back in ’97 because, anyone under the age of 25, only really know Tifa from the Compilation,where she was nerfed the first time! I mean, these weenies can’t possibly be upset about the difference between in-game models because, way back then, everything was a f*cking polygon puzzle! Seriously, there is more geometry in Remake Tifa’s left eye, than there was in her entire character model from ’97! You can barely even tell there were boobs. What are you outraged about? What her once literal triangles aren't proportioned on the new, high res, models? Really, bro??
“But, Ryan,” I hear you ask, “What about that cutscene boob jiggle when the WEAPONS took off? Surely that was boob enough for your outrage, right?”
F*ck, no, dude. What the f*ck? Look, with PS1 era graphics, we were still using our imagination for a ton of sh*t. That cutscene was gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, and I appreciate the little fan service we got there, but I was more in awe of EVERTHING ELSE GOING ON! To see all those things explode from that volcano in real time? Coming off a generation where f*cking Mode 7 SNES graphics we the best we got? And you want to talk to me about a booby jiggle? Get the f*ck out of here! This is the saddest sh*t I’ve heard all week, man, and it pisses me off. Final Fantasy VII is a goddamn classic and it’s remake is one I’ve waited two f*cking decades for. Now that it's finally within my grasp, I gotta hear a bunch of f*ckboys complain about a downgraded bust, on a polygon cartoon? Shut the f*ck up, man!
Hell, to be perfectly frank, all of this outrage is mute because Tifa’s tits have been nerfed since Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. I kind of touched on this before but, literally, ANY of the new material Tifa's been in since Squaresoft became Square Enix, has her bust considerably downsized. Everyone thought all of those redesigns were dope. No one was upset about her little cowboy outfit in Before Crisis and Crisis core. When she made her entry into Dissidia the first time, not a peep. This same, incel, bullsh*t happened way back when Advent Children released and no one cared. That sh*t died almost immediately after everyone saw what she could do in the film. All of a sudden the focus shifted from “Tifa’s titties are to small” to “Oh, sh*t! Tifa’s kind of bad ass!!” WHICH IS THE F*CKING POINT! Tifa isn't defined by her mammoth mammaries. They aren't a trademark or whatever. Tifa is a goddamn beast! She is defined by pure, unadulterated, ass kicking. That's where the buck should stop, not at her chesticles. You see her fighting style? She f*cking beats up robots and dinosaurs and JENOVAS with her goddamn fists! Her weapon of choice is them hands! You try doing a Dolphin Blow with a pair of E-cups flapping about! That sh*t ain’t even realistic.
Tifa’s redesign is dope. It makes sense for her character. It's functional while still subtly sexy. Her leather shirt is gone, replaced with a pleated one and spats because she kicks high. Her suspenders seem to act as kind of an underwire for extra ta-ta support, even though her boobs have been downgraded anyway. Seriously, it doesn’t make any sense for someone who has trained in martial arts since she was a kid, to have ginormous gazongas. Kind of hard throwing a straight punch with so much chest girth, ya dig? But that might not even be the case because, as far as I can tell, and this is brilliant on the part of Squenix, they gave her a sports bra! Those are like compression shorts for your titties! They are designed to mush, separate, and hold. They are created to specifically limit boob jiggle BECAUSE them tits get in the way of a fight. Why do you think all these MMA fighters wear them? It is necessary to mitigate them in any way possible, especially if you’re out here punching giant, world created, anti-life, machines. If that's the case, you can chalk up her tiny bosom to some sort of ultra bra! But, really, come the f*ck on, man. Why is it even that serious? Why you gotta go through such contortions just to accept the fact that her titties are smaller? Why the f*ck do I even have to write this goddamn post?
Ultimately, this is all f*cking dumb. It’s a video game, dude. I understand you’re attached to a bygone “aesthetic”, I wanted an ATB system and not this we're action RPG hybrid sh*t, myself, but whatever, get the f*ck over it.  I did. The new sh*t looks fun so i'm going to reserve judgment, just like yall should about them honkers. Stop bashing a game that you haven’t played, a game true fans have yearned after for a whole ass, two decades, because your waifu’s polygon funbags are too small for your neckbeard ass standards. I love Tifa. She one of my all-time, favorite FF characters. Her redesign is amazing and practical. It makes sense. Get over yourself and your prepubescent horny, dude. You’re f*cking 30. It’s the creepiest of looks.
