#anonymous tag.
Hey Erszenet. why does Drew call you babygirl?
send 'why does (name) call you babygirl' for my muse's reaction. // accepting.
"because they can?" she arches a brow, putting down her coffee on the side table. "why? you wanna be called babygirl too?" erszébet dont lean forward with a shit-eating grin please do Not.
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dailyhatsune · 4 months
Miku comes out to her dad
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memories of miku and mike at the pride parade
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corruptimles · 2 months
cool person detected 👊 <-(please pretend that is a pointing at you emoji and not punching you i cant find the emoji rn you can also pretend that is an affectionate punch)
aww thank y-
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ddarker-dreams · 5 months
blade literally pouting until you come back and kafka immediately assigns you the job of cheering him up
upon returning from your latest job, blade instantly took to acting as your second shadow. this, in and of itself, isn't unusual. you stopped questioning this habit long ago, as it clearly pleases him. what you do find unusual is the unnerving stare he's currently directing your way.
"... is something wrong?"
after a second that seemingly lasted forever, he shakes his head.
"hm," you hum, placing a finger to your cheek in thought. "this isn't fair, y'know. your poker face is so convincing that i almost believed you."
he crosses his arms over his chest. "what would you have me say?"
"plenty of things!" you exclaim, to which he grimaces, realizing his mistake a moment too late. "that you think i'm just the cutest thing ever, how much you've missed me, all your thoughts, feelings, deepest, darkest desires— mmf!"
blade's gloved hand covers your mouth, putting a premature end to your tirade.
"are you finished?" he deadpans.
you nod.
he considers you at length before releasing you, muttering under his breath about you being a 'lousy liar.' you notice how his gaze lingers on your lips. a brief flicker dances within his eyes, hinting at the fervor he constantly battles to contain.
suddenly, it dawns on you.
you close the distance with an apologetic smile. "i did forget something important, didn't i?"
standing on your tiptoes, you steady yourself by wrapping your arms behind his neck. out of habit, his hands find your hips, securing you further. your lips almost connect — before mischief gets the better of you. you change your destination to his cheek, planting a chaste kiss there.
he blinks, slowly processing what's just occurred.
you prepare for a swift escape.
blade, however, foresees your intentions, and tightens his grip. effectively trapped, you squirm in place, chuckling nervously to dispel the building tension.
“close, but not quite,” he scolds. then, he lowers his voice to a whisper. “try again.”
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canisalbus · 20 hours
I adore how often machete is described as either styrofoam or a crumpled napkin, it makes me snort every time thank you
Well, he's white, fragile and rustles softly, the resemblance is there.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Do you have any rare Chilchucks? I scrolled through your Chilchuck tag but I need more of him. for pride month
Hmm rare chilchucks... well here's some from merch/promos/signatures you might not have seen
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These are from this post so you MIGHT have seen them. Idk where else to look for rare ones tho.
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lelelego · 17 days
do they k*ss?
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maybe someday!
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mintmoth · 2 months
Okay but I love this, this is hilarious
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She's the Ultimate Gamer, that just means she's gonna play all the games he loves and actually give him a challenge if they play multiplayer games
Idia Voice "Finally, someone who will play league with me"
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rika-mortis · 30 days
You think Dale remembers Timmy? Also, does Timmy call Dale out for his neglect of Dev? I feel like after living with his parents neglect for so long, he wouldn't tolerate that bs
I like to think that he did! Though when it comes to Timmy calling him out for being a terrible father, I can think of four possible possibilities from worst to best outcome:
1) Dale straight up doesn't care as he sees Dev just as an "asset" to him and absolutely doesn't see anything wrong with that. ( I can see this outcome especially if the Dev clone theory is true ) That or he would always change the subject every time Timmy tries to bring out that problem.
2) Dale would tell Timmy that he didn't actually neglect Dev and did spend his time with him when he's less busy ( which is a lie and Timmy can obviously see that ) He probably would come up with more excuses like he already gives his son devices that give him everything he wants, which should be enough to take care of him for Dale.
Though I also can imagine him asking Timmy if he can take care of Dev while he's doing his own thing, which I guess is better than Dale asking Timmy if he wants Dale to hire a human babysitter for his son instead since the Au Pairs isn't good enough to provide care for Dev apparently.
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3) Dale took Timmy's words about him being neglectful to his son and promised Timmy that he would try to fix that and be a better father......as long as Timmy is around them.
This causes Dale's relationship with Dev to be rather shallow than genuine, as clearly he's only doing this because of Timmy. Perhaps it would take a while until Dev realizes that as well and breaks his heart further.
4) Dale took Timmy's words to heart and ACTUALLY becomes a better father to Dev holyshit (delusional)
Either way, I can see Timmy being rightfully frustrated with how Dale treats his own son but can't really do much about it due to some reasons, like maybe it could jeopardize his career or maybe he couldn't see a positive outcome for that. He probably would bring Dev out with him sometimes when he could, and try to give him a childhood he couldn't have with his own dad.
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askchuuyanakahara · 1 month
Chuuya~ we're not so lucky or worthy to get an actual kiss, can you at least blow us one 🥺👉👈
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Chuuya: "Please leave my office."
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Chuuya: "It'd be unfair if he knows where I live but I don't know where he lives, right?"
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Chuuya: "I doubt Dazai's gonna get scared over a phone message."
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Chuuya: "Although I really can't say what I do in depth."
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Chuuya: "I don't particularly like sitting down all day.."
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Chuuya: "It's not always because of me. He sometimes turns red even when I don't hit him."
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Chuuya: "Not that he'll check. He hates going to the hospital."
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@lacunazai @bioluminescentcat
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onlineviolence · 6 months
Yaoi (old men)
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Did anybody else hear Kujou Sara call the Shogun babygirl, or was that just me?
send 'why does (name) call you babygirl' for my muse's reaction. // accepting.
the general whips her head around, face red as a beet when she overhears someone ask such a ridiculous question. while she highly respected her archon... did people really have to assume she was head over heels!? of course, her excellency was beautiful but still-
"i-i highly recommend you change the subject, if you would be so kind!"
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dailyhatsune · 19 days
im going around tumblr saying what I think people's artstyle tastes like
yours tastes like when you eat a bag of Skittles all at once i love it
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in all seriousness, though, i’m positively fascinated by that description, thank you very much
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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tag-that-oc · 4 months
shoutout to people who made ocs with a friend but then the friendship died. to people who can't talk about their ocs without talking about their friend and the influence the friend had on the ocs. to people who can never share those ocs again because nobody wants to hear them whine about an old friend. I see you, I love you, may we all find peace
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
I always loved fleki's modern day clothing drawings, but I'm not sure I've seen them all. do you have any sort of compilation?
I have a modern clothing tag! I think I've posted most of it for Fleki?
I love them too so I'll just post again all together along with the ones I havent posted yet
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Bonus: Canon Fleki has fun socks under her uniform
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