Besides, ya'll out her acting like the second this game hits PC, you sad motherf*ckers aren't make nude and bob sliders for it anyway. Get f*cked, weenies.
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smokeybrand · 5 years
Final Heaven
Apparently, there’s a controversy budding about the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Is it about the overhauled battle system you ask? No. Is it about the fact that this thing is going to be at least two, full priced, current gen, games? Nah. Is it about the fact that it might take another 20 f*cking years to finish this game because Nomura and his team have no idea what the f*ck is going on? Not even that. No, the controversy I am speaking on is about Tifa’s character redesign, specifically her nerf tits. A friend of mine brought this to my attention yesterday but I had been hearing rumblings about it for a while. There is, apparently, a dedicated section of “fans” that have decried this game, in spite of all of the glorious, good faith, innovations we’ve seen so far, because they downsized Tifa’s boobs. These are grown ass men doing this; cats old enough to remember the original art that Nomura made of Tifa, way back in ’97 because, anyone under the age of 25, only really know Tifa from the Compilation,where she was nerfed the first time! I mean, these weenies can’t possibly be upset about the difference between in-game models because, way back then, everything was a f*cking polygon puzzle! Seriously, there is more geometry in Remake Tifa’s left eye, than there was in her entire character model from ’97! You can barely even tell there were boobs. What are you outraged about? What her once literal triangles aren't proportioned on the new, high res, models? Really, bro??
“But, Ryan,” I hear you ask, “What about that cutscene boob jiggle when the WEAPONS took off? Surely that was boob enough for your outrage, right?”
F*ck, no, dude. What the f*ck? Look, with PS1 era graphics, we were still using our imagination for a ton of sh*t. That cutscene was gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, and I appreciate the little fan service we got there, but I was more in awe of EVERTHING ELSE GOING ON! To see all those things explode from that volcano in real time? Coming off a generation where f*cking Mode 7 SNES graphics we the best we got? And you want to talk to me about a booby jiggle? Get the f*ck out of here! This is the saddest sh*t I’ve heard all week, man, and it pisses me off. Final Fantasy VII is a goddamn classic and it’s remake is one I’ve waited two f*cking decades for. Now that it's finally within my grasp, I gotta hear a bunch of f*ckboys complain about a downgraded bust, on a polygon cartoon? Shut the f*ck up, man!
Hell, to be perfectly frank, all of this outrage is mute because Tifa’s tits have been nerfed since Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. I kind of touched on this before but, literally, ANY of the new material Tifa's been in since Squaresoft became Square Enix, has her bust considerably downsized. Everyone thought all of those redesigns were dope. No one was upset about her little cowboy outfit in Before Crisis and Crisis core. When she made her entry into Dissidia the first time, not a peep. This same, incel, bullsh*t happened way back when Advent Children released and no one cared. That sh*t died almost immediately after everyone saw what she could do in the film. All of a sudden the focus shifted from “Tifa’s titties are to small” to “Oh, sh*t! Tifa’s kind of bad ass!!” WHICH IS THE F*CKING POINT! Tifa isn't defined by her mammoth mammaries. They aren't a trademark or whatever. Tifa is a goddamn beast! She is defined by pure, unadulterated, ass kicking. That's where the buck should stop, not at her chesticles. You see her fighting style? She f*cking beats up robots and dinosaurs and JENOVAS with her goddamn fists! Her weapon of choice is them hands! You try doing a Dolphin Blow with a pair of E-cups flapping about! That sh*t ain’t even realistic.
Tifa’s redesign is dope. It makes sense for her character. It's functional while still subtly sexy. Her leather shirt is gone, replaced with a pleated one and spats because she kicks high. Her suspenders seem to act as kind of an underwire for extra ta-ta support, even though her boobs have been downgraded anyway. Seriously, it doesn’t make any sense for someone who has trained in martial arts since she was a kid, to have ginormous gazongas. Kind of hard throwing a straight punch with so much chest girth, ya dig? But that might not even be the case because, as far as I can tell, and this is brilliant on the part of Squenix, they gave her a sports bra! Those are like compression shorts for your titties! They are designed to mush, separate, and hold. They are created to specifically limit boob jiggle BECAUSE them tits get in the way of a fight. Why do you think all these MMA fighters wear them? It is necessary to mitigate them in any way possible, especially if you’re out here punching giant, world created, anti-life, machines. If that's the case, you can chalk up her tiny bosom to some sort of ultra bra! But, really, come the f*ck on, man. Why is it even that serious? Why you gotta go through such contortions just to accept the fact that her titties are smaller? Why the f*ck do I even have to write this goddamn post?
Ultimately, this is all f*cking dumb. It’s a video game, dude. I understand you’re attached to a bygone “aesthetic”, I wanted an ATB system and not this we're action RPG hybrid sh*t, myself, but whatever, get the f*ck over it.  I did. The new sh*t looks fun so i'm going to reserve judgment, just like yall should about them honkers. Stop bashing a game that you haven’t played, a game true fans have yearned after for a whole ass, two decades, because your waifu’s polygon funbags are too small for your neckbeard ass standards. I love Tifa. She one of my all-time, favorite FF characters. Her redesign is amazing and practical. It makes sense. Get over yourself and your prepubescent horny, dude. You’re f*cking 30. It’s the creepiest of looks.
Besides, ya'll out her acting like the second this game hits PC, you sad motherf*ckers aren't make nude and bob sliders for it anyway. Get f*cked, weenies.
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itspdameronthings · 3 years
bachelor party
Summary: my entry for @rebelwrites's writing challenge. Takes place in @autumnleaves1991-blog's channel 2 universe. Benny and Santiago attends their bachelor party. has a surprise entertainment.
inspired by this song
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." Where is my fucking cap! Can't find it! " Sound of Benny's voice coming from the bedroom. Santi comes out of the office in a huff," What do you mean your cap is gone? Might be in the laundry man." Benny knows that is not the case. Night before. He placed it on the dresser. Next to his phone and keys. Doc comes up the stairs. Hears the commotion. Place your hand on his shoulder," Baby? What is the matter?" He turns around," my hat is gone. I know I left it on the dresser. " You tried to convince him that it would turn up soon. Santi tells Benny they better get a move on. Tonight is their bachelor party.
You lay on the bed with books on the bed. Reason for this. You have to study for your nurse exam. Benny and Santi were ready to head out,but Santiago couldn't find his dog tags. Look all over the room. Scratching his head," could have sworn I left them on the nightstand. Honey? Have you seen them?" Took off your readers," sorry boo. I haven't. Look, yall get going can't be late. " both of them kiss you. Once you hear the door shut. You quickly change into your tee and sweats. Look into your bag to see that you have everything. Including the hat and dog tags.
Soon they arrived at Woody's. Was now closed for the evening. Will and the others arrive. Along with a few of their army friends. Didn't take long for them to start the card game. Chowing down on nuts and drinking beer. Friends teasing Benny and Santi about being tied down. As the game got into full swing. Will looked at his watch and noticed it was time for some entertainment. Go backstage to see you putting your finishing touches to your costume. Will volunteered to have a dancer to perform. Thought it would be better if you could do it. He knew how you are about other women lusting over your boys. Got together with a friend of yours to help with the outfit and the routine. Got inspired by an old movie the three of you love to watch. Who framed roger rabbit. The outfit is all you. Made a costume from what you wore in Columbia. Cargo pants were made into daisy dukes. Top was cut short so you can tie it. Will chuckles," boy I cant believe you swiped the hat and tags. Had to hear them moan about it being lost. If they only knew…" you laugh while putting Benny's cap on your head," funny, how you kept a secret this complex from them." Will hugs you," have fun. Cant wait to see their faces." Taking a deep breath. Knowing that your boys are gonna die when they see their bride performing for them.
Will goes onto the stage. Clearing his throat," I wanted to do something for my brother. Or should say brothers. What a better present is a sultry performance featuring a very pretty and hot mamma. So with further a due. May I present your gift."
Light goes off. Bluesy music starts to play. Spotlight hits center stage. A beautiful leg peeks through the curtain. Sound of a sultry singer starts to sing. Benny slowly leans forward in his seat. See a certain kind of combat boot. It is like the ones that his doc's. Santi whispers," think we know that beautiful voice. Nah...she is home studying." Moment you appear behind the curtain. Mouths dropped! Couldn't believe what they are seeing.
Doc singing her naughty song. Sultry dancing to the music. Struts off the stage towards her boys. Teasing them with her touches. Moving away when they tried to touch you. Benny tried not pass out. Santi tried to stay in his seat. Oh you could tell how hard they are. Giving them a wink. Struts back on stage. Wiggling your ass you as you finish your number.
There were lots shouting and hollering. To you this is the best gift she could ever given to her boys.
Both Benny and santi were still awestruck from the performance. Will smiles," see you two figured out where your stuff went. Give your baby credit for doing this for you two." Benny laughs," my brother managed to get this a secret from me. Which was never your strong suit." Will chuckles," it was not just me. Doc was behind this. Thought of another women dancing for you two would sent her into a frenzy. So.. I helped her plan this." Both of smile. Now they cant wait to get you home.
Soon the party was over. Benny and santi were waiting for you. Still in your attire. They could not stop staring at you. Took their breath away. Benny comes behind you. Nibbles on your neck," you were so sexy up there sweetheart. See a new side of you. So hot." Santi kisses your lips," damn, how I want to take this off of you right now. To punish you for lying to us." You rub his chest," had to think of away to make this thing to work. Hated to see my boys go bonkers for not finding their stuff." Both of them takes your hand. Leads you out the door. Helps you into the truck. You know when the three of you get home. There will be an encore
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somniiari · 8 years
Days is my favorite Kingdom Hearts game but I haven’t played it in a while and I don’t think I ever watched the movie version all the way through! So I watched it and liveblogged it.
I basically have the Saix’s monologue in the beginning memorized
Axel has said “got it memorized” at least 6 times within the first 10 minutes of this movie
Hayner, Pence and Olette run past these literal cult members without even looking
7! 7 times Axel please!!
Quinton Flynn’s delivery seems pretty weird and flat now, which is weird cause I know he can do really well. maybe it was intentional, cause Axel hasn’t started developing a heart yet?
I forgot that my pronunciation of Xion is technically wrong
Footsteps in The Castle That Never Was sound so strange. like they’re walking on metal suction cups.
Axel: Wait did you want me dead? Saix: ... *walks away*
Ah yes Xion’s creepy hood thing that I thought was a glitch until later in the game
What was Organization XIII doing in the 10 years before a Keyblade weilder was available to them?? I’m sure they had plenty of scheming and experiments and mischief but 10 years worth?
“As long as we keep each other in our thoughts, we’ll never be apart!” yall forget each other
8 times
Axel is so bitter about/to Saix oh my god tone down your salt man
The Chamber of Repose and the Chamber of Waking. I don’t remember which is which but one houses Aqua’s armor and the other is Ven’s body, right? So one’s in TCTNW and the other is in Castle Oblivion.
It just clarified, Chamber of Waking is Ven, and in Oblivion
Can Saix and Axel’s objectives  really be a secret from Xemnas? Saix is norted after all, and even though he has most of a free will at the moment, he’s still possessed.
“[the memories of my past] have never done me any good” because they instilled loyalty to a norted jerk?
“i can deal with 7 days maybe” well just break my heart roxas why dontcha
Axel spends his rare days off sleeping #relatable 
9 times
“try not to bungle everything-” WHAT KIND OF WORD IS BUNGLE
“you’ve changed” i can vividly remember Axel saying “i’m not the one who changed, you did” in response to that, but its not in the movie. maybe it was actually a journal entry?
“why are you dressed like one of us?” Xion, honey, your uniform is the most well known form of protection against dark corruption of the heart
Of course Organization XIII has no way of knowing that, bc they were deliberately lied to
This is the scene that made me hate Riku. Watching it again after i’ve fallen in love with him is quite the trip
“You’re the real sham!” “Fair enough” Riku bby no your self-hatred is showing
*Xion screams* BBY NO
“’Special?’ Isn’t that another way of saying I’m a mistake?” XION BBY NO but also #same
“According to Axel, girls are complicated and there are buttons to avoid pressing” ah yes, i forgot this part. don’t worry Roxas, she’s just upset because she’s a girl and girls are weird, she’s not having an existential crisis or anything! 
“Roxas ate alone after missions.” where’s Axel though??
the love conversation may have been a great thing to animate but that’s fine square, just tell us about it
And so Axel’s lies begin. He was just trying to give Roxas hope, I can’t wait to remember how this all got twisted and horrible.
Did we fight the Zipslasher in this time skip? I think we did. I hated the Zipslasher gdi
Axel bridal carrying Xion is what got me started shipping AkuXi. Don’t ship it anymore though, really. Maybe in AUs when they’re closer to the same age
Saix: “Did it break again?” Me: XION’S NOT AN IT
Roxas: “Xion’s not an it!” oh yeah thanks Rox
“does the past mean nothing to you” Saix you’re the one being an ass
10 times
omg please tell me he does it 13 or 14 times
Almost all the books in the Organization library look the same; plain white binding. y’know, cause aesthetic.
Flying in Neverland would have been a nice animation too but whatever
This is why you dont hang out in high places kids!
the scene with Axel and Xion in Castle Oblivion is one of my favorites
Story time: Axel’s explanation of the sunset helped me pass an earth science quiz, cause i was out sick when we learned about light but i was playing days while in bed
i still have no idea what it means!! or even who was having it!
Neither Xion nor Roxas knew Zexion that well, and that seemed like Riku’s memories, not Sora’s! so WHY
aw i was too angry as a child to realize that Riku was looking for a way to save them
what has Saix done that make you think he has any mercy Roxas
Xion, Axel probably wasn’t gonna fight you if you hadnt attacked him, the first chakram was a warning not to stab Roxas
“i’ll bring her somewhere safe” thats all you had to say Axel
So Xemnas did call him Sora. Way back when I thought he may have said Ventus.
now you screwed up Axel
DiZ is the worst
"i know you’re not just a puppet.” ;~;
11 times
“I saw a boy today who looked just like Roxas” i thought she meant Sora but Xigbar was spying so was it Ven? I mean it should be Sora but....
Also, Xigbar spying!
“nor become the person we see” not everyone sees Xion as anything though, not even at this point. What do you see, Xemnas?
just kidding i’m pretty sure its Ven
why wouldnt you want two Sora capable people?
like tbh if you spent your time balancing Xion and Roxas’s powers instead of pitting them against each other they would have both stayed in the Organization at least a little while longer
the older i get the more i relate to Xion, bc i too am afraid that i will wreck everything
“do you hate me for taking your friend away from you?” “nah. i guess i’m just sad.” ;~;
now i see why people ship RikuXi
i can dig it now that i love them both, still a little weird to me though, i gotta warm up to it
Riku is projecting, i never realized
“you have to do what’s best for everybody” cause so does he, even at the expense of his own life
and he doesn’t want to have to tell Xion that, but he does, and maybe he can do it to someday
that illusion would have been a nice thing to animate, especially since i forgot it happened holy crap
leave it to Axel to do his best to save the day
Give me Lea sadly turning in the WINNER stick in KH3
or even better, give me Lea cheerfully turning in the WINNER stick with Roxas, Xion and Isa at the end of KH3
Xion said it this time but i’m gonna count it, 12
im super mad about the fixation on memories making everything okay in the end because EVERYONE FORGETS AND I HURT
what is Diz’s purpose, just to order these kids around? he’s a huge jerk, why do you listen to him
he’s telling you to murder people
i mean they need to die i guess but wouldn’t both of you feel better if you came to that conclusion yourselves instead of this asshole telling you you gotta
though they are both kids and i guess there’s a comfort in an adult getting a final say
still DiZ is bad news and i don’t like him mistreating all the young’ins
Axel’s dancing between the truth, trying to be gentle and trying not to care too much resulted in literally the worst explanation ever no wonder Roxas got pissed
Why was Riku just chilling outside Beast’s Castle and how did Xion end up in just the right place to portal in front of him
also #rude Xemnas, Xion is a she!
good to know most of the Organization thought of her has a person though. or a Nobody at least. an equal.
Were there more than 2 Replicas? oooooh that could be a good plot twist
Xemnas was insistent on calling her an “it” but uses “she” again when giving Axel the task of getting her back, a dialogue inconsistency or a deliberate manipulation?
There’s an implication that Demyx and Xion talked a lot thats adorable
At least now we know why they were insistent on having 13 people even before they had 13 Nobodies
Axel walks away from conversations almost as much as Vax’ildan
Roxas: “Could it be that you knew for a long time, and never told me anything?” Axel: I walk away
I still don’t get why Riku transforms without the blindfold, and how “his eyes couldn’t lie” is a valid explanation
Riku was projecting, he thinks he has to die
13 maybe? Roxas said it, but also accusing Axel of not memorizing it
Axel told Xion the truth and she left. Axel kept the truth from Roxas and he left.
That sucks.
~cause i’m leaaaaaavin, never to come back again~
“you’re Kairi as Sora remembers her” come on you can’t tell her she became her own person before she dies?
Namine is being kind in general though
I ship it
“i know. i’m ready” ;~;
they’re solving the problem themselves and DiZ walks in pissed that they’re doing what he asked. Almost like a real parent!
you can also almost hear Axel’s abandonment issues developing even further!
this day is just titled “Tears”. Accurate
I just realized Xion was trying to get Axel to kill her first
but he couldn’t do it
she got Roxas to do it instead
Memories of Xion going static and fading are the WORST
Roxas did break Riku’s arm or something
yes hello i look eerily like your boss now
I wonder if Axel/Lea ever looks back on his conversations with Roxas and notices a hole. An awkward silence where he and Roxas are just listening to nothing. Laughter after a beat of quiet. Looking at something that isn’t there.
literally why is everyone just okay with DiZ he’s a total jerk
in II DiZ acts like he figures out that Ansem is actually Riku. Here he doesn’t question that Riku is 2 heads taller and his voice is 2 octaves deeper.
The rooms in KH are so nice
Well there it is. the end.
“Got it memorized” and close variations were said a total of 13 times in this movie
11 by Axel, once by Xion, and once by Roxas, as a denial.
I’m so mad
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dino-trash1 · 5 years
Hi, I just want to write, you don’t have to read it but if you want in on my life then go ahead and feel free to interact with me.
Okay as stated in the title you don’t have to read, it’s just a diary entry for myself, I will start with talking about my BFF and end with talking about my crush that I have had for a year now. If there are any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me with them. Remember this is for my blog only, I doubt anyone will want to reblog this anyways. 
Okay, so I am just gonna start with my BFF. She has been my BFF for the past 8 or 9 years. She will always be my BFF. However, I just noticed this past year how she tries to make everything about herself. She constantly talks over people and sorta makes fun of me, she also gives minimal effort towards things which would stress me out so much but it's okay, moving forward. So before I start to explain I just want to point out, these are just my feelings, I am in no way trying to put her down or gossip about her, I just need to write about it and get it out. Okay, so she tries to make everything about herself, let's start with that. I have noticed this last year of her living with me that no matter what I was going through or the conversation I start she turns it around and makes it about herself or compares herself to it. For example just last week I had I guess a panic attack or anxiety attack and about ten mins later I was just starting to calm down and stop crying and she texted me asking what I was doing. When I replied I was trying to calm down, she asked why and I told her. Then she turned it around to herself saying, “yeah I have really bad anxiety, so bad it put me in the hospital.” and she kept talking about her when at that time I feel like it should have been more focused on me. I really wouldn't mind talking about her issues with it if she would just talk with me about my issue first while it was happening. Also, you don’t tell someone that just had an anxiety/panic attack that one landed you in the hospital. Anyways, Idk if it’s just me but I would really like to talk about me for once without her comparing herself (at first) or changing the subject to herself. Which I kind of understand why she does, she grew up with a ton of siblings so I can understand having to “compete” (that's so not the right word but I can't think of the right one) with other siblings. So going along with having to “compete” she constantly talks over people. Like she could ask me a question and I could start to answer and she would just start talking over me for no reason. It's like she has to get her sentence out before my answer is. Now I have been accused of doing this by my dad but he just likes to think he is right. He will stop talking and then I'll talk then he will start talking in between my pauses and then I start up talking again. But that's kinda off-topic. By the “sorta makes fun of me” thing, she just says things like referring to me as “child” even when I have asked her to stop numerous times because I am not a child, I have add/ADHD which sort of makes me act like a child sometimes (quite rarely) but still she shouldn't keep calling me that after I asked her not to. About the minimal effort thing, she used to do it in middle school with her grades. Like she knew she could do more to get a better grade but as long as it's a 70 she doesn't care. She's in college now and still acts like that, Idk that just kind of drives me crazy, but I like to try my best for school, now at home, I am a little lazy don't get me wrong lol. Anyways that was my little vent about my best friend. I just want to explain again, this is not me being rude or trying to out her or anything of the sorts, its really just my feelings that I wanted to talk about. 
Now onto my crush. Okay so let's just call him Linda (it is a boy but I couldn’t think of another boy name to save my life). So about a year ago, in June I started working at a local store, this store was the only store in my tiny town so everyone knew everyone and they soon knew me. In fact, people would just stop in to see who is in the store and then not buy anything lol. Anyways I worked with a really cool lady(the mother of Linda) and a few times she mentioned her son which I finally met, he was cool, I guess we flirted but I always seen it as fun and games, mainly because I wasn’t into him. But my attitude makes me seem like I am flirtatious, a lot of men thought I was flirting even if I was literally just talking. Anyways, it wasn’t until long after I met linda, a whole fricken summer, that I noticed he liked me. And a week after that I had to quit my job due to college and I thought I would never see linda again. Well Me and My bff went to work at a seasonal gig, (which I love and will always love so much!!! i am doing it again this year!) and he worked in the same area as us!!! When he came to visit(even when I was in costume he would take advantage and “make fun of me” because I could only answer in a certain accent and in a certain manner). Unfortunately, the even ended in November last year and I hadn't seen him since. In the meantime, me and my BFF were playing a question game and during so she said she got a bad feeling from him, which I didn't. (I know I am about to sound crazy but she has no idea what she is talking about when it comes to intuition or witch stuff, etc. On the other hand, I was raised by a witch and she had two witch sisters that still practice till today and passed on my dads side, I am a woman so I got the gift of intuition, if you don't know what that means, I basically know stuff before it happens.)  So since I have dealt with my intuition my whole life and it never failed, I was kind of questioning her, because she doesn't have it, she just said she got a bad feeling from him. Which I didn’t, and I know how it feels when someone isn’t good, it's like a dark cloud rolls over my entire body, idk it weird. But, I told her that I wish she had told me that before even if I always talk about how I like him and such. And she just didn’t have a response. So since then, I hadn’t thought about him in a good way and my crush sort of dropped. Until yesterday, when lindas mom came into my new store and updated me on him. She said that he has had some medical issues the past couple of months, but he is okay. I told her to let him know that I am sorry and I hope he gets better. She said, “yeah, Ill bring him up here one day, I am sure he would love to see you again.” Idk about any of yall but that sounded a lot like, “my son kinda likes you.” But at the same time idk how anyone could like me, I don’t even completely like me. Although I may just be reading way too far into this...  
Well sorry for boring you with my life, if you did read all the way through(which I doubt anyone did) please let me know what you think. As always, I am open to any questions, comments, concerns, etc. 
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